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[29-00:51] 91ced, Kali: *sighs*.. ok.. belongs to Arutha again... thats the biggest news. ..everyone's been been back at school so its been slow............
[29-00:52] 91ced, Kali: thank you.
[29-00:52] 54891, Cookie Monster: ^_^ And we'll have to do something about Arutha.
[29-00:52] 3adf1, Sileen: I invaded Klyada with the !
[29-00:53] 91ced, Kali: Zaeth's been found.
[29-00:54] 91ced, Kali: only she's been passed out for like the past week
[29-00:54] 3adf1, Sileen: She drank WAY too much
[29-00:54] 54891, Cookie Monster: I didn't even know if Kylada was being run or not... and I can't recall who Zaeth is.
[29-00:55] 91ced, Kali: .... that and that darn wolf talking to her..
[29-00:57] 91ced, Kali: Zaeth is the queen of LAI'DOR... she's been Palladia's slave in Hell for several months until he threw her out. now she has no idea of who she is
[29-00:57] 91ced, Kali: hmmm interesting mix of colors.
[29-00:59] 54891, Cookie Monster: Well, as I'm in a weakened state and can't possibly compete with you fine ladies, I must make my leave and get some rest.
[29-00:59] 91ced, Kali: *hugs you again* sleep.
[29-01:01] 54891, Cookie Monster: *hugs both and slips into a coma*
[29-01:01] 54891, Cookie Monster:
[29-01:01] 54891, Cookie Monster: ~
[29-01:02] 54891, Cookie Monster: drat. No drooling coma face
[29-01:02] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 2:02am, August 29 (CDT) ).
[29-01:05] 91ced, Kali: guess I'll head off to bed too. nite nite Sileen.
[29-01:08] 3adf1, Sileen: Night!
[29-08:31] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[29-08:36] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[29-09:08] c6c44, Kali: *yawns into lurkdom*
[29-10:10] f96be, Caradonia : ((roar))
[29-10:12] c6c44, Kali: hey Cara
[29-10:12] f96be, Caradonia : ((Hey Kali. How are ya?))
[29-10:14] c6c44, Kali: awake
[29-10:17] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[29-10:17] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : GOOOOOOOOOOODMORNING BETTENCHI-NAM!!!
[29-10:18] f96be, Caradonia : (( I have been for quite some time..woke up in a strange place with some dog ganwing on my foot))
[29-10:18] f96be, Caradonia : ((Morning Oyrin))
[29-10:18] c6c44, Kali: AHEM.... ERRRR I dont want to know
[29-10:18] c6c44, Kali: AHEM.... ERRRR I dont want to know
[29-10:19] f96be, Caradonia : ((*L* it wasnt a crackhouse or anything...I'd just like to know how and why I wandered down there...__
[29-10:20] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : That happened to me once. I was drunk..and it was my friends chuahah biting my I hit the dog..and it went clear across the room. Wasnt my fault honestly.
[29-10:21] f96be, Caradonia : ((I thought about kicking this one.....but then I realized it was bigger than me and could fit my head inside it's mouth))
[29-10:21] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : You shoulda put a saddle on it and rode it.
[29-10:23] f96be, Caradonia : ((and move from where I comfortably uh.....I just threw a pillow and it chased it.....dumb dog *L*))
[29-10:24] c6c44, Kali: *L* mine would have just laid down next to you and went back to sleep
[29-10:24] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : I like dogs like that. I wrap my arm around them and use them as a big pillow
[29-10:25] f96be, Caradonia : ((pillows with teeth..mmm yeah *L*))
[29-10:25] c6c44, Kali: Cujo is just that... one very large pillow...
[29-10:26] f96be, Caradonia : ((Cujo.....something seems wrong with naming a dog cujo *L* might live up to his namesake))
[29-10:26] c6c44, Kali: he's a great pyreneese.. weighs something around 150
[29-10:26] c6c44, Kali: he's just a giant marshmallow...
[29-10:28] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : My friend has a rotwieler
[29-10:28] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Who thinks he is smaller than he really is
[29-10:28] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : and he jumps on me and tries to eat my hand.
[29-10:28] f96be, Caradonia : ((My step dad as a St Bernard named Fatso *L*))
[29-10:29] f96be, Caradonia : ((Who knows exactly how big he really is..this dog struts))
[29-10:29] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Struts too* Some say I would have a saint bernard
[29-10:30] f96be, Caradonia : ((*L* are you big and furry?))
[29-10:30] c6c44, Kali: *whispers and giggles* you know... that owner look a like thing?
[29-10:31] f96be, Caradonia : ((and..i'm goona go and get some food....*points to tummy* it's growlin))
[29-10:31] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Judge for yourself. *grins*
[29-10:31] c6c44, Kali: *knows* *teases*
[29-10:31] f96be, Caradonia : ((*chuckle*))
[29-10:31] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Laughs*
[29-10:32] f96be, Caradonia : ((*grunts and wanders off*))
[29-10:32] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Back in highschool when I had a beard I looked like a saint bernard.
[29-10:32] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : You food! *Tackles and gnaws on your leg.*
[29-10:32] f96be, Caradonia : ((*Glances down with a raised brow*.........*Shakes leg and hits on the nose with a newspaper* down boy))
[29-10:33] c6c44, Kali: ewwww
[29-10:33] f96be, Caradonia : ((I'm being devoured and your saying EWWW*huff and pries self loose*))
[29-10:33] c6c44, Kali: I hope you washed that.
[29-10:34] f96be, Caradonia : ((I will eventually ))
[29-10:34] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Eyes Kali* Whachu ewwin bout willis?
[29-10:34] f96be, Caradonia : ((okay..goona go and eat *poof*))
[29-10:35] c6c44, Kali: nuffin
[29-10:36] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Pokes...with a hammer...and by poke..I mean hit.*
[29-10:36] c6c44, Kali: *yells*
[29-10:37] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : I PWNED YOU
[29-10:38] c6c44, Kali: *L* someone would argue that
[29-10:39] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Bring them on. I will PWN them too
[29-10:42] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[29-10:43]       Oyrin Darkune PWNS Xyva before he can speak!
[29-10:49] f96be, Caradonia : ((Muffins..that's all the could manage to make..was Muffins*Steps on muffin*))
[29-10:50] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Haha *points. Then remembers he hasnt eaten anything since sometime yesterday...tear.*
[29-10:50] f96be, Caradonia : ((*rubs muffin residue on Oyrin*))
[29-10:50] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Oh yeah! *wails*
[29-10:51] f96be, Caradonia : ((It's not even's a corn muffin..*plots revenge*))
[29-10:53] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : My feet are hairy...I feel like I have wolverine sideburns..on my feet rawr.
[29-10:53] f96be, Caradonia : (( ummm...I'm happy for you and your wolverine sideburn feet?))
[29-10:54] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Wiggles toes* Woo! Lookit my claws!
[29-10:55] c6c44, Kali: god oyrin... I just ate..
[29-10:55] f96be, Caradonia : ((*Claws out eyes*))
[29-10:55] f96be, Caradonia : ((I didnt! I have a Corn muffin!!))
[29-10:56] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Rawr. Berserker rage! *Toes corn muffin.*
[29-10:56] c6c44, Kali: banana nut muffin and oj
[29-10:56] f96be, Caradonia : (( HAD corn muffin))
[29-10:56] f96be, Caradonia : ((I want a banana nut muffin..*Lip quiver*))
[29-10:56] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Smooshes it to bits with his toes* Yeah! Go wolverine feet!
[29-10:57] c6c44, Kali: *shares*
[29-10:57] f96be, Caradonia : ((You've got bakery bits in your fur wolverine man))
[29-10:58] f96be, Caradonia : ((Kali, your my new best friend*Whee*))
[29-10:58] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Hops at Caradonia and Kali, wigglin toes* Makin wolverine feet mad!
[29-11:00] f96be, Caradonia : ((Oyrin...your lucky i have restraint..*Eyeing the nasty hobbit/wolverine feet*))
[29-11:01] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Shnikt*
[29-11:01] ae08c, Xyva: *sneeks Kali the gadget gear*
[29-11:01] JOIN: Pedron Niall has entered.
[29-11:01] f96be, Caradonia : ((*makes a rude guesture*))
[29-11:01] 985a3, Pedron Niall: GAH!! *shoots announcement ticker*
[29-11:02] c6c44, Kali: problems Pedron?
[29-11:02] 985a3, Pedron Niall: Not really. Just don't like the announcements ticker.
[29-11:02] c6c44, Kali: *ponders the many gadgets,*which one!.. which one???
[29-11:03] c6c44, Kali: why?
[29-11:05] 985a3, Pedron Niall: No reason.
[29-11:06] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : I'M NOT WEARING PANTS!
[29-11:07] f96be, Caradonia : ((*points and laughs*))
[29-11:07] c6c44, Kali:
[29-11:07] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Is wearing shorts* OOOOH PWNED!
[29-11:07] c6c44, Kali: *hides*
[29-11:07] f96be, Caradonia : ((Kali just had a system overload))
[29-11:07] 985a3, Pedron Niall: No, it's the GOUF that PWNS you all
[29-11:08] f96be, Caradonia : ((The wha?))
[29-11:08] 985a3, Pedron Niall: It's a gundam, methinks... don't really know, except that it pwns us all.
[29-11:09] f96be, Caradonia : ((bah..obselete))
[29-11:09] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Gundams dont pwn me. I pwn gundams.
[29-11:09] c6c44, Kali: no actually its the R.O.U.S'S that own you all
[29-11:10] 985a3, Pedron Niall: *sigh* I love the smell of napalm in the morning...
[29-11:10] f96be, Caradonia : ((I'm not people just think I am....when it acutality..I PWNS you all!!)))
[29-11:10] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : PWNS pwns Owns
[29-11:10] 985a3, Pedron Niall: *blinks* Why is Cara still IC?
[29-11:10] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : I PWNS YOU
[29-11:10] c6c44, Kali: hrm?
[29-11:11] 985a3, Pedron Niall: Not really, Lawn Ornaments can't PWN.
[29-11:11] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : I'm not a gnome dummy. I pwns you.
[29-11:12] f96be, Caradonia : ((Because I dont have a OOC handle..DUH))
[29-11:12] 985a3, Pedron Niall: Dwarf=Lawn Ornament. *L*
[29-11:12] f96be, Caradonia : ((See the brackets!!!!))
[29-11:12] 985a3, Pedron Niall: So....... this isn't an OOC handle....
[29-11:12] f96be, Caradonia : ((That would be gnome...))
[29-11:12] f96be, Caradonia : ((I dont have one..and I dont want one......))
[29-11:13] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : PWNED
[29-11:13] 985a3, Pedron Niall: *sigh* Haven't any of you read any Terry Pratchett books?
[29-11:13] f96be, Caradonia : ((can't say I have))
[29-11:14] f96be, Caradonia : ((wow..gladiators is still around..damn))
[29-11:14] 985a3, Pedron Niall: In them, he says that Lawn Ornament is the ultimate insult for a dwarf.
[29-11:14] f96be, Caradonia : ((Makes some sense))
[29-11:15] 985a3, Pedron Niall: Yesh.
[29-11:15] f96be, Caradonia : ((But, i'm all out of sorts and I need to I go))
[29-11:15] 985a3, Pedron Niall: Have fun
[29-11:17] EXIT: Caradonia has left the chat ( 12:15pm, August 29 (CDT) ).
[29-11:17] ae08c, Xyva: boxing sux
[29-11:17] ae08c, Xyva: even more when you get paper cuts from it
[29-11:18] c6c44, Kali: *dies*
[29-11:18] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Handstand*
[29-11:18] 985a3, Pedron Niall: ........ Paper cuts... from boxing???
[29-11:19] 985a3, Pedron Niall: Hey everyone, let's desecrate her corpse!!! I'll get the chainsaw!!
[29-11:19] c6c44, Kali: if it has to be explained... its not a good joke
[29-11:19] ae08c, Xyva: he didnt get it. bbs
[29-11:20] 985a3, Pedron Niall: Yeah well
[29-11:23] c6c44, Kali: *sighs* it got quiet again
[29-11:24] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : LOOOOUUUUUD!
[29-11:24] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : XD
[29-11:24] 985a3, Pedron Niall: So how bout them [local sports team]???
[29-11:25] c6c44, Kali: knew that'd get you.... *blinks* sports? whats that?
[29-11:25] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : I LOVE FOOTBALL
[29-11:25] 985a3, Pedron Niall: let me rephrase that: So how bout them [insert local sports team here]??
[29-11:26] c6c44, Kali: ohhh you mean like the DALLAS COWBOYS?
[29-11:26] c6c44, Kali: never heard of em
[29-11:26] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : I LOVE FOOTBALL
[29-11:26] 985a3, Pedron Niall: Grrr cowboys=evil
[29-11:27] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : FOOTBALL!
[29-11:27] c6c44, Kali: ahem....
[29-11:27] 985a3, Pedron Niall: We get the point, Lawn Ornament
[29-11:28] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : taaaackle!
[29-11:28] c6c44, Kali: *squishes Pedron*
[29-11:28] 985a3, Pedron Niall: Eeeek!! *from squished position, hides under a kitchen, now his favorite hiding place*
[29-11:29] 985a3, Pedron Niall: I'm a Steelers man myself... even though they probly aren't going anywhere this year.
[29-11:29] c6c44, Kali: ahhh that explains so many things....
[29-11:29] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : FOOOTBAAAAALLLL! *The size of his eyebrow increases..shoulders hunch...turns into a caveman.*
[29-11:30] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Kansas City Cheifs play with heart. I like them, but I'm a Green Bay fan.
[29-11:30] 985a3, Pedron Niall: You speak very good engrish for a caveman, Lawn Ornament.
[29-11:30] c6c44, Kali: couldnt like anyone else if I wanted to.. that would get me kicked outta the state.
[29-11:31] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : RED MEAT GOOOD
[29-11:31] 985a3, Pedron Niall: *L* Same here.
[29-11:31] 985a3, Pedron Niall: Except I'd only get kicked out of the greater Pittsburgh area
[29-11:32] 985a3, Pedron Niall: *has sudden urge to watch Full Metal Jacket*
[29-11:32] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Wants to watch FOOTBALL*
[29-11:33] c6c44, Kali: soon, soon.
[29-11:34] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Now! *Bonks Kali on the head with his club, then drags her by the hair back to his cave.*
[29-11:35] c6c44, Kali:
[29-11:35] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Grunt. Eats potatoes and watches football*
[29-11:35] 985a3, Pedron Niall: Hmm.. maybe I should do something... *orders a pizza*
[29-11:35] c6c44, Kali: *is now unconcious, scraped, bruised and very dirty*
[29-11:37] 985a3, Pedron Niall: *enters the cave* Whoa man, you don't have HD service?? I'm out.
[29-11:38] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Has beer.*
[29-11:38] c6c44, Kali: *sighs* he's got an unconcious woman on the cave floor and you worry bout tv service?
[29-11:39] 985a3, Pedron Niall: *pauses in mid-stride* On the other hand...
[29-11:39] c6c44, Kali: definite men.
[29-11:39] 985a3, Pedron Niall: *sits down on couch, puts pizza ontop of Kali, and cracks a beer* Interesting coffee table you got there.
[29-11:40] 985a3, Pedron Niall: *L*
[29-11:42] 985a3, Pedron Niall: *taps caveman on the forehead* He-looo!
[29-11:42] c6c44, Kali: Oyrin had to vanish a bit... he's at work.
[29-11:43] 985a3, Pedron Niall: Oh I see
[29-11:43] 985a3, Pedron Niall: *steals his beer*
[29-11:44] c6c44, Kali: radio... *hopes he didnt leave dead air*
[29-11:46] c6c44, Kali: now... if they only had net service so I could listen.
[29-11:46] 985a3, Pedron Niall: Yeah..
[29-11:49] 985a3, Pedron Niall: So is it just you and me?
[29-11:50] c6c44, Kali: for a little bit... xyva will be back soon, oyrin will be too.
[29-11:51] c6c44, Kali: actually Im not sure about oyrin... depends on how long his shift is.
[29-11:51] 985a3, Pedron Niall: Well I'm probably gonna have to go eat lunch soon
[29-11:52] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[29-11:53] 985a3, Pedron Niall: Lunch break... bbl
[29-11:53] EXIT: Pedron Niall has left the chat ( 12:53pm, August 29 (CDT) ).
[29-11:58] f96be, Caradonia : ((Hrump))
[29-12:00] JOIN: Malina Andrews has entered.
[29-12:00] 6f0ba, Malina Andrews : (( hmmph...'ello ??))
[29-12:01] 6f0ba, Malina Andrews : (( woops ))
[29-12:01] c6c44, Kali: hi malina
[29-12:02] 6f0ba, Malina Andrews : (( heya ))
[29-12:03] f96be, Caradonia : ((Yo))
[29-12:04] 6f0ba, Malina Andrews : (( hi ))
[29-12:05] 6f0ba, Malina Andrews : ( bbs )
[29-12:32] 5ca88, Kali: Sorry Cara... aim quit on me again.
[29-12:33] f96be, Caradonia : that's okay..i was just ranting..*L* ))
[29-12:38] 5ca88, Kali: aim gets goofy
[29-12:40] f96be, Caradonia : ((Like anything else..*L*))
[29-12:41] 5ca88, Kali: some days it really hates me.
[29-12:42] f96be, Caradonia : ((Make it your slave))
[29-12:43] 5ca88, Kali: that's why it hates me
[29-12:44] f96be, Caradonia : ((Oh..a little bit of rebillion))
[29-12:44] 5ca88, Kali: *nods*
[29-12:48] f96be, Caradonia : ((Squash it))
[29-12:48] 5ca88, Kali: nah a little rebelion is good.. this way it'll act better for me later.
[29-12:52] f96be, Caradonia : ((Hmmmm..I can see your point))
[29-12:54] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[29-12:57] 5ca88, Kali: hi oyrin
[29-12:58] f96be, Caradonia : ((hairy feet is back *L*
[29-13:10] ae08c, Xyva: *drops anvil on Oyrin's head and steals back Kali* MINE
[29-13:15] 5ca88, Kali: some day Im just going to have to give up and not escape again.. *checks calendar for free time* hmmm that could be a problem
[29-13:31] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[29-14:00] JOIN: Pedron Niall has entered.
[29-14:01] 3605e, Pedron Niall: Gah.. everyone's gone? or lurking...
[29-14:01] 5ca88, Kali: lurking...
[29-14:03] 3605e, Pedron Niall: Aha! *shines spotlight on lurkers* Found you.
[29-14:04] 5ca88, Kali: wasnt really hiding... Im working on the spell lists.
[29-14:05] 3605e, Pedron Niall: Anyone else lurking?
[29-14:09] 5ca88, Kali: doesnt look like it.
[29-14:09] 3605e, Pedron Niall: Yep.
[29-14:15] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[29-14:16] 3605e, Pedron Niall: 'ello
[29-14:16] ae08c, Xyva: <_<>_>
[29-14:18] 3605e, Pedron Niall: I feel all special ... I just went into a different chat and they all think I'm' someone I'm not *L*
[29-14:28] 3605e, Pedron Niall: Wow can I kill a conversation or what?
[29-14:29] 5ca88, Kali: sorry ... got side tracked.
[29-14:31] 3605e, Pedron Niall: Uh-huh..
[29-14:31] 5ca88, Kali: *grins*
[29-14:32] 3605e, Pedron Niall: That's what they all say.
[29-14:36] 5ca88, Kali: emmm well . I really did get side tracked.
[29-14:38] 3605e, Pedron Niall: Updating spell lists?
[29-14:39] 5ca88, Kali: alphabetizing them... and talking to a friend
[29-14:42] 3605e, Pedron Niall: Sounds fun.
[29-14:43] 5ca88, Kali: LOL one keeps me out of trouble, the other causes trouble...
[29-14:43] 3605e, Pedron Niall: As usual.
[29-14:47] 3605e, Pedron Niall: Is the registration process just naturally really slow, or do you guys just not like me?
[29-14:48] 3605e, Pedron Niall: bbs
[29-14:48] 5ca88, Kali: when did you turn it in?
[29-14:50] ae08c, Xyva: hmm
[29-14:52] 3605e, Pedron Niall: LIke a few months ago
[29-14:52] 5ca88, Kali: hmm what?
[29-14:53] 5ca88, Kali: let me check on it... give me a few minutes
[29-14:53] 3605e, Pedron Niall: Thanks
[29-14:56] ae08c, Xyva: did you put your e-mail on the form?
[29-14:57] 3605e, Pedron Niall: Yes, I think so.
[29-14:58] 5ca88, Kali: what char name? pedron?
[29-14:59] 3605e, Pedron Niall: yup
[29-15:00] 5ca88, Kali: hmm Im not finding anything.. did you save a copy of your reg form?
[29-15:01] 5ca88, Kali: whats your email?
[29-15:01] 3605e, Pedron Niall: .... no...
[29-15:01] 3605e, Pedron Niall:
[29-15:02] 5ca88, Kali: ok
[29-15:03] 5ca88, Kali: ok.. you have aim?
[29-15:04] 3605e, Pedron Niall: yes ma'am
[29-15:04] 3605e, Pedron Niall: same as the email
[29-15:04] 5ca88, Kali: ma'am... *smites you*
[29-15:05] 3605e, Pedron Niall: eeek *smited*
[29-15:05] 5ca88, Kali: emm on would be nice.
[29-15:06] 3605e, Pedron Niall: I am
[29-15:07] 5ca88, Kali: nope... keeps saying not available
[29-15:07] 3605e, Pedron Niall: gah stupid connection failure!
[29-15:07] 3605e, Pedron Niall: oh hold on
[29-16:00] f96be, Caradonia : I need a nap
[29-16:05] 3605e, Pedron Niall: Then take one?
[29-16:20] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *sitting on the edge of the roof, her hand rubbing up and down the sleeve of her cream linen shirt, slightly on edge, for some reason , the job she'd done the night before had hit her wrong,. Taking a deep breath, she leans against the corner post, her eyes closed, head leaning back, trying to get warm in the sun.*
[29-16:24] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[29-16:33] NICK: Pedron Niall changed nick to Disembodied Voice.
[29-16:34] 3605e, Disembodied Voice: Wo0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o I don't have a bodie , and I'm a voice wo0o0o0o0o0o
[29-16:36] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : (*casts Dancing Chains to go along with the voice*)
[29-16:37] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : (clank, rattle, bang rattle)
[29-16:37] ae08c, Aldrik : *smiles watc her from the shows*
[29-16:37] ae08c, Aldrik : watching*
[29-16:37] 3605e, Disembodied Voice: *starts singing The Devil Went Down to Georgia*
[29-16:38] 3605e, Disembodied Voice: *one of the chains starts playing a violin*
[29-16:38] ae08c, Aldrik : shadows*
[29-16:39] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *begins softly banging her head back into the post, as if trying to beat the memory of it out of her head*
[29-16:41] ae08c, Aldrik : *he quietly walks up to her careful not to make a sound*
[29-16:42] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *he would see a tear sliding down her cheek, her eyes almost squeezing shut*
[29-16:42] 3605e, Disembodied Voice: *floats over to Aldrik* Wo0o0o0o0o0 I am the ghost of Omnipotencemas past Wo0o0o0o0
[29-16:43] ae08c, Aldrik : *he crouches down taking her hands*
[29-16:43] 3605e, Disembodied Voice: Omnipotencemas??? What the hell???
[29-16:44] ae08c, Aldrik : ( ChrIst is filred)
[29-16:44] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : (filter kicked in)
[29-16:44] ae08c, Aldrik : (filtered*)
[29-16:45] 3605e, Disembodied Voice: What kind of yay, wow, crap filter is that!!! Gawd!!
[29-16:45] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *startled, she jerked her hands back, not realizing who is was, her radar was definitely not working today* hey!
[29-16:45] 3605e, Disembodied Voice: *shoots filter*
[29-16:46] ae08c, Aldrik : *grins* are you alright?
[29-16:48] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *rubbing the back of her hand across her cheek, trying to hide her tears* yeah, why?
[29-16:50] ae08c, Aldrik : the tear
[29-16:50] NICK: Disembodied Voice changed nick to Billy Bob the Filter Slayer.
[29-16:51] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *looking him in the eye, another tear slides down her cheek* you werent supposed to see that.
[29-16:51] 3605e, Billy Bob the Filter Slayer: I shall destroy the filter once and for all!!!
[29-16:54] ae08c, Aldrik : not?
[29-16:54] ae08c, Aldrik : why not****
[29-16:55] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : Not exactly my tough side you know.
[29-16:55] 3605e, Billy Bob the Filter Slayer: *rides into the sunset on a half -mutilated donkey*
[29-16:57] ae08c, Aldrik : *smiles* what are you doing up here?
[29-16:59] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : Thinking..... *small pause then continuing in a low voice* thinking about quiting.
[29-17:01] 3605e, Billy Bob the Filter Slayer: *puts bomb on filter*
[29-17:02] 3605e, Billy Bob the Filter Slayer: Mwuhaha!!! Finally, filter, I will destroy you, and then be able to say ANYTHING!!!
[29-17:03] ae08c, Aldrik : you can if you want
[29-17:04] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : It would mean going back to being a thief again. Thats the only other thing I know how to do.
[29-17:14] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[29-17:16] b58e9, Travis: alrighty who ordered the blademaster wizard from magic the gathering?
[29-17:17] b58e9, Travis: And leave the filter alone!
[29-17:17] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *disappears for half an hour*
[29-17:21] b58e9, Travis: alrighty, well if no one's gonna claim the wizard I'm gonna put him in the unregistered pile.
[29-17:24] b58e9, Travis: Going once...
[29-17:30] JOIN: Celur has entered.
[29-17:30] 051cd, Celur : *wants to know if his reg form for the Ghoul was revcieved*
[29-17:31] 051cd, Celur : recievied*
[29-17:31] b58e9, Travis: lemme check
[29-17:32] b58e9, Travis: yes
[29-17:33] 051cd, Celur : sweet
[29-17:33] b58e9, Travis: I didn't know we had morgul blades
[29-17:34] 051cd, Celur : No one said we didnt
[29-17:35] b58e9, Travis: well I'm going to nix the blade until one of us talks to Mab. You get permission from Mab and it's cool.
[29-17:35] 051cd, Celur : ok
[29-17:37] 051cd, Celur : Mab got auim?
[29-17:38] b58e9, Travis: there ya go
[29-17:38] b58e9, Travis: yeah, but I'm not giving out her s/n. she's away right now anyways
[29-17:38] 051cd, Celur : aim*
[29-17:39] 051cd, Celur : i contacted Morwen on Aim yesterday and she told me to go for it as long as it wasnt to powerful and people had enough time to counter it
[29-17:40] b58e9, Travis: you got mail and I'm out
[29-17:40] b58e9, Travis: who's morwen?
[29-17:40] b58e9, Travis: she's not an admin
[29-17:42] MSG: Celur sent a message to Mab.
[29-17:42] b58e9, Travis: anyways, I'm out
[29-17:42] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 6:42pm, August 29 (CDT) ).
[29-17:48] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *pops back in*
[29-17:49] ae08c, Aldrik : theres nothing wrong with being a thief
[29-17:51] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *smiles* you would say that.
[29-17:52] ae08c, Aldrik : its still your choice
[29-17:54] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : I dont know whats bothering me so much, its not like I havent brought death to people before. But this time
[29-17:56] ae08c, Aldrik : what?
[29-17:57] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[29-17:58] MSG: Mab sent a message to Celur.
[29-17:58] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *sighing, and turning her face away from him,* It didnt feel right. It almost, hurt, doing it.
[29-17:59] ae08c, Aldrik : did you know the person?
[29-17:59] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : (Hi Mab)
[29-18:01] 27845, Mab: Mab? Where? *shifty eyes*
[29-18:01] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : No, he was no different than any of the others. Its just me, I felt wrong
[29-18:02] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : ((who? *eye shift*)
[29-18:02] ae08c, Aldrik : maybe you wanted to quit before you took the job
[29-18:05] JOIN: Drake has entered.
[29-18:05] EXIT: Drake has left the chat ( 7:05pm, August 29 (CDT) ).
[29-18:06] JOIN: Hulkdogs has entered.
[29-18:06] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *bites her lip, thinking, her eyes slowly wandering back to his face* I never thought about quitting before.
[29-18:10] 27845, Mab: *watches the last of the files copying over of the over 60 GB of info she's backing up* Almost there.....almost there.
[29-18:11] ae08c, Aldrik : you still might have wanted to quit whithout thinking about it.
[29-18:14] 27845, Mab: Yay!! It's done!! Whoohooo!!
[29-18:14] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *placing a hand softly against his cheek, her eyes full of wonder*Its because of you. Killing isnt in me anymore.
[29-18:15] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : (yay Mab )
[29-18:18] ae08c, Aldrik : *smiles* I'd hate to have ruined your work
[29-18:19] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : If I keep doing this, it will ruin us.
[29-18:24] ae08c, Aldrik : well then quit
[29-18:25] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : I am. I cant come home to you with blood on my hands ever again.
[29-18:27] ae08c, Aldrik : alright
[29-18:30] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *slowly pulling each of her daggers from its hiding place, even her favorite mithril one, she lays them on the ground at her feet* Do something with those. I dont need them any more
[29-18:32] ae08c, Aldrik : *he picks them up and smiles putting them back where they came from* if you get rid of them how are we supposed to compete?
[29-18:36] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : That is the only reason I will keep them. Just so I can keep beating you. *
[29-18:38] ae08c, Aldrik : *grins pulling her up as he stands* we'll have to see about that
[29-18:39] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *RaE* You dont think I can do it?
[29-18:40] ae08c, Aldrik : nope
[29-18:40] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[29-18:41] 54891, Cookie Monster: *huggles Kali*
[29-18:41] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *kisses his cheek lightly* I know what you're trying to do and I love you for it. But you cant beat me. (huggles Cookie back* feeling better?)
[29-18:42] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : (and I seriously need to type slower.)
[29-18:43] ae08c, Aldrik : *smiles walking behind her to watch over her shoulder* we'll see
[29-18:43] 54891, Cookie Monster: Lots. My immune system kicked ass.
[29-18:45] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *with a slightly wicked smile, she blinks, disappearing from infront of him.. a voice coming from behind him* you first.
[29-18:46] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : a=her
[29-18:46] ae08c, Aldrik : I see you learned a new trick *pulling a dagger*
[29-18:47] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : and a few more besides that.
[29-18:48] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Ankalima Morwen.
[29-18:49] ae08c, Aldrik : *he turns around to look at her as he tosses the dagger backward* thats good
[29-18:49] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : (let me check)
[29-18:52] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : (take a look and see if you like)
[29-18:53] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : Hmm.. Impressive. Did you mean to miss the post?
[29-18:54] JOIN: Pedron Niall has entered.
[29-18:55] ae08c, Aldrik : *glances back to see he did miss it before flicking his other dagger backwar . it his* huh? what are you talking about
[29-18:55] ae08c, Aldrik : backward*
[29-18:55] ae08c, Aldrik : hits*
[29-18:55] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *grins*
[29-18:58] ae08c, Aldrik : *grins back before looking at his dagger stuck in the post* your turn
[29-19:00] 54891, Cookie Monster: o/
[29-19:01] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : (i take it your happy?)
[29-19:02] 54891, Cookie Monster: *snuggles Kali and gives her anything her heart desiders, so long as her hearts desire is limited to whats in Cookie's fridge and viewing of his DVD collection*
[29-19:02] 54891, Cookie Monster: desiders=desires
[29-19:03] 27845, Mab: *LOL *
[29-19:04] 54891, Cookie Monster: *huggles Mab too*
[29-19:04] 3605e, Pedron Niall: *L*
[29-19:04] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : *grinning before lowering her head, eyes closed, for just a second. she takes a deep breath, and in rapid succession throws all nine of her daggers click thunk, click thunk, leaving a nice neat line of them formed down the post, just barely touching each other*
[29-19:04] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : ( *huggles back*)
[29-19:05] ae08c, Aldrik : hmm try that again
[29-19:05] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : Something wrong?
[29-19:06] ae08c, Aldrik : I didnt see all of it
[29-19:08] 5ca88, Ankalima Morwen : uh huh..*walking to the post and pulling her blades free, sliding them back in their places* alright.
[29-19:09] ae08c, Aldrik : *takes a step back* you should throw from where I was standing
[29-19:12] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *taking her spot again, she glances at him, then lowers her head again before throwing the daggers once more, slightly faster than the last time*
[29-19:13] ae08c, Aldrik : *he grabs her butt watching her first dagger to see where it ends up*
[29-19:13] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : Hmph.. maybe then maybe not..*taking 4 steps farther back*
[29-19:14] ae08c, Aldrik : *gets behind her*
[29-19:17] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[29-19:17] b58e9, Travis: MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
[29-19:17] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *glancing at him, knowing he's up to something, she smiles, lowering her head and closing her eyes again. starting to throw her daggers once more, a bit faster than the last time*
[29-19:19] ae08c, Aldrik : *he grabs her butt when she starts, watching her first dagger to see where it ends up*
[29-19:20] b58e9, Travis: SEXUAL HARRASSMENT!
[29-19:21] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *the first one ends up slightly off its mark.. two or three feet off..... whirling around to face him, a second dagger already in her hand.. a look oh horror on her face, dropping the dagger at his feet*
[29-19:21] ae08c, Aldrik : (*stuffs a dirty sock in Travis, who owns me's mouth* silence bystander)
[29-19:22] ae08c, Aldrik : *grins at her ignoring the dagger*
[29-19:22] b58e9, Travis: *headbutts Aldrik and spits the sock out at him* Quiet you
[29-19:24] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *she slowly puts her hand to her mouth, a tear sliding down her face before she turns to run down the stairs into Levalds shop*
[29-19:26] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 8:22pm, August 29 (CDT) ).
[29-19:27] ae08c, Aldrik : *runs over to the front wall grabind the edge as he hops over catching himself before droping the last 4 feet.*
[29-19:28] ae08c, Aldrik : grabing*
[29-19:29] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *runs out the front of the shop, leaving the door swinging behind her, not paying any attention to the people she's knocking down on her way to the Inn*
[29-19:31] ae08c, Aldrik : *runs after her*
[29-19:33] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *slamming the door open, she runs straight up the stairs and into her room, whirling about looking for her pack to gather her things up and leave. too scared to even think about where it was*
[29-19:35] ae08c, Aldrik : *right behind her he stops at the door* whats wrong?
[29-19:37] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *turning to face him, tears still falling, she just barely whispers*I almost killed you.
[29-19:39] ae08c, Aldrik : *walks up to her wraping his arms tight around her wispering in her ear* no you didn
[29-19:41] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *resting her forehead on his shoulder* I would have. If it hadnt been you. I would have
[29-19:42] ae08c, Aldrik : *kisses her cheek softly* it it had been someone else I'd have done it first.
[29-19:47] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *looking at him, giving a small, wet, smile* I do love you, you know. and it scares me sometimes.
[29-19:49] ae08c, Aldrik : *smilese back at her kissing her softly* I love you too
[29-19:54] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *sliding her arms around his waist, laying her head back down on him, she gives a wry smile* What am I going to do with you? You've brought a lot of changes to my life.
[29-19:57] ae08c, Aldrik : your going to stay with me so I can make some more
[29-19:58] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : hmmm.. *smiling* and what kind of changes are you planning on making?
[29-19:59] ae08c, Aldrik : you'll have to keep me around to find out
[29-20:01] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : Im not going to let you go. I remember all to well, what it was like when we were apart. That was my first mistake.
[29-20:01] ae08c, Aldrik : *grins and kisss her* wait here Ill be back in a couple minutes *goes to get their daggers*
[29-20:02] ae08c, Aldrik : kisses*
[29-20:03] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *stands in amusement at his suddenness, speaking quitely to his back* where else would I go?
[29-20:04] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *fades into the silence of her waiting*
[29-20:05] ae08c, Aldrik : *pause*
[29-20:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-20:24] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:24pm, August 29 (CDT) ).
[29-20:25] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[29-20:39] 54891, Cookie Monster: *tags Axis with a paint ball*
[29-20:39] f96be, Caradonia : ((*points and laughs*))
[29-20:41] JOIN: Drake has entered.
[29-20:41] 84172, Axis : ((*-removes the stained peice of clothing and the flesh below it then offers it raw and bloody for a meal))
[29-20:41] 54891, Cookie Monster: o/
[29-20:42] f96be, Caradonia : ((*blinK*))
[29-20:42] 84172, Axis : ((*is uber bored*))
[29-20:43] 54891, Cookie Monster: Care to RP?
[29-20:43] 84172, Axis : ((sure))
[29-20:48] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : Over the hills of Rethwellan comes a small company. Two goblins and a short human male each ride a very large wolves. To their flanks are four goblins dressed in dark hoods and two extremely large goblins (roughly orc size) that wear some very fine banded mail. One of the large goblins carries a white flag held high up and while the entire group looks ready for a fight, they don't look like raiders*
[29-20:51] 84172, Albrecht: *waiting atop the a small hill is the Ghidra...Arkday's pack is at the top all in hybrid form, another nearer the bottom all in wolf form and another in human form....there are tree's all around...and one would guess that there are prolly more i nthe tree's...msot of the ghidra are armed but their weaposn are sheathed or grounded...basically as if their are ready for...but not expecting, a fight
[29-20:51] 84172, Albrecht: *the ghidra in hybrid form are very very tall...around 9 ft I would say))
[29-20:53] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *one the wolves pick up the scents of the Ghidra and through their own way of communication between rider and wolf they make it known. The human raises a hand in salutation*
[29-20:53] 3adf1, Aurora : *is.. in her room*
[29-20:55] 84172, Albrecht: *the only wolf of purest white..the one at the very top raises a clawed hand in a similar motion...then throws back his head and howls...followed by all the others even the ones in human form....a kind of greeting of their own...along wolf howl*
[29-20:57] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : **Is.. on his way to Aurora's room, dressed very drab in a dirty grey cloak and brown leather moccasins, generally, like a peasant. He carries in his arms and outfit of equal extravegence (or lack there of), only this seems to be for a female... he approaches the door, and knocks**
[29-20:57] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *the human and one of the riders raises their own head up and howls. The other rider just grins. The cloaked goblins don't react and the large goblins seem to think this howling business is beneath them*
[29-20:58] 84172, Albrecht: ((hehehe one of these days I'll haev to get lokken trapped in Axis's dream hell. Only this one will be different....))
[29-20:59] 84172, Albrecht: *the howl trails offands some of the warriors relax a bit...course they still have those formidable natruel weapons as they wait for the goblisn to arrive...of course htey note that thier leader seems to be human*
[29-21:04] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *the goblins and the human dismount and they walk towards the Ghidra contingeant. He calls out* Am Jerren Skulldeep! Have translators for goblin, or speak in common tongue?
[29-21:05] 84172, Albrecht: *he shifts to his own human form to facilitate conversation* Common will work. I am Albrecht.
[29-21:07] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *Jerren grins with slightly yellowed teeth* Is good to meet face with face.
[29-21:08] 3adf1, Aurora : *she is sitting silently on the bed, pearl horn crandled in her hands, starting down at it mournfully against the backdrop of the black dress provided for her... at the knock, she looks up, silent a moment, then finally speaks a simple* Enter
[29-21:10] 84172, Albrecht: Indeed it is. *description time!! Albrecht isap owerfully built manwearing light clothing, bare chested except for a three parellel scars going diagnolly down his chest, and a crystal necklace. He ghas the msuicles of a warrior and the balance of a dancer. eh also wears feathers in his hair liek those in pic*
[29-21:11] 84172, Albrecht: ((unfourtunatly It's startign to lightning I have to scoot))
[29-21:11] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : **Darrius Pushes the door open, but does not enter, he leans against the wall, eyes closed, out of sight of the rooms occupant... he speaks low, but audibly** Aurora... I thought you might like to go for a walk...
[29-21:11] 84172, Albrecht: ((sorry cookie))
[29-21:13] 84172, Albrecht: ((shies....*vanishes*))
[29-21:14] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *Jerren is a short human, being perhaps an inch taller than his goblin peers. He wears a sleaveless leather shirt and well worn cotton pants. He is muscular, but is rather pale, as living in the Dark Forest does little for one's tan. His hair is put into dozens of dreadlocks and is filled with ilttle trinkets and beads*
[29-21:14] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((d'oh!))
[29-21:15] 3adf1, Aurora : ... A walk...?
[29-21:18] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : **turns the corner, looking genuinely happy to see her** A walk... **He holds up the female peasant attire** well go incognito... that is assuming, that you want to go... **notices she is holding her horn**
[29-21:21] 3adf1, Aurora : *glances up at him when he moves into the room, staring silently a moment... then gives a small nod* I'll go...
[29-21:22] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : **smile fades a bit** Aurora, dont go if you dont want to...
[29-21:24] 3adf1, Aurora : *rises from the bed, skirt hissing as it drops to settle about her ankles* .. Getting out of this room sounds good...
[29-21:26] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : **walks over to her, handing her the peasant dress, and turns to leave** Ill be waiting outside...
[29-21:27] 3adf1, Aurora : *nods vaguely, taking the clothing automatically.. then stands just as she is, staring blankly at the clothing, until he leaves*
[29-21:28] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : **Out the door, he again leans on the corner, smirking defiantly...**
[29-21:31] 3adf1, Aurora : *.. the door opens a short while later, and an elegant, etherial woman, in a drab, peasant dress and shoes steps out, the cloak's hood back to leave her pale hair free. Her face seeming mostly emotionless still*
[29-21:33] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : **Stares at her for a moment, then turns and begins to walk down the halway towards the staircase leading downstairs**
[29-21:39] 3adf1, Aurora : *rugs the hood ofer her head, hiding her features, then moves after him.. *
[29-21:45] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : **Continues more slowly, so that Aurora will catch up with him... He continues down the stairs, speaking quietly** This city is like all other main cities in all kingdoms... it is anything but oerfect... Don't seperate from me, I dont want you to get attacked...
[29-21:46] 3adf1, Aurora : *gives only a single nod in answer*
[29-21:50] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : **continues silently till the bottom of the stairs, and an bit into the main hall towards the large palace doors... then he says quietly but directly to aurora** speak...
[29-21:57] 3adf1, Aurora : ... What is it you want of me..? What is your overall goal? Remove a weakness.. and then what? *walks at his side, not looking up as she speaks*
[29-21:59] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : Its not what I want of you... its what you want of you... I removed your weakness, and it's up to you to use your potential to get what you crave from life... Im only here to teach you how to reach it...
[29-22:02] 3adf1, Aurora : I still feel empty... confused... the hole in me isn't going to go away.
[29-22:04] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : only if you wont let it... I saw you cradling that thing as if it were a child... the thing still holds you back, even now... before your void will be filled you must be able to let it go.
[29-22:09] 3adf1, Aurora : .. What would I replace it with..? *almost pathetically*
[29-22:11] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[29-22:11] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : Again, anything... you are so willing to just give up everything over that stupid little object,arent you?
[29-22:12] EXIT: Caradonia has left the chat ( 9:42pm, August 29 (CDT) ).
[29-22:13] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[29-22:13] 3adf1, Aurora : .. That stupid little object is something I was born with, and is a part of me *said darkly*
[29-22:15] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : but it is regardless, a stupid little object... superfluos to your existence, nothing but a burden and a guilt trip...
[29-22:16] fa914, HulkDogs : ** kicks darrius for using that word **
[29-22:17] 8d16e, Kali: *lurks*
[29-22:17] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : ((yeah, it was kinda superluos to use superfluos there, wasn't it?))
[29-22:18] 3adf1, Aurora : (())
[29-22:19] 3adf1, Aurora : *says nothing to that, still staring blankly ahead of her, the brief bit of emotion flashing there fading* *softly* You've no idea how it feels... it's like having part of your soul stolen
[29-22:19] f96be, Caradonia : ((*Snicker*))
[29-22:21] 8d16e, Kali: that was just sad.
[29-22:21] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : Whos to say our souls exist? especially you or I, we're immortal being, we are never going to die... especially you, you can not even be killed, I still have that to worry about... in fact, I envy you...
[29-22:23] 3adf1, Aurora : .. I envy you for that... *she begins moving forward, fully intending on starting their walk*
[29-22:24] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : **Pushes open the large wooden doors to the city and walks, immediately being hit by the sounds of nightlife, and the smell of creon's "bayou" style food.**
[29-22:26] 3adf1, Aurora : *walks close to him as requested, not looking around too much. She's been in a city before.. and wasn't in the proper state of mind to be fascinated by this one*
[29-22:28] 3adf1, Aurora : *pause*
[29-22:28] 2eb25, Darrius Lokken : **pause**
[29-22:32] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[29-22:33] ae08c, Aldrik : *test*
[29-22:33] ae08c, Xyva: *test*
[29-22:34] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *waits for Aldrik to return*
[29-22:37] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[29-22:37] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 11:37pm, August 29 (CDT) ).
[29-22:38] ae08c, Aldrik : *walks up stairs heading back to their room with the daggers*
[29-22:40] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *is sitting on the window ledge watching the street below*
[29-22:42] ae08c, Aldrik : *quietly opens the door steping in and closing it behind him*
[29-22:46] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *turns at his entrance, smiling at him*
[29-22:50] ae08c, Aldrik : *smiles back* hey *locking the door and walking over to sit next to her*
[29-22:51] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : Where did you go?
[29-22:52] ae08c, Aldrik : to get these *handing her her daggers*
[29-22:55] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *hesitates for just a moment before taking the two and putting them back where they belonged giving him a small smile* thanks.
[29-22:56] ae08c, Aldrik : what did you do while I was gone?
[29-22:58] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : Sat here and thought about us.
[29-22:59] ae08c, Aldrik : *smiles getting ready for bed. he lays down and watches her when hes done*
[29-23:04] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *still sitting in the window, she takes her hair down, brushing it* What?
[29-23:05] ae08c, Aldrik : I love you
[29-23:08] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : Oh really. Since when?
[29-23:13] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[29-23:14] ae08c, Xyva: I've always loved you
[29-23:15] ae08c, Aldrik : I've always loved you
[29-23:20] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : Thats a long time. *moving to sit on the edge of the bed* You should have stopped me leaving before. We've wasted so much time.
[29-23:21] ae08c, Aldrik : *smiles* it wasnt waisted
[29-23:22] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : How can you say that?
[29-23:23] ae08c, Aldrik : we're here aren't we?
[29-23:23] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : Now.
[29-23:26] ae08c, Aldrik : I didnt know you loved me then. I do now
[29-23:27] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : Ive loved you a long time.
[29-23:29] ae08c, Aldrik : *smiles* I know
[29-23:31] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *chuckles* there goes my being a cold hearted assassin. Skarling isnt going to like this very much. But I dont really care. If I have to make a choice.. it will always be you.
[29-23:32] ae08c, Aldrik : *smiles at her*
[29-23:35] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[29-23:36] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *falling back ward on the bed, staring at the ceiling, she sighs* good thing my father isnt here. he didnt like you much
[29-23:37] ae08c, Aldrik : *grins rolling over and kissing her deeply*
[29-23:39] 8d16e, Ankalima Morwen : *fades*
[29-23:39] ae08c, Aldrik : *fades*
[30-01:30] JOIN: Z has entered.
[30-01:40] 94c70, Muna : *Mab's stay in Colair grew longer and longer as each day passed. It had been roughly a week since she had recieved her last reminder of her place, an hour outside in the mid-day sun. She was now sitting upon the stone carved chair in the large chamber that made up the throne room. Mab had once again been placed in shackles and leashed to the metal loop bolted at the base of her throne on the floor. It put Mab in easy reach for whatever reason she might desire. In front of her, a tall dark skinned man was submissively kneeling before her. This man Mab would know quite well as Aduan.* You have done quite well, Aduan... Not only did you skillfully dispense with intruders, but you have taken much care of one of my most prized possessions... *Her hand shifts slightly to brush along the side of Mab's face and her braided hair to emphasise what she was referring to.*
[30-01:43] 94c70, Aduan: *Though his head is bowed, he nods.* Thank you, Mistress. *His gaze remains lowered, nothing more than Mab and Muna's feet being in the line of his sight.* It is my desire to serve you to the best of my ability.
[30-02:02] 27845, Mab Fairy Queen : *scowls at Muna and looks away, not liking being once again shackled in such a manner. She'd submitted to it w/o fight as the guards rudely escorted her from where she'd been recooperating and reshackled her to this most uncomfortable spot by the throne, at least, uncomfortable if she has no cushions to sit on and such. sighs, and good thing fae don't get body odor like other species. Has been here two days. Watered. Might be hungry, if she hasn't been fed.*
[30-02:03] EXIT: Z has left the chat ( 3:02am, August 30 (CDT) ).
[30-02:03] 27845, Mab Fairy Queen : recooperating = recuperating ((is that how it's spelled?))
[30-02:19] JOIN: Z has entered.
[30-02:24] 27845, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*has that kitty on her desktop right now. chuckles at it muchly*
[30-02:28] 27845, Mab Fairy Queen : *so, umm, has been fed. So, not overly hungry, but might be uncomfortable on the hard stone, if not provided cushions to sit and lay on. Looks tired for a fae.*
[30-02:28] 94c70, Muna : *Ignores Mab's scowl, is used to such an expression from her. If she were to find a way, she might be tempted to cause Mab's expression to remain contorted in that way. Her eyes remain on Aduan, however.* For this I will grant you one desire of your choice...
[30-02:32] 94c70, Aduan: *He is silent for the time being, seeming to think about this choice he has been offered very carefully.*
[30-02:34] 27845, Mab Fairy Queen : *has no reason to give Muna any expression other than displeasure in some form or other. She looks down at Aduan, wondering what boon he'll request. Is still in a perpetual state of dispair. The palms of her hands rest on the stone floor, supporting her torso. She is weary.*
[30-02:36] 94c70, Aduan: It is very desireable to me to make Aminia mine. *He still does not look up, though he is extremely curious of how both of them would react to the request. He hoped that this would be a gesture to Aminia to show that he is a man of his word.*
[30-02:37] 27845, Mab Fairy Queen : *oh, wait, is she shackled with her hands crossed agian? If so, then she's doing the closest equivalent to her palms resting on the floor. Hopefully, Muna deemed to not shackle her quite so cruelly this time, but she might have*
[30-02:39] 27845, Mab Fairy Queen : *she looks at him with faint eyes widening, but is not so suprised as nervous and apprehensious*
[30-02:40] 94c70, Muna : Indeed.. *Her gaze remains on Aduan for a moment longer, then shift towards Mab. Mab's shackles would consist of a chain a couple inches long between her wrists and another of the same length between her ankles. The chain keeping Mab to the floor is attached to a metal collar that was latched around her neck. There was only enough slack to allow her to sit with a straight posture, not long enough to stand.*
[30-02:42] 94c70, Aduan: *Might smile at Mab's reaction if he had seen it. But he remains silently still now as he waits for Muna's judgement.*
[30-02:44] 27845, Mab Fairy Queen : *k, so it resting her palms on the floor then, looking forlorn generally, but sits up a bit with nervous interest at this occurance. She glances up fearfully nervous at Muna, her expression unclear as to what she might desire, only unsurety and fear apparant. Her glance is brief as she meets Muna's gaze and did not wish to meet said gaze. Her expression turns to hurt and hateful scowl again and she quickly looks away, looking away from them both, not sure how to respond or how she feels*
[30-02:48] 94c70, Muna : *A light smirk touches the corners of her lips as for the briefest of moments she makes eye contact with Mab. She continues to watch the Fae Queen as though her gaze could pierce right through her, but she speaks to Aduan.* You are aware that though she will be mated to you, she will be in my command as I wish, when I wish. You realize that her misbehavior will result in her punishment as well as your own...
[30-02:48] 94c70, Aduan: Yes, Mistress, I am aware.
[30-02:51] 94c70, Muna : And if her ownership changes, you are aware of what will happen? *She refers to the event if Mab escapes for whatever reason.*
[30-02:52] 94c70, Aduan: Yes.
[30-02:54] 27845, Mab Fairy Queen : *swallows, looking away to the side, seeing that it looks like this is going down as Aduan hoped. Wonders what Muna is talking about with ownership changing. Thinks it might be regarding the fae council and her plans there.*
[30-02:56] 94c70, Muna : Then remove her. *Gestures to Mab dismissively as she leans back in the stone careved throne.*
[30-02:57] 94c70, Muna : *That oddly might sound like why Muna had Mab shackled there, to display her for the men that might wish to claim her.*
[30-02:59] 94c70, Aduan: *He rises from his position and moves slowly to Mab. With one hand he takes hold of her arm. With the other, he releases the collar around her neck.*
[30-03:02] 27845, Mab Fairy Queen : *does kinda get that impression about why she might have been placed there so long in discomfort. and gets that tight feeling in her chest of shame and anger mixed. Notes how easily he releases the collar from her neck. Did he have a key? Cuz Mab woulda taken it off herself, otherwise. Whimpers a little as he takes her arm, whether he is gentle or not. She is nervous of this change. Doesn't know if it will be an improvement or not. Only desires hope for the future more than anything else. Everything else seems trivial by comparison*
[30-03:07] 94c70, Aduan: *Yes, he has access to such things with his status and what not. He is also gently firm about his hold on her. This soon changes as he simply picks Mab up into his arms, then turns and begins to walk away to leave the room.*
[30-03:09] 27845, Mab Fairy Queen : *picked up in that nice way? If so, she'd huddle into him and hide her face, wishing the world to go away, hiding from all her fears and apprehension. If he throws her over his shoulder, her reaction would be very different.*
[30-03:11] 94c70, Aduan: *Nope, carries her in the nice way.*
[30-03:14] 27845, Mab Fairy Queen : *so huddles and hides from the world, and most especially Muna's form retreating into the distance*
[30-03:19] 27845, Mab Fairy Queen : *fade out for now*
[30-03:19] EXIT: Mab Fairy Queen has left the chat ( 4:19am, August 30 (CDT) ).
[30-03:48] 27845, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*test new pic*))
[30-03:49] 27845, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Cool. *meanders off again*))
[30-03:49] 27845, Fahrena : ((*still needs pic for this one*))
[30-03:50] EXIT: Fahrena has left the chat ( 4:49am, August 30 (CDT) ).
[30-07:17] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[30-07:26] 27845, Mab: *loves that picture for Caradonia*
[30-07:35] EXIT: Mab Fairy Queen has left the chat ( 8:35am, August 30 (CDT) ).
[30-09:31] b554f, Kali: *peeks in*
[30-10:17] JOIN: Pedron Nial has entered.
[30-10:19] b554f, Kali: Hey
[30-11:34] 94c70, Z: hmm.
[30-11:35] b554f, Kali: hey Z
[30-11:56] 94c70, Z: Hey
[30-11:56] 94c70, Z: *was in the shower*
[30-11:57] b554f, Kali: ahh
[30-11:58] 94c70, Z: have work today, wee
[30-12:00] b554f, Kali: HAHA ahem.. *cough* thats good Z.
[30-12:01] 94c70, Z: *pokes Kali*
[30-12:02] b554f, Kali: hehe.
[30-12:12] b554f, Kali: WEEEEE!!!! *celebrates* level one's are finished!
[30-12:13] 94c70, Z: got plenty of time for those things now eh?
[30-12:15] b554f, Kali: time for what things?*innocent face*
[30-14:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-14:19] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:18pm, August 30 (CDT) ).
[30-14:19] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[30-14:24] b554f, Kali: take a look at the L1's and tell me what you think.
[30-14:25] 03811, Axis : ((Alphpabatized! *is afeared*))
[30-14:26] b554f, Kali: I spent the better part of 2 days doing that.
[30-14:26] 03811, Axis : ((but niccce))
[30-14:30] b554f, Kali: ive got to flee.. bbiab
[30-15:17] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[30-15:18] b554f, Kali: *reappears*
[30-15:47] ae08c, Xyva: *steals Kali*
[30-15:48] b554f, Kali: *gives up and stays stolen*temporarily
[30-15:51] ae08c, Xyva: *grins sneeking away with her*
[30-15:52] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[30-15:58] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[30-16:01] b554f, Kali: *waves*
[30-16:02] f96be, Caradonia : ((*waves and runs away too*))
[30-16:05] b554f, Kali: I'm not running... Ive been kidnapped.
[30-16:29] f96be, Caradonia : ((rawr!!!))
[30-16:31] cc423, Kali: hey
[30-16:32] f96be, Caradonia : ((Hey, hows it goin*watching a catapillar march it's way across her room*))
[30-16:33] cc423, Kali: how entertaining.. at least its faster than watching grass grow
[30-16:33] f96be, Caradonia : (well yeah..espically for this time of year
[30-16:40] cc423, Kali: try watching water flow upstream.
[30-16:40] f96be, Caradonia : ((Sounds frustrating))
[30-16:45] cc423, Kali: should keep you busy for a very long time.
[30-16:45] f96be, Caradonia : ((mmph))
[30-17:02] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[30-17:02] f96be, Caradonia : *She's found the highest tree in the vicinity of the cave and she's climbed it...her ribs and chest aching a bit as she does so but she reaches a stable perch without incident and she's rewarded with a glorious view. She smiles and hugs herself tight, holding in her body heat against the cold winds*
[30-17:07] c8bd6, Tarnis Catadon : ** below lugging the still living body of the man who tried to kill them the day before the hole which he is gunna throw the man into already has two dead horses in it..the man struggles abit but he is missing a hand and move of his left leg..tarnis easily throws him in... the ring that gave the man invisibility now on his hand. begins pushing dirt in on the struggling man **
[30-17:11] f96be, Caradonia : *She watches all this with a detached expression, she can't really see Tarnis but she knows that he's down there, somewhere near the pit/grave. She thinks to herself that she wants to hear that man screaming long until after she's asleep. This isn't kind of her but what he tried to do wasn't very kind. The wind is growing bitterly cold and she climbs down, carefully, her cloak fluttering along her leather clad frame*
[30-17:15] c8bd6, Tarnis Catadon : ** the man is struggling and pleading for tarnis to stots pushing dirt...but continues to push the dirt in on the begging man..looks up a moment at caradonia who is coming down the tree..**
[30-17:17] f96be, Caradonia : *She climbs without boots and without gloves, despite the cold weather, it's just easier this way. On the last teir of branches she drops down and tangles, yellow eyes looking at the ground below while occasionally sliding along the branch, looking for a place to land that isnt rocky and when she does she just lets go and lands in a easy crouch*
[30-17:17] f96be, Caradonia : ((tangles=dangles))
[30-17:20] 27845, Mab: *randomly kills things* I HATE MAKING ADVERTISEMENT PICS!! *trudges off*
[30-17:22] cc423, Kali: *hides*
[30-17:22] f96be, Caradonia : ((*cowers*))
[30-17:23] 27845, Mab: *has to redo all her ad pics cuz they weren't what the company had in mind.*
[30-17:24] cc423, Kali: *is suddenly glad she's been kidnappeded*
[30-17:25] 27845, Mab: *bangs head on desk*
[30-17:25] c8bd6, Tarnis Catadon : ((** comforts mab back to sanity ** )) ** pusing dirt into the hole and ontop of the man...who is now completely covered in dirt.. he just uses his only hand to make a space for himself to breath in ..pushing dirt pushing dirt ...looks up to Cara ** You will catch cold if you don't were more..
[30-17:26] cc423, Kali: *chunks a pillow under Mab's head*
[30-17:28] f96be, Caradonia : *She laughs a little bit, lips curling up in a dangerous looking smile..she..afraid of colds? nu uh* Maybe..*Shoving her foot into one boot and then laces it up only to move on to the next, lacing them both very tight and then putting on her gloves* How long do you think he'll last*Standing to walk over towards the hole, wandering how long it too Tarnis to dig something that size in this hard ground*
[30-17:29] 27845, Mab: *puffs head in pillow repeatedly then* hehe
[30-17:32] c8bd6, Tarnis Catadon : He wont last long. Few minutes. ** is sitting on the ground pusing dirt into the hole with his feet... took his the whole day to dig the hole. **
[30-17:34] f96be, Caradonia : *She holds out her hand to him, wanting him to come back with her*Come must be tired*Thought as much. She shifts her voice to a softer tone, it saturated with a coaxing quality*
[30-17:38] c8bd6, Tarnis Catadon : ** reachs up to her hand with his dirty one... then uses his other hand to push into the she doesnt have to lift all his weight. once standing speaks ** Yes, tired. ** the cave is only about 20 yards away.. puts a hand around the small of her back pushs lighty to guild her back to the cave.. ** Lets eat.
[30-17:40] f96be, Caradonia : That is one of the best ideas that i've heard in a long time*She is not tired, she could run and do flips and do other silly things but she walks with her nature subdued her wander lust appease for a little while longer* How did you find this place*turning to look at him, cheeks rosey from the cool air*
[30-17:49] c8bd6, Tarnis Catadon : I came here before I heard of in the nearby town.. I didn't want to stay in town didn't like to be around people at the time..ya know? ** doesnt sense her energy....once the reach the cave he leans down walking into the cave...there is two chunks of meet on the coals on the fire ring..they have been dried for traveling..grabs up one sits down and begin to chew on the dried meet **
[30-17:51] f96be, Caradonia : *She sits down next to him so that their arms occasionaly brush.She's wanting to play around a bit but he looks very tired so she contains the urge to tackle....for now* How long were you here?*taking a big hung out of her food..then chewing..slowly*
[30-17:54] d93a4, Tarnis Catadon : Two or so years.. ** thinks a minute then shrugs laying back chewing on the dried meat ** We wont stay here long... We can move into town if you want to be around more people.. or we can go..where ever. ** uses free hand to mess with his ear ring **
[30-17:55] f96be, Caradonia : *she nods and leans forward to balance on the balls of her feet* Sounds like a plan*She glances down at Tarnis* I'm really not fond of towns but I need to be in one for a few days*She wiggles fingers at him* I'm getting clumsy with lack of pratice*Grin*
[30-17:58] d93a4, Tarnis Catadon : ** grabs at her hand lazily then pulls her at him would cushen any falling she might do ** Well then..We shall go into town some time and stay at the inn.. Tonight if you want.
[30-18:01] f96be, Caradonia : *She lands with her elebow poised to jam into his stomach, the sudden tugging of her hand caught her off guard for the moment but she catches herself, body curled into a sprawled crouch. She sticks her tounge out at him*Well, i'd rather not go tonight...its easier to 'see' a town in the daylight...
[30-18:06] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[30-18:12] c606c, Tarnis Catadon : ** moves his hands suddenly outs so that he should make her hands slip from under her ** Yes it is. And I don't think anyone worth...seeing would be out during the night. For the reason of, ** points at her ** you.
[30-18:14] f96be, Caradonia : *But how would they know that I was comming?*She lets out a surprised yelp and lands on the ground or on him..wichever would make the most sense...*
[30-18:15] cc423, Kali: *blinks @MOTD*
[30-18:16] f96be, Caradonia : ((It's 8 days until mine))
[30-18:16] 3adf1, Sileen: *updated profile*
[30-18:17] cc423, Kali: dont look at me...I had nothing to do with that!
[30-18:17] cc423, Kali: for once
[30-18:21] c606c, Tarnis Catadon : ** ah i think she would jusy land parshally on him hands go behind his hand as he looks down at her ** I don't know...I was just meaning like a theif.
[30-18:23] f96be, Caradonia : *She scoffs while picking herself up* i'm not a theif, what I do*blancing on her heel again* is an art..i do it with finesse and there*sticks out tounge again*
[30-18:26] c606c, Tarnis Catadon : ** pushs on he knee so she would fall backwards..but she isnt next to the fire so she wont fall into it. ** Your a skilled thief then. ** is teasing her a litte **
[30-18:27] c606c, Tarnis Catadon : (( he - her ))
[30-18:28] f96be, Caradonia : *She follows through with falling back but she twists her body so she's doing a handstand, legs curled over...with a grin she kicks at him with one leg* No...i'm a artisean*walks on her hands*
[30-18:30] c606c, Tarnis Catadon : ** when she kicks at him, he lazily grabs for her foot ** Right
[30-18:31] f96be, Caradonia : *She's forced to wabble over..if she looses her balance and falls it'll hurt...bad* I'm serious. Not many realize the distinction...your lucky that you have me to define it for you
[30-18:31] f96be, Caradonia : ((*pause*))
[30-18:32] c606c, Tarnis Catadon : ((**pause **))
[30-18:41] cc423, Ankalima Morwen : *she's sitting in the window, wearing one of Aldriks shirts, she didnt think she's leave their room for a long time, so it didnt really matter what she wore,. Her hair undone from its braid, hanging loose over her shoulder, picks up the copper glow from the sunset. Curling her feet beneath her, on the ledge, she's letting her fingertips slowly slide down the reflection of her face in the window, tracing the path of a tear falling down her cheek, ending in the soft curve of a smile on her lips*
[30-18:47] cc423, Ankalima Morwen : *link test*
[30-18:52] cc423, Ankalima Morwen : *profile test*
[30-19:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-19:08] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:08pm, August 30 (CDT) ).
[30-19:09] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[30-19:11] d69d7, Axis : ((*plots to use the chat to practice his horrer writing skills*))
[30-19:19] cc423, Ankalima Morwen : *encourages* work away.
[30-19:20] d69d7, Axis : ((hmm maybe If I set up a quest into a nightmarish alternate plane...))
[30-19:21] d69d7, Axis : ((hmm pluasible reasoning pluasible reasoning))
[30-19:58] cc423, Kali: *fades back into kidnappers hideout*
[30-19:58] d69d7, Axis : ((*waves arms* WHY has nobody here read HP lovecraft or stories inspired by him....))
[30-20:47] f96be, Caradonia : ((*Kicks network*))
[30-20:48] f96be, Caradonia : ((i've read them..punk))
[30-20:49] d69d7, Axis : ((Some one finally. ))
[30-20:59] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-21:58] 3adf1, Sileen: Hehehe
[30-21:59] JOIN: Drake has entered.
[30-22:01] EXIT: Caradonia has left the chat ( 9:48pm, August 30 (CDT) ).
[30-22:04] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **Continues his walk towards the city, coming ever closer to an impressive market place, where shop owners yell loudly about what they are selling, pirces and so on... Darrius always gets a kick out of pretending to be common, and never letting the people know, that among them walks the right hand of death**
[30-22:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-22:05] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:05pm, August 30 (CDT) ).
[30-22:06] cc423, Kali: *sighs*
[30-22:06] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[30-22:07] 3adf1, Aurora : *even if he has to behave while she's watching.. for now at least* *moves mutely at his side, hood casting her face into shadow*
[30-22:08] EXIT: Caradonia has left the chat ( 11:06pm, August 30 (CDT) ).
[30-22:08] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[30-22:10] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **He smiles over at her as they reach the bustling crowd, he nearly needs to yell to be heard** Would you like to go get some food?
[30-22:13] 3adf1, Aurora : ... Can't eat meat...
[30-22:16] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : Is that so? Hmm, should pay more attention... Oh well, vegetables it is, has an abundance of non-meat foods, we have fruits so sweet it will make your whole body tingle... are you hungry?
[30-22:16] 3adf1, Aurora : Yes...
[30-22:21] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **Smiles at her, throwing an arm around her shoulder, pulling her in close as a group of people rush by, they would've knocked her over** Then lets eat... **Begins to make his way towards the Sea Fire Inn, a very popular tavern/restaurant/inn in **
[30-22:23] 3adf1, Aurora : *tenses a bit as he pulls her towards him.. noting after a second the people* ... Thank you. *after that, she moves after him*
[30-22:26] 94c70, Z: *wanders through.*
[30-22:26] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **Is only a block away from the inn** So, Aurora... do you even know my name?
[30-22:28] 3adf1, Aurora : Yes.. *is SUCH a big conversationalist right now, wouldn't you say? But hey, her body was doing weird things, and she was uber depressed! You couldn't blame her*
[30-22:29] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : Not in much of a talking mood? **Only three buildings away now (is walking pretty fast)**
[30-22:29] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[30-22:29] 54891, Cookie Monster: *waves to all*
[30-22:30] 94c70, Z: *takes a bite out of cookie*
[30-22:31] 54891, Cookie Monster: AAAAAAGGGGGHHHH Great unmerciful Cthulhu it realy stings!
[30-22:32] 3adf1, Aurora : Sorry, it still... hurts. ... You tried to slit my throat..
[30-22:34] 3adf1, Aurora : ((*blinks at cookie* Cthulhu?))
[30-22:35] f96be, Caradonia: ((Everyone is on a Lovecraft kick lately))
[30-22:36] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : Had to be sure, Aurora... I knew you would be untouched, the last thing I want is for you to die... It's just very hard to overcome the the way my species feels for yours, but I resisted because I knew you were special...
[30-22:39] 3adf1, Aurora : You would have killed me...
[30-22:42] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : I would never have, nor will I ever in the future, harm you
[30-22:46] 54891, Cookie Monster: ((I was on it like the middle of last school year))
[30-22:47] cc423, Kali: *sneak tackles Cookie* Hi all!
[30-22:47] 3adf1, Aurora : ((... until you get your horn back, or cease to otherwise be unuseful)) *falls silent for a moment, then finally* You already have more then you realize.. *glances up at the Sea Fire Inn* ... This is?
[30-22:49] JOIN: Pedron Niall has entered.
[30-22:50] 54891, Cookie Monster: gah! *is sneak tackled and at the complete mercy of Kali*
[30-22:50] cc423, Kali: MWAHAHAHA
[30-22:51] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Wow brain is going... couldn't remember if "Niall" had one or two "l's
[30-22:52] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **Smiles up gleefully at the inn's sign** The Sea Fire Inn, my favorite tavern... best food in all of creon... by the way, for you, I recomend the Catawba Fruit, and the have just about anything one could want to drink... we could go somewhere else if you'd like...
[30-22:52] MSG: Kali sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[30-22:54] 3adf1, Aurora : *generally, eats oats and grass... this would be different* It's fine
[30-22:54] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Stupid AOL! *shoots AOL, stabs it, shoots it some more*
[30-22:54] 94c70, Z: AOL is satan.
[30-22:55] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Yes it is
[30-22:57] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Kali.
[30-22:57] cc423, Zaeth : ok if I say really strange things... my cat is trying to type.
[30-22:57] cc423, Zaeth : (*chunks that ooc*)
[30-22:59] 54891, Cookie Monster: *waves to Zaeth's Kitty*
[30-23:00] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **Pushes the door open to a very civilized, but lively environment inside... he leads Aurora to one of the few unoccupied tables and sits waiting for a barmaid to take their orders**
[30-23:01] MSG: Kali sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[30-23:01] 3adf1, Aurora : *sinks silently into the seat, her head remaining lowered.. face still unseen from the hood*
[30-23:01] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Cats+typing... hmmm...
[30-23:02] cc423, Kali: He's new.. bout 3 months old. completely black and sounds like a squeeky toy.
[30-23:02] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Who's new? the cat?
[30-23:03] cc423, Kali: *eye shift* what cat?
[30-23:03] 3adf1, Aurora : ((Kitty!))
[30-23:04] 3e045, Pedron Niall: *burp* What kitty?
[30-23:05] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **pulls his hood back, looking around the room brightly** Umm, that may get a little hot... you can remove the hood, if you like... **A bar maid comes to them and darrius begns to order** Two sliced catawba's to start with please... Aurora, anything to drink?
[30-23:07] 3adf1, Aurora : I don't know...
[30-23:09] cc423, Kali: alright..*has woken from her faint, and is now screaming and trying to scramble backwards from the rather large wolf who's nose was just inches from hers when she opened her eyes*
[30-23:09] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **Thinks a moment** Also, Ill have a pint of ale, and she'll have a glass of white wine... **with this, the maid nods and begins to walk away**
[30-23:10] cc423, Kali: *smites self*
[30-23:10] cc423, Zaeth : alright..*has woken from her faint, and is now screaming and trying to scramble backwards from the rather large wolf who's nose was just inches from hers when she opened her eyes*
[30-23:10] 3e045, Pedron Niall: ................... that ticker gets more and more scary every single day
[30-23:11] cc423, Zaeth : (*should change it back to rainbow colors*)
[30-23:12] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Kali.
[30-23:13] 3adf1, Aurora : ..Wine? *tilts her head slightly... she's never had wine before* Is it good?
[30-23:14] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **smiles at her, a small laugh escaping** You'll love it... so... what do you want to talk about?
[30-23:17] cc423, Kali: Blame Aldrik
[30-23:19] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Yay wine is tasty
[30-23:21] 54891, Cookie Monster: *BLAMES!*
[30-23:22] 3adf1, Aurora : ... I don't know
[30-23:23] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Don't play the blame game! Play torture-till-they-confess game!!
[30-23:24] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **thinks a moment** Are you bored with the room back **remebers that they are dressed like peasants for a reason** ... at my home?
[30-23:24] 3adf1, Aurora : The room is fine..
[30-23:24] cc423, Kali: shush you.
[30-23:26] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Ok, I have a very important question who's answer needs to be adressed immediately!!
[30-23:26] 3e045, Pedron Niall: WHO STOLE THE COOKIES FROM THE COOKIE JAR?!?!?!
[30-23:26] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : I know it is... I was just wondering if you'd like a change **is considering renting rooms here for the night, just to make the experience a little less over whelming for Aurora...**
[30-23:28] 94c70, Z: Pedron did it!
[30-23:29] 3adf1, Aurora : It doesn't matter
[30-23:29] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Hey, don't look at me.
[30-23:32] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **Just as he is about to reply, two barmaids arrive, one with darrius fruit and ale, one with aurora's fruit and wine** Perfect...
[30-23:32] 3e045, Pedron Niall: ... you eat fruit with your beer???
[30-23:33] 3adf1, Aurora : *falls silent with the distraction*
[30-23:34] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : ((**is a man of complex eating habits**))
[30-23:34] 06618, Kali: and a cast iron stomach
[30-23:34] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : ((**and, doesnt eat fruit with his beer, drinks beer with his fruit**))
[30-23:35] 3e045, Pedron Niall: ..........
[30-23:36] 3e045, Pedron Niall: I would say "That's F*cked up" but the filter would shoot me, if it isn't allready shooting me
[30-23:37] 3e045, Pedron Niall: ooooh take that filter!
[30-23:37] 3e045, Pedron Niall: You got served!
[30-23:37] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **picks up a piece of fruit, which he has grown used to by now and generously eats it, though he prefers meat, he can't deny that catawba is delicious... the first burst of tart flavor is soothingly washed by its sweet aftertaste... he swallows happily, picking up mhis cup** Its very good, you should try some...
[30-23:39] A gun pops from the chat, and opens fire on Niall!!
[30-23:39] 54891, Cookie Monster: *eats Cheeses and wine, cheese and beer, chocolate and wine, Irish cream and cookies, rum and spam; eggs, baked beans, and spam; spam, eggs, sausage, and spam; spam, spam, spam, eggs, baked, beans, and spam; spam spam spam spam
[30-23:39] 54891, Cookie Monster: Lovely Spaaaaam yes wonderfull spaaaaaaam!
[30-23:39] A gun pops from the chat, and opens fire on Niall!!
[30-23:39] 06618, Kali:
[30-23:40] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Eek i've been fired on
[30-23:40] 3adf1, Aurora : *picks up a piece of fruit.. gently taking a small bite*
[30-23:40] 3e045, Pedron Niall: *L* Monty Python is great
[30-23:42] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **Smiles genuinely at her** So, Aurora, what do you have on your mind... I mean, in general, this very moment...
[30-23:43] 3adf1, Aurora : Wishful thinking, I guess...
[30-23:45] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : wishful... at any given time, everybody is thinking wishfully... what are you thinking wishfully about?
[30-23:50] 3adf1, Aurora : Wishing stuff had not happened... things like that
[30-23:51] 3e045, Pedron Niall: *yawn*
[30-23:52] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **Stares at her brightly** Well, do any of those things have anything to do with me?
[30-23:53] 3e045, Pedron Niall : *starts singing really off key* I'm alooooone, there's nooo oooone here besiiiide meeeeeeeeeeeee!
[30-23:53] 3adf1, Aurora : *softly* Yes..
[30-23:54] 3adf1, Sileen: GGRAAAGRGGH!! *gags Niall*
[30-23:55] 3e045, Pedron Niall : Mmmmph mmmph, mmph mmph mmph mmph mmmmmmmmmmmmmph!!!
[30-23:55] 06618, Kali: *helps Sileen* shup you!
[30-23:56] 3adf1, Sileen: Heh heh heh!
[30-23:56] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **chews his lip a bit, looking away from her** I was afraid you'd say that... anything in particular you'd like to convey to me?
[30-23:58] 3e045, Pedron Niall: *growls*
[30-23:59] 3adf1, Aurora : *sighs* Just more of the same.. *lifts the wine, and takes a sip, then looks down at it, slightly intriqued*
[30-23:59] 54891, Cookie Monster: Ohhhh I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day!
[31-00:01] 3e045, Pedron Niall: *sung to the tune of the lumberjack song* Mmmmmph Mph mph mphmphmhph mph mph mph-mph, mpyh mph mph mph mph mph mph mph!
[31-00:02] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **makes note of her reaction to the wine, taking a swig of his ale, and working through his plate, waiting to see if aurora will start conversation...**
[31-00:02] 3adf1, Aurora : *takes another sip, takes another lil bite of the fruit, sips more wine... drinking more then she's eating. Wine might hit her hard later*
[31-00:04] 06618, Kali: *leaves before Open Mike Night gets any worse* g'night ya'll
[31-00:05] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **chuckles a bit to himself, noticing aurora as she sips wine more and more frequently** I told you you'd love it...
[31-00:05] 3adf1, Sileen: *amused*
[31-00:05] 3e045, Pedron Niall: L*
[31-00:05] 3adf1, Aurora : It's not bad..
[31-00:07] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **finishes his plate, taking another swig of ale**
[31-00:07] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Well, my job is done here
[31-00:08] 06618, Kali: Driving Kali insane?
[31-00:08] 3e045, Pedron Niall: *eats a cookie* Yay for oreos!
[31-00:08] 3e045, Pedron Niall: What do you think?
[31-00:09] 3e045, Pedron Niall: It's the only reason I come here
[31-00:09] 06618, Kali: t'was a verrrrra short trip.
[31-00:09] 3adf1, Aurora : *finishes off her wine, staring down at the fruit.. then begins to nibble at it more*
[31-00:10] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **stops the barmaid that took their orders originally** Excuse me... can she have another glass of white wine please?
[31-00:11] 3adf1, Aurora : *yup! She's going to be tipsy later*
[31-00:12] 06618, Kali: *vanishes*
[31-00:12] 3e045, Pedron Niall: yep
[31-00:12] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Well that was fun.. What to do now....
[31-00:14] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : **pause with the barmaid rushing off for more wine**
[31-00:15] 3adf1, Aurora : *pause*
[31-00:15] a3d22, Darrius Lokken : ((pause))
[31-00:18] 3adf1, Sileen: *spins in circles*
[31-00:19] 3e045, Pedron Niall: *puts finger on Sileen's head so she stops instantaneously*
[31-00:19] 3e045, Pedron Niall: *runs for cover*
[31-00:19] 3adf1, Sileen: Mew? *peers after him*
[31-00:23] 54891, Cookie Monster: *tackle huggles sileen and gives her lots of presents, includig a huge death mech of her very own, a years supply of cat nip, a collar that says "Love me", and a bottle of Cap'n Morgans*
[31-00:24] 3e045, Pedron Niall: *points out that on the bottle of Capn Morgans it says: Do not operate Death Mech while under intoxication!*
[31-00:25] 54891, Cookie Monster: You might notice on the cat nip label it has similar warnings for felines.
[31-00:26] 3e045, Pedron Niall: You Nip and Mech, you lose!
[31-00:29] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Wow, can I kill a chat, or what?
[31-00:32] 3e045, Pedron Niall: I am so good!
[31-00:35] 54891, Cookie Monster: *sentances Pedron to death for Chat murder in the second degree and false advertising in the first*
[31-00:37] 3e045, Pedron Niall: *sigh* Not again...
[31-00:37] 3adf1, Sileen: OOO!! *gives the Cap'n Morgans back, but hoards the rest, and gives Cookie lots of huggings and snuggings*
[31-00:38] 3e045, Pedron Niall: *yawn*
[31-00:40] JOIN: Aralore has entered.
[31-00:42] 3e045, Pedron Niall: 'ello
[31-00:42] 54891, Cookie Monster: o/ for lots of huggings and snuggings! *goes wild on the Cap'n Morgan's and has it with Cap'n Crunch*
[31-00:43] 3adf1, Sileen: It's Aralore!
[31-00:43] 3adf1, Sileen: It's Aralore!
[31-00:45] 3e045, Pedron Niall: rtduiugd
[31-00:45] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Sorry.. that was my face...
[31-00:46] 3adf1, Sileen: *LOL*
[31-00:49] f3baf, Aralore: ((BIRTHDAY ME))
[31-00:49] 3e045, Pedron Niall: I should really go to sleep soon
[31-00:49] f3baf, Aralore : ((My post button says hosted by angelfire ))
[31-00:50] f3baf, Aralore : ((Now it's cool...))
[31-00:50] 3e045, Pedron Niall: But first!! *sung to Happy B-day tune* Mpphy mmphay mmph mmph, mmphy mmphay mmph mmph, mmph mmph mmmmmmphay mmph Aralore/Sile
[31-00:50] 3e045, Pedron Niall: ........................ Damn AOL
[31-00:58] f3baf, Aralore : ((*Hugs Niall*))
[31-00:59] 3e045, Pedron Niall: .... I've been hugged....
[31-00:59] 3e045, Pedron Niall: I'm so tired I think I actually spelled my handle wrong
[31-01:00] 3e045, Pedron Niall: I'm pretty sure there's only one L in Niall
[31-02:07] 3adf1, Sileen: hehe
[31-03:22] f3baf, Aralore : *Sidles into the Glimmering Inn cautiously, glancing about with sharply attuned amethyst eyes that flicker in the dim lighting*
[31-03:34] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *flash-pwoon! Enter the Demoness! Standing in all her new clothing glory, right in the middle of the common room of the Glimmering Inn, wings snapping out slightly, bumping into a few patrons* Heh heh heh... I love these new clothes.. *loud announcement, meant for no one in particular.. though, for some odd reason, there's steam and smoke rising from her, though she and her clothing seem untouched.. and those brushed by her wings have yelped*
[31-03:37] f3baf, Aralore : *Gets brushed by the wings, but does not yelp, instead slinking into the crowd, weary of demonesses, and not recognizing Delotha at first or getting a good enough look. His eyes turn downward, away, pulling the cloak more tightly about him*
[31-03:41] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *sees Aralore.. and as he eases from her, she gets a rather... hurt look. Her wings tuck against her suddenly conservatively, as she eases towards the bar, careful not to touch anyone else until she's had a chance to cool from her fire play*
[31-03:44] f3baf, Aralore : *Moves to the shadows in a tip-toe fashion, occasionally taking a peek in Delotha's direction, trying to get a good look at the face...perhaps he's forgotten about Delotha's wings. Or perhaps he's just remembering Delotha's father all too well*
[31-03:46] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *that familiar firey hair is there draping over her back, even over the wings... wings which flop down to drape against the floor, as she leans against the bartop, glowering now.. having half a mind to get up, go to Aralore, and teleport up into the air and throw him into the water beyond the docks.... ... in fact... not a bad idea! She stands, still scowling, and begins looking for Aralore(
[31-03:52] f3baf, Aralore : *Looks away just in time as she turns around, averting his eyes to keep himself in pitch blackness...and unfortunately missing Delotha's face--thinking that all demons must have red hair to himself*
[31-03:53] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *which, as Axis has silver hair, and Palladia had no hair.... is kinda funny* *waves a hand, and the fireplace flares up, briefly illuminating the shadows, before settling*
[31-03:56] f3baf, Aralore : *Glances to the fire...then swivels his head in Delotha's direction, his eyes widening...he shrinks a little, knees buckling a bit as he sees her. Immediately he runs over and wraps her up in a hug, probably risking injury to his person in the process...but he doesn't care so much about that*
[31-03:59] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *and as he'd move towards her... her hand grabs his tunic, violently lifting him off the floor, as they'd both vanish... to reappear over the dock in the air* What's the big idea?! YOU are gone, so suddenly I get the cold shoulder?! *they freefall for a moment, her having to cry that out voer the sound of rushing wind.. before her wings would snap out, and they'd begin to glide*
[31-04:03] f3baf, Aralore : Vanished!? I've been--*hangs on for dear life as they fall, and..continues to hang on for less dear life as they begin to glide* Fighting in giant caves with evil fire-breathing nymphs and beautiful dragons!...or perhaps it was the other way around...I had good reasons for being in obscurity! DELOTHA! Put me down!!
[31-04:07] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *slows as they come over the water, lazily sinking down* Are you sure you want that...? So why the hell the cold treatment when I showed up?
[31-04:08] f3baf, Aralore : I thought you were a demon. I was half-right, anyway. *smirks, but his grip lessens only slightly* Do you really think I'd have been anything but warm if I knew it was you?
[31-04:10] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : You didn't even bloody look! What other fricken demons pop into the middle of that inn, wave around red hair, and make loud boistorous comments! You're an idiot, and your trying to cover it won't help you! *slows, dipping now towards the water... then calmly releases him, only about 4 feet above the water when she does*
[31-04:14] f3baf, Aralore : *Grabs onto her wing, trying to bring her down with him* Idiot-?! Did you call me an idiot? *hooks his legs around her waist, lithely slinking into an entangling position with her*
[31-04:15] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *she's holding him in her arms in front of her, dangling by his tunic.. her wings are out to either wide, out of reach*
[31-04:16] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *actually.. dangling by one arm*
[31-04:16] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *one hand on his tunic*
[31-04:17] f3baf, Aralore : *Grabs her arm, then, making a wildly swinging kick for her wing and trying to stay away from the water in a death grip on her* You can't beat an elf in sneakiness, Delotha!
[31-04:20] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *she swerves wildly as he would kick her wing, making a yelp.. then frantically beats her wings, the jerking motion rather sickening, as she tries to gain altitude even with him swinging around beneath her, keeping that arm held out to he can't easily grab onto anything else*
[31-04:22] f3baf, Aralore : Delotha, put me down on safe, clean ground and I'll...*flails, maintaining a locked hold on her arm and kicking outward again*...I'll let you gaze upon my irresistable Drow face...and I'll whisper sweet-nothings in your ear!
[31-04:25] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *only gives a hiss in answer, slowly getting higher with that same jerky motioning*
[31-04:29] f3baf, Aralore : *Hangs on tightly, patting her arm and nodding his head towards the nearest land he sees*
[31-04:31] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *flash-pwoon! They are in the alley by the Glimmering Inn, his feet touching down on solid ground only a moment before hers&
[31-04:35] f3baf, Aralore : *Grins* I might be stupid, but face it, you can't resist me. *Moves closer to her once he's on solid ground, draping his arms about her once more*
[31-04:37] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Hmph.. *pulls back from him* Well, I'm pissed at you for bing cold.. you're just kissing up because you don't want a cold bath
[31-04:40] f3baf, Aralore : *Moves with her, his expression growing indignant* Well, you're the one that struts into the bar in all your splendor looking like you're about to smite's those new wings. Very intimidating...
[31-04:42] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : But that still doesn't excuse you being cold to me! What did I even do to you? *gives him a look that's a mix between a glare, and a pouty face* You made me feel insecure.. I NEVER feel insecure you *Beep!*
[31-04:48] f3baf, Aralore : I didn't see your face! You were burning people on the way to the bar...I didn't know what to do or who you were.
[31-04:49] f3baf, Aralore : You saw the moment that I saw you, right? I melted at your beauty. And your are incredibly fetching, trust me. And your wings only augment it. But we mortals are sometimes awestruck by grandeur of greater things..
[31-04:49] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Well.. generally when a demon appears in the middle of a bar, with steam and such rising off her.. that would be a big clue *scratches head* And.. uh... I forgot about that part. ... ... But I still spoke! How could you not recognize my voice?! You deaf ?1
[31-04:51] f3baf, Aralore : *Shakes his head* I haven't seen you in too long..I'm starting to forget the timbre of your voice.
[31-04:54] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *reaches out to grab him and shake him* Then stop going away so often!!
[31-04:55] f3baf, Aralore : *Shaken like a ragdoll, as always unable to contend with her strength* Okay! Okay! I promise...*smiles* I would just as soon not leave your side.
[31-04:57] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : And dang it all, make sure you actually use those blasted eyes before you go being all cold and and... *beep*y at me! *sulky look*
[31-05:00] f3baf, Aralore : *Slips his arms about her gently, hugging her almost as tightly as when she was flying over the water* How I've missed haven't found a new man, have you?
[31-05:03] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Hm... only a couple *hugs him gently, very careful not to squish this man*
[31-05:06] f3baf, Aralore : *Not that fragile searching her eyes for any hint of truth to her words, he grows discontented with any distance between them, putting his forehead lightly to hers* long as they're not better archers. That's all I have to worry about...
[31-05:11] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *Pfft.. no truth, she's just teasing him* *grins* No.. but one makes a very nice steak
[31-05:12] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : And, you know, food is the way to a demon's heart...
[31-05:15] f3baf, Aralore : Then I'm becoming a master chef. What do you think, is it me?
[31-05:16] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *amused* Oh, he's a chef now is he? We'll have to test that...
[31-05:18] f3baf, Aralore : Well, I have to warn you, I'm very self-conscious about my clothes, so I'll have to cook in the nude. I hope that's alright. *wiggles his eyebrows slightly*
[31-05:19] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *laughs* That I'd have to see... I would SO laugh if you spilled something on... downstairs
[31-05:22] f3baf, Aralore : Not much danger there, I still have your pendant of fire warding. And a demoness to give me a sponge bath. *grins devillishly*
[31-05:22] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : You wish !
[31-05:23] f3baf, Aralore : *Looks offended* Now who's being cold?
[31-05:24] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *flicks his nose* I'm a fire demon.. I can't be cold *smug smirk* Oh! I have something potentially exciting to tell you
[31-05:25] f3baf, Aralore : *Brushes his lips against hers lightly, tracing the smirk* Oh? What's that? You're getting a King's permit to use those wings?
[31-05:27] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Well no... I think the king would be more likely to put assign demoness killing permits after I rescued his forced bride... but that's beside the point. I have heard rumors for a potential quest, for REALLY nice stuff...
[31-05:28] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Well no... *kisses him quickly, before pulling back to speak again* I think the king would be more likely to assign demoness killing permits after I rescued his forced bride... but that's beside the point. I have heard rumors for a potential quest, for REALLY nice stuff...
[31-05:30] f3baf, Aralore : A quest? Really nice stuff? It's yours. Just tell me where to aim my arrow at the fire-breathing thing and which shining armour you want me to suit up into to get this "REALLY nice stuff"...*smiles playfully*
[31-05:32] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Trust me.. even you'll like it. I'll tell you all about what I heard... ... after I sleep *smirks*
[31-05:33] f3baf, Aralore : Do you mind a'tall if I'm there when you wake up..?
[31-05:34] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *pause* ...No... no, I don't mind at all. *eyes him* Though if you try anything while I'm asleep, I'll steal back my pendant and roast you
[31-05:36] f3baf, Aralore : *Smirks* What'm I gonna do? Steal your wings? Hold you up at arrow point? *turns to face the street path, keeping one arm around her waist* Lead the way.
[31-05:39] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Alright then... *reaches out to grab him.. and flash-pwoom! .. gotta love that pwoom... they are at her private valley, with the steep unclimbable sides, the lake with mysterious whirlpool, and the waterfall... currently, they are only 10 feet away from the vase of said water fall*
[31-05:41] f3baf, Aralore : *Kisses her cheek quickly as they reach it, nodding in favourable appraisal* Nice place you got here. I love being slave to a demoness...
[31-05:42] 3adf1, Sileen: *smirks, then moves towards the waterfall*
[31-05:43] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *smirks, then moves towards the waterfall*
[31-05:44] f3baf, Aralore : ((*saw that*)) *Moves after her, though shrinking away if they get too close to the water*
[31-05:45] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *ducks behind the waterfall... escaping mostly unscathed, though she does get a bit moist, as would he, from the spray... and check it out! Spiffy oiled cloth set up to block the spray, which she ducks behind, tugging him with her*
[31-05:46] f3baf, Aralore : *Pulls his cloak tightly about him in disdain of the water, following along and keeping Delotha as close as she will allow*
[31-05:49] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *behind the cloth, free from the spray of water, is a almost nest of a bunch of furs and different styles of blankets.. some looking older and ragged, others new. Under clothing, and some various blouses, are tossed to the one side, with some hanging from a thin rope running along the cieling* Welcome to my home...
[31-05:51] f3baf, Aralore : Ooh, I like it...*flops down on the bed, making himself comfortable and giving a cheeky grin*
[31-05:52] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : It's a nice hidden, secluded spot.. I rather like it.. *moves to one side, and begins to casually strip down for bed*
[31-05:54] f3baf, Aralore : Me too. No ogres're going to stomp in and eat me alive. *watches her closely as she strips down, because hey, it would be foolish to look anywhere else*
[31-05:55] 3adf1, Sileen: *strips... to just breeches and the cloth blouse. Ha! No naked Delotha for you!* You should take off your cloak and boots...
[31-05:56] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *strips... to just breeches and the cloth blouse. Ha! No naked Delotha for you!* You should take off your cloak and boots...
[31-05:57] f3baf, Aralore : *Whips his cloak off, his boots immediately following* Okay, but just remember, you can convince me to take anything off with a bit of persuading. *winks*
[31-05:57] 86249, Nomeda : *and appears at the location of this romantic interlude just randomly.......okay, doesn't really*
[31-05:58] f3baf, Aralore : *Continues romantically interluding, then *
[31-05:59] 3adf1, Sileen: .. *smirks* Then why don't you strip down to just your pants... *begins hanging up her clothing* So... you haven't gotten me a ring yet...
[31-05:59] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : .. *smirks* Then why don't you strip down to just your pants... *begins hanging up her clothing* So... you haven't gotten me a ring yet...
[31-06:01] aaf28, Kali: *ponders what Mab might like for Sileens b-day*
[31-06:01] f3baf, Aralore : *Pulls off his tunic, and anything else he might be wearing, except the pendant* I'm still shopping around...but rest assured, my love, I have not forgotten...*smiles, bare arms crossing over his surprisingly well defined chest-for an elf*
[31-06:02] f3baf, Aralore : ((Shop for me, Kali, I'll only steal it anyway ))
[31-06:03] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((*cries*))
[31-06:03] aaf28, Kali: *L*
[31-06:05] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *and she doesn't notice... no no...* Alright then... *flops down onto the "nest" beside him, landing on her side, with those wings flopping back beyong her... and reaches him out, hugging him gently* *softly* You know I love you, right...? *actually said it, without any hesitation in her voice, or choppiness! The world is ending!*
[31-06:08] f3baf, Aralore : If I didn't, I wouldn't stock you to your home like this...*winks, wrapping his arms tightly around her and getting a feel for her wings, lips ending their sentence in time for a slower, more intimate kiss*
[31-06:08] f3baf, Aralore : If I didn't, I wouldn't stalk you to your home like this...*winks, wrapping his arms tightly around her and getting a feel for her wings, lips ending their sentence in time for a slower, more intimate kiss*
[31-06:09] 86249, Nomeda : (())
[31-06:09] 3adf1, Sileen: *and they kiss.. and they are ridiciously cute... and they snuggle.. and they sleep* *fade(
[31-06:10] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *and they kiss.. and they are ridiciously cute... and they snuggle.. and they sleep* *fade(
[31-06:10] f3baf, Aralore : *fades in ridiculously cute madness!!*
[31-06:12] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((G'night..))
[31-06:12] EXIT: Delotha Feanor has left the chat ( 7:12am, August 31 (CDT) ).
[31-06:14] aaf28, Kali: Ridiculously cute madness???? NOOOOO!!!*faints*
[31-06:16] aaf28, Kali: why not seriously cute?
[31-06:21] 86249, Nomeda : ((because cute isn't serious. ))
[31-06:33] EXIT: Nomeda has left the chat ( 7:21am, August 31 (CDT) ).
[31-07:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-07:52] 86249, Nomeda : ((test avatar))
[31-07:54] 86249, Nomeda : ((*throws up final big character pic in profile* Yay! This character is almost finished))
[31-07:56] EXIT: Nomeda has left the chat ( 8:54am, August 31 (CDT) ).
[31-13:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-13:47] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[31-14:12] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[31-14:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-14:18] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:18pm, August 31 (CDT) ).
[31-14:19] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[31-14:19] 1cac7, Axis : ((*plans insanity*))
[31-14:20] 1cac7, Axis : ((and of course nobody is around..nto surprising really))
[31-15:21] 3e7d1, Kali: *reappears*
[31-15:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-15:24] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[31-15:30] ae08c, xyva: *steals Kali*
[31-15:30] 3e7d1, Kali: that is not possible. *didnt escape*
[31-15:31] ae08c, xyva: hmm
[31-15:32] 3e7d1, Kali: *teleports* mwahaha
[31-15:33] JOIN: Silver has entered.
[31-15:33] 3e7d1, Kali: wow.. Hi.
[31-15:34] 00b23, Silver: Look, it'sa me'a
[31-15:34] 00b23, Silver: Hey!
[31-15:36] 3e7d1, Kali: havent seen you in a while
[31-15:37] 00b23, Silver: No, I've been pretty busy
[31-15:38] 3e7d1, Kali: *almost never busy*
[31-15:38] ae08c, xyva: 'ello *shifts the multiverse causing Kali to be pulled back through a wormhole and unshifts it*
[31-15:39] 3e7d1, Kali: Curses.. foiled again.
[31-15:42] 3e7d1, Kali: *blinks to just outside the door*
[31-15:42] ae08c, xyva: *smiles* its ok I'd have gotten you back anyway
[31-15:51] 3e7d1, Kali: *blinks behind silver*
[31-15:56] 3e7d1, Kali: who has apparentlly vanished.
[31-16:10] 3e7d1, Kali: *dies@Sileen*
[31-16:13] 3adf1, Sileen:
[31-18:19] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[31-18:26] 9516e, Kali: *peeks*
[31-18:26] 9516e, Kali: *escapes again*
[31-18:26] 9516e, Kali: heh Hi Hulk
[31-18:37] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[31-18:41] 9516e, Kali: Hi Cara
[31-18:44] f96be, Caradonia : ((Hey kali))
[31-18:47] ae08c, xyva: *shrinks and hides in Kali's pocket*
[31-18:57] f96be, Caradonia : She's forced to wabble over..if she looses her balance and falls it'll hurt...bad* I'm serious. Not many realize the distinction...your lucky that you have me to define it for you
[31-18:57] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[31-19:00] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[31-19:00] e7296, Tarnis Catadon : Oh yes I am lucky.. ** sarcastic...stands up now and moves over right next to her and grabs for her feet.. if she lets him get them he would lift her into the air then onto his shoulder *
[31-19:01] e3efc, Curst Diablos : (( *MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA))
[31-19:03] f96be, Caradonia : Your damn right you luck*And she trails off in her words to snarl in protest, her legs kicking against his hands but she ends up thrown over one shoulder...a frown shaping her pretty mouth* why?
[31-19:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-19:03] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:03pm, August 31 (CDT) ).
[31-19:03] f96be, Caradonia : Your damn right your luck.......*And she trails off in her words to snarl in protest, her legs kicking against his hands but she ends up thrown over one shoulder...a frown shaping her pretty mouth* why?
[31-19:04] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[31-19:09] aa290, Tarnis Catadon : ( AHH ))
[31-19:09] 8b808, Axis : ((*eyes* grrr))
[31-19:09] f96be, Caradonia : ((*hides*))
[31-19:11] aa290, Tarnis Catadon : (( keep getting kicked off line )) ** smiles down but unless she does sort of a sit up she wouldnt see him ** Cause your helpless.
[31-19:12] f96be, Caradonia : Am not*And to prove her point she tugs one leg free and kicks him in the side of his head with said foot*
[31-19:12] EXIT: Caradonia has left the chat ( 8:12pm, August 31 (CDT) ).
[31-19:13] aa290, Tarnis Catadon : ** head would jerk violently to the side but he doesnt let go of her..begins to walk through the mouth of the cave to take her outside into the snow **
[31-19:13] 8b808, Axis : ((hrmmm alright I have the intro for my quest...I have the I need to couch the rest of it in chat terms)
[31-19:13] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[31-19:14] f96be, Caradonia : *And of course she has to accompany him dosent choice..yes? maybe not. Perhaps she's getting a bit kick out of being manhandled in such a manner* And what do you think your doing*laughing..teeth biting at whatever she can get too*
[31-19:15] f96be, Caradonia : ((bit=big))
[31-19:17] aa290, Tarnis Catadon : ** walks into the woods abit along the way avoiding her biting teeth.. then suddenly he drops her into some foot deep snow then begins laughing at her **
[31-19:19] f96be, Caradonia : Ass*Said after he dropped her. She landed on her belly and she recoils, one muscled leg kicking out from piles of snow and fabric to slam him in the leg, wanting to knock him on his butt*
[31-19:22] aa290, Tarnis Catadon : ** falls back onto his rear as she kicks him right above the knee ..continues laughing ** I am not. ** leans forwards and craws towards her growling alitte **
[31-19:24] f96be, Caradonia : Are too*and like some hissing cat she leaps at him, the full weight of her body in her leap..intends to pin him..if not stun him*
[31-19:25] aa290, Tarnis Catadon : ** as she would leap at he he drops to his stomach in the snow so she will land on his back ** Rar.
[31-19:26] f96be, Caradonia : *Can deal with a change of plans. She laughs and sinks her teeth into his neck, just playing of course, hasn't broke the skin or anything and dosen't plan too*
[31-19:31] aa290, Tarnis Catadon : ** as she bites him he rolls over quick like bear hugging her then going to bit at her neck also playing **
[31-19:33] f96be, Caradonia : *She tries to squirm free from this bear hug and the biting but can do let else besides the squirming and the laughing and the occasional kick* quit*giggling* it
[31-19:34] f96be, Caradonia : ((Let=little))
[31-19:42] aa290, Tarnis Catadon : ** relaxes letting her go he is kinda sunk into the snow from all the moving ..reachs up poking her nose alittle ** Ahhh.
[31-19:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-19:43] f96be, Caradonia : *Her nose is cold..and red and the poking dosen't help much. She wigles it at him and sits up...shaking snow off of her* I win
[31-19:45] aa290, Tarnis Catadon : Ah ah ahhh. ** reachs up grabbing for her shoulder if he gets then would gets pulls her back down bear hugging her again this time so she would have little movement **
[31-19:46] f96be, Caradonia : *makes a muffled sound of protest and the top of her head bumps at his chin...feet kicking about a bit*MMPPHH*Angry muffled sounds..yep*
[31-19:47] aa290, Tarnis Catadon : ** hold he in a way so he head can moves but he arms would be pinned...move he legs to wrap around he kicking one.. afew of her kick hits him in the shin **
[31-19:48] f96be, Caradonia : *She blows at a few stray strands that have wandered their way into her face and eyes* I refuse to give in...*more useless squirming, teeth biting on her lower lip while she thinks a way to get out of this one*
[31-19:51] aa290, Tarnis Catadon : Give up.. do it... ** smiles at her cute face trying to thinking of a way out** Your stuck. **
[31-19:53] f96be, Caradonia : No...i'm...not..*she wiggles her fingers against his arm and again..tries to squirm loose* You have to get tired some time*proclaimed as she even gets a bit worn out*
[31-19:53] JOIN: Kalamaro has entered.
[31-19:54] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[31-19:54] aa290, Tarnis Catadon : ** squeezes her tight trying to get the air out of her... then releases ** I don't get tired.
[31-19:55] f96be, Caradonia : I noticed*coughs and just gives up..goes limp and looks up at him with a look of expectation*
[31-19:56] aa290, Tarnis Catadon : Give up? You gotta say it. ** smiles at her once she would give up he would release her **
[31-19:56] b0e88, Kalamaro: **Walks silently over to a make-shift tent, mad eof dried deer hide... he pulls out a dark burgandy cloak, throwing it over his head, keeping the hood up in order to hide his face... he is going to try and find prey in the city, hopefully something challenging**
[31-19:57] f96be, Caradonia : *Instead of saying she sticks her tounge out at him and remains where she is...refusing to budge..verbally*
[31-19:59] 8b808, Axis : ((*ponders popping in*))
[31-20:03] aa290, Garrod: ** exits from the tent that Kalamaro is getting the cloak from.. he is already wearing a dark green cloak.. he has a two short swords made from bone and steel....and several throwing daggers held in inner pockets of his cloak **
[31-20:04] 8b808, Axis : *hanging out in rau...mostly buying materiels for his poisens*
[31-20:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-20:07] b0e88, Kalamaro: **nods to garrod, speaking three words in their native tounge and making a few hang gestures. He turns and equips himself with a belt hor weapons, thatn includes viles of his own organic poisons. He then straps to his back a quiver that caries a large ammount of javelins**
[31-20:07] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:06pm, August 31 (CDT) ).
[31-20:08] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[31-20:08] bdd06, Caradonia: ((bac))
[31-20:10] 8b808, Axis : *has a new cloakwhich covers his copuis collection of poisens acids and weapons*
[31-20:10] 9576a, Mab:
[31-20:11] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[31-20:12] 8b808, Axis : ((*twitch* rua..mab did kali show you the stuff about my quest? or did you just get on))
[31-20:12] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[31-20:12] b0e88, Kalamaro: ((Rua forest on the way to rua city))
[31-20:13] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : ** Just releases her. then begins to stand **
[31-20:13] bdd06, Caradonia: *She leaps up to but she grabs him by the fabric of the front of his shirt to tug him down so that they are eye level* Okay..I give up
[31-20:15] baee8, Garrod: ** pulls his cloak up to cover head and begin to walk to rua **
[31-20:15] 9576a, Merina : *is also in Rua forest, a part not too far from the coast at a good, fast run, but she is walking along calmly, humming a tune that is breezy and pleasant and hauntingly beautiful at the same time* ((What time of day are we deciding it is?))
[31-20:16] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : ** leaning down to her eye level he speaks ** I knew you would. ** laughing at her he reachs down to grab where it wont hurt her chest where the luney stabbed her **
[31-20:16] 9576a, Merina : ((Kali didn't show me yet, but I'll ask her.))
[31-20:17] b0e88, Kalamaro: **Looks at Garrod, nodding, and beginning to jog quickly off toward the city... their jogging pace like that of a sprinting pace for a human**
[31-20:18] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : ** to help her up grabbing onto her cloak...uh yes **
[31-20:19] 8b808, Axis : *glides through the crowdall of his personalitites staring out htorugh his eyes*
[31-20:19] bdd06, Caradonia: I thought i'd let you have this one*voice enriched with teasing brovado only enriched with the curling tilt of her mouth as she grins. When he lifts her up she laughs and settles steady on her feet..* Thanks
[31-20:21] baee8, Garrod: ** jogs along with Kalam. his eyes moving along the sides of where they are running for anything that might leap out or poise and threat **
[31-20:22] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : I though that might be the case.....** stands there moment was she settles onto her feet.. then replys ** Your welcome. ** thinks a moment ** Shall we take a hike into town ?
[31-20:24] bdd06, Caradonia: Yes* and before she lifts a foot to move in either direction she stops to look at him....brows puzzled, comical* which way*shy smile*
[31-20:24] b0e88, Kalamaro: **as for their position in the forest, they arent very far from the city, maybe a fifteen minute jog by their jogging standards... by instinct, they make no sounds, and Kalamaro also scans the woulds for any potenetial hunt..**
[31-20:25] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : ** runs along silently.. slows his pace with the city now in view. begins to break into a speeded walk **
[31-20:26] baee8, Garrod: : ** runs along silently.. slows his pace with the city now in view. begins to break into a speeded walk **
[31-20:27] b0e88, Kalamaro: **does the same, making certain his face or any other characteristic features wont be seen, they want to pass for human as much as possible... the best camouflage in the city is to look human**
[31-20:28] 8b808, Axis : *doesn't loo khuman..and two 7 footers....normal...right))
[31-20:28] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : ** points off in a east direction smiling alittle ** Thirty minute walk. ** moves to her side so he his facing east and hooks his arm to can take it ** No trail to take..
[31-20:29] 9576a, Merina : *they might hear her haunting humming, as the city is near the coast and so is her position in the forest*
[31-20:29] 8b808, Axis : *walky wlaky...slips through the crowd lieka shadow...nobody notices.. la la*
[31-20:30] bdd06, Caradonia: Not even a deer trail*A hand slipping into the crook of his arm, touch even warm through the gloves in the cold air.**Cara, has a bad sense of direction; it usually takes her a while to become accustomed to a place before she wont get lost. This is why she has to familarize herself with towns before she starts working*
[31-20:30] baee8, Garrod: ** moves entering the city moving along the the allys which run parrallell with a main road.. eyes looking for a suitable prey **
[31-20:31] 9576a, Merina : *meh, is ignored.*
[31-20:31] 8b808, Axis : *walks walks...stands out...moves like silent la la la*
[31-20:32] 8b808, Axis : ((*pets merina*))
[31-20:32] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : ** moves eastly direction towards the city.. its not as big a rua but not a tiny town... the town is supported by a nearby mine.. ** Where wold you like to travel to next?
[31-20:33] 9576a, Merina : ((*petted. purrs....wait, fish don't purr*))
[31-20:33] b0e88, Kalamaro: **Stops, looking about... he jumps hig as possible, grabbing the ledge of a building and pulling himself up, running along the rooftops, until a busy section of street is in sight**
[31-20:33] bdd06, Caradonia: After here. *she pauses and looks skyword, calculating the time to herself* I dont know, acutally, when I travel..i just pick a road and go*smile*
[31-20:33] 8b808, Axis : ((a purring that to my surreal ideas))
[31-20:35] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : Well do you like the cold or warmth.. Cause that would help decide the place we go. ** just moves along as if he issnt paying attention to the walk or direction at all **
[31-20:37] bdd06, Caradonia: I'm acutally enjoying this cold weather*she pockes out her tounge to catch a stray snow drop. It's not snowing, probably got carried off a tree limb by the wind or something* But i have to wear so much clothes*Her feet burn to be free of her shoes..ARGH*
[31-20:38] 8b808, Axis : *doesn't change actions except mayeb to stop at a friut vnedor and buy an apple*
[31-20:38] baee8, Garrod: ** moves to a second row of buildings so a street separates him and his clan mate... he moves alittle behind Kalamaro and stops as he doesnt then looks over to him doing several series of hand signals the kneels down behind the lip of the roof trying to hid as much as possible **
[31-20:39] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : Well I am fine in any inviroment.. Sooo its up to you mostly. **moves on and on treking through knee deep snow the city is in sight now ** Almost there.
[31-20:40] 9576a, Merina : *sighs and enters the city. Nothing interesting in the forest, since these hunters don't appear to find humming intriguing, that or they're deaf. Stops humming too*
[31-20:41] bdd06, Caradonia: *She pretty much moves in his wake, it's just easier to walk that way* What is this town like...aside from size..*gotta have this sort of info*
[31-20:41] 8b808, Axis : *insane wlakywalk*
[31-20:41] b0e88, Kalamaro: **Drops to the alley below, walking casually into the busy street... he walks directly to a wall that has posted all the bounties in currently... though they are not interested in the bounty, they are ready for a challenging kill... he can't read much english, but can distinguish between the words "dead" and "alive"... this tells the furocity of the prey**
[31-20:42] 8b808, Axis : ((muahahaha...ghoul master has one of the biggest bounties..which is due to be raised soon))
[31-20:44] 9576a, Merina : *has no bounties on her, so they prolly won't find her very interesting*
[31-20:44] baee8, Garrod: ** stays attops the building looking down at his clan mate watching to cover him. protect him ... Waits to be signaled down **
[31-20:45] 8b808, Axis : *has no bounties on Axis....only ghoul master....and axis is just too careful..doesn't get cuaght*
[31-20:46] 9576a, Merina : *fades out of city walking existence, disappears into an alley and to her secret room that has a tunnel into the waters.*
[31-20:46] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : It' a big family.. well for the most part everyone sticks together... then you got the rebels... ** shrugs ** Nice town... You can rob to rebels .
[31-20:47] bdd06, Caradonia: They wont have much on them though*she leans on him as she contemplates...hates towns that are all buddy buddy with each other..makes things difficult*
[31-20:47] 9576a, Nomeda : *is about in the city, but wouldn't have a bounty on her, cuz her mistress pretty much owns the city*
[31-20:48] 8b808, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *is munching on a sunken fishing boat i nthe bay*
[31-20:48] b0e88, Kalamaro: **First looks at the poster for Chaszmyr Waeglossz, though he is indistinguishable, Kalamaro can make out that he has a body count of 10 trained humans... he looks them over carefully, passing a female pegasus named Lafiel, wanted alive. There is potential in an unnamed demon, and a large bounty for an unnamed assailant, dead or alive... Kalamaro raises a fist in the air, sticking up to fingers and beckoning for Garrod**
[31-20:49] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : You got the more well off bad guys in the city.. But I got enough gold to last us a while..But.. ** smiles ** You have to keep up on your game.. ** laugh**
[31-20:50] bdd06, Caradonia: *She shoots him a "I'm goona kick your hard where it hurts" kinda look and she gives her hair a toss, some of it flipping in her face* It's not a game..
[31-20:51] 8b808, Ghouls : *ghoul master walks again. in his typical outfit he walks the back alleys with his escort...vagrants are food...walks slowey towards his business intrests*
[31-20:51] bdd06, Caradonia: ((her=his))
[31-20:52] baee8, Garrod: ** leaps down from the roof once he makes sure no one would see him. lands with a thud next to Kala. Then speaking in his natives Kala asking his what he thinks about what they shall hunt **
[31-20:53] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *slink slink*
[31-20:53] b0e88, Kalamaro: **Says, in native tongue, of course, that there is a man who owns the glimmering inn in , supposed to be very wise... they may want to talk to him**
[31-20:54] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : ** smiles at her ** Your art then? ** enters through the a large arch.. the main entrance of the city. many people bustling about **
[31-20:54] 8b808, Sorceress Tirale : *is in the tower studing magic*
[31-20:54] bdd06, Caradonia: ((WTF!!!))
[31-20:54] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : (( WAAAAA what the heck ))
[31-20:54] 8b808, Sorceress Tirale : ((*goes for a ride....wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee))
[31-20:54] 3adf1, Sileen: ((Oops))
[31-20:55] 9576a, Nomeda : ((Good job, Sileen))
[31-20:55] 8b808, Axis : ((*wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee))
[31-20:55] bdd06, Caradonia: Yes, my art*says this rather haughtily but her tone trails into wander as her eyes take in detail, people, structure and just general surroundings*((now it's just going really fast __
[31-20:56] b0e88, Kalamaro: ((someone turned the chat into a ticker...))
[31-20:56] 8b808, Axis : ((*rides the chat* where we goin?))
[31-20:56] 3adf1, Sileen: *whistles innocently.. then dashes off*
[31-20:56] 8b808, Axis : ( stopped))
[31-20:56] 9576a, Mab: *dies*
[31-20:58] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[31-20:58] 8b808, Axis : ((bah boredom blah))
[31-20:59] 9576a, Tandy : *Tandy, who is player's next project for character pic, has been hiding in her hutt for days, hiding from the one "Mr. Spoon" that didn't get destroyed by Oyrin during her escapade at the Glimmering Inn. Got a sound paddling that day, but is all better now, just scared to leave her hutt. Is starving*
[31-21:00] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : ** turns heading off to what would appear to be a tavern ** Food.. warmth..
[31-21:01] baee8, Garrod: ** answers agreeing to his clan mate...then motions for him to lead for Kalamaro is the one who know most about this city **
[31-21:01] EXIT: HulkDogs has left the chat ( 9:58pm, August 31 (CDT) ).
[31-21:01] 8b808, Sorceress Tirale : *doiesn't klnow...also it will only paddle her if she tries to leave the groudns...tandie was told this*
[31-21:01] JOIN: Telek has entered.
[31-21:01] bdd06, Caradonia: *She tags along behind him, pratically skipping like a little child* wait up*and she then leaps on his back, arms wrapping around his neck and legs coiling around his waist* Hi!
[31-21:03] b0e88, Kalamaro: **Walks casually towards the glimmering inn, in search of Trendlekim...**
[31-21:04] 9576a, Acorna : *huddles on the floor against the wall, hiding her face in her knees, which are pulled up tight to her. Is quietly crying*
[31-21:04] baee8, Telek : ** is chain on a much shorted chain the acorna would be his lead doesnt allow him much movement.. enough to stand up turn around and lay down.. thats it .. he looks at the beauty of a women who is chained next to him...he smiles as this is a nice thing to wake up to ** Hello, there. ** His voice is flowing and smooth **
[31-21:05] 9576a, Tandy : *but she left the grounds, which activated the spoon. That's the problem. She doesn't know if she can actually leave her hutt safely, but will brave it before she actually starves to death*
[31-21:05] baee8, Telek : ** ah did notice she was crying but is trying to dance around the subject **
[31-21:06] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : ** grabs onto he thighs as she leaps onto his back ..chuckles lightly as her arms go around he neck ** Hi! ....What you doing? ** just walks along,**
[31-21:06] 8b808, Taulis : *bus in the giant kingdom*
[31-21:07] 8b808, Taulis : ((busy))
[31-21:07] baee8, Telek : ** ah did notice she was crying but is trying to dance around the subject **
[31-21:07] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : )) he - her ))
[31-21:07] baee8, Garrod: ** moves along next to Kalamaro he is ready to spring into action.. but remain to look relaxed **
[31-21:08] 9576a, Acorna : *sniffs and looks up, not having seen Telek before, the trauma of being shackled so making oblivious to all else while she felt sorry for herself.* Who are you?
[31-21:08] baee8, Telek : (( AHH test ))
[31-21:08] bdd06, Caradonia: Seizing a reliable means of you mind?*voice almost purring into his ear just before she rests her cheek against his shoulder, enjoying the lack of walking*
[31-21:08] 8b808, Sorceress Tirale : *just so it is won't beat her when she leaves as long as she doesn't attempt to leave the grounds*
[31-21:09] baee8, Telek : ** smiles trying to lift her spirits.. he would otherwise be called a pretty boy. ** I am Telek.. ** yanks on chain holding him to the wall ** Been here a couple months.. Not so fun here.
[31-21:10] b0e88, Kalamaro: **Fiannally reaches the glimmering inn... staring up at its sign for a moment before pushing the door open and stepping inside**
[31-21:10] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : Ah. I guess not. ** moves along towards the tavern... not very far away but he walks in a jumpy way to shake Cara about on his back **
[31-21:11] bdd06, Caradonia: *She laughs every time that he does this bouncing thing, and everything that she has tied to her belt jingles, like bells* If your nice i'll let your trade on the way back
[31-21:12] 8b808, Sorceress Tirale : ((later))
[31-21:13] baee8, Garrod: ** enters in behind his clan mate the moves aside as the door would shut behind him speaking in a odd tongue about what they are lookin for **
[31-21:15] b0e88, Kalamaro: **speaks back in native, "anything we can get...", not seeing trendlekim anywhere dissapoints him, he's heard good things... so, he moves to the closest seated patron**
[31-21:15] 9576a, Acorna : I'm *sniff* Acorna. *her voice sounding sobby. Then with his last statement* A couple months?!? *in a panicked, dispairing, choked whisper. She starts to pant. A unicorn used to frollicing could never tolerate being locked up so for that long. Heck, even a few days is enough to drive her crazy. She throws her head into her knees and starts bawling more pointedly*
[31-21:17] 9576a, Tandy : ((You leaving, Axis? I was gonna bring Tandy out, but I won't if you're going))
[31-21:18] JOIN: Kalamaro has entered.
[31-21:19] baee8, Telek : Ahh.. ahh come on now.. at least you have someone to spend some time with. I was here alone.. ** seems alittle to up spirited for someone who has been chained for so long moves to the end of his chain and leans forwards laying down looking at Acorna ** If your good he will let you out from back here. ** grins oddly ** I am just a bad boy.
[31-21:20] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : Trade what? ** releases he thighs as he stops at the door of the tavern. then opens the door for Cara motioning for her to enter ** After you.
[31-21:20] b0e88, Kalamaro: **He looks down at the man, face hidden, speaking in english with an obvious accent** Greetings... I am called Kalamaro... can I ask yoiu questions? **hopes to intimidate the man with his stature, which obviously works as the man nods slowly and silently**
[31-21:21] bdd06, Caradonia: *Climbs down with a look of disapointment, was enjoying herself you see. But steps inside in front of him* I'll lets you ride my back*bumps her hip against his on her way inside*
[31-21:21] 9576a, Acorna : *lips quivers, looking at him, peeking above her knees* What is being good? How can I be bad chained like this? How does he determine good? *all asked in "What is the use?" dispairing, sobby tones*
[31-21:21] b0e88, Darrius Lokken : **The barmaid arrives with Aurora's second glass of wine... Darrius stops her and asks for a glass of his own, and she giggles and nods and scurries off to get it.**
[31-21:22] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[31-21:22] baee8, Garrod: Hmm. ** fallows moving along with kalamaro stand next to him to add to kala's seeming strength **
[31-21:23] 3adf1, Aurora : *unpause* *silently reaches a pale, dainty hand out, lifting the glass of wine*
[31-21:24] baee8, Telek : Well going insane and yelling at telling him you will never beind to his will. ** smiles momentarily then yellows out really loud for a long moment then stops smiling at her still.. ** That has kept me chained here. Being good is just sitting here and acting how he deems would be like a dog.
[31-21:24] b0e88, Kalamaro: So, aurora... speak...
[31-21:25] b0e88, Darrius Lokken : so, aurora... speak
[31-21:25] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : ** laughs at her fallowing her into the in ** Don't give me any ideas. ** moves to a table.. a random one pulling a chair out for Cara to sit in ** Here.
[31-21:26] 9576a, Acorna : I'm no dog! *protesting sobby*
[31-21:26] b0e88, Kalamaro: **Stares down at the human, can tell by the scent...** Who is dangerous? Anything that kills?
[31-21:26] 3adf1, Aurora : .. I do not know what to speak about
[31-21:26] bdd06, Caradonia: I could easily drag you*said with a sideways smile, kidding a bit. She sits down into the offered chair and happily shrugs off her cloak breathing a sigh of releif*
[31-21:27] b0e88, Darrius Lokken : Im sure you do... anything that is on your mind, Im sure you havent told me it all yet...
[31-21:27] baee8, Garrod: ** stands there all creepy like staying silent, motionless **
[31-21:28] baee8, Telek : You don't gotta be. Just pretend. I'll do it with you. Then we can maby get out. Your the first unicorn to come through here you can make it in the cold long enough to get to the portal.. ** pulls on his clothing ** Me I got good clothing from the huge man.
[31-21:29] 3adf1, Aurora : I just miss the forest...
[31-21:30] b0e88, Kalamaro: **quietly the human speaks** Ghouls... the undead creatures that ransacked the city a while back... a lot of people died by them... **Kalamaro thinks a moment for the right words** Name only one...
[31-21:30] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : ** going from the cold to the heat would leave the tips of tarnis's finger itchy...but he enjoys the heat.. a bar maid soon comes moving next to tarnis asking him what he would like to eat....he orders some bread and wine....the motions to cara to order for herself ** You shouldn't drag me.. We will try it.
[31-21:31] baee8, Tarnis Catadon : (( shuoldn't - couldn't ))
[31-21:31] 9576a, Acorna : I was pretending and I did try to get out. He let me leave and then came after me. *jerks at the chains frustratedly*
[31-21:31] b0e88, Darrius Lokken : do you want to go there? **barmaid brings darrius his wine** we have plenty of forests, and I can fly... we could go there whenever you feel like going...
[31-21:33] bdd06, Caradonia: *She orders some, bread, some cheese and some wine...yum..hungry Cara* I could do it!*speaking with a hasty insitiance as the barmaid walks off. She thrives in here. Her cheeks glow from the head and her eyes catch the doing odd things to her eyes*
[31-21:33] baee8, Telek : ** seems to lose his happy like state looking at her with a stupid look on his face ** You should sneek out while everyone sleeps.. ** taps his head ** Though of this while being chained to this.. ** tugs at chains ** wall..
[31-21:33] 3adf1, Aurora : Could we? *looks up, seeming to perk up very slightly*
[31-21:33] baee8, Garrod: ** moves to sit across from the human.. makes no noises **
[31-21:35] b0e88, Darrius Lokken : Just say when... **smiles at her, trying to use the beauty of his species as a tool for her to warm up to him**