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[07-18:07] 5e834, Aralore : ((Yo.))
[07-18:07] 944ee, Puwia: ((*nods*))
[07-18:07] 944ee, Puwia: *blinks behind her vail* really? Do elves not like humans?
[07-18:08] 5e834, Aralore : Elves and Drow alike have no particular disregard for humans...I'm just bitter..
[07-18:08] 28231, Balthasar Artanis: (((yar))
[07-18:09] 944ee, Puwia: oh. *is uqiet a moment* what else can you tell me?
[07-18:12] 5e834, Aralore : The Underdark is an abhorrent place. Filled with monsters of every kind...
[07-18:13] 944ee, Puwia: ... Uhm, about elveS?
[07-18:15] 5e834, Aralore : Some elves are mean. In fact, most elves are mean. They hate Drow. Bastards..
[07-18:16] 944ee, Puwia: Why?
[07-18:18] c2bb1, Kali: Umm..thems fightin words there Aralore.....
[07-18:19] JOIN: Aralore has entered.
[07-18:22] 5e834, Aralore : Oh, the fact that most all of Drow want the merciless and relentless massacre and slaughter of every last elf in Bettenchi, etcetera, etcetera...
[07-18:22] 944ee, Puwia: *nods slowly* I see. You too?
[07-18:23] c2bb1, Ankalima Morwen :
[07-18:24] 5e834, Aralore : No. I prefer elves. Cleaner than Dwarves.
[07-18:24] 5e834, Aralore : ((Glimmering.))
[07-18:24] 944ee, Puwia: *blinks at this* what?
[07-18:25] 5e834, Aralore : ((Aralore's on a couch or a table or something. Very badly injured from burns. Puwia's talking to him.))
[07-18:25] 5e834, Aralore : Dwarves are dirty. Elves are cleaner.
[07-18:26] c2bb1, Ankalima Morwen : *she walks in the door, swinging her cloak off of her shoulders and hanging it on the hook next to door..Letting her grey eyes pass slowly around the room, before heading to the bar...not having noticed Aralore yet*
[07-18:26] 28231, Balthasar Artanis: ((brb))
[07-18:27] 944ee, Puwia: *is beside Aralore in her armor that conceals every inch of skin * Oh, I see. *scratches at the back of her helmet's neck, making a loud scraping sound.* Do you need a drink or anyuthing?
[07-18:29] 5e834, Aralore : Dwarven Ale. *Smiles*
[07-18:31] c2bb1, Ankalima Morwen : *getting a glass of honey wine from the tender, she takes a seat and continues her search around the room..seeing Aralore lying on a couch ....shocked she gets up and goes towards him....seeing that heis injured* Aralore? *she asks quietly* What happened to you?
[07-18:31] 944ee, Puwia: *nods and stands, making her short way over to the bar, glancin to the newcomer as she taps on the bar to get the tender's attention * Dwarven ale, one mug please.
[07-18:33] 28231, Balthasar Artanis: *he returns in the doorway, smiling some as he moves over twords the aralore, in his hands.... a blanket* right, preperations have been made
[07-18:34] 5e834, Aralore : Hiya Ankalima...I...kind of talked to a demon...*groans, trying to move to a sitting position* I..uhh...kinda met Delotha's father..
[07-18:35] 944ee, Puwia: *blinks and looks back at the Tender* Cancel that Ale. *turns to scoot back to Aralore's side
[07-18:36] c2bb1, Ankalima Morwen : *she holds out her hand stopping him from sitting up* Dont do that....
[07-18:36] c2bb1, Ankalima Morwen : So you met her father....looks like that went over rather well...*chuckles to hide her concern*
[07-18:38] 5e834, Aralore : Last time I try to get in well with the folks of a half-demoness...
[07-18:42] c2bb1, Ankalima Morwen : What did he do?......
[07-18:45] 5e834, Aralore : I don't know..he just...looked at me...*shakes his head at the painful memory, suppressing a shudder..the occurance fresh in his mind* I just burst into flames..
[07-18:46] c2bb1, Ankalima Morwen : *makes a bad face* I'm sorry Aralore...*looks around the room* Is Delotha here?
[07-18:47] 5e834, Aralore : She left to find a few people are pious enough to have healing abilities anymore...
[07-18:47] c2bb1, Ankalima Morwen : ((sorry aralore...gtg see you later))
[07-18:48] 944ee, Puwia: *jut sits quietly to one side*
[07-18:48] 5e834, Aralore : ((Bye-a Kali!))
[07-18:50] 5e834, Aralore : are certainly fascinated by elves...I may have a title on them...only the rich have books, you know. And I have an adventurer's wealth. Hmmm...*fishes around in the pocket of his robes, withdrawing a key* This's no tome of all knowledge, but it covers the elves in reasonable detail. Required reading...Drow require that their enemies be known. Tell the guard there that I sent'll be let's a small hut on the outskirts of the town...can't be know. Whenever you get around to it.
[07-18:52] 28231, Balthasar Artanis: ((yeah aralore when yer done Balthy will take ya to his home))
[07-18:52] 944ee, Puwia: *looks over at aralore, the veil swishing slightly in front of the helmet* That would be wonderful! *she states happily as she reaches for the Key.* I will have no problems then?
[07-18:54] 5e834, Aralore : ((BRB))
[07-18:59] 5e834, Aralore : ((Oh baby, Balth ))
[07-19:00] 5e834, Aralore : Nope. I have quite a good library of books for that little hut....don't worry about it..take any you like.
[07-19:01] 944ee, Puwia: *hehs a bit* I will bring them back of course.*
[07-19:03] 5e834, Aralore : Sure...just..don't get any food on them. *smirks*
[07-19:05] 944ee, Puwia: Of course not! *states this seriously. Then she leans in close and lifts her veil to one side so he can see her elfin features* Thank you. *the veil is replaced and she moves to the door. He job here was done*
[07-19:12] 5e834, Aralore : Wait! Some random half-orc could come in and slice me open!
[07-19:14] 944ee, Puwia: *stops and blinks, looking at Balthasar then Aralore* Uhm, aren;t you being taken to a healer?
[07-19:17] 5e834, Aralore : Okay...take care, now, Puwia...*gives a small wave*
[07-19:21] 944ee, Puwia: *nods*
[07-19:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-19:30] 944ee, Puwia: *heads out*
[07-19:37] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[07-19:41] JOIN: O.R. has entered.
[07-19:42] 54891, Cookie Monster: *waves at the O.R.*
[07-19:43] 8c8b6, O.R.: So I says, 'Ghost? I thought you said GOAT'
[07-19:44] 54891, Cookie Monster:
[07-19:45] 8c8b6, O.R.: Okay, chalk another one up on the board who hasn't heard the joke,
[07-19:45] 54891, Cookie Monster: *writes it up there*
[07-19:56] 5e834, Aralore : ((Chalk one for me, too.))
[07-19:57] 54891, Cookie Monster: *waves at Aralore*
[07-20:00] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[07-20:00] fb961, Liz: *yawns*
[07-20:03] 5e834, Aralore : ((Yo, Cookie-man.))
[07-20:04] fb961, Liz: The chat's dead
[07-20:04] 54891, Cookie Monster: What up my Dark Elf compatriat?
[07-20:12] fb961, Liz: *pokes around*
[07-20:15] fb961, Liz: One is the loneliest number that you ever knew..
[07-20:16] 5e834, Aralore : ((Oh, little o' this and a little o' that. Trying to twat the 3.0 Rogue's ungodly Hide ability...))
[07-20:17] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-20:17] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:17pm, June 07 (CDT) ).
[07-20:17] JOIN: Ghouls has entered.
[07-20:17] 54891, Cookie Monster: repeat that last part again?
[07-20:18] 63f6d, Ghouls: ((blah))
[07-20:18] 5e834, Aralore : ((Huh?))
[07-20:19] 54891, Cookie Monster: by twat did you mean tweak?
[07-20:20] fb961, Liz: *twitches, trying to reach and itchy spot on her back*
[07-20:22] 5e834, Aralore : ((No. I meant trump. Beat.))
[07-20:22] 5e834, Aralore : ((With Spot checks.))
[07-20:22] 54891, Cookie Monster: *Scratches Liz's back for her* Ah. Are you playing an online DnD thing?
[07-20:24] 5e834, Aralore : ((Nah. Just researching. I have some "lifted" 3.0 content on my comp, and some 3.5 books beside me. I'm thinking of joining a 3.0 campaign, and it's damn tough :/ ))
[07-20:26] 54891, Cookie Monster: The biggest thing in Role playing and you can't find a game?
[07-20:30] 5e834, Aralore : ((Huh? I have a game with some friends on tabletop. But they used the unbalanced 3.0 rules.))
[07-20:30] 5e834, Aralore : (('Til they convert, I'm up sheit's creek.))
[07-20:32] 54891, Cookie Monster: I remember 3.0 as being pretty balanced... but then again my group never had us fighting against rogues.
[07-20:35] fb961, Liz: *takes out her book*
[07-20:46] fb961, Liz: *yawns*
[07-20:53] JOIN: Goury Lightbringer has entered.
[07-20:54] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *glances around.*
[07-20:55] 54891, Cookie Monster: *Glances back*
[07-20:58] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: Allo Cookie Monster.
[07-21:00] 54891, Cookie Monster: allo. Who you be?
[07-21:00] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: A long lost pateron of this chat...
[07-21:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-21:02] 54891, Cookie Monster: Well, you can't be too long lost as this chat isn't all that old.
[07-21:02] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: it's been a couple months since I have checked in on my char... I've been a little buisy
[07-21:04] ae57c, Will-o'-the-wisp: Roar
[07-21:04] ceea7, Steve: *hides*
[07-21:05] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *looks at the roaring light thingy.*
[07-21:05] ae57c, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Looks menacing*
[07-21:05] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *RaE* intersting
[07-21:06] ae57c, Will-o'-the-wisp: That and so much more
[07-21:08] ae57c, Will-o'-the-wisp: *prods about* No one going to talk?
[07-21:08] ceea7, Steve: *starts throwing people IC*
[07-21:08] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((is thrown IC.. Gah)) *is sitting in his house outside of Rauphenchi.. Waiting for his headache to dissappear.*
[07-21:09] ae57c, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Slip slides down that spiral of Icness*
[07-21:09] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:09pm, June 07 (CDT) ).
[07-21:10] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[07-21:11] ae57c, Caradonia: *Is up high in the tree canopy of trees hanging upside down like a bat while casually ganwing at an apple while her horse grazes below*
[07-21:12] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he stands after a few moments, grabs his sword and heads towards the door of his home.*
[07-21:12] ae57c, Caradonia: ((tree=thick))
[07-21:15] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((chuckles.))
[07-21:16] ae57c, Caradonia: *Her giggling breaks the still and solem quiet of the forest. The sound almost sounds obscene in this quiet sanctuary where not even nightbirds chirp. She has no reverence for this, it seems. She has a fire burning down below with a healthy light penetrating the sheild of darkness that weaves inbetween the trunks of trees. She has no fear of night, and this is echoed in that bubbling expression that ripples from her throat*
[07-21:16] ae57c, Caradonia: ((*auto corrects typos*))
[07-21:18] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he decides that he has to go for a long walk and heads out the door.. heading in the direction of the nearby forest. ((even though he is surrounded on all sides by the forest.))
[07-21:20] ceea7, Steve: *eyes char chain*
[07-21:21] ae57c, Caradonia: Eating your fill Lilly?*speaking to her horse with a voice that is as supple as the curves that her shadow so genersouly casts below. She takes another bite from her apple, the sound carrying a delicious moistness*((*hrm?*))
[07-21:22] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((Goury lives in a house in the middle of Rauphenchi forest... a couple hours away from town/))
[07-21:25] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *continues towards the forest.. his eyes adjusting to the darkness rather quicly..*
[07-21:28] ae57c, Caradonia: *She begins to speak to her horse, sharing with the mare her thoughts and musing over the events that have spanned the past few days. Is well aware that the animal will not speak back but one needs something or someone to talk too because internal monolog only goes so far. She looks at her horse while internally eyeing her situation. Summer wont last forever* Think we should move on?
[07-21:29] ae57c, Caradonia: ((bbiab))
[07-21:29] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *is moving through the forest rather quickly, his sword strapped to his back.. Having grown up around here, he knows the layout fairly well. even without seeing everything.*
[07-21:29] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((kk))
[07-21:35] 5e834, Aralore : ((Well, let the insanity begin.))
[07-21:36] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((interesting. Insanity... Searching for innerpeace in a place of war does the same thing.))
[07-21:38] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *continues to walk through the forest in some random direction*
[07-21:43] ceea7, Steve: *is going IC*
[07-21:44] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : (pic testage)
[07-21:44] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *trips over a vine that wasn't there a while ago.. after falling, he pulls himself back up.*
[07-21:46] 3a8a8, Roki: why not just get it over with Steve, and use Katsumoto ?
[07-21:47] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : (Because he has no hair and a large forehead)
[07-21:47] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : (and it is my firm belief that Ujio woulda whooped the yay, wow, crap outta Katsumoto..)
[07-21:47] 3a8a8, Roki: i smell bullsheet...
[07-21:48] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : (*leans in and whispers to Roki* I think you stepped in something...)
[07-21:48] 5e834, Aralore : ((Heeeere she comes, around the track...Kacie Junior's back...))
[07-21:49] 3a8a8, Roki: yeah.... Aralore... yech
[07-21:50] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *he is kneeling quietly within a grove of trees somewhere in the forest of , his hair done up in the traditional topknot for his people, his weapons laid before him in a ritualistic manner, his hands resting upon his knees as his eyes are closed and his head bowed forward ever so slightly in deep meditation*
[07-21:52] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *his eyes dart around, pausing for a moment as he listens to the forest.. Nothing. It's almost as if this forest was dead.. he continues to walk.*
[07-21:53] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *dimly, his is aware of the tramping Goury as he walks through the forest...his breathing is slow and deep..almost as if he were drugged...but this is not the case...the wind picks up slightly, blowing past him, rustling his garments around him, but doing little else*
[07-21:57] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he slows a bit, seeing a form sitting in a small clearing.*
[07-21:58] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *he is still his meditation...neither moving nor speaking...seemingly lost in this deeply disciplined form of an almost hibernation...where one takes control of their body's natural reactions to things and focuses them into other things*
[07-22:00] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he moves a bit closer, trying to see the form more clearly. He pauses, watching the person sitting there. He leans against a tree.*
[07-22:03] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *he doenst make any form of greeting...though he knows the man is there..if he wishes to speak, he will wait until he is done with his meditations...before him lie 3 swords, each progressively larger than the other...the first is a straight blade about the size of a dagger, the second the size of a short sword...and the third about the size of a bastard sword*
[07-22:04] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[07-22:04] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he watches Tenma for a few moments, taking a seat on the ground at the edge of the clearing..*
[07-22:06] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *his black slightly slanted almond shaped eyes open slowly before he takes the first of the blades, dusts off the sheath and affixes it to the silk sash belt at his waist, before doing the same to the other swords as he slowly stands*
[07-22:08] JOIN: Puwia has entered.
[07-22:09] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he continues to watch Tenma.. wondering where he is from.. having not seen many warriors like him around.*
[07-22:10] 944ee, Puwia: ((raaar))
[07-22:10] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *as a matter of fact he would be the first and only he would have seen dressed as he is...he wears a robe like tunic and large oversized pants that cut off at the ankle giving sight to white socks and wooden sandals...his eyes are slanted and almond an elf..but there are no points on his ears*
[07-22:12] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *stands up slowly as to not distub the warrior. but can't help but wonder where he's from.*
[07-22:14] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *there is an aura of quiet calm around him...almost as if nothing could disturb him if he did not wish it to....his dark eyes holding that serene look of neutrality as he now sets his eyes upon Goury*
[07-22:14] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *Goury nods his head to Tenma.* Greetings
[07-22:15] 944ee, Puwia: ((Can I join the RP?))
[07-22:15] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((sure..))
[07-22:15] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : ((Sure why not))
[07-22:16] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *he eyes Goury a moment as if measuring him...and then just flat out words spoken or even attempting to pass his lips..maybe he doesnt know the language...maybe he doesnt wish to speak...either way he makes no sound*
[07-22:17] 944ee, Puwia: ((cool. Uhm, where are you, and do you mind me bringing Theodore in?00
[07-22:17] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he pauses for a moment, watching Tenma, not knowing if he understood.*
[07-22:17] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : ((Rua forest))
[07-22:18] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *there is a note in his eyes telling that he understood..just doesnt like speaking to gaijin...though technically he is the foreigner here*
[07-22:19] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: I understand that you do not wish to speak to me.. *he says as he leans against a tree.*
[07-22:21] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *a bit brokenly..he doenst quite have the language down pat* You..understand nothing...*he nods and begins walking away from the grove of trees*
[07-22:21] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he shrugs his shoulders.. and begins to walk in the other direction. continuing his random walk.*
[07-22:23] EXIT: Puwia has left the chat ( 11:17pm, June 07 (CDT) ).
[07-22:23] JOIN: Theodore MacPherson has entered.
[07-22:24] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *is riding through the forest, his horse snorting frequently as he pats the things' neck, humming to himself. His armor clanks on occasion, although most of it was covered either with his cloak, which muffled it, or was secured to avoid swinging with eadch step of the mount. *
[07-22:24] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he glances back for a moment. Still not understanding why the strange warrior was so rude. He shakes his head again before continuing deeper into the woods.*
[07-22:25] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[07-22:25] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *wasnt rude...just...stating a him, he understands nothing...he doesnt meditate...he doesnt do a kata...gaijin..always so touchy*
[07-22:27] 94c70, Z: *sneak... sneak*
[07-22:29] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *rides along, before his horse snorts, smelling someone nearby as it prances a bit and he blinks, the visor on his helmet suddenly slamming down across his eyes * GAH! Cursed thing...*he opens the helmet again while pulling his horse to one side, allowing it to face whhoever - or wahtever - was approaching * What now.?
[07-22:30] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *slows down abit, hearing the armored rider ahead of him.* Hmmm
[07-22:32] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 11:25pm, June 07 (CDT) ).
[07-22:32] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[07-22:33] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *his standard shows the curling cross of Maltese - a famous, if rare this far from the west coast - order of Knights who even now continue to try and hold justice and truth above all else. THe brown haired man looks at the forest, seeing something, but isnt' sure what. His hand grips the pommel of shis sword as he calls out * is someone there?"
[07-22:34] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he moves more into view of the knight on the horse.* I am here...
[07-22:34] EXIT: Leda Nylund has left the chat ( 11:34pm, June 07 (CDT) ).
[07-22:35] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[07-22:35] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *drops his eyes to the light haired youth before him. He was about forty or so himself and looks the man up and down * Good even then sir. I am not interrupting am I?
[07-22:36] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : (*eats Z for sneaking*)
[07-22:39] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: No good Knight.. I was just out for a stroll. *he smiles slightly as he moves a bit closer..*
[07-22:41] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *allows him to move closer, albeit his horse snorted warningly, causing a gauntlet to fall gently on its mane to quiet it.* I see. Taht makes three of us then... if you count the horse. *he chuckles, bowing low in the saddle* sir Theodore MacPherson of the Maltese Knights
[07-22:41] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: sir Goury Lightbringer or the Warriors of light
[07-22:42] 94c70, Z: *eats Tenma*
[07-22:43] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ( of even))
[07-22:44] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he watches Theodore for a few moments..* What brings you to our nick of the world??
[07-22:44] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *eaten*
[07-22:44] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : ()
[07-22:45] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *nods* An honor *he responds to the other Knight * I was sent here to assist in the trouble that boils on this land.
[07-22:46] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: I have just returned from a personal journey myself.. What are these troubles you speak of?? *RaE*
[07-22:47] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: The troubles of war and attacks, of course.
[07-22:48] EXIT: Leda Nylund has left the chat ( 11:35pm, June 07 (CDT) ).
[07-22:48] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: The same thing that was happening when I left..
[07-22:48] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[07-22:48] 94c70, Z: *ponders RP*
[07-22:49] 9628b, Leda Nylund: ((Just a quick question, anyone else having trouble with chat tonight?))
[07-22:49] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((nope.. it's been good for me..))
[07-22:50] fc7db, Kali: been fine for me
[07-22:50] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: Aye, sadly *nods a little bit* A difficult mission I agree
[07-22:51] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *sighs to himself, hearing the news of war again.* Another fight that must be won.. Another evil to defeat
[07-22:51] 9628b, Leda Nylund: ((Probably my computer then, stupid thing *goes off to find the problem*))
[07-22:52] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: Indeed. *the elder knight nods * Are you one of true heart, that would help in this fight?
[07-22:53] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: I would give my life to defend my home.. *he says with pride.* I shall help with the war efforts
[07-22:54] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *smiles at that* What kingdom might your home be?
[07-22:54] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: This kingdom that you stand in.. My home is not more than a half hour walk away
[07-22:54] EXIT: Leda Nylund has left the chat ( 11:51pm, June 07 (CDT) ).
[07-22:55] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[07-22:58] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((wondes what happened to Theodore.))
[07-22:59] fc7db, Kali: get it fixed?
[07-23:00] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((Theodore is RPing in five windows. Patience))
[07-23:00] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: Ahhh. Does your home have a pleasant inn I might stay at? *he chuckles, dismounting*
[07-23:00] 9628b, Leda Nylund : ((Yeah *blushes* I didn't realize I had a program running in the background that was causing the problem))
[07-23:02] fc7db, Kali: *won't tell a soul*
[07-23:02] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: The town does.. My home is outside of town.. Privacy... I enjoy being alone in my home.. But Rauphenchi is not far from here, and if you wish, I could guide you there.
[07-23:04] 9628b, Leda Nylund : ((I need to learn to just start checking my own stuff before assuming it's the site))
[07-23:07] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[07-23:08] ae57c, Caradonia: ((Boys are so demanding..sheesh))
[07-23:10] fc7db, Kali: uhoh...
[07-23:10] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *nods* Indeed. That would be great if you could, Sir Goury. *he bos again and moves to lead the horse* Rauphenchi. I haven't been there in months.
[07-23:11] ae57c, Caradonia: *Her horse gazes up at her with calm eyes and silent, like fabric across flesh, she slips from her perch atop her tree, falling to the ground in dizzing speed and landing in a low, easy, crouch*
[07-23:13] ae57c, Caradonia: ((silently))
[07-23:14] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *begins to walk towards the town of Rauphenchi.* It will not take long
[07-23:17] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 12:10am, June 08 (CDT) ).
[07-23:18] ae57c, Caradonia: No, we probably shouldnt, not for a while at least*With a smooth, sweeping guesture she stoops to pick up a pail of water and tosses it onto the fire, producing a sharp hiss as the flame sputters out. Quickly she leaps up onto her horse and rides off with a gentle nudge to the sides of her horse*
[07-23:20] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *guides Theodore to the town...*
[07-23:22] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *walks with Goury, patting the horse on occasion * So tell me about youirself, Goury, and I will reciproctae.
[07-23:23] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[07-23:24] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. an unseen pair of dark eyes silently watches as two men, and a horse, make their way to ..*
[07-23:25] ae57c, Caradonia: *She rides at an easy gallop, the steady and sturdy thudding of Lilly's hooves beat in a soothing rhytm and her thoughts cease. She's not sure where she's riding too, certainly not to a camp anywhere. That place back there, well, that was a place to sleep. She's looking for a place to live*
[07-23:25] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: I am just a simple warrior of light.. I seek out truth and justice to help those who cannot help themselves. *he thinks for a moment.* I seek enlightenment, and have journeyed most of my life..
[07-23:26] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[07-23:26] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *nods* A noble quest. *he agrees* As a Knight of Maltese, I hvae sworn an oath to save people's lives regardless of the risk to my own, to be truthful, honorable, and judgemental when necessary
[07-23:26] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: An honorable lifestyle.
[07-23:28] 9628b, Leda Nylund : *walks forward smiling as she takes in her surroundings, just enjoying the day, her pack slung over one shoulder. Without a closer look she would appear just to be a normal traveler walking along, which was fine with her. It caused fewer problems, and she just wanted to reach the next town, city, or village. She didn’t much care which one at the moment, her priority now was just to be happy with the day*
[07-23:28] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: Aye. One I have worked hard all my life to keep
[07-23:28] ae57c, Caradonia: *Knight's? bah, she's a gypsy and her life is spent in a less than honorable way; card games and pick pocketing, a lovely life for one so young. The animal's hooves pick up in their thundering beat and perhaps she's close enough to Theo and Goury that they might here her passing or her approach or whatever*
[07-23:29] ab6ae, Aurora : *continues to watch Goury and Thoedore, considering weither or not to warn them as they approach the city... as it is, she contents herself to watching, listening.. and doing her best to be sneaky as she follows*
[07-23:29] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. and she's definately not coming out when she hears someone else going by*
[07-23:31] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *hears the hooves, as does his horse and it snorts as he blinks, turning * Hmmm. a wagon?
[07-23:31] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((wagon=Horse)
[07-23:32] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *also hears the approaching horse.* Another person??
[07-23:34] ae57c, Caradonia: *To anwser their question her horse gives a high neigh in response to her calling the animal to a stop. She looms just out of their eyesight in a thickly clustered grove of trees. Her horse knickers and stomps at the ground while it's rider sits impassive, eyes reflecting the moonlight*
[07-23:35] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *The warhorse nickers back, stamping a hoof, and THeo grips the reins a little tighter* A heavily burdended animal, I think. Are there many dangers in this city?
[07-23:35] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((city=forest))
[07-23:38] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: Every forest is dangerous in their own way. *he looks past theo towards Caradonia.* Some times there are villanous monsters and demons roaming about.. but they usually run in fear of more powerful warriors.
[07-23:38] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. spy..*
[07-23:40] ae57c, Caradonia: *hardly heavily burdoned, the animal lets out a soft neigh, it's a mare so depending on the season, well, complications may arise. It's not heavily burdoned at all, atop sits a woman that, at most, would weigh about 98 lbs, and behind her a few bags. She smirks at the suggestion of villanous monsters and deamons;did i mention that she was a woman?*
[07-23:40] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((hmm. I think most would be foaling this time of year.))
[07-23:41] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: Indeed. *he looks to Goury, then to the invisible horse and takes the charge * Ahem. If you are friend, please step out and show yourself. Myself and my Companion are meaning no harm and have no wish to fight at this time.
[07-23:41] ae57c, Caradonia: ((as I said...depending on the season))
[07-23:42] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he continues to watch the area where Caradonia is.*
[07-23:44] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((plus my horse is a gendling))
[07-23:44] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((Gelding. Bah))
[07-23:45] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[07-23:47] ae57c, Caradonia: *Eyes, the color of amber or a tarnished gold, appear first, high up above the ground, normal for someone sitting atop a horse. The rest of her melts from the shade, a small woman riding bareback and she certianly looks harmless* Or so you say*Her smooth voice teasing along Theo's lingering claim of not wishing to fight*((okay, no biggie))
[07-23:48] 9628b, Leda Nylund : ((Grr, I think I mad my computer mad yelling at it earlier))
[07-23:49] 9628b, Leda Nylund : ((*made))
[07-23:49] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *Goury nods to Caradona.* I am Goury
[07-23:52] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *lifts an eyebrow and chuckles a little bit at the voice. * I am Sir Theodore. I would not harm a lady unless she tried to harm me first.
[07-23:54] ae57c, Caradonia: *She nods to them both but does not urge her horse any closer, is comfortable with the present gap in parties*I would be known as Cara. And, I would not attempt to harm a man unless he became rather...pertitant
[07-23:57] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he smiles for a moment, turning back towards Rauphenchi.* If you would like to join us on our walk to the city.
[08-00:00] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *chuckles at Cara* no worries of that from me. I'm too old to be chasing beautiful ladies* he winks a bit, bowing * Indeed. Care to join us for a walk to the city, and perhaps a meal after?
[08-00:03] ae57c, Caradonia: *smiles* I find that you old men are the type that need the least encouragment*The taste of her apple still lingers on her lips, reminds her that it would be conceivable to eat again* I think, that I will take you up on that offer
[08-00:06] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he starts back towards town again.*
[08-00:15] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *continues to walk, hoping that Theodore and Cara are following him.*
[08-00:17] JOIN: Theodore MacPherson has entered.
[08-00:18] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((blargh))
[08-00:19] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *the forty year old human chuckles a little bit * I look, but I do not touch. *he holds a hand over his heart* Indeed. My treat.
[08-00:22] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((I agree.. ))
[08-00:22] JOIN: Ryavel has entered.
[08-00:23] EXIT: Z has left the chat ( 1:22am, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-00:23] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((test))
[08-00:24] JOIN: Muna has entered.
[08-00:24] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((interesting Profile.))
[08-00:26] 94c70, Z: *mutters*
[08-00:27] EXIT: Z has left the chat ( 1:26am, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-00:27] JOIN: Z has entered.
[08-00:27] 94c70, Z: There.
[08-00:28] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: Yawn
[08-00:30] ab6ae, Sileen: AAAAAHHHH!!!
[08-00:30] JOIN: Theodore MacPherson has entered.
[08-00:30] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[08-00:31] fb961, Liz: Back! Love me!
[08-00:31] ab6ae, Sileen: Why would I love you? You're female!
[08-00:31] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((sorry))
[08-00:32] fb961, Liz: Because I have...catnip! *waves a pouch*
[08-00:32] ab6ae, Sileen: *gasp!* *mews and tackles Liz*
[08-00:32] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((WB liz.. Theo...))
[08-00:32] fb961, Liz: *laughs and gives her some*
[08-00:33] ab6ae, Sileen: =^_^=
[08-00:33] ab6ae, Sileen: Mrow!
[08-00:34] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((computer is going tits up
[08-00:35] fb961, Liz: Aww!
[08-00:35] ab6ae, Sileen: Apparently Theo's comp is female...
[08-00:35] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: (( Damn ))
[08-00:36] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((I think its okay now though))
[08-00:36] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((wanders around aimlessly))
[08-00:37] ab6ae, Sileen: Did she roll back over?
[08-00:37] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((males have tits too))
[08-00:38] ab6ae, Sileen: Only if they are overweight
[08-00:38] ab6ae, Sileen: Otherwise they have pecks
[08-00:38] ab6ae, Sileen: Er..!
[08-00:38] ab6ae, Sileen: *slaps forehead*
[08-00:38] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: (( I have pecks, not tits.))
[08-00:38] ab6ae, Sileen: ... *goes away now, all red*
[08-00:38] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((you mean Pecs?))
[08-00:39] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((who's pose is it?))
[08-00:39] ab6ae, Sileen: *strikes a pose* Mine! *flashy grin... then blinks as the pose whelps and runs off* ... ...
[08-00:41] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((Cara's post... I'm staying pretty quiet and leading you two to town.))
[08-00:41] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((dear god. 230mb of temp. internet files))
[08-00:42] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: (( clean it up then..))
[08-00:43] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[08-00:44] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((I'm trying. Disk clenaup keeps freezing))
[08-00:46] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((not good..))
[08-00:46] beb1a, Brimstone : (So find a real life group to roleplay with. No worry there.)
[08-00:46] fb961, Liz: *sniffles, just having finished a sneezing fit*
[08-00:49] beb1a, Brimstone : (Nyquil or something along those lines, combined with sleep.)
[08-00:50] ab6ae, Sileen: *waves at Brimstone*
[08-00:50] fb961, Liz: Hmm? No..I just had cat hair up my nose
[08-00:50] beb1a, Brimstone : (Hi..)
[08-00:51] beb1a, Brimstone : (Cats rule.)
[08-00:53] fb961, Liz: Not when they're shedding and both decide to cuddle you
[08-00:53] 94c70, Z: Roar.
[08-00:54] beb1a, Brimstone : (Brush 'em.)
[08-00:54] ab6ae, Sileen: *big eyes* ... I love you Brimstone
[08-00:55] beb1a, Brimstone : (Nah.)
[08-00:56] ab6ae, Sileen: I do!
[08-00:57] fb961, Liz: Awwww
[08-00:57] beb1a, Brimstone : (Prove it, heh.)
[08-00:57] fb961, Liz: *snickers* One of my cat waddles..of course, she's pregnant
[08-00:58] ab6ae, Sileen: <_< >_> *grabs Brim, dips him.. and bigs him a big kiss!*
[08-00:58] beb1a, Brimstone : (Meh.)
[08-00:58] fb961, Liz: *catcalls*
[08-00:59] ab6ae, Sileen: *winks*
[08-01:00] beb1a, Brimstone : (Such a hand played..)
[08-01:04] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *wanders around the woods, bored...*
[08-01:04] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((aren't we going to town, Goury?))
[08-01:04] beb1a, Brimstone : *working away in his lair, he had a majority of his things packed away .. stuffed into a magical bag which regardless of its size, contained more weight than allowed - the icy cave growing more an more empty by the minute*..
[08-01:05] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: (( do you want to continue without Cara?? Cuz I feel like RPing.))
[08-01:05] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((hmm. Sure I guess)
[08-01:06] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((Ginmme a few to start up my virus scanner))
[08-01:06] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((alright...))
[08-01:07] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *is out there as well, staring at the moon.*
[08-01:07] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. spy*
[08-01:09] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he looks back to Theo for a moment.* We should be there soon..
[08-01:09] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: Indeed. *he pauses, turning to stare into the woods, taking his time*
[08-01:10] beb1a, Brimstone : *shelves that once held priceless tomes not laid in broken ruin across the cold ground of his cave .. anything holding any significants is tossed into a broad pile in the center of his domain - his movement fluid, easy as downs another case of books, a clatter echos out as the books drop to the hard earth*..
[08-01:11] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he continues ahead of Theo a bit, making sure that the path is clear.*
[08-01:11] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. as Theo looks back.. he might spot a pale head quickly ducking back down behind a bush*
[08-01:12] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *bliniks at this, doubletaking. A unicorn? He squints, peering again.*
[08-01:14] ab6ae, Aurora : *No no.. just a pale head. Humanoid at that. He's human and not fully pure as a warrior... no horn for you!*
[08-01:15] ab6ae, Aurora : (( <_< >_> ))
[08-01:15] beb1a, Brimstone : *tossing anything of importance toward the center of his cave, he positions his bag and shovels what he wants inside the blue, silken sack .. muttering in the dragonic language as he scoops things in - the noice of his packing ricochets off icy walls*..
[08-01:17] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he turns his head a bit, glancing back to Theo. Stopping almost in his tracks, he starts to walk back to where he last saw theo..*
[08-01:19] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *mistakes. A white woman? He tenses a little bit, remembering the siren he ran into before. He looks over the bushes again again*
[08-01:19] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((Bah. I am too pure!))
[08-01:19] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: Did you see something?? *he asks theo as he gets closer.*
[08-01:20] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: Aye... *he looks again carefully* I think...
[08-01:21] beb1a, Brimstone : *stalking to every end of his den, he fills the endless bag with what remains .. his movement quick, a desire burning inside him, pushing him forward to end his desired task - a ruin is left behind him, the man walking calmly toward the frozen exit of his abode*..
[08-01:23] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: Alright. *he pauses for a moment, looking in the direction that Theo is looking in.*
[08-01:23] ab6ae, Aurora : *puts her delicate hand over her lips, trying to keep herself from breathing heavily, as she hears them debating..*
[08-01:25] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *squints a bit more, then backs up towards a tree near the trail, guesturing Goury back too as he states loudly * It must be nothing, Goury. Let us continue on our way. *he crouches then behind a small bush, guesturing Goury to start walking away, in hopes of tricking the figure into view again*
[08-01:26] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: Enough of sitting around here. *he reaches for the sword strapped to his back.* I'll take a look
[08-01:26] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *... or doesnt*
[08-01:27] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: (( I have undone that post... Damned comp just about crashed.))
[08-01:28] ab6ae, Aurora : *listens, head tilting.. waiting to hear if the men and horsey to start moving away*
[08-01:28] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he nods, understanding what Theo is doing.* alright, almost there... *he turns and continues his walk towards the town*
[08-01:29] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *lets Goury take the horse too and just waits quietly.*
[08-01:29] beb1a, Brimstone : *he exits his cave, walking into the near-blizzard surrounding his home .. turning, he stalks off into the pure white, off to find and settle into a new place - somewhere else to gain his knowledge, to learn of the beings, and possibly new creatures*..
[08-01:29] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *leads the horse aswell.. Hoping this trick works*
[08-01:31] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. and there it is once more.. a pale face, framed by silver-white hair, caustiously lifting to peer over the bush... She sees only one man and the horse moving, eyes like bottomless pools immediantly scanning until she finds herself looking eye to eye with Theo. With a soft "Oh!", she ducks back down... *
[08-01:33] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *blinks as she pops up, and moves to stand with a startled cry* wait! *his voice comes out, not commanding but more requesting as he moves towards her thicket*
[08-01:34] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *stops not far from Theo.. he ties the horse to a nearby tree, then procedes to move around to where they where.*
[08-01:35] beb1a, Brimstone : *wanders off into the brilliant white, moving on .. gone*..
[08-01:35] ab6ae, Aurora : *drops her hand to her slender sword as she slowly, caustiously, rises back up to a standing position... As player is far too lazy to describe her ever so dainty character at the moment, you can check the link! Bwah!*
[08-01:36] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 2:35am, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-01:37] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *slows as he continues to approach* Come out... I will not harm you *he states, words soft, mistaking Aurora for a child.*
[08-01:39] ab6ae, Aurora : *is very obviously too tall for a child thankyouverymuch.. and she's got boobs dang it! .. ahem* *with a liquid grace, she slowly moves around the thicket.. slippered feet hardly seeming to touch the ground with her dainty steps*
[08-01:40] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he continues to skirt around Theo and the other person, hoping to come around behind.*
[08-01:41] ab6ae, Aurora : *starts as she notices Goury moving to flank her, slender fingers taking a bit more tight of a hold around the hilt of her sword, as she slides it a few inches from it's scabbard*
[08-01:42] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *young woman then. He looks her up and down as she steps out, oblivious to Goury nerby as he smiles * I will not hurt you *he repeast, offering a hand* but what is a young - *then she moves, fliuid grace and he turns to bark *Goury! Hold your sword. It is naught but a young lady here.
[08-01:44] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: I haven't even drawn my sword.. *stops, only a few feet away from both Theo and Aurora. His sword still in it's scabard on his back*
[08-01:44] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. slowly releases her hold on her sword's hilt, looking between the two men a bit nervously*
[08-01:45] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *nods at that* my mistake.
[08-01:46] fb961, Liz: *dozes*
[08-01:47] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: It's alright.. It is pretty dark out here... *figures he can shed a bit of light on the subject. He now draws his sword, which begins to glow a bright wite. Bright enough that eveyone can see eachother.*
[08-01:48] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *nods thankfully at Gourly* Indeed it is. *he turns to the woman* enough to mistake a young lady for a possible threat. My apologies for scaring you, madame.
[08-01:48] ab6ae, Aurora : *... and as soon as Goury goes for his blade... she bolts like a startled deer, spinning around almost in a dance step on one foot, and taking off at a quick run away from the two*
[08-01:49] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: woah...*watches Aurora running away.* Maybe I shouldn't have done that
[08-01:49] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *blinks as well in surprise, his words dying on his lips * ... no... you shouldnt... *he blinks after her, having a feeling she wont have many problems running from things.*
[08-01:52] ab6ae, Aurora : *No problem running? In this form.. yeah she does. Which becomes rather apparently, as not more then 20 steps away... she promptly trips, dainty slippered foot getting itself caught on something.. and down she goes with a soft "Oof!"*
[08-01:53] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *walks after her, using his glowing sword as a torch* Miss... are you okay??
[08-01:53] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: * or not, as is just shown. He looks at Goury * Perhaps stay back a moment. *while he plods forawrds slowly, giving her time to react to him approaching a second time.
[08-01:53] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *
[08-01:53] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((falling asleep))
[08-01:55] ab6ae, Aurora : *tugs her foot free, giving her slipper a small rip in the process... a rip in her silk slippers. Dang this was getting expensive!.. She then looks up as Theo approaches, getting a bit of a deer in headlights look*
[08-01:55] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. Aur's so cute when she's being skittish, no?*
[08-01:55] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *slows a bit, lifting both hands. One hand goes to his hip slowly, and unclasps the weapon from his belt, dropping it to the ground * We do not want to hurt you. Please trust us.
[08-01:56] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *hangs back a bit, giving Theo and Aurora some space.*
[08-01:57] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *and yes, she's cute. Too bad Theo is too old *
[08-01:57] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *Goury isn't old... **
[08-01:58] ab6ae, Aurora : *tilts her head slightly as he disarms himself.. then slowly pushes herself up to her feet, pausing a moment to brush herself off*
[08-01:59] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *hopefully the light from the sword is enough that everyone can see eachother.*
[08-02:01] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *kieeps his hands up still, in a placating posture as he smiles at her gently* that's it. He is just using his blade to light so we may see in the forest. He will not harm you. And nor will I. Do you speak?
[08-02:01] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((guys? I gott ago soon... any didea to pose me out quickly?))
[08-02:02] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((Well, we where just about to town, if you want to continue towards it..))
[08-02:03] fb961, Liz: Why not blurr making it to the city, agreeing to meet up later or something?
[08-02:03] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((If the others agree))
[08-02:03] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((i'm okay with that..))
[08-02:04] ab6ae, Aurora : *glances back up at him with that question.. deep blue eyes full of curiousity. And, she made sound before, so it's presumed she can speak some language.. that, and the silken garb is not exactly wild person folk, and her skin is far too pale and dainty for her to be a rough woods person* ((Could always say your char reeaaally had to pee))
[08-02:04] ab6ae, Aurora : ((Nyuk nyuk))
[08-02:04] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((I can hold it for three days. *L* But a good idea))
[08-02:04] ab6ae, Aurora : ((And I'm okay with your quick exit))
[08-02:05] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *after reassuring Aurora a few times, he politely excuses himself... A) to fetch his horse before a bear eats it and B) he hasn't gone pee in three and a half days.
[08-02:05] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: *
[08-02:05] JOIN: razorbladekiss has entered.
[08-02:06] ab6ae, Aurora : ((*dies laughing*))
[08-02:06] ab6ae, Aurora : *after Theo begins to move off, she shifts those dark eyes to fix upon the younger f the two, Goury*
[08-02:07] 18a40, razorbladekiss: hello
[08-02:08] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he looks at Aurora for a few moments.. before saying.* He's righ, I wouldn't hurt you. I'm not into killing innocent people
[08-02:08] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((allo))
[08-02:09] ab6ae, Aurora : .. Do you kill undead? *She spoke!*
[08-02:09] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((*puts that on the board))
[08-02:09] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((or at least I try to. It wont let me. Bah. will try tomorrow))
[08-02:10] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *pauses for a moment, thinking.* IF they are harming people, then I have to.
[08-02:10] ab6ae, Aurora : ((Night Theo ))
[08-02:11] ab6ae, Aurora : .. Have to?
[08-02:11] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((night Theo))
[08-02:11] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: I am a Warrior of Light.. I fight for truth and life..
[08-02:13] ab6ae, Aurora : *looks at him a bit more quizically*
[08-02:14] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: Sorry if I confuse you. Most do not understand me, or my beliefs... It's a little complicated
[08-02:14] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: Would you care to walk with me to Rauphenchi
[08-02:19] ab6ae, Aurora : .. They are nice beliefs. *glances towards the road, then back at him* ... Need to be careful. Undead, and worse, move the streets...
[08-02:20] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: I will protect you from them.. *he smiles.* I have faught many evil creatures.
[08-02:20] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 3:03am, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-02:21] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he looks at her for a moment, before half turning towards the town..*
[08-02:23] ab6ae, Aurora : *inwardly smiles at the offer to protect her.. she's taken down the creepy things herself... though she says nothing. After all.. he doesn't need to know what form she did it in* *carefully steps through the grass and weeds back to the dirt road, trying not to loose a slipper in the process*
[08-02:26] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he smiles as she walks over to him. He continues to walk towards the town. A new person he can help get there safely walking with him*
[08-02:26] ab6ae, Aurora : *Ain't he a sweetie..* *falls into step with him, walking in silence*
[08-02:27] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he's a good guy.. almost like a paladin.*
[08-02:28] ab6ae, Aurora : *if he only knew what manner of person it was walking with him..*
[08-02:29] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *as they walk, the town starts to appear before them. The street lights provide enough light that he doesn't need the light from the sword.. He re=sheaths it over his shoulder.* What's a lovely girl like you doing wandering the woods...
[08-02:30] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((I think Goury met Aurora a while ago.. about 3 months or so.))
[08-02:30] ab6ae, Aurora : *slight smile* .. Wandering ((Yes he did ))
[08-02:31] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((okay, bad memorie.. can't remember who's a friend and who's not..))
[08-02:32] ab6ae, Aurora : ((If it makes you feel better, I forgot as well))
[08-02:32] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he starts to think.. suddenly his memories rush back. he stops dead in his tracks..* I know you.. *he says with a smile..*
[08-02:33] ab6ae, Aurora : ((And... it was also broadcasted then, that Aurora was a unicorn. So he'd know that lil fact as well, even if he cannot see the horn)) *pause, peering at him*
[08-02:33] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: (( Right.... it's been a long time..))
[08-02:34] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: I met you a couple months ago, you where still walking around the forest
[08-02:34] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: Don't you remember me??
[08-02:35] ab6ae, Aurora : *tilts her head slightly, then offers him a small smile* .. Yes
[08-02:36] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he smiles to himself and her.* It's been a while, hasn't it. *he says, before continuing to walk into town.*
[08-02:37] ab6ae, Aurora : *reaches back, lifting a hood up to shield her face, as she moves to follow him*
[08-02:39] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *soon they exit the woods and start to walk on the streets. Rauphenchi, he hasn't been here for about as long as he hasn't seen Aurora.*
[08-02:40] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: Where can I take you?? *is getting tired and is thinking of heading to bed real soon.*
[08-02:40] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. they actually met up with Aurora closer to Krondor* *glances sidelong at him as she walks beside him*
[08-02:41] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ** okay.. now I remember... so much stuff was happening at that moment in my life.. stuff just got jumbled about in my head.**
[08-02:43] ab6ae, Aurora : .. I cannot recall your name
[08-02:44] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: Goury Lightbringer... And your Aurora, right??
[08-02:45] ab6ae, Aurora : *small nod*
[08-02:46] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *they begin to get closer to the Inn.*
[08-02:48] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: Hey, it's been a rather long journey for me.. Will I see you tomorow??
[08-02:49] ab6ae, Aurora : .. might. I live in the woods.. Though I come into town off and on
[08-02:50] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: You know where my house is right?? *he means his home in the woods.* If I'm not here, then I should be there.. and if not, then I'm around trying to help someone out
[08-02:51] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: But I really do need to sleep.. I've been on the road for the last month
[08-02:52] ab6ae, Aurora : .. Should find you. Sleep well *slight smile, then turns, and begins back towards the town's exit*
[08-02:53] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he stands for a moment, watching Aurora as she walks away.. As soon as she is out of sight he heads into the Inn and gets a room for the night.*
[08-02:53] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((was fun RPing again.. Hopefully I will be here more.))
[08-02:54] ab6ae, Aurora : ((Awesome See you around))
[08-02:55] EXIT: Goury Lightbringer has left the chat ( night all, hopefully I'll come back ).
[08-02:55] EXIT: Aurora has left the chat ( 3:54am, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-06:11] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[08-08:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-08:07] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[08-08:13] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[08-08:14] da6e2, Cara: God i hate my connection
[08-08:14] 889d3, Illisse Brilthor : hey Cara
[08-08:15] da6e2, Cara: roar
[08-08:16] 889d3, Illisse Brilthor : whats wrong with your connect?
[08-08:16] da6e2, Cara: well..last decided that this chat service no longer existed
[08-08:17] 889d3, Illisse Brilthor : haha sometimes mine does that
[08-08:17] da6e2, Cara: it's only now starting to work again
[08-08:18] 889d3, Illisse Brilthor : pjj gets screwy sometimes
[08-08:18] da6e2, Cara: *shakes fist at it*
[08-08:23] 889d3, Illisse Brilthor : just wait until will be really hard then
[08-08:23] da6e2, Cara: why?
[08-08:25] 889d3, Illisse Brilthor : *points up* downtime it gets slower than molassas then
[08-08:25] da6e2, Cara: oh
[08-08:30] 889d3, Illisse Brilthor : the last time..i couldnt get in..went to search and it just kept looping back to the search engine....
[08-08:30] da6e2, Cara: yeah..that's what happened
[08-08:32] 889d3, Illisse Brilthor : doesnt that make you crazy?
[08-08:33] da6e2, Cara: more so than I already am
[08-08:34] 889d3, Illisse Brilthor : well atleast for some of us its a very short trip
[08-08:34] da6e2, Cara: need to pack
[08-08:36] da6e2, Cara: eww...the milk is rotten
[08-08:57] 889d3, Illisse Brilthor : yikes....
[08-09:09] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[08-09:13] 889d3, Illisse Brilthor : Hey
[08-09:13] 889d3, Kali: oops
[08-09:18] 36bde, luthien: *sorry? did you say something*?
[08-09:21] 889d3, Kali: heh forgot which char was up
[08-09:23] 36bde, luthien: ((oh dear))
[08-11:09] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[08-11:10] cfaa7, Valandil Elladan: (( Hello? ))
[08-11:14] 889d3, Kali: hey
[08-11:14] 889d3, Kali: you're here.
[08-11:16] cfaa7, Valandil Elladan: (( Yeah, and you caught me right as I have to leave... like now! ))
[08-11:16] cfaa7, Valandil Elladan: (( I'll talk to you later... ))
[08-11:16] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( 12:16pm, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-11:16] 889d3, Kali: sure
[08-11:44] JOIN: Z has entered.
[08-11:47] 889d3, Kali: Aaye Z
[08-11:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-11:53] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:53pm, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-11:55] 94c70, Z: Hey
[08-11:57] 889d3, Kali: how are you?
[08-12:00] 94c70, Z: I'm okay you?
[08-12:01] 889d3, Kali: bored...very very bored
[08-12:08] 94c70, Z: aww, I'm sorry. I'd do something, but I have to go in a short while to work.
[08-12:10] 889d3, Kali: ah its ok...I'm working on these spells..Im just not really in the mood but it keeps me from staring at the walls...
[08-12:15] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[08-12:16] 50bf8, Cara: It did it again...grr
[08-12:18] 889d3, Kali: hmm...
[08-12:18] 889d3, Kali: *smacks chat* Bad chat! Bad!
[08-12:21] 50bf8, Cara: *makes a snarly face* And now I have to do dishes
[08-12:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-12:25] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:25pm, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-12:25] 889d3, Kali: ah well have fun
[08-12:26] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[08-12:26] 889d3, Kali: Hi Axis
[08-12:27] 72f58, Axis : ((hey hey))
[08-12:29] 50bf8, Cara: I just cant do it..God..ugh..i hate cleaning*shiver*
[08-12:29] 72f58, Axis : ((I had to do dishes this morning...))
[08-12:29] 889d3, Kali: i know that is frightening....
[08-12:30] 50bf8, Cara: I'm avoiding them right now..but i've done laundry..vacumed...dusted
[08-12:30] 889d3, Kali: but look on the bright least you dont have to clean out stalls every day...
[08-12:30] 50bf8, Cara: *points to house* can you say.....sty?
[08-12:31] 889d3, Kali:
[08-12:32] 72f58, Axis : ((scrub the floors and get yelled at for doing it worng..thats my life))
[08-12:32] 889d3, Kali: there's a wrong way to do it? as long as it gets clean is my point of view
[08-12:33] 50bf8, Cara: Yeah..there's a wrong way to do it?
[08-12:37] 889d3, Kali: *looks at chat* ah..Omnipotence we need a life....looks like a flock of old hens discussing the way to clean house....*dies*
[08-12:38] 72f58, Axis : ((heh according to me mom. Wheee I just got my kingdom done))
[08-12:40] 50bf8, Cara: well..we really hadnt gotten into methods
[08-12:40] 889d3, Kali: yet... oh stop me now....
[08-12:43] 50bf8, Cara: *shoves a apple in Kali's mouth* there ya go
[08-12:43] 889d3, Kali: *voice muffled* tfank yuu
[08-12:44] 889d3, Kali: *bites apple* yummmm
[08-12:44] 72f58, Axis : ((*regesters the king* la la la))
[08-12:44] 50bf8, Cara: It's one of those wonderful sour grandparents grow them
[08-12:45] 889d3, Kali: OOhhhhhh *shivers*
[08-12:47] 50bf8, Cara: I get a pie later...yay!!
[08-12:48] 889d3, Kali: do you think they'll adopt me?
[08-12:48] 72f58, Axis : ((heh Lucky. my grand father was a coal miner in west virgina))
[08-12:48] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[08-12:48] fb961, Liz: *yawns*
[08-12:49] 50bf8, Cara: Oh? My grandfather, the one with the apples, was a miner. He's retired now.
[08-12:49] 50bf8, Cara: Hmmm..I dunno. *L* they'll make you earn your keep
[08-12:50] 72f58, Axis : ((the town he lived was a hole...ah well *gnaws on everyone*))
[08-12:50] 889d3, Kali: I earn my keep anyway.....there isnt anyone here that does it for me
[08-12:51] 50bf8, Cara: ((what was the town called? I live in Virginia you see, so I may know the place))
[08-12:51] 50bf8, Cara: ((I like self sufficant people. Leeches only get my wrath))
[08-12:52] 50bf8, Cara: I dont know why I have parenthseis around that
[08-12:52] 72f58, Axis : ((hmm he lived in a little town called Warton in Boone county.))
[08-12:52] 50bf8, Cara: No yay, wow, crap!!!!
[08-12:53] 50bf8, Cara: damnitt...edited again
[08-12:53] 72f58, Axis : ((???))
[08-12:54] 50bf8, Cara: I know where that is
[08-12:55] 889d3, Kali: heh for a minute there i though you might be saying that you live there...
[08-12:55] 72f58, Axis : ((ahhh))
[08-12:56] 50bf8, Cara: Oh, no. I live in a tiny town in Va
[08-12:58] fb961, Liz: Just va?
[08-12:58] 889d3, Kali: hmm have you ever noticed that we all seem to live in small towns? i have yet to meet anyone that lives in the 'big city' ...except for 1 person
[08-12:58] 72f58, Axis : ((I live in ohio so.....yeah. any way...))
[08-12:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-12:58] 50bf8, Cara: hmm...ever notice the correlation with small towns and computer usage?
[08-12:59] 889d3, Kali: means there aint nuthin to do but chase cows and plow fields around here
[08-13:00] 72f58, Axis : ((similar to my town kali))
[08-13:01] 50bf8, Cara: hmm..kinda like that here..except it's very..mountainy
[08-13:02] 889d3, Kali: how big is your town? mine's less than 900 people......the high school here has more people in it than town...they bus in from as far as 20 miles
[08-13:03] 50bf8, Cara: It's hard to say the county there is about 3,000
[08-13:04] 72f58, Axis : ((we have 4,000))
[08-13:05] 889d3, Kali: i have no idea county wise..there are several large cities but they are like 30-40 miles from here...
[08-13:05] fb961, Liz: *curls up and reads her book*
[08-13:06] 889d3, Kali: oh i thatk that back there is one just about 25 miles from me......*steals liz's book* OOhhhhh mmhmm
[08-13:07] fb961, Liz: Mine!!! *squalls like a baby* It's the good part!
[08-13:07] 72f58, Axis : ((yay I just sent in the reg form for the king of my kingdom))
[08-13:08] 889d3, Kali: *waves book over head* nope not givin back....cant make me....
[08-13:08] fb961, Liz: Where would it be? And Axis, do you have msn? My express is'nt working.
[08-13:09] fb961, Liz: *eyes* No fair! You're taller! *is 4'11*
[08-13:09] 72f58, Axis : ((*grabs the book* yeah I do...I'm not completley sure how it works though..))
[08-13:10] 889d3, Kali: *is 5'6"* but ...hey ....blasted males....*sighs*...*tries to get book back*
[08-13:10] fb961, Liz: You load it up..and sign in
[08-13:12] 72f58, Axis : ((eats the book))
[08-13:12] 72f58, Axis : ((bah I kow that I'm signed in.))
[08-13:13] fb961, Liz: My book! Dammit all! You've made the oompah mad! *latches onto his knees and begins gnawing at his kneecaps* What's your adress thingy?
[08-13:14] 72f58, Axis : ((stop gnawing me. Hrm Hex Darkfire soemthing like htat))
[08-13:16] 889d3, Kali: *laughs at little sis* you like him huh?
[08-13:16] fb961, Liz: You have to be sure..what's your hotmail addy?
[08-13:16] fb961, Liz: *eyes Illisse* You're next
[08-13:17] 889d3, Kali: *chuckles*
[08-13:17] 72f58, Axis : ((I'll remember later..wahts you adress thing?))
[08-13:18] fb961, Liz:
[08-13:20] 72f58, Axis : ((it says your off line))
[08-13:20] fb961, Liz: Am not
[08-13:22] 72f58, Axis : ((*shrugs*))
[08-13:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-13:23] fb961, Liz: What's that! *points*
[08-13:24] 72f58, Axis : ((a glowign ball of light))
[08-13:25] fb961, Liz: *steals back her book*
[08-13:25] 889d3, Kali: eeeeeee...Liz...thats just gross
[08-13:26] 72f58, Axis : ((out of my stomach?))
[08-13:26] 50bf8, Cara: i totaly missed the height covo but i'm 5'4~
[08-13:26] fb961, Liz: I get very determined when it comes to my books.
[08-13:27] 72f58, Axis : ((LOL....hrmmm any one able to rp?))
[08-13:27] 889d3, Kali: yeah
[08-13:27] ab6ae, Will-o'-the-wisp: I... am here
[08-13:27] ab6ae, Will-o'-the-wisp: ... I... lost my name? Aah!
[08-13:27] 50bf8, Cara: I am! I think...laundry is in the dryer and the dishes are done
[08-13:27] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:27pm, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-13:28] ab6ae, Sileen: *ahem* ... I... am here
[08-13:28] fb961, Liz: Me!! Me!! Oh! Pick me! *jumps up and down*
[08-13:29] 72f58, Axis : ((*throws all IC*)) *up on a roof top*
[08-13:29] 50bf8, Cara: *wags tail*
[08-13:29] EXIT: Cara has left the chat ( 2:29pm, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-13:30] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[08-13:31] 889d3, Ankalima Morwen : *sits at the bar of the Inn..having a drink*
[08-13:32] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[08-13:32] 50bf8, Caradonia: *Is on a rooftop as well, just not the same one. She counting her "earnings" from her activites earlier. 16 gold, a few silver. very, very nice day yes indeed. Thinking on this she starts giggling*
[08-13:33] bbb9f, Ramzix : ((where be you all. I'm at the tavern. can never remember it's name though.))
[08-13:34] 889d3, Ankalima Morwen : ((Gllimmering Inn))
[08-13:34] 50bf8, Caradonia: ((atop of a roof...of a closed shop))
[08-13:35] 72f58, Axis : ((atop a roof))
[08-13:35] fb961, Liz: *wars with herself* Breakfast or rp..
[08-13:36] 72f58, Axis : ((both liz))
[08-13:38] fb961, Liz: But I can't fry bacon and eggs and rp at the same time..
[08-13:39] 72f58, Axis : ((eat them and rp))
[08-13:39] fb961, Liz: I think I will
[08-13:39] 50bf8, Caradonia: ((*wags tail*))
[08-13:40] 72f58, Axis : ((hey sileen get in here))
[08-13:40] fb961, Liz: I'll be back in a bit
[08-13:40] bbb9f, Ramzix : *he sits in the roof of the glimmer inn, looking out across the landspace. it's been a long time since he's been outside.*
[08-13:41] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[08-13:41] 889d3, Ankalima Morwen : ((holeh the roofs of this town sure are busy))
[08-13:41] 50bf8, Caradonia: *She dumps the coins into her small bag, heavy with her efforts. She pulls out something from a smaller pouch, it glitters when moonlight grazes over it's silvery surface. It's a ring, a rather ordionary one. SHe has no real use for it except that it reminds her of the one she lost*
[08-13:43] bbb9f, Ramzix : Ramzix is ever only seen in or around the inn. he lives there.
[08-13:43] 50bf8, Caradonia: ((but of course!!))
[08-13:43] bbb9f, Ramzix : ((that was ooc))
[08-13:43] 889d3, Ankalima Morwen : ((*knows*))
[08-13:45] bbb9f, Ramzix : ((anyone in or on glimmering inn?))
[08-13:45] 72f58, Axis : ((*hunts sileen down and drags her in*))
[08-13:45] 889d3, Ankalima Morwen : (im Inside)
[08-13:46] fb961, Liz: I will be once I come IC *has to wash the grill*
[08-13:47] 889d3, Ankalima Morwen : *changes post* I have been informed that I am on the roof of Levalds shop)
[08-13:48] 50bf8, Caradonia: ((rooftop party!!))
[08-13:48] c6c97, Aldrik : (with me)
[08-13:49] 72f58, Axis : ((brb))
[08-13:50] ab6ae, Aegnora : .
[08-13:50] fb961, Liz: I think I can come IC, though you might have to wait some for my posts
[08-13:51] bbb9f, Ramzix : ((I can never find an rp here. *pouts* no one is ever really near the inn))
[08-13:51] 889d3, Ankalima Morwen : ((levalds is just across from the Inn and about 2 down))
[08-13:51] c6c97, Aldrik : *steps back as his dagger flys the ten feet slaming tip first into the center of a small knot in the wood beam. it was a great throw.*Your turn.
[08-13:53] fb961, Liz: *growls* Bloody yolk broke.
[08-13:55] 50bf8, Caradonia: ((I can get in the inn..if you wanna play with a gypsy))
[08-13:57] fb961, Averey Lithle : *seated at a corner table of the inn is a young elven woman with long hair the color of a red rose and vibrant eyes the green of a pure emerald. Yet, within those eyes is a barely suppressed fear that can be seen in the way she watches the place and the stiffness of her spine. Something bad has happened and she's nowhere near gotten over it*
[08-13:57] bbb9f, Ramzix : *He sits alone on the roof sharpening his Katana. He may be a mute, but he misses having people yo communicate with. and interact with. He's starting to regret his self inforced isolation*
[08-13:58] 889d3, Ankalima Morwen : *chuckles, before taking the same place as Aldrik, but about at the edge of the roof, some 15 feet farther away.....she doesnt even have a dagger in her hand, Yet as he looks there is a thunk in the post accompanying a sound of metal on metal.....she grins at the look on his fave...* You should know better...
[08-13:58] c6c97, Xyva: *ponders what playing with a gypsy would be like. *
[08-14:03] 889d3, Ankalima Morwen : ((bah face))
[08-14:05] c6c97, Aldrik : *smiles*Alright.*takes her place at the edge, placing his hand on his new dager.*watch and learn*Takes a small step over the edge as he throws the dagger and catches the ledge. immedieatly following would be the sound of metal on metal and the thud of the wood as his dagger separates the other two.then he pulls himself up*
[08-14:08] fb961, Averey Lithle : (( Almost there ))
[08-14:12] 889d3, Ankalima Morwen : *her heart stopping as he stepped off the ledge, she heard the sound of his dagger hitting the post* Hey...thats my favorite...*going to pull her dagger from the post and leaving his there*
[08-14:12] fb961, Averey Lithle : *she watches the two with their little acts of competition and smiles slightly. They're not all that bad*
[08-14:13] c6c97, Aldrik : *retrieves his two after climbing back to his feet.*
[08-14:13] 889d3, Ankalima Morwen : ((averey...we are on the roof of levalds smithy about t buildings down and across fro the inn))
[08-14:14] fb961, Averey Lithle : (( Opps...but I thought Aldrik was in the Inn ))]
[08-14:14] JOIN: Goury Lightbringer has entered.
[08-14:14] 889d3, Ankalima Morwen : ((ah its ok..I'm on my way to the inn))
[08-14:15] 72f58, Axis : *is somewhere....mayeb in the inn drinking a glass of wie*
[08-14:16] 72f58, Axis : ((wine*)
[08-14:16] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *is just waking up upstairs in the inn.*
[08-14:17] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((change text))
[08-14:17] fb961, Averey Lithle : *in a soft, low voice she flaggs down a serving girl and orders a light breakfast with a glass of juice*
[08-14:17] 889d3, Ankalima Morwen : *shaking her head towards him* well I win..this was practice not showing how to get yourself killed......*she turns away, going back down into Levalds shop and out the front door, heading to the Inn*
[08-14:17] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((next))
[08-14:18] c6c97, Aldrik : *gone*
[08-14:18] EXIT: Aldrik has left the chat ( 3:18pm, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-14:19] 72f58, Axis : ((hmmm *plots conquering kingdoms*))
[08-14:20] ab6ae, Sileen: *plots conquering Axis*
[08-14:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-14:20] ab6ae, Sileen: *.. after he conquers all the kingdoms ofcourse*
[08-14:20] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[08-14:20] fb961, Averey Lithle : *plots bringing down Sileen*
[08-14:20] fb961, Averey Lithle : (())
[08-14:21] ab6ae, Sileen: *plots weither she wants Averey marinated, or deep fried*
[08-14:21] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Deepfried.))
[08-14:21] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *after dressing in his light blue armor he opens the door to his room.. He begins to head down the hall, then down the stairs. His hair still slightly messed up from sleeping.*
[08-14:22] ab6ae, Sileen: Deep fried it is *goes to start a fire*
[08-14:22] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((<_<>_>)
[08-14:23] fb961, Averey Lithle : *waits for her food, looking around the room*
[08-14:25] 889d3, Ankalima Morwen : *opens the door of the Inn. not bothering to look around the room, before heading straight to the bar and ordering a glass of honey wine*
[08-14:25] 72f58, Axis : ((*tackles sileen*))
[08-14:27] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((mmmmmm mead...))
[08-14:30] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *as he gets to the main room of the Inn, he glances around.. Noticing all the other people... Hmmm...It appears to be buisy today. He thinks to himself..*
[08-14:30] 72f58, Axis : ((blaergh the demon wants to rp.))
[08-14:31] fb961, Averey Lithle : *her food arrives just as Goury would come down the stairs and so misses seeing him*
[08-14:32] ab6ae, Sileen: Which char you want? I got a half demon, a nightmare that flames, a unicorn.. and those are all I can throw at you currently
[08-14:33] 72f58, Axis : ((bring in del...or whoever))
[08-14:34] JOIN: Aralore has entered.
[08-14:34] 15c62, Aralore : ((Doom.))
[08-14:35] 72f58, Axis : ((Doom))
[08-14:36] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: * He pauses for a moment, trying to see if there was anyone he would recognize in the Inn.. And after a few moments, he sees Averey sitting by herself, eating..* How odd is that?? *he wonders, having been back only three days, he's run into almost eveyone he knows.*
[08-14:37] 72f58, Axis : *axis is in the inn in a corner with his cowl up watchign the inn*
[08-14:38] 889d3, Ankalima Morwen : *getting her wine, she turns in her seat to examine the others in the room*
[08-14:38] fb961, Averey Lithle : *she seems to be occupied picking apart the small chunck of bread that came with her meal*
[08-14:39] 15c62, Aralore : *Ambles slowly along the streets of Ruapenchi, tracing his hand along a stone statue as he wanders about a park ponderously, using a simple wooden cane for movement*
[08-14:39] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *Delotha more or less storms into the common room of the inn, looking around...*
[08-14:40] 72f58, Axis : *and axis nods to her*
[08-14:40] ceea7, Steve: Poor poor bunny
[08-14:41] fb961, Averey Lithle : (( you have msn? ))
[08-14:42] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he glances around the room for another moment, allowing the other people to pass to their tables. He starts to walk over to Averey's table.*
[08-14:43] fb961, Averey Lithle : *sensing the approach of someone, she looks up, eyes widening at the sight of him* Sir Lightbringer!
[08-14:44] MSG: Steve sent a message to Averey Lithle.
[08-14:44] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *gives an absent nod to Axis as she continues scanning the rest of the interior... then finally makes her way over to Axis* I need a priest, unicorn, healer of doom, or anything like that... Do you have any idea where I can find one?
[08-14:45] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : ((Healer of doom?))
[08-14:46] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he smiles at Averey* Hello Averey. It's been a while..
[08-14:46] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : (( ))
[08-14:46] fb961, Averey Lithle : That it has been, My Lord
[08-14:47] 15c62, Aralore : ((BRB))
[08-14:47] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he places a hand on the chair across from averey.* Mind if I sit with you??
[08-14:48] 72f58, Axis : Hrm...I do know a priest. Sevadi is his name. I might be able to find you want me to look? He'll prolly find me first if I walk around...
[08-14:48] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : You know one? *perks up* I need help kidnapping him...
[08-14:49] 72f58, Axis : You don't wnat to kidnap him. Trust me more trouble than it's worth. We just need to convince him. (If SEv would liek to go IC) Want to go with me to find him?
[08-14:50] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *snort* No priest in his right mind would heal a drow unless forced... Though we can try your "convincing" first
[08-14:50] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : And yes. Let's find him
[08-14:51] 72f58, Axis : *he gets up and imeditaly heads towards the temple where he last met Sev.*
[08-14:51] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *falls in behind Axis*
[08-14:52] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *is of course where all priests of Mishakal would be at this point and time of the temple...he is currently deep within prayer with other priests of his order...and they look all the for the markings he bears...there are only one or two others with similar markings*
[08-14:52] 72f58, Axis : *arrives at the temple and waits. Sev ought to sense him soon enough*
[08-14:53] fb961, Averey Lithle : *shakes her head* Not at my guest
[08-14:53] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... What? He's in there? Why are we waiting out here then?
[08-14:53] EXIT: Ankalima Morwen has left the chat ( 3:38pm, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-14:54] 72f58, Axis : He will come to us.
[08-14:54] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *indeed he does...and for that he ends his prayers do several others...but with a wave of his hand he dismisses go back to prayer...and though he doesnt look like he's king turd of crap mountain here...people surely seem to respect him enough*
[08-14:55] 72f58, Axis : He is coming...
[08-14:55] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Why would he come to us? He's a priest, and we're a couple of fricken demons
[08-14:55] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he sits down in the chair across from her, flagging down a bar wench.*
[08-14:56] 72f58, Axis : Becasue I am a full demon.
[08-14:56] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: What have you been up to
[08-14:56] fb961, Averey Lithle : *sips her juice* How did your quest go? Did you find what you were looking for?
[08-14:56] 72f58, Axis : And he doesn't trust ,e mpt to casue trouble
[08-14:57] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *indeed he is coming, his head bowed so that he looks like any other priest of this order, his robes of flowing snow, his medallion of Mishakal dangling from his neck proudly, the thick braid hangs down his back though none can see it*
[08-14:57] 72f58, Axis : ((tust me not to))
[08-14:57] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: It went well. But I still have not foind inner peace.. *he smiles at her for a moment., ordering some breakfast himself.*
[08-14:58] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : I don't trust you not to cause trouble.. *glances up as a robed figure walks out*
[08-14:58] 15c62, Aralore : *Sits on the stonework, on the edge of a fountain set into the statue. Children play, splashing his shocker lizard. The creature responds by putting hints of a zap into the water to lightly shock the children, a few cheers of laughter and excitement going on. He just watches passively, cloak pulled tightly about him*
[08-14:59] 72f58, Axis : YOu strike me to the quick. Time to help another drow. Sevadi!
[08-14:59] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *ashen gray eyes can now be seen by the two demons...the left eye being covered by a red eye burned into the flesh of his throat...just below the vocal chords*
[08-15:00] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *now now, one of the demons looks more like an elf*
[08-15:00] 72f58, Axis : We need you to heal someone.
[08-15:00] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. okay so both do. But Delotha's chaotic good dang it!*
[08-15:00] 72f58, Axis : ((and she is a half demon))
[08-15:00] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... That's a priest? *eyes him*
[08-15:02] 72f58, Axis : A very mean one.
[08-15:02] fb961, Averey Lithle : *nods* It will come, sooner or later
[08-15:03] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... Priests can be mean? I thought they were old bald guys that couldn't speak any lies and had to be polite
[08-15:03] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : Who? *those ashen gray eyes bear more the mark of a warrior by the stone, stoic watchfulness of them as he reguards the demon in front of him...and then the half breed* It seems you have multiplied in your stay here, demon..
[08-15:03] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: We will see what the future holds..
[08-15:03] fb961, Averey Lithle : *nods and looks down*
[08-15:04] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... I'll have you know I've been here longer then him. And I need my friend healed.
[08-15:04] 72f58, Axis : There are worse things than I in this city priest. And she is a nice girl. Any way he is a friend of hers. A very very evil demon burned him badly
[08-15:04] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *soon the food arrives..* So what have you been doing these last three months
[08-15:05] fb961, Averey Lithle : Nothing. *her expression grows quickly guarded and she grips her eating knife with white knuckles*
[08-15:05] JOIN: Sphere has entered.
[08-15:06] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : Why did you not bring him here? It would have saved time would it not? *his voice is cold, logical and even almost apathetic towards the full demon and his halfbreed...just...doesnt like them demons*
[08-15:06] 15c62, Aralore : *Traces a hand along the stonework, sipping from a small leather pouch containing his bane, Dwarven ale*
[08-15:07] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: The sound of your voice betrays you. *the begins to eat his food.* But if you do not wish to tell me, I wll understand
[08-15:07] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *doesn't like high and mighty priests either* Well, I would have, except he's a drow ... and people tend to freak out when there's a drow around. Hell, even his own kind are against him as he has something very few among us have.. a concious *eyes the priest*
[08-15:08] EXIT: Sphere has left the chat ( 4:05pm, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-15:08] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[08-15:09] 72f58, Axis : He was partly healed but he needs better care.
[08-15:09] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : ((Hey! Look! Its Baron Von Sum'bitch!))
[08-15:09] 42fe9, Strahd VonZarovich: ((locations?))
[08-15:10] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: ((Glittering Inn))
[08-15:11] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Strahd! ))
[08-15:11] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Outside a temple))
[08-15:12] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : ((, Temple of Mishakal)) *he lowers his hood to bare his mostly bald pate to the world...the only exception is the long black braid that hangs down to the back of his the mentioning of Drow his eyes narrow coldly* And why should I heal a moredhel?...Their kind have spat at Mishakal's light since their existence..
[08-15:12] fb961, Averey Lithle : The truth is...much has befallen me in the three months of your absence...none of it good.
[08-15:13] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Because this mored... whatever is an outcast to his own kind. He's not evil dang it!
[08-15:14] 72f58, Axis : He hates me if that is any help.
[08-15:14] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: That is unfortunate... But I have returned.. What is the name of those who have harmed you?? *takes another bite of his food.*
[08-15:14] fb961, Averey Lithle : Curst Diablos
[08-15:15] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: That foul beast. I should have finished him off a long time ago..
[08-15:16] fb961, Averey Lithle : I fear I am carrying his child.
[08-15:16] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *he casts an almost black stare towards Axis and closes his eyes as if conferring with powers higher than him...before his eyes open again and he speaks, his voice carrying that rumbling thunder of conviction...the kind that would cower those set against him if he wished* Take me to him..and I will judge for myself...if I find him lacking he will die.
[08-15:17] 72f58, Axis : (bwah! but she has aspecial poisen)
[08-15:17] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *her eyes narrow as she shifts her stance* To kiil him.. you would have to go through me first
[08-15:17] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : ((*is thankful the kid isnt his...what a scandal that would cause no?*))
[08-15:18] 72f58, Axis : *shrugs to del* ~he can try to kill him any road. it won't work~ *that in her mind*
[08-15:18] 15c62, Aralore : Damn it all...*eyes his cloak warily* Those cleaners can't get anything out...
[08-15:19] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: There must be something that we can do to improve this situation. *he says leaning back into his chair, a look of shock crossing his face.* How could Curst do this...
[08-15:19] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *his head turns slowly towardsDelotha his stare penetrating and overwhelming* That can be arranged... *there is no boasting, no braggardry in his voice..just cold, simple fact*
[08-15:20] 72f58, Axis : It'll work out Sevadi. He is a good guy even if him and I don't get along.
[08-15:20] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *eyes D'Angelos... eyes him good... then spins about on her heel, and stalks off in the "I'm inwardly throwing a tandrum" stalk*
[08-15:20] fb961, Averey Lithle : He has chosen me to be the mother of his army. A brood mare. *she reaches into a pouch at her waist* I have a poison. Harmless to cleanses demon blood. It could kill the child, but should it will be of my blood.
[08-15:22] 72f58, Axis : Follow us *the he heads after del*
[08-15:22] 15c62, Aralore : Perhaps I should just buy a new this a long way away...
[08-15:22] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *meets Delotha's gaze equally, unflinching, almost unblinking before he draws his hood back up and follows after Axis and Delotha, his robes swaying a little bit to show what might be a of the preferred weapons of Mishakal should she have to fight*
[08-15:23] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he looks to Averey for a moment, considering the poison.* Are you sure this poison wouldn't kill you.
[08-15:24] fb961, Averey Lithle : *nods* A friend gave it to me. I trust him.
[08-15:25] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. and for convience sake, and because da Sileen has to go before too much longer.... Hey look! There's Aralore in a spell* *mutters* What is he doing up and about..? *turns, and begins making a B-line towards Aralore*
[08-15:25] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Aralore in a square.. ahem))
[08-15:25] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: A friend. *he thinks about the situation with Averey and Curst.*
[08-15:26] fb961, Averey Lithle : I believe he is, anyway.
[08-15:26] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Either it does what Axis said, or he's evil and ir purges elf blood, so there'll be a full demon instead!))
[08-15:26] 15c62, Aralore : *Glances up, looking towards Delotha and waving amiably*
[08-15:27] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : Doesnt seem to be needing too much healing....*his voice remains stone neutral...almsot as if he had no soul at all...but he does...oh boy does he ever have soul*
[08-15:27] 72f58, Axis : ((bah *is nuetral*) The scarring is bad. and not everything was completley healed.
[08-15:27] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *eyes Aralore* You were supposed to stay resting... .. Axis found me a priest *glances back, and mutters softly to Aralore* He's an odd fellow though... Kinda creepy
[08-15:30] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *is a priest to end all priests....and yes is creepy in that "holier than thou" kinda way...mwahahaha*
[08-15:30] 15c62, Aralore : *Nods* Alright. I hope he can beautiful, beautiful body is still broken.
[08-15:32] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *looks to D'Angelos* .. Well? Can you heal him?
[08-15:34] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *can he heal the drow? Puh...he's only a priest for the Goddess of Healing and Protetcion....he looks over the Drow a moment with that scrutinizing eye...yeah he could heal him...would like more to brain him though with his warhammer....he just nods silently*
[08-15:34] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he sits there thinking for a couple more moments before finishing his breakfast.*
[08-15:35] 72f58, Axis : *has his gloves off under hte cloak and tenses in case the priest tries anything bad*
[08-15:35] 15c62, Aralore : *Glances at D'Angelos uncertainly, sitting there on the fountain without making any other movements*
[08-15:36] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *he pushes past the demons and moves towards the Drow...staring him carte blanche in the eyes, those ashen gray orbs seeming to pierce through skin and bone to soul as he draws his hood down from his face*
[08-15:36] fb961, Averey Lithle : *pushes her own plate away, no longer having an appetite*
[08-15:37] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *silently lowers her hand to the hilt of her sword, watching D'Angeelos veeeery closely. After all.. the priest had threatened before that he might kill him*
[08-15:37] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((.))
[08-15:39] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *without a further speech or somesort...he extends his hands those markings very visible upon him as...either by divine magic or trick of the light...all three markings...the hammer...the shield...the eye begin glowing he whispers his prayers..too soft for even those with demon and elven blood to hear*
[08-15:39] 15c62, Aralore : *Glances at him boredly, his unruly locks of white hair obscuring part of his face*
[08-15:42] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *watches him closely.. lightly biting her lip*
[08-15:42] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *Aralore would at first be rocked by a burning sensation...much like the flames that had scarred and broken his "beautiful" body....that burning being replaced by the sting of his skin renewing itself at such an accelerated rate*
[08-15:43] 15c62, Aralore : *Inhales sharply, but doesn't flinch too much as the healing magic rearranges and weaves the fabric of his body*
[08-15:46] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *he continues his apparently being a low level sort of healing...or so it seems....but in either drains him of energy quickly as he has to give of himself to heal others...such is the price with being a Warrior Priest of Mishakal....after a few moments...he stops his prayers..and the lights on those markings burned into his flesh fade into nohtingness and...his hands lower, brushing past the folds of his robes to bear a warhammer to a brief glimpse of sight*
[08-15:47] 72f58, Axis : *nods and eases his grip on his sword*
[08-15:48] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: **fade for a few***
[08-15:49] 15c62, Aralore : *Grins, happily* Thanks! *hops down off of the fountain construct, shocker lizard taking a mighty leap onto his shoulder.*
[08-15:50] fb961, Averey Lithle : **pause**
[08-15:50] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *he proudly surpresses a cough of exertion, steeling his jaw as he draws his hood ul and moves off....saying nothing to the demons or the Drow...will watch those three closely*
[08-15:51] EXIT: Averey Lithle has left the chat ( 4:50pm, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-15:51] 72f58, Axis : *loosk back at aralore* Better I take it?
[08-15:51] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... Were you not a priest who would likely take offense... I could hug you. *nods to Sevadi* Thank you. Should you need a return favor, you've but to ask
[08-15:53] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *offense from a hug...heh...* You may show such gratitude by tithing to the Temple of Mishakal....*yes...his Goddess loves you...but she needs your money...* *with that..he seemingly fades into the growing crowd*
[08-15:54] 15c62, Aralore : *Stretches his arms and legs in amazement, moving up to Delotha and putting his arms around her* And thank you for finding me a healer.
[08-15:55] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Thank him actually *points thumb at Axis*
[08-15:56] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : ((No Thank Mishakal she healed yo punk ass! >.<!! ))
[08-15:56] 72f58, Axis : *shrugs* By the way Aralore can we have abit of a truce here? easier than fighting eh?
[08-15:56] 15c62, Aralore : *Bites the inside of his cheek, mumbling a bit before taking his arms and putting them behind his back, bowing low to Axis* My sincerest gratitude. Thank you.
[08-15:56] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Thank her too, yes))
[08-15:57] 15c62, Aralore : Doh...*waves his hand dismissively, gazing up in the air* Very well.
[08-15:57] 72f58, Axis : Bah...usually I get along with drow ah well *shrugs again*
[08-15:58] 15c62, Aralore : A truce. As for that temple...I'll be off...there should be a thousand gold or so I can procure to it.
[08-15:58] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : .
[08-15:58] 15c62, Aralore : ((GTG))
[08-15:59] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles* Have fun, Aralore
[08-15:59] 15c62, Aralore : *Moves off, his grace and speed returned. With this, he wanders off to attend to random errands*
[08-16:00] 72f58, Axis : *chuckles as well* He seems happy.
[08-16:03] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *partial beaming* Yes he does...
[08-16:05] 72f58, Axis : ((oh great it is tenma the demon slayer. NYA)) How long have you known him?
[08-16:06] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : A few years
[08-16:07] 72f58, Axis : Ahh. Want a bottle of wine?
[08-16:07] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. Sure *smirks*
[08-16:08] 72f58, Axis : *and off to the Glimmering*
[08-16:10] 72f58, Axis : *and when they get their he buys them wine...a bottle for del*
[08-16:12] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *woot* ((Alas.. I got to go))
[08-16:12] 72f58, Axis : ((oaky...cya))
[08-16:14] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Take care!)) *drinks.. is merry.. then excuses herself to go find the happy drow*
[08-16:31] EXIT: Strahd VonZarovich has left the chat ( 4:09pm, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-17:24] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[08-17:26] 5e834, Aralore : *seduces said drunk demoness*
[08-17:29] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[08-17:30] JOIN: Goury Lightbringer has entered.
[08-17:33] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *looks up to Averey for a moment.*
[08-17:35] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: So who is this friend of yours??
[08-17:35] fb961, Averey Lithle : *looks back at him, her eyes holding a pain that was'nt there the last time he saw her*
[08-17:36] fb961, Averey Lithle : His name is Axis
[08-17:36] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: I don't think I Know this person
[08-17:39] fb961, Averey Lithle : I don't think you would.
[08-17:40] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *he looks to averey for a moment..* We should do something...
[08-17:43] fb961, Averey Lithle : Like what? Hunt him? The demon is unstoppable
[08-17:43] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: I can defeat him.. *ponders the Idea of killing Curst*
[08-17:44] fb961, Averey Lithle : *eyes* Don't throw your life away.
[08-17:46] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: I wouldn't be...*he smiles a bit, pattingth sword at his side.*
[08-17:47] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: I almost had him defeated before..
[08-17:47] fb961, Averey Lithle : *sighs* He's freekishly fast and he regenerates anything you do to him
[08-17:48] fb961, Averey Lithle : Almost is'nt enough
[08-17:48] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: The wounds given to him by this sword he wouldn't be able to heal
[08-17:51] fb961, Averey Lithle : I saw no wounds
[08-17:53] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: He will feel great pain for harming you... *begns to plot on how to kill the demon.*
[08-17:55] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: *long ago, Goury had promised to protect Averey. He had failed.*
[08-17:56] fb961, Averey Lithle : You should just leave me alone...*looks down* If he comes after me again, he will start with taking down those her perceives as my loved ones.
[08-17:57] 3a8a8, Roki:
[08-17:57] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: I gave you my word long ago that I would not let any harm come to you.. I have failed. But I will make up for what has been done. I shall take that demons head.
[08-18:01] fb961, Averey Lithle : *looks up at him* Sir Lightbringer..
[08-18:03] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: Yes. *pauses in his thoughts.*
[08-18:05] fb961, Averey Lithle : I don't want to lose you, too...*which implies that she has lost others*(
[08-18:07] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: I can attain help.
[08-18:08] fb961, Averey Lithle : Oh?
[08-18:10] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: And if not me, you know a few people... IT has been a while since I have been around here..
[08-18:11] fb961, Averey Lithle : I only really know Axis..and then there's the mercenaries..
[08-18:11] ef9ce, Goury Lightbringer: **pause**
[08-18:11] fb961, Averey Lithle : **pause**
[08-18:59] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[08-18:59] 03b15, Kali: hey
[08-18:59] d07d6, Rav: hello
[08-19:00] d07d6, Rav : there thats better
[08-19:00] 03b15, Kali: *illisse*
[08-19:00] d07d6, Rav : I thought so
[08-19:01] 03b15, Kali: k
[08-19:03] 03b15, Kali: glad to see you around gets a bit boring around here
[08-19:04] d07d6, Rav : I am sorry I have been really busy with a mundane life lately
[08-19:04] 03b15, Kali: life...whats that?
[08-19:06] d07d6, Rav : I am not really sure but apperantly I have one.
[08-19:07] 03b15, Kali: hmm...
[08-19:07] 03b15, Kali: i dont...
[08-19:08] d07d6, Rav : they are not as much fun as everyone makes them out to be
[08-19:09] 03b15, Kali: well then I guess I'm glad i dont have one....
[08-19:11] 5e834, Aralore : ((DOOM))
[08-19:12] d07d6, Rav : *L*
[08-19:12] d07d6, Rav : no not doom
[08-19:12] d07d6, Rav : anything but thats
[08-19:12] 03b15, Kali: hello Aralore
[08-19:13] 03b15, Kali: hey aralore....where are the links?
[08-19:15] d07d6, Rav : sorry I ate those
[08-19:15] 03b15, Kali: oh great........thanks know Roki wont like that
[08-19:17] d07d6, Rav : Well, he'll just have to ummmm be Roki.
[08-19:17] 03b15, Kali: wow...*hugs*
[08-19:18] 03b15, Kali: umm i didnt mean about Roki... reg..thanks
[08-19:18] 5e834, Aralore : ((What links?))
[08-19:18] d07d6, Rav : np
[08-19:19] d07d6, Rav : the ones for the web sight and for tow
[08-19:19] 03b15, Kali: the ones for tides of war and the new Bettenchi site
[08-19:19] 5e834, Aralore : ((Well, I would surmise that the Bettenchi site is under "Welcome."))
[08-19:20] d07d6, Rav : nope you surmised wrong
[08-19:20] 03b15, Kali: emm No...dont think so
[08-19:22] 5e834, Aralore : ((Well, it's not in my power to change the MOTD anymore. There are too many links on the MOTD. Mab should really start making a link to the board that has links to other threads/sites. Otherwise the MOTD is too cluttered.))
[08-19:22] 5e834, Aralore : ((But I thought I included all the links there were except what Steve told me to take down...))
[08-19:23] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[08-19:23] 03b15, Kali: there should be one to the new site.because it will have all the spells, species and what nots
[08-19:24] 5e834, Aralore : ((Spell lists are on the MOTD.))
[08-19:24] 03b15, Kali: *sighs* never mind.Aralore
[08-19:25] d07d6, Rav : Hey Aralore if you know the link addys you can make a post with them on it.
[08-19:27] 5e834, Aralore : ((Listen, I'm sorry if the MOTD doesn't have that stuff if it had it before, but I have a text file of the old MOTD right here, and I tell you I didn't take that stuff off!))
[08-19:27] 03b15, Kali: heyyy whoa..slow one is yelling here..
[08-19:31] d07d6, Rav : no one is yelling at anyone as far as I know I just don't have the addys to those sites or I would make a post with them on it myself.
[08-19:31] 03b15, Kali: *nudged Roki*
[08-19:32] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[08-19:32] 3a8a8, Roki: *needs a virgin sacrifice*
[08-19:32] 03b15, Kali: LOL
[08-19:33] d07d6, Rav : Well, I am not a virgin so I guess I won't do at all.
[08-19:33] 3a8a8, Roki:
[08-19:33] 3a8a8, Roki: merry xmas guys
[08-19:34] d07d6, Rav : is that the bettenchi addy?
[08-19:34] 03b15, Kali: the tow is
[08-19:35] 3a8a8, Roki: i certainly hope so
[08-19:35] 03b15, Kali: if its not..we have big trouble...
[08-19:37] d07d6, Rav : ok there is a post on the board with the links on it
[08-19:39] 03b15, Kali: *reads Mab's admin post* What happened to Jace? he hasnt been around in a few weeks
[08-19:40] d07d6, Rav : I really would not worry too much about it at all. he is more than likely mad about some decitions that were made.
[08-19:41] 03b15, Kali: hmmm well thats not new
[08-19:41] MSG: Roki sent a message to Rav.
[08-19:43] MSG: Rav sent a message to Roki.
[08-19:44] MSG: Roki sent a message to Jace.
[08-19:45] 3a8a8, Roki: wtf ?
[08-19:45] MSG: Roki sent a message to Rav.
[08-19:48] MSG: Rav sent a message to Roki.
[08-19:49] 03b15, Kali: *pouts*
[08-19:50] MSG: Roki sent a message to Rav.
[08-19:53] d07d6, Rav : whats wrong Kali?
[08-19:53] 03b15, Kali: *feels left out*
[08-19:56] d07d6, Rav : sorry we are talking about the chat and ideas for new things to do. but unfortunately I have to go and eat dinner I may be back on later.
[08-20:01] 03b15, Kali: gtg anyway you missed the point
[08-20:02] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 9:01pm, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-20:09] JOIN: Sir Galin Del'Mara has entered.
[08-20:10] 51d9a, Sir Galin Del'Mara : Amazing, my settings are still here.
[08-20:11] 51d9a, Sarelth:
[08-20:13] 51d9a, Trinket : *Scitters back into the shadows to hide till there is life here.*
[08-20:14] 51d9a, Trinket : ((Later, fellow lurkers))
[08-20:15] EXIT: Trinket has left the chat ( 9:14pm, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-20:21] 3a8a8, Roki: mooooo
[08-20:32] ab6ae, Sileen: *peer*
[08-20:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-20:36] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[08-20:37] ab6ae, Sileen: 'Allo there Aegnor
[08-20:37] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[08-20:38] ab6ae, Sileen: 'Allo there Liz
[08-20:38] fb961, Liz: Hello
[08-20:40] 5e834, Aralore : ((Twenty three skidoo..))
[08-20:40] fb961, Liz: Slow night, again
[08-20:41] ab6ae, Sileen: It'll pick up eventually
[08-20:42] fb961, Liz: Yeah
[08-20:44] ab6ae, Sileen: *stares*
[08-20:44] 5e834, Aralore : ((Yay, some CCR on Kazaa...hope eet isn't polluted MP3.))
[08-20:44] ab6ae, Sileen: MEW!
[08-20:45] fb961, Liz: *sighs* When is she gonna pop?
[08-20:46] ab6ae, Sileen: Which she are you wanting to pop up?
[08-20:46] fb961, Liz: My cat. The kittens have been kicking for days.
[08-20:47] fb961, Liz: *wonders if they'll have extra toes or something because her brother got her preggers*
[08-20:47] ab6ae, Sileen:
[08-20:49] 5e834, Aralore : ((...I wish I were a cat... ))
[08-20:49] fb961, Liz: *ponders watching t.v*
[08-20:49] ab6ae, Sileen: Why do you want to be a cat, Aralore?
[08-20:49] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Your brother... got your cat pregnant? ...I wonder if that counts as incest.))
[08-20:50] ab6ae, Sileen: *dies laughing*
[08-20:50] ab6ae, Sileen: I think that falls under animalism
[08-20:50] 5e834, Aralore : ((So I don't have to do chemistry.))
[08-20:50] ab6ae, Sileen: Or beatiality... or whatever it's called
[08-20:50] fb961, Liz: No..I have two cats. A male and a female. Brother and sister. The male got the female pregnant
[08-20:50] ab6ae, Sileen: *snicker* *pats Aralore*
[08-20:51] 5e834, Aralore : ((Why didn't you have them spayed/neutered? Not necessarily in that order :/ ))
[08-20:52] fb961, Liz: Could'nt afford it
[08-20:52] fb961, Liz: Now we can...
[08-20:54] fb961, Liz: I'm gonna go for a bit..*wanders off*
[08-20:55] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((*slinks*))
[08-20:57] 5e834, Aralore : ((Doomdoomdoom doom doom..))
[08-20:58] ab6ae, Aegnora : .
[08-20:59] ab6ae, Aegnora : *night has fallen... her time has come. Many there will be this night, who will loose sleep...*
[08-21:00] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Stares at Aegnora's pic*))
[08-21:01] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((.. What?))
[08-21:02] 5e834, Aralore : ((Nothin'. *drool*))
[08-21:03] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((Yeah.. she's sexy... Cheat on Delotha with her and Delotha would kill you))
[08-21:05] 5e834, Aralore : ((Unless...I mean! *shifty eyes*))
[08-21:05] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *is watching Aralore... oh yes...*
[08-21:07] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Da dum dum PLOT!* *Doom*))
[08-21:09] 1212e, Chewie: *Lurks.*
[08-21:10] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[08-21:11] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. Actually... Delotha is laying on a rooftop, arms folded behind her head, as she stares up towards the heavens, pleased with the world at large... for the moment*
[08-21:12] 5220a, Caradonia: *She's moves away from the town, having grown tired of crowds and the voices of people. Out here, in the wilds it's bit better, the chirping of birds are better than people*
[08-21:16] 5e834, Aralore : *Stealthily finds Delotha upon that very same roof, dropping to it as though his shadowy form were the length and breadth of a feather. Aralore approaches her cautiously, seating himself close and planting a soft kiss on her lips*
[08-21:16] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((.. Anyone asleep? ))
[08-21:17] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *glances up at seeing a dark figure approach... a dark figure that boldly is leaning over her to kiss her. Must be Aralore... if not, well, they were gonna die in a second* Enjoying your healed perfect body?
[08-21:18] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((*Asleep*))
[08-21:20] ab6ae, Aegnora : ((I'm not dumb enough to give YOU a nightmare))
[08-21:21] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Nah. But I'm dumb enough to duct tape you to the cieling.))
[08-21:21] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((...Wtf. *@ handles)))
[08-21:22] 5220a, Caradonia: ((*attention wanders elsewhere*))
[08-21:23] 5e834, Aralore : Healed perfect body? Why, I haven't even your name, miss.*His amethyst eyes sparkle with mischief, reflective of brilliant starlight infintely distant. Eventually he puts an arm around her, glancing up at the stars more fully* Enjoying my remade body...I could ask you the very same question, Delotha. *grin*
[08-21:23] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : (( >_< No duct taping me to the cieling!))
[08-21:24] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *snort* Fortune awards the bold... but don't press your luck there, boy. I bite.
[08-21:26] 5e834, Aralore : So do I. No use fighting it. For fortune is a fleeting mistress, one I have had but glimpses of.
[08-21:27] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles as she pushes herself up into a sitting position* Do not go getting too bold just because I went chasing after a healer to save your vanity
[08-21:32] 5e834, Aralore : And what do you think causes my vanity? You can't be near some fire-charred weakling corpse every day. I must look at least a bit strong, if it is only a passing illusion.
[08-21:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-21:34] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Usually, you look like a fool... Especially when you go charging into a burning building after a woman who is fire proof
[08-21:35] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[08-21:35] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((*Eyes browser*))
[08-21:36] 5e834, Aralore : A fool? You wound me. I think I look persistent.
[08-21:37] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : All in the eye of the beholder
[08-21:40] 5220a, Caradonia: ((*eyes back*))
[08-21:42] 5e834, Aralore : Tch. If you don't appreciate my efforts, maybe I shouldn't make them anymore. Hmph. *turns away slightly, crossing his arm and upturning his nose*
[08-21:43] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : You say that... but we both know you'll keep on making efforts anyway *smirks*
[08-21:48] 5e834, Aralore : No, no. No more! You'll just have to do romantic things for yourself! *Sniffs haughtily*
[08-21:49] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. That would be interesting
[08-21:51] 5e834, Aralore : Without me, nothing's interesting.
[08-21:51] JOIN: Leda Nylund has entered.
[08-21:51] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Definate still have your healthy ego
[08-21:51] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Definately))
[08-21:53] 5e834, Aralore : And my inability to stay mad at you long. *Drapes his arms around her again, sighing helplessly*
[08-21:54] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *folds her arms, peering at him* .. Though I could hold a grudge for decades
[08-21:56] 5e834, Aralore : *Wry smirk* I'll be sure not to get on your bad side, then..
[08-21:57] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *smirks back* I am a woman... You think you can avoid that forever?
[08-21:58] 1212e, Zaknafein : *Is out wandering the city, though to avoid detection and hassle, he's been sticking to the roofs. Has quietly made his way to the roof Delotha and Aralore are on. Overhearing their conversation. Decides to speak up. His cowl is up and he's fully cloaked, but his speach would sound very much like a Drow.* Who says she hasn't found someone else to have a fling or two with?
[08-21:59] ab6ae, Aegnor: *In a dark lair yet to soiled by any pure ray of light, a massive, dark creature stirs. A dull glow eminates from an oozing mass at one corner, it serves only as a mild illumination - but it is far more than the creature needs. From an age-long slumber, it would seem, the being rises from its coil, dust and crushed stone cascading down in clouds.*
[08-22:00] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *pauses, then glances over the side of the roof* You cut me to the quick, Zak! Think I would do such a thing? *smirks*
[08-22:01] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[08-22:01] 5e834, Aralore : *Stiffens, frowning as the voice sounds oddly ghost-like to him; shrugs it off as he turns toward the source* Who is that, Delotha..?
[08-22:01] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[08-22:04] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Oh that? *grins* That's Zaknafein. Another drow who lurks about... Saved my life a couple of times.
[08-22:06] 5e834, Aralore : Zaknafein....well...anyone who was good enough to save Delotha is, I suppose, a friend indeed.
[08-22:06] fb961, Liz: Back!
[08-22:07] 1212e, Zaknafein : *Chuckles.* She's helped me get a few things I needed, so I returned the favor.
[08-22:07] 45c3e, Caradonia: *She sits herself down by the fire with a sigh and a look of releif. Her horse gives off an uneasy neigh, this drawing the weight of her gaze that shifts from where the animal grazes to the surrounding shadows. Frowning, she touches the forked steel under her cloak*
[08-22:08] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Yes.. I .. er... helped him find some stuff in the marketplace. Isn't that right, Zak?
[08-22:15] JOIN: Chewie has entered.
[08-22:16] 1212e, Zaknafein : *Laughs.* Yea.
[08-22:17] 5e834, Aralore : *Eyes Delotha suspiciously* Helped him find some stuff in the marketplace, huh? What kinds of stuff?
[08-22:18] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Some spell coponents. *yeah for parital truths*
[08-22:18] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((partial))
[08-22:20] 5e834, Aralore : *Arches a brow* You're lyyyyyy-ing...
[08-22:21] 1212e, Zaknafein : No she's not. I needed some components.
[08-22:21] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Only partially. I was helping him get spell components
[08-22:21] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : See?
[08-22:21] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *points to Zak* The drow said so
[08-22:22] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 11:06pm, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-22:23] 5e834, Aralore : What else were you doing? Hm?
[08-22:23] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Getting spell components! That's all!
[08-22:23] 3a8a8, Roki: SMOKING THE CHIBA !
[08-22:24] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : (( ))
[08-22:26] 5e834, Aralore : And why did he need your company, Delotha?
[08-22:26] 1212e, Zaknafein : Irritating other mages as I was taking my sweet time in purchasing things.
[08-22:26] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *sharp look at Zak*
[08-22:27] 1212e, Zaknafein : She kept the mages in line for a moment.
[08-22:27] JOIN: Z has entered.
[08-22:29] 1212e, Zaknafein : ((Hey Z.))
[08-22:29] 94c70, Z: hey
[08-22:32] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *looks back at Aralore, smiling*
[08-22:32] 5e834, Aralore : Sure....*Eyes Delotha warily, but can't make her tell him anyway, just affixing his gaze to the stars once more*
[08-22:33] EXIT: Z has left the chat ( 11:30pm, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-22:33] JOIN: Z has entered.
[08-22:33] 94c70, Z: *eyeshifts*
[08-22:37] 1212e, Zaknafein : *Laughs.* I think he's jealous.
[08-22:38] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. Potentially *nudges Aralore with a grin*
[08-22:39] 94c70, Z: *thinks Aralore is jealous*
[08-22:40] ab6ae, Aegnor: *The shifting creature continues to rise, filling the space of the cavern. A myriad of smoken weaves surround the figure, and its slit eyes move slowly towards the exit.*
[08-22:40] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 11:01pm, June 08 (CDT) ).
[08-22:41] 5e834, Aralore : Jealous? Hah. I think Delotha's up to illegal scheming...
[08-22:42] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Was up to. I'm not up to anything right now
[08-22:43] 1212e, Zaknafein : Who said scheming was illegal?
[08-22:44] 5e834, Aralore : Not me. I said she was up to illegal scheming, not necessarily that all scheming is illegal...
[08-22:47] 1212e, Zaknafein : Wasn't her scheme actually.
[08-22:50] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *looks completely innocent*
[08-22:50] 5e834, Aralore : Ah, so what was your scheme anyway?
[08-22:50] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Fire demons can look innocent?))
[08-22:51] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((She can!))
[08-22:51] 1212e, Zaknafein : Annoy a lesser but well prepared mage.
[08-22:51] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Oh.. nothing too major...
[08-22:51] 5e834, Aralore : How?
[08-22:51] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Well.. I walked up to the mage and engages him in conversation...
[08-22:52] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((engaged))
[08-22:52] 1212e, Zaknafein : While I did a little shopping.
[08-22:53] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : He got some pretty good discounts since the mage wasn't there to dispute anything
[08-22:55] 3a8a8, Roki: 5 finger discount...
[08-22:55] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Exactly))
[08-22:55] 1212e, Zaknafein : ((hehe))
[08-22:59] 5e834, Aralore : *Shrugs* I don't know why you'd steal from a wizard. He's likely to come back and blast you with several hundred spells...or, in the case of a less powerful mage, get his master to blast you with a couple thousand spells..
[08-23:00] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[08-23:01] 1212e, Zaknafein : Because I am a mage. And not everyone on the surface will sell to a drow. And inorder to blast me, they have to find me.
[08-23:01] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : What he said *nod*
[08-23:02] 5e834, Aralore : Yes....the surfaceworlders have an annoying penchant for being prejudiced bastards...though, to be fair...*smirks*..not nearly so much as the Drow.
[08-23:04] 3a8a8, Roki: *adopts french accent*.. yes.. damn them all... bastards... *smoke*
[08-23:05] 1212e, Zaknafein : Of course we are. Drow are raised that way. More so than the surface dwellers.
[08-23:08] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*gags Roki* )) Eh.. most drow aren't that bad... out of the two I've met...
[08-23:09] 3a8a8, Roki: *gags on Bri*
[08-23:09] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((*Removes Roki's gag* Speak, wench!))
[08-23:09] 1212e, Zaknafein : Be glad you've only met two.
[08-23:10] 3a8a8, Roki: *clears throat*.. Fah-Que !
[08-23:10] 5e834, Aralore : And be glad you've never met a Drow female...
[08-23:11] 1212e, Zaknafein : I'll agree to that.
[08-23:12] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *snort* I doubt a drow female could be worse then me on a bad day
[08-23:14] 3a8a8, Roki: *begs to differ*
[08-23:14] 1212e, Zaknafein : Uhm.... Far far worse.
[08-23:15] 5e834, Aralore : Agreed, Delotha; Drow females get nasty and threaten your life, but they also put out a great deal, which is nice.
[08-23:15] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... *eyes Aralore*
[08-23:16] 5e834, Aralore : *Grins at Delotha*
[08-23:17] 1212e, Zaknafein : Not all threaten, but they do get pretty bad. Until you remind them where they'd be without the mages.
[08-23:19] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *narrows her eyes slightly, then looks to Zak* Oh they like mages do they?
[08-23:21] 1212e, Zaknafein : In my city? They don't have a choice.
[08-23:23] 5e834, Aralore : Yes, arcane magics are the clear superior in offensive tactics...essential to a Drow city's defense..
[08-23:23] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Fun
[08-23:26] 1212e, Zaknafein : But you can't deny the power of the divine magic either.
[08-23:26] 5e834, Aralore : That's what lets them manipulate us so well..
[08-23:27] 1212e, Zaknafein : Only some are manipulated. Especially those that follow Lloth.
[08-23:28] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... That's right. I still need to go down and scream out obsenities against Lloth, and run like hell
[08-23:30] 1212e, Zaknafein : *Laughs.* You'd be so dead.
[08-23:32] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Would be fun for a little while though!
[08-23:33] 5e834, Aralore : For you or them?
[08-23:37] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : For me ofcourse. They'd be getting mad
[08-23:39] 5e834, Aralore : Drow have a rabid bloodlust...
[08-23:41] 1212e, Zaknafein : That bloodlust can be emmensely powerful and difficult to overcome as well.
[08-23:41] 94c70, Z: *hasn't seen any bloodthirsty drow yet.*
[08-23:41] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... Sounds fun!
[08-23:46] 1212e, Zaknafein : Not really.
[08-23:47] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[08-23:48] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *grins* I'm odd like that
[08-23:49] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Brim!))
[08-23:51] beb1a, Brimstone: (Yar/_
[08-23:51] beb1a, Brimstone: ...)
[08-23:53] 5e834, Aralore : ((Sorry, I'm a bit slow tonight...I'm going to have to cut out for tonight. *quietly fades*))
[08-23:53] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((*The earth around him trembles as he emerges from the camouflaged exit to his lair. It be a cool, summer night (Player now takes artistic liscence - if mistakes are made, please inform). A silver crescent moon hangs low on the horizon, glowing bright in his split eyes. Aegnor stretches, and prepares for something not done in a very long time...*))
[08-23:55] beb1a, Brimstone : (Might wanna kick the parentheses there.)
[08-23:57] ab6ae, Aegnor: ((Oy. We loves checked boxes, yes, we do.))
[08-23:59] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. as both drow leave, she returns to laying back, and staring at the sky*
[08-23:59] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Thick membranes unfold from his body, spreading to catch the steady winds. With a deafening blast of air formed by the massive wings beating against the air, the beast takes aloft. The rust-shaded creature rises quickly for one his age, taking to the darkness of the sky - gaining altitude quickly.*
[09-00:00] beb1a, Brimstone : (Aha! Have fun.)
[09-00:07] ab6ae, Aegnor: Soon becoming no more than a shadow amongst the inky darkness, soaring above layers of thin clouds, the city of Raupenchi soon comes into view far below, set apart from the night-time landscape by the glittering specks of torch-light.*
[09-00:18] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. stops in her tracks where she stands in the forest outside , looking upwards... She though she caught movement up there.. but now there is naught but empty sky*
[09-00:20] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Aegnor gives the city a wide berth, circling high above, committing each detail of this place to memory. Things change after a long time.*
[09-00:42] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Eventually, he selects a dark clearing as dawn draws near, and rapidly descends to land there. From a pouch strapped beneath one of his wings, he retrieves a vile, dumping its contents over himself. Fade-out.*
[09-00:50] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Unfade-out. The dragon is naught to be seen.*
[09-00:51] JOIN: Advent has entered.
[09-00:51] 65140, Advent: evening
[09-00:53] 65140, Advent : f
[09-00:53] EXIT: Advent has left the chat ( 1:53am, June 09 (CDT) ).
[09-01:00] DICE: Sileen rolls 1 = 1 on a 1d4.
[09-01:06] ab6ae, Amber : *... soon after Aegnor has "vanished" , a large form flies overhead where the dragon vanished to, treetops swaying wildly in the wind of the second dragon's passing*
[09-01:11] ab6ae, Aegnor: "From the skies, they rain like drops of molten blood." *A form, leaning against a old willow-tree qoutes from an epic poem. It is spoken in elvish. A dark cape drapes over the figure's broad shoulders, tunic, and light armor (chain mail, and that being very light.) The crescent moon glitters off a pair of bladed bracers, and the hilt of a sword beneath the cape.*
[09-01:13] ab6ae, Amber : *.. soon, the sound of something rather large whooshing overhead fades... and all is quiet*
[09-01:15] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Aegnor waits. Something easy for his kind. No doubt that creature will return in one form or another.*
[09-01:19] ab6ae, Amber : *... indeed. It is awhile later, but there is the soft sound of footsteps against grass, as a cloaked figure moves steadily in his general direction..*
[09-01:22] ab6ae, Aegnor: *He merely adjusts his gaze to watch the advancing figure, or where the sound places her/him to be (once he may hear her/see her at any rate.) As she/he draws nearer, he pushes away from the willow tree, letting a hand linger upon its bark for a moment. He remains in the relative shadow of the tree, however.*
[09-01:26] ab6ae, Amber : *.. and with her now human eyes, she does not immediantly see the man beneath the willow. Instead the figure, female from the features glimpsed when the head turned in his direction, continues on.. starting to pass 10 feet beyond the willow*
[09-01:28] ab6ae, Aegnor: How do you do... Dragon. *Says a quiet voice.*
[09-01:30] ab6ae, Amber : *pauses midstep, slowly turning to face the willow* .. I do rather well.. dragon .. And yourself?
[09-01:31] ab6ae, Aegnor: I would do much better you would be kind enough to tell me why you are following me.
[09-01:33] ab6ae, Amber : Because you are in my territory. *folds her arms, fixing the the man with a rather intense stare*
[09-01:36] ab6ae, Aegnor: Tsk. I don't take well to lies. *Crossing his arms, with a smirk.* You were quite oblivious. I know few beings that make the mistake of turning their back upon a known invader; let alone those of dragon-kind. You don't look a fool... don't take me for one.
[09-01:43] ab6ae, Amber : Are you trying to play games with me now? I saw you circling, I got a general gist of where you landed... Had I not found you immediantly, I would have found you eventually.
[09-01:44] ab6ae, Aegnor: And had a blade planted in your back. I know you aren't a hatchling...
[09-01:48] ab6ae, Amber : *narrows her eyes* Had I cause to believe another of my race would stab me in the back, I would have been more wary... Of you, I shall now be more careful.
[09-01:54] ab6ae, Aegnor: *The smirk deepens.* There are spells capable of even fooling dragons.
[09-01:55] ab6ae, Amber : Hm.... So then, what brings you into my territory?
[09-01:55] ab6ae, Aegnor: Passage.
[09-02:02] ab6ae, Amber : How long will you be in my territory?
[09-02:03] ab6ae, Aegnor: In what incrament would you measure an eternity? Rest assured it would be more fathomable the fewer questions you present.
[09-02:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-02:06] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[09-02:13] ab6ae, Amber : An enternity of me pestering you until you finally decide to find land of your own .. Sound fun to you? *begins to move towards him*
[09-02:15] ab6ae, Aegnor: *In response his eyes move to lock firmly on her. There is no verbal response, only that of the birds waking in the trees. Its probably only a handfull of minutes, if not a single hour before dawn.*
[09-02:16] ab6ae, Amber : *remains where she is, a smirk slowly forming on her lips*
[09-02:19] ab6ae, Aegnor: *...So she stopped moving forward, then.* I've not time for rhetoric.
[09-02:21] ab6ae, Amber : Then what do you have time for?
[09-02:22] ab6ae, Aegnor: Tsk. Mind your own business.
[09-02:22] ab6ae, Amber : Oh I will... Once you are out of my territory.
[09-02:23] ab6ae, Aegnor: Careful... That almost rang of a challange.
[09-02:25] ab6ae, Amber : Take it as you will.
[09-02:29] ab6ae, Aegnor: Do you really intend to remain here for the first unlucky fool that happens upon us? I, at least, have more sense than that. *Listening to her breathing, to her movement, he turns away (keeping her in his peripheral vision) and begins toward the city indirectly.*
[09-02:30] ab6ae, Amber : Within a generation of humans, any sight of us would be forgotten
[09-02:30] ab6ae, Amber : Within a generation of humans, any sight of us would be forgotten... you are moving even deeper into my territory without leave.. dragon
[09-02:32] ab6ae, Aegnor: A crime punishable, no doubt, by more of your banter, hm?
[09-02:33] ab6ae, Amber : You are not going to let this be resolved peacefully, are you?
[09-02:34] ab6ae, Aegnor: I said I was passing through. If I truly wished you harm, I could easily have done it while you were unaware.
[09-02:36] ab6ae, Amber : *stares at him for a long moment, debating* ... Very well then. You may pass through. This is my land however.. so I would appreciate you following a few simple rules.
[09-02:37] ab6ae, Aegnor: That would depend upon your so-spoken rules.
[09-02:39] ab6ae, Amber : You are a very impolite guest.... My only rule is not to show your true form to the humans here, or give any indication of the presence of a dragon. Other then that, do as you please.
[09-02:43] ab6ae, Aegnor: If that were not what I was already planning, I would have declined. You really take me for that much of a fool?
[09-02:44] ab6ae, Amber : *doesn't respond to that, simply watching him in silence*
[09-02:46] ab6ae, Aegnor: *I mean, really. Why change forms otherwise? He continues toward the city.*
[09-02:46] ab6ae, Amber : *allows him this time... * ((*goes to bed now*))
[09-02:47] EXIT: Amber has left the chat ( 3:46am, June 09 (CDT) ).
[09-02:52] ab6ae, Aegnor: *Gone.*
[09-03:10] a1b8a, Mab Fairy Queen : *She enjoyed her moments stolen with Galean. It was some small joy in an otherwise tumultuous world. Things were stirring, ancient things. She could feel old magics beginning to walk the earth once more, some evil and foul, some benevolent, some indifferent, and a few special ones who had once been the most benevolent but were now bitter or unsure. She felt all of this in her insight, but could not pinpoint exact locations or persons, just impressions and vague ideas, but enough to know they were out there.* *end cameo*
[09-03:16] EXIT: Mab Fairy Queen has left the chat ( 4:10am, June 09 (CDT) ).
[09-04:59] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[09-05:02] aa1a4, luthien: *leaves staring at the couple and walks out of the inn*
[09-05:04] aa1a4, luthien: *walks down the road ,passing houses left and right-eventually they begin to peter out and finally he stands on the edge.Once more free of the complexities of man,and strides off into the trees*
[09-05:05] EXIT: luthien has left the chat ( 6:04am, June 09 (CDT) ).
[09-05:40] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[09-06:11] 844ce, Kali: http:///Trouble
[09-06:14] 844ce, Kali: *test*
[09-06:19] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[09-06:21] 844ce, Ankalima Morwen : *test*
[09-06:22] c6c97, xyva: *test*
[09-06:24] c6c97, xyva:
[09-06:33] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[09-06:35] 8a433, luthien: *stretches arms and adjusts bow on back,checks self over and walks towards the trees*
[09-06:36] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[09-06:37] 844ce, Ankalima Morwen : hey good morning
[09-06:38] 844ce, Ankalima Morwen : *smacks refresh* move blast you!!!!
[09-06:43] 844ce, Ankalima Morwen : ((Luthien? you get lost again?))
[09-06:55] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[09-06:55] aa1a4, luthien: greetings
[09-06:55] 844ce, Ankalima Morwen : there you are....
[09-06:56] 8a433, luthien: ((hi if your out there ...hi if your not!!))
[09-06:57] aa1a4, luthien: ((been here couple of times))
[09-06:57] 844ce, Ankalima Morwen : and where else would i be?
[09-06:57] 8a433, luthien: ((12:56))
[09-06:58] 8a433, luthien: somewhere i cant reach you when ime at school!!!!))
[09-06:58] 8a433, luthien: (((((((NO AIM!!!!!))))))))))))
[09-06:58] 844ce, Ankalima Morwen : (( hehe....))
[09-06:59] aa1a4, luthien: ((off sod))
[09-06:59] 844ce, Ankalima Morwen : ((can you use aim express?))
[09-06:59] 844ce, Ankalima Morwen : ((hey....thats not nice....))
[09-06:59] aa1a4, luthien: (((cant use nothing its all filtered))
[09-07:00] 844ce, Ankalima Morwen : ((good thing too...for a lot of us))
[09-07:00] aa1a4, luthien: ((o??))
[09-07:01] 844ce, Ankalima Morwen : (( Mab's filters keeps us laughing..))
[09-07:02] 844ce, Ankalima Morwen : ((mostly from the reactions of people trying to get past them))
[09-07:02] aa1a4, luthien: ((ha bloody ha))
[09-07:02] aa1a4, luthien: brb
[09-07:03] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[09-07:04] 844ce, Kali: what are you up to?
[09-07:04] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[09-07:05] c6c97, xyva: CHRIStopher
[09-07:05] 8a433, luthien: ((hi its me1ime back!))
[09-07:06] c6c97, xyva: hey brb dont get into any barny while im gone
[09-07:07] 844ce, Kali: good....
[09-07:07] c6c97, xyva: ok b
[09-07:09] 8a433, luthien: *walks away from the town,and enters the trees a while later,(its cool in the trees,out of the direct light and the sounds are all different)picks his way through the trees*
[09-07:13] 844ce, Lotesse: *she adjusts the bits of leather armour protecting her. Glad to be heading into the trees once more...her journey towards hasnt been an easy one for an elf...finding a nice shady spot, she sits on a stump , laying her bow at her feet*
[09-07:13] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[09-07:17] 844ce, Lotesse: ((LOL think i figured that one out Eldar...))
[09-07:18] 8a433, luthien: *ahead sees a fast flowing brook,which follows*
[09-07:18] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[09-07:19] 8a433, luthien: ((didnt know if would regtister as school comp name different))
[09-07:19] 844ce, Lotesse: ((thats some name there...*teases*))
[09-07:20] aa1a4, luthien: ((which 1??))
[09-07:21] 844ce, Lotesse: ((yours. *grins*..Im teasing...))
[09-07:22] 844ce, Lotesse: ((you get reg mail yet? Rav was here yesterday))
[09-07:22] aa1a4, luthien: *follows brook which feeds into a small pond,takes a rest,placing bow at his side,andhas a drink from his flask*
[09-07:23] 8a433, luthien: ((u like my name?? velly funny you velly funny girl))
[09-07:24] aa1a4, luthien: ((dont know mayb ile check))
[09-07:24] 844ce, Lotesse: *she sits watching the water of a near by stream, the tinkling sounds from it reminding her of her so far away...she lets her eyes wander thru the trees...its not as calm as it should be...*
[09-07:25] 844ce, Lotesse: ((*L*))
[09-07:25] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[09-07:26] aa1a4, luthien: ((no))
[09-07:26] 844ce, Lotesse: ((hrm...strange....i'll ask about it later..))
[09-07:27] aa1a4, luthien: ((ok))
[09-07:31] aa1a4, luthien: *puts away flask and props self up against the large oak was leaning against,theres a change in the air,....the sounds of the wood are not as they should be..silence covered the sky,*
[09-07:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-07:34] aa1a4, luthien: ((hi willo))
[09-07:34] 844ce, Lotesse: *as the silence deepens, she picks up her bow, adjusts the quiver on her back and starts to follow the stream..those elven ears quite alert * (hey Axis)
[09-07:35] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:33am, June 09 (CDT) ).
[09-07:36] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[09-07:36] 6a915, Axis : (())
[09-07:37] 844ce, Lotesse: ((heh...wispy loves you))
[09-07:37] 8a433, luthien: * "strange"*
[09-07:37] 8a433, luthien: ((wot??))
[09-07:38] 6a915, Axis : ((how'd ya know it was me?))
[09-07:38] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[09-07:38] 844ce, Lotesse: ((sorry Luthien...wispy loves axis...she cant keep away from him.....because you do that every time you log in))
[09-07:39] 6a915, Axis : ((heheheh ahhhh))
[09-07:39] 844ce, Lotesse: ((that and your im showed up did math))
[09-07:40] 6a915, Axis : ((bah. anyway hey))
[09-07:40] 844ce, Lotesse: ((*L* ))
[09-07:41] aa1a4, luthien: ((greetings unto you axis))
[09-07:42] 844ce, Lotesse: *she continues following the stream...not seeing anything that should cause this silence*
[09-07:42] 6a915, Axis : ((yo luth)
[09-07:45] aa1a4, luthien: *hears movement...somewhere!picks up bow and walks slowly around the pondkeeping to the cover*
[09-07:48] aa1a4, luthien: ((gotta go soon))
[09-07:49] 844ce, Lotesse: *the stream widens a bit, flowing into a small pond...the silence is almost deafening here...she slides into the cover of a large tree. the green of her eyes fading into the shadows....scanning the trees around the pond*((K))
[09-07:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-07:51] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:51am, June 09 (CDT) ).
[09-07:51] JOIN: Ghouls has entered.
[09-07:52] 8a433, luthien: *hidden by the cover,sees movement opposite,,where he had just been.slowly draws an arrow from his quiver and notches it,keeping an eye on the big oak*
[09-07:54] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[09-07:54] 8a433, luthien: *still too quiet ,oppressive and deadening (thinks to self)*
[09-07:54] 6a915, Ghouls: ((rar I say...RAR))
[09-07:54] 6a915, Ghouls: ((rar I say...RAR))
[09-07:56] 8a433, luthien: ((bye for now,,hey ghouls dont eat my face off,,thanx))
[09-07:56] 6a915, Axis : ((son't worry hi and bye))
[09-07:56] 844ce, Lotesse: ((see ya Luthien))
[09-07:57] aa1a4, luthien: ((b back 3:30 my time))
[09-07:58] 844ce, Lotesse: ((K Lotesse will have moved on....she's got a date....of sorts))
[09-08:05] 844ce, Lotesse: *the sounds of the forest slowly come back to life...what ever had disturbed them was gone .....for now.....stepping out fromthe shadows, she moves around the pond, searching for signs of what might have been there*.
[09-08:09] 6a915, Ghouls: * now has a new breed of ghoul. Ghouls that are trained fighters in life*
[09-08:17] 844ce, Lotesse: *ther are track of someone..someone who had disappeard where they stood..she blinked in confusion at that, decidint that she must be more tired tha she thought....moving back into the trees, she finds a safe place to rest.closing her eyes to the light*
[09-08:20] 844ce, Kali: blahhh...
[09-08:20] 6a915, Ghouls: *now several squads of ghouls trained in ilitary tactics and heavliy armed, and armored they are stalking through city and forest alike in six man squads*
[09-08:21] 6a915, Ghouls: (blahh?))
[09-08:21] 844ce, Kali: bored...
[09-08:22] 844ce, Kali: I'm supposed to be canning peaches today..
[09-08:23] 6a915, Axis : (sounds fun)
[09-08:24] 844ce, Kali: oh i like doin that... its just that its rainin still and that makes me lazy...its been rainin for the last 3 or 4 days and will be raining for atleast 3 more...
[09-08:26] 6a915, Axis : ((sounds like ohio....where are you?))
[09-08:27] 844ce, Kali: north of ft.worth....
[09-08:27] 844ce, Kali: the rain you are getting was here day before yesterday..and this front goes halfway thru mexico..
[09-08:28] 6a915, Axis : ((Ft. worth....sounds so familier...excuse my brain deadness but where is that?))
[09-08:28] 844ce, Kali: texas
[09-08:28] 6a915, Axis : (ahh. ))
[09-08:29] 844ce, Kali:
[09-08:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-08:29] 844ce, Kali: sunday night we got over 6 inches in 2 hours...and the roads are still flooded
[09-08:31] 6a915, Axis : (( really sound liek ohio...
[09-08:33] 844ce, Kali: I am so ready for this to end....ive got things to get planted and cant even do that...they'd just wash away....
[09-08:34] 6a915, Axis : ((is it usually like this?))
[09-08:34] 844ce, Kali: like what?
[09-08:35] 6a915, Axis : ((rainy))
[09-08:36] 844ce, Kali: not usually this late....april and part of may are the now..its usually getting too hot to go out in the middle of the day...and we are praying for rain..
[09-08:38] 6a915, Axis : ((rght now in ohio it is it is sticky outside and the heat clings to's nastyness...))
[09-08:42] 6a915, Axis : ((*gnaws the chat* so empty))
[09-08:43] 844ce, Kali: hehe it will be for a while....maybe...usually no one until 9:30 or so
[09-08:46] 6a915, Axis : ((T_T It's 9:45 here.))
[09-08:46] 844ce, Kali: of course now that i say that.....there will be 2 dozen people show up........i'm an hour behind you
[09-08:47] 1212e, Chewie: I'm here. But only because I'm off work today.
[09-08:47] 6a915, Axis : ((yeha I know...dam nohio))
[09-08:48] 844ce, Kali: heh hello Chewie....
[09-08:48] 6a915, Axis : ((hey hey chewie. whats up?))
[09-08:49] 1212e, Chewie: Nothing. Just chilling before school.
[09-08:52] 844ce, Kali: hmmm at least you have something to do today
[09-08:52] 6a915, Axis : ((rar))
[09-08:53] 1212e, Chewie: I don't have a choice. I have to go to school. Else I'm screwed and have to start over.
[09-08:54] 844ce, Kali: ahhkkk thats no good
[09-08:55] 6a915, Axis : ((yeah))