Thread for IC Notes X

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 IC Notes X
7:28pm, July 07, 2009
Hit fifty replies on the other. Who will be the first to pop the cherry of this one?
 Voicemail for Jussy
10:17pm, July 07, 2009
Jussy it's Mary I need to talk to you I did something I really shouldn't have. I'll be at home.
 Text For Alysa
Sam Winchester
1:23pm, July 08, 2009
I prefer not to talk about awkward things that can be avoided. It's only awkward if you dwell. I'll be at Bliss around noon picking up lunch.
 VMs for Faith, Buffy, Kezia, Alysa
5:08pm, July 16, 2009

Faith, I ran into Maya-- she's not a Slayer anymore. She says it's not a problem, but... Keep an eye out? I'll do the same.


New newsflash: Maya's not a Slayer. Geeze... watch that stuff-- I mean sorry. I've got an ear to the ground over what. That bitch Ruby knows. Warn Faith about that, I forgot to tell her... I got another call here. Bye.


Hi-- long time, no shop. Just checking, because I do that. I'm a nice person. *long pause* Okay then. Bye


I know it was kinda rough on you that night-- but job... done! Good for you!
 VM for DD St. Martin
Bobby Singer
5:47pm, July 17, 2009
Mrs. St. Martin, you know my-- y'know Dean. You met me and my daughter at Seasons. My other sources are out of commission, wondering if you could give a little advice on girls stuff. Thanks.

 Letter to Sam
Kezia Weiss
3:06pm, July 18, 2009
Written on a card and tucked into an envelope, left under the Impala's passenger side windshield wiper.

Dear Sam,

I was told I am not to contact you, but to be frank, Ms. Alysa is not someone I trust. If her message was correct, I apologize. I feel I've got much to apologize for. I should have never said a word against your friend. Moreover, I should have never justified myself when I did. I did not mean to upset you nor make you uncomfortable. I was careless with words, and I am sorry.

I do not mean these words to persuade you. I am disappointed but unsurprised. Sad, but not angry. It is only logical Alysa would be preferable. She's a very pretty girl, and her resemblance... She reminds you of a time where you were happier, calmer. She reminds you of someone you love. I cannot compete with that, nor would I try to. It would be disrespectful and I refuse to seem desperate.

I wish you'd felt you could speak to me, and I am sorry you still feel you cannot. I miss you, and your smile. If Alysa makes you glad, may she be blessed with positivity and wealth.

I wish you all the best, as well. Safety, success. My life and my home are always open to you and yours. You've done more for me than words can express, and I do not fault you for doing what pleases you. I love your smile, and I'll bow to any cause for it. I insist you seek your desires, in fact. Demand it.

Be well, Sam. The same for your brother. May God bless you and keep you. You'll not convince me you're anything but wonderful. I do not know when you are set to leave. Perhaps if you find yourself in town again, we can meet and speak and share a meal. I harbor no anger, no regret. I hope, for you, the same is true.

I adore you.

Edited 3:38pm, July 18, 2009 by Kezia Weiss, author.
 What's on Ruby's phone! CRANK CALL! CRANK CALL!
Sam Winchester
4:00pm, July 18, 2009
Sometime this weekend, Ruby, I am going to kill you. Then you're going to dispose of your body and figure out some way to get me out of this town, and make sure Kezia has the life she deserves-- are we clear on this?
 So we, uh, burned your throat. Note & package for Kezia.
Sam Winchester
7:41am, July 23, 2009
Attached to the least funereal flowers he could find online at a local shop and have delivered to her apartment ( ), is a note:

That is NOT what Ruby said would happen when she tested you. You don't have to believe me, but I wouldn't let anyone hurt you. Anyone else, I suppose. I'm sorry-- about everything from what I did to what's happening to you right now. I could explain, but I only have one piece of paper left. You're fine-- you're better than fine. As soon as I go away, it'll stop, even. You are more than welcome to not take part in this apocalypse.

I wanted you to be safe.


 VM for Chuck: He's Dead, Jim
Spice Lee
1:48pm, July 24, 2009
A thin, gasping shadow of Spice's voice is on Chuck's Voicemail.

Daddy... Daddy... Uncle Coop-- Daddy he's dead. I gotta call the cops. He's hanging here at his house and he's dead, Daddy. There's all these pictures. I... gotta call the cops.
 Hotel delivery-- Sam
Maya Roth
10:15am, August 01, 2009
Inside the Target bag is a box of Teddy Grahams, new shoe laces, and a book of crossword puzzles.

And a card! A caaaard. The writing inside says:

Apologies again but I'm pretty sure we're even. Ow. Thanks for volunteering-- or your brother's a jerk for not offering. Also: a sissy.

P.S. Can you believe there are already Christmas cards out? WTF!

P.P.S Bobby and I are out of here for a few days. I think he already called. Man-eating cave. So if you're planning some kind of retribution, hold that thought!

 Just A Note to Say Hi-- and Watch Your Back
Buffy Summers
3:02pm, August 02, 2009
Short note in Dr. Pete's door in-box:

Dr. Pete,

Hey, it's Buffy, just dropping in on the succubus thing. Faith mention that? Bet she did-- one downed that guy I went to the beach with that time, and I'm checking in here now (finally!) to see if there were any other victims I'd missed. Batwings are a keyword that we'd love to hear back on.

Have a great weekend!

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