Thread for The Pandemic

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 The Pandemic
1:40pm, August 06, 2013
The horrors wrought upon man's world was not of supernatural origins. No, it was forged of nature and man. A grave folly every entity on Earth paid dearly for, with their lives and more.

Originally it was contained by man's hands... subsequently unleashed upon the unsuspecting world. Intentionally? That remained to be seen and with havoc following in its wake, the very supplication fathomed is denied; out of fear or denial of the truth? Time would only tell - a precious commodity disappearing in the new era; a world ruled by the living dead.

Originally the Pandemic was but three parts of a whole, each one with a destructive tale and capability to behold with wonderment and fear, rightly so.

The first, commonly renown as the t-Virus, was derived from the bio-agent of a rare flower that grew only on the steps upon The Stairway to the Sun. A powerful mutagen, the corporation that delved into the research of this substance was known as Umbrella, a pharmaceutical company renown for its groundbreaking medical research and philanthropy... little did people realize Umbrella was not without its dark secrets til the fateful incident known as Raccoon City came to transpire. One of many events that occurred simultaneously alongside the Pandemic Outbreak. The t-Virus remains as the most commonly known virus of them all, renown for its violent mutative properties; resurrecting the dead and altering organisms into aberrations not of nature.

Secondly, a common fungal organism of the Cordycep genus that preyed primarily upon insects for its proliferation and reproduction... it mutated to affect humans. With devastating results in ensured widespread panic and its proliferation, inaugurating itself within the human population. Umbrella originally took control of the outspread, utilizing a makeshift "cure", that of a variation of the t-Virus itself, that halted the onslaught... for the time being.

Lastly, the Green Flu - a misnomer in the most obvious degree - more a public and terrifying pandemic as victims were overrun with adverse effects akin to rabies. A horrifying rapid mutating virus that couldn't be controlled, even by the prestigious Umbrella Corp. It was the final straw that broke the back, shattering the dam that held the atrocities at bay. They washed free thanks to the Green Flu... and everything, to their very fiber and core, fell apart. Umbrella disintegrated overnight as captured samples of the Flu reactivated the Cordycep mutations, recombining with subdued t-Virus strains. The result was an absolute monstrous creation of unprecedented scale. It could no longer be termed anything specific but a pandemic... The Pandemic.

Raccoon City was witnessed as a contained event - with the outbreaks of the Flu worldwide and the Cordyceps in sparse populations where the fungus grew, it was within Raccoon City the culmination transpired. When it was sanitized as per government sanction, salvation was thought to be at hand. Rather the contrary - the new Pandemic grew within the underground facility of the former Umbrella. Evolved. Mutated. Broke free of its former prison and wrecked its revenge upon the world. Some called it nature's fury unleashed upon all for humanity's folly. Others an act of God. For a few in the know... it was stupidity and arrogance that wrought forth the apocalypse.

And the apocalypse had no end in sight, the dawn growing darker with each passing day. And it was with the end in sight, that humanity was forced to finally start living.

Edited 3:51pm, August 06, 2013 by Ethan, author.
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