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Thread for Rules

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Soap Star
4:49pm, May 17, 2004

0. We reserve the right to add or amend or edit the rules as necessary to fit new situations that arise.

1. Keep it PG-15. That means no cybersex or excessive cussing or excessive fighting. If you aren’t sure what PG-15 means, check here. If you need to play out something that is not PG-15, then please, take it to AIM. Basically, if it doesn't happen on network tv, it can't happen here.

2. Respect people. Please don't talk out of character a lot when people are trying to play. (This also means don't have conversations via PM when people are playing. Take it to messangers. One or two PMs is fine. A conversation is rude and distracting to players.) Please don't insult people out of character. Please try to act with maturity. Please don’t spam the room or members with invites to other places or just ads, once is enough. Please don't correct people's spelling or grammar. If you have a problem with a canon, use the feedback form. Otherwise, please don't do anything that disrepects someone by interrupting their fun roleplaying time. If they are out of line, that is what admins are for. :)

3. No god characters though I doubt this will happen. If you aren't sure what godmoding is, there is a great link here.

4. Since we respect people, we have a kill with permission rule. No random shooting up of people. We are here for the drama, not for the random violence. Also, no controlling other people's characters, changing their backgrounds, or affecting other characters without player permission. In addition, you can't burn down, destroy, or otherwise tamper with a residence, business, or possession of another character without the player's permission first.

5. In order to retain the image (actor, musician, etc. NO ANIME!) you use you for your character, you have to log in and play once every three months for original characters. Canon characters (including Solanus Family) must play once a month or risk having the canon given to a more active player. We realize real life gets in the way so just contact an admin if you can’t play once every three months or once a month. By checking the userlist, you can see if your canon is inactive or your character is inactive (canons marked after a month, originals after two months)

6. Have fun and remember what it was like when you were first starting out role-playing. If you involve more people, the more fun it is for all.

7. Non-human characters must be approved by an admin and based on a published canon source. (I.E. Buffy, Angel, Port Charles, Anne Rice, Laurell K. Hamilton, etc). Changes from a human character to a non-human character must also be admin approved. Also, any changes that effect a character of a mystical nature must be approved such as but not limited to a memory wipe, glamour spell, mystical enhancements, etc. Any change that is not of a natural and established real world source must be approved. We want to keep supernatural elements as a side to the story not THE story as well as protect players [see below]. (The only exception is a room wide, admin approved plot. Then mystical/supernatural changes are par for the course) *

8. If you are playing a canon character from tv, movie, book, graphic novel YOU MUST HAVE A PROFILE AND BE REGISTERED. YOU MUST CITE SOURCE MATERIAL!. Players will be given some grace period to get their profiles up. Your profile must be accurate as to listing of powers and history. You may, however, take history up to a point, omit certain bits of history, or expand on history as long as the original feel of the canon is maintained. Also, explanation of how your canon arrived in St. Solanus is appreciated.

9. ALL canon characters, regardless of when they were created, are always under observation. Anyone from the room can submit an anonymous suggestion via a webform and an admin will address the problem. This is to be used for issues with how the canon is being played as to personality or motivations. Not whether someone has good grammar or not. As in, are they staying true to the canon. This goes for ALL CANONS, even played by an admin. The form will be anonymous so you won't have to worry about stating how you feel. All suggestions will be taken into consideration and presented to player by an admin. If a player is given three chances and there is no marked improvement, canon may be removed from original player so a more capable player can have a chance.

* To further clarify this point, this rule was amended to protect all of the players in the room. If a player wants to alter their character, that is, of course, their choice to an extent (as in, you can't decide they suddenly are from Mos Eisley and have Jedi powers. LOL). However, with every choice, there are consquences and questions. In this instance, it is almost as if we aren't meaning approval but rather inform admins. When you alter a char, it does cause changes for other chars as well. If you want your char to turn to cannibalism because they have a demon in them, a player needs to be aware that this will cause the AI team characters to hunt down their char and put the beat down on them as well as ask for kill permission. Any sort of evil, mystical, or supernatural change WILL alter the AI chars. And you, as the player, deserve to know what, if anything, might happen to your char from these other chars.

In addition, other players will naturally have questions when changes arise. As a courtesy to admins and players, admins should be made aware so they can more effectively explain things to other players. Also, informing admins of plots will prevent any sort of conflicts with already approved plots or plots already in motion.

Edited 7:28pm, February 16, 2009 by Soap Star, author.
 New Rules
Soap Star
7:26pm, February 16, 2009
These new rules are effective immediately as of Feb. 2009

0. We reserve the right to add or amend or edit the rules as necessary to fit new situations that arise.

1. Don't be an asshole.

2. No cyber-sex, no f-bombs

3. No anime. You want to play an anime character, use a human picbase

4. If you have a suggestion, use the SUGGESTION FORM

5. We reserve the right to limit the number of characters a player has based on their ability to handle a set number and or their behavior and conduct in the room and to other players.

Edited 7:27pm, February 16, 2009 by Soap Star, author.
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