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4:45am, September 16, 2016
It is a time of major change. Emperor Palpatine has been dead nearly thirty years and the Galactic Empire has begun to splinter into different factions, the fringes of Imperial Space starting to slip into the grasp of the fledgling New Republic.

The Jedi Order, finally being revitalized by Luke Skywalker, now has just over 100 members and is starting to finally tip toe back into the galactic stage, albeit at no where near the same kind of role that it had decades ago. Instead, resigning not to be the defender of the New Republic but to be truly champions of Peace at no matter the cost.

The planet of Dantooine has been chosen as the first real test of these new Knights. The planet has been engulfed in fighting between the Empire and Republic, with ancient Jedi grounds being caught in the middle. Master Skywalker, knowing what must be done, has dispatched a few of his best students to broker an armistice between the two groups...

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