Thread for BCL Tres!

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 BCL Tres!
Soap Star
3:28am, October 12, 2006
I really want to revive this because so many funny things get said in the room. So starting fresh with some RP that Mike and I did forever and a day ago that needs to be in here:

[050208 21:32] c84, •Jonathan Montgomery : *just a small little apartment in San Francisco, some walk up in the literal meat packing district...hahaha! He was sitting down in front of a vanity mirror, making himself all pretty. Think Nathan Lane in Birdcage here. We are talking maribu feathered robe and heeled slippers even!*

[050208 21:35] 561, Dr. Eric Solanus : *Unlocks the door to the apartment and enter. Shuts the door behind him and sighs.* Joh, we are looking for a new place this weekend, no argument. *Yes he's late but he had to work over.*

[050208 21:36] c84, •Jonathan Montgomery : *he was humming Bette Milder, something from when she did Gypsy as he patted his face down with powder. Where is that trademark scruff? Why gone! Can't pull off being a woman if you have a beard. And the best damn drag queen in San Fran was not about to be topped...unless it was from a certain bear of a man who answered to the name 'Eric'. He looks over at Eric* Why...I thought you adored our little love nest?

[050208 21:40] 561, Dr. Eric Solanus : I never said I loved it. *Comes up behind Jon. Puts his hands on his shoulders.* Don't let them play grabass with you tonight.

[050208 21:41] c84, •Jonathan Montgomery : *turns back to look at his fabulous self in the mirror* If they play grabass with me, I make more tips. And your student loans won't pay for themselves, sugarcube. *don't even bother trying to figure out the conntations of THAT nickname. It will scar you for life*

[050208 21:44] 561, Dr. Eric Solanus : *Lowers down, his arms going around Jon.* I still can't help not liking it. After all you are my taste of Ireland.

[050208 21:46] c84, •Jonathan Montgomery : *he smiles, tossing that powder puff around before reaching back to smack Eric in the nose with it* I am a performer...will you let me perform? *raises a brow* So where are we going to live if not here?

[050208 21:48] 561, Dr. Eric Solanus : If you would let me use a bit of my inheritence we'd live well, Mr. Big Pride.

[050208 21:50] c84, •Jonathan Montgomery : *he rolls his eyes, back to the mirror. Has to pluck those last few stubborn hairs a fresh wax didn't get. Leans forward with the tweezers* The only reason you have any of that money is because your parents died before you came out. But what the hell did they think when we were roommates in college and after and then moved to the City of Queer Love together?

[050208 21:52] c84, •Jonathan Montgomery : And...*he points back at Eric with the tweezers* My pride is not the only thing that is big! Don't you forget it, Sister Mister!

[050208 21:53] 561, Dr. Eric Solanus : *Stands up and moves to the bed and falls on those satin sheets.* The thing is I do have that money.

[050208 21:54] c84, •Jonathan Montgomery : *they are gay men, of course every spare time is spent on home furnishing and designer clothes. He sighs, turning* Will you stop being such a whiny little bitch? If you want to spend that money so badly, then you can buy me that new Versace for Miss Gay California!

[050208 21:55] c84, •Jonathan Montgomery : *time, dime, its all the same. Player is laughing so hard, its tough to type*

[050208 21:59] 561, Dr. Eric Solanus : I'm just stressed. It was a long day and finales are coming up.

[050208 22:00] 561, Dr. Eric Solanus : I'm going to put in for residency in maybe Hawaii? How would you like that, babe?

[050208 22:00] c84, •Jonathan Montgomery : Oh darling..*he is up off his little primping stool, robe swirling in a blur of pink and feathers behind him. He takes a seat next to Eric on the bed* Hawaii? Really?

[050208 22:03] 561, Dr. Eric Solanus : *Moves to lay on his side, propped up on his elbow. His hand moves to Jon's thigh.* Get your speedos packed, sweetheart.

[050208 22:04] c84, •Jonathan Montgomery : Ooooh! You read my mind. *his voice jumping about a whole octave to that high pitched gay man squeal* And I can finally wear my coconut bra and hula skirt outside of a show!

[050208 22:07] 561, Dr. Eric Solanus : How bad do you want to go? *His hand starts roaming that thigh.*

[050208 22:08] c84, •Jonathan Montgomery : *he smiles, leaning forward, causing that hand to go in places that even the censors won't allow here. Booyah!* Bad enough to do what you asked about last Valentine's Day. *leave that to viewer imagination*

[050208 22:14] 561, Dr. Eric Solanus : Well, then, I guess I should tell you...*Reaches around to his back pocket and pulls out two airline tickets to guess where???*

[050208 22:15] c84, •Jonathan Montgomery : *here comes that squeal again as he grabs up the tickets. He picks up and drops his legs against the bed, all excited. Its a scary sight to see! He throws his arms around Eric*

[050208 22:20] 561, Dr. Eric Solanus : *Chuckles and falls back. Looks up at his excited lover.* Now see why I said we're getting a new place this weekend?

[050208 22:21] c84, •Jonathan Montgomery : So mean! So cruel! *he smacks Eric lightly on the chest with the tickets, whack, whack, whack, back and forth. Stops suddenly* What about Little Sheba? *cause every gay couple needs a designer dog or cat!*

[050208 22:28] 561, Dr. Eric Solanus : Can't Dylan watch her for the 60 days of vet observations? *Yes has to go through about 60 days of vet checks before being shipped there then a quarinteen period while there. Hawaii is very strict on the animals coming in.*

[050208 22:37] 561, Dr. Eric Solanus : *Was in bed sleeping and then suddenly sits up. That dream...He rubs his face.* Where the hell did that come from. *Blame it on Trevor Spencer for trying to convince him he was gay.*
 Late night giggles
4:47am, October 25, 2006
ac2, Drusilla : *She throws the lamp weakly after Buffy.* Stay out of OUR HOUSE.
34b, Buffy Summers : It's a CRYPT, Morticia! *geeze... crazy is one thing, but c'mon...*
 Funny Typo Fun
Audience Liaison
2:36am, January 10, 2007
1ed, Dimensional Demon : *pick a spot and stay there, will you. LOL You wiggle around more than public lice*
1ed, Dimensional Demon : *oh see, now that was a funny typo right there. PUBIC! Now player gets to put it in all caps. PUBIC!*
1ed, Dimensional Demon : *come on home audience, join in! PUBIC!*

Edited 8:36pm, January 09, 2007 by Audience Liaison, author.
Soap Star
6:41pm, January 27, 2007
In response to "Rubenesque"

8fe, Harmony Kendall : sandwiches are pretty again? *her forehead wrinkles up and she tilts her head to one side, the rest of her body frozen in place like all of her bodily energy went straight to the walnut that comprises her brain.*
Soap Star
5:34pm, February 18, 2007
34b, Audience Liaison: You have lots of faceholes! Use them!
 Young Love!
Audience Liaison
3:53am, October 05, 2007
Making up with Vinnie

2d4, Verity Knowles : We could do...stuff...if you want to. *she points a finger at him* But you better not do stuff if anyone else. And that is vampires too. Demons. I don't care. It better be me and you because I don't want some skanky demon herpes.
Soap Star
8:55pm, January 25, 2008
8fe, Barnaby : *Right before Riley can get to the door, there seems to be a brick wall there preventing him from actually reaching it. And from that invisible wall comes wave after wave of hot, putrid air like someone ate a compost heap, a dead pelican, and licked a toilet then started breathing in Riley's face.*

f12, Lady in White : ((So basically it is like he ran into Paris Hilton crotch?))

8fe, Barnaby : ((*LMAAAAOOOO* Exactly! He's trapped in Hilton's snatch! It eats people alive, man.))
Soap Star
1:23am, April 24, 2008
8fe, Mick St. John : *He was in his office, lip synching to Rolling on the River with a mop on his head and brush in his hand. It's his Private Time.*
Soap Star
5:20pm, November 13, 2008
[081113 05:46] 237, Matthew Caro : No. Do I dazzle you? Are you sufficiently dazzled? Cause I got this new dazzler from Dazzles R Us and I was guaranteed quality Dazzle.
 The Future of Voicemail!?
Audience Liaison
3:59am, May 20, 2009
7db, Jacob Brodey : *He then frowns at that..* Damnit.. *said with a disappointed sigh and he looks down .. well he cant go back inside can he? He then sighed before he moved over toward his bike and then he reached in and grabbed his phone he hesitated before then he reached into his wallet before then getting out Buffy's number, he didnt expect her to pick up but.. he was going to try anyways. He'd dial up her number and either wait for an answering machine or for a voice to pick up.*

057, Buffy Summers : *Scythe in one hand, buffy braces herself in the rafters of a cabin over a family of demons commencing a ritual. She has to kill them at JUST THAT TIME when they reach a certain spot. She's been up here for an hour. Her scent is magically disguised, and... FUNKYTOWN BLARES OUT. They llook up , roaring. She unbraces, falling and answering the phone, because only someone really important would call like this.* Dammit, not two minutes later. *Sounds of blades hitting meat and growls and smashes. She's got to get out without getting killed or accidentally killing one of them. It's vital.* SHIT! Try bathing, huh, guys?


7db, Jacob Brodey : *He hears a voice mail answer and he sighs.* Yeh hey its ah Jacob, was just, wondering what you were up to and if you'd you know, want to come over later or something just to hang out, well I mean if you can. Anyway just, call me back when you can. *And he hangs up before he hesitates and heads back inside the Bliss, paused when she see's Kate already being talking to someone else then he'd start to turn to go back out.*
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