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[14-07:50] 3e274, luthien: ((ok))
[14-07:52] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he takes another sip of the coffee, and he glances around for a moment*
[14-07:53] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *watching him glance about the room, she does the same*looking for someone? *ok she's nosy...its part of how she's stayed alive so lont*
[14-07:54] b7149, luthien: *carries on walking through the woods,heading in a north easterly direction ,sometime before dusk settles down to eat and get some rest ,in a small glade.*
[14-07:54] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : not particularly...
[14-07:56] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *seeing that she's not getting anywhere, she sighs, rolling her shoulders a bit* Have you finished your business yet?.....*changing topic on him*
[14-07:57] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : my business never finishes... *he glances back to her*
[14-07:57] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[14-08:00] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : Must be a hard thing....having business that never ends.....thats not something I could deal with....I prefer jobs that are quickly done and quicky paid for...
[14-08:01] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *nods* what line of work are you in, if you don't mind me asking?
[14-08:03] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *her slate grey eyes darken just a bit* Oh this and that.....mostly I guess you could say that I'm a mercenary.
[14-08:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-08:05] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : mercenary? interesting... killing and doing things for money...
[14-08:08] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *taking a sip of her tea...luke warm now..but she doesnt really notice* Killing...yes, i have done for money....* a bit curious now as to what he thinks she is*..what other things?
[14-08:10] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : thievery maybe... stealing something from someone, then getting paid a generous sum for the delivery of that item...
[14-08:11] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : I have never stolen for others.....I do have my limits......*smiling* or lets say...I havent had the right offer....
[14-08:14] c6c97, Aldrik : (location?)
[14-08:14] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he takes another sip of his coffee* ((Glimmering Inn))
[14-08:15] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((glimmering inn at the bar))
[14-08:16] c6c97, Aldrik : *walks into the inn headed for his usual booth, not noticing kali as he passes*
[14-08:19] 1c3ec, Phoenix : ((Coffee?))
[14-08:19] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *having had her back to the room..she wouldnt see aldrik anyway...her conversation having taken a turn somewhere along the line to be about her*
[14-08:20] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : ((yes, a hot beverage containing crushed up coffee beans, hot water, and depending on the person it contains milk and sugar))
[14-08:21] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((coffee has been around a very long time....of course depending on which country you are could be used to peel paint from the walls))
[14-08:22] c6c97, Aldrik : *sitting at the booth he looks about the room he notices kali.*
[14-08:23] c6c97, Aldrik : (bleh ya know what it means)
[14-08:24] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[14-08:25] 54891, Cookie Monster: ((*considers distiling coffee*))
[14-08:25] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *suddenly falling silent in her conversation with Galean, she feels the hair on her neck rise....someone was watching was a natural instinct, born of her lifestyle..glancing carefully around the room..she catches Aldrik out of thecorner of her eye...uh oh...))
[14-08:26] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he watches her quietly, not saying a word* ((BRB))
[14-08:27] c6c97, Aldrik : *smiles as he stands. heading over to her.*
[14-08:27] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((blehh....I quit drinkin the stuff..))
[14-08:32] 54891, Cookie Monster: So what have I missed in my missingness?
[14-08:33] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((hrm...well lessee....galean and mab finally kissed last night......hmmm..*G* cant think of another big highlight))
[14-08:33] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : ((back))
[14-08:33] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : ((crap... brb again))
[14-08:34] c6c97, Aldrik : (party at our place friday)
[14-08:35] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *watching him walk over to her, she wonders just what he is thinking....after all she hadnt seen him since the night of his meeting with Skarling*
[14-08:38] 54891, Cookie Monster: So I didn't cause any undue distress with my absence?
[14-08:39] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((yes you did....*hugs tight* ))
[14-08:40] c6c97, Aldrik : hey *stops next to her.*
[14-08:41] 54891, Cookie Monster: *snugs back*
[14-08:41] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:04am, June 14 (CDT) ).
[14-08:41] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *she glances at Galean then to Aldrik*...good morning
[14-08:41] 9890b, Roki: the rokeh is in da hizzouuuuusssee !
[14-08:42] 54891, Cookie Monster: AWWWWWREEEEET!
[14-08:42] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((oh *hugs Roki too* I'm in a hug giving mood... ))
[14-08:48] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((*stares* um... I hugged chat to death.......))
[14-08:49] c6c97, Aldrik : how've you been?
[14-08:51] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *relieved that at least he hadnt yelled at her*..bored mostly....
[14-08:54] c6c97, Aldrik : *takes a seat next to her* who the friend?*looks past her to galean*
[14-08:56] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : That is Galean..*and she's not going to say more than that about him until he gets back*
[14-09:02] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : ((back *had to wait for a TV program to start*)) *he glances over to Aldrik for a moment, and nods slowly... a little wary of humans*
[14-09:05] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *she will continue to be silent about Galean...who he is a nd what he does is not Aldriks business* Galean...this is Aldrik....a friend
[14-09:06] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he takes another sip of the coffee, remaining silent*
[14-09:11] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[14-09:12] c6c97, Aldrik : nice to meet you.
[14-09:14] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : nice to meet you too... *he finishes off the coffee and places the mug on the bar*
[14-09:15] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : Well you didnt get yourself killed...when did you get back here?
[14-09:17] c6c97, Aldrik : I never really left. just started looking around town.
[14-09:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-09:18] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:18am, June 14 (CDT) ).
[14-09:19] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[14-09:19] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : It would have been nice if you'd at least told me what you were doing....*is on her way to acting very possessive*
[14-09:20] 932aa, Axis : ((hello folks))
[14-09:20] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((hey Axis))
[14-09:21] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : ((hey Axis))
[14-09:21] 932aa, Axis : ((location?))
[14-09:22] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((glimmering Inn...all of us))
[14-09:22] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : ((Glimmering Inn))
[14-09:23] c6c97, Aldrik : Ill be sure to spend the day in the room next time i plan on wandering off. that way ill be sure to catch you.
[14-09:25] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : and just where do you think i'd be? *waving her hand towards the open room*...I live here...i have no work...I know this city inside out...what else is there to do but sit here?
[14-09:26] c6c97, Aldrik : Trying to find something new.
[14-09:26] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he continues to remain quiet, until he orders a glass of ale*
[14-09:27] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *notices Galeans switch from coffe to ale..arching an eyebrow towards him*'re sure every things ok?
[14-09:28] 932aa, Axis : *glides into the glimereing*
[14-09:28] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *nods* yes... coffee wakes me up... ale makes sure to keep me awake...
[14-09:36] 932aa, Axis : *he takes his customary seat at a corner table cowled and cloaked*
[14-09:38] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : an unusual combination...but if it works...
[14-09:38] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : it does... *he pays for the ale and takes a sip of it*
[14-09:42] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : ((brb, gotta reboot))
[14-09:48] 932aa, Axis : *eyes kali and glaiean as he sits and scans the room*
[14-09:50] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *again, that feeling of being watched comes over her...quickly glancing around the room..she almost misses seeing the cloaked stranger in the corner*
[14-09:51] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[14-09:52] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : ((back)) *he ignores the eyes on him, and takes another sip of his ale*
[14-09:54] 932aa, Axis : ((rawr)) *he idly sips something in a glass as he watches*
[14-09:55] c6c97, Aldrik : *watches kali turn* what wrong?
[14-09:57] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : Just a bit edgy this morning.....there was a nightmare here in town last night....I feel like theres people watching me .....*shivers a bit*
[14-09:59] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he looks to Kali* a nightmare? *raises an eyebrow*
[14-10:00] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : yes... out in the street...he was trying to catch a winged man.....
[14-10:02] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : odd... *runs a hand through his hair for a moment*
[14-10:02] 932aa, Axis : *his ears perk up at this and he listens shamelessly*
[14-10:04] c6c97, Aldrik : what kind of winged man?
[14-10:05] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : sounds like i must have been having a nightmare...but there were others there....a pale woman with wings also..and....that half demon that is here sometimes....*turning to aldrik* Im not sure but i think they were Pegasi....
[14-10:06] 932aa, Axis : ((powers out gotta scoot))
[14-10:07] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((see ya))
[14-10:07] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : I had a run in earlier with the two pegasi and the half demon...
[14-10:07] c6c97, Aldrik : I've never seen a pegasi.
[14-10:08] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *arches an eye brow* At least I wasnt dreaming then....what happened? if i can ask..
[14-10:10] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : the male pegasus and the half demon were trying to capture the female pegasus...
[14-10:11] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *blinks* were you here last night?
[14-10:12] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : no, I was in the Rua Forest...
[14-10:13] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : and I ran into the three a few hours ago, this morning...
[14-10:15] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : They were trying to catch her again?......what is so special about that one?
[14-10:16] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : I'm not too sure...
[14-10:17] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[14-10:17] a9e45, Caradonia: ((*flexes fingers*))
[14-10:19] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : Perhaps I should ask around a bit...she was hurt last night...maybe some one has seen them
[14-10:20] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *nods quietly, and has another sip of the ale*
[14-10:24] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *turning back to Aldrik*..I have not either..but I've heard them described before
[14-10:26] c6c97, Aldrik : You saw two last night didnt you?
[14-10:28] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : yes... a male and a female....they were in here at first...he was chasing her.
[14-10:29] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *continues to remain quiet until spoken to, sipping on his ale*
[14-10:29] c6c97, Aldrik : Then you have seen one.*grins at himself*
[14-10:30] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *blinks again...what was she doing? she hadnt forgiven him for disappearing on her......she turns her back on him at his last comment* Galean...what's it like where you live?....
[14-10:31] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : it's nice... *smiles lightly, then takes another sip of the ale*
[14-10:33] ceea7, Steve : *ponders joining in*
[14-10:33] a9e45, Caradonia: *The door creaks open and she steps inside, a bag slung over her shoulder and another hanging at her hip, both look a little heavy but she dosent seem notice*
[14-10:35] a9e45, Caradonia: ((to notice))*At her passing of an empty chair she drops her bags within it and looks around for a innkeeper, barktender or anyone that works here, wants a room...duh*
[14-10:35] c6c97, Aldrik : *looks at kali's back* are you mad because of our game?
[14-10:35] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((jump on in))
[14-10:36] 699dc, Luke: for some reason, "Scuba Steve" from Big Daddy with Adam Sandler just came into my head...
[14-10:36] c6c97, Aldrik :
[14-10:37] ceea7, Sinder: ((*jumps on in*)) *after Cara enters...who so should come on in other than the younger half of the fox brothers Hiten and Maten...Maten being him...his 3 tails twitching about as he contiues into the room, draped in heavy red robes that seem way too big for him...his sivered ears peeking out from his thick hair...he has that dark look of mischief on his face* ((*slaps Luke into the Crossface*))
[14-10:37] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : Oh do you mean when you tried to kill yourself to beat me? not at all....that was just the stupidest thing i've seen a person do to win a little knife throwing competition..
[14-10:38] c6c97, Aldrik : so you are mad?
[14-10:39] 35738, Ashe: ((damn you scuba steve!))
[14-10:40] ceea7, Sinder : ((I'm the fiurst to test our new Kitsune Icons!
[14-10:40] a9e45, Caradonia: *She looks behind her when the door dosent shut after she came in, her brows lift slightly at the robed figure that strides on in, dosent stare, just glances at for a moment before looking for a tavern employe*
[14-10:40] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *hearing the door creak open, she turns towards it...seeing first a girl, then a kitsune ..hmm ...come inside*
[14-10:41] 35738, Ashe : ((YAY!))
[14-10:41] ceea7, Sinder : *he glances over the room...elf...elf....human...human....and...God..ok..we're all here*
[14-10:42] c6c97, Aldrik : (thought you were a kitsune not a human)
[14-10:43] ceea7, Sinder : (I am.. Cara's human isnt she? You're human.. Kali and Galean are the elves..and the Kit is the God)
[14-10:43] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((LOL he's God....))
[14-10:44] c6c97, Aldrik : (umm im god)
[14-10:44] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he finishes off the ale and places the empty glass on the bar*
[14-10:44] a9e45, Caradonia: ((So your who I pray too every time i'm up yay, wow, crap creak without a paddle?))
[14-10:45] ceea7, Sinder : *he props himself up on a chair and orders a glass of meade...which is made of distilled honey..mmm...honey...* (*eyes* Do I hafta drag Randen in here and prove you wrong again Aldrik?)
[14-10:45] a9e45, Caradonia: ((stupid filter..and yeah..i'm human))
[14-10:45] ceea7, Sinder : ((Yup...BOW BEFORE ME!)
[14-10:45] c6c97, Aldrik : (aka supreme dictator of the multiverse)
[14-10:45] MSG: Mab sent a message to Kali.
[14-10:46] MSG: Sinder sent a message to Mab Moderator.
[14-10:46] 699dc, Luke: MAB!!
[14-10:46] 699dc, Luke: hi...
[14-10:46] a9e45, Caradonia: ((*blink*))
[14-10:47] 1e2ba, Mab : Grrr, now I gotta go to my mab moderator handle to check that message. *L*
[14-10:47] 1e2ba, Mab : Hi Luke
[14-10:47] 35738, Ashe : *a few minutes after his brother Maten enters the Inn he enters as well, tossing and catching a gold pouch, his silver hair flowing in his steps, his tunic flowing as well*
[14-10:47] ceea7, Sinder : (Its worth it Mab)
[14-10:47] a9e45, Caradonia: *She grabs the girl by the arm that Sinder gave his order to* Hey,*looking at the girl with her gold yellow eyes* Who do I talk to to get a room?
[14-10:47] 1e2ba, Mab Moderator : LOL
[14-10:48] ceea7, Sinder : *is already working on getting himself a wee bit tipsy... and calls out to Cara* Common Sense would direct you to the OWNER *smirks*
[14-10:48] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : thanks Mab...
[14-10:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-10:50] 35738, Ashe : *lightly pops his brother in the back of the head* You don't take long to get plastered anymore do you?
[14-10:50] a9e45, Caradonia: *Shrewd eyes shift to sinder and a cutting smile tilts the corners of her mouth* That does me no good because I dont know where the owner is*she looks at the girl, not giving the kitsune a chance to retort* where is the owner?
[14-10:51] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *watching the room fill up...the inn was certainly getting busy this morning..she turns back to Aldrik again.* yes I am mad....but thats my problem isnt it? It's not like you're someone that belongs to me..
[14-10:51] ceea7, Sinder : *lets out a small yelp and then kicks his foot out for his older brother's knee* I've been here a whole five minutes and this is my first drink...*light scowl at his brother*
[14-10:52] c6c97, Aldrik : /mab Ooc hey just wanted to get you to switch acc again sry
[14-10:52] c6c97, Aldrik : noo
[14-10:52] 35738, Ashe : *his tail twitches, he tends to keep his other 2, soon to be other 3, tails hidden and blocks the kick* Oh yeah, I forget, you're always this obnoxious hehe. *hops up on a bar stool with his bro*
[14-10:53] ceea7, Sinder : *he holds no illuisions about hiding his tails..sees them as a mark of pride..beside..its too draining to hide them..he raises his glass up to his lips and drains it a bit more* Hmm..we're all even now.. two elves, two humans..and now us...
[14-10:54] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *while everyone is occupied with conversation and the like, he begins to make his way around the people and towards the door*
[14-10:55] 35738, Ashe : Are you sure that makes us even? I mean we are so much better aren't we? *smirks and ties his hair back for a change*
[14-10:55] ceea7, Sinder : *idly shifts, senidng his foot out to trip Galean if he isnt careful...rught at the last second*
[14-10:55] c6c97, Aldrik : *orders a glass of honey wine*
[14-10:56] c6c97, Aldrik : your friends escaping*points out galean*
[14-10:57] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : Escaping?... I wasnt keeping him hostage here you know..
[14-10:57] 35738, Ashe : *gets himself some mead, some fruit and a sausage* You want anything else bro? I got "paid" this morning. *by paid he means he stole the gold, he does that when he wants money ya know*
[14-10:57] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he stops as soon as Sinder sticks his foot out... he looks down to the kitsune with a narrow eyed look, and steps over the foot, and continues on his way towards the door*
[14-10:57] ceea7, Sinder : Yeah you're right...*shrugs* Oh well... if they dont like it they can bow before me when I bash 'em upside the head *grins mischeviously*
[14-10:57] ceea7, Sinder : *smiles ever so nicely at Galean as if to deny he was trying to do anything other than stretch his leg*
[14-10:57] a9e45, Caradonia: *Dosent hear that comment from Ashe, is talking to the Owner about getting the room, and really, if she had heard, she wouldnt care, isnt a fan of humanity*
[14-11:00] 35738, Ashe : *downs some of his mead and begins workin on an apple, peeling it with a clawed finger*
[14-11:01] ceea7, Sinder : *forms a ball of his own energy and throws it Cara.,..and when it hits her..if it hits would splat against her and feel very much like she was hit with a creme pie*
[14-11:01] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he walks out into the sunshine, heading out into the city*
[14-11:01] 35738, Ashe : *shakes head* He's in the mood today.
[14-11:03] a9e45, Caradonia: *Is human, isnt an super elf or any other super species but she is a hunter, she is a theif and she's quick, very. Her body snaps back and drops down into a crouch, evading the ball of energy's path, wherever that may be*
[14-11:03] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *she watches Galean walk out the door...still getting the feeling that something was bothering him.....shaking her head at the kitsune's antics*
[14-11:04] ceea7, Sinder : *it would be going for the back of the head...and so..WHAM the owner gets hit with it..and indeed it looks much like a creme pie*
[14-11:05] 35738, Ashe : *sits there eyes closed, holding his cup close to his mouth* You really can be obnoxious at times.
[14-11:06] a9e45, Caradonia: *She winces and slides back up till she's standing, head whipping around to Sinder, frowns and mumbels something rude underneath her breath*
[14-11:06] ceea7, Sinder : *leans a bit against his brother in a nudge* Yeah..but that's part of my charm...*grins*
[14-11:08] 35738, Ashe : *looks at his brother dumbfounded* What charm?! I see no charm, just a mischievious ball of fur. *shakes his head* Now your big bro, he's got charm. *nods and takes a gulp of his mead* Yep yep, I'll have to learn ya some charm Maten.
[14-11:09] ceea7, Sinder : *nearly falls from his chair in laughter and shakes his head* Hiten..I think you've had enough to drink...your ego's talking out of your butt again cuz certainly your muzzle knows better...*gives Cara a wink at her rude comments*
[14-11:10] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *chuckles at the kitsune.....she just cant help herself*
[14-11:10] a9e45, Caradonia: *She tries not to snort her distaste as she hands the owner the money to rent a room for a few days*
[14-11:11] 35738, Ashe : *grins* Right, that's why I'm the one in the floor. And I think she likes ya, go use some of that charm.
[14-11:11] ceea7, Sinder : *is in too much of a mood to let Cara's somber attitude spoil his revelry*
[14-11:11] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *paces back and forth in her bedchamber, still in her nightdress. She is nervous and hopes that her people won't discover her relationship with Galean for what it really is*
[14-11:11] ceea7, Sinder : Nah.. I dont do humans...
[14-11:12] ceea7, Sinder : ((We all know about the Mab/Galean Porn sessions Mab...its been all over the internet))
[14-11:12] a9e45, Caradonia: She tries not to snort her distaste as she hands the owner the money to rent a room for a few days, with a maleveont glare over her shoulder she strolls out the back door leading to the stabels, needs to tend to her horse*
[14-11:12] 35738, Ashe : ((Nooooo!! No no no noooooooo!))
[14-11:13] 35738, Ashe : No, you don't, just anything else that moves. *smirks at his bro*
[14-11:13] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : ((hell, even I downloaded it!))
[14-11:13] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : ((heh))
[14-11:13] ceea7, Sinder : *kicks the stool from under Ashe*
[14-11:14] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he looks up, spotting that it's either late morning or midday... he figures it's too early to go back to the fae city just yet*
[14-11:14] ceea7, Sinder : ((Phone BRB))
[14-11:14] 35738, Ashe : *lands on his feet as the stool goes flying across the floor* You need to work on your aim.
[14-11:16] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *laughs harder at the two........its the most fun she's had this week....*
[14-11:18] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he yawns lightly, resting up against the wall of a building, thinking about certain things*
[14-11:21] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *moves over to a special trunk and opens it and pulls out the simple dress. It's what most cultures would consider down right scandelous, because it only goes to mid thigh length and is made of a slinky, sparkling, iridescent material. It's plus side is that it is magic and unlike other apparel, will shrink when she shrinks and grow when she grows. She lifts the night dress over her head, not calling in her attendants to help her, them thinking she is still asleep, or they'd be insisting on helping her. She slips the simple, shimmering silver/white dress over her head and it easily slips down. She then walks over to the balcony that is the only outside evidence that there is a room here in the mountainside and shinks to the size of a small bird and flies out, down the mountainside toward the portal of the fae in the mushroom circle near the ruins of Ferialii.*
[14-11:22] a9e45, Caradonia: *She takes in a breath of air and winces at the smell of stabels, love horses but well..yeah...She walks to where her horse is kept and searches for a currycomb*
[14-11:26] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((Aldrik got booted so I am posting for him thru aim))
[14-11:28] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : Aldrik: *hands her the glass of honey wine when the tender brings it to him* ~~*taking the glass from him, she looks closely at him trying to decide whether he's being nice or trying to get her drunk* Thanks
[14-11:29] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : Aldrik: Not a problem....
[14-11:32] ceea7, Sinder : ((I'm BACK! In the Saddle again.... I'm BACK!))
[14-11:33] 35738, Ashe : ((riiiiiiiight...))
[14-11:33] ceea7, Sinder : *smirks* Who says it does? *grins as the stool smacks into the back of some random dwarf*
[14-11:33] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he begins to make his way back toward the Rua Forest, out of complete boredom*
[14-11:33] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((*is sooooo not going there*))
[14-11:34] 35738, Ashe : You hit the dwarf....I think you knocked him down a few notches! *laughs at his bad pun about the dwarf being short*
[14-11:35] ceea7, Sinder : ..... Hiten...*picks himself off the floor anbd WHUMPS his brother atop the head with his fist* That's for making a joke that even YOU should be ashamed of...
[14-11:36] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[14-11:36] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *chokes on her wine*
[14-11:37] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *well, she's heading the trendlekim's so hopefully, Galean only takes a brief walk. heh. She approaches the portal and graps some small pine cones and throws them in the brush as a noise to distract the guards there and then zips over the mushroom circle* Just one little light in the darkness. Glimmering Inn. *she whispers quickly and then finds herself in the gazebo behind the glimmering inn before those guards would even know that someone had accessed the portal*
[14-11:38] 35738, Ashe : *holds his head* What? You know it was funny.
[14-11:39] ceea7, Sinder : About as funny as a Drow on Open Stage night...*scowl*
[14-11:39] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *she has a special shrinking portal key, btw, in case anyone ever wonders or cares. heh*
[14-11:39] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he stops for a moment, checking his pockets and everything, and thinking he might have dropped something back at the glimmering inn, he makes his way back there*
[14-11:40] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *if he did...Kali's probably pocketed it by now*
[14-11:40] 35738, Ashe : Oh c'mon, remember that one drow? He was funny.
[14-11:41] ceea7, Sinder : ((Mab you didnt say the proper chant! *is joking*)
[14-11:41] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *so its gone anyway*
[14-11:41] ceea7, Sinder : No he wasnt...
[14-11:41] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he hasn't, but I needed an excuse to go back there... hehehe*
[14-11:42] 35738, Ashe : BAH! I can't help it if no one has taste in jokes.
[14-11:42] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *knows but is a thief.....*
[14-11:43] ceea7, Sinder : Or that someone laughs at anything just to give it the appearance of being funny..*shakes his head* Sometimes I think I am truly the older Hiten..
[14-11:45] 35738, Ashe : Riiiiight....sure. *goes back to his food and drink grabbing another stool*
[14-11:46] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[14-11:46] 47d2c, Leda Nylund : ((*hits computer* I thought if I left it off over night it would stop acting weird, but no, it's just acting weird in a new way now))
[14-11:46] ceea7, Sinder : *had illusioned that stool to be there*
[14-11:47] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *she looks about and then zips into the back door of Trendlekims when some random patron opens the door*
[14-11:47] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((*LOL@Leda* whats it doin now?))
[14-11:47] 35738, Ashe : *no it's a real stool, Hiten ain't dumb*
[14-11:48] ceea7, Sinder : *props himself up a bit and finishes his drink...relaxing a bit before hearing his tomach rumble*
[14-11:49] 47d2c, Leda Nylund : ((It's doing this weird...pausing thing...I dont' know exactly how to describe it except every few minutes the whole computer just...pauses and then suddenly catchs up really fast))
[14-11:49] 35738, Ashe : *slides the gold pouch to his brother* Get some food bro. It's on...well someone else heh.
[14-11:50] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he reaches the front door of Trendlekims again, and enters, glancing around inside*
[14-11:50] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[14-11:50] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((*chuckles*...pat it and give it a cookie.....bribery))
[14-11:51] ceea7, Sinder : *takes the gold pouch and grins, nudging his brother a bit before going to get come spicy potatoes*
[14-11:51] 47d2c, Leda Nylund : ((Oh...I don't know why but cookies sound really good right now))
[14-11:51] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *has darted into the folds of the stage curtains to hide from the various patrons and such that might think catching a fairy off her guard could be profitable, etc*
[14-11:52] 15422, Caradonia: ((grrr)))
[14-11:52] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : ((*is just about to go start quesidilla's for lunch*))
[14-11:53] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he runs a hand through his hair, glancing around to all the patrons that are in there*
[14-11:53] ceea7, Sinder : ((*kidnaps Mab and makes a profit offa her from eBay*))
[14-11:54] ceea7, Sinder : *it seems there are now TWO kits in the room now instead of just the one who had tried to trip him...upon smelling Galean again he smiles and waves towards him all friendly like*
[14-11:54] 47d2c, Leda Nylund : ((It's still another couple hours till lunch here, techincally I probably should go make some breakfast))
[14-11:55] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he notices Sinder, and narrows his eyes at him... he makes his way towards the bar, walking down the other side of the place, away from Sinder*
[14-11:55] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *she nods toward Galean....wondering what brings him back there*
[14-11:56] ceea7, Sinder : *still keeps that vaguely mischevious smile upon his lips as Galean makes it a point to avoid him*
[14-11:56] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[14-11:57] fb961, Liz: Damn router kicked me off early, last night, Mab
[14-11:57] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *is watching from between the folds of the curtain and notices Galean come in and smiles lightly, staying hidden for a little longer*
[14-11:58] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : ((No prob, Liz. We NPC'd you as slipping away. It worked out just right, cuz we all had to go about the same time))
[14-11:58] ceea7, Sinder : *catches scent of Mab and leans towards his brother* Do you smell that?
[14-11:58] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he stops at the bar, and orders another glass of ale*
[14-11:59] 35738, Ashe : *his ears twitch as the fairy queen's scent hits his nose*....A fairy...? *grins*
[14-12:00] fb961, Liz: Hehe
[14-12:01] 15422, Caradonia: ((grrrr....internet is stupid...*forgoes role playing))
[14-12:02] ceea7, Sinder : Mmmhm...*grins* Shall we investigate?
[14-12:02] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *smells of spring and winter crisp snow all bundled in one fresh scent that isn't either of those, but embodies both. She doesn't know she's been scented though*
[14-12:03] 22393, Ankalima Morwen : *fades into the background *
[14-12:04] 35738, Ashe : A let's.
[14-12:04] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *is just observing how Galean acts when she isn't around and admiring him from afar with a soft smile on her face, kinda not paying attention to anything else*
[14-12:05] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he glances around, watching Ashe and Sinder for a moment, as his drink arrives... he pays for it and takes a sip of it*
[14-12:05] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 1:00pm, June 14 (CDT) ).
[14-12:06] ceea7, Sinder : *warps himself into an make it look like he's still at his stool drinking and eating as he slips off towards Mab';s scent*
[14-12:06] 35738, Ashe : *goes NPC, has to go do some stuff later* **NPCGONE**
[14-12:07] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *la la, just chillin in the curtains*
[14-12:07] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he glances away for a moment, taking another sip of the ale, yawning slightly*
[14-12:09] ceea7, Sinder : *sneaks off into the curtains and pokes Mab on her left shoulder before skipping to the right, hiding from her in his illusion*
[14-12:12] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *well she's the size of a small bird right now and has her back to the curtains, holding herself in the natural hanging down folds and looking between them. I guess he feels a kind of poke through the back of the curtain? She wouldn't be able to look back to see who did it, because the curtain would be in the way of that if he was behind her. She still instinctively glances in that direction and lets out a faint startled gasp*
[14-12:13] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : he feels = she feels
[14-12:17] ceea7, Sinder : *he pokes her other side and skitters out of sight as his illusion of him at the bar fades but keeps him not there so to speak*
[14-12:19] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *blinks and furrows her brows the second time and lets go of the curtain folds, which is all that is holding her up and lets herself slide down the fold to the base of the curtain*
[14-12:20] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he keeps drinking, oblivious as to what's happening, because of the illusion*
[14-12:22] ceea7, Sinder : *he would scoop her Mab's flying..but he drops the illusion as he picks the tiny Mab up* Looky looky...
[14-12:24] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he glances back towards Sinder, who is now near the curtains... he notices the small fairy, and recognises who it is... just...*
[14-12:28] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *gasps as she is lifted by some unknown source and then looks up and Sinder from his palms wide eyed, leaning back on her elbows, trying to sit up so she can get her feet under her again, but is a little frozen for a moment in her startement*
[14-12:29] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : and Sinder = at Sinder ((*didn't sleep last night. typing tired*))
[14-12:30] ceea7, Sinder : *takes a clawed finger and very carefully pats Mab on her tiny wittle head* Allo little bug...*knows she's a fairy..she smells like a fairy...but she's the size of a bug*
[14-12:32] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *is the size of a really big bug, if that's the case, more the size of a humming bird* Hey, stop that! *rubs her head after he does that, his "patting" kinda knocking her back on her elbows again*
[14-12:33] ceea7, Sinder : Hmmm... My older brother would love to meet a fairy...*grins and slips her in his pocket...she could easily escape and he knows she could..he is just playing a very elbaborate game with her*
[14-12:35] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he glares, and he slips off his longbow, gets an arrow from the quiver, and sets it... he also aims it at Sinder... is looking mighty pissed for a calm-ish elf*
[14-12:35] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : Uh! *in that indignant, "the nerve!" way as she finds herself slipped into his pocket. She clambers to get out, grabbing the cloth of it*
[14-12:37] 699dc, Luke: NPC Patrons: *they gasp and move out of the line of fire, backing away from the moon elf*
[14-12:38] ceea7, Sinder : *he wraps an illusion about himself...appearing to keep waking with Mab in his pocket... though he steps aside a bit as Galean knocks his bow*
[14-12:40] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he keeps his bow aimed at now the illusion Sinder*
[14-12:43] ceea7, Sinder : *the Illusionary Sinder makes a derrogatory gesture towards Galean as he passes*
[14-12:45] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he aims the bow for the shoulder of the kitsune and releases...* ((now, since it is an illusion, would the arrow go straight through the illusion?))
[14-12:46] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *clambers up to the top of Sinder's pocket and looks up at him, shooting him an indignant scowl, scooching up to try and sit on the edge of the pocket so that she can start her wings beating and fly out*
[14-12:47] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[14-12:47] ceea7, Sinder : ((through..)) *she would have no problem getting free of his pocket...and the arrow goes through his shoulder and into the throat of someone else...and that person unfortunalty falls over he would appear about 3 feet away from where he "was" shaking his head* And ehre I thought Elves were excellent marksmen
[14-12:48] 9890b, Meurra Ohtar: ((*shifty eyes*))
[14-12:49] ceea7, Sinder : ((Raiden! *pwns him with Sub Zero*))
[14-12:49] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *before Sinder can even finish his sentence, he darts around, loads an arrow into the bow, and fires in the same motion... this time, aimed for the shoulder again... and if this is the real thing, it will not miss*
[14-12:49] 9890b, Meurra Ohtar: ((not quite))
[14-12:50] 9890b, Meurra Ohtar : ((*eyes colors*))
[14-12:50] ceea7, Sinder : *he quickly ducks aside, the arrow imbedding itself in the wall where his shoulder had occupied just a second before hand as he raises his clawed hands* Easy there bright eyes...
[14-12:51] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he doesn't even give Sinder a chance to finish what he's saying... he quickly loads another arrow into the bow and fires... has no time for games when the kitsune has the queen*
[14-12:52] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *all this movement throws her back into his pocket* Umph!
[14-12:55] ceea7, Sinder : *he forms a small ball of his own energy and tosses it at the should envelop it and burn it up before it hits him..., his 3 tails begin twitching and rubbing against each other, lightning crackling against his claws* I'd stop now if I were you Casper...hurt me..and you run the risk of harming my pocket...
[14-12:56] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : release her, now!
[14-12:58] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *clambers back up enough to peak out over the top, trying to get foot purchase to scrabble back up to get out*
[14-12:59] ceea7, Sinder : I dont have her..she flew away...*wraps the illusion that he had pulled out his pockets...has nothing really*
[14-13:00] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he sees her head peer out, then disappear, just like an illusion... he begins to walk towards the kitsune, still with the bow aimed at him, with an arrow ready*
[14-13:00] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *is doing that running along the cloth, cuz her feet keep slipping thing, kinda funny, as she tries to scramble up again*
[14-13:04] ceea7, Sinder : *he flicks a bit of lint from his pocket...that "lint" being Mab..sending her free of his robes..she's free!*
[14-13:06] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : Aaah! *as she finds herself suddenly airborn. falls and beats her wings in time before hitting the ground and flies back up again and it's a good thing Mab doesn't have all her spells listed yet, or Sinder'd be in twubble*
[14-13:08] ceea7, Sinder : *is a Kitsune...Twubble is his first, middle, last and nick name*
[14-13:09] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he narrows his eyes at Sinder, then places the arrow back into the quiver, and the bow on his back*
[14-13:10] ceea7, Sinder : Good dog..*pats Galean's head before poofing*
[14-13:11] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he breathes heavily... is extremely pissed off*
[14-13:12] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he looks over to the person who got killed... it was only a drow... no big loss*
[14-13:12] e7155, Kali: ((LOL))
[14-13:19] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *she sees the drow patron and winces. They're not going to like that. She hopes that word doesn't get out that Galean killed a drow or it could mean danger for him from that group. She flies over to Galean and lights herself on his shoulder, speaking into his ear, which sounds like a whisper* Are you okay?
[14-13:23] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : I'm fine... *he glances over to his shoulder, at her* I think we should go...
[14-13:27] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : Yes, before the many patrons get an even better look at you for describing to any inquiring drow. *mirthless chuckle*
[14-13:29] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *nods, and he makes his way out the back entrance, heading for the gazebo*
[14-13:29] e7155, Kali: *has watched the whole incident...but is a friend who knows how to keep her mouth shut*
[14-13:30] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *rides on his shoulder, a good way for them to return to the land of the fae with her not detected by her people as returning with him so they don't arrouse suspicion*
[14-13:31] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *it's especially handy that her people and attendants think she is still sleeping in her room, thinking she was up all night last night pouring over some official something or other*
[14-13:33] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he reaches the gazebo* I'll let you do it this time...
[14-13:34] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[14-13:36] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *chuckles again with more high spirited mirth* I'm too small to work the key in this portal. *knows he knows that the key thing on this portal has a place you actually press the key to, as many portals do* I wish to remain this size so you can sneak me back into fae lands. I snuck out earlier. They do not know I'm gone. I just missed you and couldn't sleep.
[14-13:40] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he smiles lightly at that* thankyou.. I missed you also... *he gets the key and presses it in...* Just one little light in the darkness..... Where fae do light the way... *the portal activates, and they are sent to the corresponding portal in the fae city*
[14-13:43] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Actually,it's "Know the right channels" for this portal, but since we don't have any baddies to appear around and we're both silly tired, I think we can let this one slide. *L*))
[14-13:45] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : ((*will never get the portal crap...* from now on, you're doing all of it))
[14-13:46] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *she hides behind Galean's shoulder, near the top of his quiver of arrows as they appear in the mushroom circle near the ruins of Ferialii. The guards stand to attention as they see Galean and noting that he doesn't start irratically dancing, they deem that it's really him and do not question him. They do not see Mab*
[14-13:47] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : ((hehe, messing up the portals can be fun when there are baddies around for you to end up in the domain, but there aren't any right now and we're tired. heh))
[14-13:48] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *he nods to the guards, and makes his way towards the ruins (where that cool room is, where it's all hidden except for when you walk into it, and it's this 5 star luxury room with a TV and DVD player and everything..)*
[14-13:49] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : ((LOL no TV or DVD player, but yeah, luxurious)) *she smiles at him as he heads there and fade out?*
[14-13:50] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : ((TV and DVD equivalent: books and scrolls)) *fade out*
[14-13:51] EXIT: Galean Arrowan has left the chat ( 2:50pm, June 14 (CDT) ).
[14-13:54] e7155, Kali: *sighs*'s been a good day....
[14-14:01] e7155, Kali: *fades til later*
[14-14:59] ab6ae, Sileen: Laaaaaa di da di daaaaa!!
[14-15:10] JOIN: Arutha Duthain has entered.
[14-15:11] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : (test)
[14-15:14] ceea7, Steve : *kidnaps Sileen*
[14-15:17] ab6ae, Sileen: Eeep!
[14-15:17] ab6ae, Sileen: Well, now you gotta RP with me
[14-15:19] ab6ae, Sileen:
[14-15:20] ceea7, Steve : Ok...who ya wanna RP?
[14-15:21] ab6ae, Sileen: Pick a char, put 'em someplace... and I'll find someone to harass them
[14-15:22] ab6ae, Sileen: Delotha's out for daddy's blood though...
[14-15:23] ceea7, Steve : Why is she out for Daddy's blood?
[14-15:25] ab6ae, Sileen: Daddy tried to hurt her boyfriend!
[14-15:25] ab6ae, Sileen: Correction, daddy DID hurt her boyfriend
[14-15:26] ceea7, Steve : Daddy didnt approove
[14-15:27] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((so come and get Daddy))..*he is outside of Rua...pausing upon a rock in the middle of a stormy night....well..its not storming yet...but it will be soon*
[14-15:28] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. and there she is, staring with narrowed eyes towards the rock upon which rests the man claiming to be her father* *her lips twist back into a snarl... as she slowly advances towards him*
[14-15:30] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *he smiles as he pretends to not notice her there, his arms folded over his powerfully built chest, his wings folded over him like a cloak and when she would grow to striking distance his tail unwraps itself casually from his waist and waggles as if like a shaking finger in chiding* I wouldnt do that if I were you Delotha..
[14-15:30] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : And why not? *glowers at him, as she draws out her sword*
[14-15:33] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I would hate to have to spank you now that you're this old...
[14-15:35] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : You hurt my friend... *slides off a glove*
[14-15:36] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Did he die?
[14-15:40] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : No *glares* Though it cost me to have others fight to keep a drow alive
[14-15:42] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Then what are you complaining about? *waves dismissively* Besides..he wasnt much of a Drow anyway...
[14-15:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-15:44] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *glowers* He is MY drow! *with that, she launches at him, sword held up, ready to be dug into his back.. or maybe even just his wing*
[14-15:44] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:43pm, June 14 (CDT) ).
[14-15:44] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[14-15:45] b090b, Axis : ((another family dispute?))
[14-15:45] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *when she draws in close enough, his tail would wrap around the crossguard of her sword to wrench it from her grip as easily as one might wrench a toy from a child''s hand...if it works*
[14-15:46] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Yup)) *catches sight of the tail.. and yanks the sword up to throw off the wrapping, as she makes a grab with her free hand for that bloody tail, aiming to catch it, and dig her claws in in a most painful manner*
[14-15:47] b090b, Axis : *sitting on a roof top a bit away watching not sure wether or not to intervene*
[14-15:47] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *the tail diips aside of her claws only to smack her cheek like a splayed hand* ((We're oputside of Axis))
[14-15:48] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *head jerks back briefly... and then she makes another grab for that stupid tail, as she hurls the sword like a spear towards him*
[14-15:49] b090b, Axis : ((oh blah...very far?))
[14-15:51] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((none too far)) *his tail jerks back as she lunges for it, only to grab the sword by its hilt and twist it back at her*
[14-15:52] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. she's really hating that tail right now..* *croutches, warily watching both the tail, and her own sword..*
[14-15:53] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *since his tail now controls her sword he chuckles a bit, still sitting on the rock, his arms folded over his chest* Do you yield my duaghter? I would hate to have to rip your wings from your back into prominence because you're having a bad day...
[14-15:54] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Ha! I don't have any wings! *grins.. then moves in, flicking her hand to knock the remaining glove off it*
[14-15:57] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Not yet....*he smirks cruelly...a cruelty echoed in his voice...emaning he would make her wings from her own flesh*
[14-15:57] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *continues to advance... clawed fingers flexing*
[14-15:58] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *he has yet to really take any offensive action, letting his arms remained crossed against his chest* Must I bed you over my knee and discipline you Delotha?
[14-16:00] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Only if you can... *continues her advance, until she is not far from him*
[14-16:02] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *and she would notice that he is for the scent of Brimstone which haunts the rock he was sitting on...and now coming from behind her as his arms are still folded over his chest, his sword at his side...HER sword still wrapped tightly in his tail's grip*
[14-16:03] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ..... *glances down at the sword* .. How in hell did you do that?
[14-16:04] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *he smirks, showing those slightly yellowed rows of ivory demon teeth* A magician never reveals all of his secrets my dear...
[14-16:05] ceea7, Palladia Mors : But rest assured, your mother rather enjoyed how well I could control my tail...
[14-16:06] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. I'm sure she did.. *glances back, slowly, so as not to spook him.. like she could spook him... she turns to face him* So that was done only with your tail...?
[14-16:08] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Among a few other little talents of mine..*chuckles darkly*
[14-16:09] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *Drat it.. now Delotha's intriqued. There goes her temper tamdrum* Show me how you did it... please?
[14-16:10] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *his tail swishes back and forth in amusement..and so does her sword* Its nothign you cant already do...or would be able to do if you had a tail...
[14-16:11] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Well.. considering that neither of my parents decided to give me their tail... How did you simply vanish, without my seeing you move, or seeing a portal?
[14-16:12] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I'll tell you when you're older...if you're good.. *smirks* *he had indeed used a portal...hence the hint of Brimstone in the air*
[14-16:13] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *glares at that* ... Give me back my sword
[14-16:13] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *tsks and curls his tail closer to him* and why shyould I?
[14-16:14] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Because I am going to try and attack you again, and be an annoying brat, unless you do
[14-16:15] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *he laughs outright, a black harrowing sound* As if that would bother me my daughter...
[14-16:16] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. and while he laughs.. there's a flash of light, and this time Delotha vanishes... only to be dropping down behind him, arms aimed to catch his throat as she'd drop against his back*
[14-16:18] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *and so she does...he lets her do that much at least before grabbing her and throwing her over his right shoulder*
[14-16:19] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *her claws rake over his shoulder deeply as she's thrown, and tries to brace herself... ooh ooh! Daughter's leaving scars!*
[14-16:20] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[14-16:20] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *he shivers as he has always had a thing for clawmarks...oo...even more to his creepy factor*
[14-16:21] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *that's alright.. she was being thrown, so didn't notice.. though she does land in a croutch facing him, grinning broadly* .. I learn quick
[14-16:22] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *chuckles and portals behidn her only to jab his fist bluntly into her spine a really hard punch*
[14-16:24] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *was ready for that trick this time.. so as soon as he vanishes, she spins around one one foot while landing to the side, catching herself on the other foot she spun around.. leaving his fist to punch air.. as her clawed hand jerks out, aiming to catch his arm, and latch claws in*
[14-16:25] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *grins as he did this to see if she was paying attention...only to whap her aside with the blunt end of his tail*
[14-16:26] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *his tails comes.. her claws reach... now the question is, did her claws find their mark first, or not? As if they did, she'd be latched on, and his tail whapping will leave a nice bruise.. but jerk her so she digs grooves into his arm while clinging stubbornly*
[14-16:27] JOIN: Dominquie Vakez has entered.
[14-16:27] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *sure...she digs her claws in and he shudders in perverse enjoyment...creepy Daddy isnt he?*
[14-16:28] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *Very... her other hand snatches out, trying to grab that dang tail!*
[14-16:29] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[14-16:29] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *and his tail comes down to jab her thigh with her own sword*
[14-16:29] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 4:49pm, June 14 (CDT) ).
[14-16:30] 5e834, Aralore : *Wanders into the Inn, humming a merry tune to himself as he looks about to survey the denizens, still resplendant as always in robes of acerbic, confrontational blues and violets adorned with runed yellow trim*
[14-16:30] JOIN: Bartuc has entered.
[14-16:30] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *GAH! Forget the tail, she's a thigh to save!* *makes a rather frantic bapping motion, aiming to bap the sword aside from it's mark*
[14-16:31] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. with claws.. not her hand*
[14-16:31] b090b, Bartuc : ((hmm now I have switched id' what?))
[14-16:32] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Create havoc? ))
[14-16:32] 03b15, Kali: ((go to members ...edit chain...then add name... ok....then go back to this page and refresh next to name))
[14-16:33] 03b15, Kali: *Is absolutely toooo helpful today*...stop me..please...
[14-16:33] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((..Huh... looks like my fighting buddy left me..))
[14-16:35] b090b, Bartuc : ((hrmm if Liz and/or levald was here I could do soemthing...otherwise I'll just rp with my self))
[14-16:36] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[14-16:37] c6c97, Levald : (ponders bartuc)
[14-16:38] b090b, Bartuc : ((*ponders levald* you have your countryis leader regged?))
[14-16:38] c6c97, Levald : (not yet i havent figure one out yet)
[14-16:39] 5e834, Aralore : *Wanders up to the bar, glancing the selection up and down* A large mug of Dwarven Ale, bar keep.
[14-16:40] b090b, Bartuc : ((blah))
[14-16:41] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *so.. er... after releasing his arm and launching back.. there's another bright flash, and Delotha would vanish. ... ... And at the inn, there's a flash just as Delotha would appear mid air finishing her former manuver, curling to catch herself on her hands, and flip to her fight. One problem.. there's a man in the way/ So she catches herself on her hands... and throws herself into the poor man, knocking him over*
[14-16:41] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((flip to her feet))
[14-16:43] 5e834, Aralore : *Turns, arching a brow at Delotha curiously, taking a slow sip of the ale as it arrives and approaching her cautiously*..trouble down in the mines?
[14-16:45] b090b, Bartuc : *a vast sea of grass and rolling hills...suddenly there is the thunder of hooves and five hundred horse men ride over the hill*
[14-16:45] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar : (( hrmmmmm.... ))
[14-16:45] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *looks back at the man sprawled beneath her* .. and let that be a lesson to you. Alcohol is bad for your health *flashes a grin, then rolls off the man, looking to Aralore* Something like that
[14-16:45] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 5:33pm, June 14 (CDT) ).
[14-16:47] b090b, Bartuc : *they seem to be chasing a group of people fleeing on horses. But the Quman horses are far faster. Soon the hum of arrows fils the air and men begin to fall as the Quman catch up*
[14-16:48] ab6ae, Aegnora : *.. and in the distance... a lone figure clad in black watching the fall of the lesser group*
[14-16:48] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((watches))
[14-16:49] 5e834, Aralore : That man just got about four times my monthly allotment in forplay. *returns the grin sweetly*
[14-16:49] 5e834, Aralore : ((foreplay, rather P))
[14-16:49] 5e834, Aralore : ((Damned filter messing with my smilies.))
[14-16:50] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *glances back as the man starts scrambling away, then looks to Aralore with a smirk* Jealous, are we?
[14-16:50] b090b, Bartuc : *Soon it becomes evident the fleeing group are orcs....and doomed. Suddenly another group breaks away from the riders and closes on the fleeing beasts. Laces impale orcs and arrows slay..soon naught is left but corpses*
[14-16:51] ab6ae, Aegnora : *smirks* Very effeciently dispatched...
[14-16:52] 5e834, Aralore : Of him...? Sadly, yes. *chuckles*
[14-16:53] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Poor poor Aralore... Does it make him feel any better that I had to flee from a fight started to uphold your honor? *moves to the bar, placing an order for a red wine*
[14-16:53] b090b, Bartuc : *riders spread out searching for survivors and in their center is a powerfully built man wearing a regal long coat of elaboratly worked scales. His eyes narrow noticing a vauge distante figure*(read Aegora)
[14-16:54] 5e834, Aralore : Now I'm worried. Apparently I have honour to defend. Was a random streetgoer peddling some new anti-Drow rhetoric?
[14-16:56] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *laugh* Nah.. I was exaggerating *looks back, smirking* Actually, I attacked my father for trying to kill you
[14-16:59] 5e834, Aralore : *His smile fades, replaced by a shadowy, unsure expression...his next joke is a poor facade of light-heartedness* You know fifty per cent of all demon parental meetings end badly.
[14-17:00] ab6ae, Aegnora : *eyes the figure, staring right back as his eyes fixate upon her...*
[14-17:01] b090b, Bartuc : *several others notice the far-off figure. The man in the coat (Bartuc) barks something at his me nand several of hsi men trot towards her on their horses*
[14-17:05] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *laughs* Yes... which reminds
[14-17:05] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : me
[14-17:06] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Dang enter key))
[14-17:06] 5e834, Aralore : Reminds me..? *moves a bit closer to her, affixing a curious stare*
[14-17:10] ab6ae, Aegnora : *.. this... was going to be fun* *The humans dared to come towards her... so now she'd show them the error of their ways. One person, she would have let pass... but all of them? Oh no no.. they were in for it now* *she ducks down just out of their range of sight, stripping off her clothing.. (woowoo!) ... no bright ideas here, now* *as soon as her clothing is off, and tucked... she shifts. Gone if the elegant dark woman... and now there is a well.. I supoose you could say horse. But calling her a horse, is like calling a diamond a rock. There is now a beautiful, perfect horse. Jet black, pelt flashing like obsidian... and fire wreathing her hooves, and flaring out in place of a mane and tail...*
[14-17:11] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Yes. I have something for you. If you loose it... I will skin you alive and use your skin as a throw rug *reaches inside her shirt*
[14-17:12] b090b, Bartuc : *the start..and a horn is blown suddenly she has five hundred men many of them with bows coming towards her...thoug hshe is pretty enough the breeders are almost drooling*
[14-17:12] 5e834, Aralore : I've had worse...*smirks, watching her hand a bit too closely*
[14-17:15] b090b, Bartuc : *bartuc riding ahead of them towards her*
[14-17:15] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[14-17:16] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles as she tugs a chain up.. and lifts free a pendant from her neck* This.. is for you *holds it out, looping the chain over his head, and grabbing the pendant, pushing it down inside his shirt*
[14-17:17] 5e834, Aralore : This is the one that protected me from the flames last time..isn't it?
[14-17:17] ab6ae, Aegnor: *A large shadow passes ominously over the ranks of archers. If one were to look upward, they would notice a massive copper creature eclipsing the moonday sun. Heralding a massive volley of fire, is only a thunderous roar... The air driven by his massive wings only fans the inferno set ablaze by his hellish breathe.*
[14-17:17] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Yes.. *settles his clothing back in place* Care to come test it with me...? *grins*
[14-17:18] ab6ae, Aegnor: *The grasslands are consumed nearly instantaneously, at their rear.*
[14-17:19] b090b, Bartuc : ((ermmmgrass burns in such a way..conciveibly yo ujusty killedmy char and wiped out my army..))
[14-17:19] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((The grass at the rear of the approaching army is consumed, not that under their feet.))
[14-17:19] ab6ae, Aegnora : *.. well... the plains.. full of combustibles... you can see what she is up to now, correct? She starts forward, lighting the grass nearest her into flames.. then halts, as a large dragon flies overhead, and steals her idea* *Were she human in form right now.. she would scowl.*
[14-17:19] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Thus, yes, they will die if they linger for a long time, or retreat.))
[14-17:20] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((Retreat!))
[14-17:21] b090b, Bartuc : *bartuc wanted to speak to her but....90 fires arrows at her two hundred fire arrows at the dragon and the charge forward havign no choice...Aegora has two choices...get out of the way...or get squashed by five hundred men* (now why is a drago nattackign me? any reason at all)
[14-17:21] 5e834, Aralore : *Places a hand on her cheek, smiling* Alright...but if it doesn't work, I'll drench you in water.
[14-17:22] b090b, Bartuc : ()(btw those arrows could puncture heavy armor and are perfectly accurate))
[14-17:24] ab6ae, Aegnora : *... and she moves forward, charging ahead, and around.. beneath those flaming hooes grasses ignite, as she moves fleeter then any deer... were it not for the danger, the breeders would be drooling once more, for the sheer grace, and the speed of this creature, a speed no mere horse could ver hope to match. While running, she circles around, aiming to catch them surrended by flames on all sides but one... is she herding them? Yes she is. Into a forest, into the trees, where their bows will be less effective, and they shall have to break their ranks... leaving them much safer to approach as well*
[14-17:25] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Does a Dragon need a reason, after their kind has been oppressed for centures? ...That and you are advancing on one that he values.)) *The arrows, Mm, yes, the arrows. But heavy armor is nothing compared to dragon-scales. Simply by the velocity of his flight, as after the initial swoop Aegnor climbs away from them (and considering those men just had a Dragon swoop on them (see aura of fear - natural abilities) there is little in the way of accuracy. Still some twenty manage to strike, and of that number, only a precious few manage to imbed themselves in his scales. And those, little more than pests.*
[14-17:25] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* So long as you don't try to submerge me in it... I've used all but one of my portals for the day, and cannot swim.. *reaches out to take his hands*
[14-17:26] 5e834, Aralore : *Holds her hands, blinking in moderate nervousness* Are you sure testing this is necessary?
[14-17:26] b090b, Bartuc : *they do not break ranks nor do they allow her to herd them, they leap over or go around her flames more arrows loosed at her as the move far faster than any horse*
[14-17:27] b090b, Bartuc : *soem charge through the flames getting a littel scorched but they get through*
[14-17:27] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *chirps* Ofcourse! Come on.. quit being a chicken drow *behind her.. a portal opens, which she steps through, tugging him with..*
[14-17:29] ab6ae, Aegnora : *Faster then any horse.. but none could match the nightmare* *she skirts to the side, dodging around some well shot arrows... and lets them go. Perhaps she shall seek out the man another day.. but since her plan was foiled, it will have to wait*
[14-17:29] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((wait for awhile *bats enter key again*))
[14-17:30] b090b, Bartuc : *as she sped along she would notice Bartuc waving to her and almost motioning to her*
[14-17:31] ab6ae, Aegnora : *Actually, as they are charging en masse past, and she has dismissed them for now.. she would not. She's more inclined to watch for arrows raining down on her, as she trots back to where she left her clothing, bolding moving through the fire*
[14-17:32] b090b, Bartuc : *several dozen more arrows fly at her as they move off.....getting the mages in case the dragon attacked the people...*
[14-17:33] 5e834, Aralore : *Wanders in after, muttering something about being cautious, not chicken*
[14-17:35] ab6ae, Aegnora : *.. she'd definately not go to him, as that would mean an arrow in her side. Hehe* *plays dodge the arrows... as the line of fire engulfs where she is, and moves on... she picks up her pace, speeding along... not long now before she's under the relitavie safety of the trees, and away from easy bow range*
[14-17:35] b090b, Bartuc : *as they move off horns would sound* as they disappapear over the hills* ((later)
[14-17:37] ab6ae, Aegnor: *As the host moves away from the burning glade, Aegnor swoops once more to where they had just passed, a mere 20 yards to the ground he levels off for a split second before again ascending. That area would take to a strange tint... The grass would look more sickly, and scarce. But other than this, unless the area is occupied, there would be no direct evidense of a spell being cast. But now 40 square feet behind the army is quick-sand.*
[14-17:38] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles faintly at that... and they'd find themselves in a moutain valley. Around are dead grass, various shubberies... and directly below their feet is food stacked up in a nice lil pillar. Bonfire anyone?* Now... stay here with me. *wraps an arm about his waist, as she points below... and the wood beneath them would ignite... dun dun duuuun*
[14-17:40] ab6ae, Aegnora : *.. once out of the flash fire.. she shifts once more to the woman form, as she casually begins to dress*
[14-17:43] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((food stacked=wood stacked))
[14-17:44] ab6ae, Aegnor: *The massive copper beast, scales glistening in the blistering sunlight, drifts off to a distant forest and clearing, where he lands. A precious few minutes later, four arrows lay on the ground, and a human stoops over them.*
[14-17:46] ab6ae, Aegnora : *glances up as the beast flies overhead while she is fastening on her cloak... then she takes off, running through the forest in the direction the dragon took off to*
[14-17:49] 5e834, Aralore : *Swallows, pressing his cheek to hers and watching as the fires spreads carefully, not flinching from its heat*
[14-17:51] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Lifting a bloody shaft from the sparse shrubbery, Aegnor seems deep in thought. Even by the time Aegnora arrives at the scene. He might even appear as if he were tracking something, or someone.*
[14-17:52] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar : *a simple being strolls through the edge of the Rua forest, not far off is the city of .. this figure be clad all in white travelers robes.. all trimmed out with light, vibrant blue, and perfectly clean.. almost impossibly clean, nearly white eyes gazing forth from the mantle of cloud white hair that neatly frames his face, a metal walking stick effortlessly aiding him as he walks..*
[14-17:52] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *after the initial flare, Delotha slips a free hand down to touch the pendant.. she's immune to fire, clothing is not, and it wouldn't do to be naked now would it?* *The fire flares upward, enveloping their legs... and soon, it flares up over their heads, flames flickering over them, sending their hair to flying with the heat rising, and sliding over clothing.. without really burning, or effecting either of them... It is rather lovely inside those beautiful, yet deadly flames...*
[14-17:54] 5e834, Aralore : *Whistles innocently, deftly grabbing the pendant away from Delotha's touch and offering a mischievous grin*
[14-17:54] ab6ae, Aegnora : *slows.. then halts as she sees him ahead... then begins laughing softly as she moves into the glade where he stands* .. And our Neither turns out to be a dragon ! Wonders never cease
[14-17:56] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. and immediantly her clothing begins to blacken.. just before Delotha would launch out of the flames, leaving him alone inside*
[14-17:56] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Looks up as if startled.* ...What are you talking about.... Dragon, eh? I heard something land - I was over there *Gestures away towards the East.* and heard something impact the ground. Judging by the tracks, I'd imagine it went... That way. *He nods south.*
[14-17:57] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. and another being stalks after Meurra, watching him carefully*
[14-17:57] ab6ae, Aegnora : *smirks* Fine fine.. as you wish then *folds her arms* And what brings you out here?
[14-17:58] ab6ae, Aegnor: Curiosity. I imagine you saw the army?
[14-17:59] ab6ae, Aegnora : Indeed I did..
[14-17:59] 5e834, Aralore : Damn! *Grins*, please...turn this thing off?
[14-18:00] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: Hmm... *suddenly aware of being stalked... he keeps going tho, slowing down his pace a bit, eyes flicking to each side cautiously, other than that... he shows no signs of being alerted to anything*
[14-18:00] ab6ae, Aegnor: Indeed. An army... so close to Raupenchi. Looking for a war, were they, hm? *Glances pointedly back toward the glade and the columns of obsidian black smoke.* ...I'd say the found one.
[14-18:00] ab6ae, Aegnora : ... You can't turn fire off. *sounds rather irritated* It burns out on it's own ... ... Do you know how hard it's going to be to replace these gloves?
[14-18:01] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((last the = they))
[14-18:01] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Whoopsie))
[14-18:01] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... You can't turn fire off. *sounds rather irritated* It burns out on it's own ... ... Do you know how hard it's going to be to replace these gloves?
[14-18:02] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... You can't turn fire off. *sounds rather irritated* It burns out on it's own ... ... Do you know how hard it's going to be to replace these gloves?
[14-18:02] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Whoops... lost track of time *eyes clock* Me and da Aegnor have got to be off to our movie))
[14-18:03] 5e834, Aralore : *Steps out of the fire awkwardly, his arms eventually finding their way around her* You could skip the gloves altogether.
[14-18:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-18:05] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *her clothing is blackened... and burned through in a few spots, and his holding her manages to make more if it crumble and fall off* *smirks back at him* Suppose I could... and that was a nasty trick. One I will get you back for *grabs him... and either we pause here, or she opens a portal back to the Inn, and shoves him through, either way*
[14-18:06] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. scampers off to follow him another time* ((GTG <_< >_>)
[14-18:06] 5e834, Aralore : ((Cya Sil!))
[14-18:07] 5e834, Aralore : *pauseish*
[14-18:07] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((*Pause*))
[14-18:07] EXIT: Aurora has left the chat ( 7:06pm, June 14 (CDT) ).
[14-18:17] ab6ae, Aurora : *... Can stalk him now, again, apparently* (( If he's here))
[14-18:17] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. ao just grabbed him*
[14-18:18] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((so))
[14-18:19] 5e834, Aralore : *Stops a moment, grinning* We could just stay here in these mountains a bit, where we can be alone.
[14-18:19] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: ((....))
[14-18:19] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: *still being stalked .. and still aware of it*
[14-18:19] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[14-18:19] 522b8, Rav : Hello all
[14-18:20] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Hm... we could... *smirks at him*
[14-18:21] ab6ae, Aurora : *She thinks she's being sneaky at least... dainty, slipper clad feet move softly over the ground, as she peers through the brush at the white clad elf..*
[14-18:21] ab6ae, Sileen: Hi Rav
[14-18:21] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[14-18:22] 5e834, Aralore : *Kisses her cheek lightly, winking* We can take the time to..discuss what we're going to do about that maniacal father of yours.
[14-18:23] 63468, Kali: Hi all
[14-18:23] 5e834, Aralore : (('Ullo, Ravion :=D))
[14-18:23] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: *not quite an elf... his appearance today .. he's chosen to disguise himself as one.. she may smell something odd about him.. the distinctive smell of O-Zone trails him like a good cologne, keeps on walking for now*
[14-18:25] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. stalks after the quirky smelling human then*
[14-18:25] 522b8, Rav : Hey Kali!
[14-18:25] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. stalks after the quirky smelling humanoid then*
[14-18:25] 63468, Kali: *hugs Rav*
[14-18:26] 522b8, Rav : *Returns hug.*
[14-18:26] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: *stops suddenly.. softly setting the end of the metal walking stick down onto the ground, looking over his shoulder... almost directly at his stalker*.. You may as well come out...
[14-18:26] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *casually drapes an arm, with a signifigantly shorter sleeve, over him* We could... *flashes a grin, as she reaches inside his shirt to grab the pendant* Let's discuss this in the flame.. I want to show you something
[14-18:27] 5e834, Aralore : Anything you wish.. *steps back into the roiling flames, posessing a vaguely demonic smirk*
[14-18:27] ab6ae, Aurora : *busted* *ducks down.. pale cheeks flushing slightly as she resettles the hood of her cloak.. then slowly, she rises into sight, dark eyes peering towards the man quizically*
[14-18:29] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *keeps one hand firmly clutching the pendant this time... no more trickery from our drow to burn her clothing off... then looks to the side, as the fire flares higher, beginning to form shapes. Her free hand reaches into the flame, where a rose seems to form, which she pulls it, holding the fire rose out to Aralore with a grin*
[14-18:29] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: * turns to face her, quirking a quizical brow.. his eyes inadvertantly boring right into her... not realy meaning to.. its just the way he looks*. Who are you... and why do you follow me...
[14-18:32] ab6ae, Aurora : *That cold, intense look peirces her, raising her fear of this unusual man. She begins to move about the bush she was concealing herself behind, dainty feet skimming smoothly over the grass with an almost inhuman grace* ... I wanted to make sure you weren't an undead...
[14-18:33] 5e834, Aralore : *Watches closely, his eyes vaguely reflecting the gleam in the fire* Interesting...will the pendant allow me to do that..?
[14-18:33] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: *smiles at her, faintly.. obviously he's not a cheerfull person.. usualy anyway*.. Far from it, young one
[14-18:35] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : No.. the pendant protects you, nothing more *offers him the rose once more, smiling brightly.. so much a child at play*
[14-18:36] ab6ae, Aurora : *peers at him quizically* .. What are you?
[14-18:37] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: Why do you want to know ?
[14-18:37] 5e834, Aralore : *Tries to grab at the rose, watching it hypnotically* It is beautiful...
[14-18:38] ab6ae, Aurora : You smell funny. *clasps her hands before her as she looks him over, the hood sliding back slightly with the motion of her head*
[14-18:39] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *as he'd touch it.. the rose would "explode" out into a shower of butterflies that fly around, one landing on Aralore's hand* *chuckles softly.. demoness is having fun*
[14-18:39] 522b8, Gorthius: *He gathers all of his gear to go back to his travles. He missed Corith he was the best horse that he had ever had. But, now he was gone maybe he would go to Quenill and see about getting another. The High Elves had some of the best horses that he had ever seen in a long time. he may be able to work a deal with Lady Tindomerel he would just have to see. He doned his armor and sheathed his weapons then gathered his pack. He takes a look around the room to see if he was forgetting anything but he could not think or see anything so he turned and walks out of the room. He heads down the stairs into the common room of Trendlekim's Inn.*
[14-18:40] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: *smirks at her.. looking her right in the eye.. his own spark to life with an internal charge of electricity.. arcing from either side of his eyes to the other side... now he sees what she is as well*.. I am what I am... but you... are something far more special.
[14-18:41] ab6ae, Aurora : *stares into his eyes, seeming fascinated by the charge shooting through them... until he makes reference to her* .. What? *pauses, then reaches up, tugging her hood back forward*
[14-18:41] 5e834, Aralore : *Flinches slightly* I hope I have this pendant a while...if I get used to being immune to fire and it's stolen, I'll be making some very unwise fire-related choices..
[14-18:42] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : You need not wear it all the time... Me, I'm already going to making spastic decisions that will cost me my wardrobe without it *chuckles*
[14-18:43] 5e834, Aralore : You could skip the wardrobe altogether. I'm a big proponent of that solution. *snickers*
[14-18:43] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: *grins a little wider when she tugs the hood back forward*.. Your secret is safe with me...
[14-18:44] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *smirks, raising a hand to brush through his hair... sneding a few stray butterflies to scattering* I am sure you are... *with that, she leans in.. and gently kisses him* ((Kodiak moment!))
[14-18:44] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[14-18:44] ab6ae, Aurora : .. As is your's *looks to the side, as she timidly clasps her hands before her again*
[14-18:45] ab6ae, Aurora : ((Strahd! ))
[14-18:46] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: What brings you out here to the edge of civilization, if this old man may be so bold as to ask ? *.. old.. yes.. man.. no...*
[14-18:46] 3df69, Strahd VonZarovich: ((*waves* hello all))
[14-18:47] 63468, Ilia Fion : ((hello Strahd))
[14-18:48] ab6ae, Aurora : I had to flee from my old home because orcs and dark warriors overran it... *glances about the woods* And it's... nice here. There are traces that another... of my kind has lived here, so I'm keeping this forest up in their stead *looks back to him with a smile* And I'm helping fight undead
[14-18:50] 522b8, Gorthius: *He pays the tab then heads out the door. He walks down the street twords the northern gate he wished that he had a horse to make the travel go quicker. He heads out of the gate and continues to walk on untill late in the eve. He only stops long enough to rest then he goes on.
[14-18:50] 522b8, Gorthius: *
[14-18:50] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: A noble cause... *noding to that*... I've no taste for such things... combat and other such things are.. distastefull...
[14-18:51] ab6ae, Aurora : I don't really use combat against them... I'm.. not good at it, unless it's in casual swordplay *flush* An old elf taught me in return for saving his life. .. but the undead.. you heal them, and they go poof
[14-18:52] 63468, Ilia Fion : * the little filly was growing fast....Rashwe was almost perfect...except for that bit of temper that showed every now and then....thinking to herself* Father would have been so proud of you...*brushing the little one down* You are the one I will keep for myself...there is no other in Quinell that I would even think of selling you to. *giving the coal black filly a rub on the nose, she heads back to her house..dinner called*
[14-18:53] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: I know, young one... your gifts make you well suited to defend you and yours from the undead... and i'm sure you're quite good at it
[14-18:55] ab6ae, Aurora : *smiles brightly at the phrase* .. What brings you into civilization?
[14-18:56] 5e834, Aralore : *Kisses back, placing a hand behind her neck slowly before breaking the blissful embrace* I don't want to be a bother, Delotha. If you wish to keep the pendant, I understand. Your father isn't likely to hunt me down himself, is he?
[14-18:57] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. Just in case, I want you to have it *smirks* Plus.. it'll keep you safe next time you decide to go charging into flames after me *brushes her fingers along his cheek, admiring the way the fire plays over his obsidian skin*
[14-18:58] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: Boredom *very simply said, he shrugs as well... life for him.. such as it may be... is quite boring these days*
[14-18:59] ab6ae, Aurora : *soft giggle* Good excuse as any
[14-19:00] 522b8, Gorthius: *He continues to travel untill he grows tired and can no longer do so. So far the journey has been uneventfull and that was a good thing. but if anyone should attack during this journey he would be ready.*
[14-19:00] 5e834, Aralore : Did he seem particularly upset with me..? *Presses his forehead to hers, as if inviting an answer that indicates her father is most displeased with him*
[14-19:01] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : He doesn't approve of a non blood thirsty drow... hence why he decided to turn you into ash before. Should you go by him.. he may trry again.
[14-19:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-19:05] 5e834, Aralore : He'll get used to it. He'll have to, if he intends to be with you for any amount of time. *smiles, bolder than he normally lets on*
[14-19:05] 522b8, Gorthius: *He makes his camp and rests for the rest of the night.*
[14-19:06] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Oh ho.. the drow begins to think highly of himself *grins*
[14-19:07] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[14-19:07] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[14-19:07] 63468, Kali: *smacks pjj*
[14-19:08] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: Its no excuse... i dont make excuses
[14-19:08] 5e834, Aralore : Highly of his ability to woo young demonesses...who were you supposed to be with? A fiendish cohort that followed your every whim?
[14-19:09] ab6ae, Aurora : God.. reason then..
[14-19:09] ab6ae, Aurora : Good... reason then
[14-19:09] 522b8, Rav : Well, that was fun now what to do. *begins thinking to himself.*
[14-19:10] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Who are you calling young, pup? *smirks* And technically.. I'm supposed to rule beside a bloodthirsty demon, but who's keeping trck?
[14-19:14] 5e834, Aralore : I would only keep track in the interests of annoying your father. I'll be your bloodthirsty demon any day.
[14-19:15] 35738, Ashe: *is in his fox form, wandering around the woods outside Rua, his 3 tails out and swishing lightly*
[14-19:16] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: *nods to that one* What has been happening in these parts lately ? Anything of note ?
[14-19:19] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *laughs* Don't annoy him too much.. he's deadly even without the use of his fire. *mutters* And he stole my sword...
[14-19:19] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[14-19:20] 35738, Ashe: *he stops a moment, his front left paw lifted into the air, raising his snout to sniff the air, gathering scents*
[14-19:21] 5e834, Aralore : He sounds caring enough, at least...*brushes his cheek against hers, letting the flames lap lightly and comfortably at them*
[14-19:22] ab6ae, Aurora : Well.. um... there's been undead moving through the city in disguise
[14-19:22] ab6ae, Aurora : .. Intellegant undead... things...
[14-19:23] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: Realy now...
[14-19:24] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*points at Darrius* We have unfinished buisness... I'll get you sooner or later my pretty)) *snorts* He's already admitted I'm only around for his amusement...
[14-19:26] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : ((*throws a scottish terrier at delotha* take the little dog instead!))
[14-19:27] 5e834, Aralore : You're much more valued than that, Delotha...remember your friends and..more intimate companion. You'll find that blood lineage holds little bearing after that..
[14-19:27] ab6ae, Aurora : *nods* .. They are really creepy
[14-19:28] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : More intimate? *smirks* I kiss him.. and suddenly we're very intimate *reaches up to ruffle his hair*
[14-19:28] 35738, Ashe: ((*fires a location check signal flare*))
[14-19:29] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : ((what city is everyone right now?))
[14-19:29] 63468, Lotesse : ((Rua Forest))
[14-19:30] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : ((everyone right now = everyone in right now))
[14-19:30] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((We're in a mountain valley.. nearest mountain to ))
[14-19:30] ab6ae, Aurora : ((Outside for us, on the street))
[14-19:31] 5e834, Aralore : Oh I plan for much more than idle kissing. *grins* I have a schedule for wearing you down. Accidentally burning your clothes off is carefully woven into the pattern.
[14-19:31] ab6ae, Aurora : ((Well.. up in the forest)
[14-19:32] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : He does have high hopes, doesn't he? *laughs*
[14-19:33] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : ((So im the only one down town rua? damn... oh well))
[14-19:33] 35738, Ashe: ((HEY! There might be kids in this burning the clothes off till I'm the only one watching > ))
[14-19:33] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: I'll make that decision for myself.... no doubt they are strange.. but creepy... well.. is in the eye of the beholder
[14-19:33] 63468, Ankalima Morwen : ((Glimmering Inn if you want))
[14-19:34] 35738, Ashe: (())
[14-19:35] ab6ae, Aurora : Well... if you move around at night in the town, you'll see them eventually
[14-19:36] 63468, Ankalima Morwen : ((the ghouls are walking in the day time now....))
[14-19:37] 35738, Ashe: *catches Aurora's scent and heads towards her((if yall don't mind that is))*
[14-19:38] 5e834, Aralore : Oh,'re not supposed to crush my dreams until long after we're wed. *chuckles*
[14-19:38] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: I'll do jus that.... i wont sleep untill i find them... *.. doesnt sleep anyway*
[14-19:38] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *tenses* Wed.. as in married...?
[14-19:39] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : **Walks carefully down the busy streets of , looking entirely gentlemanly wearing a silk outfit, a crimson shirt, covered by a black vest, black slacks, a crimson lined, black cap and his normal stell plated, black boots. On the ring finger of his right hands, he wears a full finger ring, coming to a threatening claw at the tip. He brushes the hair from from left eye, gazing enchantingly at every woman he passes.**
[14-19:40] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : ((Hey... I resent that... Im no ghoul...... just a vicious and cold-blooded killer.))
[14-19:41] 63468, Ankalima Morwen : ((LOL..we have ghouls mistake..sorry))
[14-19:42] ab6ae, Aurora : ((I dun mind myself *peers at Meurra*)) *smiles* I also heard they walk during the day sometimes...
[14-19:42] 5e834, Aralore : Kidding, kidding! No one would be foolish enough to marry me. *pats her shoulder* and I'd never ask such a grievous task.
[14-19:43] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *eyes him* ... I think it's high time we returned to ... before you come up with another way to scare me
[14-19:44] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: ((*dun mind either*))
[14-19:44] 63468, Ankalima Morwen : *sitting at the bar of the Inn, her attire for the evening, her usual forest green dress, the fire light reflected in her slate grey eyes as they glance around the room, taking note of anyone who might become a problem*
[14-19:44] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: That shall make things more interesting
[14-19:45] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : **Turns and walks, gently pushing open the door of the glimmering inn. Smiling his ever dark smile and sitting at a booth peering across the room in search of a sleeping traveler.**
[14-19:45] 35738, Ashe: *comes running towards Aurora, letting loose a fox bark...albeit a deeper one due to increased size*
[14-19:46] ab6ae, Aurora : Suppose so.. though don't-*pauses at the bark, turning to glance in the direction it came from*
[14-19:47] 5e834, Aralore : Yes, I'm sure there're a thousand other men that you're simply dying to drive wild..*smirks, gesturing the place she last set up a portal* I think I left my drink on the counter anyway.
[14-19:47] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Aurora.
[14-19:48] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *stops, placing a hand to his cheek* ... There's only one who has freely gotten a kiss, however
[14-19:48] MSG: Aurora sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[14-19:49] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: *looks in the direction of the sound... this aint right.. that wasnt a fox... his metal walking stick instantly electrifies.. most people's hair would start to stand on end from the static filling the air, except for his.. a 3 pronged arc shoots from the top of the staff.. a bit of fireworks..*
[14-19:52] MSG: Aurora sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[14-19:53] 5e834, Aralore : Anyone I know? *Offers a crafty grin, lips a miniscule distance apart*
[14-19:54] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : **seeing no sleeping travelers, he is a bit dissapointed... decides to work for entertainment with his present rescources... spots a lone woman at the bar...**
[14-19:55] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : **is presently unaware that she bore witness to the events of last night**
[14-19:56] 35738, Ashe: *keeps running towards Aurora, 3 tails swishing, tongue hanging out of his mouth, in dog mode alright, completely oblivious, or maybe ignoring Meurra perhaps*
[14-19:56] 63468, Ankalima Morwen : *glancing over her shoulder at the tender, she nods at now.he knows her order by heart...smiling at him as he brings it to her*
[14-19:56] ab6ae, Aurora : ... oh! *raises a hand to touch her hair, then peers towards Ashe, offering a bright smile* Hi ashe!
[14-19:57] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Oh har har.. *ruffles his hair again*
[14-19:58] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: *once it seems she knows this thing... he ''shuts down'' no more static.. nore active electricity.. normal ol' dude here now..*
[14-19:59] 5e834, Aralore : You'd be surprised about how little I know of myself...*runs his hands through her hair for a change, mesmerized by its striking resemblance to the flames*
[14-20:00] ab6ae, Aurora : ((Ahem! Ashe=Maten))
[14-20:01] 35738, Ashe: *barks again and walks up to her, 3 tails wagging*
[14-20:01] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : **stands and steps lightly towards the woman, smiling as he always smiles. Stops and sits next to her, hoping to use his natural good looks as a source of attraction... again, unaware she has witnessed his truer self.** Evening miss, I saw you across the room, and could not help but to come introduce myself... Im called Darrius Lokken.
[14-20:02] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *grins* That could be true for all people..
[14-20:02] 35738, Ashe: ((ahem *corrects Aurora's correction* Ashe = Hiten))
[14-20:03] ab6ae, Aurora : ((Whatever! -_-' Register under the name Hiten dang it!))
[14-20:04] 35738, Ashe: ((mwhahahaha!!))
[14-20:04] ab6ae, Aurora : *laughs softly, and reaches out to scritch Ashe's head*
[14-20:05] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: *simply stares at the thing... his nearly white eyes boring down at .. it...*
[14-20:05] 35738, Ashe: *ooooh, scritches from the unicorn, been so loooooong, he leans his head into it closing his eyes and enjoying*
[14-20:06] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : ((by the way, im reffering to you Ankalima))
[14-20:06] ab6ae, Aurora : *looks up at Meurra, smiling as she continues to scritch the weird fox thingie*
[14-20:06] 63468, Ankalima Morwen : *she had watched the handsome gentleman approach her, thinking that he was familiar somehow.... not yet remembering where she had seen him.....* Darrius? ..*letting the effects of his good looks show on her face as she smiles at him*...Ankalima.....but you can call me Kali
[14-20:07] 5e834, Aralore : I am, at least reasonably acquainted with you...*smiles, nodding slowly* Yes, I think I know you quite well.
[14-20:07] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : So you keep claiming anyway *smirks*
[14-20:08] 63468, Ankalima Morwen : ((*has dialup...and pjj is exceptionally slow for her thisevening*))
[14-20:08] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : ((me too, and Ive noticed))
[14-20:09] 5e834, Aralore : I know you have an unhealthy fixation with the rare Drow archer. Well--this one, anyway. *flashes another grin*
[14-20:09] 35738, Ashe: *ooooh yeah, she knows how to scritch boy!!*
[14-20:10] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : **extends his hand to her in offering to take hers** I am exceptionally happy to meet you Kali, tell me, why should a beautiful woman such as yourself be sitting here all alone? **gazes deeply into her eyes with his own crimson eyes**
[14-20:10] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: It seems you two have much to do... *watches her scratch it... and then he turns and starts to walk away*
[14-20:11] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Yes... I do seem to have a thing for drow archers... *brushes his hair back from his face*
[14-20:11] ab6ae, Aurora : *tilts her head, watching as Meurra walks away* ... It was nice meeting you@
[14-20:11] ab6ae, Aurora : *tilts her head, watching as Meurra walks away* ... It was nice meeting you!
[14-20:13] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar: We'll meet again... expect me... when you see me... *theres a thunderclap... somewhere... it seems to come from off in the distance...then he's gone.. no flash of light.. no nothing of the sort..*
[14-20:13] 5e834, Aralore : Well, I hope it's only for this Drow archer...
[14-20:13] 35738, Ashe: *barks half-heartedly at Meurra, his mind preoccupied with scritching*
[14-20:13] ab6ae, Aurora : *nods* Until then... *looks down at Ashe* Silly boy, I think you scared him off *scritches*
[14-20:14] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Only one.. yes.. *leans in, hugging him tightly*
[14-20:14] 63468, Ankalima Morwen : **and oh is she going to turn girlish....holding out her hand, lightly placing it in his, she blushes..* You are a flatterer. sir......I am alone most of the time...
[14-20:15] 35738, Ashe: *ends up sort of leaning on her as he gets scritched*
[14-20:16] 5e834, Aralore : *Kisses her neck a moment, looking up and speaking in his low voice* One day, we'll go on a vacation from evil demons and otherworldly creatures and their constituents..
[14-20:17] JOIN: Chewie has entered.
[14-20:17] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. One day *The scene begins to fade on the two as they hold each other in the cute kodiak moment... and the last action before the scene fades, is Delotha relasing the pendant about his neck to properly hold him* *fade*
[14-20:18] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : **kisses her hand gently and quickly (taking care not to hold long enough to burn her)** You shouldnt be alone, its unexceptable
[14-20:18] ab6ae, Aurora : ((GTG!)) *scritches and chills* *gone*
[14-20:18] 5e834, Aralore : *Fade-ishness wee*
[14-20:18] 5e834, Aralore : ((Bye, Sil!))
[14-20:19] EXIT: Aurora has left the chat ( 9:18pm, June 14 (CDT) ).
[14-20:20] 35738, Ashe: *falls over as Aurora leaves, he whimpers and heads into Rua, still in fox form*
[14-20:23] 63468, Ankalima Morwen : *smiles softly at the touch of his lips on her hand....* Tell that to the men of this town.....
[14-20:25] 35738, Ashe: *decides to head for the glimmering inn, wonders what people will say when a german shepard sized fox with 3 tails shows up*
[14-20:26] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : **leans in a little closer** The men of this town are fools, as are most men of the world... but they get theirs in the end. I try to avoid letting the simple pleasures in life, such as the beauty of a woman like yourself, go unappreciated.
[14-20:27] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : ((tell ya the truth ashe, if he wasnt so busy trying to woo Kali, darrius would probly try to slaughter it... meh.))
[14-20:28] 63468, Ankalima Morwen : ((you can do that if you want Darrius....I'm just about to fall asleep on my keyboard......I'll be back later though... in a couple of hours...))
[14-20:28] 35738, Ashe: ((oh I see, KILL the big dog
[14-20:28] 35738, Ashe: ))
[14-20:29] 63468, Ankalima Morwen : ((*pets the big dog*...nice puppy))
[14-20:30] 35738, Ashe: ((o/ *gets more scritches*))
[14-20:30] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : ((Then good night kali, **turns to the big dog** and as for you **pulls out a choke chain** Ill be seeing you later!))
[14-20:30] 63468, Ankalima Morwen : ((*finds that spot just behind his ear*))
[14-20:30] 63468, Ankalima Morwen : ((nite nap time atleast))
[14-20:31] EXIT: Ankalima Morwen has left the chat ( 9:30pm, June 14 (CDT) ).
[14-20:31] 35738, Ashe: ((*bites Darrius*)) *decides instead to head back to the woods, is tired* **GONE**
[14-20:31] aebf7, Darrius Lokken : ((later for now Ashe))
[14-20:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-20:57] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:57pm, June 14 (CDT) ).
[14-20:59] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[14-21:00] 5d995, Axis : ((hrmmm))
[14-21:27] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[14-21:27] 15422, Caradonia: ((*prods about* Hello!!!))
[14-21:34] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[14-21:35] 15422, Caradonia: ((Yogurt for me..yay))
[14-21:40] c6c97, xyva: (hello)
[14-21:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-21:41] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:41pm, June 14 (CDT) ).
[14-21:41] c6c97, xyva: (anybody home?)
[14-21:41] c6c97, xyva:
[14-21:42] c6c97, xyva: om ooc
[14-21:42] c6c97, xyva: im*
[14-21:42] c6c97, xyva: *shakes lurkers off the walls*
[14-21:43] 15422, Caradonia: ((i'm home...but i'm in limbo))
[14-21:43] 15422, Caradonia: *falls off the walls)))
[14-21:44] c6c97, xyva: You blocked me?
[14-21:45] c6c97, xyva: hmm which char to use
[14-21:45] 15422, Caradonia: ((I blocked you??????from what??))
[14-21:45] c6c97, xyva: nvm
[14-21:47] 15422, Caradonia: ((Okay....*confused*))
[14-21:48] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[14-21:49] 5d995, Axis : ((hey hey))
[14-21:49] c6c97, xyva: sup
[14-21:50] 15422, Caradonia: ((yo))
[14-21:50] 5d995, Axis : ((*ponders Bartuc* whats up?))
[14-21:51] c6c97, xyva: ok imma go lvl on d2 figure i can get from 1 - 20 by bed
[14-21:51] c6c97, xyva: c ya
[14-21:52] 15422, Caradonia: ((ta ta))
[14-21:52] 5d995, Axis : ((later))
[14-21:53] 15422, Caradonia: ((*twiddels thumbs*))
[14-21:55] 5d995, Axis : ((*crouches down..looks left...looks right...wiggles butt....and POUNCES cara*))
[14-21:56] 15422, Caradonia: ((*yelps and tries to scramble away in time!!*))
[14-21:58] 5d995, Axis : ((muahahha *lands on cara*))
[14-21:59] 15422, Caradonia: ((*SPLAT*))
[14-22:00] 5d995, Axis : ((oops gotta go work in the morning))
[14-22:00] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[14-22:01] 15422, Caradonia: ((mwhahaha..i'm off AND weep!!!!....and have a good day))
[14-22:01] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 11:00pm, June 14 (CDT) ).
[14-22:03] 15422, Caradonia: ((*eyes Darrius*))
[14-22:03] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : ((So... who all's still here?))
[14-22:04] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : ((*meets caradonias eyes and prepares to pull a "Three stooges""*))
[14-22:04] 15422, Caradonia: ((Yo aqui))
[14-22:05] 15422, Caradonia: ((*has come prepared, lifts a hand and fits it between her eyes..blocking the "Three Stooges" move** whatchu want Curly))
[14-22:05] ceea7, Steve : *starts throwing people IC*
[14-22:07] 15422, Caradonia: ((((Nooooooooo!!!!!! well..okay))
[14-22:07] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : ((*is so excited with her move he drops his asault and builds her a shrine*))
[14-22:07] 1e2ba, Mab : Good grief pjj is being sloooow for me.
[14-22:07] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : ((*is so excited with her move he drops his asault and builds her a shrine*))
[14-22:08] 15422, Caradonia: ((*Gets the big head* Well, well*grins and buffs her nails on her shirt*))
[14-22:10] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **sits silently with a look of content on a building ledge in . He busies himself with cleaning the blood from a hatchet.**
[14-22:11] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : ((*kneals at his new masters feet*))
[14-22:11] 15422, Caradonia: *She melts out from the darkness that shrouds an alleyway. Melting from it is speaking figurtively, it's dark and she moves with a silky quietness, the only sound she makes is her cloak's brushing along the ground*
[14-22:12] 15422, Caradonia: ((*Grins* Today, one person....tomorrow...Da Wurld!!))
[14-22:15] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : ((what city?))
[14-22:15] 15422, Caradonia: (())
[14-22:16] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : ((are you human?))
[14-22:17] 15422, Caradonia: ((Yup))
[14-22:20] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[14-22:21] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **Picks up the scent of a human nearby. He goes and look over the other edge of the building, seeing a female human lone in the alley below. He jumps in the air and softly floats towards the ground. He lands silently behind the girl and steps lightly towards her.**
[14-22:23] 1e2ba, Mab :
[14-22:24] 15422, Caradonia: *She moves as if she hasnt heard a thing, and depending on how attentive she is tonight, she probably hasn't. Be aware though, she walks armed, the scourages of humanity crawl and nest along these walls, and sometimes they want something other than money. Her fingers rest on the pommel of a weapon, the name of it currently illudes player but will describe said weapon when it comes time too*
[14-22:26] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : *is back at the bar, after a good nap..ready for what ever the night might bring*
[14-22:29] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **means no harm to Caradonia, but mearly wishes to make her aqquaintance** Excuse me, miss...
[14-22:30] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Ankalima Morwen.
[14-22:30] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : ((LOL take your time..I'll be here))
[14-22:31] 15422, Caradonia: *The noises, few that she makes, stop as she turns around to face the unexpected voice in the dark. A light glances across her eyes to reveal a flinty look of surprise* yes?
[14-22:32] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : ((eh sorry Mab....Glimmering Inn))
[14-22:33] 1e2ba, Faltren : *Sours through the skies over *
[14-22:34] 1e2ba, Faltren : *in humanoid form, he is just another black shadow across the night sky, momentarily blotting out the stars*
[14-22:34] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **as always, tries to use his natural beauty as an advantage of entrancing the girl, He gazes deeply into her eyes with his own crimson. he brushes his jet black hair back and exclaims** I was mearly wondering why you travel through the streets of the city during the twighlight hours without a companion... it is dangerous.**
[14-22:34] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : ((oops, get rid of the last set of **))
[14-22:36] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : ((oooooo, faltren... the plot thickens))
[14-22:37] 15422, Caradonia: *She smiles at the handsome face and the crimson eyes, that shade of pigment making her a little....uneasy* It is dangerous if the traveler dosent know what they are doing.....not all are as quiet as you
[14-22:38] 15422, Caradonia: ((and not))
[14-22:40] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **smiles darkly** Forgive me if a step lightly, it is only that I was taken aback by your beauty... **takes a few steps forward** Allow me to introduce myself... I am Darrius Lokken **bows shalowly, he then stands straight, steps even closer and hold out his hand in offering to take hers** And you?
[14-22:41] 1e2ba, Faltren : *circles the city faster than one would think possible, searching the walkways, allies, and channel ways that riddle the city; searching the rooftops and balconies and glimpses of windows, swooping closer and closer to the ground*
[14-22:44] 15422, Caradonia: Call me Cara*Her hand reaches out to wrap around his, her grip is strong, firm, warm* and I find it incrediably interesting that you could beauty*she smiles here, flattered by his words, but she's hard to sell flattery too* under the folds of my cloak and under my hood*Her tone is light, teasing and non agressive*
[14-22:45] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : *steps out from the little corner back room behind the bar. Funny, he'd just gone upstairs a little while ago and wasn't seen coming downstairs. Ah, the strangeness that is the Trendlekims*
[14-22:46] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **bows his head and lighlty kisses her hand, then releases and meets her gaze** Such beauty could not be shadowed in the darkest of nights. Where is it you were headed?
[14-22:47] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : *she nods to Mr Trendlekim.* G' evening
[14-22:48] 15422, Caradonia: *her mouth curls up into another smile as she pulls her hand away, letting it rest under her cloak, she finds herself blushing..he's good* Nowhere really, I wander at night...helps ease my restlessness
[14-22:49] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : Good evening. *says in a cheery, old man way. His white hair whisping out on either side of his head almost like big floppy ears. His dark teal, velvet tunic covered by a shop apron like a smithy might wear instead of a male apron more common to bar work* How are you, Miss Morwen, this bright fine night? *how did he just know her name?*
[14-22:51] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **he edges slightly closer, unthreateningly** And if it is not prying, why would you be so restless?
[14-22:52] 15422, Caradonia: *She cant help it, she takes a timid step back* I dont fair well, when I have to stay in one place longer than a few days
[14-22:53] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : *Of course he'd know her name...he did arrange her room for her after all* A bit bored. It seems my companion has disappeared again.
[14-22:55] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **his voice grows softer** again, I mean not to pry, but if you do not like to stay, then why do you?
[14-22:56] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : Oh, yes, that can be boring. *pulls out a glass from under the bar and begins polishing it with a rag as he speaks* Is there something I can get you to relieve your present boredom?
[14-22:56] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : A glass of honey wine would go a long way in helping that..thank you
[14-22:57] 15422, Caradonia: I'm waiting for someone*Soft voice, quiet eyes, they look sad, confused, but wild, these walls close in more everyday*
[14-22:58] 1e2ba, Faltren : *circling, he sees what looks like the nightmare attacker from earlier in a street or ally below and narrows his eyes as he swoops by overhead, low enough to possibly hear the flapping or rustling of his wings*
[14-23:00] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : And that is all you need to relieve your boredom? I dare say, you are easily entertained. *chuckles good naturedly as he ducks down below the bar and reemerges with the requested drink in that strangely instantaneous way he is about doing such things* Here you are. Happier times now? *looks at her with one eye more than the other, in that wise old man way as he slides her her drink*
[14-23:01] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **With the beating of wings over-head, Darrius snaps to attention, and he catches a scent of the pegasi from the night before, his expression changes quickly from soft and unthreatening, to serious, and slight insanity. He whips his head upward, catching a last glimpse**
[14-23:03] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : *chuckling back at him* Thats not all I need... but it will do for now....*Silent Bobing an eye at him*..Unless ye've got a better idea...
[14-23:03] 15422, Caradonia: *She looks up as Darrius looks up, her eyes trying to pick out something from the dark* What? what is it?*voice thick and soft...*
[14-23:04] 1e2ba, Faltren : ((pegasus. Pegasi is plural)) *catches a glimpes of Darrius catching a glimpse and sneers as he swoops over the nearest rooftop and lands on the other side*
[14-23:04] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : ((LOL blasted filter))
[14-23:04] 1e2ba, Faltren : ((LOL))
[14-23:06] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : *still polishing that previous glass and seems to be examining it carefully as he speaks in an over casual manner of mock dissinterest* Oh, I have many better ideas than sitting and drinking in a bar, but if I made a habit of sharing them, it probably would not be good for business. *grins*
[14-23:06] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **after a moment of heavy breathing, he calms himself** Im sorry, my lovely, but I must be leaving you soon, I will seek you out later... **He steps forward, very close to her now, gazing at her deeply, making sure to leave a lasting impression.** Goodbye... dream of me.
[14-23:08] 15422, Caradonia: *Her lashes lower as she blinks, slowly, surprised at this encounter, but instead of growling out some rude, coarse response she humors him* Perhaps I will
[14-23:09] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : *she laughs at him least he's lightened her night a little* You're probably right there...
[14-23:11] 1e2ba, Faltren : *pulls out a strange weapon on ropes, it is a tool that he has modified. It did not used to have dangerous, sharp, razor hooks on the end. Afterall, pegasi are peaceful people on the norm and by nature. For him to have such a weapon is strange*
[14-23:12] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **He turns and walks slowly into the shadows, giggling silently to himself. "Perhaps I will". Darrus will give her no choice... he will haunt her dreams for as long as it takes for her to seek him out. He needs followers if he is ever to finish off this city. putting all thoughts from his mind except the impending doom of the PEGASUS, he waits till the girl cannot see him to fly onto the rooftop, scouring it for the pegasus before moving on to the next roof.**
[14-23:14] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : If you were to have your boredom relieved, what sort of circumstances would that require? *polish polish polish. Yup, that glass should be sparkling by now, but it seems to still improve with his polishing, getting more radient and sparkling richer, even though it looks to be finished and as polished as it can get with each stroke, yet amazingly it just seems to get more and more crystal clear and perfected, not changing its shape, just its quality, better, and better, and better, and better....*
[14-23:16] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : I need to work... I'm not used to sitting around waiting for things to happen
[14-23:16] 15422, Caradonia: *Will have to sleep, to dream but she's not onto his game so he'll probably drive her looney but not matter. She wraps her cloak tightly about her and strolls out of the alleyway, glaring at something, probably a begger, hunched in the dark*
[14-23:16] 1e2ba, Faltren : *readies his weapon, a sort of long cat-o-nine-tails with the barbs at the end. It is almost a long as his retrieval whip that got snapped off short by Galean. He starts beating his wings, ready to lift off the roof*
[14-23:18] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : Is there a particular profession you seek for work in? *polish polish polish. the glass definitely has the look of something higher quality than glass now, higher quality than fine crystal and he keeps polishing*
[14-23:20] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : *wow... Is amazed that he didnt know what she is*I have a profession...there's just not much call for it in .....yet
[14-23:21] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **Picking up th sound of the wings, Darrius floats casualy over to that roof, seeing the pegasus and his weapon** Hello, I see you've returned... tell me, whats it like to not be able to fly silently... must make things a lot harder...
[14-23:21] 15422, Caradonia: *She whispers something harsh and gravely to the quiet figure, in a language that her realitives spoke only to one another, the figure just stirs and she sighs* Sorry*and walks off towards where she is staying*
[14-23:22] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : *just because he asks, doesn't mean he doesn't know, not that he knows everything, but little gets by this man* Perhaps you seek not for work in the right places of . *continues to polish the glass which now looks like it could be nothing less precious than made of diamond*
[14-23:24] 1e2ba, Faltren : Or a lot easier, depending on the goal. *pushes up off the roof and is airborne a little above Darrius now*
[14-23:25] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : Oh I have an employer.... theres just no work for me...*watching him polish that glass into diamond....if she'd kept to her former path... she'd have found a way to 'aquire' that little gem*
[14-23:27] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **increases hi altitude to float about even with Faltren, laughing** Tell me, have you fought a nightmare... hell, have you ever fought? What're you going to do with that thing anyway? **reffering to the weapon** Hit me? Come now.
[14-23:27] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : Perhaps then you have not the right employer. *yes, it could clearly be nothing other than made of purest quality diamond now, where before he started polishing, it could clearly have been nothing more than common low grade glass. He finally sets it down in front of her and pulls out a silver spoon from his apron, looking at her*
[14-23:30] 1e2ba, Faltren : *in truth, his fighting has been rare, being from a gentle race, but his skills as a hunter have not left him defenseless* If you think it is for hitting, then I must question your knowledge of combat. He is good and well airborne, beating his wings fast to stay relatively in the same place for now, just a little out of Darrius' present reach. He is a powerful build for a man, not too bulky, but definitely not without defninition. His rare raven wings are not so visible this dark, but the rushes of air say that they're there*
[14-23:31] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : *laughs again* I wouldnt let Skarling hear you call him 'not right'. I dont think he'd take to kindly to it.
[14-23:35] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : *wry grin that causes his eyes to twinkle as he suddenly and gently taps the "glass" lightly with his silver spoon and it lets out a resonating chime of such perfect quality that the other patrons here and about sit up and gasp in amazement, although they know not what amazes them so. As the glass chimes, it fills with a rich red liquid* Do you know this substance? *what in the heck is this Mr. Trendlekim?*
[14-23:37] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **floats in place, giving flatren a dark and unforgiving look, his hands behind his back** Please, do not insult me by assuming my ignorance. I've killed a few pegasi in my day... In fact I've killed a few everything in my day. And I know as well as you, that you wont last long. My only real question is, why did you come back? I was completely willing to let you live, you were out of sight, out of mind... and now...
[14-23:37] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[14-23:37] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : *watching the glass fill, she begins to wonder about him*...No...*curiosity rising to the surface very quickly* what is it?
[14-23:38] 1e2ba, Faltren : and now I have a job to do in this city which has nothing to do with you and I will not be swayed from it. *flaps so that he back up from Darrius*
[14-23:41] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : *knowing, wise smirk as he leans forward and says in a confidential, whispered manner* Liquid dragon's bane, but not your ordinary run of the mill stuff. *not that "run of the mill" dragon's bane is at all a common commodity even of itself* This bane is the purest extract. Do you know what that means? *this is what goes for Bettenchi is what he's about to share. It isn't really drawn from any fantasy source*
[14-23:42] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : A job? Really? My, my, so I have created purpose... I just wanted you to know, once I have killed you in the most gruesome of fashions, i will seek out the female Lafiel... I have seen the posters, and trust me... I have no interest in a reward... **pauses, then flick his wrists on either side of his body revealing 2 six inch retractable blades that slide from his sleeves** So then, come, do your job...
[14-23:44] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : *she had never heard of Dragons might've thought so...with all her traveling. ...dropping her voice to match his * what does it mean?
[14-23:46] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : ... killing you will be as simple as killing a human
[14-23:47] 1e2ba, Faltren : You are not my job. You merely stand in the way. *knows he is absolutely no match for a nightmare w/o some kind of better edge than his barb thing.*
[14-23:50] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : You've not heard of dragon's bane? *says with a little surprise* It is the bane of dragons, their greatest subdoer, their most lethal foe, well, normally that is, with the regular stuff. *again talking like dragon's bane is something he commonly sees, when that is known by most alchemists and wizards and poison makers to be an impossibility.*
[14-23:51] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **smiles at the pegasus, retracting his blades once again** You are not sport... I can always find you later and right now i have matters of enslaving to tend to. I'll be seeing you and the female very soon... good night **with this flies up and over the pegasus and towards the glimmering inn**
[14-23:51] fb961, Liz: *eyes Mab*
[14-23:53] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : *even being a half elf, she knew that dragons were or had been friendly with elves* Why would someone want to use that on a dragon?
[14-23:54] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : *as Darrius moves to fly over him, he does not give Darrius the satisfaction of being able to so easily outdo him in flight and is out from under where over Darrius flies before he can deem to fly there and is swooping down the angle of the roof with a speed that only abandoning oneself momentarily to gravity and having an intimate knowldege of air currents can produce. She shortly after has arched up the other way, using air currents and momentum the way a diving swallow or swooping hawk does and gains altitude. His one advantage over the nightmare, is a much better flier*
[14-23:54] 1e2ba, Faltren : *as Darrius moves to fly over him, he does not give Darrius the satisfaction of being able to so easily outdo him in flight and is out from under where over Darrius flies before he can deem to fly there and is swooping down the angle of the roof with a speed that only abandoning oneself momentarily to gravity and having an intimate knowldege of air currents can produce. She shortly after has arched up the other way, using air currents and momentum the way a diving swallow or swooping hawk does and gains altitude. His one advantage over the nightmare, is a much better flier*
[14-23:55] 1e2ba, Faltren : ((helps if I get the right character))
[14-23:55] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : she = He
[14-23:56] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : ((for Faltren, that is))
[14-23:56] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : ((no arguments there))
[14-23:56] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : (( Shush you. *L*))
[14-23:56] fb961, Liz: Should I?
[14-23:59] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : Who said this particular extract was best used on dragons? *smiles knowingly*
[14-23:59] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **Notices Faltrens display and laughs at the futility of it as he continues toward the glimmering inn. A few yards away, he stops, sitting and resting a bit on the ledge of a building just outside.**
[15-00:00] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : *curiosity definitely getting the better of her* who or what is it for?..
[15-00:01] 1e2ba, Faltren : *continues his swooping circled search of the city. Now, he has even more reason to find Lafiel and get her safely home. Fade out for now, cuz player needs to wrap up other character in a little while and get back to work*
[15-00:02] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 12:56am, June 15 (CDT) ).
[15-00:04] 616ca, Darrius Lokken : **decides it is time for rest and flies off into the distance** ((sorry Kali, to intrigued at the moment by the thought of a new character... see ya soon *GOnE*))
[15-00:05] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : It's for any friend or foe of a dragon. You see, this is pure dragon's bane extract, you won't get purer. It is a way of discovering and harnessing the minds of any who have spoken with a dragon or seen a dragon to recognize them as such in the last year. It is a way to find dragons. Some would find that very valuable indeed, those with some kind of cause.
[15-00:05] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : ((NP))
[15-00:11] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : ((brb in a jiffy))
[15-00:14] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : ((back))
[15-00:14] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : ((K))
[15-00:16] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : *a cause? oh yes she had one...*How does it work?
[15-00:22] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : You simply sprinkle a little on a person and if they know a dragon or have unknowingly spoken to one in the last year, they'll stiffen up and say, "I talk with dragons" Then they are under your command until they tell you everything they know about the dragon. *Silent Bobs his head to the side* Of course, after that, they are your slave until you find the dragon of which they speak. Their thoughts are their own, but they must obey you and serve you until that time. Many people will go above and beyond your requirements of them in order to find the dragon for you that much sooner and be free of the bond. *leans in closer* This is dangerous stuff to victims of the extract who do not possess the antidote. *said in the most quiet whispers* It is a way to enslave the most powerful sorcerors. *yup, this is strong level 4 stuff. Mr. Trendlekim only possesses the best of stuff, why we do not know*
[15-00:23] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : ((LOL, got caught by the filter too))
[15-00:23] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : ((LOL))
[15-00:23] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : under your command = under your command in that trance ((makes more sense and is what was meant))
[15-00:25] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : ((do you have to be level 4 in order to use level 4 potions?))
[15-00:26] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : ((Nope! It just has to be distilled, concocted, or what have it by a level 4. What Mr. Trendlekim is and if he even made the stuff is a mystery))
[15-00:27] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : ((This is more considered a magic item than a potion, even though it's a liquid, anyway. I think for alchemists, our magic mod may have made equivalent level a requirement. I'll have to ask him, but for this, this is a magic item))
[15-00:31] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : ((So, this extract works at level 4 in even a non-magic person's hands, because it's considered a magic item, like that of a staff or something.))
[15-00:32] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : ((Ok))
[15-00:32] 3a8a8, Meurra Ohtar:
[15-00:32] 3a8a8, Roki: alrighty kids...
[15-00:33] 1e2ba, Mab : Yeeeeeeeesss?
[15-00:33] 3a8a8, Roki: ont assume either.... alchemical shiznit must be aproved by me and either steve or mab. aint even done lvls on'em yet.. might not even spend the effort and/or time on it
[15-00:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-00:35] 1e2ba, Mab : Yup, alchemist stuff is a case by case pre-agreement thing with the magic mod. This extract, however, is a chat master boon she is throwing out there and falls under magic item. heh
[15-00:37] 3a8a8, Roki: how quaint
[15-00:41] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : ((ol))..and do you possess the antidote?.. I'd hate for someone to have an accident with that stuff...
[15-00:45] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : *looks mirthfully affronted, more amused than insulted* Now, wouldn't I be a fool to let such a thing be even known about if I could not counter the effects myself? *not only has antidote, but knows dragons too. hehe. What purpose Mr. Trendlekim has is as mysterious as what species he is and who he is, and even how old he is*
[15-00:49] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : I have heard there have been dragons near here...I do have a purpose to go looking for them...perhaps its time i did ....*laughingly* It would relieve my boredom to say the least....
[15-00:53] ab6ae, Sileen: *peers*
[15-00:53] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : ((hello sileen))
[15-00:55] ab6ae, Sileen: HI!
[15-00:55] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : Well then, if it would truly relieve your boredom, then I'm afraid I must gift you with this glass and its contents. The contents can be poured into smaller vials for easy transport, but the glass cannot be refilled once it is emptied. *at least not w/o Mr. Trendlekim's spoon. He slides glass to her.*
[15-00:57] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : ((glass contains 4 doses. Look out friends of dragons!)) The strange thing is, this will have no effect on a dragon, even though the substance from which it is drawn is lethal to them. *adds*
[15-00:59] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : Afraid?* not a good word there... touching the glass carefully at the edges,* and the antidote?
[15-01:01] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[15-01:01] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : I suppose you'll just have to be careful not to sprinkle it in the wrong places, hmm? *smiles*
[15-01:04] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : *giving a lrueful smirk* I believe you've got a point......I thank you..Mr . Trendlekim, maybe you've done me a favor.... *picking the glass up, carefully, she nods her head to him and carries the glass and its precious contents up to her room...where luck would have it..she had 'aquired' a lovely set of small glass containers*
[15-01:05] 56b0d, Ankalima Morwen : *gone*
[15-01:05] 56b0d, Kali: and goes to bed.....thank you Mab for the rp....
[15-01:07] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 2:05am, June 15 (CDT) ).
[15-01:07] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : Nighters!
[15-01:07] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : ((last was ooc))
[15-01:10] 1e2ba, Mr. Trendlekim : ((BTW, just for general FYI to anyone who reads this. Actual dragon's bane is like an extinct plant on Bettenchi. It will likely not be approved for anyone to have some, unless for a really good story reason that is easily apparant to most players as a good reason))
[15-01:12] 1e2ba, Mab : As it is, there is presently good story reason to not introduce that particular vulnerability to da dragons.
[15-01:17] ab6ae, Sileen: Weee
[15-01:17] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Suits me. ))
[15-01:20] 1e2ba, Khavi : ((*throws people IC*)) *they have not found her yet. She is presently walking through the fire swamp to the north of where she was in captivity. ((*snicker*))*
[15-01:21] ab6ae, Sileen: .. Where's her braids?
[15-01:21] 1e2ba, Khavi : ((*baps Sileen* Shush you!))
[15-01:22] ab6ae, Sileen:
[15-01:22] ab6ae, Sileen: /chees
[15-01:22] ab6ae, Sileen:
[15-01:22] 1e2ba, Khavi : ((Next, you'll be asking where are the ROUSes))
[15-01:24] 1e2ba, Khavi : *suddenly, a rodent of unusual size bursts out from under the roots of a tree. She dodges at the last minute to the side and the rat goes sailing by and plunges right into some lightning sand. Well, that's two dangers she is aware of now. She more carefully picks her way through the swamp*
[15-01:27] ab6ae, Aegnora : *unpause* I don't know about looking for a war.. though they certainly found something they didn't mean to *smirks*
[15-01:29] ab6ae, Aegnor: A dragon.
[15-01:30] 1e2ba, Khavi : *she hears a faint popping sound coming from somewhere in front of her and she pauses, listening carefully. Suddenly, a burst of flame erupts directly in front of her, nearly singing her eyebrows and clothes and she stumbles back against the trunk of a tree* Whoh! That was close. *breathes out the exclamation in a mix of startlement and relief*
[15-01:31] ab6ae, Aegnora : *chuckles* Indeed
[15-01:33] 1e2ba, Khavi : *as she now knows all the classic dangers of the swamps, she more easily makes her way through and she gets to wondering. The swamp is very dangerous on the ground, but what about above, in the branches of the trees and dense interconnecting vines, up where the vegetation actually had green warmth. Curiously, she finds an especially vine covered trunk and climbs it up to where the branches begin high above*
[15-01:33] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Lifts and holds the arrows before her.* Must be some marksmen.
[15-01:33] ab6ae, Aegnora : Or very lucky shots
[15-01:36] ab6ae, Aegnor: How many were there? I'm assuming you were there...
[15-01:37] ab6ae, Aegnora : Around five hundred
[15-01:40] 1e2ba, Khavi : *she sees nothing but a place of breathtaking green hued beauty and light as she finally gets up near the canopy. She spends much time exploring this place as she decides it best to move across the tree tops instead of continuing along the ground on her way to the opposite side of the swamps. This haven is undiscovered and unsuspected by man or creature, she discovers after several days of travel #TIME WARP# cuz is playing solo and only ever few days anyway. heh*
[15-01:42] ab6ae, Aegnor: Interesting. *Smirks.*
[15-01:43] ab6ae, Aegnora : Suppose so... *glances down at the arrows, then back at him* Well.. Neither .. I believe I shall leave you to your arrow fiddling. *smirks* I am going to follow a dragon
[15-01:44] ab6ae, Aegnor: Happy trails.
[15-01:45] 1e2ba, Khavi : *eventually, she reaches the other side of this vast expanse of treacherously rooted foilage. She goes through some more of the ground dangers as she gets to the fire swamp edge and has to take to the ground again, but these dangers only last about an hour and she is out on the other side of the swamp. Aaaah, she breathes the fresh air of freedom. From here, it is only a few days walk to reach Rua forest. She traverses that distance. Player is playing catch up with this long forgotten character and so doing things in a somewhat sum up fashion*
[15-01:45] ab6ae, Aegnora : *mutters something under her breath about lying fiends and wasting time* ... Yes.. you as well... *turns, and moves off towards the south*
[15-01:47] 1e2ba, Khavi : *and Ta da!! She is in the edges of Rua Forest to it's southern region and is walking through the woods.*
[15-01:48] ab6ae, Aegnor: If this dragon laid waste to an army of five-hundred... are you certain you want to triffle with it?
[15-01:48] ab6ae, Aegnora : *glances back.. and simply smiles before turning and moving on*
[15-01:50] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Smirks. Oh, yes. Misinformation. A wonderful thing, that. He remains for a few moments more after her departure... might choose to mess with her more. Player hasn't decided.*
[15-01:50] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((BRB))
[15-01:51] 1e2ba, Khavi : *hums a tune of Emania as she saunters through the woods, very pleased to be in more familiar country. She knows she has a long trip through the top of , around the kingdom of the fae, through Winyacadia, possibly through the dark forest of the goblins, up to where her home is. She has much to report to the rulers there*
[15-01:52] ab6ae, Aegnora : *.. and once out of sight, she casually strips down, stuffling her clothing into a sack thing, which she loops over her neck... then shifts. There is now a nightmare standing where the woman was. She rears up, snorting out flame... then takes off at a run above the ground, circling back around where she saw Aegnor...*
[15-01:58] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((BRB))
[15-02:08] 1e2ba, Khavi : *fade out, gone*
[15-02:08] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[15-02:08] ab6ae, Aegnor: *The sound of hooves approaching alerts him that something is up. His first thought is of the army, but a mental examination finds that unlikely. He readies an odd spell, and slips into a set of trees.*
[15-02:08] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Hmmm. *ponders* I'm in the mood for some danger and trouble. Any of that floating around here?))
[15-02:08] ab6ae, Aegnora : *now now.. is running above the ground.. no hoof beats*
[15-02:09] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((So happens I'm both. But I'm also sleepy and tired. Odd combo no?))
[15-02:09] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((*points at Aegnor* Tickle him while he's sleeping ))
[15-02:09] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Gah! BRB! *waves to Luke before dashing off for a brief time))
[15-02:09] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((...yeah. Wouldnt' that wake me up? ...sides. I'm not ticklish. And awaking me unjustly tends to lead to missing limbs.))
[15-02:09] 699dc, Luke: *waves back to Mab, and hugs Sileen*
[15-02:10] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Ok, well, in that case meanders that direction anyway. But unaware of danger.*
[15-02:11] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((*hug back*)) *.. and then he'd see her, charging in his direction, as eyes like the pits of hell focus in on him..*
[15-02:13] ab6ae, Aegnor: *His bladed gauntlets extend with a quick jerk (not that they will be any good,) and he begins to move further left toward a tree. A spell comes to mind, and he casts it quickly. Cramps. Curious... will it work on a Nightmare?*
[15-02:14] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Actually... Casts Quicksand instead.*
[15-02:15] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Sorry. Player = Evilish. and stupid.))
[15-02:16] ab6ae, Aegnora : *the quicksand might work.. however... she's running above the ground, so she continues her charge straight towards him, going right over the spot of quicksand..*
[15-02:17] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : ((back))
[15-02:17] ab6ae, Aegnor: *In that case, ducks around the trunk of the tree to appear on the other side. If she attempts to dart to that direction, he'll abruptly dart to the other side. Ooh, Look at that!*
[15-02:17] 699dc, Luke: welcome back Mab]
[15-02:18] ab6ae, Aegnora : *silent approach... mwehehe...*
[15-02:18] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen :
[15-02:18] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Forrest glade near Raupenchi))
[15-02:18] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Along w/ Aegnora))
[15-02:18] ab6ae, Aegnora : *she does come to a halt where he darted around to.. and lets out an eerie scream, before launching around, turning those hell fire eyes towards him once more*
[15-02:19] 699dc, Luke: Australia
[15-02:19] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((What he said!))
[15-02:20] ab6ae, Aurora : (( forest somewhere other then where they are at))
[15-02:20] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((.. Around <_< >_> ))
[15-02:20] ab6ae, Aegnor: *He narrows his eyes, backing away.* Would you knock it off, your little more than a snack to my hungry gut. And indeed, you are making me hungry.
[15-02:20] ab6ae, Amber : ((Quinell))
[15-02:21] ab6ae, Naurlote : ((Quinell))
[15-02:22] ab6ae, Aegnora : *she makes a snorting sound that sounds vaguely like laughter.. as he feet slowly sink down to touch to the ground beyond the quicksand.. her lips do not move, but he'd hear the voice regardless* ~I have to keep myself amused somehow~
[15-02:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-02:23] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Her?))
[15-02:23] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((Yes))
[15-02:23] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Just making sure is wasn't his. Ok.))
[15-02:24] ab6ae, Aegnor: I'm laughing on the inside.
[15-02:24] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : ((okay then)) *emerges from the portal in the forests of Rua in her simple sparkling dress that only goes to mid thigh length, very scandalous. She is presently the size of a small bird with dragonfly styled wings of clear iridescense. Sneaking out undetected by her people is getting more and more difficult. *
[15-02:25] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : *waits for a while before going out to meet Mab*
[15-02:25] ab6ae, Aegnora : *could she smile, she would* ~So then... what is your real name~
[15-02:25] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : ((brb))
[15-02:26] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *coincidently, not by design, no, she is near where the two Aegs are and flies toward their sounds to investigate what is going on so near what was hoped to be a private get together place for her and Galean*
[15-02:30] ab6ae, Aegnor: The name given at my...birth... has been lost for a long time. What name would you have, the name the Elves have given to me, the common folk, or the Fae? *He turns away from her, leaning against the tree.*
[15-02:32] ab6ae, Aegnora : *there's a shimmer... and the nightmare fades... replaced by the woman. A vare woman at that* .. Pick one *snatches the sack from her throat, and begins casually sliding out her clothing*
[15-02:32] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((bare))
[15-02:33] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *gets there in time to hear this last statement of Aegnor and wonders who he is that the fae have deemed to give him a name. She hides in the branches of the tree that Aegnor leans against*
[15-02:36] ab6ae, Aegnor: As the Elves were first, or so they would claim... They would call me Aegnor.
[15-02:36] ab6ae, Aegnora : *pauses* ... How horribly ironic. *gives her gown a shake, then slides it on over her head*
[15-02:37] ab6ae, Aegnor: And now you must honor me with yours.
[15-02:38] ab6ae, Aegnora : *smooths her clothing into place, then plucks up her gloves, pausing briefly to award him an amused smile* I am called Aegnora
[15-02:38] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[15-02:39] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *well, that answers that question. So, this is Nocturne. How long has it been since the fae came in contact with him, ages and ages it is. She, herself, is ancient. She knows his names*
[15-02:40] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *at least the names others have given him*
[15-02:40] ab6ae, Aegnor: Is that so.
[15-02:40] 699dc, Galean Arrowan : ((back))
[15-02:41] ab6ae, Aegnora : *straightens, sliding her gloves into place* Funny, isn't it?
[15-02:42] ab6ae, Aegnor: It is indeed full of.... irony. *Lifting his head to the wind.* How long, do you imagine, it will take this army to return?
[15-02:43] ab6ae, Aegnora : Once the fires cool.. and they gather their courage.. they will be back. A day perhaps, maybe a couple if they are slow about it
[15-02:43] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : *Army? Listens, intrigued, the size of a small bird, like a humming bird*
[15-02:44] 1e2ba, Mab Fairy Queen : ((I just discovered something. There is not much I would do for a klondike bar. They're good and all, but not that good.))
[15-02:45] ab6ae, Aegnor: Satiate my burning curiosity. What did they with you?
[15-02:45] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((ROTFL))
[15-02:46] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((*dies*))
[15-02:47] ab6ae, Aegnora : No idea really.. *chuckles softly* They just up and charged en masse towards me. *smirks* They have remarkable eyesight for mere humans. I thought only an elf would spot me at that distance
[15-02:47] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((...want))
[15-02:48] ab6ae, Aegnor: And their aim. Four arrows out of sixty.
[15-02:49] ab6ae, Aegnora : Yes.. it was a waste of arrows firing at you so far away. *grins* Clever tactic by the way.. I was preparing to do that myself, before you beat me
[15-02:50] ab6ae, Aegnor: I know you were. That's why I cut off their escape.
[15-02:51] ab6ae, Aegnora : And already he knows me too well...
[15-02:52] ab6ae, Aegnor: You gave me two visits.
[15-02:54] ab6ae, Aegnora : That I did.. *smirks*
[15-02:55] ab6ae, Aegnor: Now... about these bad dreams I've been having...
[15-02:55] e0c30, Mab : ((accidently knocked my internet cable off))
[15-02:55] ab6ae, Aegnora : *looks completely innocent*