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Thread for Chat Commands

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 Chat Commands
Soap Star
1:55am, July 25, 2004
Since we have a few people who are new to Project JJ, Hope let me borrow this which she wrote up for another room. I hope it helps everyone. Enjoy!

For chat logs:

Command Syntax

This is only a [b] test [/b]. Thank you.
Bolds text between commands
This is only a test. Thank you.

This is only a [i] test [/i]. Thank you.
Italicizes text between commands
This is only a test. Thank you.

This is only a [u] test [/u]. Thank you.
Underlines text between commands
This is only a test . Thank you.

/join message
Adds a message when you first arrive in the room
/join I am ready for my close up Mr. DeMille.
JOIN: Livvie Locke enters stage right (I am ready for my close up Mr. DeMille)

/exit message
Leaves the chat with the message as last remark.
/exit I'll be back
EXIT: Livvie Locke exits stage left ( I'll be back ).

/quit message
Alias of above, but works for Stealth users also.
/quit I'll be back
EXIT: Livvie Locke exits stage left ( I'll be back ).

/me message
Performs the action message.
/me walks into a bar and says 'ouch'
Livvie Locke walks into a bar and says 'ouch'

Removes your last posted line.

/rem query
Removes all lines containing query. Is case-insensitive.
/rem ouch
Removes entire line "Livvie Locke walks into a bar and says 'ouch' "

/ban ident time
Bans the user with the ident ident for time seconds.
/ban 8f715 9000
BAN: Livvie Locke sent 8f715 to their trailer for 9000 seconds.
(can only be used by those with the ban users flag)

/unban ident
Unbans the user with ident ident.
/unban 8f517
UNBAN: Livvie Locke calls 8f715 to the set.

/ignore ident time
Ignores the user with the ident ident for time seconds.
/ignore 8f715 9000
IGN: Livvie Locke is in contract disputes with 8f715 for 9000 seconds

/unignore ident
Removes the ignore for the user with ident ident.
/unignore 8f715
UGN: Livvie Locke has settled their contract disupute with 8f715.

/sban ident time
Silent ban usable by the Chat Master. Otherwise alias of /ban.

/nick handle
Changes your nickname in the chat to handle.
/nick BoBo
NICK: Livvie Locke changed their soap star to Bobo

/name handle
Same as /nick.
/name Livvie Locke
NICK: Bobo changed their soap star to Livvie Locke

/link URL
Sets your link (applied to your nickname) to URL.

/dice XdY
Rolls X dice with Y sides.
/dice 8d6
DICE: Livvie Locke rolls 4, 2, 3, 6, 1, 3, 5, 1 = 25 on a 8d6

/image URL
Sets your image (shown in the userlist) to URL.

Removes any and all bans in the chat.

/msg handle message
Sends a private note of message to handle. If you want a handle with more than one word, use _ for spaces.
/msg Stephen Clay Let's run lines tonight!
MSG: Livvie Locke sent fanimail to Stephen Clay or MSG: Livvie Locke is stalking Christian Bale. They ran and hid! (message failed, user does not exist)

/whois handle
Shows when handle last was in the chat.
/whois Livvie Locke
WHO: Livvie Locke last seen 2:04pm, July 18 (CST) or WHO: Lucy Coe Collins is not on this show (if user doesn't exist)

Wipes all lines from the chat.
Scene edited by: Livvie Locke
(can only be used by users with clear chat flag)

/strike query
Will strike out any of your own sentences in the chat that matches words from query.
/strike I love pie
Livvie Locke: I love pie

Edited 1:33pm, July 26 by Soap Star, author.
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