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[02-15:26] 6df9d, Liz: Hehe..
[02-15:28] 92322, Ilia Fion : *walking down the street, having bought things from several of the street vendors, her feet draw her near the tavern...she hadnt been there since her father died.......she stands there..just outside the door.. debating whether to go in or not*
[02-15:28] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Since it's a bit... early for her, she cleaves to the shadows. Ideally, doing so will prevent her own shadow from being cast. It would be, no doubt, disconcerting to see an elf walking around with the shadow of a dragon. Her stride is slow and even; indeed, she doesn't appear to be in a rush. She takes in the shops and other buildings as she walks, possibly committing them to memory. It's been a long while since she's been to .*
[02-15:28] 92322, Ilia Fion : ((not kidding Liz... i have 10 active chars now..))
[02-15:31] 92322, Ilia Fion : *shaking her head....its just too soon...she turns from the door to continue walking thru the city*
[02-15:32] 6df9d, Liz: Just in here?
[02-15:32] 92322, Ilia Fion : ((yes just in here))
[02-15:32] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She slows as she closes in on the tavern, spotting Ilia briefly... perhaps almost running into the other woman. She pauses long enough to offer a murmured apology.*
[02-15:34] 92322, Ilia Fion : Its alright... I wasnt watching where i was going...*taking in the appearance of the elven woman.*
[02-15:34] 6df9d, Liz: Man..
[02-15:35] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She smiles faintly.* Nonsense. *Glances past Ilia to the tavern ahead.* It's not too busy here these days, is it?
[02-15:36] 92322, Ilia Fion : Not really, but I havent been here in a while... it used to be fairly busy..
[02-15:37] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Cants her head to the side, studying her.* Are you originally from ?
[02-15:38] 92322, Ilia Fion : Yes, my home is just a short way outside the city walls...
[02-15:39] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Ah. Have you heard much about the war? *She tosses the question out there casually, plucking an imaginary piece of lint from her sleeve.*
[02-15:41] 92322, Ilia Fion : I have heard mention of it... this is the first time ive actually been in the city for a while....*a bit of sadness appears on her face*
[02-15:45] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : It is unfortunate. It would be much better if the war could be averted entirely.
[02-15:46] ab6ae, Aegnor: *A figure, shrouded and mysterious, hangs back between the conversing two.*
[02-15:47] 92322, Ilia Fion : how can it?...I havent heard much i said i havent been here for a while....
[02-15:48] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : I don't know. It's a mystery. *She offers the other woman a genuine smile.*
[02-15:50] 92322, Ilia Fion : I would like to hear more about this war that you say is coming...*glances towards the tavern...biting her lip*..Would you like to join me for lunsh?*
[02-15:50] 92322, Ilia Fion : ((and spelling lessons))
[02-15:51] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : I don't know much about it, myself. I've just heard rumours. *She looks to the tavern again.* And as a matter of fact... I was just heading there myself.
[02-15:52] JOIN: Anastra Sylune has entered.
[02-15:55] 92322, Ilia Fion : *squaring her shoulders against the memories flooding thru her, she takes a step toward the door* You have heard more than I.. ..
[02-15:56] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : I have heard that there could be one. *Notices the other's demeanor, but is tactful enough not to comment on it.* A war, I mean. No word on who the opposing forces will be, only that the people here wish to get involved.
[02-16:00] 92322, Ilia Fion : *opening the door, she takes a deep breath before walking inside.... surprised to be greeted by several of the patrons... ..she knew these people... they had been her fathers friends* The people here want to get involved in a war that they know nothing about?
[02-16:02] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Rumors never did keep consistency. *She follows Ilia into the tavern, looking around slowly while her eyes adjust to the change in lighting.* All I know is that security is pretty tight. I almost didn't make it past the gates. I'm glad I did.
[02-16:03] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Walks down an allyway to disappear.*
[02-16:05] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Typical.))
[02-16:05] 92322, Ilia Fion : *motioning to the waitress, a woman she had grown up with..calling her by name..asking for lunch for the two of them.. before leading Anastra to an empty table* That is odd.. I had no trouble getting in here... why would you have trouble?..*suddenly realizing something* My name is Ilia, by the way..
[02-16:06] 92322, Ilia Fion : ((*calls Aegnor names* why wont you stay and play?))
[02-16:07] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Anastra. *Settles into one of the empty chairs, leaning back. Ensuring first that her back is to the wall.* I'm not entirely certain why. Then again, I only just arrived last night. Perhaps security has changed since you arrived?
[02-16:07] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*Smirk*))
[02-16:08] 92322, Ilia Fion : ((I just got back from seeing Riddick.,.. and im just wound up... I need to keep busy .... the fun friend and I were the only ones in the theatre.))
[02-16:08] 92322, Ilia Fion : I have only been here since this morning... It may have...Where are you from?
[02-16:08] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((I doubt I'd go see that in the theatre. I'll probably wait until it comes out on VHS or DVD and rent it.))
[02-16:09] 92322, Ilia Fion : ((heh well Vin Diesel on the big screen.... whoooo..))
[02-16:09] JOIN: Hooded Man has entered.
[02-16:09] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Waves a hand lazily through the air.* Here and there. I've travelled from to come here. It's been a while since I've been to this place. It has changed a lot.
[02-16:10] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((An excellent point.))
[02-16:10] 70d8f, Hooded Man : ((where is everyone?))
[02-16:10] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((.))
[02-16:11] 92322, Ilia Fion : *curiousity strikes* ..... What is it like?..I have wanted to go there.. but I havent had the time...
[02-16:11] 70d8f, Hooded Man : ((what is that? i haven't been here in a while i guess....<.< >.>)
[02-16:12] 6df9d, Liz: It's the elven city
[02-16:13] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : It's much the same as it is here. Although it's not as difficult to gain entrance as it is here. There are many more people there, of differing races. They are much more lenient about who they allow to grace their city. It's definitely the place to be if you enjoy variety.
[02-16:14] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[02-16:16] 92322, Kali: Hmm.variety has never been a problem for me... My father was a horse I meet a lot of different races..
[02-16:16] 92322, Kali: Heh would help if right char..
[02-16:17] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : I recommend you visit some day. If you get the time, that is. *Doesn't add, "Before the war destroys everything."*
[02-16:19] 92322, Ilia Fion : *thanking the girl as their food is brought.. nodding to anaastra*..She makes the best venison in the country..*meaning the cook*... .perhaps.. some day I will be able to ..
[02-16:20] 70d8f, Hooded Man : *walks into the tavern and looks around, having a new tale to tell*
[02-16:21] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Regards the food as it's set before her.* Thank you. *Smiles lightly at Ilia, moving to take a small sampling of the food.* What prevents you? I mean, what is it that you do that keeps you so busy?
[02-16:22] 92322, Ilia Fion : Since my father died..I have been trying to keep up his business...*sighing* Its not that easy... most who come here want to deal with him.. *wry smile* Not his 'little girl'
[02-16:23] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Oh? What is it that you father did? *She keeps her voice light, sensing perhaps that this topic isn't a pleasant one for her.*
[02-16:23] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Obviously assumes he's done more than training horses.*
[02-16:25] 92322, Ilia Fion : He was a horse trainer...and trader.. The best trainer there was..I can only hope to be half as good as he was..*doesnt yet know what he really was*
[02-16:28] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Ah. I was wondering if maybe he'd done more than just training horses. Do you have stables nearby, then? Or are they elsewhere?
[02-16:29] 70d8f, Hooded Man : *sits at a table and begins to empty the contents of his bag onto the table, not bothering to sit down. He mutters to himself, kinda louldy, but not rudely* Everyone..........must hear. He......requested I........tell them all. *he arranges his objects, a book, quill and parchment, and some small artifacts*
[02-16:30] 92322, Ilia Fion : I live just outside the city...about a mile east of here...
[02-16:30] 70d8f, Hooded Man : *doesn't sit*
[02-16:31] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : What kind of horses do you train? *Samples the venison, conceding silently that it is quite good.*
[02-16:33] 92322, Ilia Fion : oh.. just the local breed...they are very sturdy and *smiling* very beautiful...*is proud of her horses*
[02-16:34] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : What are they typically used for? Field work? Everyday travel? Racing?
[02-16:36] 92322, Ilia Fion : Travel... and occassionally I have a good racer... thats what i really like to do... train racing horses...
[02-16:36] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Are there many horse races in this area? *Leans back, observing the room casually.*
[02-16:38] 92322, Ilia Fion : Not as many as you would think.... I own six right now...
[02-16:39] 92322, Ilia Fion : *blinks*...
[02-16:39] 92322, Ilia Fion : I own six horses... two that i would race..
[02-16:40] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Ah. That's probably why you haven't been here in a while, then.
[02-16:42] 92322, Ilia Fion : Oh. you mean training the horses.... no thats not why i havent been here...
[02-16:45] 70d8f, Hooded Man : *the hooded man withdraws a leather pouch from his bag and lays it on the table* There! I am finished. get these people's attention. *he goes to the bar to talk with the bartender*
[02-16:46] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Oh. *She pauses a moment, setting her silver eyes upon Ilia.* I apologise if I seem to be prying. Feel free to tell me to shut up if I've overstepped my bounds.
[02-16:54] 92322, Ilia Fion : ((sorry... had convers...))
[02-16:55] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((That's all right, I had to feed my spider. ^_^))
[02-16:55] 92322, Ilia Fion : No.. Its alright.. My father died two months ago and i have just been very busy trying to figure out all his notes about things... and keep the farm going..((*screams* NOOOOOO..*hates them*))
[02-16:56] 6df9d, Liz: Pet spider? You need help..*shudders*
[02-16:58] JOIN: Anastra Sylune has entered.
[02-16:58] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((THey aren't so bad.))
[02-16:58] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Died? *She frowns, compassion hinted in her eyes.* My apologies...
[02-16:58] 6df9d, Liz: They are when they hide in your shorts and you only discover them when you go to get dressed.
[02-17:00] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((I can tolerate mine as long as she's behind glass. And well-sealed.))
[02-17:01] 92322, Ilia Fion : Thank you..*givesAnastra a small smile as she nods her head*..
[02-17:01] 70d8f, Hooded Man : *after speaking with the bartender about using the establishment to tell his story, he turns to face the tavern* HEAR ALL! For my tale must be told! By request of the King of Halasthas!!
[02-17:01] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : So... *Resolves to change the subject.* What does one do for fun in ?
[02-17:02] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Of course, if that hooded fellow is in the same tavern as she is, she'll glance in his direction.*
[02-17:02] 92322, Ilia Fion : *glancing at Anastra then turniing towards the man shouting ..missing Anastra's question*
[02-17:03] 70d8f, Hooded Man : ((of course he is))
[02-17:05] 6df9d, Liz: Can you guys do me a favour?
[02-17:05] 92322, Ilia Fion : (9depends Liz.... if its a
[02-17:05] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Sure, we'll tell Garet when you'll be back if he comes around.))
[02-17:06] 70d8f, Hooded Man : ((^_^)) Please excuse my interruption...but by request of the King of Halasthas...I must spread the news around the country. *he begins walking about the tavern slowly* A long time ago, a man came to . He was of noble mind and honorable decent. He would soon jump into danger to rescue someone than let them suffer. *he reaches his table and picks up one of the trinkets laying there...a piece of armour with a Golden Phoenix flaring its wings on it*'
[02-17:06] 6df9d, Liz: Thanks *hugs and runs off to have a bath ))
[02-17:06] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 6:06pm, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-17:07] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((She didn't even blink at my elite mind reading skills.))
[02-17:07] 92322, Ilia Fion : ((*knows also*))
[02-17:07] 70d8f, Hooded Man : ((I did...those are some uber-1337 skillzorz))
[02-17:08] MSG: Ilia Fion sent a message to Anastra Sylune.
[02-17:09] MSG: Anastra Sylune sent a message to Ilia Fion.
[02-17:10] MSG: Ilia Fion sent a message to Anastra Sylune.
[02-17:11] MSG: Anastra Sylune sent a message to Ilia Fion.
[02-17:11] 92322, Ilia Fion : *sits watching the man shout through the tavern*
[02-17:11] 92322, Ilia Fion : ((I may have to)
[02-17:11] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Listens, although with only half of her attention, to whatever it is the hooded man wishes to say.*
[02-17:11] JOIN: Garet Jax has entered.
[02-17:12] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Hey ))
[02-17:13] 70d8f, Hooded Man : This was a piece of the man's armor. He wielded the great Phoenix of the Tartinn Mts. as constant reminder of his curse....of his duty. He was banned from his homeland and wandered the lands, biding his time...readying himself for the task he would soon force himself to complete. *he sets the armor down, it being a little singed and broken. He then picks up an elven dagger infused with the spirit of fire* This mighty gift was bestowed upon him after rescuing an elven mistress from a cruel fate. He carried this dagger with much honor and used it well. *he sets the blade down* This man had recently left to return home to complete his task.
[02-17:13] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*points Garet toward Liz's departure*))
[02-17:14] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Hmm...? *looks* Oh... She left? ))
[02-17:16] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((She'll probably be back.))
[02-17:17] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Listens.*
[02-17:17] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Oh... Ok. I have an hour or so ))
[02-17:17] 125f3, Garet Jax: *also in the tavern, he listens to the story*
[02-17:18] 92322, Ilia Fion : ((garet is in ?))
[02-17:19] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( No, only in spirit ^_^ ))
[02-17:22] 70d8f, Hooded Man : Upon arriving at his homeland, he was forced to fight his way across the land, as horrid beasts inhabit the large country. At long last, he found his way to the King's fortress. *he picks up a piece of torn flag* This....used to be the land's crest.... *the piece has a torn phoenix* it flies a new flag. *he sets down the flag...and picks up the pouch* Contained in this pouch is the single most important item to this man's harrowing journey. *he opens the pouch and reaches in*
[02-17:24] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Arches a brow slightly, although appears singularly unimpressed.*
[02-17:24] 92322, Ilia Fion : *just sits and listens...*
[02-17:25] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *the time begins to draw near when he should be meeting with Aegnor, and he sits in his waiting room to be notified. He is wearing relatively simple, yet elegant, clothes*
[02-17:27] 92322, Ilia Fion : ((where is kazia?))
[02-17:28] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((I'm not to sure Aegnor will be back within the next hour.))
[02-17:28] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Somewhere in the castle? Aegnor requested an audience specifically with me, but... I don't realy know...))
[02-17:29] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Why not? ))
[02-17:29] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((He was dragged out to dinner. He might be back soon, though.))
[02-17:31] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Ok... )) *a thought of where Kazia might be passed through his mind, and he decides to look for her... the servants can find him when Aegnor comes*
[02-17:31] 70d8f, Hooded Man : *from the bag, he pulls out a stone. Smooth as polished marble and black as night, he rolls this stone around in his hand* This stone, found in a time of desperation by the man, was the one thing that turned the tide of the battle against the King of Halasthas. In a time of need, this stone showed itself to him...and literally saved his life. *he pouches the stone and sets it on the table. He picks up a large tooth, a canine* A souvenier of his plights. This is a Lag'gar tooth, something very rare and valuable indeed. The King of Halasthas has told me to donate it to the city of . *he sets down the tooth* The King of Halasthas has told me to spread the story. Hopefully you will also. King Draakyn of Halasthas has been overthrown and struck down!! LONG LIVE KING TREYGOR, RULER OF HALASTHAS!! *he throws his hands up in triumph. then begins to pack his bag, the story complete* Thank you for listening and for your time. I shall leave you in peace.
[02-17:32] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : She is walking in the gardens....wondering how she let him get the best of her....with a spoon no less!*
[02-17:33] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Casually looks bacl to Ilia as the story finishes.* Well... that was interesting. *In a tone that suggests she wasn't the least bit interested.*
[02-17:34] 92322, Ilia Fion : *RaE* Things have certainly changed here... *laughingly* My father would have thrown him out long ago..
[02-17:34] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *walks down the hallways, not in the least expecting her to be in the gardens* Kazia? Where are you?
[02-17:34] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Oh? Why is that?
[02-17:36] 92322, Ilia Fion : Lets say he didnt suffer fools lightly... ..and he did like his quiet when he was here..
[02-17:36] 70d8f, Hooded Man : *he goes to the bar and buys a drink, drinks it, then leaves the tavern, having paid, to spread the story of how a man overcame all obstacles and threw out a crooked, vile, oppressing King*
[02-17:37] 92322, Ilia Fion : ((ok who stole my char chain?))
[02-17:37] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[02-17:38] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : No matter where you go, you will always find bards and storytellers. Sometimes they can be amusing.
[02-17:39] 70d8f, Hooded Man : ((it was meee! *flees*))
[02-17:43] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Is it me, or did the chat die? ))
[02-17:43] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *continues walking thru the gardens*
[02-17:43] EXIT: Hooded Man has left the chat ( 6:39pm, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-17:44] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((The chat died. Because of you!))
[02-17:45] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : Kazia? *looks in her chambers* Are you here?
[02-17:45] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( HEY! That wasn't very nice... *pouts* ))
[02-17:46] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*Flees*))
[02-17:48] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( *chases* ))
[02-17:48] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Rawr! ))
[02-17:48] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*Disappears in a flash of light and a poof of smoke*))
[02-17:50] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *looks back up towards the castle...turning back to head to her room, she opens the doors and leaves them wide open.. lightly running ..yes in a dress... up the stairs*
[02-17:51] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *sighs and turns around to sit and wait in her room, knowing that she would come back sometime*
[02-17:52] 92280, Mab : Whew! Crafting treasure quest treasures and their locations requires a lot of thought.
[02-17:52] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : ((I do have a few suggestions for locations and perils...))
[02-17:52] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Thank you, Ilia, for lunch. *She rises from her seat, palming a few pieces of gold and setting them down surreptitiously on the table.* It was a pleasure spending time with you, but there is somewhere I must be...
[02-17:53] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Hey Mab! ))
[02-17:54] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *reaching the top of the stairs, she slows to a more ladylike walk..noticing that the door to her room is open, she quietly peeks around the edge of the door*
[02-17:55] 92322, Ilia Fion : I am glad to have met you too Anastra..
[02-17:55] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She offers the other woman a half-bow and then turns and moves toward the tavern's exit.*
[02-17:56] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *she would not see him, as he is sitting aroun the corner*
[02-17:56] 92280, Mab : Well, that's one treasure for the questing listed. *tries to think up some more ideas*
[02-17:57] 92280, Mab : Hi Lan
[02-17:57] 92322, Ilia Fion : *seeing no one in there..she takes a step into the room... still being very cautious*
[02-17:57] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *smacks chain*
[02-17:57] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *seeing no one in there..she takes a step into the room... still being very cautious*
[02-17:59] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *she would see him sitting by her bed, eyes closed*
[02-18:01] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *sighing* Lan....*relieved that its him*
[02-18:01] 92280, Mab :
[02-18:02] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *his eyes snap open, then smiles* Kazia... I was waiting for you...
[02-18:02] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : ((very nice... should be fun trying for that one))
[02-18:03] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She steps out into the street and begins slowly back toward the Inn. She seems lost in thought, and she keeps to the shadows... even now, as the sun is beginning to set over the city.*
[02-18:04] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : I can see that... *walking closer to him*..
[02-18:05] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *stands up* I will be meeting with someone today. Quite soon, in fact. He specifically asked me for audience.
[02-18:06] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : Who is this someone?...*reaching up to lightly brush some non existant fuzz from his shoulder*..Do I need to be there?
[02-18:08] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : His name is Lord Aegnor. *smiles down at her* You don't have to be there if you do not wish... they did not mention you, but I think it would be fine.
[02-18:11] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : If I was not mentioned, then perhaps its best I dont go...although I am curious as to who this Lord Aegnor is..
[02-18:12] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : As am I... It shall be an intriguing meeting, and I will let you know the results, my dear.
[02-18:13] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[02-18:13] 6df9d, Liz: Did Garet come?
[02-18:13] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Hey! You're back! ))
[02-18:13] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( That's me! ))
[02-18:14] 6df9d, Liz: Hehe
[02-18:14] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : What shall you do in the meantime, my dear Kazia?
[02-18:15] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *giving him a very oh so innocent look* Oh...I'm sure I'll find something to do...*isnt going to tell him she's planning on a bit of spying*
[02-18:16] 92280, Mab : *toodles back to work after finishing the first treasure writeup*
[02-18:16] 92280, Mab : bye bye
[02-18:16] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : (bye Mab)
[02-18:17] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *would probably suspect she is thinking something along those lines, but keeps it to himself* (( bye Mab... ))
[02-18:18] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *a grin blooms on his face* I suppose you will...
[02-18:20] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : *deep in the heart of forest, there's another world, should someone choose to pay enough attention. There's always music. Today, with the sun shining so brightly, the birds are singing as if their hearts would burst. Intermingling with their song is the bell-like tinkle of water over stone as a quick moving stream cuts through a small clearing, interrupted now and then by the splash of a jumping fish. Seated on an overhanging boulder, a young elven woman with long red hair watches them with intent green eyes, shifting her grip on a slender spear*
[02-18:22] 125f3, Garet Jax: *is currently in Rua Forest, trekking back from to his cottage, somewhere near Averey, I'm guessing*
[02-18:22] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *knows from that grin, he knows what she's up to*I'll be waiting for you when your meeting is over....
[02-18:22] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : Alright... I will see you then...
[02-18:23] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : *any sounds that he would make, she would pass off as some animal. After all, few people dwell this deep. Which is exactly why she's here.
[02-18:23] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : *
[02-18:25] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *running a finger down his sleeve*....yes you will...
[02-18:25] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *In due time, she arrives back at the Inn. And heads back to her room.*
[02-18:27] 125f3, Garet Jax: *a loud crack erupts from under foot as he steps on a branch, and he curses quietly to himself, but as Averey is an elf, she might hear him*
[02-18:27] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : I know it. *smiles, and kisses her briefly, then turns to head back to his sitting room*
[02-18:28] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : *indeed she does and animals most certainly don't curse like that. She raises her gaze from the stream to look around cautiously*
[02-18:31] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *watching him leave the room, she heads for her dressing room... intent on changing her clothes to something dark and less encumbering than the gown she had on*
[02-18:31] 125f3, Garet Jax: *Averey would see him picking his way through the brush, but she would not yet see his face*
[02-18:33] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : *holds perfectly still. If he does'nt notice her, then things are ok*
[02-18:33] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *heads to his sitting room, and, well, sits*
[02-18:34] JOIN: Adrian Darrymont has entered.
[02-18:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-18:35] 125f3, Garet Jax: *thinking he heard something, he turns his head in her direction, allowing her to see him...*
[02-18:35] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : *her eyes widen slightly in recognition* Garet Jax.. *says this lowly*
[02-18:36] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *realizing that she hadnt eaten yet, she send her servant for some dinner..asking that someone tell her when this new Lord Aegnor arrives*
[02-18:37] 125f3, Garet Jax: *hears his name, and looks at the bushes around where she is.* Hello?
[02-18:38] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : *still sitting, and will be until further notice*
[02-18:38] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : *she instinctually crouches even more down, not answering*
[02-18:39] 02577, Adrian Darrymont : **Stumbles through an alleyway in ... he makes it a few more feet beforing collapsing on his knees. He wears a dirty white shirt with its hood over his head, shading his face from sight, he is dressed like a peasant when he was once very wealthy. He throwshis arms up and looks to the skies.** Please, Lord, here my plea...
[02-18:39] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[02-18:40] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: **Stumbles through an alleyway in ... he makes it a few more feet beforing collapsing on his knees. He wears a dirty white shirt with its hood over his head, shading his face from sight, he is dressed like a peasant when he was once very wealthy. He throwshis arms up and looks to the skies.** Please, Lord, here my plea...
[02-18:41] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : ((interesting text color there))
[02-18:41] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((dammit))
[02-18:41] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((those were two different colors even!))
[02-18:41] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*L*))
[02-18:42] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: **Stumbles through an alleyway in he makes it a few more feet beforing collapsing on his knees. He wears a dirty white shirt with its hood over his head, shading his face from sight, he is dressed like a peasant when he was once very wealthy. He throwshis arms up and looks to the skies.** Please, Lord, here my plea...
[02-18:42] 125f3, Garet Jax: *also stops and listens* Whoever said that sounded familiar, and you did know me. By sight.
[02-18:42] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *By now, has returned to her room. She removes her cloak and moves toward the window, fixing her gaze on some far-distant point as she remains deep in thought. A slight frown betrays the fact that those thoughts aren't good ones.*
[02-18:44] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : As do many others.
[02-18:44] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Aegnor... I heard from Aegnora that you were coming to ? ))
[02-18:45] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((He is))
[02-18:45] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *her servant bringing her dinner to her, she sits and eats quickly incase she has to hurry*
[02-18:46] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: Lord, please, free me of this plaque. I repent any and all sins that could have led you to lay this burden apon me... My God, what have I become... **drops his head...** Im a monster now, a murderer... **looks back to the sky** My God, I have created abominations to humanity, i have consumed the flesh of loved ones... deliver me from this evil... and please, Lord, hurry... I fear I may soon kill again.... so, so hungry.
[02-18:47] ab6ae, Aegnor: *With Aegnora's aid, Aegnor and Anastra meet near the portal outside the city of Quenell. Again, they enter, to be transported to the far kingdom of . The swirling mass of color closes behind them, leaving them huddled at its exit. Aegnor's gaze is steady and unrevealing, his face cowled. The cape which hangs from his shoulders submits the remainder of his features to mystery, leaving only his arms through two holes made for that purpose. Two guantlets protext his wrists, and if one were to look more closely, one would notice a retracted blade on each, curved and as long as a short-sword. At his side, an elven blade hangs, unadorned and unrestrained save by the scabbard - which is visable through the cape. With a shift of the silver locks cascading from the cowl, he glances over to Anastra.* He is expecting us. *Grimly, pointing out that they really should not dawdle. That said, he advances off the platform... The movement causes his cape to part at the middle, exposing at times the overlapping copper dragon-scale armor.* ((I am indeed, was typing my entrance post.))
[02-18:48] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Of course he is. *Tautly, keeping pace with Aegnor easily enough. She's not too big on the whole conversation thing tonight. So, she doesn't converse. You can bet, though, that there's a bunch of stuff bubbling just below the surface.. aching to come out at the very first opportunity.*
[02-18:50] ab6ae, Aegnor: *She's a female. So you can bet your life there is. And worse, a dragon. Player doesn't know the setting of the portal, however...*
[02-18:50] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Resents that!*
[02-18:51] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Grrr... I have to go. ))
[02-18:51] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*totally knew that was going to happen!*))
[02-18:52] 125f3, Lan Mandragoran : (( Have to pick up pizza... be back tomorrow*
[02-18:52] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[02-18:52] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Yeah, right, you know you loved it.* ((When will you be back? I don't have too much time before work))
[02-18:53] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Well, that's mildly annoying. It's a good thing I'm in a good mood.))
[02-18:53] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *the servant telling her that Lord Aegnor and another had just arrived thru the portal, she instructs the servant to make them comfortable wait for Lan*
[02-18:53] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((I won't be back for a while. Have to work 10 PM CST to 6 AM tonight, then 4 PM to 11 PM tomorrow. I won't be around all tomorrow, more than likely.))
[02-18:53] 6df9d, Averey Lithle : **open pause**
[02-18:53] EXIT: Averey Lithle has left the chat ( 7:53pm, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-18:54] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((fs. I'm going to work through this pause.... I have another meeting with royalty. So, that may not work. We'll find another way.))
[02-18:55] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : ((w/e))
[02-18:55] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: **He lifts himself back to his feet, his hood falling, making his face visible. The skin has a greyish tint to it and is pulled very tight to his face, his burning black eyes search the heavens for any sign of help... Adrian Darrymont has recently become a ghoul and has not yet fully slipped into madness.**
[02-18:55] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((grrr, I hate color searches))
[02-18:56] 92322, Kali: *player fades to ooc*
[02-18:56] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((color check))
[02-18:56] 92322, Kali: what color are you looking for?
[02-18:56] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((Kali, do you know where I could find a color chart?))
[02-18:57] 92322, Kali: *has color chart*
[02-18:57] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Will stay for now. As Lan apparently has had something come up -- quite frequent among royalty. Aegnor may be needed again in before long, however, and may return at a later date.*
[02-18:57] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((wicked, could you maybe gimme a link?))
[02-18:57] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Apparently stuck in now.*
[02-18:58] 92322, Kali: not online..
[02-18:59] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((Umm, could you tell me a color for pea green then?))
[02-18:59] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((
[02-18:59] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((There you go, Adrian))
[02-19:00] 92322, Kali: try 66ff66
[02-19:00] ab6ae, Aegnor: (( bah))
[02-19:00] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((thanks aegnor, and kali))
[02-19:00] 92322, Kali: LOL@Aegnor
[02-19:00] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((check))
[02-19:02] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Honey, that link doesn't work.))
[02-19:02] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Oh, you fixed it. *Shifty-eyes* *flees*))
[02-19:02] 92322, Kali: hehe...
[02-19:03] d27d2, Ashe : ((blah)0
[02-19:03] d27d2, Ashe : ))*
[02-19:03] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((check))
[02-19:04] 92322, Kali: hey ashe
[02-19:04] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((perfect, anybody ever have a ghoul char before?))
[02-19:05] 92322, Kali: no but ive got one waiting to be one... as soon as ghouls are reg'd
[02-19:06] d27d2, Ashe : ((yo))
[02-19:06] d27d2, Ashe : ((I just regged the first one , like the other day))
[02-19:06] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((So I cant play mine yet?))
[02-19:07] 92322, Kali: but is ghouls reg'd yet?
[02-19:07] 92322, Kali: ashe go msn..
[02-19:07] d27d2, Ashe : ((Mab didn't say you couldn't reg one, I asked if we wanted to reg the one in the inbox and she said sure so go for it Kali, reg yourself a ghouly))
[02-19:08] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((This is my ghoul, I just got reg today))
[02-19:10] d27d2, Ashe : ((*did said regging yesterday*))
[02-19:10] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((all I need's an icon...))
[02-19:10] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She grimaces, and doesn't bother to hide it either.* Typical. *Having just found out about their meeting being... postponed.*
[02-19:11] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((**apparently doesnt listen very well**))
[02-19:13] ab6ae, Aegnor: It was no doubt important. Of course, they could also be trying to play dominance games. Which is just as well, as I will have to return to before too long.
[02-19:14] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : You would think this was contrived.
[02-19:14] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *If that sounds like an accusation, it's because it is.*
[02-19:14] d27d2, Ashe : ((ok, no ghoulness till I say, I'm looking for something))
[02-19:15] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((k))
[02-19:15] ab6ae, Aegnor: They do not yet know who we are, and when they do, they will wish they had done otherwise. Don't let it get to you.
[02-19:16] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[02-19:17] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : It hasn't gotten to me, and you're certainly in no position to lecture me.
[02-19:17] 65546, Shifty: ((*peeks in*))
[02-19:19] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *hurrys into her closet, pushing the gowns aside , making sure no one sees her before opeining the secret door that leads her to a hidden panel beyond the room that Anastra and Aegnor are in*
[02-19:19] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : (hi shifty)
[02-19:20] 65546, Shifty: ((howdy))
[02-19:20] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Raises an eyebrow and turning to her. Pinning her with one of those looks.* Its called advice. And your certainly in no position to rebuke me.
[02-19:22] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Not the least bit pinned. As a matter of fact, about as pinned as he was last night.* Well, I never asked for your advice, did I?
[02-19:23] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[02-19:23] ab6ae, Aegnor: No? Then how about an order. Go take a bath. You need one.
[02-19:24] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *oh so stiffles a chuckle behind the panel as Aegnors words*
[02-19:24] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 8:23pm, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-19:25] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((umm, any ghoulyness yet?))
[02-19:25] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Just barely prevents herself from lunging at him. Is quite clean, thanks. She can't think of anything to say to that quite yet, so she glares impotently at him. Rage glitters in her eyes.*
[02-19:25] d27d2, Ashe : ((all righty then, ghoul stuff is taken care of so ghoul it up))
[02-19:29] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Turns away from her, ignoring her gaze completely. Moves from painting to painting, and tapestry to tapestry to admire various works of art hanged there.*
[02-19:29] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : You know, you would look really good as a giant ice cube.
[02-19:30] d27d2, Ashe : ((anymore problems tell Kali, she'll tell me, I'm out))
[02-19:31] 92322, Kali: *dances* Ive been promoted.!!.. secretary... ..*teases ashe* *big grin*
[02-19:33] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *Aegnor might see a rather beautiful filigree framed picture on the wall near the door..... but he wouldnt find the small holes places strategically in the carvings*
[02-19:33] ab6ae, Aegnor: I hear its quite fashionable. But, alas, you'd have to be quite the woman to pull that off.
[02-19:34] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Don't tempt me. *She fires each word off as she might a gun. If Bettenchi had guns.*
[02-19:35] ab6ae, Aegnor: Likewise.
[02-19:35] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Is this where I'm to tremble in fear of your wrath?
[02-19:38] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: **He continues threw the alley, putting the hood back over his hideous visage, his stomach growling with hunger. He trembles in the horror of what he's done, and what he will soon do again**
[02-19:38] ab6ae, Aegnor: No, this is where you go take your bath. *Smirks.* Or I'll ensure your bath comes to you.
[02-19:39] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : I am not in need of a bath at this time, my lord, and I suggest you keep any future orders of a similiar vein to yourself. *Her voice cold.*
[02-19:40] ab6ae, Aegnor: Do not say I did not warn you. *Returns to studying the artwork.*
[02-19:40] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *cautiously moves from her hiding place she reenters her room, she sends for servants to go and show their guests to a pair of private rooms on the ground floor*
[02-19:41] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Keep your warnings and your threats to yourself. *Looks to the servants as they come to direct them to their rooms.*
[02-19:43] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *the rooms are in the east wing of the castle.... adjoining doorway thru them... and lucky for her... also has hidden path *
[02-19:45] ab6ae, Aegnor: Don't force my hand to discipline, Anastra. It has been many years since I have paddled a bottom, but I am not reluctant to remember how. *Gestures for the servants to carry on, following them to his room. Soon after, shoing them away.*
[02-19:48] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Ignores the servants, stepping into her own room... and moving immediately to the joining door and throwing it open rather violently. She then invites herself into the adjacent room.* You wouldn't dare!
[02-19:49] 92280, Mab : *ponders RP, if there is anyone to RP with her*
[02-19:49] 1212e, Chewie: I'm around.
[02-19:50] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: **He moves into a crowded square and collapses again. Now, in this unconsious stage, he falls back to a complete insanity. It is then that a good semaritan approaches him and turns him to his back, revealing his face, exclaiming** My god, are you ok? **This snaps Adrian awake, and his hand finds a large stone. Adrian grabs the mans head with his free hand, pulling it close and biting off his nose. As the man screams, Adrian swings the stone, catching the man in the temple knocking him cold. By now, people are fleeing and Adrian begins to bite into the mans arm**
[02-19:50] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *takes another secret door into the walkway of their rooms...listening to what appears to be a grand arguement in the making*
[02-19:52] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Turns to her, having just taken off his cape to drape it accross the bed... Raises both eyebrows. His only response is to draw from his pouch a lodestone. Anastra should now feel quite compelled to walk toward him to dancing proximity, and to stand there in awe. - read: fascination. He then deftly sits upon the bed, yanking her forward and bending her over his knee. He then proceeds to spank her quite soundly.*
[02-19:53] JOIN: Anastra Sylune has entered.
[02-19:53] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: **Mangles the man badly. When he is done with this one, he stands, screaming at the top of his lungs, his black eyes searching the crowd he breaks into a full sprint in pursuit of a woman, tackling her and bting her in the throat.**
[02-19:53] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *RaE...making note of the stone that Aegnor carries and apparently what it can do*
[02-19:54] ab6ae, Aegnor: *It isn't the stone that holds the power, it is only a component to the spell.*
[02-19:55] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *w/e... still makes note of that power*
[02-19:56] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Magic. Tsk. Mental note: Learn Dispell Magic. Compelled by the spell, there's nothing more she can do except move toward him. Of course, this will only serve to enrage her more.*
[02-19:58] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: **after he feeds on her for a bit, he drags her body into the alley, then goes back to the fat man. He brings them to the unexplored aley way where he's been living, where 3 other bodies already are.**
[02-19:58] ab6ae, Aegnor: *She might take care, the next spell up is cramps. And then a further spanking. After about three and a half minutes, he lifts her up, carries her under one arm into her room, and dumps her into the bathtub. There, rings the bell for hot water, and leaves her room. Shutting the adjoining door, and locking it.*
[02-19:59] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Leaps up from the bathtub and follows, because the spell instructs her to. Of course, doesn't get very far before the spell ends. And then she breaks into a run, attempting to get to the door before he can lock it.*
[02-20:00] 92280, Mab : What to RP. Hmmm. I'm not much in the mood for conversational RP. Hmmmm. *taps chin*
[02-20:00] 92280, Mab : *had to reboot puter. reason for delayed response*
[02-20:01] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Could always transform and break the door, if all else fails...*
[02-20:01] ab6ae, Aegnor: *She is but a moment too late. As he'd no doubt hurry up as he knows the time constraints on the spell, and she's following him.*
[02-20:01] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Oh, yeah, great way to get thrown the hell out of a keep.*
[02-20:02] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *In that case, she bangs furiously on the door. * COWARD!
[02-20:03] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *It'd screw him over royally, though, wouldn't it? Mwahaha.*
[02-20:03] 92322, Kazia Del'Mara : *slowly fades from the walkway... this appearing to be a family fight of some sort... ssending a servant back there to keep watch on the pair* *player fades*
[02-20:03] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: **He looks at the corpse of the woman he just killed, he begins talking to her** Hello, Im sorry I had to do that to you, but it truely was for your own good. When you wake up, you'll realize that... you'll be mine when you wake... all mine... **with this he begins to giggle, then laugh a bit, then lets out a high pitch, shriek of a laugh... he goes on for a moment utnil his laugh breaks down to a weep. He balls openly** My god, what have I become. **He flees the scene**
[02-20:04] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 9:03pm, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-20:04] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((Mab, will you make an icon for ghouls?))
[02-20:05] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Not him - Her. He'd seem embarrised and would send her back. The door opens suddenly, mid swing. He reaches forward to grab her fist as it no doubt swings for the door which is no longer there...* Be silent. You are embarissing me.
[02-20:05] 92280, Mab : When I get the chance.
[02-20:05] 92280, Mab : *wants to RP. pouts*
[02-20:07] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Except he has to leave probably, and he needs her to stay here and talk to the king maybe, and having her thrown out would screw him over. Right? Right. She resists the urge to spit at him.* A thousand apologies, my lord, for embarassing you. *Ignores the stinging pain from his... attack.*
[02-20:07] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((Do you have any characters in rua, cus I can bring in my human for you))
[02-20:09] ab6ae, Aegnor: You will learn your place. *He states quietly.*
[02-20:11] 02577, Adrian Darrymont: ((that last post to mab, by the way))
[02-20:13] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Perhaps it is the certainly with which he pronounces that fact, or that he speaks quietly. Her rage simmers, although it doesn't go away entirely. He still has her fist, probably, but where she was previously tugging against it, she stops. A silent anger burns in her eyes, causing them to glitter much like a freshly watered ice rink.* My place? *Her voice is carefully controlled, although there hints something within her tone... not anger.*
[02-20:14] 92280, Mab : Yeah, I've got Fahrena, Acorna, Merina, and Faltren in Rua.
[02-20:20] ab6ae, Aegnor: Your place. Dominance is decided by age, Anastra Sylune, by age. There are few dragons on the face of Fearun that have more years than I -- and you are not one. I value your opinion by respect for your intelligence, abilities, and insight -- but you are not alpha between us, and you are not to let your spitefulness, anger, or revenge to get in the way of why we are here. If you do, I will see to it your place is a great deal lower than you could conceave of now, and I assure you, I will make it a personal vandetta to make the transition as difficult as possible. Do you understand?
[02-20:22] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Emotion fades from her expression, and her voice is cool when she speaks.* Release me. *A calm confidence slips over her demeanor, but it's all an act. He may or may not pick up on that.*
[02-20:23] 92280, Mab : *test*
[02-20:23] 92280, Mab : Ewwwww, it's a corpsey hand. Gross!
[02-20:24] ab6ae, Aegnor: Do you understand. *Each word spoken clearly.*
[02-20:25] ab6ae, Aegnor: *He does not yet release his grip btw*
[02-20:27] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She almost winces, but prevents herself through sheer willpower. Her hand unclenches. She stares at him in silence, although she has not, by any stretch of the imagination, answered his inquiry. Her eyes unfocus and she no longer seems to see him.*
[02-20:29] JOIN: Adrian Darrymont has entered.
[02-20:30] ab6ae, Aegnor: *His face is unreadable, and he looks deep into her eyes for a moment before releasing her. Having gotten his answer there, he turns away and retreats into his room, the door remaining open.*
[02-20:30] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((Mab, is that the ghoul icon?))
[02-20:30] 92280, Mab : I dunno, should the hand be greenish? Does it look like a hand coming out of the dirt?
[02-20:31] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : My apologies, my lord. *Her voice is distant, and she speaks as he releases her.* I understand.
[02-20:33] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((it looks like its coming out of dirt, yeah))
[02-20:33] 92280, Mab : Cool. It'll do for the time being then, until I come up with something better.
[02-20:34] ab6ae, Aegnor: I am not your lord, Anastra. I am your brother, and you do not owe an apology.
[02-20:34] 92280, Mab:
[02-20:35] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((Cool, thanks))
[02-20:36] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She says nothing in response to that, nor does she move from the doorway.*
[02-20:37] ab6ae, Aegnor: *He moves to the small cabinet in the far corner of the room, retrieving a bottle and two goblets. Fills them both, then crosses to the center of the room and offers her one.*
[02-20:38] 92280, Pendy Fleece : *she looks up at the ceiling from the infirmary bed she is laying on. hums a little tune to try and keep her mind busy. She can't stand to sit still this long when she isn't sleepy. This is driving her batty*
[02-20:39] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Her eyes refocus sharply as he moves. She watches him step to the cabinet. Watches him take up the goblets and fill them. Watches as he returns to where she's standing. Lowers her gaze to the glasses in his hands, staring at them as though they were additional limbs. Failure. The word hisses through her mind as one hand extends to take one of the offered goblets.*
[02-20:39] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((Mab, one more thing, which admin do I talk to about making a new faction?))
[02-20:40] 92280, Fahrena : ((I'm as good an admin as any. What's the faction?))
[02-20:42] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Drinks a bit before moving to one of the chairs in the room, near a desk.* What is on your mind?
[02-20:43] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((Im planning on starting a cult that follows my Darrius character called Death's Advocates whos only real goal is to bring about the extinction of everything... I only have one follower now, but I think having a faction might help that))
[02-20:44] 92280, Fahrena : ((Oh, okay, so Death's Advocates is the name?))
[02-20:45] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She rests the goblet in the palm of one hand, the other holding it steady as she stares down into the dark liquid it contains. His question registers on the peripheral of her mind, but she doesn't hear the words. Merely the voice. Nightmare images from dreams, both past and present, invade her mind. Accusations scream and echo in her thoughts, and this time she is helpless to stop herself from wincing.* I didn't. *The words are out of her mouth before she has a chance to rethink them.*
[02-20:45] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((Unless you have a better idea, cus Im not good at names))
[02-20:46] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Is silent for a long time before speaking. Perhaps guessing her thoughts.* Tell me of your dreams.
[02-20:47] 92280, Fahrena : ((It works. And it's led by Darrius Lokken?))
[02-20:48] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((yep))
[02-20:49] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : My... dreams? *She looks up. Toward him. She visibly recoils, but not physically.* No...
[02-20:49] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((and this ghoul has the ability to control those ghouls he transforms (put it in special skills) so I might have a faction for him later))
[02-20:50] ab6ae, Aegnor: *He shrugs slightly.*
[02-20:52] 92280, Khavi : *steps down from her room in the Glimmering Inn and looks about the bar. Hmm, no one too interesting here.*
[02-20:53] 92280, Khavi : ((Darrius' faction is all set up. Who is his one follower?))
[02-20:54] d27d2, Ashe : ((let the fun begin, I have arrived. ))
[02-20:54] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((Nefiset Da'emorentis))
[02-20:55] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She looks down to the goblet, and then sets it aside. Quietly, without a word, she turns and moves back into her own room. She goes over to her personal effects and rummages through them (although not for long. She hasn't got much of her own belongings with her on this trip). After a moment, she draws out what she was looking for. With the item in hand, she returns to Aegnor's room and steps inside.*
[02-20:56] 92280, Khavi : *she steps out of the front door to the glimmering in and goes for a stroll*
[02-20:57] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((pic check))
[02-20:58] d27d2, Ashe : ((so Khavi...was the other night good for you? *winks* hehehe
[02-20:58] d27d2, Ashe : ))
[02-20:58] 92280, Khavi : ((heh))
[02-20:58] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((sux, Ill keep looking))
[02-21:01] 92280, Khavi : ((*wants a bit of RP action, but not to die. is prolly asking too much*))
[02-21:01] ab6ae, Aegnor: *He does also draw out a personal item. A pipe. Which he studies.*
[02-21:01] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((*laugh*))
[02-21:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-21:03] 92280, Khavi : *bleh, finishes her stroll and returns to the Glimmering Inn and heads up to her room again* *GONE*
[02-21:04] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Ignoring the abandoned goblet, she moves over to stand before him. She lifts her hand, and contained within is a small object. It looks like the tooh of a dragon, but it's about the size of a hatchling's would be. It is not one of her teeth. She holds it out to him.*
[02-21:04] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:03pm, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-21:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-21:05] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:04pm, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-21:06] 92280, Mab: I guess I'll go and fix the Welcome bit for the chat now.
[02-21:06] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : **he stumbles into a busy street, and sees a woman vending roses, her beautiful figure sends him back into his madness. He calls out to her, and once he has her attention he sprints at her, tackling her to the ground, rapping his hands around throat and growling viciously as she screams** die, DIE!! **the woman fights for a bit before going limp. He bites a chunk from her throat and drags her body back to his area**
[02-21:06] JOIN: Bartuc has entered.
[02-21:07] 0ae01, Bartuc : ((YAY GHOULS ARE REGGED!))
[02-21:08] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((wicked huh?))
[02-21:08] ab6ae, Aegnor: *He accepts it with a questioning raising of the eyebrow, but no words.*
[02-21:09] 0ae01, Bartuc : ((*eyes adrian* are you by any chance a ghoul?))
[02-21:10] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Her hands falls away.* I may be young yet, but I have suffered the same losses that most of our kind have. *She could say more, but really? She doesn't have to.*
[02-21:11] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((The first!))
[02-21:11] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[02-21:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-21:11] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:11pm, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-21:12] ab6ae, Aegnor: Can you find forgiveness in your heart?
[02-21:12] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:12pm, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-21:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-21:13] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:13pm, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-21:13] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Can you?
[02-21:13] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:13pm, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-21:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-21:14] ab6ae, Aegnor: *He is silent for a great while.* As Ember has said, some things do not fade with time and blood. But some things can only be paid for with time and blood.
[02-21:14] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:14pm, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-21:15] JOIN: Bartuc has entered.
[02-21:15] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : What is it you truly want?
[02-21:15] 0ae01, Bartuc : ((grr. apologies folks.....Adrian you have AIM?))
[02-21:16] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((yes'm))
[02-21:17] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((pacman386))
[02-21:17] 92280, Mab: *sighs* Me = just wants to RP something aside from sitting around having conversation. *sniff* Is that so much to ask? *pouts*
[02-21:17] ab6ae, Aegnor: Harmony and peace. You already know.
[02-21:18] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : At what cost?
[02-21:19] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[02-21:19] 54891, Cookie Monster: *sneaks in all shinobi like and tackle huggles Mab*
[02-21:20] ab6ae, Aegnor: There is no other way, Anastra. This war is thrust upon us, the only question is -- Do we make something beautiful out of it, or do we use it to the ruin of all.
[02-21:20] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : You wish to rescue humans and elves from this threat so that they continue to prosper... for what vengeance can be exacted if your enemy has left you?
[02-21:21] EXIT: Bartuc has left the chat ( 10:15pm, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-21:21] JOIN: Ghouls has entered.
[02-21:22] ab6ae, Aegnor: I wish no vengeance upon them.
[02-21:22] 0ae01, Ghouls : ((would you be intersted i nworking for us?))
[02-21:23] 92280, Mab: *updates the portals instruction to take out the need for a key, cuz that wasn't working*
[02-21:23] 92280, Mab: *is tackled huggled. rolls away and then springs back and returns with a tackle hug*
[02-21:24] 54891, Cookie Monster: Hmm? War? Cookie wants to be a part of this...
[02-21:24] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((Me?))
[02-21:24] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : What motivates you, then?
[02-21:24] 0ae01, Ghouls : ((*undeathhugs mab*))
[02-21:24] 54891, Cookie Monster: Ieee!! *retaliates with a glompf and attempts to regain the upper hand*
[02-21:25] ab6ae, Aegnor: The wish to keep this from happening again. *He holds up the tooth. And the pipe.*
[02-21:26] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : If we help them now, you think that they will set down their swords and embrace dragons as friends? *She looks to the pipe, and then into his eyes.*
[02-21:27] ab6ae, Aegnor: I believe that if not it will at least set us upon the proper path to that end, yes.
[02-21:29] 54891, Cookie Monster: The Cookie Monster demands a .
[02-21:29] 059a3, Adrian Darrymont : ((gotta get out of here, later everybody))
[02-21:29] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She wants to believe him. She surprises herself with that realisation, and takes an abrupt step back when she realises just how badly she wants to believe him. But she's seen his manipulations. How can she be sure he speaks the truth?* Perhaps it would be better if we merely wipe them all out. *She turns, then, and heads toward the door.*
[02-21:30] 0ae01, Ghouls : ((yes you Adrian.))
[02-21:30] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-21:31] ab6ae, Aegnor: What sad words you speak, sister.
[02-21:31] 0ae01, Ghouls : ((I really ought to become a faction..and a force. Cookie I am in rua and the darkforest for my chars. and in Quman)
[02-21:31] 92280, Mab: *is no where. couldn't find anyone to RP with. (in answer to Cookie's )*
[02-21:31] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : (())
[02-21:31] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((What she said.))
[02-21:33] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She pauses in the doorway, tensing. She looks at him over her shoulder.* Stop. *She does not await a reply. Instead, she moves back into her own room.*
[02-21:34] ab6ae, Aegnor: *He sets the items upon the dresser, finishes the goblet, and moves to the bed. Gone.*
[02-21:35] 54891, Cookie Monster: ((Who's in the Dark Forsest? And where In Rua?))
[02-21:36] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *For the moment, is gone as well.*
[02-21:36] 0ae01, Ghouls : ((Lok in the dark forest. Axis in Rua. And ghouls...and we are everywhere))
[02-21:38] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Mab.
[02-21:40] 0ae01, Ghouls : *eats flesh*
[02-21:41] MSG: Mab sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[02-21:45] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *due to the Orcish retreat and general disapearance, the Goblin kingdom has been recovering the northern forests where the orcs attempted to blaze through, and pushing against their unallied goblin neighbors in the southern parts of the forest, intending to expand their lands.*
[02-21:48] 0ae01, Ghouls : ((hold on while I try to chage identites *curses IE*))
[02-21:49] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[02-21:51] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *currently, after having finnished a "mission of aquisition" in the southern kingdom of , Jerren rides with a portion of his force to tackle one of the minor tribes that has yet to fall unter his banner. He rides his large wolf Gakasha, being flanked by fellow wolf Riders. Behind him are the goblin Boar riders, and behind them are the goblin infantry regulars*
[02-21:52] 0ae01, Lok : ((there we go))
[02-21:54] 0ae01, Lok : *currently a pair of gargoyles, twins, are soarign over head watchign the goblins*
[02-21:56] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[02-21:56] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : A couple of the foreward scouts take note of the gargoyles swooping through the thick forest and point it out to Jerren. He smirks and waves up to them*
[02-21:57] 0ae01, Lok : *they wave from over head, not engaging merely watching. After all this wasn't really their fight. Not yet anyway.
[02-22:00] 92280, Acorna : *kicks stuff and pouts*
[02-22:00] 92280, Acorna : ((err, last was ooc, obviously))
[02-22:02] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *Ponders what the gargoyles are up to, as is not realy sure how their alliance currently stands. He looks away from the Gargoyles, and though it would be difficult to see from above, his eyes stare off into the darkness of the haunted forest as though seeing it from competely differant eyes. Without any sounded signal, the wolf rider company breaks up and begins riding foreward. The Goblins on wolf back pull out bow and arrow. The Boar riders pick up pace a moment later, pulling out maces and clubs but keeping in one solid formation of boars*
[02-22:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-22:04] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *is kicked*
[02-22:04] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*kicked rather*))
[02-22:06] 0ae01, Lok : *one htumps hte others shoulder and they pull out their huge bowsfor some fun. they dip lower searchign for the goblins foe*
[02-22:06] 499d9, Caradonia: *A figure is folded in the shadow of a stately willow, it is the shape of a woman laying on her side, her eyes are closed in blissful sleep while her horse grazes just behond the willow vines*
[02-22:09] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *unless the Gargoyles are especialy warry of what's going on in front of them as well as the enemies the goblins are riding out for, they would find themselves running into a net of unusualy strong and thick spider webbing*
[02-22:12] 0ae01, Lok : *they notice this with a smirk and shoot straight up and explode out of the trees then the make a gracefull falling spiral-* heheheh
[02-22:14] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *as they revover from their spiral, they would note spider webs placed numerous places, including on the ground. A few of the webs that would have obstructed major traffic have been cut, perhaps by an advance goblin force. The wolf riding skirmishers move through*
[02-22:15] 0ae01, Lok : *they move in after deciding to give some air support to the goblin force*
[02-22:16] 499d9, Caradonia: *She rolls over and streaches out on her belly, her face nestling into the comforting scent of moist moss growing upon the ground. At the sudden bite of a wandering mosquito she jerks awake, a hand slapping down on her bare thigh* Ouch*rubbing..yellow eyes glaring about darkely*
[02-22:18] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Car, where you placing your char?)) *one of the riders is suddenly thrown back to the ground, his mount riding onward for a bit before wheeling around to move back to him. Apparently choke lines had been put in place. The force at large takes note to avoid until its removed and continue onward. Off in the dark distance of the forest, a small town comes into veiw*
[02-22:19] 92280, Mab: *goes back to work. is unlucky in RP today. signs it off as unlucky RP day and expects the sun'll come out tomorrow just fine. *
[02-22:19] 499d9, Caradonia: ((Quite a ways out of the bowels of the forest))
[02-22:21] 0ae01, Lok : *they begins to hop fromm branch to branch using the tree route*
[02-22:22] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *out from the village comes a force of perhaps thirty goblins, all riding huge spiders and carrying spears. They howl madly at their foe and urge their arachnid mounts to attack the oncoming wolf riders*
[02-22:22] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[02-22:23] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[02-22:23] 68e71, Kali: grrr *smacks pjj*
[02-22:24] 0ae01, Lok : *they confer spider riders....bad-news tie to party* thye quickly begin building height and firing massive arros at them. The bows are quite powerful eonught to pin the goblins to their spiders*
[02-22:25] 499d9, Caradonia: *With a sigh she pulls herself up off the ground, parting the whispy willow branches to step out into the open world. She rubs her eyes at the low firelight and paws at her clothing, only wearing a slip you see..easier to sleep in((Where are your characters placed?))
[02-22:27] 0ae01, Lok : ((ack I must go)) *after about 8 shots form each the spiral up and away*
[02-22:27] 0ae01, Lok : ((from they))
[02-22:28] EXIT: Lok has left the chat ( 11:27pm, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-22:28] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((later! Jerren's in the Dark Forest, a forest way to the north of Rua))
[02-22:29] 499d9, Caradonia: ((*L* nowhere close))
[02-22:30] 499d9, Caradonia: *Once dressed she plunders about in her bags for something to eat, but all she can find is fruit...has a taste for meat but unfortunatly, dosent have the taste for the effort to obtain said meat. With a sigh she rests back on her haunches and chews on a carrot*
[02-22:30] JOIN: Z has entered.
[02-22:31] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *the wolf riders are heartened by their allies work and scream bloody murder as they shoot up the relatively unarmoved opponents with their own arrows, until the now retreating Spider Rider Goblins are reduced from thirty to three. Goblins not riding spiders, but certainly part of their army stream out from the village carrying relatively crude blunt weapons, knives, and the occasional blade. They are met by the oncoming rush of Boar riders that smash the heads of the ones that go untrampled*
[02-22:32] 68e71, Kali: ohhh.. that reminds me... Jerren... thanks for the msg... die wench...LOLOL
[02-22:33] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Laughing out loud on lemons?))
[02-22:37] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*killed the chat!*))
[02-22:38] 68e71, Kali: *blinks* lemons?
[02-22:38] 499d9, Caradonia: I should go back to town...I know better than this..traveling without decent suplies*Isnt really talking to anyone in's just her and her looks a little nuts. She stands and takes a stroll around the clearing, her eyes shifting to the brook with slow moving water....could fish...*
[02-22:51] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[02-22:51] 68e71, Kali: *looks around* yes Jerren ... it is your fault...
[02-22:52] c6c97, Sedrik: *pic test*
[02-22:52] EXIT: Sedrik has left the chat ( 11:52pm, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-22:54] 499d9, Caradonia: ((Hey wait! no fair...didnt get to see it))
[02-22:57] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[02-22:57] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[02-22:58] c6c97, Sedrik: *pic test*
[02-22:58] c6c97, Sedrik: look while you can
[02-22:58] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *Jerren rides with his contingent, yelling wildly in jubilation at the easy victory. In the middle of the town, however, are three goblins. All are well armed and dressed, apparently representing the overlords of the town. Jerren halts his force and calls out the leader in Goblin* Hold there former lord of the town Marrow-lick. Your forces are gone, and only you remain. You can accept my rule of this town or you can die. Either way, this place is now mine. "Kregaga spits at so called 'Goblin King'. Mad schemes of uniting all goblins, making gobilns major race. STUPID!
[02-22:59] 499d9, Caradonia: ((not bad))
[02-23:00] c6c97, Sedrik: thanks
[02-23:00] c6c97, Sedrik: what till I get my new char reged
[02-23:01] c6c97, Sedrik: wait*
[02-23:01] 499d9, Caradonia: ((Regestered...that is something I need to do...damn))
[02-23:01] c6c97, Sedrik: well i gtg, night all
[02-23:03] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *Jerren smirks at the taunts* I will have a better chance of being remembered than Kregaga, headgoblin of little town that now falls to the . I ask again, will you stand down? "No! You must fight me for my land!" So be it. *Jerren dismounts and pulls out a medium sized mace*
[02-23:03] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*points* Hey cool! It never did that before!))
[02-23:05] EXIT: Sedrik has left the chat ( 12:01am, July 03 (CDT) ).
[02-23:06] 68e71, Kali: *grins* Mab fixed things...
[02-23:08] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 11:57pm, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-23:08] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((o/ BTW, is anyone reading my stuff, or is it just an exercise in ego?))
[02-23:09] 68e71, Kali: *reads the exercise* ... yes... i am... *g*
[02-23:09] 499d9, Caradonia: ((I'm reading))
[02-23:15] 68e71, Kali: oh...Jerren.... would you like to write something for me?
[02-23:15] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((sweet. *doesn't feel quite so dumb doing a solo RP now*)) *Jerren stalks foreward, with his forces forming up a semi circle on his side like a playground fight. Kregaga's men, being only two in number, are unable to promote their own champion as Jerren's do, but they try. Kregaga pulls out a gladius. The two, when close enough begin to circle one another* ((whatcha need written?))
[02-23:16] 68e71, Kali: Im stuck... i have a part in book that needs a dwarf ...orc ..battle..and i have no idea of how to go about doing that...can you help?
[02-23:18] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((I'd like to think I can. You have yahoo IM?))
[02-23:21] 68e71, Kali: no sorry.... but you can send to hotmail.....
[02-23:22] 68e71, Kali: just aim and msn..
[02-23:29] 68e71, Kali: hmmm now i killed it..
[02-23:29] 94c70, Z: *is lurkish*
[02-23:31] 68e71, Kali: *waits for rp and reads logs to catch up on what i missed*
[02-23:33] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *Kregaga swipes at Jerren twice, the first time being dodged, and the second being batted away with Jerren's buckler*
[02-23:33] 68e71, Kali: *faints from mail*... how about i send you the part of the story i have concerning them....
[02-23:35] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *Kregaga swipes at Jerren twice, the first time being dodged, and the second being batted away with Jerren's buckler*
[02-23:38] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((okey dokey))
[02-23:41] JOIN: Z has entered.
[02-23:42] 94c70, Z: *was lurkish until her computer crashed anyway. Also waits for RP but doesn't hold her breath.*
[02-23:42] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *Jerren, taking the initiative, bashes down on the goblin's skull cap, rattling him so that Jerren has enough time to take a second swing, this time for the temple area. The smash sends the fallen mayor several feet and crashing to the ground. Kregaga shudders and visibly convulses from the damage to his head. Jerren steps over him. Kicking the felled goblin face up, Jerren places his foon on the goblin's throat so he can see his enemies eyes before he dies. With a quick swing of his mace, the former ruler of the town is nothing more than a corpse with a bashed in head. The goblins around Jerren exult in violent war cries*
[02-23:47] JOIN: R has entered.
[02-23:48] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*waves to Z and R*))
[02-23:49] 2b286, R : howdy
[02-23:49] 94c70, Z: *grooves.*
[02-23:50] 2b286, R : *twists*
[02-23:52] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*demands your RPingness*))
[02-23:53] 499d9, Caradonia: ((Roar))
[02-23:55] ab6ae, Sileen: Mew
[02-23:56] 68e71, Kali: well sorry guys... you all have fun for me... this girl needs to sleep for a change..
[02-23:56] 499d9, Caradonia: ((*Purr*))
[02-23:57] 68e71, Kali: *bites*
[02-23:57] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 12:57am, July 03 (CDT) ).
[02-23:57] 499d9, Caradonia: ((*Swats*))
[02-23:58] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((Duc duc dvumm.))
[02-23:59] 499d9, Caradonia: ((Me huh?))
[03-00:00] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *the two remaining goblins look to one another then decide on a futile last ditch effort. They unsling their weapons and charge Jerren. Before either get more than four paces, each gets three darts to the neck or other vital area and collpase face down in seconds*
[03-00:01] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((OOH! That reminds me, Jerren. Goblins. I've got a great idea for a goblin character. A medieval tinker.))
[03-00:01] 499d9, Caradonia: *She ventures near the running water and peers over into it..her yellow eyes trying to see life beneath the water. The look on her face is wary..very wary....dosent trust every stream that trickels in a forest. Blame it on the stories told to her while she was still crawling*
[03-00:04] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((There's a whole tribe of them in Jerren's Kingdom. You want to be one?))
[03-00:05] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((Not to be smashed in the head by him ))
[03-00:06] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((Goblins are über-intelligent, mechanical-minded beings. D&D-esque mentality puts them in a more tribal light. I tend to prefer the WarCraft III goblin.))
[03-00:06] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Of course not. Only the goblins that try to not be part of his kingdom get the head smashing. ))
[03-00:07] 499d9, Caradonia: Would you drink from this*Turning to look over her shoulder, talking to her horse* Better yet..would you eat fish that live in it?*Dosent excpect the animal to anwser evidenced by sweeping her hand in the trickling water and taking a bold gulp*
[03-00:07] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((I know what you mean, and made a mix of the two, with a favoring of the latter. You should look up my race write up for them. Very informative))
[03-00:08] 94c70, Z: *sighs*
[03-00:08] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: *The water ripples and shapes itself into a lithe, elven form, the body stepping forth from the pool of running water. The liquid figure perches upon a boulder, the fluidic entity becoming tinged with hints of colour and substance until Cadence appears before Caradonia*
[03-00:08] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((Perhaps I will...after I beat this damned dragon in BG2.))
[03-00:11] 499d9, Caradonia: *Droplets of water stream from her upraised hand down her werist in a spiral of trinkling crystal. She watches this transformation in silent all, her psoture that of a startled doe, eyes wide with the pupils dialated*
[03-00:12] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: How art thou, Cara? *grins, staring into her eyes with devilish glee*
[03-00:14] 499d9, Caradonia: I'm not sure yet*she manages to murmer out.* Did I just drink you?*Eyes glancing down to the water that shapes into pearlike droplets before dripping away onto the grass*
[03-00:18] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *the invasion force scatters off, going for the time honored tradition of loot, rape, and pillage. However, they are relatively restrained with regards to actual permanent damage to the settlement. After all, they want this town for expansion*
[03-00:23] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: Would you feel better if I told you that you hadn't? *chuckles*
[03-00:25] 499d9, Caradonia: Yes, acutally*Realizing that she's sprawled back on the grass she rises and dusts the grass off her seat..looking throughtly embarassed*
[03-00:29] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: Tough to drink illusions of water...I'll thoroughly remember that look upon your face...*seats himself next to her, smirking in a perpetually mischievous manner*
[03-00:31] 499d9, Caradonia: I'll thoroughly remeber you rising up out of the water and scaring the life out of me....but i'm afraid I cant match you'r level of amusement*She covers her face and laughs at herself..* ell me.*looking up* do you do this often?
[03-00:32] 499d9, Caradonia: ((ell....tell))
[03-00:33] EXIT: R has left the chat ( 1:03am, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-00:34] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: Accost beautiful young lasses in the forest? No. Do you often receive such radically idiosyncratic suitors?
[03-00:38] 499d9, Caradonia: *Laughs at him and flecks a bit of excess water in his direction* yes, of course, all the time*Rolls her eyes heavenwords* No*chuckels*
[03-00:45] JOIN: Eradrae has entered.
[03-00:48] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: You should. Perhaps you should spend less time in the forests speaking with the odd sort of creatures that lurk here. We're all crazed, rabid animals, truth be told.
[03-00:49] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Cadence? You read up on the Goblins?))
[03-00:51] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((Jerren: No. Link?))
[03-00:51] 499d9, Caradonia: You dont look like a crazed, rabid, animal*Turning her head so she can get a good look at him* I dont see you foaming at the mouth*Her lips curl in a sly grin*
[03-00:55] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: Just don't get used to it..*presses his forehead to hers lightly, smirking*
[03-00:57] 499d9, Caradonia: Used to looking so calm and*touches a strand of hair, cracking a grin* Groomed?
[03-01:00] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep :
[03-01:01] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Its one of the last ones))
[03-01:03] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: Well, I dress up when I'm having company over..
[03-01:04] 499d9, Caradonia: Ooohhhh..I se*her voice coaxes out a amused tone while her yellow eyes darken to a rich gold*Is this your couch that I'm sitting on?
[03-01:05] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((Omnipotence. Admins want to know why people are running from this chat, maybe it's the eighty million line board posts on everything from orc toothbrushing technique (or lack thereof) to proper care of the spell Conjure Random Insignificant Cantrip.))
[03-01:05] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((Jesus. Admins want to know why people are running from this chat, maybe it's the eighty million line board posts on everything from orc toothbrushing technique (or lack thereof) to proper care of the spell Conjure Random Insignificant Cantrip.))
[03-01:08] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((4'5" to 5'1"? Suck. They're LOTR goblins, not WC3 OR D&D ))
[03-01:13] f3fc9, Eradrae: Didn't Jerren get his head smashed in?
[03-01:13] f3fc9, Eradrae: (oops, sorry, forgot brackets)
[03-01:13] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((LOTR Goblins? There were no suchcritters. And why not 5'1"? And no Eradrae, Jerren smashed in the head of an enemy goblin))
[03-01:14] f3fc9, Eradrae: (oh, thx, sry bout that)
[03-01:14] f3fc9, Eradrae: (I'm waiting for the admin to confirm my character... the back ground is rather long so I expect I'll be waiting several days...)
[03-01:14] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((Goblins are size small. 5'1" is like an elf's height. Goblins are about the size of halflings or gnomes.))
[03-01:15] f3fc9, Eradrae: (BTW, is my picture showing up?)
[03-01:15] f3fc9, Eradrae: (Sry to keep bothering u...)
[03-01:16] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: No, no, of course not. It's my bed. *winks teasingly, chuckling with little indication of inhibition or etiquette*
[03-01:17] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((I can't tell, my compy won't refresh the userlist. And 5'1" being a maximum hight is pretty short Cadence.))
[03-01:18] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((Woo-fucking-hoo. Max height on a goblin is 3'6".))
[03-01:18] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((huh?))
[03-01:19] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((That's a D&D or Warcraft goblin. Matches their features. LOTR goblins are taller, different complexion.))
[03-01:19] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((Ugly things, near mindless.))
[03-01:19] 499d9, Caradonia: *Blushes to the roots of her hair but her composure is regained before it is lost* This is your bed? So do you sleep here?
[03-01:21] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: More of a meditative trance...and only when I'm compelled to do so.
[03-01:22] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Err... I read LotR... there are no goblins in it. There are ORCS... and theres Legends of the Five rings that has goblins in it. But I set the size at 4'5" to 5'1", and so at 4'5" to 5'1" it will stay unless an admin informs me otherwise.
[03-01:23] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((Yes, that's well and good. Bearing in mind I have absolutely no intention of following it and absolutely won't base my character on anything from that description :) ))
[03-01:24] 499d9, Caradonia: Oh, I forget that elves dont sleep*pauses for a moment* Who told me that*turns her head away while she searches her memory*
[03-01:24] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((err... thats your perogative I guess, but don't be calling it a goblin.))
[03-01:25] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((Oh, I will.))
[03-01:28] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((... I don't suppose you have Yahoo IM, so we could talk without disruption of RP?))
[03-01:28] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: Well, most likely an elf...or a half-elf.
[03-01:28] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((No, I'm done speaking with you.))
[03-01:28] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: Half-elves...they tend to be jealous, I think...
[03-01:30] 499d9, Caradonia: I can't remeber..*wears a pained expression....cant be loosing memories, because that's all that she really has*Must have been someone my father knew*nods as if this is a face then looks at Cadence* Really? I hadn't really interacted with them much..
[03-01:32] 499d9, Caradonia: ((fact))
[03-01:32] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : (())
[03-01:35] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((G'night to you both.))
[03-01:37] 499d9, Caradonia: ((Night!))
[03-01:41] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: Nor do I...brutish mutts...*adopts a mock-haughty expression* forever lacking in the grace that epitomizes an elf.
[03-01:42] EXIT: Jerren Skulldeep has left the chat ( 2:35am, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-01:43] 499d9, Caradonia: *Her brows lift at a astonished angle* It appears that a half-elf lives a very...conflicted life..
[03-01:48] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: Well..*offers up another wink* perhaps you can give me a newfound appreciation for half-elves...
[03-01:49] 499d9, Caradonia: *She gently pats his cheek in response to that wink* I wouldnt be able to do that....i've never met Hah
[03-01:53] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: Ah....of silly of me...*grins seductively, his presence a rather evil, corruptive influence*
[03-01:55] 499d9, Caradonia: *She eyes that smile witha smile of her own while carefully scooting away from him about half an inch or so* I dont think your silly
[03-01:57] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: And what, praytell, do you think I am..?
[03-01:59] 499d9, Caradonia: The word sly comes to mind. Is that the wrong assesment of your character?*Inquiring in a polite tone while braiding her finger through the thick grass*
[03-02:05] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: Sly? I don't think it is...that would imply I'm trying to pull one over on you, or hide something...and I do not...I am evil in its most drastic and clear form...*embraces her with his arms as he says this, smiling in a soft, almost gentle expression*
[03-02:09] 499d9, Caradonia: *She dosent pull away after he embraces her. She just stares at him with her yellow eyes, shock taking the smile off of her face* Your evil?*looking at him....wanders if he's joking*
[03-02:16] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: No, no...*pats her arm gently* Only evil when the lands are threatened or put to harm...
[03-02:19] 499d9, Caradonia: Oh, I see*and relaxes in his grasp while her expression softens as well. She cant help but smile though, at the pat on her arm, it makes her feel matronly..why? who knows*
[03-02:25] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: *Kisses her neck softly, tightening the embrace as she eases into a more comfortable state* And evil is such a harsh and subjective term...depends upon who is accusing..
[03-02:28] 499d9, Caradonia: *She laughs and shys away at the touch to her neck*It's all about perspective.*ponders* So, what if I called you evil?
[03-02:30] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: I'd thank you for giving me such a...generous...assessment.
[03-02:31] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: ((Eep. It's late. I gotta get goin'. Cya!)) *over time, though, throughout the conversation, his responses grow more fleeting, his physical form less corporeal..until he is but a lilting memory, voice a whisper upon the wind*
[03-02:31] 5e834, Cadence Blightswath: (('Night!))
[03-02:31] 499d9, Caradonia: I wouldnt though. I would rather call you protective...*Her head tilts to the side and her mouth slips into a kind smile*
[03-02:32] 499d9, Caradonia: ((G'night!!))
[03-02:35] ab6ae, Sileen: Mew
[03-02:48] ab6ae, Sileen: Hm...
[03-03:38] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[03-03:38] 24f92, Travis: *shifty eyes*
[03-03:39] JOIN: CM has entered.
[03-03:39] 54891, CM: *pokes Travis in the ribs*
[03-03:40] 24f92, Travis: *bans*
[03-03:42] 54891, CM: *shifts IP address*
[03-03:42] 24f92, Travis: *erases you from existance* admin powers own your face
[03-03:43] 54891, CM: *goes to complain to Mab with tear filled eyes*
[03-03:44] 24f92, Travis: *mabs gone so just beats you like a redheaded step child*
[03-03:45] 54891, CM: *durring beating, makes not to give you ban in my chat, should you ever venture into it*
[03-03:45] 54891, CM: not=note
[03-03:46] 24f92, Travis: [l] *gets a bat*
[03-03:46] 24f92, Travis: bah
[03-03:46] 54891, CM: So is this Jace by another name?
[03-03:47] 24f92, Travis: meh?
[03-03:47] 54891, CM: You act like Jace.
[03-03:47] ab6ae, Sileen: *baps Travis* Stop abusing the yellow spikey thingie!
[03-03:48] 24f92, Travis: *cowers* yes ma'am
[03-03:48] 54891, CM: *slips to his full form*
[03-03:48] EXIT: CM has left the chat ( 4:48am, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-03:48] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[03-03:48] 54891, Cookie Monster: Ah... much better.
[03-03:49] 24f92, Travis: /stealth
[03-03:49] 24f92, Travis: bah!
[03-03:49] 24f92, Travis: stupid flag
[03-03:49] 24f92, Travis: [Travis]
[03-03:49] 24f92, Travis: bah!! *hits*
[03-03:49] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Sileen.
[03-03:50] MSG: Sileen sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[03-03:51] 24f92, Travis: *shifty eyes*
[03-03:51] 24f92, Travis: *growls*
[03-03:52] 24f92, Travis: Stealth [Travis]
[03-03:52] 24f92, Travis: BAH!!
[03-03:53] 24f92, Travis: [f l]
[03-03:54] 24f92, Travis: [f]
[03-03:54] 24f92, Travis: bah!!
[03-03:55] 24f92, Travis: *starts a moshpit*
[03-03:57] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 4:55am, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-04:02] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Sileen.
[03-04:02] 54891, Cookie Monster: ((long post))
[03-04:07] MSG: Sileen sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[03-04:08] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Sileen.
[03-04:11] MSG: Sileen sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[03-04:14] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Sileen.
[03-04:17] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 5:14am, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-04:17] MSG: Sileen sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[03-08:02] 92280, Mab: *blinks*
[03-09:09] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[03-09:15] 92280, Mab: *bored. craves RP that isn't conversation RP*
[03-09:15] bcf17, Luke: *will give Mab that RP, after reboot has taken place*
[03-09:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-09:24] 3df69, Will-o'-the-wisp: *ponders the pondering*
[03-09:26] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[03-09:34] 92280, Mab: *chuckles @ Will-o's avatar*
[03-09:34] 3df69, Will-o'-the-wisp: *struts.. does a little dance down the cat-walk*
[03-09:35] bcf17, Luke: *likes his own avatar*
[03-09:38] 92280, Mab: hehe
[03-09:40] JOIN: Adrian Darrymont has entered.
[03-09:40] 3df69, Will-o'-the-wisp: i'm a model you know what i mean.. and i'll do my little turn on the cat-walk yeah on the cat-walk.. i shake my little tush yeah on the cat-walk.. *ok scared himself*
[03-09:41] 92280, Mab: *L*
[03-09:41] bcf17, Luke: *jumps for joy* finally, someone beat Serena Williams!!!! GO MARIA SHARAPOVA, YOU HOT THING!!!!!
[03-09:47] 92280, Mab: heh
[03-09:48] 3df69, Will-o'-the-wisp: *cries cause now he has that song stuck in his head*
[03-09:49] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *is in his room in the ruins, getting changed into one of the new shirts that Sorcha made for him*
[03-09:57] 92280, Mab: heh
[03-09:59] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : ((finding a good ghoul pic is hard))
[03-10:03] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *Is ummmmm, tired of looking over maps and planning battle strategies and so dismisses her war council and uhhhh, strides out of the map chamber, heading to the main gates. She is simply garbed in black and silver and is sporting flaxen blonde hair and blue eyes today. She has no wings atm. She wears a leather tunic that is black with silver decor and white linen underneath with silver embroidery. She is in leggings that are light grey and black shin high boots*
[03-10:10] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *before getting changed, he puts on the mithril armour underneath the shirt... then he puts it on, then one of his cloaks over the top of it... he gets his weaponry (all of it), and he heads out of his room, heading for the stables*
[03-10:13] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *marches out the front gates, waving away those who might wish to escort her.*
[03-10:14] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *not the great wall of the fae gates, the gates to the inside the mountain palace*
[03-10:14] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[03-10:15] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Hello everyone, is there room for me ic?)
[03-10:15] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *great wall of the fae doesn't have gates per se and must be magically opened*
[03-10:15] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : **Stalks unsuredly through the streets of , slipping further and forther into madness. He continues his silent pleas to the lord to free him from this plague but no salvation is to come... he grows hungry**
[03-10:17] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Hi Eradrae. Depends where you are IC and if anyone is near there. Adrian, the ghoul is in and We're in the land of the Fae, but we're prolly gonna head to forest or some such place pretty soon. ))
[03-10:17] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[03-10:17] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (well, I haven't been ic as of yet, so I guess I could be anywhere...)
[03-10:18] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he reaches the stables, and begins to saddle up Ethalin, preparing to go for a ride*
[03-10:18] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Unless theres a specific place my characters story leaves him, I just sent u back the fixed version of the registration sheet)
[03-10:18] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Unless theres a specific place my characters story leaves him, I just sent u back the fixed version of the registration sheet)
[03-10:18] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : ((pic test))
[03-10:19] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Well, read the "Welcome" link and skim the "Hot Spots" link for an idea of what we've got around here and do a to see where people are and you're in business. ))
[03-10:19] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she sat on the table in her merry little shop working on some mew fabric*
[03-10:19] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (thats / location for the command right?)
[03-10:20] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Yeah, just no space, yup yup))
[03-10:20] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (yeah, I wasn't sure if it would have went through if there wasn't a space, so I put a space. thx)
[03-10:21] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre:
[03-10:21] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (In the city, in her own shop)
[03-10:21] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: mew=new
[03-10:22] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (was I supposed to use brackets around that? God, I feel like such a newb, this place is so strange compared to my old RP spot)
[03-10:22] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((land of the Fae, stables))
[03-10:22] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : **He stops, breathing heavily suddenly, rage overtaking his mind completely, he whips his head around spotting a stout man. Adrian approaches the man in a full sprint while screaming at the top of his lungs. Adrian tackles the man and scratches and beats around his face**
[03-10:22] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : ((, busy streets))
[03-10:23] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (what city sorcha?)
[03-10:23] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Passing the royal stables in the kingdom of the Fae at present. Ya can't be in the kingdom of the fae unless you're invited though, but we're going to be shortly heading out elsewhere I think. ))
[03-10:23] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: ()
[03-10:24] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (alright, brb,)
[03-10:24] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (wait do I need an intro?)
[03-10:24] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : **In terror, the man throws adrian off and gets up to run. Adrian trips the man and bites his achile's tendon. With this the man screams and pleas for his life, but adrian can't hear him now... adrian breaks the mans neck and begins to eat...**
[03-10:26] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She looks up hearing screams not to far away, she stands and places the things down on the table and walks to the door having a glance out*
[03-10:26] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *she passes the royal stables, the guards nod. She needs a break and is looking for something to do.* ((All you really need for an intro is something that says that this character is in such and such place and why. If you wanna elaborate beyond that, it's up to you. Lots of people like to elaborate*
[03-10:26] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *=))
[03-10:27] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (I ussually elaborate, but I don't think I will today, ussually I write a thorough intro too lazy right now...)
[03-10:28] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he takes his time saddling up his horse, and glances over to the queen as she passes* your highness....
[03-10:29] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[03-10:29] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*peers in*))
[03-10:30] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: ((*peers back*))
[03-10:33] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : **Blood covering his mouth he stands, noticing that most of the surrounding crowd has fled, but the few that were to awe struck to move had been watching. He yells loudly and and steps forward, as if about to give chase to scare them off, he then takes off running down the street towards Sorcha's shop, she'd be able to see him soon.**
[03-10:33] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *His cowl pulled tightly about him, concealing his features. His cape sweeping the ground as he moves through the streets of - though he is unaware that the city is called . His strides are long and graceful, and to the trained eye hint at an elven heritage. Hearing a comotion down the street he is drawn to it, though he knew he could not allow himself to get involved.*
[03-10:33] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *looks in to the wide open stall window she was passing, hearing Galean and sees him in the stall with his horse.* Oh, Hi Galean. *smiles extremely warmly for someone just greeting an ambassador*
[03-10:34] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *smiles lightly* I was about to go for a ride, and I wouldn't mind some company... if you're not too busy, that is...
[03-10:35] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *He stops to stare at the body of the dead man for a moment, a frown creasing his concealed features. Shifting his eyes to the man running downt he street he wonders whether or not he should follow.*
[03-10:35] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She hears and sees people running down the street not looking back and she notices a figure coming down the street.* Whats going on now?*she mutters as she watches the figure grow closer*
[03-10:36] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : I was just looking for a break. *she looks to a nearby stableman and he nods and rushes off to saddle her horse without neeing to be told her request* Where were you thinking of riding to? *attention back to Galean again with that question*
[03-10:36] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : **he stops himself, dropping to his knees, cupping his hands around his hideous face. He tries to quiet the voices in his head. They scream at him "Kill them, KILL THEM! You must eat, they deserve this, they did this to you! punish them!"** no, NOO!! Get out of my head!!
[03-10:38] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : **He looks as if he neds assistance as he fights against the madness attacking his mind**
[03-10:38] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : I was thinking of riding back down to Acendawan for a little bit, then back to here...
[03-10:38] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *The mans sudden screaming of agony kicks Eradrae into action. At the mans side in an instant, a wave of nausea washes over him, the reason for which he cannot identify. He shrugs it off.* Are you alright?
[03-10:39] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Adrian, btw that post is for u, sorry I forgot to put ur name in the post)
[03-10:39] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She moves foward slowly as Eradrae move to him wants to help too*
[03-10:39] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (brb)
[03-10:41] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: bk)
[03-10:42] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : **He snaps to attention, turning, looking at Eradrae, a very angry expression worn on his greenish grey tinted face. His eyes are sunken into his head and burn like hot coals. His skin is drawn tight to his face. he manages to growl out as he moves to his feet.** Please... run away from me... go **with this his expression go's blank for a moment, then his teeth start clattering together, his nose twitches, and his face shows an expression of total insanity**
[03-10:43] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She bends down on one knee next to Adrian* Are you alright? Are you hurt?*she glances to Eradrae then back to Adrian*
[03-10:44] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *He instantly moves in front of Sorcha, throwing a hand out behind him,* run! Sir... You can fight it! Whatever it is inside of you! Don't let it control you!
[03-10:44] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : Sounds like fun. *the stableman comes shortly after with her horse, a horse with a speckled styled coat (we call the style coat fleabitten) It is predominantly grey white with the speckles. The stableman also brings out a saddled black horse for him to ride. to the stableman* Oh, I appreciate it, but I won't be needing your escort. I think Galean can handle that. *the stableman gives Galean a disapproving look. Many of her people still unjustly blame Galean for her previous capture*
[03-10:46] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *his horse is pure white, like the moon (hehe)* *he looks to the stableman, and gives him a charming smile, just to counter the negative effects of his disapproving look*
[03-10:46] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : **There's no stopping it, he is a ghoul now, and has not yet completely lost his mind... he just isnt hungry anymore... he clenches his fists and swings at Eradrae**
[03-10:47] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She stands and looks to Adrian taking a step back as he moves to attach Eradrae*
[03-10:47] bcf17, Luke: Eradrae, Sorcha's a girl...
[03-10:48] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : ((he was talking to me luke))
[03-10:48] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *Taken completely aback by the sudden hostile movement, he takes the shot square in the jaw, throwing himself backward to avoid the full force, managing to avoid toppling over Sorcha, he rolls back to his feet, moving between the ghoul and the girl again, his hood still up.*
[03-10:48] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: attack
[03-10:48] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((Rachelle just informed me... it looked confusing from here))
[03-10:49] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She pulls out a knife from her boot and stands aside Eradrae and looks at Adrian* mov eback*she says to Adrian holding her knife out*
[03-10:50] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Well... my character is in quite a predicament... He's taken a vow not to fight. Meh, he'll just have to avoid getting hit.)
[03-10:50] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (i relaly apologise for my spelling i've only just come home from work really and trying to settle into a relaxing state)
[03-10:51] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (, I didn't notice)
[03-10:51] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : **He stares vividly at the shiny blade a a moment or two, mesmerized, he then screams and lunges with all his wait at endarae**
[03-10:53] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : ((uhh, sorry bout the name thing Eradrae))
[03-10:53] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *the stableman begrudgingly takes his horse back into the stable, leaving Mab and Galean to their own devices. She gracefully mounts her horse. If this were earth and stuff, the horse would be of the Arabian variety in style* Well, shall we be off?
[03-10:54] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *Having been expecting it this time, he dives into a roll, coming up behind Adrian.* Girl, you must run, get the authorities! *He braces himself for another attack, eying Adrian cautiously. He knew he could not allow himself to fight, not after last time, what would he do?*
[03-10:55] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods lightly* yes your majesty... *he pulls himself up onto the horse, "Legolas" style*
[03-10:55] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : **Very badly wants that knife, takes a few swings at Sorcha**
[03-10:55] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: why don't you run and get the authorities i have the kinife! *she moves towards Adrian , bending slowly to pick the other knife from her other booth and holds them both*
[03-10:56] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She slashes one of the knifes at Adrian's arm as he tries to swing at her*
[03-10:57] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *He quickly moves to tackle Adrian, throwing all of his 120 pounds into it.* At my belt are a pair of scimitars, I have no wish to kill this man!
[03-10:58] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *stableman probably took Galean's smile for mockery, btw. heh. She pulls up her reigns and turns the horse* Lead the way.
[03-10:58] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (How do I PM someone?)
[03-10:59] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : / msg person's username... (no space between / and msg) if they have spaces in their name, use an underscore instead of the space
[03-10:59] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((You have to be regged to receive PMs in chat, but to send them you don't. To send them you put / msg and then the name of the player you're messaging and then the message))
[03-10:59] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((so, if I wanted to message Mab with the handle she's using, it'd be /msg Mab_Fairy_Queen message goes here))
[03-11:00] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((and of course, my posts were OOC))
[03-11:00] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : **turns as soon as he here movement, falling to the ground under the weight of Eradrae. He puts his hand on the back of Eradraes head and pulls it in closer, opening his mouth, ready to take a chunk from Eradrae's face**
[03-11:01] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Well then I guess its pointless to keep it to PMS, I'm not regged yet)
[03-11:01] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : yes, your highness... *he rides out of the stables, and he heads for the eastern gates (that have to be magically opened)*
[03-11:01] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She moves forward and slashes now, since her other attack would have missed, for Adrians arm so that he would hopefully instinctifly let go of Eradrae*
[03-11:01] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (You autoed Adrian, meh.)
[03-11:02] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *she follows Galean* Where did you get such a nice shirt?
[03-11:03] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *He quickly rolls away from Adrians reaching grasp. His hood however, was still in Adrians hand and comes down, revealing a head of long white hair and ebony skin, complimented by pointed elven ears. Rolling to his feet his heart sinks... How would they react to his being a drow elf?*
[03-11:03] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *Great wall of the fae has no actual gates. The walls can be opened anywhere by ones with the magic to do so. So, they could just head for the part of the wall that is closest to his kingdom*
[03-11:04] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (note: everybody is raised to hate drow elves, there should be atleast a little racism directed at my char)
[03-11:04] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : ((Yeah I did, sorry, but at least I didnt auto damage))
[03-11:04] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he looks back to her, slowing down so she is beside him* a young woman back in made it for me... she did the embroidery to perfection... *it might be seen, when the cloak slides off his sleeves... the symbols are of the moon elves, and the fae respectively*
[03-11:04] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (unless the chars arn't racist)
[03-11:05] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (yeah, its not that big of a deal. just my char probably would have died if I had accepted the auto fully)
[03-11:05] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Still, they should atleast be wary of him, Drow elves are almost always pure evil)
[03-11:06] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Any crowd around Eradrae would react with the typical racist response.))
[03-11:06] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (i think the street is pretty empty because of Adrian...)
[03-11:06] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Speaking of which that means the city guard should be arriving soon...)
[03-11:06] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((PC characters' responses are up to their players, but if there are any onlookers, yeah, they'll be running to grab their pitchforks))
[03-11:07] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks to Eradrae as his hold slides down noting his elven features and she continues to look at him a little curiously not afraid just curious*
[03-11:07] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : ((And a request to the people Im currently engaged with, please dont cut me in half or anything, its a new char! **laugh**))
[03-11:08] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (yeah I assumed as much, my character could have whipped out his dual scimitars at the beginning - it would have broken his oath, but he could have)
[03-11:08] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (anyway, back ic now?)
[03-11:09] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (she won't...she just wants him to have let go of Eradrae but also the action needs to work for him to be cut which it hasn't and can we get back to the rp?)
[03-11:10] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *she smiles at the symbols.* Yes, she did fine work. Perhaps I should offer her my patronage and get some new clothes made. Would you take me to see her after our ride?
[03-11:11] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *He bites his lip hard, flashing a glance at Sorcha trying to read her responce, his gaze however lingers for only a second, the more pressing problem of the insane man weighing heavier on his shoulders. Shouting comes from down the street, as several fully armed city gaurds come running.*
[03-11:11] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods lightly* of course... her name is Sorcha Lidil... she's not too far from the Glimmering Inn... *they reach the border of the city*
[03-11:11] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : **doesnt really make note of eradrae, because he is currently in a raging insanity. Adrian quickly returns to his feet, yelling loudly at each of his opponents, as if to challenge them to follow him, as he turns and sprints down an alley**
[03-11:13] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[03-11:13] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She ddoesn't do anything she isn't racist in anyway, she looks to Adrian, holding her knifes boldy but there is fear in her eyes behind the brave mask*
[03-11:14] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *He flips his hood up quite hastily hoping that the city gaurd had not seen his ebony skin, else they would assume him to be the killer. Four of the seven gaurd turn down the alley after Adrian, the other three appraoching Eradrae and Sorcha.*
[03-11:14] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *follows* It will be nice to meet her. *The borders of the city or the borders of the kingdom? I'm guessing they reach the great wall of the fae and the ents there open it w/o question, the massive vines that make up the wall, moving and shifting to open an opening big enough for Galean and Mab to ride through*
[03-11:14] JOIN: Garet Jax has entered.
[03-11:15] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she slips her knifes away back into her boots and looks to the gaurds pushing back her curls*
[03-11:15] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((kingdom... that's what I meant)) *they do ride through, and take a right, heading south*
[03-11:16] JOIN: Garet Jax has entered.
[03-11:16] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Locations? ))
[03-11:16] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : **stands on the edge of a building, noticing as something not quite human runs through the alley below. The creature carries the scent of death. Darrius look to see why he would be running and spots the two, a human female... and a drow. a good recruit. He flies down and approaches the two** ((Thought Id bring in my big gun))
[03-11:16] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (In the middile of a street in )
[03-11:17] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Not quite sure i think its called Ruatenchi)
[03-11:17] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : ((Rua for both my chars))
[03-11:17] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((heading out of the fae kingdom))
[03-11:17] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (*)
[03-11:18] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *she follows, enjoying the scenery as it passes by*
[03-11:18] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Ok... One char I have no idea... he went crazy... Garet is in , and Lan is in ... ))
[03-11:19] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he smiles to her, as they ride down south, nearing the point where the fae kingdom meets the forests of Acendawan*
[03-11:19] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she glances to Darrius as he approaches and she looks o Eradrae* are you okay*she asks quietly*
[03-11:20] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *Darrius arrives there just as the three city gaurds do. For a moment the gaurds simply stand there unsure of what to do. Eradrae flashes a look at Sorcha from beneath his hood praying that she wouldn't tell the gaurds. He then looks to Darrius, wondering if the man had seen.* *One of the gaurds finally speaks* What ahppened?
[03-11:20] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *he nods lightky to Sorchas question (just put this into the part where he was looking at her)
[03-11:20] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : ((By the way, anybody have a good nightmare pic?))
[03-11:20] 9848a, Adrian Darrymont : (sorry folks, comps being very slow this morning))
[03-11:21] 125f3, Garet Jax: * not walking down a street in ... is in Rua forest*
[03-11:21] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( I do, somewhere... ))
[03-11:21] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (No, but I'm looking for a good Drow elf pic, the one I have now can be interpreted for a normal elf quite easily.)
[03-11:22] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks to the guard* A Man ran off theres something wrong with him he needs help...*she says looking at the guard, of course she wouldn't say again isn't like that* Theres something very wrong with him..he came to help him
[03-11:22] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Anyone have a char for RP, or want to come to ? *grin* ))
[03-11:23] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Hey Sorcha... Long time no see... ))
[03-11:23] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hi)
[03-11:24] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *The gaurd shifts his gaze to Eradrae,* I would see your face. *Eradrae stands there, for a moment, not moving.* I... I'm allergic to sun light... Boils - they're quite painful...
[03-11:24] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (btw, darrius u can come in here any time.)
[03-11:24] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : **Smiles lightly at the guard, extending a hand** My name is Lokken, and I saw the whole thing, what happened was... **Waits for the guard to take his hand, when he does, Darrius cup one hand around the guards chin and throws it, snapping his neck in two**
[03-11:25] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She looks to the guards* that isn't necessary he didn't do anything you may go now
[03-11:25] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks to Darrius and she screams in shock she takes a step back at what he just did*
[03-11:26] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *His eyes go wide.* What are you doing? *he backs away several steps as the remaining two gaurds go after Lokken.*
[03-11:26] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : **waits for the other guards attack**
[03-11:26] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : Our forests aren't much different. *realistically, it would take them a whole day to have journeyed this far, at least, so we'll say they passed through a couple jump ahead styled portals that are riddled through the fae kingdom for convenience sake*
[03-11:27] 125f3, Garet Jax: *is peacefully sipping tea in his forest cottage*
[03-11:27] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: Gaurd1: *He was just a novice and his grip on the hilt of his sword was less then firm. He rotates himself behind Darrius as the other gaurd who is much mroe experienced moves in front.*
[03-11:27] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: Gaurd2: *makes the first move leaping into a forward thrust*
[03-11:28] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Hah!!!! Novice! *giggles* ))
[03-11:28] 92280, Fahrena : *is walking through the forest. Some city guards were looking at her a little too closely for comfort and it spooked her and so she left the city for the day*
[03-11:28] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *...or, we could say that they left the kingdom not far from the two borders anyway* I know... but the little differences are noticable...
[03-11:28] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (huh? did I miss something?)
[03-11:29] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : Such as? *wonders how much of a nature buff Galean is*
[03-11:29] 125f3, Garet Jax: *after finishing his tea, he decides to sit outside, and sharpen his senses, by concentrating on the sounds of the forest*
[03-11:29] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : **does not guard himself and is pierced easily by the sword. Darrius Smiles vividly, his crimson eyes scanning the guards terrified reaction. Darrius swings an over-powered fist at the guards face, breaking his skull and dropping him like a pound of bricks... the sword still resides indside darrius**
[03-11:30] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( No... I just think it is funny when a royal guard is a novice... ))
[03-11:30] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She takes a a couple more steps back is now quite afraid the fear showing as she moves away*
[03-11:31] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : **Turns to eradrae** Dont betray your nature drow **can smell it** Kill the guard and the girl, spill their blood. Help me.
[03-11:32] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: Gaurd1: *eyes going wide, he screams in terror, trying to turn but his legs not responding.* *Eradrae also backs away, keeping himself beside Sorcha.* This foe is beyond us... But, I do not think he means to kill us... Do we run? Can we run?*
[03-11:32] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : the fruits that the trees bare, and the foliage on the leaves... the leaves on the trees in your kingdom are slightly larger, and the leaves on the Acendawan oaks being smaller, due to the size of the fruits they bare... also, the fruits from our trees are unique... the fruit is in abundance around near the waterfalls and the cliffs, and near the cities...
[03-11:32] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (oops, scratch that last * at the end Eradrae was asking sorcha)
[03-11:32] 92280, Fahrena : *not so stealthily moves through the forest. She is not that old and has never had cause to learn stealth and weaponry and all that adventurous stuff. She is trying to move quietly though*
[03-11:32] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((first 'leaves' = 'branches'))
[03-11:33] MSG: Eradrae Baenre sent a message to Mab Fairy Queen.
[03-11:34] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she grabs hold of Eradrae's arm and runs yes runs even if he is a drow he would have shown himself for what he was if he really was evil*
[03-11:34] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Thanks Eradrae We came up with the way this chat is run through a lot of trial and error. ))
[03-11:35] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : **Pulls the sword from his own flesh and puts it through the last guards neck. The guard stand s for a moment as Darrius speaks** Do not run from me!
[03-11:35] 125f3, Garet Jax: *hears the small cracking of twigs being stepped on, and vey quietly slips behind the noise, watching Fahrena as she nears the clearing of his cottage* ::whispers quietly:: So maybe you did decide to take my offer...?
[03-11:35] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *He stumbles along behind Sorcha for a moment before regaining his balance and accelerating, slowly passing her.* Where do we go? *If he even heard Darrius shout he did not acknowledge it.*
[03-11:36] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Eradrae.... are you good, evil, or neutral? ))
[03-11:37] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She runs down the street past her shop but then up and round the back and heads in through the back door* in here come on! *she says looking to him the back door really just lead into the back of the shop floor*
[03-11:37] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (I'm good... its a long story. Too long for me to explain but when I'm regged u can check it out in my profile)
[03-11:37] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : **shakes his head, assuming he has misjudged the potential of this drow... now, he must die as well** pathetic human... they always scurry away like rodents... **Darrius jumps into the air, hanging suspended for a moment before flying after the two**
[03-11:38] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : Oh, so you do know your nature. *smiles.* This is a good refresh of knowledge for me. So many little details can be forgotten over the millenias. I know. *is ancient, afterall*
[03-11:38] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : ((eradrae, is this your first bettenchi character?))
[03-11:39] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( I think it is... judging from the "ruatenchi" slip... ))
[03-11:39] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *His eyes go wide and he shakes free of Sorchas grip. He's coming for us! Quick, hide. He closes his eyes sorrowfully and he begins talking to himself.* I vowed not to fight... But how am I supposed to do that if trouble constantly follows me? Damn you Elistraie!
[03-11:39] 92280, Fahrena : ((Playing an ancient character and a young one at the same time. head spins*)) *she walks along not at all detecting Garet's movements and sees his cottage ahead* I wonder if that is this Garet fellow's cottage.
[03-11:39] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (yes it is my first bettenchi character)
[03-11:40] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (is it that obvious?)
[03-11:40] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *will be ancient in a couple of thousand years or so... looks in his mid 20s, but is around 80 or so* it is for me, also... I can't remember the last time I told anyone the difference between two different species of tree... *chuckles lightly*
[03-11:40] 125f3, Garet Jax: *is now standing 5 feet behind her* It is.
[03-11:41] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She pushes him in her shop* in! *she closes the door behind him and locks it ha! some good and she pushes him up the small narrow stair case of her flat like home*
[03-11:41] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (I'm a little rusty at RPing but this is no where near my firsty RP character)
[03-11:42] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *He stops and looks her in the eye.* You saw what he did to those gaurds do u think a simple lock will stop him. You must hide! *He unsheaths his swords and waits the arrival of Darrius*
[03-11:42] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( A little, but you are doing quite well for a first timer... *grins* Just come to forest... maybe Garet will gather a following... *grin* Garet is good too ))
[03-11:42] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (btw, Darrius, is it possible to kill your character?)
[03-11:42] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : ((were you in beseen way back when?)) **Watches, smiling darkly as they run into the building... no matter, darrius has nothing better to do. He lands on the roof** I can wait...
[03-11:42] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Well, first timer in Bettenchi... ))
[03-11:43] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Really its not my first tiem RPing, just on bettenchi, I'm actually not to impressed with how welkl I've been RPing...)
[03-11:43] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Beseen? I was at lycos RPing)
[03-11:43] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : ((Yeah, but extremely challenging... go to the board and goe to the species write-up thread and read about nightmares))
[03-11:44] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks to him staring back* least im trying! *she breaths deeply and sits down on a small couch like peiece of furniture*
[03-11:44] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : ((I am possible to kill I mean))
[03-11:44] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *he hears Darrius land on the roof and listens closely.* He's waiting for us to go out... Is there a gate of some kind in here?
[03-11:44] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Don't worry about it... I did worse on my first time in bettenchi... Oh... and Rua Forest is a good place to hide... very thick near the middle, and you will meet a friend... ))
[03-11:45] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: A Gate? there is no gate...this my my home, he will get bored eventually...
[03-11:46] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : I've lost count of how many trees I've seen grow from seedlings to mountain heights.*
[03-11:46] 125f3, Garet Jax: *waits for Fahrena's reaction, and smiles*
[03-11:47] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : **wont get bored eventually**
[03-11:48] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *he swears sitting down on the couch beside her after sheathing his swords.* What then? Do we wait for him to kill us? I thought at first that he was trying to talk to us... Maybe we should try to take him up on that offer? *he sighs.* I never did get your name...
[03-11:48] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she doesn't know that now does she, she is just saying. He doesn't want my help he wants you im just a simple human..*she slowly looks to him* i'm Sorcha
[03-11:49] 92280, Fahrena : *spins in startlement and sees Garet* Oh! Um, hello.
[03-11:49] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : it would surely have to be many... *as they ride, he would begin to feel a slight vibration coming from his armour, and it would begin to glow a bright blue... the glow would come out through his shirt, and out through the sleeves*
[03-11:49] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : **Yells so they'll here him** Drow, I only want to make you an offer, if you come to me, I'll spare the human, if not, I will tear this building apart!
[03-11:50] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (*puts a * after saying*)
[03-11:51] 125f3, Garet Jax: Hello... Did you decide on my offer of training? What was your name again... *a smile touches the corners of his lips*
[03-11:51] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : ((hear*))
[03-11:52] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *he looks toward the roof.* I will speak with him then. *he stands up and yells at the roof* I'M COMING! On your word that once we have spoken you will leave both of us unharmed!
[03-11:52] JOIN: Garet Jax has entered.
[03-11:53] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *teasingly asks in mock affront* Are you saying that I'm old? *looks to be in her 20s as well, despite her real age*
[03-11:54] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : **mutters to himself** Damn, he's heroic, I hate heroes... **yells back** You have my word!
[03-11:54] 92280, Fahrena : Fa...stops herself, remember her lie to him earlier* Anerhaf.
[03-11:54] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks to him* Are you sure...
[03-11:54] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : I don't need to say anything... *as they ride, the vibration gets more vigorous, and the glowing gets brighter* *he looks ahead for a moment, then looks back to her*
[03-11:54] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : ((jax, did you say that you had a good nightmare pic?))
[03-11:54] 92280, Fahrena : ((*puts a '*' in front of "stops"*))
[03-11:55] 92280, Fahrena : *adds* I have considered it.
[03-11:56] 125f3, Garet Jax: *chuckles a bit, but leaves her lie alone* You will decide when you will... Well, come in... I have tea ready. Would you like some?
[03-11:57] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *He nods to Sorcha.* Its this or we both die... I'm not sure I trust his word in any case. *He moves outside, not having intended to be a hero. Sorcha hadn't treated him with fear and hatred as had all other who had discovered him to be drow, perhaps there was hope for a friendship there.*
[03-11:57] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : What is it? *notes the glowing of his armour from under his nice shirt that Sorcha made*
[03-11:58] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hehehe such lovely comments *grins*) *she watches him standing and looking out after him, doesn't want him to get hurt after all that*
[03-11:58] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : **Floats down, landing silently behind the drow** Hello
[03-11:59] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : I fear that orcs might be coming this way, on a patrol from the south...
[03-11:59] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*chuckles @ notice that just appeared at top of chat* Tino was just telling me how IE was bad. *L*))
[03-12:00] 92280, Fahrena : Umm, yes please. *starts toward his cottage, waiting respectfully for him to lead*
[03-12:01] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *He lets his hood fall from his face, revealing deep green eyes, unheard of in a drow, * What do you want? *not in the mood for pleasantries his words come out slightly more aggressive then he had intended.*
[03-12:01] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : In your people's lands? *is might glad she has built her great wall for the fae*
[03-12:02] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Darrius I do have a good nightmare pic, but where I dont know...
[03-12:03] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[03-12:03] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : they are near enough for this to be of concern... they are directly between my lands, and Mithrenburg... they have just crossed the river...
[03-12:03] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Sorcha did u see my last post?)
[03-12:03] 125f3, Garet Jax: *does lead, and holds the door open for her, revealing a comfortably furnished room* Please, come in and make yourself comfortable. I will fetch the tea.
[03-12:03] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : **Doesnt look very intimidating, he is a little bit shorter than the drow, and is very pale with long black hair that bartially covers his crimson colored eyes. His features are that of an extremely handsom human... but there is an air about him that is terrifying for unknown reasons.** You were to quick to run, I only wanted to make you an offer... and if Im not mistaken I was doing you a favor by killing those guards, had they discovered you to be drow, youd be killed, correct?... My name is Darrius Lokken **Extends a hand**
[03-12:04] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (yes thankyou)
[03-12:04] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : We should probably ride fast for cover. Do we have time before being detected? *pulls up her horse's reigns*
[03-12:05] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She peers out the window watching them carefully, has a bad feeling*
[03-12:05] 92280, Fahrena : Thank you. *she tentatively enters, always suspecting everything to be a trap, especially with strangers she has only once before met. Of course, that is going to be the case with most anyone she meets these days*
[03-12:05] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he pulls up his as well* I'm not sure... it would be marginal... ride into the forests, but ride straight... follow the faint line that the trees make... stray off that line, and the forests will consume you in their maze of trees...
[03-12:06] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *he hesitates for a moment, but considering his position takes his hand.* I know they would have killed me had they discovered... but they didn't need to die! I was unsure of whether or not u were going to kill me - or try in any case. *He sighs heavilly.* make your offer.
[03-12:07] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : Oh, I think I can find my way out of a forest, but I think the path you suggest is best. *she pulls her horse around to follow his instructions*
[03-12:07] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[03-12:09] 125f3, Garet Jax: *everything is normal, and Garet smiles warmly at her as he sweeps into the kitchen, and returns moments later, holding two cups of blackberry tea. He suspects tht she is suspicious, so he offers both cups so that she can choose one*
[03-12:09] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *nods* don't go too far though... I'll be close behind you*
[03-12:09] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Hey ))
[03-12:09] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((*kicks last * *))
[03-12:09] e6af3, Kali: hi
[03-12:09] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : Im sorry, but I must disagree, they did , in fact, need to die. And this is where I make my offer. I have a small following of like minded people, people like me who hate this putrid thing called life. For lack of a better title, we are Death's Advocates, but we lack a drow...
[03-12:10] 92280, Fahrena : *has seated herself in the time he was getting the tea and takes one of the cups* Thank you. *she waits for him to take a sip of his first in case they both might be drugged. Yup, very suspicious*
[03-12:11] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : By nature, you are not a creature who celebrates life... and I only ask you to not betray that.
[03-12:11] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *she charges off in the direction Galean indicated*
[03-12:12] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he rides into the forest, just deep enough to give him a fair bit of cover... he knows that the scent himself and the queen have given off will be their undoing, so that is why action has to be taken... there are about 8 of them on patrol*
[03-12:13] 125f3, Garet Jax: *takes the first sip* No, they aren't drugged... It's just blackberry tea. *second-guessed her thoughts by her actions* Trust me. I am not your enemy, and I have a lot of enemies myself. Why would I try to kill you after saving you...?
[03-12:13] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *His eyes go wide.* You are serious? *he looks at Darrius, baffled. Rage however quickly boils within him, as hard as he tries to suppress it. He didn't want to fall into his rage again. Not after last time.* By nature? I am Drow by appearance only! Do not judge me! I am not one of them! I ran from my kin and now you would have me become a vicious killer just like the rest of my kin? *He begins to shake visibly* Leave!
[03-12:14] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She continues to watch she wants to go out to him but will stay for atleast the moment*
[03-12:15] MSG: Eradrae Baenre sent a message to Mab Fairy Queen.
[03-12:16] 9848a, Darrius Lokken : **Smiles darkly** I again, must disagree, you are drow, as much as you deny it, your thinking about being violent apon me now, I can see your anger... embrace it! Dont fight you natural responces!
[03-12:17] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *rides a ways and then stops to look back and see if Galean is following nearby.*
[03-12:17] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she opens the door and walks out no, won't let a new friend be taken advantage of because of his race* leave him alone he doesn't want to join you
[03-12:18] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *His eyes begin to gloss over slightly. His voice is distant almosst detacthed* Please... Don't make me go there... *his hands unconciously slip to the hilts of his scimitars*
[03-12:18] 92280, Fahrena : I didn't think it was drugged. *lies* Although, you could have saved me in order to bring me in later yourself. I'm worth nothing dead. *smiles lightly and takes a sip of her tea*
[03-12:18] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (testing)
[03-12:18] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *she would look back to see him slowing down, then jumping up onto the branch of one of the trees, and lifting himself up... his horse would keep going, riding past Mab then slowing down slightly*
[03-12:18] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (whoa)
[03-12:19] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (sorry, I thought that would change my colour)
[03-12:19] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (how do I change my colour?)
[03-12:20] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((use the text box to the left of the icon dropdown menu))
[03-12:20] 125f3, Garet Jax: *looks confused* Worth nothing...? Oh! You mean you have a price on your head? Why?
[03-12:20] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Travis is our registration guy. He'll likely be on later. I have to delegate or I'd go mad. *LOL*))
[03-12:20] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (, k, thx)
[03-12:22] 92280, Fahrena : *wants to smack herself for saying too much.* Umm, yes, I have a price on my head. My name is High Lady Fahrena. I'm wanted for treason. *sighs and sips her tea again*
[03-12:22] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((slightly=completely))
[03-12:23] JOIN: Orcs has entered.
[03-12:24] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *she does similarly to Galean and slaps her horse on the rear to get it to keep running and hopefully persuade Galean's horse to run a little further away to better safety*
[03-12:24] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (test)
[03-12:24] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (meh, this works)
[03-12:25] 125f3, Garet Jax: Ah. I thought you were lying about your name, Fahrena. Have no worries. You and your secret are safe here and with me
[03-12:25] 92280, Fahrena : ((We need more bounty hunter types to chase characters like Fahrena here, cuz playing tag is fun. I should prolly make an icon for them.))
[03-12:26] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he picks off a piece of fruit from the tree he's on, one of the rare trees in amongst the rest that grows the unique purple & green apple-type fruit that tastes like a mixture of oranges, and passionfruit* *he takes out a small knife and cuts out a slice of the fruit as he watches for the orcs approaching*
[03-12:26] 92280, Fahrena : Thank you again. I'm sorry I felt it necessary to lie. I hope you understand. *sip*
[03-12:27] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Darrius, Sorcha, did either of u guys see my post?)
[03-12:27] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (K, test)
[03-12:27] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (yeah but i waited till someone saw my post)
[03-12:27] bcf17, Orcs : *the scout of orcs rapidly begins to approach their approximate location*
[03-12:28] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *hides silently in her tree a ways off*
[03-12:28] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (I was treating it as tho, he did that even when u were there.)
[03-12:28] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (darrius?)
[03-12:29] 125f3, Garet Jax: I do. It is quite understandable, and I forgive you for your lies, my lady.
[03-12:29] 125f3, Garet Jax: *sips his tea*
[03-12:29] JOIN: luthien galanodel has entered.
[03-12:29] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (ah okay) *she looks to him carefully and she moves to his side* don't do anything stupid
[03-12:29] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he puts the slice in his mouth, and begins to eat, as he slides off his bow silently... the smell of the fruit might disguise their location in the forest...* ((does the saying "How can you eat at a time like this?" come to mind at all? *chuckles*))
[03-12:30] 92280, Fahrena : You said you could teach me some things? *sips*
[03-12:31] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: *at the sound of her voice his hands come away from the hilts of his scimitars, and the glossed over look disapears, Eradrae breathing heavily. He looks at Darrius, taking a step closer to Sorcha*
[03-12:31] 125f3, Garet Jax: Yes, but I warn you, it will be quite taxing. Are you sure you are up to it?
[03-12:31] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Man, Darrius if u don't react soon we're going to assume, you let the issue die and left.)
[03-12:31] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *is a couple trees away from Galean and so won't have her scent disguised like that. Is also not in a tree that has that fruit*
[03-12:31] bcf17, Orcs : *they slowly come to a stop as one of the scouts smells something* *the head scout looks to the other scrawny scout* "What is it?" "Elves... I smell elves..."
[03-12:32] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (which would be much less amusing because Darrius isn't very likely to let that happen)
[03-12:32] 125f3, Garet Jax: *sips the tea, almost finished with it*
[03-12:32] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Darrius might have been cut off from the internet or something. It happens sometimes. If he doesn't get back soon, you can assume he left))
[03-12:33] 60b97, luthien galanodel: *wonders why he waits so long,gats up and looks around*
[03-12:33] 92280, Fahrena : I have to be up for it. So it doesn't matter if I'm sure or not.
[03-12:33] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (yeah, i imagined as much, his name is still at the side, so I thought he was still here, but thats just who posted most recently isn't it?)
[03-12:33] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *She would turn and look at Darrius as she stands at Eradrae's side*
[03-12:34] bcf17, Orcs : "And... something else... something sweet... it can only be a faerie..." "A faerie, all the way out here? I think you are losing your mind..." "Smell it!! it's lead from up north, then goes west, into the forest!!" *the lead orc smells for a moment* "You're right... faerie scent... check it out..."
[03-12:35] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (alright, sorcha want to just assume he gave up and left.)
[03-12:35] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (?)
[03-12:35] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he slowly brings his bow to the aim, slowly and quietly getting two arrows out of the quiver*
[03-12:35] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (leave it just a bit longer see if he comes back)
[03-12:35] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *freezes in the branches, all except her hand which slides to the only weapon she has on her, a dagger*
[03-12:35] 125f3, Garet Jax: Ok, when you finish your tea, you will have your fist step in the training. *finishes off his tea*
[03-12:35] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (K.)
[03-12:36] 92280, Fahrena : Alright. *finishes off hers as well.* I'm finished.
[03-12:36] 60b97, luthien galanodel: *wonders out side, the light makes him blink his eyes.the site that greets him is woderous*
[03-12:37] bcf17, Orcs : "You, go with him! check it out!" *one of the other scouts goes with the original one who checked it out, not drawing their weapons just yet*
[03-12:38] 60b97, luthien galanodel: *wonders outside to be greeted by brilliant sunshine shielding his eyes takes a look at the city he's searched for,for so long*
[03-12:38] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *waits, still as stone*
[03-12:39] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (...)
[03-12:39] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (i have to get going so can we leave it here?)
[03-12:39] 125f3, Garet Jax: *stands and offers his hand* Come.
[03-12:40] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*needs to make more images of Mab with different color hair and eyes, since right now she is a blue eyed flaxen blonde. heh*))
[03-12:40] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (yeah sure, I'll pause)
[03-12:40] 92280, Fahrena : *reaches up to take his hand* Alright. *would stand also*
[03-12:40] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he waits for the exact moment until they enter the forest, until the trees seem to cover them*
[03-12:40] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (any idea when u'll be back online)
[03-12:41] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (i dunno when i'll be back so if you feel you want to use the char and im not here go ahead)
[03-12:41] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (K)
[03-12:41] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (cya)
[03-12:41] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (bye all!*passes out hugs and waves*)
[03-12:41] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (Fades to ooc)
[03-12:42] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (*)
[03-12:42] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 1:41pm, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-12:42] bcf17, Orcs : *the two orcs begin to trek deep into the forest... they stop, just in front of a couple of trees and look around*
[03-12:43] 92280, Fahrena : ((You want an OOC handle Eradrae? I can reg you up an ooc handle right quick))
[03-12:43] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *as soon as they've stopped in front of the trees, he lets go of the two arrows, both splitting up perfectly in their trajectory so each arrow would aim for one orc each*
[03-12:43] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (ooc andle?)
[03-12:43] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (*handle)[
[03-12:44] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (sry, eating, have to ttype with 1 hand)
[03-12:44] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Yeah, an ooc handle)) *she slips her dagger loose*
[03-12:44] bcf17, Orcs : *before the two orcs have a chance to spot the Queen and himself, an arrow slams into each of their necks, and sends them back into the tree... the force of the arrows penetrating through their necks also sends the arrows into the trees, and it holds them up by their necks*
[03-12:45] 92280, Mab OOC : Kinda like this handle, with the little teal ooc star.
[03-12:45] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (sure but what difference does it make?)
[03-12:45] 92280, Mab OOC : *puts gnome icon on for the fun of it*
[03-12:46] 92280, Mab OOC : Well, you can PM people with an OOC handle.
[03-12:46] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (yes please)
[03-12:46] 92280, Mab OOC : And you don't have to put OOC brackets around your posts while in the ooc handle.
[03-12:46] 92280, Mab: Okeydokey then.
[03-12:46] 92280, Mab: What do you want your handle to be?
[03-12:47] 125f3, Garet Jax: *leads her into another room, through a door, and down stairs, leading into a very expansive basement, with taining equipment and every type of weapon imaginable on one wall* First step... Choose a weapon to train with. Take your time, there are many choices.
[03-12:47] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: (I probably will anyway, force of habit. Eradrae (OOC) for the handle please.
[03-12:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-12:48] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *is in a waiting for trouble to meet her, watch and waiting stance*
[03-12:48] 18ce6, Eradrae Baenre: )
[03-12:48] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he watches the other scouts closely, as he cuts himself another bit of fruit, and begins to eat that*
[03-12:48] 60b97, luthien galanodel: *the city is huge but not busy and bustling like human cities,it has an air of calmness about it with an underlying certainty of structure*
[03-12:49] 92280, Fahrena :*looks around. Part of her thinks she is a fool for just ladeedah, following him into a basement, but she knows she'll have to take chances sometimes. She looks at the various weapons.* What would be most useful for the defense of one on the run?
[03-12:50] bcf17, Orcs : *the lead orc looks through into the forest* "Where the hell are those stinkin' two?" *he looks to two more of them* ""go in there and see where they are... and arm yourselves..." *two more of them go in there, their swords out, and their shields at the ready*
[03-12:50] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *part of her really, really wishes she'd word her magic shift that shrinks when she shrinks.*
[03-12:51] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : word = worn
[03-12:51] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he gets out two more arrows, and waits in silence for the two orcs to come into his little trap*
[03-12:52] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-12:53] bcf17, Orcs : *the two approach the position where the first two were killed* "They're right here boss!! They're...." *one of them pauses when he sees the blood trailing down the arm of one of them that's just "standing" there* "Boss, something's not right..."
[03-12:54] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *waits silently. wheee*
[03-12:55] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he lets the two arrows loose once again, not letting the orc say what he was going to say*
[03-12:55] JOIN: luthien galanodel has entered.
[03-12:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-12:56] bcf17, Orcs : *one of them looks around, right in time for an arrow to pierce through his left eye... he drops to the ground, just as the other orc cops one in the side of the neck, and falls to the ground... this time, in plain sight of the other four scouts*
[03-12:56] JOIN: luthien galanodel has entered.
[03-12:58] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he watches this... hopes the queen is out of sight completely...*
[03-12:59] bcf17, Orcs : *the lead orc looks to the others* "Arm your crossbows and fire into the forest!! NOW!!" *the three remaining "lower ranked" scouts quickly get their crossbows from their backs and load the bolts in... once they've done that, they fire them into the woods, at the approximate location of Galean*
[03-13:00] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *is as out of sight as the tree branches can make her*
[03-13:00] 60b97, luthien galanodel: wonder who i'me waiting for??
[03-13:01] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Luthien was waiting to talk with Mab, I thought, but she's in a different kingdom right now))
[03-13:01] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he quickly darts his whole body behind the tree, as two of the bolts slam into the tree trunk he's behind, and the other one skims past his head, slamming into the tree in front of Mab* *he arms the bow with another arrow, and quickly lets it rip through the trees, and at one of the scouts*
[03-13:01] 125f3, Garet Jax: A sword is useful, as well as a staff... But any weapon is good. Truly. I have bows as well. (( I have to get going...))
[03-13:03] bcf17, Orcs : *the orc on the far left gets slammed right through the mouth with the arrow, falling down in a clump as his hands scramble to his mouth...he dies a few seconds later*
[03-13:04] 92280, Fahrena : A staff might be nice, useful for walking too and not as noticeable as a weapon. ((k, I don't wanna pause, so we can fade out or something with him giving a few beginning pointers or something))
[03-13:04] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he arms the bow with another arrow quickly, and lets it loose, going for the orc next to the one who just got killed*
[03-13:06] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Sure )) A good choice, but always have a backup in case your weapon breaks. Now choose a secondary weapon, and we will begin.
[03-13:06] 92280, Fahrena : A crossbow?
[03-13:07] bcf17, Orcs : *the orc sees the arrow coming, and quickly ducks, the arrow skimming past his shoulder* "They're in the woods!! Get them and bring me their heads!!" *the two scouts quickly begin to run into the woods, rapidly gaining on Galean's location*
[03-13:08] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he takes one last bite of the fruit and shoves it in his robes* *he gets another arrow out, and goes to fire at the two orcs*
[03-13:08] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : ((well, one of them that is))
[03-13:08] 125f3, Garet Jax: Sure... *hands her a light crossbow from the racks of ranged weapons, and a quarrel of bolts* *he also gabs a staff* Now, hold your hands on the staff like this... *demonstrates*
[03-13:10] JOIN: luthien galanodel has entered.
[03-13:10] bcf17, Orcs : *they quickly dart in and out of trees... one of them catches on the scent of the faerie* "I'm going for the sweet smelling one.... you can have the elf!" *they split up, going either side of Galean*
[03-13:10] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *she fears for Galean, making himself so vulnerable while she waits a little ways off in relative safety and so she starts moving carefully through the branches, then, considers and she suddenly seems to disappear, her clothing falling over the branch she was on and her boots thudding to the ground below*
[03-13:11] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( A naked farie?!? ))
[03-13:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-13:12] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *she hears the Orc and quickly scrambles to get out from under her clothing, shrunken to the size of a small bird as she is* ((Yup, naked fairie))
[03-13:12] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he glares when he hears the orc say that... he quickly turns his head to the orc going for him, and lets the arrow loose at him*
[03-13:13] 92280, Fahrena : *she fumblingly mimics his way of holding the weapon* Like this?
[03-13:13] bcf17, Orcs : *the orc going for Galean ducks behind a tree, the arrow skimming past him... he aims the crossbow at Galean who is now in clear sight, and he fires at him* *the other orc sees the clothes drop, and gets out his sword, heading over to Mab*
[03-13:15] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he sees the bolt coming, and angles his body slightly... the bolt skims off his armour, but it also causes him to lose his balance... he falls off the branch, but flips around and lands on the ground... he drops his bow in the process of falling as well*
[03-13:15] 125f3, Garet Jax: Close... *he reaches over and shifts the position on her hands a little* Like this. It may feel a little awkward at first, but it help you move faster and more fluidly.
[03-13:15] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *she finally manages to scramble out of the very large and bulky clothing, at least large and bulky for her present size and sees the orc coming.*
[03-13:16] 2912a, luthien galanodel: *either side he is flanked by ents*
[03-13:17] 92280, Fahrena : Okay. *a little nervous as he touches her. She's used to people keeping a respectful distance* It does feel a little awkward.
[03-13:17] bcf17, Orcs : "Arrgh, there you are... little faerie..." *he keeps getting closer to her with every step*
[03-13:19] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *she flies up from there in her pretty little birthday suit, hopefully out of the orc's reach, but she doesn't just fly off and stays low enough to keep the orc interested, not wanting this orc to turn and gang up on Galean*
[03-13:20] bcf17, Orcs : *the orc going after Galean quickly runs after him, pulling out his sword*
[03-13:20] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Oooooo! *wants to learn the different color letters trick*))
[03-13:20] bcf17, Orcs : ((alright... this colour will be for the orc going after Mab... this colour will be for the one going after Galean))
[03-13:21] 125f3, Garet Jax: *notices her nervousness, and smiles a bit* I'm sorry, my lady... I was only correcting your stance... *Looks down at her feet, and frowns* You also should stand like this, ready to move and react to any move your opponent makes *bends his knees, feet about shoulder with apart, one foot towards her* Like this. (( Fade now, Mab? ))
[03-13:23] bcf17, Orcs : *he glares at the faerie* here faerie faerie faerie... *he swipes at her when he's near enough* *when he's close enough to Galean, he sends a slash at the elf's midsection*
[03-13:23] 92280, Fahrena : *takes on the well balanced battle stance, well, sorta takes it on, pretty close. She'll get it eventually.* Like this? *and fade with her at least learning how to hold the staff and do a couple swinging motions with it w/o falling on her face.*
[03-13:23] 92280, Fahrena : ((Good little RP, Garet ))
[03-13:24] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he quickly draws both of his blades, and slams both of them down in a defensive manner, to block the sword of the orc*
[03-13:25] 125f3, Garet Jax: *tells Fahrena that she will need a few weeks of training before she is fully proficient, and that she shows much promise* (( *Aaaaand fade* Thanks Mab... I enjoyed it. ))
[03-13:25] bcf17, Orcs : *as soon as his sword is blocked, he glares at the elf* filthy elf... *he draws his sword back, and has another crack, swinging to behead Galean*
[03-13:25] 125f3, Garet Jax:
[03-13:25] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *she darts away from his swipe just in time and then flies back down to taunt him into trying again* Come and get me! *in her small fae voice*
[03-13:26] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he quickly ducks, and sends one of his blades at the chest of the orc*
[03-13:26] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Now, we're having too much fun with the hex coding. *LOL* ))
[03-13:28] bcf17, Orcs : *growls* puny faerie! you will die!! *he swings again at Mab* *his eyes open widely as pain shoots up from his chest* you will die, maggot!!
[03-13:29] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *darts to the side of his swing and moves around his head to try and make him dizzy*
[03-13:29] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : you first, filthy orc! *he stands and quickly slashes at the neck of the orc*
[03-13:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-13:30] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Ok... I will see you later... ))
[03-13:30] EXIT: Garet Jax has left the chat ( 2:30pm, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-13:30] bcf17, Orcs : *Galean's blade slices cleanly through his neck, and black blood slowly oozes from where the slice happened... his head still remains on the neck though* *his head follows Mab around, and he swings again* MAGGOT!!
[03-13:31] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *he pulls his blade out of the chest of the orc, then sends a punch at the orc's head*
[03-13:31] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *she zips from his swing again, heading into some shrubbery. She shrinks to the size of a large bug as she does this. Unfortunately, she lands smack dab into a spider's web inside the bush*
[03-13:32] bcf17, Orcs : *the orc's head flies off the neck, slamming into a tree... the body then falls over, hitting the ground with a thump* *grins* I have you now, filthy little maggot!
[03-13:33] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *his hand turns in the direction of the orc's voice, and he quickly runs in its direction*
[03-13:34] bcf17, Orcs : *he reaches forward, going to grab Mab out of the shrubs* [cff0000]*the head orc watches all of this, then begins to walk towards the forest, not sure of their exact location*
[03-13:34] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[03-13:34] bcf17, Orcs : *he reaches forward, going to grab Mab out of the shrubs* *the head orc watches all of this, then begins to walk towards the forest, not sure of their exact location*
[03-13:35] 92280, Mab Fairy Queen : *struggles in the web, looking frantically back behind her at the approaching orc. She isn't surrounded by an encasing, but there isn't room enough amoungst the branches to allow her to grow to a larger size more capable of dealing with the webs, plus, she doesn't get much of a chance. She'll likely be grabbed*
[03-13:36] bcf17, Orcs : *he grabs a hold of her, and squeezes tightly, slowly pulling her out of the shrubs*
[03-13:36] JOIN: Lizzy has entered.
[03-13:37] bcf17, Galean Arrowan : *as soon as he's close enough, he slices his blade down at the hand of the orc that has Mab, swiftly and silently*