Thread for Rules

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10:12am, September 04, 2011

1:17am, May 24, 2010
[Delete] Basic Chat Rules:

1)Trolling will not be tolerated. This includes flooding, harassing or anything else that would fall under that category. Giving your friends shit is one thing, trolling is pretty obvious.

2)Keep in character drama in character and out of character drama out of the chat. There will be no exceptions to this rule.

3)You have friends here, but try not to kill the chat with IRL woes that may bring down the mood of the chat. We're all here for an escape from the real world and to have fun, so please keep this in mind. These conversations are better left one-on-one on a chat program such as AIM, et cetra.

4)Please register an OOC handle, it will make your life and my life much easier.

Role-playing rules/basic RPing etiquette:

1)Never use OOC information IC in any way. This is called meta-gaming and is just in poor taste. It's just like dramatic irony in a play. You may know something that has been said as an audiance, but character on stage does not know this.

2)Any action you perform on someone else's character, no matter what the action might be, should be phrased as an attempt. By making an attempt instead of just doing it outright, you give the character's player the chance to consent to the action or avoid it if it's something they'd rather not have happen to their character.

3)Try and be respectful of other's RP. If you wish to join, simply ask, and if they say no then respect that.

4)No godmoding. This can get sticky, obviously, with the powers that some of our resident characters have. Disputes will be decided between the players and if they cannot a moderator will make the final decision.

5) Sort of rule 2, but no killing someone's character without permission. In the very end that character is their intellectual property and you should respect that.

More to come later.

I'm currently looking for moderators, feel free to ask(If I know you.)
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