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 Check this out.
2:16am, March 11, 2009
Welcome to New Knothole City Out of Charater
- Board - New Knothole City Chat -

9e301, Croaeth: Well, it's better than being shot at every intersection because you were looking at Joe McMillionaire the wrong way.
5f94d, Watching: *Sits and sulks*
7910f, Wyvern: canada, eh?=O
41f53, Naru: I'm just confused. Not angry. Not sad. Not even disappointed.
9e301, Croaeth: Eh. Forget the US. Canada is better.
7910f, Wyvern: Even in the land of 'Do as I say, not as I do' this kind of pants-on-head retardation gets annoying
41f53, Naru: Ooh.. nothing, Croaeth. Just voicing opinions here in the land of America within the OOC room where it is allowed and sometimes necessary.
9f864, Noname: Not in my chat!
838bb, Morwyn: O.o
7910f, Wyvern: YOUR HEAD ON A STICK!(points at Cro)
9e301, Croaeth: Hey, guys. 'Sup?
41f53, Naru: Because.. unfortunately.. some of the rules are passed through Foxy unto them.. and they reinforce bullshit.. *blink*
7910f, Wyvern: you guys totally ruined my porn watching btw..>:(
41f53, Naru: I can't blame, hate, or critisize the moderators. At all.
41f53, Naru: Actually..
7910f, Wyvern: i'm not jumping on you, Mor, i'm pointing it out..you can complain in private all you want, but you do need to question things sometimes instead of feed us machinated responses
838bb, Morwyn: I'm sorry, but I'm tired, and apparently the only one who knows that you guys are in here O.o please don't jump on me, I'm having trouble keeping up with what you're saying as is >.<;; I want to understand, honest
7910f, Wyvern: Cait posts silly thing. Foxy deletes. Cait yells at Foxy for deleting and points out of deletable shit by own accord. Foxy re-nigs, cleans the board, and creates a new board in OOC room. That doesn't seem like an almost ungodly amount of backpedaling?
41f53, Naru: Hm.. where is Foxy? I would like to talk to her here, please.
7910f, Wyvern: It's not a perhaps, it's a marked fact. You couldn't even call that a hypothesis
5f94d, Watching: This place is falling as fast as HAC did..
838bb, Morwyn: Perhaps *shrug*
9a1d1, Oniko: I'm sensing an unfortunate pattern over the years oo
7910f, Wyvern: It's all an after-effect, Mor..it's covering ones ass
838bb, Morwyn: So it's becoming a bit more organized that way I suppose
41f53, Naru: I just wanna know what IS allowed and what ISN'T. And for those rules to be reinforced. I also believe the rules page should be re-done.
838bb, Morwyn: She has also opened up the board in here for fun "spam"
41f53, Naru: I'm not angry, just confused. I get confused when certain rules are restricted on certain things.
3b520, Dante: Hey, it's the hand who has the remote control who shows us the channels we see...whether or not we watch is up to us.
7910f, Wyvern: Only AFTER Cait called her out on it?I call bullshit on that too
41f53, Naru: Aw okay then.
838bb, Morwyn: I'm not entirely sure what is going on with your post, but she has decided to go through and delete other "spam" posts as well.
7910f, Wyvern: I AM THAT VOICE
5f94d, Watching: That's why we can't call bullshit
5f94d, Watching: We have no voice...
7910f, Wyvern: i'm not angry, it just seems the whole of the rulemaking populace has its head too far up its own ass to see daylight
41f53, Naru: ;.; All I wanna know is why my poor little post on the board got deleted but other one's survived? Are we having a bad day?
7910f, Wyvern: We could cut down on half the stuff if someone would just call bullshit
838bb, Morwyn: What matters is how you deal with it when it does happen
9a1d1, Oniko: Angry sheep is angry o-o
5f94d, Watching: And it totally sucks
7910f, Wyvern: IF Foxy's going to have an RP going on in chat that is almost entirely unnapproachable with the exception of pre-approved, hand-picked characters, shouldn't we not clutter up the chat with that shit?..doesn't that kind of impede progress?
3b520, Dante: The Watching one is correct - Drama is the fundemental constant of most online communities. :P It's a glue that sticks to the heel of your shoe and never goes away!
838bb, Morwyn: Yeah... it's really the same thing everywhere. People will be people, and so drama is bound to get stirred up eventually
41f53, Naru: I <3 DRAMA. FO REALZ.
5f94d, Watching: It's the same thing in every chat
7910f, Wyvern: or am I the only one seems to be bothered?
7910f, Wyvern: The massive amounts of random, unneeded drama and the rest of the shit
838bb, Morwyn: What's wrong now, Wyvern?
5f94d, Watching: Ah. o.o
7910f, Wyvern: i'm raging against the NKCC machine..again..o-o
5f94d, Watching: o.O Ni?
7910f, Wyvern: So i'm right back on my incompetent authority schpeel...who's with me!
5f94d, Watching: *Purrs*
7910f, Wyvern: !(nom'd!pets)
7910f, Wyvern: it's kind of entirely pointless now, what with the idea having been killed
5f94d, Watching: *Noms Wyv*
7910f, Wyvern: Still in the process of not caring~lalalalala~
d0d2e, ºFoxy OOC: Opened.
7910f, Wyvern: ON THIS DATE SIXTY YEARS AGO: Nazis!
 Continued PT. 2
2:26am, March 11, 2009
Welcome to New Knothole City Out of Charater
- Board - New Knothole City Chat -

41f53, Naru: One thing about me everyone will learn: I hold no grudges. I hold no pre-judgment. I give everyone a second chance. I listen and speak when I feel what I have to say is both relevant and significant to the topic at hand. I do respect Foxy for the simple fact that she is my chat owner, but I don't respect nor understand her morals. It's a shame she's in too much of a bad mood to confront me.
3b520, Dante: o.o
5f94d, Kitten: o.o
9e301, Croaeth: *Hugs Kitten* o.o?
9a1d1, Oniko: Back off sheep I'm serving the soup around here
41f53, Naru: She wants more respect from the people in her room - you have to fight to get it. I was the owner of the original SMC room first built in PJJ - I know EXACTLY how stressful a chat owner position can drive you to but I never - not once, while in a bad mood or not - declined a patron's demand for question over the rules that I have inforced.
7910f, Wyvern: paah...soup!
a9ea6, Meganeko: A little still got a cold.
7910f, Wyvern: !(pets the T-chan)heysu...you feeling any better?
a9ea6, Meganeko: **latches onto Kitty Kat**
41f53, Naru: Hm... interesting. Perhaps I could hold this against her then? Not as a personal memo of note, but more like a position of authority perspective. I understand she may be in a terrible mood - we all can get that way - it's called being human. But what happens if I need the owner one day and she's just too much in a sour mood to.. care?
NICK: Watching changed nick to Kitten.
7910f, Wyvern: if running one of these chats is enough to drive someone into these fits of moodiness and rage, I think we need to establish a self-help program
3b520, Dante: *Sniffs* ...I smell a storm approaching. Now where was my popcorn machine? I wouldn't wanna miss the fun.
5f94d, Watching: o.o..
7910f, Wyvern: Reallu, Noname?Great act of observation
41f53, Naru: Oh?
5f94d, Watching: She's being as immature as Joe and that's not someone who should be in charge
9f864, Noname: That's not going to happen
7910f, Wyvern: I wear my angry face at customers all day..they le me..=Oov
9a1d1, Oniko: I wish I could make that excuess at work o.o "Im not in a good mood". See this is why I said no to being a mod, I knew what would happen, cause things always happen. You cant become and admin thinking things liek this wont happen.
41f53, Naru: She's the owner. I wish to see her live up to her position and to hold a mature conversation with her so that she may be able to answer some of my questions.
838bb, Morwyn: but anyway... *poofs to AIM*
7910f, Wyvern: shes always in a bad mood..o_o
838bb, Morwyn: she's in a bad mood right now O.o
7910f, Wyvern: well that makes her a poor figure in charge if shes always in a bad mood
9a1d1, Oniko: *Throws Sheep at her waiting for que wall* >=O
838bb, Morwyn: but foxy has a lot going on right now and is not in a good mood... it'd be a bad idea to drag her in here.
7910f, Wyvern: back pedaling, Mor..go get rest, you don't need to deal with this shit
838bb, Morwyn: And I'm not entirely sure why she deleted it, to be honest.
838bb, Morwyn: I'm sorry... I'm feeling lightheaded and I don't know why. >.<;; I'm going to poof because I just can't seem to keep up. If you want to contact me, my AIM is Morwyn24
5f94d, Watching: Stupid people should go to the antarctic and freeze to death.
7910f, Wyvern: gun crimes are at an all-time low,actually..=O...and that only happens in heavily populated urban areas
9a1d1, Oniko: I dont get why Narus post was deleted, I didnt even see it honestly oo;.. but I dont see why to justify the deletion everything else was removed. Cant it just be a "sorry, my mistaken" instead of just removing everything?
 Continued PT. 3
2:33am, March 11, 2009
Welcome to New Knothole City Out of Charater
- Board - New Knothole City Chat -

d0d2e, ºFoxy OOC: Then I guess it can be put off for now.
9f864, Noname: I'll offer a private chat for ya. But you can't go back in once you're done tonight
7910f, Wyvern: well jordan had to run!
d0d2e, ºFoxy OOC: Okay.
7910f, Wyvern: we had a family computer..mom pulls up IE one day.."what the hell is this?"
41f53, Naru: From one chat owner, to another, if I can look beyond the irrelevant bs in here aside from our conversation then I don't see why you can't pull out your list of morals in front of everyone as well. And no, I don't have either of those.
9f864, Noname: O_O
7910f, Wyvern: like my moms never caught me watching porn..=O
d0d2e, ºFoxy OOC: Do you have MSN or YIM instead? It's private, and yeah, I don't want to lock up the OOC room.
9f864, Noname: *Gasps* You ODB. I'm gonna tell your mama you're watching porn
7910f, Wyvern: YOU stop watching porn, anonymoose!Don't tell me what the fuck to do..o_o
9f864, Noname: Then stop watching porn Wyvern.
7910f, Wyvern: ...PRIVATE conversation?..well fuck that..i'm going to bed
41f53, Naru: Unfortunately, I don't have the actual AIM downloaded and it's messed up right now. I'd like to talk here, if that's okay with you.
d0d2e, ºFoxy OOC: Can you IM me instead Naru?
7910f, Wyvern: o-o...i'm never going to finish this porn at this rate..
5f94d, Kitten: I'm disappearing to AIM, I'm upset with NKCC..
41f53, Naru: I'd like to understand you a little bit better, Foxy. Is it possible we could have a discussion here for a few minutes?
9f864, Noname: I never had that problem!
d0d2e, ºFoxy OOC: Don't bother. I'm in here reading. As for Naru, it's between two mods.
41f53, Naru: That would be nice, thank you.
7910f, Wyvern: Don't, T..it's not going to solve anything
3b520, Dante: Can't disagree or argue about that, Naru - it's a respectable outlook.
7910f, Wyvern: anyway..i'm bored again..o-o...night all!(wiggles off!)
a9ea6, Meganeko: Naru, maybe I can ask her to come in.
 Continued PT. 4
2:41am, March 11, 2009
Welcome to New Knothole City Out of Charater
- Board - New Knothole City Chat -

7910f, Wyvern: ....(turns his boombox down)>->...whoops..
7910f, Wyvern: FUCK DA POLICE
41f53, Naru: Especially when people like me, who have been in the position as a superior figure, don't agree with other admin position's decisions. ^_^
838bb, Morwyn: Yeah, I don't touch it, and even requested specifically to be left out of it. They've been nice about that so far.
41f53, Naru: There is. And I see that it's swallowing every mod and Foxy up within it. Which is unfair on their parts, they do all seem to be nice people, but the art of judgment and making decisions to try and benefit all is rather impossible to achieve. Thus, war begins.
9e301, Croaeth: I try to stay out of things like that.
838bb, Morwyn: honestly I don't see why we can't just leave the other chats alone and not even peek in there O.o
9a1d1, Oniko: gold rule, dont post anything on the interenet you dont want to get shown someplace els eon the internet.
9e301, Croaeth: Huh..
41f53, Naru: Unfortunately.
9a1d1, Oniko: Didnt even notice there was a war O_o;....maybe.....there isnt one?
41f53, Naru: It isn't, Mor. It's the surface level that feels smooth but beneath the ice are spikes.
838bb, Morwyn: There have been no new screenshots or discussion of NKCC on their boards for awhile now
41f53, Naru: Er.. nevermind. Not registered in this blasted place.
41f53, Naru: Send me a PM, Foxy.
838bb, Morwyn: The war with HAC looks over and done with to me >>
7910f, Wyvern: HAC's dead, Foxy
d0d2e, ºFoxy OOC: But it's personal Naru. It can wait for another time.
9a1d1, Oniko: Are we still in the soul society?
41f53, Naru: It won't ever end. It's inevitable. But it can be simmered, Foxy.
d0d2e, ºFoxy OOC: HAC had caused it and I have been trying to end it.
41f53, Naru: The chatroom war is a consistent cycle built on the tactics of inquire that have yet to be solved by the mods, owner, God, ect.
7910f, Wyvern: Foxy, you have personal problems, we all do, if its really that bad, at least bad enough to cause problems HERE, maybe you should take a break?
d0d2e, ºFoxy OOC: ESPICALLY those who are still trying to continue a chatroom war I've been demanding to end.
d0d2e, ºFoxy OOC: Meaning I don't want others to read/know about it.
9f864, Noname: *Washes Wyvern's mouth out with soap* Stop swearing you're ruining my karma
d0d2e, ºFoxy OOC: Naru, I said it's private.
7910f, Wyvern: =D
7910f, Wyvern: i'm the goddamned Wyvern
7910f, Wyvern: are you some kind of retard?
41f53, Naru: Put off?
7910f, Wyvern: Are you a mental maleficient?
7910f, Wyvern: who the fuck am I?
838bb, Morwyn: You could talk over PM in the chat...
9f864, Noname: Liar *smacks Wyvern* Who the heck are you?
 Continued PT. 5
2:55am, March 11, 2009
Welcome to New Knothole City Out of Charater
- Board - New Knothole City Chat -

838bb, Morwyn: and I do realize that emotions do get out of hand sometimes. I've been guilty of that on occasion as well. And yes, I agree, proceedures and common consequences for rule breaking should be posted up to avoid confusion like that.
41f53, Naru: Anyways, I see Foxy is not up for discussing anything tonight and I know you don't feel well, so go get rest and we'll talk later perhaps. Thanks for your time, Mor.
41f53, Naru: Well, as a mere regulator of the NKCC room - and not one familiar with the morals of decision making between higher positions of authority, I did not know that and I assured him that day we discussed it like adults when I was able to finally pull it out of the guy - that I would never have caused such a ruckus to be heard from it that was the case.
9f864, Noname: Night Jordan!
7910f, Wyvern: also,(hugs Mor)GO REST
41f53, Naru: G'night, Jordan.
838bb, Morwyn: ah... I'm sure he meant just one hour or one day. He wouldn't have permabanned you... that's something we have to decide on together.
7910f, Wyvern: sleepytime!(hugs Cait)
41f53, Naru: Unfortunately, Gunnar's first PM to me was a simple threat to 'ban' and not '1 hour ban' - I feel there is a fine line difference.
838bb, Morwyn: As far as the thing with gunnar goes, he apologized for that, it was a miscommunication. However, mods do have the authority to hand out one hour bans for OOC and stuff like that, so the point about him not waiting for approval from foxy is moot.
41f53, Naru: I feel, based from my 'jury eye' upon most of the moderators I see that there are only few who are capable of carrying out the position successfully. Miller, Mor, and Rakai. They are great candidates and I have seen them base decisions and give chances. In the end, they don't get the holocaust of the tornado unlike the others I have witnessed.
41f53, Naru: As a moderator - owner - any position that holds a higher regard of power over just a regular attendee - you cannot base decisions from emotion. We should be devoid of life nearly, a third party perspective, a jury. That has failed to be the process of decisions being made; favorism is a key in NKCC. Whether we like to admit it or not - it is. And I understand we are all tugged by human elements, but I feel we must try our best to make decisions such as banning a person (like myself with the Gunnar situation) without first consenting me. It was proven that he had done so without even asking the owner, herself. And because he had lead in response to an immediate threat - he recieved a spitfire from me. It was deserved and I proved my case right. I don't hate any mod or owner in NKCC - in fact, in all honesty - I feel very bad for Foxy. She goes through alot of bullshit and appears to continuously dig herself inches deeper in her grave everyday because we, as the people, have a consistent urge to ask ask ask, and a rage that was far ignited before the cue card was thrown up to question.
7910f, Wyvern: you're not the problem, Mor, nor are you going to solve it
838bb, Morwyn: and I'm starting to feel a little better.... I'm really not sure what that was all about >.<
838bb, Morwyn: >.< But I don't want to leave you with questions and anger or whatever.
7910f, Wyvern: I don't want you to try and understand if its not helping you feel better...am I just not making that point clear enough?
7910f, Wyvern: Mor, if you're not feeling well REST
838bb, Morwyn: comments like that are not helpful, wyvern >.< I'm still not feeling well and I'm trying to be patient and understand, ok?
fa45c, ºJCMiller: *sneakily omnoms a Morwyns, while watching conversation* @_@
838bb, Morwyn: What impactful decisions on other characters are you referring to, Naru?
838bb, Morwyn: So, please try to understand that if there is something done by one of us on the spur of the moment, it does not mean that the rest of us agree with it or support it, but yes, we have to cover tail O.o
41f53, Naru: I agree. However, I do not agree with the moderators and owner making impactful decisions on other characters/people without bringing them in on fair trial. It's just like at work - three strikes, you get trial to prove your point - and if it's a no go - you're out.
7910f, Wyvern: wait..we're suddenly agreeing that we're a community and not a dictatorship?
838bb, Morwyn: Being previously in that position, though Naru, can you understand the position that the mods are in? If something is done that we don't agree with, we have to work with it amongst ourselves and try to do damage control until a solution is reached, because coming out and showing dissention in the leadership is... well... probably not the best thing for the entire community to see.
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