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10:02pm, November 03, 2007
My name is Jen, and I'm a big fat liar. And a traitor. And I don't deserve to be here. Kelly, Slick, you can decide to take this down, but I am totally fed up! At least if it's deleted then I'll know I said it and.. something. There was logic in there somewhere.

I was with the room pretty much from the beginning. I was... I don't remember. Producer? Groupie? Something like that. Anyway, I got to be friends with "Pierre." I'm not sure any of you were around long enough to remember him, but he played one of Justine's sons, in addition to many others. We got really close. Incredibly close. There was internal chaos over... something. The Buffy deal? And we split... Me and him from Kelly and Slick. We created our own room. We did pretty well.

Yeah, here's the deal. I'm an idiot. Not only an idiot, but I'm a fool. Pierre and I started havingg problems, arguments, and Kelly was nice enough to allow me back here. He didn't know. It didn't matter, or it doesn't matter now.

When I moved in August, I moved to go to school with Pierre. Only... you see, shortly before I left, I received a letter. From "him."

There was no Pierre. It was a girl, whose name I will refrain from using. I'll call her Fate, but really keeping her name to myself isn't something I owe her. I don't owe her anything. Stupid me, I moved anyway. This won't come as a surprise to anyone, but that friendship didn't so much dissolve as it exploded. The moment I got there, she worked on getting me to leave. And I did. About a month ago.

But I'm left with about 20 grand in student loans. After I gave everything I had to him/her. Over seven thousand dollars in money alone, and she's happy. Me? It doesn't matter. There's a point to this all.

I'm sorry. To Slick, Kelly, everyone else. I'm sorry for what little lying I've done since I've been here, and I'm sorry for leaving in the first place. That hindsight thing sucks balls.
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