Thread for BCL Dos!

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 BCL Dos!
Soap Star
9:26pm, June 08, 2005
Cause 60 replies is too big for a thread.

Keep the funny coming!

Edited 11:28pm, January 19, 2006 by Soap Star, author.
3:18am, June 23, 2005
Ha! Haha.

•Jonathan Montgomery: [...] *he rolls his eyes* I didn't know you were running for Jesus
 Identity Crisis
Pyro Tech
2:45am, July 08, 2005
*Supposed to be Walter Renfro. Took a couple of posts before anyone realized it.*
a64, Soap Hunk : I take care of things. I can, Aidan.
a64, Soap Hunk : *He looks down, something is clearly bugging the poor guy.*
6a4, Kelly Slater : *maybe he is having identity issues?*
Baby Wrangler
7:56am, July 09, 2005
Found this when I was shuffling around the logs.

6a4, Kelly Slater : *at least she doesn't use people's skin as a suit huh?*
b0d, Cole Avery : *it puts the lotion in the basket...*
6a4, Kelly Slater : *if she gets the hose again, ratings will soar!*
ac2, Mary Lawson : *It puts the lotion on it's skin, or else it gets the hose again. SHe gets the hose!*
6a4, Kelly Slater : *NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ADRIAN!!!!!!*

Edited 2:58am, July 09, 2005 by Baby Wrangler, author.
 I nominate this...
Personal Trainer
7:46pm, July 11, 2005
Being that a lot of the AIM and IC lines that get put in here, I feel like...'Yeah, I should have been there to fully understand'. Not saying it wasn't humorous. There are quite a few where I busted a gut laughing at, I will nominate one now, I chuckled at. I think it gets straight to the point. You ready?

657, moppy : .

Alexander Solanus
12:44am, July 12, 2005
5c5, Espen Talbert : *Erica better be a nerd or will now see that he has failed as an Uncle!*
b0d, Erica Montgomery : *She's indulged a guy in the whole Princess Leia fantasy before. Does that count?*
5c5, Espen Talbert : *disturbing to hear, but yes.*
870, Edmund Morley II : *Yeah, she probably let him get his Hands Solo on her.*
 Psh. Typical.
Baby Wrangler
12:39am, July 14, 2005
29c, Edmund Morley II : I've got two sisters too and never killed me to touch their bras [snip!]
028, Alexander Solanus : *He raises his brows at Eddie.* I don't want to hear about you touching your sister's bras.. that's just not something I'd brag about man. *He's joking.*
29c, Edmund Morley II : They make good slingshots for water balloons. *He laughs.*
Pyro Tech
2:11am, July 19, 2005
d80, Spike : (*runs off to get his cape then save the little lady*)
822, Espen Talbert : ((*puts on his Spiderman pajamas and poses*))
Gerri Tuscadero
8:39am, July 23, 2005

Gerri Tuscadero : *undies? What are those?*

Faith Davis : *Squirrel covers.*
 Tomato products and The Hulk.
Candance Montgomery
6:10am, July 25, 2005
Charles Lee: *He nodded.* Charles...Charles Lee...but most people either call me Chuck or for some strange reason...'Hulk'.

Candance Montgomery: Obviously their delusional. I just don't see anyone turning green. I mean flattering color or not, but can you imagine the names? Puck-boy, Nausea-man...

Charles Lee: Oh, Oh, Oh..Green Giant!


Charles Lee : You must like to have a few fries with your ketchup, hmm?

Candance Montgomery :Only a few. I just can't get enough of my tomato products!* She waved a ketchup coated frie at him and then promptly ate it*
Pyro Tech
5:47am, July 29, 2005

[050729 00:44] 1ad, Spike : *With that said Hagrid begins a mad charge at Claw, when he first took off he slung his two axes at him with great force. Yep he was going hand to hand, should he miss Claw with the axes he would attempt to snatch the lance from his grip*
 Get one now! They're selling like hotcakes!
Best Boy
11:13pm, July 30, 2005

858, Jonathan Montgomery : I don't need to work out in a gym. *he has got himself his own workout equipment at home. Pretty soon Tony Little is going to be selling the Jessica Solanus on late night tv.[snip!]*
Livvie Locke
1:21am, August 25, 2005

I choked on my tea!

69a, Livvie Locke : *why do you got to poke the bear? When Faith lowers her voice, getting closer, she pulls back her fist to pop Faith right in the mouth*

ac2, Faith Davis : *She takes the punch and gives a bloody smile.*Oh the kitten has claws. *She spits blood on the floor and backs up a step, fists up.*Come and get it midget.
 Kayla might be the funniest person alive, she's funnier than me.
Personal Trainer
8:42pm, September 06, 2005
d16, Kaylen Wallace : *Kaylen finished doing the files and grinned as she was told to go home. She grabbed her purse and signed out heading out to her car. She going to pick Max up taking him for a walk and be back in her apartment before sun set. She drove to the vet's and got him and then went to her apartment leaving her purse.She put the leash on him and headed out for her short walk because this girl has a dream date...Er..Wow that was bad. (haha)*

4db, Bubba Tompkins : ((But I am a dream date! Ha!))

d16, Kaylen Wallace : ( grrr you always pop up when I'm about ready to go sleep geeeeeeze)

4db, Bubba Tompkins : ((Okay that sounded bad Kaylen *LOL*)) ((Goes back to his trailer to get ready for tonight's big scenes))

Edited 3:43pm, September 06, 2005 by Personal Trainer, author.
Kelly Slater
7:59pm, September 11, 2005

So funny...

13b, Bruce Campbell : *Is upstairs watching a stripper. Dressed like Xena of all things. She pulls the sword and starts doing things Xena never did, at least he ever saw, with it.*
Sam McCall
8:01pm, September 11, 2005

And I forgot to add this one when it happened:

69a, Sam McCall : *she isn't a bear. Rawr!*

ac2, Dr. Zemora A. Lee : *Rawr rawr rawr she bear I can't understand you. Player has seen way too many Simpson's.*
Soap Star
2:40am, September 20, 2005

I had to highlight the part of it that made me laugh the most.

17e, John Keanle : *Triest to back away backing into the bed...*You guys are narfing nuts*is so very drunk and in pain probably the only reason he can handle the pain abit better..he gives Spike the finger*Swivel on it freak face
Kelly Slater
9:51pm, September 20, 2005

d16, Kaylen Wallace : (( Pssssh, who says I want Sonny? Kaylen's happy with Nate and Kaitlin's married to Michael...So no free girls for Sonny, boo... lol )
df8, Daniel Brooks : ((Your MOM is free for Sonny. :D))
Dr. Justine Brooks
4:49am, September 22, 2005

When it has you laughing OOC for a good five minutes, you know its funny

ac2, Daneel : Oh I'll get SB tattooed on my ass cheeks.*Player thinks that's funny for several reasons.*So when I bend over it'll say S.O.B*Hooting laughter.*
 V. V. Long but Funny!
Soap Star
6:41pm, September 24, 2005
This is just further proof that WE are not morning people. *LOL* I edited it a bit to just keep the funny parts

4d0, Chee Cheese : *I'd play craps for your vote.*
4d0, Chee Cheese : That pic screams...VOTE FOR ME THIS NOVEMBER IN THE MAYORAL ELECTIONS!! Picture of Randy Quaid from the Vacation movies
4d0, Chee Cheese : I don't think anyone will dare run against him. *L*
2a6, Soap Star: Too bad his name isn't Chee McCheese. Then he can be Mayor McCheese. *dies*
2a6, Soap Star: How could they?
4d0, Chee Cheese : I just want to have one debate, that's all! *LOL*
2a6, Soap Star: Do I dare ask about the debate?
4d0, Chee Cheese : The debate will be whether the drinks at the Bliss 'Taste Great' or are 'Less Filling'!
4d0, Chee Cheese : And we will drink them all!
Chee Cheese : My cousin Monterey Jack...might have to come down and be my campaign manager!
2a6, Soap Star: This whole thing needs to go on BCL
2a6, Soap Star: Along with the links To see the links, use the logs
4d0, Chee Cheese : Yes they do and as your mayor...only BCL lines will go on BCL and 'AIM Moments' that have the guidelines of..."If it only is between you and other St. Solanus players' will be going on that....with the others being "vetoed" from the says the Would-Be Mayor! *grabs a mallet, and slams it down on the keyboard* ;alskghjo;agoqhpeuioghpohgfojeruio9234873498tyuerjgv
2a6, Soap Star: You got my vote!
4d0, Chee Cheese : *Score 1 for me and None for the opposition* Let's get this ratified quickly before some idiot calls for a recount!
4d0, Chee Cheese : And if the protestor's name is Chad....I will hang him!
2a6, Soap Star: Is there any opposition? *L*
4d0, Chee Cheese : narf!ing *puts on robe and wizard hat* might run!
2a6, Soap Star: At Seventh Ring of Hell?
2a6, Soap Star: With The AntiChrist?
4d0, Chee Cheese : *goes to the grocery store to get votes*
2a6, Soap Star: Don't kiss any babies you don't know!

Sometime later...

d74, Buffy Summers : Too cute. I look forward to the coming political season, and if it involves shooting craps, more the better!
2a6, Soap Star: With Chee Cheese in office, it surely will be!
d74, Buffy Summers : One more reason I love this town.
d74, Buffy Summers : Where do I donate to the campaign. . . I vow all my ill gotten gambling money to Chee Cheese.
d75, Angel: ((Is he going to be wearing a white suit and driving a white caddy with horns on it?))
2a6, Soap Star: He likes it stuffed directly into his pants
d74, Buffy Summers : ((D'oh. . . That's not going to look good on the 6 o'clock news!))

And later still..

d74, Buffy Summers: ((Poor baby. So. . . everyone ready to give me the passwords, etc to their paypal accounts? Angel, Angel . . . dude, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. . . so hand over your cash and we'll shoot craps))
d74, Buffy Summers: ((or, you know, I stop trying to subvert the room and RP like a normal person. . . even though Mayor Cheese's campaign could use the cash. . . it's all good.))
2a6, Soap Star: And yeah, you better RP. Me and Kay were begging you to come back last night cause Angel there wanted to RP with you
d74, Buffy Summers: ((I Left. I leave quick because you are like the crack dealer who camps out on my porch, only I feed him because he looks kinda pathetic sitting out there.))
d74, Buffy Summers: ((I call him Squeeky and make him wear a uniform so people think he's the doorman))
d74, Buffy Summers: ((Okay, it's getting ugly. I'm going to try to find other suckers to weasel money out of))
2a6, Soap Star: I get a uniform too? *looks hopeful*
d74, Buffy Summers: ((You may wear one of the outfits from last halloween. We have a pirate, and a geisha, and kung fu outfits inspired by Kill Bill))
2a6, Soap Star: Oh man...those are some really good choices. *taps her chin thoughtfully* Can I switch them out?
2a6, Soap Star: Like maybe be the pirate this week and the geisha next week and the kung fu outfit on weekends?
d74, Buffy Summers : ((shows that she's not only about converting the chat into a casino for her own gain)) *sits in Bliss eating (what else) cheese fries* ((Of course you can mix and match. The yellow sweatsuit is original, because I AM the inspiration for Beatrix Kiddoe))
d74, Buffy Summers : ((although. . . the offer for letting you all give me access to your paypal accounts is on the table. . . ))
2a6, Soap Star: OMG! Yes! I will be camped out in front of your house within in the day. *shushes now so Buffster and Angel can rp*
d74, Buffy Summers : ((you can't leave me. . . what if I need some of the stuff?))
d74, Buffy Summers : ((wait, no that's squeeky [checks window] he's still there.))

Soap Star
1:08am, September 25, 2005

We were ON FIRE this morning! LOL

1ad, Spike : *Guard shis crypt like a...bear?*
d74, Buffy Summers : ((bears make shitty guards. Toss 'em a pick-a-nick basket. . . and it's free day for looting))
1ad, Spike : *Guards like a bear that DOESN'T EAT!
2a6, Soap Star: *so...a dead bear?*

Soap Star
11:41pm, September 27, 2005

Just check out which character she did it with...

fbb, Mike Lawrence : ((*is breaking in her new corset!*)) there something you want to tell us?
Alessandra Gambino
12:42am, October 05, 2005
fbb, Alessandra Gambino : *is more important anyway!*
2a6, Vincent Solanus : *cause you got bigger booooooooobies!*
fbb, Alessandra Gambino : *Yep, and they're AWESOME!*
2a6, Vincent Solanus : *let me put my face in between them and see for myself, please!*
72a, Sidney Weaver : ((*LMAO*))
fbb, Alessandra Gambino : *later!*
2a6, Vincent Solanus : *what? Not in the middle of Starbucks? You coy little minx! Okay, I give*
 had me laughing
Stage Mother
3:11am, October 20, 2005
Kelly Slater : I have no idea how I got into horror movies. *she shakes her head* You wouldn't think it to look at me, all miss sugar and spice Ice Queen. But man, I love a good zombie flick. Or really bad Zombies versus Vampires. The ones where its just so b-movie, its great.

Daneel : *He takes a sip of his coffee and nods.*I'm the same way with*his voice lowers.* really bad macho man movies. Rambo, Bloodsport. But shhh don't tell anyone they'll take my fag card and send the pink mafia after me.
Soap Star
3:58am, October 27, 2005

When you get Buffy to laugh OOC, you know its hilarious.

fb6, Daniel Brooks : *and off they go, onward to pleasure town! Look, it's the most glorious rainbow ever.*
Kelly Slater
2:55am, November 20, 2005

This was in reference to Michelle asking about the birds and the bees

d74, Buffy Summers : ((Poor Michelle, has to learn the way the rest of us did.... the internet porn sites.))
Soap Star
5:16am, December 10, 2005
2ef, Charles Lee : ... [about Tawny} Hey, no harm done. She's hot as hell...I don't blame any man for flirting with her. She's got a great menu, and I only fight when the men cross the line and actually try and order. *nods.*
 Don't Try This in a Crowded Bar
Soap Hunk
4:55pm, December 10, 2005
Okay, ethnic jokes all in all aren't funny. But what makes this funny are the two players, Kelly and myself. She's doing her celeb Farrell an Irishman as we all know. Me, David Boreanaz, who is from a very strong Italian background. Now, Kelly, RL, is from a strong Italian background and proud of it and me, you guessed it, Irish, and proud of it. So, we don't accept anybody taking offense at this because we were not offended in the least by our play. If you can't laugh at yourself then you can't laugh at anything.

Colin Farrell : Hey...I got a good one fer ya...How do you tell if a baby is Italian? It will only take a bottle if the nipple has hair on it. *LOL*

[051210 00:55] 687, Colin Farrell : Oh, another classic. How do you kill an Italian? Huh? Huh? Just smash the toliet seat over the back of his head when he is getting a drink!

[051210 00:58] ffe, David Boreanaz: How about the Irish that burned his lips. He was told to blow up a car and put his mouth to the tailpipe.

[051210 00:59] 687, Colin Farrell : What about the Italian kid who went in for a haircut? Barber asked him, you want a haircut or an oil change?

[051210 01:08] ffe, David Boreanaz: A boasting American said to Irish, back in the States we can erect a block of skyscrapers in about 2 weeks. Irish replied, we can start a row of houses in the morning and on the way home from work the bailiffs will be putting the tenants out for being behind with the rent.

[051210 01:11] 687, Colin Farrell: Oh yeah? Well you ever wonder why Italy is shaped like a boot, mate? Because they can't fit all that shit into a tennis shoe.

[051210 01:22] ffe, David Boreanaz: O'Connell was staggering home with a pint of booze in his back pocket when he slipped and fell heavily. Struggling to his feet, he felt something wet running down his leg. "Please, God," he implored, "let it be blood!"

[051210 01:23] 687, Colin Farrell: Like you never get upset if you spill a drink?

[051210 01:24] 687, Colin Farrell: What about that old one about how do Italian girls shave their legs? They go outside, lay down, and wait for someone to mow them.

[051210 01:26] ffe, David Boreanaz: Did you hear about the Irishman who was tap dancing? He broke his ankle when he fell into the sink

[051210 01:27] 687, Colin Farrell: Ha! Aye, that's a good one. But I got a cross cultural one for yer. What do you get if you cross an Italian and a Pollack? A guy who will make you an offer you can't understand.

[051210 01:27] ffe, David Boreanaz: What's Irish and sits outside in the summertime? Paddy O'Furniture

[051210 01:29] 687, Colin Farrell: Yeah, well why do Puetro Ricans throw their trash out in clear bags? So the Italians can go window shopping.

[051210 01:30] ffe, David Boreanaz: oh? What are the best ten years of an Irishman's life? The second grade

[051210 01:30] 687, Colin Farrell: You want to get in on the intelligence then, mate? How do you brainwash an Italian? Give him an enema.

[051210 01:34] ffe, David Boreanaz: Oh, yeah? How do you sink an Irish submarine? Knock on the hatch.

[051210 01:35] ffe, David Boreanaz: And how can you tell if a pirate is Irish? he's got patches over both eyes

[051210 01:42] ffe, David Boreanaz: A woman with a baby in her arms was screaming from a third floor window. The crowd below shouted, "Throw the baby down and we'll catch it!!" The woman replied, "NO! It'll be killed!!." At that moment, out of the crowd stepped O'Reilly. He shouted up to her, "I'm the Irish goalie, and I've never dropped a ball yet. Throw the baby down and I'll catch it!." The woman trusted him, and dropped the baby towards him. Just then, a gust of wind blew the baby to one side. O'Reilly dived and caught the baby. The crowd cheered wildly. O'Reilly bounced the baby three times and kicked it over the roof.

 One Last Insult
Colin Farrell
5:57pm, December 10, 2005
Eh, sorry to pop off last night, mate. Your sister called, said she had a full body wax and de-greasing. I never realized what a fetching woman she was under all that hair.
Soap Star
6:46pm, December 14, 2005

This one had me rolling. I have no idea why:

d74, Audience Liaison: So, do you have something to add to the girly conversation, Spike? Going to help us Butch up?

And I got AL, to laugh with this one so its going up:

d88, Soap Star: Castor Troy...his name means beaver in Italian. *L* How scary is that? Beaver Troy?
Soap Star
2:46am, December 30, 2005

Buffy Summers : ((For shame, never forced into coming to Bliss... it's an institution, a mecca. The communal watering hole. You're like fricken' gazelles, people!))
Lilah Morgan
2:38am, January 02, 2006
69f, Cole Turner : *Plans on taking Winifred Burkle to court for the murder of Spike. She’ll get the chair if he has anything to say about it*
a90, Winifred Burkle : *too cute to get the chair*
c0c, Darla : ((*whispers to Cole* Its lethal injection in CA. *winks* Just stick it in her butt when she is not looking, that is what Wes does. *couldn't resist*))
3:00am, January 02, 2006

Darla : *thinks in another five or so, Lilah is going to get a phone call alerting her to ALL the goings-on over at the ol' Wyndam-Pryce place. Kids say its haunted, that you can still hear old lady Fred screaming the code word*

Winifred Burkle : *PINEAPPLE! PINEAPPLE!*

Soap Star
11:41pm, January 07, 2006

Oh that Bot, she is just too funny

Buffybot : ((*Hugs HS Come to Bliss, come to the Park. Chase squirrels with your future Robot Overlord.*))
Soap Star
5:27am, January 20, 2006

I think I need to rename this room to simply "Chuck Norris"

e80, Buffy Summers : ((Chuck Norris never has to change his Icons... they would never dare be inaccurate... or if they are, the scene changes to fit!))
Soap Star
6:09pm, January 25, 2006
From Buffy in a PM: I will always eat or sacrifice children... for you or anyone. Or just die horrid deaths. Or be in the crowd to ohh and ahh the eating or horrid deaths... My performance reviews at my old job aside, I'm totally a team player.
Charmaine Brooks
9:39pm, January 27, 2006

Spike : (*Beats Angel with a rolled up news paper* What did I tell you about marking people?!)
Soap Star
8:35pm, March 18, 2006

All about Alfred:

Buffy Summers : *Nods* So, you and Albie getting along? He teach you how to bore a man to death with only two words and ernest frown yet?

Buffy Summers : For me, it's all overshadowed by the 'my boyfriend dressed me in this vest so no other guy would hit on me' clothes.

Buffy Summers : The ensamb? He dresses like the house of tacky tweeds exploded and he took the blow for queen and country.
Soap Star
3:17am, March 22, 2006

Buffy Summers : ((Sitting here and having a robot type for me while you all dance is easiest. Beyond that all is equal *G*))
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