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[04-00:10] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : (Erg.. to tired... I'll do it in the morning... G'night all)
[04-00:10] 3b686, Kali: *player fades to ooc*.. ... what ever... *closes dictionary.* If anyone wants to rp with any of my chars... Just aim... *fades*
[04-00:11] EXIT: Eradrae Baenre has left the chat ( 1:10am, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-00:12] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** pulls a rope from the saddle of the horse and holds it out infront of fahrenas face** I could drag you?
[04-00:14] fb2e0, Fahrena : *gulps* Umm, that's okay. Really, this is fine.
[04-00:14] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 12:51am, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-00:14] cfb58, Tarnis Catadon : ** Caradonia, deciding to let tarnis think of a way to teach her goes up into the tree, and falls asleep. tarnis sleeps on the ground** (( um caradonias comp is scewing up so i am posting for her and stuff )) ** BOTH tarnis and cara are gone**
[04-00:16] cfb58, Lando Trosni : I thought so. ** now about 5 miles from he stops the horse looking around, turns the horse to ride off the beaten path** We are almost to where I will set up camp.
[04-00:18] fb2e0, Fahrena : Oh good. Will we sings songs around the camp fire?
[04-00:19] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[04-00:21] cfb58, Lando Trosni : Do you sing? I don't, ever. ** shrugs to himself, getting alittle to relaxed**
[04-00:21] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[04-00:21] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*She draws away from the window, leaving the night behind her as she moves back into the room. She takes a careful look around -- she didn't get much of a view the night before -- and proceeds to examine each and every crevice. Every crack, every rough stone, every moveble object. Is she looking for something? Perhaps. Or maybe she's just in the habit of learning each new place so that she can better plan for an unexpected situations. Her eyes grow distant as her fingertips trail over each surface.*))
[04-00:21] 3b686, Kali: Lando ?
[04-00:21] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*unclicks "O" and smirks@Mrs. Doubtfire*))
[04-00:21] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She draws away from the window, leaving the night behind her as she moves back into the room. She takes a careful look around -- she didn't get much of a view the night before -- and proceeds to examine each and every crevice. Every crack, every rough stone, every moveble object. Is she looking for something? Perhaps. Or maybe she's just in the habit of learning each new place so that she can better plan for an unexpected situations. Her eyes grow distant as her fingertips trail over each surface.*
[04-00:21] 94c70, Z: *blinks*
[04-00:23] fb2e0, Fahrena : I sing very well, thank you. *notes his getting a little more laxed and bides her time*
[04-00:26] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** stops the horse , grab up the rope again, tosses the crossbow to the ground, uses that hand to try and hold onto both her wrist. if this work he will wrap the rope around her wrists.** Your the first female bounty I have taken.
[04-00:27] fb2e0, Fahrena : Should I be honored? *plays the hand flailing keep away game again*
[04-00:28] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** uses the hand not holding the rope and puts it to her back pushing razor sharp claws into her back, this time breaking the skin** Care to try again?
[04-00:29] 3b686, Kali: Fahrena which direction from Rua are you both.?
[04-00:29] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She moves over to the dresser, upon which there resides a mirror, a pitcher of water, and a bowl... placed there, no doubt, for the purpose of washing. She cants her head to one side, ignoring her reflection in the mirror. She is studying the bowl, and after a moment fills it half way from the pitcher. She leans forward and looks down into the rippling water. She passes a hand over it, and in the reflection appears a shadowy image. The image, that of a dragon, flies across the waterscape before fading away into nothing. She smiles slightly, although the expression is haunted. She straightens and slips away from the dresser, turning her back on the mirror, the water, the past.*
[04-00:31] fb2e0, Fahrena : Aaah Ffffs! *hisses and tenses, arching around the point of clawing perforation. Of course, stops her hand flailing to do this*
[04-00:33] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** removes his hand trying for her wrists again **
[04-00:36] fb2e0, Fahrena : *holds them as far away from his grasp as possible. He's still sitting on the horse, right?*
[04-00:38] 3b686, Kali: *fades back to what ever corner she popped from*
[04-00:38] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** is still on the horse ** Girl, do you want another hole in your back?
[04-00:39] fb2e0, Fahrena : No. *sighs, letting her arms hang limp for the grabbing*
[04-00:39] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( sorry kali...we are east of rua...would you like me to bring in a char for you?))
[04-00:40] fb2e0, Fahrena : ((We're east of city in the forests there))
[04-00:40] 3b686, Kali: no... i just wanted to know if they were near Illisse and Levald.. who are about 4 miles south of rua..
[04-00:42] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[04-00:42] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** wraps her wrists up then pushs on the saddle dismounting, moves around to fahrena's legs, grabs then and pulls, pulls, places her on his should, leans over and sets her on the ground**
[04-00:45] fb2e0, Fahrena : *she winces and whimpers as she is set down, forgetting she can't evenly distribute her weight due to her injury and then favors the uninjured foot and player has a bad habit of failing to mention which foot, leg, etc is injured in situations like this. so, let's say it's the left foot*
[04-00:48] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** notices that she still limp, for got how frail some race can be. uses the rope...that hangs from her wrist...he didnt use it all there is about 5 ft left..walks over to a tree leading fahrena, he is gunna tie he to a sturdy branch is she coroperates**
[04-00:50] fb2e0, Fahrena : *well, normally, she would plant her feet and resist, but with one foot decidedly unplantable, she limps in the direction she is led, a scowl and frown on her face*
[04-00:53] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** wraps the ropes around a sturdy branch ties it, turns around walking back by the horse, picks up his cross bow walks over to the same branch Fahrena is tired to, shoot the last bolt from the crossbow through the rope so it wont come loose, the branch out break before the rope comes loose**
[04-00:55] fb2e0, Fahrena : ((How high is the branch?)) *I'm guessing she still has 4 or 5 feet of leeway rope, but it depends on the height of the branch as to whether she'll be able to sit down and get off her injured foot. She looks at him pouting and scowling.*
[04-00:55] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[04-01:01] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** the branch would be at shoulder lvl to fahrena. he now moves and sits on the ground, by another tree leaning into it, pulls form his hip and off his belt a pouch holding about 50 bolts, pulls out 4 and loading oneside, twists it so that another blankside it up, fills it, does thie 2 more times, then sets aside the cross bow**
[04-01:03] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 1:55am, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-01:03] fb2e0, Fahrena : *sits, wincing and gasping as the movements to do so jarr her left foot. She then stares at him intently* I'm thirsty.
[04-01:05] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** stands up again walking to the horse** This thing must have some water skins on it. ** not finding the water skin on one side, walks around finding it, walks to fahrena holding out the water skin to her** Here ya go.
[04-01:07] fb2e0, Fahrena : *takes it politely, her sitting up straight, chin high, getting into that "I'm noble born" frame of mind.* Thank you. *flatly. takes a drink from the skin*
[04-01:10] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** grunts at her thanks you** Do you require a fire this night?
[04-01:13] fb2e0, Fahrena : It would be preferable, but a dressing and hopeful disinfecting of my injury would serve better.
[04-01:16] cfb58, Lando Trosni : **takes a deep breath and sighs** Sit down. **turns his head popping his neck**
[04-01:17] fb2e0, Fahrena : *is already sitting, but shuffles herself to be leaning back against the tree and winces as her minor wound in her back presses against it*
[04-01:20] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** sits down infront of her, sits cross legged, picking up her foot laying it across the, cross in his ankles. puts both hands on her foot, and mumbles some words to himself. she would feel a tingly feeling in her foot. pulls his hands away, her foot healed, a scar in it place. her foot now would just itch**
[04-01:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[04-01:43] cfb58, Lando Trosni : **goes to the horse looking through the saddle back he spots another water skin, un plugs it spells it, yup alcohol, walks over to fahrena, sits down infront of her, sits cross legged, picking up her foot laying it across the, cross in his ankles. unlaces the boot on the injured foot and pulls it off, doesnt take the time to be gentle either. pulls of any stocking or sock like staff she has on. pours alcohol onto her foot**
[04-01:45] EXIT: Vesarn has left the chat ( 1:01am, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-01:45] JOIN: Theodore MacPherson has entered.
[04-01:46] MSG: Theodore MacPherson sent a message to Kross Lightbringer.
[04-01:47] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((bah. Mab never got the griffins done like she said.__
[04-01:48] fb2e0, Fahrena : ((Yeah, Mab got busy. Sowwy. I'll get to them as soon as I can))
[04-01:48] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((*hugs*))
[04-01:49] fb2e0, Fahrena : *winces as he takes her foot and cries out as he tugs her boots off. screams with the disinfecting. panting afterward*
[04-01:50] fb2e0, Fahrena : ((*hugs back*))
[04-01:52] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** doesnt take note to her scream or panting, grabs onto her shirt ripping off a foot long peice of cloth, wraps the cloth around her foor snug like and ties it then nods approving his work** Happy?
[04-01:52] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[04-01:53] 94c70, Z: *pounces LUke*
[04-01:53] bcf17, Luke: *is pounced* ack! *falls over*
[04-01:54] 94c70, Z: mwahaha..
[04-01:54] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((*sits bored*))
[04-01:57] fb2e0, Fahrena : *just sits, stunned, panting as he rips some of the hem of her tunic shirt away and wraps her foot. Scowls at him with his remark* It will do. I'll have my boot back on now to better protect it. *in an authoritative tone*
[04-01:58] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** toss the boot up at her so she can put in on herself**
[04-01:59] bcf17, Luke: *ponders RP*
[04-02:00] MSG: Luke sent a message to Z.
[04-02:01] fb2e0, Fahrena : *catches it well enough, with one hand even, not looking at the boot, but scowling at him for doing her this injury in the first place. She gently pulls the boot back on, taking short breathes as she does so, because it still hurts. She is glad he left her to put her boot back on, because she knows he would not be gentle about it. Gets her boot laced up all good and snug and then resumes staring and scowling for a little bit before saying* Now, how about that fire?
[04-02:02] MSG: Z sent a message to Luke.
[04-02:03] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** laughs at her a smile curling his lips** Maby I should make you gather the wood.
[04-02:03] MSG: Luke sent a message to Z.
[04-02:05] fb2e0, Fahrena : *she looks around her from side to side and there is no wood within her reach, putting her boot on with her hands tied together was challenging, but trying to pick up significant amounts of wood would be impossible, tied as she is*
[04-02:05] MSG: Z sent a message to Luke.
[04-02:06] fb2e0, Fahrena : Oh, sure, but I would require being untied first. *dispassionately*
[04-02:06] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** laughs, stands up walking from sight. starts grabsing onto low branchs breaking them off, till he gets his arms full, turns heading back, he is probly 50 yards away before heading back**
[04-02:08] fb2e0, Fahrena : *as soon as his back is turned and he is heading off, she works at knawing through her ropes. She hates using her teeth in such a manner, but what else does she have?*
[04-02:08] MSG: Luke sent a message to Z.
[04-02:09] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he slowly heads out of his room, stiff from the fight with orcs last night... still has the memories of Mab very fresh in his mind... dressed in his royal guard attire, he heads for the fae portal, unarmed...*
[04-02:10] MSG: Z sent a message to Luke.
[04-02:10] cfb58, Lando Trosni : **nears the campsite in progress the horse is insight but blocks his view of fahrena**
[04-02:10] NICK: Z changed nick to Ivirel.
[04-02:10] MSG: Luke sent a message to Z.
[04-02:11] fb2e0, Fahrena : *how convenient. knaw knaw knaw. she gets through one wraping of the rope and wiggles her wrists to see if that is enough to loosen her bonds*
[04-02:11] JOIN: Z has entered.
[04-02:12] MSG: Z sent a message to Luke.
[04-02:13] MSG: Luke sent a message to Z.
[04-02:13] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** walks into the fahrenas knawing, she would have made it through now, he is probly 10 yards away, moves to get her**
[04-02:14] 94c70, Z: *giggles*
[04-02:14] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( into the >>camp onto << fahrena knawing of the>>ropes<<)
[04-02:15] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( where did that wink come from ? ** try again >>
[04-02:15] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( oh ok ))
[04-02:16] fb2e0, Fahrena : *wiggles her wrists, getting them free and scrambles to her feet, startled noise as she slams to hard on her left foot. She then stumbles and limps to head the direction opposite his approach*
[04-02:16] fb2e0, Fahrena : ((Yeah, I don't get why it does the wink thing when < or > is used next to a parenthesis))
[04-02:17] 94c70, Ivirel: *She was home again, in the kingdom of the Moon Elves. This is where she had been for quite some time since her brother had sent her home last from . It had been many days, many weeks since she had last seen him. But she spent her time with her studies and practices as instructed by her other elders. But often at night she would slip away to go await her brother's return.*
[04-02:17] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** drops the wood, drops to all-fours running, grabs up his trusty crossbow, goes after fahrena**
[04-02:18] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he reaches the portal and steps in, the fae guards still giving him dirty looks, not having heard about what happened with the orcs last night...* *he says the chant to activate the portal...* Just one little light in the darkness *...and it activates... then he says the destination...* Lunar Eclipse... *...and he is transported into the gazebo near the Lunar Waterfall, in the city of Nydirann, the royal city of the Moon Elves* *he steps out of the gazebo, and heads down towards the base of the waterfall*
[04-02:19] fb2e0, Fahrena : *is understandably not moving very fast, not hard to catch. She limps along desperately, tearing through shrubs and clambering over fallen logs, trying to get away*
[04-02:20] 94c70, Ivirel: *And there would be no waste of time. The moment that she is certain that it is Galean, she is already gracefully dashing up the path to greet him.* Galean! *Her eyes bright, reflecting the general pleasure in her expression at seeing him again.*
[04-02:21] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** jumps up 6 feet, going over fahrena's head, lands about 5 feet infronts of her spins around looking at her, now stands holding his crossbow out at her** You should have grabbed this. ** Wiggle his hand holding the crossbow**
[04-02:22] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he smiles lightly... there would still be traces of orc blood on his pants and his shirt, and his hair is still a little dirty* my sister... *he moves down the path to greet her*
[04-02:23] fb2e0, Fahrena : *stops short, her previous momentum causing her to teeter a little* You're right, I should have. *hasn't learned yet to think fast*
[04-02:24] 94c70, Ivirel: *She throws her arms around him in an embrace.* It is good to see you again, brother. It's been too long. *She steps back and gets a look at him. Chuckles lightly.* You look awful, Galean.
[04-02:26] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he winces lightly when she hugs him, but he hugs her back as tightly as he can (but not too tight)* I know... and thankyou, I am aware of my appearance... it's not all glitz and glammour in the land of the fae...
[04-02:26] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** motions for her to walk back to camp ** Go on then.
[04-02:27] fb2e0, Fahrena : *turns slowly and limps back in the direction of camp*
[04-02:27] 94c70, Ivirel: You should stay home for a while, rest.
[04-02:30] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : I can't... I've still got a job to do, a job that never ends unfortunately... *he reaches into his cloak, getting out the piece of purple and green fruit that he had from yesterday... even after 12 hours, it's still surprisingly fresh... he gets out the small knife he always carries with him, and he cuts off a little bit of it... the fruit he has would be familiar to Ivirel, as it's native to the forests of Acendawan, and is in abundance around near the palace and inside the city*
[04-02:30] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((you should get Ivirel registered, Z...))
[04-02:33] 94c70, Ivirel: *Sighs softly, disappointed.* It's lonely here without you, Galean. *She watches him as he slices off a piece of the fruit.*
[04-02:33] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** picks up the rope as they enter the camp** Now I gotta make it so you can't get to the ropes.** Points to the tree** Hug it, now.
[04-02:34] fb2e0, Fahrena : Hug what? *looks puzzled, prolly playing dumb*
[04-02:34] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he offers her the fruit* I know, Ivirel... I wish I could come back here more often...
[04-02:35] 94c70, Ivirel: *Accepts the bite of fruit from him politely.* Will I always have to remain here?
[04-02:38] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : no, not always... I'm sure when the time comes, you will be able to travel the world... but, travelling isn't as good as you think it is... whenever I'm away from here, I always end up thinking of this place, and its beauty
[04-02:39] 94c70, Ivirel: Are there no other places that are nice?
[04-02:40] cfb58, Lando Trosni : Hug the tree now. ** points ** Do it.
[04-02:42] fb2e0, Fahrena : *furrows her brows and gives him a distainful look as she begrudgingly limps over to the tree and leans against it wrapping her arms around it* I am a tree elf and I do love trees, but really.
[04-02:42] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : there are plenty of nice places, but this is unchallenged, in my eyes...
[04-02:43] 94c70, Ivirel: *Eats the bit of fruit falling silent.*
[04-02:44] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** drops the crossbow, grabs a wrist, ties the rope tight. then walks around the tree catching the other wrist. waiting to tie this one** Sit down.
[04-02:47] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** thinks a moment** Ah, just kneel down.
[04-02:48] fb2e0, Fahrena : *she gives him a dirty look and slides down the tree to kneeling*
[04-02:48] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[04-02:49] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[04-02:49] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he looks to her for a moment* I've missed you, sister...
[04-02:51] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** grabs the other wrist, pulls her hands close together, her hands still about a foot from touching. wraps the rope around her other wrist, tighter then the first wrist. now ties the rope so both hands are tethered(sp?) together. her arms would be uncomfortalby tight**
[04-02:52] fb2e0, Fahrena : *whimpers with the tightness*
[04-02:52] JOIN: Z has entered.
[04-02:53] NICK: Z changed nick to Ivirel.
[04-02:53] cfb58, Lando Trosni : Will you have a hardtime sleeping? ** looking down at her through grey eyes**
[04-02:53] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( hardtime- hard time))
[04-02:54] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he cuts off another bit of the NIRAWYR and takes a bite out of it*
[04-02:54] 94c70, Ivirel: *Looks up at him.* I miss you always.
[04-02:54] fb2e0, Fahrena : *doesn't answer, not much in the mood for a witty retort, turns her head to look away from him*
[04-02:55] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((the apple... *has come up with the name, the NIRAWYR apple*))
[04-02:55] fb2e0, Fahrena : ((Ooooo! Colorful letters!))
[04-02:55] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((*worked his arse off to get that right*))
[04-02:56] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** shrugs ** could have put you to sleep. ** Wiggles his fist, not that she can see it tho, moves over sitting behind Fahrena**
[04-02:57] fb2e0, Fahrena : *whimpers again, whispering* I'm going to kill him. *meaning Rogard*
[04-02:58] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : I will try to make more of an effort to come see you more, Ivirel... *he gives her another hug*
[04-02:59] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** slowly a he turns into a stutue, sounds like gravel being crushed**
[04-02:59] 94c70, Ivirel: *smiles a bit at the hug.* Why can't I travel with you?
[04-02:59] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( a - as ))
[04-03:00] fb2e0, Fahrena : *she eventually does fall asleep, inspite of her very uncomfortable situation and the throbbing pain in her foot and slight sting in her back*
[04-03:01] cfb58, Rogard : ** Fahrena cant kill him from her kneeling possition at a tree while he is in a big comfy bed hahaha**
[04-03:01] MSG: Theodore MacPherson sent a message to Lando Trosni.
[04-03:02] 94c70, Ivirel: (( *will come save Fahrena so she can kill Rogard * ))
[04-03:03] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : I don't know why... I seem to get the impression that the queen likes you helping her out here...
[04-03:03] MSG: Lando Trosni tried to message This (not registered).
[04-03:03] MSG: Lando Trosni sent a message to Lando Trosni.
[04-03:03] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( SHIZA))
[04-03:04] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( ** trys again **
[04-03:04] 94c70, Ivirel: *Nods slightly. She didn't like it, but she knew that it was what she had to do.*
[04-03:04] MSG: Lando Trosni sent a message to Theodore Macpherson.
[04-03:06] MSG: Theodore MacPherson sent a message to Lando Trosni.
[04-03:07] MSG: Lando Trosni sent a message to Theodore Macpherson.
[04-03:08] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : you will travel someday, I know it... it's just not now, Ivirel...
[04-03:08] MSG: Theodore MacPherson sent a message to Lando Trosni.
[04-03:08] 94c70, Ivirel: *Looks away slightly* I know, brother.
[04-03:09] fb2e0, Fahrena : *and fade out like that for now*
[04-03:10] MSG: Lando Trosni sent a message to Lando Trosni.
[04-03:10] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** yea fade **
[04-03:10] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( DAMN ))
[04-03:11] MSG: Lando Trosni sent a message to Theodore Macpherson.
[04-03:11] MSG: Theodore MacPherson sent a message to Lando Trosni.
[04-03:12] MSG: Lando Trosni sent a message to Theodore Macpherson.
[04-03:14] MSG: Theodore MacPherson sent a message to Lando Trosni.
[04-03:15] bcf17, Luke: *tests out those filters...* Nirawyr NIRAWYR nirawyr /bNirawyr /bNIRAWYR /bnirawyr
[04-03:15] bcf17, Luke: *mutters*
[04-03:16] bcf17, Luke: b-Nirawyr
[04-03:16] bcf17, Luke: *gives up*
[04-03:16] cfb58, Lando Trosni : /w Theodore MacPherson oformenttoo...uh what did you mean......
[04-03:17] MSG: Theodore MacPherson sent a message to Lando Trosni.
[04-03:18] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he takes another bite of the Nirawyr apple, and glances around for a moment*
[04-03:18] MSG: Theodore MacPherson sent a message to Lando Trosni.
[04-03:18] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((oops))
[04-03:18] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( arg old beseen habbits ))
[04-03:19] 94c70, Ivirel: You should come home, Galean, and get cleaned up.
[04-03:20] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((*wants her griffin durnit))
[04-03:20] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods* alright... *looks back to her, and heads off with her*
[04-03:20] MSG: Lando Trosni sent a message to Theodore Macpherson.
[04-03:21] MSG: Theodore MacPherson sent a message to Lando Trosni.
[04-03:23] cfb58, Lando Trosni : /w Theodore Macpherson well i am not gunna stay on tonight to get the slave but the night of the 5th i can get on and rp to get the slave
[04-03:23] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( well there it is **used to beseen chats still** rarg))
[04-03:23] MSG: Theodore MacPherson sent a message to Lando Trosni.
[04-03:24] 94c70, Ivirel: *Smiles and takes him by the hand. She would then walk him home.*
[04-03:25] MSG: Khiumil Arisol sent a message to Theodore Macpherson.
[04-03:26] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *the two would head to the home where he grew up, and he gets cleaned up*
[04-03:27] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((cool *saves messages so he doesnt forget*))
[04-03:27] MSG: Theodore MacPherson tried to message Khuimil Arisol (not registered).
[04-03:28] cfb58, Khiumil Arisol : (( i am out HAPPY 4th everyone ))
[04-03:28] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((cool *saves messages so he doesnt forget*))
[04-03:28] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((Grrr))
[04-03:28] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((you got yourself a new slave. See you whenever, Khi))
[04-03:29] EXIT: Khiumil Arisol has left the chat ( 4:28am, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-03:37] bcf17, Luke: ACENDAWAN
[04-03:40] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *after spending the night with his sister and his parents in ACENDAWAN, he says his goodbyes and heads down to one of the many Nirawyr trees, and picks off around ten Nirawyr apples from the tree, and sticks them in his pockets... he heads back up the trail and goes into the portal* "Harness the power of the moon" *it activates* "Where fae do light the way" *he is teleported out of ACENDAWAN, and into the land of the Fae* *he heads back to the ruins, and his room* *GONE*
[04-04:00] EXIT: Galean Arrowan has left the chat ( 4:40am, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-08:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[04-08:34] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[04-08:35] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:34am, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-08:44] cfb58, HulkDogs: ** rampages with his lepracon friends**
[04-08:45] cfb58, HulkDogs: or is it lepercon
[04-09:31] JOIN: Chewie has entered.
[04-09:38] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[04-09:38] b7c5d, Kali: hi chewie...happy 4th..
[04-09:39] 1212e, Chewie: Hey. Thanks. You too
[04-09:42] b7c5d, Kali: any big plans for the day?
[04-09:47] bcf17, Luke: hello peoples *plays Darkening Sun out of boredom*
[04-09:49] b7c5d, Kali: hey Luke
[04-09:52] bcf17, Luke: *mutters at this bloody ferret* DIE ALREADY!
[04-09:54] b7c5d, Kali: *cackles*
[04-09:55] bcf17, Luke: do you play DS Kali?
[04-09:56] b7c5d, Kali: no
[04-09:56] bcf17, Luke: alright...
[04-09:57] bcf17, Luke: it's a MUD based game
[04-09:59] b7c5d, Kali: sounds like something i dont want to play...killing ferrets? *shakes head*
[04-10:01] 1212e, Chewie: Nope. Just work. And sorry. Got distracted.
[04-10:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[04-10:02] b7c5d, Kali: s'k Chewie... i'm looking for recipies for my new dehydrator.....hey axis....
[04-10:03] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:02am, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-10:04] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[04-10:04] bcf17, Luke: you kill them to boost up your experience, and also for food...
[04-10:04] bcf17, Luke: they also have a whole heap of items you can sell as well
[04-10:05] 6e5a2, Axis : ((hey. whats up all?))
[04-10:05] bcf17, Luke: not much Axis
[04-10:05] b7c5d, Kali: happy 4th axis..
[04-10:06] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[04-10:06] 6e5a2, Axis : ((oh yeah happy fourth. Hopefully this year the river won't burn))
[04-10:07] b7c5d, Kali: *eyes widen* I dont want to know...
[04-10:10] 6e5a2, Axis : ((heheheh.)
[04-10:11] b7c5d, Kali: ok I do want to know....tell.
[04-10:12] 9fa6e, Caradonia: Good heavens...yes..what happened
[04-10:14] 6e5a2, Axis : ((someone lit off too mnay fireworks at once and the expolsion covered the river. nobody was seriously hurt though.
[04-10:15] 9fa6e, Caradonia: ((Must have been some serious chemicals in that river))
[04-10:17] b7c5d, Kali: bbiab....ya'll have fun.
[04-10:18] 6e5a2, Axis : ((well....we are just down reiver from the number 3 ost pollutiong power plant i nthe country.))
[04-10:18] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 11:17am, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-10:21] 6e5a2, Axis : ((*stabs typo demon*))
[04-10:23] fb2e0, Mab: ACENDAWAN
[04-10:23] fb2e0, Mab: Ooooo!
[04-10:24] fb2e0, Mab:
[04-10:24] fb2e0, Mab: Hmm, can't tell which way I like better. What do you all think?
[04-10:25] 6e5a2, Axis : ((*falls* hey mabby.))
[04-10:25] bcf17, Luke: hey Mab
[04-10:25] fb2e0, Mab: Hi
[04-10:26] 6e5a2, Bartuc : ((hmm the first one is good))
[04-10:27] fb2e0, Mab: K, that settles it then. They'll all getting switched over to Luke's way.
[04-10:27] fb2e0, Mab: It's coded and so a lot easier than making jpgs.
[04-10:27] bcf17, Luke: oh crap, not more work! *L*
[04-10:28] fb2e0, Mab: They'll = They're
[04-10:28] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *up i nthe north. North even of Quman A battle has just ended. One of the few clans still not under Bartucs control has been subjugated. On foot he is brought Before the mounted Bartuc*
[04-10:29] fb2e0, Mab: Yup, more work!! And if we really wanna get cute and clever, we can let kingdom leaders pick up to 3 kingdom colors to have their kingdom show up as.
[04-10:29] bcf17, Luke: ooooh, evil!!
[04-10:29] bcf17, Luke: well, at least I have my one set up...
[04-10:30] bcf17, Luke: RP?
[04-10:31] fb2e0, Mab: I can RP if you don't mind it being very delayed and slow. Cuz I've been working too much on this chat of late and not enough on my RL work. hehe
[04-10:31] bcf17, Luke: *doesn't mind at all*
[04-10:31] 6e5a2, Bartuc : ((depends o nwhere yo uare Luke. Bartuc here is conquerign the north...then moving east ^_^))
[04-10:32] bcf17, Luke: my char (the one any only) is in the fae city, so Mab is pretty much the only one that I can RP with, unless I send my char into
[04-10:32] 1212e, Chewie: Hey Mab.
[04-10:32] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *is in his room in the ruins, still asleep after returning from ACENDAWAN in the early hours of the morning*
[04-10:33] fb2e0, Mab: Oh? Quman has a portal, doesn't it?
[04-10:34] 6e5a2, Bartuc : ((Quman does indeed. ))
[04-10:38] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *the man kneels and swears feality. One predator to the stronger.*
[04-10:41] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((brb))
[04-10:41] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*wants another little adventure*)) *is fully dressed in a copper and rust ensemble, leathers and cream colored linens underneath, leggings, and boots. Her linen shirt under her short waist cropped tunic goes down to mid shin in front and in back to make front and back loin cloth styled panels. Her sleeves of the same linen shirt billow out from where the short sleeves of her tunic vest end and are wrapped with lacings at her forearms. She's looking spiffy. She approaches the portal of the fae. She had a mind to go and investigate this army her spying on Aegnor and Aegnora told her was aligned to them. It would aid in her consideration of Aegnor's proposal to know what sort of Army it was. Further pesky pixie reports told her where to find the army. She was thinking to go w/o Galean and go covertly, thinking she would protect his reputation better if he were not so constantly seen with her. Of course, player expects Galean to chance upon her and then she will likely be thankful for the company in spite of her concerns at propriety*
[04-10:44] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *not far from the massive portal is a large city of tents. They are in every hue and color as are the people. All but the youngest children seem ot have horses. Tehre are people training in the middle people riding and huntersx coming in*
[04-10:44] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *she is also in her toned down beauty form, very lovely for a human, but understated for a fae. Her coloring of the day is like her avatar*
[04-10:46] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[04-10:47] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:46am, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-10:47] JOIN: Bartuc has entered.
[04-10:49] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *Now the Warriors of Tel'sedrin are ruled by Bartuc. The warriors of the Tel'sedrin take the defeat stoically and with little anger.*
[04-10:49] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((back)) *is still asleep, yep... the only way he's gonna wake up, is if someone wakes him up*
[04-10:50] 6e5a2, Bartuc : ((conquering the north muahahha. Expanding my control.)) *and When Mab goes throug hthe portal she will see vast plains and rolling hills*
[04-10:51] MSG: Galean Arrowan sent a message to Mab Fairy Queen.
[04-10:53] MSG: Mab Fairy Queen sent a message to Galean Arrowan.
[04-10:54] MSG: Galean Arrowan sent a message to Mab Fairy Queen.
[04-10:55] MSG: Mab Fairy Queen sent a message to Galean Arrowan.
[04-10:56] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *well, that's not going to work, cuz she's of the mind to leave him behind for his own reputation's sake. He needs to chance upon her before she reaches the portal. ((*grumbles*)) Fine, she passes by his room on the way, looking in his window to see that he is asleep, making very little noise, but some rustling. There. Good? She then continues on her way*
[04-10:56] MSG: Galean Arrowan sent a message to Mab Fairy Queen.
[04-10:57] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he hears the light rustling, and wakes up, rubbing his eyes lightly... he gets up, and slowly heads out of the ruins, looking around to see who was sneaking around outside his window... he sees the queen not too far away*
[04-11:00] bcf17, Luke: *X's all of Galean's posts*
[04-11:02] 6e5a2, Bartuc : ((*blinks*))
[04-11:04] 6e5a2, Bartuc : ((btw mab I love your avatar art.... *drools over elf pictures*))
[04-11:06] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *she continues on her way, not realizes she's disturbed him*
[04-11:06] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Thanks))
[04-11:07] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *doesn't wake up, just remains asleep*
[04-11:08] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Ummmm............*scratches head*))
[04-11:08] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : realizes = realizing
[04-11:09] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he quickly heads back inside to collect his weaponry, then heads out in pursuit of her, very quietly*
[04-11:11] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *she approaches the portal, throwing a cantrip of noise out for the guards to investigate that is a goodly ways off, enough to slip out while the two of them are quickly investigating*
[04-11:12] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *and plains and hills for miles and miles. As far as you could see interuppted by the occasional stream or forest*
[04-11:13] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he is about 5 metres behind her just as she reaches the portal*
[04-11:17] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *She is thousands of years old. She's likely gonna know all the portal names* Just one little light in the darkness. *the portal activates* Gate to Quman *and she steps into the mushroom circle only to vanish. Galean would have heard what she said. She finds herself on some plains and looks about, the wing blowing her hair wildly*
[04-11:19] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *IT seems nobody has noticed them though there is quite a bit of excitment down in i nthe tent city. And if no one complains we'll just say that Bartuc is gettign back with the army*
[04-11:20] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *and so there is excitment*
[04-11:20] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Makes sense to me))
[04-11:21] 6e5a2, Bartuc : ((heh))
[04-11:24] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he hears exactly what was said* Just one little light in the darknes... *the portal activates* Gate to Quman... *and he steps inside the mushroom circle and vanishes... he appears right next to Mab, fully dressed in the attire he was wearing last night (cleaned obviously... was so tired that he fell asleep in it..)*
[04-11:26] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *hundreds of men on the finest horses they have likely ever seen are threading into the tents to cheering*
[04-11:30] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *she looks startled to the side of her and breathes a sigh of relief that it was not overly concerned and pursuing guards. The loin flaps of her shirt also blow in the wind, along with her tossling hair* Oh, you startled me. The guards did not see you?
[04-11:32] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Sorry for delayed post. I was making some cream of wheat cereal real quick))
[04-11:32] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : no, they didn't... they were off chasing your distraction... you should know by now that I'm not going to chance letting you go off on your own now...
[04-11:32] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((brb))
[04-11:36] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *smirks at him* Yes, I should have known. *thinks fast, because she was of the mind to feel out Bartuc's armies and Bartuc as not a representative of the fae in order to get a less showey and more basic true to character picture of them* Okay, here is our story. You're and elven guide that I hired in ACENDAWAN to help me in my travels. I'm seeking trade possibilities for horses with Quman on behalf of . *her garb is somewhat ian*
[04-11:37] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *and she still has her subdued to just a lovely human beauty charm on*
[04-11:39] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : Hmmm, make that I hired you in , because they'll wonder what a human was doing just prancing around ACENDAWAN.
[04-11:39] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *the groups has spread out and Bartuc has gone into the central tent...a huge tent. There are sentries about but becasue of te grass the don't notice Mab/Galean*
[04-11:43] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[04-11:43] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods lightly* understood...
[04-11:43] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((*is back, as well*))
[04-11:43] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : * she moves out of the higher grass around the portal area, saying back to Galean as she goes* I'm grateful that you followed me. A human would not be likely to know of Quman w/o an older, wiser elven guide to inform her of the business possibilities.
[04-11:44] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he follows just behind her* of course...
[04-11:47] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *they are of course spotted soon and hailed by the sentries.* Ho ther! *his commen is a little stilted* Whats your business Strangers? *he eyes them suspicously*
[04-11:48] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : We come seeking possible trade arrangements with the lands of Quman. *says boldly, but politely*
[04-11:49] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *they would stick out like a sore thumb from the natives, who were all of a "type" golden skin, sharp features and black hair. Blue eyes were common as well*
[04-11:50] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *he eyes them suspicously oen hand o nhis blade..then he calls something out....a few minutes two other men ride up* they will escort you . ((erm..can we puase fora bit....I gotta eat.))
[04-11:53] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*test* Quman))
[04-11:53] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((How's that look?))
[04-11:53] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((*hopes he doesn't fall asleep*))
[04-11:53] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((looks good... but do it in caps just so it suits the others))
[04-11:53] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Yeah, good point. Silly me))
[04-11:54] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[04-11:54] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*falls much work...*)
[04-11:56] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*brb is gonna go and eat dinner*)
[04-11:58] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[04-12:00] JOIN: Anastra Sylune has entered.
[04-12:00] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((*yawns*))
[04-12:01] MSG: HulkDogs sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[04-12:02] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*test* QUMAN))
[04-12:02] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Yay!! ))
[04-12:03] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((If people don't like the colors we pick for the kingdoms, they'll have to write the hex code themselves and present it to us to get it changed. *nods*))
[04-12:04] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[04-12:05] 0f8da, Darrius Lokken : ((I think I might make a kingdom))
[04-12:05] b7d9c, Luke: *kicks comp*
[04-12:06] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Cool, Darrius. There's plenty of land to choose from. Of course, there are a couple unrepresented kingdoms that you might consider taking over as well. They'll be open for PC takeover in two weeks if their leaders don't show up and are under NPC usurper control right now))
[04-12:06] 6e5a2, Bartuc : ((back))
[04-12:07] 6e5a2, Bartuc : ((yay! QUMAN))
[04-12:08] 6c877, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ** sits in a back ally studying from a tomb the spell, ALPHA'S HUNTING PACK. whisping under his breath as he reads**
[04-12:08] 6c877, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : rar i didnt clik this one!))
[04-12:09] 0f8da, Darrius Lokken : ((Thats sounds good, but i really dont have a force yet with which I could take a kingdom...))
[04-12:09] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *she looks at the two approaching riders. She understands the caution, but has a suspicion that they might be held prisoner before actually getting to plead their case. That too, wouldn't surprise her. From the looks of it, these were a conquesting and warrior type people.*
[04-12:09] 6c877, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** sits in a back ally studying from a tomb the spell, ALPHA'S HUNTING PACK. whispering under his breath as he reads**
[04-12:09] JOIN: Rikkell Donobar has entered.
[04-12:10] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((You don't have to take a kingdom by force if you're taking over for a missing kingdom leader. You only have to win a kingdom back if you were originally a leader of it and disappeared and it fell into the hands of a usurper))
[04-12:11] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*likes the shiney images better*))
[04-12:11] 0f8da, Rikkell Donobar : ((Would my king taking over the kingdom have to be human, necesarily?))
[04-12:12] 6e5a2, Bartuc : Follow us please. and they would lead them back int othe ity. They may notice that almost everyone is wearign colors...bright colors. once they arrive at the large tent* Please remove all weapons. All weapons.
[04-12:13] 6c877, Nefiset Da'emorentis : * closes the tomb, walks off into the shadows** **GONE** (( happy 4th. all))
[04-12:13] 6e5a2, Bartuc : ((the ghoul kingdom of rua. hmmm))
[04-12:13] EXIT: Nefiset Da'emorentis has left the chat ( 1:13pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-12:14] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Nah, the usurper doesn't have to be human, but most of the kingdoms are human))
[04-12:14] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Shiney images are more of a pain to make. hehe))
[04-12:14] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *the guards eye them suspicously*
[04-12:15] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((I believe it.))
[04-12:15] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((But prettier!))
[04-12:17] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : *he looks to the queen for a moment*
[04-12:17] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *she removes her short sword, untying its scabbard from her belt. She notes Galean has himself a nice assortment of weapons and she hopes he does not end up losing them from this*
[04-12:18] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((They do have a more subtle quality, the shiney images))
[04-12:18] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((If I knew how to make them, I would.))
[04-12:19] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : *he takes off the elvish longbow, his two blades, and an orcish dagger he collected a while ago...*
[04-12:20] 0f8da, Rikkell Donobar : ((How many people in her are american?))
[04-12:21] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *they take their weapons and set them aside. They would notice the weaposn are treated with respect. then a guards tands behind either one* Enter.*the tent flap opens* ((why?))
[04-12:21] 0f8da, Rikkell Donobar : ((just out of curiosity))
[04-12:21] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : ((*is Australian*))
[04-12:21] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (back)
[04-12:21] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((I just print screen the chat, crop to the word, alpha mask just the letters, color it in the desired color and then swish hazy white streaks through it. I then crop the image right up to the edges of the letters by cropping to mask, and then remove the mask, and save it. For words like QUINELL and QUMAN, the 'Q' makes it tricky and I have to redraw the Q so it doesn't hang down below, otherwise the word would be floating higher than the rest. That's how I do it in a nutshell))
[04-12:22] 0f8da, Rikkell Donobar : ((Cus Nef just said "Happy 4th" and I thought it was funny considering the fourth is only an american holiday))
[04-12:24] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*is American, but has lived in Belgium the last 3 years and will continue to live in Belgium for another 5 to 7 years*))
[04-12:24] 6e5a2, Bartuc : (is amarican))
[04-12:25] 0f8da, Rikkell Donobar : ((Well, Im gonna go call some friends so that later we can watch some splosions... Happy Independence day, Im gone))
[04-12:26] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[04-12:26] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (hi all)
[04-12:26] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (I'm british...)
[04-12:26] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hi)
[04-12:26] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (hey sorcha, whats goin' on?)
[04-12:27] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *she enters, her eyes adjusting to the shaded light of the inside tent, before she can see what is in there*
[04-12:27] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (as in?)
[04-12:27] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (I dunno, thats just how I start convo, )
[04-12:28] 0f8da, Rikkell Donobar : ((Era, this is Darrius, Rikkell's my hero human char... I ogtta go though, happy 4th everyone, even if you dont celbrate it))
[04-12:28] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (Wanna RP?)
[04-12:28] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : *enters just behind her, remaining quiet*
[04-12:28] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (, I'm canadian)
[04-12:28] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (See ya rikell)
[04-12:29] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *there are more guards inside and a Man,wearing a long coat of scales sitting within. He is Obviously Bartuc by his bearign and defernce given to him. He is talking easily with an older man next to him. When they enter he glances at them and raises an eyebrow* Whats this then?
[04-12:29] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (sure)
[04-12:29] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (where we left off then?)
[04-12:30] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (yeah thats fine)
[04-12:30] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *she goes to one knee in a respectful bow. Is supposed to just be a human inquiring as to trade arrangements, afterall*
[04-12:30] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (Shall I start or do u want to?)
[04-12:31] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (i will )
[04-12:31] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (k,)
[04-12:32] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She slowly opens the door peeking out of her bedroom door seeing as he slept on the couch she wanted to make sure he was either awake or asleep before she moved out*
[04-12:32] EXIT: Anastra Sylune has left the chat ( 1:18pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-12:32] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : *he follows her lead and goes down on one knee as well*
[04-12:32] fb2e0, Fahrena : *is hugging a tree. Loves the tree. muwah muwah kisses the tree. Okay, j/k isn't doing that. Is sleeping her pain and discomfort away, hoping the circulation in her hands isn't so badly cut off that she loses them. She'd actually be thankful for regular shackles right now. They don't dig in as deep* *end cameo*
[04-12:33] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *HE sits there, sleeping, muttering something unintelligible. He was however drow, and the slightest sound could wake him - living in the underdark one had to sleep lightly or be killed.*
[04-12:33] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (oops, **He)
[04-12:34] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *he gestures impatently for them to rise* Well? What do two Outlanders, one an elf want here in QUMAN. Especially here where few outsiders come.
[04-12:36] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She slowly steps out quietly as possible she is only small so might get away with it, she is wearing a long close fitting blue dress with embrodiery all over the back and sleves seems to be like forestry with little leaves and small animals carefully made. Her long black curls fall about her face as she tries her best to creep across the room*
[04-12:37] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *she looks up and stands* This is my portal guide, Galean. I am Meg Alayas of . I'm sent to inquire about possible trade arrangements between QUMAN and .
[04-12:38] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He opens a single eye, watching her go. His heart sinks, was she going to inforn the authorities? He tries his best look like he's still sleeping while he fights off the tears welling in his eyes.*
[04-12:39] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Awww Poor Eradrae. I just want to huggle him.))
[04-12:39] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *Did she notice something the change, his breathing changed and she looks to him* ...sorry i didn't mean to wake you*she goes and slowly takes a seat on the chair* i wanted to go and do some work without disturbing you..
[04-12:40] JOIN: Celur has entered.
[04-12:40] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (Lol, I so love to torment him... Oh god the plot I have olanned is so cruel...)
[04-12:40] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (aww)
[04-12:41] 6e5a2, Bartuc : ? *the older man leans in and whispers to him* Ahh yes far to the west isn't it? What would you wish to trade for our younger siblings hmm? *his eyes and voice are cold as steel*
[04-12:41] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He opens both eyes, the tears gone from them. A warm smile finds his ebony features.* it's fine. I'll be asleep soon enough.
[04-12:41] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (brb)
[04-12:42] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : *remains quiet, as he is only a guide... yep*
[04-12:42] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[04-12:42] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she moves from the chair and goes over to him, shes sweet and delecate like a child as she looks at him smiling warmly* do you want anything before i go down?
[04-12:42] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : Horses, mostly. Our ian horses are of fine breeding, much like your own. I think it could strengthen both our breeds to try some cross breeding.
[04-12:44] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[04-12:45] e0793, Kali: *smacks white out*..c'mon....
[04-12:45] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *his eyes narrow and there is murming around her. Oops....that didn't make them happy.* I....think...not. *everyword is sharply enunciated* But somehting strikes me as odd. YOu claim ot be traders. Yet you bring nothing to show the quality of your goods. You go alone and merchants rarely do anysuch thing. All traders I know of travel in groups. *he eyes her again*
[04-12:46] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (back)
[04-12:46] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (wb)
[04-12:47] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He shakes his head, smiling back at her jsut as warmly as she ha smiled at him.* I'll be fine, you go get some work done. *He lies down again.*
[04-12:47] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She smiles and slowly turns heading towards the stairs* just call down to me if ya want anything*she smiles and heads down*
[04-12:47] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : I am but a scout to feel out the possibility of trade. The regular merchants would follow after, if there is interest. *pulls out her her diplomatic tricks*
[04-12:49] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : her her = all her
[04-12:49] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*is not really the Fairy Queen. Is really the Typo Queen*))
[04-12:51] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *No more then five minutes pass before he is asleep again, this time muttering slightly louder the words easier to make out.* Drax? No... What... have I.... *he trails off laying in silence for several minutes before he starts again.* Lillith... No... No! *he starts growling quietly at this point.*
[04-12:51] 6e5a2, Bartuc : I see. Something smells about your story. Firstly. I have recently visited that part of the world. How is it that your people have heard of QUMAN , halfway across the world, When your neighbors haven't?
[04-12:52] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (Lol, come to think about it, I love to torture all my characters... I tortured Llano so much she went insane and is hell bent on revenge...)
[04-12:53] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *Shes close to the stairs just incase and she hears him muttering and she slowly goes up stairs and moves to him* Eradrae are you okay*kneels next to the couch*
[04-12:53] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *has an answer for everything and is even more glad that Galean came along for this answer* I owe that to my elven guide. Elves are more knowledgeable about the world as a whole. *looks at Galean with a faint, approving smile*
[04-12:54] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : *he nods lightly to Mab, then looks back to Bartuc*
[04-12:55] 6e5a2, Bartuc : I see. *looks at Galean* Where are you from and what is your name?
[04-12:55] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He suddenly leaps to his feet, his hands finding his scimitars beside the couch.* Sorcha, Drow! *Four claoked drow are suddenly in the room, for most people they would be ahrd to see, but Eradrae was Drow himself and had grown up in the underdark. Looking around he saw the apartment completely intact and the window closed. He knew one of them to be a preistess, she would carry an amulet of teleportation that would ahve allowed them to enter the room.
[04-12:55] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *
[04-12:55] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : I am from originally from the forests of ACENDAWAN, but I reside in the city of ...
[04-12:56] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : ((*kicks first 'from'*))
[04-12:56] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : and my name is Galean Arrowan...
[04-12:56] 6e5a2, Bartuc : Indeed. And what is your name "ian"?
[04-12:57] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She stands to her feet and looks to the Drow then to Eradrae,her knifes where in her boots in her room and she wasn't going to make a dash for them just yet* What are you doing here? leave my home at once!
[04-12:57] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *her turn to stand silent, listening until she is inquired of. She said her name, but she suspects his asking her again is to try to trick her into instinctively saying her real name, if she hasn't already* Meg Alayas.
[04-12:57] MSG: Eradrae Baenre sent a message to Mab.
[04-12:58] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : ((was that directed at Galean as well, Bartuc?))
[04-12:59] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He looks to Sorcha.* They don't understand you. They're from Menzoberanzan... looking for me. *he begins to speak in Drow, very quickly, it sounds as though he is very angry - mind you, there was very little but anger in the drow society.* *The four drow immediatly attack, three of teh four, making a wall in front of the fourth who immediatly begins to chnt an incantation of some sort.*
[04-13:00] MSG: Mab sent a message to Eradrae Baenre.
[04-13:00] 6e5a2, Bartuc : I see. Somehow I do not trust you. If you do have another purpose make it clear now. If you are mere traders....we shall see.
[04-13:01] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She like before grabs his arm and forces him into her bed room, don't worry it is tidy where she grabs her knife and locks him in her room* stay in there then! *she looks to the drow* now i don't care if you understand me or not im pretty sure he doesn't want to leave so just go*she points to the stairs knife in her outstretched hand*
[04-13:02] NICK: Kali changed nick to Council of LaiŽdor.
[04-13:03] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : That is our only purpose. *for this trip anyway.* We are just sent to inquire for possibilities. *looks at him, hoping he'll buy it, although it could be fun for Luke and Mab if he didn't*
[04-13:03] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : Sorcha!!!! *He throws himself against the door, well aware that the drow had no intention of taking him back alive and would kill whoever stood in their way.* *he continues to throw himself against the door.*
[04-13:04] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (Umm, Man, I didn't get the message)
[04-13:04] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : ((**mab))
[04-13:05] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She looks to the door as he throws himself against it, she has no idea they didn't want him alive or that they would kill her in the process to kill him but she has locked the door and he would really have to put some effort to open it since she used a key and she has the only one, she looks to the drow knife helt boldy in her hand*
[04-13:06] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((That's weird. I'm looking at what I typed as the message recipient and I spelled it right))
[04-13:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[04-13:06] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (, meh, might as well jsut say it in normal chat its not that important that it needs to stay private anyway)
[04-13:07] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *he stands up and paces over to her glaring into her eyes*
[04-13:08] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : *he keeps watching Bartuc*
[04-13:08] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *The four drow continue to close in on her, and the priestess continues to cast.* *The doors begins to give way a little bit. Then suddenly a sword (magically enchanted of course) slices through near where the hinges hold it, nearly dropping the door to the groound.*
[04-13:08] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *she doesn't blink, and looks back into his, her eyes are somehow fathomless, despite looking decidedly human*
[04-13:10] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She looks to the door as it falls then back at the Drow she moves forward and attacks one of tim slashing with her knife*
[04-13:11] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *Glaeing down* I will ask one final time. Why are you here? *he thiks that there is something....unusual about her. And her story just didn't seem right to him.*
[04-13:12] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : I have said why I am here. I'm here to scout possible trade. *actually is the truth in that statement, from a certain point of view*
[04-13:12] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: them
[04-13:13] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *The drows sword comes in line for the parry perfectly, his dirk flying up to take Sorcah at the abdomen while the other two move toward the door and the priestess finishes her spell aiming at sorcha, even though it would have to go though the third drow to get to her. Eradrae, however, is the quicker, dashing across the room and tackling Sorcha out of the way, taking a minor hit on his hip. However, the priestesses fire ball misses both of them, instead incinerating the drow sorcah had been engaged with.* *immediately the preistess begins to chant again*
[04-13:14] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (mab, would that magic item be alright? You never replied.)
[04-13:14] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : *is still here... remaining quiet*
[04-13:14] 6e5a2, Bartuc : Humph. *he steps back* If th at is indeed true We have no desire t otrade with krondor.
[04-13:15] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((I did reply. You didn't get the reply for some uber odd reason))
[04-13:15] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (oh, well, umm, mind if I what u said?)
[04-13:16] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She is tackled out of the way by Eradrae her knife flying from her hand and skipping across the room she glances to him and mutters a thankyou or rather looks at him in a thnks*
[04-13:16] e0793, Council of LaiŽdor: *the seven met in the main council chambers..the purpose of todays gathering: making the final decision on just who to send on the quest to find their missing Queen.......she had been missing for just over 2 months now and not a word of ransom had been heard...calling in the men who had volunteered, they were not greatly impressed...soon sending them all on their way...finally making the hard decision to let it be known that Queen Zaeth was missing..perhaps some one from another country might have a clue to her whereabouts...sending runners to post messages in all of the surrounding countries...the Fae, , , Mithrimberg and ACENDAWAN...posting a 1,000 gold piece reward for the safe return of the Queen..squaring their respective shoulders to deal with the Lai'dor people themselves when they learned the truth*
[04-13:16] MSG: Mab Fairy Queen sent a message to Eradrae Baenre.
[04-13:16] NICK: Council of LaiŽdor changed nick to Kali.
[04-13:17] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Did you get that one?))
[04-13:17] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (erg... it didn't send again, u spelled it right and everything... ll I see id what everyone else sees)
[04-13:19] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *without even bother to reply he is back on his feet. He owed her that and more in any case. He dove toward his belt beside the couch, fending off several blows as he did so. In just a few quick motions the nearest drow is dead, impaled through the chest, and Eradrae propells a pair of throwing knives at the priestess.*
[04-13:20] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : I am sorry to hear that. My people will be disappointed that you did not consider the possibility before seeing what we have to offer. * is a kingdom of equally fine horses, just a different breed.*
[04-13:20] MSG: Eradrae Baenre sent a message to Sorcha Lidil.
[04-13:21] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : *he glances to Mab for a moment, then back to Bartuc*
[04-13:21] 6e5a2, Bartuc : *he snorts*Indeed.
[04-13:21] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She moves back along the floor keeping away now is just a bother if she gets in the way*
[04-13:21] MSG: Sorcha Lidil sent a message to Eradrae Baenre.
[04-13:22] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (What the helll... It didn't deliver sorcha
[04-13:22] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : )
[04-13:22] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (click on the message button)
[04-13:22] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (Maybe there something wrong with my registration?)
[04-13:22] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (I can't)
[04-13:23] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (i tried)
[04-13:23] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (eh, I'll go on MSN, one sec)
[04-13:23] JOIN: Theodore MacPherson has entered.
[04-13:25] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Hmm, well, teleportation has already been done out the wazoo in Bettenchi. We have the portals and the demons who teleport. To have another race teleport would likely devalue how cool it is to be a demon. I had to say no to level one healing of anything more than minor cut for the same reason of not wishing to devalue what is cool about being a studied healer or a unicorn. It's a tricky thing to keep the balance of so many species, each unique and individually cool in their own right.))
[04-13:26] 6e5a2, Bartuc : ((teleportign is a big reason that the demon s are so cool))
[04-13:27] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((and powerful,but I already radiant angeled about that so I'm shutting up ))
[04-13:27] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (alriht, thx anyway.)
[04-13:28] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((We've since that time, revamped the demons to make them more fair, Theodore))
[04-13:28] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((... I see we have auto-censor))
[04-13:29] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((Tis cool Mab. like I said,I already complained aboutit, so I'm fine now))
[04-13:29] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Well, some of the censoring is partly for the amusement of it. ))
[04-13:30] 6e5a2, Bartuc : ((*pokepokes mab to respond*))
[04-13:31] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *The priestess manages to get out of the way of one of the flying knives, the other taking her in the leg, she falls to the gorund but keeps chanting.* *Eradrae recognizes the spell, having seen it close up on many occasions. He immediately dashes across the room, tackling Sorcah to teh ground again, just as the preistess finishes, dropping an explosion into the center of the room. Heat burns at his back as the explosion fills the room, passnover sorcha and Eradrae, killing the preistess but leaving the other drow who also managed to avoid the attack alive.*
[04-13:31] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *the room is on fire now)
[04-13:31] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: (( radiant angel radiant angel radiant angel radiant angel
[04-13:31] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Missed the post. It was so small. hehe)) *she nods* I will convey your refusal to my people.
[04-13:32] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((It doesn't work if that word is taken inthe context of being 'complaining' though.
[04-13:32] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she ducks into him as he tackles her again and she cloes her eyes tightly feeling the heat*
[04-13:32] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((It's still funny))
[04-13:32] 6e5a2, Bartuc : ((I gotta go now))Very good. *and they would be let to leave though watched*
[04-13:33] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((I mean, 'i'm going to radiant angel and whine until Mab makes me a griffin' just hasn't the same venom... ))
[04-13:33] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : (())
[04-13:34] EXIT: Bartuc has left the chat ( 2:32pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-13:35] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He stays down for only a moment, unsure of whether any of the drow made it. scimitars in his hands in a second, as he trudges across the room toward the other Drow who is also ready to fight. The other Drow moves first, feigning a thrust, as he ducks below Eradraes horizontal slahs, planning t take the Drow from behind, instead finding himself impaled on Eradaes long knife, which the drow managed to pull from his boot.*
[04-13:35] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *well, that wasn't any fun. No tenseness, no spark, no fire. She heads out and retrieves her weapons, glancing at Galean to see if his thoughts are apparant on his face*
[04-13:35] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *the fire rages, and the building quakes threateningly.*
[04-13:36] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She gets up and goes to Eradrae* we have to get out of here!
[04-13:37] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : *he heads out with her, collecting his weapons, sheathing the two blades and the orc dagger, and he places the bow over his shoulder* *his face is emotionless*
[04-13:38] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *she ties her scabbard back on and silently treads back to the portal location, not speaking until out of ear shot* Not a very trusting people, and proud too.
[04-13:39] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He sways slightly then looks at her a look of dread and sorrow on his face.* The window! *he grabs onto her hand and runs for it, throwing his scabbard through first to prevent them from getting hurt by the glass. Then wrapping hi arms around Soorcha he dives through, twisting himself in the air to make sure hes on the bottom when they lend.*
[04-13:40] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : yes, very true... shall we head back home now?
[04-13:41] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : Yes, we'll return more covertly later to observe them further. *she steps into the portal area*
[04-13:42] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : *nods, and steps into the portal with her*
[04-13:42] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she closes her eyes tightly and as they hit the floor she rolls out of his arms into the middle of the steet breathing deeply terrified*
[04-13:43] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *he closes his eyes, breathing heavilly, one thought alone
[04-13:43] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (oops, acidentally posted to soon, one sec)
[04-13:44] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : Kal'Endrel. Where fae do.......*she looks at Galean and quickly pulls him off of the portal platform* We shouldn't return together. One of us should return a little later via another portal. Perhaps we can go visit a couple places before returning?
[04-13:44] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *e closes his eyes, breathing heavilly, one thought alone invading his mind.* I... I... Broke my vow... *He doesn't open his eyes, the fire stillraging above them.*
[04-13:45] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : *nods lightly* lets go to ACENDAWAN....
[04-13:46] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She quickly gets up is mostly okay since he took the brunt of the fall is just shaky and brusied she goes to him worried about his saftey above anything else firstly*
[04-13:48] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He opens his eyes, trying to force his mind away from the vow. He can't but he forces himself to talk about something else anyway.* I'm sorry... I ... I thought they'd given up on finding me...Are you alright? *A comotion can be heard down teh street, undoubtedly the fire department accmpanied but several gaurds.*
[04-13:49] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She puts an arm around his shoulders and sits him up looking at her shop, her home...all her hard work was burning...the price of a friendship*
[04-13:51] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *his eyes suddenly go wide as he notices the people coming, horror clear in his features.* Sorcha..! I'm not wearing my cloak.... They'll see me for what I am! *He moves to retrieve his scabbard but nearly falls over trying to walk on his own - he must have broken a rib in the fall.*
[04-13:52] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : That might be nice.
[04-13:52] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (, Eradrae lost 3 of his five wepaons all of his armor and his claok which stopped ppl from seeing that he was drow and protected his eyes from the sunlight.. Ouch... He also broke his vow... He's not in a very good state...)
[04-13:53] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (Oh, and apparently he has a broken rib, to top it all off soldiers are coming.)
[04-13:54] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She stands and helps him get his scabbard and helps him into an alley* stay here okay don't move*she then goes out of the alley and runs into her shop she rumages round before the guards can stop her shes out again with a cloak finely made of course and she runs back to him and hands it to him, she breaths deeply having ran in and out quickly, she has a crimson red streak running down her cheek, has been cut as she came out of his arms*
[04-13:55] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : just to unwind... what is the chant for this portal?
[04-13:58] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He doesn't say it, but he doesn't say it, his eyes ay it for him 'thank you'.* You're bleeding. *He reaches up and wipes the blood from her cheek, looking at the wound closely.* Its not deep, it shouldn't require treatment. *Soldiers can be heard yelling around the front then footsteps can be heard coming toward the alley - the gaurds were searching for the pyros - if theyw ere caught they'' be blamed. He quickly stuggled to throw the cloak on, biting back the pain the whole way.* Sorcah, you ahve to run, I'll only slow you down!
[04-13:59] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : Kal'Endrel is what is says on the stone there. I was gambling that that was it. *smirks*
[04-14:00] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : *nods* oh, yes... the glare from the sunlight made it hard to see... Kal'Endrel... *the portal activates* Lunar Eclipse... *the disappear, then reappear in the gazebo in Nydirann, in ACENDAWAN*
[04-14:00] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : ((they, not the))
[04-14:00] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: I'm not leaving you now Eradrae....your my not going to leave you, you saved my life*she looks up into his eyes and taking his hand just as a ploy she moves down the alley and out into the street she then goes to her home and doesn't actaully need to put on emotions* oh no my home! my shop whats happened! *like she never knew*
[04-14:02] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : This is a peaceful feeling place. *she looks around, the architecture so serene. Her own people's architecture is comparable, but a little different in style, but almost all of it is inside the mountains of the fae kingdom, not out on lacy display like this place*
[04-14:04] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *catching on he falls to his knees beside her, pretending to wail, and doing a good job of it. In truth, he was indeed crying - tears of joy though they were. Sorcha had called him, a drow elf, her friend! And she didn't care that it has been his fault that ehr life had been in danger in the first place! His heart was beating so fast he could barely contain his joy, though he knew if he slipped he might cause his death and sorchas free life.* (btw, i figured out how to view the messages... I was looking in the chat window but I ahd to click the other message thinger.)
[04-14:05] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : I come back home whenever I can... I love this place... I have something to show you... come... *he heads down the stairs out of the gazebo, and heads down to the river*
[04-14:06] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (Omnipotent Being, all my characters are so serious, I need a kender character..)
[04-14:06] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *she follows, looking at the sights as they go.*
[04-14:06] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (, as if they censored that)
[04-14:07] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She actaully does cry her whole living was currently up in fla,es as well as her home, she has lost everything but gained a friend she didn't count that as a very good thing but she was very upset she knelt on her knees also the guards keeping her back*
[04-14:07] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : (())
[04-14:09] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : *after a short walk, they reach the riverside, and a few rocks... he sits down on the side of the rock, and looks out, through the gap in the mountains as far as the eye can see...* this is what I wanted to show you... *as they look out, two dolphins wound jump out of the water, doing a couple of flips, then land back in*
[04-14:09] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *he would have wrapped his arms around her to comfort her, but his broken rib would not allow that, so he just kneeled there, wailing. while the Fire department tried to put out the flame. eventually he whispered to Sorcha.* If we're still here when the fire is out they'll make us go to the prison to be questioned... i wont be able to conceal myself benath this hood if they make us go there...
[04-14:10] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (... now I need a way to give him a new scimitar....)
[04-14:10] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : *he picks a Nirawyn apple from the nearby tree, and hands it to her...*
[04-14:10] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She stands looking to him again taking his hand and moving away letting the men to their jobs still crying*
[04-14:11] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : ((Nirawyn=Nirawyr))
[04-14:11] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He stumbles around behind her, grimacing against hte pain in his side.* Where do we go now?
[04-14:12] e0793, Kali: Eradrae... I know a very good smith in Rua...he'll make a new one....for a price...
[04-14:14] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: anywhere...*she whispers her arm around him supporting him along*
[04-14:14] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (I know. I imagine I'll make up a way for him to find one.)
[04-14:14] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : It's beautiful. *freshwater dolphins? Takes a seat and accepts the apple* I can never get tired of these, so delectible.
[04-14:16] b7d9c, Galean Arrowan : ((remember, this isn't earth... different species of animal, but it's the equivalent to a dolphin)) *he smiles lightly* *they sit there for a while, just enjoying the view... when it's time for Mab to go, he gives her the chant to activate the portal (Harness the power of the moon), and he waits for a while before he heads back to the land of the Fae* *oh, and if there's anything Mab wants them to do, they do it * *fade out* ((I gotta go to bed... g'night all))
[04-14:17] EXIT: Galean Arrowan has left the chat ( 3:16pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-14:17] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : ((G'night Luke))
[04-14:17] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He accept her support draping his arm around her shoulder to steady himself.* I'm sorry... *He wave of sorrow washes over him again... He knew it was all his fault. Thi woman had accepted him into her home and the drow... those bastards... they'd destroyed i...*
[04-14:17] e0793, Kali: g'nite Galean...
[04-14:18] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (wow, major typo demons htere...)
[04-14:20] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *tears ran down her cheeks silently and she leads him away down the street and into the tavern sitting him in a booth she then aslong as he lets her, in a dark both in the corner wound take a look at his wounds*
[04-14:21] fb2e0, Fahrena : *still hugging that darn tree. She groans from the pain in her wrists and the lack of feeling in her hands. She's shifted and tugged back and forth, loosening the ropes a little, but only a little. At least it affords a little reprieve for her arms. She has herself plastered as tightly as she can to the tree to make the stretch less and whimpers occasionally. This all being done inbetween her sleeping to pass the time as the stone statue that is her capture sits silently behind her*
[04-14:23] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *he grimaces slightly, praying that no one else in the tavern was looking - if they were they would see his ebony skin as Sorcah treated his wound. There is only a small gash on the outside but the bone does look broken - if not badly.* Are you a healer?
[04-14:25] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks to him carefully i learned how to treat a wound when i was with my parents..*she looks at him and gets things for the wound from the bar tender and comes back cleaning it and then wrapping it up* just carefuly for now
[04-14:27] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *he grimaces slightly but otherwise shows no pain, his features don't even contort - in fact he just sits there staring at her, smiling even.* Thank you.
[04-14:28] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (does anyone here know HTML? I need a bit of help with my profile.)
[04-14:28] e0793, Kali: I offered yesterday..
[04-14:28] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she nods sharply she was hurt deeply emotionally,she sits by his side the mark of tears on her face she sighs her smile fading*like i said your my friend
[04-14:30] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (Yah sory bout that Kali I actually just finished my profile)
[04-14:32] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He nods fully aware of her pain. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself. He knew how hard it could be, and he wasn't sure whether or not he should say something -it often only made things worse. INstead he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her, perhaps she just needed a hug?*
[04-14:33] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she leans into him gently miding his wound ahd lets him hug her, yes she needed a hug* im sorry,,,i know there is more to live then a shop but it was my life here...
[04-14:34] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : Don't be rediculous... That was your life! You have every right to be upset... By all rights.... it was my fault...
[04-14:36] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Nothing you could have done about it Eradrae...
[04-14:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[04-14:37] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:37pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-14:37] e0793, Kali: if you want to send it to me I'll help you with it.
[04-14:37] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He hugs her closer, biting back tears. How could she be so kind? He had caused the detruction of her home - her life! And he was drow! yet still she treated him with kindness.*
[04-14:38] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (k, I'll jsut log onto MSN give me a sec.)
[04-14:39] JOIN: Rikkell Donobar has entered.
[04-14:40] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she leans against him tears running down her cheeks silently, how could she well cos it was Sorcha she was a kind and generous soul*
[04-14:40] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (hey rikell.)
[04-14:43] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He just hugs her even closer, letting her cry. Nothing could compare to the guilt he felt then. Even if she said it wasn't his fault he knew that too be wrong. No matter how much she told him he couldn't have topped it he could have by simply not being there... Perhaps he should leave? the drow could stirke again... And what if Sorcha was next? What if they killed her just as they had killed Lillith? Though, he supposed they killed Lillith for very different easons then they'd kill Sorcha.*
[04-14:43] bbca2, Rikkell Donobar : ((hi))
[04-14:43] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (how r u?)
[04-14:44] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She slowly stops crying and looks to him wiping her tears away* what are we going to do
[04-14:44] bbca2, Rikkell Donobar : ((I'll give it a meh))
[04-14:45] bbca2, Rikkell Donobar : ((Just wish I better knew how to make profiles))
[04-14:45] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : ()
[04-14:48] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He looks back at her.* I have some money, I managed to grab my pouch of my belt before we left... Speaking of which, I'll need a new belt, otherwise I wont be able to carry my weapons around... well... the few that are left anyway... But I think other then that i belongs to you... I think I should go... My being here is putting you in danger...
[04-14:50] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks at him dispair fear sparks in her eyes and features* no don't leave me! please don't leave me
[04-14:54] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *he looks at her sorrow heavy in his fatures, he leans his head upon hers, eyes welling with tears.* Okay.... I wont... *What was wrong with him? With the information he had he should have been ale to make himself leave... He knew Sorcha was in danger as long as he was there... yet he couldn't make himself leave. Why? What was it about Sorcha?* What then do we do with this money... I only have about 15 gold... It'll cost 3 for the belt... 4 for two rooms at a tavern, 6 for comfortable rooms. We're running out quick...
[04-14:57] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she goes to the belt on her side which she did have on and takes off her money pouch and emptys the contents, couple amounts of gold, some silver and copper* i have some...
[04-14:57] bbca2, Rikkell Donobar : **Runs through the streets of rua, his footsteps completely silent. He's armed with a belt full of throwing dagges, a short sword, and a hatchet. its a good thing hes a thief, or else he might havew been caught by the creatures last night, what the hell's goin on around here anyway? He stops, pulling a grpple from his belt and whisking it to the top of a building, pulling himself wuickly and silently up.**
[04-14:58] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (note: Rikell if your coming to join us we're in a tavern of somesort...)
[04-15:00] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He counts it up* Five gold, six silver aand a bronze. That leaves us with 20 gold six silver and a bronze which should be enough to last us for food, and a place for each of us to sleep till the end of the week...
[04-15:01] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: we can get a room with two beds...that would be cheaper*she says carefully looking into his eyes under his hood if it still on, she is speaking gently doesn't really want to be away incase more come for him*
[04-15:04] bbca2, Rikkell Donobar : **Makes the call of a random bird and three of the thieves in his clan jump from roof to roof till they meet him** Report? **They look at him and reply** We have three flesh eater in an alley two blocks away, five due east and a mass of them were spotted in a court yard last night. The nightmare thats been killing all those people was seen walking of with a few of the smarter ones **Rikkells expression drops** damn... boys, way me have to get out of soon... **They reply** Most definately agreed Rik.
[04-15:06] bbca2, Rikkell Donobar : ((way me = we may))
[04-15:06] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He nods almost absently,* A week and two days, one day without food. *he smiles at her from beneath his hood, his eyes studying her carefully, they were so different! She had pale skin and silken black hair. While he had Ragged white hair and Ebony skin.. The only semblance between them was the eyes. Both deep green, a colour RARELY found in drow.*
[04-15:09] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she stares back into his eyes under the hood even though she can't see much. we will have to decide
[04-15:09] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (I find it amusing that they censor the word g.od out but not the words bastard or damn...)
[04-15:10] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (note: Sorcha, somehow I don't think Rua is gonna be around long enough for them to use all their money anyway. )
[04-15:11] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: ()
[04-15:12] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He just then realized they were still hugging eachother and slowly begins to pull away.* If you're goign to be around me you're going to have to learn how to fight a bit better.... Perhaps I can teach you?
[04-15:13] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She blushes and looks away* my fighting is fine you kept on tackling me, i've never have a fight against a drow*she pulls from the hug mabye a little shy*
[04-15:16] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He looks at her.* You fight well, but if we are dealing with Drow I fear not well enough... I'm sorry if I insulted you... The drow will not have mercy. They are bron and bread fighters, form the day they are bron all they are taught is the arts of war.
[04-15:17] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks to him carefully* no i guess your right
[04-15:19] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *he smirks lightly.* You'd be dead if I hadn't 'kept tackling you'.
[04-15:21] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she nods slowly and looks to him*...i know and i thankyou cos of that, but if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have had to jump out of a window and get so sorry
[04-15:22] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He looks at her, tilting his head.* I would have still had to get out of the building...
[04-15:23] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: cos if i didn't intervere you wouldn't ahve been wouldn't have needed to save me*she slowly gently reaches a hand inside his hoodand strokes his cheek, What was she doing?! she couldn't help it she just did it* but im glad i hlped in some way
[04-15:25] EXIT: Kazia has left the chat ( 4:10pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-15:25] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (k, brb i is gonna quickly set up my profile for me)
[04-15:25] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : **kali
[04-15:25] EXIT: Eradrae Baenre has left the chat ( 4:25pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-15:25] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[04-15:26] EXIT: Eradrae Baenre has left the chat ( 4:25pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-15:27] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[04-15:27] e0793, Kali: k you be done
[04-15:27] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[04-15:28] e0793, Kali: see if you like it
[04-15:29] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (k, I'm back I'll just jump back ic and post to Sorcha before checking it out, sry, don't want to keep her waiting)
[04-15:29] e0793, Kali: np
[04-15:30] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *he smiles slightly at her touch.* I would be far better off without you... Believe me... You are the only person on the surface to have befriended me... Well... The only non drow to have befriended me... One of the few people in the world to have ever even cared about me.
[04-15:30] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *he smiles slightly at her touch.* I would be far better off without you... Believe me... You are the only person on the surface to have befriended me... Well... The only non drow to have befriended me... One of the few people in the world to have ever even cared about me. I can't count them on my fingers!
[04-15:30] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (ok scratch that first one... sorry bout that.)
[04-15:31] e0793, Ankalima Morwen :
[04-15:31] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (**can)
[04-15:31] e0793, Ankalima Morwen : (just hit undo..itll take one away)
[04-15:31] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (Rupenchi... some Tavern or another...)
[04-15:31] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (Yeah I know btu I'm too lazy to do it twice then repost)
[04-15:31] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (erm surely you mean wouldn't?)
[04-15:32] e0793, Ankalima Morwen : (glimmering Inn is the main tavern ..Sorcha is that where you are?)
[04-15:32] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (oops, i meant to say 'd be far worse off without u)
[04-15:32] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (yep)
[04-15:32] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (sorry about that, . mega typo demons...)
[04-15:33] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (btw, Kali, it looks great, ty!!!)
[04-15:33] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Would you rather me have not befriended you?...i know it would change things with me but i would want you as a friend more than material things*she slowly lets herhand drop*
[04-15:35] e0793, Ankalima Morwen : *coming down the stairs from her room, she stops about halfway down to look around the room..wondering if she would see Aldrik... he hadnt been in her room when she got back last night*
[04-15:36] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He hugs her, wining slightly from the pain in his ribs. He hugged her tightly too him, hiding his tears away from her. In truth he was scared of where his feelings seemed to be taking him.... Did he really want to go down that road again?
[04-15:36] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *
[04-15:37] e0793, Ankalima Morwen : (glad you like it)
[04-15:38] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she tries to hug him gently to mind his fresh wound hearing the footsteeps on the stairs she turns unlocking the hug and looking around*
[04-15:39] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (its great!)
[04-15:40] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *he quickly puts his hood up, which had fallen down when he hugged her. He couldn't let his heritage be discovered..
[04-15:44] e0793, Ankalima Morwen : *seeing a couple sitting at one of the tables, the man quickly trying to hide who he was...not that she cared he was a drow... one of her best friends was one....she continued on down into the tavern ..nodding at the two before taking a seat at the bar ordering a glass of honey wine*
[04-15:46] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She smiled and noded to Kali and looks to Eradrae* its okay...
[04-15:49] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : *He looked at Sorcha. The first rays of sun light could be seen coming in through the window.* What now? We can't just sit here. If you'd like to take me up on my offer to train you, we should head out before the sun is fully up - it hurts my eyes... We can't train in the city but there is a forest near by... I traveled through it on my way here...
[04-15:50] JOIN: Theodore MacPherson has entered.
[04-15:51] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (i need to stop, im gonna collapse if i rp any more, really sorry but im really tired..been up since 5 am and its 10 pm now been at work almost all day)
[04-15:51] e0793, Ankalima Morwen : (np Sorcha... have a good night sleep..))
[04-15:51] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (ll,its ok)
[04-15:51] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((rar))
[04-15:52] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (yeah, c y l8er)
[04-15:52] 45961, Eradrae Baenre : (guess I'll bring Llano on now...)
[04-15:52] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (seeya later*hugs to all*)
[04-15:53] EXIT: Eradrae Baenre has left the chat ( 4:52pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-15:53] e0793, Kali: yeah.. i need to get busy too... ive got peaches waiting to be sliced and put in the dehydrator....
[04-15:54] fb2e0, Mab: *looks about. wonders if she can squeeze some good RP out of the day*
[04-15:54] JOIN: Llano has entered.
[04-15:54] 45961, Llano: (back)
[04-15:54] 45961, Llano: wait brb...
[04-15:54] JOIN: LLano has entered.
[04-15:54] e0793, Kali: *runs before they all get eaten* Happy 4th ya'll!!
[04-15:54] 45961, LLano: (back.. again)
[04-15:55] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 4:52pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-15:55] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 4:54pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-15:55] EXIT: LLano has left the chat ( 4:54pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-15:55] JOIN: Llano has entered.
[04-15:56] fb2e0, Mab: *hungry. ponders what to eat*
[04-15:56] 45961, Llano: (Back... no really this time!)
[04-15:56] 45961, Llano: (Location?)
[04-15:57] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((eat griffins))
[04-15:57] fb2e0, Mab:
[04-15:58] 45961, Llano: (anyone wanna RP? - tho I warn you, Llano is quite insane... Well... sorta....)
[04-15:58] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((Griiiiiifinnnnnn)}
[04-15:59] 45961, Llano: (, I'll take that as no...)
[04-15:59] fb2e0, Mab: Hmmm, not sure who I have. Okay, okay, I'll work on the griffins.
[04-15:59] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((yay!))
[04-15:59] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((*will rp with Lano if she wants))
[04-16:00] 45961, Llano: (Sure. She's in .... I guess she's just wlking around...)
[04-16:02] 45961, Llano: (???)
[04-16:03] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: *is in Ruapenhi as well, leading his horse towards the gate quietly.*
[04-16:05] 45961, Llano: *She's walking away from the gate , her green cloak pulled tightly about her, locks of silken blond hair falling out over her shoulders. She walked with the grace of an elf, yet carried with her a certain darkness, though she was not drow, the aura was not horrific, and her hair was blond, the aura was one of anger... of obsession.*
[04-16:07] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: *looks over, blinking as he sees Llano there, curious. Th eknight coughs and makes his way over* good day!
[04-16:08] 45961, Llano: *she looks up at him, pulling her hood back to revail, pale flawless skina nd a set of dazzling green eyes. her expression however... is emotionless.* Good day, indeed...
[04-16:08] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: *smiles at her kindly, politely* Hmm? Is something the matter?
[04-16:10] 45961, Llano: *she nods,* yes indeed there is something wrong... You have an evil Drow murderer wandering about your air city. And you as well as the rest of the knights in this city ar ignorant to it.
[04-16:13] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: *blinks at this, lifting an eyebrow* ... I am orry... I just arrived here. I didn't know. Can you describe him?
[04-16:14] 45961, Llano: *She nods, hiding her dark smirk.* I have but one request! You must honor it!
[04-16:17] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: *hesitates, and states* Is that your request, or did you want me to make a promise before knowing the terms? I would hear them first.
[04-16:18] 45961, Llano: *she nods.* I would like to ve him captured unmaimed so that I can bring death to him for what he did to my people.
[04-16:19] 45961, Llano: (man, sorry I'm RPed out.... maybe another time... I g2g... Lets just assume she gave u the decription (his anme is Eradrae Baenre))
[04-16:19] EXIT: Llano has left the chat ( 5:19pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-16:20] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((bye))
[04-16:23] ab6ae, Sileen: *slinks*
[04-16:28] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((8flops*))
[04-16:30] ab6ae, Sileen: ((*pounce!*))
[04-16:30] ab6ae, Sileen: Wait.. why am I using parenthesis?
[04-16:30] f9c17, Theodore MacPherson: ((eek))
[04-16:33] JOIN: Theodore MacPherson has entered.
[04-16:33] EXIT: Theodore MacPherson has left the chat ( 5:33pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-16:33] JOIN: Whee has entered.
[04-16:33] ab6ae, Sileen: So how are you?
[04-16:35] f9c17, Whee: bored
[04-16:36] ab6ae, Sileen: *croutches* Want to be pounced?
[04-16:36] f9c17, Whee: sure.
[04-16:37] ab6ae, Sileen: *POUNCE!*
[04-16:38] f9c17, Whee: *is thrown to the floor and ther'es a SNAP from her back* GAH!... thank you, its finally back in place
[04-16:40] ab6ae, Sileen: Wahaha! *launches up*
[04-16:41] f9c17, Whee: *gives cookie*
[04-16:41] ab6ae, Sileen: *munches contently*
[04-16:42] f9c17, Whee: ((*looks at Mab*))
[04-16:48] ab6ae, Sileen: Mab? *peers around* Where?
[04-16:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[04-16:49] f9c17, Whee: she was ere earlier. Better be working on those griffins
[04-16:51] ab6ae, Sileen: She has a life, and is trying to run this chat. Besides.. I'm the species person, so it's me you should be yelling at. *gats a club*
[04-16:51] ab6ae, Sileen: gets
[04-16:51] f9c17, Whee: I know she has a life. Yeesh. I'm joking silly
[04-16:51] f9c17, Whee: *starts to nag Sileen about the griffins then*
[04-16:53] ab6ae, Sileen: *clubs you!* Ah ha ha!
[04-16:53] ab6ae, Sileen: /evil
[04-16:53] ab6ae, Sileen:
[04-16:54] f9c17, Whee: *Yelps and grabs club and clubs back*
[04-16:54] ab6ae, Sileen: OW! *pounces!*
[04-16:55] f9c17, Whee: *dodges!*
[04-16:55] f9c17, Whee: *scuffscuffscuff* ~ZAP~
[04-16:59] ab6ae, Sileen: *leaps up and digs claws into the cieling* *hangs there, hissing at you*
[04-17:00] f9c17, Whee: *scuffscuffscuffscuff* *leap*!
[04-17:01] ab6ae, Sileen: *zaps you with.. admin.. powers! Dun dun duuuuun!*
[04-17:04] f9c17, Whee: *dies*
[04-17:08] f9c17, Whee: ((*works on griffinchar))
[04-17:16] f9c17, Whee: *flop*
[04-17:20] f9c17, Whee: *popkeokepokes Sileen*
[04-17:25] ab6ae, Sileen: I'm alive! Really!
[04-17:27] f9c17, Whee: Nice. Need help?
[04-17:31] fb2e0, Mab: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Gryphons are done, well, all except their topical location, which needs to be decided.
[04-17:32] f9c17, Whee: YAY!
[04-17:32] f9c17, Whee: How about Hawaii?
[04-17:33] fb2e0, Mab: Mmmm, I think they need more mountains and canyons, don't you think?
[04-17:34] fb2e0, Mab: I was thinking canada somewhere.
[04-17:34] f9c17, Whee: Oh. Hm.m..
[04-17:34] f9c17, Whee: Rocky mountains are nice. I was thinking further south, in the Amazon
[04-17:34] fb2e0, Mab: Hmmm.
[04-17:35] fb2e0, Mab: What do you think, Sileen? You're the species admin.
[04-17:35] f9c17, Whee: or Perhaps the congo? What about near the pyramids in Tibet? That's really mountaineous. Or Chile?
[04-17:36] ab6ae, Sileen: I'm... a banana
[04-17:36] ab6ae, Sileen: Okay, so I'm a kitty, but I can say what I want
[04-17:37] f9c17, Whee: Now I forgot the griffin name I came up with
[04-17:37] ab6ae, Sileen: And I'm a species admin, not a geography admin. Put them on a big moutain chain
[04-17:39] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[04-17:39] JOIN: Whee has entered.
[04-17:40] fb2e0, Mab: So, you're of the mind that they should be tropical, Whee?
[04-17:41] f9c17, Whee: Well, mountaineous at least. Thin air, snow...
[04-17:41] f9c17, Whee: How big are they? Horse?
[04-17:42] fb2e0, Mab: Well, you're naming more tropical locations, is why I'm asking.
[04-17:43] f9c17, Whee: I'm trying to think of mountaineous terrains that would be suited hmm..
[04-17:43] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[04-17:43] f9c17, Whee: Eh, let's put them in the Rockies
[04-17:43] e55e8, Travis : What's we doin? What'd I miss?
[04-17:43] 6df9d, Liz: Not sure..
[04-17:44] e55e8, Travis : glad I logged in under this handlage, 3 new reg forms
[04-17:44] fb2e0, Mab: Okeydokey then.
[04-17:45] f9c17, Whee: Do I list the griffin's natural bilities in Magical Talents?
[04-17:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[04-17:46] fb2e0, Mab: For a reg form? No, you can pick two level one abilities in addition to.
[04-17:46] f9c17, Whee: Errr... okay
[04-17:46] e55e8, Travis : now wait a minute here, this dude has 3 level 2 spells and a level 3 spell and a staff that petrifies anyone he hits on the head...that just won't do unless he's been given permission by Mabbish
[04-17:47] fb2e0, Mab: Is it the headmaster of the wizard academy?
[04-17:47] e55e8, Travis : Yes
[04-17:47] fb2e0, Mab: It's okay then.
[04-17:47] e55e8, Travis : k
[04-17:48] fb2e0, Mab: It didn't make sense that the headmaster of the wizard academy was level one is the reason.
[04-17:49] e55e8, Travis : indeed heh
[04-17:49] e55e8, Travis : but, I still wanted to make sure
[04-17:50] 6df9d, Liz: *yawns*
[04-17:50] ab6ae, Sileen: Wait a minute... do griffons, since they have natual advantages, even GET wizard stuff on top of that?
[04-17:51] f9c17, Whee: Sent!... errr... I dunno
[04-17:51] 6df9d, Liz: Is anyone going to rp?
[04-17:51] f9c17, Whee: I'm going to. Just sent in my reg form
[04-17:51] e55e8, Travis : ....shouldn't you know kitty? being the species admin and all?
[04-17:52] f9c17, Whee: I think I did it right
[04-17:52] e55e8, Travis : oh blah blah, make me do more work hehehe
[04-17:52] ab6ae, Sileen: I can't remember EVERYTHING
[04-17:52] 17fb7, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((I'll start rping in a sec))
[04-17:53] fb2e0, Mab: Unless it specifies in the species writeup that they can't, they can.
[04-17:53] ab6ae, Sileen: *salute*
[04-17:54] e55e8, Travis : whoot
[04-17:54] ab6ae, Sileen: I think I'm going to delete Vesperian... they are pretty much unneeded, and the singular person who wanted it quit
[04-17:54] fb2e0, Mab: Okay by me.
[04-17:55] f9c17, Whee: *checks email*
[04-17:55] 17fb7, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((My firend wanted one, is that the single persoN?))
[04-17:55] ab6ae, Sileen: Vesperian.. are no more
[04-17:56] ab6ae, Sileen: ... Oops? Someone actually wanted one?
[04-17:57] ab6ae, Sileen: They were basically a rip off of sirens and merfolk and all that anyway
[04-17:58] e55e8, Travis : all righty dude, you have mail
[04-17:58] fb2e0, Mab: I need more sirens regged for one idea I have.
[04-17:58] fb2e0, Mab: Whee, you a guy or a girl? I can't remember.
[04-17:59] 17fb7, Will-o'-the-wisp: (Yeah, we noticed... anyways, Im gonna start rping and get my theif out of rua before ghouls get it/him.))
[04-17:59] fb2e0, Mab:
[04-17:59] JOIN: Llano Alastrina has entered.
[04-18:00] fb2e0, Mab: Pretty soon it will be that the only safe haven in is Trendlekim's.
[04-18:00] EXIT: Whee has left the chat ( 6:55pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-18:00] JOIN: Haesanga has entered.
[04-18:00] e55e8, Travis : hehehe I'm glad Ashe spends so much time there then
[04-18:00] f9c17, Haesanga: ((BWAH!))
[04-18:00] ab6ae, Aurora : *can take on ghouls... mwah*
[04-18:00] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (Mab are you refering to the ghouls?)
[04-18:01] fb2e0, Acorna : *can take on ghouls too. mwah mwah*
[04-18:01] fb2e0, Mab: Yeah, the ghoulies.
[04-18:01] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (, Llano will be fighting beside themm...)
[04-18:02] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (, poor Eradrae...)
[04-18:02] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *can make ghouls sporadically combust*
[04-18:02] 17fb7, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Unless of course your me, Im getting a companionship with the ghoul's leader, which is gonna lead to some great rp.))
[04-18:03] e55e8, Travis : I can melt them heh
[04-18:03] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:02pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-18:03] f9c17, Haesanga: *flexes wings and takes off, soaring towards Raupenchi, where he hears there is evil to be investigated!*
[04-18:03] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I can eat them))
[04-18:03] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (*assumes that was Darrius...*)
[04-18:03] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *can make elves gone to the dark side combust too, you wicked unelfy elf you*
[04-18:03] e55e8, Travis : now why would you eat a ghoul?
[04-18:04] JOIN: Rikkell Donobar has entered.
[04-18:04] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (, sorry, really this char is just a tool to torment my other character Eradrae Baenre...)
[04-18:04] NICK: Travis changed nick to Ashe.
[04-18:04] 6df9d, Liz: So....who's rping?
[04-18:04] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (hey Rikell, it me, LLano is regged now)
[04-18:05] e55e8, Ashe : ((*stretches* Rawr, I'm up for some fun))
[04-18:05] 17fb7, Rikkell Donobar : ((Yeah, wierd that you have a good drow and a bad elf. *laughs*))
[04-18:05] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Cause I doubt they could reform themselves after being through a Griffins' digestive tract))
[04-18:05] f9c17, Haesanga: ((mee)_
[04-18:05] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (meh I suppose I could start RPing...)
[04-18:05] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (yeha it is weird.... Really tho, the elf has good intentions)
[04-18:05] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (sorta...)
[04-18:05] e55e8, Ashe : ((yes but I doubt you could move after sending one of those through your digestive tract ))
[04-18:05] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Good drow and bad elf... definately is different.))
[04-18:06] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (The ends justify the means I gess...)
[04-18:07] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (The elf is insane... And is obsessed with killing the Drow who she thinks is evil... Its actually quite confusing....)
[04-18:07] 17fb7, Rikkell Donobar : **Runs with silent footsteps across a building top in . This city is crawling with ghouls now and him and his have to high tail it out of there... theres a portal at the glimmering inn**
[04-18:07] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (note: Eradrae has a profile, Llano doesn't...)
[04-18:08] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*eats Ashe))
[04-18:08] 6df9d, Liz: Haes..what are you?
[04-18:08] f9c17, Haesanga: *Flaps again and looks down, seeing Rikkel hopping along. The pale grey/mottled griffin dives lower and shouts * ho there! Are you in need of assistance my comerade? *all noble like*
[04-18:08] f9c17, Haesanga: ((over ))
[04-18:08] e55e8, Ashe : *and he would be sitting at the bar in the glimmering inn, sittin quietly with a mug of ale. His long silver hair is tied back and he gives a yawn before taking a gulp*
[04-18:09] e55e8, Ashe : ((*bursts outta the griffin's esophogues* Mwhahahaha))
[04-18:09] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((It's a funky horsey thing! Can't you tell?))
[04-18:09] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((With boots!))
[04-18:09] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: *She walks atop the roofs some 20 meters behin Rikell, completely silent. At first she had mistaken this man for the drow she had been hunting. He moved so silently she'd barely even noted him.*
[04-18:09] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I'm not ahorse!)
[04-18:10] fb2e0, Mab: Okay, who can help me set up Mab Fairy Queen's profile so I can stop being a hypocrite in that regard?
[04-18:10] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *... in a random section of the streets... there is a sudden flash of brilliant firelight, and then some wicked cackling, as a group ghouls bite the dust.. or more appropriate, become ash*
[04-18:11] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[04-18:11] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Give me her info, give me your password, and I'll pop out a profile for you))
[04-18:11] fb2e0, Mab: I just havent' had time with all the other chat stuff I've needed to do.
[04-18:11] 17fb7, Rikkell Donobar : **Looks up at the griffin** This place has become unholy, if you are a warrior, I suggest you fight your way through here or run, Im on my way to the Glimmering Inn, I suggest you hightail it there too friend!
[04-18:11] fb2e0, Mab: Oooo! Thanks, Sileen!
[04-18:11] c4ed8, Kali: *sits on her hands..not volunteering*...if you have it made i can take care of it
[04-18:12] 17fb7, Rikkell Donobar : **can not be snuck up on, but isnt yet aware of Llano's presence, but he does have a belt full of throwing daggers and has great aim**
[04-18:12] f9c17, Haesanga: *flaps again, dipping and hmms* I know. I heard! Did you need help to the Inn, or out of the city? *he asks, always the noble one. THen he blinks, spotting something nearby. * What IS the evil in this city?
[04-18:12] c4ed8, Kali: *sighs*... glad you beat me to it Sileen...
[04-18:14] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: *she smirked, keeping herself low to the roof top as she listened to the two. She had heard of this glimering in... Whether or not she would bother with it was another story. Perhas she should try and disable the portal to prevent the Dorws escape... Or did he even know of the events transpiring?*
[04-18:14] e55e8, Ashe : ((look it's a ghost! *calls the ghostbusters*)) *sits in his thoughts, he'd witness a small girl being eaten by one of the many ghouls last night. They've suddenly infested the city like big flesh eating roaches.* Ghouls...figured the ones that day were just a fluke...what's going on?
[04-18:14] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (I hate types...)
[04-18:14] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (**typos...)
[04-18:15] fb2e0, Mab Fairy Queen : *
[04-18:15] 17fb7, Rikkell Donobar : Im not necesarrily sure what they are! I've never encountered them before last night, but they reek of death... hell, maybe they are dead... The only help you can give me is to get as far away from here as possible, I'll be fine, go find some other people.
[04-18:15] 6df9d, Lafiel : *the soft rustle of her pinions is the only sound that betrays her presence as she coasts over the city, looking down at the death and evil that's overrun the place she's come to call home* ~terrible~
[04-18:15] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (, everything always goes on in ... Many... this'll screw it right up! I can't wait...)
[04-18:17] 17fb7, Rikkell Donobar : **by now, Llano is being followed siliently by three of the thieves Rikkell has stationed in the city, and they arent going to let anything happen to their leader**
[04-18:17] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: *She ducked lower, hoping teh griffon wouldn't spot her. She smirked... Would it off to fly her away from this place? Her thoughts however, quickly went back to the drow. Am I doing the right thing? He killed Your People! Yes... But... Am I going about it the right way? Who cares? He will Pay!*
[04-18:19] f9c17, Haesanga: *snorts and flaps alongside Rikkel * very well. off I go *banks sharply, and dives into the streets, swooping along to search for any non-ghouled survivors , a flash of metallic feathers in the light.*
[04-18:21] MSG: Ashe sent a message to Haesanga.
[04-18:21] 6df9d, Lafiel : *shaking her head with an equine snort that echoes off the roofs of the nearby buildings, she climbs a bit higher into the air and glides on some thermals*
[04-18:21] e55e8, Ashe : *sits with the cold mug against his forehead, taking another gulp and returning to his previous posture*
[04-18:22] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Ashe no offense but tht's one butt ugly griffin))
[04-18:23] e55e8, Ashe : ((*shrugs* well I just grabbed the first thing I saw on google, be an ungrateful bastich then ))
[04-18:24] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (I'm having touble accesing the board with this account...)
[04-18:26] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (oh... Wrong name... )
[04-18:26] 5c246, Llano Alastrina: (brb)
[04-18:26] EXIT: Llano Alastrina has left the chat ( 7:26pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-18:26] JOIN: Llan Alanastrina has entered.
[04-18:27] 5c246, Llan Alanastrina: (there we go)
[04-18:27] 5c246, Llan Alanastrina: (*hops back ic*)
[04-18:27] 17fb7, Rikkell Donobar : **Cracks his neck and continues on from rooftop to rooftop, getting nearer and nearer to the glimmereing in, his gang of 17 are supposed to be waiting for him.**
[04-18:28] 5c246, Llan Alanastrina: *She continues to follow hiom without a sound, she had a feeling Darrius hadn't told her everything, this man seemed to know a lot. She neededll teh information, even if her goal was at hand.)
[04-18:28] 5c246, Llan Alanastrina: *
[04-18:28] 5c246, Llan Alanastrina: (oops no brtacket...)
[04-18:28] f9c17, Haesanga: *flapflap... scream down one alleyway. He banks sharply, rebounding off a wall with catlike grace as he screams down that way. There's a shudder as he fires a lightning bolt, and more screams. Griffin: 2. Ghouls: 0 (
[04-18:30] 5c246, Llan Alanastrina: (damnit... wrong name again, brb)
[04-18:30] EXIT: Llan Alanastrina has left the chat ( 7:30pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-18:30] JOIN: Llano Alanastrina has entered.
[04-18:30] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina: (yay...)
[04-18:31] 17fb7, Rikkell Donobar : ((WHOA! I just got a great idea!))
[04-18:32] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina: (ok... *hopes this has somethingto do with me.*)
[04-18:33] c4ed8, Kali: uh oh...
[04-18:33] f9c17, Haesanga: *takes to the skies again, finally circling down t owards the Glimmering inn.* Hmm...
[04-18:34] 6df9d, Lafiel : *wings off in the direction of the forest*
[04-18:34] 6df9d, Lafiel : **gone**
[04-18:34] EXIT: Lafiel has left the chat ( 7:34pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-18:36] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina: (rikell, are you gonna share your 'great idea' with the rest of us???)
[04-18:36] JOIN: Koal Oneri has entered.
[04-18:37] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( ello ))
[04-18:37] fb2e0, Mab: Hi Koal
[04-18:37] c4ed8, Kali:
[04-18:37] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*cries as everyone leaves*))
[04-18:38] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( How goes it? Would someone like to RP or is everyone busy? ))
[04-18:38] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina: (...)
[04-18:39] f9c17, Haesanga: ((ME ME!))
[04-18:40] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( Wow cool. Been searchin for a freakin hour for people to RP with and I got someone right here really quick. I love it ))
[04-18:40] e55e8, Ashe : *takes another gulp of ale. He hated what he say, that rotting living corpse feeding on that girl. He destroyed them both with an Acid strike, he wasn't about to let the thing feed again and let the girl come back. Now he just sits with his drink*
[04-18:40] fb2e0, Mab: I could also join in, if it'll spice things up, but I'll let Haesanga lead the way and step in only if it will enhance the situation, not detract from it.
[04-18:41] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina: (Yarg... *bored...*)
[04-18:42] JOIN: Rikkell Donobar has entered.
[04-18:43] e55e8, Ashe : ((brb, gonna put a pizza in))
[04-18:44] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina: (WB Rikell)
[04-18:44] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina: (u were telling us all about your 'great idea')
[04-18:44] fb2e0, Pendy Fleece : *CAMEO* *she has been several days in this blasted underground, at least she is guessing underground, infirmary. She sneaks off her cot, contrary to her instructions whenever no one is looking. She has only been fed sparingly and only the most basic of food, no special flavors, plainly prepared*
[04-18:45] 13485, Rikkell Donobar : ((Yeah, good idea for Darrius killing squad, he's gonna have 4 leader of the group, The horsemen, hes gonna be death, The ghoul leader could be pestilence, and then whoever could be the other two
[04-18:46] 13485, Rikkell Donobar : ((Cameo as in "word up"?
[04-18:46] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: ** The boy slowly walked in the establishment. He only looked to be close to fifteen. He wore plain white cotton clothing which hung loosly to his meduim built frame. To his back was a large sword, almost that of his size, which hung slanted over his left shoulder. Slowly and nervously he walked to the bar. His shaking feet close to giving out. He had walked a long way in a short time and his body was close to unable to function. His movements, though strealthy were sloppy as he clumsily made his way to a bar stool. He sat upon it and waved down the barkeep. His voice however was seperate it seemed from his shaking body, nae his voice was stong and confident, always his best trait when first meeting people. He asked at a whisper for a whiskey with lime and drew coins to pay. He slid them to the tender as he recieved his drink and slowly began to sip it. His body calming ever so much as he did drink**
[04-18:47] f9c17, Haesanga: *morphs to his hummanoid shape - a bird-hatted man, (think Stargate, only with feathers instead) as he hops off the roof, landing behind Koal and following him in. His eyes dart around energetically as he watches* Isn't that a little stiff for you boy?
[04-18:47] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina: (I'd volunteer Llano but I have a feeling she's gonna have some Drow hunting to do... Man, the show down between her and Erdrae will be wicked.. But I would like to talk to u about that now that I think about that....
[04-18:47] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina: )
[04-18:49] JOIN: Rikkell Donobar has entered.
[04-18:49] fb2e0, Pendy Fleece : *End Cameo*
[04-18:50] 13485, Rikkell Donobar : ((Well, hold on a sec, Im gonna restart my comp))
[04-18:50] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: **He cringed and looked backwards. His eyes also seperate from his now calmed body. His voice low, his yellow eyes, like that of a tigers, searching the man closely**"No."**He said plainly**" This is my favorite drink, My father used to make this for me when i was ten, and before he died. So this is all i drink"**His voice barely above a whisper as he slowly sipped again**
[04-18:50] fb2e0, Fahrena : *nother cameo* *still tied to the tree as though kneeling and hugging it. Still in pain and discomfort and trying to sleep through most of it* *end cameo*
[04-18:51] f9c17, Haesanga: *lifts an eyebrow, his eyes stunningly dark in his pale features, as though he never set foot in the sunlight* Since you were ten?? You know you'll get sick if you drink just that. *he states simply, taking a seat next to the boy*
[04-18:53] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: "I dont care. I have to things to remember my father by. My mother died soon after i was born, and thats his drink and my family pendant"**Again in a low deep voice, like a tigers growl yet nicer. He slowly took another sip, finishing it off**
[04-18:54] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( *two ))
[04-18:54] fb2e0, Merina : *she has wondered if her people know of the plague spreading in this city that blankets over a place of great importance to the subjects of Triton. She knows that to tell them herself will earn her punishment for being on land when she has no leave to go there. This is why she has feared to mention it to anyone. If she mentioned it, they would know and the laws do not spare someone just because their disobedience brought about good*
[04-18:54] f9c17, Haesanga: *continues almost annoyingly* Then why not remember him in deed and mind rather than a rather intoxicating drink? *mr. know it all*
[04-18:54] e55e8, Ashe : *the two would most likely see the silver haired 4 tailed, fox eared Kit sitting down several stools drinking ale*
[04-18:57] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: ** He chuckled and stated simply**"Its too good not to use it as a reason"**He placed enough coins down for another glass. He took it when it came and took another sip**"I guess Im ammune to an extent. Ive not been drunk since 14 though ive never had more than five drinks in a row"
[04-18:57] f9c17, Haesanga: Itis your choice then boy. Just dont spend all your money on it. *the man turns away back to his own business*
[04-18:58] JOIN: Adrian Darrymont has entered.
[04-18:58] MSG: Llano Alanastrina sent a message to Adrian Darrymont.
[04-18:59] fb2e0, Merina : *she, as usual, fears punishment, but doesn't let her stop her from venturing on land anyway. She is dressed in a dress the color of this font, a simple peasant dress and wears a shawl over her head to make her hair not so apparent. She steps out of her speciall little niche of an alleyway that secludes the camoflauged door to her little above water room that holds her wardrobe and land items collection.*
[04-18:59] fb2e0, Merina : let her = let it
[04-18:59] e55e8, Ashe : *he reaches back and stretches his arms a moment before ordering another ale, and some fish, fruit, and potatoes. Is in a fish mood again*
[04-19:00] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Icon test))
[04-19:00] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: **He turns as well seeing the fox. He chuckled and quietly and slowly walked over. He sat down and again, with a low voice**"Hello"**Though the voice was not a mean voice, merely the way he spoke. He eyes turning past him to the rest of the room, looking around avoiding any actual talk, only trying to be polite. His shyness hasnt worn off yet**
[04-19:01] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (Hm, forgot about my icon)
[04-19:01] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (Adrian, u there?)
[04-19:01] fb2e0, Merina : *she explained the injuries on her back, as some mer apothecary tended to them, as happening when she swam too close to jagged rocks. She hoped he bought it. Her back still stings, but should only result in thin lines of scarring*
[04-19:01] MSG: Adrian Darrymont sent a message to Llano Alanastrina.
[04-19:02] e55e8, Ashe : *turns, examing the boy, taking in his scent* Hello boy.
[04-19:03] MSG: Llano Alanastrina sent a message to Adrian Darrymont.
[04-19:03] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: ** His sent would be that of a tigers. He turns and again looks over the man**" Im new here. Would this place be interesting and possibly a place I would look into staying, be there enough happening?"
[04-19:05] e55e8, Ashe : *takes a gulp of his ale* Trendie's is the best place in Rua. Best ale, best beds, and very conveniant. And there's plenty happening. How did you manage to get here and not see or hear the ghouls?
[04-19:05] MSG: Adrian Darrymont sent a message to Llano Alanastrina.
[04-19:07] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[04-19:07] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: "I snuck. I was running away from my former life, and I either ran very quickly, or snuck very quietly. The most I heard was odd sounds. They were very disturbing."
[04-19:07] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: ((* I snuck? ))
[04-19:08] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : **Stand in an alleyway above the now awakening Adrian.** Get up ghoul, I have too many things to teach you to have you lying around.
[04-19:08] e55e8, Ashe : *another gulp* Ah. Just wait till you see them. If you're going to be living in Rua now, you'll see them. They're infesting apparently. No one knows why or when it started but it's happening.
[04-19:09] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( So what is the gouls thing like 28 days later? ))
[04-19:10] MSG: Llano Alanastrina sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[04-19:10] MSG: Llano Alanastrina sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[04-19:10] e55e8, Ashe : ((basically zombies under control))
[04-19:10] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (oops... sorry)
[04-19:10] ed9a2, Adrian Darrymont : ((Koal, are you new?))
[04-19:10] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (are there any admins still around?
[04-19:10] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*ponders just sitting out till the ghoul thing is over. Not sure what's going on*))
[04-19:11] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( Yea ))
[04-19:11] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (the ghouls arn't under control yet.)
[04-19:11] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (the attack will probably be soon though...)
[04-19:11] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (can't wait...)
[04-19:11] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (Is mab still on????)
[04-19:12] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: ( So its like 28 days later. thats how its soundin ))
[04-19:12] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : (well, welcome to bettenchi for one thing. A ghoul is a lot like a zombie, and apparently theres a person right now whos trained them to follow his commands, they are rampagin through a very main city called ))
[04-19:12] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (, I don't think its quite like that)
[04-19:13] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (GRR.... MAB!!!!!)
[04-19:13] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : (yeah, actually thats pretty much the jist of it))
[04-19:13] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[04-19:13] e55e8, Travis: Admin needed?
[04-19:13] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (well its not like 28 days later)
[04-19:14] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (yes please.
[04-19:14] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : )
[04-19:14] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : ()
[04-19:14] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( Well thanks for the welcome and i still say its like 28 days later i love that movie hehe anyway back to RP heh ))
[04-19:14] e55e8, Ashe : ((yeah not like 28 days later))
[04-19:14] e55e8, Travis: what's up?
[04-19:15] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: **He chuckled**"They sound like good advesaries. How do you beat them? "
[04-19:15] MSG: Llano Alanastrina sent a message to Travis.
[04-19:15] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( is it more like Resident evil? ))
[04-19:15] e55e8, Ashe : Anyway you can. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go back to my thoughts. *turns back as his dinner arrives and player goes off to eat dinner as well* **GONEintoNPCdom*
[04-19:15] f9c17, Haesanga: *heads out, thinking the lad is just bonkers... what thirteen year old could really stand a chance against Ghouls? Crazy hoomans...*
[04-19:16] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (ts pretty hard to beat them... You could like cut them in two and they keep going... i think you have to beat them to ush before they stop....)
[04-19:16] MSG: Travis sent a message to Llano Alanastrina.
[04-19:16] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( fifteen ))
[04-19:16] e55e8, Travis: Dust 'em or melt 'em, just reduce 'em to nothing basically
[04-19:17] MSG: Llano Alanastrina tried to message Alright (not registered).
[04-19:17] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (, oops)
[04-19:17] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (thx travis)
[04-19:17] e55e8, Travis: hehe I can't count the number of times I've done that
[04-19:17] e55e8, Travis: no prob, now dinner time
[04-19:17] e55e8, Travis: later
[04-19:17] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 8:17pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-19:17] f9c17, Haesanga: *Thirteen, fiften. All look the same to him*
[04-19:17] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (l8er)
[04-19:18] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( Ok wow I like this and it seems my RP buddies are gone. So how do you get the disease? Like touch or is it impossible to get it?
[04-19:18] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (I think that part is like 28 days later...)
[04-19:19] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (though... Llano managed to beat four to hell teh other day without getting touched..)
[04-19:19] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : ((Ill give it to you if you want!))
[04-19:19] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : ()
[04-19:20] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( So basically if they cut you or you get their blood in your mouth or eyes or something of the such))
[04-19:20] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : (all i hafta do is get my ghoul in here, chase you, eat you a little, and you'll raise as a ghoul))
[04-19:21] MSG: Llano Alanastrina sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[04-19:21] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( No thanks. Fifteen year olds hate being bitten to death dont you read magazines? ))
[04-19:21] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : ((k))
[04-19:22] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (, good one Koal)
[04-19:23] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( Thanks ))
[04-19:23] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : ((wait, who all in here is new, as in hasnt been here more than a week?))
[04-19:23] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( Im regestering ))
[04-19:23] fb2e0, Merina : ((On the board, under "Species, What we have so far" look for the post for ghouls and the details you are asking should be answered there))
[04-19:23] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( Me my first time here ))
[04-19:23] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Been here a few months on and off))
[04-19:23] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Mew?))
[04-19:24] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (I haven't been here more then a week and have 2 chars regged)
[04-19:24] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( oo can you tell me if they have humans but they can turn into tigers cause thats what koal is and i may have to change him ))
[04-19:24] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (actually I'e been here 2 days)
[04-19:24] fb2e0, Merina : ((Hmmm, I suppose we could adjust the Ghidra a little to be like that, Koal))
[04-19:25] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( thanks ))
[04-19:25] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (well I suppose he could be a druid, I don't think there is a race with such an innate ability))
[04-19:26] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Can I eat the tiger?))
[04-19:26] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : **Floats callusedly through the chaos and distruction that now plagues this city. Darrius approaches the glimmering inn**
[04-19:26] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (I should make a kender for times like this...)
[04-19:27] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *already in the glimmering in... even if she's not really all that active...*
[04-19:27] fb2e0, Merina : *also approaches the Glimmering Inn*
[04-19:27] f9c17, Haesanga: *steps out of the Glimmering Inn, stretching to the sky with a sigh* Ahhh...
[04-19:28] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( eating tigers ))
[04-19:28] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : **stops in front of the door, pushing it open slowly and audibly. He is curently hovering 6 inches above the ground and enters the tavern that way, scan the room with his crimson eyes** (( /loaction ))
[04-19:30] f9c17, Haesanga: *In the doorway of the Glimmering inn... probably in Darrius' way as I stopped just outside the door*
[04-19:30] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *sitting at the bar, waiting for an bounty hunters that may have stumbled upon the drow for her. Her eyes immediately flash up toward Darrius, her kill count was rising, soon he would torment Eradrae and she would have her answers.*
[04-19:32] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : (( )) **Through looks and scent, he knows the man to be griffin. Darrius has killed 6 griffins, so killing this one would be unnecesary** Excuse me... *says this, still hovering above the ground
[04-19:33] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (You know what would be great? A Kender wizard... I know kender can't cast spells but it would be great if u had the odd one that could and ended up messing everything up...)
[04-19:33] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (Hmm... Maybe a magic item can help me out there...)
[04-19:33] fb2e0, Merina : ((He doesn't have to scent the gryphon. He just has to look at him. *L* It's pretty obvious. Their humanoid form is not as humany as some other species))
[04-19:34] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : ((I noted that))
[04-19:34] fb2e0, Merina : *she halts behind the two of them*
[04-19:34] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: **His yellow eyes drift to the floating man. He stifled a chuckled, having never seen this is was funny to him. He then sipped his drink more studying the man. He then turned back to his business**(( Im gonna go, ill be back later. Fireworks now ))
[04-19:34] f9c17, Haesanga: *Nope. Very oviously a Griffin. Looks at Darrius floating, eyes glittering as he steps to one side, not realizing who this was.*
[04-19:35] 6d59a, Koal Oneri: (( Have a great night ))
[04-19:36] EXIT: Koal Oneri has left the chat ( 8:35pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-19:37] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : **slowly pushes the door opens, and once inside, he lands on the ground. He scans the room with his crimson eyes, spotting Llano, he calls out** Why are these people not dead?
[04-19:37] f9c17, Haesanga: *takes two steps away from the door and stops, hearing Darrius' words. He slinks back and stands outside the door, to the hinged part (away from the opening) to listen.*
[04-19:39] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *she smirks.* They are nto dead because one of them may be teting me... I put up a notice that Eradrae was to be brought t Suppose one of these fine people have found him and are testing me... In any case, 90 pople fell to Lelvin'd'Arciin this day... Of course... I et some live, maied and without parents or homes... but... Their agony was worth it... *An almost demonic smile finding her face.*
[04-19:40] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : **testing
[04-19:40] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : **brought to me. Suppose....
[04-19:40] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : **let
[04-19:40] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : ***maimed
[04-19:40] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (*kill typo demons*)
[04-19:41] fb2e0, Merina : *she too gets spooked about entering and stays by the door listening*
[04-19:42] fb2e0, Merina : *
[04-19:42] f9c17, Haesanga: *looks at Merina quietly, headtilting all birdlike*
[04-19:42] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : **Seems somewhat pleased, but also remarks** Our job is not to orphan, it is to kill... you find the livng, you make them the dead.
[04-19:42] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (note: with all the ghous its probably not a whole lot better outside...)
[04-19:43] fb2e0, Mr. Trendlekim : *he comes out from the back room.* What is all this talk of killing in my establishment? *although deaths have happened in here, what they're talking about isn't any mere dispute between a couple patrons*
[04-19:44] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I thought the area would be clear enough to listen... O.o Didn't know they were literally everywhere.. I'll move in a moment*
[04-19:44] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *She smirks.* How long would u expect one to live without tretment for a missing arm? I let them wallow in sorrow. I imagine most will be dead by now. *her left hand slights to the hilt of her long sword, Lelvin'd'Arciin as it sends telepathic messages to her. * The griffon is still outside.
[04-19:46] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (oops missed your post trendlekim... we'll jst say she ignored it.)
[04-19:46] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : I know, I smell him... as well as another... **turns to trndlekim** Whatever it is we speak of, human, we will speak of it and here nothing from you, understand?
[04-19:47] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *she nods. shifting her gaze to Tendlekim, her high elven features emotionless.*
[04-19:48] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : **turns full atention to the human. Have you heard of the events that are taking place in as we speak?
[04-19:48] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[04-19:49] fb2e0, Mr. Trendlekim : *grins a wise old grin* Such upstarts we have these days. *his wispy hair that looks like two with floppy ears on either side of his face waves easily in the slightest air current and he shakes his head and picks up a glass to start polishing it*
[04-19:49] fb2e0, Mr. Trendlekim : *ummm put that last post before Darrius' last*
[04-19:50] fb2e0, Mr. Trendlekim : *Now, the real question is, is Mr. Trendlekim really human? We may never know.* You'd be surprised at the things I know.
[04-19:50] f9c17, Haesanga: (*can see it now. Everyone in Raupenchi is ghouled except tendlekim.))
[04-19:51] fb2e0, Merina : *she looks over at the gryphon with a concerned expression*
[04-19:52] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *She shifts her gaze from Trendlekim back to Darrius.* Enough he is insinificant! When will the battle take place? *she glances down to her sword.* I have issues I must deal with the day before the battle, otherwise things could turn sour. *somehow she seems to be talking about her sword. Which wouldn't make any sense to anyone who hadn't wielded the sword before... she ofcourse being the only one to have ever done that*
[04-19:52] f9c17, Haesanga: *is in human form and looks at the door again, hearing, then around. He tenses, and wave a hand to mErina, and points towards two Ghouls heading their way. He then looks at her again in similar concern for her defense...*
[04-19:53] fb2e0, Mr. Trendlekim : ((*delayed correction* with floppy = white floppy))
[04-19:54] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (damnit... Llano is obsessed with killing eradrae its so much fun playing her!!)
[04-19:54] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : **smiles a bit waith an amazed expression on his face, here are two killers, talking of acts against humanity, and this old man has the courage to make light of it. He waves a hand to silence Llano** What all do you know old man?
[04-19:55] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *anger flashes across her features for a second before she returns to her emotionlessness shifting her gaze to Trendlekim once more*
[04-19:55] fb2e0, Merina : *she bites her lips and decides to rush inside. Perhaps patrons in here will keep her safe.*
[04-19:56] f9c17, Haesanga: *will move to stop Merina... after all, Darrius is in there, and he just said he wanted everyoen dead* No! *he whispers fiercely, will block door if Merina's player allows*
[04-19:57] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (, ost of the 'patrons' are too scared to move because of Darrius and Llano... Tho I guess trendlekims appearance might give them some bravery... Actually... Its more likely that they strike out against Llano and Darrius then protect Merina..)
[04-19:57] fb2e0, Mr. Trendlekim : I know that you will ultimately fail. You know not which city you plague, not the real city. *his words may seem vague and confusing as he speaks in mild riddles, saying much by saying very little or not saying anything at all*
[04-19:58] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *Llano smirks. It mattered not to her whether the city stood or fell. Eradrae was all that mattered and she would kill him. During the battle she would hunt him down and kill him. She would end her torment. Such a vile creature could not be allowed to live!*
[04-19:59] fb2e0, Merina : *whispers* but surely it is safer in there. I've already narrowly missed death by those types. *waves to any nearby ghouls*
[04-19:59] fb2e0, Merina : *doesn't wave to the ghouls, I mean she gestures mildy to them*
[04-19:59] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : **Isnt planning on kill anyone today** Sorry old man, but you dont know my goal, those mindless monsters out there may want this city, but my sights are set much higher.
[04-20:00] f9c17, Haesanga: *whispers back* Their master is inside, I think... I will take you from here, to safety if you want* still showing concern for her.*
[04-20:01] fb2e0, Mr. Trendlekim : But every sight starts somewhere. Mindless walking death will never again enter here. *says nothing about sharp premeditated death. heh*
[04-20:01] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *she smirks, finding Darrius's opportunistic nature rather amusing. Her hand suddenly tightens around the hilt of her sowrd and she grunts quietly.*
[04-20:03] fb2e0, Merina : *whispers back* but did you hear that, the owner said those ghouls cannot enter. Maybe we could enter from upstairs.
[04-20:04] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : **Smiles darkly, putting one hand on his own chest** Death has already entered your inn, sir.
[04-20:05] f9c17, Haesanga: *hesitates, then sates* I will go with you then if you insist.*pushes the door open.*
[04-20:05] fb2e0, Mr. Trendlekim : As it has many times before, but not those mindless types out there. *wavingly gestures outside*
[04-20:06] fb2e0, Merina : *she enters quietly, trying not to draw special attention*
[04-20:06] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : What makes you so certain?
[04-20:07] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *Her gaze snaps to the door way. She watches both Merina and Haesnda closly, hand firmly gripping Lelvin'd'Arcin, her longsword as her other hand slips down toward her short sword. She would not make any hostile movements... not with Lelvin acting up.*
[04-20:08] f9c17, Haesanga: *steps in after MErina..a birdman and a fishgirl entering together. He smiles at her a bit reassuringly, offering his arm*
[04-20:08] fb2e0, Mr. Trendlekim : That which you do not know and I will not tell you. *and the old man gives Darrius what could only be a "don't cross me" look, that wise old man styled "don't cross me look with his head tilted slightly down in a feral manner and eyes looking right at Darrius*
[04-20:08] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : **Lelvin'd'Arciin
[04-20:10] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *Having caught Trendlekims look out of the corner off her eye she smirked - how rediculous the old man looked! She did not doubt thogh that there was more then there seemed to the man.*
[04-20:10] fb2e0, Merina : *she takes his arm and nudges him toward the stairs to the upper story where the inn rooms are*
[04-20:10] ed9a2, Darrius Lokken : **Smiles very menacingly** I like your style old man **extends a hand to him** My name is Darrius Lokken
[04-20:11] f9c17, Haesanga: *blinks and nods, heading up wiht her and he glances down to those below, hawkish eyes narrowing a dirty look at Dar a moment before he dissapears. Once upstairs...* What is your name, by the by?
[04-20:12] fb2e0, Mr. Trendlekim : *places the glass he was polishing in Darrius' extented hand* I am Mr. Trendlekim and be warned I am very protective of my establishment and patronage.
[04-20:12] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[04-20:13] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *the two she'd been watching gone up stairs she hifts her gaze to Darrius and Trendlekim again.*
[04-20:13] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : ... u left?)
[04-20:13] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (
[04-20:13] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (when???)
[04-20:14] fb2e0, Merina : Merina. *that she is a fish girl is not readily apparant in her appearance, although her white hair suggests not human or rare birth defect*
[04-20:15] f9c17, Haesanga: *and the only thing betraying his heritage is his hawklike eyes, and the featherlike robes he wore as he smiles* I'm Haesanga... a pleasure. *he looks around upstairs at the rooms.*
[04-20:17] fb2e0, Merina : *Oh, I think the featherlike "hair" on his head and birdlike skinned hands might give him away unless he's wearing gloves and a hood* A pleasure to meet you as well, Haesanga. I've not met your kind before.
[04-20:17] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (Darrius, u there?)
[04-20:18] f9c17, Haesanga: *well, he is, but the feather down hair is visible. I'm half asleep* Ohho, you know what I am? *he smiles, running ahand through his feathers* I thought we were more common than that.*finally opens a door, peeking in to see if it was occupied*
[04-20:20] fb2e0, Merina : I believe you are a gryphon, if I'm not mistaken. *her stance seems to sway as though she were emerged in water, just a subtle shifting of her weight and style of shifting it*
[04-20:21] f9c17, Haesanga: *finally finds an empty room and lets her enter first* Aye... and you are... Hmm... A merfolk, yes?
[04-20:21] fb2e0, Merina : ((How would he know she was a merfolk?))
[04-20:23] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I figured it'd be obvious, like My heritage was? bah. Random guess.*
[04-20:25] fb2e0, Merina : ((Nah, only indications of what she is would be super subtle mannerisms or if you got her wet, although her hair color is obviously not human. We'll say he guessed it by her mannerisms. He is a gryphon afterall))
[04-20:26] fb2e0, Merina : Umm, why do you say that? *blinks, worried. Does he know other merfolk? Will her tattle on her to them?*
[04-20:27] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *She was bored, cranky, and really in the mood for a fight... so our dear Delotha roams the streets, just itching for someone to cross her*
[04-20:27] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (Delotha... there are ghouls EVERYWHERE....)
[04-20:27] fb2e0, Nomeda : *might could show up to cross her. mehehehe*
[04-20:28] f9c17, Haesanga: *chuckles as she takes a seat* Just a lucky Guess... was I right? *lets her take the one chair in the room.*
[04-20:28] fb2e0, Nomeda : ((If there is only 200 or so ghouls, they can't be everywhere))
[04-20:28] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *amuses herself by tearing up some ghouls then... mwah!*
[04-20:28] fb2e0, Nomeda : ((This is a super huge city))
[04-20:28] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (1. I think theres more now. 2. I was exagerating)
[04-20:31] ab6ae, Aurora : *ghouls are not everywhere... and where they are, she can smell them. She does go out of her way to avoid them, unless the smell is not so strong, indicating a smaller number. Small numbers she'll cross, moving in.. and healing right and left. Occasionally, she gets lucky, catching one freshly made, or only a ghoul for less then a few weeks, that once healed... lives as a person again. The rest of the time.. well... they just poof into dust*
[04-20:32] fb2e0, Merina : *sits, answers shifty eyed* Maybe, depends if you're going to go around blabbing or not. *shifts in the seat nervously*
[04-20:32] fb2e0, Acorna : *is seeking her sister, concerned after seeing the state of this city these days*
[04-20:33] f9c17, Haesanga: *shakes his head* I would not tell a soul* PUts an arm around one knee* I promise.
[04-20:35] fb2e0, Merina : Then I suppose you guessed right. How'd you guess? *brushes her dress smooth across her lap*
[04-20:37] f9c17, Haesanga: *Shrugs* Literally. I took a guess. There's hundreds if not more of species out there. I can't memories EVERY one. Yet.
[04-20:38] fb2e0, Merina : Yet what?
[04-20:38] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *Growing frustrated with waiting for Darrius and the nagging in the back of her head she whips Lelvin'd'Arciin out of its sheath.* I control you! You are mine! *Oddly enough the sword begins yelling back her.* Lelvin: Llano, you must see that even if you are doing good you are becoming evil! You killed 90 innocent people this day with my blade! *he sword begins to glow a bright shade of blue, drowning out all other light in the glimmering inn.* Llano: There's no such thing as an innocent human! I only killed them becuase it will help me torment the drow, who so deserves it! *A sadistic look crosses her face as she talks*
[04-20:38] f9c17, Haesanga: I'm intending to study and memorize each one. But it takes time, even for Griffins.
[04-20:39] ab6ae, Aurora : *she pauses, glancing in the direction she just came from... there were some people on the move.. then she turns and continues on, hastening away*
[04-20:41] fb2e0, Mr. Trendlekim : *finds Llano's behaviour odd. A struggle wills. He's seen it before. He shakes his head and walks to the front door. There, he seems to shut the door with such specific purpose in the action. He then sighs, as though it took great effort to close the doors. He then simply and easily opens them again.*
[04-20:42] fb2e0, Acorna : *she is walking the streets too, in like manner to her sister*
[04-20:43] fb2e0, Merina : That is a good idea I am thinking. *her culture takes the more espionage approach to learning about other cultures, and do not learn it for the sheer delight the gryphons do.*
[04-20:43] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. she pauses, as ahead, she sees another figure. Something oddly familiar about it..*
[04-20:44] f9c17, Haesanga: *nodnods* Aye. Its fascinating to learn!* he smiles* But I'm probably boring you. What brings you to this sad place?
[04-20:45] fb2e0, Acorna : *doodeedoo. She pauses too*
[04-20:45] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *the swords pulses with light each time a word comes out of it.* Lelvin: Perhaps the Drow doesn't deserve it? He's killed no one since arriving in te city! *This only draws an expression of rage on Llanos facce.* Llano: He killed my people! He killed you!!!! *She is almost visibly shaking by this time.* Lelvin: Did he? Ho many did he kill? six? And you witnessed him, he could not control himself! he-- *Her scream splits the air.* SHUT UP!!!! YOU BELONG TO ME! YOU WILL FOLLOW ME! I AM YOUR MASTER!!! *she pauses for a moment, collecting herself, her face returning to its ussually emotionless expression.* Extinguish your light... *The sword obediently does as it is directed. After it does so, Llano whips it into the wall, leaving it sticking out buried half way to the hilt in the wood.*
[04-20:47] ab6ae, Aurora : *She stands there, facing off with her sister, her twin in all but horn coloration.. then after the initial pause, a smile of joy slowly blossoms over her lips, as shee abruptly sprints down the street towards the second pale figure*
[04-20:48] fb2e0, Mr. Trendlekim : *turns, raising a brow at Llano's action, but is not worried about it. Once she removes the blade and there is an instant where no one is looking at the wall, the damage will be erased. He moves to the back door now and does similarly with it as he had the front door. What is he doing and why?*
[04-20:49] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[04-20:49] fb2e0, Merina : I live here, well, not in the city of course.
[04-20:50] fb2e0, Acorna : *smiles and runs to meet her sister halfway* I've been looking all over for you. I was so worried. *exclaims as she tackle hug embraces her*
[04-20:50] f9c17, Haesanga: *ahhs at that* Same here... are you okay though? I worry about others... what with those... things... running around*
[04-20:50] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*kills the last * thing))
[04-20:51] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *She crosses her legs, and stares at the sword, apparently with no intentin of retrieving it anytime soon. Of course, she'd have to kill anyne who made a move to take it... she sighed under her breath. The swords thoughts merely confirmed her own doubts. Surely this drow deserved to die? Surely her acts were justified if her gol was to rid the world of such a cursed being?*
[04-20:51] ab6ae, Aurora : *basically tackle hugs back, hugging her sister tightly* You've been looking for me ? I have spent all my time here searching for you! Where have you been? *pulls back to look at her*
[04-20:53] fb2e0, Merina : I'm fine. I did have a narrow escape the other day though. It stings where it injured me. *she does not lean back in her chair for that very reason*
[04-20:54] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods and offers* Do you want me to take a look? I have a bit of medical training...
[04-20:55] fb2e0, Acorna : *laughs* I was back in our enchanted forest in the lands of the fae. I came back here because I found you missing. *gets serious again* This place is badly cursed now.
[04-20:56] fb2e0, Merina : *has heard the gryphons come by their know it all attitudes honestly* I suppose it couldn't hurt. They got me across the back.
[04-20:56] ab6ae, Aurora : I had chosen to take care of the forests near ... well... until evil overtook the lands, then I traveled here. *softly* And have thus far been attacked by two different nightmares...
[04-20:57] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods and stands, guesturing * layd own then, and I will take a look. I promise no funny stuff. *cheesy gri*
[04-20:57] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *She had bloodied her hands in the blood of children - human children though they were. Was that the right thing to do? It stood in the way of her tormenting Eradrae... Surely that would justify her actions? Wouldn't it?*
[04-20:57] fb2e0, Acorna : *nods in that "ah, so that's where you were" way in response to the bit. Then regarding the nightmares* Was one female? *tilts her head*
[04-20:59] fb2e0, Merina : *smirks and stands and unlaces the back of her dress and then lays on her stomach on the bed in the room* I'll hold you to that. You do not want me to sing you a lullaby.
[04-20:59] ab6ae, Aurora : One was.. yes.
[04-21:01] f9c17, Haesanga: *chuckles* If what I know of your kind is true, then no, I do not. *he states and inspects her back, hands soft as he traces the wound * hmmm... ((I actually have limited medical experience dbut I have a medical kit ICly that I will use))
[04-21:01] fb2e0, Acorna : I was confronted by a female nightmare in the forests outside this city when I was here. I got her good too. *grins. then goes shifty eyes* Of course, she got me as well...*gets a gleeful, "so there" kind of look* but mine left a mark.
[04-21:01] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : *she stands up.* Eradrae.... I'll kill you!!! I'll kill you you bastard!!! *Still battling her own inner demons she dashes across the room a retrieves Lelvin'd'Arciin before leaving the inn*
[04-21:02] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (Trendlekim you still here?)
[04-21:02] ab6ae, Aurora : She never had a chance to catch up with me... some friends delayed her as I ran
[04-21:04] fb2e0, Mr. Trendlekim : *watches this spectacle and hopes it doesn't interfere with the wards he is placing on the establishment as he moves to the back stage door to perform a similar ritual as before*
[04-21:05] ab6ae, Aurora : *pause*
[04-21:05] 5c246, Llano Alanastrina : (k, I'm gonna bring in a kender character (not regged) I'm gettng bored of playing Llano and Eradrae isn't available right now...)
[04-21:05] EXIT: Llano Alanastrina has left the chat ( 10:05pm, July 04 (CDT) ).
[04-21:07] fb2e0, Merina : *shivers a little with his touch. The gashes, yes, they qualify as gashes, are pretty deep, but narrow and clean cuts, the kind that can close to just a line for a scar when they heal, if tended to properly. She got ointment to put on them, but hadn't gotten care from a medical type yet, just a pharmacist equivalent*
[04-21:09] f9c17, Haesanga: *uses his kit to carefully and gently tend her wounds, closing them as best he can... a needle and thread isn't that hard to figure out after all* There we go... how old are you?
[04-21:10] fb2e0, Mr. Trendlekim : *he then moves back behind the bar. Now, any ghouls, skeletons, or the like will find they cannot enter. If they approach the place, they will become confused and wonder what they're doing and move off another direction. Those stronger willed will find other things barring the way. Players witnessing this, pass the word along to ghoulie types. Trendlekim's is off limits.*
[04-21:14] fb2e0, Merina : *she sighs with the tending* I'm 60. *lies. She is only 18, very, very, very young, a baby by merfolk standards*
[04-21:15] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods at that* I see. *he states, finishing up gently. *all done. Just dont bend over for a while so it can heal with otus tretching*
[04-21:17] fb2e0, Merina : I'll try. Thank you. *sits up carefully, so as not to jarr his nice work. Reaches behind to lace her dress back up in the back*
[04-21:18] f9c17, Haesanga: *sits back and lets her lace it up. He keeps his hands to himself! * good. Do you think they're gone yet>
[04-21:21] fb2e0, Merina : I hope so. Much as I enjoy the adventure of coming onto land. The waters call to me to come home. *finishes lacing it up,checking her dress' alignment to be sure it's on straight as she stands*