Thread for Magic and its ways.

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 Magic and its ways.
The Narrator
8:34am, July 15, 2013
Magic as a whole, is no longer so "contained" in classes and is more widespread and dispersed now. Though this comes at some cost. For example, all mage's depending on their licence can only use a certain level of spells. Some are now restricted for Military use and others are forbidden to use at all.

However, all Mages use a focus of some kind to cast magic. Some do it through a musical instrument, a holy amulet or a ring. The actual, physical object doesn't matter so long as that person has a powerful connection to it.

Physical contact with said object however, is a must and deprived of it, the Caster is unable to perform spells normally and all spell-related abilities is reduced by 3 ranks.

Edited 4:45am, June 07, 2014 by The Narrator, author.
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