Thread for IC Holiday Thread 2007

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 IC Holiday Thread 2007
11:06pm, December 07, 2007
Sorry this isn't as early as it was last year but I am hoping that we still get a lot of great responses!

For ideas of last year's Holiday Thread, just click it.

So start posting gifts, lists of grievances, whatever whenever you like. :)
6:20pm, December 08, 2007
Charmaine: Diamond earrings and a weekend at Only the best for her.

Connor: Antique samuri sword and it's sister gift card to go get a hair cut.

Kelly: Tickets to the comic con in L.A. and an autograph Xmen movie tshirt...signed by Stan Lee.

Katy: Power Wheels jeep and a note for an IOU day at Disneyland.

Emilio: Art paper, water paints and brushes.

Nadine: An electric piano keyboard with all the sound effects and kareoke machine.

Buffy: Also a weekend at Same weekend as Charmaine

Wes, Fred, & family: Day at Disneyland

Willow: Collection of ancient celtic magic bound in leather...type of leather, you don't want to know.

Faith: matching throwing knives, asian in design.

Gunn: Laker's jacket, hat and season tickets to the home games.

Edited 6:30pm, December 11, 2007 by Angel, author.
 Festivus-- because bitching is easier than gifts, but those will come, too.
Buffy Summers
1:12am, December 09, 2007

1) What's with the always leaving town?

2) Your evil is out haunting people.

3) You can't find a happy medium-- you get all girly and fat, or you're evil, or you're too nice. Look at the rest of us, we can find an in-between place to occupy.

1) Again to you-- out of town much?

2) I think we all know who did what to whom when the thing was going on and the calls went out... that's all I'm saying.


1) Although maybe MAYBE you were right and I was wrong-- would it have hurt to just not said it during and after the whole time travel history unravel debacle.


1) You count cards weather you mean to or not.

2) The little notes on the lab equipment at the office-- I get it already Buffy is not to touch the shiny beakers and electrical thingies!


1) You never let me beat people for you. I'd say anymore, but I'm trying to remember if you let me before. Maybe I didn't ask before. Growing up sucks.

2) Your pack of dogs strewed my garbage about a few times when you weren't there and they were disappointed.

3) You beat yourself up too much, and keep me from enjoying my grievances-- actually, and don't tell anyone, it's been a pretty good year, hasn't it?

4) Retroactive-- if you told anyone...


1) Too much not being around.

2) Never gave me that rematch in Wii boxing-- that was so a fluke!


1) Can't not go on tour when you were just married?


1) Stop sending me bills every week... I know. I know and I pay-- sometimes... eventually.

2) My girls are not your default security squad.


1) Still a lot of despots that need killing, mister!


1) Don't tell anyone I don't have any grievances with you-- I have a rep here, and it's a holiday.


1) Pink is so an appropriate color for a girl's room!

2) Give Faith more sex... she's scary with the hormones.


1) How the hell did you do it? You picked a guy and boom-- it works. You share your secret next girls' Slay Night or I might have to take your TiVo hostage!

2) You resist all my efforts to keep you out of trouble during preggohood-- I feel like the worst co-Slayer-friend-person ever.


1) Dru... again? Well you heard enough from Verity, but what the hell is it with her.

2) Vinnie, Willow is NOT EVIL and CANNOT BRING the girls back. How many times and ways do you have to be told. I died-- differenty-- and it was still not the best idea to bring me back. We have to talk.

3) If you don't realize how lucky you are THIS year... I just don't know what.


1) You were amazing this year.

2) You need to give me back that crossbow you borrowed.

1) England? I meet someone while you're with Psycho-ho, and you go to England? Can't switch it up and go to Tahti or Shanghai?

2) How long has Angelus been haunting you and you didn't come home to be haunted around people who care about you?


1) Too many hours at work.

2) You never restock the milk.

3) Towels-- no one listens about the towels on the floor.
 Festivus-- If Buffy can gripe than why can't we all gripe? I have grievances too, y'know!
1:12am, December 09, 2007
1) threatening me when I'm only doing my job is wrong-- you were a hot woman, and I think we all learned something valuable... didn't we?


1) Just because you have all your pregnant friends... that doesn't mean we can't drink and bitch-- or does it? If it does then forget this one.


1) A list just can't cover it, Xander. I had a very awkward and disturbing conversation with Dawn, and it's all your fault.


1) Your spell's probably the reason everyone's all gestating and I didn't want to gestate, but now I'm curious again... and I don't want to gestate!

2) Chewtoys mixed in with the charms.


1) I know she was evil but that screaming slime-thing was one of my best customers for glamour spells... she's only a LITTLE evil.

Vinnie & Verity:

1) To some people those kittens are money... maybe it's sick, but it's what they know. Just don't look at them.


1) You just assume that it's all going to be there when you want it, but it's not magic-- well it is, but not THAT kind-- someone has to work to get all the shiny gadgets there, and someone has to balance the books when you don't pay right away.

2) Your sister had a very awkward conversation with me-- and she was made of you... so live with that pain.


1) I think you're giving me a conscience... and I thought I'd cleansed myself of that. So-- the concience makes me thing that that was a bad thing to not have, but logically, it's not that bad a bad thing, and now I'm starting to think about good things and bad things and... [ends in a squiggle, then takes up later] Eh, what the hell, I can still bring torment with the best of them. You're going to love what I got you in India!

Fred, Wes, Spike, Neria and Gunn recieve this note:

1) No complaints, carry on.

Edited 2:37am, December 09, 2007 by Anya, author.
Alicia Parks
3:11pm, December 10, 2007
Kelly: Membership in the Horror Movie of The Month Club.

Vinnie: A new Amp for his guitar.

Verity: Fantastic Butt-kicking boots-- because she knows Verity and Vinnie go in for a lot of hiking and whatever it is that leaves them a little beat up.

Faith & Gunn: $100 Gift certificat to Sharper image and small handmade catalogue of some of their 'baby' items. Note reads: I don't know what you need, or want... so Merry Christmas. Alicia.

AI Staff in General: $200 Gift Certificate to El Vaquero (A Local Mexican Place)
 Bitching- because presents Take Time
Willow Rosenberg
6:52pm, December 11, 2007
(Everything emailed, cause that's how she rolls!)

1. You're in England.
2. You're making out with Spike.
3. I call BS on the Festivus challenge- you just wanted to go to England to make out with Spike.
4. I saved the world for once! Haha! (Less complaint; more gloat)
5. You pretend you're not still bothered by the thing I did regarding your dying. I'd rather you get mad than that.
6. You're The Slayer and you still don't get how special you are. I mean, I enjoy a fresh dose of Egoless every once in a while, but ever though there are other slayers? Hi. You're The Slayer. You're special and loved and wanted, no matter who's pregnant or who goes to England.

PS: I bitch because I love. Deal!

1. Seriously, you squicked me out with the nice you. You got me soup. Freeeaaakkyyyy.
2. Your evil was tormenting people and almost got me killed and I don't even get a thank you for fixing it.
3. Come to think of it, I never get a thank you. Just that stare of vague disinterest.
4. I bet you think I screwed up some spell to weird out Charlie, but I did not. The end.

1. After that one thing we did that one time after Gunn was already passed out, I could barely make it to the bathroom. I almost peed on myself. That's not okay.
2. You think you're going to be a bad mom, and that's just not true.
3. Now that I think about it and have been the unwilling witness to Angel's Getting It On, your Angelus dreams have belatedly squicked me out. I hope you're happy!

1. You get with a woman, you better be prepared to handle her sex drive. It's so not like you didn't know!
2. I left some sweatpants there and I think you're wearing them. They're Oz's, so I need them back.
3. Actually, about the sweatpants: keep them.

1. You already have kids, so you don't have to be terrified about doing the Mom thing. For the record: it's scary.
2. You're so very dirty and don't even let on. Closet freak!
3. Your junk food phobia... that's inconvenient. Especially when you replace all of AI's chips with soy snacks. Soy yogurt is snot.

1. I'm never going to get a thank you for the Angelus thing either, am I?
2. I think I should be offended that you refuse to bite me under any circumstances. Do I smell weird?
3. You may be right about you and Buffy being meant for each other and I'm not sure I'm ready to live in a world where you are right.

1. Where the hell are you??
2. Okay, I know kind of where you are but seriously... I need you. Stop being pouty and get up and do something. If you hold something reflecty up to the door lock, it'll short out the laser mechanism and you can just pick it.
3. You won't get this until you've figured that one out, thus rendering me and the advice completely useless once again.

1. Your child has been abusing my kidneys all day. She must be seriously limber to manage to bruise both, and I'm thinking she got that from you. Certainly not me.
2. You're not here and I didn't think it was possible to miss someone this much. That was so not a lesson I wanted to learn.
3. Except that it is a lesson I needed to learn and really I'm struggling to come up with anything real to complain about.
4. Oh, except you're not here.

1. I'd kinda you rather not be scared of me. That's about it. You're cool.

1. The having to learn lessons on my own by not really learning anything is not fun in any way.
2. You're cute, and that's not okay. Makes it harder to really be mad.
3. Though you've been gone and I get the being busy, I can't help but keep wondering if I smell weird. Everyone's leaving me.

1. Oddly, I don't have anything to complain about here. Except that there's no way I can vengeance Xander and Oz back home. Unless I thought they'd be miserable back and I know that's not true and come to think of it, I'm not really mad so no wishes for me.
2. Not a complaint at all, except to complain that Lady Angel trumps any bitching I might actually have had for you. That was awesome.

1. More pies. Moooooore!
2. Seriously, you two make the girl on girl thing look so good that it's hard to remember right now that I like Oz.
3. Okay, you two are just so freaking cute together anyway. And you make impossibly adorable kids. And I still want more pies.

1. I don't really have anything to bitch about, except the fact that you never did talk to me much. Sure, we don't have the combat thing in common but... we both deal with Anya. That's something to chat about, right?
2. I don't know how you did it, but Anya's offered to pay me for work lately, and that's almost as creepy and weird as Nice Angel.

1. I never see you two anymore. What's with that?

1. I'm really not evil.
2. You'll never believe I'm not evil.
3. Regardless, I'd still do anything for you. You're a good person.

 Presents-- such as they are
8:33pm, December 11, 2007
The AI crew, Kelly, Nailah, Kiera, and Neria gets a hundred dollar gift certificate (stipulating that sale prices to not apply when using said gift certificate-- and no other discounts or offers do either!) to Anya's Magic Emporioum.

Markus also gets a small but ornately pretty set of bagh nakh and a copy of the kama sutra that is clearly antique-- of course she marks pages.

Edited 12:15am, December 12, 2007 by Anya, author.
 Christmas Presents
Buffy Summers
9:03pm, December 13, 2007
A PS3 and a bunch of games she clearly couldn't afford.

Again, kid got everything that caught Buffy's eyes that she could afford and carry while she was shopping for everyone else. Good haul.

Weapons belts stocked with stakes, hand-tooled leather.

Angel, Xander, Gunn and Wes:
Guns with those wooden bullets-- kind of like the Judges. Faith has her a little fascinated by Guns.

Get out of asskicking Free card (Must be redeemed by Jan. 1, 2008), Collection of 'How to be a Dad' type books.

Kelly & Connor:
Mini Recreations of some of the "Chamber of Horror's" exhibits from Madame Toussad's in London

Katey, & Ivy:
Small selection of mini-weapons with no edge-- see! She was thinking!

Small weapons WITH edge. Little Doc Martin boots.

Multi-baby stroller, and a promise to babysit on the dayspa trip she arranged for Charlie and the other stooges.

8G video/mp3 player loaded with 'fight frendly' tunes. Scythe-- identical to the one she wouldn't let go of in every last respect.

New Leather Coat-- to go with the motorcycle.

digital picture frame loaded with every picture she could find and fit on there of the group.

Paid her bill and gave a written promise to funnel more business her way-- and a Cat (Anya's been thinking about speculating in the cat market)

again, of course, footwear. This time a $150 gift certificate.

Willow: One of those massage/comforting sounds chairs.

Air ticket home-- So lucky him, he has two. $200 Circuit City gift certificate (to use towards a TV... the guilt spending is gonna get her this year...)

Edited 2:20pm, December 14, 2007 by Buffy Summers, author.
Charmaine Brooks
12:32am, December 15, 2007
Willow: Pie Of The Month Club for an entire year

Faith: Certificates for Mommy and Me classes along with a handwritten note that she will be attending all of these with Faith.

Anya: A list of all the divorced women that she repped as a divorce attorney who's husbands either cheated on them or did something else equally as bad. Basically a list of women that need some vengence.

Buffy: New Patrol Boots

Fred/Wes: Hotel night stays in the Disneyland Hotel (to go along with Angel's gift)

Kelly/Connor: See Justine's present

Nadine: Tickets to Hannah Montana in concert (because what tween hasn't been clamoring for these?) along with all the toys on her list.

Emilio, Kat, Justine's triplets, Ivy, Joyce: Toys, toys, and more toys.

Angel: Guitar Hero and Rock Band for his XBox 360

Vincent White: New boots

Verity: Ass kicking boots

Kiera: Tickets to a Mother/Daughter Celebrating Life Workshop in LA

Justine/Jacob: Certificate for a Bed and Breakfast in Northern California and a coupon for free babysitting that weekend.

Zach: A legally binding revision to the custody agreement that he will get Nadine for all her Spring Breaks until she is 18

Dan: XBox 360 plus a gift certificate to Best Buy for $100 (Justine's present as well)

Kate: Peppermint Essential Oils Collection (to get on her good side.

Gunn: An old fashioned ice pack cause he is going to need it.

Neria: A gift certificate to the local art store.

Edited 1:49am, December 15, 2007 by Charmaine Brooks, author.
 Faith Festivus Grievances
5:30am, December 15, 2007
You didn't thank Willow for what she did.
You didn't even try to get your ax back and now you can't have it.
If you ever leave Charlie I will hunt you down and kill you.

No more soy yogurt. Please it's gross.
You have nicer boobs than I do.

You are beautiful and you should know that.
I think you have my red silk tank top but you can keep it.

If you ever leave Willow again for any reason i will hunt you down and kill you.

You have my Mr. Pointy
You need a non neurotic day.
And the SITs like you more than me.

You gave Vinnie your crypt.
You use too much hair bleach.
Too much with the leather pants.

No complaints but don't tell anyone.

You are so British.

You are more talented than you think.

Did someone put a chip in your head? You've been way too nice.
Stop being so hot.

You are making Anya nice.
We haven't had a good fist fight in forever what you don't like me anymore?

You don't call when you're not coming home.
Your sneakers stink.
You ate my Chunky Hubby ice cream.
Stop hating Willow I hate that.

Don't tell anyone but I have no problems with you. You're doing really good this year.

Shut up I can be nice too.

You snore.
You always use my good soap.
You took away my Jimmy Choos

I think you two gave me the gay.
Gerri your hotness makes me cranky and horny.
DD if Gerri ever leaves you, you are coming to live with me.

Don't look at me like that. I'm not evil.

Everyone else she knows gets a nice card.

Vin, Verity and Gunn get presents though which player will post when not feeling lazy.
Amy Harper
6:01pm, December 16, 2007
(Dude, I forgot to put in my password so I have to do this all! Over! Again! Shoot me)

Tickets to LA car show
Year subscription to Popular Mechanics
Family portrait (Amy, Mollie, Erica, Luke)
Naughty portrait (Just Amy)
Digital camera
Nintendo Wii w/ games
(The man made out well, yo)

Training bike & helmet
Play jewelry
Princess-themed dress up set
Tea set
+ Presents from Santa

Elbow and knee pads; helmet
Small plastic tricycle
Plastic tool set & work bench
Collection of matchbox cars
+ Presents from Santa

Onesies with cute "macho" sayings
Stuffed animals (Lion, Tiger, Bear... oh my!)
Frozen bagels, lots (Teething, oh the teething)
+ Presents from Santa

Gift certificate to
Offer for babysitting/playdates once a week
Designer-type clothing
Promise to send insecure models her way (nosejobs are in season)
Spa Day gift certificate

Newest, fanciest camera she could find
Ton of brand new photo-editing software
Spa Day gift certificate

Li Mei:
Gift certificate to
Manicure/Pedicure gift certificate

Gift certificate to (cause the woman helped save her from evil ex, after all)

Signed contract for another year (despite lucrative LA offers!) gift certificate
Starbucks gift card

Hat with words "Incognito" embroidered on it
3 day/ 2 night stay at high profile celeb-catering LA hotel

(Did I forget anyone? Let me know!)
 Small Giftings
Ariana Spencer
6:09pm, December 16, 2007
Nobody gets presents! Okay, some people get presents.

Handwritten note (Hellos, how are yous, and holiday greeting)
Coupon for babysitting
Certificate for weekend stay at St. Solanus Hotel penthouse suite, all the room service she wants included

Collection of semi-famous framed photographs

Jon & Family and the Morleys get cards.
Harmony Kendall
6:12pm, December 16, 2007
Mostly, she just got herself a whole lot of things.

But she did send serious cosmetics Buffy, Faith, Willow, Charlie, and the Slayerette's way. And AI gets giant gift certificate to grocery store because... their kitchen's always stocked and they never get paid so somehow they've got to steal the food, right?
 Few gifts
Jacinta Burke
4:00pm, December 18, 2007
Giganto Bliss gift cerftificate
(Same for Max if she's around)

Same, and makeshift dagger (sharpened rock, end wrapped in leather)

Muffin basket

New karaoke cd

(Hey, she's on a waitress salary! And laying low)
 Ho ho who?
Julie Farkas
4:14pm, December 18, 2007
(I don't totally remember who all she's harassed lately.. because they deserve presents. I'm half recycling people from last year)

Encyclopedia of the Undead: A Field Guide to Creatures That Cannot Rest in Peace

The Spy's Guide: Office Espionage

Getting Past No

The Addictive Personality: Understanding the Addictive Process and Compulsive Behavior

Illusions of Immortality: A Psychology of Fame and Celebrity
12:01am, December 19, 2007
Spike will get an ornately wrapped box, red of course. In it are a pink rose tea set, a pair of dolls. A Victorian lady and gentleman doll. Some dead flowers and a heart. An actual heart.

Vinnie will get a card in the mail with a fifty dollar bill. A smeared pink lipstick kiss inside.

Angel will get in the mail at the office, a little Victorian ladydoll that looks like Dru and a heart. A note that says, "Say goodbye Daddy dear Daddy dear."

AI as a whole gets a large box of half eaten chocolate. Someone took a bite out of every one and put it back. No note.
4:53pm, December 27, 2007
From Charles Lee:

For Summer: A new camera, because it's time to go digital, and he knows it will annoy her if he got her a nice digital camera, when she swears by film still.

For Spice and Nate: Baby stuff, Autumn pretty much picked all of that stuff out, hopefully it's not laced with anthrax. Autumn isn't that nuts, is she?

For the twins: A pink and blue tricycles.

For the newest addition of the family: A large book collection, so first Chuck could read to the baby at night, and then by the time the kid is 5, he'll be a prodigy and a genius.

For Autumn: Expensive diamond earrings, probably stolen, but still, she'll love them, not too mention a sexy new dress for New Year's Eve.
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