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[22-18:29] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : * The sounds of heavy boots falling on the steps of the Inn can be heard as a short grumpy stout Dwarf heads in for his after work barrel of beer.*
[22-18:34] 13760, Axis : *he smiles at the muffled cries and her obvious agony as he works. He didn't care who she was or anythign about her. He only delighted in waht a wonderful subject she made for his work*
[22-18:34] ca691, Ramzix : *He practices writing his whole name out with charcoal and a parchment*
[22-18:34] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[22-18:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-18:35] EXIT: Ramzix has left the chat ( 7:34pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-18:36] JOIN: Burdick has entered.
[22-18:36] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[22-18:38] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Rears up his foot...and WHAM! The door splinters open as he kicks it in he walks. Clothed in a layer of outer heavy leather armor underneath rests a shirt of chainmail which extends about halfway down his arms and under that a dark maroon shirt. A helmet hangs from a strap on his belt which also happens to hold two smaller axes and a small pack. A bandolier goes across his chest on which are six small hatchets and on his back a large battle axe. Definatly not one to be trifled with.*
[22-18:38] 56497, Shakahnna : **flutters down to his side and with a flash is in her full size*
[22-18:39] ca691, Ramzix : *He turns and gives her a greeting smile*
[22-18:41] d57e8, Burdick : **Burdick currently resides at the top of a 8 story building in near the glimmering Inn resting in stone.**
[22-18:44] 13760, Lok : *is currently residing in the palace in Tranlaous a stoen statue face down on a pild of paper work*
[22-18:45] a309f, Kali: *giggles at Lok*
[22-18:45] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Pausing a moment to look menicingly around the bar before striding up the the barcounter which stands at about the level of his eyes. Raising a gloved hand he pounds hard enough upon it to knock over several drinks. His voice...nothing more than a growl with an accent can be heard.* Malt Beeer!
[22-18:48] 56497, Shakahnna : *she smiled deeply a little twinkle in her eyes*What are you upto?*looking over his work*toying with a small loose piece of wrapping on his arm*
[22-18:52] ca691, Ramzix : ~Getting my fingers used to writing again.~
[22-18:52] EXIT: Ramzix has left the chat ( 7:52pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-18:52] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[22-18:53] 56497, Shakahnna : need any help?*aksed in an almost sing song voice*
[22-18:53] a309f, Kali: *wanders thru her chars looking for someone vicious* *fails*
[22-18:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-18:54] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:54pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-18:55] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *He looks hard at the bartender who promptly sets before him a great mug of beer. Giving a curt nod he takes it and wanders off to a smaller table in which to sit and enjoy his brew.*
[22-18:55] 56497, Shakahnna : (gives cuddles to the kali*0
[22-18:55] JOIN: Pol has entered.
[22-18:55] beb5e, Pol: Hello
[22-18:55] ca691, Ramzix : *shakes his head* ~how are you today?~
[22-18:55] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[22-18:56] ca691, Ramzix : ((*always liked the name Pol. That shade of blue accentuates it too.*))
[22-18:56] beb5e, Pol: Thanks
[22-18:57] 13760, Axis : (ILIKE APPLEJUICE))
[22-18:57] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 7:57pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-18:57] 56497, Shakahnna : Im bubbly*said as she stiffles a yawn and rests her head on his shoulder lookig over his writing*
[22-18:58] beb5e, Pol: Lets see if my funny picture works
[22-18:59] beb5e, Pol: How is everyone tonight?
[22-19:00] a309f, Queen Nessima : *the ground beneath her feet sinks with each step, stomp would be more like it. She was very irritated at the last group of creatures that had been brought to the market, usless little things , humans, for the most part.. she had left the castle before meeting with the queen of .. left her standing infront of the portal. It would be interesting to see if she would still be there when Nessima returned*
[22-19:00] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Grunts something then brings the mug to his lips, a long long drink before he slams the mug back down upon the table hard enough to shake it and send a loud clak throughout the tavern...soon to be followed by a loud resonating belch. Wipes the back of his hand across his moustache getting the liquid from it.*
[22-19:00] ca691, Ramzix : *it's legible but shaky and inconsistant in size. He's never written in the common language before so, i guess this would be a successful attempt*
[22-19:02] d57e8, Burdick : **Burdick suddenly awakens because of empty feeling in his stomach. He slowly becomes fleshy, rather than stone. he steps to the edge of the tall building, looking down at the dots below as they pass unsuspectingly. He takes a few steps back, unfurrling his wings, running, and plunging over the edge.**
[22-19:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-19:05] EXIT: Pol has left the chat ( 7:59pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-19:05] 56497, Shakahnna : *she tilts her head*looks good*little smile then kisses his cheek with a blush*
[22-19:05] EXIT: Ramzix has left the chat ( 8:00pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-19:05] EXIT: Ramzix has left the chat ( 8:00pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-19:06] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[22-19:06] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : ((Locations? I'm in Trendlekims))
[22-19:07] 56497, Shakahnna : (fireplace)
[22-19:07] a309f, Queen Nessima : (Belegorod.. the homeland of the Giants)
[22-19:08] a309f, Ankalima Morwen : (with Aldrik)
[22-19:08] ca691, Ramzix : ((with shaka))
[22-19:11] JOIN: Shakahnna has entered.
[22-19:11] a309f, Ankalima Morwen : (upstairs in Glimmering)
[22-19:12] ca691, Ramzix : *He smiles* ~What'd you do?~
[22-19:13] 56497, Shakahnna: This*kisses his cheek once again leaving a little black lipstick mark thre*oops*gently wipes it away*must get rid of the evidence
[22-19:15] d57e8, Burdick : **As Burdick falls towards the busy streets he singles out one human in particular, he is a tall fat man who looks to be in his late twentie, Burdrick swoops down at great speeds and picks the man up and flys him to the building at witch he dwells, and then begins to feast**
[22-19:16] a309f, Belthil : *is sitting on the edge of Corell's bed, gently tracing her fingers down his cheek, sending her healing magic thru him, praying to her gods that he would wake soon*
[22-19:16] ca691, Ramzix : ~ Meant today. He wraps his arms around her holding her close to him
[22-19:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-19:18] d57e8, Burdick : (( ))
[22-19:19] a309f, Ilia Fion : (*pokes Oyrin*)*is sitting at the bar of the inn watching the dwarf
[22-19:20] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *He gets that feeling of being watched. His lips twist into a frown as he turns his head and looks towards the bar, right at Ilia.*
[22-19:21] a309f, Ilia Fion : Still havent learned manners have you?
[22-19:21] 56497, Shakahnna : *blushes lots and cuddles close to him*Ive just been flying around
[22-19:22] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : And I suppose you'll be the one to teach me! *He snorts then brings the mug to his lips taking another mighty swig of the fine brew.*
[22-19:23] a309f, Ilia Fion : *laughs* There arent enough years in my life.
[22-19:24] a309f, Ilia Fion : (which is quite an insult since elves are immortal)
[22-19:24] d57e8, Burdick : (( I'm new and i want to get the hang of this does anyone want to fight me))
[22-19:25] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Not insulted at all. He smirks looking at her.* It seems as if you're afraid of actually getting your pride handed to you by a dwarf!
[22-19:26] d57e8, Burdick : (( Anyone? ))
[22-19:27] ca691, Will-o'-the-wisp: ~Did you see anything of any high interest?~
[22-19:27] a309f, Ilia Fion : (hang on... working on it)
[22-19:27] 56497, Shakahnna : (fireplace with ramzix)
[22-19:27] 56497, Shakahnna : (and nope)
[22-19:28] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : ((My mother is awesome. She brought me some homemade dinner here at the Radio station.))
[22-19:28] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:18pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-19:29] a309f, Ilia Fion : Im not afraid of a dwarf. (*huggles your mom* can I steal her?)
[22-19:29] ca691, Ramzix : ~Did you see anything of any high interest?~
[22-19:29] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : ((This is a rare occaison believe me Nice supprise tho.))
[22-19:30] a309f, Ilia Fion : (Burdick.. if you can wait a few minutes ?)
[22-19:30] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Of course not...but wouldnt you look silly with your nose in the mood and having been put there by one of my kind. *He offers her a grin then slams down his mug once again shaking the table.*
[22-19:30] EXIT: Ramzix has left the chat ( 8:29pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-19:31] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[22-19:31] 56497, Shakahnna : Not really*she shakes her head lightly..whipping him ever so sligfhtly with her long black almost wild hair*I was mostly looknig for you
[22-19:32] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : ((mud not mood))
[22-19:33] a309f, Ilia Fion : ((darn you.... spoiled my post ))
[22-19:33] ca691, Ramzix : ~Oh. I'm sorry. I've been studying and reading~
[22-19:34] EXIT: Ramzix has left the chat ( 8:33pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-19:34] 56497, Shakahnna : Its ok*she smiles*I found you in the need a bell*little nod*
[22-19:34] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[22-19:34] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[22-19:35] d57e8, Burdick : (( Sure i can wait ))
[22-19:35] ca691, Ramzix : *He laughs at that thought*
[22-19:36] 56497, Shakahnna : *she smiles at his little laugh*
[22-19:36] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : ((*Deems this meal of hommade meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans excelent.*))
[22-19:37] a309f, Ilia Fion : ((*is SOOOOOO jealous*))
[22-19:38] a309f, Ilia Fion : ((*had frito pie for dinner*))
[22-19:38] 56497, Shakahnna : (please folks im starving hehe)
[22-19:39] a309f, Ilia Fion : ((MWAHAHAHAHAHA))
[22-19:39] ca691, Ramzix : *He looks at her with those passionate eyes then gives her a sweet sweet kiss*
[22-19:40] a309f, Ilia Fion : ((Ramzix.. you in glimmering?))
[22-19:41] ca691, Ramzix : ((yeah, fireplace.))
[22-19:41] 56497, Shakahnna : *she almost gts lost in those eyes letting out a little sigh before he kisses her drawing away slowly and smiling *so is that a yes to the bell?*little cheeky smile*
[22-19:42] a309f, Ilia Fion : *looking past the dwarf, she gives a huge snort*Love birds! got no use for them.
[22-19:42] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[22-19:44] ca691, Ramzix : *shakes his head*
[22-19:44] d57e8, Burdick : **Burdick looks around for a potential challeng or threat, he feels the need to fight**
[22-19:44] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Hmmm? Oh..bah! *Turns his head lookin at the two.*
[22-19:46] ca691, Ramzix : **notices he'as become the center of attention. He just looks between the three of thewondderiing what happened*
[22-19:47] a309f, Ilia Fion : *nodding towards the booth where Illisse is sitting with Levald* That s her problem.. She's so inlove with that lunatic, she cant see whats right in front of hwr
[22-19:48] 56497, Shakahnna : aww*little pout then she turns to see why everyone is looking at them not liking it one bit*
[22-19:48] d57e8, Burdick : **takes a few steps back and jumps, after free falling for a few secs he spreads hes wings and soars over the city looking of a fight to fill the need inside of him
[22-19:49] JOIN: Gurthar has entered.
[22-19:50] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Oh? Whats wrong with him? He seems like a normal elf scumbag to me. *He smirks..trying to push buttons*
[22-19:51] c6c97, Gurthar: *rages through the streets killing anyone close enough to catch as his anger seeps through him*
[22-19:51] a309f, Ilia Fion : He's lost his mind.. barely remembers who he is half the time.
[22-19:54] ca691, Ramzix : *He shrugs and returns his attention to her* ~I'd never get to sleep with a bell on~
[22-19:54] a309f, Kali: *peers at Burdick* Gargoyles are good.
[22-19:54] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[22-19:55] d57e8, Burdick : (( Gurthar i want to fight you, but i have to do something i'll be back in like 20mins, ok?))
[22-19:56] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Then why does she stay with him if he's lost his mind?...If he were a dwarf we'd have tossed him into the great endless pit of AkLodon.
[22-19:56] 56497, Shakahnna : Hmmm I didnt think of that*she puts a finger t her lips..lifting the stuff of his lap and putting herself there instead*I will just have to keep hunting you down then
[22-19:56] c6c97, Gurthar: (I only have 65min. but ok)
[22-19:57] a309f, Ilia Fion : She doesnt know how bad he is..
[22-19:57] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Well tell her! Prove to her his crimes!
[22-19:57] d57e8, Burdick : ((ok i'll leave now and be back soon, be ready))
[22-19:58] a309f, Ilia Fion : (Oyrin.. I have to leave in a few minutes) I have told her. She thinks she can cure him.
[22-19:59] c6c97, Gurthar: (ok)
[22-19:59] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : ((k))
[22-20:00] a309f, Kali: *vanishes* see you later tonight.
[22-20:02] ca691, Ramzix : ~I'll just have to stay in sight~ *holds her there, content to not be alone.*
[22-20:03] 56497, Shakahnna : *presses her nose against his*I could always stay in your pocket*he is deadly seriase aswell*
[22-20:06] ca691, Ramzix : ?
[22-20:08] 56497, Shakahnna : I could sleep in your pocket...I go little remember..that way ide never lose you
[22-20:09] ca691, Ramzix : ~But, I might accidentally crush you that way.~
[22-20:12] 56497, Shakahnna : Any better ideas?*tilting her head in that oh so cute manner*
[22-20:13] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[22-20:13] fad9a, Rav : Hello all
[22-20:14] ca691, Ramzix : *he takes a very old ring from his pocket. it's made od onyx* ~ Before my brother and I parted ways, this was how we kept rack of each other's location. it'll let you feel how lose i am to your location.~
[22-20:15] 56497, Shakahnna : (hi rav)
[22-20:15] c6c97, Gurthar: (hey rav)
[22-20:15] c6c97, Gurthar: (havent seen you in a while)
[22-20:16] 56497, Shakahnna : *she looks at the ring closely..tilting her head further as she looks over it*I cant take that it must be presiouse to you
[22-20:16] fad9a, Rav : Yeah I got lost in mundane life for awhile
[22-20:17] c6c97, Gurthar: (ah)
[22-20:18] ca691, Ramzix : *Shakes his head* It's a reminder that he's after my head.
[22-20:18] d57e8, Burdick : (( is Gurthar a human))
[22-20:20] 56497, Shakahnna : *little frowning pout*why would he be after your head*running a finger down his cheek*
[22-20:22] d57e8, Burdick : (( Gurthar im back))
[22-20:24] c6c97, Gurthar: (hey, ya hes human)
[22-20:25] fad9a, Rav : I might be back later it all depends on mundane life. See yall later
[22-20:25] EXIT: Rav has left the chat ( 9:25pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-20:25] c6c97, Gurthar: (c ya)
[22-20:26] d57e8, Burdick : (( ok still wanna fight me?))
[22-20:27] ca691, Ramzix : ~I'm the reason we were enslaved. He was twisted and Turned against me by our enslavers~
[22-20:29] 56497, Shakahnna : *she looks so sad by this..wrapping ehr arms round his neck*I dont want you to lose your head..I like it where it is
[22-20:30] d57e8, Burdick : **Burdick scans the area as he flys over 25 above the city looking for a fight and he sees Gurthar on his psychotic rampage
[22-20:30] d57e8, Burdick : **Burdick scans the area as he flys over 25 above the city looking for a fight and he sees Gurthar on his psychotic rampage
[22-20:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-20:32] d57e8, Burdick : (( 25 feet*))
[22-20:33] c6c97, Gurthar: *adrenalin courses through his vains as he hacks into the back of some poor young man trying to flee*
[22-20:35] ca691, Ramzix : ~I don't think He'll find me.~
[22-20:35] d57e8, Burdick : **Burdick swoops down and kicks at Gurthar's hand as to nock the wepon out of his hand**
[22-20:36] 56497, Shakahnna : If he does I will hit him*big grin*
[22-20:37] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[22-20:38] ca691, Ramzix : *Smiles*
[22-20:40] c6c97, Gurthar: *the sword falls with the young man as he turns his other sword on Burdick. Lashing out at his legs before he can get away*
[22-20:43] 768f3, Acorna : *no idea of her sister's plight, she sits with her knees pulled up to her, rocking*
[22-20:43] d57e8, Burdick : **He raises hes leg as to avoid the blade but he doesnt move fast enough. The Blade grazes his leg but only leaves a small cut due to the thickness of his skin. Burdick swings his fist hard at Gurthar's skull.**
[22-20:45] 56497, Shakahnna : *returns his smile and leans into his ear and gently whispers something that would make any red blooded male blush*
[22-20:49] c6c97, Gurthar: *the punch catches the edge of his head most of its force redirected as the fist bounces away. He doesnt even notice the hit as he swings his swprd again aiming for Bardicks chest while reaching for his other sword sticking up in the back of the dead man*
[22-20:49] c6c97, Gurthar: (sword*)
[22-20:51] ca691, Ramzix : *And that he does. How red he got at her suggestion*~ I don't know~
[22-20:51] d57e8, Burdick : **with a blast of his wings he flys back and lands on the ground and lets out a angry growl. throws his hands out and his claws begin to grow to become 4in long
[22-20:52] 56497, Shakahnna : Pwease?*said with the most adoring eyes*
[22-20:53] d57e8, Burdick : ** He growls again and charges wit claws extended.**
[22-20:55] 768f3, Acorna : *end cameo?*
[22-20:55] c6c97, Gurthar: *he pulls up the other sword holding one so he can block with it, and the other so he can thrust it*
[22-20:58] d57e8, Burdick : **runs at him and right befor contact he drops down into a slide and kicks at his feet.**
[22-21:00] ca691, Ramzix : *Does she really think he'll need convincing? He nods slowly.* ~It's been a very long time~
[22-21:01] 56497, Shakahnna : *She smiles*first for me...*said in a sort of shy tone*
[22-21:01] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[22-21:01] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[22-21:01] 6df9d, Liz: *falls into the chat*
[22-21:01] c6c97, Gurthar: *following his moves he points the swords down, jabing at him as he falls onto him*
[22-21:01] 54891, Cookie Monster: *slips back in*
[22-21:02] 54891, Cookie Monster: *waves to Liz*
[22-21:02] 6df9d, Liz: *waves back*
[22-21:02] ca691, Ramzix : ((*clings to the lizes*))
[22-21:02] 6df9d, Liz: *feels loved*
[22-21:03] 54891, Cookie Monster: Who be playing what and where?
[22-21:04] 6df9d, Liz: Mierka and woods, somewhere, I think
[22-21:04] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[22-21:05] ca691, Ramzix : ((Ramzix at the glimmering's fireplace)) *He takes Her hand for her to lead on*
[22-21:06] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[22-21:06] 56497, Shakahnna : (*does mass hug with liz and ramzix)
[22-21:07] 56497, Shakahnna : *she holds his hand gently as she stands gently pulling him along*there is only one tiny problem
[22-21:10] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** moves from the front room of his large cave back to where Acorna would be sitting. stops as she comes into view. he pauses a minute ** Are you read yo not try and escape?
[22-21:11] d57e8, Burdick : **As Gurthar falls the blade knicks Burdicks sholder cutting into it about an inch. Burdick quickly slashes at Gurthar's stomach as he falls. As soon as Gurthar falls on top of Burdick, burdick would turn over to be ontop of him.**
[22-21:12] c6c97, Gurthar: (umm there were two swords in my hands)
[22-21:13] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 10:04pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-21:13] ca691, Ramzix : ~It's too small?~
[22-21:15] 56497, Shakahnna : *she nods...I only live in a tree trunk*said with a shy blush*
[22-21:15] d57e8, Burdick : *other sword would just barely miss his other shoulder as he moved it to slash gurthar's stomach** ((sorry, missed it))
[22-21:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-21:17] 768f3, Acorna : *looks up/out at him* Why do you ask?
[22-21:18] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : Because I don't want you to leave. Your a great addition to my collection.
[22-21:19] c6c97, Gurthar: *burdick would be un able to turn over as he is pinned when Gurthar crosses his blades over his neck, the combination of adrenalin and his rage blinding him of his wounds*
[22-21:20] c6c97, Gurthar: (unable)
[22-21:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-21:22] 768f3, Acorna : Are you going to let me out? *is going stir crazy*
[22-21:23] ca691, Ramzix : ~I live up there~ *points to rafters* ~I should get a room here. Now that I have a reason to~
[22-21:25] b06e2, Shakahnna : *she smiles gently*shall we go get a room together?
[22-21:26] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : I will let you loose of your chain but I wont let you go. If I let you free will you run?
[22-21:27] 768f3, Acorna : *looks away from him, unsure how to answer* I can't make any promises.
[22-21:28] ca691, Ramzix : *He pulls some gold from a pouch and heads towards the inkeep's*
[22-21:30] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : Well. ** Moves forwards to her un linking the can and pulling the colar free of her neck ** Well you run and I'll put you back into your cage. All I got to say. ** turns walking back into the main room sitting in a huge wooden chair.. looks down on all his slaves about 15 of them.**
[22-21:30] d57e8, Burdick : **wings his knee directly up at Gurthars crotch with all of his strength, devistatiing considering how strong gargoyles are. If it connects, Burdick will flip Gurthar over his head and on to his back (that would put them head to head). Again, as soon as gurthar would land (considering this works), Burdick would swing a fist up at gurthars shoulder to hopefully drive his clawed fingers into the soft flesh**
[22-21:31] b06e2, Shakahnna : *she toddles beside him closely bare feet gently slapping against the ground asshe walks*
[22-21:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-21:32] d57e8, Burdick : ((swings))
[22-21:33] 768f3, Acorna : *she gets an idea and looks around the place for a place to hide. Let him think she ran away.*
[22-21:34] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** she can't forget that there are many others who would if they saw he tell him where she is or if anyone had left ** Coming out?
[22-21:36] d57e8, Burdick : ((I only got 25 minutes))
[22-21:36] c6c97, Gurthar: *he presses down a little harder on the blades as he is thrown upward, but quickly comes right back to where he was by locking his legs around Burdicks.* still feeling nothing*
[22-21:36] 768f3, Acorna : ((Where is she? Last we RP'd she was chained to his bed post and sleeping on a little bed next to his big one.))
[22-21:36] c6c97, Gurthar: (ok)
[22-21:38] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : (( well Carillon is in the larger main room. Acorna is still in the back room where beds are and spare furnishings **
[22-21:40] d57e8, Burdick : **Knows that if the swords we're moved to slice, his thick skin would protect. He pulls his hand up and moves it to strangle gurthar, and perhaps push his claws into either the corrated arteries or the jugular vain**
[22-21:41] 768f3, Acorna : Not just yet. *would, of course, wait to hide when no one was looking and looks around for a likely place*
[22-21:43] c6c97, Gurthar: *he raises his sword slaming it down onto Burdicks neck with all his weight as the adrenalin takes over*
[22-21:44] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** begins to speak with one of his other slaves about what they are making...the slave is working some hide so it may be turned into a blanket **
[22-21:48] ca691, Ramzix : *He pays for a room and heads up. it's room 12*
[22-21:48] 768f3, Acorna : *would cringe at hides being made into blankets, it not being a unicorn's way to wear or use animal hides. She ventures slowly out to the main room, looking about, being all catious. If she can hide closer to the exit, that would be better*
[22-21:49] JOIN: Burdick has entered.
[22-21:49] JOIN: Burdick has entered.
[22-21:50] b06e2, Shakahnna : *she follows him glancing at the key with a smile*you sure you want to have a room..I mean if your not used to one
[22-21:52] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-21:52] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** every thing is about 15 feet from the door. chairs lined with furs on one side she could hide behind or a stack of logs on the other side she could hid behind.. the doors are drapped in furs to keep the cold out remember. Looks to the lil women ** Well, hello. You should get to know people it will make your stay here much more pleasant.
[22-21:52] ca691, Ramzix : ~I'm not used to having you either.~ *smiles back at her before continuing down the hall*
[22-21:52] d57e8, Burdick : **as soon as the sword would be raised, he would roll away from the blade of the other sword, bringing the human over with him, since he has his legs wrapped around. as soon as he is on top of Gurthar, Burdick would swing down hard at gurthars head, which would crack between the fist and the street**
[22-21:52] EXIT: Ramzix has left the chat ( 10:52pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-21:53] ca691, Ramzix : ((test))
[22-21:53] c6c97, Gurthar: *splats*
[22-21:55] c6c97, Gurthar: (good fight)
[22-21:55] d57e8, Burdick : ((and what happened when I tried to strangle?))
[22-21:55] b06e2, Shakahnna : Im sure youll get used to me*looping her arm around his so its easier for her to keep up*
[22-21:55] a309f, Kali: *sneaks back in*
[22-21:56] c6c97, Gurthar: (you did what you said you were gonna do. it just didnt fase him
[22-21:56] c6c97, Gurthar: )
[22-21:57] 768f3, Acorna : *hugs herself, looking around, wondering if any of the people there would help her* Ummmm, okay.
[22-21:57] b06e2, Shakahnna : (*sets a trap and catches the sneaking kali and forces her into a hug*muahahaha)
[22-21:58] a309f, Kali: *is hugged by a stranger* hrm...
[22-21:58] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** most of them are happy where they are... free food clothing and friends. there may be 1 or 2 unhappy people.. motions to one women who is lounging next to the massive fire ** That is, Dalene.
[22-21:59] JOIN: Haesanga has entered.
[22-22:00] af509, Haesanga: ((*eyes the giants...*))
[22-22:00] EXIT: Haesanga has left the chat ( 11:00pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-22:01] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : (( **crushs the griphon ** ))
[22-22:01] ca691, Ramzix : They finallt getto the room and he slides the key into the lock and turns it. the door opens and he takes a long look around*
[22-22:03] 768f3, Acorna : ((*rolls eyes* Not even the same giant, Haes, and I thought we talked about this. *shakes head*)) Hello Dalene. *says mildy and noncommittal*
[22-22:04] b06e2, Shakahnna : *slips in behind him looking around herself...sort of impressed...she runs to the bed and lands on it weith a little bounce*this is nice..
[22-22:05] ca691, Ramzix : *He's just looking around right now*
[22-22:06] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** begins to give up on Acorna.. most people just sink into their new life because they think that all is lost.. but not this women ** You just don't give up to you?
[22-22:08] ca691, Ramzix : *He shuts the door now*((well, i'm gonna go now.))
[22-22:09] b06e2, Shakahnna : *she looks to him*will this suit you?
[22-22:10] b06e2, Shakahnna : (bye babe)
[22-22:10] 768f3, Acorna : What? What am I doing? I'm standing here. *granted she's studying the room, etc in a way that says she's up to something*
[22-22:13] 768f3, Acorna : *bit of a pest, yup*
[22-22:14] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : (( wah... to do.. but you figured it out )) I see what you are up to. But I don't blaim you. I wouldn't want to be here either. But most of you just give in, in the first week.
[22-22:15] 768f3, Acorna : I'm not most of this "you" that you are refering to. *folds here arms all authoritatively and stubborn*
[22-22:16] 768f3, Acorna : here = her
[22-22:18] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : Then would you be then? ** just sits there relaxing happy where he is **
[22-22:19] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : )) then what would you be then.. * ))
[22-22:22] 768f3, Acorna : Not as much a sheep. *isn't going to be so easily backed into admitting her not being human, nope*
[22-22:25] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** damn ... well smiles at her grandly ** Then it would be all the more pleasing when I break you in.
[22-22:27] 768f3, Acorna : B..break me in? *backs away. Being equine oriented, especially doesn't like the term.*
[22-22:29] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : Yes. Make you give up on leaving this place. ** doesnt resort to violence with is slaves. **
[22-22:30] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** if she doesnt break in soon he would give up if someone want freedon that bad they deseve it **
[22-22:30] 768f3, Acorna : *doesn't know that, except by her little observations, but doesn't like any kind of breaking* How do you mean? *backs up another nervous step*
[22-22:32] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : Tire you of tring to escape. ** nods alittle comfirming what he says ** Eventually you, they give up.
[22-22:34] 768f3, Acorna : Oh, I see. *she then immediately starts walking toward the door. Is she wearing any kind of collar? I can't remember*
[22-22:40] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** stands suddenly looking at her..shrugs at her then sits back down.. she wont make it out in the cold...or a human shouldnt be able to... and since there is no storm he would be able to track he in a moment **
[22-22:42] 768f3, Acorna : *she runs for the door shimmies past the furs on the side and dashes out into the snow*
[22-22:43] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** stands slowly and move to the door parting the furs and watchs her run.. is very clear outside.. good packable snow for him to track her in **
[22-22:45] 768f3, Acorna : *runs and runs, panting, keeping warm from running so much*
[22-22:49] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** now steps out into the cold air breaths in all deep like then takes off after he to catch up **
[22-22:50] 768f3, Acorna : *sees him pursuing and runs faster* Ah!
[22-22:54] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** spots her and, yells out ** Acorna, Stop! . ** is player read this right this spell right. shackles should appear on acornas wrists / ankles and becomes such as weight she cannot continue on running **
[22-22:55] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : (( uless they need shackles on already.. ))
[22-22:55] 768f3, Acorna : ((He has to have put the shackles and stuff on her first for that to work))
[22-22:56] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : (( repost then ))
[22-22:57] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** ok so just spots her and runs faster with giant legs booming of the ground like the t-rex in lost word **
[22-22:58] 768f3, Acorna : *she races, but is no match for his speed. He'd easily gain on her*
[22-23:02] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** catchs her in moments sweaping a hand at her to try and pick her up **
[22-23:05] 768f3, Acorna : *would likely get picked up and starts kicking and beating on his hand*
[22-23:08] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** turns an begins to walk back to the cave ** You will learn.
[22-23:10] 768f3, Acorna : No! *kick, kick, fuss, fuss*
[22-23:12] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** brings he back dipite the wole struggling thing ** You will.
[22-23:14] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[22-23:15] 768f3, Acorna : *whines and pouts, but finally gives up kicking and fussing, carried back*
[22-23:18] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : Strong willed you are. ** wow soundsl ike yoda ... enters the cave... immediately goes to shackle her **
[22-23:21] f96be, Caradonia: ((*Laugh*))
[22-23:21] 768f3, Acorna : Nooo! *when she first sees shackles. would squirm like crazy*
[22-23:23] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** uses his thumb and his index/ middle finger to hold her at the ribs so she can run ** Now the less your struggle the less this would hurt you. ** moves to shackle her again even if it mean pinching her skin in them **
[22-23:26] a309f, Kali: How tall is Carillon?
[22-23:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-23:29] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : (( hmm.. 16ft wanna know all my chars Heights..))
[22-23:29] a309f, Kali: *blinks* that was just a simple question.
[22-23:29] 768f3, Acorna : Aaah! No! *throwing such a fuss and waving her hands all around so he can't get them, same with her feet, playing that keep away game*
[22-23:30] a309f, Kali: *sighs and poofs*
[22-23:31] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : (( )) ** begins to get flustered thinking of banging her head on something ** stops this! ** keeps trying for her hands **
[22-23:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-23:31] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:31am, August 23 (CDT) ).
[22-23:31] JOIN: Z has entered.
[22-23:32] 94c70, Z: *poofs*
[22-23:36] 768f3, Acorna : *keeps stubbornly evading*
[22-23:37] 94c70, Z: *owns the room.*
[22-23:37] 3adf1, Sileen: *hums*
[22-23:37] 94c70, Z: or not mwehe.. *eyeshift*
[22-23:37] 3adf1, Sileen: *steals the room from Z*
[22-23:37] 3adf1, Sileen: *steals the room from Z*
[22-23:38] 94c70, Z: *pounces Sileen, then runs off to sleep.*
[22-23:38] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** lays her down suddenly on the ground pinning her the trys and pin her arm/hand with a now free thumb and shackle this damned women **
[22-23:38] 3adf1, Sileen: *pounced* Gagh!
[22-23:39] 3adf1, Sileen: G'night Z
[22-23:40] 94c70, Z: Night folks.
[22-23:40] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : (( **sits on sileen **))
[22-23:41] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : (( night z ((
[22-23:50] 768f3, Acorna : *gets pinned most likely on her stomach, as she'd try to scramble away and end up like that. She gets shacked eventually and cries so pitifully*
[22-23:51] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** now moves to shackle her feet. once he is able to do this he would take he to a dimmly lit corner of he cave where he put all who he cant break so well **
[22-23:52] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-23:55] 768f3, Acorna : *whimpers* Please, take these off. *jerks at the shackles and cries*
[22-23:57] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** links the chains of her shackles to the wall next to another.... and male sylvan elf who is currently sleeping ** He has been there for months... ** shakes head ** He doesn't learn either.
[22-23:59] 768f3, Acorna : Months!?! *is she shackled in a hanging manner or does she have some mobility?*
[23-00:03] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** she can move about... she could walk around in a ten foot area....** If I let you go you will run, sorry. ** looks at the sleeping slave ** Yes, he is like you he doesn't give up..
[23-00:05] 768f3, Acorna : *is sobbing even as she stands there looking at the giant.* I can't be chained like this. *sob*
[23-00:07] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : Your choice. ** turns walking from her saying no more he just exit the cave out to go hunt for more slaves ... **
[23-00:09] 768f3, Acorna : *she sits on the floor after jerking at her chains and whole bunch in frustration and finally slumps to the floor bawling quietly*
[23-00:09] 768f3, Acorna : *fade out*
[23-00:13] c7e1e, Carillon Su'Fali : ** fade **
[23-00:46] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[23-00:47] 125f3, Lan: Hello?
[23-00:49] 3adf1, Sileen: Hi!
[23-00:50] 125f3, Lan: Hey!
[23-00:51] 3adf1, Sileen: Wassup?
[23-00:51] 125f3, Lan: How are you?
[23-00:52] 125f3, Lan: Not much... got back from vacation last night...
[23-00:52] 125f3, Lan: so I'm a bit jet-lagged, but otherwise quite well!
[23-00:57] 125f3, Lan: Wanna RP?
[23-01:00] 3adf1, Sileen: I'm good.. and what did you wish to RP?
[23-01:00] 3adf1, Sileen: How are you?
[23-01:01] 125f3, Lan: Anything really.... got any free characters?
[23-01:02] 3adf1, Sileen: Got Aegnora who can be anywhere, got Delotha who typically is around , and got Lanika.. though as a Empress she's not going to pop up anywhere, she has to be approached
[23-01:04] 125f3, Lan: Well, I have Lan in , Remal in , Garet in , Stee Jans in , and Valandil in
[23-01:06] 3adf1, Sileen: Best bet is Aegnora or Delotha then... So, which you want? Nightmare, or demoness?
[23-01:07] 125f3, Lan: Well, really doesn't matter to me... Delotha has met Garet before, right?
[23-01:07] 3adf1, Sileen: Think so.. can't remember
[23-01:09] 125f3, Lan: Yeah, they met... I play garet, you can play etiher one...
[23-01:18] 3adf1, Sileen: Hm
[23-01:20] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *Guess where Delotha is..? At.. the.. bar... yes, no where exciting. She's so bored.*
[23-01:22] 125f3, Garet Jax: *walks into the Glimmering inn, and notices the Demoness he had met before. He arches an eyebrow and walks over next to her* Doing better flying?
[23-01:24] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Eh.. somewhat. *grins, looking back at him*
[23-01:26] 125f3, Garet Jax: Good to hear it... *smiles, and seats himself, ordering a mug of ale*
[23-01:30] 125f3, Garet Jax: How have you been?
[23-01:33] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Been alright.. and yourself?
[23-01:35] 125f3, Garet Jax: Well enough... haven't been doing too much lately...
[23-01:35] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Eh.. lately, neither have I. After dusrupting the quirky king's wedding, and rescueing his unwilling bride, I've been bored
[23-01:37] 125f3, Garet Jax: *grins* Well, that's more than I've done... I have just been training...
[23-01:39] 125f3, Garet Jax: Boring, but useful...
[23-01:44] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Training in?
[23-01:48] 125f3, Garet Jax: weapons, my specialty. If you want, I can train you in any weapon of your choice...
[23-02:02] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Sileen? ))
[23-02:06] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((Gah! Sorry... a friend just popped on saying he was getting married, and I was shocked into "Omgosh!" mode..))
[23-02:06] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Eh.. *flexes claws* I think I'm suitibly versed in fighting
[23-02:07] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( It's ok... ))
[23-02:09] 125f3, Garet Jax: *grin* Maybe so... *finishes his ale and orders another* Well, we fight in our own ays, true?
[23-02:18] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Yep *laugh* .. Better watch it, you might get drunk
[23-02:19] 125f3, Garet Jax: *smiles* I can take a few...
[23-02:21] 125f3, Garet Jax: *downs the ale, not really caring if he gets drunk*
[23-02:27] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Next one on me..? *smiles lightly*
[23-02:28] 125f3, Garet Jax: Sure... if you want... *almost slurring his words a little*
[23-02:30] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *orders him another... inwardly amused*
[23-02:31] 125f3, Garet Jax: *nods, and raises his glass to his lips... again*
[23-02:32] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *snickers*
[23-02:37] 125f3, Garet Jax: *raises an eyebrow* Somethin funny?
[23-02:46] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Just a thought I was having... is it good?
[23-02:46] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( *sigh* Sileen...? ))
[23-02:46] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Ok... )) Yep... fine... Wan' some?
[23-02:46] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((Hm?))
[23-02:48] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : No.. thank you though *grins*
[23-02:48] 125f3, Garet Jax: ( Nvr mind... jus wondering where you went... ))
[23-02:49] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((Crazy))
[23-02:49] 125f3, Garet Jax: *nods* Y' Sure? *the ale was a strong dwarven type, the impact of the liquor just beginning to hit him, when it does, he'll be pretty drunk...*&
[23-02:50] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *grins* I'm sure
[23-02:52] 125f3, Garet Jax: M'kay... *downs the rest, and slumps back in his chair*
[23-02:56] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *watches him, grinning*
[23-02:57] 125f3, Garet Jax: *smiles* Goo' stuf...
[23-02:57] 125f3, Garet Jax: Deres a gerden in back... righ'?
[23-02:58] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Yes there is...
[23-02:58] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *snickers*
[23-02:59] 125f3, Garet Jax: *frowns at her, but says nothing as he staggers off the chair and out the back door to the garden*
[23-03:03] 125f3, Garet Jax: *pokes his head back in* Wanna come?
[23-03:04] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *hops off her stool, clasping her hands behind her as she meanders after him*
[23-03:06] 125f3, Garet Jax: *when she came out back, she would find him sitting on a bench, looking up at the sky*
[23-03:11] 125f3, Garet Jax: *aaaand he doesn't see her... oblivious to most things...*
[23-03:13] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *flops down next to him* So... ho wasted are you?
[23-03:14] 125f3, Garet Jax: Ah dunno... alot... *smiles* Your pretty...
[23-03:18] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Well thank you.. *grins, flashing her fanged teeth... drunk people could be funny*
[23-03:19] 125f3, Garet Jax: mmmhhhmm...*smiles and closes his eyes, slumping against the bench*
[23-03:23] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *pokes him* So do something funny..
[23-03:25] 125f3, Garet Jax: Heh... *opens his eyes, looks at her, and leans over and kisses her*
[23-03:26] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *ducks away* Now now.. that's not funny, that's violating *smickers*
[23-03:26] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((snickers))
[23-03:27] 125f3, Garet Jax: Hmmm? *frowns, only semi-conscious*
[23-03:28] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( *grin* Only what a drunk man would do... try to kiss a demoness... Heheheh... ))
[23-03:29] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : I have sharp teeth... kissing me isn't the best idea *so amused* ((*L*))
[23-03:31] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Actually, having sharp teeth wouldn't really matter in a kiss, only a bite... *thinks about that* How would that come about... *baffled*))
[23-03:31] 125f3, Garet Jax: Why not...?
[23-03:38] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( *sighs again*
[23-03:38] 125f3, Garet Jax: ))
[23-03:43] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( SILEEN!!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!? ))
[23-03:52] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Sileen? ))
[23-03:53] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((*cough* I'm really sorry... do you want to end now, or continue?))
[23-03:54] 125f3, Garet Jax: I can keep going for a while, unless you want to stop... ))
[23-03:55] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Because it might cut up your lips dear... now, do something funny
[23-03:58] 125f3, Garet Jax: Like wha...? Sing?
[23-03:58] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Yes! Sing *grins*
[23-04:01] 125f3, Garet Jax: *actually has a good sounding voice, although a bit drunk* *sings a little bit of a ballad... but can't remember the whole thing.*
[23-04:02] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *listens.. surprised he's singing well.. for a drunk*
[23-04:03] 125f3, Garet Jax: *smiles, looking over at her* Well...? anything else
[23-04:04] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *claps* Very nice!
[23-04:05] 125f3, Garet Jax: Thank you! Takes her hand, and kisses it* A plesurr' m'lady...
[23-04:06] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles* Yesh.. you are definately a bit tipsy tonight
[23-04:06] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((Apparently so is she! *baps off that h*))
[23-04:08] 125f3, Garet Jax: ((*grins* Well well... )) So...? Thass not too bad...
[23-04:10] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : No.. it's rather funny really
[23-04:11] 125f3, Garet Jax: Glad I'm so amusing... *grins aat her*
[23-04:12] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Want another drink? *wicked gleam in her eyes*
[23-04:12] 125f3, Garet Jax: Wha for?
[23-04:13] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : To make you more amusing
[23-04:13] 125f3, Garet Jax: I think I will... uhhh... *passes out on her shoulder*
[23-04:15] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ... .. *eyes him*
[23-04:17] 125f3, Garet Jax: *erm... well... is passed out on her shoulder... can't really do much passed out...*
[23-04:18] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *moves, then reaches a hand out to catch his head before it would crack on anything* .. This is.. mildly amusing... *plucks him up, tossing him over her shoulder*
[23-04:21] 125f3, Garet Jax: *regains the tiniest bit of consciousness, enough to know he is being carried, but by whom and to where is still a mystery to hihis alcohol couded thoughts*
[23-04:26] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *up the stairs they go, into a room.. and she flops him down on the bed, and begins a note*
[23-04:28] 125f3, Garet Jax: *slowly regains his bearings, the bouncing waking him up* Huh... uugh... where are we...?
[23-04:28] 125f3, Garet Jax: What are we doing here... weren't we in the gerden a while ago...?
[23-04:29] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles* Go back to sleep..
[23-04:31] 125f3, Garet Jax: *isn't slurring too bad anymore* Oh... passed out... go figure... *closes his eyes and rests, not sleeping though*
[23-04:32] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *finishes the note, then turns to eye him... sooo tempted to be horribly evil*
[23-04:33] 125f3, Garet Jax: *still laying on the bed, resting, semi-oblivious, except sound*
[23-04:35] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *resists the urge... where he more drunk, she might, as it is.. she turns and begins to leave the room*
[23-04:37] 125f3, Garet Jax: *slurring his words even worse now, as the clarity wears off* Leevin so soon?
[23-04:38] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( The jolt from tossing him on to the bed woke him up, but the alcohol is taking hold again... )))
[23-04:38] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *pauses, then looks back* Is it worth my while to stay?
[23-04:39] 125f3, Garet Jax: Sure, why not...?
[23-04:40] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : .. *slowly moves back* I dont know.. you might pass out again
[23-04:40] 125f3, Garet Jax: *swivelsaround and sits up, and passes out again as the blood rushes to his head *
[23-04:42] 125f3, Garet Jax: *his head hits the wall with a small "thump", not too hard, as he falls back on the mattress
[23-04:43] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ... *chuckles, then gently eases him ontot he bed. And here.. is where she is completely and utterly wicked. She pulls his shirt over his head, tightly securing his arms it in, before looping the twisted shirt over a bed post.. and then tightled his boots about his pants, before pulling them down, leaving whatever he had underneath in place, as she'd loop them over the opposite bed post. Trapped.. by his own clothes! Nar har har*
[23-04:45] 125f3, Garet Jax: Huuunnnh.... Whaddya doin'...? *drunk enough not to realize that he can't really move...*
[23-04:46] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Oh.. nothing... just got done having kinky sex with you is all. *will be so amused if he remembers her saying that later, and believes it*
[23-04:49] 125f3, Garet Jax: *shakes his head... trying to clear it... unsuccessfully, and getting a headachein the process* Wha... dun believe it... **reaches up to holhis head, and realizes that he cant move too much* Whas this?
[23-04:50] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : What? I told you before hand I was into bondage, and you seemed all for it...
[23-04:50] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Going to complain now? Humans are so fickle
[23-04:52] 125f3, Garet Jax: Uhn... no...*looks at her* You're too clean, and you still have your clothes on... and my undergarments are still on. *looks at her* Pleas dont lie t' me...
[23-04:54] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ... Pretty obervant for a drunk. *Bah.. he was no fun at all* Well... good bye *moves towards the door, fully intending on leaving him tied up there*
[23-04:57] 125f3, Garet Jax: *theone thing she hadn't counted on was his strength... his training also helps him get stronger... He rips the shirt, and undoes the pants, pulling then back up and stands up.* *smiles* Leaving'?
[23-04:59] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *swings open the door, and looks back at him with a smirk* Unless you think you could possibly stop me..
[23-05:01] 125f3, Garet Jax: I very well could... *uses his incredible speed, and moving too fast to see an instant after she speaks, he is blocking the doorway in front of her...*
[23-05:07] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *as soon as she'd lose sight because of his more then human speed, obviously she is dealing with something other then what she thought, if it has faster then demon speed.. there is a brilliant flash, and when it clears, she is gone*
[23-05:08] 125f3, Garet Jax: *smiles, and looks at the note she wrote*
[23-05:09] 125f3, Garet Jax: *chuckles at the last look of surprise on her face*
[23-05:09] 3adf1, Sileen: *and now gets to go through endless forms to see if you added that Flash speed to your registation*
[23-05:09] JOIN: Burdick has entered.
[23-05:10] 125f3, Garet Jax: *grin* Super speed is on my reg form... along wth super strength... those were the two abilities...
[23-05:11] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *gist of the note is.. "Welcome to my room. Any messes you make you cleam, and I expect you to go after you get cobered up. Ta ta."*
[23-05:11] 125f3, Lan: Hey burdick
[23-05:11] 3605e, Burdick : **Burdick lies ontop of the building in his stone form in a dead sleep**
[23-05:11] 3adf1, Sileen: And limit? Or is it just you are faster then anything you encounter?
[23-05:11] 3adf1, Sileen: Any
[23-05:15] 125f3, Garet Jax: *smiles as he reads the note* ((in the beginning, I had just under demon-speed... I talked to Palladia Mors about it, but he's not around anymore... He said that I had to RP training, say that I am training in char, and then it can increase... I also talked to Mab about it waaaay back when... and I have RPed various bouts of training, and I noted that while I was on vacation... I would be training... that was `2wks ago...
[23-05:15] 3adf1, Sileen: Did Mab okay you being able to move across a room in the blink of an eye?
[23-05:16] 3605e, Burdick : **But he hears the door open that leads to the top floor of the building where he is at. Burdick quickly awakens and jumps on top of the very door that the person is about to comeout of so that he can look down at him**
[23-05:16] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( A while back, he had two in-game months of solid, intensive traing, all day, everyday... and that helped alot...))
[23-05:17] 3605e, Burdick : **A young man and his girlfriend come out of the door and walk to the edge of the building looking down at the city**
[23-05:17] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( She hasn't flagged it... ))
[23-05:19] 3605e, Burdick : **Burdick just sits and watches untill he realizes that he is hungry. Burdick spreads his wings and swoops down and grabs the young man and flys him to a different building away from the girl and begins to feast**
[23-05:20] 3adf1, Sileen: Only reason I'm complaining, is because I have come down on people trying to register uber fast races and made them either water it down, or not let them have the race at all. If Mab didn't okay it, the Flash-like speed is a bit much
[23-05:21] 125f3, Garet Jax: Well, it has been with training, and that was okayed... plus Garet has been around a little while...
[23-05:25] 3adf1, Sileen: Delotha was my second character, the first half breed, and I was one of the first people to join. She's not any faster then her species allow. Now.. being above and beyond any human, heck, able to be a bit faster then a demon I could potentially see. But I'm standing by a bed and *blink* am slamming a door shut? I guess it's better then I'm standing facing a dragon down the street and *blink* I'm on the dragon's head... but still!
[23-05:28] 3adf1, Sileen: .. Someone would totally slip trying to climb quickly up a dragon.. it'd be... *whoosh down the street, nearly fly up the dragons neck... skid, skidskidskid"AAAAH!" Thud!*
[23-05:28] 3adf1, Sileen: ...Hehehehe... hehehe...
[23-05:28] 125f3, Lan: *grin* Well... that would be interesting... I know... but flash speed is the final level of his training... he can't go beyond that... but I have an even more uber character that Mab okayed... my centaur...
[23-05:28] 125f3, Lan: *grin* I would pay to see that...
[23-05:29] 3605e, Burdick : **Burdick is not tired anymore after ust eating, he is now wanting to fight. he takes two big steeps back and plunges off the building and begins to scan the city for a good fight.**
[23-05:29] 3adf1, Sileen: Mental note to strangle Mab... alright, well, I hope you don't take offense, but I try to avoid RP'ing with uber chars :/
[23-05:30] 125f3, Remal : *wandering the city, he looks up, seeing a winged shadow pass overhead*
[23-05:30] 3adf1, Sileen: I puposely try to keep my chars reasonable, so they don't stand a chance against godly chars, thus I tend to avoid it.. sorry
[23-05:30] 3adf1, Sileen: Anyway, g'night
[23-05:31] 125f3, Remal : (( So much fun though... Don't worry, then have flaws too, and the powers are usually used for self defense... ))
[23-05:31] EXIT: Delotha Feanor has left the chat ( 6:31am, August 23 (CDT) ).
[23-05:31] 125f3, Remal : (( G'night Sileen... sleep well... ))
[23-05:32] 125f3, Remal : (( Up for some RP, Burdick? ))
[23-05:35] 3605e, Burdick : (( Sure but i must tell you that i am a beginer at this and i just started to forgive me if im not that good))
[23-05:35] 125f3, Remal : (( Forgiven... are you good, evil, or neutral? ))
[23-05:36] 3605e, Burdick : (( I am neutral, you are a dragon right?))
[23-05:38] 125f3, Remal : (( Nope, but I'm powerful enough to take on one and probably beat it... I am a centaur... ))
[23-05:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-05:41] 125f3, Remal : ((clck "back" twice when that happens... you get what you were typing back too... used too happen to me all the time ))
[23-05:44] 3605e, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((well then wont I be an easy kill for you?))
[23-05:46] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:44am, August 23 (CDT) ).
[23-05:46] 125f3, Remal : (( Well, I never said I would kill, did I... I usually leave peoples characters alive, out of consideration, so don't worry... or, I can use a less uber character... if you want ))
[23-05:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-05:49] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:48am, August 23 (CDT) ).
[23-05:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-05:53] 3605e, Will-o'-the-wisp: (( This is Burdick hold on i have to figure something out ok?))
[23-05:54] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:53am, August 23 (CDT) ).
[23-05:56] 125f3, Remal : (( yep... ))
[23-06:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-06:05] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Oooh... it's the centaur guy
[23-06:06] 125f3, Remal : Yep... thats me...
[23-06:06] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yay*wanders off to shower land*
[23-06:07] 125f3, Remal : *smiles* Well, I'm just about off to sleepland...
[23-06:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-06:10] 125f3, Remal : that you?
[23-06:19] 125f3, Remal : Well, I cant stay awake any longer... so I'm off to bed... later...
[23-06:19] EXIT: Remal has left the chat ( 7:19am, August 23 (CDT) ).
[23-06:24] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Shiver*
[23-07:07] 0419f, Kali: *yawns*
[23-07:26] 0419f, Kali: wanders off for a bit* bbiab
[23-08:52] 0419f, Kali: *lurks*
[23-09:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-09:51] 0419f, Kali: *peeks at wispy*
[23-10:43] 0419f, Kali: *profile test*
[23-11:24] 0419f, Kali: *giggles hysterically*
[23-11:59] 94c70, Z: *poofs*
[23-12:00] 0419f, Kali: hey Z
[23-12:08] 94c70, Z: Hey
[23-12:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-12:09] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: ROAR!!~!!!!
[23-12:11] 0419f, Kali: Hi Cara
[23-12:11] JOIN: Burdick has entered.
[23-12:12] 94c70, Z: *flees*
[23-12:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-12:13] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:13pm, August 23 (CDT) ).
[23-12:23] 3605e, Burdick : **Burdick still searches the streets in rage with the extream need to fight and kill**
[23-12:23] 3605e, Burdick : hey
[23-12:23] 0419f, Kali: hi
[23-12:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-12:31] 3605e, Burdick :
[23-12:31] 0419f, Kali: hmmm.... let me check who I have free.
[23-12:32] 0419f, Kali: if you're looking for a fight... Im the wrong person.
[23-12:34] 3605e, Burdick : ((oh ok))
[23-12:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-13:27] 2d392, Mab: *looks to see who she has* There is Faltren that I have for a fight, but I'd rather he not be killed or maimed too badly. heh
[23-13:32] 2d392, Mab: Ooo! I have Nomeda. She'd be fun to fight with.
[23-13:57] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[23-13:58] c7324, HulkDogs : Donahue?
[23-14:01] c7324, HulkDogs : He got off.
[23-14:01] c7324, HulkDogs : Damn
[23-14:08] f45b6, Kali: If any one sees Ramzix.. tell him I WANT TO TALK TO HIM
[23-14:09] 44aaa, HulkDogs : ** rolls around while holding his ankles together **
[23-14:09] 44aaa, HulkDogs : Alright
[23-14:10] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[23-14:12] f45b6, Kali: Ive got to run.. bb in an hour.
[23-14:14] 44aaa, Tarnis Catadon : ** rides a big white horse that replaces his rage beast.... he is dazed out on his horse red eyes just stairing out through the forest **
[23-14:16] f96be, Caradonia: *She riding at a small distance, she and her mount are still in eyeshot, a dim gray and brown shape that seems to be moving at a jaunty pace. I say seem because acutally, Cara has a rather sore bottem and Lilly has the desire to trot*
[23-14:17] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-14:18] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:17pm, August 23 (CDT) ).
[23-14:18] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[23-14:19] a5f6e, Axis : ((I survived!!!!))
[23-14:19] 44aaa, Tarnis Catadon : ** gets the chills which kinda jolts his awake and pulls up on the reins the get the horses attention then kicks it lightly in the ribs to get is into a trot.. would slow the horse once next to cara **
[23-14:19] f45b6, Kali: *applaudes Axis and flees*
[23-14:20] a5f6e, Axis : ((*darts kali*))
[23-14:20] f96be, Caradonia: *Her yellow eyes gleam from the shadow of her cowl as she turns to reguard her companion, the eyes convey no hidden thoughts, they just always while the woman's expression is unreadable itself* Are you alright?
[23-14:21] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[23-14:26] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[23-14:27] 56cd7, Joey: wow there is like noting to put on the MOTD so they made it multi colored
[23-14:28] f96be, Caradonia: ((*punches joey*))
[23-14:29] 56cd7, Joey: (( *Molests said puncher* ))
[23-14:30] f96be, Caradonia: ((*bats away and points at Link* It says it all))
[23-14:31] 56cd7, Joey: ((... more like meow ))
[23-14:32] f96be, Caradonia: ((*Smites* I only meow at the people that I like....))
[23-14:32] 44aaa, Tarnis Catadon : I am fine. Just tired of riding. But we must keep going if we wish to ever get there. ** they have been riding for a week now so another couple days and and they will be up in the moutians.. they would be in Acendawn **
[23-14:32] 56cd7, Joey: (( *is unsmiteable * you know deep down inside you like me ))
[23-14:33] 44aaa, Tarnis Catadon : (( ** sings ** lets get retarded. lets get retarded in here ))
[23-14:33] a5f6e, Ghouls : *lairs to the south of acendenwan*
[23-14:34] 56cd7, Joey: (( *will kill both of you * ))
[23-14:34] f96be, Caradonia: *She looks skyword to trace the path of the sun and from it she gelds the time* We can break if you like*on relfex she yawns and her hands streach up to the sky..back arching and her legs clenched on Lilly's side, guiding her like that as she streaches*
[23-14:34] 44aaa, Tarnis Catadon : (( South of the kingdom ? thats far enough away ))
[23-14:36] 44aaa, Tarnis Catadon : No no. I wanna get there. ** begins to feel the cooler air coming down from the mountians a couple days ride ahead.. not much longer smiles into the cool breeze ** Unless you want to stop for a bit?
[23-14:37] f96be, Caradonia: *Her frame relaxes and she rubs at her hip* Maybe in a few hours, i'm getting a bit sore*Has felt the cooler air as well, hence the cloak but will have to say that it feels nice*
[23-14:37] a5f6e, Ghouls : *dwarven ghoul engineers helpign the re-fashoning of the walls...iron....and spikes*
[23-14:41] 44aaa, Tarnis Catadon : Alright. Let me know when you are ready. ** smiles at her alittle looking at her through eyes that are always red now **
[23-14:43] f96be, Caradonia: I'm ready now*She adds a bit, her tone thickening as she laughs* we'll stop when it's become unbearable*She gives him a sleepy sideways smile and leans forward a bit on her horse, arms wrapping around Lilly's neck*
[23-14:43] f96be, Caradonia: ((adds=laughs))
[23-14:45] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[23-14:51] 1f867, Tarnis Catadon : ** pauses **
[23-16:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-16:05] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[23-16:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-16:27] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:27pm, August 23 (CDT) ).
[23-16:28] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[23-17:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-17:55] JOIN: Burdick has entered.
[23-17:57] f45b6, Kali: hey all
[23-18:06] 3e045, Burdick :
[23-18:13] f45b6, Kali: Hiding
[23-18:27] JOIN: Shakahnna has entered.
[23-18:28] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[23-18:29] c9835, Ramzix : *Ramzix sits there shirtless and indiansyle on the floor at the foot of the bed. He's been practicing all day, perfecting his penmanship and caligraphy*
[23-18:30] EXIT: Ramzix has left the chat ( 7:29pm, August 23 (CDT) ).
[23-18:31] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[23-18:31] 2ce6e, Shakahnna : *is laying on the bed on her belly wiggling her legs back and forth and toying with ehr hair just watching Ramzix*
[23-18:33] c9835, Ramzix : *He's sketched a detailed pic of his twin brother in the time he spent resting his mind.*
[23-18:34] 3adf1, Sileen: *pokes head in*
[23-18:37] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[23-18:37] 2ce6e, Shakahnna : *crawles along the bed and peeks to the side at what he is drawing*
[23-18:39] JOIN: Burdick has entered.
[23-18:40] c9835, Ramzix : *he reaches up to take her head into his hand before lifting his head yo plant an upside down kiss on her lips*
[23-18:42] 2ce6e, Shakahnna : *leans down s he doesnt have to stretch to far savouring the kiss for as long as she can...*
[23-18:46] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-18:47] EXIT: Ramzix has left the chat ( 7:40pm, August 23 (CDT) ).
[23-18:47] EXIT: Ramzix has left the chat ( 7:40pm, August 23 (CDT) ).
[23-18:48] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[23-18:50] c9835, Ramzix : *ut was a 20 second kiss before he broke it off to get some air. He smilkles up at her*
[23-18:50] 3adf1, Sileen: Hm... *comes back when there's something other then making ouT*
[23-18:50] 3adf1, Sileen: *gone!*
[23-18:50] cdb56, Joey: (( Ramzix .. your profiles arnt working ))
[23-18:51] c9835, Ramzix : ((don't think i have a profile.))
[23-18:51] 2ce6e, Shakahnna : *smiles down at him*having fun?*asking as she curles her hair around ehr finger*
[23-18:51] cdb56, Zeekan Tovich: (( *GRABS SILEEN* come bacck here ))
[23-18:52] EXIT: Ramzix has left the chat ( 7:51pm, August 23 (CDT) ).
[23-18:53] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[23-18:53] c9835, Ramzix : *Nods with a smile*
[23-18:54] c9835, Ramzix : (( ))
[23-18:56] 2ce6e, Shakahnna : (isnt making out much..hehe)*has that look of wonderment on her face*you drawing yourself?
[23-18:57] c9835, Ramzix : *She shakes his year and rubs the ring he gave her*
[23-18:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-18:57] c9835, Ramzix : ((year=head))
[23-18:58] 2ce6e, Shakahnna : Oh your brother..why draw him*tilting her head*
[23-19:00] cdb56, joey: (( *wants to rampage* ))
[23-19:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-19:02] c9835, Ramzix : ~I miss him. We are fraternal twins afterall. That's a very close bond. almost asclose as identical twins.~
[23-19:03] 2ce6e, Shakahnna : Oh im there no way you two can make up?
[23-19:03] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((Telepathy isn't in Ramzix's profile))
[23-19:05] c9835, Ramzix : ((Ok. It was on the registration as mind speak though. Cause that's what it is. ))
[23-19:06] cdb56, Zeekan Tovich: *sitting in the tavern of the glimmering inn ... drinking out of that massive mug of his ... semi glowing blue eyes stair ahead... he has done hunting and have the peices for custome cloths though atm no customers*
[23-19:07] MSG: Ramzix sent a message to Zeekan Tovich.
[23-19:08] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((Okay))
[23-19:08] MSG: Zeekan Tovich sent a message to Ramzix.
[23-19:09] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *flash-pwoom!* *aaaand there's a demoness, who entrance keeps changing sounds as player is fickle, standing in the middle of the common room of the Glimmering Inn*
[23-19:10] c9835, Ramzix : *shrugs*
[23-19:12] cdb56, Zeekan Tovich: *his head turns just enough so his eye sight can see who it is ... and by golly is the demon who never showed up * hmmm * he spins in his chair ... glowing blue eyes stairing at her * a couple days huh?
[23-19:13] c9835, Ramzix : *He turns around so he can face her and stroke her cheek*
[23-19:14] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *waves vaguely* I've been here a couple times, and you weren't... Sorry I didn't specify a time. *last said wryly* So.. I have a question *moves towards him* After doing the whole magicy thing, do the rubies still exist, and can they be used again, or do they just vanish?
[23-19:15] 2ce6e, Shakahnna : *sort of humms as he strokes her cheek*I could get used to this*said in a sing songy voice*
[23-19:15] cdb56, Zeekan Tovich: well there ground up into powerder ... so there gone ... gone for good
[23-19:16] c9835, Ramzix : *He laughs lightly*
[23-19:17] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *grumbles* And how much are you charging for the clothes?
[23-19:18] 2ce6e, Shakahnna : *she smiles at his laughs*why dont you try and find your brother...but you not getting to share me*said with stern face*
[23-19:20] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((And thus it was another Fae accepts banishment for the love of a mortal human..))
[23-19:20] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((And thus it was another Fae risks banishment for the love of a mortal human..))
[23-19:20] c9835, Ramzix : *raises his brow to her, not understanding.* ~He'd try and kill me.~
[23-19:21] cdb56, Zeekan Tovich: *blinks ... cuase that though never crossed his mind* well ... i .. never though about that
[23-19:21] JOIN: Burdick has entered.
[23-19:22] 2ce6e, Shakahnna : (*blinkage*)
[23-19:23] 2ce6e, Shakahnna : Hmm I supose
[23-19:24] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ... ... *laughs* Really? Not much of a buisness man, are you?
[23-19:25] cdb56, Zeekan Tovich: i was born a hunter .... never was tought about business
[23-19:27] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Well then.. take a guess
[23-19:28] cdb56, Zeekan Tovich: *looks down into his mug thinking ,.,.. dosent really know how much things really cost * ... 15 gold ? is that a lot
[23-19:31] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *cough* For clothes...? Are we talking silks and velvet here?
[23-19:32] f45b6, Kali: (Kaya's getting 20 for the fae clothes for Merina))
[23-19:32] 6b65b, Zeekan Tovich: i guess thats a lot ... *looks down again* 10 peices? remember i have to use rubys
[23-19:35] c9835, Ramzix : *Just leans back and lies down, stairing at the ceiling*
[23-19:36] 6b65b, Zeekan Tovich: custome made ... fire proof , thick warm leather ... its durable *his eyes look back up at the demon* i dont know really ... though its a lot of work to make this stuff
[23-19:36] 2ce6e, Shakahnna : *watches him closely...wishing she could make everything better*
[23-19:40] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *folds her arms* You said you'd do the fire proof part free for any who could bring their own rubies
[23-19:41] c9835, Ramzix : He's really thinking about that. He seems to be contently contemplating *
[23-19:41] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : So you are charging me only for cutting and making clothing... which, I can buy myself a nice outfir one 1 gold.
[23-19:41] 2ce6e, Shakahnna : *she lightly prods his side*something on your mind?
[23-19:41] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((outfit for one gold))
[23-19:44] 6b65b, Zeekan Tovich: thats true ... so ... for cutting? no i hunted tanned cut swen and all that fun .. more than one gold * he blinks ... nicer looking but yay, wow, crap from fire * (( i gtg there is a party i must make a apperence at ))
[23-19:45] 6b65b, Zeekan Tovich: thats true ... so ... for cutting? no i hunted tanned cut swen and all that fun .. more than one gold * he blinks ... nicer looking but yay, wow, crap from fire * (( i gtg there is a party i must make a apperence at ))
[23-19:45] 2ce6e, Shakahnna : *cuddles into his side and doses off suddenly being in full size all the time exhuasteds her out*
[23-19:46] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Well... after getting the rubies, I can't afford 15 gold... Sorry *flash-pwoom! And she is gone..*
[23-19:47] c9835, Ramzix : *He covers her up and Then goes back to his thinking*
[23-20:01] f45b6, Kali: *wanders away into the silence*
[23-20:24] 3adf1, Amber : .
[23-20:24] 3adf1, Aurora : .
[23-20:26] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[23-20:26] 54891, Cookie Monster: *slips in*
[23-20:29] 3adf1, Aurora : *pounces the Cookie*
[23-20:29] 3adf1, Sileen: *pounces the Cookie!*
[23-20:30] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-20:30] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:30pm, August 23 (CDT) ).
[23-20:31] 54891, Cookie Monster: *hugz0rz the Sileen*
[23-20:31] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[23-20:32] 60741, Axis : ((bah)
[23-20:36] 3adf1, Sileen: *hug hug* *peer at Axis* Bah?
[23-20:38] 60741, Axis : ((bah as In the people I was supposed to meet online left))
[23-20:39] 3adf1, Sileen: Sorry
[23-20:39] 60741, Axis : ((bah as In I had to take a medicein or I can't breathe without pain and now I want to kil anyting that looks at me))
[23-20:39] 60741, Axis : ((*grumbles*))
[23-20:40] 3adf1, Sileen: *looks somewhere else!*
[23-20:41] f45b6, Kali: Well I was going to hug you.. but I think I'll just huggle Cookie instead*follows Sileens example*
[23-20:44] 54891, Cookie Monster: *huggles both Sileen and Kali, then gets into pimp mode with a gal hanging on each arm*
[23-20:49] f45b6, Kali: *dies* now that looks funny
[23-20:52] 60741, Axis : ((*gets himself a baby bbq going...REAL baby back ribs here*))
[23-20:54] f45b6, Kali: *will NEVER eat at your house*
[23-20:55] 60741, Axis : ((you don't like my baby-skull mugs?))
[23-20:56] 3adf1, Sileen:
[23-20:57] 60741, Axis : ((you ahve to get older people for the bowls and plates))
[23-20:59] 2d392, Mab: *pops neck and then throws Axis into a plant monster*
[23-20:59] NICK: Cookie Monster changed nick to Plant Monster.
[23-21:00] 60741, Axis : ((*shreds in a near beserk rage becuase of curesed pain medication*))
[23-21:00] 9f795, Kali: *stands guard keeping anyone away*
[23-21:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-21:02] NICK: Plant Monster changed nick to Cookie Monster.
[23-21:02] 54891, Cookie Monster: What kind of pain meds get you agitated anyway?
[23-21:03] 3adf1, Sileen: *scared*
[23-21:03] 60741, Axis : ((I don't know...IT and the two advil were supposed to make me sleepy....))
[23-21:05] 3adf1, Sileen: *offers a pillow to Axis*
[23-21:05] 2d392, Mab: *starts swinging pocket watch before Axis' eyes* You are getting sleepy
[23-21:07] 60741, Axis : (*bats away* the worse part is once it wears offI'll be hurting school no less...won't I be happy then.))
[23-21:11] 3adf1, Sileen: Meep...
[23-21:14] 54891, Cookie Monster: Sileen's an Iz!
[23-21:15] 2d392, Mab: Hmmm, I think I'll restart my puter.
[23-21:21] 2d392, Mab: There, that's better.
[23-21:23] 60741, Axis : ((*sits and pets a pack of hyenas* they eat the bones of their kills....))
[23-21:24] 2d392, Mab: I thought you saved the bones for your dishware.
[23-21:24] 9f795, Kali: *dies*
[23-21:26] 60741, Axis : ((hyenas don't....they eat the bones cuase their jaws are so strong. except when lions steal their kills....))
[23-21:27] 2d392, Mab:
[23-21:27] 54891, Cookie Monster: *resurects Kali as an undead cyborg death machine that still likes cute and includes her in his army of darkness*
[23-21:28] 60741, Axis : ((jackles hunt like wolves *mumbles ot himself*))
[23-21:35] 60741, Axis : ((I wish I could find that hyena laugh sound file))
[23-21:38] 60741, Axis : (( near hte bottom are hyena favorite is the third one))
[23-21:42] 60741, Axis : ((*hums* they are kinda creepy at times))
[23-21:47] 9f795, Kali: *reads down* too much blue... *is already part of Cookies army of darkness*
[23-21:48] 60741, Axis : ((bed time now..sleepy sleep....niiiight))
[23-21:53] 54891, Cookie Monster: Where did I assign you in my AoD before?
[23-21:54] 9f795, Kali: hrm... a few weeks ago.
[23-21:54] 9f795, Kali: hrm... a few weeks ago.where I have no idea
[23-21:55] 9f795, Kali: *smacks the enter key*
[23-21:56] 54891, Cookie Monster: Well you're now in the bio-horrors/cybernetic terrors Division.
[23-21:57] 2d392, Mab: Well, my cat is very interested in all the big cat sounds at that link.
[23-21:57] 9f795, Kali: cool
[23-21:59] 2d392, Mab: He's all sitting at attention with his hears perked and a wide eyed expression.
[23-22:00] 2d392, Mab: Cheetahs are the only big cats the purr, right?
[23-22:01] 2d392, Mab: the = that
[23-22:01] 9f795, Kali: taking notes
[23-22:01] 9f795, Kali: cheetah more chirp
[23-22:06] 2d392, Mab: Hmmm, cuz the sound files for them had a couple purring.
[23-22:07] 9f795, Kali: hmm
[23-22:14] 9f795, Kali: *cracks up listening to Wiley Coyote*
[23-22:20] 2d392, Mab: Wiley Coyote?
[23-22:20] 9f795, Kali: its under the coyote sounds.
[23-22:22] 2d392, Mab: LOL
[23-22:28] 94c70, Z: *poof*
[23-22:34] 94c70, Z: *sneaky*
[23-22:35] 9f795, Kali: Hey Z
[23-22:38] 94c70, Z: Hey
[23-22:42] 54891, Cookie Monster: Night all
[23-22:45] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 11:42pm, August 23 (CDT) ).
[23-22:47] 9f795, Kali: yah.. think its bed time for me too. see ya'll
[23-23:46] 2d392, Mab: *looks around*
[24-00:05] 2d392, Mab: *claps and sways to some inner music*
[24-05:36] 34030, Kali: *has finally figured out the meaning of life*
[24-07:26] JOIN: Refrication has entered.
[24-07:27] 0cd68, Refrication: Sheezles, wrong chat, this is a stupid one
[24-07:27] EXIT: Refrication has left the chat ( 8:27am, August 24 (CDT) ).

Chat cleared by Kali.
[24-09:58] 34030, Kali: *sighs* much better
[24-10:43] JOIN: Burdick has entered.
[24-10:45] JOIN: Malina Andrews has entered.
[24-10:46] 7d48a, Malina Andrews : (( *peekies*))
[24-10:46] 7d48a, Malina Andrews : ( test )
[24-10:47] 7d48a, Malina Andrews : (( test ))
[24-10:47] 34030, Kali: hrm..
[24-10:48] 7d48a, Malina Andrews : (( 'ello ))
[24-10:48] 34030, Kali: hi...
[24-10:49] 7d48a, Malina Andrews : (( hhrmph.. boredness ))
[24-11:52] JOIN: Rikkell Donobar has entered.
[24-12:17] JOIN: Rikkell Donobar has entered.
[24-12:18] JOIN: Burdick has entered.
[24-12:19] 8aedc, Rikkell Donobar : ((**throws a dagger at the hue**))
[24-12:19] 3e045, Burdick : ((Drake?))
[24-12:20] 8aedc, Rikkell Donobar : ((**james face**))
[24-12:21] 3e045, Burdick : **Burdick sits at the top of his building looking down at the bussy city.**
[24-12:21] 8aedc, Rikkell Donobar : ((if you wanna fight somebody, I'll have to bring in somebody good, I have him in rua))
[24-12:21] 8aedc, Rikkell Donobar : ((if you wanna fight somebody, I'll have to bring in somebody good, I have him in rua))
[24-12:22] 3e045, Burdick : ((ok bring him in))
[24-12:22] 8aedc, Gavin Promaris: ((ok, kill an npc, and then we'll fight))
[24-12:22] 3e045, Burdick : ((make him come in contact with me i dont want to find him))
[24-12:27] 3e045, Burdick : **Burdick starts to realize that he is hungry. and as soon as this happens he notices a heavy set man and swoops down to retrive his meal
[24-12:27] JOIN: Isiah Jericho has entered.
[24-12:28] 3e045, Burdick : **Burdick swoops down and grabs him. and begins to head back to his roof top**
[24-12:30] 8aedc, Gavin Promaris: **Flowing barely visible through the streets of bettenchi, his search for the ghouls going very unfruitfully, he'll have to think twice next time before listening to the word of mouth. Just as a heavy set man passes through him, the man is picked up and taken by a gargoyle. Gavin, not being a fan of death, decides that this just wont do and flows whistfully up after the gargoyle**
[24-12:30] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: **leans on the same building Burdick sits atop his and watches this horrific act in disgust** n
[24-12:31] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: **grips his daggers incase he's being considered seconds**
[24-12:31] 3e045, Burdick : **Burdick realizes that he is being followed and drops the larg man to his death**
[24-12:34] 3e045, Burdick : **and the turns to his stalker**
[24-12:34] 3e045, Burdick : (then*)
[24-12:34] 8aedc, Gavin Promaris: **Dissapperates, reapearing right in front of Burdick, meanwhile, as the fat man falls, Gavin creates a very strong, upward wind current to stop him from dieing. His body flows with the breeze and doesnt have any real clear outline, he looks like a ghost** Well, that wasnt nice...
[24-12:36] 3e045, Burdick : nither am I
[24-12:37] 3e045, Burdick : **Burdick extrends his claws and slashes at Gavins face**
[24-12:38] 3e045, Burdick : (is gavin human?)
[24-12:38] 3e045, Burdick : (nevermind)
[24-12:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-12:39] e208c, Kali: *peeks in and pokes all of you* put up profiles please.
[24-12:40] 8aedc, Gavin Promaris: **Keeps a grin on his face as the claws travel right through it, not hitting anything. Gavin projects from himself a blast of high winds, aimed at the gargoyles wings which would carry him far backwards**
[24-12:40] 8aedc, Gavin Promaris: ((yes'm kali))
[24-12:41] e208c, Kali: *chuckles*
[24-12:42] 3e045, Burdick : **Burdick quickly retracts his wings but is still blasted back so he flips and sticks his clws in the side of the buildin and looks at Gavi with an evil look on his face**
[24-12:43] 3e045, Burdick : (Building* and Gavin*)
[24-12:43] 3e045, Burdick : (( My bad))
[24-12:43] 8aedc, Gavin Promaris: **Chuckles a bit...** Gonna say sorry? I'll let you go if you say sorry..
[24-12:45] 3e045, Burdick : **Growls and jumps at Gavin**
[24-12:48] 8aedc, Gavin Promaris: **flies towards Burdick, as brudick would go through him, he'd make a powerful air current to blast the gargoyle hard at the ground**
[24-12:48] 3e045, Burdick : **but stops. due to his extream hunger he spreads his wings and flys away**
[24-12:48] 3e045, Burdick : ((sorry i have to stop))
[24-12:50] 8aedc, Gavin Promaris: ((alright man, nother time?))
[24-13:19] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[24-13:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-13:24] 7b633, Joey: (( hmmmmmm ))
[24-13:25] e208c, Kali: problems?
[24-13:26] 7b633, Joey: (( nope ... just got to figure out who i wanna play as when i get back from work* ))
[24-14:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-14:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-14:22] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:20pm, August 24 (CDT) ).
[24-14:22] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[24-14:22] e208c, Kali: hey
[24-14:23] b09cb, Axis : ((*waves*))
[24-14:51] JOIN: Pedronn Niall has entered.
[24-14:52] d57e8, Pedronn Niall: ... That ticker thingy scares me...
[24-14:52] d57e8, Pedronn Niall: Anyone lerking?
[24-14:52] b09cb, Axis : (why?))
[24-14:53] d57e8, Pedronn Niall: Because I wanted to know?
[24-14:53] b09cb, Axis : ((no why does the ticker thing scare you?))
[24-14:55] JOIN: Rikkell Donobar has entered.
[24-14:55] d57e8, Pedronn Niall: Oh because it moves.... look at it, man... just moving across the screen .... over and over and over and over
[24-14:56] eadfa, Drake: Hey everyone
[24-14:56] b09cb, Axis : ((hey drake))
[24-14:57] NICK: Pedronn Niall changed nick to Red.
[24-14:57] eadfa, Drake: Axis, your doing the dragon quest right?
[24-14:57] b09cb, Axis : ((thats right))
[24-14:59] b09cb, Axis : ((*kicks TTM*))
[24-15:00] d57e8, Red: woops gotta go
[24-15:00] EXIT: Red has left the chat ( 3:58pm, August 24 (CDT) ).
[24-15:03] b09cb, Axis : ((I'm on the dragon quest yet I haven't had the chnace to do anyhting wiht it))
[24-15:08] b09cb, Axis : ((and youve left haven't you...lovley))
[24-15:10] e208c, Kali: *pops back in*
[24-15:20] b09cb, Axis : ((hey kali))
[24-15:23] e208c, Kali: heyllo
[24-15:27] b09cb, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *ravages stuff*
[24-15:28] b09cb, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *smashes docks*
[24-15:29] b09cb, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *crushed docks becuase there is no dock made of wood that can't be smashed easily enough*
[24-15:39] b09cb, Ghouls : *the fortress nears completion. Ballista, mangonels, trebuchets, spike pit, boiling oil and other nasty thigns all waited for some foolish attacker*
[24-15:42] b09cb, Ghouls : *the massive sliding doors were stone reinforced with bands of iron...then a steel porticullus stood in front of that*
[24-15:45] b09cb, Ghouls : *the doors were actually many peices of stone melded together by more iron and each door is i ntheirds the thirds secured by the iron bands unning arcoss and up and down*
[24-15:55] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-15:56] 85b05, Will-o'-the-wisp: *staby stab stab ghouls*
[24-15:56] b09cb, Ghouls : ((*ignores the stab wounds*))
[24-16:09] e208c, Kali: *peers at wispy*
[24-16:11] b09cb, Axis : ((*eyes wispy*))
[24-16:23] 3adf1, Sileen: Stabbing stuff? I want to stab stuff!!
[24-16:25] b09cb, Axis : ((stabs sileen))
[24-16:25] 3adf1, Sileen: *parries, and gives Axis a big hug!*
[24-16:26] 3adf1, Sileen: *also, updates announcement kingdom thingie*
[24-16:26] b09cb, Axis : ((hugged* I'm meeeelting *melts*))
[24-16:27] 3adf1, Sileen: *giggles*
[24-16:28] e208c, Kali: *hides from Sileen so she doesnt stab me*
[24-16:30] b09cb, Axis : ((gotta go kids...thunderstorming))
[24-16:33] 3adf1, Sileen:
[24-16:35] e208c, Kali: *looks around wildly* where's my knight in shining armor when I need him?!@
[24-16:41] e208c, Kali: *flees* see ya later
[24-17:00] JOIN: sere has entered.
[24-17:01] EXIT: sere has left the chat ( 6:00pm, August 24 (CDT) ).
[24-17:32] fafbc, Kali: *blinks*alright... who put in the line breaks?
[24-18:03] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[24-18:17] fafbc, Kali: hrmm
[24-18:23] fafbc, Kali: Xyva you still here?
[24-18:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-18:25] 125f3, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hey, Kali...
[24-18:27] 125f3, Will-o'-the-wisp: You've got mail... *grin*
[24-18:27] 125f3, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yay for random colors!
[24-18:27] 125f3, Will-o'-the-wisp: Whee!
[24-18:28] fafbc, Kali: hey
[24-18:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-18:28] fafbc, Kali: I read my mail
[24-18:30] fafbc, Kali: having problems?
[24-18:41] JOIN: Haesanga has entered.
[24-18:41] af509, Haesanga: ((*peers* )
[24-18:42] fafbc, Kali: hello Haes
[24-18:44] af509, Haesanga: ((hello))
[24-18:44] EXIT: Haesanga has left the chat ( 7:44pm, August 24 (CDT) ).
[24-18:45] fafbc, Kali: bye?
[24-18:45] af509, Haesanga: ((so ruined any more oothers' RP lately?))
[24-18:45] af509, Haesanga: ((Stupid mis-windows))
[24-18:46] fafbc, Kali: ahhh
[24-18:47] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[24-18:48] afdfa, Joey: dooo doo do
[24-18:48] fafbc, Kali: hi joey.
[24-18:48] 3adf1, Sileen: STABBITY TIME! *leaps fromt he shadows at Kali!*
[24-18:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-18:51] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:51pm, August 24 (CDT) ).
[24-18:52] 3adf1, Sileen: Hey! Acknowledge me dang it!
[24-18:52] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[24-18:52] fafbc, Kali: *screams*HHHHHEEEEEELLLLLPPPP!!!!!!
[24-18:52] 3adf1, Sileen: *L* There ya go *hugs her, and boucnes off*
[24-18:52] 228dc, Axis : ((hello!))
[24-18:52] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[24-18:52] fafbc, Kali: LOL
[24-18:54] 3adf1, Sileen: *hugs Axis* Ji!
[24-18:54] 3adf1, Sileen: Hi too
[24-18:55] 228dc, Axis : ((hi....))
[24-18:56] 228dc, Axis : ((bored
[24-18:58] afdfa, Joey: so ... what to do
[24-18:58] 3adf1, Sileen: I'M A KITTY!!!
[24-18:58] 3adf1, Sileen: *throws everyone IC*
[24-18:58] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *is at.. the bar...*
[24-18:58] 228dc, Axis : ((I got htat dragon quest I need to do Isuppose))
[24-18:59] afdfa, Joey: aww *pets the kitty*
[24-18:59] fafbc, Ankalima Morwen : *is otherwise occupied*
[24-18:59] 3adf1, Aegnora : *is lurking around somewhere, waiting either for sleeping people, or something else*
[24-18:59] 3adf1, Aurora : *is being traumatized..*
[24-18:59] 3adf1, Amber : *is doing secret stuff..*
[24-19:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-19:00] afdfa, Armaros: * is just to awsome to play*
[24-19:02] af509, Haesanga: ((ugh. ))
[24-19:02] af509, Haesanga: ((bye.))
[24-19:02] EXIT: Haesanga has left the chat ( 8:02pm, August 24 (CDT) ).
[24-19:02] 228dc, Axis : ((*looks for somehtign to in rua I suppose))
[24-19:04] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((*could always tear apart NPCs*))
[24-19:05] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((I wonder if it's been long enough since I was stunted for me to work on getting level 4 magic, or any other magic at all for that matter))
[24-19:05] afdfa, Joey: (( hgay delotha .... should we finish the zeekan stuff? ))
[24-19:05] fafbc, Kali: *considers fleeing from such violence*
[24-19:06] afdfa, Joey: (( hay kali ... wanna help me finish the stuff? also ? ))
[24-19:07] fafbc, Kali: sorry Joey.. I gtg
[24-19:07] afdfa, Joey: (( kk ))
[24-19:08] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *is in the bar if anyone wants her...*
[24-19:08] 3adf1, Aegnora : *..and can be almost anywhere*
[24-19:10] 228dc, Axis : *appears in a remote area of quinell after one of the listed items on the map*
[24-19:13] afdfa, Zeekan Tovich: *he slips out of his room ... his blue eyes scanning over the other patrons in the room ... fiddiling with a small wooden ball rolling it between his fingers ... his biger than most size just dwarfs some of the others as he enters*
[24-19:14] 228dc, Axis : *he trots up ward towards the cave on the map stayign low so as not to draw attention*
[24-19:14] 3adf1, Amber : *and currently.. she is in her lair, long dragonic body curled over her loot, occasional sparks flying out whenever she breaths, dimly illuminating the cavern*
[24-19:16] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *lifts up her glass, taking a long sip*
[24-19:16] 228dc, Axis : *pulls his half-mask up as he reaches the nearby cave his soft boots making nearly no sound...he peeks in and searches around for the saught after items*
[24-19:17] 228dc, Axis : *just by lookign around from outside aroudn the corner*
[24-19:18] afdfa, Zeekan Tovich: *sees the demoness tossing the little wooden ball in hand he looks at it then at the woman ... then * hmmmm * flings it at the back of her head lightly going to get her attetion*
[24-19:18] 3adf1, Amber : *what with a amber-gold body blocking most of the view.. it's kinda hard to see much of anything*
[24-19:19] afdfa, Zeekan Tovich: (( none of the people know what the guardians are*
[24-19:20] 228dc, Axis : ((It isa bit ovious that this is a dragon))
[24-19:21] 3adf1, Amber : ((Apparently he knows where to go *shrugs* I took his word for it that he would know, and could find her lair))
[24-19:21] 228dc, Axis : ((It was on a map))
[24-19:22] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *her head jerks some as the ball hits it.. then she slowly stands, as she tilts her head to one side, then the other, popping her neck* I hope whoever did that no longer values living...
[24-19:22] 3adf1, Amber : (( Nobody told me Amber would have agreed to pointing out her lair on a map))
[24-19:23] 228dc, Axis : *knows he won't be able to sneak in so...clears his throat*
[24-19:23] afdfa, Zeekan Tovich: (( the map shows where the peice is ... the peice is in your lair thus it shows ))
[24-19:23] 228dc, Axis : ((hey I was given the map I followed it...bring it up with joey if there isa problem))
[24-19:24] afdfa, Zeekan Tovich: (( when the peice leaves the lair and moves the icon will move ))
[24-19:25] 3adf1, Amber : *her yellow eyes glide open at the sound of a cleared throat, the large head lifting, and turning to look towards the demon* *she purposely mutes her voice to a dragonic whisper, a normal tone for most others* Can I help you?
[24-19:25] afdfa, Zeekan Tovich: * he leans against a beam holding up the room and he smiles then speeks out to her* well i do value living ... and im sure you wont kill me ... though i want you to come here
[24-19:27] 228dc, Axis : Yes actually *very polite* I am lookign for a certain item...a pair of leg guards They have some sort of draconic connection to them..and I am thinking they are somewhere near here...mayhaps you know of them *under the hsadows of his cowl his eyes flick about*
[24-19:27] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *tilts her head at hearing the voice, and without yet turning to face him, she bends to retrieve the wooden ball, tossing it up and down in her hand as she looks back at him* *dryly* Generally.. most aren't stupid enough to get a demon's attention in that kind of manner.
[24-19:28] 3adf1, Amber : *she inhales deeply, taking in his scent* What buisness does a demon have looking for things with draconic connections?
[24-19:29] afdfa, Zeekan Tovich: yes Generally ... *he waves his hands in a follow me fassion* i hope you still have the rubies * he turns and begins to walk towards his room*
[24-19:29] afdfa, Zeekan Tovich: yes Generally ... *he waves his hands in a follow me fassion* i hope you still have the rubies * he turns and begins to walk towards his room*
[24-19:30] 228dc, Axis : well aparently somebody has sent me and several others to find whoever has done this obvusly does not expect them bakc so...*shrugsslightly*
[24-19:31] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *arches an eyebrow, catching the ball inh er hand, as she follows*
[24-19:31] 3adf1, Amber : Then I would suggest looking elsewhere. I am not fond of demons.
[24-19:31] 3adf1, Sileen: BBIAB!
[24-19:32] 228dc, Axis : ((damn yo usileen))
[24-19:32] 228dc, Axis : ((bloody puase))
[24-19:33] afdfa, Zeekan Tovich: *as he reaches his room he steps and moves accross the bed looking at all the clothing* give me the rubys and you can have the cloths fireproofed and all * he smiles and looks at her* (pauses thne ))
[24-19:36] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ... And it is all 15 gold still, right?
[24-19:36] 3adf1, Sileen: Back, btw
[24-19:38] afdfa, Zeekan Tovich: free *he turns and blinks at her*
[24-19:38] 228dc, Axis : I'm afraid I excepted that. If I can just find these greaves wich I belive to be here You will never ever have to see me again...but If I don't...well you'll be seing a rather lot of me I'm afraid.
[24-19:38] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ... *folds her arms* Free now, is it? He's too generous..
[24-19:40] afdfa, Zeekan Tovich: stop being suspious ... if i give you this and people see it and maybe they will come to me *he smiles* your like my billboard
[24-19:40] 3adf1, Amber : *her mouth parts in a sharp toothed grin* Really.. I keep gold, I keep jewelry. I'm not into collecting armor. ((Just how accurate is the map? Is it a magic map that zooms in, or a world map that only gives you approximate locations?))
[24-19:41] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *blinks* .. What is a billboard? ((Mwaha))
[24-19:42] afdfa, Zeekan Tovich: (( *damn it * ((the closer to the item the closer the map gets it zooms in and out ... pretty much ))
[24-19:42] 228dc, Axis : ((As far as I know it gives the near exact location mayeb nto to you know meters and such but the genral area))
[24-19:43] 228dc, Axis : *consults somehting in his cloak* Yes it is here.... *looks aroudn for unusual magic feilds* IT may have slipped in...
[24-19:45] 3adf1, Amber : *at him looking about* Are you expecting me to tamely let you wonder about my lair to go searching for some bit of armor you claim is here? *gold pieces, jewelry, begin to rain down from her body as she stands, keeping her head ducked so as not to hit the cieling*
[24-19:48] 228dc, Axis : *glances abotu again still lookign for magic feilds...such as those emitted by magic weapons, armor, liquers.* No I ask that you let me look around while you keep a very sharp draconic eye and smash me if I steal anything beyond what I came for...if you do this I shall never come here again. Swear on my sword.
[24-19:49] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[24-19:49] 3adf1, Amber : The word of a demon is useless. You are not permitted into my lair ((Seeing magic fields isn't a fire spell.. how does he have it?))
[24-19:50] 228dc, Axis : ((It ain't a spell it is a special ability of his))
[24-19:50] 3adf1, Amber : ((Ah.. nm.. reread your profile. Is it an item that does that?))
[24-19:51] 3adf1, Amber : *there is a pretty intense magical field coming from the dragon.. and a dimmer one, easily missed amidst her's, coming from directly under one foot*
[24-19:51] 228dc, Axis : ((no it is an innate ability of his...anything magical radiates magic))
[24-19:52] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Hm.. how about I give you one of the left over rubies? *grins.. so not mentioning that she stole them*
[24-19:53] d311a, Zeekan Tovich: left over? (( sorry booted )) well ill ned more than just one just so you know ... so hand me them and ill get right to work*
[24-19:53] 3adf1, Amber : ((Darn ))
[24-19:53] 228dc, Axis : *has not lived this long by missing small details* The nperhaps you can look around nder htat foot of yours. *nods at the one where the feild is coming from* You certainly realize not even a demon can do harm while out here.... *seems perfectly reasonable*
[24-19:55] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Be right back.. *flash-pwoom! She's gone... a few seconds later... flash-pwoom! And she's standing there again with a sack, a sack from which she digs various jewelry, all with rubies*
[24-19:57] d311a, Zeekan Tovich: *his eyes widen at the sight of that many rubies* ok *holds his hands out to her* give me some and leavill get you when there ready*
[24-19:57] 3adf1, Amber : *flashes that toothy grin again* More to this demon then meets the eye... Though I still will not tamely hand one of my treasures over to you.
[24-20:00] 228dc, Axis : *thinks of his special stash...which is actually all things from the mannossan treasury* You collect gems jewelry and gold you said...what if I exchanged several hefty sacks of such for it?
[24-20:00] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *hands him some* I will be testing the clothing before leaving..
[24-20:00] d311a, Zeekan Tovich: ... of course
[24-20:01] 3adf1, Amber : If I have been of money.. I will get it myself. I do not make deals with demons. Have you not guessed such yet?
[24-20:01] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Alright.. *grins* I will see you later then *turns, moving from the room*
[24-20:02] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((been=need *L*))
[24-20:03] d311a, Zeekan Tovich: *he closes the door and locks it ... turning to his back he pulls out a metal bowl with a metal rod he tosses the rubys in the bowl and begins to smash them to powder*
[24-20:04] 228dc, Axis : Well I have been attempting to be rational.Are you sure there is nothign you would exchange it for....I really would prefer to avoid having to spend alot of time here....
[24-20:04] 228dc, Axis : And what is one small thing such as that to you? Especially whne it can be replaced?
[24-20:05] 3adf1, Amber : Obligation. Not that a demon would understand such...
[24-20:07] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *chills*
[24-20:07] 228dc, Axis : Actually it may surprise you but I do. And I would love to prefer nastiness. So you feel obligated to hold on to it hmm?
[24-20:09] 3adf1, Amber : *gives a yawn, flashing her sharp teeth.. then settles down against her loot facing him, now her foot, and her body in between him and his desired treasure*
[24-20:12] 228dc, Axis : *grins though she wouldn't see it* So you choose unpleasentness hmm? *he would step out of sight and enacte the no-scent cantrip as soon as he was out and take out the bundle of sealed vials all with the dim glow of an explosive item spell*
[24-20:12] d311a, Zeekan Tovich: *yep after getting all that to dust he begins to cast <fire proof> while spreading the ruby dust over the leather*
[24-20:14] 3adf1, Amber : *remains in the cave.. straining her hearing to try and listen for him*
[24-20:17] 228dc, Axis : *stays perfectly still even his breathe and heartbeat silenced by the mask and deep cloak not twitching a muscle, keepign hsi breathes...and thusly his beartbeat slow and quiet*
[24-20:18] 3adf1, Amber : *eventually.. she relaxes, though now her sleep has been disrupted, dang it.*
[24-20:18] 228dc, Axis : *still maintains his silence having a plan*
[24-20:21] d311a, Zeekan Tovich: ** after some time cuase player dident feel like typing <fire proof> over and over* *he opens the door and motions for delotha to come in*
[24-20:21] 3adf1, Amber : *chills...*
[24-20:21] 2d392, Mab: *boogies*
[24-20:22] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *has by then gotten her drink, and come back up.. and stands leaning against the wall when the door opens. She glances up, then moves to enter the room*
[24-20:23] d311a, Zeekan Tovich: *he looks over at her as she enters to room* there ya go ... even the tunic has slits for your wings
[24-20:24] 228dc, Axis : *he teleportsinto the lair up high his wings unfurling as he flings down the bundel...about 15 vials full of acids, poisens, and various chenicals both liqued and powder that are toxic and eye-itrritating...just a the bundle got near her head it would detoante spraying ambers head and face with the stuff*
[24-20:24] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *brushes her hands over the tunic.. then looks to him with a grin* Let's test it... *scoops up the clothing, and reaches out to grab him*
[24-20:24] 228dc, Axis : *he flings it with his full demonic strength*
[24-20:24] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[24-20:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-20:26] d311a, Zeekan Tovich: * he pulls awa y for a seond* let me grab my cloths so i dont die * he rummages throug for his coat and a mask and other essentials to surving delothas wrath ... * lets go
[24-20:30] 3adf1, Amber : *well after that little trick she's up in a hurry.. and he might want to teleport out real quick before he's squished against the cieling. She lets out a wall vibrating roar.. though thankfully, with her trying to sleep again, her eyes were closed, so the toxins go not go directly into them, but rather etch at the scaled eye lids. Her clawed foot closes over the graves he covets so much, as she lunges forward out of the lair... and ooooh is she pissed now, though instead of going after the demon, she takes immediantly into the air, powerfuls snapping out to get her airborn*
[24-20:31] 3adf1, Amber : ((powerful wings))
[24-20:32] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Oh.. you didn't need fireproof stuff yourself. It's not like I'm going to kill you.. *grabs him again, and flash-pwoom!*
[24-20:32] 228dc, Axis : *glides to the side and sees her grab them and then cligns to her back as lightly as he can hopefullsy she won't notice....even if it didn't go directly in it would still hurt especially once she re-opened her eyes. So he cling there stil lwith out scent*
[24-20:33] 228dc, Axis : *to a back ridge or some such..claws help i nthe cling*
[24-20:33] d311a, Zeekan Tovich: *well half the stuff he had droped and is now resting on his floor with out him ... so he only has one glove and his coat* *shudders* thats a different feeelng
[24-20:34] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *.. he'd find himself next in a deep valley of some kind, complete with a lake in the middle, fed from a waterfall, and a lil oddity of a whirlpool in the center. She flops the clothing down, then backs up, grinning to him.* You might want to head around to the other side of that lake there
[24-20:36] 3adf1, Amber : *hasn't opened her eyes yet.. and is gliding from memory to some point. Her wings snap back, purposely cracking into him, yes.. she knows he's there. She hasn't lived this long by being unobservant... before she abruptly divebombs down towards a lake, hitting the surface, and going under with a huge splash*
[24-20:36] d311a, Zeekan Tovich: * he looks over to the other side and then nods as he takes off running *
[24-20:37] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *waits until he's out of range, grumbling something under her breath... and then behind him, there is a sudden flash of fire as a 50 foot radius around her and the clothing is suddenly awash in flames*
[24-20:37] 228dc, Axis : *holds his breath and makes sure he stays low enough against her back she can't...her size working againt her here...a wild smile is on his face...this game was fun!*
[24-20:37] 228dc, Axis : *holding on*
[24-20:39] 3adf1, Amber : *enjoy your free ride while you can, demon!* *remains beneath the surface, head thrashing around to remove the last traces of toxins and acid..*
[24-20:40] 228dc, Axis : *luckily has plenty extra as he hangs on tight breathe held*
[24-20:41] d311a, Zeekan Tovich: * he spins to see this spectical eyes blinking from the fire flaash* WOH *he makes a mental note to learn offensive magic*
[24-20:41] 3adf1, Amber : *she suddenly twists in the water, aiming her back to the lake's bottom... then with a snap of her wings, her body crashes down, back aimed to smash into the lake bottom with him against it*
[24-20:42] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *after a minute or so, the flames flicker down... and she's kneeling there by the clothing, to see how it fared. And, embaressingly enough, she's also naked*
[24-20:43] 228dc, Axis : *eyes widen and he teleports from her back to somewhere beside her watching for her to loosen her grip on the greaves*
[24-20:44] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *hasn't yet. He is't going to get to pull the insta teleport, grab, teleport away thing. Her eyes, now open, search the water for him, as she begins to bring herself upright*
[24-20:44] 3adf1, Amber : *hasn't yet. He is't going to get to pull the insta teleport, grab, teleport away thing. Her eyes, now open, search the water for him, as she begins to bring herself upright*
[24-20:44] 2d392, Mab: greaves?
[24-20:44] d311a, Zeekan Tovich: * oh yea is deffenitly checking out Delotha more than how his cloths faired*
[24-20:45] 228dc, Axis : ((those are the armor peices that protect your lower legs))
[24-20:46] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *would likely fry him if he saw him staring at her... though he is a decent distance away, so can't make out too much detail. Mwah. She gives a satisfied nod, and begins dressing in the fire proofed clothing*
[24-20:47] 2d392, Mab: Ah, k.
[24-20:47] 228dc, Axis : *uses his wings kinda lieka penguine does to swim, having dumped his cloak....he would have a belt full of vials and such including a large bag and a huge numebr of weapons*..isa dark thin shape gliding through the water perhaps out of sight behind her head...*
[24-20:48] d311a, Zeekan Tovich: *runs forward trying to get a peek befor she is all covered up though acting like he is happy the cloths lived*
[24-20:49] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *catches a glimpse of him from the corner of her eye, and snaps her head about.. letting loose what would be a plume of fire above beneath him... as it is, is just flashes the water so heated steam, which flare up beneath the demon, hopefully to knock him for a loop, as her head snaps back up to watch him*
[24-20:49] 3adf1, Amber : *catches a glimpse of him from the corner of her eye, and snaps her head about.. letting loose what would be a plume of fire above beneath him... as it is, is just flashes the water so heated steam, which flare up beneath the demon, hopefully to knock him for a loop, as her head snaps back up to watch him*
[24-20:49] JOIN: Pedron Niall has entered.
[24-20:50] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *first thing she put on was the tunic, then the pants... no peek for you! Haha!* *turns, placing her hands on her hips, to face him as he charges up* Very nice work.
[24-20:51] d57e8, Pedron Niall: ((So much IC-ness in here..))
[24-20:52] d311a, Zeekan Tovich: *smiles* thanks .. how do they feel?
[24-20:52] 228dc, Axis : *spirals back a bit but manages to straigten out...the temputre of course left him unharmed..he watches her for any weakness deciding the scales would be weaker around the joints and eyes...he is obviuosly no ordinary savage demon*
[24-20:53] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *grins* Feel pretty nice.
[24-20:54] d311a, Zeekan Tovich: good and as you can see they survived so no more naked delotha *
[24-20:54] 3adf1, Amber : *while he would be struggling to right himself.. a clawed foot, not the one with the greaves, snaps out to cry and snag him*
[24-20:54] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Yes.. which will be a pity for others *chuckles*
[24-20:55] d57e8, Pedron Niall: ((That announcements ticker still scares me.))
[24-20:55] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[24-20:56] 228dc, Axis : *luckily here to her size would work agaisnt her. the water would slow her down and he would allow the force of the water her claw would push in front of it to flip under it...while using a minumum of his own energy*
[24-20:56] 2d392, Mab: *scares Pedron some more* Oooga Booga!!
[24-20:58] 3adf1, Amber : *okay, so even with big wings he can still move as agilely through the water as a fish, when she put sheer strength to shove her hand through the water quickly. Alright, I'll bite.. So she obviously cannot do much to him in the water. It was time to leave. Her wings move out to either side, and with a snap, her massive body moves upward... and she begins swimming towards the shore*
[24-20:58] d57e8, Pedron Niall: ((Eeeeek!! *runs OOC... even though I never was IC... *))
[24-20:59] 228dc, Axis : ((it's a fact that the bigger you are the harder it is to move throug hthe water becuase yo uhave to displace need to get snippy))
[24-21:00] 228dc, Axis : ((I just rode hte displacement wave))
[24-21:00] 228dc, Axis : *anyway once agian teleports clinging to her back*
[24-21:00] d57e8, Pedron Niall: *debates bringing in sausage man...*
[24-21:01] 3adf1, Amber : *and once again she would pause, and swing her body around to point her back down, wings extending...*
[24-21:02] 3adf1, Amber : *another advantage to being bigger... bigger lungs. She can stay down longer*
[24-21:02] 228dc, Axis : *gets ready to spring awaystill i na littel ball agianst her back now with his legs coiled like springs below him*
[24-21:03] 3adf1, Amber : *and demons are made to be resistant to fire, not pearl divers*
[24-21:03] 2d392, Mab: *debates a weenie roast*
[24-21:03] 228dc, Axis : *but as they seem to have gone abouve the water surface.....can breath*
[24-21:03] 228dc, Axis : *isn't using much effort one way or another*
[24-21:03] 3adf1, Amber : *she snaps down again, faster then last time.. he might get partially clear, but at least part of that large back is going to slam him down*
[24-21:04] 3adf1, Amber : *and hadn't gone above the surface yet, was starting to swim towards shore when he ported to her back*
[24-21:04] NICK: Pedron Niall changed nick to C.M.O.T. Dibbler.
[24-21:04] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[24-21:04] d57e8, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: *walking to the ... thing, whaddya call it... inn place... oh *hits himself* Glimmering Inn, pushing a sausage cart*
[24-21:05] 3adf1, Amber : ((Hey Joey, answer AIM))
[24-21:06] 228dc, Axis : *curses and teleports as he draws his sword..getting away in the last instant and reapearign right next to her eye....probably before she would register he was there he would shove the poisened blade in as it was already partially in position as he teleported*
[24-21:06] JOIN: Rikkell Donobar has entered.
[24-21:07] d57e8, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: *stops outside inn, putting up the little umbrella typical of street vendors*
[24-21:09] 3adf1, Amber : *they are in water ... if he's waving a sword about, the poison is going to wash off. And he's a demon that's been teleporting up a storm, she woulda noticed that by now, and accounted for it. He does appear before her face, and stab before she can react.. but her head does twist slightly, and the lid closes, so the sword strikes just next to her eye, and glances off the scales, putting a nice dent into one... that didn't feel good, and she didn't like it one bit, judging from the reaction she gives, twisting her head to bite him*
[24-21:10] d57e8, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: ((By the way.. anyone anywhere near the Inn?))
[24-21:11] 228dc, Axis : *his multiple telportation account for his strength as a demon....((perfectly legit if oyu mean to imply anything)*just clings to hte eyeridge hanging on despretlay but her chomping teeth still grazign his leg hard enoug hto tear a gashin them...he snarls and keeps tryign to stab*
[24-21:12] fa5ed, Zeekan Tovich: *he nods to himself* yes ... damn pity ... well anywys im glad you like em though if they rip or anything bring em to me ill repair them for free
[24-21:13] 3adf1, Amber : *her head begins to thrash around once he grabs her.. making it pretty difficult to get another good stab in*
[24-21:14] 3adf1, Amber : *meanwhile, she's raising a hand/foot up, while the head thrashes*
[24-21:15] e6b96, Trella: *scrubs the stones that make up the inn courtyard on her hands and knees with a scrub brush and doesn't look to happy to be there*
[24-21:16] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Will do... *grins* And keep the extra rubies
[24-21:17] 228dc, Axis : *snarls and waits for her to try and claw him...she was gonna hurt herself..he wasn't out of the game yet..if she would juts let go of the damn greaves*
[24-21:17] 228dc, Axis : *hangs on*
[24-21:18] fa5ed, Zeekan Tovich: * smiles at her * thanks !!
[24-21:19] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[24-21:19] 3adf1, Amber : *is inwardly shocked that this demon is holding his breath for so long, when she herself is starting to need air... her head twists down, aiming to ram the side of her head, and thus him, into the lake's bottom, clawed hand ready to snag him if she succeeds*
[24-21:20] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[24-21:23] 228dc, Axis : *wasn't moving alot so it was all good. really it is the comparitive thing...she is larger so her huge lungs are balanced out by her size and metabolism...and of ocuse sheer insane stubberness is on axis's side...once again pushes off using the force of the rushing water to add speed to his movements and would zip along the top of her head...and if he went to the other side would attempt to dig the sowrd in...he ignores the burning in his lungs and concnetrates on the prize...will pass out later*
[24-21:24] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Hey, anytime. *mentally adds "Not like I paid for them anyway"*
[24-21:25] 3adf1, Amber : *once again, her head turns to follow him, mouth opening... and fire flashes in the depths of her throat, flashing into steam as it hits the water, buffeting at the demon... as the clawed hand foot that was raised to readily grab him, snatches for him now*
[24-21:25] fa5ed, Zeekan Tovich: yep ... plus i got a good view of the testing * mentally adds" i sw you naked i saw you naked" *
[24-21:26] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *eyes him as he said that* .. Did you... hm... Well, let's get you back
[24-21:27] 228dc, Axis : *lets her grab him but he isn't out yet...still has a contignecy amber's head a voice would rant for her to let the greaves go*
[24-21:27] fa5ed, Zeekan Tovich: well if you wanan go back * he takes one more glimps around the place and even the little pool in the middle*
[24-21:28] 3adf1, Amber : *which she blatantly ignores as she squeezes *
[24-21:30] 228dc, Axis : *feels her squueze and vanishes just as she starts reappearing by the hand holdign the greaves and shoves the sword with all of his might...which is beggining to fade into the inside wrist join where hand meets arm...where the scales should be hte weakest*
[24-21:30] 228dc, Axis : *essentally where the pressure point might be on a human*
[24-21:32] 228dc, Axis : ((*looks at the time...grrr*))
[24-21:34] 3adf1, Amber : *No... demons can teleport, but anyhing they have currently on them would get drawn through the portal as well. Her hand, is squeezed on him. He cannot teleport out of it, and he cannot drag her body through a portal after him in his position, so he is stuck*
[24-21:35] 3adf1, Amber : *plus, he can't go through a portal that's a foot into a mountain, likewise he cannot teleport through her hand*
[24-21:37] d57e8, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: ((That's a no, right))
[24-21:37] 228dc, Axis : *jams the blade into her hand as hard as he can i nthis position still glaring at her is evidently not planning on giving up*
[24-21:38] 228dc, Axis : ((*looks at his poition right now* I would say so))
[24-21:39] 3adf1, Amber : *the blade dents the scale, and even punctures through a little... she meanwhile, not liking this, drags him around to point his legs towards her head, and then opens her mouth, intended to chew on a demon leg if he doesn't quit it*
[24-21:40] 228dc, Axis : *if it seems like she will stop if he does...stops...if after he does stop she keeeps goign is going to make her lose a finger if he is getting stops cutting as long as she stops movign him towards that mouth*
[24-21:40] d57e8, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: ((Damnit!! Someone get the hell over here, so I can harass you into buying sausages from me!!))
[24-21:41] 228dc, Axis : ((I'ma little busy))
[24-21:41] 3adf1, Amber : *as he stops cutting, she turns him, keeping him held away from her face, as she eyes him... her wings spreading, and pumping at the water, like the dragon in Dragonheart, to take them towards the surface*
[24-21:42] 228dc, Axis : *just relaxes for the time being and once they are on the surface would begi ntaking huge breathes*
[24-21:42] d57e8, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: ((Dragons, Shmagons.OO
[24-21:44] 228dc, Axis : ((I'ma demon mind you))
[24-21:45] d57e8, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: ((Fighting a dragon, however.))
[24-21:47] 3adf1, Amber : *likewise, her nostrils flare as she sucks in a deep breath* Not bad for a demon... Though I owe you for disfiguring my scales. What have you to offer me, other then your life, in exchange?
[24-21:48] e6b96, Trella: *is scrubbing the stones of the Glimmering Inn courtyard as previously posted*
[24-21:49] d57e8, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: ((ah.. missed that..))
[24-21:50] d57e8, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: *pushes cart over to trella, grinning widely* All that work must make you hungry!
[24-21:50] 228dc, Axis : *loosk over her scales* clean cuts...I think they will heal fine. Anyway as I said Ihave some interesting stuff in my stash...and I don't supposed oyu are interested in chemicals?
[24-21:51] e6b96, Trella: *looks up from her earnest scrubbing* I'm not allowed to stop until fetched for.
[24-21:52] d57e8, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: *winks* No one'll notice, and besides, you can have a hot pig sausage for only one dollar (or whatever the local curency is.)
[24-21:53] 228dc, Axis : ((gold silver copper ectect))
[24-21:54] d57e8, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: *in that case* for only one copper!
[24-21:54] 3adf1, Amber : The chemicals you used again me? *grins* I might be... what quarentee do I have that you will deliver them were I to release you?
[24-21:55] e6b96, Trella: Ummm, I'm not fond of pork. *scratches her neck, looking around*
[24-21:56] d57e8, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: Isn't necessarily pork... but most definitely pig!! I've also got some meat pies.
[24-21:57] 228dc, Axis : Why shouldn't I delvier them? thoguh I'll need ot make up some samples for you alot of my stuff got wet...or broken. Also I can get some nice acid.
[24-21:57] d57e8, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: *woops.. gotta go... GONE*
[24-21:58] 3adf1, Amber : Because you'd be arming a dragon, who still is not going to give you these graves by the way, with more weapons to use against you...
[24-21:59] 3adf1, Amber : However.. you'll be back sometime for these. *raises her hand, opening it* Off with you, demon
[24-22:00] 228dc, Axis : Oh I'll get them *seems quite sure* just later. I'll be back later *vaishes*
[24-22:00] 78ce8, Strahan Niall: ** is in a cave under half of his bady mass is frozen over the sword he guards. come of his body is connected into to the water anyone wishing to get the sword would have to swim through. part of him is in the water so he can have a unlimited source of water to use as a sort of water cannon on anyone who wants the sword.**
[24-22:01] 83e49, Kali: *peeks*
[24-22:01] 3adf1, Amber : *drags herself from the lake, and then takes off...*
[24-22:01] e6b96, Trella: *pig is pork. duh. she shakes her head and watches him go* *continues scrubbing. fade out*
[24-22:03] 78ce8, HulkDogs : ** listens to MC Chris **
[24-22:03] 3adf1, Amber : ((Yes.. I'm not giving up my graves!))
[24-22:03] 3adf1, Sileen: *slips OOC*
[24-22:08] 3adf1, Sileen: *slips off to go see movie*
[24-22:17] JOIN: Rikkell Donobar has entered.
[24-22:23] 3adf1, Sileen: *lied*
[24-22:24] JOIN: Rikkell Donobar has entered.
[24-22:29] 78ce8, HulkDogs : ** runs cirlces around sileen ** Weee hehehe
[24-22:33] 3adf1, Sileen: *pounces Hulk!*
[24-22:37] 78ce8, HulkDogs : ** falls over and plays dead **
[24-22:37] 3adf1, Sileen: ... AGH! I killed him!
[24-22:37] 83e49, Kali: *burries Hulk*
[24-22:38] 3adf1, Sileen: *mourns*
[24-22:38] 78ce8, HulkDogs : ** digs himself out and falls over dead on kali **
[24-22:39] 83e49, Kali: ewwwww *scrambles backwards real fast*
[24-22:40] 3adf1, Sileen: *snickers*
[24-22:40] 78ce8, HulkDogs : ** stinks whole place up and is a unstopable ghoul bites kali then sileen ** Yum
[24-22:42] 83e49, Kali: *heals Hulk returning him to life*heals sileen and self too*nyah
[24-22:45] 78ce8, HulkDogs : ** lives! ** Ah I returns again! ** climbs buildings like godzilla.. or whats the big ape **
[24-22:46] 3adf1, Sileen: King Kong?
[24-22:47] 78ce8, HulkDogs : ** is KING KONG **
[24-22:48] 83e49, Kali: *threatens to make the big ape learn html*
[24-22:49] 78ce8, HulkDogs : ** freaks out and falls to death but lives some how ** NOOOO
[24-22:49] f96be, Caradonia: *back*
[24-22:50] 78ce8, HulkDogs : Don't know when but I will have to learn it. ** curls up and sobs like a little women **
[24-22:50] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[24-22:51] 83e49, Kali: Mwahaha
[24-22:52] 78ce8, HulkDogs : How long it take you to learn html, Kali?
[24-22:53] 83e49, Kali: pfft... still learning it..
[24-22:54] 78ce8, HulkDogs : Well how long you been learning it.
[24-22:55] 3adf1, Sileen: I know some.. just enough to make my profiles pretty
[24-22:55] 83e49, Kali: hrmmm.. bout 4 months.. and thats working on it every day... cheat.. get a good editor.
[24-22:56] 83e49, Kali: I went stir crazy yesterday... take a look at my profile.... thats what I do when I get bored.. I get manic.
[24-22:56] 78ce8, HulkDogs : **Knows none**
[24-22:56] 83e49, Kali: its bright.. and very obnoxious
[24-22:56] 3adf1, Sileen: .. and to make Mab's profiles pretty too. Hehee.
[24-22:57] 3adf1, Sileen: And yes. It's bright
[24-22:58] 83e49, Kali: thats an understatement.
[24-23:00] 78ce8, HulkDogs : I am off. NIght yall!
[24-23:01] 83e49, Kali: night
[24-23:01] 3adf1, Sileen: Night
[24-23:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-23:04] 83e49, Kali: *wanders off to work on web page* If anyone's looking for me just aim
[24-23:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-23:38] 83e49, Kali: *peeks at wispy*
[24-23:44] JOIN: Rikkell Donobar has entered.
[25-00:41] 83e49, Kali: *yawns her way to bed*
[25-00:42] MSG: Kali sent a message to Lan.
[25-00:48] JOIN: Z has entered.
[25-01:43] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[25-01:46] 125f3, Lan: 'Ello?
[25-01:55] 125f3, Lan: Hmph... no one...
[25-05:08] 41335, Kali: Lan?
[25-09:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-10:48] 8b420, Kali: grrr.. still alone..
[25-12:40] JOIN: Sykotic has entered.
[25-13:31] 0a09f, Kali: *sighs*
[25-14:07] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[25-14:10] 0a09f, Kali: hey
[25-14:10] ae08c, Xyva: hello
[25-14:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-14:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-14:20] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:19pm, August 25 (CDT) ).
[25-14:20] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[25-14:38] ae08c, Xyva: axis u still here?
[25-14:41] ae08c, Xyva: *test*
[25-14:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-14:43] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:42pm, August 25 (CDT) ).
[25-14:44] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[25-14:44] JOIN: Pedron Niall has entered.
[25-14:46] 81c87, Axis : *((yawn*))
[25-14:46] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Whoa, other people have no life just like me?!?!?!
[25-14:48] ae08c, Xyva: *pic test 2*
[25-14:48] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Mebe
[25-14:49] 3e045, Pedron Niall: That just made my day *L*
[25-14:50] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Well good!
[25-14:50] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:50pm, August 25 (CDT) ).
[25-14:50] ae08c, Xyva: hey cara, cant get into you char again?
[25-14:50] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[25-14:51] f96be, Caradonia: ((Nope, just lurking))
[25-14:51] ae08c, Xyva: ah ok
[25-14:52] f96be, Caradonia: ((Interesting profile by the way*chuckle*))
[25-14:55] f96be, Caradonia: ((And silence blanekts))
[25-14:56] 81c87, Axis : ((*pokes Cara i nthe eye*))
[25-14:56] f96be, Caradonia: ((*Smother Axis to death*
[25-14:57] 81c87, Axis : *back in an upper room of hte glimemring packign poisens away..he still hadn't aquired a new cloak*
[25-14:57] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Whoa... there's a Salad Fingers 4?!!?!? If only my internet didn't suck so much....
[25-14:59] f96be, Caradonia: ((Mrumph))
[25-14:59] 81c87, Axis : *he is alos busy using leather straps to bundle together another big lot of vials of poisens and acids and after enchanting them packs that away as well*
[25-15:11] 0a09f, Kali: *growls*
[25-15:12] 81c87, Axis : *he shakes the poisen dust off his newly repaired pants and stretches* ((hi kali))
[25-15:12] 0a09f, Kali: hi
[25-15:21] 0a09f, Kali: *hopes the maid can clean that up*
[25-15:22] 81c87, Axis : ((and not die))
[25-15:25] 0a09f, Kali: *chuckles* I almost put that...
[25-15:26] 81c87, Axis : (heheh))
[25-15:30] 0a09f, Kali: *test*
[25-15:31] 81c87, Axis : ((grarg))
[25-15:31] 0a09f, Kali: snarfblatz... its still not right.
[25-15:35] 0a09f, Kali: ok... *test again*
[25-15:36] 0a09f, Kali: *sighs* that's better
[25-15:39] JOIN: sereburus has entered.
[25-15:40] 81c87, Axis : ((-*yawn*))
[25-15:40] 2166e, sereburus: ((hi))
[25-15:40] 0a09f, Kali: oh loverly... hell hounds
[25-15:41] 0a09f, Kali: hey...
[25-15:41] 2166e, sereburus: ((how are you ))
[25-15:42] 2166e, sereburus: ((wat is the site about))
[25-15:42] 0a09f, Kali: yelling at html as usual.. yourself?
[25-15:42] 0a09f, Kali: Its a medieval fantasy..... elves, demons, mages, dragons.... etc.... r
[25-15:42] 2166e, sereburus: ((ya))
[25-15:43] 2166e, sereburus: ((can i jion))
[25-15:43] 81c87, Axis : ((*Is a demon.....who loves poisen*))
[25-15:43] JOIN: Mad hatter has entered.
[25-15:43] 0a09f, Kali: *is many things*
[25-15:45] 2166e, sereburus: ((do you think i can join in))
[25-15:45] 2166e, Mad hatter: you fusk nut reead the other site you num nut
[25-15:45] 2166e, Mad hatter: NOW!!!
[25-15:46] 0a09f, Kali: sure.... go read the board... there's a post for species... start there....
[25-15:46] 81c87, Axis : ((read the opening read the board then submit a reg sheet))
[25-15:46] 2166e, sereburus: ((ok))
[25-15:47] 81c87, Axis : ((hatter= serbus = loser))
[25-15:51] 2166e, sereburus: ((you are saying im a loser))
[25-15:51] 2166e, Mad hatter: Sudap you high mighty nit wit MYOB dippy
[25-15:52] 81c87, Axis : ((yes....I am...seeing as how you are tryign to be funny or some such by using two differnet user names. And I was being nice callign you a loser))
[25-15:52] 0a09f, Kali: Sereberus.... please do not yell at yourself in here. Pick one char and you are welcome to join us.
[25-15:53] 2166e, sereburus: ((mad hatter is a my brother but he is being a a**hole))
[25-15:55] 2166e, sereburus: ((go to the dack side tavern his user name is gideon loch ))
[25-15:56] 2166e, sereburus: ((i like to join plz))
[25-15:56] 81c87, Axis : ((well then if he doesn't straigten up you both will end up being banned as you have the same IP adress))
[25-15:56] 81c87, Axis : ((submit reg form))
[25-15:57] 0a09f, Queen Nessima : *continues to stomp her way up the mountain... a short walk for her actually. Reaching the top, she sighs,as she turns in a full circle, just watching the evening sky, trying to calm down and not think about the fact that she's left the Queen of standing at the portal*
[25-15:57] 81c87, Axis : ((just make up your char and join in rp))
[25-15:57] 2166e, sereburus: ((ok))
[25-15:57] 2166e, sereburus: ((i did ))
[25-15:57] 0a09f, Kali: you did what?
[25-15:58] 2166e, sereburus: ((i filled the form to join))
[25-15:59] 81c87, Taulis : *probably back at the portal trying to take up the slack as the queens favored hunter*
[25-15:59] 0a09f, Kazia Mandragoran : *is standing at said portal, guarded by two ot the oddest dressed ...erm.. giants she's ever seen.. but thats not saying much.. she'd never seen one before.*
[25-16:00] 0a09f, Kazia Mandragoran : ((what kind of char?))
[25-16:00] 2166e, sereburus: ((.....))
[25-16:01] 2166e, sereburus: ((who))
[25-16:01] 0a09f, Kazia Mandragoran : ((you ))
[25-16:02] 0a09f, Kazia Mandragoran : ((*link test*))
[25-16:03] 2166e, sereburus: ((vampire))
[25-16:03] 0a09f, Kali: Sereburus... this is medieval fantasy.... we do not have vampires
[25-16:03] 0a09f, Kali: they are definitely NOT on the species list I suggested you read
[25-16:04] 2166e, sereburus: ((elf then ))
[25-16:04] 0a09f, Kali: what kind? we have 4
[25-16:05] 2166e, sereburus: ((wat are they))
[25-16:07] 0a09f, Kali: High Elves... Laumil Elves.. Moon Elves...Sylvan Elves... please read the species write up. It will tell you every thing you need
[25-16:08] 2166e, sereburus: ((Moon Elf))
[25-16:08] 0a09f, Kali: ok...
[25-16:09] 0a09f, Kali: if you turned in a reg form for a vamp it will be sent back..
[25-16:10] 2166e, sereburus: ((OK)
[25-16:10] 2166e, sereburus: ((OK)
[25-16:10] 0a09f, Kazia Mandragoran : ((*smacks JJ* straighten up!!!!!!))
[25-16:10] EXIT: sereburus has left the chat ( 5:10pm, August 25 (CDT) ).
[25-16:13] 0a09f, Kali: *sighs* Ive been abandoned again.... *frowns and slumps shoulders*phooo
[25-16:25] e6b96, Trella: *works off the wages her steward owes the Glimmering in, scrubbing away at the cobble stones. She is behind the Inn now and working in the back. She hates her life here. Her supposed benefactor is cruel and abusive and she has no hope for a better life. She could be really pretty if not for her being so ratty and covered in sweat and dust, her hair snarley and unkempt for lack of a brush and time to devote to it. Her clothes rags, a regular Cinderella she is.*
[25-16:26] e6b96, Trella: Glimmering in = Glimmering Inn
[25-16:27] 0a09f, Terra: *finally reaching the edges of Paranor in Arvandor, she rises to the surface, taking on her more human form, seeking out other survivors of Soths rampage thru the country. Arriving at the city gates, the guards welcom her this time, now knowing who and what she is. One guard takes her on thru the city to the princess's home, where she was asked to wait, since Belthil was still upstairs watchin Corell and using her small healing magic on him again, hoping that today he would awaken*
[25-16:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-16:29] 0a09f, Council of Lai'dor : *not hearing from the trackers in many days, the council is growing more and more worried that the queen would never be returned*
[25-16:34] 0a09f, Zaeth : *who is slowly waking up from her fainting spell. Waking up to see a wolf face very near hers, and just beyond... Ki's*
[25-16:35] e6b96, Trella: *she scrubs and scrubs and eyes the portal platform that used to be a gazebo. Plans for a stone gazebo to be rebuilt over it were in drawing up stages now, she'd heard. She has known the password for the portal since she was a little thing, dreaming of running away to exotic places.*
[25-16:36] 0a09f, Zaeth : *vanishes*
[25-16:40] e6b96, Trella: *Suddenly, she finds herself standing on the platform. When did she walk over here and stand? She must have been swept away in her daydreaming again and not realized she'd abandoned her chores. She'd get the belt from her steward if he walked by to check on her and saw her idly standing about. She wishes she could have the kindly Mr. Trendlekim for a steward. He'd told her to take her time and that scrubbing the stones would be sufficient to pay off all the debt her steward owed. It was such a small task compared to what was owed.*
[25-16:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-16:51] e6b96, Trella: *pause*
[25-16:51] EXIT: Trella has left the chat ( 5:51pm, August 25 (CDT) ).
[25-17:59] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[25-18:15] 9b64c, Kali: *peeks*
[25-18:15] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[25-18:16] ae08c, Xyva: hey
[25-18:16] 9b64c, Kali: hey
[25-18:17] ae08c, Xyva: *test*
[25-18:17] ae08c, Xyva: *test*
[25-18:38] ae08c, Xyva: hmm who to rp
[25-18:40] 9b64c, Kali: you'd better think fast.
[25-18:43] ae08c, Xyva: *steals Kali*
[25-18:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-18:53] 9b64c, Kali: *is stolen*
[25-18:53] ae08c, Xyva: *test*
[25-18:53] ae08c, Xyva: AHHHHHHH my ip code makes purple
[25-18:54] 9b64c, Kali: emm... no.
[25-18:54] 9b64c, Kali: *dies*
[25-18:55] ae08c, Xyva: *FIX*
[25-18:56] 9b64c, Kali: that was bad.
[25-18:56] 9b64c, Kali: ... mine too.
[25-18:57] 9b64c, Kali: *goes back to her regular color*
[25-18:57] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[25-18:57] ae08c, Xyva: this was my old ip code
[25-18:59] 109e9, HulkDogs : I just like this color
[25-19:01] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[25-19:01] bdd06, Caradonia: ((I'm reather fond of mine))
[25-19:01] 9b64c, Kali: *vanishes* see ya'll later...
[25-19:02] ae08c, Xyva: c yall
[25-19:02] bdd06, Caradonia: ((Adios))
[25-19:08] EXIT: Caradonia has left the chat ( 8:02pm, August 25 (CDT) ).
[25-19:09] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[25-19:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-19:09] 109e9, Tarnis Catadon : ** riding along on his mount looking around the familiar tarrian he seems more relaxed then ever.. begins to look for a land that would be the cave he lived in for a couple months **
[25-19:10] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:09pm, August 25 (CDT) ).
[25-19:11] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[25-19:11] bdd06, Caradonia: *She is walking at a distance behind Tarnis. She became tired of the endless bouncing in the saddle and frankly, she was worried that her mare would loose her footing in this unfamilar terrian. She holds no objects with her lagging behind, she's getting her fill of the land this way*
[25-19:11] bdd06, Caradonia: ((objections))
[25-19:14] eb13a, Axis : ((*peers*))
[25-19:17] 109e9, Tarnis Catadon : ** stops dismounting his horse then stops looking around as he waits for Cara. The land mark he was looking for he has spotted ** We are nearly there.
[25-19:19] bdd06, Caradonia: Are we?*sounds a little disapointing, half the fun is getting there or so they say. She's taken her cloak off at some point and she seems to have adjusted to the cooler air...she even has her hair pulled up from her neck to avoid that sticky heat that accumilates there*
[25-19:20] eb13a, Axis : *soars throug hthe sky toawrds hte dragons cave*
[25-19:21] bdd06, Caradonia: ((disapointed))
[25-19:21] 109e9, Tarnis Catadon : ** doesnt notice the disapountment in her voice. he starts walking towards the land mark slowly leading his mount by the reins ** Yes.
[25-19:23] bdd06, Caradonia: *She starts off at a jog after him, nimbling moving over the rocky ground, her horse, of course(no pun) follows but at a much more tender of pace. She seems full of energy now...eyes are crackling with it*
[25-19:23] eb13a, Ghouls : *terrorizes souther acedenwan*
[25-19:23] 109e9, Tarnis Catadon : (( disapointment ))
[25-19:24] bdd06, Caradonia: ((nimbly...whats up with me and verb tense this evening))
[25-19:28] 109e9, Tarnis Catadon : ** stops again with the caves mouth in sight turns looking at Cara ** We are there. ** moves on again stoppping at the mouth of the cave then ties his mount to a near by branks. enters the cave...**
[25-19:34] bdd06, Caradonia: *She follows Tarnis but her eyes are only partially on her path, her gaze is focused on the cave mouth. She pauses in step at the enterence and she dosent make to follow* I'll wait here....*sounding a little apologetic* Shout if you need me
[25-19:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-19:40] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:40pm, August 25 (CDT) ).
[25-19:40] 109e9, Tarnis Catadon : ** the cave isnt huge just big enough for a group of people to live in enough room for four people to sleep in and enough room for a fire. there is a spout like opening thinger in the middle for the smoke to exit.. there is still a fire ring in the middle from when he lived here. there is clay pots and cups laying in a corner. crawls out standing up then motions to the cave. ** Home.
[25-19:40] eb13a, Axis : *soars towards the dragons cave fully intending to annoy her into giving him those greaves*