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[13-10:49] e599c, Pug Duthain: *He steps into the light of the fire, taking a seat next to Arutha. Even being a battle-hardened wizard, the comming battle is one he is worried about.*
[13-10:51] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *he too is battle hardened...the Orcwars...the campaign against the raiders...he was a fighting is a landless king fighting to get back what is rightfully his...he is quiet..quieter than usual for him..his hands are claped together as his soulful brown eyes stare into the red orange flames deeply*
[13-10:56] e599c, Pug Duthain: We'll come out alright Arutha. One way or the other. We'll do fine.
[13-10:58] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *he makes a light scoff before speaking* Have our scouts returned yet? *he doesnt look up from the if entranced by it....he definatly is lost in thought*
[13-11:01] e599c, Pug Duthain: I have not heard. *Generally Pug was the pessimist, however tonight he finds himself being the optimist for the sake of the men.* What's on your mind?
[13-11:03] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *now it is his turn to be pessimistic...the task ahead of them is not an easy one..512 ians against what ever occupational forces hold his beloved country...he looks towards Pug a moment in thought before speaking* Things do not look well, cousin.. *his voice is low so that only they may hear their words*
[13-11:08] e599c, Pug Duthain: *Is also keeping his voice low.* I have said that all along. However now is not the time to be letting that interfere with the plans. You must think positively for the sake of the men.
[13-11:10] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *he falls quiet a moment* How long until dawn?
[13-11:11] e599c, Pug Duthain: A few hours I believe.
[13-11:15] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *nods* Have you slept? *he tosses another length of wood into the flames the flames leap higher when he does this...he seems to be pondering* Well try to flank them I think...*he draws a diagram where they are going to strike in the dirt* You take half and a dragon with you and strike here..*he points to one location*..I'll circle around here *points to another section* and roll over the walls.. we should meet up somewhere around...*makes another diagram near where tehy had talked about pushing* Here...hopefully the two fronts will cause enough confusion that our scaley friends can swoop down and level them
[13-11:20] e599c, Pug Duthain: About as much as you have. *Yes he'd memorized the plan with the number of times they talked it over. Nods.* Just remember that by now they've found the places that are well fortified naturally. We've got to plan for that.
[13-11:22] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : That is why I am sending each company with a dragon... In the confusion that ensues...they will be distracted and they will blink..and when they blink...that is when we will strike the hardest.
[13-11:23] e599c, Pug Duthain: Have you informed the dragons of what your intentions are?
[13-11:24] ceea7, Steve: Yes I have...the male seems ill disposed to help...but has given his word to see it to the end
[13-11:25] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : Yes I have...the male seems ill disposed to help...but has given his word to see it to the end
[13-11:26] e599c, Pug Duthain: Perhaps I should have spoken with them. Nothing can be done about that now however. I'm certain he'll do it.
[13-11:34] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *nods* A dragon's word is one he will keep...thankfully. I would rather not've made an enemy out of any dragon
[13-11:36] e599c, Pug Duthain: You're not the only one. Just don't push him too hard once the battle's been won. I'd hate to see the results. You'll be able to pump up the men for the comming victory at daylight right?
[13-11:45] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *he nods* Just a quiet reflexion...if this is our last day Pug..then we will go out like men..fighting for what is ours...and we will leave rivers of blood and oceans of tears in our wake...
[13-11:48] e599c, Pug Duthain: Aye. That we will. And for our sakes I hope both you and I survive or we die. I'd hate to see one of us live while the other dies.
[13-11:50] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : Indeed...*he stands and draws his cousin to him in a tight embrace* We have always done everything are as close to me as my brothers were. Let us fight and if need be die as brothers.
[13-11:52] e599c, Pug Duthain: *Is mildly shocked by the sudden embrace. However he returns it.* Indeed. Let us fight or die together.
[13-11:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-11:56] e599c, Pug Duthain: Come cousin, let us go to our tents and attempt to sleep the remaining hours away or we can sit here before the fire and reminise about our childhood to better prepare ourselves for the comming battle, and fill our hearts and minds for that which we are fighting to reclaim.
[13-11:57] 76b8f, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Hrrrrrrrrrm.))
[13-11:58] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *pats his cousin's back strongly before breaking the embrace...* Together. Agreed. Lets get what sleep we can tomorrow is our fate...*claps him upon the shoulder again before moving towards the tent where he sleeps*
[13-11:59] e599c, Pug Duthain: *He too gets up and moves towards his tent.* Sleep well, Arutha.
[13-12:00] e599c, Pug Duthain: *Poofs*
[13-12:02] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : And you as well Pug... *dissappears into his tent and is gone*
[13-12:10] 94c70, Z: *sulks*
[13-12:12] cfb5f, Mab : *sulks too* What are we sulking at?
[13-12:13] 94c70, Z: I never can get Arutha to come around in order to play Fanon.
[13-12:15] 3ab61, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((*Yawns and looks around.*Huh...))
[13-12:17] ecef6, Kali: *is in too good of a mood to sulk*
[13-12:19] 94c70, Z: *apparently has a limit on what she can say, apologises.*
[13-12:21] ecef6, Kali: for what Z? saying how you feel?..
[13-12:21] 94c70, Z: Yeah.. heaven forbid.
[13-12:21] 3ab61, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((This looks like a fun place.))
[13-12:22] 94c70, Z: Oh it is Will'o
[13-12:22] ecef6, Kali: hello Wispy... and YES it is..
[13-12:22] 94c70, Z: *thinks there's been some wierd lunar event this week.*
[13-12:22] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[13-12:23] ebddc, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((If i go off and make a char right now,will anyone rp with me?=P))
[13-12:23] 142f9, Joey: Hio everyone
[13-12:24] ecef6, Kali: *knows there is*... HI Joey.. and yes wispy
[13-12:24] 94c70, Z: I would RP if people don't mind that I might sudden disappear.
[13-12:25] 142f9, Joey: metor showers are happining ... well here they are *shrugs*
[13-12:25] 94c70, Z: suddenLY disappear... *spent too much time with translating last night.*
[13-12:25] 94c70, Z: Joey, that must be why everyone's acting a bit out of the norm.
[13-12:27] 142f9, Joey: really i dont think im acting out of the norm ... *shrugs* well other than after 10 hours in a lumberyard .. i have tons of energy stilll
[13-12:27] 94c70, Z:
[13-12:29] cdb4d, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hrrrrrm
[13-12:31] 142f9, Joey: i have a idea for a new feature to add to charaters ... BloodLines
[13-12:32] 94c70, Z: *dies*
[13-12:41] 142f9, Joey: *shrugs* i think it would be a neat idea to try and get into the room
[13-12:43] 94c70, Z: *Needs to know what's going on if anything since her time is unknown.*
[13-12:43] ecef6, Kali: problems wispy?
[13-12:48] 8ea97, Will-o'-the-wisp: Nah
[13-12:48] JOIN: R has entered.
[13-12:54] JOIN: Aerin Shadowblade has entered.
[13-12:55] cfb5f, Mab : Bloodlines?
[13-12:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-12:57] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:56pm, August 13 (CDT) ).
[13-12:57] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[13-12:59] 76b8f, Aerin Shadowblade: ((Test.))
[13-12:59] cfb5f, Mab : Hey Axis.
[13-12:59] 66a9b, Axis : ((hey folks))
[13-12:59] ecef6, Kali: Hey Axis
[13-13:00] cfb5f, Mab : Hey Aerin person I'm not sure if I know. *waves*
[13-13:01] 8ea97, Aerin Shadowblade: ((NI'm that will-o-the-wisp.))
[13-13:03] cfb5f, Mab : Oh, cool. Well, hi Aerin that was that Will-o-the-wisp. *waves again*
[13-13:05] ecef6, Kali: *waves at Aerin too*
[13-13:05] 8ea97, Aerin Shadowblade: ((*Ponders.*))
[13-13:06] cdb4d, Aerin Shadowblade: ((*Waves back at people!*))
[13-13:07] 66a9b, Axis : ((*plots*))
[13-13:07] 66a9b, Axis : ((i ought to be able to take gryshkae here soon...and tal dolen))
[13-13:08] cfb5f, Merina : *meanders the streets of *
[13-13:10] 2aac5, Aerin Shadowblade : ((*Ponders jumping Ic.*))
[13-13:11] 9bd96, Aerin Shadowblade : ((Ooooh,a boot! How novel!))
[13-13:11] 66a9b, Axis : ((if the nish people were on I would sea serpent them))
[13-13:13] 52896, Aerin Shadowblade : ((*Gnaws on the boot.*Grrrr....i need food,then i need rp..grrr*L*))
[13-13:14] ecef6, Ankalima Morwen : (oooo another gnawer)) *sits on Levalds roof, her feet hanging over the edge, just watching the crowd below*
[13-13:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-13:16] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:15pm, August 13 (CDT) ).
[13-13:16] JOIN: Velkath the Sea Serpent has entered.
[13-13:17] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: *examines the bay of checking over the docks from underwater*
[13-13:20] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: *the place looks likea meal to him so he creeps in closer towards he dockside until just his nostrils pop up fro mthe water, and he sniffs, picking up the succulent scent of human flesh*
[13-13:21] cdb4d, Aerin Shadowblade : *Is,er,well,is wondering around quite aimlessly.*
[13-13:22] ecef6, Ankalima Morwen : ((what does Aerin look like?))
[13-13:23] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: ((more importantly what does he taste like?))
[13-13:23] 8ea97, Aerin Shadowblade : ((Click the link =P))
[13-13:24] 3ab61, Aerin Shadowblade : ((He tastes like week old bread..buttered bread!))
[13-13:24] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: ((that doesn't have your flavor ))
[13-13:25] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: ((good enough))
[13-13:25] 52896, Aerin Shadowblade : (( not everything is as it appears =P))
[13-13:27] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: *he smells a man just abouve him on the dock. His head shoots out of the water and snags the mans leg, snapping back into the water before he can scream and daintily snipping off his head then torso then legs*
[13-13:28] 3ab61, Aerin Shadowblade : *Must be another man,he's far away from the docks.Hates the sea!*
[13-13:30] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: ((usually I don't npc bash....but in this case it's for food))
[13-13:31] 8ea97, Aerin Shadowblade : ((Well,ya know, this char. isn't even half an hour old! =( It would suck to lose him right off the bat,ya know?))
[13-13:33] ecef6, Ankalima Morwen : *is softly speaking an old elvish word, watching the stonebolt form in her hand firing each one at a tree just beyong the city walls, delighted at the distance*
[13-13:33] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: ((I wasn't tring to kill you))
[13-13:34] JOIN: Aerin Shadowblade has entered.
[13-13:34] 3ab61, Aerin Shadowblade: ((*Shoots internet.*))
[13-13:35] 3ab61, Aerin Shadowblade: ((No,you where just planning to eat him! XD))
[13-13:36] ecef6, Ankalima Morwen : (no... Velkath is really a nice guy... he wont do anythng to harm your char at all))
[13-13:37] 52896, Aerin Shadowblade: ((Well,i don't know these things =P ))
[13-13:38] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: *swims back out to sea*
[13-13:42] ecef6, Ankalima Morwen : *turning to the sea, looking for something in the distance to try her stone bolt spell on, she catches sight of Velkath, blinks then rubs her eyes... what ever it was is gone.* I must be tired.
[13-13:43] 3ab61, Aerin Shadowblade: ((*Wanders off aimlessly.*))
[13-13:43] 66a9b, Axis : *he stops and rears his head out of the water for one last look for anythign interesting as he turns around...*
[13-13:45] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: *he stops and rears his long neck out of the water for another look at the city...e smelled...FISHING BOATS ooooooo*
[13-13:45] ecef6, Ankalima Morwen : *shifting her gaze back to the crowd below, she's looking for a sneak she had been keeping an eye on ... but he'd disappeared a few days earlier*
[13-13:46] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: *likely there a cries and screams from the dock as he swims swiftly for a boat that had just started unloading MUCH fish*
[13-13:48] JOIN: Morgoth Leviathis has entered.
[13-13:49] ecef6, Ankalima Morwen : *turning her head toward the docks as her elven ears pick up the sound of screams coming from there, she sees the creature again, blinking a couple of times* Bloody hell, what is that? *taking the stairs down into Levalds shop at a dead run*
[13-13:50] fc122, Morgoth Leviathis: *flies in over the trees his black wings pushing the cool morning air outwards*
[13-13:50] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: *he smashes his bulk into the ship and shoves his nose into the ships fish hold munching away..oh, and accidently eats several fishermen along the way*
[13-13:54] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[13-13:55] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: (chomp strahd))
[13-13:55] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*waves*))
[13-13:56] ecef6, Ankalima Morwen : ((*waves at Strahd*))
[13-14:01] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: *munch munch munch ignoring coninued cries from people and focuses on his meal*
[13-14:01] cfb5f, Merina : ((I'll BBL. Gonna watch Flash Gordon in french))
[13-14:01] EXIT: Merina has left the chat ( 3:01pm, August 13 (CDT) ).
[13-14:01] ecef6, Ankalima Morwen : ((LOL@Merina))
[13-14:01] ebddc, Aerin Shadowblade: ((*Throws magic dirt at Strahd.*))
[13-14:08] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[13-14:09] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*side smacks magic dart sending it right back*))
[13-14:09] 66a9b, Axis : ((*yawns*))
[13-14:09] 76b8f, Aerin Shadowblade: ((*While Strahd is busy smacking aside the magic dart,the magic dirt hits him and makes him feel light and fuzzy!*))
[13-14:10] 66a9b, Axis : ((finally remebered to put my pic up))
[13-14:11] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*isn't effected cause is.. DUM DUM DUM.. superevilawesomegodofdoomness!!*))
[13-14:12] 8ea97, Aerin Shadowblade: ((*Farts,leaves.*))
[13-14:12] 66a9b, Axis : ((*smites all*))
[13-14:13] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*dies*))
[13-14:14] ecef6, Kali: *turns on the fan and sprays an entire can of airfreshener in the room*
[13-14:16] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*is revived from the freshness*))
[13-14:17] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: ((*takes kali for a ride on the sea*))
[13-14:17] 3ab61, Aerin Shadowblade: ((*Farts again.*))
[13-14:17] ecef6, Kali: *takes Velkath up on his offer*
[13-14:18] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: ((Aerin do you have to try to be this immature or does it just come natruelly to you?))
[13-14:18] 9bd96, Aerin Shadowblade: ((I have to try! XD))
[13-14:18] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: ((*swims away with kali*))
[13-14:18] ecef6, Kali: *sighs* then please stop trying.
[13-14:19] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich: ((it comes naturally for me))
[13-14:19] cdb4d, Aerin Shadowblade: ((Alright,chill.))
[13-14:19] ecef6, Kali: *chuckles* now I can add being taken away by a sea monster to my list...
[13-14:20] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: ((but a sea monster who has table manners))
[13-14:20] ecef6, Kali: as long as Im not dinner
[13-14:21] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: ((naw...I'll catch yo ua side of man for your dinner))
[13-14:21] ecef6, Kali: *dies*
[13-14:22] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: (( ^^ ))
[13-14:28] ecef6, Kali: *mutters something about a whole man..*
[13-14:29] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*lays down for Kali*)
[13-14:31] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: ((*daintily remvoes strahd,s head from his sholders*))
[13-14:33] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*yawns... changes into his true form and picks Vel up by his collar and tosses him back in the water*))
[13-14:33] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: *has no .coallar..and is to big to throw*))
[13-14:34] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*collar bone.. and is much bigger in his true form*))
[13-14:35] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: ((*ahs no collar bone eiether*))
[13-14:36] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*then the throat will do just fine*))
[13-14:37] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: ((*ting to get the throat results i nthe loss of a hand...ever try grasping a snake by the thraot without getting the tai lfirst..yea it's like that*))
[13-14:37] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*would take alot to take the clawed hand of a dragon*))
[13-14:37] 66a9b, Velkath the Sea Serpent: (and this is childish so I'm out
[13-14:39] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich: ((you're very right considering you are the one who began with it.. so indeed.. do leave))
[13-14:40] ecef6, Kali: pfft... *sends you to separate corners*
[13-14:46] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-14:50] 66a9b, Sorceress Tirale : *she examines the frost curse again wondering if she should use it...*
[13-14:53] 66a9b, Sorceress Tirale : *sighing she sets a side the scroll and goes back to the plans for stell golem guards using mage steel from urald, signing varios papers with her mage glyph examining others and adding to them*
[13-14:53] 66a9b, Sorceress Tirale : ((steel golem*)))
[13-14:56] 66a9b, Lethes : *he practices in the Fae completley focused on his task the blade singing as it cuts the air*
[13-14:58] fb6df, Kaya : *has fluttered to sit on the boulder in the sun, hre eyes closed, thinking about making another trip home... even though she really has no need to do so*
[13-15:03] 66a9b, Lethes : *eventually sighs and shrinks down and flies through the air all sprakl glittery the size of a large beetle*
[13-15:12] 66a9b, Lethes : *fly fly fly*
[13-15:14] fb6df, Kaya : *daydreams*
[13-15:16] 66a9b, Ghouls : *plots*
[13-15:18] fb6df, Kaya : *vanishes*
[13-15:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-16:17] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[13-16:24] JOIN: Rasalazri has entered.
[13-16:24] 514d1, Rasalazri: Any one seen Kali?
[13-16:25] 514d1, Rasalazri: Take that as a No.
[13-16:26] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[13-16:37] EXIT: Caradonia has left the chat ( 5:26pm, August 13 (CDT) ).
[13-16:39] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[13-16:40] 4799e, Caradonia: ((
[13-16:52] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[13-16:56] EXIT: Caradonia has left the chat ( 5:52pm, August 13 (CDT) ).
[13-16:57] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[13-17:04] EXIT: Caradonia has left the chat ( 5:57pm, August 13 (CDT) ).
[13-17:05] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[13-17:05] 10755, Caradonia: ((*test*))
[13-18:36] a72ae, Kali: *peeks*
[13-18:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-18:39] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:38pm, August 13 (CDT) ).
[13-18:40] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[13-18:43] a72ae, Kali: Hey
[13-18:44] 329b4, Axis : ((*waves*
[13-19:44] a72ae, Kali: I live in computer hell.... It truly hates me today.
[13-19:46] 329b4, Axis : ((why do yo usay that?))
[13-19:47] a72ae, Kali: the same problems I had this morning... adware.. garbage...
[13-19:48] 329b4, Axis : ((ahhh))
[13-20:11] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*will use this icon for now))
[13-20:13] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((hrmm))
[13-20:13] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((this may be better))
[13-20:14] 8b225, Kali: hmmm
[13-20:17] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((color test))
[13-20:18] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : (This color will work))
[13-20:21] 8b225, Kali : perfect for a sea monster...
[13-20:21] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((wanna go for a ride kali?))
[13-20:25] 8b225, Kali: ooooo yes!
[13-20:25] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*holds out his tail likea bridge* hop on))
[13-20:27] 8b225, Kali: *does... very carefully, dont want to slip..*alright
[13-20:28] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*turns his head around and swallows kali*))
[13-20:31] 8b225, Kali: GAAAAHHHH!!!!
[13-20:32] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((mmmm))
[13-20:40] 8b225, Kali: *looks around, wishing there was atleast one person left alive in here to keep me company*
[13-20:43] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((yeah well nobody has coem i not be eaten))
[13-20:43] 8b225, Kali: darn...
[13-20:45] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((sigh so boring))
[13-20:56] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[13-20:57] 8b225, Kali: Hey Xyva
[13-20:58] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*waves a flipper*))
[13-20:58] 8b225, Kali: *her voice echos from inside the sea serpent*
[13-20:59] c6c97, xyva: hmm
[13-21:01] c6c97, Drako : *eats Velkath*
[13-21:02] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*is the size of a dragon so...smites him aside*))
[13-21:03] c6c97, Drako : *pops jaw like a snake and eats anyway*
[13-21:03] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*smites again and dives under water*))
[13-21:04] 8b225, Kali: *screams*
[13-21:04] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*underwater cackle*))
[13-21:04] 8b225, Kali: *drowns as the serpent opens his mouth*
[13-21:05] c6c97, Drako : hmph *flys away*
[13-21:05] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((oopsy *coughs her up on the shore and revives her*
[13-21:05] c6c97, Xyva: *banishes velkath to another universe*
[13-21:06] c6c97, Xyva:
[13-21:06] 8b225, Kali: *is now wet, slime covered and half dead laying in the sand* blarg
[13-21:06] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*takes kali with him*))
[13-21:06] c6c97, Xyva: *steals kali*
[13-21:07] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*comes with the stolen kali*))
[13-21:08] 8b225, Kali: O.o
[13-21:08] c6c97, Xyva: *runs away*
[13-21:09] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*catches and pets xyva*))
[13-21:11] c6c97, Xyva: *grabs a rock and trows it in the water* fetch boy, fetch
[13-21:11] c6c97, Xyva: throws*
[13-21:11] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*licks xyva*))
[13-21:13] c6c97, Xyva: *points* look a bunny *grabs kali and runs*
[13-21:14] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*trips up xyvawith his tail and licks the bunny))
[13-21:15] c6c97, Xyva: *gets back up and continues running*
[13-21:16] 8b225, Kali: *is getting battered*
[13-21:17] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((lewts hi mgo and plays with the bunny*))
[13-21:18] c6c97, Xyva: *grins hiding kali*
[13-21:20] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[13-21:21] eadfa, HulkDogs : Wow.
[13-21:22] 8b225, Kali: *would wave at Hulk... if she wasnt hidden*
[13-21:22] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*waves at hulk wants to devistae the coast line*))
[13-21:22] eadfa, HulkDogs : ** would wave back **
[13-21:23] eadfa, HulkDogs : **kill yahoo for not letting him check his mail**
[13-21:26] 8b225, Kali: oh.. thats right... you have an oni dont you.
[13-21:27] eadfa, HulkDogs : huh who? The Village is the worst movie ever. Ever.
[13-21:27] 8b225, Kali: didnt you turn in a reg form for an Oni?
[13-21:28] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((not that bad))
[13-21:28] eadfa, HulkDogs : Oh, yes.
[13-21:29] eadfa, HulkDogs : It was horrible. Crappy plot and ended worse ending.
[13-21:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-21:29] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:29pm, August 13 (CDT) ).
[13-21:29] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:29pm, August 13 (CDT) ).
[13-21:29] eadfa, HulkDogs : wow.... ended even*
[13-21:29] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[13-21:31] eadfa, HulkDogs : They made it seem so good then...I was let down.
[13-21:31] 329b4, Axis : ((you haven't owned many old moveis eh?))
[13-21:31] eadfa, HulkDogs : What about old movies? Old movies are the best movies.
[13-21:32] 329b4, Axis : ((ever seen plan 9 from outer space?))
[13-21:32] eadfa, HulkDogs : No.
[13-21:32] eadfa, HulkDogs : Ever seen water world? I love that movie.
[13-21:33] 329b4, Axis : ((*vomits blood atthe mention of it))
[13-21:34] JOIN: Drake has entered.
[13-21:34] eadfa, HulkDogs: Water world is good. Better then the vilage any day.
[13-21:34] 329b4, Axis : ((not saying much))
[13-21:34] a6de4, Drake: I told you water world sucked derek
[13-21:35] 329b4, Axis : ((see? someone else knows))
[13-21:36] eadfa, HulkDogs: Its a good movie.... whats wrong with it?
[13-21:36] a6de4, Drake: By the way axis, this is darrius
[13-21:36] 8b225, Kali: *blinks* ermmm... a
[13-21:36] eadfa, HulkDogs: Why the ooga booga is yahoo not working!?
[13-21:37] 8b225, Kali: *blinks* ermm
[13-21:37] eadfa, HulkDogs: I wanna check my mail!
[13-21:37] 8b225, Kali: that movie was just about one of the worst wastes of film ever made.
[13-21:38] 329b4, Axis : ((*waves at darrius* Yo uable to rp?))
[13-21:38] eadfa, HulkDogs: Water world? Why? Gimme a reason.
[13-21:38] eadfa, HulkDogs: ** bout to go berserk on yahoo**
[13-21:39] a6de4, Drake: Might be able to, you guys finish the nossa thing?
[13-21:39] 329b4, Axis : ((no...))
[13-21:40] 8b225, Kali: Yahoo's working for me.
[13-21:42] eadfa, HulkDogs: It just hates me.
[13-21:42] 329b4, Axis : ((I despereatly want to finish it though))
[13-21:43] a6de4, Drake: oh, well, I told liz you guys could npc me if you want
[13-21:43] 329b4, Axis : ((she didn't tell me that till two days ago. so can you?))
[13-21:46] a6de4, Drake: well, sure, I can probly do that right now... I've decided ill do my business with the queen and adrian then get the creon ships outta there, this is gonna be your invasion
[13-21:47] 329b4, Axis : ((it always has been))
[13-21:47] a6de4, Drake: but I still want darrius to be factored in as a partner to the ghoul leader
[13-21:48] a6de4, Drake: it was mine first axis, I was doing it with creon
[13-21:48] a6de4, Drake: it was mine first axis, I was doing it with creon
[13-21:48] a6de4, Drake: it was mine first axis, I was doing it with creon
[13-21:48] a6de4, Drake: you
[13-21:48] a6de4, Drake: whoa
[13-21:48] a6de4, Drake: how I did that, I have no clue
[13-21:48] eadfa, HulkDogs: Axis Drake was talking with me about the invasion weeks before anything ever happend. Before he thought of even using ghouls
[13-21:48] 329b4, Ghouls : ((you hit the post button four times))
[13-21:49] 329b4, Ghouls : ((I was tlakign about for the last month))
[13-21:50] 329b4, Ghouls : ((look I don't care who started it I'm gonna finish it...tonight))
[13-21:50] eadfa, HulkDogs: Yahoo still wont work. ** pulls out his hair ** Axis he was talking of doing it before you even had your ghouls in action.
[13-21:51] 329b4, Ghouls : ((*pointsat last posts*))
[13-21:51] eadfa, HulkDogs: ** posted that before he saw your last post **
[13-21:53] eadfa, HulkDogs: Hrm...** thinks murderous thoughts about yahoo.**
[13-21:54] eadfa, HulkDogs: ** fades for a while **
[13-21:55] 329b4, Ghouls : *one after another a large grou pof ghouls hops into the small river that eventually runs through mannosia as other positio nthemselves to rush the walls...*
[13-21:55] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[13-21:55] 329b4, Ghouls : ((SOB liz doesn't feel like it.))
[13-21:56] eadfa, HulkDogs: Just wont work for me...
[13-21:56] eadfa, HulkDogs: ** grumbles and goes to reboot comp **
[13-21:58] 329b4, Ghouls : ((we'll do it tommarrow if I'm on))
[13-21:59] a6de4, Drake: k
[13-21:59] a6de4, Drake: Im gonna bring in a new char for a cameo
[13-22:03] 329b4, Ghouls : ((okay she changed her mind....we are going ot do it after all0)
[13-22:03] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[13-22:04] 6df9d, Liz: *sighs* Alright..let's do this
[13-22:06] 329b4, Ghouls : *waiting*
[13-22:06] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[13-22:07] a6de4, Drake: **sigh** do we gotta?
[13-22:07] 6df9d, Liz: Looks like it
[13-22:07] 329b4, Ghouls : ((wahtever....nobody wants to do it but me fine we won't ))
[13-22:08] 8532f, HulkDogs: I still can't check my mail.
[13-22:08] 329b4, Ghouls : ((I don't ooga boogaing care))
[13-22:10] a6de4, Drake: thanks for understanding axis
[13-22:11] 8532f, HulkDogs: Still can't check my mail!
[13-22:13] EXIT: Drake has left the chat ( 11:10pm, August 13 (CDT) ).
[13-22:14] JOIN: Gavin Promaris has entered.
[13-22:17] 8532f, HulkDogs: Yahoo hates me.
[13-22:17] 94c70, Z: *poof*
[13-22:19] 8b225, Kali: HeyZ
[13-22:19] 329b4, Axis : ((hey Z))
[13-22:19] 8532f, HulkDogs: ** pulls out chunks of hair **
[13-22:20] a6de4, Gavin Promaris: Hey z
[13-22:20] 94c70, Z: Hey folks. *watches Hulk make himself bald*
[13-22:20] 8532f, HulkDogs: Hi Z
[13-22:23] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 11:07pm, August 13 (CDT) ).
[13-22:24] a6de4, Gavin Promaris: ((oni dont have icons?))
[13-22:25] 8b225, Terra: No we don't
[13-22:26] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[13-22:27] a6de4, Gavin Promaris: ((damn... what kind are you?))
[13-22:27] 8b225, Terra: Earth
[13-22:27] 8532f, HulkDogs: ** would see if he is approved but he cant check his mail **
[13-22:29] 329b4, Sehk: ((air))
[13-22:29] 8b225, Terra: what is Gavin?
[13-22:30] a6de4, Gavin Promaris: ((nother wind))
[13-22:31] 8b225, Terra: Hulk you are water?
[13-22:32] 8b225, Terra: give me a sec to get to the mail.
[13-22:32] 8532f, HulkDogs: Yes.
[13-22:38] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[13-22:38] 329b4, Sehk: ((*floats*))
[13-22:38] EXIT: HulkDogs has left the chat ( 11:38pm, August 13 (CDT) ).
[13-22:39] JOIN: Strahan Niall has entered.
[13-22:41] 8532f, HulkDogs: ** floats about in cannal waters around ..doesnt the water**
[13-22:42] 8b225, Terra: ((now all we need is for Z's char to get reg'd and find a fire oni and we will all be set))
[13-22:42] 8532f, Strahan Niall: ** floats about in cannal waters around ..doesnt the water**
[13-22:42] 8532f, HulkDogs: oops
[13-22:43] JOIN: Kiden has entered.
[13-22:43] 8532f, Strahan Niall: (( test ))
[13-22:43] 8532f, Strahan Niall: (( good ))
[13-22:43] JOIN: Gavin Promaris has entered.
[13-22:44] 94c70, Z: *wakes up*
[13-22:44] a6de4, Gavin Promaris: ((check))
[13-22:44] 94c70, Z: Meh, I have to write a book for my Oni to be regged.
[13-22:47] 8b225, Terra: (())
[13-22:47] ad114, Kiden: (Hello)
[13-22:47] 8532f, Will-o'-the-wisp: (( ** waits to be kick out due to pass chamge **))
[13-22:47] 8b225, Terra: ((Hi Kiden))
[13-22:47] 329b4, Sehk: ((*yawn*))
[13-22:47] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:47pm, August 13 (CDT) ).
[13-22:48] 8b225, Terra: ((*chuckles* dont think Ive ever seen wind yawn before))
[13-22:48] ad114, Kiden: ( ^_^ )
[13-22:48] a6de4, Gavin Promaris: ((what direction is everyone moving there oni in?))
[13-22:48] 8532f, HulkDogs: Hmm
[13-22:48] 94c70, Z: what do you mean, what direction?
[13-22:49] 329b4, Axis : ((I'm thinking right))
[13-22:49] 94c70, Z: *moves left, moves right, moves down, movies up....*
[13-22:49] 8b225, Terra: (( .. Terra is right now on her way to Trelanus ..... erm.... west?))
[13-22:50] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *hunts the coast line*
[13-22:50] 94c70, Z: *sighs* I'd have more new chars if I actually filled out the reg thingee, but I really dislike it.
[13-22:51] a6de4, Gavin Promaris: ((as in, whats your ideas? Anything open, anything to give me an idea what I should do with mine?))
[13-22:52] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[13-22:52] EXIT: Gavin Promaris has left the chat ( 11:51pm, August 13 (CDT) ).
[13-22:52] 8b225, Terra: ((you are wind... act like it.... Terra is helping some people out.. we are starting an Oni council in Tirion))
[13-22:52] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[13-22:53] 94c70, Z: Oh... I don't make any immediate plans since it's not a regularity that people RP what they say they will RP when.
[13-22:53] 329b4, Sehk: ((except for a few people))
[13-22:55] EXIT: Kiden has left the chat ( 11:48pm, August 13 (CDT) ).
[13-22:55] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[13-22:55] 3adf1, Aurora : ((Feeeeeeeeliiiiings! Wo wo wo feeeeeeliiings!))
[13-22:56] 94c70, Z: *sits on Aurora.*
[13-22:56] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : **sits in the Epoch safe house, head down in his folded arms on a table**
[13-22:56] 3adf1, Aurora : ((*squished* Hurk!))
[13-22:57] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*steals aurora away*))
[13-22:57] 94c70, Z: No!
[13-22:59] 3adf1, Aurora : ((*is a gooey mess being stolen by a... sea.. serpant?*))
[13-22:59] JOIN: R has entered.
[13-23:00] a6de4, Darrius Lokken : **Walks down the hall of the castle of the kingdom now in his possesion. He walks down stair after stair towards the deeply buried dungeon, where he now keeps the unicorn Aurora**
[13-23:00] 2b286, R : hmm *ponders*
[13-23:00] 6df9d, Lafiel : *walks in, yawning, and looks around* Hey
[13-23:01] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : **Smiles and speaks muffled by his arms** Hey there Angel
[13-23:01] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((techincally I'm a sea MONSTER I have flippers....but people call him the sea serpent))
[13-23:01] 2b286, R : G'day
[13-23:01] 3adf1, Aurora : *keeps her in a cage? Keeps her in a cell? Keeps her chained to the wall...? Details, man!*
[13-23:02] 8532f, Strahan Niall: (( ./.. ))
[13-23:02] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *ravages lokkens tradeing lanes*
[13-23:04] 6df9d, Lafiel : *frowns* You ok? *walks over to sit on the opposite side of the table*
[13-23:04] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *is the savage beast known as Velkath the Sea Serpent, know for eating whole crews of ships and leaving htem wrecked*
[13-23:04] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : **reaches the bottom of the stairs, revealing a dark cell, inside of which lies a cage which is chained to a wall** Hello girl...
[13-23:05] a6de4, Darrius Lokken : **reaches the bottom of the stairs, revealing a dark cell, inside of which lies a cage which is chained to a wall** Hello girl...
[13-23:06] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : **Groans happily as he sits up and stretches** Just taking a nap, having great dreams about blonde haired girls with wings, how are you?
[13-23:08] 3adf1, Aurora : *He's an obsessive nightmare...* *slowly lifts her head to look mutely towards him*
[13-23:08] 8b225, Kali: *yawns her way to bed* g'night ya'll
[13-23:08] 6df9d, Lafiel : *blushes faintly and smiles* I'm ok...there are more comfortable places to sleep, you know
[13-23:08] a6de4, Darrius Lokken : Perhaps you're wondering why your alive?
[13-23:10] 3adf1, Aurora : .. yes...
[13-23:11] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *ravages Lokkens coastline*
[13-23:12] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((lokken whats your countryies name?))
[13-23:12] 8532f, HulkDogs: Velkath, only merchant ships would be around right now...lokkens coastline.
[13-23:12] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : Yeah, what can I say, Im rebellious... just ok?
[13-23:13] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((merchant ships are the yum))
[13-23:14] 8532f, HulkDogs: Ok then. Though I don't think Lokken cares if you ravcage his shores...he would help in that sort of thing
[13-23:14] 8532f, HulkDogs: Ravage*
[13-23:14] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *he flashes along just under the water's surface a long dark shape and aim to plundge through a merchant ship..daintly snapping up the sailors....then repeats*
[13-23:15] 8532f, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( test ))
[13-23:16] 8532f, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** studies scroll for spell " reanimate " **
[13-23:16] 6df9d, Lafiel : *shakes her head* You're gonna get a sore neck *smirks*
[13-23:16] a6de4, Darrius Lokken : ((Lokken loves death and would really admire your efforts)) Well, I like watching you hurt.... **laughs a bit** Death is my goal, and its one most admirable, but like wine the quality of demise can sometimes be inproved with age... would you agree? I suggest you answer correctly
[13-23:16] 2b286, R : *skips off*
[13-23:18] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *after cuasing a great deal of damage to the shipping lanes swims south and west* (bah no fun if nobody cares))
[13-23:18] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : **Stands and hops up on the table** Among other things... been finding everything ok?
[13-23:18] 6df9d, Lafiel : *chuckles and looks up at him* Yeah..I like it here
[13-23:21] 3adf1, Aurora : *looks down away from him* So rather then quickly killing me, you wish to drag it out for your pleasure..
[13-23:22] 8532f, HulkDogs: (( test ))
[13-23:22] a6de4, Darrius Lokken : Pleasure? No... more like purpose...
[13-23:22] 8532f, Guien Ventorrell : (( test ))
[13-23:23] 8532f, Guien Ventorrell : ** studies scrolls for fire skin withing the chambers in the castle of **
[13-23:26] 3adf1, Aurora : Purpose? *looks up, fixing those dark eyes, seeming all the darker framed by her pale skin, on him* What is the purpose in keeping me like this?
[13-23:27] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : Im very glad... Met Isiah yet?
[13-23:27] 6df9d, Lafiel : Who? *gives him a blank look*
[13-23:27] 94c70, Z: *throws her VCR into the trash.*
[13-23:29] a6de4, Darrius Lokken : The purpose I serve is death... I must be effective as a killer... and you hold in your hands my weakness... I need to learn how to avoid that.
[13-23:30] 3adf1, Aurora : ... I see...
[13-23:32] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : Oh, honey... Isiah heads up this whole evil fighting thing... hes leader of the pack, with my and tarnis' blessings, of course. I havent seen him in a while though...
[13-23:34] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *swims*
[13-23:35] 8532f, Guien Ventorrell : ** ok want studying fire skin but fire blast yea **
[13-23:35] 6df9d, Lafiel : Oh....when I meet him, I'll be sure to be nice
[13-23:36] a6de4, Darrius Lokken : Hmm, so, is there any way to remove that horn of yours, or should I just experiment?
[13-23:39] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : **Smiles at her a bit** So, as two people on the wrong side of our respective laws, you ever thieved?
[13-23:40] 3adf1, Aurora : *tries so hard not to look paniced.. but it leaks out anyway* Th-... the horn doesn't co-come off... Why do you want to cut it off?
[13-23:41] 6df9d, Lafiel : *shakes her head* Can't say that I have..why?
[13-23:42] a6de4, Darrius Lokken : Why do you think?
[13-23:43] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : I've made it a profession... any other types of crimes... besides those against your own culture, of course.
[13-23:44] 6df9d, Lafiel : *smirks* Sorry to disappoint..
[13-23:44] 3adf1, Aurora : *swallows hard, then looks down, shoulders slumping in a look of defeat* ... The powers will not work from the detached horn, if that is what you are hoping...
[13-23:46] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : **mock pouts** Thats no fun... Oh well, you're good enough on your own, Im a sucker for the rebel girls
[13-23:47] 6df9d, Lafiel : *sighs in mock sorrow* And here I was hoping we'd have a chance
[13-23:49] 329b4, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((later all))
[13-23:50] 3adf1, Aurora : .. The horn is more a focus.. our powers are not drawn from it
[13-23:51] a6de4, Darrius Lokken : hmm, can you heal yourself?
[13-23:53] 3adf1, Aurora : ..Yes...
[13-23:53] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : **perks up at this** Oh... umm...
[13-23:54] 6df9d, Lafiel : *smiles and shrugs* But I'm not that much of a rebel girl
[13-23:56] a6de4, Darrius Lokken : Thats dissapointing... **Turns away from the cell** Lets talk some other time, I've a schedule to keep... **he walks slowly away**
[13-23:58] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : Of course not, what was I thinking... Ayou an Angel, and thats good enough for me
[13-23:59] 6df9d, Lafiel : I'm not an angel, Rikkel..
[13-23:59] 3adf1, Aurora : *got to keep her horn for longer! Woo!*
[14-00:03] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : **looks more serious then usual as he takes a sip from his flask** We all are what we chose to be... **glances at Laf** It's up to you Laf... but, if you like, I wont call you it anymore.
[14-00:09] 6df9d, Lafiel : *sighs* An angel is someone or something who does good for others, who is perfect...*looks down* I'm hardly perfect
[14-00:12] JOIN: Ana has entered.
[14-00:14] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : that depends on your point of view... you see in my eyes, you are perfect... besides, if a true angel thought themselves to be perfect, would they help people? Nobodies perfect Laf, those who think they are are the worst.
[14-00:16] 6df9d, Lafiel : *looks up and smiles slightly* Thank you, Rikkell
[14-00:17] 94c70, Z: *pounces Ana*
[14-00:17] 74d1f, Ana: *pounced* Holy cow!
[14-00:20] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : My pleasure... Listen Laf, I have to be going... very tired, I got a room upstairs and I think that ill utilize it for a change... **he turns and heads for the stair... he turns his head back and adds** Come say hi in the morning **he then winks, turns back and continues**
[14-00:21] 6df9d, Lafiel : *nods* Have a good night's sleep. *smiles* I will
[14-00:23] a6de4, Rikkell Donobar : **up the stairs and gone**
[14-00:24] 6df9d, Lafiel : *heads up to her own room, soon after*
[14-00:24] 6df9d, Lafiel : **gone**
[14-00:24] EXIT: Lafiel has left the chat ( 1:24am, August 14 (CDT) ).
[14-04:12] 94c70, Z: *tap dances through.*
[14-07:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-09:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-09:23] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:22am, August 14 (CDT) ).
[14-09:24] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[14-09:59] 7a272, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *contiunes smashing creon ports and ships finding them easy if boring hunting grounds...the coast is not safe for anyone*
[14-10:06] 7a272, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *plunges back out to sea after savaging the coastline, leaving many ports in ruin*
[14-11:42] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[14-11:44] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( well that sure sucks .... had my ports attaced when no one around to defend it .... pretty yay, wow, crapty ))
[14-11:47] d93fd, Mab : Who attacked your ports? When? *gets irrate before knowing the facts, all ready to raise hell for ya*
[14-11:47] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( *points at the sea serpent* ))
[14-11:48] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( oh nvm not my island but still ))
[14-11:49] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( *-_- i need to learn the damn citys better ... ))
[14-11:50] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( oooo but its Tarnins's or one of his chars citys hmmm that is still pretty cheep ))
[14-11:54] d93fd, Mab : Depends on who controls and if they know about this or not. Could even be the same player. I'll have to look into it.
[14-11:55] d93fd, Mab : might have been one the was taken over by someone else through actual story or something like that. I'll look into it.
[14-11:59] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : okey dokey (( It sucks that iv been gone forever .... i missed this place and im glad im back ))
[14-12:00] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( hay mab what do you think about adding a bloodline type thing into the game? ))
[14-12:01] d93fd, Mab : I don't know what you mean.
[14-12:01] JOIN: Z has entered.
[14-12:04] d93fd, Mab : What do you mean by adding bloodlines? *blinks* Am I missing a reference or something? *is really confused*
[14-12:04] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( well i sorta tryied to do it with zeekan .. BUT like if a human is from a certain family *ill use zeekan for this* he is familly Tovich ... and down through out the generations his familly has used buffer spells and such on them selfs and it has seeped into there blood making the Tovich familly stronger than most humans do to how the tovich family are bountyhunters and big game hunters
[14-12:04] 94c70, Z: Bloodlines. like lineage
[14-12:05] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( yea *shrugs* it could make things more interesting... certain familys being known and such more deeper element to the game amybe IF we could implement it ))
[14-12:06] d93fd, Mab : I know what bloodlines are. I just didn't understand what he was meaning about adding them until his example.
[14-12:07] d93fd, Mab : Cuz without that example of what he meant, I didn't know he was talking about abilities passed down.
[14-12:07] 94c70, Z: ok
[14-12:07] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : though of course they couldent be randomly made .... only certain famllys and such
[14-12:08] d93fd, Mab : Hmmm, if we were to add bloodline abilities, I think we would run into a bunch of people wanting to get their bloodlines approved just like kingdoms and species and forces.
[14-12:09] 94c70, Z: So... we gonna fix this RP or no?
[14-12:09] d93fd, Mab : and then we'd need to say only so many can be regged from this bloodline and they have to be invited by the family leader.
[14-12:10] d93fd, Mab : I'll have to think about it and discuss with the admins.
[14-12:10] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : ok sounds good
[14-12:10] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : fix the rp?
[14-12:11] 94c70, Z: Yes. Khavi.
[14-12:11] d93fd, Mab : Yeah, we can continue that RP, Z. I don't think it really needs fixing if they were just heading out the door and that's where we left off.
[14-12:11] 94c70, Z: *has a better way of fixing it.*
[14-12:12] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : OOOOOO ok *smiles* ok give me a couple minutes i need to do something befor i start ok so ill brb
[14-12:14] d93fd, Mab : Just, in the future, I prefer my characters not said to have moved or acted (besides sleeping, which allows for RP between others while he/she is still in the room) without my being able to represent, but it's not that big a deal. My first reaction might have come across as my being more ticked than I was and I'd misunderstood just how much was done w/o me, which wasn't as much as I thought.
[14-12:15] 94c70, Chima: (( *was chewed out because someone was fighting with someone else.* ))
[14-12:15] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[14-12:15] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[14-12:16] 94c70, Chima: *rewinds, good thing about RP.* ..*She knows that he is following her, but she tries to ignore it. But the tension in her muscles would give way to the fact that she knows. Once she gets to Khavi she tries to get the woman to stir.* *and there we are.*
[14-12:16] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( ok back ))
[14-12:16] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*peers*))
[14-12:17] 94c70, Z: *pounces Strahd.*
[14-12:18] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*is pounced... beams*))
[14-12:18] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich : ((*slaps up icon*))
[14-12:19] JOIN: Ana has entered.
[14-12:20] 94c70, Z:
[14-12:21] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich : ((so what have i missed?))
[14-12:22] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : ( ima wait for mab befor i post ))
[14-12:22] 74d1f, Illyria : *Is the only ice dragon in existence, apparently.*
[14-12:23] d6a20, Amroth : (( nope im here toooooo ... though i have to re type my profile ))
[14-12:23] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich : ((*evil grin towards Illyria*))
[14-12:24] 94c70, Z: a lot
[14-12:26] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich : ((well then alot it what i must make up for))
[14-12:27] 94c70, Z: Muna has the Fae Queen at her mercy, mwahaha. And she has taken care of half of the Moon Elf royalty. busy busy demon
[14-12:27] d6a20, Amroth : (( Ice > fire ))
[14-12:28] d93fd, Khavi : *is still chained to the floor in that hallway? Was Chima moved elsewhere during their convo? Player only read last half of previous RP and is a little lost. Is sleeping, at any rate, where she was left in that hall, getting shut eye whenever she can to rest for lack of food*
[14-12:28] 94c70, Chima: (( *facepalms.* ))
[14-12:29] 94c70, Chima: *Nope, wasn't moved. Otherwise she wouldn't move over to Khavi to try to get her to wake up. And they both were unchained.*
[14-12:29] d93fd, Khavi : *or isn't chained? Is wherever she's supposed to be sleeping*
[14-12:30] d93fd, Khavi : *she stirs and looks up, glove moving around the chain that was around her neck, or reaching to in order to use it as a weapon instinctively* Hmm?
[14-12:30] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich : *that tall darkend figure can be seen moving towards town in the rising nightfall.. that faint sense of knowing can be felt amongst his features.... but that simple smirk he is known for never faulters from exsistence.... those pale grey eyes shifting over his surroundings a moment as he moves along the nights road.. his eys dead set on some unseen area... all the noise of the outter world giving him sight... his footfalls seem to be as silent as the graves within that cemetary not far from that abandoned church on the otherside of the town.. such a lovely place that can be at times.. indeed it could be considered his favorite place... his silverd gaze never passing as they stare straight outwards.. his lips pursed.. his jaw clenched... few pounderous thoughts passing through that puzzle like brain of his.... moving down a darkend path as if it were nothing but a mere mistake of life.. as if he truely could see... his hands resting gently on the hilt of his saber... as he silently moves along that long black cloak gently flowing about when hit by the soft breeze of the midnight air.. his face stern and set.. his eyes telling the story of some fallen warrior from the past.. why was he here but his father wasn't.. oh that's right.. because he killed him.... all these poor pathetic thoughts bringing a small shake of his head.. such emotion is such a flaw for someone of his station to this dreaful world we live in today... why has he come to be such a monsterous figure in the stories of the past.. a freak of nature one might say.. he's alive when his body isn't... why must one live when others die almost everyday... who will be the one to strike his death blow.. that same thought seems to plague his mind day in and day out.. but does he truely care?.. one could never tell... that large silverish black horse slows to a halt outside the tavern.. slowly dismounting the beast the edge of his cloak drops down to the bottom of his ankles... that long whiteish black streaked hair hanging limply over his shoulders.. down his back and chest.. that black gloved hand coming up to push open the door to the tavern... his boots almost making no sound as he moves inside the building*
[14-12:32] 94c70, Chima: Khavi.. we can go.
[14-12:32] 74d1f, Ana: Holy crap!
[14-12:33] 94c70, Chima: (( Yeah all that and I think he was just going to the Glimmering Inn ))
[14-12:33] d93fd, Khavi : We can? *furrows her brows in confusion and notes she's not wearing that annoying collar, shifting to her elbows and half sitting, a step in pulling herself to her feet*
[14-12:36] d93fd, Merina : *approaches the Glimmering Inn. The streets appeared some safer these days since her encounter with ghouls. Her back was healed except 3 narrow lines across it*
[14-12:36] 94c70, Chima: *Sits back as Khavi moved to get up with a nod of her head.* Yes..
[14-12:36] 74d1f, Triel DeVir : ((*Shifty-eyes.*))
[14-12:36] 94c70, Z: *ponders Muna meeting Strahd.*
[14-12:37] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : * he stand over them his imposing figure like a gleaming metal statue against solid black walls... blue eyes watch as Khavi seems confused* she is right you can leave ... IF you get past all the guards and all my people in your state of condition ... your queens has chosen this path over food and water and a chainlees life in a paddd cell * he smiles a wide and wicked smile that one of a insane man ... there is no way he plans to let leave.. in the end they will be cought and returned to him *
[14-12:37] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich : ((*would't mind... would have someone to rp with atleast*))
[14-12:37] d93fd, Merina : *might just observe whatever happens there. depends. She's practicing to be a scout fo her people some day*
[14-12:38] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich : ((wow.. i'm going to slow down my posts a bit.. it slowed my comp for some reason))
[14-12:39] 94c70, Chima: *Sighs a little as Ridd twists her decision into something that sounds bad.*
[14-12:40] d93fd, Khavi : Why? *in a suspicious tone, not that she's complaining, but she's player's tougher chic, so is more likely to be suspicious than bewildered. She gets shakily to her feet and starts to head in the direction she thinks most likely to be out, prolly the opposite direction from which she was brought into this room*
[14-12:41] d93fd, Khavi : ((Hmm, I typed that post too slow. Ridd just explained it. So, scratch the "why?" question part of it and keep the rest))
[14-12:42] 94c70, Muna : *Steps away from the portal within . This was the first time she had been to the city since the disruption of Narmotur's games with the little Elf girl. Mab can be trailing along, if not, she is in her nice cozy room in Colair. The hood of her dark cloak is drawn up as if hiding her from the daytime sun. The door opens before her and she enters.*
[14-12:42] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : well ... i felt lke being nice* accually he plans to have them recaputured ... starved for a longer perioud of time and hopefully try to break there will and endurance to nothing but ash and dust and hopeflly make them little girls inside woman bodys *
[14-12:43] d93fd, Mab Fairy Queen : *sure, is trailing along, not by her choice ICly, but by player's choice. Thankies. *
[14-12:43] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich : ((did she just walk into the Tavern?))
[14-12:44] 94c70, Chima: (( Yes she did.)) *Pushes herself up to her feet, not quite as quickly as Khavi does.* Khave, that way.. *She points towards the door that people come and go through, this being the main hall and all.*
[14-12:44] d93fd, Mab Fairy Queen : *follows into the tavern* ((Yup, they just entered the tavern through the back door. See the map on the hot spots of the downstairs of the inn for details.*
[14-12:46] d93fd, Khavi : *just so happened to be going close to that direction and veers slightly that way, walking like someone who is very weary*
[14-12:47] d93fd, Miakuti : *is still in the EnTai palace, hiding, looking for the culprit that supposedly got her to the portal here, thinking the secret certainly must be in the hardest place to get too. Such is Mia's logic*
[14-12:48] 94c70, Chima: *She glances back at Ridd, pausing for a moment. But then she moves after Khavi.*
[14-12:48] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich : *once inside he moves to the center of the room.. those pale silverish blue eyes skimming over his surroundings for just the breifest of moments.. his gaze catching on the form of that cloaked figure... his smirk spreading just a bit to take hold over those pale white lips... turning back to make his way through the few tables and chairs in the area... moving to the back of the room nodding to one of the wenches for a glass of ale... claiming a seat in the shadows of a nearby booth like area.. the hood of his cloak barely covering his face from veiw with the exception of his jaw line and those ever present eyes which seem to glow erieely when the faint candle flicker of the room hits them just right*
[14-12:49] d6a20, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *he turns on his heels... hands behind his back clasping each other .. the guards have already been put on alert the same smile still stays platered onto his face*
[14-12:49] 94c70, Chima: (( Bugger I gotta go. ))
[14-12:50] d93fd, Mab Fairy Queen : *technically no booths in the back. The bar goes along one side of the back and the stage is in the opposite corner and tables on the floor between, booths being around the perimeter of the front half.*
[14-12:51] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich : *booth like*
[14-12:52] d93fd, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*undoes last two posts* Bugger!! *finishes bringing in Merina instead*))
[14-12:52] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich : ((well i need to go too.. see you guys laters))
[14-12:53] d93fd, Merina : ((Okay, see ya later, Strahd))
[14-12:53] d93fd, Khavi : *pause* ((boogers))
[14-12:53] d6a20, Amroth : (( time to figure something out to do with this char))
[14-12:54] d93fd, Mab : Good idea
[14-12:56] d6a20, Amroth : (( *mind blank* ))
[14-12:58] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Well, regardless of what everyone else is doing, she's away from , away from En'Tai. And in . Why? Because player wants to be. She heads toward the Glimmering Inn, her thoughts wandering.*
[14-13:03] d6a20, Amroth : (( weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ))
[14-13:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-13:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-13:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-13:11] d93fd, Miakuti : *still stuck in EnTai. *
[14-13:12] d93fd, Nomeda : ((Hmmm, this character or Merina?))
[14-13:12] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[14-13:13] d6a20, Amroth : (( *continues writing... unless someone wants to play with any of his other chars* ))
[14-13:14] d93fd, Nomeda : ((What other characters do you have?))
[14-13:14] d6a20, Amroth : (( Curst, zeekan, armaros, Ridd *paused though* ))
[14-13:15] d93fd, Merina : ((What is Zeekan? I know Curst))
[14-13:16] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : (( *dusts Averey off and consequently has a sneezing fit* ))
[14-13:17] d6a20, Amroth : (( Zeekan is just a regualr human though he is a bounty hunter and big game hunter *damn giants* ... hes a good guy ))
[14-13:18] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : (( *gets out the furnature polish* ))
[14-13:18] d93fd, Merina : ((He's a good guy that hunts for giants?))
[14-13:19] d93fd, Merina : *enters the Glimmering Inn. Player is gonna play both and see which one will interact and which will observe*
[14-13:20] d6a20, Amroth : (( no but anything animal like *i just like to say damn giants* and dire animals and crap like that ... its his familly Tovich that dose stuff like that for a living ))
[14-13:20] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Was wondering about Miakuti.*
[14-13:20] d93fd, Merina : ((K, got it)0
[14-13:21] d93fd, Miakuti : ((Yeah, we left off with her showing up in EnTai accidently and infiltrating the castle to find out who dun it, even though she'd accidently done it herself with her choice of words.*
[14-13:22] d93fd, Nomeda : *nears the Glimmering Inn*
[14-13:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-13:24] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:24pm, August 14 (CDT) ).
[14-13:24] d93fd, Nomeda : ((Whoever you wanna play, Ridd. Looks like we're all convening at the Glimmering Inn))
[14-13:25] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[14-13:26] dca62, Axis : ((hello folks))
[14-13:27] EXIT: Averey Lithle has left the chat ( 2:18pm, August 14 (CDT) ).
[14-13:27] d93fd, Merina : ((Hey Axis))
[14-13:28] dca62, Axis : ((aw hell))
[14-13:28] dca62, Axis : ((hey))
[14-13:30] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: *after some time of wondering the world he heard about a prot side town called Ruepenchi after many weeks of walking throgh forest deserts and over mountians he makes his way to the new town... on his back is a 5 foot long sword stained with blood and ontop of that in a massive backpack seems to be furrs and such * Where is the inn ... im in need of a drink ... and damn good one at that * he asks the guard as he enters the city gates... after getting the instructions his head looks around the buildings all the while a warm smile on his face* ahhh civilation (sp)
[14-13:32] dca62, Axis : ((*sigh* maybe Ican ravage soemones shores. *ponders*))
[14-13:32] d93fd, Merina : *moves into the room and takes a booth on the side of the establishment where she can see people come and go*
[14-13:33] d93fd, Merina : *side near the stairs*
[14-13:34] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: *upon making his way down the streets he stands a little taller than most looking at the people walking here and there going to work or home. he pushes past people not to rought but just enough to get through the hustle and bustle of the streets*
[14-13:36] d93fd, Merina : *more walkways alongside channels than streets, but there are streets too on the inland side. She makes herself comfortable and watches*
[14-13:36] d93fd, Nomeda : *meanwhile, is still making her way toward the inn*
[14-13:39] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: *as he reaches the inn he looks at the sign * yep this is it* that same smile plays upon his face his larger than normal strides brings him to the door . with a meaty hand he pushes it upon fully and looks at the inhabatence (sp) then choose to move towards a table ... he slings off his pack but keeps the sword onhis back... upon taking off his helmit it shows that his head is shaved bald and his eyes accualy glow a slight blue*
[14-13:40] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[14-13:41] EXIT: Darrius Lokken has left the chat ( 2:40pm, August 14 (CDT) ).
[14-13:41] dca62, Ghouls : *and now for your ghoul update. the two pronged attack force has closed or greyshkae and is now waiting to attack. the mannosia force is in position and ghoul riders have been sent off towards Tal' Dolen and others towards mithrenburg*
[14-13:42] JOIN: Drake has entered.
[14-13:42] d93fd, Nomeda : ((Okay, thanks for the update. *L*))
[14-13:43] d93fd, Nomeda : *nears, staying as far from the channels as she can w/o looking to be conspicuously doing so*
[14-13:43] dca62, Ghouls : ((call it being super-bored. I have tw oattacks wating to happen))
[14-13:45] d93fd, Merina : *sees the big guy enter and looks at him with not very discreet curiousity. Hasn't mastered the not looking like she's looking trick yet. Isn't supposed to be out of the waters, for that matter. If she were caught by her people, she'd face serious penalties for acting as a scout when she wasn't certified as one or even passed the entry tests to train to be one*
[14-13:46] dca62, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *swimming back south towards rua...the creon shore was boring so the monster known as velkath the sea serpent swims south...his massive body cutting through the waters just abouve the ocean floor*
[14-13:48] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: *after a minute of getting his gear settled he pops his neack and move over to the bar but dosent sit down* bartender ... i need the biggest glass of the strongest ale you got ... make it good buddy and ill pay ya more than its worth * is semi rich from selling pelts of dire animals and such ... thats whats in his bag after a minute the batender dose his job well and is paied well for it* thank you sir * his voice is a semi deep normal type of voice just a happy to be here type of tone, as he turns around he sees the lady looking at him .. * back in town and it already looks like i hit gold * he smiles at her and bobs his head*
[14-13:49] dca62, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *makes conented whale-like sounds as he swims*
[14-13:50] 74d1f, Ana: *ROTFL*
[14-13:50] dca62, Axis : *also is sitting in the inn in his corner, cowl up and swathed in his heavy cloak, he is just an extension of hte shadows*
[14-13:52] d93fd, Merina : *starts, wide eyed, not expecting her unintentional obviousness to be returned in kind. Smiles awkwardly, looking away some, embarrassed*
[14-13:53] d93fd, Merina : ((hehe @ Vlkath))
[14-13:54] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: *he calls out cuase thats just like him * dont be embarased, how about this * he begins walking up to his the mug in his hand still just resting there... as he gets close enough to her he speeks* would you like a drink of something? you look like you could use something
[14-13:55] d93fd, Merina : *surprised and unsure look of amusement and unsurety* Umm, sure.
[14-13:56] d93fd, Merina : ((*kicks redundant unsureness*))
[14-13:57] dca62, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *he nears rua and peeks his head out of the water for a look...then swims a little closer towards the channels*
[14-14:00] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: sure? *his head nods slightly figuring this woman to be more shy and timid than anything ... he though was a very loud and self assure person...* well then ill get you a drink if you ... give me some of your time just to talk with ... its been a LONG time sence iv had a chance to talk with anyone*
[14-14:02] dca62, Ghouls : *and of course construction on the ghoul fortress is comtinuing well, gettting the basics done the rest will be finished later*
[14-14:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-14:03] d93fd, Merina : *merfolk would watch the serpent from the watery shadows behind support pillars too thick for Velkath to brake or caves in the depths, etc. If he doesn't disturb what they protect, they could care less about the land above. However, he can't really attack the land above extensively w/o the kingdom's leader present to represent, so he might wanna take on the merfolk or attack fisher boats or something that kingdom leader won't care about much. [c669966] she smiles. talking is good. she can learn things that will help her get a head start when she finally passes the tests and is accepted as a scout.* Okay.
[14-14:04] d93fd, Merina : *merfolk would watch the serpent from the watery shadows behind support pillars too thick for Velkath to brake or caves in the depths, etc. If he doesn't disturb what they protect, they could care less about the land above. However, he can't really attack the land above extensively w/o the kingdom's leader present to represent, so he might wanna take on the merfolk or attack fisher boats or something that kingdom leader won't care about much. she smiles. talking is good. she can learn things that will help her get a head start when she finally passes the tests and is accepted as a scout.* Okay.
[14-14:06] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: ahh good to hear * damn good day it is turing out to be* what would you like?
[14-14:08] dca62, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *is an old wiley monster he is when he sees the merfolk aren't attaking him though, he is prolly reconizable from the scars on his snout and sides from many encounters with boats and hunters, he ignores them for now....swimming below a fishing boat...and takign a calculated bite out of the bottom, cuasing it to begin taking on water and sink*
[14-14:09] dca62, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *as mariners hop out of the boat the get snapped up by the sea serpent yanked under...the crew begins swimming towards other boats and the shore as Valkath bites ont after anthor swallowing them daintily*
[14-14:13] d93fd, Merina : An ale? *being shy, yup* *the merfolk would not be concerned for the fishers, but they watch Velkath warily*
[14-14:15] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: ahhh good * he looks at the bartender* bring us one ale * he finnally brings the mug up to his face and takes a long sip from it followed by a AHHHH sound as it slides into his stomach* so what brings you here to Ruepenchi
[14-14:17] dca62, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *after finishing the fishers he swims down after their boat and munches o nthe ship's hold full of fish...but eyes the merfolk from one eye guaging how best to get at them...thogh he had ready food so he didn't really need to attack them*
[14-14:18] d93fd, Merina : I live near here. *doesn't look like the local populace, although that is only due to her white hair and fresh salt sea scent*
[14-14:19] NICK: Mab changed nick to Rua Merfolk Guardians.
[14-14:20] d93fd, Rua Merfolk Guardians: *they watch the serpent, darting from pillar to pillar or lingering just inside the mouths of caves*
[14-14:21] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: by the docks right? *he looks at her with raised eye brows* are you a sailor? you smell strongly of sea salt and water. *he continue shis smile and hands her the ale as he recives it from a waitress* this is my first time here
[14-14:23] dca62, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *he twitches his flippersso he floats a little closer still munching on the hold full of fish...watching them...guaging them...seing how fast they move how they are armed and how many*
[14-14:29] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[14-14:29] d93fd, Merina : Yes. *smiles* by the docks. *responds to the rest, taking the drink* Oh, from where do you come?
[14-14:31] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: *he shrugs* some where past the forest and the mountians ... i lived in a very small hunting village. but recently i left *sips more from the bigger than useal mug*
[14-14:35] dca62, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *he drifts a bit closer to the merfolk
[14-14:36] dca62, Velkath the Sea Serpent : watching...curious*
[14-14:38] 3adf1, The Weather: *starting from the west and working east... Over the Gryphon kingdoms he have a pleasant, balmy with partly cloudy weather, with just enough of a breeze to promote good flying conditions. Gyrphons got it good. The ground is wet from a flood of rain storms, that now hover to the south over some NPC kingdoms. Beyond in and in Halasar, the skies are darkening to the south east, where they will catch the edge of a nasty hurricane heading towards the .*
[14-14:39] d93fd, Rua Merfolk Guardians: *they're armed with tridents that have poison sunbaked onto the blades in order to keep them from desolving in water. They move very fast indeed*
[14-14:39] d93fd, Merina : Why did you leave?
[14-14:41] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: to start a leather crafting store and well there isnt much hunting around that area ... so i wished to see what else is out here ... im also a bounty hunter ... though i havent gotten any bountys yet but i plan to someday *he gizzles down half of the ale by now*
[14-14:41] dca62, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *dismisses them after amoment. every predator knows that it is better to go after the weak and the humans..rather than other long as there was plenty of food*
[14-14:42] JOIN: Pol has entered.
[14-14:42] beb5e, Pol: HEy
[14-14:43] d93fd, Rua Merfolk Guardians: *they still watch him warily.*
[14-14:43] d93fd, Rua Merfolk Guardians: ((Hey Pol))
[14-14:43] dca62, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*waves a flipper at pol*))
[14-14:44] 3adf1, The Weather: *Going further east, we have some mild rainstorms ranging from Manossa, Hadati, Tranul-something, and ! The kind where it's cloudy most of the day, with occasional peeks of sunlight, and raining off and on, usually not too heavily. North of them in the Fae lands, , and Avador we have partly cloudy skies, and weather that's threatening to bring rain later. Entai has rain coming in from the north, making for some cold showers... and everywhere else, has clear to partly cloudy skies. There's our weather report!*
[14-14:44] d93fd, Merina : Oh. Have you got many hides for starting your store? Are you going to start it in your home lands or elsewhere? Bounty hunter? What sort of bounties would you be looking to go after?
[14-14:45] d93fd, Merina : *is just a swarm of questions*
[14-14:45] dca62, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *he swims back up and takes out another ship eating in much the same fashion as the last time still watchign the merfolk to be cuatious*
[14-14:47] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: bountys ill take anything . and ass for the hide questsions i got enough to do custom clothing but ill only sell custom cloths ... we all want something different . and im thinking about starting a shop here .. good business in a port town * he shifts his weight around a big the long sword clangs aroundon his bakc and rubs against the ground*
[14-14:48] beb5e, Pol: bbl peace all have fun
[14-14:48] EXIT: Pol has left the chat ( 3:48pm, August 14 (CDT) ).
[14-14:49] d93fd, Merina : Oh, that sounds like a good idea. Can hides be made for water use, like for sailors that get wet a lot or shelfish divers?
[14-14:50] d93fd, Rua Merfolk Guardians: *they reposition themselves to form a sort of merfolk net to protect their protected boundaries*
[14-14:51] JOIN: injured villager has entered.
[14-14:51] JOIN: wild dogs has entered.
[14-14:52] d93fd, Rua Merfolk Guardians: ((LOL @ The Weather))
[14-14:53] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: accually yes ... iv learend some spells recently that can make cloths and such waterproof *he smiles in slef admaration* and fire proof well to a extent ... lets just say they cant jump into a volcano and survive
[14-14:54] c6c97, injured villager: *trips as he runs through the eastern gate of , trying to catch himself and continue running*
[14-14:55] d93fd, Merina : *chuckles a little* I'd imagine not, even if the clothes didn't burn. Volcanoes, those are those pits of fire from deep under, right, that flow like slow water?
[14-14:56] dca62, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *licks his teeth clean after finishing his boat and then with a twitchof his tail sending a large ship timber spinnign gracefully though the water at the merfolk..swims off*
[14-14:57] c6c97, injured villager: *over a dosen wild dogs jump on him and begin taring ant his flesh quickly killing him as they feast*
[14-14:57] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: yep .. but it would keep you from burning in a normal fire ... well your cloths atleaast ... but doing that makes the cloths more expensive *nods cuase it takes a crushed ruby*
[14-14:58] d93fd, Rua Merfolk Guardians: *they dart sideways, making a hole in their net for the ship timber to go through, it not being a great threat to them*
[14-14:59] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *well, the man is already dead, or will be dead before she has a chance to do anything... only thing now to be done, is avenge him. She turns from the wares she was regarding, as she begins chanting in the dark demon tounge, vanishing in a flash from where she was, to appearing outside the gates on the other side of the dogs and their victim, chanting louder to draw their attention*
[14-14:59] d93fd, Merina : I see. I imagine it would. What about waterproof? Is that expensive also?
[14-14:59] dca62, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *swims gracefully wouldn't do to over-hutn after all*
[14-15:00] d93fd, Rua Merfolk Guardians: *watch him warily as he goes* *fades out*
[14-15:01] EXIT: Rua Merfolk Guardians has left the chat ( 4:00pm, August 14 (CDT) ).
[14-15:01] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: nope just a little higher priced than a normal coat, and even then it might bee semi pricy .. the hides are from dire wolfs and dire bears and such like that ... so there heavy hide thick leather too they ill keep ya warm and dry*
[14-15:02] c6c97, wild dogs: *finished with the villager several dogs look up hearing delotha and begin to run at her, closely followed by the rest of the pack*
[14-15:02] d93fd, Merina : I'm more interested in the clothing staying dry and being preserved, not so much me. I dry off alright. *smiles brightly*
[14-15:02] c6c97, wild dogs: *test*
[14-15:04] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: hehe well they will stay dry ... and being of dire hides they will stay preserved for quite a while ...
[14-15:04] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *finishes up the chant with Fyrestorm! , and then watches doggies get roasted. Hope you like your doggies well done! AH HA HA!*
[14-15:05] d93fd, Merina : How nice. Maybe I'll come by your shop after you get it set up. Where did you hunt these dire animals. *says "dire" experimentally, having no idea what they are*
[14-15:06] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : *senses tis use of magic being attuned to it and stands up lookign out her balcony..kinda hard to miss a firestorm*
[14-15:07] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: well there in the forests and any where a animal can be found ... do you know what these animals are? the dire animals? *his eyes lock onto hers or trys to *
[14-15:08] c6c97, wild dogs: *the dogs wimper in pain but continue their sprint, lookung like hell hounds as they pounce their fur ablaze*
[14-15:08] c6c97, wild dogs: (looking*)
[14-15:09] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : ((hrmm actually thats spell would incenirate them))
[14-15:09] c6c97, wild dogs: (doesnt say that)
[14-15:09] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((Heck yeah it would incerinate them! What are these things?))
[14-15:11] d93fd, Merina : Not really. What are they? *looks like a child readying to hear a tale*
[14-15:11] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : ((it is a very high lvl spell))
[14-15:11] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : ((well 3 but that is high))
[14-15:12] c6c97, wild dogs: (how can it set things ablaze if they're already incenirated?)
[14-15:12] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((It's a 3rd level firey spell of doom! AH HAHAHA!!))
[14-15:12] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((Burn! BUUURN! WEEEE!))
[14-15:12] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((*cough* ... Sorry..))
[14-15:13] c6c97, wild dogs: (I think its that high because of its radius)
[14-15:13] d93fd, Merina : ((It would set things ablaze and then quickly incinerate them after))
[14-15:14] d93fd, Merina : ((*sighs* Okay, where is this spell? ))
[14-15:14] c6c97, wild dogs: (how fast is quickly?)
[14-15:14] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : ((it is a storm of fire not jus ta flash of it))
[14-15:15] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((Hm. I guess the "Ablaze" description was a little off, s'what I get for trying to write my own spells and not describe them enough. Oh well, I'll fix it after this, but those dogs, wild are not, have just been hit with a flood of fire that, it IS listed, lasts for a full minute. Are they really going to be like "Let's eat!" during that?))
[14-15:15] c6c97, wild dogs: (level 3 2nd spell)
[14-15:15] d93fd, Merina : ((I'd say they'd be incinerated in about a minute's time. Sound fair?))
[14-15:16] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: you know what a dog is right? well if it was a dire dog. it would be much larger big enough to be a small horse thick fure and hide there just massive and powerfull creatures much more deatly though than a regualr dog* he smile and winks at her setting his mug on the table* iv seen a dire bear big enough to swallow me whole. i have a claw and tooth of it in my bag *he nods over to the over stuffed leather bag... bigger than almost any she might have seen it was almost as big as he was and just as wide ... he had the strenght to carry it easely*
[14-15:17] c6c97, wild dogs: (sounds good to me)
[14-15:17] d93fd, Merina : Ooooh. *in awe* I know a dog, but what is a bear?
[14-15:19] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: there big creatures to begin with ... a regualr sized one is as big as me... a dire ... wow just beautiful to bad i killed it . you would ahve to see one to really know what it looks like
[14-15:20] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *is going to be naked again after this, keeps forgetting to get fireproof clothing, and gave up her dang pendant.. oh well!* *as the dogs rush through the flames, seeming to not notice their pain in their single minded attempt to attack her, her wings snap forward as she drop to dig one clawed hand into the ground for ancorage, and as the dog nearest reaches her, the wing snaps around, to slam into that foolish critter, and whap him back into the dogs following his lead. The other wing hovers to her side, ready to bap any that get around this*
[14-15:23] d93fd, Merina : Oh, are they terribly far inland most times?
[14-15:23] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : *her elven vison assists her in watchign her battle the wild dogs considers aiding her if she needs a kind person in general*
[14-15:24] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: yes .. reclusive animals .. ther just not something you find close to teh edge of the forest unless there hungry
[14-15:25] c6c97, wild dogs: *the dogs neck snapsas its launched backward knocking several other dogs over and causing a few too stumble in a dominoes affect though two manage to jump the pile and leap at her*
[14-15:25] c6c97, wild dogs: to*
[14-15:26] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *the second wing aims to bap one aside, while one clawed hand snaps up, aimed to catch the throat of the other*
[14-15:26] d93fd, Merina : Oh, I see. What other creatures live inland? *seems very curious, specifically about inland stuff, like she's never been there and she comes from a culture that is the same, which is very unlikely for a culture to be so ignorant of inland stuff that they wouldn't even know what a bear is*
[14-15:27] 22bfd, Kali: *peeks*
[14-15:29] d93fd, Tandy : *is very worried still about whether or not she's going to be sent back to the mage academy where she won't be given an inch of leeway and will likely get in trouble three times as much as she does here*
[14-15:30] d93fd, Tandy : ((Hi Kali))
[14-15:30] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: well there is SOOO much stuff out there that its hard to tell you whats all there, things as small as a stone live out there called mice and what not and even the fabeled* his voices lowers down * dragons *he smiles at that word ... its a dream to take down a dragon but that is one hell of a dream*
[14-15:31] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: (( *pokes the Kali* ))
[14-15:31] 22bfd, Kali: *waves to Tandy*
[14-15:32] 22bfd, Kali: *narrows eyes at Zeekan* now why'd you have to do that?... its been a bad enough day as it is.
[14-15:32] d93fd, Merina : Mice are here in and I know what dragons are. Everyone knows what a dragon is. *nods*
[14-15:32] c6c97, wild dogs: *the dog goes flying but tries to crawl away before falling over dead** the other dog yelp as she catches itt, trying to bite her wristas it strugles to escaper* * the other dog lay there burning having dies from the fire*
[14-15:33] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : *watches admiring Delthoa's skill*
[14-15:33] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[14-15:33] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: well there ya go .. everything ranges in size
[14-15:33] c6c97, xyva: *steals Kali*
[14-15:34] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: (( cuase im just me i like to poke the kali * pokes her again* ))
[14-15:34] d93fd, Tandy : *sneaks out like she's done many times before, using "blink" to aide her and now scurries down a back alley of , heading in the direction, coincidently, of Delotha*
[14-15:36] d93fd, Merina : Are there creatures like great sharks on land? *doesn't find dogs to quite fit the bill as an equivalent*
[14-15:36] c6c97, wild dogs: *chops off zeekans hand* MINE
[14-15:37] d93fd, Merina : *and her wording "on land" instead of "further inland" might give him pause*
[14-15:37] 74d1f, Ana: *sneezes*
[14-15:38] c6c97, xyva: *chops off zeekans hand* MINE
[14-15:38] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *slams the burning dog ontot he ground, watching as it's skin burns away to char at mucles beneath, as she digs her head down to sink those sharp fangs into it's throat.. fully intending on ripping the thing's throat out*
[14-15:38] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: hmm great white eh? *looks at her more closely pauseing slightly* you are a sailor arnt you? *shakes his head* there are ... though a tiger could be it ... now a dire tiger *shudders* that would be one hell of a fight
[14-15:39] d93fd, Merina : *has basically seen any land animal that might be brought in the city, even some large cats brought in with a traveling carnival once. Ooo! Someone should play a traveling gypsy carnival master*
[14-15:39] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: (( *looks at the wild dogs and pulls out his sword* dont make me slice you in half and seell you to the chineese ))
[14-15:40] c6c97, wild dogs: *its yelping stop as it can no longer breathe, continuing to squirm*
[14-15:40] d93fd, Merina : Oh, what is a tiger? Describe it. *has seen one, but doesn't know it's name* Yes, yes, I'm a sailor.
[14-15:41] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: well a tiger is a massive cat orange fur black stripes ... powerfull and fast. but just big cats
[14-15:42] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *the blood that is splashed on her face from ripping out the throat immediantly is burned before it can drip down her chin.. as she steps back, staring down at the seared corpse, as the roaring flames begin to die down*
[14-15:42] d93fd, Merina : Oh, yes, I've seen one once. Cats really like fish, even big ones. *smiles*
[14-15:42] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[14-15:43] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: yea good bait to get one
[14-15:44] c6c97, wild dogs: *all the dogs lay near by burnt and dead. the smell of them poluting the air*
[14-15:44] d93fd, Tandy : *reaches Delotha's position just as the last dog dies* Oh wow! *then does that "oops" slapping over her mouth and tries to duck out of sight. Tirale might see her coming onto the scene. Gee, thanks Delotha for making such a spectacle to coincidently draw Tirale's attention here at this time*
[14-15:45] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 4:42pm, August 14 (CDT) ).
[14-15:45] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : *well that was a trifle vicous*
[14-15:46] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *glances down, noting the clothing has been seared from her body, and gives a grimace* Well... Aralore will be sorry he missed this. Hehe.
[14-15:47] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: ((( ew demon elf freak *shudders* ... jk ))
[14-15:48] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : *sees tandy...and sighs whipering the words of a teleportation spell to get right to tandy....and vanishes reappearing next to delthoa and tandy* Tandy *lightly pops tandy in the back of the head with her staff..her big cats accompany her of course..then she looks over at delthoa* Would you like some replacment clothing?
[14-15:48] d93fd, Merina : *doesn't smell like fish, more like fresh salt sea. wouldn't make good bait therefore* The Tiger *uses the word like it is new to say* licked my hand, before it's owner saw and smacked my hand for my putting it in the tiger's reach. That hurt. I think the cat liked the salt on me from the sea.
[14-15:48] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((Admit it... it makes me sexy! *poses*))
[14-15:49] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *better hope they aren't RIGHT next to her, the ground is still incredibly hot from the spell cast, and there's a lingering uncomfortible heat that's only just disappating as the last of the flames flicker away*
[14-15:49] JOIN: wild dogs has entered.
[14-15:49] c6c97, wild dogs: *all die again*)
[14-15:49] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : *is at a safe distance isn't stupid*
[14-15:50] d93fd, Tandy : Ow! *rubs the back of her head and then looks at Delotha* Whoah! She's naked? What are you doing running around naked? *a little distracted by Delotha at first, then realizes that Tirale has caught her in the act and gasps with wide eyes in that "don't kill me" way, looking at Tirale*
[14-15:50] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: i dont know it might have... i havent learnd much about the bigger cats though i need to so i can hunt a dire tiger ... there skin is worth very much*
[14-15:51] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *lookd up at Tandy, speaking with a dry tone* I'm fire proof. Clothing isn't. *her eyes narrow as she notices Tirale... then with a flash, a portal opens that she steps through, which immediantly closes behind her*
[14-15:52] d93fd, Merina : Oh. The tiger I saw seemed very nice. I hope you don't hunt those. *typical chic about kitties*
[14-15:52] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((*L@Mab*))
[14-15:53] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: no i kill the ones that .. if you put your hand by its face you wont have a hand any more * repositions himself again on the chair letting the sword cut light into the stone*
[14-15:54] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : *sighs tries to be nice wahts the point with some idiots grabs tandy and teleports back to the tower whisperign the password to let her through the protections*
[14-15:54] d93fd, Merina : Oh, well, that is okay, I guess. *has been sipping her drink this whole time. takes another sip*
[14-15:55] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: hehe its very fun .. the hunt is. its mainly why i wanna try bounty hunting
[14-15:56] d93fd, Tandy : Wait...but I...*that stammering to explain as she is teleported away. Looks at Tirale with that over innocent look as they arrive, that "eheh" look *
[14-15:57] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : *glares at her*IT would be best to explain yourself now and explain how many times you have been out of hte city and NO lies.
[14-15:58] d93fd, Merina : Oh, I saw some bounties on the public board here. There are several. Some of them are more missing persons postings with rewards. Others are more fugitives on the loose. You should look at the board. *nods. (see bounties link above. hehe)*
[14-15:59] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: oh? *he looks around for this so called board and finds it from afar* i will go take a look at it soon
[14-16:01] d93fd, Tandy : Only a couple times. *toes the ground, lying. Just can't seem to help herself.* I was practicing short range teleportation and accidently teleported outside the walls and the wards wouldn't let me back in that way and I saw a strange patterned mouse and wondered if it was a transformed wizard spy and so followed it until it ducked down a sewer and then I heard dogs yelping and came upon the naked winged woman. Was she a demon? *lying about the mouse completely and the wards. Tandy has a talent for learning ways around wards that she's become daily like familiar with*
[14-16:03] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : Tandy you have one more try before I ship you back to the acedemy so fast your head spins.
[14-16:03] d93fd, Merina : *sure, there's one in Trendlekims, yup. sounds good and handy and likely. yup yup.* Oh, good. Glad I could help.
[14-16:03] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : *not taken in by the obvuisness of the lie*
[14-16:04] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: thank youso how long till you ship out again?
[14-16:05] d93fd, Tandy : but I'm not lying. *stammers, upset that she's not being believed, big surprise there*
[14-16:06] d93fd, Merina : Not very long, but we stay pretty close to port, fishing. *now, that kind of thing she knows about. hehe*
[14-16:06] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : *grabs her by the shoulder casting a dispell aroudn them and holding it as she huals tnady by the shoulder out the door and down the stairs*
[14-16:07] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: oooo so if you do go ... youll be back soon .. ok i see how that goes
[14-16:08] d93fd, Tandy : What? hey! I'm telling the truth, honest! *not sure where they're going, only that it's down the stairs*
[14-16:09] d93fd, Merina : Yes, fishing boats usually don't stay out more than a week. If the catch is good, only a couple days. *knows this from observation*
[14-16:10] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: well if you have a oder you want come and tell me ... ill let you be the first customer hows that?
[14-16:10] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : ((btw mabby this reminds me that I need a private portal for the mage tower))
[14-16:10] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : ((not right now but at some point))
[14-16:11] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : We are goign to get you transfered back to the mage school
[14-16:11] d93fd, Merina : That would be great. *although, would have to get hold of more than just a few coppers. Knows where there is some sunken treasure though. Merfolk don't generally care about such things. She discovered it and her fascination with humans caused her to hide it better there and hoard it*
[14-16:12] c6c97, Elias Zorander : (ya Im old I shouldnt have to walk so far)
[14-16:12] d93fd, Tandy : Nooooo! It's not fair! *starts resisting being led by the shoulder, planting her feet*
[14-16:12] c6c97, Elias Zorander : (j/k)
[14-16:12] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: ok well when ever your ready tell me what you want and ill get working right on that
[14-16:14] d93fd, Merina : Don't you need to open your shop first?
[14-16:14] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : Tandy you tell the truth in full and keep doing so and you may be able to stay...if yo uinsist on resisting I'll have goloms carry you..*hse turns to one of her cats* bring master Elias to me *she slips a small tube in it's collar with her free hand*
[14-16:15] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: no i can work out of a room i have the meterials ... cuase i need money to open a shop
[14-16:16] d93fd, Merina : Oh, okay then. Can you make clothes that are waterproof and skin tight to keep water away from my skin? *she's looking to appear human should she accidently fall in the water. Of course, skin tight might require him to take some awkward measurements. woo woo. Of course, Merina isn't thinking of this fact atm.*
[14-16:18] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: well i can but the requires us to be away from prying eyes ... skin tight mean you naked ... so just keep that in conideration
[14-16:18] d93fd, Tandy : *desists planting her feet, pouting and sulking, tears starting and sniffles* but ......*the truth will get her in trouble too. She sees herself stuck between a rock and a hard place*
[14-16:20] d93fd, Merina : Oh...*blushes profusely. Still, really wants such a suit* It's purely professional, right? *really red face*
[14-16:21] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : *her own fualt for lying as she pulls tandy into one of the history libraries* Take a seat tandy. *tirale herself sits i na chair next to one of the floating orbs of light that make the room bright*
[14-16:22] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: *he smiles oh it will be a perk of this job * well of course unless you feel a little wild * he winks and laughs ... this kind of things rairly comes *
[14-16:22] 22bfd, Kaya : ((Merina should come to my shop.. wont be some oogling nasy minded male there))
[14-16:22] d93fd, Tandy : *sits in that "I'm in trouble" hunched shoulders, arms tight to herself way, knees together, head down and eyes up with a worried and guilty expression*
[14-16:23] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *wanders through the gardens outside the mage tower thinking about getting a new knocker for his office door*
[14-16:23] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: (( well a oogling lesbian isnt much better ))
[14-16:24] d93fd, Merina : *bites her lip, considering* Well, okay. *naive thing. Doesn't know Kaya's kind of store makes leather, waterproof, skin tight suits, or would consider it*
[14-16:24] 22bfd, Kaya : (*isnt* ..*Is in love with Lethes*))
[14-16:25] d93fd, Merina : *isn't sure what he means by "wild" either. Isn't naive about that sort of thing, but doesn't know that term for it*
[14-16:25] c6c97, Xyva: *cries*
[14-16:25] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : *the cat soon finds elias and would walk over to stand in front of him bending it's neck to show the message tube*
[14-16:26] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: (( damn *puts video recorder away* )) *he smiles oh happy day* well when ever your ready and prepaired for it we can do this *he nods and smiles* ill let you choose the fur you want too
[14-16:27] c6c97, Warren: *smiles at the cat* Ooo a message. *takes it and reads it* lead the way
[14-16:28] c6c97, Warren: (oops)
[14-16:28] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *smiles at the cat* Ooo a message. *takes it and reads it* lead the way
[14-16:29] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : ((warren = Elias I hope so) *it would simply read follow the cat..from tirale* it would lead the way up to the histroy library and the annoyed tirale*
[14-16:29] d93fd, Merina : Oh, that is good of you. Can it be leather with fur trim? Can you do something that sings of the ocean? I love the sea. *says wistfully* Do you have your room already that you must work from until opening your shop? *another barrage of questions all at once*
[14-16:30] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *smiles at the cat* Ooo a message. *takes it and reads it* lead the way*f
[14-16:30] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *follows*
[14-16:30] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: i can do the leather with fur trim and something that sings of the ocean ... well explain how you wawnt it detailed and i can do that ... no but i can get a room there much cheeper than a shop
[14-16:32] d93fd, Tandy : *tears trickle down her cheeks and she sniffles, but stays in that sitting position she first sat in, hunched shoulders and tightly pulled in limbs, hands bracing herself, palms planted on the seat on either side of her, legs like they're melded together and shuddering a little with her sniffles, really looking pitiful. is it an act or real? Perhaps it's partly real and exaggerated for effect? At any rate, she's a vision of someone you just wanna hug and make feel better.*
[14-16:33] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : *is waiting there and the cat would lead him in then lay at her sid opposite the other one* Headmaster Elias we hav a problem.
[14-16:34] d93fd, Merina : Are you going to be lodged here? *tilts her head*
[14-16:37] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: yep i plan to
[14-16:38] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *stops in front of her glancing at tandy* yes High Sorceress?
[14-16:38] d93fd, Merina : Then, perhaps we should get this done before my ship goes out and so you can get your shop going all the sooner.
[14-16:40] d93fd, Tandy : *looks up with just her eyes at Elias, great fear showing and then suddenly lets out a bawling wail and buries her face in her hands, bending forward, sobbing all loud and dramatic. Okay, maybe overdoing it now.*
[14-16:43] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: of course shall we ? *he stands up regardless and moves over to his old table picking up the equipminet and even his helm he walks to the counter and gets a room*
[14-16:43] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : I cuaght her outside the walls. She lied about what she was doing out there, in the worst fashion. After I was generous enough to give her another chance to tell me the truth. Now Headmaster Do you belive she would be better served i nthe academy where there is discipline?
[14-16:44] d93fd, Merina : *bites her lips in and looks around shifty eyed, blushing and gets to her feet too, following*
[14-16:45] dca62, Axis : *regonizes her and gives her the eye as they are about to go up to a private room to gether this girl and man*
[14-16:45] d93fd, Tandy : *pauses a little too abruptly in her bawling and looks up at Elias pleadingly*
[14-16:46] d93fd, Merina : *glances and sees Axis, but doesn't recognize him in the shadows. cranes her head toward him, peering, trying to make him out*
[14-16:47] dca62, Axis : *sees this and leans forward a bit pullign back his cowl and waves*
[14-16:47] c6c97, Elias Zorander : I told her what would happen if she needed to be sent back, and Im sure puting her on display in the entrance hall with quickly teach new students.
[14-16:48] d93fd, Merina : *straightens her neck and smiles and waves all happy at Axis while she waits for Zeekan to get his room. Is a mermaid. They can be so la la about these kind of things.*
[14-16:49] dca62, Axis : *he makes a little come over here gesture*
[14-16:50] d93fd, Tandy : Nooooo! *wails, going to her knees from the chair and tugging at Tirale's skirts* I don't want to be a statue!! Don't let him do it!!! *begs like she's begging for her life*
[14-16:50] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *grins*
[14-16:51] d93fd, Merina : *blinks and looks back at Zeekan with that "brb" expression and nod and then heads over to Axis' position in that wondering kind of way* Hi. Are you....yourself right now? *meaning not in one of his episodes*
[14-16:52] d6a20, Zeekan Tovich: *after getting the room he turns to her his happpy smile still showing like the sun*
[14-16:52] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : *pats tandy on the head idly, as she would her cats* So you told her you would make her a statue?evidently the threat didn't work as she lacks the wits to be honest.
[14-16:53] dca62, Axis : Oh yes. I couldn't help but over hear part of you conversation..keen hearign you see. Any way do you really trust this man alone i na room wiht you naked?
[14-16:54] c6c97, Elias Zorander : I dont think she believed me, though I've no clue as to why.
[14-16:54] d93fd, Tandy : *Yup, is a chronic liar, kinda like a klepto, except wiht lying.* I didn't lie....I DIDN'T!!
[14-16:55] c6c97, Elias Zorander : (hey I gotta eat I'll be back in a few)
[14-16:56] d93fd, Merina : Oh! *covers her mouth blushing again* You heard that? He seems nice enough.....I'm not without defenses. *shifty foot. Really wants the promised, nifty duds*
[14-16:57] d93fd, Tandy : *did believe Elias. Just can't seem to give up the lying, heh*
[14-16:57] dca62, Axis : There is a by fae not far...a door or two down in fact. Run by a female. I have heard that they can give such outfits....
[14-16:58] d93fd, Merina : Oh? .....but I promised him my patronage. It's to help him start his shop. *bites her lip, unsure*
[14-16:59] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : Tandy......*gives her the eye*
[14-16:59] 22bfd, Kaya : *stretches awake, a smile on her lips. Remembering the woman who had been here before, she checks around quickly, didnt really like the idea of marble cats... very odd. They were gone. sighing, she stretches her wings wide and heads back to her shop*
[14-17:00] d93fd, Tandy : *lip quivers, looking up at Tirale with puppy, pitiful eyes but she shuts up*
[14-17:00] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[14-17:00] dca62, Axis : Have you ever met a fae?
[14-17:00] dca62, Axis : MAyeb just going and having her give the measurements
[14-17:02] d93fd, Merina : Why would she take the measurements for another person's business? I've heard of fae, some. *shifty foot some more*
[14-17:03] d93fd, Merina : ((Axis is stealing your business away, Zeekan. ))
[14-17:03] dca62, Axis : do you really want some man you just met pawing you over?
[14-17:04] d93fd, Merina : Wouldn't he just be wrapping a string around me in places? *blinks.*
[14-17:04] 244eb, Zeekan Tovich: (( oh ... i know *eyes* ) *he stands there waiting eith his bag on hos shoulderalmost draging along the ground*
[14-17:05] 22bfd, Kaya : ((Mwahahaha))
[14-17:06] dca62, Axis : maybe...but really wouldn't you prefer a female to do it? *is in am ischevious mood*
[14-17:08] d93fd, Merina : Well, yes, but I already promised patronage to him and it would be low of me to go back on my word and not very good for business for this fae if she took measurments for another person's business of similar ilk.
[14-17:10] 22bfd, Kaya : *reaching the back of her shop, she slips back into the small hole in the window, shifting back into her human form*
[14-17:10] dca62, Axis : If you truly *glances at zeekan* wish it.
[14-17:11] 244eb, Zeekan Tovich: *he waits still his foot begins to tap eyes darting between the 2 of them . his eyes just peer out *
[14-17:13] d93fd, Merina : *really wants the promised suit and feels obligated to acquire it from Zeekan after their talks and agreement* I ....wish it.. *eyes shift awkwardly. Second guessing taking away some of the excitement from what was, in a sense, an impulse buy*
[14-17:15] dca62, Axis : If you have the money why don't you buy one set fro mthe fae..a cheaper set then a more expensive one fro mhim...that way he doesn't have to measure you and you still give him your business
[14-17:16] d93fd, Merina : Why are you so concerned?
[14-17:17] dca62, Axis : why shouldn't I be?
[14-17:17] 244eb, Zeekan Tovich: *he nods his head* well maybe another time ... you seem to be busy with other business
[14-17:19] d93fd, Merina : I only met you twice before. *to Axis* You seem protective. *looks at Zeekan, a mix of apologetic and disappointment, like a child being told she can't buy the toy after she'd assured the toy maker her parents would let her*
[14-17:19] c6c97, Elias Zorander : (back)
[14-17:20] 244eb, Zeekan Tovich: maybe when your done if you can find me ... ill be around * he turns his back and begins to step away towards his room*
[14-17:21] d93fd, Merina : ((WB, your post, Elias. ))
[14-17:21] dca62, Axis : *shrugs* go do as you please then *leans back*
[14-17:22] d93fd, Merina : *looks back accusingly at Axis with her brows furrowed as Zeekan walks away to his room, blaming him for the potential loss of the promised nifty suit. folds her arms.* Where is this fae? *mutters*
[14-17:24] dca62, Axis : *points his voice floating out from the shadows he had become shrouded in* one or two doors down. it has a sign
[14-17:25] 244eb, Zeekan Tovich: *as he enters his room he tosses the bag on the beg and puts the helmit on the table ... after a minute of looking around the room he opens the back and pull sout a black leather coat the leather is extreamly thick . all the fur is on the inside to make it soft and warm *
[14-17:27] c6c97, Elias Zorander : I can take her today if you want me to. She would ma a nice surprise for the students i in the morning. Their behavior should improve drimatically
[14-17:27] d93fd, Merina : *huffs, barely containing her anger at Axis' interferance, prolly cuz partly she feels he might be right, but won't admit that to herself and then she spins and storms out of the tavern, fuming*
[14-17:28] dca62, Axis : *smiles as she leaves*
[14-17:28] c6c97, Elias Zorander : (dramatically**)
[14-17:29] 244eb, Zeekan Tovich: *as she leaves his coat now adorns his metal clad body... a part of the coat is cut and swen together for a sheath for his sword if he needs it*
[14-17:29] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : Well Tandy. Looks like you may be going back. What do yo usay to that *leans on one hand and looks at her*
[14-17:29] d93fd, Tandy : Nooooo!!! Don't let him humiliate me like that!! *wails, shaking Tirale's skirt*
[14-17:29] 22bfd, Kaya : *picking up the cloak she had been working on, she settles into the comfortable chair she uses to sew in. Stitching on a rather plain, leaf shapd clasp ot the collar, she's lost in thought .... the only thing she really has been thinking of for days now... Lethes*
[14-17:31] c6c97, Elias Zorander : What was her lie?
[14-17:31] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : SO what should we do to keep you from lying constantly and horribly hmm? Other wise I simply have no choice but to send you back.
[14-17:32] 244eb, Zeekan Tovich: *he leaves the room but befor that he uses <alphas hunting hound> to summons a wild dog * good boy ... now follow me * he opens the door and heads back out to the tavern*
[14-17:32] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : She lied abotu why she was outside the walls. Tandy tell him what yo utold me
[14-17:34] d93fd, Merina : *storms, muttering in that quoting one's chastiser in a derogatory way* If you truly wish it.......go do as you please then. *reaches Kaya's shop and looks at it* Oooo! *in that growling way and then storms in*
[14-17:35] 22bfd, Kaya : *looks up at the woman as she storms in* Can I help you?
[14-17:36] d93fd, Tandy : I didn't!! *then when she tells her to repeat her lie, she thinks, trying to remember all of it. Says in a whimpering, picked on voice* Umm, there was this mouse and the wards wouldn't let me back in and I followed and the sewer, a dog yelping, a demon, I think. *terrible recounting, best she could do in her emotional, thinking frantic state*
[14-17:38] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : you get the picture. Lying abotu why she was outside the walls...apparently nto the first tiem either
[14-17:38] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[14-17:39] d93fd, Merina : *folds her arms, tapping her foot, clearly fuming and unable to speak for the fuming, looking away as she tries to compose herself. Finally says in that huffy, "I'm doing this not of my own idea" tone of voice* I need a suit. *takes a deep breath in that exhasperated way, very disgruntled, trying not to show her inner feelings on the outside to this total stranger and doing a poor, poor job of hiding anything*
[14-17:40] c6c97, Elias Zorander : you think we're dumb and just guess your lying? we know it you are and then you go and lie again saying you were'nt.
[14-17:41] 22bfd, Kaya : What kind of suit?*Is really too happy to pay attention to the womans attitude, for now*
[14-17:42] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: *his blue eyes streek accross the tavern resting on the man that Merina was talking to ... the dog beside him looks up at zee then returns to snifing the ground * *he walks over to the table his bog body now outlined in the black trench* so what did ya tell her?
[14-17:43] d93fd, Tandy : I don't think you're dumb. I'm misunderstood, I tell you! *on her knees still, she tries to hide from their further inquiries by bringing her head to near the floor and hiding it in her arms in that kind of beetle bug position, rocking a little and moaning in that "I'm so picked on and misunderstood" way*
[14-17:43] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : I advised her to get prototype measurements and experiment with what she likes at the fae shop nearby. That way you can do better for her
[14-17:45] dca62, Axis : I advised her to get prototype measurements and experiment with what she likes at the fae shop nearby. That way you can do better for her
[14-17:45] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *There is a sudden bright flash as a vortex splits the air in the middle of the tavern, heralding the arrival of a certain demoness.. After she appears, a dark silhouette of a winged person appearing against the brightly gleaming vortex, it vanishes*
[14-17:47] d93fd, Merina : Skin tight, for water swimming, full body. It requires lots of measurments. *stating what would be obvious to Kaya, kinda her thoughts coming out loud, since the measuring was the whole issue that sent her on this tirade*
[14-17:48] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : perhaps one last chance hmm. then if she fouls up again she will be petrified and in your halss within an hour.
[14-17:48] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *for those who know her, there's a few things missing... namely, shoes for one, she's barefoot, and she doesn't have the belt that she keeps her sheath blade on... infact, she has a blouse, some slacks, a thrown together pouch in one hand, and that's it* *moves towards the bar, a glower on her face*
[14-17:49] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: *oh yea that dident get his attetion * What the? * he spins on his heels semi glowing eyes shinging out to see the new woman ... the little dog growels and haunches down . he stands straight up just smileing cause hell its a woman *
[14-17:50] d93fd, Tandy : *pauses in her rocking and wailing moans and thinks, "oh please please please", but is smiling as well, also thinking how much she gets away with and how great it is and how clever she is. Tis a natural youthful thought in a situation like this*
[14-17:50] dca62, Axis : *chuckles* looks like she got in another fight.
[14-17:51] 22bfd, Kaya : *looking the woman over, from head to toe* Can I ask why you want a full body suit?
[14-17:51] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : But maybe not....*prenteds to think* What do yo uthink master Elias?
[14-17:52] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *a woman with demony wings, and clawed hands... but otherwise appearing an attractive elven maiden, if you ignore the irritated look on her face. She orders herself a drink, and only then scans the patrons, noting the man witht he dog.. UGH! Another dog!, and then Axis* Hey Axis! Where can I get fire proof clothing?
[14-17:52] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: *he turns his head slightly to look at the man * another fight?
[14-17:52] d93fd, Merina : for not getting wet while swimming. I...said that. *shifts her feet, impatient in impulse buy denied withdrawal feeling*
[14-17:53] dca62, Axis : I got mine from gryshkae Demon country. Or you can get them enchanted
[14-17:53] c6c97, Elias Zorander : I dont think she should get another chance. I would be back here in forty minutes which wont be very fun *stares at tandy with a stern expression showing hes serious*
[14-17:54] 22bfd, Kaya : *doesnt swim herself, but is curious about such things* Isnt the point of swimming to get wet?
[14-17:54] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : Perhaps your right and I'm too gentle on her.
[14-17:55] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: (( *is glad he dosent ask so many questins and dose what the person asked for * ))
[14-17:55] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : I am not going to some "demon" country! *snaps her eyes towards Zeekan* Yes.. I get into fights a lot. But it was SO not my fault this time! There were some ugly wild dogs tearing apart this guy, and then they turned on me when I tried to help them, so I turned them all into crispy cinders.. and burned my fricken clothes! I hate dogs! *turns t the bar with a sulking look*
[14-17:55] d93fd, Tandy : *starts up her wailing again as though charging up a siren. "drat drat drat" It's that high pitched, whine kind of sound, annoying, but pitiful, but also sounding almost on cue*
[14-17:55] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((help them=help him))
[14-17:56] 22bfd, Kaya : ((*is fae and hasnt been out in the human world much*))
[14-17:57] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *looks at her lifting his staff* Be Quiet or I will Quiet you!
[14-17:57] d93fd, Merina : Most of the time. Can you make the suit? *is scowling and pouting, clearly in a huff about something and obviously something very recent*
[14-17:57] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: cloths eh? *smiles to himself* i can enchant cloths and such ... even make them *nods to them* its a hobbie
[14-17:58] d93fd, Tandy : *shuts off the siren wails suddenly like the squeaking of brakes and then just rocks in her beetle bug huddle, sniffling.*
[14-17:58] dca62, Axis : *stands up and wlaks over to her* you should learn not to douse yourself in fire as often.
[14-17:59] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *pause, then looks towards Zeekan* Do you...? *smirks* And are you a great wizard who can keep fires that incinerate whole bodies from not touching the clothes on someone's back?
[14-17:59] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : *just eyes her again*
[14-18:00] 22bfd, Kaya : Yes, I can. Why dont you come in the back and I can measure you . *realizes the woman is upset but is a good shopkeeper and keeps the personal questions to her self*
[14-18:00] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *makes his disision* Tandy, why did you lie about sneeking out?
[14-18:00] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *snorts, then looks to Axis* It was either that, or deal with a pack of dogs with my bare hands. Not that I couldn't do it, but I decided upon the quicker, less scratches in it for me, route
[14-18:02] dca62, Axis : Granted. But still *teasing*
[14-18:02] d93fd, Tandy : *in a whimpering, muffled voice from her huddle* because, I wasn't supposed to be out........*stops as her impulsive answer is telling the truth and contradicts her lies and she freezes, bracing herself. Being out past curfew is a very bad offense as well.*
[14-18:03] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Leave my bad aim out of this!
[14-18:03] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: ... great wizard no. it could go against demons fire and even dragons fire well from what i hear ... i havent had to face anything to deal me enought damage that turns me to dust instantly as you can see im still here * his eyes looking at her cloths or lack of then closes his eyes for a second to think what he would need*
[14-18:03] c6c97, Elias Zorander : But what do you think got you into more trouble, sneeking out or lying about it?
[14-18:03] d93fd, Merina : *takes a deep breath and goes the direction toward the back that Kaya indicates, nodding her agreement, trying to calm herself down.*
[14-18:04] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((...Oo! *updates Delotha weakness section*))
[14-18:05] d93fd, Tandy : *crying voice* I don't know...*not liking this line of questioning at all, not feeling too comfortable*
[14-18:06] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *still has a blouse and pants! Is decent!* *looks to Zeekan* You throw something together, I'll field test it.. and if I like it, I'll pay you whatever you ask for them.
[14-18:07] 22bfd, Kaya : *picks up a bit of string, wrapping it around Merina in various places, making very few notes.. not really concerned about measuring her thru her clothes*
[14-18:08] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: thing is i need rubys to make it fire proof its what the spell needs *he dose a small shrug* get me the rubys and if you want ill make it waterproof also
[14-18:08] c6c97, Elias Zorander : well....which do you think would get you in more trouble, sneeking out or spitting on the Hight Sorceress for catching you?
[14-18:09] d93fd, Merina : *how's she going to measure accurately for skin tight through her dress? Looks at this puzzled, not sure what to think*
[14-18:09] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Eh heh.. water and I don't get along. That part is uneeded. *translation: She can't swim*
[14-18:09] dca62, Axis : *hides a smirk behind his hand*
[14-18:11] 22bfd, Kaya : *seeing Merina's confusion* You've never seen Fae clothing have you? This is a special fabric. It will adjust itself to your shape.
[14-18:12] d93fd, Tandy : ((*feels like it's moral lessons night in Bettenchi *)) *sniffles* That's two wrongs. I'm not stupid. Quit talking to me like I'm stupid. *verbally lashes out from her huddle*
[14-18:12] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: well if you like wet cloths from rain and snow and such then be my guest *he smiles* but seriously i got one ruby for a coat or shirt i still need a ruby for each peice you need. also how would you like it made? what peices and how thick of hides * his eyes blink and begin to think what furs he has* i have bear hide dire wolf and bear hide ... so its gonna be leather too
[14-18:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-18:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-18:13] d93fd, Merina : *blinks* It will? It will keep my body dry in water? *confused*
[14-18:13] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *stares at him blankly... what? She doesn't know the difference between one cloth and another! She just went in, grapped what she wanted, paid, and called it good!* Er...
[14-18:15] dca62, Axis : matches her persoality
[14-18:15] 22bfd, Kaya : I can make it that way.
[14-18:15] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ... Hey! I'll have you know, I think I'm more snake *smirk*
[14-18:16] c6c97, Elias Zorander : But you talk to us as though we're stupid, and we keep giving you more and more chances to stop. But I can see your not going to so I guess you will be spending most of your life as a stature at the academy
[14-18:16] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: *he turns and smiles at axis* its a dire wolf pelt ... iso i take it shes a big mean wolf huh? *thens and smile at the woman * well then just ell me what peices you want ... and how you want them designed
[14-18:17] dca62, Axis : *grins*
[14-18:17] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : I'm not a big mean woman! I'm usually pleasant.. and is leather soft? I mean, I do want it to be some tough clothing, as it's going to worn to hell within a day otherwise, but if it's not at least a little soft, I need something like this *plucks at the cloth shirt* Beneath it
[14-18:17] d93fd, Merina : Well. *shuffles her shoulders, trying to calm herself down more* Then that is how I'd like it......and.....somewhat hinting of the sea in style. *brushes a hand through her wild white hair in a jittery way*
[14-18:19] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *So.. now, in awhile, instead of flipping out whenever her clothes are burned off, she'll flip out because it was expensive clothing if it gets torn*
[14-18:20] dca62, Axis : or the spines will wear through
[14-18:20] c6c97, Elias Zorander : (statue**)
[14-18:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-18:20] d93fd, Tandy : Most of my LIFE?!? *squeaks in panic. wouldn't actually age in that state, but still. She starts to frantically crawl for the library door, escape! escape!*
[14-18:21] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : *a cat would snag her ankle and drag her back*
[14-18:21] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ... Spines?
[14-18:21] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: oh it will be soft ... there will be wolf fur on the inside so you might get a little warm under it ... hmmm though i can make a side soft ... it wont be hard also it will be tought leather isnt easy to rip *smiles and opens his coat* feel this ... if you want you can try it on its how it will most likely feel *he slips off the coat reavaling his sword stil coveredin dryied blood and his armor*
[14-18:22] 22bfd, Kaya : alright...If you'll come back in a couple of days I'll have it ready for you.
[14-18:22] dca62, Axis : *just winks at her* You'll need to adjust for her wings too.
[14-18:23] d93fd, Tandy : Nooo!! *scrabbles at the floor with her hands for anything to hold fast as she's dragged back. * It's too severe just for....*ulp* lying. *bawls and goes back into her huddle* He's cruel, High Sorceress. Don't let him do it! Please!
[14-18:23] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: i can do that ... ill make slits she can fit them through * he then just realizes the wings ... his eyes widen for a second but keeps it to himself*
[14-18:24] d93fd, Merina : Alright. and how much? *needs to know how much sunken treasure to procure*
[14-18:25] c6c97, Elias Zorander : well even though you wont age you will be there for longer than you average lifespan and so when you are finally unpetrified, if ever you are, you still wont live longer than you were a statue.
[14-18:25] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *eyes him askance, then looks to Zeekan, and arches an eyebrow at the armor* .. A warrior tailor. That's interesting
[14-18:27] 22bfd, Kaya : Hmmmm... *blinks a bit... she's never charged the fae for her clothing.. and doesnt quite knw what to charge*
[14-18:27] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : Tandy I wil lgive yo uone last chance.....but if you make another such mistake your punishment will be...unpleasant
[14-18:27] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *wings have been large, and there, the whole time... heck, the back of her shirt has a rip down it to let them poke out, she had to step into the shirt and pull it up to get it on. Occasionally, the sleeve might fall of a shoulder as well, baring part of her side, but is always quickly adjusted back into place. Bloody wings*
[14-18:27] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: well i was raised in a village of hunters ... our familly Tovich were the big hunters.. we went after dire animals and the like ... just in the process i turned to use the hides i got into cloths ... its a usefull trade i have fun and then i do something i dont mind ... its nice
[14-18:29] d93fd, Tandy : *Huh? She'd just continue aging from that point from being unpetrified and live out the rest of her life as though she skipped over those years, like going forward in time, except she'd remember that whole time. Is that what he meant?* You mean I'll die when unpetrified?!? *Hopefully misunderstanding him, because player thinks it would work the way she described*
[14-18:29] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Well then my dear... you design the clothing. Keep in mind I am female, so do like at least minorly stylish things, plus I'd like something I can fly in without worrying over my shirt blowing off. I, meanwhile, will get the rubies, and the money
[14-18:29] dca62, Axis : ((watch out for sea serpents)) And maybe loose another set of clothing
[14-18:30] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: i can do ... one thing would you like a coat, vest. or regualr shirt?
[14-18:30] d93fd, Tandy : One more chance? *sniffs. Will likely screw up again. Can't seem to help herself, but at this moment, she's resolved not to*
[14-18:31] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: oh * he extends a hand* im Zeekan hopefully i can get your name *turns his head to look at axis* and your ... i just got here and dont know a single person other than you 2 and that woman but neer got her name
[14-18:32] dca62, Axis : I'm Axis.
[14-18:32] 22bfd, Kaya : ((*imagines an aged Tandy statue*))
[14-18:33] d93fd, Tandy : ((Heck no, it ain't workin that way! *L*))
[14-18:33] 22bfd, Kaya : (())
[14-18:33] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : A regular shirt of this quality *plucks at her shirt* Only made to lace up around the wings. A tunic, pants, and boots of tough leather, I do get into fights, so need something hardy yet easily washable, and a couple pairs of cloth socks. *takes his hand, careful not to catch his skin with her claws* And.. I'm Delotha.
[14-18:35] d93fd, Merina : *turns and looks at Kaya with a "well?" look, having come here begrudgingly, not for any bad feelings about fae cloth or this store, etc, but because she was dead set on an impulse buy and excited about it and then talked out of it and feels like it was a let down*
[14-18:35] c6c97, Elias Zorander : well if you werent broken as a statue you would still have the rest of your life to live. unless you some how died of bordome. But then again there are a few vandles at the academy so you could still end up loosing you head which you cant live with out and so you would be dead.
[14-18:36] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: wil do but youll need to give me some time to get on it ... should only take a coupld days *he smiles* im a efficent worker
[14-18:37] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: * he takes his coat and tosses it back over his body pushing the handle of the sword through the slit*
[14-18:38] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *nods, then absently tugs her shirt back into place over her shoulder* Axis.. want to do me a quick favor?
[14-18:38] d93fd, Tandy : *jumps to her feet and yells at Elias, her fists clenched to her sides* I hate you! That wouldn't happen, because it would be murder and those "vandals" would be executed for murdering me!! *screeches* and you would be responsible for putting me in harms way!! Your not much of a headmaster!! *feeling threatened and scared and pissed off at the very idea*
[14-18:38] dca62, Axis : whats that?
[14-18:39] 22bfd, Kaya : *thinking for another moment* 20 gold pieces. *thinks that may be cheap but thats what she's asking*
[14-18:39] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : Calm down both of you. Elias no need for such threats.
[14-18:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-18:40] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *tugs at her shirt, causing one of the sleeves to drop again* Tie this stupid thing in a knot over the wings, so it will stay in place
[14-18:41] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: *he nods though he dosent want to get back to work right away so he sticks around * i will be right back * he turns and accualy heads to his room to toss the coat off and snag his helm*
[14-18:41] dca62, Axis : *chuckles and does*
[14-18:41] c6c97, Elias Zorander : Yes Head Sorceress *holding back his comment*
[14-18:43] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: *after a minute he returns with his helm and his little hound* Axis dire or normal wolf leather?
[14-18:43] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *glances up, watching Zeekan move off, as she shifts her wings to point down, to allow Axis to fuss with her shirt*
[14-18:44] d93fd, Tandy : *folds her arms and seethes and then scurries behind Tirale, glaring at Elias in a scared and angry way from around Tirale*
[14-18:44] dca62, Axis :'s more like her. *finishes up.there ya go
[14-18:45] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *wrly* Glad you think so
[14-18:45] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((wryly((
[14-18:45] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((wryly))
[14-18:45] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: well then its off to the sweet hunt * smiles yes he has some in his room but not enough * any perticular color of fur i should get her?
[14-18:46] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *flicks her red hair black* It needs to be black, or more brown. White doesn't suit me, neither does gray too much *smirks* If there were red wolves, I'd say nab some of that
[14-18:46] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : For the next week when not in your classes you are to be in your hut. No where else.
[14-18:46] d93fd, Merina : Alright. I'll have it here in a couple days. *nods and starts toward the front of the store, starting to calm down. There's just something fun about impulse buying. Doing it this "wiser" way seems ot her less of a thrill, but the fae was nice and accomodating.*
[14-18:48] c6c97, Elias Zorander : You could have mister spoon keep watch
[14-18:48] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: i could get white and you stainit with blood * he smiles and laughs a little though he could die it red with blood*
[14-18:48] 22bfd, Kaya : Wait!... *calling to the woman* What's your name?
[14-18:48] d93fd, Merina : *turns and pauses, answering* Merina.
[14-18:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-18:49] JOIN: Sy'Rok has entered.
[14-18:49] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((WHoops! Gtg! *passes out hugs*)) I don't have any blood hand, alas. *peers to Axis* Axis... I'll search you out later. See you then *rises, then looks to Zeekan* I will also be searching you out within a few days. *waves* Until then... *flash! Portal opens, and then vanishes. Delotha is gone*
[14-18:49] d93fd, Tandy : *nods meekly at Tirale grounding her then looks up stunne and angry glaring at Elias' comment, worried*
[14-18:50] EXIT: Delotha Feanor has left the chat ( 7:49pm, August 14 (CDT) ).
[14-18:50] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : That may be a good idea for if she strays.
[14-18:50] 6c5dd, Sy'Rok: *standing ontop of a roof, in a pouring rainstorm*
[14-18:50] 22bfd, Kaya : *smiling* It was nice to meet you Merina. *is truly happy that Merina had come she had a good excuse for going back to the fae*
[14-18:51] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: *blinks* that was interesting * turns compleatly to face axis* you busy?
[14-18:51] c6c97, Elias Zorander : Or maybe more than one. perhaps three?
[14-18:52] d93fd, Tandy : *looks at Tirale with a stunned, "you wouldn't!" betrayed pout, but doesn't say anything*
[14-18:52] d93fd, Tandy : *glares then at Elias*
[14-18:52] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : not especially. *shrugs*
[14-18:53] d93fd, Merina : It was nice meeting you too. *mostly calmed down now* I didn't catch your name.
[14-18:54] 22bfd, Kaya : My name's Kaya.
[14-18:54] dca62, Sorceress Tirale : But only to administer beatings if she disobeys
[14-18:55] dca62, Axis : not especially...why?
[14-18:55] d93fd, Merina : *huge frowing pout and scowl, nearly tearing, she's so mad, but doesn't dare throw this second/third/fourth/whatever chance back, because the alternative is far worse*
[14-18:55] c6c97, Elias Zorander : Im almost sure she will.
[14-18:55] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: wanna go on a hunt? id like to get one or 2 by night and there a pain in the aass to find ...
[14-18:55] d93fd, Tandy : *huge frowing pout and scowl, nearly tearing, she's so mad, but doesn't dare throw this second/third/fourth/whatever chance back, because the alternative is far worse*
[14-18:57] d93fd, Merina : Pleased to meet you Kaya. I'll see you in a few days. *smiles faintly, trying to be more courteous after her somewhat rude behaviour earlier and then nods and proceeds out the door*
[14-18:57] c6c97, Elias Zorander : (7453rd)
[14-19:01] dca62, Axis : hrm sure why not...I may have to run off at some point though. (I may have to poof here soonish))
[14-19:01] 22bfd, Kaya : *watching Merina walk out the door, she quickly locks it behind her, shifting back into her fae form, and fleeing out the hole in the window again, directly to the portal , giving the proper words, and almost zipping thru it as it opens and out again into her homelands... If she thought about it, she would be very embarrased at her behavior*
[14-19:04] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: thats ok as long as you come along for a little part ... just left the forest to return to it* he shakes his head and puts the helmit on it covers one eye and theother shines brighter ... he turns and begins to walk out the door pushing it open with ease*
[14-19:05] dca62, Axis : *walks after him flipping his hood up as they go out*
[14-19:07] d93fd, Merina : *heads off to her secret nook place inside some thick wall that has a tunnel to the ocean waters. Puts away her dress and then swims out to sea* *gone for now*
[14-19:07] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: *as he leaves if Merina were to look back up at the inn she would see him leaving having his back to her heading towards the outside ... into the forest*
[14-19:08] dca62, Axis : *follwos him a shade and cmopletley silent...loooks liek someone lost their shadow*
[14-19:09] d93fd, Merina : ((Sowwy, thought I was done with her. She wouldn't really enjoy hunting anyway.)) *she did see him, but it reminded her of her disappointed at not being able to impulse buy and so decided to meet back up with him later after she'd cooled down* *gone again like before*
[14-19:10] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: * he moves through the area .. the pouches he has around his belt all hold something different ... he quickly makes his way up and out of the city*
[14-19:10] dca62, Lethes : *meanwhile lethe is walkign towards the portal himself and might run into kaya as she zips through*
[14-19:11] d93fd, Tandy : ((Am I done with this character?))
[14-19:12] dca62, Lethes : ((uh yeah))
[14-19:13] 22bfd, Kaya : *run into is right... she's in such a hurry, she smacks right into him,bouncing backwards, fluttering her wings trying to keep from falling*
[14-19:14] d93fd, Tandy : *Sooooo, umm, I guess fade out, cuz they were kinda mid resolving convo. She eventually ends up back in her hutt until her duties and studies call her out and she falls asleep sobbing, not that she doesn't deserve it* *gone*
[14-19:14] dca62, Lethes : *bounces back a little but has good reflexes and manages to cacth her before she falls* Hey Kaya
[14-19:15] d93fd, Tandy : ((night night))
[14-19:15] EXIT: Tandy has left the chat ( 8:15pm, August 14 (CDT) ).
[14-19:15] c6c97, Aldrik : (night)*gone*
[14-19:17] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: *continues out of the city crosseing the feilds as fast as he can ... even going into a slight run* *he body bounces with each step *
[14-19:17] c6c97, Elias Zorander : *gone*
[14-19:19] c6c97, Aldrik : *sits quietly in the shadows watching Kali*
[14-19:19] dca62, Axis : *stays right with him easily keeping pace*
[14-19:19] 22bfd, Kaya : *blinks and begins to stutter as she realizes where she is* U uh um *very embarassed* hi
[14-19:20] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: *as soon as he hits the forest he streachs and looks down at the dog* find a pack of dire wolfs * he pats it on the head as it begins to start its search*
[14-19:21] dca62, Axis : you know eventualyl wiht that spell yo ucna summon dire wolves
[14-19:22] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: *he smiles as they walk through the forest* i know ... its a beautiful thing ... our village use this spell and another one extensivly
[14-19:22] dca62, Lethes : *gives her a brilliant smile*what has you in such a hurry?
[14-19:24] 22bfd, Ankalima Morwen : *shaking her hair back off of her face, she stares at the post as if marking the exact spot she's aiming for, shifting her shoulders, and smiling because she knows he's watching her. She slowly draws her favorite mithril blade from her sleeve, prepares to throw it at the post, turning quickly on her heel to throw it just iinfront of Aldrik*
[14-19:24] dca62, Axis : I only practice fire magic...
[14-19:26] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: i pratice summoning for the most part ... youll see when we find the wolfs *he are lead deeper and deeper into the forest moving silently*
[14-19:27] 22bfd, Kaya : You... *blinking at her forwardness* I.. I.. em.. I mean I had to get something for a customer. * still not getting up from his hand*
[14-19:27] dca62, Axis : *takes out a pair of spikes holdign them in gloved hands...they havean oily gleam*
[14-19:29] c6c97, Aldrik : *smiles taking it as he steps out of the shadows taking it to her*
[14-19:29] dca62, Lethes : *blinks...then chuckles* I was going to go see you at your shop...
[14-19:30] 22bfd, Ankalima Morwen : *taking it from him, she slips it back where it came from, smiling softly at him* I missed you.
[14-19:31] 22bfd, Kaya : *shaking herself, she stands up in his hand* Oh... well.. I'm not there.
[14-19:31] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: were getting close .. i can smell there musk * he take out his sword and puts it over his sholder* you ready?
[14-19:32] dca62, Lethes : *luaghesa bit* I where you headed?
[14-19:32] c6c97, Aldrik : *kisses her* I missed you too.
[14-19:33] dca62, Axis : indeed *hhe spins the spikes in his hands* If we have extra I might like a cloak....*low voice*
[14-19:34] 22bfd, Kaya : My house. I have to get something. *tilting her head* You were coming to see me?
[14-19:35] d965f, Zeekan Tovich: for helping you can get one for free * as they get to the clearing a pack of 3 dire wolfs sit in the middls 2 laying down the other just returing with 2 deers in its jaw* here we go ... also please for your sake dont look at my eyes i cast a blind spell from them * and with that he walks into the opening*
[14-19:36] dca62, Lethes : *he begins walking that way* Yup..wanted to see you.
[14-19:37] 22bfd, Ankalima Morwen : *kisses him back* Im glad.
[14-19:37] dca62, Axis : *eyes them over and closes as well a slight shadowy figure*
[14-19:38] 22bfd, Kaya : *extends her wings as he begins to walk with her, more to keep her balance in his hand rather than move from it.* What for?
[14-19:39] dca62, Lethes : erm...just becuase I wanted to see you.
[14-19:43] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[14-19:43] 22bfd, Kaya : oh... *grins* I wanted to kiss you too. *turns just as red as her hair*
[14-19:44] dca62, Lethes : *his cheeks redden....ever so slightly* You'll need to be a little larger for that.-*smiles at her*
[14-19:44] c6c97, Aldrik : *smiles flicking his dagger behind him letting it stick into the post*
[14-19:45] 27488, Zeekan Tovich: * he looks down at the dog as it begins to dissapear its task over and done with * good boy * as the dog sissapears he lets out a loud wistle getting the attetion of the wolfs* let the fun begin axis *
[14-19:45] 22bfd, Ankalima Morwen : Show off. ..*smiles* I can still beat you.
[14-19:47] JOIN: Dire wolfs has entered.
[14-19:47] dca62, Axis : *suddenly vanishes..then reappears legs wrapped around hte neck of the farthest one and he thrusts both spieks into it's eyes hopefully into it's brain. Even if this didn't kill it the paralizing poisen would soon finish it*
[14-19:47] c6c97, Aldrik : *grins pulling her close* but I have more daggers
[14-19:48] 27488, Dire wolfs: *the heads of the wolfs perk up as they pull them selfs up onto there massive mucle bound legs but soon as axis takes out the first one both turn to the closest attacker and begin to charge axis*
[14-19:48] 22bfd, Kaya : *still blushing, she smiles at the thought* yeah... *stretches her wings and almost floats from his hand, shifting into her human shape again* This better?
[14-19:50] dca62, Axis : *snaps his wrists out as a pair of wings made of as hand shadow unfurl from his back and with a single beat he is taken into the air his sword flashing out..if either sstill reaches him he will jam the blade down it's throat*
[14-19:51] 27488, Zeekan Tovich: *as the wolfs turn to attack axis... 2 left and he killed one out right. he charges useing the swords ability to gater "momentom" into it * good bye * with the backs turned to him he takes a horrizontal swing at the back legs of the closest one to him hopefully sliving right through there back legs making it fall to the ground*
[14-19:51] dca62, Lethes : Much...*he pulls her a bit closer and wraps a wing about them and kisses her*
[14-19:53] 27488, Zeekan Tovich: *jumps backwards from the man letting him get into the air ... the one zeekan attacks turns slightly getting only one legs loped off .. but its not enough to stop the wolf and as soon as they see the only one land bound they move in gfor a quick kill ... circiling around him*
[14-19:53] 27488, Dire wolfs: *jumps backwards from the man letting him get into the air ... the one zeekan attacks turns slightly getting only one legs loped off .. but its not enough to stop the wolf and as soon as they see the only one land bound they move in gfor a quick kill ... circiling around him*
[14-19:54] dca62, Axis : *drops out of the air so he would land sword point first on the uninjured wolfs head..hopefully implaing hte thing*
[14-19:55] 27488, Dire wolfs: *it moves quicker than axis would have though ... it hits his shoulder blade deturing him from zeekan as it now yip sand spins its head around to try and remove the annoying flea*
[14-19:57] 22bfd, Kaya : *blushes again, shyly kissing him back*
[14-19:57] dca62, Axis : *he would revover fast using his demonic strength to make the blade that he snatches up out of his cloak and would jam it through it's skull using demonic strentgh and speed*
[14-19:58] 27488, Zeekan Tovich: *as the one wolf is destracted,zee whirls around to face the worl that still is standing .. as he lunges at him he raises his sword so the jaw clamps around thwe sword impaling it into the skull and brain *
[14-19:58] dca62, Lethes : *after a fewmoments breaks the kiss and smiles at her*
[14-19:58] 22bfd, Ankalima Morwen : *narrows her eyes at him* what are you doing?
[14-19:59] 27488, Dire wolfs: *and like that the demon rips into the skull and the human rams another into the others soft pallet and into the brain.. both die twitching*
[14-20:01] c6c97, Aldrik : kissing you *kisses her*
[14-20:02] dca62, Axis : *would teleport all bacl to near the glimmering and fades*
[14-20:02] dca62, Lethes : *fades* (later all)
[14-20:02] 27488, Zeekan Tovich: that was easy * he begins to tug at the bodys pulling each one into a pile and uses axis's teleport to get back next to the glimmering in quickly*
[14-20:03] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[14-20:05] 22bfd, Ankalima Morwen : Right here?
[14-20:06] 27488, Zeekan Tovich: *and then BAM 3 dire wolf carcases appear in the middle of the road next to the glimmering inn*
[14-20:07] 22bfd, Kaya : *fades*
[14-20:07] c6c97, Aldrik : why not?
[14-20:09] 22bfd, Ankalima Morwen : Some one might be watching us.
[14-20:09] 27488, Zeekan Tovich: *begins to drag the hides into a alley to gut. and then after that he will be off to make the cloths* ((see yal later))
[14-20:10] 22bfd, Ankalima Morwen : ((see ya))
[14-20:10] c6c97, Aldrik : would you rather wait till we get back to the inn?
[14-20:13] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[14-20:14] 22bfd, Ankalima Morwen : I would kiss you anywhere. I just didnt think we were ready for people to know about us.
[14-20:17] c6c97, Aldrik : well then maybe we should go back to the inn.
[14-20:19] 22bfd, Ankalima Morwen : *looks softly into his eyes* Do you want people to know?
[14-20:21] c6c97, Aldrik : I want one thing
[14-20:21] 22bfd, Ankalima Morwen : What do you want?
[14-20:22] c6c97, Aldrik : you
[14-20:23] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[14-20:25] 22bfd, Ankalima Morwen : You already have me.
[14-20:26] 86d7a, Caradonia: *Her location is...well..she has no idea acutally. Lets just assume that she's not in Rua any longer. But she is in a forest, a febble one compared to the density of Rua's land but there is plenty of game to be had in this region*