Thread for T-Shirt Slogans

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 T-Shirt Slogans
Stage Mother
5:21am, January 12, 2006
Ok, we all joke about it in the chat... but I felt we could make a thread for the St. Solanus slogans we all keep tossing around.

Here's a few of mine:
"St. Solanus: And you thought YOU had problems!"
"St. Solanus: You won't believe it's not butter."
"St. Solanus: Resistance is futile."
Soap Hunk
2:54pm, January 12, 2006
In St. Solanus we don't have a town drunk, we all take turns.

My parents went to St. Solanus and all I got was this narfing shirt

A shirt where on the front you see patrons at the bar of the Bliss. Werewolf, a suspended beer mug, human, alien (the classic big eye thing, long fingers. The front is the reflection in the mirror behind the bar. Words read: In St. Solanus, Where Everybody Knows Your Name. Back of shirt shows the backs of the patrons sitting on barstools and where the suspended mug is is a vampire.
 Some offerings.
Audience Liaison
5:11pm, January 12, 2006
Here's some of mine...

St Solanus: Have you had your check-up
St. Solanus... you don't have to be high to live here, but it helps
St. Solanus: You lookin' at me, punk?
St. Solanus: Because just Drinking isn't enough
Soap Star
6:43pm, January 13, 2006

So here are the ones I suggested in the room when it was going strong (I was combing the logs) along with some that some people forgot:

St Solanus: We Need Helmets
St. Solanus: Turn Your Head and Cough

Thought of this one today:
St: Solanus: Shirts Optional

St. Solanus: It's Different Here
St. Solanus: We have the POWER

St. Solanus: The Devil made me do it!
St. Solanus: And knowing is half the battle!!

What happens in Solanus, sta - Okay, no. No it doesn't.
I went to St. Solanus and all I got was this shitty t-shirt
 My lame attempt
Personal Asswhooper
10:37pm, January 13, 2006
St Solanus: Rats off to ya
St Solanus: How old did you say you were again?
St Solanus: I swear she said she was 18!
St Solanus: huh?
St Solanus: Your mom liked it.
St Solanus: Mike Jones!
St Solanus: Brainssssss
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