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[04-20:27] 4e5df, Deke Menion : What force do you speak of?*his hand hovering above the ground as his hand glows green*What magic has enchanted you?
[04-20:29] 00197, Acorna : Well, there it is. *seems to come from no where beside Aisha. Was ahead of her a little bit before. Is pretty stealthy in humanoid form* Now, it's a matter of them seeing you. *she too is looking at the wall rather than Aisha*
[04-20:29] 97c33, Khaes : *His words become Obsidians now... in effect, Obsidian should just repeat the words* The rising dead within the east, have you not heard the reports 'great Elf'? Have you not witnessed yourself the forces of the Undead at work, and their insidious plans to impregnate their foul seed within the very earth?
[04-20:30] a5d2c, Obsidian : *would repeat what Khaes says, slowly sinking to her haunches and looking down at Deke*
[04-20:31] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *blinks upon heraing these words and just knows that these are not Obsidians own*I have seen them....Lord Soth marches upon Arcadia from the North East near upper Anar.....and whom am I speaking with?
[04-20:31] 00197, Acorna : ((Wait a tick.. The fae and are to the east of Arcadia. *L*))
[04-20:31] 94c70, Aisha: We can hope that they do.. *She gazes up at the much taller towers wondering if they did indeed hold fae whom were watching over the wall, or some other creature perhaps.*
[04-20:32] 97c33, Khaes : OOC: To the east of is the En'tai lands and Morguls stuff
[04-20:32] 97c33, Khaes : OOC: Quite abit east mind you, but still easterly direction. Not west
[04-20:32] 00197, Acorna : ((I know, I'm just easily amused this evening))
[04-20:35] 97c33, Khaes : You are doomed Akillo Naserath if you persist. The knowledge you seek is locked away, kept hidden under ancient seals, upon decree of true utter madness if breached. It is this information you seek, and this information that I can provide.
[04-20:35] 97c33, Khaes : *The eyes of Obsidian would glow orange, nothing recognisable to Deke at least.*
[04-20:36] a5d2c, Obsidian : *would continue to repeat what Khaes speaks, looking down upon Deke, her eyes an orange flame, unlike what they are normally.. normally blakc*
[04-20:37] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *his eyes widen in almost horror as he stumbles back against a tree and blinks in dis-belief*No man knows my elf alive knows that name?*he knows then that the force he is dealing with is as old as he if not older*My Gods.....Khaes has returned?........*though he is a historian and cant not refuse the lore of knowledge*......At what price is this knowledge?
[04-20:40] 00197, Acorna : Well, good luck. *and kinda trot runs off, giving away a little of her equine nature in the style of run she does* ((*character switch*))
[04-20:41] 00197, Swarm of Pesky Pixies : *suddenly from the wall comes a swarm of some kind, a kind of cloud of something that makes a buzzing sound*
[04-20:42] 94c70, Aisha: *She watches after Acorna for a short time, as it does not take long for the graceful woman to disappear from sight. Her attention then returns to the vine woven wall. She remains there for a bit longer, before finally dismounting. She looks up only to see the swarm of pixies. Whispers pass through the group as they wonder what magic this is.*
[04-20:42] 4f87e, Kross : *sighs softly as he walks from the dine hall and heads down the wooden pulley elevator, he then walked about the kingdom to explore this place*
[04-20:44] 00197, Swarm of Pesky Pixies : *the swarm dives toward Aisha and her men, a seeming cloud of many colors. It charges straight at them. Will it collide?!? Tune in next post for our exciting conclusion to the dive*
[04-20:45] 97c33, Khaes : The Olden Powers are nolonger contained, you do not realize what is said here yet, the links within your mind and within all your texts are sealed to anything resembling the truth. The Olden Powers are longer split into four pantheons - it is Zaaul that sustains Morgul. A name that bears no meaning to you currently save the information that can be transferred.... but the question is Akillo Naserath, do you wish for this information? Do you wish for the key to be turned and to unlock the forbidden lore?
[04-20:46] a5d2c, Obsidian : *is a walkie talkie!*
[04-20:46] 00197, Swarm of Pesky Pixies : ((LOL @ Obsidian))
[04-20:46] 4f87e, Kross : (( ))
[04-20:47] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *his eyes grow to a lustful sparkle as he slowly stands to his feet*And what would you ask of me in return for such knoweledge, Khaes of the banished forces.....what demand on my soul would you make?
[04-20:49] JOIN: Puwia has entered.
[04-20:49] EXIT: Puwia has left the chat ( 9:49pm, June 04 (CDT) ).
[04-20:49] a5d2c, Obsidian : ((*bows*))
[04-20:49] 94c70, Aisha: *most would reflexively duck as if a large bird were swooping down at them, Aisha included.*
[04-20:49] JOIN: Whee has entered.
[04-20:49] 944ee, Whee: test
[04-20:50] 944ee, Whee: does the great Khaes have a mail?
[04-20:50] 944ee, Whee: Err, IM?
[04-20:50] 94c70, Aisha: (( *finds Whee's pic oddly familiar.* ))
[04-20:50] a5d2c, Obsidian : ((Pilot to co-pilot over.... kkrrsschhhtt Get the message about the bringing of massive death? over kkrrssscchhhttt No not yet... can you repeat it? over...krrsscchhhttt Massive death.... I repeat.... Massive death... coming your way... over kkrrrssschhhttt Ten four good buddy! Over!krrsscchhtttt))
[04-20:51] 00197, Swarm of Pesky Pixies : *at the very very very last second the swarm stops abruptly in front of Aisha and her company, pixies buzzing and hovering almost in their faces, they're so close* What business you?!? What business YOU?!? WHAT WHATwhat WHAT?
[04-20:52] 00197, Swarm of Pesky Pixies : *all of them are saying stuff along those lines to all of Aisha's men and Aisha, so it's a bit noisy and confusing*
[04-20:52] 97c33, Khaes : You must open yourself to me Akillo. The knowledge can be imparted upon you, and the relevant seals broken with the help of your ancient texts. Destroy Zaaul and defeat his undead legions, Khaes is nomore amongst the pantheon.
[04-20:53] 94c70, Aisha: *Blinks as she straightesn again, slowly. And as she gives the swarm a closer look, they indeed almost look like tiny flying people of sorts.* We were guided here by one called Acorna.
[04-20:54] 4f87e, Kross : *sighs softly as he looks to the beautiful kingdom* "I pray we are successful"
[04-20:55] a5d2c, Obsidian : **Walkie talkie!**
[04-20:57] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *the lore of knowlegde long gone but at the exchanage of losing memory of Khaes....he seems to be lost in throught a moment but he knows already what he will do*......If the day comes when I need memory of you.....all will be lost anyways...*he nods then*I accept Khaes of the banished.....*his eyes upon Obsidian as he digs into his cloak for a moment only to bring forth a old tome that seems hand sized though it responds to his touch and opens only to grow and expand.Images of past battles and heros long dead coming forth as he flips the pages*So be it done...*he then kneels down as he lets the book rest upon a page that tells of Khaes before he was banished and his image shines forth like a long dead ghost*
[04-20:57] 00197, Swarm of Pesky Pixies : Acorna? Acorna! Acorna! Acorna? Acorna! Acorna!Acorna? Acorna! Acorna! *chorused and echoed with no real unison throughout the swarm, starting from the pixies in front of Aisha and spreading out. They pause a moment with just the sound of the buzzing of their wings, then suddenly just one says in an overly exhuberant and cheery, okeydokey voice* Okay!! *and they all suddenly erupt upward into the air in unison and the swarm flies back to the wall*
[04-21:00] 97c33, Khaes : This will be my last act upon the world of Bettenchi Akillo. Zaaul has gained far too much power and broken through the seals, this will ascertain a ironic measure of justice and vengeance upon my 'brother' *Speaks the words with contempt. Black clouds now beginning to roll out across the sky above them as invisible wisps of wind begin to tug around them - them being Obsidian and Deke, nothing disturbing - but to Deke's attuned senses it would seem as if the very flow of magic is being attracted to the spot.*
[04-21:01] a5d2c, Obsidian : *would continue to relay Khaes message, her wings fluttering slightly in the building disturbance*
[04-21:01] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *he narrows his eyes against the blinding magic about him.His head giving a slight nod as he sits back and takes in a gasp for air*And so one age is lost so that many may be opened...Gods forgive me....*the wind about him blowing through his cloak and hair causing him to like his lips to wet them*I am ready.
[04-21:05] EXIT: Whee has left the chat ( 9:50pm, June 04 (CDT) ).
[04-21:05] JOIN: Penniavas has entered.
[04-21:05] 944ee, Penniavas: ((Test))
[04-21:05] 944ee, Penniavas: Mrr.
[04-21:05] EXIT: Penniavas has left the chat ( 10:05pm, June 04 (CDT) ).
[04-21:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[04-21:06] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:05pm, June 04 (CDT) ).
[04-21:06] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[04-21:07] a5d2c, Obsidian : **WILL BE NPCED is about to fall asleep at the keyboard**GONE*
[04-21:07] EXIT: Obsidian has left the chat ( 10:07pm, June 04 (CDT) ).
[04-21:07] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:06pm, June 04 (CDT) ).
[04-21:07] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[04-21:08] 944ee, Vesarn: ((*done))
[04-21:08] 97c33, Khaes : *The wind continues to pick up as the clouds thunder - a multicoloured sheet of flash lightning within the sky.* Very well Akillo Naserath *Obsidian meanwhile would be rooted to the spot, within the whirlwind of the ebb of magic. The very currents of wind sizzling with raw magical energy as the energies lance around them all - purple trails, that shift into orange and then another random colour lifting the book up into the air between the dragon and elf.* Dhaos'I'kha Dha'zeentc Qhaysh'zaaugh
[04-21:09] EXIT: Vesarn has left the chat ( 10:08pm, June 04 (CDT) ).
[04-21:09] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[04-21:10] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *he stands with his arm upraised to shield his eyes, his hair flaring madly as he blinks his eyes against the magical storms around him yet he remains silent*
[04-21:10] 00197, Swarm of Pesky Pixies : ((You do realize that Khaes is not all knowing, right Vince? So, any knowledge you gain will not be every detail about everyone everywhere, etc. Just checking.))
[04-21:11] 94c70, Aisha: *She looks skyward as the pixies suddenly burst into movement again, flying up into the air and into the wall again.*
[04-21:12] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((test))
[04-21:13] 97c33, Khaes : *Continues that chant, or something along those lines - an ancient tongue. The magical eddies continuing to whip frantically and most importantly, chaotically around Deke and the book - the book's pages being flipped over one by one as if the wind itself was reading its contents. The very pages shifting and changing as its contents are subtly altered or for the pun - 'mutated'. This is merely the first phase.*
[04-21:14] MSG: Khaes sent a message to Mab.
[04-21:15] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *he watches in amazement as he pushes his back against the tree.Waiting and watching*
[04-21:16] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((test))
[04-21:17] 4f87e, Kross : (( sorry deke third time is always the luckiest..))
[04-21:17] 4e5df, Deke Menion : (())
[04-21:19] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *just to have it in the logs....all knowledge of Khaes is being removed from the book nothing else*
[04-21:19] 97c33, Khaes : *The pages continue to flick faster and faster, the Great Schemer taking great pleasure in devouring the contents of the ancient texts. Knowledge to suppliment his - and knowledge to rip from the ancient text regarding everything to do with him. Truely favourable. With its contents absorbed and altered to entirely his benefit, the book drops to the floor - the multicoloured wisps now moving towards Deke himself, enwrapping themselves around him as they twirl erratically - lifting the old elf off his feet and into the air.*
[04-21:21] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *his eyes close as he was waiting for this his hand clenched at his sides as he looks into the skys then shallows before he takes a breath and waits.He waits for the invasion of his mind the probing and pain but of course the knowledge that follows with it*
[04-21:22] 944ee, Vesarn: ((*pokes all to his bboard post*))
[04-21:24] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : *after a bit, the wall suddenly starts to groan and bulge and expand in one spot. At first is expands in all directions, but then it starts expanding more upward and then the beginnings of an opening can be seen in the middle of all of this activity. Through the opening, the ent that is activating this can be seen at least as far as his feet tromping out of the way, the ent being nearly as tall as the wall with his upmost branches, so only his legs can be seen moving to the side as the opening becomes large enough to admit her company, not that they expect her to waltz in with her whole company, but might as well open it that wide to begin with to save opening it wider later, so a coach could fit through it*
[04-21:25] 944ee, Vesarn: ((mab are you on AIM>?))
[04-21:25] MSG: Deke Menion sent a message to Mab.
[04-21:26] JOIN: Ghamel has entered.
[04-21:26] MSG: Mab sent a message to Deke Menion.
[04-21:28] MSG: Deke Menion sent a message to Mab.
[04-21:28] 97c33, Khaes : *And the probing is not gentle* Phaos'Iash'nethKhaes *Then the raw rippling pure chaotic magic slams into Deke, plunging straight into his mind - the thousands if not millions of voices all screaming out in union as they drive into the elves mind - filling is very soul. It's needless to say very painful as age old mindguards are torn asunder - ancient seals broken apart in forbidden practices. It's a total invasion, yet its been welcomed and accepted. And the reward is starting to rear its head, vivid flashes of images from the beginnings of time and the Great War with Zaaul rising to the surface. Yet that is not all...*
[04-21:30] 94c70, Aisha: *She watches this along with the rest of her people in a measure of awe. And after a few minutes of silence, she moves through having most of her company remain where they were admitting only a few to acompany her, Wacian being one of them. They ride on through the entry way as the others remain.*
[04-21:30] 4e5df, Deke Menion : AHHHH.*he screams as he shakes and turns in the air.The pain in his mind seeming to ripple into his very soul voices filling his mind and stealing from him his secrets in exchange for the knowledge he seeks*Khaes it is done!*he screams the name one last time before it is torn from his mind never to be uttered by him again*
[04-21:30] 39583, Ghamel: * he returns after shoping for steel and the other stuff and starts to work*
[04-21:30] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[04-21:31] 3438b, Axis : ((blah....damn storms))
[04-21:33] MSG: Mab sent a message to Deke Menion.
[04-21:33] 3438b, Axis : *walking down the street*
[04-21:34] 944ee, Vesarn: ((*pokes Mab*))
[04-21:34] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[04-21:35] 00197, Mab : ((What's your SN, Vesarn?))
[04-21:35] 4f87e, Kross : ((My character is unused.... ))
[04-21:35] 97c33, Khaes : *Is nowhere near finished yet, the barriers are torn completely down - the very core knowledge of Khaes and all his other identities ripped from Deke's mind. Now the Ruinous Powers are simply that of Zaaul. The knowledge that the age old seals upon Zaaul have been broken, that the Demons have helped a God become 'reborn' in the form of Morgul and are now united in force. There is no specific information regarding Muna, Morgul or Soth - yet they are all irrevocably linked in destiny together and must not be allowed to complete their plans. Just to stress the point that he doesnt know 'everything' about Muna, like what her favourite is or what spells she knows - just the revealing of this terrible ancient evil being rewoken and in league with another old evil that the Elves defeated in the form of Ciaran.*
[04-21:36] 944ee, Vesarn: ((horseytuna))
[04-21:37] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *understood....absorbing knowledge*
[04-21:37] c6c97, Levald : *Returns to the smithy*
[04-21:38] c6c97, Levald : (ghamel u still here?)
[04-21:38] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : *two tree ents stand on either side as they ride through, towering over them with their branches, looking like regular trees except on closer inspection. A smaller ent, younger and also not a battle ent like the two at the gate waves them forward and then turns to lead them*
[04-21:42] 94c70, Aisha: *She follows along with her companions in an awed silence. It was as if they had just entered a whole other world, a dream perhaps.*
[04-21:43] 97c33, Khaes : *Harvests all the information within Dekes mind - the entire personal experiences of himself and others - his love interests if any, his feelings for other races, his understanding of other lores of magic and elementals. Compliments the already plentiful information learned from that ancient tome - oh is in ectasy. Lavishes it up. Rewards Deke greatly with a extra gift.... a mutation of the mind - inserting a library of all the counter gestures and dispellings to Zaaul spells - effectively a Mark of Khaes - granting Deke a +1 level for dispelling vs Zaaul/Necromantic magic.*
[04-21:44] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[04-21:45] 3438b, Axis : ((bah boredom))
[04-21:45] 1b2d8, Kali: ((hey Axis))
[04-21:46] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[04-21:46] 944ee, Vesarn: ((*gets out the poking stick*))
[04-21:46] c6c97, Levald : (hmm)
[04-21:47] 1b2d8, Kali: ((you poke me and you die))
[04-21:47] 3438b, Axis : ((hey. Kheas are you eventually gonan do something with axis other than make pretty pictures appear in his tattoo?))
[04-21:48] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *he twist in the air once more only to open his mouth to scream though nothing comes out.His body feels with the pleasures of ectasy while Kheas might get the names Pwuia and Kali when he snatches his possible love interest*
[04-21:49] 944ee, Vesarn: ((I'm poking Mab))
[04-21:49] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : *the ent leads them through many wonders, all nature and foresty in form. Finally, they reach the ruins of Ferialii and in a clearing, next to a ring of mushrooms, sitting on a carved stone bench, is Mab. She is raven haired with blue eyes this time, skin pale and dressed in a simple, shimmering crimson dress. She has no wings atm. She looks up to them and smiles lightly* What can I do for you?
[04-21:49] 1b2d8, Kali: ((ok let her do you in works for me))
[04-21:49] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[04-21:50] a16d0, Oyrin Darkune : ((*Mutters and curses* My radiator is cracked
[04-21:50] a16d0, Oyrin Darkune : So am going to have to get a new one. Hell I would have gotten a new one today but the banks were already closed. *Fumes*))
[04-21:50] 94c70, Aisha: (( Oops ))
[04-21:51] 1b2d8, Kali: ((just kidding ))
[04-21:51] 97c33, Khaes : *Information to store and use. So to confirm - the old Ruinous Powers were defeated and banished into the realm of magic. Yet somehow Zaaul broke free with help of the demons and crippled the 'others' absorbing most of their power. Khaes is no more. History has been 'changed'*
[04-21:52] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *and through all this he remains held in the air and locked in the spell of ectasy*
[04-21:53] 94c70, Aisha: *Stepping forward, she gives Mab a respectful bow.*I am Lady Aisha of Arcadia. We came across one called Acorna who suggested that we come here. We were traveling to the Kingdom of the High Elves in search of aide.
[04-21:53] 97c33, Khaes : *Morgul is now the reborn Zaaul, yet is obviously bound somewhat to reality unlike the first times. Thus his alliegience. It all fits perfectly, explaining the rise of the Undead and the demon aggression.*
[04-21:53] 3438b, Axis : *sits ontop of another building and looks up at the stars*
[04-21:53] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*is dying laughing* I can't breath, I can't breath!!))
[04-21:54] 944ee, Vesarn: ((??))
[04-21:54] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : ((nothing, inside joke))
[04-21:54] 4e5df, Deke Menion : * so gonna rat some people out*
[04-21:55] 97c33, Khaes : *Note, nothing has been said of the Maelstrom. THe focus of Morgul and his forces are within the east, not the north - within Morguls Undeath lands. And who knows what things exist in hell itself?*
[04-21:56] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *yes...Morgul and the east*
[04-21:57] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : Aide? What sort of aide does Arcadia seek?
[04-21:57] 97c33, Khaes : *Oh, almost forgot. Reveals that Morgul and the demons will want to overthrow the old bastion of Krondor, the En'tai lands and most importantly - destroy the Fae and Elves before they can marshal their forces to oppose the new rising darkness.*
[04-21:58] 97c33, Khaes : * obviously in such an invasion path*
[04-21:58] 3438b, Axis : *yawns and naps*
[04-21:59] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 10:58pm, June 04 (CDT) ).
[04-22:00] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *still suspended in air and all*
[04-22:03] c6c97, Xyva: ok some one post
[04-22:04] c6c97, Xyva: *whistles jeopardy*
[04-22:04] 94c70, Aisha: I am sure you're aware of the evils that are spreading across the world. Like Korndor, Arcadia has been ravvished by these forces. We've not fallen yet, but the armies that attacked before are returning. *She pauses for a moment as it pained her to admit there was such strife amidst their land after the great losses.* And with that, there is dissension growing, distrust and broken loyalties. Hope is dwindling from those who have survived thus far. I seek any aide that can be provided to save our homes, our people.
[04-22:04] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((*smacks*V will finish when he is ready))
[04-22:06] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Hmm, you weren't so understanding when Muna had a temporary pause in the RP, Deke))
[04-22:07] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((Me and V are talking on aim, thank you Mab.You may now go back to your corner and look pretty or whatever it is you do....Bye bye now.))
[04-22:07] JOIN: Kross has entered.
[04-22:09] ab6ae, Sileen: All these armies... can I have an army of fire ants?
[04-22:09] ab6ae, Sileen: You know, with the nasty bitings?
[04-22:09] 97c33, Khaes : *Has sucked all knowledge from Deke's soul, implanted a great many important things and purged all history of himself - even in the hidden recesses of the elfs mind - the Octavion having provided the necessary measures to break seals and such. The magical vortex of chaos comes to a spectacular end - the ever shifting colours of the winds rising up into the sky - a somethingorotherinsertdescriptiveword display of colour and magical power as the tornado like entity centered upon Deke rises back up into the clouds. The winds subsiding and thus dropping Deke to the ground, he would understandly be weak and barely conscious - yet nothing will get near him with the raw tainted whiff of chaotic magic within the air. All is calm once more. A bright sunny day. And Obsidian is gone*
[04-22:09] 4f87e, Kross : ((*runs around insanely and runs into a wall* :s ))
[04-22:10] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : ((LOL@Sileen. Sure!!))
[04-22:10] ab6ae, Sileen: Woot!
[04-22:11] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Vince, you are treading on thin ice with that attitude. Me and Muna were discussing during her pause that you just didn't have the patience for.))
[04-22:12] 4f87e, Kross : ((come one people.... decrease the violence increase the peace))
[04-22:13] 1212e, Chewie: ...
[04-22:13] 94c70, Z: *fears Sileen's fire ant army*
[04-22:13] c6c97, Xyva: kross aim
[04-22:13] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *he falls to the earth with a thud only to gasp as his mind works to sort out all that has happened.....he sleeps then a most deep and dream filled sleep.His mind pulling the images and sounds of his new knowledge into a dream weave*
[04-22:13] 1b2d8, Kali: ((*hands Z a bag of amdro*))
[04-22:14] 4f87e, Kross : ((hey can I have an army out ant lions? that way I can go to war with Sileen's ants))
[04-22:14] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((*rolls eyes at Mab*Your not worth a statement.....))
[04-22:15] 97c33, Khaes : OOC: Dont get Silent Boby Deke. When you get Silent Boby, things always go wrong.
[04-22:15] c6c97, Xyva: *get a spray bottle of soapy water incase sileens ants attack*
[04-22:15] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Then why did you just make one?))
[04-22:15] 97c33, Khaes : OOC: co.cky
[04-22:15] 4f87e, Kross : ((Mab may I speak with you in AIM mine is roofroofthe dog...))
[04-22:15] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : ((ROFL))
[04-22:15] 4f87e, Kross : ((roofroofthedog))
[04-22:16] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((How am I gonna get cocky?....she has been making statements at me ever since I came ic with Obsidian and it is frankly getting annoying....))
[04-22:17] 4f87e, Kross : ((Mab???))
[04-22:17] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((Thus she can blow me or just back and off and let me be as I am just peacefully rping))
[04-22:19] MSG: Kross sent a message to Mab.
[04-22:20] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Actually, the points I was raising during your Obsidian RP were valid points. I was baffled at Deke's approach to her. I was like, is she actually going to put up with this and then help him? It had me honestly scratching my head))
[04-22:20] 97c33, Khaes : *Just to note when he said no specific information he meant no specific information on Muna, Soth and Morgul and whatnot. The etc and reference to Muna's spells and favourite food were just for reference purposes.*
[04-22:21] 4f87e, Kross : brb in 1`5 min
[04-22:21] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((Obsidian and Deke are friends Mab....he approached her as one))
[04-22:21] 97c33, Khaes : *So he doesnt know Soth's current thoughts, brain patterns, sock colour or personal abilities. Deke has got a history lesson and some important information to convey to other kingdoms!*
[04-22:22] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : So, you wish aide in a civil war? *tilts her head* ((Even a friend to a dragon shows the dragon more respect, Deke.))
[04-22:22] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((Indeed.....and he knows who Morgul really is!))
[04-22:24] 94c70, Aisha: I can only pray that such a thing won't happen. *She slowly releases a breath.* I recieved word of such a possibility only after we left on our quest. We don't have the men nor the resources needed to rebuild, and now defend ourselves.
[04-22:25] 94c70, Aisha: (( *is sure that the elder dragons would've whomped Obsidian for bothering with the petty problems of men * ))
[04-22:26] 97c33, Khaes : *And the neverending weaves of the future and destinies, the complicated chaotic visions flow precisley along the route of the master plan. A destiny for Obsidian now achieved.*
[04-22:28] 4e5df, Deke Menion : T......Terra...*he mumbles out as he rolls over in his sleep.Sweat covering his brow as he stirs in his wakeless dream*
[04-22:28] 39583, Ghamel: *work work work*
[04-22:30] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : Even defend yourselves from yourselves? What is causing the civil unrest? I have an idea about who attacks from without.
[04-22:30] c6c97, Levald : *enters the smithy*
[04-22:31] 39583, Ghamel: hey there lav you be this fine day...*works the stove*
[04-22:31] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((Aisha is complaing when she has like 3 times the army I do? .....I must be more dangerous then I thought ))
[04-22:31] 1b2d8, Terra: *the dirt infront of him stirring to reveal her, she look at her master, finding him unconcious she picks him up,even though she is small, she is very strong, and begins to carry him home. instinctively knowing in just which direction that lies.....soon reaching her destination, laying him gently on his bed, sitting next to him and waiting for him to wake up*
[04-22:32] 94c70, Aisha: (( *really thinks Deke's knowledge of war is over rated...* ))
[04-22:32] c6c97, Levald : Good. what are you doing?*looks at the lit furnace*
[04-22:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[04-22:33] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *returned home and now he feels safe....though he stirs in his sleep and sputters wierd things.....names and other various jibberish*
[04-22:33] ab6ae, Amber : *would be rather strict. Is all for making humans remember the bond with dragons and all, but thee are limits...*
[04-22:34] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((*thinks Aisha is a back stabing traitor but if its a penny for your thoughts why the hell is everyone putting in thier two cents?*))
[04-22:34] 39583, Ghamel: well...*smiles * we got work today ...a amn came by and gave 500 peices of gold to make a sword hidden in a cane.....and put this blue stone *pulls it out of his pocket at the top of it ...i'm sorry i got so anxious i went and bought the metirials while you were out ...and there is a deep amount of hot braziers in the stove ...and i was going to start to make the blade
[04-22:35] ab6ae, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((I've got a lovely bunch of cocconuts...))
[04-22:35] 97c33, Khaes : *Thinks he got a whole lot more dangerous with his new found knowledge that was kept out of his grasp for so long.*
[04-22:35] ab6ae, Amber : *then again... she's a rather odd dragon. But it's all good!*
[04-22:36] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((Indeed......*is so gonna jump ship*Khaes for president))
[04-22:36] c6c97, Xyva: thats my line willo
[04-22:36] ab6ae, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Then come take it back! Mwah!))
[04-22:37] 94c70, Aisha: Power... it corrupts as it always does. I'm the last of the order, the Knights of the Rose. Arcadia's last leader was killed in the attack, like many others. There is one now, Amirka Nailo who claims to be the rightful heir to the Throne. He is not here with me as he, and others, refused to join us in this quest. He has chosen to remain behind and counter the outside threat.
[04-22:38] c6c97, Levald : Its fine.Go ahead*pauses* Ill work on the sheath.
[04-22:38] 94c70, Aisha: (( *is aware of Deke's delusions of granduer.* ))
[04-22:38] 5e834, Aralore : ((Aisha: You play Icewind Dale?))
[04-22:38] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[04-22:39] c6c97, Xyva: actually your supposed to use someone elses name
[04-22:39] 39583, Ghamel : *smiles ...looks in the stove* ahh perfect dad always told me never to let the flames go more then a thumbs hight...* grabs a bar of steel and a third bar of copperand brings them to the stove*
[04-22:39] a16d0, Oyrin Darkune : *Raps.*
[04-22:39] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *he awakes with a start his eyes wide upon as he glances around franticly*What?....Where am I?
[04-22:39] 39583, Ghamel : ((looks at liz didnt i jsut see you in an other room))
[04-22:39] c6c97, Xyva: Mabs got a lovely buch of coconuts, didilydee
[04-22:40] c6c97, Xyva: like that
[04-22:40] 94c70, Aisha: (( Xyva ))
[04-22:40] 1b2d8, Terra: I brought you home, master.*she says sitting at his side*
[04-22:40] ab6ae, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((There something you wanna tell me, Sil? About Mab? Apparently, she has a lovely bunch of cocconuts. I personally wouldn't know... but apparently, that's the word that's going around.))
[04-22:41] 4e5df, Deke Menion : Hmm...*remembers speaking with Obsidian and then.....ummm....he must have fallen alseep*I see....*his mucles are sore and his head throbs with a pain all to new to him*Ayiee......some tea and herbs.I need the stuff for killing pain.
[04-22:42] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : I will aide you toward the outside threat, should it come. I cannot afford to get entangled in a civil battle. However, part of the aid I can provide might help some with that. What do you think of our wall?
[04-22:44] 1b2d8, Terra: *goes to get the things he has asked for, first making sure that there is a pot of water heating over the fire*
[04-22:45] ab6ae, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((*zips out*))
[04-22:46] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *there always is....his hand upon his head as he groans*What a nightmare....
[04-22:46] JOIN: Z has entered.
[04-22:47] c6c97, Levald : Good work. but we'll need this out*drops the stone on the ground lifting his arm over it he points his finger down rotating it in a clockwise motion. the stone grows as he does so until he stops when its the right size for a hammering stone.*
[04-22:47] 1b2d8, Terra: *mixing the herbs into the hot water, she pours a cup of the tea and takes it to him, kneeling down beside him to hand it too him*
[04-22:48] 39583, Ghamel : * blinks*
[04-22:48] 4e5df, Deke Menion : Thank you, love....*he accepts the tea and sips at it only to winch*Eeesh...
[04-22:48] 94c70, Aisha: *Nods understandingly. She expected none to get involved in internal politics.* The wall around your land? It is a masterful creation, My Lady.
[04-22:50] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *perches on the edge of a rooftop in , staring out over the city around her... it was mostly peaceful during this time of the night, except for people out on late buisness. The houses she had inadvertantly caught aflame with one spell were in the process of being fixed, the families fine... but she had noticed a disturbing shortage of drunken fools, and beggers lately. It was all rather creepy....*
[04-22:50] c6c97, Levald : It was a gift, from my grandfather before he died.*pauses*its called the stone of sarta.
[04-22:51] 39583, Ghamel : intersting....*says this as he slides the steel and the copping within the hot braziers*
[04-22:51] 39583, Ghamel : copping =copper
[04-22:52] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *Not that she cared about the beggers and whatnot mind, Delotha's charity and goodness was only directed at those before her at the time. If someone was drowning before her.. she would save them(provided she didn't have to leap into the water herself). If the same person was murdered later that night, and she found their body in a gutter, she'd not think twice about it. An odd being Delotha... but it helped her survive*
[04-22:52] 1b2d8, Terra: *she stays kneeling beside him,* Is there something else I can do for you? *happy that he called her 'love' , not jealous of any little elfling now*
[04-22:52] c6c97, Levald : So the guy how ordered this ofered 500 gold huh?
[04-22:53] c6c97, Levald : (who*)
[04-22:53] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *heh....wouldn't let it go to her head*Not just now....I feel so tired.
[04-22:54] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *This was also why she didn't give a rat's butt about the wars, and rumors of dark beings on the move. Nor was she too worried about the ghouls.. Found their presence disturbing? Yes. Worried about it? No. She was a wild card... It was sometimes difficult to figure out when she'd be helpful next, or when she would randomly choose to hinder.. just for sport*
[04-22:54] fff99, Ashe: *sitting in the shadows of a chimney on the same roof as Delotha, he looks up, lifting his hand to move some hair from his face and then grins, it's the demoness from the other night, how lucky is he* By crocky, it's the female, without her male even, she must've eaten him.
[04-22:54] 39583, Ghamel : yes sir ..and he paid up front ...he wants this done by the end of next week ...i wont sleep much and only work on this blade ...i will make sure its done before 5 days from now*
[04-22:54] 39583, Ghamel : (scratch the last *
[04-22:55] 944ee, Vesarn: *sits in a slave pen in one of the cities, shivering in the evening cold.*
[04-22:56] 944ee, Vesarn: ((R are you on?))
[04-22:57] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : I can provide builder ents to aid you in constructing, admittedly smaller versions around your key areas. Would that interest you?
[04-22:57] 1b2d8, Terra: Maybe you should get some more sleep..I will stay and keep watch if you need me to.
[04-22:58] c6c97, Levald : Dont over work yourself, we have the time to do it. And it would be better to make a great weapon just in time than to make a good one early. take the time to insure your best.
[04-22:58] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *his hand rest upon the Sword of Avery as he sighs to himself and shakes his head*I dont need rest....I just need to think.*his mind awake with knowledge and of things that would chill even the bravest of men to the bone* much work to do.
[04-22:58] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. her eye twitches* Yes.. I have spitted him over a fire, and consumed him. *smirks, then looks back* Best be wary, I'm getting hungry again...
[04-22:59] 94c70, Aisha: Yes.. not only would it protect us from a rebellion, but it would also protect us from the outside enemy which threatens to destroy that which remains...
[04-22:59] fff99, Ashe: *hops up and dusts himself off* Ah, you wouldn't eat me, I'm so tough and gamey. Besides, I don't much want to mate with you, you're not my type.
[04-22:59] 39583, Ghamel : dont worry about me ..i take pride in my work ...* he takes the small copper bar out of the fireand sets it on the edge * i have to wait till tomorow enyways to take out the steel to start
[04-23:00] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((*notes that Aisha will never enter Arcadia while his army is dug in near Starlock*))
[04-23:00] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *laughs* And what is your type?
[04-23:01] 944ee, Vesarn: *just sits there all alone. Shiver*
[04-23:01] c6c97, Levald : Thats good. is the steel for the sheath in there also?
[04-23:02] 4e5df, Deke Menion : Oh...yes...Terra*he offers his hand to her and smiles*Be of a easy heart my loved and loyal servant.Return to me and rest...
[04-23:02] 39583, Ghamel : you know i didnt think he wanted a steel sheath for the cane
[04-23:03] fff99, Ashe: Non-eating of their mate is my type. Ya know...*leaps up landing on one hand, doing a handstand*...the ones who actually live out their lives with their mates. *grins and lands back on his feet*
[04-23:03] 1b2d8, Terra: *she begins to shrink, floating into the air as she becomes just a speck of dust landing on her masters hand*
[04-23:04] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *his hand closes as a green glow flows over him*It is done....
[04-23:05] 94c70, Muna : *Again at the coast line of , she stands solidly still her eyes are fixed upon one point in front of her out on the water. One hand is outstretched and from its palm a whispy glowing fog stretches out towards the water. It stretches, glides, its way to that same point which her gaze was fixed upon. Where the water is contacted by the whispy fog like flow, the water churns gently as if mixing itself, bubbling, though not boiling. The moon's light dancing off the ripple of waves that are made.*
[04-23:05] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : Very well, that is the aide I can offer. I will dispatch a company of builder ents to your lands. For now, you are welcome to stay the night here. Are you still jouneying to speak with the elves? I can tell you there aide will fall under similar form and conditions as mine.
[04-23:06] c6c97, Levald : I was thinking that I could make a steel interior for it and maybe a black glossed wood exterior.
[04-23:07] 39583, Ghamel : *nods* ok want it melted ?
[04-23:07] EXIT: Vesarn has left the chat ( 12:01am, June 05 (CDT) ).
[04-23:08] JOIN: Puwia has entered.
[04-23:08] c6c97, Levald : sure
[04-23:08] c6c97, Levald : sure
[04-23:08] 94c70, Aisha: Even if the aide is in the form of food or cloth it is something that we will accept. There are other things than war that rests as concerns to me, such as our children.
[04-23:08] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *siping tea in the woods and the herbs do indeed kill his headache*
[04-23:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[04-23:08] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : You wish to spend the rest of your life with one woman, hm? Admirable, I suppose..
[04-23:09] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:08am, June 05 (CDT) ).
[04-23:10] fff99, Ashe: *bows* I'd love to stay and keep up this...elegant conversation, but I have matters to attend to. *with that he takes off* **GONE**
[04-23:10] 39583, Ghamel : then in the melting pot it goes * he toses a half bar in there ..* well i'm going to rest ..please leave the copper on teh edge of the stove ..i need to keep it hot
[04-23:13] c6c97, Levald : Also dont forget to add some kind of Fasten to the blade so it can lock into the sheath.
[04-23:13] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Sure you do little imp... *watches him scamper off, then looks back out over the city* ... Slow night
[04-23:14] c6c97, Levald : good night.
[04-23:14] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *he finaly sets his tea down only to stand and stretch* tired.
[04-23:14] EXIT: Puwia has left the chat ( 12:08am, June 05 (CDT) ).
[04-23:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[04-23:14] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[04-23:14] 39583, Ghamel : * dont worry it will slide in like its been gressed and lock into place..from teh hilt ...mabey you should wait till i make the blade so you can make the sheath for it .....*smirks ..* good night*
[04-23:14] 94c70, Muna : *There was no longer any life in this small area of the shoreline, no fish, no coral, no seaweed. The only thing which was there was only what Muna would permit to be there. But this lack of life in the limited area of the water was satisfactory to her. In the end, it would not matter. The humans and their allies would fall. Soon it would be time to move on from this place, to finish this smaller project of hers. Soon her hand lowers and the glowing mists fade into nothingness. The waters calm, returning to their normal flow..*
[04-23:16] c6c97, Levald : *sits at the table thinking about what he wants to do with the sheath.*
[04-23:17] 944ee, Vesarn: ((muna, can you aim me? horseytuna))
[04-23:17] 39583, Ghamel : *goes to sleep *
[04-23:18] c6c97, Levald : *gone*
[04-23:19] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *his sword still attached to his hip.The magical weapon which blocks all magic level 3 and below though he really should polish and shine it*
[04-23:24] EXIT: Levald has left the chat ( 12:18am, June 05 (CDT) ).
[04-23:26] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *knows of Muna's plans*
[04-23:27] 94c70, Muna : *Deke only wishes he does.*
[04-23:29] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *if only you knew*
[04-23:35] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *yes....his sword is at his hip and it has the ability to block level 3 magic and cool!*
[04-23:37] BAN: The Steve-Dragon has eaten 4e5df and chews for 604800 seconds.
[04-23:37] 944ee, Vesarn: ((??))
[04-23:38] JOIN: W has entered.
[04-23:38] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 11:38pm, June 04 (CDT) ).
[04-23:40] JOIN: Kross has entered.
[04-23:42] 4f87e, Kross : ((anyone here?))
[04-23:43] 94c70, Muna : (( *is* ))
[04-23:43] 944ee, Vesarn: ((yeah))
[04-23:43] ceea7, Steve: *is*
[04-23:44] 4f87e, Kross : ((thank god.... I thought I was all alone....))
[04-23:45] 4f87e, Kross : ((though I wish a moderator was on... I really need to talk with on of them..))
[04-23:47] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Steve's an admin. Will he do?))
[04-23:47] 4f87e, Kross : ((Yuppers!! ))
[04-23:48] ceea7, Steve: WHaddya need Kross?
[04-23:49] 4f87e, Kross : ((Can I speak with you on AIM? my s/n is roofroofthedog))
[04-23:49] ceea7, Steve: Surely
[04-23:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[04-23:54] ab6ae, Aurora : .
[04-23:56] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[04-23:58] 90293, Oyrin Darkune : ((*peeks*))
[04-23:59] EXIT: Vesarn has left the chat ( 12:43am, June 05 (CDT) ).
[04-23:59] JOIN: Puwia has entered.
[04-23:59] 944ee, Puwia: ((*smooch))
[05-00:03] 4f87e, Kross : *walks to where his men roamed and smiled to them, they still filled with cheer and be merry, he loved to see them like this in such high hopes, battle neared and he knew that this was good for them*
[05-00:05] ceea7, Steve: Play nice boys and girls...Daddeh's goin to catch up on his hibernation.....
[05-00:06] 4f87e, Kross : (( night steve))
[05-00:08] 94c70, Z: *ponders*
[05-00:08] 944ee, Puwia: ((*ponders an unregged griffin for now*))
[05-00:08] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[05-00:09] 8b2e4, Liz: *wonders why the hell her jaw hurts*
[05-00:09] 095d3, Kali: ((*growls*))
[05-00:10] 095d3, Kali: ((how long ago did steve leave?))
[05-00:10] 944ee, Puwia: ((hardly ten mins ago I think))
[05-00:10] 095d3, Kali: ((*sighs*))
[05-00:11] 4f87e, Kross : ((ten? more like five...))
[05-00:11] 095d3, Kali: blasted cat hit power and then pc froze when i tried to get back ive been trying for the last 40 minutes need tokill the cat
[05-00:13] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*extremely delayed post*)) Yes, some food and clothes we can offer as well.
[05-00:14] 095d3, Kali: Mab...did steve ask you about illisse's spells?
[05-00:14] 095d3, Kali: ((*chunks (()) around that post))
[05-00:16] EXIT: Kross has left the chat ( 1:11am, June 05 (CDT) ).
[05-00:16] EXIT: Lafiel has left the chat ( 1:16am, June 05 (CDT) ).
[05-00:16] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Nope, he didn't. Why?))
[05-00:17] 095d3, Kali: ((great...i scared them off))
[05-00:17] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : ((You don't keed OOC brackets for your OoC handle. hehe))
[05-00:18] 095d3, Kali: k
[05-00:18] MSG: Kali sent a message to Mab.
[05-00:20] 94c70, Aisha: Thank you, My Lady. We are in your debt.
[05-00:20] MSG: Mab sent a message to Kali.
[05-00:21] 00197, Mab : Please, bring your caravan in and rest for the night.
[05-00:21] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : Please, bring your caravan in and rest for the night.
[05-00:23] 94c70, Aisha: I will, thank you again.
[05-00:24] MSG: Kali sent a message to Mab.
[05-00:27] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : *sends a tree ent to show Aisha around. Aisha's men can set up their tents within the wall, safe from marauders and harm and resupplied. The wall will be reopened whenever she is ready to depart and all that. Mab shows Aisha to a luxurious room in the ruins of Ferialii, of of those magic rooms that you can't see until you enter the ruins, becauses, looking in from the outside, they look like empty ruins, some w/o roofs, etc, but from the inside they show their true, magical nature.*
[05-00:27] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : of of = one of
[05-00:34] 94c70, Aisha: *Is awe inspired at the sights, being gracious where is due as well as thankful.*
[05-00:39] 00197, Mab Fairy Queen : *and gets Aisha and her company all settled in for the night and then wishes Aisha good night and heads back to her palace in the mountains* *GONE*
[05-00:41] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 1:24am, June 05 (CDT) ).
[05-00:54] 944ee, Puwia: ((8posts a reply to Mabs' reply to his post))
[05-01:03] 944ee, Puwia: ((I wonder if my Knight is stil here))
[05-01:04] 94c70, Z: Your Knight?
[05-01:06] 944ee, Puwia: ((Ahah))
[05-01:06] EXIT: Puwia has left the chat ( 2:06am, June 05 (CDT) ).
[05-01:06] EXIT: Puwia has left the chat ( 2:06am, June 05 (CDT) ).
[05-01:06] JOIN: Theodore MacPherson has entered.
[05-01:06] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((Woot))
[05-01:07] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((yup. This knight))
[05-01:13] 94c70, Z: Oh, I remember that guy.
[05-01:14] 944ee, Theodore MacPherson: ((Yeah))
[05-01:16] 00197, Mab : Cool!
[05-01:19] EXIT: Theodore MacPherson has left the chat ( 2:14am, June 05 (CDT) ).
[05-01:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-01:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-01:19] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:19am, June 05 (CDT) ).
[05-01:19] JOIN: whee has entered.
[05-01:21] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:20am, June 05 (CDT) ).
[05-01:21] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[05-01:23] 944ee, Vesarn: ((Hmm.where's a hero when you need one))
[05-01:36] MSG: Mab sent a message to Kali.
[05-02:12] ab6ae, Sileen: ...Meeew!
[05-02:16] 94c70, Z: Mrow.
[05-02:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-02:59] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-09:17] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[05-09:22] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[05-09:23] c6c97, Levald : *test*
[05-09:24] c6c97, Levald : *test*
[05-09:33] JOIN: Darvette has entered.
[05-11:09] 944ee, Vesarn: ((8ywns*))
[05-11:14] 94c70, Z: *lurky*
[05-11:15] 944ee, Vesarn: ((hi Z))
[05-11:18] 94c70, Z: Hey
[05-11:19] 944ee, Vesarn: ((how you?))
[05-11:22] 94c70, Z: I'm okay. Getting ready for work.
[05-11:22] 944ee, Vesarn: ((Me too. I leave in an hour))
[05-11:22] 944ee, Vesarn: ((noon shift sucks. you dont get time to do anything before work))
[05-11:37] 94c70, Z: I start at 2pm Central time
[05-11:51] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[05-12:06] ceea7, Steve: *points to the MOTD* And anyone who has a problem with it may feel free to take it up with me...or walk
[05-12:07] ceea7, Steve: *bears his link proudly*
[05-12:08] 944ee, Vesarn: ((hello Steve))
[05-12:08] ceea7, Steve: Hello Vesarn
[05-12:19] ceea7, Steve: And Steve's song for the day... HAND OF DOOM by Black Sabbath
[05-12:26] JOIN: Ielenia Nailo has entered.
[05-12:27] 9584b, Ielenia Nailo: Greetings
[05-12:27] 9584b, Ielenia Nailo : *bows*
[05-12:29] 94c70, Z: Hey Ielenia
[05-12:29] 9584b, Ielenia Nailo : Is it me, or does the plot follow Dragonheart?
[05-12:31] ceea7, Steve: We take a little from Dragonheart yes..its a bastardization of a lot of things
[05-12:32] 9584b, Ielenia Nailo : I see
[05-12:33] 9584b, Ielenia Nailo: Hey, I'm supposed to be registered...where's my star?
[05-12:34] 944ee, Vesarn: ((*waves out for nine hours))
[05-12:34] EXIT: Ielenia Nailo has left the chat ( 1:33pm, June 05 (CDT) ).
[05-12:36] JOIN: Ielenia Nailo has entered.
[05-12:36] 9584b, Ielenia Nailo: I'm confused
[05-12:37] ceea7, Steve: Hmm...
[05-12:42] 5e834, Aralore : ((About what, Ielenia?))
[05-12:43] ceea7, Steve: I dont see your reg form Ielena
[05-12:50] JOIN: Drako has entered.
[05-12:51] c6c97, Drako : *does reged dance*
[05-12:54] c6c97, Drako : *test*
[05-12:56] ceea7, Steve: *does the almighty Admin dance*
[05-13:01] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[05-13:02] 0014f, Karlita : (( * peeks*))
[05-13:04] ceea7, Steve: *peeks back*
[05-13:47] ab6ae, Sileen: Because... I'm a kitty!
[05-13:49] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[05-13:50] a40be, Liz: *hiding around a corner, she tosses a furry mouse toy in front of Sileen*
[05-13:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-13:50] b9608, Will-o'-the-wisp: The almighty admin dance? *nausious*
[05-13:51] b9608, Will-o'-the-wisp: nauseous, even.
[05-13:52] ceea7, Steve: Thats nice...
[05-13:54] d872e, Liz: I like my little blue dot..*cuddles it*
[05-13:54] ab6ae, Sileen: Yes... admins can be rather scary to the lesser beings.
[05-13:55] b9608, Will-o'-the-wisp: Seriously, though. The I'm-so-cool admin joke is kinda worn thin...especially at pJJ, where rooms roll over every month or two.
[05-13:55] ab6ae, Sileen: Aaaah! Tyrant moment! *runs away and dips head in cold water* *blub*
[05-13:55] b9608, Will-o'-the-wisp: And it's just bad taste.
[05-13:55] ab6ae, Sileen: *pats Will-o'-the-Wisp* It's still fun to be silly once in awhile
[05-13:55] ab6ae, Sileen: We never mean a lot by it
[05-13:56] ceea7, Steve: *pats Willeh* You're entitled to your opinion of course...and as Sileen said..I was bein silly *was hopped up on cold meds*
[05-13:56] b9608, Will-o'-the-wisp: Don't pat me. I hate that.
[05-13:56] d872e, Liz: *reels back in the mouse, twitching it*
[05-13:56] ab6ae, Sileen: *.. eases over behind Steve* He's gonna bite me!
[05-13:57] ceea7, Steve: *bites Sileen*
[05-13:57] b9608, Will-o'-the-wisp: And I understand silly...I'm an excessively silly person, myself. The reason why that particular joke rubs me the wrong way is that people do act like retards about having 'power' in chat rooms.
[05-13:57] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Teleports in*))
[05-13:58] ceea7, Steve: Nah..I dont act like a retard...Nazi maybe...but not a retard.
[05-13:58] e66bc, Ashe: *pounces on Sileen*
[05-13:59] b9608, Will-o'-the-wisp: It's pussycat ears!
[05-13:59] ceea7, Steve: *snickers*
[05-14:00] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:00pm, June 05 (CDT) ).
[05-14:01] ceea7, Sinder: *bops Willy upside the head* Leave mah older bro alone
[05-14:01] e66bc, Ashe: yeah, don't make me make rude comments.
[05-14:02] b9608, Will-o'-the-wisp: Oh, by all means. *L* Do.
[05-14:02] ab6ae, Sileen: Your mother was a hampster, and your father smelled of elderberries!
[05-14:03] e66bc, Ashe: you're ugly and your mother dresses you funny
[05-14:03] ceea7, Sinder: You bastard son of a half orc
[05-14:04] b9608, Will-o'-the-wisp: Dude...that's weak
[05-14:04] e66bc, Ashe: *breaks out the beavis and butthead* uuuh, shut up fartknocker.
[05-14:05] 8b2e4, Liz: Let's see you come up with something better
[05-14:05] ab6ae, Sileen: I'm going to rip your head off, stick it on a pike, and roast it over the fire! ... That better, yet?
[05-14:05] e66bc, Ashe: I'm gonna turn you into a teletubbie
[05-14:05] ab6ae, Sileen: ... Time for a shower! BBS
[05-14:05] ab6ae, Sileen: *GASP* Ashe! That's going TOO far!
[05-14:06] ceea7, Sinder: I am going to brown you up as Taco meat! *said in Gir voice*
[05-14:06] b9608, Will-o'-the-wisp: I'm not really being given much to work with, Liz. *L*
[05-14:06] e66bc, Ashe: *blinks* It is?
[05-14:06] 5e834, Aralore : ((Edwin do thees, Edwin do that, somebody get thees jerk a banana!))
[05-14:06] ab6ae, Sileen: Oh yeah... *scampers off* NOW bbs
[05-14:07] a3c96, Liz: *shrugs* I'm not much into the insulting scene..
[05-14:07] b9608, Will-o'-the-wisp: Y'know...someone really ought to make the motd table 5 columns wide, and put all that crap up to either side of the logo. To make more room for the RP.
[05-14:08] 5e834, Aralore : ((I'd be glad to, Willo', but I haven't a flag to edit the MOTD :/ ))
[05-14:08] ceea7, Steve: *kabonks Willy with the stick of Shh*
[05-14:09] 5e834, Aralore : ((If you give me a flag, Steve, I'd be glad to restructure the table...I'd test it in the trial room first, however.))
[05-14:09] ceea7, Steve: *gives Aralore a flag* Thar ye go
[05-14:09] b9608, Will-o'-the-wisp: Sorry...was I disturbing all of the intense RP going on?
[05-14:10] ceea7, Steve: No...I just dont like dissention *is joking of course*
[05-14:10] ceea7, Steve: Though..*starts throwing people headfirst into RP*
[05-14:10] b9608, Will-o'-the-wisp: Must be an almighty admin things.
[05-14:10] b9608, Will-o'-the-wisp: thing*
[05-14:10] 5e834, Aralore : (( really don't know how this chat works, do you Steve? :/ nevermind.))
[05-14:11] a40be, Liz: *twitches at the mention of rp*
[05-14:11] ceea7, Steve:
[05-14:11] e66bc, Ashe: *mulls about*
[05-14:11] ceea7, Steve: I know how it works Aralore..IM me.
[05-14:11] 5e834, Aralore : ((I don't use you have MSNM?))
[05-14:11] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[05-14:12] ceea7, Steve: Jesh I do.
[05-14:12] MSG: Steve sent a message to Aralore.
[05-14:12] 5e834, Aralore : (( ))
[05-14:16] ceea7, Steve: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[05-14:16] ceea7, Steve: Ok..that was just silly
[05-14:18] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 3:11pm, June 05 (CDT) ).
[05-14:18] e66bc, Ashe: *headbangs to Anthrax's cover of "Phantom Lord"*
[05-14:20] ceea7, Steve: BANG YO HEAD! *riff* METAL HEALTH WILL DRIVE YA MAD!! BANG YO HEAD!!
[05-14:22] JOIN: Ghamel has entered.
[05-14:22] fc71f, Kali: *turns the sound up*
[05-14:23] c56bb, Ghamel: * wakes up and moves towards the stove ...he pulls out the steel wich is glowing red and brings it over the pounding stone and starts to pound and fold the metal*
[05-14:24] e66bc, Ashe: BANG THE HEAD THAT DOES NOT BANG!
[05-14:25] ceea7, Steve: That's it... *cranks up Symptom of the Universe by Black Sabbath*
[05-14:26] ceea7, Steve: YEAH!!! *drum*....YEAH!!!!! *drum*
[05-14:26] e66bc, Ashe: *cranks up Anthrax's "Anti-Social"* You're anti! You're anti-social!!
[05-14:27] ceea7, Steve: HOW DO YA FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL?! *headbang*
[05-14:28] ceea7, Steve: Alright boys and girls... Papa Bear's gotta play too will see the wrath of the Steve-Dragon
[05-14:28] e66bc, Ashe: *headbangs with Steve*
[05-14:28] e66bc, Ashe: erm k
[05-14:29] e66bc, Ashe: *makes everyone headbang*
[05-14:31] fc71f, Kali: you cant make me
[05-14:32] e66bc, Ashe: hmm...AHA! *ties Kali to a chair and makes her listen to "DNR" by Testament, a song that just screams out headbang when you listen to it*
[05-14:33] fc71f, Kali: *listens*
[05-14:34] fc71f, Kali: gut thats all i'll do
[05-15:26] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[05-15:48] JOIN: Drako has entered.
[05-15:49] c6c97, Drako : *profile test*
[05-15:50] fc71f, Zaeth : not bad
[05-15:51] fc71f, Kali: *sighs* forgot what i was doing
[05-15:51] c6c97, Levald : (copied it from my site)
[05-15:52] fc71f, Kali: I like the pic
[05-15:53] JOIN: D has entered.
[05-15:56] fc71f, Kali: hello D
[05-15:56] 83bb9, Urukhai Infantry : ((*checks*))
[05-15:57] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[05-15:57] 51e31, Phoenix : *Looks about*
[05-15:59] fc71f, Kali: *test*
[05-15:59] c6c97, Levald : (hey phoenix)
[05-16:01] 51e31, Phoenix : ((Waves))
[05-16:02] fc71f, Kali: grrr *test*
[05-16:03] fc71f, Kali: *hits refresh* blasted blasted thing
[05-16:05] 51e31, Phoenix : ((Did the same thing to me.. Is in the mood for an rp anyone else?))
[05-16:05] fc71f, Kali: yes
[05-16:08] 51e31, Phoenix : *Tosses his hammer aside, his shop has collected dust since the last time he was here, he wonders how much the rest of the world has changed*
[05-16:08] fc71f, Kali: w,w,w,w,w & H?
[05-16:08] 51e31, Phoenix : *Tosses his hammer aside, his shop has collected dust since the last time he was here, he wonders how much the rest of the world has changed*
[05-16:08] 51e31, Phoenix : ((Now? and let it flow))
[05-16:11] JOIN: Ravena has entered.
[05-16:11] fc71f, Ankalima Morwen : *stretching awake, she peers out the window, surprised that the light is so was supposed to be morning wasnt it?*Aldrik? *she asks to a room that appears empty*
[05-16:14] 51e31, Phoenix : *He heads toward the inn wearily wondering if He s to be rembered*
[05-16:16] c6c97, Aldrik : *Rolls over bumping into the bed and waking up. he had fallen onto off the bed during the night*
[05-16:17] EXIT: Ravena has left the chat ( 5:14pm, June 05 (CDT) ).
[05-16:18] fc71f, Ankalima Morwen : *hearing a thud, she realizes just where he is....leaning off the side of the bed and laughing* you are a sound sleeper, you know.......
[05-16:19] 51e31, Phoenix : *Opens the door to the inn and peers around, it doesnt seem crowded so he sits himself down at the bar*
[05-16:21] c6c97, Aldrik : What*some what confused at his location*How'd i get down here.*stis up*
[05-16:22] fc71f, Ankalima Morwen : *continues to laugh at him* Dont ask if you are ready to get up....I am hungry......
[05-16:23] 51e31, Phoenix : *Sips and waits*
[05-16:23] c6c97, Aldrik : Ok.*Stands up* But you might want to get dressed first.
[05-16:25] fc71f, Ankalima Morwen : *stares at him in confusion* emm, I am, however are not...*shaking her head* I think I will go down without can catch up, when you are done
[05-16:27] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[05-16:27] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[05-16:28] fc71f, Ankalima Morwen : *she quickly turns and walks out the door, before he can say a she goes down the stairs she looks around the inn wondering just what unusual being she will meet today*
[05-16:29] c6c97, Aldrik : *walks over to his clothes and gets dressed*
[05-16:36] c6c97, Aldrik : *finished getting dressed. he turns to walk out of the room as he does so the squrrel jumps on his cloak and climbs up to his sholder* still here huh
[05-16:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-16:37] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:36pm, June 05 (CDT) ).
[05-16:38] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[05-16:38] fc71f, Ankalima Morwen : ((hey axis))
[05-16:39] 132ad, Axis : /img
[05-16:39] 132ad, Axis : (( do I get that to work agian...hrmm
[05-16:40] c6c97, Aldrik : (its / immage )
[05-16:40] fc71f, Ankalima Morwen : you have to type image
[05-16:40] fc71f, Ankalima Morwen : slash image then http
[05-16:41] c6c97, Aldrik : (img*)
[05-16:41] c6c97, Aldrik : (IMAGE*)
[05-16:41] 132ad, Axis : ((got it...thanks..and hey))
[05-16:43] fc71f, Ankalima Morwen : *reaching the bottom of the stairs, she walks towards the bar, intent on ordering some breakfast...even if it was late afternoon*
[05-16:45] fc71f, Ankalima Morwen : ((sorry gtg ))
[05-16:45] 132ad, Axis : *is in the glimmering at a table sipping a glss of wine*
[05-16:45] EXIT: Ankalima Morwen has left the chat ( 5:45pm, June 05 (CDT) ).
[05-16:45] 51e31, Phoenix : *Watches Axis*
[05-16:47] c6c97, Aldrik : *goes down stairs to join kali*
[05-16:47] c6c97, Aldrik : *gone*
[05-16:47] 132ad, Axis : *has his cowl back today revealing his golden cat-eyes, silver hair, and elven features...*
[05-17:00] 132ad, Axis : ((did everyone leave?)
[05-17:02] 51e31, Phoenix : ((No Just bored))
[05-17:03] 132ad, Axis : ((me too...))
[05-17:09] 132ad, Axis : ((*dumps water on pheonix*))
[05-17:12] 51e31, Phoenix : ((*Fizzles out* ))
[05-17:13] 132ad, Axis : ((dumps gasoline on pheonix*))
[05-17:15] 51e31, Phoenix : ((*Burst back up* bad man())
[05-17:15] 132ad, Axis : ((yeah..I am...*pulls out the fire extigusher*))
[05-17:19] 51e31, Phoenix : ((Jumps into a pool of lava*
[05-17:20] 132ad, Axis : ((Bah....your no fun.....)))
[05-17:21] 51e31, Phoenix : ((Come for a swim? ))
[05-17:22] c6c97, Drako : (*eats axis*)
[05-17:23] 132ad, Axis : ((*dives in the lava first* mmm nicley warm))
[05-17:23] 51e31, Phoenix : ((Ha ha lava party))
[05-17:24] c6c97, Drako : (*follows axis into the the lava still trying to eat him*)
[05-17:25] 132ad, Axis : ((eeeep! *hides behind pheonix* save me!))
[05-17:26] 51e31, Phoenix : ((Changes into full form fire bird and locks eyes with Draco*
[05-17:27] JOIN: Drako has entered.
[05-17:28] c6c97, Drako : (move it bird brain)
[05-17:28] 51e31, Phoenix : ((Neh *smiles*))
[05-17:31] 132ad, Axis : ((*works on making an anti-dragon virus*))
[05-17:32] c6c97, Drako : (*goes around phoenix*)
[05-17:32] c6c97, Drako : (phoenix you got an avatar?)
[05-17:33] 132ad, Axis : ((*teleports*))
[05-17:33] 51e31, Phoenix : mur... yeah
[05-17:33] c6c97, Drako : (grr)
[05-17:33] 51e31, Phoenix : ((y?))
[05-17:34] 51e31, Phoenix : ((test))
[05-17:34] c6c97, Drako : (just wondering)
[05-17:39] 132ad, Axis : ((*naps on drakos head*))
[05-17:40] 51e31, Phoenix : ((*DItto*))
[05-17:41] c6c97, Drako : (*eats both*)
[05-17:43] 51e31, Phoenix : ((*Gives acid reflux))
[05-17:44] 132ad, Axis : ((*and ulcers*))
[05-17:46] 3a8a8, Roki: *and an enema*
[05-17:49] 132ad, Axis : ((aack!))
[05-17:54] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 6:49pm, June 05 (CDT) ).
[05-17:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-18:08] 47655, Mab : Hey, everyone, when there isn't anything going on around here, Vince has a new chat he's opened up based on his Arcadia kingdom that's new and shiney right now and might be fun. We'll keep plugging away and improving Bettenchi and making it a place worthwhile, but all chats experience lulls, so whenever that happens, Arcadia might be a good alternative. Cheers.
[05-18:23] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[05-18:28] a40be, Liz: *wanders off for supper*
[05-19:18] JOIN: Drako has entered.
[05-19:30] c6c97, Levald : *goes to the market looking to buy stick of wood about 3 1/2 feet long and 2 inches in diamiter*
[05-19:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-19:39] c6c97, Levald : (hey willo)
[05-19:44] c6c97, Levald : *wile in the market he decides to also pick up some black stain and fresh sap*
[05-19:46] JOIN: Warren has entered.
[05-19:49] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[05-19:50] fb961, Liz: *comes back*'
[05-20:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-20:04] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:03pm, June 05 (CDT) ).
[05-20:06] JOIN: Ghouls has entered.
[05-20:08] c6c97, Warren: Mab you here?
[05-20:09] c161c, Ghouls: ((only us undead))
[05-20:12] fb961, Liz: Gah...evil flashes
[05-20:14] c161c, Ghouls: ((meep?))
[05-20:15] fb961, Liz: Albino
[05-20:16] c161c, Ghouls: ((*sneaks up and devours Liz...and the Albinos))
[05-20:19] fb961, Liz: Cats? I'm a kitty cat..with a meow meow meow
[05-20:20] c161c, Ghouls: ((....................))
[05-20:21] c6c97, Warren: *looks for mab*
[05-20:21] 47655, Mab : Is here!!! Wheee!!!
[05-20:22] c6c97, Warren: hey
[05-20:22] 47655, Mab : How ya doin?
[05-20:22] c161c, Ghouls: ((hey mabby))
[05-20:22] c6c97, Warren: hey i was wondering if i could get an extra spell on reg form if i gave up a skill
[05-20:23] fb961, Liz: *tackles Mab*
[05-20:23] c6c97, Warren: good
[05-20:23] 47655, Mab : Do I have your AIM? I'm presently on full fledged AIM.
[05-20:24] c6c97, Warren: xyva424
[05-20:24] 47655, Faltren : *moves through the streets of in humanoid form, his black cloak feathered, or is that is cloak?*
[05-20:25] c6c97, Warren: thats my aim
[05-20:26] c161c, Ghouls: ((hrmmm I need to talk to rython about joining the council.)) *a group of cloaked cowled disgused ghouls walk down the street*
[05-20:27] fb961, Lafiel : *she sits near a spring fed pond in the middle of one of the parks, deep in thought as she gazes out over the water*
[05-20:33] 47655, Faltren : *he comes upon the park and casually leans against a wall looking at her from behind her a little to her left. What could be going through that head of his?*
[05-20:34] c161c, Ghouls: *tra la la la undead la la*
[05-20:35] fb961, Lafiel : *a sword glitters coldly in the sunlight from it's sheath at her waist. She seems unaware that she's being watched at all, but that does'nt mean she's not on guard*]
[05-20:38] c161c, Ghouls: *they were hunting city guard this night looking to spawn more ghouls at the order of their master*
[05-20:39] 47655, Faltren : *smirks. He has no weapons but means of detaining.* What are you pondering so deeply? *in a low, sexy, gruff voice* Are you home sick? I would be.
[05-20:41] 47655, City Guard : They're patrolling here and there in twos as usual. A couple might pass by the ghouls*
[05-20:41] fb961, Lafiel : This is my home, so how can I be homesick? I'd hoped you were gone for good.
[05-20:42] 47655, Faltren : Oh? I'm hurt. I thought our relationship was beginning to mean something special. I know I cherish our encounters. *grins mischievously*
[05-20:44] fb961, Lafiel : *turns cool blue eyes on him* Nice to know one of us feels that way. Why don't you go back home, say I was killed?
[05-20:45] c161c, Ghouls: *the group of four ghouls notice the pair of city guards. Trained strong men...exactly what they needed...they crept after the guards silent as death closing in. Then they would strike...two of them would clamp hands over the mouths of the guards and the other tw owould leap forward to bite their throats out*
[05-20:54] 47655, Faltren : That wouldn't be very good for my reputation. I'm supposed to protect you from this dangerous world you've foolishly entered as well as bring you back. Now, what would they say? *faint sarcasm and amusement in his voice*
[05-20:55] fb961, Lafiel : Who cares what they say? *looks at him* I'm not going back. And, even if you did manage to make me go, I'd find some way to leave again.
[05-20:55] c161c, Ghouls: *chomp chew rend tear sort of biting*
[05-20:56] 47655, City Guard : *the guards to not see them coming, but, LUCKILY, one of them bends down at the very last second just as they're being sprung on and sees what happens to his comrade before he can be silenced and calls out a loud and horrific manly scream of terror that echos off the stone walls of Rua*
[05-20:57] 47655, City Guard : *a couple guards nearby rush upon the scene and see what is going on. As well, two more from another direction*
[05-20:58] c161c, Ghouls: *they curse and tear his throat out then drag him into the shadows where two more come in as the two killers drag them off towards the hideout the now four ghouls wait for the guards ready to attack or run*
[05-20:59] 47655, Faltren : That's not my problem if you leave again. That reflects on the council I turn you over to. It's just my job to bring you in. After that, maybe we can be the best of friends, for I won't be commissioned to hunt you a second time. *grins even wider, his tone teasing and wry*
[05-21:01] 47655, Faltren : *the first set charge at the ghouls, but the second set run off to alert the whole city*
[05-21:01] 47655, City Guard : *the first set charge at the ghouls, but the second set run off to alert the whole city*
[05-21:01] fb961, Lafiel : *rolls her eyes* Oh yes, I can just see it now. What times *snorts* I think not
[05-21:03] c161c, Ghouls: *two break off after the set that run off seeking to grab them and tear their unarmored throats open. The other set leap at the charging guards*
[05-21:03] 47655, Faltren : Oh, come now, don't you even see it as a possibility? *what is he getting at? He seems pretty smug and self assured*
[05-21:06] fb961, Lafiel : As friends?
[05-21:08] 47655, City Guard : *the set that run off are fleet of foot and calling out the alarm as they go. Others hear the cries* [GHOULS ATTACKING THE CITY AGAIN!! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!!! *after previous attacks on the city, they take any signs of ghouls as an all out attack. It would be foolish not to. The two that are charging are equiped with spears. As the ghouls leap at them, they hold the spears up trying to get the ghouls to fall right on them. The two runners also carry spears and one of them throws one back at the ghouls. Their others weapons are daggers, not much use against ghouls, but other guards may be better equiped. Upon the tower tops of Rua, that is in a network across the city, the warning bonfires are lit in succession, one after the other, spreading out from the closest point of the screaming guards*
[05-21:09] 47655, Faltren : *smirk* Sure, why not?
[05-21:10] fb961, Lafiel : Because I hate you.
[05-21:11] 47655, Faltren : Why should that be a problem? *again arrogant and grinning, then he looks up, noting the bonfire on top of the tower closest to him* Hmm, what do you suppose this means?
[05-21:12] c161c, Ghouls: *the chasing ghouls promptly head back into the maze of alleys heading back to their was only a matter of time anyway...The ones with the other guards would get hit wiht the sears and charge up them until they could reach the guards throats not caring about the fact they have been impaled...thy juts keep going*
[05-21:14] fb961, Lafiel : *stands* The city is under attack *draws her sword*
[05-21:14] 47655, City Guard : *as the speared ghouls charge up, the guards swing the spears to the side to throw the ghouls off course, hoping to make them fall to the ground and give them enough time to get away*
[05-21:15] 47655, Faltren : Why are you drawing your sword. The city under attack is an even better reason for you to come home with me.
[05-21:16] fb961, Lafiel : *takes a step towards the bridge that'll take her out of the park* I mean to help.
[05-21:19] c161c, Ghouls: *but the ghouls are persistent the reahc outand grab the guards arms and pull them into a loving embrace as all over the city ghouls fade into their hiding spots*
[05-21:20] c161c, Ghouls: *another task force bustles by the park*
[05-21:23] 47655, Faltren : What help can one woman with a little sword be? *a bit shovenistic*
[05-21:25] 47655, City Guard : *those guards drop the spears as soon as they're done swinging, hoping the momentum will keep the ghouls going long enough for them to make a break for it. On guard gets grabbled and the second stabs the arm of that ghouls to rip it away from his comrade, hopefully*
[05-21:27] c161c, Ghouls: *stabbed...CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP on the grabebd guard while the other rips out the spear and thrusts it at the guard who is stabbing*
[05-21:29] fb961, Lafiel : *takes after that task force* You'd be surprised.
[05-21:30] c161c, Ghouls: *the four cloaked and cowled figuresshe chases turn around and snarl*
[05-21:31] 47655, City Guard : *both guards get got and go down after that, the odds a little against them when they feel the effects of damage and their opponents do not*
[05-21:32] 47655, Faltren : *takes off after Lafiel* Great, and I have to protect you from such foolishness. You're going to owe me for this.
[05-21:33] c161c, Ghouls: *the ghouls grab their victems and head into the alleys while other ghouls move into the city to battle the guard for the next half-hour casue after that palyer has to go...*
[05-21:35] c161c, Ghouls: ((ina half hour that is))
[05-21:35] 47655, City Guard : *guards battle ghouls. Some win, some lose. They employ hot oil on the ghouls from above and flaming arrows follow that.*
[05-21:36] fb961, Lafiel : *snorts* Shove it and get out your sword
[05-21:38] c161c, Ghouls: *some ghouls burn to nothing some keep moving they wounds from blade and arrow are minimal and the ghouls fight savagly some stealign the bodies some leaving them to lay. The stink of certain ghouls could disable some gurads and the ghouls fight wiht natruel weapons and short swords and fight viscously*
[05-21:38] 47655, Faltren : I don't have a sword.
[05-21:39] c161c, Ghouls: *Lafiel and Faltren might notice that the ghouls have nasty jagged teeth under their cowl and their eyes burn ferally*
[05-21:42] fb961, Lafiel : *shivers as she indeed sees this* Then of what use are you?
[05-21:42] c161c, Ghouls: *they seem distracted by the distant sounds of battle however*
[05-21:43] 47655, Faltren : You'd be surprised. *smirk*
[05-21:44] fb961, Lafiel : *gestures to the distracted band* Shall we, then?
[05-21:44] 47655, City Guard : *battle battle battle battle. They have some other traps. Great wooden walls with metal spikes, extremely heavy walls that would surely crush to death, fall on some ghouls as they go by. The wooden walls being a fasaude covering the real stone walls behind them*
[05-21:45] JOIN: V has entered.
[05-21:45] fb961, Lafiel : (( Mmm..watermelon ))
[05-21:48] 47655, Faltren : They're going the other way. Why pursue them when we can safely depart? Are you madd woman? *is not a coward, but doesn't believe this either one of their fight. Would defend his own people to the death*
[05-21:49] c161c, Ghouls: *ghouls charge in and mix it up wiht guards so that arrows and traps can't be used...they fade in and out of the alleys in sneaky attacks killign guards and disappearign before being noticed. They would attack relentlessly even using the bodies of fallen guards as sheilds and using their weapons agaisnt them, even bows. Their ability to with stand most attacks gives them an edge as they conduct fading attacks*
[05-21:50] fb961, Lafiel : Because those fires mean that the city is under attack and for us to help if we can. I can.
[05-21:52] JOIN: D has entered.
[05-21:52] 83bb9, Urukhai Infantry : ((We want to invade now. ))
[05-21:52] c161c, Ghouls: *by now the four ghouls jumped a pair of gaurds gnawed them to death and run off*
[05-21:53] 47655, City Guard : *Gah! Where is some over glorified powerful magic user when you need them? hehe. The guards notice the mixing of them with ghouls is counter productive and so retreat and keep to the higher places so that they can employ their more powerful weapons.* ((Sowwy, but PC's can't invade w/o the king of Rua present, because that marks the kind of damage that needs to be followed more closely. hehe))
[05-21:53] 83bb9, D: I was kidding, Mab, I know this.
[05-21:54] 47655, City Guard : ((Figured that, but had to do my duty and say it. *L*))
[05-21:54] 83bb9, D: *salutes*
[05-21:55] c161c, Ghouls: *they note this and fade into the alleys and hidden places where they can't be hit byt the more powerfull weapons going to mysterious hiding places until the guards come out.go away*
[05-21:55] 47655, Faltren : and how are you going to help? by getting killed? *keeping up with her*
[05-21:56] 97c33, Khalek the Changer : *The mercenary captain, Raynor Blackmoore scans the rolling hills ahead of him. Within the distance is the grande capital city of Navarne. He smirks, the rest of his 'mercenary army' having already made camp a distance away. Only a unit remains with him, all of them upon varying hued war horses.*
[05-21:57] fb961, Lafiel : I'll lop off their heads....where are they going? *frowns*
[05-21:58] c161c, Ghouls: *they head into the alleys. if lafeil and flatren follow they will come upon the scene of battle bodies everywhere....fewer than their should be from the gore*
[05-21:59] 47655, City Guard : *they naturally keep a careful and guarded vigil stance. Since player doesn't have control of Rua's armies and such, we'll just say they're deployed elsewhere. They could be nearby or could not be. Dunno, don't have authority to say. Nor does this fun count against Rua's leader's guard count on the board, cuz he's not here to represent. This is for fun and story for now. The guards scan for anyone suspicious, weapons at ready, super guarded and all that*
[05-21:59] fb961, Shanira Treyan : *leans against the balcony overlooking the city from her room in her home..the palace, sipping chilled cider* It's good to be home..*she's been home for a while, but each time she says it is true. She no longer drinks anything alcoholic, her her rounding belly giving reason*
[05-22:00] c161c, Ghouls: *the ghouls hae went back to hte shadows. Many many people would be missing this night carried off by ghouls.*((and palyer has to go....goodnight))
[05-22:00] 47655, Faltren : I don't know, but I know where we are. * he throws a sort of bola thing around Lafiel and will attemp carry her off if he is successful in detaining her*
[05-22:00] fb961, Lafiel : (( Goodnight *whaps express with a brick* ))
[05-22:01] fb961, Lafiel : (( Bola? ))
[05-22:02] 47655, Faltren : ((those balls on a rop thing that wrap around really fast from cintrifical (spell?) force))
[05-22:03] 97c33, Khalek the Changer : *Spurs his horse on, him and his travelling unit heading towards the main city gates. Has no weapons drawn, yet is obviously carrying some. The runic sword sheathed, and shield strapped across his back.*
[05-22:06] fb961, Lafiel : (( Ahh..and aimed where? ))
[05-22:07] fb961, Shanira Treyan : *grimaces as she feels a twinge of nausea* Stupid brat..*smiles faintly*
[05-22:08] 97c33, Khalek the Changer : *Ride. Ride. Ride*
[05-22:08] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[05-22:10] fb961, Shanira Treyan : *idly watches a band of warriors ride deeper into her city, mercenaries, by the look of them*
[05-22:13] 47655, Faltren : ((around her mid section, hoping to get her arms and wings in it, but mostly her arms))
[05-22:13] 97c33, Khalek the Changer : *Raynor Blackmoore looks every bit the typical mercenary. An atheltically built man, with a crisscrotch match of leather/chainmail armour. His hair white, yet not from old age - is only middle aged - in the prime of his life.*
[05-22:14] fb961, Lafiel : *squeals in rage as her arms are forced close to her sides, rendering her sword and wings useless* Useless man! *kicks, trying to break free*
[05-22:15] fb961, Shanira Treyan : *curious, she picks up a looking glass and gets a better look at them, frowning slightly at the appearance of their obvious leader* Unusual.
[05-22:18] 97c33, Khalek the Changer : *So yeah, has that aura of a mercenary and is equipped and such for the part. Yet the white hair is unusual - exotic perhaps. Rides on into the city with the rest of his troupe - dismounting once reaching some stables.*
[05-22:18] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[05-22:18] 5e834, Aralore : ((Finally back.))
[05-22:20] 47655, Faltren : ((WB, Aralore. Hi Kali))
[05-22:20] fb961, Shanira Treyan : *wondering about their presense, she sets down the looking glass and finishes her cider, wondering when they'll come to the palace, as is polite. Can't work without the queen's approval*
[05-22:21] 47655, Faltren : *scoops her up and if able gives her a taunting peck on the cheek.* You'll be safely home soon. *has an iron grip*
[05-22:23] 97c33, Khalek the Changer : *As if to appear less threatening to the guards at the palace - part of the troupe split off, Raynor saying they will convene at a particular Inn later. HImself and six of his men then make their way to the palace.*
[05-22:23] 94c70, Z: Hmmm
[05-22:23] fb961, Lafiel : *bites at him, aiming to sink her good strong teeth into whatever flesh she can reach* Damn you to hell, hunter!!
[05-22:23] fb961, Lafiel : (( Z!!! Express won't work and I wanted to ask if you wanted to join me in an rp? ))
[05-22:23] 94c70, Z: *pokes Shanira's aim*
[05-22:23] 476d3, Kali: hello all
[05-22:24] 94c70, Z: *just got hom from work*
[05-22:25] 94c70, Z: But sure
[05-22:25] 94c70, Z: who , what where?
[05-22:25] 83bb9, D: *sits on Z*
[05-22:25] fb961, Lafiel : (( Just Shanira..if you want ))
[05-22:26] 94c70, Z: *sat on* o_o
[05-22:26] 83bb9, D: :/
[05-22:26] 94c70, Z: ooh... gimme a few to get it up.
[05-22:26] fb961, Shanira Treyan : *turns from the balcony and heads towards the large stairs that go to the lower level and the throne room*
[05-22:27] 5e834, Aralore : ((I just had the oddest session of D&D I think I'll ever have..))
[05-22:29] 97c33, Khalek the Changer : *Waits at the palace entrance, his route probably blocked by guards.*
[05-22:30] 47655, Faltren : Ow! *shakes her to make her let go and if that doesn't work will pry her teeth off* I'm only doing my job. You'll be better off. You'll see.
[05-22:31] MSG: Z sent a message to Shanira Treyan.
[05-22:31] fb961, Shanira Treyan : *indeed he is, by a squad of six elite guards. Their lieader is a grizzled older man with hard eyes. He takes a step forward, a hand on the hilt of his sword* Halt. State your business.
[05-22:31] fb961, Lafiel : *spits his blood at him* Like some caged animal! I won't go back. *begins screaming for help*
[05-22:33] 97c33, Khalek the Changer : *Smiles at the guard leader. Elite. pfft.* Salutions, I am Raynor Blackmoore, general of the White Lions. We are a mercenary company, and we bring news from the east.
[05-22:35] 3a8a8, Roki: <_< >_>
[05-22:36] NICK: Z changed nick to Arion Gatto.
[05-22:36] 476d3, Kali: *hugs Roki*
[05-22:36] 3a8a8, Roki: *hugs Kali, eyes V*
[05-22:37] 83bb9, D:
[05-22:38] 94c70, Arion Gatto: *His movements are silent as he approaches Shanira, having previously spied her. He know comes up to her side.* Is there something wrong?
[05-22:38] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Huggles Kali*))
[05-22:38] 476d3, Kali: *hugs Aralore*
[05-22:38] fb961, Shanira Treyan : Then why not seek out a herald?
[05-22:40] 47655, Faltren : *covers her mouth with her hand, but knows he's gonna regret that move, but does it anyway* We're going to stay the night at Trendlekims and then we'll be on our way.
[05-22:40] 47655, Faltren : her hand = his hand
[05-22:40] fb961, Shanira Treyan : S: *Still on her way to the throne room, she shakes her head* Not yet at least. I watched a band of mercenaries ride in and I have come to see what they have to say. Hopefully Rhodry won't keep them too long. *smiles faintly*
[05-22:41] fb961, Lafiel : *shakes her head and bites down again, clearly telling him what she thinks of that*
[05-22:43] 94c70, Arion Gatto: *Furrows a brow.* You're allowing mercenaries into the palace?
[05-22:44] 476d3, Ankalima Morwen :
[05-22:45] JOIN: Z has entered.
[05-22:46] 94c70, Z: *eyes the MOTD*
[05-22:46] fb961, Shanira Treyan : S: My father always greeted those who came to pay their respects. I will do the same. *pauses a moment as a pair of guards open the door to the throne room* I will do the same. *smiles at him* You worry too much. *heads for her throne of deeply varnished cherry wood and deep velvet cushions the color of fresh blood. Beside is a smaller, less ornate chair, but no less comfortable*
[05-22:47] 476d3, Ankalima Morwen : ((ok who shrunk the text? ))
[05-22:47] 5e834, Aralore : ((Wasn't me.))
[05-22:48] 5e834, Aralore : ((I can, however, fix it ))
[05-22:48] 3a8a8, Roki: i already did
[05-22:49] 476d3, Ankalima Morwen : ((*hugs Roki again* almost needed magnifying glass ))
[05-22:49] 5e834, Aralore : ((Right....I'm restructuring the MOTD...I'm testing it on another chat before this one, though.))
[05-22:50] 3a8a8, Roki: i can REALY shrink it
[05-22:50] 476d3, Kali: you do.. and i will sooooo mess the spells up
[05-22:51] ab6ae, Sileen: I like toast
[05-22:51] 476d3, Kali: *blinks* okaayyy ...and how was your day Sileen?
[05-22:52] ab6ae, Sileen: Toast is good
[05-22:54] 94c70, Arion Gatto: Only because the times are growing less peaceful and more chaotic by the day. *He steps in after her, but he stops at a respectful distance.* Nothing is always as it appears.
[05-22:54] 476d3, Kali: yes it is
[05-22:55] fb961, Shanira Treyan : (( Khalek...he posted ))
[05-22:55] ab6ae, Sileen: And... my day was great. Nar har. Your day?
[05-22:56] 476d3, Kali: sunburnt
[05-22:57] ab6ae, Sileen: Eeee *hands you aloe and sunblock*
[05-22:57] fb961, Shanira Treyan : S: *makes her way to her throne and sits down, gestureing to the chair beside her* Just because I am seeing a mercenary does'nt mean I'm being incautious. I know how to weild a sword as well as any of my men.
[05-22:57] 476d3, Kali: Thank you.....but i had a lot of fun getting this way
[05-22:58] 47655, Faltren : Yikes! Woman, didn't they teach you any manners? *carrying her to Trendlekim's*
[05-22:59] fb961, Lafiel : I am not some weak minded brood mare. Put me down. I have a perfectly good pair of feet.
[05-23:00] 476d3, Ankalima Morwen : ((*sighs* well Sileen,, I'm going to go for a while ttyl oh and people.....thank you very much for answering me ))
[05-23:00] EXIT: Ankalima Morwen has left the chat ( 12:00am, June 06 (CDT) ).
[05-23:01] ab6ae, Sileen: Any... time?
[05-23:03] 94c70, Arion Gatto: Mm.. *He moves forward, accepting the offered chair at her side. He was still not pleased to have mercenaries so near. They were often nothing more than high paid criminals.*
[05-23:03] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[05-23:04] fb961, Shanira Treyan : S: How's this. If this proves to be a mistake, you can say "I told you so"
[05-23:04] 97c33, Khalek the Changer : It is grave news, of an army of foul raiders approaching these fair lands. Our forces have fought against them and been beaten back. I somehow think your queen might be interested in hearing about such a threat. *Gives the guard a Silent Boby grin, as if he knows he has a bargaining chip*
[05-23:06] 47655, Faltren : Yes, a perfectly good pair of feet for kicking me and running while you get loose of my cords and then fly away. *nears Trendlekims* and I never said you were weak minded, although brood mare remains to be seen. *teases and grins*
[05-23:07] 94c70, Arion Gatto: *He looks to her, not really finding that satisfactory as it would mean little if something did go wrong.* I'm only looking out for you, Shanira. *Lightly he rests a hand on hers.*
[05-23:07] fb961, Shanira Treyan : Rhodry: *he frowns* If what you say is true, I will escort you. This way *gestures to the massive doors which are opened from the inside, where another six wait* Please follow me. *two of the inside guards fall in behind them, guarding the rear*
[05-23:07] c252a, Caradonia: *A pair of eyes, round and as yellow as gold coin peer out over the buildings edge. They watch the people below with a iron gaze. Silently and slowly she slides back onto the rooftop. She saw what she wanted to see*
[05-23:08] fb961, Shanira Treyan : S: *her eyes soften and she squeazes his hand tightly* What would be a good enough compromise to assuage your worries?
[05-23:09] fb961, Lafiel : *growls* I will not be a brood mare.
[05-23:09] 94c70, Arion Gatto: I would rather that you weren't speaking to them personally.
[05-23:11] 97c33, Khalek the Changer : *Raynor and his own six men follow Rhodry, the mercenary general obviously taking the lead - the others falling in to take up guarding positions on their leader. Silent. Their ease in the situation something to be commended and respected.*
[05-23:11] fb961, Shanira Treyan : Would you rather they talk to you? *is starting to grow annoyed*
[05-23:13] fb961, Shanira Treyan : R: *does'nt say anything as he leads them into the palace. Never is there a hallway that does not have at least two men in it*
[05-23:14] JOIN: Rhodry has entered.
[05-23:14] 47655, Faltren : Sure sure, you say that now until you have some adorable little nipper in your arms and then you'll melt with smushy love. *enter Trendlekim's*
[05-23:14] 97c33, Khalek the Changer : *Takes in every detail as he wanders the palace - memorizing every corridor, every guard - even how the guards look and their equipment. Does not make it obvious at all, his facial expression showing little yet a mild interest in the palace as they pass through - as if assessing pieces of furniture and such for their worth in gold. Typical merc.*
[05-23:15] fb961, Lafiel : *shudders* I would rather it be with the man I love.
[05-23:16] 94c70, Arion Gatto: *Sighs quietly>* It's your decision, My Lady.
[05-23:16] fb961, Rhodry: *glances back at the man, suspicion in his eyes*
[05-23:16] c252a, Caradonia: *And now she empties her pockets out onto the roughed texture of the ceiling. Money spills out of her pockets in a slender stream of gold. Her eyes light up and her lips curl into a smile of almost quivering joy*
[05-23:18] fb961, Shanira Treyan : *sighs* Arion..please..don't be like this. I have to do this. What kind of ruler would I be if I did'nt. I won't hide behind a door everytime a man with a sword comes in.
[05-23:22] 94c70, Arion Gatto: It's alright. We can talk more of it later.
[05-23:22] fb961, Shanira Treyan : *nods*
[05-23:22] 47655, Faltren : Oh? you have one of those now? Tch, and I was so hoping I would have that honor. *yes he is mocking in tone, but who knows, he could be serious underneath all that*
[05-23:24] fb961, Lafiel : *smirks* That will never happen, Hunter. The only emotion I feel for you is loathing.
[05-23:24] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[05-23:24] c6c97, Xyva: (location?)
[05-23:25] MSG: Z sent a message to Shanira Treyan.
[05-23:25] 97c33, Khalek the Changer : *Gives Rhodry a smirk, walking with an arrogance to his step.*
[05-23:26] MSG: Shanira Treyan sent a message to Z.
[05-23:26] c252a, Caradonia: ((On the roof of trendlkins))
[05-23:26] fb961, Rhodry: *his eyes narrow further. He looks away, though, as they come to a set of large oak doors, closed* Wait here.
[05-23:28] MSG: Z sent a message to Shanira Treyan.
[05-23:28] 3a8a8, Roki: *will be around more and more as his life finnaly re-stabilizes... ph34r*
[05-23:29] 47655, Mab : hehe
[05-23:29] fb961, Shanira Treyan : (( well, hopefully nothing will happen ))
[05-23:29] 944ee, Vesarn: ((rar))
[05-23:30] 47655, Faltren : Can't we even be friends? *mock pout and puppy face of remorse and hope mixed as he carries her up to his room*
[05-23:31] c252a, Caradonia: *Giggels and shapes her counting into a little diddy, her voice a whisper onto the breeze that drifts over the top of the city*
[05-23:32] fb961, Lafiel : Considering where you're taking me? No.
[05-23:34] 47655, Faltren : Well, you're not very understanding. *in mock pouting distain in a manly way. smirks right after. as he carries her into his toom and moves to lay her on the bed.*
[05-23:34] 47655, Faltren : toom = room
[05-23:35] fb961, Lafiel : Not understanding? I'm being taken to a place I don't want to go, by a man I do not like. What's not to understand?
[05-23:35] 944ee, Vesarn: ((hm... sold or rescued...))
[05-23:36] EXIT: Rhodry has left the chat ( 12:26am, June 06 (CDT) ).
[05-23:36] 47655, Faltren : You're just not seeing my side of it. *moves to tie her up more securely than his quick capture tying*
[05-23:36] ab6ae, Aurora : ((You made a board post saying you wanted a master to beat you, and no one to rescue you though Vesarn ))
[05-23:37] 944ee, Vesarn: ((I've been asking around. Not many people seem intrested in having a slave))
[05-23:37] 47655, Faltren : ((LOL I love that board post. So funny ))
[05-23:37] ab6ae, Aurora : ((Not many would be))
[05-23:37] 97c33, Khalek the Changer : *Waits, his men seeming quite at ease as they remain i ntheir guarding positions.*
[05-23:38] 3a8a8, Roki: an rp'ed slave is ... kinda boring... unless its done juuuuussst right
[05-23:38] 944ee, Vesarn: ((exactly aurora
[05-23:39] fb961, Lafiel : *struggles to get free while he does that* And what's your point of view?
[05-23:39] ab6ae, Aurora : ((Aurora? Pfft! She's a unicorn! All sweetness and light and stuff. 'Course she dun want a slave))
[05-23:41] 47655, Faltren : ((Who said anything about Aurora? *L*))
[05-23:41] 944ee, Vesarn: ((err, eactly Roki rather. blah))
[05-23:42] fb961, Shanira Treyan : R: *he disappears into the throne room and talks with the queen for a short moment before coming back out* She will see you *opens the door and steps back inside, leading them* Your Majesty, the Mercenaries *his voice tinges with disdain at that last word*
[05-23:42] 944ee, Vesarn: ((Blah. Anyways... so I'm thinking of being rescued instead))
[05-23:42] ab6ae, Aurora : (( <.< >.> .. I dun know what you are talking about. I never misread things. I didn't say anything))
[05-23:42] fb961, Shanira Treyan : S: *smiles politely and nods* Welcome
[05-23:43] 47655, Faltren : That I love our people and the preservation of our culture. I would die for that. You just want to throw it all away. *gets her all tied up good and then oddly contrary to his usual treatment of her, gently brushes some hair from her face* I'll keep you safe, even from yourself, just the same.
[05-23:44] 944ee, Vesarn: ((anyone intrested?))
[05-23:44] fb961, Lafiel : Why can't you understand that this is'nt the life I want? I want more then endless children.
[05-23:46] 47655, Faltren : Endless children? You know our women usually only have one or two. More than that is rare. You're hindering our very existence. *Believes this with conviction*
[05-23:47] fb961, Lafiel : While it is true that I want children someday, I want to be able to choose their father and where I live.
[05-23:49] 47655, Faltren : You can choose their father from amoung our people. Where you live would be up to both of you love birds. *moves over to the fireplace to light a fire, leaving her on the bed tied up really good*
[05-23:50] fb961, Lafiel : Yes, and I have endless days of keeping house to look forward to.
[05-23:52] 47655, Faltren : What is wrong with that? It is a noble occupation. You man would respect you for it and bring you offerings of appreciation. *Honestly doesn't get her women's lib stuff, mostly due to their culture being equal regarding genders so long as each gender stay in their customary role, but there is no attitude about one being better than the other, just a strong belief in the differing roles*
[05-23:53] 47655, Faltren : You man = Your man
[05-23:54] fb961, Lafiel : It is not what I want to do with my life.
[05-23:55] 47655, Faltren : It is your duty to your people and our culture just as I do mine. Women who do not mate are teachers and artists, not warriors. It is our way.
[05-23:56] fb961, Lafiel : Then I will teach the way of the sword.
[05-23:59] 47655, Faltren : That has never been done, but you might get them to approve if you only taught. However, I think that if battle came to us, you would try to join in the fight. I have seen that evidenced today. *gets the fire going and takes a seat in a comfy chair near the bed, stretching his wings out briefly and then letting them hang by either side of the chair*
[06-00:00] fb961, Lafiel : I hate being helpless.
[06-00:03] 47655, Faltren : Not helpless, just a different kind of power and a different role. *yawns as he is getting tired this late at night. The door is barred shut as are the windows. Should Lafiel manage to escape being tied, he'd likely hear her trying to leave* You should rest now. We have a long journey ahead of us. *exaggerates greatly as it is only a portal trip away*
[06-00:04] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[06-00:04] fb961, Lafiel : You won't get away with this.
[06-00:05] 47655, Faltren : Hmm, we'll see now won't we? *closes his eyes* ((I gotta go now))
[06-00:06] fb961, Lafiel : (( *nods and hugs* Thanks much *g* )) *snorts and closes her eyes*
[06-00:06] 47655, Faltren : *Fade out*
[06-00:07] fb961, Lafiel : **fade out**
[06-00:07] EXIT: Lafiel has left the chat ( 1:07am, June 06 (CDT) ).
[06-00:07] 97c33, Khalek the Changer : OOC: Sorry IC: *Follows R bloke into the throne room, his guards moving with him, yet falling into a more respectful distance behind as to not pose a threat to the Queen. Raynor stops where he is told too, taking that extra Silent Boby step forward as he gives a flourish bow. Flashes Shanira a winning smile* Greetings your Majesty, I am Raynor Blackmoore of the White Lions.
[06-00:22] 5e834, Aralore : ((Whataya guys think, thin or thick border... ))
[06-00:23] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:22am, June 06 (CDT) ).
[06-00:23] JOIN: Arion Gatto has entered.
[06-00:25] 944ee, Vesarn: ((AHH! MY EYES!)
[06-00:25] 5e834, Aralore : ((Thanks for all the feeback, guys.))
[06-00:26] 5e834, Aralore : ((Your eyes? The newest colour I introduced into the MOTD there was gray.))
[06-00:28] 5e834, Aralore : ((Oi. I give up. It's too late at night.))
[06-00:28] 944ee, Vesarn: ((seriously. I like the layout. Maybe make the text a wee bit bigger
[06-00:29] 94c70, Arion Gatto: *He watches this newcomer carefully, but he lets Shanira take care of her business.*
[06-00:29] 5e834, Aralore : ((Uh-uh. No way. There's no room for it to be bigger...although...perhaps..))
[06-00:30] 5e834, Aralore : ((Whoa. Definetly too small.))
[06-00:30] 5e834, Aralore : ((Too big, rather.))
[06-00:31] 944ee, Vesarn: ((meant the links, not the text here))
[06-00:31] 5e834, Aralore : ((Doesn't fit the border...))
[06-00:31] 5e834, Aralore : ((I know what you meant. The links have to fit inside the border. You can't read that text?))
[06-00:33] 944ee, Vesarn: ((well the square thiniges are now covering up the bottom set of links, and the Magic Level things are halfay across the BETTENCHI banner
[06-00:34] 5e834, Aralore : ((Yes, which is why I liked the smaller font earlier. You people need to invest in some of that laser eye surgery...))
[06-00:35] 94c70, Arion Gatto: (( that stuff doesn't help everyone ))
[06-00:36] 944ee, Vesarn: (the text looked the same size to me ))
[06-00:38] 5e834, Aralore : ((Oi. No more suggestions outta you Vesarn.))
[06-00:39] 944ee, Vesarn: ((*sighs* You ASKED.))
[06-00:40] 944ee, Vesarn: ((sorry for being shortsighted even though I have no controll over it and I'm not able to afford new glasses))
[06-00:41] 94c70, Z: you know why I don't bother looking at links now Ves
[06-00:42] 94c70, Z: *wonders if Liz is coming back*
[06-00:42] 5e834, Aralore : ((Support my MOTD, and I'll mail you some new glasses.))
[06-00:47] 944ee, Vesarn: ((what MOTD?
[06-00:47] 5e834, Aralore : ((The good one.))
[06-00:47] 944ee, Vesarn: ((all I see is something about a map))
[06-00:48] 944ee, Vesarn: ((in other words... WHAT Motd?))
[06-00:50] 5e834, Aralore : ((The trial format.))
[06-00:50] 5e834, Aralore : ((Er...shouldn't have come out italicized.))
[06-00:50] 94c70, Z: *wanders off to do some work until Liz returns from Vince's place.*
[06-00:50] 5e834, Aralore : ((the / trial / banner.))
[06-00:51] 5e834, Aralore : ((Vince's place? I thought he was in the army?))
[06-00:51] 944ee, Vesarn: ((I thought you didnt' want my suggestions))
[06-00:51] 94c70, Z: His chat, Aralore
[06-00:52] 5e834, Aralore : ((Gotcha. His metaphorical place ))
[06-00:53] 94c70, Z: Yeah.. something like that.
[06-01:01] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[06-01:01] fb961, Liz: V?
[06-01:02] 5e834, Aralore : ((Wharg. Lean 'n mean.))
[06-01:03] 944ee, Vesarn: ((?))
[06-01:04] 5e834, Aralore : ((Well, my work is done, until it needs some adjusting. If Mab finds it too hideous, I have the old MOTD saved too.))
[06-01:04] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Am-scrays*))
[06-01:05] fb961, Liz: *sighs, so very much alone. Curls up*
[06-01:06] 944ee, Vesarn: ((I'm still here))
[06-01:06] fb961, Liz: Who are you?
[06-01:07] 944ee, Vesarn: ((Puwia.))
[06-01:07] 94c70, Z: *is here*
[06-01:07] fb961, Liz: *blank look*
[06-01:08] 944ee, Vesarn: ((nobody you know I guess))
[06-01:09] fb961, Liz: Not yet..*holds out her hand* I'm Liz
[06-01:09] 944ee, Vesarn: ((anyone here up for rescuing an elf?))
[06-01:09] 944ee, Vesarn: ((vesarn. OOC handle is whee))
[06-01:10] fb961, Liz: Sorry..I actually have an elf in need of some rescueing
[06-01:10] 94c70, Z: *saves everyone.*
[06-01:10] 944ee, Vesarn: ((yay Z))
[06-01:13] fb961, Liz: Not having aim..I feel cut off from everyone
[06-01:14] 94c70, Z: *has other messangers, but thinks she might go to bed since it seems RP has stopped.*
[06-01:14] fb961, Liz: I think it's dying everywhere
[06-01:15] 944ee, Vesarn: ((Ill RP))
[06-01:16] 94c70, Z: *doesn't have any hero chars in Rua.*
[06-01:17] 944ee, Vesarn: ((... I have other chars))
[06-01:17] 94c70, Z: Oh? and where are those chars?
[06-01:18] 944ee, Vesarn: ((Puwia is in the Emerald Forest. I have no clue where Theodore is atm))
[06-01:18] fb961, Liz: Where's the emerald forest>
[06-01:18] 94c70, Z: *was wondering that too*
[06-01:19] 944ee, Vesarn: ((I forget. near Rua I think))
[06-01:20] fb961, Liz: Ahhh
[06-01:21] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 2:20am, June 06 (CDT) ).
[06-01:21] 94c70, Z: aww... Liz left
[06-01:23] 944ee, Vesarn: ((meh)
[06-01:23] 94c70, Z: pleh.. my luck.. I reg a char and noone wants to finish up the RP. Oh well. *wanders off too*
[06-01:24] 944ee, Vesarn: ((... I still was up for RP))
[06-01:31] 944ee, Vesarn: ((*sigh*))
[06-07:10] JOIN: Warren has entered.
[06-07:11] c6c97, Warren: *Sits at a table trying to learn a spell*
[06-08:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-08:01] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:01am, June 06 (CDT) ).
[06-12:03] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[06-12:04] c6c97, xyva: Wow
[06-12:05] c6c97, xyva: slow day
[06-12:07] c6c97, xyva: Any lurkers?
[06-12:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-12:38] JOIN: Lt.Hagget has entered.
[06-12:38] 5089f, Lt.Hagget : You are all gay....why was deke kicked out?
[06-12:40] 5089f, Lt.Hagget : I want you all to know that none of you can rp and what the admins did is wrong.You admins are all cowards.
[06-12:46] EXIT: Lt.Hagget has left the chat ( none of you can rp for nothing cowards. ).
[06-13:07] 5e834, Aralore : ((Ahhhh...AM AY COWAIIRD!!!!! I am...deee scarlet pimpernel!))
[06-13:08] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[06-13:08] 5e834, Aralore : ((If I were DMing a D&D session....I wouldn't roleplay D&D trolls...I would roleplay...WarCraft III trolls. WIth the Jamaican accent and everything.))
[06-13:09] 5e834, Aralore : ((That's odd. Links are small text. Must fix.))
[06-13:12] 5e834, Aralore : ((Yay-ish.))
[06-13:12] 5e834, Aralore : ((Except now normal links are uglish.))
[06-13:14] 5e834, Aralore : ((Eep. No Verdana.))
[06-13:15] 5e834, Aralore : ((There ))
[06-13:21] 3a8a8, Roki: ..... PUSS !! ... In boots...
[06-13:55] ab6ae, Sileen: ... Mew?
[06-13:56] ab6ae, Sileen: <_< >_> *puts on boots, then grbs up her rapier* Quick! I need the hat!
[06-13:56] c6c97, xyva: hello
[06-13:57] ab6ae, Sileen: Hi Xyva!
[06-13:57] c6c97, xyva: whats up?
[06-13:58] ab6ae, Sileen: Oh.. not a lot. Just popped online to see if anything interesting was going on
[06-13:58] c6c97, xyva: do you know what happened?
[06-13:59] c6c97, xyva: ^
[06-14:03] ab6ae, Sileen: What happened with what?
[06-14:03] c6c97, xyva: ^^^
[06-14:04] c6c97, xyva: The motd and links and logo
[06-14:09] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[06-14:09] 567b3, Kali: emmmm
[06-14:10] 567b3, Kali: what the going on??
[06-14:11] JOIN: Romgie has entered.
[06-14:12] 3b042, Romgie: (( Hello ))
[06-14:12] 567b3, Kali: hello
[06-14:14] 3b042, Romgie: (( So njhjk
[06-14:14] 3b042, Romgie: (( Sorry my stupid brother did that ))
[06-14:15] 3b042, Romgie: (( we RP in here? ))
[06-14:17] 3b042, Romgie: **The large man slowly walked through the forest.The forest was very docile.The harmonic and melodic chirps of the birds soothed the beast somewhat.His mood had come far from when he started his journey.Though he still craved blood, the black dragon,whom looked to be a large muscualr human type organism, still craved the blood of his hunt which he had gotten.He was not shirtless.His chest was covered in blood along with his face.His black thick black dragon scale armor pants was also covered somewhat in blood.His walk was even and steady.The large boots which he wore sunk into the mood which was made from the slight fall of rain earlier that day.He came from the forest full walking speed.He passed the lake and stopped.He walked in until the water came to his neck.He washed the bood from his chest and pants whichout taking his armor pants off.He brought the water to his face and cleaned it as well. His upper black dragon scale armor appeared on his body as he walked full tilt to the inn.He walked up on the porch and into the establishment.He walked to a small table and sat.He looked around and then closed his eyes. Through his thick black hair were two elven ears suggesting his being a dark elf for the dark magic that surrounded him was amazing**
[06-14:17] 567b3, Kali: yes this is rp
[06-14:17] ab6ae, Sileen: Oh.. it's being played with. I dunno, I just smile and nod and leave them to it
[06-14:17] 567b3, Kali: *blink*
[06-14:18] 567b3, Kali: ohhh thought maybe id been drinking ....
[06-14:20] 5e834, Aralore : ((What's wrong with the MOTD/links/logo? :/))
[06-14:20] 5e834, Aralore : ((Maybe different browser settings are screwing it up for people. Hmmm...))
[06-14:21] 567b3, Kali: aralore....its one whole name and upper half of another
[06-14:21] 3a8a8, Roki: peoples screen resolutions
[06-14:22] 3b042, Romgie: (( Well, Im going to go, Nothing seems to be going on in here, Bye ))
[06-14:23] 5e834, Aralore : ((One whole name?))
[06-14:23] 567b3, Kali: stay romgie
[06-14:23] 567b3, Kali: one bettenchi and the upper half again under it below the magiclevels
[06-14:24] 3a8a8, Roki: switch yer res down to 800 x 00 and screw with things
[06-14:24] 3b042, Romgie: (( Ok.. ))
[06-14:24] 5e834, Aralore : ((Don't do what Roki says, Kali, I'm going to fix it. The reason is the tableset. I set it as a table cell background and not set inside the cell.))
[06-14:25] 567b3, Kali: aralore......i always do what Roki says......
[06-14:26] 567b3, Kali: Rom i will rp in just a few minutes if you can wait
[06-14:26] 5e834, Aralore : ((OK, Kali, but you'll drive yourself nuts.))
[06-14:26] 3a8a8, Roki: Nobody do what Aralore says, he's a ooga boogain retard.
[06-14:27] 3b042, Romgie: (( Where are the listed species? ))
[06-14:27] 567b3, Kali: Aralore just fix the thing.....Roki knows what i mean
[06-14:27] 567b3, Kali: on the board
[06-14:27] 5e834, Aralore : ((Roki: I told people not to do anything ))
[06-14:28] 3a8a8, Roki: exactly. so everybody... go do something ! LIKE RP !!
[06-14:28] 3b042, Romgie: (( Is this medieval times or modern? ))
[06-14:29] 567b3, Kali: medieval
[06-14:30] 3b042, Romgie: (( ok and i still cant find species...i got stuck on the guys rules for girl hehe ))
[06-14:30] 5e834, Aralore : ((Kali: better...or worse?))
[06-14:30] 567b3, Kali: better
[06-14:31] 3a8a8, Roki: i'd hook ya up with a link to the website. but the speciese info on there is invalid... do to the fact that someone isnt giving me the updated info so i can update the website..
[06-14:32] 567b3, Kali: its under species write ups
[06-14:32] 3b042, Romgie: (( how about i do it this way, Is there any dragons? ))
[06-14:33] 567b3, Kali: yes there are
[06-14:33] 3a8a8, Roki: yes. and you probably wont get one if you apply for one.
[06-14:33] 3b042, Romgie: (( Im really not used to Pjj chats, I usualy RP on IRC servers ))
[06-14:34] 3a8a8, Roki: *holds up crucifix*
[06-14:34] 567b3, Kali: *blinks again*
[06-14:34] 3b042, Romgie: (( can someone MSG me and like explain this to me AIM: KoalOneri : MSN: ))
[06-14:34] 5e834, Aralore : ((Kali: Is the border messing up for you?))
[06-14:35] 567b3, Kali: yes
[06-14:36] 567b3, Kali: on the right side where hot spots is
[06-14:36] 5e834, Aralore : ((It messes up for me too when I make my window really small.))
[06-14:36] 5e834, Aralore : ((It may need to be scrapped altogether. Pity.))
[06-14:39] 5e834, Aralore : ((There. That doesn't mess up as much at lower screen resolutions/browser sizes.))
[06-14:39] 567b3, Kali: thank you aralore....sorryabout border
[06-14:40] 567b3, Kali: Romgie Iam Illisseelladan if you will allow...msn
[06-14:40] 5e834, Aralore : ((Not your fault. This is a very dynamic chat...can't have a tableset that works only on one little screen setting or platform.))
[06-14:41] JOIN: Kross Lightbringer has entered.
[06-14:42] 4f87e, Kross Lightbringer : ((*sigh*))
[06-14:42] EXIT: Kross Lightbringer has left the chat ( 3:42pm, June 06 (CDT) ).
[06-14:43] 3b042, Romgie: (( Is there any Admins round'? ))
[06-14:45] 567b3, Kali: Rom msn @ illisseelladan
[06-14:45] 567b3, Kali: Rom msn @
[06-14:46] 3b042, Romgie: kk
[06-14:46] 3b042, Romgie: (())
[06-14:46] 567b3, Kali: Gaaahhh refresh bites.
[06-14:50] ab6ae, Sileen: Oo... spiffy picture..
[06-14:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-14:53] ab6ae, Sileen: *ponders*
[06-14:54] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:53pm, June 06 (CDT) ).
[06-14:54] 567b3, Kali: what are you pondering sileen
[06-14:54] ab6ae, Sileen: ... Cameos!
[06-14:54] ab6ae, Sileen: In abc order
[06-14:55] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[06-14:55] 567b3, Kali: *hises*
[06-14:55] 567b3, Kali: grr i need new keyboard....
[06-14:56] 1611b, Axis : ((hey hey))
[06-14:56] 3b042, Romgie: (( ill brb, im switching my computers ))
[06-14:56] ab6ae, Aegnora : *.. she stood beneath the trees in a random location. The day was yet young, most were already awake in what she considered her territory... it would not be time to wrack the dreams of the mortals again for awhile*
[06-14:59] 1611b, Axis : *strides through the streets of reviewing the battle of the previous night stepping over bodies and blood*
[06-15:00] ab6ae, Amber : *she lifts her head up, nostrils flaring as she takes in a deep breath of the air, sifting through the various scents. There was something not quite right in the human city of ... there was a foul stench on the air. She was mildly curious as to it's source... but she was not yet done resting. Whatever this peculiar scent was, it could wait until she was more inclined to investigate*
[06-15:03] 1611b, Axis : *steps around a pair of destryoed ghouls as he goes on through*
[06-15:03] ab6ae, Aurora : *.. she stands with one slender arm raised, her hand delicately placed upon the trunk of an old oak, as her dark eyes stare towards the walled city before her. Twice she had gone in, and met up with... unusual creatures. She was rather loathe this time to enter at all*
[06-15:04] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *Where'd Delotha? Where is Delotha usually when she's not in that bar, or getting into some fight or another? Yup... she is perched on a rooftop, absently cleaning a bit of dried blood from beneath one of her talons*
[06-15:05] ab6ae, Naurlote : *... is secret... is safe... precious...*
[06-15:05] EXIT: Ankalima Morwen has left the chat ( 3:58pm, June 06 (CDT) ).
[06-15:06] 1611b, Axis : *and where is axis now? Behind her!* Hello delthoa*
[06-15:07] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *she turns, giving a smirk as she looks back at Axis* Hello again, my dear. Getting yourself into any trouble today?
[06-15:08] 1611b, Axis : Naw...just woke up. *yawns* damn fihgting last night kept me busy
[06-15:09] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Got into a fight, hm? With who and why?
[06-15:11] 1611b, Axis : The ghouls came out last night...much fighting in the streets.
[06-15:12] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Ghouls? That what those buggers are called? Obnoxious things. One of them actually tried to bite me *chuckles* Didn't realize I bite back... Not that I will anymore. Tasted far too nasty
[06-15:13] 1611b, Axis : yeah...well they are undead
[06-15:14] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Lovely
[06-15:15] 1611b, Axis : Indeed. HAve yo ugot into any trouble today?
[06-15:15] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Not yet, but the day is still young
[06-15:16] 1611b, Axis : True
[06-15:17] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[06-15:17] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : I'm actually waiting for some more of those nasty ghouls to come out.. They make such excellant target practice *chuckles*
[06-15:18] 1611b, Axis : Speaking of nasty I met an interesting person yesterday
[06-15:20] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Oh really? Who?
[06-15:21] 1611b, Axis : Another Demon. A powerful one...and old too.
[06-15:21] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... Very interesting... Male or female? And what was their name?
[06-15:23] 1611b, Axis : Female...not sure. Hmmmm Muna? seems like it might be it....
[06-15:24] EXIT: Shanira Treyan has left the chat ( 4:24pm, June 06 (CDT) ).
[06-15:25] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Never heard of her
[06-15:27] 1611b, Axis : I also met an amusing human pirate. He was blustering at me and I set his hair on fire.
[06-15:28] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *busts out laughing* Ah dear.. sounds like something I would do.
[06-15:29] 1611b, Axis : It was amusing...poor child got angry...attacked me wiht a flaming sword...*chuckles*
[06-15:30] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... Flaming sword? Really? Wonder where he got that.
[06-15:32] 1611b, Axis : Beats me. Called himself Gan Ning or some such...had a bell fetish.
[06-15:32] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Sounds like a... interesting fellow. *pause* .. Bell fetish?
[06-15:34] 3a8a8, Roki: *plots evily*
[06-15:34] 1611b, Axis : Yeah...wore lots of bells called himsefl "of the Bells"
[06-15:35] 1611b, Axis : ((*plots more evily*))
[06-15:35] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*eyes Roki nervously*))
[06-15:36] 3a8a8, Roki: *eg*
[06-15:36] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Wonder if that was some ploy to attract women... if so, he needs some pointers
[06-15:37] 1611b, Axis : Seriously.Fancies that he'll destryo the city.
[06-15:38] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Sounds fun
[06-15:38] 1611b, Axis : Indeed...him alone....poor confused child *luaghes*
[06-15:40] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. It is slightly amusing that he tried to use a flaming sword on a demon. Not that you appear demony to most.
[06-15:41] 1611b, Axis : No...I don't think he knows even now. I cut him up a bit gave him a taste of poisen and he ran off,
[06-15:42] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Reasonable of him
[06-15:43] 1611b, Axis : quite so.
[06-15:47] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[06-15:48] 1611b, Axis : *makes a little puff of flame in his hand* hmm
[06-15:49] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... Want to start some trouble? *grins*
[06-15:49] 1611b, Axis : What kind?
[06-15:50] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : I don't know... set the guard barracks on fire?
[06-15:50] 1611b, Axis : Sure sounds fun
[06-15:52] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Pity there's no one to represent them..)) *chuckles* Likely be more fun to do it at night... then you get guards running out in their underwear
[06-15:53] 1611b, Axis : ((yeah mab could do that))*luaghes* Ahh yes good fun
[06-15:56] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : In the mean time... Care for a drink?
[06-15:57] 1611b, Axis : Sure.
[06-15:57] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *smirks.. then steps over the side of the roof*
[06-15:58] 1611b, Axis : *hops off look there is the glimmering across the street*
[06-16:02] 0416d, Ankalima Morwen : *is sitting at the bar...mostly waiting for an assignment..humming to herself, slightly bored with the day*
[06-16:02] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[06-16:04] 0416d, Ankalima Morwen : ((storm is playing with power...i might disappear suddenly))
[06-16:05] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *meanders through the entrance to the bar, glancing over at Kali*
[06-16:05] fb961, Averey Lithle : *a young elven woman with green eyes wide with terror stumbles around the heart of rua forest. She has long red hair and fair skin, or at least she would have if she were'nt so covered in cuts, dirt, and dried blood. An almost animal like whimper escapes her lips, a sound she's not at all aware of making*
[06-16:06] ab6ae, Amber : *one eye opens as she hears someone making a commotion*
[06-16:06] 1611b, Axis : *meanders right along with Del*
[06-16:07] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *meanders up to the bar* White wine for me... Give me the bottle while you're at it *glances back* And for you?
[06-16:08] 1611b, Axis : Red wine.
[06-16:08] fb961, Averey Lithle : *coming upon a sma;; spring, barely even a trickle, she collapses to her knees, drinking the water in laps*
[06-16:09] fb961, Averey Lithle : (( Small ))
[06-16:09] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *relays as she plops a few gold on the counter. Oh yes, spending money that she got from her cut with the bounty thing*
[06-16:10] ab6ae, Amber : *her head slowly rises from her curled up amber-gold body, yellow gem-like eyes focusing in the direction of the lil elf*
[06-16:10] 1611b, Axis : *after they get their drinks heads for a corner table where they can see the whole room*
[06-16:11] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *plops down across from him, lifting the bottle up to take a gulp from it*
[06-16:12] 1611b, Axis : *srinks his from a glass*
[06-16:14] fb961, Averey Lithle : *her thirst sated, she looks down into her reflection. It's been weeks since she last saw herself. Curst had no mirrors. How she managed to escape from him, she has no idea. She only knows that she must keep running..never let him catch her again*
[06-16:14] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... So... oher then picking fights with drunken pirates, and playing with creepy critters, what else have you been up to?
[06-16:15] ab6ae, Amber : *she looks into her reflection... and silhouetted around her dainty little head, is a much larger dragon head, with gleaming golden eyes... eh oh?*
[06-16:16] 1611b, Axis : Not much..Bathing in the blood of the innocent mostly. *oops personality switch*
[06-16:16] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* Bathing in the blood of the innocent? I didn't think there were many innocents around
[06-16:17] 1611b, Axis : *wide evil grin his voice and even posture different* YOud be surprised.
[06-16:17] fb961, Averey Lithle : *a scream of pure terror builds in her throat, ready to burst any second as she scrambles back on all floors, not at all hampered by clothes...what little she has left is little more than rags held together by string and thread*
[06-16:18] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *pauses, eyeing him* ... Something wrong?
[06-16:19] 1611b, Axis : Nothing nothing. *suddenly stops blinks nad rubs his eyes* hmm that was odd....what did yo usay? I'm looking for someone...
[06-16:19] ab6ae, Amber : *purposely quiets her voice to a human speaking level, as she calmly watches the elf scrambling away* ... There is no need to scream. You are far too thin for me to even consider eating *her mouth parts in a smile, flashing a row of razor sharp teeth..*
[06-16:20] 0416d, Ankalima Morwen : *still humming to herself, she orders another drink and turns in her seat to watch the room around her..seeing Delotha and the strange one from the night before*
[06-16:20] fb961, Averey Lithle : Lemme alone!
[06-16:20] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... You were commenting about bathing in the blood of the innocent. *RaE* And who are you looking for?
[06-16:21] ab6ae, Amber : *regards her a moment more.. then begins muttering the words to a spell... Flash! And now there's an elven woman standing where the dragon was* .. Am I a little less frightening now?
[06-16:22] ab6ae, Amber : .
[06-16:22] 1611b, Axis : Did I say that? I haven't been doing anything of the sort *is back into his normal tone and posture* A Elf named Avery of my aquatence. She disappeared some time ago. HAd somethign to do wihta demon I belive
[06-16:23] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. Seems to be an awful lot of demons running amuck. Maybe I should take up my old job of demon hunting
[06-16:24] 1611b, Axis : MAybe so....How do they taste?
[06-16:24] fb961, Averey Lithle : *she stops, indeed oddly comforted by this form. She nods* ..yes
[06-16:25] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Demons? Well, you didn't taste all that bad *chuckles* And it tends to vary
[06-16:26] ab6ae, Amber : *clasps her hands before her, as she approaches the elven woman* What has happened to you?
[06-16:26] 1611b, Axis : *chuckles as well.* Hmm half-demons are fairly good tasting....
[06-16:27] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* Good to know
[06-16:27] JOIN: Pedron Nial has entered.
[06-16:27] EXIT: Pedron Nial has left the chat ( 5:27pm, June 06 (CDT) ).
[06-16:28] JOIN: C.M.O.T. Dibbler has entered.
[06-16:28] 1611b, Axis : Y es it is...*smirks as well and sips his wine*
[06-16:28] fb961, Averey Lithle : *eyes her, backing up when she gets too close. It's ovbious that Averey's been through a lot..and none of it good. On her left forarm, now that Amber's closer, she might make out a jagged lightning scar..a demon brand*
[06-16:29] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *shakes her finger at him* Don't go getting any ideas now..
[06-16:30] ab6ae, Amber : *glances down at her arm.. and frowns* Who gave you that? *gestures tot he scar*
[06-16:30] d630b, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: Who's HUNGRY!! *pushes sausage cart up to people* I got genuine pig sausage inna free bun here, only three of whatever the going currency is!!!
[06-16:30] fb961, Averey Lithle : *flinches, going paler, if possible* Demon
[06-16:31] JOIN: Romgie has entered.
[06-16:31] 1611b, Axis : What? I have no ideas *winks at her palyfully* YOu know I'm as innocent and kind as any angel
[06-16:31] 5cffb, Romgie: (( Hello ))
[06-16:32] d630b, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: heey, come on people, you know you want some delicious sausage!! cause it's pig!! fresh hot, just packed into the intestine!!
[06-16:32] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : HA! And the sky is purple with pink polka dots
[06-16:32] d630b, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: ((test))
[06-16:32] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : (( ))
[06-16:32] d630b, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: Yes, yes it is!!
[06-16:33] 1611b, Axis : *looks out the window* hmmmm
[06-16:33] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles*
[06-16:34] 1611b, Axis : Oaky...maybe not. *smiles*
[06-16:34] d630b, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: So, i take it you want some sausage? *to delotha*
[06-16:34] ab6ae, Amber : A demon did this to you...? *frowns, then holds out her hand* Come with me dear.. I know someone who can fix you up
[06-16:35] fb961, Averey Lithle : How do I know you're not with him?
[06-16:36] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* .. One of these times, I'm going to say that, and the sky really WILL look like that
[06-16:37] d630b, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: You know what goes great with purple poka dot sky? Sausage!
[06-16:37] ab6ae, Amber : My dear, dragons are far too noble and proud of a race to deal with demon ilk. You are safe with me.
[06-16:37] 1611b, Axis : And there will be laughter all around...
[06-16:37] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((He's scaring me!))
[06-16:38] fb961, Averey Lithle : *shivers* Safe?
[06-16:38] d630b, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: You know what goes great with demon slaying? Sausage!! *to amber*
[06-16:39] ab6ae, Amber : Yes.. safe/
[06-16:39] ab6ae, Amber : ((*eats that / out of there*))
[06-16:40] 1611b, Axis : ((go away C))
[06-16:40] fb961, Averey Lithle : *nods and slowly stands, trembling*
[06-16:41] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Or mass panicing. Either way works
[06-16:41] ab6ae, Amber : *continues to hold her hand out to Avery*
[06-16:42] 1611b, Axis : Yeah...maybe both. And if oyu say when pigs fly...well there are always acatapults
[06-16:42] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *laughs*
[06-16:43] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Pigs are deadly projectiles
[06-16:43] fb961, Averey Lithle : *takes her hand* Help me..
[06-16:43] 1611b, Axis : Indeed *luaghes*
[06-16:44] ab6ae, Amber : I will dear... *starts to lead her off* Have you ever met a unicorn before?
[06-16:45] fb961, Averey Lithle : *shakes her head* No..
[06-16:46] ab6ae, Amber : You will now *lead lead lead*
[06-16:47] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... I wonder if there's a wizard that could do that. Make the sky appear purple with pink dots
[06-16:47] d630b, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: probably... then i'd sell him a sausage
[06-16:47] 1611b, Axis : Probably that Deke Menion elf could.
[06-16:48] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Never heard of him
[06-16:49] 3a8a8, Roki: shut up.
[06-16:50] ab6ae, Amber : ((Dang, you must reeeaaally be bored Dibbler))
[06-16:50] 1611b, Axis : *shrugs* any way their prolly is
[06-16:51] fb961, Averey Lithle : Oh?
[06-16:52] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. Should find one, and con him into doing that
[06-16:52] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[06-16:52] 1611b, Axis : *luahges* would be fun
[06-16:52] ab6ae, Amber : *smiles as she continues to lead her through the woods, towards a grove*
[06-16:54] fb961, Averey Lithle : Where am I?
[06-16:55] ab6ae, Amber : You are about six hours of walking from , in a forest. *stops in the center of the grove, looking around.. then lets out a sharp whistle*
[06-16:57] 0416d, Ankalima Morwen : *has been listening to Axis and Delotha's conversation....her elven ears picking up only a word or two ....but the mention of that Mage's name..makes her listen a bit more closely....if they knew where to find him she might be able to collect that bounty after all*
[06-16:58] d630b, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: ((wow i haven't been paying attention to the chat for the last 20 minutes)) so, sausage, who wants some?
[06-16:59] d630b, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: I know you're hungry, and i have the answer: sausage!
[06-17:00] ab6ae, Aurora : *... a white figure moves through the trees, caught briefly in glimpses as it circles around*
[06-17:00] d630b, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: hey, random white figure, you hungry?
[06-17:01] ab6ae, Aurora : ((*throws rocks at Dibbler*))
[06-17:01] d630b, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: ((ow ow ow ))
[06-17:02] ab6ae, Aurora : ((Mwaha!))
[06-17:02] 3a8a8, Roki: shut up Dibbler.
[06-17:03] d630b, C.M.O.T. Dibbler: Hey, just trying to make a living! *to roki*
[06-17:03] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[06-17:04] 47655, Mab : Whoah! Who cleaned up the MOTD into nifty keen boxes?
[06-17:04] fb961, Averey Lithle : (( I'm sorry to do this...but I gotta go...I'll be back in a bit ))
[06-17:05] ab6ae, Sileen: Take care da Avery
[06-17:05] ab6ae, Sileen: Averey
[06-17:05] ab6ae, Sileen: You
[06-17:05] ab6ae, Sileen: .. And I think Aralore cleaned it up, Mab
[06-17:06] EXIT: Averey Lithle has left the chat ( 6:04pm, June 06 (CDT) ).
[06-17:06] 0416d, Ankalima Morwen : ((*does the happy dance* new profile works))
[06-17:07] 0416d, Ankalima Morwen : ((yes he did earlier ))
[06-17:07] 47655, Mab : *goes to do some general chat clean up inbetween RL work stuff and drawing up the map*
[06-17:09] 1611b, Axis : ((back!))
[06-17:09] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((WB)
[06-17:10] 1611b, Axis : *makes the flames i nthe fire palce form pretty shapes*
[06-17:10] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *glances towards the fire as he begins playign with it*
[06-17:12] 1611b, Axis : *makes dragons demons people fighting so on so forth*
[06-17:13] 1611b, Axis : *people stare*
[06-17:14] 0416d, Ankalima Morwen : *glances at the fireplace...the flames making pictures.....she begins to watch them, her attention fading from the room*
[06-17:15] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. Make a flower
[06-17:16] 1611b, Axis : *the flames unfold to reveal a shifting burning fower*
[06-17:17] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-17:17] 1611b, Axis : *the flower spisn in place shifting types as it goes*
[06-17:22] 1611b, Axis : *all the candles in the place become flowers that spin in place*
[06-17:22] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles* Very good..
[06-17:23] 1611b, Axis : HOw about this? *the flames show a figure cloaked and cowled holding a wavy bladed sword doing a sword dance occasionally stoppin to slay a armed figure*
[06-17:25] 0416d, Ankalima Morwen : *blinks...realizing that she had let her attention be caught by trivial illusions....gets up from her seat at the bar and heads towards her room*
[06-17:26] EXIT: Ankalima Morwen has left the chat ( 6:25pm, June 06 (CDT) ).
[06-17:28] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. another cloaked figure appears in the flames, this one more on the feminine side, weidling a slightly curved short sword*
[06-17:30] 1611b, Axis : *the male figure turns towards her nad nods. Meanwhile two armed figures rush at the female figure from behind*
[06-17:31] 1611b, Axis : ((errr....brb back...gotta do something))
[06-17:37] 1611b, Axis : ((back))
[06-17:38] 1611b, Axis : *with swords*
[06-17:38] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. the female cloaked figure twirls, with her firey cloak flaring out, to bring her sword up intot he first of the two figures, lil firey hand reaching to her waist, where there sheathed is a second sword*
[06-17:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-17:39] 1611b, Axis : *it gets impaled and falls squirming*
[06-17:41] 1611b, Axis : *the other slashes at her with it's flamign sword*
[06-17:42] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *Squirming lil fire person!* *the fire blade tugs free as she s[pins around, lil fire blade twirling to knock aside the flaming sword of the first, with some dramatic sparks for effect, as the second lil flame sword is yanked out of it's sheath.. blade coming up to slash along the firey stomach of the other*
[06-17:43] 1611b, Axis : *oops...firey entrails spillonto the firey ground as it falls and fades away. The people in the tavern oo and aah. The male figure walks forward wavy blade in hand*
[06-17:45] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *she chuckles at the firey entrails* .. Nice touch.. *the female figure twirls around, bringing up one flaming sword to salute the other cloaked figure*
[06-17:46] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Eep! Got to go to the store We either have to pause, or pretend they finished playing around, and Delotha left or sometihng))
[06-17:46] 1611b, Axis : ((oaky cya later))
[06-17:47] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*poof*))
[06-17:51] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 6:46pm, June 06 (CDT) ).
[06-17:54] JOIN: Ghouls has entered.
[06-18:08] 47655, Mab : La la la *does cleanup and revamping work* La la la
[06-18:09] 1611b, Ghouls: ((rawr *gnaws mabby*))
[06-18:16] 47655, Mab : Eeeek!!
[06-18:20] 1611b, Ghouls: ((mmmmmm mabby goodness.))
[06-18:20] 47655, Mab : *L*
[06-18:22] 1611b, Ghouls: (la la la *is dead and loves it*))
[06-18:24] 1611b, Ghouls: ((GHOUL BOOTY DANCE!!! ( | ) ( ( ( | ) ) ) ( | )
[06-18:27] 47655, Mab : (_|_) (_(_) (_|_) (_)_)
[06-18:28] 1611b, Ghouls: ((muahahahha))
[06-18:30] 47655, Mab : hehe
[06-18:30] 47655, Mab : I need a better set of maps for finding these earth equivalent places.
[06-18:31] 1611b, Ghouls: ((*eats people* mmm city guard. ))
[06-18:31] 47655, Mab : hehe
[06-18:33] 1611b, Ghouls: ((hrmm...need to speak to rython....))
[06-18:34] 47655, Mab : Yeah
[06-18:35] 1611b, Ghouls: ((not only for his part in hunting us...but about becomeing a member of the council))
[06-18:36] 1611b, Ghouls: ((thats right a ghoul o nth council.....j/k))
[06-18:38] 1611b, Ghouls: ((oops *gone*))
[06-18:38] 47655, Mab : LOL
[06-18:38] 47655, Mab : See ya?
[06-19:04] 5e834, Aralore : ((Doom.))
[06-19:10] 5e834, Aralore : ((BBIAF))
[06-19:26] ab6ae, Sileen: Potato
[06-19:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-19:29] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:29pm, June 06 (CDT) ).
[06-19:29] JOIN: Ghouls has entered.
[06-19:30] 7e274, Ghouls: ((rar))
[06-19:31] 5e834, Aralore : ((Arrested Development is on...Sexy.))
[06-19:32] 47655, Mab : *points to little "read" caption at the top for important announcement* Please, spread the word to anyone you know, because my attempts to search through registration emails has not yeilded the emails to any kingdom leaders to notify them that way.
[06-19:32] 7e274, Ghouls: (( *Bites aralore*))
[06-19:32] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. she.. is still there, staring at the fireplace*
[06-19:35] 7e274, Ghouls: *a group of six ghouls all disgused and such sit at a nearby table while others putter about the city being more carefull tonight*
[06-19:40] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *absently twirls one finger.. making a woman appear in the flames of the fire place, and slowly begin to dance. There were times Delotha herself wished she could dance.. but alas, she knocked the heck out of people, was strong, fast, agile... but dancing? Such a pasttime proved to be beyond her*
[06-19:41] 5e834, Aralore : *Sits at the bar, pointing frantically at his spellbook, he appears to be arguing with a lizard that stands atop the bar counter about metamagic theory*
[06-19:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-19:42] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *glances up, hearing Aralore's voice... and a smile slowly srpeads across her lips, as the lady in the fire vanishes, gone with her attention* *she slowly rises.. and eases up behind Aralore*
[06-19:43] 7e274, Ghouls: *they munch hungrily on mutton and gravy*
[06-19:43] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:41pm, June 06 (CDT) ).
[06-19:49] 5e834, Aralore : *The lizard gazes at him passively throughout his rant, eventually the little creature looks up, and Aralore follows its gaze to Delotha, a smile appearing upon his black lips*