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[03-13:37] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *squirms in his hand, tangled in web and caught good.*
[03-13:39] bcf17, Orcs : *his eyes widen in pain, as his hand is sliced off, and it falls to the ground (with Mab still inside)* *he turns to look at Galean* you'll pay for this!
[03-13:40] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *and without another word, he rams his other blade straight into the mouth of the orc* yes, with your life... *he pulls the blade out of the mouth of the orc, and pushes him over*
[03-13:40] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *the hand stays clenched, however, out of reflex and she gets that elevator feeling of her container flying through the air and then continues to struggle against her entrapment*
[03-13:40] bcf17, Orcs : *falls to the ground, dead* ff0000*the head orc comes closer to their location, pulling out one big sword*
[03-13:41] bcf17, Orcs : *falls to the ground, dead* *the head orc comes closer to their location, pulling out one big sword*
[03-13:42] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he quickly turns, watching the head orc come towards them... he begins to approach the orc*
[03-13:43] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *is running out of air.*
[03-13:45] bcf17, Orcs : [caa0000]*the hand begins to twitch, the last few nerves dying off... the two top fingers loosen slightly in the process*[/a] *he places his shield at the ready when Galean approaches... then when he's close enough, he swings down at Galean in a diagonal swing to decapitate him from right shoulder to left hip*
[03-13:46] bcf17, Orcs : *the hand begins to twitch, the last few nerves dying off... the two top fingers loosen slightly in the process* *he places his shield at the ready when Galean approaches... then when he's close enough, he swings down at Galean in a diagonal swing to decapitate him from right shoulder to left hip*
[03-13:47] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he brings both blades up, catching the orc's sword... it gets dangerously close to coming down on his shoulder... he pushes the sword up, and goes to slice at the chest with one of his blades*
[03-13:48] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *okay, so gets some air, but still can't get loose in the combo of the hand grasp and the spiders web and is exhausted.*
[03-13:48] bcf17, Orcs : *he dodges back, the blade skimming across his armour... he sends a hard kick at Galean's side*
[03-13:49] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *the kick hits him hard, and he is sent back hard into a nearby tree... the wind being knocked out of him momentarily*
[03-13:50] bcf17, Orcs : *while Galean is winded, he winds up and swings hard at the elf, aiming to chop off his head*
[03-13:50] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *as soon as he sees the sword coming for his head, he quickly ducks, the blade missing his head by millimetres*
[03-13:51] bcf17, Orcs : *the blade embeds itself into the tree trunk... he pulls to try and dislodge it*
[03-13:51] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he brings one of his blades up, to slice at the orc's wrists...*
[03-13:52] bcf17, Orcs : *the blade goes through most of his wrist, not completely cutting it off* *he winces in pain, then pulls the sword out of the tree, and immediately goes on the offensive... he swings down at Galean again*
[03-13:52] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *lays there, getting her breath. She gets the idea that the hand is no longer attached to the orc by it's spasming. She wishes it would spasm opened, but it remains about the same. The webbing is sticky and frustratingly binding, not allowing her much movement*
[03-13:52] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *as he swings down, he dives forward between the blade and the orc, and as he rolls, he slashes at the heel of the orc*
[03-13:54] bcf17, Orcs : *due to the inaccuracy, the slash goes through the ankle (which was really Galean's aim in the first place, but a victim of mis-wording)* *he drops down on one knee in pain as his leg gives way*
[03-13:54] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he quickly gets up, and drives one of the blades forward at the back of the orc's neck*
[03-13:55] bcf17, Orcs : *the blade goes through the back of his neck and comes out through his mouth... he just stays there, motionless*
[03-13:55] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he sends the other blade horizontally across to decapitate the orc's head*
[03-13:55] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *squirmy squirmy*
[03-13:56] bcf17, Orcs : *the blade slices cleanly through his neck, and whilst the body falls to the ground, the head stays in place, since it's on Galean's blade*
[03-13:56] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he pushes the head off the blade and after cleaning them both on the clothes of the fallen orc, he sheaths them, collects his bow, then runs for where Mab is*
[03-13:58] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *shifts and grunts in frustration. She is desperate to know if Galean is okay and is very spent. Lot of effort to try and break her way free given the current size ratio*
[03-13:58] bcf17, Orcs : *all four of them are [B]DEAD*
[03-13:59] bcf17, Orcs : *all four of them are DEAD*
[03-14:00] bcf17, Orcs : *...all eight, sorry*
[03-14:00] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : (())
[03-14:01] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he reaches her, and bends down, prying loose the fingers of the orc's hand*
[03-14:02] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *the fingers come apart to reveal a tiny, web entangled, naked fairy. She looks up with relief and smiles faintly.*
[03-14:03] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *a sigh of relief escapes, then he quickly averts his eyes when he sees her naked* I'm sorry...
[03-14:04] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : Are my clothes okay? *she asks, teasingly pretending that she cares more for the state of her clothes than Galean*
[03-14:04] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (God I'm bored...)
[03-14:04] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : by the looks of things... they are... I'll go fetch them for you... *he kisses his finger, and touches it lightly on her lips*
[03-14:04] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((I didn't catch what you wanted your OOC handle to be, Eradrae))
[03-14:05] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *then, he gets up, and goes to get them for her... he picks them up, and takes them over to where she is*
[03-14:05] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : Can you get me untangled first?
[03-14:05] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (meh, I'll be fine without it, it wont cure my boredum anyhow)
[03-14:06] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he kneels down next to her, and since he has to look to see what he's doing, he does so and begins untangling her from the spider webs*
[03-14:08] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *not that she minds. She feels warm at his gentle touch* Thank you. *sits up on the icky orc palm and then stands, holding onto one of Galean's fingers for support and balance*
[03-14:09] ab6ae, Sileen: Into the naked with each other stage? Kinky
[03-14:09] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((*LOL*))
[03-14:10] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he lifts her up gently, off the orc's palm, so she is now resting on his hand* are you alright?
[03-14:11] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : I will be, thanks to you. *gets a stern expression* and I'll make sure my people know it too. *then lays her head on a soft part of his hand.* I guess I should just grow up now, huh? *yes, pun intended*
[03-14:14] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *smiles lightly at that, then chuckles lightly when she says that* I'm not sure... I kind of like it when you're all small... but I can't wrap my arms around you like this, so....
[03-14:16] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *smiles and stands and flutters her wings to lift off his hand and fly before his eyes, backing away a bit and growing to her full size to set her feet down gently on the gound, her wings disappearing in a shimmer of sparkles*
[03-14:18] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he smiles as she does this, and when she's of full size, he hands her the clothes*
[03-14:19] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *she doesn't take them and uses his arms out as an advantageous chance to move in for an embrace* I thought you wanted to embrace me.
[03-14:19] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *says it in a teasing tone*
[03-14:21] ab6ae, Sileen: Ooo.... spiffy picture...
[03-14:21] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : I did... I just expected it to be fully clothed... *he blushes lightly, and wraps his arms around her in a big hug*
[03-14:22] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((which one, Sileen?))
[03-14:25] ab6ae, Sileen: *snitches Eradrae's pic* The drow
[03-14:25] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((ah okay))
[03-14:26] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (ty)
[03-14:26] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Speaking of which... where did it go?)
[03-14:28] ab6ae, Sileen: I ate it
[03-14:28] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (, oh, ok)
[03-14:30] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[03-14:30] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *she nuzzles her head into his shoulder.* Clothes are over rated and cumbersome for a fae. *giggles and then slowly pulls away and takes her tunic up from him.* Help me put it on? *she doesn't need help. She's just flirting*
[03-14:30] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (hey sorcha)
[03-14:31] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Hmm... there my pic is)
[03-14:31] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hey)
[03-14:31] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *chuckles lightly, and helps her pop the tunic over her, running his hands softly down her side as he does so*
[03-14:31] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((hey again Rachelle))
[03-14:32] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*waves*)
[03-14:32] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Shall we continue where we left? Darrius didn't come back)
[03-14:32] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (sure)
[03-14:33] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Alright so we'll say he decided to leave Eradrae alone and just flew off, leaving Sorcha and Eradrae standing there?)
[03-14:34] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *which was the idea that he do that and she smiles to herself. She then takes his hand and pulls him to follow her.*
[03-14:34] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (sure)
[03-14:34] ab6ae, Sileen: Dum de dum
[03-14:35] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he does so and follows her when she takes his hand*
[03-14:36] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[03-14:36] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[03-14:36] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (hey sry bout that)
[03-14:36] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *and let's just say that the tunic he just helped her put on he'll likely have to help her put on again after all is said and done. Fade to black*
[03-14:36] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (anyway, shall we just jump back in then)
[03-14:36] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (?)
[03-14:37] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *SCORE!!!*
[03-14:37] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (sure thing)
[03-14:37] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[03-14:37] ab6ae, Sileen: That kinky Queen..
[03-14:37] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *fade to black... hell yeah!*
[03-14:38] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *Watching the man fly away he drooped visibly, almost falling over on Sorcha.* I... What now?
[03-14:38] JOIN: Aleinn Duinn has entered.
[03-14:38] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (Where do I go to edit my profile?)
[03-14:38] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She moves to steady him looking at him* are you okay? i know i was scared but are you alright?
[03-14:39] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : ((*Eyes Mab and Galean*...rippin off my tryin ta bone da hottie Queen...))
[03-14:39] ab6ae, Sileen: *shuffle shuffle*
[03-14:39] ab6ae, Sileen:
[03-14:39] 92280, Mab: ROFL
[03-14:39] e6af3, Kali: *decides she'd better read the logs to see just what she missed!!*
[03-14:39] 92280, Mab: BBL
[03-14:40] 92280, Mab:
[03-14:41] ab6ae, Naurlote : ((Amazing how these things work out. Mab and I always seem to get into similiar RP's... and this time, I did it first! So meh! We were being cutesy while Galean was still a casual guard))
[03-14:41] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *He nods, taking a deep breath and steadying himself.* Yes, sorry... It's... discouraging, thats all... * a faint smile touches his features.* Thank you. *he flips his hood up looking around the alley way.* The light... It hurts my eyes, and I don't imagine anything good could come from someone else discovering my heritage
[03-14:41] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (jealousy)
[03-14:42] ab6ae, Naurlote : ((No.. sibling rivalry))
[03-14:42] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hehehe i was joking)
[03-14:42] ab6ae, Naurlote : ((Though I know I'm cuter... *DUCKS and flees!*))
[03-14:42] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *and after all that is said and done, they make their way through the long winding forest on horseback, stoping at the wall of thorns (the gate) that's integrated in the forest, and one of the guards recognises him and opens the gates instantly... they ride through, and before them is the absolute beauty that is Nydirann, the city of the moon elves... they ride down the long winding path, down towards the royal palace.... they do whatever they need to do while they're there (diplomatic talks and such, then they head to the portal (which is the gazebo)... both get into the gazebo (with the horses and all), and Galean says the chant* "Harness the power of the moon"... *it activates* "Where fae do light the way" *they are teleported through to the kingdom of the fae*
[03-14:43] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks at him carefully* i will never say anything i swear*she says looking at him carefully*
[03-14:44] ab6ae, Sileen: Hehe
[03-14:44] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *He looks back at her, a sincerely gracious look in his eyes - though his hood did a good job of hiding them.* You have treated me as you would any other person, I didn't expect you to tell... Others however... They are not so kind...
[03-14:45] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Well iam not like never did tell me your nam*she opens to door to her shop offering him inside*
[03-14:47] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *Following her lead he walks inside. Letting his hood down a second later.* Eradrae, Eradrae Bae... *he stops walking, as if thinking.* My name is Eradrae.
[03-14:48] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Well i told you mine Eradrae*she says smiling* would you like a drink or anything?*she glances around the shop floor where fabrics lay around and finished clothes. She then heads up the stairs*
[03-14:49] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *he follows her to the base of the stairs hesitating a moment before taking a single step upward.* I do no drink thank you. *he stopped to ponder that for a moment. Befor ehe hadn't drunk to keep his reflexes sharp, but after he made his vow... did it really even matter anymore?* Have you any water?
[03-14:50] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (I'm having trouble editting my profile, it says something about HTML and thats it)
[03-14:50] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *after that, Galean and Mab ride back to the stables, tether their horses, and then head back to their own locations like nothing had ever happened... can't wait for the next RP* *GONE* ((I'm off to bed now... g'night all *hugs Mab for the uber RP*))
[03-14:50] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (...don't ask me i don't use it)
[03-14:51] bcf17, Luke: just use the normal editor... the HTML thing is too confusing... if you know your basic HTML skills, then you'll be fine... *GONEskies for real*
[03-14:51] e6af3, Kali: Eradrae, you have to write your profile in html then paste it to there...
[03-14:51] bcf17, Luke: *oh... and hugs for Rachelle, Kali, and Sileen as well*
[03-14:52] e6af3, Kali: *grins* I got a hug!! *hugs back*...sorry...beenone of those days...
[03-14:52] 18ce6, Will-o'-the-wisp: (ouch... I don't know hotmail)
[03-14:52] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*hugs!*) *she smiles warmly* of course i do come on*she smiles and leads him up the stairs again and she goes and gets him a drink of water*
[03-14:52] 18ce6, Will-o'-the-wisp: (well, I try but it says sometrhing about using hotmail and wont let me do anything)
[03-14:53] e6af3, Kali: hotmail?.....*chuckles*... have msn or aim?
[03-14:53] 18ce6, Will-o'-the-wisp: (whoa...)
[03-14:54] 18ce6, Will-o'-the-wisp: (I'm eradrae... how'd I get to be Will-o-the-wisp???)
[03-14:54] e6af3, Kali: ?
[03-14:54] 18ce6, Will-o'-the-wisp: (:/)
[03-14:54] ab6ae, Sileen: Dun dun duuuun
[03-14:54] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (check your password)
[03-14:54] 18ce6, Will-o'-the-wisp: (I am Eradrae Baenre. This is weird, i just reealised my user name...)
[03-14:55] 18ce6, Will-o'-the-wisp: (, brb)
[03-14:55] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:55pm, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-14:55] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[03-14:55] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (ok, I'm back)
[03-14:55] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (that was weird)
[03-14:56] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *he slowly follows her up the stairs, taking time to look around and observe his suroundings as he does so.*
[03-14:57] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *Her home is just a cosy little place, noticeable that she is on her own but looks like she wasn't at one point if that makes sense, there are drawings all over the place but its very warm and infiting*
[03-14:58] EXIT: Luke has left the chat ( You might have taught me everything I know, but you didn't teach me everything 'you' know... Think about it... G'night all ).
[03-14:58] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (testing)
[03-14:58] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: inviting
[03-14:59] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (willo, some how I ended up in your accoutn for a second. it was weird - um yeah... jsut thought I'd say that)
[03-14:59] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (wow, typo demons...)
[03-14:59] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (will-o-the wisp is for people who don't enter a name)
[03-14:59] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *he smiles, following her all the way up the stairs.*
[03-15:00] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (oh... , oops)
[03-15:00] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (either way, they have my picture)
[03-15:00] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *by this time there actaully in her flat like home and shes brought him a water to him where he sits, she goes and joins him or sits on the couch with a drink*
[03-15:01] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Umm... Alright... where is Eradrae sitting?)
[03-15:01] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (well theres the couch or another seat or the floor)
[03-15:03] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *He sips his water, from his place on the couch. After a moment of silence he stands up and looks at her.* Mind if I get changed? This armor is a tad uncomfortable.
[03-15:04] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (brb)
[03-15:04] EXIT: Eradrae Baenre has left the chat ( 4:04pm, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-15:04] ab6ae, Sileen: "Let me slip into something more comfortible, dear"
[03-15:04] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[03-15:04] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (back, sry bout that)
[03-15:05] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She nods* and points off behind the couch* my bedroom is through there if you want to change in there there is a lock on the door don't worry
[03-15:09] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *he looks at her and raises his eyebrow. Then suddenly blushing embarasssedly apparantly remembering human culture.* Oh yes, thank you. *he turns quickly away, hoping his ebony skin had hid the blush.* He walks into the bedroom quietly shutting the door behind him. He comes out a moment later, dressed in a black, comfortable looking suit, his ragged, white-silver hair touching his waist, instead of tucked beneath his cape as it had been before. He carries in his hand his belt, both scimitars and a pair of throwing knives still there.*
[03-15:12] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she smiles still sipping her drink looking over a couple peices of parchment and she looks to him* feeling better?
[03-15:13] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (do you have aim or anything similar?)
[03-15:13] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *He nods, smiling warmly at her as he walks over to the couch, discarding his belt beside it as he sits down and picks his drink up again*
[03-15:13] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (yes I have MSN, want it?)
[03-15:13] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (yeah please)
[03-15:13] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (Note: I made it when I was very younge so it sounds a bit weird.)
[03-15:14] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : ( )
[03-15:15] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[03-15:15] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she continues to sip her own drink before placing down the drawings and looking to him* i guess i seemed rather foolish before
[03-15:17] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *he tilts his head.* how so?
[03-15:18] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Going up against that man when you told me to run...*she says rather sheepishly now*
[03-15:20] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *he shrugs, almost laughing.* You were brave. You saw a defensless man going up against ... whatever that thing was for your sake. You acted bravely. Besides, no bad came form it *he pauses* in fact, if you hadn't stayed we would probably not be here together right now.
[03-15:21] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: No proberly not i would most likely be down stairs working*she smiles warmly and takes another sip of her drink*
[03-15:23] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *He shifts his gaze away from her, looking deeply into his glass of water.* Sorry, i didn't mean to keep you from your work, *he shifts his gaze back to her.* Perhaps I should go? *a certain sadness enters his eyes at that point. He did not want to have to leave the first person that had accepted him. He didn't want to be alone...*
[03-15:24] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she shook her head* oh no don't go...i work to just keep myself busy...your not keeping me from it i promise. Besides i think you would like the company for once, am i right?
[03-15:25] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *he chuckles, looking into his drink again a blush finding his delicate elven features.* Is it that obvious?
[03-15:26] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She shook her head slowly* no i've just seen that look before...
[03-15:26] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *he looked back to her again, tilting his head and raisng an eyebrow.* 'that look'?
[03-15:28] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Everyone can hide a secret Eradrae, but the eyes always tell the truth, i've seen that look before or rather felt it...
[03-15:29] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *he nods, his smile fading slightly. He doesn't say anything for a long moment, he just sits there, staring at her, or was he staring through her?*
[03-15:30] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks away slowly siping her drink and picks up a drawing and a small quill with some coloured ink which was at her feet and she drew on the parchment*
[03-15:32] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *eventually he came back to himself, having given Sorcha enough time to nearly finnish her drawing. He manages a weak laugh.* Sorry...
[03-15:33] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she lifts her gaze to him* oh its okay i got rather lost in my design
[03-15:35] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *he smiles at her, shrugging.* You design clothing? *he had seen the fabric and clothing laid out downstairs. Really he was just trying to make idle chat.*
[03-15:36] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she nods* yes its a useful trade i say i love doing it really...its how i make my livin
[03-15:37] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[03-15:37] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[03-15:38] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *he nods.* Have you lived here in... *he stops, remembering he didn't know the name of the city* well.. have you lived here your whole life?
[03-15:38] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[03-15:39] e6af3, Kali: *smacks pc*
[03-15:39] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She shakes her head* no is the only place i've really settled in, i come from a traveling family...what about you where are you from?
[03-15:41] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : *he shifts a little bit, quickly putting his eyes into his glass again.* I am Eradrae Baenre. Thirteenth son of Matron Baenre, of the first house of Menzoberanzan... I come from the underdark...
[03-15:42] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she blinks* its okay you don't have to tell me anymore
[03-15:45] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (You going then?)
[03-15:46] 92280, Mab: Is the avatar panel showing for you all?
[03-15:46] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (yep)
[03-15:46] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (yes)
[03-15:46] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (it wasn't when i first logged in tho)
[03-15:46] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *pause*
[03-15:46] 92280, Mab: Weird. It's not showing up for me. It's just this field of white. *scratches head* Very disconcerting.
[03-15:47] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (i had that before(
[03-15:47] 92280, Mab: k
[03-15:47] JOIN: luthien galanodel has entered.
[03-15:47] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (anyway bye bye)
[03-15:47] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (yeah same with me earlier, it went away tho)
[03-15:47] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (bye Sorcha)
[03-15:47] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 4:47pm, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-15:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-15:49] 0b234, luthien galanodel: *after awhile wanders back inside not knowing how long to wait,(or wishing to offend anyone)
[03-15:49] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:49pm, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-15:50] JOIN: luthien galanodel has entered.
[03-15:51] 0b234, luthien galanodel :
[03-15:53] e6af3, Belthil : *ahhh flinging her arms around the man standing in the doorway, she wakes up... sitting straight up in her bed... drops of liquid silver rolling down her face as she realizes it was just a dream...*
[03-15:57] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[03-15:57] 0b234, luthien galanodel : *addresses the ents*hello? excuse me,could you possibly tell me who i'me waiting for and how long i must wait?
[03-15:57] e6af3, Lotesse : *having taken that first step from on her quest to find Illisse, she shakes her head...muttering lightly to herself in elvish*amin khiluva lle a gurtha ar thar, fallanar....or die in the trying.....*setting a quick pace, she hoped to close the distance quite a bit before Illisse moved farther away*
[03-15:58] e6af3, Lotesse : (is anyone's avatar list refreshing?)
[03-15:59] 6df9d, Liz: (( Nope ))
[03-15:59] e6af3, Kaya : (ok.. thought it might just be mine)
[03-16:01] 92280, Random Ent : It was you who sought this place, have you not? *in that slow way that ents speak when merged with their tree selves*
[03-16:01] 92280, Random Ent : *speaking to Luthien, btw*
[03-16:01] 92280, Random Ent : ((test))
[03-16:02] 92280, Random Ent : ((test))
[03-16:02] e6af3, Kaya : *shrinking back to her fae form after talking with Queen Mab, she flits back to her home...suddenly quite embarrassed that the queen would even consider her for such an undertaking......going into her store room, checking the quantities of fae cloth she had on hand*
[03-16:02] 0b234, luthien galanodel : yes it is true that i have travelled far to get here,and that it was my own will.
[03-16:03] 92280, Random Ent : Perhaps if we knew what you were expecting, we could tell you what you're waiting for. *in his slow wise tone*
[03-16:05] 0b234, luthien galanodel : but i was told to rest and someone would speak to me later, i am well rested and i thank you for your hospitality but i am loathe to go any where in your fair city without anyones leave.i dont wish to offend anyone
[03-16:06] e6af3, Kazia Del'Mara : *she sends for the servant she had left listening to Aegor and Anastra, sending another to stand in his place...listening carefully to everything he related to her ...pausing everynow and then to question him more about this or that that had happened... finally satisfied, sending him to eat and rest... he had worked hard for her and she always rewarded hard work well...for what he had told her... his family would be taken care of for quite some time*
[03-16:06] 0b234, luthien galanodel : (back in ten mins)
[03-16:08] e6af3, Zaeth : *shaking her head as she woke from the strange dream, she looks around the throne room to see if anyone had seen her sleeping....she was more worried that Palladia had noticed..fearing he would be angry with her*
[03-16:10] 92280, Random Ent : Offend anyone? By wishing to see our city's wonders? *smiles a big treethy smile*
[03-16:10] 92280, Random Ent : *get it? "treethy" nyuk nyuk*
[03-16:11] e6af3, Terra: *Garet's returning with the strange elf had sent her shifting back into the ground she had appeared from... more in fear of what the elf truly was than the fear of being seen...she kept watch on them both...neither knowing she had done so...just watching..not listening to their conversation*
[03-16:11] e6af3, Terra: (*holds head* OY!!))
[03-16:11] e6af3, Terra: (())
[03-16:13] e6af3, Ilia Fion : *finally deciding to leave the tavern..having spent the last several hours talking with many of the people there...renewing friendships..drinking a bit more than she probably should have, she turns her footsteps back towards the main gate needing to get back home to her evening chores*
[03-16:14] 92280, Random Ent : (())
[03-16:16] e6af3, Illisse Brilthor : *sitting on the log, eating the biscuit that Levald had given her, she continues telling him about Val and the strange way he had acted..hoping that he would be alright until she was able to find him*
[03-16:17] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *sitting at the bar of the Inn, she waits for Aldrik to think about the things she had said to him... almost hoping that he would insist on coming with her in her search*
[03-16:18] e6af3, Kali: *end cameos*..wheeew..*wipes forehead*
[03-16:19] 92280, Random Ent : ((LOL ))
[03-16:20] 92280, Nomeda : ((test))
[03-16:20] 92280, Nomeda : ((test))
[03-16:21] 92280, Nomeda : ((test))
[03-16:21] 92280, Nomeda : ((garf))
[03-16:21] e6af3, Kali: ok so im bored.... .. ive done all the spells i can stand to look at today... another 40 pages or so... and finished typing what i have of this chapter until cookie can help with battle...checked on the goats... talked to just about every person on the planet... ive run out of things to do today...
[03-16:21] e6af3, Kali: garf???
[03-16:21] 92280, Random Ent : ((but it works for this character))
[03-16:22] e6af3, Kali: hehe... *loves it*
[03-16:22] 92280, Mab: LOL Even got to checking the goats, huh?
[03-16:23] e6af3, Kali: its gotten so bad... ive even started on your treasure hunt items..
[03-16:23] 92280, Nomeda : LOL
[03-16:24] 92280, Nomeda : ((Last was OOc))
[03-16:26] e6af3, Kali: ive hit hyper mode again... every body might watch out... they may get sorted, folded spindled and mutilated......I even have 16 yards of fabric soaking in dye for 2 more cloaks.. *sighs* I need someone to get me away from here!!!
[03-16:28] 92280, Nomeda : ((LOL ))
[03-16:29] 92280, Nomeda : *she steps off her ship, docked at a port at , the evening light comforting*
[03-16:31] 92280, Nomeda : *she is hunting her idol, her inspiration, the one who does not follow the demon rulers, Muna*
[03-16:34] 92280, Nomeda : *she looks around and then vanishes, reappearing next to a large channel. It was a bit too big for her to cross by teleportation, a large body of water to block her way from making a straight shot to her destination, Trendlekims. So, she crosses the nearby bridge and walks the rest of the way to the Inn*
[03-16:40] 92280, Nomeda : *approaches Trendlekim's, an air of menace around her*
[03-16:44] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *motioning to the bartender on duty, she orders another glass of honey wine...tapping her fingernails along the bar top*
[03-16:45] 5cffb, Ashe : ((*pounces on Kali*))
[03-16:46] e6af3, Kali: *pounced* Hi Ashe.... *growls*
[03-16:48] 92280, Nomeda : *and enters Trendlekim's looking about. She grabs a passing patron by the scruff of the neck and says in a hiss* I heard this is the hub of the city, is that so?
[03-16:49] 5cffb, Ashe : *walking around on the roof of The Glimmering Inn, his hair tied back and blowing slightly in the late afternoon breeze coming off the sea. He smiles and takes in the salty air and holds it before relasing his breath with satisfaction. He nods and leaps off the roof, flipping forward and does a 180 landing near the door to the Inn. He grins to himself and heads into the Inn, passing around Nomeda and heading to the bar, his home away from home*
[03-16:49] 5cffb, Ashe : ((hehe, whasup girly?))
[03-16:51] e6af3, Kali: *finger to lips* shh... Im bored...*whispers*
[03-16:52] 5cffb, Ashe : ((well then let's RP shall we?))
[03-16:52] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *hearing the door open she turns around to look.... smiling to herself... its that Kit she's seen here alot*
[03-16:54] 92280, Nomeda : *the poor guy nods in reply to Nomeda rapidly in that frightened way and she throws him off to the side, sending him into a table and chairs, saying simply* Good. *she then hears the entrance of the kit and narrows her eyes looking sideways behind her and then following him with her eyes as he would pass her, if he passes her*
[03-16:54] 5cffb, Ashe : *slides up onto a barstool a few seats down from Kali* Yo, gimme the usual. *his ears twitch and he swishes his 4 tails*
[03-16:55] 5cffb, Ashe : *did indeed pass her*
[03-16:58] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *the tender hands her the glass of wine on his way to get the kit what ever his usual is....taking a rather large swallow of the wine... needing to maybe forget the man sitting on her bed upstairs*
[03-16:58] 5cffb, Ashe : No wait, bring me some fish, whatever's fresh and some fruit. *the bartender brings him a mead and a lil while later he will receive his meal*
[03-16:59] 5cffb, Ashe : *stretches his arms, his usual jovial mood, smile on his face*
[03-17:00] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[03-17:01] e6171, Darrius Lokken : ((Bout time, my internet has been down for 3 1/2 hours now))
[03-17:02] 92280, Nomeda : *she crosses to the bar and comes up behind Kali and whispers in her ear* Do you know much about what is what in this city? I'm looking for someone.
[03-17:02] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *hmmm thinking to herself..speaking to the tender*... that sounds good..bring me some of that fish too...
[03-17:03] 5cffb, Ashe : *his ears twitch as he catches Nomeda's words and he looks their way feeling like butting in, but just looking for the moment*
[03-17:03] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *startled as she hears a voice in her did she let that woman get so close*.. Depends on who you're looking for...
[03-17:04] e6171, Darrius Lokken : (( ))
[03-17:04] 92280, Nomeda : *in a drawn out, menacing hiss* I seek demonsssss.
[03-17:05] 92280, Nomeda : ((We're all in Trendlekims))
[03-17:06] 5cffb, Ashe : *can't help but butt in now as he spins from his stool, mug of mead in hand and saunters over towards the two* Demonies eh? Seems like an awful waste of time.
[03-17:07] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *turns her head to look at the woman behind her* Demons?... havent seen any...*wouldnt probably tell anyway*
[03-17:09] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **Moves through the streets, looking very serious, all the people in the streets moving out of his way... Maybe its fear, maybe its awe... maybe it's because he isnt touching the ground. He is hovering about a foot above the street moving along at a slow pace, still searching for recruits.**
[03-17:09] 92280, Nomeda : ((*adds another avatar set for anyone that might like to use it in Bettenchi*))
[03-17:11] 92280, Nomeda : *looks up at Ashe with a menacing scowl* Watch your tongue, mr. fluffy butt or you'll wish you had.
[03-17:12] e6171, Darrius Lokken : ((yeah, Im reading that thread, but Im not exactly sure what an avatar is...))
[03-17:13] 5cffb, Ashe : *blinks and looks at her with a confused look* Fluffy butt? *pulls one of his tails up* Well they are a bit fluffy but they're not my butt. My butt's not fluffy, where would you get such an idea?
[03-17:14] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **Floats past Glimmering inn, then stops himelf, sniffing the air that comes from inside the place... he mutters** demon... **then turns, landing on the ground and pushing the door open and stepping inside**
[03-17:14] 92280, Nomeda : ((Avatars are the pictures on the right column there))
[03-17:14] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *chuckles at the kit*
[03-17:14] e6171, Darrius Lokken : ((Have you made any nightmare ones?))
[03-17:15] 5cffb, Ashe : Now seriously, why is it that if you have a tail...or four...*takes a gulp of his mead*...that people think your butt's fluffy?
[03-17:15] e6171, Darrius Lokken : (and, to anybody whos interested, I've started a faction for evil characters. If you have one and are interested, lemme know.))
[03-17:16] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *turning her eyes from the kit to the woman* Who are you that you'd come here looking for demons?
[03-17:17] 5cffb, Ashe : ((oh! oh! I'm interested!))
[03-17:18] 92280, Nomeda : Tails are but an extention of your butt and worth nothing more than a built in cushion to sit upon. *smirks, then turns her attention to Kali* Wouldn't you like to know?
[03-17:18] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **Sits at the bar, but listens closely to this conversation, he's already heard the word demon and a demon would make a fine recruit.**
[03-17:19] e6171, Darrius Lokken : ((Whos the character ashe?))
[03-17:19] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : Yes actually I would... we dont get many requests for demons..Im just curious...
[03-17:19] 5cffb, Ashe : Hey now wait a minute. You can talk about my butt all you wait...maybe you like it I dunno, but when you start bad mouthing my tails that's when I get upset. *finishes his mead and slams the cup down on the bar* Refill me please. Now...lil miss demony thing. Back off the tails.
[03-17:19] 5cffb, Ashe : (( one ))
[03-17:20] 5cffb, Ashe : ((I just felt like being a jerk))
[03-17:20] e6171, Darrius Lokken : ((oh... **kicks the dirt dissapointedly... like a 3 year old**))
[03-17:21] 5cffb, Ashe : (())
[03-17:21] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **Notices Ankalima, she has a familiar face, hes talked with her before, played the nice guy.**
[03-17:21] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : ((and you're doing a rather good job of it too i might add))
[03-17:22] 92280, Nomeda : Curiosity killed the cat. *moves her hand to lift Kali's chin and move her head back and forth, examining it. Has a very strong grip, so doubtful Kali could prevent her in her mockery* You look to have feline qualities to me. *grins and lets go of her chin, turning to face Ashe* Tails are also good for stepping on. Don't tempt me.
[03-17:23] 5cffb, Ashe : Riiiight, tempt you to step on my tails. You'd have to catch me first. Silly little thing aren't you? *grins, he doesn't care, he'll run that mouth*
[03-17:23] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *would if she wanted too...letting the woman do what she's doing* Well all the better for me...
[03-17:25] 92280, Nomeda : *to Kali* Certainly, if you like getting killed. *to Ashe* I have but to predict correctly where you'll be and stomp down squarely.
[03-17:26] 5cffb, Ashe : And how many kitsune you know that are predictably sweety? Ok well, Kraon, but he's always high, so he doesn't count. *grins*
[03-17:26] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *turning her back to the woman...she takes a drink of her wine* I dont listen to threats from someone who wont even give her name...*spoken in a soft..slightly menacing voice*
[03-17:29] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **smiles viciously at the bold defiance being displayed by these two... he wonders if they know what she is, because he knows... he can smell it.**
[03-17:30] 92280, Nomeda : *if they didn't know before, she's now telling them flat out* How many demons do you know who are predictable. Who better than to predict a kitsune? *to Kali* I am a backwards demon. That is my name. *grins*
[03-17:31] 5cffb, Ashe : *mocks Nomeda* Predictable? Not I!! I'm a big scary demon! *takes the illusion of a 9ft hulking red beast, horns, claws, big pointy teeth, rawr* Oh look at me, I'm scary!
[03-17:32] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *actually catches that little pun...not as slow as the demoness would think* Nomeda huh?...*turning back to face her..almost chuckling at the kit...*
[03-17:34] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **Bides his time a bit longer to see how this will turn out, if the demon attacks, she is worthy... Darrius has already misjudged a drow today and really doesnt want to make another mistake**
[03-17:35] 92280, Nomeda : *to Ashe* Oh, dear thing, don't do that. You'll turn me on. *to Kali* Clever girl. Now a clever girl should know another demon when you see one, shouldn't you?
[03-17:36] 5cffb, Ashe : *blinks* Wow, that's 2 demons that have hit on me. Ya know, I knew there was a reason you kept talking about my butt.
[03-17:36] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *always on the look out for herself* Whats in it for me if i do?
[03-17:37] 92280, Nomeda : *btw, her normal speaking voice is uber seductress in style, all resonant and deep*
[03-17:38] 92280, Nomeda : *to Ashe* Careful, I'll set that butt on fire. *and her eyes blaze a little as she opens them wider in her menacing gaze as she makes the threat. Then to Kali* What's in it for you? Why, I'll let you live, dear. Isn't that a grande prize?
[03-17:39] 5cffb, Ashe : ((*sings* I am the antipop, I'll run against the grain till the day I drop. I am, the anti-pop, I'll run against the grain till the day I drop. I am the antipop, the man you cannot stop)) Oh! Can I test the fires? It's a lil bit cold in here....oh wait...that's you. Lil bit frigid aren't ya there?
[03-17:41] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : Death is just another adventure...*shrugging her shoulders* I have delivered it myself many times...It does not frighten me..
[03-17:41] 92280, Nomeda : Would you like to see me on fire? *glares at him with a menacing grin*
[03-17:41] 92280, Nomeda : Well, I'll be happy to speed you on your way to such a great adventure *to Kali*
[03-17:42] 5cffb, Ashe : *smiles at the demon* I would indeed, so c'mon baby, light your fire.
[03-17:42] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **with that coment, Darrius turns full attention to the confrontation, speaking softly to himself, urging Nomeda on** do it, do it!
[03-17:43] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *deciding that she's had just about enough of this little game, she quickly draws her favorite mithil dagger from her shirt sleeve..quicker than most would even be able to see...the point of it would be possibly just under Nomeda's throat*..You're welcome to try
[03-17:44] 5cffb, Ashe : *takes his normal form* Ah c'mon, don't get out the weapons. Those are scheduled till the later rounds. *grins wryly*
[03-17:44] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **Reassures himself, in his head "Let her do it darrius, dont step in, let her prove it"**
[03-17:46] 92280, Nomeda : *as Ashe is taunting her, she finds a mean blade at her throat. She lifts her chin, looking askance at Kali. Then she suddenly does a fast limbo style duck backwards, falling to her hands and feet in a crab walk style, and throws a foot out to topple Kali's stool over* You're going to make me cross, little girl.
[03-17:50] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *missing that move, she hits the floor, rising quickly to her feet...not taking her eyes from the demoness*..Little girl?...first Im cat like and now im little?...whats next?...
[03-17:51] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : ((Ive got to go in about 15 minutes but I'll be back later))
[03-17:52] 5cffb, Ashe : she'll call you silly, or tiny...oh! Or spineless, Demons like to say spineless. *grins watching the ahem...catfight*
[03-17:52] 92280, Nomeda : *does that cool karate flip back to her feet* You're a little cat girl. Careful with your impertanence, or next you'll be a mouse.
[03-17:53] 5cffb, Ashe : Huh...little cat girl...I was wrong. *shrugs*
[03-17:53] 92280, Nomeda : *then as though she looks at Ashe and says* Spineless. *flatly with a grin and snaps the air threateningly*
[03-17:53] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : Careful Kit... I might think your interested in us both...*arches an eyebrow at Ashe*...
[03-17:53] 92280, Nomeda : ((*takes "as though" out of last post*))
[03-17:54] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **Chuckles lightly to himself at the display, but it is audible**
[03-17:55] 5cffb, Ashe : *snaps back* Oh bite yourself. *folds arms across chest* And what if I am Red? *grins* What if I am?
[03-17:56] 92280, Nomeda : I must be color blinde, because you looked yellow to me.
[03-17:57] 92280, Nomeda : ((Okay, so I lied when I said I sucked at playing villians. I just don't normally like to. hehe))
[03-17:57] 5cffb, Ashe : *takes a seat watching and gets his food, eating, drinking, watching and mouthing off, it's a good day*
[03-17:58] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : Oh Im definitely not yellow...ive just chosen to keep Mr Trendlekims floors clean.....*to ashe*..I might just be interested back..*giving him a slightly evil grin*
[03-17:59] 92280, Nomeda : ((her yellow comment was to Ashe, sorry. I didn't specify))
[03-18:00] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : (removes comment from post*)
[03-18:00] 5cffb, Ashe : Well all right then, I think we can all have a good time. Get some mead, a room, oh aye. Good times indeed. *grins and eats a few bites of his fish*((and my comment was to Kali, hair...heh))
[03-18:02] fb2e0, Nomeda : ((LOL, It looked like he was saying "What if I am red?" *L* There was no comma before "Red" Funny funny. Anyways....))
[03-18:02] 5cffb, Ashe : ((hehe my bad))
[03-18:02] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : Well, lI think we've lost the point of this little conversation..... What demon are you looking for?...((*cackles*))
[03-18:03] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **Scowls, dissapointed the conversation did not end with a beheading**
[03-18:03] 5cffb, Ashe : *with fish in his mouth* Ah c'mon Red, don't stop the fight!
[03-18:04] fb2e0, Nomeda : Oh, that is a splendid idea. Let's all get a room and then I'll leave it the following morning and you two will remain, at least your flesh will. *grins* *Oh, is a disappointment. Darn, will have to try harder, at least would if she was trying to prove herself*
[03-18:05] 5cffb, Ashe : Blah blah, you know you want me honey. I can see it in your eyes. You got tha feva! And the only prescription is Kitsune! *laughs* 'Sides, I like my flesh.
[03-18:05] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *calmly flips the dagger inher hand..* I havent stopped ...just delayed it for a bit... curiosity you know.... Id atleast like to know who she's looking for before i have to kill her.
[03-18:07] fb2e0, Nomeda : *laughs a musical laugh* Do you promise to try and kill me if I tell you? Oh please, it would be such fun.
[03-18:07] 5cffb, Ashe : Ooooh...well as long as we see fightin! *scarfs some more fish and works on a bit of his fruit*
[03-18:08] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *laughs out loud at the sarcastic tone in Nomedas voice...*..Perhaps... someday....
[03-18:08] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : ((5 min))
[03-18:08] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **Doesn't really care, she's a demon and will prbly dismiss the offer, but he's going to propose she take a spot as an advocate anyways**
[03-18:09] fb2e0, Nomeda : It is today or never. Come on, you know you want to die at my hands after fruitlessly trying to slay me. Admit it. *smirking wickedly*
[03-18:10] 5cffb, Ashe : *laughs* She'll admit that when you admit you want my sexy body. *big silly grin*
[03-18:11] fb2e0, Nomeda : Oh, but I do, bushy tails, I do. *grins* I want to embrace your limp form in my flames.
[03-18:12] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *picking up her glass and draining it* then it will be never... I am afraid i have another appointment to kill someone else ....*very cold*..
[03-18:13] fb2e0, Nomeda : Oh? Tell me who you must kill and I'll tell you who I seek.
[03-18:13] 5cffb, Ashe : Hey now, who you callin limp? And I keep hearin about these flames, I've yet to see them.
[03-18:14] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : A very wealthy man whos wife wishes him removed...(npc)
[03-18:16] fb2e0, Nomeda : *All the torches in the bar flare up to 4 times their brilliance and size* Be careful what you wish for. *to Kali* A name? I shant give a name if you don't.
[03-18:16] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : and if you must have his name... *winking* Its Ralph Cramden... (dies)
[03-18:17] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : (ok spur of the moment... darn tv))
[03-18:17] fb2e0, Nomeda : *sighs* I seek Anum. Oh, look, we traded. *derisively*
[03-18:17] 5cffb, Ashe : *the flames don't even phase him* Oh blah, and here I thought you were going to do something impressive.
[03-18:18] fb2e0, Nomeda : Do you need impressing? *moves in all seducing and sexy like*
[03-18:19] 5cffb, Ashe : *shrugs and turns back to his food* Well I've lost interest in you now so I could care less. *tosses a grape in his mouth*
[03-18:20] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : Yes we did... *in just the same tone*.. I havent seen the one you seek... *doesnt let on that she caught the name thing..having been exposed to Nomeda's sense of humor*
[03-18:20] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **makes a mental note to find a demon called Anum and either recruit or slaughter him.**
[03-18:20] fb2e0, Nomeda : ((hehe))
[03-18:22] e6171, Darrius Lokken : ((**Blows Nomeda a kiss**))
[03-18:22] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *turning towards the kit, sliding the dagger back where it came from before lightly tracing a finger tip up his cheek*..perhaps another time for you too....*is so being bad to him...flirting outrageously*
[03-18:23] fb2e0, Nomeda : *looks back at Kali as she is leaning over Ashe and his food. to Kali* That's too bad. You'll let me know, won't you now? *then in a seductive whisper to Ashe* Playing hard to get? Mmmm, it's working. Do the demon thing again.
[03-18:24] 5cffb, Ashe : *grins at the ladies* Well see, I knew I was too much to resist. *turns to Nomeda* We'll see about that demon thing and as for you Red...*turns back to her*...Another time perhaps indeed. *grins*
[03-18:27] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *sliding that finger higher up to run along his ooo so cute ear...whispering in it* How about your next tail day...... *turning her back to walk away from him*
[03-18:27] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **continues watching... when one of them leaves, he'll make a move... He needs that demon, but ankalima's fun to play with.**
[03-18:27] fb2e0, Nomeda : *upon closer inspection, her fingernails are glossy, smooth, ebony talons* Yes, I cannot resist those bushy tails of yours. They'll look so nice hanging in a row on my wall, don't you think? *still in her seductive whisper*
[03-18:29] 5cffb, Ashe : *turns back to Nomeda* Well they would if I was willing to hang on your wall but see here's the thing...I'm not. So scram already. *back to Kali* It's a date gorgeous.
[03-18:30] e6af3, Ankalima Morwen : *chuckles at Ashe's response...continuing her path out the door and on to her little job*
[03-18:31] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **Stands, he cant wait anymore, he approcahes the three** Hello, Ankalima, you may not remember me, but it's fantastic to see you... **he looks at Nomeda** My name is Darrius Lokken... and you?
[03-18:31] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **uses his naturally handsome features as a nightmare to gain an upper hand when talking to females, the demon is no exception**
[03-18:32] 5cffb, Ashe : *to Darrius* Well hello mister fancy pants. Why don't you take this lil woman off my hands huh? She's startin to annoy me. First she wants to kiss me, then she wants to kill me. Blow. ((aaah, Bruce Campbell is the man))
[03-18:33] e6171, Darrius Lokken : ((ever notice that in every evil dead he kills, or almost kills his girlfriends? Including army of darkness))
[03-18:34] e6af3, Kali: sorry Darrius... Kali's left the building....
[03-18:34] fb2e0, Nomeda : Clearly, this kit misunderstood me. I always wished to kill you, nothing more. You're a throw rug in the making. *then answers Darrius* I am Nomeda.
[03-18:34] 5cffb, Ashe : ((It's cause of the deadites, the poor bastard just has bad luck with women...they all get possessed heh))
[03-18:34] 5cffb, Ashe : *snorts* Yeah sure babe, you just say that cause the pretty nightmare boy is here.
[03-18:35] 5cffb, Ashe : ((Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness are the two greatest films ever....EVER!!))
[03-18:35] fb2e0, Nomeda : *smiles over at Darrius* Does it upset you that I might favor him?
[03-18:35] fb2e0, Nomeda : *comment was to Ashe*
[03-18:36] 5cffb, Ashe : *snorts again and lets loose a laugh* Hahaha, yeah right honey, keep dreaming. I've seen better than you.
[03-18:37] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **Laughs deeply** Listen to me, dog, on better days, by now your head would be removed and I would have skinned you, but for now, Ill let it pass. I've killed Kitsune before and I wouldnt hesitate to do it again
[03-18:39] fb2e0, Nomeda : My level of quality doesn't change that your pride might be hurt in my throwing you off for another. *and is exquisite, of course* *comment, again to Ashe*
[03-18:39] e6171, Darrius Lokken : Now, Nomeda, I havent very urgent business to meet with you about, but for now, more pressing matters require me to be on my way... will you speak with me another time? Perhaps in your dreams?
[03-18:40] 5cffb, Ashe : *finishes his food and gets up* Yeah right. What is it with people and trying to skin us? And look babe, you may be the top of the pot where you come from but I've been all over this world and I have definitely seen better than you...smelled better too. Phew. *begins heading out of the inn*
[03-18:41] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **to ashe, before ashe leaves** Kitsune, you are far too low on the food chain to make such comments
[03-18:42] fb2e0, Nomeda : *snorts. knows she smells just fine, and knows she looks divine* Sad when kitsune resorts to artless cheap shots. *she then turns to Darrius* I know not what business you would have with me.
[03-18:42] 5cffb, Ashe : Says the flaming horse...flaming hehehe. *laughing as he leaves*
[03-18:42] fb2e0, Nomeda : resorts = resort
[03-18:43] 5cffb, Ashe : **GONE**
[03-18:47] e6171, Darrius Lokken : Oh, business of great importance, of an oppurtunity to change the world. Business of death, destruction, mayhem, and all such fun things.
[03-18:49] fb2e0, Nomeda : Interesting. You think I need leadership, aid or guidance in this? *is actually looking for Muna for that very reason, but that's beside the point*
[03-18:49] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[03-18:50] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[03-18:50] e6171, Darrius Lokken : Not exactly, I think you need companionship in this...
[03-18:50] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (hello all *Is going to pay attention to Darrius's RP cuas ei twill probably end up leading up to a change it Bettenchi)
[03-18:51] e6171, Darrius Lokken : ((Hopefully... damn, you got reg'd pretty fast! Sorry about earlier, my internet service went down))
[03-18:52] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (Its alright. And its cause I'm so awesome, they can't help themselves they HAD to reg me.)
[03-18:52] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (Its alright. And its cause I'm so awesome, they can't help themselves they HAD to reg me.)
[03-18:52] fb2e0, Nomeda : Companionship? Hmmm, do you get the impression I crave that because of my dealings with the kitsune? I was toying with him.
[03-18:52] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (oops... howd that happen?)
[03-18:53] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (I'm trying to get another character Regged at the moment. Her storyline ties in with Eradraes.)
[03-18:53] fb2e0, Nomeda : ((LOL Yup, you're so awesome your voice echos))
[03-18:54] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (Thats d@mn right)
[03-18:55] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (Thats d@mn right)
[03-18:55] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (whoa it did it again... no wait... that was me)
[03-18:55] e6171, Darrius Lokken : Most definately not. I just caught the feeling from you that you are a person above such petty things as compasion and remorse... you're better than that. Im sorry, but I must go now... will you speak with me on this later?
[03-18:55] e6171, Darrius Lokken : ((person = creature)
[03-18:56] fb2e0, Nomeda : If our paths cross again, perhaps I will. *smirks*
[03-18:56] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[03-18:56] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : ( would also like to make a kender character but three at a time would seem a bit rediculous and I doubt he'd get regged.
[03-18:56] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : )
[03-18:57] e6171, Darrius Lokken : ((I have three right now, all in the same city))
[03-18:57] fb2e0, Nomeda : ((LOL Three? I've got.......*has lost count of her characters*))
[03-18:57] e6171, Darrius Lokken : You must sleep some time, correct? our paths will cross then.**
[03-18:58] e6171, Darrius Lokken : ((I keep it simple. Simplify, clarify, economize, I gotta go now though))
[03-18:58] fb2e0, Nomeda : Oh really? Will you plague me with visions of cute babies and butterflies? *the closest a demon could get to a nightmare, cuteness and sickening sweetness*
[03-18:58] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (I mean three active characters)
[03-18:59] fb2e0, Nomeda : ((What's your defninition of active character?))
[03-19:00] e6171, Darrius Lokken : For now, Im afraid I must be off on my way. **pffers a hand to the demoness for her to take** until we meet agin?
[03-19:00] fb2e0, Nomeda : *takes his hand*
[03-19:00] fb2e0, Nomeda : Until then
[03-19:00] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (On regularly, atleast 3-4 four tiems a week for 30-min to several hours each visit.)
[03-19:01] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (Or taking large effect on the world arou nd them)
[03-19:01] fb2e0, Nomeda : (( Oh, I've got several like that. hehe))
[03-19:01] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (brb)
[03-19:01] fb2e0, Nomeda : *meanders off* *GONE*
[03-19:01] e6171, Darrius Lokken : **kisses it lightly, before taking his leave, out the door and up into the coming twilight** **Gone for now folks**
[03-19:02] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre : (well, I signed Eradrae up last nigth and another up today, I don't want to sign to many up all at once.)
[03-19:02] fb2e0, Mab: Dumdeedumdumm.
[03-19:04] fb2e0, Mab: *meanders off back to work*
[03-19:04] 42d45, HulkDogs: mab on the species, Draconians it say to ask an admin before sending in a reg. Can I talk to you or I gotta talk to the admins who handle the registration>?
[03-19:05] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[03-19:06] EXIT: Eradrae Baenre has left the chat ( 8:05pm, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-19:06] fb2e0, Mab: The draconians are gonna be revamped a bit, but you can send in a reg form. I gotta go for now.
[03-19:06] 42d45, HulkDogs: Okay thanks
[03-19:06] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[03-19:07] f4ac0, Eradrae Baenre : (anyone here?)
[03-19:08] f4ac0, Eradrae Baenre : (btw Mab, if your there, I got the white avatar panel thingy)
[03-19:08] f4ac0, Eradrae Baenre : (oh, its working now)
[03-19:09] f4ac0, Eradrae Baenre : (*quite bored*)
[03-19:29] f4ac0, Eradrae Baenre : (wow... such exciting RP...)
[03-19:29] 42d45, HulkDogs: I noticed
[03-19:32] 42d45, HulkDogs: You got any chars in ?
[03-19:33] f4ac0, Eradrae Baenre : (Yes, but he's busy, I have another char that I can put in though if you like, I haven't used her yet.)
[03-19:34] f4ac0, Eradrae Baenre : (brb, I'll log in as her, she's not regged yet though)
[03-19:34] EXIT: Eradrae Baenre has left the chat ( 8:34pm, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-19:35] JOIN: Llano has entered.
[03-19:35] f4ac0, Llano: (hey, I'm back)
[03-19:36] JOIN: Whee has entered.
[03-19:36] f4ac0, Llano: (wnna RP?)
[03-19:37] 42d45, HulkDogs: Hello?
[03-19:38] f9c17, Whee: ((sure. Which alt?))
[03-19:38] 42d45, HulkDogs: Oh. got chars in rua ?
[03-19:38] f4ac0, Llano: (I was talking to Hulk but the more the merrier., Llana is in )
[03-19:39] 42d45, HulkDogs: I got an evil aligned necro in rua
[03-19:39] f9c17, Whee: ((hm.. Actually... I should go lay down))
[03-19:40] f4ac0, Llano: (cool, my char don't care maybe u can even help her..)
[03-19:41] 42d45, Nefiset Da'emorentis : What is your char?
[03-19:43] f4ac0, Llano: (High elf... Quite insane though...)
[03-19:43] 42d45, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( oops last post was OC ))
[03-19:43] f4ac0, Llano: (brb)
[03-19:43] 42d45, Nefiset Da'emorentis : Evil cause if not evil he will try to kill )) K))
[03-19:44] f4ac0, Llano: (well, she has good intentions, but her cause if pretty damn evil and she's obsessed with it so I'm not entirely sure)
[03-19:45] 42d45, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( I would say so... ok can you start?))
[03-19:46] f4ac0, Llano: (k)
[03-19:49] f4ac0, Llano: *She walks down the empty street, making not a sound as she does so, her green cloak pulled tightly about her, her hood concealing her features. She walks with the grace of an elf, but seems surrounded by a certain darkness. She was not drow, it wasn't evil... no... Anguish surrounded her, not fear.*
[03-19:51] 42d45, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( sorry for delay i was reading something ))
[03-19:51] f4ac0, Llano: (k)
[03-19:53] 42d45, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** walks along fallowing the women from a ways back, not so quiet, the sound of bone on cobble street can be heard has he has two skeletons fallowing him, they fully armored, both carry sheilds and a sword. Nefisets steel grey eyes looking at his next possible skeleton.**
[03-19:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-19:54] 42d45, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( first has should be as))
[03-19:55] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:54pm, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-19:56] JOIN: Ghouls has entered.
[03-19:56] f4ac0, Llano: *Her hands subtly shift to the hilts of her blades, though to any onlooker it wpould appear as a confident stride. Her keen elven ears had noticed that he was following her a while ago.*
[03-19:58] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((I AM DOOM))
[03-19:59] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((any one in rua?))
[03-20:00] f4ac0, Llano: (me and Nefiset are both in Rua)
[03-20:00] f4ac0, Llano: (man, everyone seems to be in Rua)
[03-20:00] 42d45, Nefiset Da'emorentis : **speeds his steps to catch up to the walking women. his staff held in his right hand** ((we both are))
[03-20:01] 22ff1, Ghouls : *they are both being tracked i nthe alleys by ghouls and the roof tops by a hidden shadowy figure*
[03-20:02] f4ac0, Llano: *she continues on pretending not to notice him, then, when he is within five feet of her, she whirls about, a longsword in one hand and a shortsword in another.*
[03-20:03] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((I hope mabby will drop by)
[03-20:03] f4ac0, Llano: (the more the merrier)
[03-20:04] f4ac0, Llano: (Note: the longsword glows bright blue, illuminating a 20 foot radius)
[03-20:05] f4ac0, Llano: (note: My characters name is pronounced "Yano")
[03-20:06] 42d45, Nefiset Da'emorentis : **stops but his skeletons keep walking till her blades are through thier ribs, they then stop and one word comes from nefisets mouth** Kill. ** Both skeletons bring their swords up then swing down on the women**
[03-20:07] 42d45, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( brb i gotta get cell phone real quick ))
[03-20:08] f4ac0, Llano: *Both her blades rip up through the skeletons rib cages, each lining up perfectly for the parry, leaving no room for a change in tactics, not for stupid undead, in any case, even if they were veteran fighters*
[03-20:12] 22ff1, Ghouls : *many ghouls filled the surronding alleys out of sight and hearing, unholy grins on their faces. They were waiting*
[03-20:15] f4ac0, Llano: *She sensed a darkness around them, but she assumed it was Nefiset*
[03-20:16] 42d45, Nefiset Da'emorentis : **Skeletons ribs are pulls apart but they are not down. the skeletons pull thier blade back and take diagonal swings at her neck. neftiset turns around spotting a ghoul run through an ally...from he light by linos blade**.
[03-20:18] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((erm I said out of sight))
[03-20:19] 42d45, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( booger ok he didnt see nm ))
[03-20:20] f4ac0, Llano: *She immediately leaps into a roll coming up beside the skeleton on the left, leaving the other skeleton trapped on the other side. her long sword takes a swipe at the skeletons neck, a blow that would surely lop its head off if it connected, while her short sword, thrusted for the creatures spinal chord, a movement so precisely aimed that it would sever the chord.*
[03-20:25] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[03-20:26] f4ac0, Llano: (hi)
[03-20:26] c6c97, Davik Hollis: *image test*
[03-20:28] 22ff1, Ghouls : *waiting*
[03-20:28] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[03-20:28] 4be99, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** the head of the skeleton closest to Liano falls off and the spike is cut but the ribs cage falls onto itself keeping the skeletons arms in working order. the same skeleton turns taking anather swing at her. the other skeleton moves to go around the one near the women it also swing at her**** (( im in a storm and the light keep flickering so if i stop talkin its cause my power went out))
[03-20:29] f4ac0, Llano: (k,)
[03-20:29] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((Yes! More ghouls, I got one too))
[03-20:29] f4ac0, Llano: (his darrius, btw. Its me eradrae)
[03-20:30] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((Hey... remember when I was trying to get you to join my faction?))
[03-20:31] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((you have a ghoul? wanna work with us?))
[03-20:32] f4ac0, Llano: *Jumping away from both blows she continues to rotate around the one skeleton making sure to keep the other on the opposite side. Using the hilt of her Short sword she moves to bash the skeletons head in, her longsword, arcing toward the creatures sword arm. If the blow connect the arm would fall off.*
[03-20:32] f4ac0, Llano: (yes I remember Darrius)
[03-20:32] f4ac0, Llano: (did you see my post on your thing in the message board?)
[03-20:32] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((What're you doing?))
[03-20:32] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((Well, Nefiset's part of that faction))
[03-20:33] f4ac0, Llano: (who me? or the ghouls, technically we're all in one big RP right now)
[03-20:33] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[03-20:33] f4ac0, Llano: (note: this character may join your faction if it can help her find and hunt someone down, btu I dont want to reveal that jsut yet.)
[03-20:34] 4be99, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( u i gotta pause for like ten mins to get supper is that kool with everyone?))
[03-20:35] f4ac0, Llano: (its kool with me)
[03-20:35] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((Me? Well we are tearign up rua for one. Underthe command of our mysteriuos PC leader, we do many bad things. Maybe we will evenetually turn rua into a city of the dead.Maybe more If I have ahelpers))
[03-20:35] f4ac0, Llano: (darrius, Llano was duking it out with Nefisets skeletons and Ghouls were surrounding the two)
[03-20:37] f4ac0, Llano: (wow... theres definately some big changes about to occur in Bettenchi based on ghouls and darrius... I think I'd like to see Rua as a city of the dead... god that would allow me to torment my character so...*
[03-20:37] f4ac0, Llano: )
[03-20:37] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((Wht're the ghouls doing, if you want mine to join? Cus currently, he isnt completely insane yet and he resents his new form. Hey ghouls, do you have a character for your leader yet, cus My darrius character is right now trying to kill everything in the world and Id like to have the ghouls as part of the faction))
[03-20:37] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((He loves the undead but hates the living))
[03-20:37] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[03-20:38] f4ac0, Llano: (darrius, is your character adrian?)
[03-20:39] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((Yeah, and also ghouls, my ghoul has the ability to control the ghouls he transforms as a special skill, so we could get an actual army going eventually))
[03-20:39] JOIN: Adrian Darrymont has entered.
[03-20:40] f4ac0, Llano : (damnit why do I suddenly see a war going on in Rua and watching Eradrae duke it out with Llano?)
[03-20:40] e7109, Adrian Darrymont : ((Hi Kali))
[03-20:40] f4ac0, Llano : (I imagine Eradrae will join your guild)
[03-20:41] 3b686, Kali: Hey..
[03-20:41] f4ac0, Llano : (oops, not Eradrae, I mean Llano)
[03-20:41] f4ac0, Llano : (Eradraes the good guy...)
[03-20:41] f4ac0, Llano : (even if he's a drow... God his plot is too long...)
[03-20:41] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((hrmm. We do haev a PC leader. There are a large number of us and we are all under the vauge control of that PC. And that sounds cool. Btw, would he work with others? and does he have "the skill of stink"))
[03-20:43] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((once i get him to go completely insane, which could happen from seeing a mob of ghouls destroying things, and he doesnt have the skill of stink... wait, whats PC?))
[03-20:44] 3b686, Kali: *hugs Ghouls* did you like the surprise?.....
[03-20:45] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((By the way, me a Nefiset live close together I got storms too... if I leave suddenly, power went out))
[03-20:45] c6c97, Davik Hollis: *test*
[03-20:45] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((lights just dimmed a bit))
[03-20:47] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[03-20:47] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((Player Charecter...and yes I love you kali. *undeath hugs kali* And I could do him mad that is))
[03-20:47] f4ac0, Llano : (ok....)
[03-20:47] 54891, Cookie Monster: Cool, bunch of peeps I don't recognize.
[03-20:47] 3b686, Kali: pc means that there is an actual person playing that charactter
[03-20:47] fb2e0, Mab: You and me both, Cookie. **
[03-20:48] 3b686, Kali: *eyes pop open* WHAT?? you doint recognize ME?!
[03-20:48] fb2e0, Mab: Oh, look, my smilie is wearing ear muffs. Isn't that cute?
[03-20:48] 3b686, Kali: *teases badly*
[03-20:49] f4ac0, Llano : (Mab, I'm Eradrae, I was on practically all day, u should recognize me at the very least ))
[03-20:49] 54891, Cookie Monster: I regonize you, just not Llano, Davik, Nefiset, and Ramzix. Odd since they all seem to have profiles up.
[03-20:49] fb2e0, Mab: Who are you, Kali? Have you been in here before?
[03-20:49] f4ac0, Llano : (not me this char isn't regged yet)
[03-20:49] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((**again kicks the dirt dissapointedly** I know im not the most popular, but I thought you at least knew me... **sniff**))
[03-20:49] f4ac0, Llano : (but I was having trouble getting Eradraes profile up, it doesn't like me...)
[03-20:50] fb2e0, Mab: I know, Eradrae. I'm just bein silly.
[03-20:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-20:50] 54891, Cookie Monster: Oh, and I don't know who that Mab person is. I don't like her anyway. She seems realy mean.
[03-20:50] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[03-20:50] 3b686, Kali: No actually i havent least not for the last hour or so...
[03-20:50] f4ac0, Llano : (yarg...)
[03-20:50] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((not cookie though, I've seen him, but not actually talked to him))
[03-20:51] 876bc, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( back ))
[03-20:51] 3b686, Kali: you have aim or msn? can msg me and i can help get profile up for you.....
[03-20:52] 876bc, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ((( where were we?))
[03-20:52] f4ac0, Llano : (My MSN - I made it when i was like 7 so its stupid but - is
[03-20:53] 22ff1, Lok: ((btw mabby have you put thought to the idea ofa replacment for the absent rython?))
[03-20:53] 3b686, Kali:
[03-20:53] f4ac0, Llano : (Umm, Llano was keeeping one skelton between herself and the other and made a move to cruch the ones pinal chorn with the hilt of her short sword while using her longsword to make a swing for its swored arm)
[03-20:53] e7109, Adrian Darrymont : **Dashes through the streets of , his mind almost completely gone now. There is blood caked around his mouth and he screams at the top of his lungs, looking for food**
[03-20:55] fb2e0, Acorna : *exits the portal behind Trendlekims*
[03-20:55] 876bc, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( did i reply to that alread Lino?))
[03-20:55] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((*steals Darrius to work for the master))
[03-20:56] f4ac0, Llano : (no u replied to the one where she ducked beneath ones arm and lopped off the ones head)
[03-20:56] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((would your PC character be willing to join Darrius faction to destroy all life, Ghouls?))
[03-20:57] 22ff1, Ghouls : *if Adrian passed through an alley he would come upon a group of ghouls eating a group of men blood runnig neverywhere*
[03-20:58] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((you'd have to convince him.))
[03-20:58] f4ac0, Llano : (darrius if we both have the time later I'd like Llano and Darrius to meet so they can arrange for Llano to join)
[03-20:59] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((are you fighting Nefiset right now?))
[03-20:59] 876bc, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( winging this one** the arm of one of the skeletons falls to the ground, instead the skeleton now try to ram the women with his sheild. this movement make it so the hilt misses it spine. the second skeleton stabs through the first attemping to get the women**
[03-21:00] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **Does see the feast, and in reply tackle two of the ghouls, attempting to take their place at the devouring**
[03-21:00] f4ac0, Llano : (well, I'm fighting his skeltons and I imagine the ghouls will interecede soon as well, which actually might be a good oppurtunity for more intervention on your part...)
[03-21:00] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((dman it))
[03-21:00] e7109, Adrian Darrymont : **Does see the feast, and in reply tackle two of the ghouls, attempting to take their place at the devouring**
[03-21:01] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((scratch that for darrius))
[03-21:01] 54891, Cookie Monster: ((*ponders playing, and as who*))
[03-21:02] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((Ghouls, when can I meet this PC leader of yours?))
[03-21:02] 22ff1, Ghouls : *he tackles the pair and as he starts to eat the others leap on him. An Uncontrolled ghoul....the master would be pleased.*
[03-21:02] 3b686, Kali: Oooohhhh playing.... hmmmm....
[03-21:04] f4ac0, Llano : *She sidesteps she shield bash, her short sword deftly turning aside the second skeletons blade near her abdominals. In an instant, both swords are flying for a seperate section along the one ghouls spinal column. the only way for the skeleton to get out of the attack would be to leap onto its skeleton companion, giving the elf the opportunity to finish them both. To accept the hit, however, would mean being chopped in three pieces and quite throughtly incapable of fighting.*
[03-21:04] f4ac0, Llano : (damn these things just dont die!!!)
[03-21:04] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **managing to free and arm, he pull a knife from his pants, slashing at the ghouls, snapping back to reality** Get away from me, you monters!
[03-21:04] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((First. You gotta reach a group of ghouls that are a littel more intelligent. Such as ones wearing armor, and tell them. then they will take you to him....I can start that off if you want))
[03-21:05] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((DAMMIT!!!))
[03-21:05] e7109, Adrian Darrymont : **managing to free and arm, he pull a knife from his pants, slashing at the ghouls, snapping back to reality** Get away from me, you monters!
[03-21:05] 22ff1, Lok : ((they are already dead Llano))
[03-21:05] 3b686, Kali: arent there some staying in ?.... in some shop or other?
[03-21:06] e7109, Adrian Darrymont : ((Again, please scrach that for Darrius. Yeah, will you please start it off))
[03-21:06] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((mew? ))
[03-21:06] f4ac0, Llano : (ok... Damn they just don't stp!!!)
[03-21:06] f4ac0, Llano : (**stop)
[03-21:08] f4ac0, Llano: (and how did it get to show me as an orc?)
[03-21:08] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((and yes the ghouls run a meat shop near the docks.)*they ignore the slashes as they surrond him and they luagh* you are one of us! *on another street a pair of ghouls wearing armor are dragging several bodies out of a house and into an alley*
[03-21:09] 876bc, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** the first skeleton, falls to the ground the second replacing it. this skeleton is fullly intacked. this one attacks with both shield and sword at the same time**
[03-21:10] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **Most of this time, he's been watching atop a building as his friend and this stranger fight, the strange creatures surrounding them** Nefiset, are you going to be able to handle this? **refers to the ghouls** Are these creatures yours?
[03-21:11] 876bc, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( where are all the ghouls ...are they all around me and Liano))
[03-21:11] fb2e0, Acorna : *enters Trendlekim's via the back door. She was, uh, just standing around the portal pondering life up to this point, yeah, that's it*
[03-21:11] 3b686, Kali: *dies* ghouls running a meat shop.....*cackles*...
[03-21:12] 876bc, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** turns looking at darrius** Those ** points to the ghouls** No.
[03-21:12] e7109, Adrian Darrymont : **thrashes some more beforing passing out, having aweful dreams now that he is at the mercy of his monsters, his attackers...... his peers.**
[03-21:13] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((ghouls surronding your fight unseen. Adrian and freinds near glmiiering but out of the way i nan alley and anohter group by the docks...the intellegent group))
[03-21:13] fb2e0, Acorna : *rents a room and heads upstairs.* *Gone*
[03-21:13] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[03-21:13] f4ac0, Llano : *she throws herself back as far as she can, making sure to move away from the sword, however she didn't react fast enough to block the full impact of the shield, she stumbles slightly but regains her footing in an instant, she dives into a roll, her short sword working circles above her to prevent any attack from getting through while her long sword flies out wide, aiming to take both of the skeletons knees at the knee cap*
[03-21:14] EXIT: HulkDogs has left the chat ( 10:13pm, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-21:14] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((Can I approach the intelligent group?))
[03-21:14] f4ac0, Llano : (*Note: llano was to invloved in the battle to notice Nefiset apparantly talking to himself.)
[03-21:15] fb2e0, Fahrena : *in her room, she is practicing the few moves that Garet taught her with the staff. She hasn't started on the crossbow yet. She finally decides she needs a break and grabs her lyre and heads down to the main bar. Also brings the staff*
[03-21:16] 876bc, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** the skeleton falls to its knees but keeps goin it swings with the sword at the women and throughs the shield at her. it the falls over as nefiset give up controll of it**
[03-21:17] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((yeah. I put htem their for you.they are in armor.))* Adrian is hualed off after being put in irons, away to the north.*
[03-21:17] f4ac0, Llano : *she stands up facing Nefiset. her beautiful face emotionless.* You attacked me. Why?
[03-21:17] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[03-21:18] EXIT: HulkDogs has left the chat ( 10:17pm, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-21:19] 876bc, Nefiset Da'emorentis : You are living. ** give that and only that before spinning his staff at a blurring speed and swing at the side of the womens head**
[03-21:19] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **calls out** Necromancer! Im going find the source of this, can you manage yourself?
[03-21:20] 876bc, Nefiset Da'emorentis : I should be okay ** calls out to the nightmare**
[03-21:20] MSG: Xyva sent a message to Acorna.
[03-21:20] JOIN: Lando Trosni has entered.
[03-21:21] f4ac0, Llano : *she dives into a roll beneath Nefisets flying staff.* I am living? How do you know such things? I have the appearance of a High elf, but what of my aura? Does it feel like that of a High elf?
[03-21:22] 876bc, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** spins the staff with speed and grace. fallow Liano with it as she moves to this ground this time he aim for the womens spine** I feel nothing.
[03-21:24] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **Bursts into the air, flying at a quicker pace than normal, scouring the city for the source of these creatures... He spots armored ghouls down by the docks and lands to either talk to, or kill them, though he'd rather not kill them because he loves death so much and its quite obvious that they're dead, he can smell that** Hello, Im Darrius Lokken... I couldnt help but notice the rampage you are besetting on ... I could not have done better my self. Can I ask what you are, and who you're leader is?
[03-21:25] f4ac0, Llano : *bending herself into a 90 degree angle to make herself less of a target, she flips over Nefisets staff, both swords thrusting toward the creatures abdomen.* You've witnessed my fighting prowess. How do you think I gained this skill? Certainly not through any power of life....
[03-21:26] 876bc, Lando Trosni : ** walks along a street, he spots a tavern..the glimmering inn he moves to enter he carries his cross bow at his side. stops looking around the room looking for a certain women**
[03-21:26] 876bc, Lando Trosni : (( color check ))
[03-21:26] f4ac0, Llano : (is Mab still on?)
[03-21:27] 22ff1, Ghouls : *they draw swords and spread out...exactly as soilders would.* We are ghouls. We serve the Master.
[03-21:27] fb2e0, Fahrena : *comes down the stairs, with her lyre and staff, planning to play for coins in order to pay for dinner*
[03-21:27] f4ac0, Llano : (is an admin still on?)
[03-21:28] fb2e0, Fahrena : ((Mab? Where? >_> <_< >_>)
[03-21:28] f4ac0, Llano : (she was on earlier... guess shes gone)
[03-21:28] fb2e0, Fahrena : (( *is Mab*))
[03-21:28] 876bc, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** stops spinning his staff as soon as he hears this ** ..Then lets leave this mass of the living dead. ** turns walking for the thinnest wall of ghouls spinning his staff smacking killing and dismembering them as he makes a path..breaks free and drops into a sprint to get away **
[03-21:29] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **Looks at the swords laughingly** Please, dont insult me, those pathetic pieces of steel will do you know good... who is this Master? Id like to meet him.
[03-21:29] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[03-21:29] f4ac0, Llano : (, oh)
[03-21:29] 876bc, Lando Trosni : ** spots the women just has his spy had described her he begins across the room to her**
[03-21:30] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((neif. we would call that modding))
[03-21:30] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[03-21:31] fb2e0, Fahrena : *wow, he wastes no time. She is busy arranging herself on the top tier of the stage when she sees the gargoyle's approach. furrows her brows and looks upon him with wariness*
[03-21:31] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((and they are i nthe alleys out of sight so you wouldn't see them.))
[03-21:31] f4ac0, Llano : *disinterested with Nefiset who foolishly believed her lies she dashes down teh street toward where she'd seen Darrius fly.*
[03-21:32] c6c97, xyva: mab did you get my msg on acorna?
[03-21:32] 22ff1, Ghouls : Why do you wish to meet the Master?
[03-21:32] 876bc, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( well you were rping other thing so i just went and yea ill undo))
[03-21:33] 876bc, Lando Trosni : ** spots at the edge of the stage staring at the women to be sure he is right with taking her**
[03-21:33] fb2e0, Mab: No, I missed it, but now I read it. I'm not sure I quite follow what you're saying though.
[03-21:34] e7109, Darrius Lokken : Because id admire the death he has caused so far... it's beautiful really. I am an Advocate of Death ((Factions)) and I would love to recruit your master to my cause.
[03-21:34] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Mab.
[03-21:34] fb2e0, Fahrena : Can I help you? Do you have a request? *meaning a tune on the lyre*
[03-21:35] 22ff1, Ghouls : *if she still runs she would go straight in to hte arms of three ghouls as soon as she rounded a corner*
[03-21:35] f4ac0, Llano : *She slips into the shadows, watching darrius closely, well aware that she would not likely be able to kill him easily, particularly if the ghouls sided with him. She did however smell one thing on him - Drow, she would speak with this man.*
[03-21:35] MSG: Mab sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[03-21:35] f4ac0, Llano : (oops, I'll redo that)
[03-21:36] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Mab.
[03-21:37] f4ac0, Llano : *She continues running, still fully armed, glowing sword and all. She stops dead as she comes to face them.* Must I dance all night? *She smirks waiting for them. Her sword flares brightly, so brightly that it would likely hurt the ghouls eyes greatly*
[03-21:37] 22ff1, Ghouls : *The leader, obviosly a former City Guard, nods.* This way living one. *they troop int othe alleys going north*
[03-21:38] MSG: Mab sent a message to Mab.
[03-21:38] 876bc, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** has been fallowing liano and stops as she does** Must be you are ment to.
[03-21:39] fb2e0, Mab: LOL, I sent a message to myself.
[03-21:39] 3b686, Kali: hehe.... I hope it was a good one..
[03-21:39] MSG: Mab sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[03-21:39] fb2e0, Mab: It was supposed to go to Darrius.
[03-21:40] f4ac0, Llano : *she stares at the ghoul quizically. She shrugged following letting the glow of her blade die down slightly - though she never diminish its light completely if she wanted to - she didn't imagine simple ghouls could take her anyhow, and even if they tried she imagine she could strike a bargain with their leader.*
[03-21:40] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **Chuckles deeply, muttering** Living one, marvelous, simply marvelous **he not only follows them, he walks single file with them, putting his arms around their shoulders** You ghouls have one of the best rampages Ive ever seen, and belive me, I've done a lot of rampaging.
[03-21:40] f4ac0, Llano : (by the way Nefiset, her name is Llan with two Ls, its pronounced 'Yano' tho.)
[03-21:40] 22ff1, Ghouls : *one leaps at Llano from abouve o nthe building..intent on landing on her and biting and clawing the hell out of her*
[03-21:41] f4ac0, Llano : (oops... i thought that post was to me ghouls, i have to undo again.)
[03-21:42] MSG: xyva sent a message to Mab.
[03-21:42] f4ac0, Llano : *he sword flaring all the brighter, she side steps making sure that she was close enough that the ghoul would be imapled on her upraised sword.*
[03-21:43] f4ac0, Llano : (wow this character isn't even regged yet and has seen more fighting in one session the Eradrae has at all)
[03-21:43] 3b686, Kali: *knows* *teases*... I did warn ya'll im in a strange mood....*prolly needs fast rp*
[03-21:44] f4ac0, Llano : (I have a feeling she's gonna die )
[03-21:44] MSG: Mab sent a message to Xyva.
[03-21:45] 22ff1, Ghouls : *they seem not to notice expet for the leader* Apreciated. *soon they would arrive at a wide section of alley way and a cloaked figure, sitting on a throne of flesh a walk way of bone leading to it. She implaes it but it doesn't notice instead it would bite her face. while the other two leap on her frm the side*
[03-21:46] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((Ghouls do me a favor and dont kill Llano yet... actually, do her a favor, shes new))
[03-21:47] 876bc, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** turns leaving the women attempting to avoid the ghouls...he runs till he might see more**
[03-21:47] 876bc, Lando Trosni : You can come with me silently and with out a struggle. ** his face is cold and harsh he means business**
[03-21:47] MSG: xyva sent a message to Mab.
[03-21:47] f4ac0, Llano : *before the ghoul can get her she swings her sword about, launching the impaled ghoul off the end of the blade at its two companions. She breaks into a run fully expecting the impaled ghoul to topple the rest. She heads for the ducks, sheathing her glowing sword.*
[03-21:47] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((I'll just slap her around a bit))
[03-21:48] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **wonders how Nefiset is faring, speaking out** I suppose your this master I keep hearing about?
[03-21:48] f4ac0, Llano : (well, I think I could get out of just about anything he through at me but it might be cheap so... Really I'd atleast want ot have her confront Eradrae a few times and possibly join your guild, Darrius)
[03-21:48] 22ff1, Ghouls : (j/k she'll be fine. don't worry))
[03-21:49] fb2e0, Fahrena : Alright. *stands and makes like she is going to do as he says, setting down her lyre as she does so. She then does a quick jab for his gutt, a move Garet taught her* Maybe later.
[03-21:51] 876bc, Lando Trosni : ** takes the hit to the gut putting one foot back to steady himself, at the same time grabs onto the staff..steps then to the side pulling, trying to bring he off the stage**
[03-21:52] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((cause I have a lot on my plate I'll let you go llano. this time.))*harsh luahger would chase her*
[03-21:53] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **his face is suddenly cold, and very serious... He scans the figure with his crimson eyes, partially covered by his long black hair. His skin is pale, but there is an air about him that makes Darrius Lokken very unsettling, in some ways terrifying. he looks at the master as more of a peer than an opponent. He speaks softly, but directly to the hooded figure** I knew we would one day meet. Ever since I was a youngling and my ultimate goal was presented to me, I knew there was another... I have strong beliefs now that you are that other.
[03-21:54] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[03-21:55] 876bc, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** makes is off into the night ** gone**
[03-21:55] fb2e0, Fahrena : Ah! *is swung off the stage, stumbling down the tiers, banging her shin on the way, which doesn't feel good. Lands haphazardly on her feet though. Tries to yank the staff from him. Okay, she learned some good moves with the staff, but didn't learn how to keep someone from grabbing it. heh*
[03-21:55] f4ac0, Llano : *Realizing that the ghouls have stopped following her she, slips back into the shadows creeping along in complete silence. She would find Darrius... He knew of eradrae, she had smelled drow on him earlier....
[03-21:56] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : ** lets go of the staff taking a shot at the Fahrenas foot with is cross bow hoping that it will hold he in one place**
[03-21:56] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : (( ello cara ))
[03-21:57] 876bc, Lando Trosni : ** lets go of the staff taking a shot at the Fahrenas foot with is cross bow hoping that it will hold he in one place**
[03-21:57] 876bc, Lando Trosni : : ** lets go of the staff taking a shot at the Fahrenas foot with is cross bow hoping that it will hold he in one place**
[03-21:58] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : (( AHH ** GOES INSANE** ))
[03-21:58] f4ac0, Llano : (, having some trouble tarnis?)
[03-21:58] fb2e0, Fahrena : ((LOL))
[03-21:59] 876bc, Lando Trosni : : ** lets go of the staff taking a shot at the Fahrenas foot with is cross bow hoping that it will hold he in one place**
[03-21:59] 22ff1, Ghouls : I see. Darius Lokken. Your goal is to wipe out all life yes? *there is something...unnatruel about him. Quiet and undefinded.
[03-21:59] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : (( ok think i got it?))
[03-21:59] f4ac0, Llano : (there ya go)
[03-22:00] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : (( cara you around? ))
[03-22:00] 01d99, Caradonia: *She spent the night here, under the willow. Knows this place and trusts that nothing foul would find it's way here. She's being naive but in a way..we all are..she's just paranoid about this*
[03-22:01] f4ac0, Llano : *she creeps along the alleyway just behind Darrius, completely concealed, silent - undetected. She listens closely to their conversation.*
[03-22:01] c6c97, xyva: mab you still here?
[03-22:01] c6c97, xyva: mab you still here?
[03-22:01] fb2e0, Fahrena : Aaah! *cries in shock as her foot is impaled. Wasn't expecting a move like that. With her staff back, she tries another move that Garet taught her and moves to crack it on the side of his head in a reasonably deft swing. Part of her response is reactionary, lashing out from the pain and stuff*
[03-22:02] MSG: Mab sent a message to Xyva.
[03-22:02] 01d99, Caradonia: ((Yup))
[03-22:02] 22ff1, Ghouls : *she would be soon actually be cuaght becasue the alley is swarming with ghouls. She would be flanked byt 4 armed and armored ghouls*
[03-22:04] MSG: xyva sent a message to Mab.
[03-22:04] 876bc, Lando Trosni : ** leans over as the staff comes for his head holds up the arm holding the crossbow catching the staff under his arm, stands back up the staff would not but under his arm. Take another shot at Fahrena other foot but would most likely miss**
[03-22:05] f4ac0, Llano : *she sheaths her short sword, well aware that the ghouls were there. She quickly dashed out before Darrius. She played a dangerous game and she knew it, but it was the difference between life and death - revenge and failure.* I pledge myself to your cause master of death! *she had heard of Darrius before, she had never truly related to him, but she would die unless this worked.*
[03-22:05] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : (( not- now))
[03-22:06] 876bc, Lando Trosni : (( not- now))
[03-22:06] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : (( okay so where is the NOT ghouls in ?))
[03-22:07] f4ac0, Llano : (wow... this is odd I'm getting to like this character better then Eradrae... Tho... their plots are quite heavily intertwined...)
[03-22:07] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((the not ghouls?))
[03-22:08] f4ac0, Llano : (Where arn't the ghouls)
[03-22:08] fb2e0, Fahrena : *Yes, with all that action, he'd have a hard time aiming at her other foot. With her previous foot pinned, she is kinda stuck and yanks desperately at the staff he's nabbed again* Let go! *as if he's going to. is reeling from pain in her foot as well, but that there adreniline can do wonders*
[03-22:08] f4ac0, Llano : (or maybe he was asking where is everyone who is not a ghoul...)
[03-22:08] 5cffb, Ashe : ((*dances* Bite my shiny metal arse!))
[03-22:08] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : (( uh the should be there))
[03-22:09] 01d99, Caradonia: *She uncurls, slowly frowning when she dosent hear the movements of her horse. SHe frowns and crawls out from the cover of the willow..she scrambles to her feet..eyes wide..panice almost* Lilly?
[03-22:09] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : no just bad grammer))
[03-22:09] e7109, Adrian Darrymont : **Its too late for llano, for Darrius already has smelled her, but ignores it to talk to the hooded figure** I would ask how you knew that, but its probably part of the control you have over these creatures, correct? My goal is one you can appreciate, im sure. Life is a putrid, vile thing, that has no place on this planet. I realized this long ago and I've killed many, many things in my time alive. I am - **is cut off by the girl at his feet now, he picks her up by her clothing and sits her on the ground next to him** Wait a moment, would you? Where was I.... ah yes, I want you to think of what we could accomplish together, I am a better killer than any of these ghouls and could guide them into battle, we could take this whole world if we wanted! ((By the way, how many ghouls do you have right now))
[03-22:10] f4ac0, Llano : ()
[03-22:10] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((try not being around at night then))
[03-22:10] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **Its too late for llano, for Darrius already has smelled her, but ignores it to talk to the hooded figure** I would ask how you knew that, but its probably part of the control you have over these creatures, correct? My goal is one you can appreciate, im sure. Life is a putrid, vile thing, that has no place on this planet. I realized this long ago and I've killed many, many things in my time alive. I am - **is cut off by the girl at his feet now, he picks her up by her clothing and sits her on the ground next to him** Wait a moment, would you? Where was I.... ah yes, I want you to think of what we could accomplish together, I am a better killer than any of these ghouls and could guide them into battle, we could take this whole world if we wanted! ((By the way, how many ghouls do you have right now))
[03-22:10] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((If I do that agin, kill, would you?))
[03-22:11] f4ac0, Llano : (what darrius?)
[03-22:11] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((I posted as adrian, scratch that for him))
[03-22:12] 876bc, Lando Trosni : ** uses his free hand to push with great force at fahrenas neck trying to topple her over onto the inns floor. did let go of ther staff to do this**
[03-22:13] f4ac0, Llano : *she waits patiently listening to the conversation intently, quite amused with it all. She kne that if she ahd any say in it she would helpw ith the capture of , it was her best chance to exact justice - her justice that is...*
[03-22:13] 5cffb, Ashe : *sitting up on a random rooftop, leaning against a chinmey stack smiling, enjoying the cool salty air*
[03-22:13] f9c17, Whee: ((... waht's going on?))
[03-22:14] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : ** wanders around outside of rua not in the forest but at its edge**
[03-22:14] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Ghouls.
[03-22:14] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((Whee, apparently rua is being sacked by a bunch of ghouls))
[03-22:15] 876bc, Lando Trosni : (( test ))
[03-22:15] f4ac0, Llano : (not yet is it?)
[03-22:15] f4ac0, Llano : (Besides, don't u have to get admin permission?0
[03-22:15] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((I would say by now.....100-200.))Hrm. A decent goal. There is one ghoul recently captured. One who is wild. If you can tame him and build a force. I will support you. *he eyes the girl by lokken* And is that flesh yours?
[03-22:16] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : *sitting on the log, talking to Levald, she continues telling him about how Val had been acting*
[03-22:16] fb2e0, Fahrena : Uh! *puts her hand up to keep him from grabbing her neck, but the force of her yanking on the staff and his suddenly letting go, causes her to topple over anyway and she shrieks in pain as it jarrs the arrow lodges into her foot* EEIAAH!! *lands on the floor, her one knee of the foot that is pinned bent to keep her foot in relatively the same position. tears streaming down her face from the shock and pain.* ((*is an admin. is aware. watching to make sure it doesn't get unfair or out of hand. not to worry*))
[03-22:16] 01d99, Caradonia: *She stumbels away in her bed step, eyes trying desperatly to see a white shape in the dark* Lilly?*She walks toward where her dress is folded..she shrugs off the sheet and dresses..quickly, even manages to miss a few buttons*
[03-22:16] MSG: Ghouls sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[03-22:17] f4ac0, Llano : *she almost lunges out at the cloacked figure for sayign such a thing but knew to act would mean her life was forfeit. She simply stood there and looked at Darrius, plastering a sadistic look onto her face.*
[03-22:17] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Ghouls.
[03-22:17] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((has gone over this with admins))
[03-22:17] f9c17, Whee: ((oh, okay))
[03-22:18] fb2e0, Fahrena : lodges = lodged
[03-22:18] 876bc, Lando Trosni : ** points the cross bout which has four shots at her arm firing a shot hoping to do what he did to her foot to her fore-arm**
[03-22:18] f4ac0, Llano : (alright. But could you please wait till atleast tomorrow so I can have Eradrae (and hopefully sorcha will be on too) here for the battle, I can imagine some pretty tense scenes between Eradrae and Llano
[03-22:19] f4ac0, Llano : )
[03-22:19] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((oh this isn't an all at once thing. It has been oging on for weeks. and I gotta go soon))
[03-22:19] c6c97, Levald : *looks over at Jessup grazing at the edge of the wood, making sure he doesnt wander in as he listens to her*
[03-22:20] fb2e0, Fahrena : *screw that, she moves her forearms quickly* Stop! *panting she swings her staff at his crossbow in her partly sitting, partly laying position, trying to knock it from his hands*
[03-22:20] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **Looks at Llano for a moment** I've never met her, but she seems to be interested in my cause... of course, in light of our new formed companionship, if you want her, shes yours.
[03-22:20] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : (( cross bout 0 crossbow))
[03-22:21] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : ** drops the crossbow then stops as he is told ** Will you come with me?
[03-22:21] 876bc, Lando Trosni : ** drops the crossbow then stops as he is told ** Will you come with me?
[03-22:21] 22ff1, Ghouls : Feh. Keep your dog. *two ghouls coem around with the newly aquired Adrain* (hah eat your own char) This is yours. (and I gotta go now) *fades to black*
[03-22:22] JOIN: Adrian Darrymont has entered.
[03-22:22] f4ac0, Llano : (oh, well ghouls can u give me a little bit of a forewarning before the actually invasion takes place? I would like to have a few ppl here for it.)
[03-22:22] c6c97, Levald : mab, aim?
[03-22:22] fb2e0, Fahrena : I can't. My foot is pinned. *gasps these words out with the pain.*
[03-22:23] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((don't worry. night all))
[03-22:23] f4ac0, Llano : (darrius are u paused now then?)
[03-22:23] 22ff1, Ghouls : ((darius you get the two guards as well. they are yours to control))
[03-22:23] EXIT: Ghouls has left the chat ( 11:23pm, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-22:24] f4ac0, Llano : (darrius?)
[03-22:24] e7109, Adrian Darrymont : ((Yeah, Im typing with darrius now, gonna take control of adrian the way I always get them))
[03-22:25] 876bc, Will-o'-the-wisp: ** leans over first grabing his cross bow with two shot left in it. then grabs the bolt from which is through her foot and into the floor, yanks it. looks at the bolt covered in blood the reloads it into the crossbow** How about now? ** his face more harse and more serious**
[03-22:25] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:25pm, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-22:25] f4ac0, Llano : (do you have time to RP a little bit Llano? I'd like to develope her a little bit more.
[03-22:25] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **Smiles at the fact that this ghoul os currently unconcious. Darrius closes his eyes and enters the sleeping ghouls mind, finding his weaknesses, motivations and memories and bringin him into a dream. In the dream, Adrian is surrounded on all sides by fire, peopls screaming "Monster! Kill it, desroy, BURN BURN BURN!!"**
[03-22:26] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : (( sorry cara i am doing alot ))** hears Caras voice aways off. turns on heel and heads that way**
[03-22:27] JOIN: Z has entered.
[03-22:27] JOIN: Lando Trosni has entered.
[03-22:27] fb2e0, Fahrena : *cries out as he removes the bolt. That hurt, afterall. Looks at him panting and swallows hard*'ve made it rather hard for me to walk.
[03-22:28] 876bc, Lando Trosni : Give me the staff. ** holds out a hand awaiting her to give it to him..thinks she has given up**
[03-22:28] f4ac0, Llano : (darrius, do u have time to RP with Llano a little bit, I'm trying to develope her a little bit before the battle.
[03-22:28] 01d99, Caradonia: *Without thought of light she wanders into the dark, her feed guiding her around trees and stumps, eyes looking for any evidence of a large animal moving through here...broken twigs at shoulder length. She turns to where she smells water...hoping the animal might be there*((s''alright))
[03-22:28] f4ac0, Llano : ?)
[03-22:29] e7109, Adrian Darrymont : ((sure))**In this dream, Adrian screams back at the invisible mob "No! Stay away!, Im not a monster, Im a human being! Please, leave me be!" the fire moves in closer and closer, pinning him against a wall, and is suddenly, all at once, gone. Adrian serches around in the blackness and suddenly is in the middle of a great dessert, its night time and he is alone.**
[03-22:29] fb2e0, Fahrena : *and he would be mistaken in that thinking. She scrambles back quickly, now that her injured foot is free, and hides under a table, pulling a chair between him and her to block his way and his darn crossbow*
[03-22:30] f9c17, Whee: Hmm. who can I bug...
[03-22:31] f4ac0, Llano : *She stares at Darrius in her typical emotionless gaze.* You smell of Drow. When do you come into contact with one? Who was it and where.
[03-22:31] f4ac0, Llano : **did
[03-22:31] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **And in this moment, Darrius rises from the sand** Hello Adrian...
[03-22:31] 876bc, Lando Trosni : **walks up to the table putting his free hand on it. then grabs onto the edge pulls up suddenly flipping the table over. now he is getting angry. yells ** Stop resisting!
[03-22:32] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : I just dont understand what started his ramblings.....We need to find him..before he gets hurt or hurts someone else..
[03-22:32] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **opens one eyes, looking at Llano** You must have a great sence of smell... whats your species?
[03-22:32] fb2e0, Fahrena : *as he is yelling, she aims to clock him under the chin with a jab of her staff* Stop pursuing! *mix of pain and anger to her voice*
[03-22:33] e7109, Adrian Darrymont : **Still trpped in this nightmare** H-how do you know that name?
[03-22:33] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : ** come onto Cara. speaks in an odd tongue a fire ball ignites on his hand. lighting the area reveiling cara completely** Having troubles?
[03-22:34] f4ac0, Llano : *She stares at him coldly.* High Elf. I trained in the wild as a Ranger for most of my life... I developed a keen sense of smell. The smell of Drow is not hard find in any case - not this Drow anyway...
[03-22:35] 01d99, Caradonia: My horse..I didnt picket her earlier..and I feel asleep and she's gone*She's almost babbling, her eyes wide and wild.*
[03-22:36] 876bc, Lando Trosni : ** the staff hits him under the chin his head going up for and instant. then back down** Not likely, Fahrena.** reachs forward with a doubled fist trying for a punch at fahrenas wounded foot**
[03-22:36] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **Back in the nightmare** I know a lot of things about you Adrian, your former profession, I know about the girl... and I know what that monster did to you. **in the real world again** Then why is it you want to joinin league with me, you being a High Elf, you arent violent by nature, are you rogue?
[03-22:36] c6c97, Levald : Are you sure you wanna go after him this time?
[03-22:36] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : Well lets look for her shall we? ** red eyes search around but he doesn't see her**
[03-22:38] fb2e0, Fahrena : *moves her foot to the side, scooting back a little on her butt, cuz she's still down on the floor and swings the staff around to try and impact the side of his head as he is reaching for her foot*
[03-22:38] 01d99, Caradonia: I think she went to the pond...she likes it's cold and quiet*and starts off in that direction, her movements easing back into that effortless grace, moves with a determined silence*
[03-22:38] f4ac0, Llano : *she contineus to stare at him unblinking, apparantly uneffected by his aura of horror.* I did that to save my own life. You know just as well as I that if I hadn't my life would have been forfeit. However... I think we can be of use to eachother.
[03-22:38] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : *sighing rather deeply* I dont even know where to start...Just take me back to for a bit... maybe he's gone back there.
[03-22:40] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : Well lets go look ** holds his hand out and uses his other arm to make a hook for her to take..or not..they walk towards the lake..**
[03-22:40] c6c97, Levald : Alright *gets up to retrieve Jessup from his grazing*
[03-22:41] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **in the dream, he quickly grabs Adrians head and whips it to look at and image of his former, human self, embracing his lover** You want this again dont you adrian? **in the real world now** Your life may still be in forfeit girl, dont count yourself safe yet. Continue, how could you help me?
[03-22:42] 876bc, Lando Trosni : ** the staff contacts his head, begins to fall bit catchs himself, pushing himself so he stands up again, stairs at his bounty abit annoyed** Your pesky ya know?
[03-22:43] ab6ae, Sileen: Characters... characters... hm.... Where is everyone?
[03-22:43] 01d99, Caradonia: *She dosent take his arm, she is too busy thinking on the fate of Lox...the horse that made a nice little snack for a sleeping Dragon. The walk from point A to point B dosent take long..and to her releif, just as she breaks the clearing..she sees her horse..grazing*
[03-22:43] fb2e0, Fahrena : (())
[03-22:43] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : *somewhere south of *
[03-22:43] fb2e0, Fahrena : ((Trendlekim's tavern))
[03-22:44] e7109, Adrian Darrymont : **in the nightmare, adrian reverts to tears. Darrius looks at him** I can give it back to you, all you need do is serve me for a little while, and it can all be yours again... Whats wrong with taking a few lives when you can have your own life back? ((both chars in rua))
[03-22:44] f9c17, Whee: nt sure.
[03-22:44] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : ** stops at the edge of the break in the forest line looking at Cara and her horse, lets the fireball go out the area grows dim. cross his arms over his chest** (( outside of rua))
[03-22:45] f4ac0, Llano : *She smirks slight - a fake smile, but a smile none the less.* I am a seasoned fighter, imagine the death I can spread. And you do love to torment the souls of goodly people do you not?
[03-22:45] fb2e0, Fahrena : Pesky? *stops short with a bit of a confused, kind of expression before scrambling back further from him and trying to jab him in the gut with her staff again* I'll show you pesky!
[03-22:45] 01d99, Caradonia: *She holds her hands out, a cattot within it. The horse trots over and her worried face relaxes into a dazzling smile* Thank you*Said to Tarnis while she hugs her horse*
[03-22:47] 94c70, Z: *grooves*
[03-22:47] 876bc, Lando Trosni : ** grabs the staff this time before it can make contact and taking the advantage of his strenght trys to pull the staff from her grasp**
[03-22:48] fb2e0, Fahrena : *doesn't let go of it and gets pulled forward with the staff* Let go!
[03-22:49] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **says to Llano** I am a nightmare, tormenting really is my thing. **turns and sees a group of humans, not yet attacked by ghouls** See those 6 humans? Kill them and be creative... here **hands Llano one of his one handed sickles**
[03-22:49] 876bc, Tarnis Catadon : No problem. I did nothing but fallow you. **walks down to where cara is. trys to pet the horse seems not to like him.**
[03-22:49] f9c17, Whee: I was in Raupenchi, but I dont really want to deal with Ghouls. So I think Puwia's in transit, and Vesarn I dont know till I find out who my master'll be
[03-22:50] e7109, Adrian Darrymont : **in dream, extends his hand and shakes Darrius' hand** Deal... and may we both burn in hell for making it... **gone**
[03-22:50] e7109, Adrian Darrymont : ((fade out on this char))
[03-22:50] 94c70, Z: *thinks Muna will have ghoul snakcs once she finds out they've been in her city.*
[03-22:51] 876bc, Lando Trosni : ** turns as fahrena passes from the yank. once she is past him pulls the staff holding out a doubled fist to hopefully meet her face and knock her out**
[03-22:51] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[03-22:51] 01d99, Caradonia: *The animal tolerates Tarnis's hands upon it's coat but that's mostly due to the sweet carrot she's crunching on* You provided light though*leans in to kiss Lilly's nose*
[03-22:52] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((Hey Z, apparently theres some 100 ghoul forces in rua right now, did you know about it?))
[03-22:52] f4ac0, Llano : *she smirks - a sincere smirk this time.* Fair enough, she whips the sickle at one of the humans, the blade planting itself firmly in its skull., she whips out her swords and charges forward, lopping off ones head as it tried to move past her. The next closest one who was frozen in terror ended up with a short sword through his gut. The one bending over to help the man with a sickle sticking out of the back of his head lost half of his head to the swing of Llanos longsword, Lelvin'd'Arciin. She whipped her short sword into one of the running mens back and turned the other way breaking into a dash after the other man. She caught him quickly and relieved him of his arms.*
[03-22:53] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **looks at llano expectantly** Well?
[03-22:53] ab6ae, Sileen: *Through the streets she smoothly steps, overly dainty, slippered feet brushing over the ground with a gentle trod. With each smooth, graceful steps, the dark green cloak draping over her figure is sent to fluttering slightly with her movement. And as always, when she is in a public area, the hood is pulled up, green cloth angled to conceal the pearl spiral extending from her pale forehead.. a tricky task, let me tell you, though she has perfected angling it juuuust right.*
[03-22:53] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((Pause char for 10 minutes, brb))
[03-22:53] fb2e0, Fahrena : *ducks just in time, gasping as she sees the fist coming for her out of her peripheral vision.* Stop trying to hit me, you brute!
[03-22:54] ab6ae, Aurora : ((*ahem*)) *Through the streets she smoothly steps, overly dainty, slippered feet brushing over the ground with a gentle trod. With each smooth, graceful steps, the dark green cloak draping over her figure is sent to fluttering slightly with her movement. And as always, when she is in a public area, the hood is pulled up, green cloth angled to conceal the pearl spiral extending from her pale forehead.. a tricky task, let me tell you, though she has perfected angling it juuuust right.*
[03-22:54] fb2e0, Fahrena : ((How did one of my admins end up in ? ))
[03-22:54] c6c97, Levald : *taking Jessup he leads him back over to the log* Ladies first. *Offers help getting up*
[03-22:54] ab6ae, Sileen: I'm sneaky like that
[03-22:54] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : ((very good question..))
[03-22:55] ab6ae, Sileen: Don't tempt me! I will totally go IC as me! :-p And be all talking to the chars like... "Hey! You're so and so! Hehe, I watch you get played ALL the time"
[03-22:56] fb2e0, Fahrena : ((LOL ))
[03-22:56] c6c97, Levald : LOL
[03-22:57] f9c17, Whee: Where's mab...
[03-22:57] JOIN: Z has entered.
[03-22:57] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : *taking the hand offered to her, she gets up on the horse..not exactly a natural horsewoman.but its good*...((sure you will))
[03-22:58] f9c17, Whee: Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab
[03-22:58] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : ((not a clue...))
[03-22:58] 94c70, Z: No.. I didn't know about the ghoul forces.. but it's not unusual for me to be out of the loop like that..
[03-22:59] ab6ae, Aurora : ((Mab's hiding))
[03-22:59] fb2e0, Fahrena : ((Mab? Who is this Mab I keep hearing about?))
[03-22:59] ab6ae, Aurora : ((Ther's no Mab's for you))
[03-22:59] ab6ae, Aurora : ((I ATE her! Ah hahahahaha!!))
[03-22:59] fb2e0, Mab:
[03-23:00] f9c17, Whee: Mab! Aim me please?
[03-23:01] ab6ae, Aurora : ((Don't do it Mab! He's out to get you!))
[03-23:01] fb2e0, Mab: Whatcha need? I've kinda got a lot of windows opened right now.
[03-23:02] f9c17, Whee: the name of the guy who you said may be Vesarn's new owner
[03-23:03] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[03-23:03] c6c97, Levald : ok, now its my turn *Steps on the log and hops up behind her, keeping hold of the rein* ready?
[03-23:04] ab6ae, Aurora : *One slender hand rests on the hilt of her sword beneath the cloth of her cloak... yes, she knew ghouls were out and about, and she fully intended to not be caught unawares*
[03-23:04] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : *glancing back at him* As I'll ever be.
[03-23:05] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *Delotha however.. is laying flopped down on a rooftop, sprawling spread eagle over the tiles, blankly staring upward in a comatose manner... dang she was bored..*
[03-23:05] fb2e0, Mab: Oh, he's been away from the puter for a while now. RL kinda got a hold of him. He hopes to be back later on.
[03-23:05] EXIT: Tarnis Catadon has left the chat ( 12:05am, July 04 (CDT) ).
[03-23:06] JOIN: Lando Trosni has entered.
[03-23:06] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[03-23:07] f9c17, Whee: later on as in today or as in a few days?
[03-23:07] fb2e0, Mab: Not today, I don't know when exactly
[03-23:07] c6c97, Levald : here we go *squeeses his heels against Jessups ribs, nudging him into a smooth trot. Heading north on the trail, back the way he came*
[03-23:07] fb2e0, Mab: I meant like in the next month or so.
[03-23:07] cfb58, Lando Trosni : How else am I suposed to knock you out? ** now holds the staff straight up in the air so that fahrena would collide with Lando**
[03-23:08] f9c17, Whee: oh. :/
[03-23:09] fb2e0, Fahrena : *lets go of the staff before that can happen and rolls to head under another table*
[03-23:09] f9c17, Whee: *flops*
[03-23:09] cfb58, Tarnis Catadon : (( cara could you re-do your last post or like tell me what happent my internet explorer froze up and now your post is gone))
[03-23:09] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : *grabbing quickly at the horse's mane, she'd close her eyes if she werent afraid of falling off*..ohh..
[03-23:10] cfb58, Tarnis Catadon : ** shots a bold from his cross bow trying to get some of fahrenas clothing tacked to the floor**
[03-23:11] c6c97, Levald : *chuckles as she reacts* relax, your not gonna fall.
[03-23:11] 01d99, Caradonia: The animal tolerates Tarnis's hands upon it's coat but that's mostly due to the sweet carrot she's crunching on* You provided light though*leans in to kiss Lilly's nose*
[03-23:11] cfb58, Tarnis Catadon : ** shoots another bold trying to get some of fahrenas clother tacked to the floor. moves to fallow her so she can move to far awa if she wasnt suck a worm he would have had he on her way back to he fate**
[03-23:12] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** shoots another bold trying to get some of fahrenas clother tacked to the floor. moves to fallow her so she can move to far awa if she wasnt suck a worm he would have had he on her way back to he fate**
[03-23:12] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : Thats what you think....*is afraid of heights and horse would definitely qualify*
[03-23:12] JOIN: Anastra Sylune has entered.
[03-23:13] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( LIANO darrius will be in, in a few mins. He appoligizes))
[03-23:13] c6c97, Levald : o you plan on falling?
[03-23:13] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[03-23:13] c6c97, Levald : do*
[03-23:14] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((Back, unpaused, sorry about that, now, back to the sencless killing.))
[03-23:14] f4ac0, Llano : *she turns back to him after retrieving her dagger. A name escaping her lips.* Eradrae. His name is Eradrae, you've met him. I have a score to finnish with him and I have tracked him down to this city. You can help me find him and make him pay for his sins. And in return I will serve you in the up coming battle as long as I am promised my fight with Eradrae, I would kill him myself. You can torment him in his dreams can you not? exploit his worst nightmares? Then you can tell me and I will use them against him. His suffering will be exquisite! *A sadistic look crosses over her features, as if she was imagining the drows pain - how she enjoyed it!*
[03-23:14] f4ac0, Llano : (thats ok,)
[03-23:14] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : NO!...*grabbing the mane tighter*...I dont like being this high....
[03-23:14] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *she pushes up into an upright sitting position, idly watching someone with a green cloak moving on the road beneath... surely there was SOMETHING to do..*
[03-23:15] c6c97, Levald : So you plan on falling off to get domw.
[03-23:15] ab6ae, Aurora : *she meanwhile walks on undisturbed, unaware of the half demon's bored gaze upon her*
[03-23:15] c6c97, Levald : Down*
[03-23:15] fb2e0, Fahrena : *the bolt catches her sleeve, and she tugs at it to pull the bolt free* Just leave me alone.
[03-23:15] f4ac0, Llano : (man, I love this chars pic.... Actually I love both my chars pics..>
[03-23:15] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( OK I THINK I GOT IT arrg)) **ok fahrena crawls away, lando shoots a bolt hoping to get some of her clothing pinned to the floor, moves to fallow her**
[03-23:15] f4ac0, Llano : )
[03-23:16] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( ah....damn ** dies of annoyances **))
[03-23:16] f4ac0, Llano : (how long have Lando and Fahrena been fighting?)
[03-23:16] fb2e0, Fahrena : ((*puts her post behind Lando's corrected one*))
[03-23:16] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : *shifty eyes* I wasnt planning on getting up here in the first place....
[03-23:16] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **Smiles menacingly** You have a lovely dark side... show it more often. Ill enter his dreams for you, but I wont tell you a thing until you have a pleasing body count, understand?
[03-23:16] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( ** breaths in and out ** ok ok caklm down....thanks, mab))
[03-23:17] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( a long time ))
[03-23:17] c6c97, Levald : Ok but answer the question.
[03-23:18] f4ac0, Llano : *She stares at hima gain, once again emotionless.* Whats your definition of 'pleasing'? I'm sure by now I have doubled it.
[03-23:18] cfb58, Tarnis Catadon : ** relizeing the horse is letting him pet her he begins to pet her** Wow. she let me touch her.
[03-23:19] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : I'll let you know the answer to that ........when i think of one...
[03-23:19] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:19am, July 04 (CDT) ).
[03-23:19] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[03-23:19] f9c17, Vesarn: *sits somewhere in a village out in the middle of nowhere, chained to a post*
[03-23:20] e7109, Darrius Lokken : and Im sure that ive at least ten folded that, but lets not waste time playing'whos the better killer', Il let you know when its pleasing. His dreams for death, do we have a deal?
[03-23:20] c6c97, Levald : So you havent decided if you'd rather fall off or stay on?
[03-23:20] cfb58, Lando Trosni : I can't leave you along. ** walks up to her swinging his his open hand trying to hit her cheek** Your worth to much.
[03-23:20] 01d99, Caradonia: I do beleive that she is more interested in the wont last...*chuckles* Sorry, she is a picky girl.*grabs the rope tied to the halter and gentle, so gently, guides the horse back to camp*
[03-23:21] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((By His dreams for death he means The drow's in exchange for the body count))
[03-23:21] f4ac0, Llano : *she nods. You can tell me what memories haunt him the most?
[03-23:21] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( along- alone))
[03-23:21] f4ac0, Llano : *
[03-23:21] ab6ae, Aurora : *a sudden breeze picks up, and the apparent woman pauses in her steps, head lifting as she lets the breeze flow over her, taking in a deep breath, as a soft smile plays across her lips... then a familiar scent prickles at her memory, one she's encoutered a few times already. Nightmare. Somewhere, upwind of her, there was a nightmare*
[03-23:22] cfb58, Tarnis Catadon : ** fallows, cara before speeding up to walk next to her** It's alright. She better get used to me. If I am gunna be around to teach you my fire tricks.
[03-23:23] fb2e0, Fahrena : *ducks and flails at his fist with her hand that isn't pinned by her sleeve. Kinda stings on her forearm that moves to block his strike. Doesn't respond to his words. She can't argue that and has nothing to offer him to dissuade him*
[03-23:23] f4ac0, Llano : (note: I'm not exactly sure where Eredrae is sleeping tonight but I can bring him on for you and we can ignore that fact.)
[03-23:23] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : Well if it comes to that decision... I'll just....make up my mind then....
[03-23:24] 01d99, Caradonia: *If she would have been a different kind of girl she would have hugged him right then* Really?*she stops in her tracks, delight sparking in her eyes* You'll teach me??
[03-23:25] c6c97, Levald : Well, make it up *Pushes her over against his other arm trying to scare her*
[03-23:25] cfb58, Tarnis Catadon : Sure I will. ** notices the spark in her eyes, kinda smiles at this then motions that they should keep goin**
[03-23:25] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Freshly awake, she sits perched on the edge of her bed, in the room given to her in . She -- or Aegnor -- was supposed to have met with the King today. Yesterday. Tomorrow? By now, she's stopped paying attention to the specific details. The night sky hangs low over the kingdom, foreshadowing, perhaps, things to come. The silver of her eyes is muted, subdued. Her thoughts have taken a dangerous turn. Her dreams have gotten worse. It could be due to the close proximity of the subject of most of her nightmares. Even though there is really no way of knowing for certain who the dark being from her nightmares is supposed to be.*
[03-23:25] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((ill get him later, I may have a unicorn to chase)) I can tell you all you need **is presently unaware of theUnicorn close by. He turns to the two ghoul sentries left behind by the hooded figure** You two, pick him (refering to the still sleeping adrian) up and take him to a secure location, ill find you from there **the two nod and are off**
[03-23:26] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : *screams and grabs his arm..*
[03-23:26] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** drops to his knees setting the crossbow aside now using both hand to try and pin fahrena. Now using ihs brute strength trying to get he still**
[03-23:26] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[03-23:27] c6c97, Levald : *Laughs* well, did you?
[03-23:27] f4ac0, Llano : *she stares at Darrius for a long moment.* What now then?
[03-23:27] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( he- her))
[03-23:27] 01d99, Caradonia: When? When will you teach me?*walking on, her bare feet moving with a boyount grace..a smile curling up the corners of her lips.*
[03-23:27] fb2e0, Fahrena : *struggles, but isn't much of a match for strength in his regard* No, no! *whines in that futile way*
[03-23:27] ab6ae, Aurora : *This.. wasn't good at all. She spins about, and begins quickly moving in the opposite direction of the breeze that sent her a nightmare's scent.*
[03-23:28] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[03-23:28] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** uses his legs to hold her. attemps to capture both of her wrists in his hands**
[03-23:29] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : Did I what? *not letting go of his arm*
[03-23:29] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **He extends his hand** Now, you sell your soul for a little revenge. Do you agree to the terms we have discussed? **the breeze picks up in the opposite direction, whisking the unicorn sent towards him, but it hasnt hit him yet**
[03-23:29] c6c97, Levald : Make up your mind.
[03-23:30] fb2e0, Fahrena : *well, her one wrist is pinned by her sleeve to the floor. The other hand she plays the keep away game with, moving it all about really fast, making it difficult to catch*
[03-23:30] cfb58, Tarnis Catadon : When ever you are ready. ** shrugs** I have never tought anyone before.
[03-23:30] f4ac0, Llano : *she shakes his hand*
[03-23:31] ab6ae, Aurora : *notes the change in the wind.. and her steps hasten*
[03-23:31] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** sits up pulling back his strongest arm, his right, doubles his fist then bring it down with a great force aimed for fahrena's forhead**
[03-23:31] 01d99, Caradonia: Now? Can we now?*said as the break into the little clearing of her little camp*
[03-23:31] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She rises slowly to her feet and moves to the window. Leaning out, she rests her palms on the ledge. Her raven hair wisps out around her, featured in the light, warm breeze. She fixes her gaze upon the distant horizon, exhaustion due to poor sleep crashing over her body like a wave. The events from the previous evening play through her mind, initiating a dull ache at her temple. She closes her eyes, sighing. It seems, to her, that the longer she lingers in this situation, the deeper into trouble she gets. And trouble is something she's looking to avoid. However, there's nothing she can do about it. She's stuck.*
[03-23:32] fb2e0, Fahrena : Guh! *says in a stunned way and then her head falls limp to the floor, rolling to one side, out cold*
[03-23:32] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **he smiles darkly at her when the scent hits him. his expression goes to total surprise, he looks around for moment or so, and he fills with rage** Unicorn... and GOD DAMNED unicorn... Ill find you later girl, I have to go kill something now, excuse me. **takes off into the air, speeding towards the scent, it gets stronger and stronger**
[03-23:33] cfb58, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** walks near Darrius, approaching at a slow pace waiting to see if the two notice him**
[03-23:33] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : Yes.... I'll......i'll...*narrowing her eyes at him over her shoulder*.. I'll fall on you....
[03-23:34] c6c97, Levald : So your staying on?
[03-23:34] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** smiles, he finally got to worm to stop moving ** Good girl. ** grabs the women around the waist pulling her off the floor and onto his should, still in a squat grabs his cross bow, stands walking from the inn and into the street his bounty on his shoulder**
[03-23:35] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[03-23:35] f4ac0, Eradrae Baenre : (brb)
[03-23:36] cfb58, Tarnis Catadon : ** looks at cara ** Ah I guess. ** moves to sits on the ground and leans into a tree looking at cara**
[03-23:36] fb2e0, Fahrena : *out cold, hangs limply over his shoulder*
[03-23:37] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : *going over her spell list in her head, she wishes that she'd taken the time to learn that short teleport spell...* Are you not getting down somewhere along the way?
[03-23:37] cfb58, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** looks at Liano** I beleive we have met before.
[03-23:37] ab6ae, Aurora : *she continues at a steady pace.. gradually drawing further away from where she first scented the nightmare.. and slowly, she begins to relax*
[03-23:38] 01d99, Caradonia: *She pickets Lilly in the midst of a fresh patch of grass growing the running stream. That done, she sits down in front of Tarnis*
[03-23:40] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **lands on the same street as the unicorn, but cant yet pick her out ((Your in human form right)) from the crowd, but hurredly stalks through it to find his prey**
[03-23:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-23:41] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** leans down then kicks out pushing himself and the women on his 10 feet into the air and 10 feet out, once he lands decides he can travel like that, they pass a horse with a rider, lando hold out his hand with the cross bow and fires knocking the man of the horse, quickly takes up the rein. tosses fahrena over the horses neck the pulls himself into the saddle. they head off to leave the city**
[03-23:41] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[03-23:41] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : (hello, sorcha u still here?)
[03-23:42] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[03-23:42] ab6ae, Aurora : *is not on a crowded street... she dislikes crowds. Besides, it is night. Most have barred themselves in their homes for the night. No, she is not too hard to pick out at all, being a lone figure moving across the pavement. As he would draw closer, she pauses, turning to glance back*
[03-23:42] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*waves had* still here)
[03-23:42] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: hand
[03-23:42] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( darn ....the women on his >> shoulder, << 10 feet into the air....))
[03-23:43] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : (hey, shall we continue? If I remember correctly we were sitting on your couch talking.*
[03-23:43] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : ?)
[03-23:44] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (yeo)
[03-23:44] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (yep rahter)
[03-23:44] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((my mistake)) **Calls out, gritting teeth and clenching fists** You there, unicorn, come to me!
[03-23:44] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*kills typos!!!*)
[03-23:44] cfb58, Tarnis Catadon : ** looks at the women sat before her for a moment the looks away thinking about how to start** Give me a sec to think of how to start.
[03-23:44] bcf17, Luke: *gets up on the table, wearing the Burger King paper crown* MY PEOPLE!!!
[03-23:44] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : ( u really are tired. anyway I'll start.)
[03-23:44] fb2e0, Fahrena : *she's not that heavy, but a limp form the length of hers could be cumbersome for someone flying. She comes to as they start to right out, finding herself flung over the horses neck, she shifts, getting oriented* Mmm?
[03-23:45] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (its 5:45 in the morning and i have to go to work for 7)
[03-23:45] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : *he sighs staring at her for a moment before shifting his gaze to the window.* He stands up. its late... I should go... *He continued to stare out the window.... Not that he had anywhere to go...*
[03-23:45] 01d99, Caradonia: I have all nght*Smiles at him while pulling her knees into her chest so she can rest her chin atop of them. She watches her new teacher gather his bearings..trying to think of how to begin the lesson*
[03-23:45] 3b686, Kali: *glares at Luke* where did that come from?....
[03-23:46] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** puts his razor sharp claws to her back speaking harshly** Don't you move. Or the lights will go out again.
[03-23:46] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she slowly stands and walks over to him* only if you want i could fix up something on the couch for you if you want...but thats sounds a bit strange...i don't think its wise for you to leave
[03-23:46] e7109, Darrius Lokken : (Damn sorcha, where do you lvie, here its only 12:47... btw aurora, I have to leave at 1:00, that gives us thirteen minutes to play))
[03-23:46] bcf17, Luke: *got it from one of the other million factories that makes paper crowns for Burger King*
[03-23:47] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : (*kills his MSN for slowing his computer down*)
[03-23:47] ab6ae, Aurora : *Well, it's obvious he knows who she is... A slender hand smoothly rises, brushing the dark hood back off her head, the pearl spiral, framed by wisps of silvery white, now plainly obvious for any non human folk abroad.*
[03-23:47] 3b686, Kali: Curses...foiled again....
[03-23:47] fb2e0, Fahrena : Oww. *winces from the pricking in her back*
[03-23:48] ab6ae, Aurora : ((Why did you come after me, if you only had a few minutes left? Oy... we are never going to get this over with))
[03-23:48] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : *He chuckled a bit, looking at her warmly.* Thank you... In truth I only really offered out of cordiality... I don't honestly have anywhere else to go... And even if I did I don't thinK i'd be able to stay there long...
[03-23:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-23:49] be014, Liz: Well, this is annoying
[03-23:49] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((If its that big of an inconvenience, Ill save this for another time))
[03-23:49] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She smiles* well i'll set you something up*she disappears into her room for a moment and comes back out with blankets* you can have the couch or my bed which ever you want as your my guest
[03-23:50] ab6ae, Aurora : ((Well, I'd prefer not to pause.. but it's all good))
[03-23:50] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[03-23:51] be014, Liz: *thumps her userlist* Stop showing me white!
[03-23:51] be014, Liz: Thank you
[03-23:52] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : *He calls out to her as she goes into the room.* Don't trip over my armor! *He smiles at her incredulously when she makes the offer.* The couch is fine thank you, you have already been to kind in accepting me... being what I am... into your home. I am in your debt.
[03-23:52] bcf17, Luke: *has to go have lunch... bbiab*
[03-23:52] EXIT: Luke has left the chat ( 12:52am, July 04 (CDT) ).
[03-23:53] cfb58, Tarnis Catadon : ** scatchs his blad head the lays back letting out a grown** Im not sure how to start.
[03-23:53] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : (Lunch??? Its 10 to 1 here...)
[03-23:53] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She smiles* Its the least i could do i wouldn't throw you out, besides you haven't done anything to me so i can't discriminate
[03-23:53] e7109, Darrius Lokken : ((then I retract my chase,m we'll do this some other time)) **After Llano's departure, Darrius stays and talks with Nefiset** necromancer, anything of note happen during the day?
[03-23:53] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (he lives in australia,)
[03-23:53] cfb58, Lando Trosni : I hear you have been a bad girl. ** pushs a finger into her back abit to make sure she stays in check**
[03-23:54] cfb58, Nefiset Da'emorentis : No not really. ** looks around abit** I need some skeleton. My control over them is getting better.
[03-23:54] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (i gotta go i have to have something to eat before i head to work and i got so much to do sorry i will catch you later)
[03-23:55] ab6ae, Sileen: *switched to OOC, then patters off to lurk*
[03-23:55] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[03-23:55] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : *He pats her on the shoulder, * You are too kind, my friend. Sleep well... Without really hesitating he throws his shirt onto the ground and lies down, only later realising that he probably shouldn't have because he knows so little of human culture.*
[03-23:55] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : (alright, bye)
[03-23:55] fb2e0, Fahrena : *hisses from his claw pressing* Is that what you've heard? Maybe I have. You gonna spank me? *sarcasm, trying to take her mind off the pain in her foot and the pain of his pressing claws, not to mention a splitting headache.*
[03-23:56] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She grins turning away and heads into her room blosing the door and is gone*
[03-23:56] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 12:56am, July 04 (CDT) ).
[03-23:56] c6c97, Levald : I dont plan on it.
[03-23:56] e7109, Darrius Lokken : Our cause is growing, friend. I currently have 3 ghouls, you and a High Elf working towards complete extinction. as well as myself, of course.
[03-23:56] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : Then what do you plan on?... staying up here forever?..*is more nervous now than before*
[03-23:57] cfb58, Lando Trosni : ** pulls his hand from her back and placed it on her rear, pulls it back and spacks hard, move hand back, to her back pushing down again, now about a mine from rua**
[03-23:57] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : (, llano womped nefisets skeletons.... Don't know why I find that funny...)
[03-23:58] c6c97, Levald : I plan on riding to rua and geting off nicely, not falling off.
[03-23:58] cfb58, Nefiset Da'emorentis : Good, good. Wont take long to take out this city then
[03-23:59] cfb58, Lando Trosni : (( spack- smacks ))
[03-23:59] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : (Hmm... I don't really like the name Llano for a high elf... maybe I should chaneg it to something longer... Meh, Llano can be short for Llanoleah)
[03-23:59] cfb58, Tarnis Catadon : (( sorry cara i am probly putting you to sleep, i truely cant think of a way to teach you...))
[04-00:00] cfb58, Tarnis Catadon : (( cara to you have aim?)
[04-00:00] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : Ah.... then you do plan on getting down... *thinks* maybe you can help me get down then.... *truly is afraid of being up here*
[04-00:00] 01d99, Caradonia: ((That's okay...and your not putting me to sleep...i'm reading a biggie))
[04-00:00] fb2e0, Fahrena : *eyes widen as he moves his hand to her rear. He's not going to really....* Ah! *wasn't expecting him to be a smart alek in return and actually do it* Oooo! *in that growling furious way. She kicks and squirms until he again puts his claws in her back and then she hisses and stiffens*
[04-00:01] e7109, Darrius Lokken : **Ponders a moment** not at all... Im afriad I must be on my way now ((Llanoleah sounds to much like lynoleum)), gather your skeletons, I'll get them armor and weapons on the morrow, agreed?
[04-00:01] c6c97, Levald : So your planing on not falling off also.
[04-00:01] 01d99, Caradonia: ((Khaine darkone))
[04-00:01] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : (whats Lynoleum?)
[04-00:01] f9c17, Vesarn: ((cheap kichen floor tyle))
[04-00:02] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[04-00:02] cfb58, Tarnis Catadon : Your full of spit and vinager(sp?). ** laughs now. he calms down now as he now has his bounty** Why did you do it?
[04-00:02] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((That's funny. *has been using firefox for a while*
[04-00:02] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : (besides I've already told u, the double 'L' makes it sound like a y)
[04-00:02] cfb58, Lando Trosni : Your full of spit and vinager(sp?). ** laughs now. he calms down now as he now has his bounty** Why did you do it?
[04-00:03] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : (Llano... what would you like name to mean?....heh.. double ll in tx is L not Y.. all depends on where you live i guess))
[04-00:03] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : (So it would be pronounced 'Yan-oh-lee-uh')
[04-00:04] fb2e0, Fahrena : Why should you care? *winces at his claws again. Doesn't bother professing her innocence. She knows the evidence is stacked against her*
[04-00:04] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : (well, a double ll can be pronounced with a y sound (long y))
[04-00:05] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Wow, you can tell I stopped paying attention.))
[04-00:05] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Not really. It depends 1) if its an Elvish name (in game), or 2) cultural/language status. IE: In Spanish - lluevos (eggs) is pronounced "way-vos". In English, Hell is pronounced, "Hel"))
[04-00:06] 3b686, Illisse Brilthor : ((w/e... just answer the question..... *has elven dictionary up*))
[04-00:06] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : (I said it CAN be. For gods sake)
[04-00:06] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : (seriously, does noe one know what I'm talking about)
[04-00:06] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : ?
[04-00:07] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((I don't. I don't even know what the conversation is about.))
[04-00:07] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : ()
[04-00:07] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Since we're all such imbacils apparently, why don't you explain? ^_^))
[04-00:08] cfb58, Lando Trosni : Just trying to make this ride seem less long. **lessens the pressure from her back so that there is no pain**
[04-00:09] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : (, thats not what I meant, I was just a little bit surprised that no one ese knew. Its not a common thing but it does hapen. I can't think of a word now, but there are words.)
[04-00:09] 0961b, Eradrae Baenre : (damn... now I'm gonna have to go find one, or else it'll bug me all night)
[04-00:10] fb2e0, Fahrena : *relaxes a little with the lessening of the claws* I have an idea. Why don't you stop the horse, let me off and then without me as a burden, you'll be able to make much better time.