Thread for How to roleplay here

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 How to roleplay here
Soap Star
6:54am, April 22, 2004
First off, this is a chat that would be like if it was a soap opera. That means that we are going to encourage all the bad soap opera stereotypes. That includes:

Evil twins with eyepatches
Characters jumping from relationship to relationship with other characters
Kids who grow to adults in three or four sessions
Mystery pregnancies
Plots of death against people
Coming to grips with a character's sexuality
Long lost family members
Finding out character is a member of the wealthiest family in town
The cute yet sensitive doctor
The brooding yet sensitive poet
The cute yet schemeing girl next door
The bitch
The wealthy yet troubled millionaire
The couple that always splits and gets back together again
The token ugly girl
The token black character
The troubled bad girl with a heart of gold
The good girl with a dark side
The handsome hero torn between his old love and his new love
The cop with a mysterious past

Basically if it has happened within any soap opera, you are encouraged to play it out here. And you can play out whatever else you want to. Port Charles had angels and vampires. In Passions, people go to Hell. Its completely up to the player.
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