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[09-08:55] 1212e, Chewie: Depends on how you look at it. Once I'm finished with school, I'll finally have a career rather than a bunch of dead end jobs.
[09-08:56] 844ce, Kali: what are you going to do?
[09-08:57] 1212e, Chewie: I'll be a mechanic.
[09-08:57] 844ce, Kali: on what?
[09-08:59] 1212e, Chewie: Cars of course.
[09-08:59] 6a915, Axis : (hrmm)
[09-09:00] 844ce, Kali: well, there are other kinds..
[09-09:02] 1212e, Chewie: Not really.
[09-09:03] 1212e, Chewie: But it's not a big deal.
[09-09:04] 844ce, Kali: *arches eyebrow* hmm Airplane, Maint.Mech...
[09-09:04] 844ce, Kali: *teasing*
[09-09:05] 6a915, Ghouls: ((*eats the chat*))
[09-09:05] 1212e, Chewie: Well yea, but you tell someone you're a mechanic and what's the first thing you think of?
[09-09:06] 6a915, Ghouls: ((sea monkeys))
[09-09:07] 844ce, Kali: me personally? airplane.....but thats cause I live about 5 minutes fromthe AA maint. hanger
[09-09:08] 1212e, Chewie: But generally people think of cars. I know where you're going because I was going to go into flying for a while.
[09-09:10] 844ce, Kali: to fly or to work on them?
[09-09:11] 1212e, Chewie: I'd have done both. Cause I was going to take some maintence courses at home before starting at a school in Tulsa that does piloting.
[09-09:13] 844ce, Kali: *shivers* I couldnt do that....I'm so afraid of heights i cant stand on a chair to change a light bulb with out shaking....
[09-09:15] 1212e, Chewie: I love it.
[09-09:16] 844ce, Kali: eeeee
[09-09:17] 1212e, Chewie: Can't fly, but it's cool being in a plane.
[09-09:17] 6a915, Axis : ((planes are pretty cool))
[09-09:18] 844ce, Kali: heh..i've flown.......i will stick to watching them from the ground...
[09-09:18] 1212e, Chewie: Yep.
[09-09:18] 1212e, Chewie: I've been in planes you don't normally get to go fly in.
[09-09:19] 844ce, Kali: better you than me...
[09-09:20] 1212e, Chewie: *L* It's awesome.
[09-09:25] 844ce, Kali: suurrrree it is..... *grins*
[09-09:25] 1212e, Chewie: It is!
[09-09:25] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[09-09:26] 844ce, Kali: ok ok i give.....its awesome...... ..........*closes eyes very hard*
[09-09:27] 1212e, Chewie: *L*
[09-09:27] c4355, luthien: ((what happened in the woods??))
[09-09:27] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[09-09:28] 844ce, Lotesse: ((*is asleep under tree*))
[09-09:29] c4355, luthien: ((why the sudden quiet))
[09-09:29] 6a915, Ghouls: ((hmm *pokes Kali*))
[09-09:30] 844ce, Lotesse: ((heh you caused it..... I had you vanishing...but you can re asleep under the same tree i was hiding at))
[09-09:30] 844ce, Lotesse: ((WHAT are you poking me for?))
[09-09:31] 6a915, Ghouls: ((just testing for the most tender edible parts))
[09-09:32] 844ce, Lotesse: ((Kali is non edible))
[09-09:33] 3a8a8, Roki: bullsheet
[09-09:34] 844ce, Kali: what are you doing here?
[09-09:34] c4355, luthien: *creeps around the pond and heads for the oak,putting the arrow back in quiverand shoulders ggets closer notices form lying under thye oak,draws sword and cautiously approaches to within 3ft*
[09-09:36] 6a915, Axis : ((An Admin!! *pounces on Roki*))
[09-09:37] 3a8a8, Roki: *is not an admin*
[09-09:37] 6a915, Axis : ((Bah!! *sits on roki*))
[09-09:39] 3a8a8, Roki: *is unsit-on-able... 'cuz he's going to work*
[09-09:39] 844ce, Lotesse: *cautious my foot...the sound of feet approaching had woken her before he got that close...keeping her eyes closed* I wouldnt do that if I were you.
[09-09:39] 6a915, Axis : ((curses....foiled again))
[09-09:41] c4355, luthien: *who are you*
[09-09:42] c4355, luthien: *he says in a firm but curious voice*
[09-09:43] 844ce, Lotesse: *opening one eye* not someone you want to pull a sword on. Put that thing away and I might just talk to you.
[09-09:44] c4355, luthien: *hesitantly lifts sword....and sheaths the glimmering weapon*
[09-09:45] 6a915, Ghouls: ((*pokes Lotesse examining her* hmmm females are much better tasting than males))
[09-09:47] 844ce, Lotesse: *sitting up, she pulls the blonde braid around in front of her brushing a stray leaf from it before answering his question* I am Lotesse...who are you?
[09-09:48] 844ce, Lotesse: ((*is soooo not going to go there*))
[09-09:48] c4355, luthien: *squating down in front of her,*i am luthien.
[09-09:49] c4355, luthien: ((where))??
[09-09:49] 844ce, Lotesse: ((*shakes head* men!!!))
[09-09:50] c4355, luthien: ((its not my fault))!!
[09-09:50] 6a915, Ghouls: ((It's true!))
[09-09:51] 844ce, Lotesse: Well, Luthien, what made you think i was dangerous enough you had to protect yourself?
[09-09:52] 844ce, Lotesse: ((*so doesnt want to know how you know that*))
[09-09:53] c4355, luthien: i am a stanger in these parts and a person on their own in a strange place stays alive longer by being cautious.
[09-09:54] 844ce, Lotesse: *laughs* You must be from a strange place if you have to be cautious of a sleeping female......
[09-09:55] c4355, luthien: i havent travelled much from my own lands
[09-10:01] c4355, luthien: where are you from,f i may be so bold to ask
[09-10:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-10:04] 844ce, Lotesse: I have traveled from Quinell....
[09-10:04] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:04am, June 09 (CDT) ).
[09-10:05] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[09-10:06] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[09-10:08] 6a915, Axis : *standing on a roof top in Rua*
[09-10:09] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[09-10:11] c4355, luthien: where are you going?
[09-10:12] 844ce, Lotesse: You are nosy arent you......well, there's no harm in you knowing that....I am on my way to ...what i do there however is my business
[09-10:13] 6a915, Ghouls: *stalking the streets of rua*
[09-10:14] c4355, luthien: i appologise for i do not wish to seem indiscreet ,but i know little of these lands and people have not been helpful on my travels
[09-10:16] c4355, luthien: where is
[09-10:16] 844ce, Lotesse: I cant help you there either... This area is new to me also.
[09-10:19] c4355, luthien: i see,before i entered these woods i lrft a town (of sorts)
[09-10:22] 844ce, Lotesse: Hmm That is probably ... I knew it was close but i wasnt sure how close.
[09-10:23] c4355, luthien: oh ,,i never caught its name but it was fairly large
[09-10:25] c4355, luthien: *gets up and adjust sword and bow*well good luck to you lotesse*walks off at a steady pace away from the stranger*
[09-10:27] 844ce, Lotesse: *she watches him leave, thinking that this has got to be one of the strangest meetings she's ever had* I make my own, thank you
[09-10:28] c4355, luthien: *ignores the strangers comment*
[09-10:29] 6a915, Axis : ((blah. soemone said my pic looked like a girl....)
[09-10:30] 844ce, Lotesse: ((LOL i read that. they just need to look better...not just a quick glance))
[09-10:32] 6a915, Axis : ((*puts it up* yeah. ))
[09-10:34] 844ce, Kali: all that matters is that you like it...
[09-10:35] 6a915, Ghouls: ((*sharpens his teeth*))
[09-10:37] 844ce, Kali: and just who are you going to use those on?? *arches eyebrow*
[09-10:38] 6a915, Ghouls: ((*puases* ermm no one...yeah thats right nobody at all))
[09-10:39] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[09-10:39] 844ce, Kali: *laughs and hands him a new file* you missed one
[09-10:39] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[09-10:39] 844ce, Kali: Hi Val
[09-10:39] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: (( Hey! ))
[09-10:41] 6a915, Ghouls: ((*takes it* oh thanks hey val))
[09-10:41] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : (( long can you stay?))
[09-10:42] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: (( *squints* Well at least my font color is bright and recognizable... ))
[09-10:43] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: (( About an hour before I leave for work... --go to S also-- __
[09-10:43] 6a915, Ghouls: ((((*gnaws val* still not as good as a female))))
[09-10:45] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: (( *_* *was gnawed* ))
[09-10:46] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : ((and if you get those teeth near me...... I will heal you..))
[09-10:47] 6a915, Ghouls: ((we don't are an elf you would taste good...humph))
[09-10:49] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: (( An elf with very... er... I'll show you!!! LUMEN!!! *bright flash of light flares toward Ghouls* ))
[09-10:50] 6a915, Ghouls: ((ouch! you mean! *cries*)
[09-10:53] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : ((*hugs* My hero.....))
[09-10:54] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: (( *huggles back, and bask in it* ))
[09-10:55] 6a915, Ghouls: ((*gnaws the flesh from his bones* meanie))
[09-10:55] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: (( Sorry Ghouls... *light dies down, pats Ghouls* Just not to me or Illisse... ))
[09-10:56] 6a915, Ghouls: ((humph. *eats candy*))
[09-10:56] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: (( Hey!! *yells* LUUUMEEN!!! *even larger, brighter flash of light*
[09-10:56] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: (( *tosses lipos to him* ))
[09-10:57] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : ((*takes candy away from Ghouls* now you know eating that will ruin your teeth,,,then how will you gnaw on anybody?))
[09-10:57] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: (( ??? lipops ))
[09-10:57] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: (( I can't say LOLlipops ))
[09-10:58] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : LOLipops
[09-10:58] 6a915, Ghouls: ((I see that is greatness))
[09-11:00] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: (( *ponders IC-ishness* ))
[09-11:00] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : *sighs, sitting on the log with Val, her healing bringing him somewhat closer to normal than he had been* what are we going to do?
[09-11:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-11:04] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: *mumbles to himself for a moment* I wo- Huh? Oh, ummm... we could leave now, right?
[09-11:06] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : Yes we could..If that is what you want...*she looks into his eyes, her right hand lying softly on his cheek*...Maybe it is time we went home.
[09-11:07] 6a915, Ghouls: ((*naps in Illisse's house*))
[09-11:08] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : ((*would be in pieces since she left wards protecting house*))
[09-11:10] 6a915, Ghouls: ((*his chunks nap in her bed*))
[09-11:12] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: (( ))
[09-11:12] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: Perhaps home would be nice... Home?
[09-11:13] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: Home?!? I dont remember my home!! *sounds slightly frantic, raving...*
[09-11:13] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : Yes, melamin...our home.....Tel'Ruid?
[09-11:16] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[09-11:18] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: Tel... Tel'Ruid... *a note of confusion/ wondering enters his voice* Home... ?
[09-11:19] 51e31, Phoenix : *wakes from his rest*
[09-11:19] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : That is where we live....You have friends there...Lindor and you not remember Isil's pies?
[09-11:21] 6a915, Axis : *stands on a roof top in rua examinig the city*
[09-11:23] 844ce, Ankalima Morwen : *sits at the bar of the Glimmering Inn...having her usual glass of honey wine...tapping her fingers along the bar, seemingly bored with the day*
[09-11:23] 51e31, Phoenix : *wonders inot the streets allowing the sun to refresh him, he lest out a yawn of sleepness*
[09-11:26] 6a915, Axis : *toys idly wiht a vial of poisen*
[09-11:28] 51e31, Phoenix : ((I eem to alwas kill chats *pouts*))
[09-11:28] 51e31, Phoenix : ((sem*))
[09-11:28] 51e31, Phoenix : ((seem*))
[09-11:29] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: Hmph! Of course I remember... don't forget Isil's husbands... they can toss a drink or two! *chuckles to himself* That was some wedding...
[09-11:29] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : ((hey Im just waiting on post))
[09-11:31] 51e31, Phoenix : *Grips his stomach as it gurgles within him* hmm *begins walking to the usual place to get food*
[09-11:31] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : blushes a bit* yes that was some wedding....Im glad you atleast remember that....and those beautiful babies *a touch of sadness shows in her eyes* You are right... lets leave now...*suddenly missing their home more than she thought she would*
[09-11:33] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[09-11:36] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: Well... *surveys the packed equipment* Well...
[09-11:38] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : *she stands up, lifting a pack toher shoulder, turning to face him* Well what?
[09-11:40] 51e31, Phoenix : *The door swings open and he enter the inn a juicey steak would be delicous right now*
[09-11:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-11:42] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: *blinks at her* Which way?
[09-11:45] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : *smiles at him and points toward the west* Ummm..that way I think.....*kknows directions? nope..she's a healer not a woodsman*
[09-11:46] 51e31, Phoenix : *orders his steak and begisn to eat, waiting for comany*
[09-11:46] 51e31, Phoenix : ((Company*))
[09-11:47] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: *frowns* Well.
[09-11:47] 6a915, Axis : *walks into hte inn and takes his customary seat*
[09-11:48] 844ce, Ankalima Morwen : *raises her eyes, watching the stranger. when he had come in...she had no idea...lost in her thoughts*
[09-11:48] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : *Narrows her eyes at him* Well what? is that the wrong way?
[09-11:49] 51e31, Phoenix : *notes axis*
[09-11:52] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: I... I dont know... Let us try it.
[09-11:53] ecfb0, Garet Jax: *strides into the Glimmering Inn, orders an ale, and sits down at one of the tables*
[09-11:53] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : Ok..but if you'r least it will be another adventure for us...*shaking her head and laughing*
[09-11:54] 51e31, Phoenix : *spots Garret and wonders if he knows Axis*
[09-11:55] 844ce, Ankalima Morwen : *eyes the new stranger...curious....wondering who he is*
[09-11:55] 844ce, Ankalima Morwen : **fades** gtg
[09-11:55] ecfb0, Valandil Elladan: Perhaps it shall...
[09-11:57] 844ce, Illisse Brilthor : ((val...go S gtg bbl))
[09-11:57] ecfb0, Garet Jax: *his flint-gray eyes slowly move from one person to the next*
[09-11:58] 6a915, Ghouls: ((later Illise))
[09-11:58] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 12:57pm, June 09 (CDT) ).
[09-11:59] ecfb0, Garet Jax: (( Bye Illisse ))
[09-12:00] 51e31, Phoenix : *is eatin quickly*
[09-12:00] ecfb0, Garet Jax: *Watches Pheonix curiously*
[09-12:01] 51e31, Phoenix : *eats curiosly*
[09-12:01] 51e31, Phoenix : *smiles at Jax*
[09-12:03] 6a915, Axis : *sits calmly watching the room*
[09-12:07] 51e31, Phoenix : *yawns and tosses his fork down*
[09-12:08] 6a915, Axis : ((*yawn*))
[09-12:08] ecfb0, Garet Jax: *smiles back, and nods in acknowledgement*
[09-12:12] 51e31, Phoenix : *Nods and then wanders over ale in hand* Hiya
[09-12:13] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[09-12:14] fb961, Liz: Hey, G.J...did'nt ever think you'd be back
[09-12:14] ecfb0, Garet Jax: Hello. Have a seat... My name is Garet... *holds out his hand* Garet Jax. (( Pheonix would have heard of Garet, being the legend he is... ))
[09-12:14] ecfb0, Garet Jax: (( *grin* Hey! Well, I am! ))
[09-12:15] 51e31, Phoenix : *shakes the hand and sits* I am Phoenix.
[09-12:15] fb961, Liz: Got aim, so I don't clutter the chat with OOCness?
[09-12:16] ecfb0, Garet Jax: (( Nope, still no aim, and I have about 10 min. ))
[09-12:17] ecfb0, Garet Jax: So what do you do, Pheonix?
[09-12:17] fb961, Liz: Grrr.... *gnaws his kneecaps in retaliation*
[09-12:17] 6a915, Axis : ((la la la))
[09-12:18] ecfb0, Garet Jax: (( Aggh! My kneecaps! Oh, wait. That kinda tickles! ))
[09-12:19] 51e31, Phoenix : I am the local black smith though I have been away...
[09-12:22] fb961, Liz: That reminds me..The Hunter's captured Lafiel again
[09-12:24] 6a915, Axis : ((want me to thrash him rightously?))
[09-12:26] ecfb0, Garet Jax: I see...
[09-12:27] ecfb0, Garet Jax: (( I have to go.... Don't know when Ill be bak... )
[09-12:27] 51e31, Phoenix : And yourself? *sips*
[09-12:27] 51e31, Phoenix : ((k))
[09-12:27] fb961, Liz: IF Mab ever comes on. The most that they'll do is clip her wings and make her marry someone
[09-12:28] ecfb0, Garet Jax: I am the Weapons Master
[09-12:28] ecfb0, Garet Jax: (( I'll see ya... ))
[09-12:28] EXIT: Garet Jax has left the chat ( Until next time... ).
[09-12:29] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[09-12:44] 6a915, Axis : ((I can make you a coat out of his wings))
[09-12:46] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[09-12:49] 94c70, Z: *sneaks*
[09-12:54] fb961, Liz: *L* I'll pass..after all, you did such a nice job of helping Averey
[09-12:54] 6a915, Axis : ((that wasn't my fualt!!! hey an admin get 'em!!!))
[09-12:59] 94c70, Z: *is a she and not an admin, just a mod*
[09-13:01] 6a915, Axis : (bah close enoguh.)
[09-13:18] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[09-13:19] 6a915, Axis : ((rawr))
[09-13:21] 7c507, Kali: hello to you too.
[09-13:24] 6a915, Axis : ((how are you?))
[09-13:24] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 1:54pm, June 09 (CDT) ).
[09-13:25] 7c507, Kali: back at least
[09-13:26] 6a915, Axis : ((I noticed))
[09-13:28] 7c507, Kali: and thats about it.
[09-13:29] 6a915, Axis : ((I see))
[09-13:31] 7c507, Kali: looks like it slowed down again...
[09-13:31] 6a915, Axis : ((yup))
[09-13:42] 6a915, Axis : ((kil 'em all! bwahahahahha))
[09-13:44] 6a915, Axis : ((ahem))
[09-13:45] 7c507, Kali: hehe
[09-13:48] 6a915, Axis : ((a tinsy bit bored I am))
[09-13:50] 7c507, Kali: no kidding....
[09-13:51] 6a915, Axis : ((pets a ghoul))
[09-13:52] ab6ae, Sileen: DUCKS!
[09-13:52] 7c507, Kali: where?
[09-13:53] ab6ae, Sileen: Behind yooouuuu!
[09-13:53] 7c507, Kali: its rained enough i could keep a whole flock of them
[09-13:53] 7c507, Kali: *turns quickly* NOt that many!!!!
[09-13:53] ab6ae, Sileen: Mwahahaaa
[09-13:53] 6a915, Axis : ((*takcles sileen*))
[09-13:54] ab6ae, Sileen: FEAR the DUCKS!
[09-13:54] ab6ae, Sileen: *tackled* EEP!!
[09-13:55] 6a915, Axis : (Muahahhahahaaaaa))
[09-13:56] ab6ae, Sileen: *blinks*
[09-13:57] 7c507, Kali: wha???
[09-13:59] 6a915, Axis : ((I jus ttackled sileen therefore...muahahahha *goes IC*)
[09-14:00] 6a915, Axis : *Axis stands o nthe edge of a roof top and watches the city below*
[09-14:01] ab6ae, Sileen: ((*ponders tossing out all her available characters for kicks*))
[09-14:02] 7c507, Kali: *giggles* emmmm lessee how many is that?
[09-14:03] ab6ae, Sileen: ((Well, right now only 3 are RP'able))
[09-14:04] ab6ae, Sileen: *baps away paranthesis* Half demon, unicorn, and ze nightmare
[09-14:05] ab6ae, Sileen: So.. in ABC order now...
[09-14:07] ab6ae, Aegnora : *... Some poor fool is taking his midday nap.. so peacefully asleep he is, caught securely in his realm of dreams. That is, until his dreams turn on him.*
[09-14:07] ab6ae, Aurora : *sits with her legs curled about, back against a tree, dark eyes closed in a look of relaxation...*
[09-14:08] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *Delotha meanwhile... is slowly slinking up behind a certain demon... dun dun duuun*
[09-14:09] 6a915, Axis : *doesn't seem to notice anything*
[09-14:16] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *tosses up a rock held in her hand, catches it.. then tosses it at Axis's back*
[09-14:20] 6a915, Axis : *spins and catches it* Nice throw.
[09-14:20] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : I thought so *smirks as she moves forward*
[09-14:22] 6a915, Axis : How are you doing delthoa?
[09-14:23] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Oh I'm doing dandy. And yourself?
[09-14:24] 6a915, Axis : I'm existing.
[09-14:24] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Only exiting?
[09-14:24] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Only existing? Mm.. pity
[09-14:25] 6a915, Axis : Good enoguh for me. Refined several poisens
[09-14:26] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : You make poisons do you?
[09-14:27] 6a915, Axis : oh indeed. I'm quite good at it.
[09-14:29] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : What kinds?
[09-14:31] 6a915, Axis : All kinds of stuff. If you cna think of it I cna probably refine it eventually.
[09-14:32] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Interesting.. if I never need anything like that, I'll be sure to come to you
[09-14:33] 6a915, Axis : *nods* I ecently made one especially for demons....
[09-14:33] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((never=ever))
[09-14:33] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Now why would you do a think like that? You are a demon!
[09-14:35] 6a915, Axis : I know. *pulls out a vial of red powder* there is only two vials of it in existance. One I gave to an elf who was raped by a demon and wanted to abort the child. I have the other. And it is fun making new things.
[09-14:41] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Elf woman raped by a demon? Happened the other way around to promote my birth.. And why are you helping her abort a child? *eye* Got something against half demons?
[09-14:46] 6a915, Axis : *eyes her squarly* Obvioulsy not. She would have done other things to abort it anyway and maybe hurt herself. This demon, Curst Diablos, was trying to use her as a brood mare of sorts to breed a small army for himself.
[09-14:49] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .... *breaks into laughter at that*
[09-14:52] 6a915, Axis : *RaE* never said he was a smart demon. Anyway I decided to help her. *shrugs*
[09-14:55] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Oh he must have been an idiot... Making an army from children! *snorts* I wonder if he ever did the math to tell just how long it would take to get an amry of any sort from an elf? Elves take 2 years before they pop out a kid, after all, and demons take even longer... In ten years, he'd have.. oh my gosh... two infants to his cause! *cracks up*
[09-14:56] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : If he wanted quicker babies, he should have gone with human. They pop out kids like rabbits.
[09-14:57] 6a915, Axis : *chuckles* Anyway thats where the first vial went. So there is only one now.
[09-15:00] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. *chuckles* ... Using an elf as a brood mare... hehehe... hope he likes having only four kids in the course of a few decades... hehe...
[09-15:01] 6a915, Axis : Hope he likes having his testicles removed and shoved into his heart when I find him.
[09-15:02] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Sounds like great fun... ... *snickers* ... I know this elf's sitation is hardly funny... but the stupidity of some people....
[09-15:05] 6a915, Axis : Yeah. Well this demon hardly rates as people...fungus maybe
[09-15:06] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Sounds like it *winks* I'll be sure to make sure any demons who respond to Curst are taken alive so you can torture him
[09-15:06] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... Say! There's an unicorn that lurks about! We could torture him to death, have the uni bring him back, and torture him some more!
[09-15:08] 6a915, Axis : *a smile spreads across his features* and when we are done I'll make yo ua tunic from his skin
[09-15:09] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Ew.. I think he'd likely smell too bad for me to want to wear him
[09-15:11] 6a915, Axis : Bah we cna clean it.
[09-15:11] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles* Thank you.. but I've already got my own demon hide
[09-15:14] 6a915, Axis : *chuckles* true true.Hey I can sell it! YEah tough armor.*coughs* anywya...
[09-15:15] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 3:02pm, June 09 (CDT) ).
[09-15:16] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Actually, you could sell it for quite a bit
[09-15:18] 6a915, Axis : Indeed. First we need to find him though
[09-15:24] 6a915, Axis : Bah. so bored.
[09-15:25] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Yeah.. a pity we can't just magically find that bloody demon and start having fun with him
[09-15:29] 6a915, Axis : Yeah. you want to do anything? mischief i nmind?
[09-15:32] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *makes a face* I have to behave myself..
[09-15:33] 6a915, Axis : BLah.
[09-15:34] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... Want to go kidnap a ghoul, and see if they can swim? *grins*
[09-15:36] 6a915, Axis : Blah. ghouls smell bad. besides none out htis tiem of day. And they can.
[09-15:37] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Can they? Pity...
[09-15:38] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... Can they swim with rocks tied to thier feet? *smirks evilly*
[09-15:39] 6a915, Axis : Thats a different question *he chuckles*
[09-15:41] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. Well, what mischief are you in the mood for?
[09-15:42] 6a915, Axis : *shrugs and lays back o nthe roof* Beats me.
[09-15:45] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... You're very helpful
[09-15:47] 6a915, Axis : Your welcome
[09-15:48] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *in a very childlike manner, she turns, and sticks her tounge out at him*
[09-15:48] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[09-15:49] 6a915, Axis : *makes a motion like he's grabbing her touge* careful now
[09-15:50] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *jerks her tounge back in, placing a hand over her mouth*
[09-15:53] 6a915, Axis : *chuckles*
[09-16:03] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. You grab it and I'll have to hurt you..
[09-16:05] 6a915, Axis : ohyes yes.
[09-16:07] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Think I'm bluffing? *lowers her hand, grinning*
[09-16:08] ceea7, Steve: *grabs Delotha and carts her with him off behind a censored bar*
[09-16:08] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((GAH!!))
[09-16:09] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*breaks through the censor bar as she flees, leaving a Delotha shape in it*))
[09-16:09] ceea7, Steve: ((*deals out poker behind the censored bar though*))
[09-16:09] 6a915, Axis : ((ewwww)) *luahges*of course not
[09-16:10] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : (( <_< >_> *goes back behind the censor bar, and makes suspicious moans and stuff... as she plays poker*))
[09-16:11] ceea7, Steve: *patched up the hole in the censored bar...and makes equally suspicious thumping noises*))
[09-16:12] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*flicks a card at him, hitting him in the forehead* Mwehe))
[09-16:12] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Darn right *grins*
[09-16:12] ceea7, Steve: *pies her in retaliation* *evil Scooby laugh*))
[09-16:13] 6a915, Axis : *gets up* I have to go *and is gone* (and is gone bye)
[09-16:13] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*starts hurling a barrage of cards... so now there's pie bits flying over, and various cards going in every direction.. and suspicious noises*))
[09-16:14] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Take care...
[09-16:14] ceea7, Steve: *laughs* I think we scared him off.....
[09-16:15] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Yup! ))
[09-16:15] ceea7, Steve: Rock on *huggles her*
[09-16:17] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*hugs back!*))
[09-16:19] ceea7, Steve: That was fun
[09-16:20] 7c507, Kali: you two ......poor axis
[09-16:22] ceea7, Steve: Bwahahaha
[09-16:25] 7c507, Kali: adtually its a shame i missed it...i might have joined in...
[09-16:26] ceea7, Steve: Score!
[09-16:28] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : (())
[09-16:28] ceea7, Steve: *loves that smiley as he was the one who suggested it*
[09-16:28] 7c507, Kali: *L*
[09-16:34] 7c507, Kali: It is good
[09-16:40] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 5:34pm, June 09 (CDT) ).
[09-16:59] ab6ae, Sileen: Wonder how dark this is!
[09-16:59] ab6ae, Sileen: Aaand this?
[09-16:59] ab6ae, Sileen: Weeee!
[09-17:10] 5e834, Aralore : ((Wee.))
[09-17:18] ab6ae, Sileen: *tackles Aralore!*
[09-17:19] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Superhugs Sileen*))
[09-17:19] ab6ae, Sileen:
[09-17:24] 5e834, Aralore : ((Boy, activity's been low this time of day :/ ))
[09-17:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-17:25] ab6ae, Sileen: Yeah
[09-17:25] 5089f, Will-o'-the-wisp: Arcadian Kingdoms seems to have snatched activity..
[09-17:26] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Packs it on up and heads to Arc-I mean uhh...heh. Loyalish..and...stuff*))
[09-17:26] 5089f, Will-o'-the-wisp: !!!!I play there myself sometimes.Free form rp is cool.
[09-17:27] ab6ae, Sileen: I KNEW someone was gonna pop in and say that!
[09-17:27] ab6ae, Sileen: Hello Vince, how are you today?
[09-17:27] 5e834, Aralore : ((It's a conspiracy.))
[09-17:28] 5089f, Will-o'-the-wisp: What is a conspiracy?
[09-17:31] 5e834, Aralore : ((An act of collaboration between or amongst those that wish to make mysterious things happen..))
[09-17:32] ab6ae, Sileen: *LOL*
[09-17:32] 5089f, Will-o'-the-wisp: *blinks and is lost*....riiiight.
[09-17:36] 5089f, Will-o'-the-wisp: Everyone has died suddenly.
[09-17:39] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[09-17:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-17:42] MSG: Kali sent a message to Mab.
[09-17:42] 7c507, Kali: Sileen...are you bored again?
[09-17:43] 7c507, Kali: hello Aralore....
[09-17:43] 5e834, Aralore : (('Lo.))
[09-17:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-17:46] 5089f, Will-o'-the-wisp: *yawns*
[09-17:55] 7c507, Kali: well we are sure a talkative bunch here.
[09-17:59] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Hugs Kali*))
[09-18:01] 7c507, Kali: *hugs back*
[09-18:02] ab6ae, Sileen: ... This is the song that never ends... yes it goes on and on my friend!
[09-18:02] 7c507, Kali: the links they seem to work together today
[09-18:11] 7c507, Kali: hrmmm... abandoned... *sighs*
[09-18:14] efcf5, Ashe: *shifty eyes*
[09-18:19] 7c507, Kali: hey ashe
[09-18:20] efcf5, Ashe: hey
[09-18:20] efcf5, Ashe: there is life
[09-18:21] 7c507, Kali: yeah
[09-18:22] efcf5, Ashe: where'd Sileen go?
[09-18:22] efcf5, Ashe: *pokes around for her*
[09-18:23] 7c507, Kali: heh visiting...
[09-18:23] efcf5, Ashe: meh?
[09-18:23] 7c507, Kali: hrmmm gone i guess
[09-18:55] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 7:23pm, June 09 (CDT) ).
[09-19:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-19:04] JOIN: Z has entered.
[09-19:05] 3a8a8, Roki: !
[09-19:05] 94c70, Z: *pokes Rocki*
[09-19:06] 3a8a8, Roki: >_<
[09-20:06] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[09-20:09] ab6ae, Aegnor: *As day-breaks, Aegnor slips into the city. As the hours pass quickly enough, he slides deeper past the city walls, shops, and homes. The marketplace, bustling and brimming lay before him, busy as a bee-hive.*
[09-20:13] ab6ae, Sileen: AAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!
[09-20:16] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Aegnor slowly closes upon the first kiosh of many, browsing the mage's wares with a wary, evaluating glance. Without so much as a word, Aegnor moves on.*
[09-20:25] 1212e, Chewie: dodo
[09-20:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-20:26] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[09-20:27] ab6ae, Aegnor: *The second stand merits a more gaurded observation, Aegnor slows to examine its contents more closely.*
[09-20:30] EXIT: Strahd VonZarovich has left the chat ( 9:26pm, June 09 (CDT) ).
[09-20:50] 3a8a8, Roki: <_< >_>
[09-20:52] ab6ae, Sileen: Mew?
[09-21:03] a1b8a, Mab : So, what we gonna do for the opening page. If I do it, I don't want it to be anything too demanding on my time, because it's limited, but I'd like it to be something cool. We could make an even cooler display for the website, a sort of extension of our opening chat display. Ideas are welcomed. It's been on my to do list for some time, right after completion of the map, at least as far as we've got it so far.
[09-21:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-21:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-21:27] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:25pm, June 09 (CDT) ).
[09-21:29] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[09-21:32] ceea7, Steve: Hey Cara.
[09-21:33] 011e8, Caradonia: *It's a wonderful thing to sleep under a willow tree. She herself has found this paticular pleasure and she is happily taking advantage of it, body easily settling into the soft, cold grass beneath*((Hola))
[09-21:35] ceea7, Steve : Icon test
[09-21:37] 011e8, Caradonia: ((*squints* what does that Icon represent?))
[09-21:39] ceea7, Steve : No Levariaons or some crap like that
[09-21:41] 011e8, Caradonia: *She isnt exactly napping, is acutally..dozing with her eyes open, their look vacant, far away, her eyes are lifted skyword but they dont see the stars through the thick veil of willow wands(?)((Oh..thats...lovely? What the hell are those?))
[09-21:42] ceea7, Steve : Beats me.
[09-21:45] 011e8, Caradonia: ((I'm itchy!!! damn poision ivy! damni it I say!))
[09-21:47] 011e8, Caradonia: *She sighs and rolls over onto her side, her arm laying under her, it the only thing between her and the ground. She winces and rolls her hips back, something sharp bit into her skin and she dusts a hand over a place, fingers rolling away a rock*
[09-21:48] ceea7, Steve : *pets her lightly*
[09-21:50] 011e8, Caradonia: ((*would prefer a scratching but a light petting would do*))
[09-21:54] 011e8, Caradonia: *She sits up at the sharp neighing of her horse. The sound grates across her ears in a uneasy note. Quietly she rolls over onto her knees and crawls forward, peeking through the willow leaves*
[09-21:57] 011e8, Caradonia: ((second note....tone...and still itchy....*mimes some scratching* ))
[09-21:59] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[09-22:01] 011e8, Caradonia: *The white shape of her horse glides across her vision. The animal is no longer leisurly grazing, but pacing about, pulling at her rope. She climbs up from her shaded bed and approaches, muscles tense, ready to scramble into the nearest tree*
[09-22:06] ceea7, Steve : *ponders IC*
[09-22:06] 011e8, Caradonia: ((well gee...dont you all talk at once))
[09-22:08] 011e8, Caradonia: *To calm the animal she makes a low humming sound in the hollow of her throat, her hands outstreached, ready to pet and sooth a quivering equine*
[09-22:10] ceea7, Steve : I'm doing admin stuffs...
[09-22:10] 9c417, Kali: sorry... having pc probs
[09-22:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-22:11] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:11pm, June 09 (CDT) ).
[09-22:11] 011e8, Caradonia: ((You know..come to think of it..this computer isnt giving me any crap this evening..*awestruck*))
[09-22:11] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[09-22:12] 9c417, Kali: msn im is messed up
[09-22:15] 011e8, Caradonia: *A hand falls to rest on the animals nose, it's nostriles quivering with the quick intake of air. She shushes the animal with it balks, her other hand comes to lay on the mare's neck, fingers gently petting..her voice dropping to a coo*
[09-22:17] 011e8, Caradonia: ((with=when))
[09-22:22] 9c417, Ankalima Morwen : *sitting at the bar, drinking her second glass of honey wine, she taps her fingers along the bar...almost sounding like some piece of music...waiting for ..sigh... a knight in shining armor..if there was such a lighten the boredom that was slowly driving her mad*
[09-22:24] 011e8, Caradonia: ~what is it?~*whispering to the animal while her fingers comb through the tangeled mane. She's wary of the sounds that the forest makes, listning for any sound that might be out of place*
[09-22:27] ceea7, Ember : *eyes Cara's animal companion* *licks chops*
[09-22:30] 011e8, Caradonia: *She hears a stillness in the air and slowly guides the horse back to her place of rest..under the willow. The night is to quiet, the shadows too dark and took thick. She shivers and pauses on her way back to her tree to throw a log into the fire*
[09-22:40] 011e8, Caradonia: *The fire pops and crackels at the thrown sarcrafice of wood. She jumps back a bit and the horse lets out a frightned neigh. She winces and pats at the horse's neck* It's okay..just the fire*and she turns on her heel, leading Lilly over to the deep spreading of grass, the stream trickling nearby*
[09-22:44] 011e8, Caradonia: ((ahem..*clears throat* alllll bbbyyyy myyyyseeeeellfff...))
[09-23:09] 9c417, Ankalima Morwen : oh no you arent....there is a fine audience of ghosts listening to you
[09-23:22] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[09-23:22] 9c417, Ankalima Morwen : hello
[09-23:24] 0f9d9, Leda Nylund : ((Hiya))
[09-23:27] 9c417, Ankalima Morwen : how are you tonight?
[09-23:29] 0f9d9, Leda Nylund : ((Mostly very awake, accidnetly fell asleep this afternoon for a few hours, and now I know I'm going to be up half the night))
[09-23:30] 9c417, Ankalima Morwen : hehe......not going to ask...i've done that myself ...too many times
[09-23:32] 0f9d9, Leda Nylund : ((I'm just glad it didn't happen until I got home from work, I think I'm catch up still from missing alot of sleep a couple nights ago))
[09-23:32] 9c417, Kali: I dont sleep much here i am...
[09-23:34] 0f9d9, Leda Nylund : ((I try to sleep but ussualy fail... which leads to the accidental naps, so now here I am too ))
[09-23:35] 9c417, Kali: sounds like an epidemic of sleeplessness
[09-23:38] 0f9d9, Leda Nylund : ((Thats what rp is for ;-) ))
[09-23:39] 9c417, Kali: LOL now we just need rp...
[09-23:41] 0f9d9, Leda Nylund : ((Yeah, well my character is currently walking down some namless road twoards some yet to be named town, but I'm not really sure where everyone else is, still a newbie and all))
[09-23:42] 9c417, Kali: heh you are probably on your way to ...that is mostly where every one is all the time
[09-23:44] 0f9d9, Leda Nylund : ((That works then :-) ))
[09-23:45] 9c417, Kali: and when you get there...the main gathering place is the Glimmering Inn...its a tavern/hotel kind of place
[09-23:46] 0f9d9, Leda Nylund : ((I'd read about the Glimmering Inn, but didn't know it was in ))
[09-23:46] 9c417, Kali: yeah...its THE spot here...
[09-23:49] 0f9d9, Leda Nylund : ((Good to know))
[09-23:51] 9c417, Kali: what species are you?
[09-23:56] EXIT: Leda Nylund has left the chat ( 12:49am, June 10 (CDT) ).
[09-23:56] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[09-23:57] 0f9d9, Leda Nylund : ((Sorry, having trouble, Tree Elf))
[09-23:58] 0f9d9, Leda Nylund : ((*tries another icon*))
[10-00:00] 9c417, Kali: wow didnt know we had any tree elves
[10-00:02] 9c417, Kali: gaahh this is too slow tonight..pjj has hit molasses....I think I am going to bed...It was nice to meet you Leda...I hope we can rp sometime when you get to rua.... i have a few chars that will be able to rp with you.
[10-00:03] 0f9d9, Leda Nylund : ((Cool, I look forward to it, Night))
[10-00:04] 9c417, Kali: g'night...I am usually here...I think I live here...
[10-00:04] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 1:04am, June 10 (CDT) ).
[10-00:04] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[10-00:16] EXIT: Leda Nylund has left the chat ( 1:03am, June 10 (CDT) ).
[10-00:35] MSG: Mab sent a message to Kali.
[10-01:19] ab6ae, Sileen: m
[10-01:19] ab6ae, Sileen: Hm...
[10-01:19] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[10-01:25] ab6ae, Aegnor: *He gestures to a few items encased in a chest.* Will this do? *He extends his hand, a few gold coins sliding from his palm to the mage's. Who is... eager to make up for lost time and lost money. For one reason or another. He might even catch an earful about houlagens stealing his potions. Dang demons. Especially those named Delotha.* Very good. *Completing the transaction, he accepts the items and places them in his satchel.*
[10-01:26] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[10-01:26] fb961, Liz: *pokes around*
[10-01:26] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. off to the side, there's some soft chuckling from a hooded figure has the man goes on his "holagans stealing potions" and "dang demons"*
[10-01:27] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((as))
[10-01:29] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Didn't say that. Didn't think it. But the NPC might have. <_<>_> but he probably doesn't know her name... but Delotha will have to divulge that, since he doesn't know the speciffics. Securing the latch on his satchel, tucking the wares away, Aegnore eyes a few other such kiosks. Then his eyes drift to where the chuckling emits. Of course, his senses limited by that of a human, he is barely able to discern that above the noise of the market only by a sudden lowering of noise (for reasons unknown.)*
[10-01:33] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 2:26am, June 10 (CDT) ).
[10-01:35] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *Doesn't know her name.. though he likely knows it's the work of demons* *her chuckling finally ceases as she lifts her head, noting the man is distracted... then with two steps, and a quick movement, another potion is lifted and tucked inside her cloak, before she starts to move away*
[10-01:40] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Hides a muted smirk, as he moves to another kiosk to examine more wares. Keeping Delotha's position in the back of his head, and her in his peripheral vision. "Crafty, crafty, little One," he thinks.*
[10-01:41] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *moves on.. ducking into an alleyway just as the man notices he's missing something and let's out a fuss*
[10-01:50] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Continues for a brief moment, purcheses one more item. Then discreetly moves towards the entrance of the allie Delotha disappeared down. He passes it by, giving it only a glance. Heading for where he figures it to exit.*
[10-01:53] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *she's standing inside in front of a portal.. pulling her empty hand back from the portal, which promptly closes as her hand's removed*
[10-02:03] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Well. She's gone through a portal. Slippery, too. Keeps on walking without a side-ward glance.*
[10-02:06] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *no no.. she's there, and she just pulled her hand from the portal. Basically, she's ditching whatever she snitched... and as I forgot to say it, she tossed the cloak through as well, then begins casually moving out of the alley*
[10-02:06] d0261, Mab : You two must be posting saloooooow. *L*
[10-02:07] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Sleepy))
[10-02:07] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : (( ))
[10-02:08] d0261, Mab : Me, I'm wide awake, cuz the heat of the day has really screwed up my schedule, cuz it's in the late afternoon and I try to sleep through it, whereas I normally go to bed in the morning here. I've been staying up the first half of the day now to enjoy the cool.
[10-02:10] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((I'm awake. It's Aegnor that's sleepy))
[10-02:12] d0261, Mab : Here's a non-sentient critter I'm adding to Bettenchi. It's original name is sea dragon, but I didn't want it confused with our highly sentient and uber wise dragons, cuz this critter if feral.
[10-02:12] d0261, Mab : if = is
[10-02:13] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Oh. Regardless... He leans against the wall of the exit as she walks out. Behind her.*
[10-02:13] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Oooo! Spiffy))
[10-02:14] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *pauses briefly once she's past him, seeming to be scanning the throng.. then turns to the left, purposely passing the cart she snitched from earlier. Perhaps gloating in her own fashion?*
[10-02:23] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Wordlessly falls into stride beside her.*
[10-02:25] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *doesn't even look to him as she keeps walking* Can I help you?
[10-02:27] ab6ae, Aegnor: Forgive a curious fool. I wonder why it is one haunts the same kiosk twice.
[10-02:29] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *continues on past the kiosk, walking down the street* Because it amuses me
[10-02:33] ab6ae, Aegnor: Is that so.
[10-02:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-02:34] 74d1f, Will-o'-the-wisp: Do come back on AIM please, Aegnor.
[10-02:35] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Yes. Yes, it does *absent smirk* Are you planning on tattling on me?
[10-02:35] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:34am, June 10 (CDT) ).
[10-02:36] ab6ae, Aegnor: Well, I don't know... Stealing is a crime.
[10-02:40] d0261, Mab : Okeydokey, Sea Monster added to the Species list.
[10-02:40] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : So are amny other worse things. Your point?
[10-02:42] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((many!))
[10-02:44] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Awesome Mab))
[10-02:44] ab6ae, Aegnor: Mm, yes. But to committ a crime for amusement does not make you any less of a criminal. Does it?
[10-02:46] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *Grins* Sure doesn't
[10-02:48] ab6ae, Aegnor: Or you simply relish the act, and the status associated with it.
[10-02:49] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Actually, it's the sport. Life's grown somewhat dull.. so little tricks like that spice it up a bit here and there
[10-02:49] ab6ae, Aegnor: Interesting way of putting it.
[10-02:49] d0261, Mab : Thanks! Now, for the feral hydra critter. He's even cooler, IMO.
[10-02:50] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : I like it. .. So.. you going to tattle?
[10-02:51] d0261, Mab : I say just spank Delotha. *L*
[10-02:52] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : (( ))
[10-02:56] ab6ae, Aegnor: Should I?
[10-02:57] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : I would personally prefer you wouldn't. It's such a pain playing dodge the guards until they forget you.
[10-02:58] ab6ae, Aegnor: So, then we come to why I shouldn't.
[10-03:00] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Well, for starters, I'm a demon who holds grudges for a very long time. Secondly... it's so much more fun not to tell *looks to him, flashing a grin* And if neither of those excuses are good enough for you, I'll resort to bribery
[10-03:06] d0261, Mab : *wants to do a nice uber slow RP all casual like too. pouts all jealous and goes back to work*
[10-03:07] ab6ae, Aegnor: Your a...demon. *Casts a skeptical glance her way.* As for grudges, I'm sure I've held longer. On to bribery. Another crime. But why stop there? Blackmail is good as well. *The skeptical look resides into an amused smirk.*
[10-03:09] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *looks to him, flashing a grin... likewise flashing her sharp canines* Yup. Demons come in all shapes and sizes now a days. And yes.. I'm a cold hearted criminal. Fear my potion snatching and empty threats evilness *chuckles* Why don't you scat and go blab on me? Then I might have something interesting to do to occupy the time
[10-03:11] ab6ae, Aegnor: Oh, the irony is too much.
[10-03:11] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : What irony is that?
[10-03:13] ab6ae, Aegnor: You'll figure it out eventually, I'm quite certain. But alas, as I am boring you, I shall take my leave of you.
[10-03:15] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *eyes him* ... You... are weird
[10-03:16] ab6ae, Aegnor: Fear not. I am what you see. If you can trust the words of a...human. *Was that a deliberate pause?* Evening, Demon. Happy pickings.
[10-03:20] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *pauses, frowning at him* ... Good evening.
[10-03:22] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Smirks and parts from her side. Wary even now. The dark of an allyway gives some small measure of concealment as he waits a bit before continuing on.*
[10-03:26] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *she continues on down the street... veering towards a tavern*
[10-03:29] ab6ae, Aegnor: *And so, he passes back out into the night. To another small clearing (note: not the same one) under cover of darkness. By the time the sun rises, Aegnor is nowhere to be seen.*
[10-03:32] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Gone.*
[10-04:00] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *gone*
[10-04:00] EXIT: Delotha Feanor has left the chat ( 5:00am, June 10 (CDT) ).
[10-05:58] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[10-06:52] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[10-08:10] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[10-08:24] cae86, Lotesse: *profile test*
[10-08:52] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-08:52] 5089f, Will-o'-the-wisp: You are all gay.
[10-09:47] cae86, Lotesse: *haunts* im me
[10-09:48] cae86, Illisse Brilthor : *haunts* Im me..
[10-10:21] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[10-12:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-12:18] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:18pm, June 10 (CDT) ).
[10-12:19] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[10-12:19] 80e22, Axis : ((hey hey))
[10-12:19] cae86, Kali: hey
[10-12:21] 80e22, Axis : ((whats up?))
[10-12:22] cae86, Kali: makin peach preserves
[10-12:22] 80e22, Axis : ((oooooo))
[10-12:23] cae86, Kali: exactly.....and they are nice and juicy and sweet and fresh.......yum
[10-12:24] 80e22, Axis : ((bah o nyou))
[10-12:24] cae86, Kali: heh...
[10-12:25] 80e22, Axis : ((rawr))
[10-12:29] 80e22, Axis : ((a bit slow))
[10-12:29] cae86, Kali: a bit????
[10-12:33] 80e22, Axis : ((yeah...a little bit))
[10-12:49] cae86, Kali: try I've been the onlyone here since about 6 this morning...other than wispy
[10-12:52] 80e22, Axis : ((heh yeah)
[10-13:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-13:12] 80e22, Axis : ((hey the king of my country is done!))
[10-13:12] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 2:12pm, June 10 (CDT) ).
[10-13:13] ceea7, Steve : *loooms about all doomily*
[10-13:13] JOIN: Bartuc has entered.
[10-13:13] 80e22, Bartuc : ((WOO....hey steve...can you authorize a portal?))
[10-13:14] ceea7, Steve : Ju got it homes.
[10-13:16] 80e22, Bartuc : ((cool..Quman gets a portal. Need specifics now? I got 'em))
[10-13:16] cae86, Kali: *applauds* congratulations
[10-13:21] 80e22, Bartuc : (bwahaha I am the Warlord of Blood!!!))
[10-13:22] ceea7, Steve : *can kill said Warlord*
[10-13:23] cae86, Kali: ahem...STEVE cant ..
[10-13:23] ceea7, Steve : Yes I can.. *can delete the bastage*
[10-13:24] 80e22, Bartuc : ((any way my portal? do you need information about it rather than banding threats about?))
[10-13:25] ceea7, Steve : You can post the info on the board*shooes him off*
[10-13:27] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[10-13:31] cae86, Kali: hey Liz
[10-13:33] fb961, Liz: Ugh...swedish berries for breakfast...not a good idea
[10-13:34] cae86, Kali: swedish berries?
[10-13:40] fb961, Liz: Yes
[10-13:41] cae86, Kali: i meant what are they
[10-13:44] fb961, Liz: Gummies
[10-13:44] 80e22, Bartuc : (bwah ha! done))
[10-13:45] cae86, Kali: hmmm never heard them called that
[10-13:47] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 2:44pm, June 10 (CDT) ).
[10-13:49] 80e22, Bartuc : *sits atop a horse with 500 horsemen. They were hunting bandits who had ben running unwelcome in hte steppes of Quman*
[10-13:52] 80e22, Bartuc : *the trackers came back. Their camp had been found nearby. So poured forth the Warlord of Blood and the hunting party. They outnumbered out armed and outclassed the bandits. IT was a total sluaghter as every last one was dismebered many personally by Bartuc himself*
[10-13:57] 80e22, Bartuc : *the last badit was pounded to mush under the hooves of Bartucs warhorse and the war band rode off their work done*
[10-13:59] JOIN: Ghamel has entered.
[10-14:01] c56bb, Ghamel : * after long hours of work ...the blade is finished...slim flexible..strong..and very should please the futur owner very well ...he sets it on a mantle to hold it until the hilt and sheath is ready for it ....he looks upon it and smiles*
[10-14:08] EXIT: Bartuc has left the chat ( 2:57pm, June 10 (CDT) ).
[10-14:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-14:28] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[10-14:31] cae86, Kali: hello Leda
[10-14:32] 408bf, Leda Nylund : ((Hiya, I was wondering who was still lurking around))
[10-14:35] cae86, Kali: me
[10-14:36] cae86, Kali: and maybe one or two others..
[10-14:37] c56bb, Ghamel : ((*yawns*))
[10-14:37] cae86, Kali: see?
[10-14:37] cae86, Kali: Hi Ghamel
[10-14:38] c56bb, Ghamel : ((good day ey))
[10-14:39] 408bf, Leda Nylund : ((*waves*))
[10-15:11] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[10-15:31] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[10-15:33] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[10-15:58] ceea7, Steve : *looms about*
[10-15:59] 5fe63, Kali: oh bah...
[10-16:01] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[10-16:03] 5fe63, Kali: Ive been around Sileen too long...
[10-16:03] ceea7, Steve : IC people!
[10-16:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-16:04] cc74e, Will-o'-the-wisp: *leaps in. pounces everything. leaps onto walls and wanders about*
[10-16:04] 408bf, Leda Nylund : ((*smacks computer* I think it hates me))
[10-16:05] ceea7, Steve : *pounced* Ack! Who dares pounce the Angry Pope?
[10-16:05] cc74e, Will-o'-the-wisp: *shifty eyes Steve. POUNCES AGAIN* teh evil person.
[10-16:06] ceea7, Steve : *catches the Willo'the wisp in mid air and bear hugs them* HA! No one is more evil than I!
[10-16:06] cc74e, Will-o'-the-wisp: *hugs back.* haha...are you sure ?
[10-16:06] ceea7, Steve : Yes.
[10-16:08] cc74e, Will-o'-the-wisp: ...but i wanna be evil...
[10-16:09] ceea7, Steve : You can be evil...just not to the extent that I am.
[10-16:10] cc74e, Will-o'-the-wisp: *pout*
[10-16:10] 5fe63, Kali: yeah hes just about the meanest we've got around here...
[10-16:11] ceea7, Steve : *pets the pouting Will* I dont think the world would be able to handle two me's.
[10-16:11] cc74e, Will-o'-the-wisp: *petted. purrs* but i'd be the evil with the stiletto's.
[10-16:14] ceea7, Steve : Hmm...... Alright you can be the evil with the Stiletto's...
[10-16:14] cc74e, Will-o'-the-wisp: *purrs more* bwahahaha.
[10-16:15] ceea7, Steve : *but is still the head evil*
[10-16:16] cc74e, Will-o'-the-wisp: *prowls about the rafters and stuff* uh huh
[10-16:18] ceea7, Steve : *headbangs*
[10-16:20] 5fe63, Kali: *turns up music til her windows rattle*
[10-16:21] ceea7, Steve : *turns up his ungodly powerful stereo that he has been asked by the neighborhood to not exceed 3 because the speakers are loud enough to shatter foundations*
[10-16:21] 3a8a8, Roki: *is more evil than Steve*
[10-16:21] 5fe63, Kali: you can bring it to my house..... the neighbors wouldnt hear a thing...
[10-16:22] ceea7, Steve : *arches a brow at Roki* dont fill your neighbors cars with frozen blocks of shaving cream for amusement now do you?
[10-16:23] 3a8a8, Roki: i just pour sugar into their gas tanks
[10-16:23] cc74e, Will-o'-the-wisp: rokiiiiii!
[10-16:23] ceea7, Steve : But that's no fun.
[10-16:24] 5fe63, Kali: oh please.....thats just pathetic....limburger cheese
[10-16:24] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[10-16:25] ceea7, Steve : Do you put coconut jello mix in your cathedral's holy water for April Fool's day? *has*
[10-16:25] 408bf, Leda Nylund : ((Okay, I think I've got the computer working properly now))
[10-16:25] 5fe63, Kali: this i believe....LOL
[10-16:26] 3a8a8, Roki: actually no. i dont go to church. and i profane god whenever i get the god damned chance
[10-16:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-16:26] cc74e, Will-o'-the-wisp: *quirks a brow. sits and watches. could get good*
[10-16:27] ceea7, Steve : Heh...see that's expected of someone evil and therefore predictable...who's more dangerous..the evil you know is evil...or the evil sitting right beside you in church the whole time ooga boogaing with the priest's head
[10-16:27] NICK: Will-o'-the-wisp changed nick to Will-o´-the-wisp2.
[10-16:31] cc74e, Will-o'-the-wisp: ...the evil with the india ink.
[10-16:32] ceea7, Steve : *chose not to sidestep the filters*
[10-16:34] 3a8a8, Roki: *neeeeds.... rp*
[10-16:36] 5fe63, Kali: well I would love to Roki but I have to go in a few minutes....
[10-16:38] 408bf, Leda Nylund : ((I finally have time to stay for a while, but right now my character is on her way into , not sure if that's helpful at all))
[10-16:38] cc74e, Will-o'-the-wisp: i have quite a while.
[10-16:38] 5fe63, Kali: blarg... and Lotesse is near you too... ah well
[10-16:41] 5fe63, Kali: well I will see ya'll later tonight
[10-16:41] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 5:41pm, June 10 (CDT) ).
[10-16:44] cc74e, Will-o'-the-wisp: *grins*wanders off*
[10-16:44] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:44pm, June 10 (CDT) ).
[10-16:44] f6cc5, Will-o´-the-wisp2: *ponder ponder*
[10-16:44] ceea7, Steve : *hears the dying wail of the chat as it..well..dies*
[10-16:45] 3a8a8, Roki: oops.. i farted...
[10-16:45] f6cc5, Will-o´-the-wisp2: it's not dead... it's ALIIIIIVE!!! *dr. frankenstein voice*
[10-16:46] 408bf, Leda Nylund : ((Well I can at least get my person into if nothing else))
[10-16:47] ceea7, Steve : Dammit many times have I told you...EAT YOUR DAMN BEANO!!
[10-16:47] 3a8a8, Roki: it gives me gas...
[10-16:48] ceea7, Steve : Beano before...quiet...after
[10-16:49] 408bf, Leda Nylund : *notices as she walks that’s she’s finally coming upon a town. Probably if what she’d been told before she left the last town was correct. She smiles slightly to herself, somewhere new. She liked new places, as long as the people were friendly. She switches her pack to her other shoulder as she continues walking into town, looking at everything and trying to memorize as much as she can at first glance*
[10-16:57] 408bf, Leda Nylund : Bigger than I thought….*mutters to herself as she can’t help staring, she’s never seen a place exactly like it before. She’d had it described to her before, but hadn’t any real idea until she actually saw it for herself* Hmmm…very beautiful too…*smiles to herself as she continues into , wondering what kind of people she’ll find here*
[10-17:00] 3a8a8, Mordaki Musashi : *eeeeevl people....*
[10-17:07] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[10-17:07] 90ba7, Leda Nylund : ((*sigh* I hate dial up))
[10-17:13] 90ba7, Leda Nylund : *keeps walking into the city, not able to hide the way she’s looking at everything, almost as if she’s never seen a city before, but she had. Just not one that looked like this, not as…clean and pleasant to look at, not since she left her home at least. But she also hadn’t really traveled very far until recently. She continues at a more leisurely pace through the city, smiling to herself the farther in she gets*
[10-17:46] ab6ae, Sileen: Mew
[10-17:47] ceea7, Steve : look Sileen! Covenant Forces!
[10-17:49] ab6ae, Sileen: DIE!! *charges in and gun bashes one, then busts out the rocket launcher* BWAHAHAHA!
[10-17:49] ab6ae, Sileen: ... *twitch*
[10-17:50] ceea7, Steve : *little does she realize...its not the Covenant..its the FLOOD! RUN!!* *masses and masses of little...mollusc looking....things swarm her*
[10-17:52] ab6ae, Sileen: ... EEE!!! *rocket launches a few places, taking out the main bulk closest as she backs away, then starts randomly rocket launching here and there, before switching to the assualt riffle* *blaaaaaam. Blaaaaaaam!* *flee!*
[10-17:53] ceea7, Steve : *they swarm and pimp smack her with their tentacles...and shoot her with shotguns*
[10-17:54] ab6ae, Sileen: *switches to shut gun, and shoots back, then gernades... a lot...*
[10-17:54] ceea7, Steve : *they go HEADY EXPLODY...all over her*
[10-17:54] ab6ae, Sileen: shot gun
[10-17:55] ab6ae, Sileen: ... Eeew...
[10-17:55] ceea7, Steve : Hehehe *hates the Flood*
[10-17:56] ab6ae, Sileen: They are such nasty lil buggers
[10-17:56] ceea7, Steve : yup
[10-17:58] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : ((*steals peeks at the sleeping Queen*))
[10-18:02] ab6ae, Naurlote : *.. sleeping.. sure.. she's taking a nap.* *Sunlight gleams through the window from the afternoon sun, casting a warm glow to Naurlote's chambers.. and gleaming in at a perfect angle so the hidden door in her wall is outlined with a thin line of shadow on one side.. what is known to only a few as the "Stone Chamber", where it is assumed the resting place of the Megda Stone is. Naurlote herself, lays on her bed.. resting after some all night talks*
[10-18:05] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he is pacing about outside her chambers....his armored pacing echoing over the empty corridor, his hood pushed down from his head, baring his drow heritage in all its glory...those soft, silken snowy locks, those burning burgandy eyes...the darker tone his skin has taken as of late...its harder and harder for him to hide his Drow half*
[10-18:07] ab6ae, Naurlote : *her eyes open to the sound of pacing.. and it's pretty easy, with that light tread, and that frantic pacing, to guess who it is. She sits up, and calls out* .. You may enter, Aleinn
[10-18:09] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *hearing those dulcet tones beckon him to enter he glances about warily, those burning burgandy eyes...a gift of his Drow mother's side of his being...before opening the hidden door and stepping within the chamber...was only guarding the Queen as she slept...honestly*
[10-18:09] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[10-18:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-18:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-18:10] JOIN: br/'v5.,v5/'n has entered.
[10-18:11] ab6ae, Naurlote : ... Did you need something?
[10-18:16] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : No, your Highness...*he keeps his head bowed...not quite looking her in the eyes, allowing the thick curtains of his snowy white hair obscure his darkening face...less like the brash young Nikeyrm T'Preche he once was...perhaps he is aging more than his elven grace will show*
[10-18:19] ab6ae, Naurlote : *slowly rises from the bed, turning to face him* Something on your mind?
[10-18:21] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : No, Highness...*again his tone is low, almost too low even for those of Elven hearing to pick up, his head giving a negative shake, tosseling those snowy white locks as he straightens, his eyes burning into her own*
[10-18:22] ab6ae, Naurlote : *a slight smile passes over her lips* Then why were you pacing frantically outside my door?
[10-18:23] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : There was no frantic pacing, Highness... I was just patrolling the corridors, and I just happened by...*he bows slowly, his skintone darkening a bit more...oh our young halfbreed embarrased at being caught?* Forgive me if I woke you
[10-18:24] ab6ae, Naurlote : I was already awake
[10-18:28] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he seems a little relieved at this, his hands coming to clasp behind his back as he tries to maintain a sense of decorum...but his marble mask of stoicism isnt as perfect as he would wish...those burgandy eyes betray him* All is well about the castle, Highness...we have visitors...two dragons..they claim to have buisness with Lord Arutha.
[10-18:29] ab6ae, Naurlote : Dragons? Having buisness with a human? That is interesting...
[10-18:34] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Indeed, Highness...I have accomadated them as best we may...
[10-18:36] ab6ae, Naurlote : *nods* Very good..
[10-18:40] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[10-18:43] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he remains still before her, awaiting some kind of instruction..go away..sit down...go fling yourself from a steeple...something*
[10-18:44] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : (Hmm...I wonder if this would be more fitting)
[10-18:47] 3084c, Kali: hrm....
[10-18:56] 3a8a8, Mordaki Musashi : *shifty eye*
[10-18:57] 3084c, Kali: *ducks*
[10-18:59] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : (*throws Holy water at Moraki*)
[10-19:01] ab6ae, Naurlote : Aleinn... you must go out and fling yourself from a cliff ((J/K!!)) *actual words* Is there anything else?
[10-19:02] ab6ae, Naurlote : Then you are dismissed.... *goes about her buisness as Aleinn leaves* *gone*
[10-19:02] ab6ae, Sileen: Do be do be do...
[10-19:04] 3084c, Lotesse: ((you know...thats not exactly the directions I was expecting....LOL))
[10-19:06] ab6ae, Sileen: Hm?
[10-19:08] 3084c, Lotesse: ((*chuckles* you disappeared....I was waiting for you to tell him to stand there til hell froze over... ....its just been one of those days))
[10-19:13] 3084c, Lotesse: ((*sighs* Ive killed them all))
[10-19:15] ab6ae, Sileen: *lays there... all dead, face frozen in a look of accusing*
[10-19:15] ceea7, Steve : *gives Sileen a back rub for dipping out on her*
[10-19:15] ab6ae, Sileen: *purr*
[10-19:17] 3084c, Lotesse: ((purring when you're dead? unusual))
[10-19:18] ab6ae, Sileen: *... lays dead* <_< >_>
[10-19:19] ceea7, Steve : *continues the back rub to the dead girl*
[10-19:20] 3084c, Lotesse: ((*shakes head* *sighs* *doesnt want to know*))
[10-19:21] ceea7, Steve : *gives Lotesse a back rub too*
[10-19:22] 3084c, Lotesse: ((*sighs and relaxes* thanks))
[10-19:23] ceea7, Steve : np
[10-19:24] d0261, Mab : Oooo! Who is Lotesse? Pretty avatar!
[10-19:25] ab6ae, Sileen: *totally ganked Lotesse's avatar pic*
[10-19:26] 3084c, Lotesse: thank you...*is Illisse*
[10-19:26] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : *if a couple others who know who they are are interested in responding ICly, she steps out of the portal that is a little ways outside of the High Elven capital in Quinell*
[10-19:27] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he would be there...with the guard the portal, with his detatchment that guards said portal from invasion indeed....he is hooded and cloaked in that cloak of pooled blood*
[10-19:29] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : *she looks at him with narrowed eyes* How came you to be in Queen Naurlote's service? *her tone seems inquisitively conversational*
[10-19:30] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *his voice flows as easily as any High Elf's...he wears the badge of a Nikyerm T'Preche a pretty high ranking officer in the High Elven apparently he's been there for some time* I followed in my father's footsteps, Highness.. *indeed, knows who she is...*
[10-19:30] ab6ae, Naurlote : *is.. around... yesss*
[10-19:33] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : I see. You serve well? *begins walking, expecting to be escorted and continue speaking as she goes. Royal perogative and all*
[10-19:33] MSG: Belthil sent a message to Mab.
[10-19:34] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Indeed, Highness..*he moves to step in front of her as he is escorting her* I am sure you wish to see Mistress Naurlote...
[10-19:34] 2753a, Ashe: ((RECONIZE!!))
[10-19:34] 3084c, Kali: gaah... darn chain
[10-19:35] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : ((*doesnt recognize Ashe..has him slain*))
[10-19:36] 2753a, Ashe: ((*blinks* SUCKA!!))
[10-19:37] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : Yes, it is why I've come. You're an intrigue in the meantime, while we make our way. I mean that in a flattering way....*so far*
[10-19:37] 3a8a8, Mordaki Musashi : (( meh ))
[10-19:38] 2753a, Ashe: ((Look, brave fencer musashi!))
[10-19:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-19:38] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *rooftop sitting in ruapanchi ... She's spying on those ans , sprying on them good!*
[10-19:38] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((spying))
[10-19:38] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Hehe.. sprying...))
[10-19:40] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Of course...I will take you to her immediatly...*and so he goes about..his snowy WHITE hair flowing behind him as his hood falls from his head, revealing his Drowish features....*
[10-19:40] 2753a, Ashe: ((that's my cue, since I can stay tonight mwhahaha)) *is strolling about the streets of Rua, hands clasped behind his back against his white tunic*
[10-19:41] ab6ae, Naurlote : *.. at this time, our Elven Queen has shifted her position to the throne room, perhaps expecting the fair queen's arrival?*
[10-19:41] 3084c, Ankalima Morwen : *is on the roof of Levald's Smithy..a thunk , heard on the street below as she practices her knife throwing skills*
[10-19:42] 2753a, Ashe: *catches Delotha's scent and grins wide* Well I'll be a monkey's uncle. *he leaps up onto the nearest roof, spying for her*
[10-19:43] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : *had noted the Drowish features right off even with the hood up* The cloak you wear, is that to honor you mother's people? *can guess that his mother was the drow from what he said earlier*
[10-19:44] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Something of that nature, Highness...*he is polite...though his tone sounds more strained..perhaps this is a sore point for him...perhaps he is acting...perhaps he is plotting ways to gut and filet and hang the fairy queen by her pretty little fairy wings...who knows*
[10-19:45] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *from above* A monkey's uncle, are you? I'm not surprised...
[10-19:45] 2753a, Ashe: ((Yummy, filet of fairy))
[10-19:46] 2753a, Ashe: *grins* Look who's talking, oh queen of the animal kingdom. *he leaps over near her, out of range of her, he's mischievious but he ain't stupid*
[10-19:46] EXIT: Ankalima Morwen has left the chat ( 8:41pm, June 10 (CDT) ).
[10-19:47] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Queen of the animal kingdom? Now where did you get that one? *stays standing as she is, staring off over the city*
[10-19:48] 2753a, Ashe: *takes on that mocking tone he's given her before* Crocky, eating your mate and all.
[10-19:48] MSG: Aleinn Duinn sent a message to Delotha Feanor.
[10-19:49] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : *has wings right now, in fact, pale coral iridecent ones with curled ends at this instance. Her wings change with her mood when she sports them.* What made you choose to serve your father's race over your mother's? *is she drilling him?*
[10-19:50] MSG: Delotha Feanor sent a message to Aleinn Duinn.
[10-19:51] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles* He's still fine
[10-19:51] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : I never met my mother...*he is lying...convicingly..but lying all the same...he comes to the gate of the Palace...which he just breezes through when the sentries snap to attention upon seeing that head of white hair*
[10-19:51] JOIN: Aleinn Duinn has entered.
[10-19:52] 2753a, Ashe: She chuckles, by crocky, she's showing a sense of humor. *laughs himself* So what are you doing up here demonessy, spyin on your next victim...I mean mate?
[10-19:54] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Victim more fits the term of what I'm looking for.. there's some ghouls stalking around somewhere. And since they are not alive, there's no attack of concious while playing with them *smirks* ... Though I suppose all I would have to do is stalk that unicorn. She seems to find them pretty regularly.
[10-19:55] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : Where did you get such a fine cloak of such marvelous workmanship? Did the high elves here make it for you? *it's elven workmanship, she can tell and she finds it highly unlikely that high elves would cater to anything so clearly drow in style*
[10-19:55] 2753a, Ashe: Aye I smelled th-*he looks at her puzzled*-unicorn? What unicorn?
[10-19:56] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Yes...they did..*he drops it right could be that well...he paid an arm and a leg...but WHO'S arm and WHO's leg is not spoken....on his hand is the signet ring of the House of Duinn...and should Mab know anything of the houses in High Elven society...this is a fairly well to do house*
[10-19:57] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Oh.. there's a unicorn that lurks about *pauses, then glances back at him* No torturing the unicorn. That's a low even I wouldn't sink to
[10-19:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-19:58] 2753a, Ashe: *holds his hands up* I don't torture unicorns...*sort of trails off there, thinking about Aurora, he hasn't seen her in a week or so*
[10-19:59] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Hm. *looks back out over the city*
[10-20:02] 2753a, Ashe: *looks up* Oh nothing, so yeah, seen any of the ghoulies around? I could stand to cleave up some.
[10-20:02] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : *ummm, yeah, she knows bout elven houses, yeah* You come from a noteable house? *still doesn't buy that the high elves just up and made him a drow styled cloak all happy as a clam*
[10-20:03] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Of course...someone of my age would hardly be in this position without some noble breeding...*he turns a corner and begins heading towards Naurlote's antechamber...where she would hold meetings with peoples*
[10-20:03] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Not recently...
[10-20:04] 2753a, Ashe: *shrugs and sits against a chimney* You seem to be in good spirits there demonessy.
[10-20:05] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : Yet you choose to sport drow tokens such as the cloak? *isn't letting that one slip by so easily*
[10-20:09] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : You say that as if I am to be ashamed of my heritage, Highness...*oooh...a bit testy...*
[10-20:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-20:12] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : Our heritage is something to be respected, but not necessarily revered. The grandson of a cattle theif need not be ashamed if he is not a theif himself.
[10-20:12] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[10-20:13] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : and I am not a Drow, despite appearances, Highness..and I would respectfully ask you to refrain from making any more such allusions to the contrary...*his tone is yeah...that touched a nerve..he shifts as he opens the door..perhaps Mab would catch sight of a pendant hanging from his neck...she wouldn catch what it was..just that one hangs from his neck*
[10-20:14] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Mm.. better spirits then normal, yes *smirks*
[10-20:16] 2753a, Ashe: *whistles* So since you're a demon, do you have fire in your eyes?
[10-20:16] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *pauses, turning to fix those blue eyes on his* You tell me
[10-20:17] 2753a, Ashe: *stares* No, just lots of does that work. *is just being obnoxious*
[10-20:18] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* Even demons can be cold hearted wenches
[10-20:18] 2753a, Ashe: Who said they weren't? *smirks*
[10-20:20] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *sticks out her toungr in s very childlike manner at him*
[10-20:21] 2753a, Ashe: *whiggles his tongue at her*
[10-20:21] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *laughs*
[10-20:22] 2753a, Ashe: There it is again, that strange...happy sound.
[10-20:23] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Oh, don't worry... it's just my version of a growl. I'm not really chipper
[10-20:24] 2753a, Ashe: Suuuuure, I think you're just trying to hide your happy interior.
[10-20:25] 1212e, Chewie: *Lurks*
[10-20:26] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Naturally. Who ever heard of a happy demon, after all?
[10-20:26] 2753a, Ashe: ((Hello(hello)(hello)(hello)...where did everybody go?))
[10-20:26] 2753a, Ashe: *raises hand* Oh oh! I did!
[10-20:28] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. Have you?
[10-20:28] 2753a, Ashe: *lies through his teeth* A yup.
[10-20:29] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : I can only go by what I see and observe and I'm not talking about the color of your hair or skin.*doesn't see what it was, but saw enough to be intrigued by it*
[10-20:30] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Oh really? Where was this?
[10-20:31] 2753a, Ashe: Let's see now....*acts like he's remembering, being he's almost 400 years old that's not far from the truth*
[10-20:32] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he opens the anteroom chamber and gestures inside* I will retrive her Highness, Queen Naurlote promptyl
[10-20:32] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[10-20:33] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *eyes him*
[10-20:35] 2753a, Ashe: That was a long while back actually...bout a hundred Assa aha a'did.
[10-20:37] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. Assa aha a'did, eh?
[10-20:37] MSG: Chewie sent a message to Aleinn Duinn.
[10-20:37] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : *enters, but turns* What is that around your neck? May I see?
[10-20:37] 2753a, Ashe: *nods*
[10-20:37] MSG: Aleinn Duinn sent a message to Chewie.
[10-20:38] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : It is an intimate gift, will understand if I refuse..*is being polite about telling her off at least*
[10-20:39] 2753a, Ashe: Yep, he was a big ol' thing too. Quite the happy lil bugger.
[10-20:40] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *laughs* I'll believe it when I see it
[10-20:40] MSG: Chewie sent a message to Aleinn Duinn.
[10-20:41] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : If you wear it where I can catch a glimpse and where it could be promenantly seen were it not for your cloak, then why are you resistent to my seeing it? Has it slipped from concealment? *looks at his attire to see if that is a possibility. then her face changes and she nods her head graciously* Very well, I will await Naurlote's arrival.
[10-20:42] 2753a, Ashe: *takes the illusion of a big ol' demon and begins telling bad jokes and laughing at them*
[10-20:43] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. just stares at him now, brow arched*
[10-20:46] 2753a, Ashe: *tromps over towards her and puts his arm around her* What do men in the cold regions call demons?
[10-20:48] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. Dare I ask? *eyes him, eyes him good for putting an arm around her*
[10-20:49] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[10-20:50] 2753a, Ashe: A heater! *breaks down laughing, his now dark red and heavily muscled features shaking, bending off and slapping his knee*
[10-20:51] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *smirks, then makes as if to push him off the roof* That was horrible!
[10-20:53] 2753a, Ashe: ((bending over*))
[10-20:53] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he moves off wihtout answering to go get his queen* ((Apologies locked up))
[10-20:53] 2753a, Ashe: *isn't even phased by her push and jerks up* You madam, have no taste in humor. *turns up his nose and walks off, letting the illusion disapate*
[10-20:54] MSG: Aleinn Duinn sent a message to Chewie.
[10-20:54] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Fraid not *grins*
[10-20:55] ab6ae, Naurlote : *glances towards Aleinn as he approaches, and mutters softly* ... I do wish you'd not wear that cloak *bit more loudly* What is it?
[10-20:55] MSG: Chewie sent a message to Aleinn Duinn.
[10-20:55] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Np Steve)) *she waits there, looking around the room with interest as though she hadn't seen it before, even though she had many times*
[10-20:57] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : her Highness Queen Mab is waiting for you in your Antechambers Highness... ((BRB))
[10-20:57] 2753a, Ashe: *turns back towards her* Ok ok I got one. Two demons walk into a bar, one of them has a a cleaver in hand and the other has a pig in the other. The bartender says "You gonna cook that?" The demon with the pig says "No, you, but the pig likes to watch." *breaks down into laughter again falling his backside* Oh I kill myself.
[10-20:58] MSG: Aleinn Duinn sent a message to Chewie.
[10-20:59] MSG: Chewie sent a message to Aleinn Duinn.
[10-20:59] 2753a, Ashe: ((the second other should be in hand))
[10-21:00] ab6ae, Naurlote : *nods* Thank you, Aleinn... *she turns, and meanders her way to Mab. Meander meander*
[10-21:00] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : ((Back)) *and with that he meanders off to fume at Mab silently*
[10-21:00] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[10-21:02] MSG: Aleinn Duinn sent a message to Chewie.
[10-21:04] 2753a, Ashe: ((aaaww, isn't anyone gonna laugh at my lame joke?))
[10-21:04] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *shakes her head* I think that one was only slightly better
[10-21:05] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *gives Ashe his tanto* Please do.
[10-21:05] 2753a, Ashe: Only slightly? Wow, you really don't have a sense of humor. I guess I'm just too phosisticated.
[10-21:05] 809a3, Leda Nylund : ((Laugh in a good or bad way?))
[10-21:05] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*LOL*))
[10-21:06] 809a3, Leda Nylund : ((Laugh in a good or bad way?))
[10-21:06] 2753a, Ashe: ((Pity me...*puppy eyes*))
[10-21:06] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : *waits in da room. Is Aleinn coming with Naurlote at all? If not, she's gonna inquire about him. hehe*
[10-21:06] ceea7, Steve : Phosistocated! Yes!
[10-21:06] ab6ae, Naurlote : *.. and shortly after, the door to the room Mab waits in opens, as Naurlote enters*
[10-21:06] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *newp...he's putting a Drow Curse of DOOOOOOOM on her...ok not really...but still*
[10-21:07] 2753a, Ashe: ((*nods* Yep, phosisticated))
[10-21:08] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : Hello your magesty. How do you fare this evening? *smiles at Naurlote*
[10-21:11] ab6ae, Naurlote : I am well this evening, and yourself Queen Mab?
[10-21:13] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : Disturbed, troubled, but other than that, I am fine.
[10-21:13] ab6ae, Naurlote : What troubles you? *gestures to a lil table in the room* Please.. have a seat
[10-21:14] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *looms in Mab's thoughts as he was riverdancing*
[10-21:15] ab6ae, Naurlote : ((*dies*))
[10-21:15] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : *sits on the table. okay, just kidding. I'm sure there are chairs around the table. She takes a seat gracefully in one of those, her wings disappearing in a falling shimmer as she does so* ((LOL))
[10-21:15] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles* I'm sure you are
[10-21:16] 2753a, Ashe: *whiggles his tail for a moment and then realizes she's being sarcastic* HEY!
[10-21:17] 3a8a8, Mordaki Musashi : ((*has fun ith the dead bodies*))
[10-21:18] 2753a, Ashe: ((Brave Fencer, MUSASHI!))
[10-21:18] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *grins evilly*
[10-21:19] ab6ae, Naurlote : *sinks down in another chair across from the smart alec-.. er... nice queen, and remains silent, awaiting her answer*
[10-21:20] 2753a, Ashe: Oh bah, what do you know. *sticks out tongue*
[10-21:21] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[10-21:21] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : Why does the elf that escorted me here wear a drow cloak? *she makes no mention to his physical drow features, becasue she will not hold that against him unjustly. The cloak on the other hand suggests he has sympathies (spell?) for the Drow*
[10-21:23] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... The best way to actually cook a bartender
[10-21:24] 2753a, Ashe: *laughs* Maybe you do have a sense of humor.
[10-21:24] ab6ae, Naurlote : *shakes her head* It is just his way I suppose... He is a good captain, and a loyal subject however
[10-21:26] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *winks* Sometimes
[10-21:27] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *sneaky Drow stabs Mab in her head...not really...but if he knew she was grilling his ladeh like'd see how Drow he can go*
[10-21:27] 2753a, Ashe: Haha! See, you are hiding your happy self. *points*
[10-21:28] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Me? Oh no no.. I'd never do that
[10-21:28] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : How can you be sure of that? *tilts her head to the side* How often is he away without explanation and how often do those times away where he has explanation take him near to the Drow and allow him time to interact with them? Forgive my over caution, but we are falling on dire times. He blatantly and even proudly wears a drow token in wearing that cloak.
[10-21:29] 2753a, Ashe: *is suddenly perching on her head* You know you are.
[10-21:30] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : ((*kicks Mab* Shush you..I love mah Momma *sniffles*))
[10-21:32] ab6ae, Naurlote : *stiffens some, eyeing the fairy queen* For all his life, he has lived with the high elves. Despite his blood, he is one of us... He has, at times, come back as the sole survivor of orc attacks.. but I highly doubt that Aleinn would be finding his way into the underdark with the time he's been unaccounted for
[10-21:37] 2753a, Ashe: ((*shouts* WAKE UP!!!)))
[10-21:38] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : The sole survivor? And he has been unaccounted for at times? Please understand that I would be just as concerned if a seeming full blooded high elf were sporting a drow cloak. His blood is not the issue. It's how he chooses to ackknowledge that blood in this case that is.
[10-21:43] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : (RAH!!)
[10-21:43] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : (RAH!!)
[10-21:43] 2753a, Ashe: ((where is everybody?))
[10-21:43] 2753a, Ashe: ((where is everybody?))
[10-21:44] 2753a, Ashe: ((*bashes the chat*))
[10-21:47] ab6ae, Naurlote : *falls silent, looking down at the table with a frown*
[10-21:47] 2753a, Ashe: Well...until next time girly. *runs off into the night* **GONE**
[10-21:49] JOIN: Chaszmyr Waeglossz has entered.
[10-21:49] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : ((Have you ever stopped to think that it was because he was BOMBAD?))
[10-21:50] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : ((Holeh Poop...Teh Ninja Drow))
[10-21:50] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : I'm sorry if I've upset you. You might want to look into it descreetly. I have other concerns as well. I'm sure you got my commonique (spell?) about my dancing "visitor"?
[10-21:51] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : (communique)
[10-21:51] db361, Chaszmyr Waeglossz: OOC: Where is the assassin icon?
[10-21:52] db361, Chaszmyr Waeglossz: OOC: Eck.
[10-21:52] ab6ae, Naurlote : Yes... Lord Sothicus *frowns* The stone is as yet safe.
[10-21:52] ab6ae, Naurlote : ((Chaszmyr! ))
[10-21:53] db361, Chaszmyr Waeglossz: OOC: Drow in the house. Uh oh. Can you feel it?
[10-21:54] db361, Chaszmyr Waeglossz : OOC: I've been gone a while.
[10-21:54] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Yay for Chaszmyr being back! Now I can collect his bounty! ... I mean.. uh... ))
[10-21:54] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Would you like to be reregged? Your handle was 4 months inactive or more))
[10-21:55] JOIN: Chasz has entered.
[10-21:55] db361, Chasz: OOC: Hm. Perhaps. I am unsure of my RP return.
[10-21:56] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : Come on dude..we gotta show these honkey elves how us brutha's get down...err...I mean....
[10-21:56] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : I'm glad to hear that. He must not get that stone.
[10-21:56] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : ((no worries Chasz. Just let us know when you decide))
[10-21:57] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : (( @ Aleinn ))
[10-21:58] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : ((*pokes Delotha's eyes out*))
[10-21:59] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*ducks and flees*))
[10-21:59] db361, Chasz: OOC: Perhaps I should take a vote.
[10-22:00] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Perhaps it should be because it's something you want to do? That might be better))
[10-22:00] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Vote for?))
[10-22:01] ab6ae, Naurlote : So long as I draw breath, he will not.
[10-22:01] JOIN: Aralore has entered.
[10-22:01] 5e834, Aralore : ((Doom d-doom doom doom..))
[10-22:02] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : May you forever draw breath. *she smiles*
[10-22:02] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : I vote yes. COme back to the fold
[10-22:03] ab6ae, Naurlote : ((Much yes voting! *raises hand three times*))
[10-22:03] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *and at that very point and time....Naurlote'd keel over and he magically gets the stone go me! o/*
[10-22:03] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : (("to the fold" *chuckles* That sounds funny))
[10-22:03] ab6ae, Naurlote : *Yeah right!*
[10-22:03] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[10-22:05] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *even Naurlote agreed to her own death whoo!*
[10-22:05] ab6ae, Naurlote : (( ))
[10-22:06] ab6ae, Naurlote : *grins* Hopefully. .. For now, I believe the stone is safe from Sothicus. He could not know of it's location.
[10-22:08] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *yes he does...well..indirectly...knows Naurlote knows where it is...will hafta visit her*
[10-22:10] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : That is well. *pauses* One last thing. I've gotten impressions that a great many creatures of power have begun to reemerge in the world, both good, bad, and indifferent. Have you got any reportsS?
[10-22:13] ceea7, Ember : *is pimpin his big scaleh self about*
[10-22:13] ab6ae, Naurlote : Only that which both of us have heard of Krondor.. and the movement of Sothicus through Winyadia.
[10-22:13] ab6ae, Naurlote : That, and I currently have two dragons in this city...
[10-22:14] JOIN: Khaes has entered.
[10-22:15] a6a98, Khaes : *Munching on some souls for his dinner.* *
[10-22:15] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : *sits up straighter* You do?
[10-22:17] ab6ae, Naurlote : *nod* They came, claiming to have buisness with King Arutha.. a fact I found rather odd
[10-22:19] a6a98, Khaes : *Chew chew chew. Gaze. Chew. Gulp. Gaze.*
[10-22:19] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *is stalking his "daughter*
[10-22:20] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *is plotting kicking Khaes tha fluck outta Krondor*
[10-22:20] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : *slips razor in with the souls Khaes is munching*
[10-22:20] ceea7, Randen Farr : *is robbin, stealin and livin large bebbeh bebbeh*
[10-22:20] 3084c, Lotesse : *cackles @Khaes*
[10-22:21] a6a98, Khaes : *Krondor is already won if only Arutha knew that*
[10-22:21] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *is playing avoid daddy while chillin' with her less then lawful buddies*
[10-22:21] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *butt kicking...FOR GOODNESS!*
[10-22:21] a6a98, Khaes : *Gives a follower a claw as a mutation*
[10-22:22] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : Interesting. Dragons no longer have business with man, as a general rule.
[10-22:22] ceea7, Saddia Loting : *is annoying everyone...because he can*
[10-22:22] a6a98, Khaes : *Has plenty of business with man*
[10-22:23] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. is lurking all dainty like outside *
[10-22:23] ab6ae, Naurlote : Apparently, these two do
[10-22:23] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *is being holier than thou*
[10-22:23] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : ((What's with the character roll calls? heh))
[10-22:24] ab6ae, Aegnora : *is skulking about.. deciding upon another evil person to randomly join with for kicks*
[10-22:24] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : I would like to meet with them, if it is possible.
[10-22:24] ceea7, Sinder: *is kickin butt...takin names...and causin havoc*
[10-22:24] ab6ae, Amber : *Chillin' in Quinell*
[10-22:24] a6a98, Khaes : *Hopes the dragons burn down the Elven city as punishment for not sending aid anywhere.*
[10-22:24] ab6ae, Naurlote : I can have a request sent.. But I cannot order a dragon to do anything he or she does not wish to do
[10-22:25] ceea7, Ember : *may just do that because those uptight Elves coulda done something but noooooooo he hasta miss his nap for this!*
[10-22:25] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : Yes, I'm aware of that. I would appreciate your making it known that I'd like audience with them.
[10-22:25] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[10-22:26] ab6ae, Naurlote : *nods* .. I shall return in a moment then. *stands, and moves from the room*
[10-22:27] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : *wasn't expecting it right this minute, but isn't going to throw the opportunity away either*
[10-22:27] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : I'll wait here.
[10-22:27] e45ca, Caradonia: *She awakens to sore bones wrapped around shivering skin. Her fire went out and the ground had more rocks than it did soil. Shivering she sits up and rubs the matter from her eyes*
[10-22:27] a6a98, Khaes : *May have to help Soth with those stones.*
[10-22:28] a6a98, Khaes : *Doesn't like Elves.*
[10-22:29] ab6ae, Naurlote : *doesn't like Khaes either! Meeeh!* *two messangers are sent looking for the dragons...*
[10-22:30] ceea7, Ember : *is least...they run into him..and he gets taken to the antechamber..because he claims he's a dragon...he's in human form by the way..and doesnt look to happy...freakin elves and fairies better be kissin his big golden scaley butt*
[10-22:30] a6a98, Khaes : *Doesnt like Dragons either but could get to like Ember*
[10-22:31] ceea7, Ember : *doesnt like many old and cranky...*
[10-22:32] a6a98, Khaes : *At least Ember hasn't been imprisoned for the last few millenia.*
[10-22:32] e45ca, Caradonia: Lilly we need a fire...*looks up but the horse isnt grazing nearby* Lilly??*Yes searching the corners for the white shadow of her horse*((Yay! Mallrats is on!))
[10-22:32] ab6ae, Amber : *loves her brother anyway.. even if she has to bap him a lot* *eyes the messanger* ... Queen Mab and Naurlote? Well, what do they want? *eyes the messanger as he sputters* ... Fine fine...
[10-22:33] ceea7, Ember : *no but has whiney mortal species complaining about convicts escaping from their imprisonment* *is taken to the antechamber...yes...*
[10-22:34] a6a98, Khaes : *Hasn't escaped so it's not him. Damn the reborn Zaaul and his undead legions and demon allies/ Damn them!*
[10-22:34] ab6ae, Amber : *falls into step with Ember, clasping her hands behind her back*
[10-22:35] e45ca, Caradonia: ((*attention shifts to the t.v and stuff*))
[10-22:35] d0261, Mab Fairy Queen : *waits patiently*
[10-22:36] ab6ae, Naurlote : *remains standing outside the room, waiting the dragons response*
[10-22:41] ab6ae, Naurlote : .
[10-22:43] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[10-22:43] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[10-22:43] fb961, Liz: Mab?
[10-22:44] d0261, Mab : Hmmm, did something wrong here with this gif. Blue not supposed to show. *goes to fix it*
[10-22:44] d0261, Mab : Hi Liz
[10-22:46] fb961, Liz: Having fun?
[10-22:46] ab6ae, Naurlote : ((*L*))
[10-22:47] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Has nothing to say* ))
[10-22:49] d0261, Mab : *testing* Yup, having a blast, Liz. hehe
[10-22:49] d0261, Mab : Dagnabbit! What's with the blue background? *grumbles*
[10-22:50] 5e834, Aralore : ((It's gone now for me, Mab. Looks good.))
[10-22:51] ab6ae, Naurlote : *.. will be waiting awhile*
[10-22:51] d0261, Mab : Thanks. It was just not refreshing right I guess. There, now Kitsune have their icon. Let's see. Who's next?
[10-22:53] d0261, Mab : That'll teach me to make all my icons in photoshop in the first place from now on.
[10-22:54] fb961, Liz: Hehe
[10-22:58] JOIN: Z has entered.
[10-22:58] d0261, Faltren : *fell asleep while guarding Lafiel for some reason. Not like him. Sits in the chair fast asleep, lightly snoring, his wings folded around him like a blanket*
[10-23:00] fb961, Lafiel : *begins working on the knots again, quietly, if she can reach them*
[10-23:01] d0261, Faltren : *snore. looks so peaceful. awwww. Isn't he just so handsome and peaceful, such a nice pegasus*
[10-23:03] fb961, Lafiel : *bites back a curse as one of her nails breaks. He's good with knots*
[10-23:04] d0261, Faltren : ((*waves to Z* Hi Z))
[10-23:04] d0261, Faltren : *yup, part of the job description to be good with knots. Saaahnore snore snore*
[10-23:08] ab6ae, Aurora : *stuffs a sock into his mouth* *J/k*
[10-23:10] fb961, Lafiel : *smiles as, very slowly, they start to loosen*
[10-23:11] d0261, Faltren : *stirs and shuffles a little and returns to snoring*
[10-23:13] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 11:43pm, June 10 (CDT) ).
[10-23:16] fb961, Lafiel : *it seems that hours go by when it's only half that*
[10-23:19] d0261, Faltren : *doodeedoo, gunna sleep right through her getting loose of the ties*
[10-23:20] fb961, Lafiel : *free, she slowly stretches before slipping off the bed and, wings folded tight, heads for the door*
[10-23:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-23:22] d0261, Faltren : Where are you going? *heheh, fooled you*
[10-23:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-23:26] d0261, Faltren : ((erg, I gotta go. I have a dentist appointment and lost track of the time. ))
[10-23:27] e45ca, Will-o'-the-wisp: tee hee...I love this movie
[10-23:29] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[10-23:30] fb961, Lafiel : **pause**
[10-23:31] fb961, Liz: Big Sis!
[10-23:31] 3084c, Kali: Hey Liz
[10-23:31] fb961, Liz: How are you?
[10-23:32] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[10-23:32] 3084c, Kali: bored
[10-23:32] fb961, Liz: Aww
[10-23:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-23:33] ab6ae, Sileen: *leaps in screaming as she tackles Kali* DON'T SAY THAT WORD!
[10-23:33] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Its like Kali grabbed Sileen's acorn or something. *Smiles at Sileen.* Uh, alo, Scrat.))
[10-23:33] 3084c, Kali: WHAAA???? *is tackled*
[10-23:34] ab6ae, Sileen: *stares hyperventalating at Kali* NO boredness!
[10-23:34] e45ca, Will-o'-the-wisp: *bristles* I hate the heat*kills the sun*
[10-23:35] 3084c, Kali: I would ask for suggestions....but around here?...........dangerous
[10-23:35] ab6ae, Sileen:
[10-23:37] 3084c, Kali: I've been around you people too mind is thinking like yours....
[10-23:37] 3084c, Kali: I have become one of you..
[10-23:38] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((argh. Phone. AGAIN. Brb.))
[10-23:39] ab6ae, Sileen: AH HAHA! You will be assimilated!
[10-23:39] 3084c, Kali: Will? *has been *
[10-23:40] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((...How odd... Boss's boss's boss's...boss.. is calling me at midnight... on my cell phone. Do I have connections? oohh, no. Me? Never.))
[10-23:40] e45ca, Will-o'-the-wisp: hot hot hot hot hot
[10-23:42] 3084c, Kali: who's behind wispy complainin of the heat?
[10-23:42] e45ca, Will-o'-the-wisp: This would be Cara..
[10-23:43] 3084c, Kali: ahh k
[10-23:43] 3084c, Kali: where are you ?
[10-23:45] 3084c, Kali: *considers pulling a Sileen and doing cameos.....*
[10-23:45] e45ca, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hell
[10-23:46] e45ca, Will-o'-the-wisp: in a oven other wise known as my house
[10-23:46] 3084c, Kali: ouch....
[10-23:47] e45ca, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yeah...ouch...*hugs her fan*
[10-23:48] e45ca, Will-o'-the-wisp: The skinny guitarist from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs is kinda hot...i could break him though
[10-23:49] 3084c, Kali: thats not new....they all break.....
[10-23:49] ab6ae, Aegnor: *A human clad in light armor, and a dark cape stands alone in a forrested clearing. A sword at his hip, as well as many surprises. Some more obvious than others.*
[10-23:50] e45ca, Will-o'-the-wisp: true....*sigh* I want a durable man
[10-23:50] e45ca, Will-o'-the-wisp: I wanna role play...kinda..feeling kinda iffy
[10-23:51] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Brb))
[10-23:51] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:50am, June 11 (CDT) ).
[10-23:52] 3084c, Ankalima Morwen : *sits on the edge of the roof of Levalds Smithy, having practiced her knife throwing well into the, she's just enjoying the quiet of the night*
[10-23:52] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[10-23:54] e45ca, Caradonia: *She running at a slow job through the thick forest, her voice calling out with the nightbirds, though her tone is not so sweet as a nightingales, it's serrated with worry* Lilly!!!!*which would be her horse. that ran off*
[10-23:56] 3084c, Belthil : *Having been returned to her city by Sothicus's men, if you could call them so, she quickly arranged a meeting with the members of her council, making arrangements to have her people brought back into the safety of the walls of the city. Soth having given his word that she would be given quarter..she felt this was the best way to protect her people from the coming war*
[10-23:56] 3084c, Belthil : (whoa..thats too bright))
[11-00:00] ab6ae, Aegnora : *a figure cloaked in black casually leans against a tree, staring out at the man in the clearing* ... You are very bold, going through the forests alone
[11-00:00] e45ca, Caradonia: *She ran off with her fire burning and her camp left unattended. * Lilly!!!*Her voice sounds thick with tears. She stops and doubles over so she can catch her breath*
[11-00:02] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 12:32am, June 11 (CDT) ).
[11-00:03] ab6ae, Aegnor: Now, would that be because you are in these forests... *He turns to face her.* ...stating this, and... *a glance around her (as if searching for others)*...alone, yourself. *The last part spoken in mock surprise.*
[11-00:03] 3084c, Ilia Fion : *she walked the new filly thru the forest surrounding her home just outside Quinell, keeping a tight hand on her lead...for some reason all of her horses had been on edge for the last few days...turning back towards the gate, she stops and looks at her home in the coming twilight....wishing once again there was someone there waiting for her*
[11-00:04] 3084c, Ilia Fion : *blinks* Okayyyy didnt mean to do that...
[11-00:06] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[11-00:06] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 1:06am, June 11 (CDT) ).
[11-00:06] ab6ae, Aegnora : *smirks* It is because there are many things worse then me in these forests. None of which a man, even a warrior, could handle by himself.. *pushes off the tree, pale hands clasping before her, as she begins to walk in a circle about him.. keeping well out of weapon's reach* What brings you out here? A chance for adventure perhaps? Curiousity...? Or is it merely the need to be away from others?
[11-00:06] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[11-00:08] 3084c, Illisse Brilthor : *looking at Val, waiting for him to decide if that was the right direction, she sighs, takes his hand and heads off towards the west* If its wrong..its wrong...
[11-00:09] ab6ae, Aegnor: Hm. *He seems quite undisturbed by her circling.* ...speaking of curiosity, you seem to be full of questions. *He smirks.* I am here because I am meant to be here; I am here because it suits me.
[11-00:09] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[11-00:10] ab6ae, Aegnora : *grins, as if amused, or perhaps intriqued, by his answer* That so? I suppose you are also aware undead have been lurking these woods as well?
[11-00:10] 3084c, Valandil Elladan: *not quite sure just what she was talking about, he follows her along that new path**looking around as if hearing something she could not* Go away!.....
[11-00:13] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((Oooo.... nice avatar pic Valandil))
[11-00:13] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[11-00:13] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[11-00:13] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( 1:13am, June 11 (CDT) ).
[11-00:13] JOIN: Lotesse has entered.
[11-00:14] 3084c, Lotesse : ((heh sorry Aegnora...he's not here...but thanks anyway...)
[11-00:15] ab6ae, Aegnor: Undead, eh? You know, most find Necromancy to be despicable. Unnatural. They rightfully fear those black arts, and those black beings. What about you?
[11-00:17] 3084c, Lotesse : *adjusting her pack over her shoulder she continues walking towards ...hoping to find the Prince and take him and his consort back to their home....the council had sent her to find was time he took his place as king....(
[11-00:19] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((Prince? Oo! Which Prince?))
[11-00:19] ab6ae, Aegnora : *shrugs* They leave me be, I will leave them be
[11-00:19] 3084c, Lotesse : ((well if Mab approves is Val))
[11-00:20] ab6ae, Aegnor: But does it to you seem a vile thing?
[11-00:21] 3084c, Lotesse : ((he's got a new job and I am doing both parts))
[11-00:22] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((Prince of what?))
[11-00:22] 809a3, Leda Nylund : *continues her leisurely walk through the city, completely fascinated by her surroundings. She continues to smile widely as she walks almost barely missing knocking herself or something else over more than once, but she doesn’t seem to notice at all. She’s to caught up in studying her new surroundings*
[11-00:22] ab6ae, Aegnora : To some.. to many... to me? *smirks* I could care less
[11-00:24] 3084c, Lotesse : (its a distant split of the high elves..they have been split apart for so long it has been forgotten in history...if..california has not been taken...that is where their kingdom will be..))
[11-00:24] ab6ae, Aegnor: Forgive an assumption that you are what you seem... But what would a lone woman... apparently unarmed... do against the undead?
[11-00:25] JOIN: Lotesse has entered.
[11-00:25] 3084c, Lotesse : (gaahhh*smacks pjj* blasted white out))
[11-00:26] 3084c, Lotesse : ((ok before i bring out Terra....what exactly is the status of Deke Menion...and the elementals he summoned?))
[11-00:27] ab6ae, Aegnora : Would my having a sword make you feel better? Swords are mostly useless against undead...
[11-00:29] ab6ae, Aegnor: The best way for a weapon to be effective is for the person whom wields it to know the correct way, and the correct inclination towards using it, wouldn't you say?
[11-00:31] ab6ae, Aegnora : Suppose so *peers at him a bit more intently. Oh, she liked this character. He was interesting.*
[11-00:33] 3084c, Zaeth : *curled up at the foot of his throne, she watches Palladia from the corner of her eye...hoping, praying really, that he would not think of bringing another slave here....she had heard of the slave trying to sell himself...that was a very foolish thing to do in her book....she took care of Palladia by herself..her love for him beyond mortal comprension*
[11-00:35] 3084c, Ankalima Morwen : *she watches Leda walk thru the street...smiling to herself from her roof top perch.......another new one...they always looked like that when they came to the city...*
[11-00:36] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[11-00:36] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[11-00:37] ab6ae, Aegnor: Oh, but I really wouldn't know much about undead. I have a particular distaste for long-dead meat. Particularly human, elf, and dwarf.
[11-00:39] ab6ae, Aegnora : So you like them more fresh for your meat *grins*
[11-00:39] 809a3, Leda Nylund : *finally comes to a stop, still smiling to herself, and switching her pack to the other shoulder again. She liked it here, she’d probably stay a while. It wasn’t as if she had anywhere else to go anyway. She takes in a deep breath and lets it out* Beautiful.
[11-00:40] ab6ae, Aegnor: And from what I understand, they tend to be quite stale by the time they're up and walking around.
[11-00:41] 3084c, Ankalima Morwen : *chuckling to herself....yeah that was one good thing about this matter what foulness happened here...undead or what ever....the town had a bit of magic...keeping itself clean and fresh all the time*
[11-00:41] ab6ae, Aegnora : Unless risen right after killing them
[11-00:43] ab6ae, Aegnor: Good point. Like I said, I don't know much about them. *Silent a moment.* I've answered your questions about being here... I wonder, why are you here?
[11-00:44] 3084c, Ankalima Morwen : *getting up from the ledge, she walks to the post gathering her knives and placing back in all the right hiding spots before making her way back down the stairs and out the front door of the shop*
[11-00:46] ab6ae, Aegnora : You have given me naught but vagueness... so I suppose I shall answer you with it suits me to be here *smiles charmingly*
[11-00:48] 809a3, Leda Nylund : *pauses as she looks around, taking a moment to look up and see where the sun is in the sky, and has to look down quickly, having momentarily blinded herself, even though it was a bit on purpose. Being able to see the sun without tree’s in the way still fascinated her, though she missed her home. But she knew she couldn’t go back there, and there was no point in thinking about it anymore. She finds her own smile fading as she starts forward again, she had to start thinking practically and find somewhere to stay*
[11-00:48] ab6ae, Aegnor: Oh, touche. But that answer best answers your question - to the fullest, albeit you may not see it that way. *Ventures a glance away from her, and towards the edges of the clearing.*
[11-00:51] 3084c, Ankalima Morwen : *crossing the street and walking past a couple of darkened shops, she comes to the doors of the Glimmering Inn...her home for the time being...opening the door and slipping inside,she heads for the bar to order some dinner and get a glass of honey wine before taking a seat at her favourite booth*
[11-00:52] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[11-00:52] ab6ae, Aegnora : Hm... What is your name, man?
[11-00:52] 809a3, Leda Nylund : ((Grr, I hate my computer, I think I have to turn it off and open it up ))
[11-00:53] 3084c, Ankalima Morwen : ((its not your pc Leda...Its pjj Im having trouble too))
[11-00:54] 809a3, Leda Nylund : ((There's that at least))
[11-00:55] 809a3, Leda Nylund : ((Grr, but I have to go anyway, 11 at night and my sister decides to go out and over heat her car, and I'm the one she calls for help))
[11-00:56] 3084c, Ankalima Morwen : ((oh fun...good luck...see you later))
[11-00:57] 809a3, Leda Nylund : ((Thanks, night since everyone will probably be asleep before I get back))
[11-00:57] EXIT: Leda Nylund has left the chat ( 1:57am, June 11 (CDT) ).
[11-00:57] ab6ae, Aegnor: *His eyes raise to the moon before replying... and then fall to her.* Its been a long time since anyone has spoken my name... But I have many. Which would you have?
[11-00:58] 3084c, Kali: well Sileen...I guess I'm going to abandon you to play by yourself......*leaves her toys in the sandbox* see you today
[11-00:58] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((Mew?))
[11-00:59] ab6ae, Aegnora : Which do you prefer?
[11-00:59] 3084c, Kali: sorry... i have to get up in umm 4 hours...
[11-00:59] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((Night))
[11-01:00] 3084c, Kali: night
[11-01:00] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 2:00am, June 11 (CDT) ).
[11-01:01] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((*snickers* She thinks you are me))
[11-01:01] ab6ae, Aegnor: Neither. A name means nothing.
[11-01:01] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((You are me. You just don't know it.))
[11-01:01] ab6ae, Aegnora : I suppose since it is the first word you have given me, I shall call you "Neither" then
[11-01:02] ab6ae, Aegnora : (())
[11-01:03] ab6ae, Aegnor: If you must. It would mean about as much as any other. What is your name?
[11-01:04] ab6ae, Aegnora : *flashes a grin* What do you wish to call me?
[11-01:05] ab6ae, Aegnor: What would you have me call you?
[11-01:06] ab6ae, Aegnora : Call me.... Either. *chuckles softly*
[11-01:07] ab6ae, Aegnor: You must be a court-jester.
[11-01:09] ab6ae, Aegnora : I'm glad I amuse you at least
[11-01:12] ab6ae, Aegnor: Your black hair doesn't suit you. It should be red.
[11-01:15] ab6ae, Aegnora : *laughs merrily* It is at times.. when I'm in the right mood. *grins*
[11-01:15] ab6ae, Aegnor: Be warned, folk of Bettenchi. Something wicked thisway comes.
[11-01:17] ab6ae, Aegnora : Does it truely? *grins* And would that wickedness be you? Or something else?
[11-01:17] ab6ae, Aegnor: You, Either, you.
[11-01:19] ab6ae, Aegnora : That I am... in more ways then you could imagine *smirks*
[11-01:23] ab6ae, Aegnor: You couldn't be more than you would seem, could you? Oh, no.
[11-01:24] ab6ae, Aegnora : I am what you see. *smirks*
[11-01:27] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Chuckles at that.* Oh, you must be a court jester. If there is one thing I have learned in my life...Nothing is ever as it seems. Especially women. And especially a woman whom tells you she is as she seems. *Shakes his head at that, as if it were a grand joke.* Well, madam, the hour is late, and so am I. If you'll excuse me... I have an appointmant to keep.
[11-01:28] ab6ae, Aegnora : *waves absently* Be off with you then, my dear Neither
[11-01:30] ab6ae, Aegnor: Good night. Do not let the undead bite, eh? *smirks, and disappears into the forrest.*
[11-01:31] ab6ae, Aegnora : Good night.. *turns to go the other way... and then she's off to finish her "job" so to speak. There are many out there that still need to be given unpleasant dreams after all*
[11-01:33] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Gone.*
[11-01:36] ab6ae, Aegnora : .
[11-01:36] ab6ae, Aegnora : .
[11-02:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-02:55] MSG: Mab sent a message to Belthil.
[11-03:00] MSG: Mab sent a message to Belthil.
[11-03:01] MSG: Mab sent a message to Kali.
[11-03:04] d0261, Mab : La la la
[11-03:05] d0261, Mab : Maybe I should make the kitsune icon just two fox tails. Hmmmm. *ponders*
[11-05:02] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[11-05:03] aa1a4, luthien: ((hello))
[11-05:05] b7149, luthien: *walks through the woods picking his way carefully through the terrain,stops about midday for a rest and a drink from his flask*
[11-05:39] JOIN: Lotesse has entered.
[11-05:49] MSG: Kali sent a message to Mab.
[11-05:50] 5d84e, Kali: Luthien?
[11-07:31] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[11-07:32] b7149, luthien: ((greetings to all in the aether))
[11-07:34] aa1a4, luthien: ((oh well ime outta here))
[11-07:39] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[11-08:13] 5d84e, Kali: Luthien? again....
[11-08:16] 5d84e, Kali: ahh..drats
[11-08:20] JOIN: Darvette has entered.
[11-08:21] 5d84e, Kali: good morning
[11-08:22] 123dc, Darvette: *Nods silently and smiles*
[11-08:25] 123dc, Darvette: I'm trying to figure out what kind of RP this is.
[11-08:26] 5d84e, Kali: Fantasy elves..dwarves..dragons
[11-08:26] 123dc, Darvette: Magic, even.
[11-08:27] 5d84e, Kali: yes
[11-10:41] JOIN: Chasz has entered.
[11-10:42] db361, Chasz: Somebody needs to IM me, preferably a member of the administration.
[11-11:00] ceea7, Steve : What be yer AIM
[11-11:01] db361, Chasz: Muted Fayth
[11-11:14] JOIN: Puppy has entered.
[11-11:15] ceea7, Steve : Eheh...wrong chat
[11-12:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-13:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-13:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-13:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-14:05] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[11-14:36] ab6ae, Sileen: Do you know the muffin man!
[11-15:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-15:21] JOIN: Lotesse has entered.
[11-15:22] 3c59c, Lotesse : yes I know the muffin man
[11-15:24] ab6ae, Sileen: Who lives on Drury Lane?
[11-15:27] 3c59c, Lotesse : I can seeeee yay!!!
[11-15:32] 3c59c, Kali: wow slow again today
[11-15:34] ab6ae, Sileen: *flee!*
[11-15:34] ab6ae, Sileen: Slow? Are you calling me... slow?
[11-15:36] 3c59c, Kali: ehh..nooo...
[11-15:37] 3c59c, Kali: *would kill for rp though*
[11-15:41] ab6ae, Sileen: Throw in a character. I'll find someone to interact with them
[11-15:41] 3c59c, Kali: *thinks*
[11-15:41] ab6ae, Sileen: Ooo! You can even have them sleeping.. then I'll really have fun with them!
[11-15:43] 9890b, Roki: 15 minutes and i'm done with work 'till monday *dance*
[11-15:43] 3c59c, Ankalima Morwen : *laughs* good for you!!!
[11-15:43] ab6ae, Sileen: Goo Roki!
[11-15:44] 3c59c, Ankalima Morwen : hmm any particular location Sil?
[11-15:45] ab6ae, Sileen: No particulars. Chars could find you regardless
[11-15:50] 3c59c, Belthil : *She had stood on the balcony watching her people, in small family groups mostly, return to the safety of the city...when the last of them had passed thru the gates, she turned away, walking back into her bedroom, lyiing on top of the covers, closing her eyes to the stresses of the day*
[11-15:52] ab6ae, Aegnora : *and sleep would beckon to our Belthil...*
[11-15:54] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[11-15:54] ab6ae, Sileen: Hi Xyva!
[11-15:54] c6c97, xyva: hey
[11-15:55] ab6ae, Sileen: Wassup?
[11-15:56] c6c97, xyva: nm u?
[11-15:57] ab6ae, Sileen: Getting ready to RP, and pondering throwing the rest of my chars out as well
[11-15:57] 3c59c, Belthil : *taking a deep breath in and letting some of the stress go with it..she falls asleep.*
[11-15:58] c6c97, xyva: k
[11-15:59] ab6ae, Aegnora : *... and will shortly be getting more stress. Sleep is peaceful enough at first... but then, the dream starts. She would find herself on the balcony once more, staring out... only it is night, and the land is desolate in every direction.. so seen, as the land is illuminated here and there by large fires*
[11-16:04] 3c59c, Belthil : *standing on the balcony, watching the fires that dot the landscape, she scans the horizon for some clue as to what had happened...where were her people?
[11-16:05] ab6ae, Aegnora : *her people are below.... screaming now, as one of the homes spontaneously catches aflame*
[11-16:10] 3c59c, Belthil : *hearing the screams, she looks down on her city...the slate grey of her eyes reflecting the fires below...her hands are trembling as a house near her burst into flames...she knew the people who lived there...she knew them all..turning back into the keep, she runs out of her room and down the hallway.*
[11-16:11] ab6ae, Aegnora : *as she turns... there is a figure standing before her, a figure that blocks her leaving the balcony. Sothicus. Dun dun duuuun*
[11-16:16] 3c59c, Belthil : *stopping dead in her tracks, she pales beyound pale at the sight of Soth standing there* M...m..mmy Lord.....what.... why....*waving a hand toward the city* gave me your word..
[11-16:18] ab6ae, Aegnora : ... Plans change *those creepy glowing eyes look past her, as another house flares up, followed by more screaming*
[11-16:22] 3c59c, Belthil : *she rolls in her sleep, curling her head deep into her pillow as if trying to block out what she sees..... that house..belonged to her seamstress....she sinks to her knees before him..her heart breaking at the senseless death around her*
[11-16:25] ab6ae, Aegnora : *Bwahaha... oh this was fun* *Sothy steps up beside her on the balcony, staring out at the destruction below* You need not mourn my dear... they will live again in a sense, as part of my army
[11-16:31] 3c59c, Belthil : *as he steps up beside her,she backs away from him toward the balcony railing..coming to a stop when her hand reached thru them into emptiness* live again?...*she pushes herself up against the balcony..shaking more than one would think fear? or maybe in anger...*
[11-16:32] ab6ae, Aegnora : *he turns that helmeted head, fixing those intensely scary eyes on her again*
[11-16:37] 3c59c, Belthil : *it is anger that causes her to act so very stupidly.... making her not so delicate hand into a fist she moves to punch the large walking suit of armor*
[11-16:39] ab6ae, Aegnora : *a gauntleted hand moves to catch her hand as she punches* .. And for that... you may join them *his other hand reaches for her... oh oh... intense moment here!*
[11-16:45] 3c59c, Belthil : * her punch being stopped..she brings her other hand forward to slap him...ok foolish since he' armor but oh well*
[11-16:46] ab6ae, Aegnora : *.. and she slaps armor. He/It doesn't even seem slightly phased as his other hand closes about her throat...*
[11-16:50] 3c59c, Belthil : *she begins to ggasp for breath, trying to dig her fingers beneath his to get him away*
[11-16:51] ab6ae, Aegnora : *she finds it hard to breath in the real realm as well, as somehow she's been rolled so that her face is in a pillow. The fingers squeeze, as the light of his eyes narrow... and now, is when she'd awaken*
[11-16:54] JOIN: Lotesse has entered.
[11-16:54] 3c59c, Lotesse : try this one..
[11-16:54] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[11-16:58] 5e834, Aralore : *Wanders into the Inn, his gait a cautious and reclusive one. Amethyst eyes radiate faintly beneath the hood of the brightly adorned cloak, ornate arcane sigils drawn across as trim for the sleeves and cowled garment.*
[11-16:58] ab6ae, Aegnora : *.. and this is when Aegnora would stalk off, as player has to go soon*
[11-16:58] ab6ae, Sileen: Oh sure, come NOW Aralore
[11-16:58] ab6ae, Sileen: *huff*
[11-16:58] 5e834, Aralore : ((Why's now bad? :=| ))
[11-16:59] ab6ae, Sileen: Because I wanted to harass your character, and I'm leaving reeeaaal soon
[11-17:00] 5e834, Aralore : ((Why doth fairest Sileen leave me so?))
[11-17:00] ab6ae, Sileen: *scoots off*
[11-17:02] JOIN: Mr. J has entered.
[11-17:02] a16d0, Mr. J: I SEE SILEEEN! *Points*
[11-17:02] a16d0, Mr. J: *Grabs his clippers and buzzes her head*
[11-17:06] 5e834, Aralore : ((...*blinds J*))
[11-17:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-17:16] 3c59c, Kali: *smacks the two fightin over Sileen.* shame on you when she isnt here to protect herself
[11-17:18] 5e834, Aralore : ((I wasn't fighting over Sileen. I was blinding J.))
[11-17:18] 5e834, Aralore : ((A noble cause within itself.))
[11-17:18] 5e834, Aralore : ((As far as Sileen is concerned, she can keep the buzzcut ))
[11-17:20] 3c59c, Kali: *L* Aralore.....I wouldnt want to be here when she comes back
[11-17:41] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[11-17:41] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Mwahahahah!))
[11-17:44] 3c59c, Kali: ahhh
[11-17:45] JOIN: Lotesse has entered.
[11-17:48] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((You sound like you've had a great revelation.))
[11-17:51] 3c59c, Kali: nah... just enjoying my dinner
[11-17:55] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Joyous.))
[11-17:58] 3c59c, Kali: yummm pizza....and a bit of liquid refreshment to go along wi' it
[11-17:59] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Yay booze))
[11-18:01] 3c59c, Kali: what can i say??? .....cant have one without the other
[11-18:02] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[11-18:02] ab6ae, Aegnor: (())
[11-18:36] 3c59c, Kali: *shakes the chat* where is every one??????
[11-18:43] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 7:36pm, June 11 (CDT) ).
[11-19:09] 5e834, Aralore : ((Hey, it's a weekday and I'm watching Malcolm in the Middle. What an age we live in...))
[11-19:19] JOIN: Lotesse has entered.
[11-19:22] EXIT: Lotesse has left the chat ( 8:19pm, June 11 (CDT) ).
[11-19:23] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[11-19:25] 3c59c, Kali: grr... refresh....blasted thing ...refresh......
[11-19:33] 3c59c, Kali: emmm..wha happened here?
[11-19:33] 5e834, Aralore : ((Hrm?))
[11-19:36] 3c59c, Kali: banner is gone..and all the little buttons on bottom are just squares..
[11-19:43] 5e834, Aralore : ((Either the problem is with your connection or the chats...))
[11-21:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-21:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-21:16] JOIN: V has entered.
[11-21:16] 9c5eb, Khaes : (Hmmm))
[11-21:16] 3a8a8, Will-o'-the-wisp: oh great
[11-21:18] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: Roar!!
[11-21:19] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: oh..wait..I need color*paints self*
[11-21:19] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: muuccchh better
[11-21:20] 307b3, Ashe: RAWR!!
[11-21:21] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: Meow*paws*
[11-21:21] 307b3, Ashe: *thwaps*
[11-21:22] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: *swats*
[11-21:22] 307b3, Ashe: *thwaps hardcore style*
[11-21:23] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Blocks and radient angelslaps* Roar!!!
[11-21:25] 307b3, Ashe: *has God erase you*
[11-21:25] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: hmm...radient angleslaps? wow..what a crazy funny filter
[11-21:26] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: *chooses this moment to not beleive in any higher still exists*
[11-21:27] 307b3, Ashe: *shrugs and goes back in time to keep your parents from meeting thus erasing you*
[11-21:29] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Her spirit is manifested in some other body, the body of oh lets say....A Huge Demon Overloard*Chose this moment to beleive in higher power*
[11-21:30] 307b3, Ashe: *goes ahead and has God erase you then since you believe and since God knows you he knows if you'll "say" you don't believe thus negating that action and erasing you anyways in your big silly banished from heaven demon self*
[11-21:31] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: damnitt*negated*
[11-21:31] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: *pouts*
[11-21:32] 307b3, Ashe: bahahahaha!
[11-21:32] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Smites*
[11-21:32] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[11-21:33] fb961, Liz: I'm a gramma
[11-21:33] 307b3, Ashe: erm k
[11-21:34] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: huh?
[11-21:35] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: I itch*cries*
[11-21:36] 307b3, Ashe: you don't exist remembe?
[11-21:36] 307b3, Ashe: how can you itch?
[11-21:37] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: my oblivious non-form itches
[11-21:37] 307b3, Ashe: ooooh...erm k
[11-21:38] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: *quivers*oozes*
[11-21:39] fb961, Liz: My cat's having kittens as we speak
[11-21:40] 307b3, Ashe: oooh fun
[11-21:41] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: I'm so delighted...Song of Susannah is in stores
[11-21:41] 307b3, Ashe: ......ok
[11-21:42] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: The latest book in The Dark Tower series by Stephen King?
[11-21:44] 307b3, Ashe: aaaah
[11-21:44] 307b3, Ashe: need to get those
[11-21:44] 307b3, Ashe: hear they're great
[11-21:45] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: Fantastic books!!!! I recommend that you read them
[11-21:45] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 10:39pm, June 11 (CDT) ).
[11-21:46] 307b3, Ashe: yeah, my friend Yar loves 'em
[11-21:47] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: I only started reading the series a couple of years ago. Oddly enough I started with The Drawing of the Three. Tell me, has Yar shown you the illustrations in the hardback books?
[11-21:49] 307b3, Ashe: no, but I've seen them in the book stores
[11-21:50] 307b3, Ashe: I saw the cover of the last gunslinger I think and loved it
[11-21:51] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: The illustratior does a magnifcant job of expressing the story's feel. This one that i'm reading now, Song of Susannah, the art in it's perfect for the story
[11-21:51] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: Wolves of the Calla?
[11-21:51] 307b3, Ashe: art owneth
[11-21:52] 307b3, Ashe: yeah I think I saw that one too
[11-21:52] 307b3, Ashe: book illustrations is something I'd like to do after I get done at the art college I wanna go to next year
[11-21:53] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: Art is one of my majors. What art school is that?
[11-21:54] 307b3, Ashe: savannah college of art and design
[11-21:54] 307b3, Ashe: I want to go into their sequential art program
[11-21:55] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: I hear wonderful things about that school. I'm sure that you will do well there. I considered illustrating as well before I picked up my psych major
[11-21:57] 307b3, Ashe: yeah heh that's what I want my major to be
[11-21:57] 307b3, Ashe: but
[11-21:57] 307b3, Ashe: I want to start an entertainment group/company
[11-21:57] 307b3, Ashe: do comics, movies, video games, and music
[11-21:57] 307b3, Ashe: books too
[11-21:58] 307b3, Ashe: especially since I want to write and illustrate comics and books, I have a ton of game ideas and I'm a musician
[11-21:58] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: Oh that sounds fun. Something that can keep your interest as the years go by
[11-21:58] 307b3, Ashe: definitely
[11-21:59] 307b3, Ashe: I have a lot interests and they're all entertainment related so I figured one day, hey, why not
[11-21:59] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: Then go for it. Life is short so why not fill our days with something fun.
[11-22:00] 307b3, Ashe: a yup
[11-22:00] 307b3, Ashe: hopefully I can find a buncha people there at SCAD to start the company with
[11-22:00] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: I myself will be in debt for the rest of my days
[11-22:00] 307b3, Ashe: I just want to be a founder of the company, I don't wanna run it, I'm not a businessman
[11-22:01] 307b3, Ashe: whysat?
[11-22:02] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: I goto a private college..and although I work, I've borrowed alot of money and there is still gradschool to freak out about*
[11-22:03] 307b3, Ashe: ah yeah
[11-22:03] 307b3, Ashe: yeah scad's private, very expensive
[11-22:03] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hopefully the profession that I want will pay enough to pay off those loans
[11-22:03] 307b3, Ashe: and what's that?
[11-22:04] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: So i've been told. I have a friend that should be going there this fall
[11-22:04] 307b3, Ashe: ah cool
[11-22:05] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: Art Therapy
[11-22:05] 307b3, Ashe: really? I had thought of doing that one point
[11-22:05] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: He was/is extreamly excited
[11-22:06] 307b3, Ashe: I bet, I am too
[11-22:06] 307b3, Ashe: I got accepted but I'm waiting a year
[11-22:07] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yeah. I encountered that career path by accident but immediatly felt that it's something that i'd like to do
[11-22:07] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: How large was your portofilo?
[11-22:07] 307b3, Ashe: no portolio, long story
[11-22:08] 307b3, Ashe: let's just say due to family problems the past 3 years I haven't drawn like I used to
[11-22:09] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: Oh, I understand.
[11-22:09] 307b3, Ashe: yeah, I used to draw all the time
[11-22:10] 307b3, Ashe: I explained that in my statement of purpose and I got accepted, I can't wait to get there and bring forth my skills again, and hone them.
[11-22:14] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: I'm sure that your creativity will burst forth
[11-22:15] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: I enjoy drawing, it's how I began..but painting is my obsession
[11-22:15] 307b3, Ashe: oh heck yeah, I met some musicians tuesday that I'm gonna start jammin with and it's lit a fire under my butt, I been playin my butt off lately and writin some new riffs
[11-22:16] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: What instrument do you play?
[11-22:16] 307b3, Ashe: guitar
[11-22:16] 307b3, Ashe: and I sing
[11-22:17] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: Do you sing well?
[11-22:18] 307b3, Ashe: decently, I started last fall not knowing a thing about singing and I worked my butt off for 2 semesters
[11-22:19] 307b3, Ashe: this fall I'm gonna take some more lessons
[11-22:20] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: I'm curious, do you like to write?
[11-22:20] 307b3, Ashe: you wouldn't have aim or yahoo by any chance?
[11-22:21] 9e913, Will-o'-the-wisp: acutally..i have both....which do you prefer?
[11-22:21] 307b3, Ashe: aim
[11-22:22] 307b3, Ashe: battousaiashe
[11-22:42] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[11-22:51] JOIN: Z has entered.
[11-22:52] fcaa4, Kali: aaye Z...
[11-22:53] 94c70, Z: Aaye Kali
[11-22:53] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[11-22:53] c6c97, xyva: Aaye all
[11-22:53] c6c97, xyva:
[11-22:57] c6c97, Warren: *test*
[11-22:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.