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[26-18:38] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: You ARE elf, yes?
[26-18:41] 651ea, Fahrena : Unless my ears lie, yes.
[26-18:44] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: And you looking away from I, yes?
[26-18:45] 651ea, Fahrena : Because I do not know you and have no business with you. *evades fact she was snooping*
[26-18:47] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: That only reason, or all elves look away from others while talk?
[26-18:49] 651ea, Fahrena : Are we talking? *glances at him as she speaks, but looks away after*
[26-18:52] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: Maybe. Maybe not. This not best language of. Maybe other word? Conversation?
[26-18:55] 651ea, Fahrena : Well, that is alright, because I don't think we're really having a conversation anyway. *looks at him and then looks away again after saying that*
[26-18:58] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: Then what. One makes talk, then other. This is not conversation?
[26-19:02] 651ea, Fahrena : Not when the two aren't really saying anything.
[26-19:04] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: Saying not saying anything?
[26-19:05] 651ea, Fahrena : *sighs. It's obvious to her that the language barrier is keeping him from understanding her* Nevermind. *maybe he'll forget that she was blatantly watching his dealings with this show of her present attitude*
[26-19:07] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[26-19:08] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: *smirks. Despite not knowing language, he does at least understand phyche.* If saw elf come in and slip, would have laughed at that too?
[26-19:08] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( Dum Duh duh duh, duh dum dah dah DAAH! ))
[26-19:08] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( It's been a while... ))
[26-19:12] 651ea, Fahrena : *didn't laugh at the goblin, repressed a snicker. she answers with a sort of bored arrogance* It would probably be more amusing should it happen to an elf, because it is much less likely to occur than for a goblin. *says 'goblin' with a faint trace of derision*
[26-19:12] 651ea, Fahrena : ((Hi Val))
[26-19:13] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( Do I know you? ))
[26-19:13] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( *grin* I don't exactly rememer seeing that screen name before...))
[26-19:14] 651ea, Fahrena : ((I dunno. *shrugs* I'm chat master. heh))
[26-19:15] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: ((psst! Val! Get on your knee and bow!)) But can Elf look as good doing it?
[26-19:15] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( Ah... I see... Mab? ))
[26-19:16] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( *flourishes an elegant bow* My lady... ))
[26-19:17] 651ea, Fahrena : I don't see anyone looking good slipping on a puddle. *rolls her eyes* If you think it an attractive act, please, don't let me stop you from slipping on the same puddle yourself. *getting an attitude*
[26-19:17] 651ea, Fahrena : ((Mab? Where? >_> <_< >_>)
[26-19:17] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( /grin ))
[26-19:18] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( ))
[26-19:19] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: Is better phrasing looking for... able to keep going while stopped at... impeaded. *looks pleased with himself for remembering the word* Elfs, they not even bother come in door. They stay where are at market, or maybe not bother get up today.
[26-19:19] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: *is a little bitter about the elves himself, so cops his own 'tude*
[26-19:19] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( I gotta go, but if you see Illisse, will you tell her I said hi? ))
[26-19:20]       Valandil Elladan changes his icon to it's original.
[26-19:21] 651ea, Fahrena : I'd respond to that if I had any idea what you just said. ((Yeah, we'll tell her, won't we, Cookie?))
[26-19:24] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( Please do. She will be quite happy, guarunteed... I think. Thank you. *Flourishes another bow as he exits* I bid you adieu. ).
[26-19:24] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: ((Valandil says "Die, wench" to Illisse, yes?)) *ponders if she's playing dumb, realy is dumb, or if his common is getting worse* Not matter. But you find goblin business interesting anyway?
[26-19:26] 651ea, Fahrena : No. *says a bit to hastily like she is super guilty* I mean, not especially.
[26-19:28] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep: Guessing you not know goblin, yes?
[26-19:28] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((hehehe))
[26-19:30] 651ea, Fahrena : No, I not know goblin. *mocking his phrasing a little*
[26-19:33] JOIN: Whee has entered.
[26-19:33] 944ee, Whee: Hey Jerren!
[26-19:33] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : You want translation of goblin business that you are "not especially" interested in?
[26-19:34] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*waves* I know ya Whee?))
[26-19:36] 944ee, Whee: Yeah. Your wolf made me submit to him
[26-19:37] 651ea, Fahrena : It seemed strange, but a lot of things do. *same disinterested tone*
[26-19:38] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : Not answer.
[26-19:42] 651ea, Fahrena : If you want to tell me, you can. *shrugs. finds goblins distasteful and doesn't want to seem at all intrigued by them or commit to anything regarding them*
[26-19:45] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : Mazbo Gabdok bring back jem from market that bought at fair price. See that jem is fake. Tell Mazbo Gabdok to go back and demand money back. If not get money back, have Bashguz take back.
[26-19:47] 651ea, Fahrena : Sounds reasonable to me. *shrugs and looks away*
[26-19:50] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *smirks and goes back to his own doings*
[26-19:51] 651ea, Fahrena : *gets up from her booth and heads toward the stairs, gracefully avoiding the puddle* Good night. *said flatly*
[26-19:52] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *spreads his smile to a grin, showing off his lovely yellowed teeth* Sleep well.
[26-19:54] 651ea, Fahrena : *looks back at him with a look of confusion and distain, pausing a moment and then resumes her trek up the stairs* ((sowwy to be going. I'm falling asleep at the keyboard))
[26-19:55] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((no prob. I'll catch you later... and destroy you. Later mab!))
[26-19:56] 651ea, Fahrena : (( K, see ya later.)) *she heads up to her room, shortly after her departure, Jerren might note two other hooded figures heading up the stairs* *GONE*
[26-19:57] EXIT: Fahrena has left the chat ( 8:56pm, June 26 (CDT) ).
[26-20:23] EXIT: Jerren Skulldeep has left the chat ( 8:55pm, June 26 (CDT) ).
[26-20:25] ab6ae, Sileen: Hm
[26-20:33] ab6ae, Sileen: C'mon! There's two other people watching! Say hi to me at least
[26-20:35] 3a8a8, Roki: HI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[26-20:36] ab6ae, Sileen: HI! *hugs* Yay! Life!
[26-20:36] 3a8a8, Roki: *takes offense... Undead*
[26-20:37] ab6ae, Sileen: Yay! Undead! *hug*
[26-20:38] 3a8a8, Roki: *hugs back.. then eats Bri's brain.. .. well.. would if he could find it*
[26-20:38] ab6ae, Sileen: >_< *isn't talking to you anymore*
[26-20:38] 3a8a8, Roki: o/
[26-20:47] 3a8a8, Roki: then i guess that means you dont want me to rp with ya.
[26-20:48] ab6ae, Sileen: *perks up* RP wif me?
[26-20:50] 3a8a8, Roki: well since you're not talking to me.. i may as well go play more True Crime
[26-20:51] ab6ae, Sileen: >.<
[26-20:54] ab6ae, Sileen: *sighs and curls up*
[26-21:07] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[26-21:13] 9fa6e, Caradonia: *She stirs in her sleep, one leg escaping from it's curled position to dangle off the tree branch. She makes a low sound like a grunt and then she rolls over onto her side, a arm flopping behind her*
[26-21:18] 9fa6e, Caradonia: *Since that sounded awkward, the whole arm thing...she goes ahead and wakes up, sitting up with a hazed over look in her hazel eyes*
[26-22:04] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[26-22:15] d9d47, Caradonia: (((gets something to eat))
[26-22:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[26-22:40] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[26-22:45] 31348, Kali: *sighs* day late... dollar short..... oh joy......*haunts*
[26-22:51] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[26-22:51] d9d47, Caradonia: ((*calls the ghostbusters*))
[26-22:54] 31348, Kali: BOO!!!!
[26-22:55] d9d47, Caradonia: ((*cowers*))
[26-22:58] 31348, Kali: *drags Cara out from where she's cowering* ..hey....
[26-23:00] d9d47, Caradonia: Oh...hello*stops trying to crawl away*))
[26-23:01] 31348, Kali: *bored*
[26-23:01] d9d47, Caradonia: ((*is as well*))
[26-23:03] 31348, Kali: bah.... I cant believe there is only us here..... *shakes chat trying to shake lurkers loose*
[26-23:04] d9d47, Caradonia: ((there arent any...they are all out having fun...damn them))]
[26-23:06] 31348, Kali: *agrees*..... I'd kill to have fun....
[26-23:07] d9d47, Caradonia: Usually I'm out and about this time..but not today.f.riend's are out of town.))
[26-23:08] 31348, Kali: *sighs* I'm never out....
[26-23:08] d9d47, Caradonia: ((that must suck))
[26-23:10] 31348, Kali: yes it does....
[26-23:11] d9d47, Caradonia: ((Damn.....I'm hungry..stupid atkins..and nothing to eat in this house...))
[26-23:12] 31348, Kali: diets are stupid to begin with......
[26-23:14] d9d47, Caradonia: ((well..for the previous 2 yeras...i've spend trying to loose what i've lost in two weeks.......just because it's stupid dosent mean that it dosent work))
[26-23:16] 31348, Kali: thats one thing Ive never done... I couldnt diet or rather I wouldnt diet.... thats just me though....
[26-23:17] d9d47, Caradonia: ((If anything..its a exercise on my willpower))
[26-23:17] 31348, Kali: LOL I dont have any of that either....
[26-23:18] d9d47, Caradonia: ((*L* a have a decent amount))
[26-23:29] 31348, Kali: well that was fun......Im trying to find a dwarvish to common translator.... no luck...
[26-23:30] d9d47, Caradonia: to be you..))
[26-23:32] 31348, Kali: gee thanks....
[26-23:32] 31348, Kali: *wanders off* bye
[26-23:32] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 12:32am, June 27 (CDT) ).
[26-23:33] JOIN: Whee has entered.
[26-23:34] d9d47, Caradonia: ((De nada....*wanders off to get some sleep*))
[26-23:57] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[26-23:58] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( *wanders back in* Hello? ))
[27-00:01] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[27-00:01] 31348, Kali: Val??? OMG
[27-00:01] 31348, Illisse Brilthor : *hugs you...madly*
[27-00:07] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[27-00:17] 31348, Illisse Brilthor : is just so totally NOT FAIR!!!...
[27-00:36] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[27-00:37] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 1:36am, June 27 (CDT) ).
[27-01:22] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[27-06:09] JOIN: me has entered.
[27-09:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[27-10:26] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[27-11:17] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[27-11:28] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 12:17pm, June 27 (CDT) ).
[27-11:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[27-11:46] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:45pm, June 27 (CDT) ).
[27-11:47] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[27-11:53] adc17, Kali: *haunts*
[27-11:55] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[27-11:56] 5e882, Bartuc : ((BOO))
[27-11:59] 6df9d, Liz: *dies from fright*
[27-12:00] adc17, Kali: *rattles chains**makes eerie noises*
[27-12:00] 5e882, Bartuc : ((muahahhaha))
[27-12:01] 6df9d, Liz: *now can never rp again, only haunt*
[27-12:01] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[27-12:02] 03845, luthien: considers trying to scale the wall!
[27-12:03] 03845, luthien: but decides against it
[27-12:03] 5e882, Bartuc : ((*pokes liz into royalty mode*))
[27-12:04] 6df9d, Liz: I can't. I'm dead. Your fault.
[27-12:04] 03845, luthien: *and continues following the wall*there has to be a gateway somewhere
[27-12:05] 5e882, Bartuc : ((grr *beats liz to life*))
[27-12:06] 6df9d, Liz: *is alive, but now too sore to rp* Ow..
[27-12:08] 5e882, Bartuc : ((*gives her morphine*))
[27-12:09] adc17, Kali: hey Luthien
[27-12:10] 03845, luthien: *at about noon, in the distance see's a difference in the structure, shifts his pack and quickens his pace* this could be it!
[27-12:10] 03845, luthien: ((kali))
[27-12:10] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *smirks and picks up his knife and holds it out to him, handle first* We may look helpless, but we're not.
[27-12:11] 03845, luthien: ((ive been here a while,you must hav been away))
[27-12:12] adc17, Kali: doing a search... not checking here very often
[27-12:13] 03845, luthien: ((oh))
[27-12:13] 03845, luthien: ((a search?))
[27-12:13] 5e882, Bartuc : *takes the knife with a slight grin his cold eyes warming a bit* Well then. Very interesting...Perhaps we can do business....
[27-12:13] adc17, Kali: trying to work on your profile and my kingdom at the same time...
[27-12:14] 03845, luthien: ((ah well done keep it up))
[27-12:15] 03845, luthien: ((which is your kingdom?))
[27-12:16] adc17, Kali: I'll send it to you in a couple of days... you can let me know if you like it..... ...Medeore
[27-12:16] 03845, luthien: ((ok))
[27-12:17] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Perhaps.. *sits back down* Your horses for our silk?
[27-12:18] 03845, luthien: *mid afternoon see's a gate in the distance*that is one huge gate!
[27-12:18] 5e882, Bartuc : Sounds interesting. By the way. Where Exactly is this country?
[27-12:20] 03845, luthien: i wonder if its really needed or is just for show?
[27-12:24] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : (( luthien..where are you? )) It's on the western coast of Bettenchi.
[27-12:24] 5e882, Bartuc : A whole continent away.....interesting.
[27-12:24] 03845, luthien: ((realising that he wont reach it by night fall heads back towards the forest edge to stop for the night,about a hundred yards in finds a suitable place to camp for the night and makes fire*
[27-12:25] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *smiles faintly* Indeed..the portals are wonderful things, are they not?
[27-12:26] 03845, luthien: ((outside the fairy kingdom))
[27-12:27] 5e882, Bartuc : Indeed. Perhaps you would wish to visit my land? It is vastly different from here.
[27-12:27] 03845, luthien: ((or maybe quineell...not sure i maybe lost........hahaha))
[27-12:28] adc17, Kali: Luthien is outside the fae....... Kaya has been watching him for a while..
[27-12:30] 03845, luthien: ((thanks for confirming that for me i was beginning to worry))
[27-12:31] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *looks him and his men over, studying them and taking into account the way they dress and act* I'm sure it is. I must admit, I am curious about it.
[27-12:33] 5e882, Bartuc : *they act like fighters and are dressed like it, but by the decrotavtive trim on it one could safley assume they have never seen a color they didn't love* It is far different fro
[27-12:33] adc17, Kaya : *watching the elf..first head towards the wall... then turn back....she finally realizes that he is looking for a way in......zipping off...she heads for the city..hoping she'd be able to talk with Queen Mab about this stranger*
[27-12:34] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Odd? *chuckles* No doubt that's the word I would use to describe your city.
[27-12:36] 5e882, Bartuc : We don't have much in the way of....cities. We are primarily nomads. We have only one real city and it moves some still.
[27-12:37] 03845, luthien: *removes his bow and quiver and settles down to eat the last of his food.ponders over what the fae are really like*are they really like the storries,or like us or men......i cant wait to find out*yawns*but that can wait till the morning..ime here now!
[27-12:41] 03845, luthien: *lays down with his head against a tree root for a pillow and closes his eyes*
[27-12:41] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : A moving city? *frowns slightly*
[27-12:42] 5e882, Bartuc : *he chuckls in amusment* Come and see then. ((brb))
[27-12:45] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *thinks for a moment, then nods, standing once more. The slightly darker shadow of her chair returns to normal as her own deepens just slightly*
[27-12:46] 03845, luthien: *falls asleep dreaming of home and the fae..strange visions fill his dreams*
[27-12:48] 5e882, Bartuc : *he smiles* If your guards would care to come?
[27-12:49] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Without a doubt. *she gestures and the six elite guard that guided them falls in* I beleive you already know Captain Malthus.
[27-12:52] 5e882, Bartuc : Indeed*he gestures to the older man beside him* This is Eldred. My weaponsmaster. And if you send word to my men along with a certian phrase they willl bring you mounts....sutible mounts.
[27-12:53] 03845, luthien: *wakes up its still dark sits up against a tree and sings a song from home to himself a tale of a battle long ago between the sylvans and a horde of men from the east*
[27-12:53] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : **pause**
[27-12:54] 5e882, Bartuc : ((*is from the east*))
[27-13:15] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[27-13:26] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *nods slightly to Eldred, then looks back at Bartuc* It would be appreciated
[27-13:29] 5e882, Bartuc : * He would send a message* Now you wil have proper mounts.
[27-13:30] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : I still don't see what's so wrong with ours. *heads for the door, flanked by her men*
[27-13:33] 5e882, Bartuc : You'll see. Your ponies don't even compare.*walks beside her eldred behind him*
[27-13:36] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *eyes him* Ponies?
[27-13:38] 5e882, Bartuc : thats right. *once they get to where he left his men he calls to his horse* Bane! *h whistles and the horse walks over. A truely magnicifent beast. Powerfull legs and body and a broad forhead, able to hold a large brain*
[27-13:43] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : I see....*stares at that beautiful horse, immediately seeing why he called her horses ponies*
[27-13:45] 5e882, Bartuc : Form up! *and the men all mount horses liek this one just as the mounts for Shanira and her escort arrive* Ready?
[27-13:46] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *sparing a moment to get aquainted with her mount, she mounts effortlessly and nods*
[27-13:47] 5e882, Bartuc : *and the Quman form up around her guard. Bartuc of course rides beside Shanira as the yhead for the portal*
[27-13:49] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : I can tell that this could be a very fruitfull alliance, should we choose to ally.
[27-13:52] 5e882, Bartuc : I belive so. Luck appears to be on our side. Ahh here we are.* and the would ride through the gate and come out on a hill....and you could see for miles and miles over the grassy plains*
[27-13:56] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *looks around, turning this way and that, taking a deep breath of fresh air* The smells sweet
[27-13:59] 5e882, Bartuc : It's clean.* not far away they would see many tents, all brightly colored* Ahh home.
[27-14:01] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *studies the tents* Your city?
[27-14:02] 5e882, Bartuc : you can't see it from here. However there *he poitns at the tents* are wher most of the people are right now.
[27-14:05] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *nods* I had heard of Nomads, but I must admit that yours is the first tribe I've ever met.
[27-14:07] 5e882, Bartuc : Come on. The city is behind that rise. *he sets off towards a nearby hill*
[27-14:10] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *urges her horse to follow*
[27-14:11] 5e882, Bartuc : *once the get there...the ground goes down fast. A crater. Below is a city that is mostly fortress. And huge.* That is our city.
[27-14:13] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *her eyes widen slightly at the sight of it* How many live here?
[27-14:14] 5e882, Bartuc : Right now? 1-2 hundred. In the winter is when we gather. then thousands
[27-14:18] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *shakes her head* How do you feed them? I see cattle..but people can't live by that alone
[27-14:20] 5e882, Bartuc : Besides our herd animals we have some crops. Not many. Each clan is responsible for feeding itself.
[27-14:23] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *nods* Makes sense..
[27-14:24] 5e882, Bartuc : Indeed. As everyone in your land wears silk..every man woman and child has a horse.
[27-14:26] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *smiles* So they may move quickly
[27-14:28] 5e882, Bartuc : Precisly. ANd all are trained by hand.
[27-14:35] 5e882, Bartuc : ((puase))
[27-14:50] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : ***pause***
[27-15:58] EXIT: Shanira Treyan has left the chat ( 3:50pm, June 27 (CDT) ).
[27-16:30] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[27-16:53] 7e681, Kali: *cameos*
[27-16:58] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[27-16:58] 7e681, Ilia Fion : *her chores finished for the day, she bathes, donning the one good dress in her wardrobe, she walks towards the gates to Quinell, slowly wandering the city...refamaliarizing herself with the shop keepers, buying a loaf of sweet cinnamon bread from the baker...just wandering... her footsteps bringing her nearer the center of town*
[27-16:58] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[27-16:59] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( hello ))
[27-16:59] 7e681, Kali: hey
[27-16:59] 7e681, Illisse Brilthor : *puts on real face*
[27-17:00] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[27-17:00] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( *grins* ))
[27-17:01] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Been a while... guess I have missed a ton of RP... ))
[27-17:01] 7e681, Illisse Brilthor : heh.. you have no idea... there are 9 of me now..
[27-17:02] 7e681, Illisse Brilthor : gahhh
[27-17:02] 125f3, Valandil Elladan :
[27-17:03] 7e681, Illisse Brilthor : is right darn undo button
[27-17:03] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I read a little of the logs... I made off with some stuff or something?
[27-17:03] 7e681, Illisse Brilthor : hehe.. just our food..
[27-17:04] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *glares at undo utton*
[27-17:05] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *glares at undo button* Sometimes it's useful though
[27-17:05] 7e681, Illisse Brilthor : ha... not for me... usually it does something like that when i have something important to say...
[27-17:07] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I didn't do it!
[27-17:08] 7e681, Illisse Brilthor : sure ...... *knows*
[27-17:09] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *grins* Well, I have a lot to catch up on, and I need to do some stuff, so I will be back on in a few hours anyways...
[27-17:46] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[27-17:48] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[27-17:50] 2d1aa, Darrius Lokken : ((**Tricks kali into stealing things for him**))
[27-17:50] 7e681, Kali: oh really?... like what?
[27-17:51] 7e681, Kali: seeing as how Kali is a thief to begin with... all you really have to do is pay her..
[27-17:51] 2d1aa, Darrius Lokken : (jewels, gold, snack foods... ya know, things of value))
[27-17:52] 7e681, Kali: snack food ...can do..... *steals oreos and milk*...
[27-17:53] 2d1aa, Darrius Lokken : ((**kicks the oreos dissapprovingly** I WANTED DOUBLE STUFFED!!))
[27-17:54] 7e681, Kali: they were..... *watches crumbs being stolen by rous's*
[27-17:57] 2d1aa, Darrius Lokken : ((**spits on the crumbs, pouts his lips and folds his arms like an upset five year old** Whateva!))
[27-18:03] 7e681, Kali: then next time be more specific about what kind of snack food you want.... *holds hand out for payment*
[27-18:15] 7e681, Kali: *sic's ROUS's on Darrius.. *wants her money**
[27-18:32] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[27-18:33] 7e681, Kali: hey Cara
[27-18:33] 7fbc2, Caradonia: ((Work sucked...hey ya doin?))
[27-18:34] 7e681, Kali: *chuckles* eh.....pretty good..
[27-18:35] 7fbc2, Caradonia: ((excellent))
[27-18:36] 7fbc2, Caradonia: ((and I have dishes to do..damnitt))
[27-18:37] 7e681, Kali: ah well
[27-18:37] 7fbc2, Caradonia: ((*getting grouchy* has the room had people in it today??))
[27-18:38] 7e681, Kali: me
[27-18:38] 7e681, Kali: val
[27-18:38] 7e681, Kali: darius
[27-18:38] 7e681, Kali: o
[27-18:39] 7e681, Kali: you
[27-18:39] 7fbc2, Caradonia: (( O?? ))
[27-18:39] 7e681, Kali: typo sorry
[27-18:40] 7fbc2, Caradonia: ((no problem))
[27-18:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[27-18:44] 7e681, Kali: oh and a lurker or 3.. damn them
[27-18:44] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[27-18:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[27-18:46] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[27-18:46] 7fbc2, Caradonia: ((they should stop lurking))
[27-18:46] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Grrr... that was me...
[27-18:46] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : not the lurkers...
[27-18:46] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I AM ME!
[27-18:47] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : <_< >_>
[27-18:47] 7fbc2, Caradonia: ((uh huh))
[27-18:47] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : And dont argue!
[27-18:47] 125f3, Valandil Elladan :
[27-18:48] 7fbc2, Caradonia: ((bah..))
[27-18:48] 7fbc2, Caradonia: ((i'm going to go take a nap...a long blissful nap..))
[27-18:49] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[27-18:49] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Ok
[27-18:50] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : have fun
[27-18:52] 7e681, Kali: oooohhh sleeeeeppp whats that?
[27-18:52] 91771, Ashe : *dances on people's heads*
[27-18:54] 91771, Ashe : *shudders and says quietly* I see white people.
[27-18:55] 7e681, Kali: hey *swats* gerrroff
[27-18:55] 91771, Ashe : Giraffe? *tilts head*
[27-18:56] 7e681, Kali: *isnt that tall*
[27-18:57] 91771, Ashe : *spins*
[27-18:58] 91771, Ashe : *begins karaokeing "Paradise City" by Guns-n-Roses, complete with falsetto voice*
[27-18:58] 7e681, Kali: *goes to put fish on grill for dinner* brb
[27-19:01] 91771, Ashe : Oh won't you please take me home yeah yeah!
[27-19:01] 91771, Ashe : *riffage*
[27-19:17] 7e681, Kali: *gone*
[27-19:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[27-20:05] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[27-20:06] 3e1c6, Caradonia: ((uuuhhhh..woah...wrong one))
[27-20:06] EXIT: Caradonia has left the chat ( 9:05pm, June 27 (CDT) ).
[27-20:08] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[27-20:13] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *She sits in the dark gnawing on a hard peice of bread. Twilight has long passed and the fire lies dying before her...makes no move to feed it. She listens to the sounds around her, the crunching of grass in the strong molars that are in the mouth of her horse...and birds..the night varity that sing midnight in*
[27-20:23] JOIN: Khiumil Arisol has entered.
[27-20:24] cc89a, Tarnis Catadon : (( test ))
[27-20:27] cc89a, Tarnis Catadon : **walks the streets of the sleeping city, his large callus hands tucked into the thick leather that cloaks him, this night he leaves his hood back showing a shave tattooed blue head, a bearded face with four deep scars in it. red eyes move along the shadows as he goes**
[27-20:28] cc89a, Tarnis Catadon : **walks the streets of the sleeping city, his large callus hands tucked into the thick leather that cloaks him, this night he leaves his hood back showing a shave tattooed blue head, a bearded face with four deep scars in it. red eyes move along the shadows as he goes**
[27-20:28] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *It takes a long time to soften the bread long enough to swallow's tough bread, the baker gave them to her for free. She looks at her mare, whose straying off, and tries to whistle but finds that she cant...bread is too dry**grumbls and crawls over to her water skin*
[27-20:29] cc89a, Tarnis Catadon : (( arg refresh! ))
[27-20:43] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[27-20:43] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[27-20:45] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *She takes a long swing, to wash the bread down and she stands, walking over to the near dead fire with a small bundle of sticks in her hand...she throws them in and watches the flames lick towards the heavens....takes another bite of bread*
[27-20:45] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: (( my comp sucks horribly ))
[27-20:46] 3e1c6, Caradonia: ((that's okay..i bet mine's worse))
[27-20:49] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[27-20:51] c6c97, xyva: *looks 4 mab*
[27-20:52] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: **Walks toward the glimming in to catch some drink and food, his footed feet echo in the night. pulls hands from the folds of his cloak strechting his arms out groaning as he pops his back**
[27-20:54] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: (( footed-booted))
[27-20:56] 3e1c6, Caradonia: You know*talking to her horse from out of a full mouth, the sound resembles a cough...when she does start coughing she takes another swig from her water* This is ricidiluous*talking to her horse again*
[27-21:00] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: **enters the glimmering in sitting at his normal corner table his back to the wall so as to be able to see the whole room. he orders ale, chicken and some bread from the bar maid**
[27-21:05] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *She puts on her cloak, tosses the horse the reamainder of the bread while she strolls towards town, walking on a familar path to a better meal..mutton perhaps..or rabbit stew...if there is any to be had*
[27-21:07] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: ** his food shows up the maid putting it out in front of him. reachs a callus hand into a pouch on his hip giving the maid a gold peice and thanking her silently then breaking off some warm bread eats some of it then washing it down with ale**
[27-21:12] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: (( refresh!))
[27-21:13] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *Instead of moving through the town's main enterence she climbs a tree and leaps from a the wall and then to a roof...getting a grasp of her surroundings she moves towards a ladder...the inn isnt far from here*
[27-21:15] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: **sets his bread aside taking up the chicken wing taking a large bite from it fallowing ny breaking of some bread and a hefty drink of ale**
[27-21:17] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *when she climbs down off of the ladder she takes a very good look in a alleyway..some of these hidden place are dangerous..some are far..this is harmless. After pulling up her hood she glides towards where she think the inn is. Her instincts are correct and she finds herself standing in front of the door..the smell of food guiding her within..the door slamming closed behind her*
[27-21:20] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: **eyes flick up as the door slams. spots Cara at the entrance. he smiles abit** Hello, there. Come on over. **motions to Cara then turn to a bar maid and motioning her over as well**
[27-21:21] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *She startled for a moment, confused at the voice theen, after spotting the origion she pulls back her hood and strolls over* Please tell me they have stew
[27-21:22] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: **shrugs the points to the maid now at his side** I should think so but ask her.
[27-21:23] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: the-then))
[27-21:24] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *She looks at the bar maid, yellow eyes are pericing..hungry* Do you have stew....*waits a moment as the girl thinks..and when the girl nods..she smiles* Bring me a bowl..and fresh bread..*and sits down across Tarnis*
[27-21:25] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: ** red eyes meet yellow eyes. then pushs the chicking wing with a single bite from it** Want it? You look a bit more hungry then me.
[27-21:26] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: ((chicken wing))
[27-21:26] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *SHe looks from a pair of eyes and then back again. SHe shakes her head* No thank you..the stew wont take long..and I've been craving it acutally
[27-21:28] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: **pulls back the chicken then picks up the wing taking a large bite** So where you been living for these past nights? You look sort of unrested.
[27-21:29] 3e1c6, Caradonia: The woods...I normally stay there...sometimes I stay here..but not often*Her fingers drum uneasily on the wooden table, nails tapping a heart rhytm beat*
[27-21:33] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: I stay in a castle. **points to the north west** In, Caranthe Ar-Feiniel. Have you heard of it? Drinks some ale from the jug, hold it out offering some to cara**
[27-21:34] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *She waves it away with a shake of her head* Yes..I do beleive I have..*she sits back in her chair..smiling when she sees the waitress carrying a bit bowl of stew...lovely* I travel a i've heard ofd quite a few places
[27-21:36] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: **takes a silver coin from a pouch on his hip giving it the maid.** You travel? Where you been to? **eats more chicken drinks more ale**
[27-21:38] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *She sends him a surprised look..then reaches into a pocket and pulls out two silver* I'd like some honey mead please..if you have it..if you dont..ale...*she looks at Tarnis..reguarding him for a moment* Everywhere...or everywhere almost...
[27-21:40] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: Why do you travel. I usually only travel for my king. When he needs a voice else where. ** breaks of some of he break, putting it in his mouth chewing thoughtfully**
[27-21:41] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: ((he -the))
[27-21:41] 3e1c6, Caradonia: Well*taking some bread and dipping it into the thick stew, letting it drip before taking a bite* I travel because it's hard for me to stay still for long......and it's tradition*takes a bite and nearly purrs in delight*
[27-21:44] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[27-21:45] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: Doesn't this tradition leave you lonely? I would get tired of alway moving away just as i meet someone** sits back in his chair, done eating but still holds the jug of ale**
[27-21:47] 3e1c6, Caradonia: Sometimes...but not often, lonliness is the human condition.*dips her bread back into the stew* Besides..until recently..i traveled with my family..
[27-21:49] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: Why did you use past tense? What happent? **leans into the wall looking into the yellow eyes of the attractive female feline.**
[27-21:50] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *She watches him watching her while she chews the bread, tasting the mixed flavors of beef and flour..mmm..good* I use past tense because they are all dead*says this without flinching*
[27-21:52] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: Dead...I'm sorry for that. And sorry for asking but I must know. how? ** sets down the jug of ale then crosses his arms over his chest**
[27-21:54] 3e1c6, Caradonia: Different ways....*thoughtful chewing, her face shaping into a unreadable mask**She takes another bite*
[27-21:55] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: **decides that now isnt the best time for this sort of conversation specially since she has only know him for a few days, changes the subject** What do you usually eat when you sleep in the forest?
[27-21:58] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *It's never the best time for that sort of converstaion. They were all violenty and unnesscary deaths..* I eat apples, rabbit...a deer when I can get one...and sometimes*dips her spoon into into the thick stew* I eat here
[27-22:03] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: I usually eat at home. Sometimes here. **picks of the jug of ale in the tense situation he downs a few gulps then sits it down**
[27-22:04] 3e1c6, Caradonia: So what brings you here..aside from this amazing...cuisine...*feeling the tenseness of the air she gives him a saucy smile*
[27-22:05] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[27-22:06] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: ** returns the smile ** Where I come from is not a very cheery place to be. This place is more...happy.
[27-22:08] 3e1c6, Caradonia: Mmmm..somewhat*takes another bite while getting setteled..taking off her cloak and the like*
[27-22:13] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: **leaves his cloak on. looking into the yellow eyes, just cant help it, he has never seen yellow eyes before he met her**
[27-22:15] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *The eyes are a family trait..quite common place when looking into the face of her father or other siblings....that isnt possible now but..I doubt she's the only one* What are you looking at?*taking a sip of her honey mead..they have it*
[27-22:18] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: Your eyes are quite interesting, quite beautiful. ** in the light of the tavern his eyes appear green instead of the red they usually are in the night**
[27-22:18] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: Your eyes are quite interesting, quite beautiful. ** in the light of the tavern his eyes appear green instead of the red they usually are in the night**
[27-22:21] 3e1c6, Caradonia: Quite unusual*finishes for him while reguarding him with expression that can only be described as peaceful. As for his eyes, she finds the color change unusual*
[27-22:24] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: Yes, unusual. **yawns, then stands up stretching and popping his back** Shall we leave this stuffy place?
[27-22:25] 3e1c6, Caradonia: Yes*stands, taking one last bite from her stool while slipping the bread into her pocket* Where do you want to go?*Pulling up her hood*
[27-22:27] 3e1c6, Caradonia: ((*L* stool=stew...that just sounded gross))
[27-22:28] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: The forest, or prarie. **leaving all of his food but grabbing the half full jug of ale start to the door, leans into it and into the night**
[27-22:30] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *She steps out in front of him and into the cold air..she shivers and hugs her cloak about her* I prefer the horse is there
[27-22:33] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: Okay. **through now red eyes he notices her shiver. removes his cloak, he is bare underneith, cept from trowsers, plated belt and the sword strapped to his back. offers her the cloak**
[27-22:35] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *SHe smiles and guestures that he should put it back on* I have a cloak...the mead just makes me chilly..but thank you*and leads him into an alley*
[27-22:37] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: **pulls the cloak back over himself, once done fallows cara into an ally** Leading me off to sweap me off my feet and onto my back again?
[27-22:38] 3e1c6, Caradonia: Only if you dont behave*turns a left..then turns a right..looking for that ladder* In case you havent noticed..we arent leaving town the normal way*finds the ladder and pulls herself up on it*
[27-22:39] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: Yeah I have, why? ** fallows her up the ladder having a view that he shouldnt**
[27-22:41] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *Can't be much of a wearing pants and the cloak pretty much obscures that.* Too many guards*said as she crawls up onto the roof...*
[27-22:42] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: **pulls himself onto the roof** Are you avoiding them?
[27-22:43] 3e1c6, Caradonia: Kinda*balancing on the edge and looks for that oh so wonderful treelimb* Though..they dont know that i'm in trouble yet..*With a leap and a laugh she throws herself into foliage where she hangs on by the mere and blissful placement of a branch*
[27-22:45] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: And what would you be introuble for? **looks at the branch and moment, compares to his wieght** You think that thing will hold my wieght?
[27-22:45] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: ((weight-weight not wieght))
[27-22:46] 3e1c6, Caradonia: Maybe..*and she lets go..dropping to the ground to land in a crouch* be gentle's my only way in and out...outside from the other million ways that I have..*smiles and waves him on down*
[27-22:47] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: **jumps grabing the branch more only a moment to slow his fall then lets go hitting the ground, doesnt crouch, looks at cara** Lead the way.
[27-22:49] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *and up she springs, strolling into the embrace of the trees..ears trying to pick up the sounds of a grazing horse* If you see something gray..that's my horse...
[27-22:49] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: more-for))
[27-22:50] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: **fallows red eyes searching through the multitude of trees** Alright.
[27-22:51] 3e1c6, Caradonia: *She walks while trying to follow the scent of burning wood...did have a fire burning after all* Should be this way*and she steps into a clearing..and there her fire burns....weakly* Voila*chews on a peice of bread*
[27-22:52] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: (Refresh))
[27-22:55] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: ** fallows her into the clearing spotting the horse** There is your horse. ** points sarcastically know that she had to of noticed**
[27-22:56] 3e1c6, Caradonia: Keen eyes*walks over to the beast and suddenly her demeanor becomes softer, gentler. THe horse knickers while she combs her fingers through it's mane*
[27-22:57] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: **walks over the the fire leaning down placing a hand on the ground then lowers his rear to meet the ground watchs the tensness melt off cara** You been staying here?
[27-22:59] 3e1c6, Caradonia: Here and there....not nesicarrily in this exact spot*smiles and moves away from Lilly, pulling off her cloak and hanging it on a limb*((I gotta be up in 6 hours..i gotta go))
[27-23:02] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: (( Alright my dad is buggin me to get off think you will be on tomarrow? so we may pause..if not then tarnis will just leave or something))
[27-23:03] 3e1c6, Caradonia: ((I should be on tomorrow night...most likely after 10 ))
[27-23:04] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: (( that works...wanna pause or not i dont mind either way))
[27-23:05] 3e1c6, Caradonia: ((Pause...and i've gotta go...have a nice night!))
[27-23:07] 20074, Tarnis Catadon: (( ok later, you have good nite also ))
[27-23:16] 7e681, Kali: *haunts*
[27-23:22] JOIN: Anastra Sylune has entered.
[27-23:23] 7e681, Ankalima Morwen : *still in her room, she paces up and down, needing him to come with her, ..wanting him to come with her....too afraid to tell him so....unknowingly rubbing the sheath against her leg*
[27-23:23] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Instead of "You are ..." it should say, "You are... NOT REGISTERED YET. Because you SUCK. GO AWAY." Or, "You are ... REGISTERED because you clearly ROCK and should RP HERE MORE OFTEN."))
[27-23:23] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*got that out of her system* *lurks*))
[27-23:23] 7e681, Zaeth : ((LOL))
[27-23:25] 7e681, Zaeth : *giving up on trying to get out of her chains, she slumps to the floor, her back against the throne, eyes closed...not knowing whether to curse the day she ever met Palladia....or curse the day he left her here...alone*
[27-23:25] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[27-23:26] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Whoa. Someone made Padme into an elf))
[27-23:26] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[27-23:26] 7e681, Zaeth : L*link test*
[27-23:26] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((I guess that makes Luke and Leia half-elves.))
[27-23:27] 7e681, Zaeth : *cackles*
[27-23:29] 7e681, Belthil : *looking at the small piece of her past....she wanders back to the time it represented.....when the love of her life had proposed to her......making a fist around the small bit of amber..talking to herself* Where are you?......
[27-23:30] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[27-23:33] b5752, Kaya : *flitting her way into the capital city...she makes her way to the home of the queen..... at least she hoped she was going the right way... she'd never had much to do with Queen Mab.... mostly trying to stay out ot the way..... but she had a feeling that was about to change*
[27-23:33] b5752, Kali: ok.. I really gotta change one of those purples...
[27-23:37] b5752, Lotesse : *sits at the bar, finishing her meal, just about ready to leave on her way to find Illisse.....when a sudden thought occured to her.... taking out the seeking ball.... repeating another name....*Valandil Elladan*...watching in growing horror as the line traced away from Illisse's....already several days farther west.....cursing her luck... what had happened to make them travel so far apart....*
[27-23:38] b5752, Kali: *end cameos*
[27-23:41] b5752, Ilia Fion : about this one.....
[27-23:42] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Interesting. Very interesting.))
[27-23:43] b5752, Ilia Fion : angie... ... I love having male friends find pics for me..... its so much fun to see what they come up with.
[27-23:46] b5752, Kali: I have enough to make about a dozen more chars....
[27-23:56] ddb0c, Tarnis Catadon: ((all females in here?))
[27-23:57] b5752, Kali: just me.... and anastra
[27-23:59] b5752, Kali: the rest are all me
[28-00:00] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[28-00:01] b5752, Kali: hi
[28-00:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-00:01] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[28-00:01] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Grrr... Oh, hi
[28-00:02] b5752, Kali: having troubles?
[28-00:02] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( chains to garet ))
[28-00:02] 125f3, Garet Jax: A tiny bit
[28-00:03] 125f3, Garet Jax: sooo... RP?
[28-00:03] b5752, Kali: hmm.. who?
[28-00:04] ab6ae, Sileen: *spins*
[28-00:04] 125f3, Garet Jax: I dunno... anyone near Rupenchi forest?
[28-00:05] 125f3, Garet Jax: Hey!
[28-00:05] b5752, Kali: *paints funky black and white lines on wall...making Sileen VERY dizzy.
[28-00:06] b5752, Kali: hrm... not really.... .. except Illisse...
[28-00:07] b5752, Kali: Lotesse hasnt left yet.... Terra is with Lok..... Kali is in Rua....... hrmmmm nope..
[28-00:07] 125f3, Garet Jax: *adds a touch of lime green to it, just for fun*
[28-00:07] ddb0c, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ((test))
[28-00:11] b5752, Kali: *peers at Nefiset*... who be ye?
[28-00:11] ddb0c, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : (( test...I be Tarnis and Tarnis be noone special ))
[28-00:12] b5752, Kali: ah... k
[28-00:12] ddb0c, Guien Ventorrell : (( test...sorry for all name changes but all these chars used to have pics))
[28-00:13] b5752, Kali: no worries... i spent the last half hour doing cameos....
[28-00:14] ddb0c, Khiumil Arisol: (( last change ))
[28-00:14] ddb0c, Khiumil Arisol : (( where did my profile go! ))
[28-00:15] 125f3, Garet Jax:
[28-00:16] ddb0c, Khiumil Arisol : (( oh well enough oc ill be leaving now....happy RPing i hope g'night everyone))
[28-00:16] b5752, Kali: nite
[28-00:17] b5752, Kali: *stares at chain*
[28-00:18] 125f3, Garet Jax: g'nite!
[28-00:19] b5752, Terra: (garret right?))
[28-00:20] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( Hm? Yes? ))
[28-00:21] b5752, Terra: ((K))
[28-00:22] b5752, Terra: *somewhere near Garrett, being the outdoors man he is.. he might hear.... a slight shifting of dirt beneath a small willow tree... the scent of freshly turned earth in the air*
[28-00:25] b5752, Terra: ((*steals Val's green*))
[28-00:25] 125f3, Garet Jax: *Coming out of his cottage after 5 months of training, his sharp hearing picks up the soft dirt shifting, and turns to face the sound*
[28-00:25] 125f3, Garet Jax: ((NOOOOO!!!))
[28-00:27] b5752, Terra: *he would see a small, 4 ft, female figure... her skin resembles the dirt at her feet.... long green grass for her hair... tiger eye stone for her eyes..... she's just standing there.. unaware that she's been seen*
[28-00:29] 125f3, Garet Jax: *slowly walks toward her, raising a hand in salutation* Hello there.
[28-00:32] JOIN: Garet Jax has entered.
[28-00:32] b5752, Terra: *lifting her head in a bit of shock, she sees a rather tall human walking towards her...* Hello... *tilting her head and blinking* Where did you come from?
[28-00:36] 125f3, Garet Jax: I live in that cottage there... *notes her slightly odd appearance, and recoginzes her as an elemental, but makes nothing of it* How about yourself... is there anything I can do for you?
[28-00:39] b5752, Terra: Cottage? *looking back..past him*... Is that what you call it?...*ignoring his question for the moment*
[28-00:42] 125f3, Garet Jax: Yes, it is a dwelling of sorts.
[28-00:45] 125f3, Garet Jax: *notices a small bent sapling, and bends to straighten it, smiling gently*
[28-00:47] 125f3, Garet Jax: (( I have to go... I'll be back tomorrow ))
[28-00:48] b5752, Terra: *her eyes widen as she watches him... obviously impressed*....
[28-00:48] b5752, Terra: ((ok....))
[28-00:48] b5752, Terra: oh when? I wont be here until afternoon..
[28-00:53] b5752, Kali: *sighs*
[28-00:54] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 1:53am, June 28 (CDT) ).
[28-01:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-01:47] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:47am, June 28 (CDT) ).
[28-05:00] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[28-05:03] EXIT: luthien has left the chat ( 6:00am, June 28 (CDT) ).
[28-05:12] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[28-05:17] 6d547, luthien: sunrise*having spent the night on the fringe of the woods,feels very rested and at ease.rouses himself from his bed and has a drink from his waterskin*
[28-05:17] EXIT: luthien has left the chat ( 6:17am, June 28 (CDT) ).
[28-05:39] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[28-05:57] 3bf65, Kali: *haunts*
[28-06:04] MSG: Kali sent a message to Mab.
[28-06:37] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( *goes to find out about this new thing called sunshine* ).
[28-07:20] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[28-07:22] 6d547, luthien: *gathers his things and breaks camp,gathers his wepons and leaves towards the wall*
[28-07:23] EXIT: luthien has left the chat ( 8:22am, June 28 (CDT) ).
[28-07:23] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[28-07:26] EXIT: luthien has left the chat ( 8:23am, June 28 (CDT) ).
[28-07:26] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[28-07:27] aa1a4, luthien: *gathers his weapons and the rest of his belongings and breaks camp,once more heading for the wall.*oh well here we go!!
[28-07:30] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[28-09:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-09:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-09:23] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:22am, June 28 (CDT) ).
[28-09:23] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[28-09:42] 8a463, Axis : ((blah))
[28-10:44] 8a463, Axis : ((*waits*))
[28-11:45] JOIN: Z has entered.
[28-12:31] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[28-12:32] 112a5, luthien: ((hi z))
[28-12:32] EXIT: luthien has left the chat ( 1:32pm, June 28 (CDT) ).
[28-12:42] JOIN: eldarfreak has entered.
[28-12:43] EXIT: eldarfreak has left the chat ( 1:42pm, June 28 (CDT) ).
[28-12:50] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[28-13:42] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[28-13:43] 27267, Kali: *shakes chat* any body home?
[28-14:25] 27267, Kali: *haunts*
[28-14:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-14:35] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:34pm, June 28 (CDT) ).
[28-14:35] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[28-14:38] f6abb, Axis : (bleargh))
[28-14:49] 27267, Kali: hey
[28-14:51] f6abb, Axis : ((are you as bored as I am?))
[28-14:52] 27267, Kali: yes.... very.
[28-14:53] 27267, Kali: actually ...more than that.... I was supposed to go pick peaches this morning... torrential downpour... so I drove 200 miles for nothing...
[28-14:54] f6abb, Axis : ((yay, wow, crap...))
[28-14:54] 27267, Kali: exactly
[28-14:55] f6abb, Axis : ((stupid filter....s h i...t))
[28-14:55] 27267, Kali: oh they all fit the mood...
[28-14:57] f6abb, Axis : ((hehehhe ))
[28-15:03] 27267, Kali: *sighs* I need to work on my kingdom....
[28-15:05] f6abb, Axis : ((I like mine. *huggles nomads* whats your supposed to be like?))
[28-15:06] 27267, Kali: its a human kingdom... right now its just where montana is...small...surrounded by nothing......Ive got to get with Val and work out some more details..
[28-15:06] 27267, Kali: and waiting on Mab to see if I can get more land..
[28-15:08] f6abb, Axis : ((ahh))
[28-15:08] f6abb, Axis : ((To far away to conquer....pity))
[28-15:10] 27267, Kali: hehe...
[28-15:10] 27267, Kali: its small... I only have 700 points for forces...
[28-15:13] f6abb, Axis : ((would be a tasty little tidbit))
[28-15:27] f6abb, Axis : ((BLEARGH))
[28-15:28] 27267, Kali: hmm.. sorry... vanished
[28-15:39] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[28-15:39] f6abb, Axis : ((s'okay))
[28-15:40] 3343d, Caradonia: ((*flex*))
[28-15:41] f6abb, Axis : ((hey cara))
[28-15:41] 3343d, Caradonia: ((Hey axis))
[28-15:52] 3343d, Caradonia: ((Hello...*proddng*))
[28-15:54] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 4:28pm, June 28 (CDT) ).
[28-15:59] 3343d, Caradonia: ((Time to cook dinner*scampers off*))
[28-16:30] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[28-16:54] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[28-17:00] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[28-17:01] 2cae1, Kali: hello
[28-17:03] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Hey there
[28-17:05] 2cae1, Kali: I was thinking.... you need to see rest of chars...
[28-17:06] 2cae1, Kali: I dont know who you havent met yet..
[28-17:06] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Ok...
[28-17:07] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Probably most of them
[28-17:07] 2cae1, Lotesse : hmm dont think this one...
[28-17:07] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : nope
[28-17:10] 2cae1, Lotesse : Lotesse has been sent by the council to find Val and Illisse...she's just about 2 days behind Illisse..
[28-17:11] 2cae1, Kaya : Kaya is a fae.... she loves flitting about... doing absolutely nothing
[28-17:12] 2cae1, Kaya : I was going to use Kaya's pic from mtg... but this one works better..
[28-17:12] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I see...
[28-17:12] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I agree
[28-17:13] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : msg for you
[28-17:13] 2cae1, Terra: and I dont think you've met terra either... but i could be wrong on her...
[28-17:14] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : HEY! Its Frederick the Magical Pixie!
[28-17:14] 125f3, Garet Jax: No, but Garet has...
[28-17:15] 125f3, Garet Jax: Yes, he and I are the same
[28-17:15] 125f3, Garet Jax: (msg in *S ))
[28-17:15] 2cae1, Terra: fred?... hmmm... no... i was going to use that pic tho
[28-17:15] 2cae1, Terra: reading now..
[28-17:16] 125f3, Garet Jax: Ok..
[28-17:20] 2cae1, Kali: done...
[28-17:20] 2cae1, Kali: I have a pic of Kazia too... hang on..
[28-17:22] 2cae1, Kali: here she is..
[28-17:22] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Very nice... I think I have seen it somewhere...
[28-17:23] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Ah... Yes... Baldur's Gate: Shadows of Amn
[28-17:27] 2cae1, Kali: i do have another one... but i cant use her... Ill send you address.
[28-17:29] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Ok... Should Garet and Terra continue their RP?
[28-17:31] 2cae1, Kali: ok...
[28-17:31] 2cae1, Kali: if you want.
[28-17:34] 125f3, Garet Jax: Sure...
[28-17:37] 125f3, Garet Jax: *smiles up at her as he sees her looking at him* So, what is your name?
[28-17:39] 2cae1, Terra: ((*chuckles as she reads logs*.. Die Wench? own Jerren))...... I am called Terra... what is yours?..
[28-17:41] 125f3, Garet Jax: I am Garet, Garet Jax. Pleased to meet you...
[28-17:43] 2cae1, Terra: *taking in his appearance..* What do you do here in this forest?...*exceptionally curious as she's taken it upon herself to protect certain parts of Bettenchi*
[28-17:45] 125f3, Garet Jax: Well, I am mainly here for the seclusion, and I train myself in the use of weapons so that I may defend ...
[28-17:47] 125f3, Garet Jax: How about yourself?
[28-17:50] 2cae1, Terra: Seclusion?..why do you wish to be away from people?..
[28-17:51] 2cae1, Terra: *ignoring his question again*
[28-17:53] 125f3, Garet Jax: *sighs* I am one of the best there is, and I do not wish to hurt friends who merely wish to test thier skills against me. Why are you here in this forest? *looks at her intently*
[28-17:55] 2cae1, Terra: I am exploring here... I have only been free for a short time and i wish to know more about this world.
[28-18:01] 125f3, Garet Jax: You are an elemental, then, as I expected. I have seen much of the world, and I would not mind seeing it again. If you should wish it, I will go with you, to serve as a companion and guardian.
[28-18:02] 2cae1, Terra: *laughing at that..her voice sounding like shifting sands* you would be MY guardian?..*finds this extremely funny*
[28-18:05] 125f3, Garet Jax: As I told you, I am the best around... *in the blink of an eyes, he is over at the door of the cottage, 100 ft away, looking as if he had only taken a step.*
[28-18:06] 125f3, Garet Jax: *raises an eyebrow* There are things out there that even an elemental cannot stnd against...
[28-18:09] 2cae1, Terra: *funnily... all he would see as he looked back at her... is the slight shifting of dust in the air.....then the sound of her laughter... from just beside him*
[28-18:11] 125f3, Garet Jax: Yes, I know, but what if you come across a river, and you cant see the world very well from underneath it...
[28-18:15] 2cae1, Terra: *shivers a bit at the mention of water* You do have a point there...
[28-18:16] 125f3, Garet Jax: *nods his head in concession* Well, would you like to come in...?
[28-18:20] 2cae1, Terra: In there?...*RaE..if she had them*.. Ive never been inside a structure like that before.....*squaring her shoulders, she thinks for a moment before nodding her head* Yes I would
[28-18:21] 125f3, Garet Jax: *he holds the door open for her* It is not too frightening, I think.
[28-18:25] 125f3, Garet Jax: ((Alright, I have to go, so we will pick up here tomorrow? )
[28-18:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-18:27] 125f3, Garet Jax: ((See you tomorrow))
[28-18:28] EXIT: Garet Jax has left the chat ( 7:27pm, June 28 (CDT) ).
[28-18:28] 2cae1, Terra: ((ok bye))
[28-18:37] 2cae1, Kali: hmmm *haunts*
[28-18:44] 2cae1, Kali: hmm anybody comes in..aim...*bored* illisseelladan
[28-19:03] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[28-19:06] 2cae1, Kali: Finally.... someone else...
[28-19:11] 2cae1, Kali: *returns to her invisible self*
[28-19:22] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:26pm, June 28 (CDT) ).
[28-19:24] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[28-19:45] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 8:11pm, June 28 (CDT) ).
[28-20:12] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[28-20:13] 3343d, Caradonia: ((Hellooo*listning for an echo))
[28-21:43] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[28-21:44] c2015, Caradonia: ((Anyone about??))
[28-21:52] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[28-22:03] c2015, Caradonia: ((Hmmm...guess not))
[28-22:06] bcf17, Luke: *pokes*
[28-22:08] c2015, Caradonia: ((Oooooh..hello...*prods at the poker*))
[28-22:27] bcf17, Luke: hehe brb
[28-22:28] c2015, Caradonia: ((Ooookay))
[28-22:39] JOIN: Z has entered.
[28-22:39] 94c70, Z: Lukester
[28-22:42] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[28-22:42] bcf17, Luke: back
[28-22:45] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[28-22:45] 2cae1, Kali: well, its nice to finally be let back in here.
[28-22:48] 94c70, Z: Let back in?
[28-22:49] 2cae1, Kali: been trying for a bit.... pjj just wouldnt let me in anywhere
[28-22:49] 2cae1, Kali: thats after the electricity came back on....such fun
[28-22:50] 94c70, Z: Ooh
[28-22:50] 2cae1, Kali: doesnt look like i missed anything anyway..
[28-22:52] 94c70, Z: Ah, I just got home.
[28-22:54] 2cae1, Kali: hmm... its been slow all day.... except for when Val was here earlier....but Its mostly just been me...haunting as usual...
[28-23:31] bcf17, Luke: *listens to Bee Gees*
[28-23:31] 2cae1, Kali: eeehhhhh... *listens to Iced Earth*
[28-23:37] 3a8a8, Roki: meh
[28-23:37] 2cae1, Kali: hey Roki
[28-23:39] 3a8a8, Roki: hhhhhheeeeeeyyyyyyyy
[28-23:42] 2cae1, Kali: come to join the ghosts?
[28-23:49] MSG: Kali sent a message to Roki.
[28-23:54] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[28-23:56] a7442, Kali: *throws AIM in the garbage *
[29-00:12] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 12:56am, June 29 (CDT) ).
[29-07:18] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[29-07:25] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[29-08:28] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[29-08:29] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 9:28am, June 29 (CDT) ).
[29-09:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-09:07] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:06am, June 29 (CDT) ).
[29-09:07] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[29-09:12] 44525, Axis : ((heloooo?))
[29-11:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-12:58] ab6ae, Sileen: I'm a kitty!
[29-13:20] 47439, Ashe: Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty, oh won't you please take me home!
[29-13:20] 47439, Ashe: *riffage*
[29-14:01] ab6ae, Sileen: .
[29-15:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-15:28] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:27pm, June 29 (CDT) ).
[29-15:34] MSG: Mab sent a message to Kali.
[29-15:35] MSG: Mab sent a message to Kali.
[29-15:50] 60bfb, Fahrena : *she is shaken by her encounter with the seeming collaborator with goblins. She does not know he is the goblin king. She paces her room a bit and then picks up her lyre and begins to play to sooth her nerves. She hates this hiding and she realizes her disguise is not the best, but she doubts she could really disguise herself beyond what she has done* *end cameo*
[29-15:57] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : *dances in the evening glade, fireflies swirling around her a ways out. A rhythme drumming with a fast paced and dancing beat coming from somewhere. The forest instrumentals of the trees play an inspiring and hopeful tune that makes one want to run and fly or dance one's heart out*
[29-16:03] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : *spins, traveling in a line and then goes into a crouch with her right leg outstreched to the side and her right arm reaching to the sky, which is where she looks, then she rolls and pulls her knees up to herself and then suddenly and gracefully rolls to her feet. From there she spins a half turn and does fast and elaborate footwork around the perameter of the glade, spinning and stepping, leaving a trail of sparkles seeming to come from the middle of her back, like a trailing scarf that dissipates the further she moves away from where the sparkles fall. Her arms flail around gracefully, going over her head as she moves to the center of her mossy dance floor and she goes into a fast spin that feet alone could not do. She dances her troubles away perhaps. Perhaps she is casting a spell. Maybe she is in a trance. Many such thoughts would go through an observer's mind as they watched her move around with an inhumane grace and sure footedness. Her dance then changes to a tango like dance of attitude, with sharp and sudden moves and changes of direction, though it is a solo dance.*
[29-16:09] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : *she runs her hands up her side and then swerves around and runs around the circle of the glade like a running deer. and then swerves to the center and takes off, sparkling white and fluttery wings bursting from her back in a shower of sparkles. The wings are obviously more for show than fast flight, like wavey scarves on a wing shaped frame, clearish white and glowing and soft. She is pure white like her wings and glowing herself as she flies upward and upward in a spiral, passing the tops of the trees and flying higher, above the peaks of the mountains until she threatens to get too high to be able to breath, glowing like a bright star in the sky.*
[29-16:14] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : *then she stops and slowly descends in a slow spiral, her wings like parachutes, a falling star that lazily spirals to earth rather than shooting toward it. She passes below the tops of the trees and a glow can be seen through the trees in this late evening forest. The sky changing from bright sunset colors to starry moonlight and a white glowing being settling into a crouch in the middle of the still glade, the last musical strains fading to silence and her wings falling to either side of her and then disappearing in a shimmer. She stands and takes on her auburn hair colorings and silently paces out of the glade, her glow fading as she does so and her disappoearing into the treeline* *end cameo*
[29-16:58] 60bfb, Mab : *bummed, lonely. worked so hard on this chat, worked so hard to incorporate the ideas of other players to make this a chat everyone could enjoy. cares more for providing the environment than actually RPing, but enjoys RPing too. Wonders where she went wrong.*
[29-17:10] 60bfb, Mab : Why do I keep wondering about this chat with a vineyard analogy? Haven't I pruned it and digged about it and all that? heh.
[29-17:15] ab6ae, Sileen: *hands her pruning shears*
[29-17:21] 60bfb, Mab : hehe
[29-17:22] 60bfb, Mab : I've just worked so hard, put in so much time that I really didn't have to put in, because I cared about its sucess and I feel like it was for naught.
[29-17:23] ab6ae, Sileen: *hugs* It's all good. People will come back
[29-17:24] 60bfb, Mab : I feel like a failure. Maybe I'm just PMSing, all moody and stuff.
[29-17:25] 60bfb, Mab : What could this chat be missing that I haven't incorporated or tried?
[29-17:27] 60bfb, Mab : Am I not fair and even handed? Don't I bend over backwards to help people and make them feel welcome and have a good time? Does a chatmaster really have to be the worst kind of tyrannical weird & smelly orifice to get any kind of recognition or respect as a leader? I refuse to believe that.
[29-17:27] ab6ae, Sileen: *hug* :/
[29-17:29] 60bfb, Mab : I'm just trying to figure out where our foundation isn't solid, why people don't feel secure and free to create and dream in here. What are we missing?
[29-17:32] ab6ae, Sileen: People on JJ are fickle, Mab. There's tons of chats, new ones being created every day, so no one stays in one chat for long. Like right now Vince's chat is growing strong, all they need is one or two people getting ticked off, and then a few more new chats will be made, and it won't have many members either.
[29-17:33] ab6ae, Sileen: It happened to Kingdom Come, the chat people are flocking to Vince's for because of nostalgia.
[29-17:33] ab6ae, Sileen: It happened to a couple of my favorite chats back in the day.
[29-17:33] ab6ae, Sileen: It always happens
[29-17:34] ab6ae, Sileen: Unless you make an invitation only chat, with only select people you enjoy RP'ing with, who have fun there, there's always going to be people meandering off one by one to play with a new shiney
[29-17:35] ab6ae, Sileen: Bettenchi is dead right now, but give it awhile, and eventually people might come back to it, especially since he have some stubborn people sticking to it
[29-17:37] ab6ae, Sileen: In the meantime, finish your changes. Have some fun with them... and don't fret about it
[29-17:41] 60bfb, Mab : Yeah, you're right. It's just so much work if people aren't going to appreciate it. I hope they come back.
[29-17:42] 60bfb, Mab : I'm adjusting the base plot right now.
[29-17:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-17:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-17:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-17:49] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[29-17:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-17:49] 60bfb, Mab : There, nicely shortened to where I think people will be more willing to read it and it's simpler, allowing more interpretation.
[29-17:49] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Hello...
[29-17:50] 60bfb, Mab : Hi
[29-17:50] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Yes, and Sileen, I am one of those stubborn people...
[29-17:51] 60bfb, Mab : Sileen and anyone else here wanna read over the base plot and tell me what you think of the simplifying?
[29-17:52] 60bfb, Mab : Trying to get everything done for the renewal on the 4th of July.
[29-17:53] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Sure, why not? I would be glad to help. (I am a devout Bettenchi person)
[29-17:54] 60bfb, Mab :
[29-17:54] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : /wink
[29-17:55] 60bfb, Mab : Thanks
[29-17:55] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : No prob!
[29-17:57] 60bfb, Mab : Hmm, a few typos at the end of it. Guess I better fix those.
[29-18:02] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Oh, and Mab? I am working with Kali (Illisse) on a kingdom... she said she asked you about more land?
[29-18:03] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : The kingdom's name was Medeore...
[29-18:11] 60bfb, Mab : Yeah, I can give the equivalent of 3 average sized united states worth of land, but more than that would be adding yet another ridiculous sized empire. Is this a kingdom of high elves? I can't say I'm too thrilled about that, if it is. Also, the player of the queen of the high elves might not be too thrilled if her position is knocked down by a big elven empire. Or is this a human kingdom? *gets confused easily*
[29-18:12] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : No, it is a human kingdom...
[29-18:12] ab6ae, Sileen: Weee!
[29-18:13] ab6ae, Sileen: Meh, I dun care. They can there niche of high elves
[29-18:13] 60bfb, Mab : Oh, okay. Yeah, it can be the size of 3 averageish united states as far as land mass. No problems. I just need to be reminded again where and I'll add it to the map and get the forces worked up for it and stuff.
[29-18:13] ab6ae, Sileen: They just can't have a bigger force then me, or I'll get jealous
[29-18:14] 60bfb, Mab : *L*
[29-18:14] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *grins* I am going to send in an application for the king sometime soon... Lan Mandragoran... Oh, and we would like to change the name of the kingdom to "Malkier".... it was located in Montana... *grin* Of all places for an empire... Montana!
[29-18:14] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Maybe not bigger... just the same... there has to be a large human empire...
[29-18:15] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *g at Sileen*
[29-18:15] 60bfb, Mab : LOL, Okay, I'll get it added. You can consider it existing. I just gotta do all the red tape stuff to get it up on the factions and forces and on the map.
[29-18:16] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Ok... Sounds good!
[29-18:16] ab6ae, Sileen: Hey! Is he going to have a queen named Nynaeve?
[29-18:17] ab6ae, Sileen: Nyuk nyuk nyuk
[29-18:18] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *grin* So you have read the books... I am proud! In fact, I was thinking of starting a chat for the series...
[29-18:20] 60bfb, Mab : Montana is right next to Wisconsin, right?
[29-18:21] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I think so...
[29-18:22] 60bfb, Mab : k
[29-18:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-18:23] 47439, Ashe : *shifty eyes*
[29-18:24] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:23pm, June 29 (CDT) ).
[29-18:25] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:23pm, June 29 (CDT) ).
[29-18:25] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:23pm, June 29 (CDT) ).
[29-18:25] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Hey Axis
[29-18:25] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[29-18:25] 60bfb, Mab : What's a good name for the lands of the Pegasi?
[29-18:26] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Perthas
[29-18:26] 3438b, Axis : ((hey...whats up all?))
[29-18:27] 47439, Ashe : Pegotti
[29-18:27] 47439, Ashe : spaghetti
[29-18:27] 47439, Ashe : ravioli
[29-18:28] 60bfb, Mab : I like Perthas. Thanks. That works.
[29-18:29] 47439, Ashe : no! Spaghetti is what it should be called
[29-18:30] 47439, Ashe :
[29-18:30] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Sure, Mab... I like making up names, plus I am fairly good at it... if I may say so myself...
[29-18:30] 3438b, Axis : ((*ponders soul-eaters* hmmm....))
[29-18:31] 47439, Ashe : oh sure, rub it in my face, just cause she liked your name better
[29-18:31] 125f3, Valandil Elladan :
[29-18:32] 60bfb, Mab : Okay, Map updated. Let me know what you think. Speak know or forever hold your peace. I gave Malkier most of the southern land around the great lakes and the side that is montana as well. Hope that works.
[29-18:33] 47439, Ashe : speak know? um...pickles?
[29-18:33] 60bfb, Mab : Just a sec, give it a chance to upload.
[29-18:33] 60bfb, Mab : Okay, uploaded.
[29-18:33] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Sure... How do I get to the map...?
[29-18:34] 60bfb, Mab : It's at the beginning of hot spots.
[29-18:34] 60bfb, Mab : a link to it.
[29-18:34] 47439, Ashe : why is it we have an entire world but EVERYONE centers in Rua?
[29-18:35] 47439, Ashe : looks great btw
[29-18:36] 60bfb, Mab : Thanks. Rua is just the focal point we've chosen.
[29-18:36] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Looks pretty good... *eyes empty space to the south* I may have to conquer that savage wilderness there...
[29-18:36] 60bfb, Mab : hehe
[29-18:36] 3438b, Axis : ((*pounces mab* yayness!))
[29-18:36] 60bfb, Mab : Oh, I gotta add creon. Forgot about that.
[29-18:37] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *grin*
[29-18:37] 60bfb, Mab : The fact that there is this whole globe of lands that can be covered is the reason we have da public portals.
[29-18:40] 60bfb, Mab : *delayed response to pounce* oof!
[29-18:40] 47439, Ashe : *does a lil jig*
[29-18:40] 3438b, Axis : ((and if hte leaders rp more people will go to the countries. Lands make allinces fight ect))
[29-18:40] ab6ae, Sileen: Mew?
[29-18:41] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *pets Sileen*
[29-18:41] 60bfb, Mab : Yeah, we're going to be making an updated rule about the leadership of countries. A basic idea of how the rule will work is outlined in the little ~Read~ link at the top there.
[29-18:42] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Oh, Mab... Malkier has a portal, right?
[29-18:42] 60bfb, Mab : I'm sure it does. Just get me the details for the portal and I'll get it posted to the portals thread. It has to be a public portal though, if you want one.
[29-18:42] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Can there be a private one for the Malkier royalty too?
[29-18:43] 60bfb, Mab : I know the roaming lands of the pegasi is going to have 3 or 4 public portals. Their land covers a lot of ground, but they're nomadic.
[29-18:45] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Ok, Public portal, entry phrase = Light guide my path.
[29-18:46] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Well, hey, since our kingdom is isolated, can it be a little bigger? currently it is the size of two states...
[29-18:47] ab6ae, Sileen: NEVER!!
[29-18:48] 47439, Ashe : *gets a punk rock band together and plays some good punk songs*
[29-18:48] 47439, Ashe : *all consisting of power chords*
[29-18:49] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : buh...buh... *pouts* You are far away, though...
[29-18:49] ab6ae, Sileen: I know, I'm just being disagreeable
[29-18:49] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I just sent in my character, Mab... just to let you know...
[29-18:50] 47439, Ashe : hey Mabbish, that was quite fun the other night with the songs. We need to make that a weekly occurance hehe.
[29-18:51] 60bfb, Mab : hehe, dunno if I have the creative flare to make it weakly.
[29-18:51] 60bfb, Mab : er weekly
[29-18:51] 125f3, Valandil Elladan :
[29-18:51] 47439, Ashe : hehe, ah c'mon, you were doin great
[29-18:52] 47439, Ashe : 'sides, not like it takes talent to rhyme drukenly
[29-18:52] 60bfb, Mab : Okay, uploading the map again. Added Creon and gave Malkier a bit more land. Okay, it's uploaded now.
[29-18:53] 47439, Ashe : and speaking of which *plays the Beer Song*
[29-18:53] 60bfb, Mab : So, everyone like the simplified "Opening" link? I took out a chunk and changed one thing of what was left.
[29-18:54] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Oh, and if you were able to expand the kingdom, down to the Missouri River - Mississippi River conjunction...
[29-18:54] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Oh. ok, you did expand... lets see...
[29-18:55] 47439, Ashe :
[29-18:56] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I like it! Congrats on creating a better background than I ever could...
[29-18:58] 60bfb, Mab : Thanks
[29-18:58] 60bfb, Mab : I have an even better on in the works, but no idea when that will be done.
[29-18:58] 47439, Ashe : do a lil dance, make a lil love, get down tonight *bown wown* get down tonight *bown wown*
[29-18:59] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Hmm... when you said "a bit" you meant it, huh?
[29-18:59] 60bfb, Mab : hehe, well, it's already really big.
[29-18:59] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Can you feeeel the looooove toniiight?
[29-19:00] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I know, the rivers make for convienient trading
[29-19:00] 47439, Ashe : *slaps Valandil* WRONG SONG!
[29-19:00] 60bfb, Mab :
[29-19:01] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : that is why I wanted it expanded down there...
[29-19:01] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Ow!
[29-19:01] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Ow!
[29-19:02] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Backstreets back, ALRIGHT! *flees*
[29-19:04] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Hey, Mab... who registers the characters?
[29-19:05] 60bfb, Mab : Well, *sighs* Steve was doing it, but I've been doing it lately, only I don't have all the time to be checking it constantly. I need a new registration admin.
[29-19:05] 47439, Ashe : *chases Valandil with a battle axe*
[29-19:06] ab6ae, Sileen: I can do it off and on
[29-19:06] 60bfb, Mab : If I expand it downward, I have to take some of the land from the side closest to Creon, cuz I don't wanna make it that big. You can't have it all the way down the river or anything. That's another empire in the making and too big. We've got too many empires already, in my opinion.
[29-19:06] 47439, Ashe : I have lots of free time, I don't mind helping
[29-19:06] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Ah... Well, I sent the king of Malkier in... *turns to face Ashe* You know that thing is rubber, right?
[29-19:07] MSG: Mab sent a message to Ashe.
[29-19:07] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : No, no! Not all the way down the Mississippi! That is too big... just to the missouri river...
[29-19:08] 47439, Ashe : *brains you with said rubber's HARD rubber, freaking hard too*
[29-19:08] MSG: Ashe sent a message to Mab.
[29-19:09] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I too am free on afternoons to help reg chars, as I said Mab... I am willing to help this chat in any way.
[29-19:09] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *has a vey hard head* Bye, bye, bye! Yeah!
[29-19:10] MSG: Mab sent a message to Ashe.
[29-19:10] 125f3, Valandil Elladan :
[29-19:10] 47439, Ashe : Bah, you know bad songs. Do you know this one? Stop, collaberate and listen, Ashe is back got a brand new invention!
[29-19:10] MSG: Ashe sent a message to Mab.
[29-19:11] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : ...
[29-19:11] 3438b, Axis : ((rar))
[29-19:12] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( AAAAAH! ))
[29-19:12] 47439, Ashe : *plays the Spicy McHaggis Jig*
[29-19:14] 125f3, Valandil Elladan :
[29-19:14] 47439, Ashe : *is currently downloading Ice Ice baby and Ninja Rap *
[29-19:15] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[29-19:15] 47439, Travis : WHOO! I have admin power now! *goes mad with power and blows self up*
[29-19:15] 125f3, Valandil Elladan :
[29-19:17] 47439, Travis : *deletes Valandil from existance* MWHAHAHAHAHA! Now you can't tell me Ice Ice Baby sucks!
[29-19:18] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Hey....
[29-19:18] 47439, Travis : no talky!!
[29-19:18] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I think that I have been here longer than you... I have tenure...
[29-19:18] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *grin*
[29-19:19] 47439, Travis : Yeah but I have power
[29-19:19] 47439, Travis : so shut your piehole!!
[29-19:19] 47439, Travis :
[29-19:19] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Come to my chat then....
[29-19:20] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Ooooorrr...
[29-19:20] 47439, Travis : *shifty eyes*
[29-19:20] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Mab...? Would you please intervene?
[29-19:21] 47439, Travis : *hides behind Sileen* Save me!
[29-19:22] 125f3, Valandil Elladan :
[29-19:22] ab6ae, Sileen: *blinks* Mew?
[29-19:22] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *pets Sileen* So cute!
[29-19:23] ab6ae, Sileen: *purr*
[29-19:24] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *pets more*
[29-19:25] 47439, Travis : *bites Valandil* ARRR!!
[29-19:25] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I got to go....
[29-19:26] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I will be back either later tonight or tomorrow... *waves* And thanks Mab!
[29-19:26] ab6ae, Sileen: *purr purr* ... Aaaw
[29-19:28] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( *picks up Travis the admin and throws him into a rack of N'SYNC and Backstreet Boys Cd's, then pets Sileen some more* ).
[29-19:28] 47439, Travis : Yeah you better be goin, I'm feelin a lil lightning huh...*shakes leg* a lil thunder too *shakes other leg* Yeah, you want a lil lightning Valandil? A lil thunder?
[29-19:29] 47439, Travis : WHA! WHA! WHA! *feints kicks*
[29-19:29] 60bfb, Mab : *checks off a couple more things on her chat renewal to do list*
[29-19:30] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[29-19:31] MSG: Phoenix sent a message to Mab.
[29-19:34] MSG: Mab sent a message to Phoenix.
[29-19:36] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[29-19:37] MSG: Phoenix sent a message to Mab.
[29-19:39] b3ce6, Darrius Lokken : (( hey mab I have a species idea I would like to run by you, if you have any free time could I run it by you?))
[29-19:40] 60bfb, Mab : You could run it by Sileen. She's the species admin. I don't wanna tread on her turf of authority.
[29-19:41] ab6ae, Sileen: Yo
[29-19:41] b3ce6, Darrius Lokken : ((Is Sileen here?))
[29-19:41] ab6ae, Sileen: Nope!
[29-19:41] cd95b, Phoenix : ((We need to fight Fire Pony))
[29-19:42] b3ce6, Darrius Lokken : ((Damn, I was hoping you were... oh well))
[29-19:42] ab6ae, Sileen: *L* Whacha got in mind, my dear?
[29-19:43] 47439, Travis : *explodes the world with his power*
[29-19:43] cd95b, Phoenix : ((*kicks Travis rebuild world in Bird like image))
[29-19:43] b3ce6, Darrius Lokken : ((Umm, it'll take a while, you have AIM?))
[29-19:44] ab6ae, Sileen: Yes. AIM- Sileen Tenlae
[29-19:44] 47439, Travis : *destroys phoenix with is Admin powers*
[29-19:44] b3ce6, Darrius Lokken : ((**Kicks phoenix, winning the fight, and building the world in his own image.... then bombs it...**))
[29-19:45] 47439, Travis : *erases Darrius with Admin powers*
[29-19:45] cd95b, Phoenix : ((Sileen say no.. *Ponders why MAb never gave him Adminy privaleges*, and no I win bah
[29-19:47] b3ce6, Darrius Lokken : ((**gives travis bad dreams of monkeys and snack foods**))
[29-19:48] 47439, Travis : Arise Chicken....CHICKEN ARISE!!! *Calls for Ultra Chicken! to reak doom upon you all*
[29-19:48] 47439, Travis : <-- ultra chicken link
[29-19:49] cd95b, Phoenix : ((Uh roast and eats chicken, but I too like aqua teen hunger force
[29-19:49] MSG: Mab sent a message to Phoenix.
[29-19:49] 47439, Travis : Why does everyone eat Ultra Chicken? He's a creature of Doom, OF DOOM!!
[29-19:50] MSG: Phoenix sent a message to Mab.
[29-19:52] MSG: Mab sent a message to Phoenix.
[29-19:53] MSG: Phoenix sent a message to Mab.
[29-19:54] MSG: Mab sent a message to Phoenix.
[29-19:55] cd95b, Phoenix : Ha ha
[29-19:56] b3ce6, Darrius Lokken : ((**Does his favorite thing EVER!** ARISE COLONEL, ARISE!!! **And with this a giant colonel sanders attacks the chicken with a cleaver**))
[29-19:58] 47439, Travis : *but is from the South and is a General so outranks the colonel* DOWN COLONEL!! Leave the chicken alone son.
[29-19:59] ab6ae, Sileen: *smites the chicken while Travis is distracted* >: )
[29-19:59] 47439, Travis : *cries* WHYYYYY!?
[29-20:01] cd95b, Phoenix : ((*smites Darrius new creature Idea* ha ha))
[29-20:02] b3ce6, Darrius Lokken : ((**Kills pheonix and cries about it** ITS A GOOD IDEA!!))
[29-20:04] MSG: Phoenix sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[29-20:04] 47439, Travis : WHY!?! He's just a chicken!
[29-20:05] cd95b, Phoenix : ((he has rockets on his ass))
[29-20:06] 47439, Travis : ......WITH A ROCKET ON HIS ARSE!
[29-20:07] ab6ae, Sileen: *flee!*
[29-20:07] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Phoenix.
[29-20:07] 60bfb, Flare : *blazes across the sky like a streaking sun*
[29-20:09] 47439, Travis : *ultra chicken chases Flare with the arse rocket*
[29-20:10] cd95b, Phoenix : Im me
[29-20:10] 60bfb, Flare : *swirls over and over in a gliding spiral, high in the sky, leveling out and watching the land move below. Ignores rocket, because is IC. hehe*
[29-20:10] cd95b, Phoenix : ((mab mab mab mab mab mab mab))
[29-20:11] 47439, Travis : *bashes* You can't ignore me, I'm an admin!
[29-20:12] cd95b, Phoenix : ((Maaaaaaabbbbb))
[29-20:12] b3ce6, Darrius Lokken : ((OH!! Ok, that makes more sence... what your s/n?))
[29-20:12] 60bfb, Flare : ((what what what what what what?))
[29-20:13] cd95b, Phoenix : ((Oh I was gonna wine to you about their being another Phoenix, but if its you.. That is ok, and click my little runner dude))
[29-20:13] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[29-20:15] 60bfb, Flare : ((Hehe, I can't, cuz I'm not on regular AIM right now for a reason))
[29-20:15] cd95b, Phoenix : ((Darrius click my runner dude))
[29-20:18] 6df9d, Liz: *growls*
[29-20:18] 47439, Travis : Too legit, too legit to quit
[29-20:19] 6df9d, Liz: Another kitsune?
[29-20:20] 47439, Travis : no, tis Ashe, I'm the new registration admin
[29-20:20] 60bfb, Mab : No, he's not another kitsune. He's just wearing the icon.
[29-20:20] 47439, Travis : *motions to pic* see
[29-20:20] 6df9d, Liz: Hehe
[29-20:25] 6df9d, Liz: *shudders* Horrible
[29-20:27] 47439, Travis : horrible?
[29-20:27] 6df9d, Liz: My dog breathed into my mouth. I tasted it.
[29-20:30] 47439, Travis : why are you kissing your dog?
[29-20:30] 6df9d, Liz: I was'nt..she was panting at me.
[29-20:31] 47439, Travis : suuuuure
[29-20:32] 6df9d, Liz: *eyes*
[29-20:32] 47439, Travis : DELETED!
[29-20:32] 6df9d, Liz: ok..
[29-20:36] 47439, Travis : A diga...a diga diga...Diggity, DIGGITY DIGGITY DIGGITY DIGGITY DELETED!!
[29-20:38] 6df9d, Liz: Help..
[29-20:38] 47439, Travis : where's Bri?
[29-20:42] 60bfb, Flare : *spins and loops in the air. the flames seems to blow off of her and she is a brightly red feathered, large bird*
[29-20:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-20:43] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:42pm, June 29 (CDT) ).
[29-20:43] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[29-20:44] 60bfb, Flare : *and she lands on the side of a dormant volcano and fluffs her feathers in that snuggling to sleep birdy way and falls asleep* *GONE for now*
[29-20:46] 6df9d, Liz: *dozes*]
[29-20:47] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 9:38pm, June 29 (CDT) ).
[29-20:51] 60bfb, Mab : *meanders off to work she's supposed to be doing. heh*
[29-20:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-21:00] 8cf7f, Will-o'-the-wisp: well huh..I thought I had a name when I logged in
[29-21:10] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:00pm, June 29 (CDT) ).
[29-21:11] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[29-21:11] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((rawr))
[29-21:15] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 9:46pm, June 29 (CDT) ).
[29-21:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-21:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-21:41] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((okay you people..))
[29-21:44] 47439, Ashe : what is up people
[29-21:44] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((A whole lot of nothing))
[29-21:44] 47439, Ashe : I noticed
[29-21:46] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((Yeah..that sucks))
[29-21:47] 47439, Ashe : indeed
[29-21:48] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((*drums fingers* Do de do..))
[29-21:49] 47439, Ashe : we need to start up some drinkin songs
[29-21:49] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((I once knew a girl from Nantucket))
[29-21:50] 47439, Ashe : well, I gotta go, haunt around for a while I'm sure some people will show up
[29-21:51] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((And haunt I shall))
[29-22:08] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((*haunts...* Ooooh...arent I scary..OooOoooohh))
[29-22:38] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[29-22:59] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((Helloooooo))
[29-23:00] 0f935, Kali: hey
[29-23:01] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((I've had wwaaayyyy to much coffee))
[29-23:01] 0f935, Kali: *sees*...other than that how are you?
[29-23:02] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((Not sleepy..*L*
[29-23:03] 0f935, Kali: tired.... purple.... damp...
[29-23:03] 8cf7f, Caradonia: (( look pink to me.))
[29-23:04] 0f935, Kali: ... been picking blackberries today
[29-23:05] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((ahhh..hence the purpleness. But oh Lord in Heaven i LOVE blackberries....*pause* Gimmie!))
[29-23:06] 0f935, Kali: *shares*... i picked over a gallon of them......yummmmm
[29-23:09] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((Can i live with you...and the blackberries? ))
[29-23:12] 0f935, Kali: hehe... they are in east tx...
[29-23:15] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((ah..well..damn..bah..not enough money to buy a ticket..))
[29-23:18] 0f935, Kali: sorry.....*shares more*....picking season is for another 2 or 3 weeks
[29-23:19] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((It's kinda dangerous to do that around my pick berries...snakes are about as plentiful as the berries))
[29-23:20] 0f935, Kali: *carries big stick*.... sides they hate me....
[29-23:20] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[29-23:21] a8f39, Travis : *in walks the big bad Admin*
[29-23:21] a8f39, Will-o'-the-wisp: mwhahaha
[29-23:21] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:21am, June 30 (CDT) ).
[29-23:21] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[29-23:21] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((oh...well..see..we get along just long as there is 5 foot between us. And hello Big Bad Admin))
[29-23:22] a8f39, Travis: erm, as I was saying...MWHAHAHAHA!
[29-23:22] 0f935, Kali: LOL@Travis/wispy*
[29-23:22] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 12:22am, June 30 (CDT) ).
[29-23:23] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((*paues..looking at Travis* Uh uh..well..ANYWAY*turns back to Kali*))
[29-23:23] 0f935, Kali: *giggles* what was that?...*glances at door slamming*
[29-23:24] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((I dont know..*leaning back to glance* ah well..))
[29-23:26] 0f935, Kali: *shakes head* damned ghosts around here.... anyway... I will spend part of tomorrow...making blackbery preserves and canning more peaches.....*looks forward to having her house smell wonderful*
[29-23:27] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((That's it...i'm SO comming to your house..*mouth watering...really*))
[29-23:28] 0f935, Kali: *leaves door unlocked*... just watch for the guard cat..
[29-23:29] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((I know kittyneize...the cat will not hurt me..*said while throwing things in suitcase*))
[29-23:30] 0f935, Kali: nah..she'll just love you to death...her favorite place to curl up is just under my chin.....then bap me with her nose......she's cheap and easy..
[29-23:34] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((awwww...she sounds like my dog...))
[29-23:35] 0f935, Kali: LOL....
[29-23:39] 0f935, Kazia: *test*
[29-23:39] 0f935, Kazia: *color*
[29-23:39] 0f935, Kazia: hmm
[29-23:43] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((Do de do))
[29-23:46] 0f935, Kazia: hrm... like this green?
[29-23:47] 8cf7f, Caradonia: reminds me of money that I dont have.....yes..
[29-23:52] 0f935, Kazia Del'Mara: *test*
[29-23:52] 0f935, Kazia Del'Mara: nooooo
[29-23:53] 0f935, Kazia Del'Mara: *stole Roki's green apparently*
[29-23:54] 0f935, Kazia Del'Mara: /limk http:/// Her royal Higness, Queen Kazia Del'Mara Mandragon..... or she will be as soon as Lan Mandragon decides to make an honest woman out of her
[29-23:54] 0f935, Kazia Del'Mara: heh *learns to type*
[29-23:58] 0f935, Kazia Del'Mara: *color**link*
[29-23:59] 0f935, Kazia Del'Mara: *choses random for this char temporarily*
[29-23:59] 0f935, Kazia Del'Mara : *adds Icon..*
[30-00:11] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[30-00:12] 0f935, Kazia: hello
[30-00:12] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Hello, and thanks for all the fish.))
[30-00:12] 0f935, Kazia: damned greens....
[30-00:13] 0f935, Kazia: gaah... ok that wasnt funny
[30-00:13] 0f935, Kazia: fish?
[30-00:13] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Hitch-hiker's guide? not funny? What is this you speak of?))
[30-00:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-00:15] 0f935, Kazia: the green colors arent funny... i just cant seem to get rid of them
[30-00:15] 74d1f, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Son of a radient angel))
[30-00:15] 0f935, Kazia: problems?
[30-00:16] 74d1f, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((I totally did not say that.))
[30-00:16] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Its funny. You'd think the color would be copper... Cuz they keep coming back like a bad penny, eh?))
[30-00:16] 0f935, Kazia: hehe
[30-00:18] 74d1f, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((*L*))
[30-00:18] 0f935, Kazia: see?.... damned greens..... I gotta find a permanent color..
[30-00:18] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Ahem.))
[30-00:19] 0f935, Kazia: ah... thats better.. hello Anastra
[30-00:20] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Much like an apparition, the elf glides from her room drawing around herself a luminescent cloak. She settles the hood over her brow, concealing her features from plain sight. She then locks her door and moves down into the main tavern of the Inn.*
[30-00:20] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Alone and undiscovered, a figure crouches in a pool of mist upon the shore of a small pond. Around this crouching figure, and the roiling coils of grey vapor, darker shadows cloud the horizon -- Trees. Thick, they march ranks upon ranks, an army of wooden figures set against the darkness. Slightly veiled by the shifting fog, a sheathed blade lay sheathed near his knees. Hands gloved, and fingers interlaced, Aegnor appears to be waiting. His thick cape cascades down his armored back, eyes closed. Even in the motionless air, his silver lockes shift even in absence of air, they would shift...*
[30-00:20] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Hello!))
[30-00:22] 0f935, Kazia: *link test*
[30-00:22] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Nuts, it's my post again))
[30-00:22] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[30-00:23] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Just when you thought it safe.))
[30-00:23] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[30-00:24] 0f935, Kazia: Hey Jagged...
[30-00:24] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((It's 1:30..why am I up..*steaks a blackberry from Kali*))
[30-00:24] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She takes the stairs slowly, not seeming to be in a particular rush. She crosses to the entrance, weaving her way around and between tables and boothes. She nods to some of the regulars who, by now, have come to recognise her. Eventually, she steps out into the street and cants her gaze upward to the moon.*
[30-00:24] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Probably the same reason why it's 1:30 and I'm up. Sex.))
[30-00:25] fe4a2, Jagged Farrell: ((*smirks* hey...))
[30-00:25] 0f935, Kazia: *sighs*.... unfortunately.... no
[30-00:26] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((I'm all up for that but my respective 'partner' is out of town...till August....))
[30-00:27] 0f935, Kazia: *throws herself into a series of cameos*.... mpd attack
[30-00:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-00:29] fe4a2, Jagged Farrell : ((*stretches out, yawning* damn, long time no see...))
[30-00:29] 0f935, Ankalima Morwen : *leaving Aldrik sitting alone in her room, she heads down stairs to the bar... *
[30-00:29] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:28am, June 30 (CDT) ).
[30-00:29] fe4a2, Jagged Farrell : ((my respective partner is home until friday night *smirks* bleh... no sex for Jace tonight))
[30-00:31] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((If I had a respective partner, he'd be about 12 hours south of me.))
[30-00:31] 8cf7f, Caradonia: *She watches the man down below with a tense look. She counts his footsteps and wathes for a swagger..a swing in rhytm that might hint to him being drunk. She sees what she's looking for...a clumsly swagger and a stumble. She slides out of shadow and climbs down the ladder..quietly...jumping would make too much noise*
[30-00:31] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Hypothetically speaking.))
[30-00:31] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Therefore, no sex.))
[30-00:32] fe4a2, Jagged Farrell : ((well er, I cant comlain much, I spent the weekend at my girls.... it was "fun"))
[30-00:32] 0f935, Belthil : *replacing the small carved stone..snapping back to the present....there is a knock at the door....walking towards it..wondering why one of her guards felt the need to knock like that, opening the door,she lets out a small scream......flinging herself at the person standing there*
[30-00:32] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((Of course. And Jace..I think that you'll somehow survive *L*))
[30-00:32] ab6ae, Aegnor: *The moon a sliver of razor steel cuts through the night, showing the scene for what it truly is to his mind. An army of evil, come to destroy what he has come to love, advances... He only stands between it and thier annihilation...*
[30-00:33] fe4a2, Jagged Farrell : ((well....... nevermind, Im not saying a damn thing))
[30-00:35] 0f935, Ilia Fion : *slowly walking thru the town, she continues to re acquaint herself with the town....~Quinell~*
[30-00:35] 8cf7f, Caradonia: *SOmewhere...two cats are courting and the sounds of their meeting obliterate any chance of her mark hearing her approach. She moves with stealth half given by birth and half learned by pratice. She hurries though..the alley dosent last forever*
[30-00:35] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She pauses, turns. Looks far down the street, past the gates, and outward. Or perhaps inward. She shakes her head just slightly and starts in that direction. Her steps are measured and sure. One hand rests upon the hilt of the sword at her side. She begins to hum, the sound muted against the night-sounds of .*
[30-00:36] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((Two cats mating? *L* OK then.))
[30-00:36] fe4a2, Jagged Farrell : ((lets just say it was a great weekend))
[30-00:37] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((*L* i was inspired by previous events that annoyed the hell out of me the other night....))
[30-00:37] 0f935, Zaeth : *sitting with her back to the throne..drops of liquid silver sliding down her cheeks....she wonders if he will ever come back...if only to set her free*
[30-00:38] fe4a2, Jagged Farrell : ((what kin of previous events?))
[30-00:38] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((Our Tom Cat found a lady friend...and I refuse to say anything more..))
[30-00:38] ab6ae, Aegnor: *The nightmare manifests itself on the face of every oak... in the eyes of every hell-bent adversary. In one swift movement, his hand drops... and he and the blade are one. Then, to his waking eyes... the scene is as it should be in the magnificent silver hues of the ascending moon... and the water beneath the veil of white gives only a dark shimmer... a black thing ready to swallow his soul. Aegnor sneers at its depths.* Oblivion... even ye can not bar my will.
[30-00:39] 0f935, Terra: *taking that first step forward into Garet's cottage.......she glances back at him... wondering if he's trying to trap her*
[30-00:39] fe4a2, Jagged Farrell : ((*laughs* well... I really need to call it a night, have an early morning))
[30-00:40] 0f935, Kaya : *continues to zip her way towards Queen Mab's residence..... wondering just what that strange elf was trying to do*
[30-00:40] 8cf7f, Caradonia: ((*L* laright..g'night then.........*eyes clock* I should sleep as well..I have a early afternoon...*Pfft*))
[30-00:41] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She moves through the gates as they ponderously swing open before her. Her gaze fixes upon the dream-blurred path before her. She moves off of the path after some time, veering off into the forest. She picks up her pace just a bit as she begins through the trees. Her step is silent, but to those who would listen, she would be heard. She seems driven by some unseen force. She, herself, is not familiar with the forest in these parts.*
[30-00:42] EXIT: Jagged Farrell has left the chat ( 1:39am, June 30 (CDT) ).
[30-00:43] 0f935, Lotesse : *still watching in horror as the line traces farther from Illisse, she becomes afraid of what might have happened to Val.....only waiting on her dinner before she headed out to at least find Illisse... maybe she'd have some explaination..for the distance between them*
[30-00:45] 0f935, Kazia Del'Mara : *test*
[30-00:46] ab6ae, Aegnor: *With a willful gesture, he returns the sheathed blade to its place on the bank. Refolding his hands, he again closes his eyes and opens his mind to thoughtless bliss. There is a way through this onslought... there must be.*
[30-00:46] 0f935, Kazia Del'Mara : *standing on the balcony of their room...looking out over the city..she paces the few feet back and forth...waiting for Lan to return*
[30-00:47] 0f935, Kali: *sighs* *ends cameos*... I think thats everybody
[30-00:48] 0f935, Kali: *also checks clock* guess its bed time for me too...g'night all.....*goes to her lonely bed..* Some people have all the luck...*glares at them*
[30-00:49] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Eventually, her careful steps take her toward water. Toward a half-shadowed area in which resides pure darkness. When it becomes evident to her that there is a being in this area, that she is not alone, she pauses. She listens, as though the gods would tell her which route to take: leave the way she had come; or discover who it was lurking there under the moon's umbra. She presses forward.*
[30-00:49] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*not glared at. has no luck*))
[30-00:49] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 1:48am, June 30 (CDT) ).
[30-00:52] ab6ae, Aegnor: *There is no sound caused by he, no action which would betray his presence. Even his breathing is softer than a summer breeze, and his heartbeat more silent than a owl on the wind. Yet, through all his inward drawing, her presence... is known, somehow. Along with all the creatures which withdraw from her presence.*
[30-00:54] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She soon stumbles upon him, where he rests. She catches a glimpse of him between trees. She slows until finally reaches somewhat of a clearing and pauses just under the protection of the trees. She watches him.*
[30-01:03] ab6ae, Aegnor: *He is still for quite a time. Eventually, he stands. Snatching up the sword... and sliding it casually into its place at his belt. As might be suspected, he draws the blade as if preparing to practice. But instead, he intends to work it in a much more... menacing way. He turns as if preparing to move into a form... but instead, gradually works toward her.*
[30-01:06] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She draws behind the nearest tree, turning to press her back against it. She utters something in draconic that might translate roughly into, "Dammit!" She then bites her lip and attempts silence. Perhaps she ceases even to breathe.*
[30-01:08] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Allows the moonlight to reflect off the blade ominously. Wagering that this intruder isn't too skilled... Unwise. A gamble.* Come forth and identify yourself. I know where you are, and I will know if you lie.
[30-01:09] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((I can click the little 'R' reload settings button thingy now. I don't have to enter ALL my settings ALL the time. This is wonderful. ))
[30-01:10] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Her breath hisses out in one smooth, soft exhalation. She doesn't move, though. Nor does she speak.*
[30-01:12] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*shift*))
[30-01:14] ab6ae, Aegnor: *He moves through the trees silently. Stepping around brush and shrubbery... His blade ever ready. The moonlight only enhancing his eye-sight.*
[30-01:15] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Well, if he's actively looking for her, she isn't too far away. Just leaning back against a tree. Mildly hoping not to get caught. Unmoving.*
[30-01:24] JOIN: Whee has entered.
[30-01:24] f9c17, Whee: Hi
[30-01:26] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Moving towards her. Keeps doing so. Searching around the trees... listening actively.*
[30-01:29] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Still isn't moving. Is trying not to breathe as well, but that's becoming increasingly difficult. Bites her lip again.*
[30-01:56] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[30-01:58] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Disappears from sight. A word is mumbled beneath his breathe, as a hand comes above his head to spray a bit of dust over him, out of sight. There is no sound... no spotting of him creeping for several excruciatingly long moments.*
[30-01:59] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She peers around the edge of the tree as time stretches onward, and gives a bit of a start when she doesn't see him approaching. She blinks, looking forward again to peer through the trees, thinking he might have circled around or something similar.*
[30-02:07] ab6ae, Aegnor: *A blade literally appears out of thin air, its razor edge pressed against her throat. The spell ended by volountary expulsion renders his visable, now. Wordlessly, he smirks at her.*
[30-02:09] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She starts slightly, eyes fixing firmly upon the blade as best they can. After a moment, they travel the length of the blade to rest upon Aegnor, who has appeared from out of nowhere. Silent.*
[30-02:10] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Feigning, I might, non-chalance extremely well.*
[30-02:12] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((I might add ))
[30-02:13] ab6ae, Aegnor: Well, well. A spy. *His words not at all harsh. Indeed, it might be meant in jest.*
[30-02:16] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Her silver eyes flash in the moonlight, reflecting it as she lifts a black-gloved hand to trail her fingertips lightly over the flat of the blade.* Be sure to make the punishment fit the crime, my lord. *The words attach themselves to the end of her sentence as though coming naturally. Indeed, she didn't give it much thought until after they'd been spoken. Her eyes narrow.*
[30-02:23] ab6ae, Aegnor: I wouldn't say that, if I were you. Death is the prescribed cure dictated by the letter of the law. *Sliding the edge just against her skin as he pulls the blade away.* Death isn't what you want... *Sliding it home into its sheath.* it? *Stopping just before the guard touches the scabbard lip, leaving only a bare slit of steel showing.*
[30-02:24] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : ((*must compose herself before composing a post*))
[30-02:25] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Watches his movements carefully before clearing her throat to speak.* That depends entirely on what form of death.
[30-02:28] ab6ae, Aegnor: The perminant kind, Anastra. The kind from which you only return as a festering corpse devoid of soul.
[30-02:29] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Perhaps that wouldn't be so bad. *Settles her gaze upon that thin glint of steel before raising her eyes to his face.*
[30-02:33] ab6ae, Aegnor: Couragous of you to say.
[30-02:34] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : I would think more an indication of cowardice. *She steps away from the tree, turning toward him.*
[30-02:37] ab6ae, Aegnor: A line thinner than the edge of the sharpest blade.
[30-02:39] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She slants her head slightly to one side. Her eyes narrowed still, the look in them keen. As though she can see right through him. She doesn't reply.*
[30-02:41] ab6ae, Aegnor: Don't you agree? *The smirk fades away as his thoughts turn elsewhere. As per reflex, one hand remains on the hilt of the blade.*
[30-02:42] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Sometimes. *Her voice is quiet, pensive. Her stare doesn't falter. She watches him.*
[30-02:42] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[30-02:45] ab6ae, Aegnor: Explain.
[30-02:46] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : One's view can often be altered by the circumstances that surround reason, my lord.
[30-02:48] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *The mechanic of stating the obvious to the audience, but the characters have no idea, is called Dramatic Irony.*
[30-02:48] ab6ae, Aegnor: Ah, but where does true reality lay? What exists outside of your thoughts and actions, or what exists within the walls of your mind?
[30-02:50] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She straightens a bit, her eyes drifting away finally, becoming unfocused. She's fallen uncomfortably silent.*
[30-02:51] ab6ae, Aegnor: This whole night seems... tense. But placid. Waiting for the sword to drop.
[30-02:52] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : The calm before the storm?
[30-02:52] ab6ae, Aegnor: I hope not.
[30-02:53] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : What is it you wish to accomplish, my lord?
[30-02:55] ab6ae, Aegnor: That is the question, isn't it. *He turns to face her... perhaps having turned away in thought previously. The moon shimmers in his eyes.* Leave it to say... Bring about a new age resurrected from the ash of an old.
[30-02:56] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She is silent for a moment, and then when she finally deigns to speak, her voice is cool and measured.* That is what I thought.
[30-02:57] ab6ae, Aegnor: Is it? Care to tell me what I mean?
[30-02:58] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : I'm not a mind-reader, my lord. *Quietly.*
[30-03:00] ab6ae, Aegnor: Although you seem to know what it is I mean to do.
[30-03:00] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : No, I do not.
[30-03:01] ab6ae, Aegnor: Eventually, you will.
[30-03:02] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She half-turns, presenting him with her side. Her face turns elsewhere just in time to conceal a partial wince.* All right.
[30-03:07] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Raising a brow at her wince.* I doubt you will find it unpleasent. *Uplifting tone.*
[30-03:08] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Define "unpleasant."
[30-03:09] ab6ae, Aegnor: Luxury. Honor. Respect.
[30-03:09] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : At the cost of what? And to whom?
[30-03:10] ab6ae, Aegnor: Nothing that would not be forfeit anyway. This war comes, whether we partake in it or sit at its side-lines.
[30-03:11] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : War. Who will wage war on whom?
[30-03:12] ab6ae, Aegnor: Evil on good, Anastra. Without our support, evil stands a good chance of winning... and in doing so, it would condemn forever an age of harmony.
[30-03:12] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Who is your enemy, my lord?
[30-03:14] ab6ae, Aegnor: Any that would seek to destroy or pervert this dream, in essence, Anastra, would be my enemy. Even myself.
[30-03:16] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : That's not very specific.
[30-03:16] ab6ae, Aegnor: It is not meant to be. But it is true.
[30-03:17] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *A sigh is her only answer, the sound nothing more than a faint whisper on the wind.*
[30-03:18] ab6ae, Aegnor: You are not yet meant to know.
[30-03:23] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Of course.
[30-03:24] ab6ae, Aegnor: What brings you this way?
[30-03:24] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Perhaps only the wind.
[30-03:27] ab6ae, Aegnor: *He is silent as he turns away once more. A quick glance back at the pond and the shadow of movement.*
[30-03:30] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She turns as he does, watching him once more.* Your motivations are never clear to me.
[30-03:33] ab6ae, Aegnor: Human men and women think that they have it bad between their sexes. *Smirk. Its a light-hearted jest.*
[30-03:34] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Do they?
[30-03:35] ab6ae, Aegnor: They have only a splinter of what the dragons bear.
[30-03:36] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : Does it make their burden less than ours?
[30-03:37] ab6ae, Aegnor: Of course not. Only the complexity.
[30-03:38] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *She frowns at him, silent again.*
[30-03:39] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Pause.*
[30-03:41] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Pauses.*
[30-03:41] EXIT: Anastra Sylune has left the chat ( 4:41am, June 30 (CDT) ).
[30-05:00] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[30-06:05] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[30-06:08] 1cc84, Kali: Luthien... I will have your profile for you later today...
[30-06:52] 1cc84, Kali: *finishes reading logs from yesterday* *hugs Mab* Im one of those stubborn people too... dinna worrit...theres people here...even if you have to beat them out of the shadows to rp........
[30-06:55] 1cc84, Kali: *char pic tests*
[30-06:55] 1cc84, Ilia Fion : *test*
[30-06:57] 1cc84, Illisse Brilthor : *test*
[30-06:59] 1cc84, Zaeth : *test*
[30-07:01] 1cc84, Terra: *test*
[30-07:02] 1cc84, Belthil : *T*
[30-07:06] 1cc84, Lotesse : *T*
[30-07:07] 1cc84, Kaya : *T*
[30-07:10] 1cc84, Kazia Del'Mara : *T*
[30-07:11] 1cc84, Kazia: yay! now to fix links...
[30-07:11] 1cc84, Kazia: oops...
[30-07:11] 1cc84, Kazia Del'Mara : thats better
[30-07:16] 1cc84, Ilia Fion : *T*
[30-07:18] 1cc84, Kazia Del'Mara : /limk http:/// Her royal Higness, Queen Kazia Del'Mara Mandragoran...if Lan ever makes an honest woman out of her...
[30-07:19] 60bfb, Mab : Oh darn, I missed the character pic tests.
[30-07:20] 1cc84, Kazia Del'Mara : eh sorry mab
[30-07:21] MSG: Mab sent a message to Kali.
[30-07:22] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[30-07:22] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[30-07:22] 1cc84, Kali: grrr
[30-07:23] 1cc84, Kali: yah. I'll change it with travis later....
[30-07:23] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[30-07:24] 60bfb, Mab : K, cool
[30-07:25] 1cc84, Kaya : ((ah yes... Queen Mab... Kaya is on her way to tell you about a strange elf))
[30-07:25] 3e274, luthien: the wall looms ominously over him as he approaches and its shadow reaches out to swallow him whole,*feels cold *
[30-07:25] 1cc84, Kaya : ((if you've the time thismorning))
[30-07:26] 60bfb, Mab : K
[30-07:26] aa1a4, luthien: (afternoon))illisse
[30-07:26] 1cc84, Kaya : ((MORNING Luthien))
[30-07:27] 1cc84, Kaya : ((*hugs* yes I know ...*teases*))
[30-07:27] 3e274, luthien: ((hey its 1:26,,its lunchtim,e!!!!
[30-07:27] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : *she is, coincidently walking the great wall of her kingdom, the tangling, spiked, grabbing vines that decorate the top parting to let her pass through unmolested. So she might run into both Luthien and Kaya this day*
[30-07:30] aa1a4, luthien: *shouts up at the wall*HELLO ANYONE THERE?HELLOOO
[30-07:31] 1cc84, Kaya : *reaching the Queens residence..only to find that her highness is out walking the wall....where she had just come from...she turns, flying fast....becoming a small streak of white light...heading back towards the wall*
[30-07:33] aa1a4, luthien: HELLO0?
[30-07:33] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : *she is in her auburn haired and hazel eyes coloring with a healthy pale color to her skin. Her people have not exactly been unaware of Luthien's movements. They've been watching him, pesky pixies getting up close to take a good look at him, etc. She hears the hail and smirks and moves over to the edge of the wall, the vines parting for her to do so. The vines do not disturb her people and they part for her and others charged with guarding the wall. She looks down at Luthien and calls down* What is it you seek?
[30-07:36] 3e274, luthien: *looks up at the voice and sees a woman fair of complexion and red of hair,others are with her.calls back*I seek the fae kingdom,is this it?
[30-07:38] 3e274, luthien: *looks up at the voice and sees a woman fair of complexion and red of hair,others are with her.calls back*I seek the fae kingdom,is this it?
[30-07:39] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : *chuckles* Who else would have a wall such as this surrounding their kingdom? Why do you seek our kingdom?
[30-07:39] 1cc84, Kaya : *spreading her wings to slow herself down as she nears the wall, she sees the Queen....uh oh... already speaking with the stranger...cautiously moving forward...very curious about this one*
[30-07:40] aa1a4, luthien: *studying the woman further notices her skin is exsquisite and she has an unearthly beauty, overawed at the site of other folk equally beautiful...but not as if they lack something that the red haired woman has.*sits down*
[30-07:43] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : *watches as the man sits down and raises a brow. She catches Kaya approaching out of the corner of her eye.* Hello, do you know this one? *kinda read Kaya's expression and demeanor to come to the conclusion she might know this man*
[30-07:43] 3e274, luthien: i seek the fae because i am curious, i want to know,to learn to satisfy my curiosity of whether or not tyhe stories my elders told when myself and others were but mere children.because all the wonderful things i was told need to be clarified in my mind because i would like to meet my dreams
[30-07:45] 1cc84, Kaya : I have been watching him for several days now... *lowering her head to the Queen..suddenly quite shy*
[30-07:46] 3e274, luthien: i am an elf we are not so different you and i we share a history steeped in war and blood, and happiness and sadness that goes back long before humans.
[30-07:47] aa1a4, luthien: *catches the words says to himself*i WAS being watched! i knew it i could feel it.
[30-07:48] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : *tilts her head to Luthien before looking back to Kaya* What do you think of him? *this at a lower volume and considering she is 60 feet in the air, she would not be heard saying this*
[30-07:48] 3e274, luthien: ((ha ha))
[30-07:49] aa1a4, luthien: ((i get the picture))
[30-07:50] aa1a4, luthien: *shouts *i just want to know you, who you are,how we seem so close but so far apart
[30-07:51] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : (())
[30-07:51] 1cc84, Kaya : He is very determined....*shifting her form from fae to human...also with red hair.very similar to the Queen*
[30-07:51] aa1a4, luthien: ((i hav to work in like 4 mins mor kids to teach blah))
[30-07:53] 1cc84, Kaya : (())
[30-07:53] aa1a4, luthien: *shock appears on his face as a woman materialises in front of him 60 ft in the air*faery magic!!
[30-07:54] 3e274, luthien: *he smiles*it was you wasnt it??in the woods?
[30-07:55] aa1a4, luthien: following me, seeing what i'de do wether or not i as a threat or not
[30-07:56] aa1a4, luthien: ((i have to go now))
[30-07:56] 3e274, luthien: ((be back in hour and a half))
[30-07:56] 1cc84, Kaya : *smiles at the look of shock on his face...not answering him*((see ya later))
[30-07:57] 1cc84, Kaya : ((hrm.... not sure about that one..))
[30-07:59] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : Well, let us see what he is all about shall we? *the wall would open below to admit Luthien when he gets a chance. It will close as soon as he enters. She smiles at Kaya.* Nice hair. *Mab, the color changer cannot claim her hair color as natural and she admires those who can, her default coloring being pure white and all other pigments borrowed. It is the mark of who she is. There would be large tree ents to escort Luthien to some place comfortable to await audience etc*
[30-08:01] 1cc84, Kaya : *blushes just about as red as her hair* Thank you , your highness.....
[30-08:02] 1cc84, Kaya : ((oops thats not gright))
[30-08:05] 1cc84, Kaya : (*sighs*... forgot where i put that one.... made new file just for allllll these avatars.... you know Mab..when I started here I only ever wanted one char.... *shakes head* Im addicted....))
[30-08:05] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : (( LOL))
[30-08:06] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : What is your function in this kingdom? *has a lot of people afterall, but sees potential in this one*
[30-08:09] 1cc84, Kaya : *chuckles a bit *..I am a seamstress....*not a very big job..but someone has to do it*
[30-08:12] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : Oh? It sounds like you're a very good scout as well. *smiles* You do know that possible war is nearing us?
[30-08:14] 1cc84, Kaya : I have heard talk of it.....*giving a wry smile* I must not be very good at it if he knew I was following him..
[30-08:16] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : Elves are very perceptive. It's strange that he has such awe for our kind. Perhaps he is from an elven culture far away. I know the high elves do not reverence us so. *then adds wryly with a wink* We are pretty remarkable though.
[30-08:21] 1cc84, Kaya : I do not recognize his clothing...*thinking for a moment* His speach is a bit strange too.......Not everyone believes us to be that remarkable. *sighing* or at least I'm not.
[30-08:22] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : I think you sell yourself short. *ponders a moment* We have never sold our special color shifting cloths and clothing wares to other cultures, have we? We've only occasionally presented them as gifts. I'm thinking that perhaps we should start, particularly to human cultures. *gives Kaya a deep, meaningful glance as though her suggestion has more significance than a simple opening of trade. It appears there is more to her comment than that, perhaps more of a purpose behind it*
[30-08:31] 1cc84, Kaya : *catching the bit of hint..*Where do you suggest we start?....calculating in her head the amount of fabric she has available at the moment...*and how?...
[30-08:33] 1cc84, Kaya : ((sorry Mab... gtg... duty calls.... ))
[30-08:33] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : I suggest we start in the most major cities. Setting up shops, but I'll discuss this more with you later. There is something to which I must attend.
[30-08:33] EXIT: Kaya has left the chat ( 9:33am, June 30 (CDT) ).
[30-08:34] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : *she smiles and nods and then heads off down the wall toward whatever her destination is* *GONE for now*
[30-08:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-08:55] 60bfb, Mab : "We're flying above the cloud, so beautiful and clear. We're flying above the clouds. I can see happiness from heeeerrreee"
[30-09:00] 60bfb, Pendy Fleece : *she waits, laying on the infirmary bed. The smell of the reasonably fresh hay wafting up whenever she shifts. She thinks to herself that if she can smell it so well that there needs to be a couple more layers of bedding between her and the hay or thicker bedding. Still, this is better than the cell, but she is soo bored. She glances over at the burly physician who has the bedside manner of a mac truck and who threatened to strap her down if she moved from this bed again. She sighs. Doesn't he understand how crazy this is making her? She needs to move around, to be doing something, getting somewhere.*
[30-09:00] 60bfb, Pendy Fleece : *end cameo*
[30-09:41] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[30-09:46] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[30-09:49] e5a9f, luthien: the wall opens in front of luthien,*looks up at the lady he was speaking to and walks through the entrance made.As he walks through the wall closes behind him,and Tree ents beckon for him to follow.* a friendly sight at last ents!*follows the ents to a place of waiting,where he is given food and drink and shown a place to rest*
[30-09:50] e5a9f, luthien: ((hi))
[30-09:57] 5506c, Kali: *blinks* why arent you using reg'd char?
[30-09:58] EXIT: luthien has left the chat ( 10:50am, June 30 (CDT) ).
[30-09:59] JOIN: luthien galanodel has entered.
[30-09:59] e5a9f, luthien galanodel: (i am))
[30-10:00] 5506c, Kali: *grins* now you are....
[30-10:00] e5a9f, luthien galanodel: ((ha ha))
[30-10:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-10:01] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:00am, June 30 (CDT) ).
[30-10:02] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[30-10:02] 6e5a2, Axis : ((blah))
[30-10:02] e5a9f, luthien galanodel: ((blah))
[30-10:03] 5506c, Kali: hey acis.
[30-10:03] 6e5a2, Axis : ((blah))
[30-10:04] 5506c, Kali: *smacks typos* hey axis
[30-10:04] e5a9f, luthien galanodel: ((ha ha you funny velly funny ,,you velly funny guy))
[30-10:06] 6e5a2, Axis : ((hey kali))
[30-10:06] 5506c, Kali: how goes?....
[30-10:06] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[30-10:09] 6e5a2, Axis : ((lousy.))
[30-10:10] 5506c, Kali: pretty much the same here....more rain and more rain.
[30-10:11] EXIT: Tarnis Catadon has left the chat ( 11:06am, June 30 (CDT) ).
[30-10:11] 6e5a2, Axis : ((heh))
[30-10:11] JOIN: Augilo Giaffone has entered.
[30-10:12] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : (( Test ))
[30-10:13] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[30-10:16] aebf7, Will-o'-the-wisp: (( woo hoo ))
[30-10:16] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:16am, June 30 (CDT) ).
[30-10:17] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[30-10:17] 5506c, Kali: ?
[30-10:18] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((Anyone got a color chart?))
[30-10:18] 6e5a2, Axis : ((*pokes tanris i nthe eye*))
[30-10:18] 5506c, Kali: what color?
[30-10:19] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((** pokes back** hey, you!...ah yea....... Kali, a aqua like green or blue))
[30-10:20] 5506c, Kali: try 00ffcc
[30-10:21] aebf7, Tarnis Catadon : okay
[30-10:21] e5a9f, luthien galanodel: ((strange))
[30-10:21] aebf7, Tarnis Catadon : look to chivky?
[30-10:22] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((((chicky*))))
[30-10:22] 5506c, Kali: 33cccc
[30-10:23] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((next))
[30-10:23] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((That will do.))
[30-10:23] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((Thanks, Kali.))
[30-10:23] EXIT: Tarnis Catadon has left the chat ( 11:21am, June 30 (CDT) ).
[30-10:23] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[30-10:24] 5506c, Kali: np
[30-10:24] aebf7, Tarnis Catadon : ((what with this icon))
[30-10:25] aebf7, Tarnis Catadon : (( there is goes..i selected inlisted solder and it was the same as augilos' icon))
[30-10:26] 6e5a2, Axis : ((RAR))
[30-10:29] 5506c, Kali: I hate this weather
[30-10:30] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((I think you got our rain it rained alot here week or so ago, constantly. Had some tornados in the area.))
[30-10:30] 6e5a2, Axis : ((heh me too))
[30-10:32] 5506c, Kali: you can keep the tornados.... where are you?
[30-10:33] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((Michigan))
[30-10:34] 5506c, Kali: tx... you will be getting my rain...
[30-10:34] 6e5a2, Axis : ((not ar from me. In ohio))
[30-10:35] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((Our whole lawn is flooded. I need no rain.))
[30-10:36] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((I was in circleville, Ohio couple weeks ago for a race.))
[30-10:36] 5506c, Kali: lawn??? try entire fields....the main road from my house to town is still flooded...and i have to get to town later.... i hope it goes down some by then.
[30-10:36] 5506c, Kali: race? what kind?
[30-10:37] 6e5a2, Axis : ((hmm thats really pretty close))
[30-10:38] 60bfb, Mab : *cleans and polishes the chat, renews, renews, renews, dusts and sweeps. la la la*
[30-10:38] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((Our down was under water but only like 4 inchs. And only back road were under water. Now just my lawn. Ah gokarts. But now what you would think. They have 100cc motors and light weight body slicks. Not like yard karts, these things are fast for being out 2 inchs off the ground. Usually go about 70mph))))
[30-10:39] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((((down-downtown. Mab I stole your icon))))
[30-10:40] 5506c, Kali: ahh... I go to legend car every thursday from now until mid august i wont be here... mostly
[30-10:40] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((body, slicks. I need to slow down and make some more sense when I talk.))
[30-10:41] 60bfb, Mab : hehe
[30-10:41] 5506c, Kali: dinna worry .. i nver make sense.
[30-10:42] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((Dinna?))
[30-10:42] 60bfb, Mab : *fixes da rules to reflect new kingdoms and factions representation rules. la la la*
[30-10:43] JOIN: luthien galanodel has entered.
[30-10:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-10:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-10:44] 5506c, Kali: gahh dont...
[30-10:45] e5a9f, luthien galanodel: *eats and drinks while waiting*
[30-10:46] e5a9f, luthien galanodel: hi willow hows buffy?))
[30-10:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-10:49] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : *does whatever business she had to rush off to and then makes her way down to where Luthien is waiting. She enters the lounge room located in the Ruins of Ferialii. Luthien would have noted that from the outside, the room looked to be overgrown and long crumbled and abandoned, even looking through the large, open floor to ceiling windows, but once one steps inside, they find the room well kept and luxurious. Such is the nature of the Ruins of Ferialii. Some buildings and rooms don't even appear to have roofs anymore, but the opposite is found to be true when the buildings and rooms are entered.*
[30-10:50] ab6ae, Sileen: *flies in* Weeee! *skid... skidskidskid* ... Eh oh. *THUD* *hits the wall, then falls back from it, seeing stars*
[30-10:50] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : ((hehe))
[30-10:51] ab6ae, Sileen: HI!!
[30-10:52] 5506c, Kali: sorry Mab... Luthien had to leave.
[30-10:52] 5506c, Kali: HELLO!!
[30-10:53] 60bfb, Mab Fairy Queen : *okay, so doesn't do that, but sends someone to check on him. Still, that's where he'd find himself*
[30-10:53] ab6ae, Sileen:
[30-10:53] 5506c, Kali: and if he posts now.....ill hurt him cause he just said he had to leave...
[30-10:54] 5506c, Kali: I love the new changes
[30-10:55] 60bfb, Mab : Cool!
[30-10:55] 60bfb, Mab : Thanks
[30-10:55] 60bfb, Mab : *polishes and sweeps and dusts some more*
[30-10:56] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((What if a kindom leaders player is gone for a weak on vaction..would a npc still be put in place of that player?))
[30-10:56] 5506c, Kali: *tries to get herself in gear and finish the spells..*...i keep getting interupted
[30-10:56] 60bfb, Mab : Not if they let me know in advance and when they'd be back.
[30-10:58] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((Okay kool cause I got a vactation coming up here.))
[30-10:58] 60bfb, Mab : I should prolly add that note, huh? *goes to do that*
[30-10:58] 5506c, Kali: hmph that must be nice...
[30-10:59] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : (((( arg not vact...vacation! ))))
[30-11:00] 5506c, Kali: ive been thinking about taking on myself...
[30-11:00] 5506c, Kali: one
[30-11:01] 5506c, Kali: *officially forgives all typo's for the day*...
[30-11:01] ab6ae, Sileen: I like cheese
[30-11:01] aebf7, Augilo Giaffone : ((And if I have a char that I want to advance in magic, can I come it with him couple time aday and just say they are reading scrolls and leave. Or would you like more detail.. **fulls of questions as always**))