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[31-14:41] bae8b, Ankalima Morwen : *he would the crowd a pretty half elf (see avatar)* * as she wanders her elven ears pick up the sound of unusual sound around here*
[31-14:43] 08527, Ashe: *yup still in his tree*
[31-14:44] c3bb6, Gan Ning : *he contiues to walk and sits at the fountain in the middle of the market place, he sighs softly and looks around*
[31-14:48] bae8b, Ankalima Morwen : *her eyes scan the crowd for the source of the has disappeared ....shrugging her shoulder a bit she continues her wandering*
[31-14:48] 7693d, High Mage Rython: After a moment of carefully taking in the words he's reading, he raises a hand, the sleeve of his robe falling about his elbow as he does so. Not looking up from the book, he continues to read, however this time his lips begin to move with his eyes. Soft utterences slowly slip from his lips and drift about him. In his upturned palm the air seems to condense and form a swirling grey mist. As words continue to slip from between his lips, the grey form slowly takes shape into a small ball. After a moment or two more, Rythong stops speaking, and looks up from his book to his hand. Chuckling he begins to rotate his hand around. The small grey ball of mist rotates with it. Chuckling to himself, he suddenly closes his hand around it, forming a fist. When he opens it again, the ball is still there. For some reason this causes him to laugh aloud and shake his head. A grin tugging at his lips, he leans inward and blows softly across his palm. The grey ball seperates into whisks of cloud like vapor before finally disappearing.*
[31-14:49] c3bb6, Gan Ning : *he will slowly stand and start to walk, the jignel starting back up as he walks to a spice merchant and looks at his wears* hhmm i see.. is this hot?*points to one* yes.. i will take a bag*he will pay the man and turn to start walking, he doesn't know he is getting closer to ankalima but he is*
[31-14:50] c3bb6, Gan Ning : jingle*
[31-14:56] bae8b, Ankalima Morwen : *the sound of bells once again chimes in her ears.....her cuiriosity piqued....she begins a more careful study of the crowd....soon spotting the source of the sound, her eyes narrowing a bit at the tall man coming towards her*
[31-14:57] 7693d, O.R.: Well, I think that's good enough.
[31-14:57] c3bb6, Gan Ning : *he walks up and notices ankalima*hhmm an elf...*he walks up closer and lean in real close to get a better look* my your beautiful
[31-14:58] bae8b, Ankalima Morwen : ((and he would have too she's only 5' to his 5'11"))
[31-15:00] 08527, Ashe: *begins to doze off in his tree*
[31-15:00] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((LOL!!!Gan is blunt))
[31-15:01] c3bb6, Gan Ning : ((Yep))
[31-15:01] 7693d, O.R.: *WIll be back later.*
[31-15:02] bae8b, Illisse Brilthor : *sees Hiten falling asleep in his tree.....a mischevious grin appears on her face.....she walks slowly towards his tree , coming to a stop just under him.* *shouts* Hey!!!
[31-15:03] bae8b, Ankalima Morwen : *her eyes widen at his speech* Well, that wasnt what i expected to hear today...
[31-15:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-15:04] 08527, Ashe: *the shout doesn't phase him a bit as he just snores louder*
[31-15:04] c3bb6, Gan Ning : well it is the truth *he winks and leans in placing a small kiss on her cheek*...hhmmm it appears my men need me *he looks towards the dock*..i hope to run into you later *he chuckles*
[31-15:05] c3bb6, Gan Ning : ((*sighs* gotta get ready for work))
[31-15:05] bae8b, Illisse Brilthor : *shakes her head at his snores* Some guardian you are....
[31-15:05] 08527, Ashe: ((guardian?))
[31-15:06] bae8b, Ankalima Morwen : *as he leans in she would carefully cut the strings of his purse ..this he would not notice for some time*
[31-15:06] bae8b, Ankalima Morwen : ((older brother)
[31-15:07] 08527, Ashe: *snorts then goes back to his snoring*
[31-15:07] c3bb6, Gan Ning : *he smirks and turns walking towards the dock's the jingle noise still being heard as he walks away* ((very nice.. you just got 150 gold...))
[31-15:08] bae8b, Illisse Brilthor : *sighs* Well I can ony hope your brother isnt out getting in serious trouble
[31-15:09] c3bb6, Gan Ning : ((GONE To work...yay!...))
[31-15:09] bae8b, Ankalima Morwen : ((*grins* See Vince? beauty has its advantages........thank you Gan))
[31-15:09] 08527, Ashe: *falls out of the tree and on top of Illisse* IT WASN'T ME!!
[31-15:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-15:11] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:11pm, May 31 (CDT) ).
[31-15:11] bae8b, Illisse Brilthor : *seeing him fall...she just wasnt fast enough to get out of the way...she is knocked to the ground........arching an eyebrow and laughing just a bit* What wasnt you?
[31-15:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-15:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-15:12] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[31-15:12] 4e5df, Deke Menion: ((As it says in the book of probverbs "Beware a flattering tounge and winking eye"))
[31-15:13] 867a2, Sileen: Someone, RP with me >_<
[31-15:13] bae8b, Illisse Brilthor : ((what? All she did was shop...dinna flatter dinna wink...))
[31-15:14] 4e5df, Deke Menion: ((I think we missed the point of the lesson))
[31-15:14] 08527, Ashe: ((*tackles Sileen* MWHAHAHA!!)) Um...huh? *groggy, he was dreaming* Oops, *realizes he's on top of Illisse and quickly gets up and helps her up*
[31-15:15] bae8b, Illisse Brilthor : ((WE got the lesson I prefer to ignore it))
[31-15:16] 94c70, Z: *RPs with Sileen*
[31-15:16] bae8b, Illisse Brilthor : *taking his hand, she stands up and dusts herself off* Now...what wasnt you?
[31-15:17] 867a2, Aurora : *.. light footsteps tap along the road, as the unicorn, in young lady form, moves along...*
[31-15:17] bae8b, Illisse Brilthor : ((ahhh piffle Ive got to go.....see ya'll later))
[31-15:17] 08527, Ashe: ((bye))
[31-15:17] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 4:17pm, May 31 (CDT) ).
[31-15:19] 08527, Ashe: *watches as Illisse suddenly takes off* Um...k...huh? *turns his head to see Aurora coming down the road*
[31-15:21] 867a2, Aurora : *has her cloak on, the hood pulled forward just enough to shield the pearl horn... she slows as she takes note of Ashe ahead*
[31-15:22] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[31-15:22] 08527, Ashe: *doesn't quite recogize her at first with the cloak, but he catches her scent and knows it's her so he heads towards her*
[31-15:23] 867a2, Aurora : *looks up, flashing Ashe a small smile*
[31-15:24] 08527, Ashe: *smiles back* Hey there, what are you up to today?
[31-15:25] 867a2, Aurora : .. Walking.
[31-15:26] 08527, Ashe: *blinks* ...Ok, how are you?
[31-15:26] 867a2, Aurora : *soft giggle* I am alright. And you?
[31-15:30] 08527, Ashe: Good good and good. *smiles and then motions to the cloak* New look for you.
[31-15:31] 867a2, Aurora : *blinks, then reaches up, tugging back the hood* ... I alwas wear this, when I'm going to be around a lot of humans
[31-15:32] 08527, Ashe: *scratches his head* I see, guess that explains it, since I'm not human.
[31-15:34] 867a2, Aurora : *smiles softly* Every once in awhile, there's a human that can see .. *reaches up, touching her horn* ... They often will tell others what they say, and then I could be in danger
[31-15:35] 08527, Ashe: *nods* Yeah, and if that happened while I was with ya, there'd be some humans unconcious. *winks*
[31-15:36] 867a2, Aurora : *tilts her head slightly*
[31-15:38] 08527, Ashe: *stands there innocently* If they tried to hurt you ya know. *scratches head* Hehe
[31-15:39] 867a2, Aurora : Oh..
[31-15:41] 08527, Ashe: *grins* Hehe.
[31-15:47] 84220, Mab : *is around*
[31-15:48] 08527, Ashe: ((where'd bri go?))
[31-15:53] EXIT: Ashe has left the chat ( 4:48pm, May 31 (CDT) ).
[31-16:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-16:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-16:25] 84220, Mab : Dunno where Bri went. She musta got pulled away unexpectedly or something.
[31-16:26] 84220, Mab : Her convo over AIM stopped abruptly to. She musta got booted.
[31-16:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-16:40] DICE: Sileen rolls 14 = 14 on a 1d20.
[31-16:41] DICE: Sileen rolls 2, 4, 4 = 10 on a 3d6.
[31-16:42] DICE: Sileen rolls 3, 6, 4, 3 = 16 on a 4d6.
[31-16:49] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[31-16:50] JOIN: Zanix has entered.
[31-16:50] 18221, Zanix: rawr
[31-16:50] 62814, Ankalima Morwen : hey
[31-16:50] 62814, Ankalima Morwen : hey
[31-16:52] 62814, Ankalima Morwen : *looks* arent bored are you?
[31-16:58] DICE: Sileen rolls 6, 1, 5, 4 = 16 on a 4d6.
[31-17:00] DICE: Sileen rolls 1, 6, 3, 3 = 13 on a 4d6.
[31-17:00] 867a2, Sileen: .. dunno what you're talking about
[31-17:01] 62814, Ankalima Morwen : hmmmmm i gotcha
[31-17:02] 5e834, Aralore : ((Oh no, Beholders! *runs*))
[31-17:05] 62814, Ankalima Morwen : Yes we are watching you...
[31-17:05] 5e834, Aralore : ((I don't think there is a spell that makes me immune to gaze attacks..unless I voluntarily blind my party... :/ ))
[31-17:06] 62814, Ankalima Morwen : hmmm *checks her spell list* maybe
[31-17:08] 62814, Ankalima Morwen : what level are you?
[31-17:10] 62814, Ankalima Morwen : the only bad thing is there are somewhere around 500 spells to go thru...LOL
[31-17:11] 5e834, Aralore : ((In BG2 my party is around 13th-19th level :/ ))
[31-17:12] 867a2, Sileen: Darkness
[31-17:12] 62814, Ankalima Morwen : Doh *smacks head* and i use that one.....
[31-17:17] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[31-17:22] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *continuing her shopping...she comes across a faded bit of parchment..the language written on it is elvish.....she barters with the seller and walks away with a gleam in her is a new spell that will make her occupation a little bit easier*
[31-17:25] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[31-17:29] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : Hello Night
[31-17:30] 18221, Night Claw: (rawr!)
[31-17:31] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ahh..sneak
[31-17:36] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[31-17:37] 18221, Night Claw: *seaks*
[31-17:43] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[31-17:44] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *his hooded form peers out towards Ankalima as he puffs softly upon the long pipe between his lips his form of course hidden in the shadows of a local alley*
[31-17:46] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *Err...or not...puffs pipe*Gone*
[31-17:47] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *he would not know who she is*
[31-17:50] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[31-17:50] 4e5df, Deke Menion: *is just watching her because he is a old man and she is a young lady....bwhaaa*
[31-17:50] 867a2, Sileen: Dum de dum de dum
[31-17:52] 4e5df, Deke Menion: ((*thugs Sileen out in thugish clothes and such*))
[31-17:53] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((*keeps mouth shut* old man....))
[31-17:53] 867a2, Sileen: *.. dodges? *
[31-17:54] 4e5df, Deke Menion: ((LOL!!!))
[31-17:58] 84220, Fahrena : *a high lady from the elven section of Arcadia, she resides in an inn in , not Trendlekim's, at least not yet. She hasn't made her way in that far. She is in the section of town that is still mostly roads and not waterways, on the very outskirts, just inside the wall a ways*
[31-18:00] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[31-18:01] 8f2d7, Cara: They call me...Tatersalad
[31-18:02] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[31-18:02] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : hello tatersalad....
[31-18:03] 8f2d7, Cara: Come on..someone catch where I got that from..*squirm*
[31-18:03] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen :
[31-18:04] 8f2d7, Cara: *Points* You know! Dont you!
[31-18:04] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : and you cant make me talk
[31-18:05] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[31-18:05] 8f2d7, Cara: Damn, damn. Double damn!
[31-18:06] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : how've you been? havent seen you for a while
[31-18:06] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : oh thats right *illisse*
[31-18:07] 8f2d7, Cara: keeps wearing me out
[31-18:09] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *puts tape over Cara's mouth* bad word
[31-18:09] 8f2d7, Cara: *muffels* work work work
[31-18:11] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *waps with wet noodle*
[31-18:11] 8f2d7, Cara: rowr
[31-18:12] 8f2d7, Cara: Anyway..i gotta get goin...need to fix some dinner
[31-18:12] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : awww see ya
[31-18:13] 8f2d7, Cara: ta ta
[31-18:39] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *haunts*
[31-18:44] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[31-18:45] 18221, Night Claw: *throws random things at the ghost*
[31-18:48] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((*doesnt feel a thing as she is ethereal*))
[31-18:49] 18221, Night Claw: ((rawr*goes off and pouts*))
[31-18:49] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *happy at finding the new spell, she sits on the edge of the fountain and begins to read it*
[31-18:53] 18221, Night Claw: ((*the rather large figure walks through the market place, covered in a black cloak*))
[31-18:54] 18221, Night Claw: *the rather large figure walks through the market place, covered in a black cloak*
[31-18:54] 18221, Night Claw: (rawr...stupid ooc)
[31-18:54] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : (())
[31-18:55] 18221, Night Claw: (stop doing that! it's scarry!0
[31-18:55] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *engrossed in her spell, she, for once, is not paying attention to the people around her.........not a good idea*
[31-18:56] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[31-18:56] 18221, Night Claw: *spots Ankalima and walks up behind her*
[31-18:57] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((cant do that...unless you are walking thru the fountain))
[31-18:58] 18221, Night Claw: (rawr then cancel that)*walks up to Morwen and takes a look at the spell*
[31-19:04] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *a shadow covers her parchment.....looking up she sees a large dark cloaked figure standing before her...she is a bit unnerved that she has let someone get that close to her* Who are you? .*crumpling up the parchment and stuffing it in her pocket..muttering to herself* nosy people
[31-19:05] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[31-19:12] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((*pokes Night* hey......))
[31-19:15] 18221, Night Claw: *smirks*i am not people...i was just curious about why you are looking at those scribbles
[31-19:16] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *arching an eyebrow* not people? then what are you?
[31-19:17] 18221, Night Claw: most people call my kind Gargoyles...
[31-19:21] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *looking very far up trying to see into his cowl* Oh really? *a very sarcastic tone there* ..Well what ever you are would you mind just lowering yourself where i can see you properly...((*is only 5'*))
[31-19:22] 18221, Night Claw: *leans in towards her so she can see his black "skin", red eyes, and white hair*better?
[31-19:28] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : hmph yes thats better...YOu really are one .....I havent seen your kind around here...
[31-19:29] 18221, Night Claw: ...not many have...
[31-19:31] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *as always curiosity kicks in..* What are you doing in ?
[31-19:32] 18221, Night Claw: let's just say...i lost my clan
[31-19:36] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : * at this comment she arches an eyebrow* thats an interesting comment.........*taking her hand out of her pocket, folding it in her lap....doing her best to not tell him to get lost so she can re read the spell*
[31-19:38] 18221, Night Claw: *stands straight once more and nods*so...what are those scribbles on that page?
[31-19:40] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *standing up ..just so she could feel a bit more sure of herself....not being very tall , tall people made her a bit uncomfortable* It is a spell.. ...
[31-19:44] 18221, Night Claw: *looks at the fountain and shakes his head*...a sorceress..
[31-19:44] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *laughs at that* no, Im not a sorceress..
[31-19:44] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[31-19:45] 18221, Night Claw: then what are you if not a sorceress?
[31-19:46] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : Emm.....*at a loss as to how to answer that question* I'm .....a...merchant.
[31-19:46] 18221, Night Claw: *looks at her and chuckles*...i see
[31-19:47] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : And what is so funny about that?
[31-19:48] 18221, Night Claw: *motions around her*you have no wares...
[31-19:49] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : Ahh... well, I do not have ...em..wares that are available to the public...*a slight bit concerned that he might take that the wrong way*
[31-19:50] 18221, Night Claw: *RaE at that*...oh...i see...
[31-19:50] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : No I dont think you do..but i cant explain it too you.
[31-19:51] 18221, Night Claw: please do...
[31-19:52] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Dances*))
[31-19:52] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *laughing, she tries to keep a straight face* That will cost you....
[31-19:53] 18221, Night Claw: *looks very shocked and takes a step back*...i uh...
[31-19:54] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *can no longer keep a straight face* *holding a hand out towards him* NO no...its definitely not that....
[31-19:55] 18221, Night Claw: ah...that's good
[31-19:56] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *still laughing she wonders how she got herself in this conversation*
[31-19:57] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((and what are you dancing for Aralore?))
[31-19:58] 18221, Night Claw: so...what do you sell?
[31-19:59] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *now almost laughing hysterically... just waiting for the response to her answer*
[31-20:00] 18221, Night Claw: said you didn't...
[31-20:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-20:01] 5e834, Aralore : ((I beat BG2.))
[31-20:01] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *trying to stop laughing* If you would truly like me to explain......we will have to go elsewhere
[31-20:01] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:01pm, May 31 (CDT) ).
[31-20:01] 18221, Night Claw: it...won't cost me anything...will it?
[31-20:02] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((*applauds*YAY!!!!!))
[31-20:02] 18221, Night Claw: (grats! i wish i could get it to work on my comp!)
[31-20:02] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : No it wont...*hoping that he might be one that can lead her to the mercenaries*
[31-20:02] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[31-20:03] 5e834, Aralore : ((It's good, Night Claw. And then in ToB, you can get Sarevok to join your party.))
[31-20:03] b5485, Axis : *standing on a rooftop in *
[31-20:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-20:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-20:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-20:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-20:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-20:05] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : **Is standing in the market place in w/ night *
[31-20:06] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((adds (()) to post))
[31-20:07] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. is mid air above a rooftop, flying towards Axis's back in a tackle*
[31-20:08] b5485, Axis : *spins just as coems near so he catches her mid-tackle so they both go fallign down* oomph....hello....
[31-20:08] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[31-20:11] 5e834, Aralore : ((*gasp* NOW I remember my old link!!))
[31-20:11] 1212e, Zaknafein : *Is walking about the city, cowl drawn upon his head.*
[31-20:11] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[31-20:11] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles as she pushes herself off him, standing, and brushing herself off* .. That is what you get for not paying attention
[31-20:11] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles as she pushes herself off him, standing, and brushing herself off* .. That is what you get for not paying attention
[31-20:12] 5e834, Aralore : ((AHAHAHAHAHA! *cartwheels off madly*))
[31-20:12] b5485, Axis : *chuckles as he stands up also.* Caught you though didn't I?
[31-20:13] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : (( ))
[31-20:14] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : .. Eh.. close enough *glances over the edge of the roof, towards the street below*
[31-20:14] 18221, Night Claw: *nods*then lead on
[31-20:16] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *thinking that she must be losing her mind, she begins to walk towards the Inn....this ought to be good....*
[31-20:17] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[31-20:17] 18221, Night Claw: *follows Morwen*
[31-20:17] b5485, Axis : *stands beside her* I got the bounty for that Erik guy.
[31-20:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-20:18] JOIN: Vince has entered.
[31-20:18] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : .. You know.. Considering how much I softened him up for you, I think I should deserve a cut in that
[31-20:19] 4e5df, Vince: *gets good and wasted then dances*
[31-20:20] b5485, Axis : But I had to get myself messy removing his head
[31-20:20] EXIT: Vince has left the chat ( 9:19pm, May 31 (CDT) ).
[31-20:20] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[31-20:21] MSG: Deke Menion sent a message to Axis.
[31-20:21] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I had to get myself messy taking him down.
[31-20:22] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *as she newrs the Inn she takes a glance at the man....a thought poppint into her head* What is your name?
[31-20:23] 18221, Night Claw: ah...*bows slightly*...I am called Night Claw
[31-20:24] MSG: Axis sent a message to Deke Menion.
[31-20:24] 3a8a8, Roki: *eyes Samba3*.. who here knows RedHat 9 ?
[31-20:24] 5e834, Aralore : ((OmFg I amm os drkun woo patree))
[31-20:25] MSG: Axis sent a message to Deke Menion.
[31-20:26] MSG: Deke Menion sent a message to Axis.
[31-20:26] b5485, Axis : *hands her a small bag of gold* Actually I had your cut all ready
[31-20:27] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : Night Claw.... interesting name...* she pushes the door to the Inn open and goes slowly inside*
[31-20:27] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *takes the bag, grinning some* Thank you. Anything you need someone beaten down to have their head removed, just let me know
[31-20:28] 18221, Night Claw: *follows*and you are?
[31-20:29] b5485, Axis : *smiles slightly back* Sounds good to me. Any thing interesting happen?
[31-20:30] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : Ankalima Morwen........*she stops at the bar , ordering a pitcher of water....asking to have it sent to her booth* Come with me....*leads him to a booth in a dark corner*
[31-20:30] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *shrugs* I was taken and healed. And now I owe a drow... That's about it.
[31-20:31] 18221, Night Claw: *follows her to the booth*
[31-20:32] b5485, Axis : *RaE's* Owe a drow? Well that is good....
[31-20:33] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *she takes a glance around the room, seeing no one that she should be worried about...slides into the booth and motions him to do the same......muttering under her breath the words casting stealth wanting to hide her conversation with him*
[31-20:33] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[31-20:33] 18221, Night Claw: *slips into the booth as best he can being a fairly large gargoyle*
[31-20:33] 5e834, Aralore : ((You owe more than one!))
[31-20:33] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Well.. it has some potential of being bad. Not that I really care, unless he decides I need to pay off my debt by jumping off a cliff
[31-20:34] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : (( ))
[31-20:34] 1212e, Zaknafein : *Would not be that mean.*
[31-20:35] b5485, Axis : Heh. True enough. Ah boredom my eternal enemy.
[31-20:35] 4e5df, Deke Menion: *he puffs on his pipe as he sits in one of the many booths of the glimmering inn.A rather long wooden pipe that is hallowed and set with a smooth rock for better taste*
[31-20:35] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[31-20:36] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : I'd suggest getting into a bar fight. It helps pass the time.
[31-20:37] 4e5df, Deke Menion: *puffs more as he hears someone mention starting a fight, why does he have such terrible luck.He slides back even deeper into his booth as he puffs on the pipe*
[31-20:37] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *she laughs at his attempt to sit in the booth...but she's not moving .....Quietly,, wanting to have time to think about how to tell him just what it is she does sell* How long have you been in ?
[31-20:37] 84220, Fahrena : Whee!! Tree ents have finally been added to the species writeup list. They still need some official posting order and timing parameters set though.
[31-20:38] 84220, Fahrena : ((her last was OOC)
[31-20:38] b5485, Axis : Hmm....true. But how entertaining could it be to kill a bunch of drunk humans
[31-20:39] 18221, Night Claw: *tilts his head and responds*...I just got in yesterday
[31-20:41] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Eh, I don't usually kill them. Just knock them out, and leave them in embaressing situations
[31-20:41] 4e5df, Deke Menion: *listens to Axis and Delotha from his corner....puff puff puff*
[31-20:42] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *is on a rooftop, not in a bar*
[31-20:43] 84220, Fahrena : ((*shakes head at all her typos and mispellings in the tree ent write up, but decides to fix them later*))
[31-20:43] b5485, Axis : *Luaghes* Sounds entertaining (we are on top aof a building deke)
[31-20:44] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Can be at times...
[31-20:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-20:44] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:44pm, May 31 (CDT) ).
[31-20:45] 97c33, Khaes : Weaknessssss *Hisses a familiar voice into the mind of someone - they know who they are*
[31-20:45] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *sighing a bit.... a rueful smile on her face* You cant help me...I thought maybe you might have been someone that could.
[31-20:45] JOIN: Zombie Finger has entered.
[31-20:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-20:45] 18221, Night Claw: *looks rather hurt*...i see
[31-20:46] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : Once do not....
[31-20:47] b5485, Axis : ~What? he grouses in his mind~ *stares of into the distance*
[31-20:47] 18221, Night Claw: of course...*tries to stand...*
[31-20:47] b5485, Zombie Finger: *little does deke know...he is being stalked even as he sits there. The malevolent and evil Zombie Finger crawls ever closer*
[31-20:48] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : Wait...*she holds out her hand again* I do owe you an explaination...
[31-20:48] 84220, Mab : *goes to delete four month old, not been used characters from the userlist. Normally, this will be 2 month old not used characters, but this first time, 4 month old. Warning was issued quite a while ago, but the purge didn't occur. Never said it wasn't going to and prolly most didn't realize it hasn't happened yet*
[31-20:49] 18221, Night Claw: *looks at her and stops*...well...i guess
[31-20:49] 97c33, High Mage Arion: *Snoring. Asleep*
[31-20:49] 97c33, Magister Teklas : *z also*
[31-20:49] 97c33, Jared: *Fra la la laing about*
[31-20:50] 97c33, Darius Hague: *Still stuck in that Elven city*
[31-20:50] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : You have been here for only a day, but I am sure you have heard talk of trouble coming to ....have you?
[31-20:50] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ... Something wrong?
[31-20:51] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Which city are you in Darius?))
[31-20:51] 18221, Night Claw: *sits down*trouble? what sort of trouble?
[31-20:51] 1212e, Zak : .
[31-20:51] 97c33, Khaes : *Back to scheduled program* *Silence answers Axis*
[31-20:52] b5485, Axis : Hmm? No nothing....
[31-20:53] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : There is a war coming ....soon....and I intend to do my part to stop it from happening....lacking that...atleast to help fight...
[31-20:53] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : Well... no offense, but you are incredibly boring *smirks* I think I shall leave you to your sight seeing
[31-20:54] 18221, Night Claw: a noble endevour(sp?) do you intend to do this?
[31-20:54] JOIN: O.R. has entered.
[31-20:54] b5485, Zombie Finger: ((*pokesaround for deke*))
[31-20:54] b5485, Axis : *thinks Bah-*
[31-20:55] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : By joining the mercenaries that are here....somewhere.....
[31-20:55] 97c33, Khaes : Very boring
[31-20:55] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *hops off the roof* ((BBIAB))
[31-20:56] 18221, Night Claw: and you thought i would know where they are?
[31-20:56] b5485, Axis : *while she is talking he pushes her so that if she isn't care full she'll fall of the building*
[31-20:56] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : I had hoped that...yes....
[31-20:57] 18221, Night Claw: *nods*i am sorry that i could not help...
[31-20:58] b5485, Axis : ~your telling me? Bah~
[31-20:58] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *thinks for a moment* Perhaps you may yet be able to help me....
[31-20:59] 7693d, High Mage Rython: *Rython is still within the Mage Tower Library, pouring over countless books. Almost all of them look so old that the simple touch from non-gentle hands could cause all the pages to turn to dust instantly, loosing whatever information they held just as quickly. Ah, but this was not to happen today. For the books are being studied by Rython, and no other person, save maybe one, could have so much care for these books of knowledge. His brow furrows together tightly as the problem that confronts him only seems to grow with each passing moment. The rumors of the trouble that was heading towards troubled him as well. He had been asking anyone he could about information on this great evil. He then took whatever little information he found and began researching, looking for more, looking for something. Yes, this problem was great indeed.*
[31-20:59] b5485, Zombie Finger: *the finger changes course creeping towards Anklima*
[31-21:00] 18221, Night Claw: *tilts his head*...ask and i will do what i can
[31-21:01] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : Will you be staying here for a while?
[31-21:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-21:01] 97c33, High Mage Arion: *Stands within the great archway into the ground floor of the library, his robes bulking out his otherwise scrawny form - yet it's not enough. Is obviously ill, or been afflicted.*
[31-21:01] JOIN: R has entered.
[31-21:01] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((*has about 10 min but will be back in an hour*))
[31-21:02] 18221, Night Claw: *nods a conformation*that i will least as long as i am welcome
[31-21:03] b5485, Zombie Finger: *it begins to creep up the back of akilimas boots* (Rython if the city suddenly had problems wiht ghouls would you want to get involved?))
[31-21:05] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : I am looking for certain men......i think you might know of the type i mean...If you see any of them, I would like for you to tell me....*unsure of her offer* I can pay you.........*feels a cold touch on the back of her boot....the coldness seeping thru to her leg., she jumps up, out of the booth.drawing her dagger. thinking that...she didnt know what *
[31-21:06] b5485, Zombie Finger: *uses it's dirty ragged nail to climb higher up her pants leg*
[31-21:06] 18221, Night Claw: *looks at morwen strangely as she jumps up*i don't need any payment...but i will see what i can do
[31-21:06] 7693d, High Mage Rython: ((Tonight? Uh...I would if it happened, it is his duty really...I wouldn't like to, as I'm swamped at the moment, but I could handle it if I had to.))
[31-21:07] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((*is wearing a dress*)
[31-21:09] b5485, Zombie Finger: ((okay just looking for rping possibilites. and so it creeps up her dress))
[31-21:10] 7693d, High Mage Rython: *Rython just leans over the book, a finger slowly hovering over the page and going down as he read the words inscribed there. After a moment, he raised his hands and motioned towards him.* Come, come Arion. The doorway is no place to stop and rest. *A slight chuckle emits from him as he gently turns the page.*
[31-21:11] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *quickly spinning around, she catches sight of a ....finger?.....sweeping her dagger downward she might knock it off of her skirt*
[31-21:12] b5485, Zombie Finger: *is knocked off....but it scrambles up and leaps back up ont other skirt*
[31-21:13] 18221, Night Claw: *tries to stand but has gotten stuck in the booth*
[31-21:14] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((oh btw love the link))
[31-21:15] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *seeing the devilish undead piece of human remains still attempting to climb her skirt she once again brings her dagger to fore....this time making to stab the finger even if it meant she might cut herself in the process...cursing under her breath*
[31-21:16] b5485, Zombie Finger: *gets implaled on th kife and wiggles around tryinmg to free itself*
[31-21:18] 97c33, High Mage Arion: *Is still weak, that much is obvious. His blue eyes the only real sign of strength within him. Uses the silver staff like a crutch as he moves over towards Rython. Silent for now.*
[31-21:19] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *calmly walks over to the bar...stabs her dagger into it..effectivly pinning the finger...nods to the tender and walks to her room...having forgotten Night Claw...still stuck in her booth* (see ya'll in a while bbs)
[31-21:20] 18221, Night Claw: *finally frees himself with a litte effort*
[31-21:20] EXIT: Ankalima Morwen has left the chat ( 10:19pm, May 31 (CDT) ).
[31-21:21] b5485, Zombie Finger: *the finger tears it self free and looks around for a new target.....scuttles towards Night*
[31-21:22] 18221, Night Claw: *looks at the finger and steps on it...putting all his massive gargoyle weight on it*
[31-21:23] 7693d, High Mage Rython: *He doesn't look up quite yet, he still is engourged in the text infront of him, absorbing every word, every character. AOnly after he finishes the page, does he look up at Arion. His eyes and face grow soft seeing his old friend. He hated to see him like this. Such a strong person delt a savage blow to leave him like this. Motioning to the seat across from him he nods.* Are you feeling any better, friend Arion?
[31-21:27] 97c33, High Mage Arion: The sickness will pass... *Speaks with some degree of strength within his voice, trailing off into a slight croak as he takes the offered seat*
[31-21:30] b5485, Zombie Finger: *he could feel it wiggle there*
[31-21:30] b5485, Zombie Finger: for a few seconds*
[31-21:31] 18221, Night Claw: *after the finger stops he moves to go outside*
[31-21:31] 7693d, High Mage Rython: *He nodded, smilling all at the same time.* Yes, yes of course. *After a moment, he looked back down at the book for a moment, his voice and face growing rather grave.* The threat that is creeping towards 's walls grows by the minute and I have hardly produced an answer...
[31-21:33] 97c33, High Mage Arion: *Fidgets slightly with his staff as he looks down to the book.* What has happened whilst I have been recouperating?
[31-21:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-21:36] 18221, Night Claw: *removes his cloak reveiling his muscles and wings*
[31-21:37] 7693d, High Mage Rython: *He looked back up at his old friend, raising both arms above the table. He entertwined both hands in each other before speaking.* Rumors that a great evil is arising have started to drift around. It seems that already a few places have fallen to this plague of darkness. It also seems that will follow shortly...
[31-21:37] b5485, Axis : *glides through the streets the crowd parting to let him through the people not even realizing it. HE ca nfeel the tatto swirlign and shifting*
[31-21:37] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[31-21:38] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Taps foot, waiting eagerly for even a single thought to pop into his head*))
[31-21:38] 18221, Night Claw: *uses his wings as a cape and carries his cloak as he walks through the streets*
[31-21:39] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[31-21:40] b5485, Axis : *walks past Claw the air and even the very space around him seemign to shift and change a bit.*
[31-21:40] 97c33, High Mage Arion: The walking dead... *Nods as if talking to himself before coughing up phlegm into one hand.* I learnt a name in my travels...
[31-21:41] 84220, Mab : Okeydokey, 4 month old and older unused handles gone, not including special cases I already know about and OOC handles.
[31-21:42] 5e834, Aralore : ((4 month and older..*gulp*))
[31-21:42] 84220, Mab : Hey, there is even a warning at the portal link that says I was going to delete a month and a half old handles, but that was more a threat to get people in gear. Plenty of warning was given.
[31-21:43] 84220, Mab : Speaking of which, I better go delete that message off the portal link now.
[31-21:44] b5485, Zombie Finger: ((sounds good to me mab)
[31-21:44] 7693d, High Mage Rython: *He nods and pauses for a moment.* It is not the walking dead that has me in question. There are many books on them and I have poured over each and every one. It is who leads them and other other dark creatures that dwell with these forces that greatly concerns me.
[31-21:44] 18221, Night Claw: *stops in his tracks and rubs his eyes at this* ugh
[31-21:47] 84220, Mab : ((*pats Aralore* If any of your characters were deleted that you want back, just lemme know. No worries.
[31-21:47] b5485, Axis : *have turns and grins at Night as he walks by*
[31-21:48] 18221, Night Claw: *stumbles into an alley*
[31-21:48] 5e834, Aralore : ((Did you ever allow my healing character the ability to resurrect dead characters? I wanted to make him into sort of this inert, NPC-ish type character that people could bring dead comrades to and he would restore them to life.))
[31-21:48] 18221, Night Claw: (*pokes mab*)
[31-21:49] 867a2, Aurora : *.. steps ever so daintily through the streets of , a hood tugged low enough to conceal the pearl horn on her forehead..*
[31-21:49] 97c33, High Mage Arion: *Closes his eyes as he speaks again, taking time to find strength to even utter the cursed name* Ciaran
[31-21:50] 84220, Mab : errr, well, I don't really want that kind of power granted to characters unless it is achieve through RP, like leveling up or is part of the species ability like unicorns can bring the dead back up to five minutes after they die. Beyond that, it's too late for a unicorn to help.
[31-21:51] 5e834, Aralore : ((Just five minutes? Yeah, alright...But is there any separation of the magics between divine and arcane?))
[31-21:51] 84220, Mab : And the ability to bring back dead to full restored life would be a level 4 spell, at least, more likely level 5.
[31-21:51] 7693d, High Mage Rython: *He immediatly looks up, looking straight at Arion, as if the name triggered something.* What...what was that? Arion?
[31-21:52] 7693d, High Mage Rython: ((There's a level five?))
[31-21:52] 18221, Night Claw: *steps out of the alley, not sure what happened he bumps into Aurora*
[31-21:53] 5e834, Aralore : (( about this...he can resurrect them, but only if the people that want their comrade restored to life give him the costly material things required to resurrect, things which are consumed in the spell and must be obtained through RP.))
[31-21:53] 84220, Mab : We don't really have seperations of the magics. There's spells that mostly baddies use and spells the mostly goodies tend to use, but there is nothing saying a baddy can't learn and use a spell a goodie favors, if it meets his/her purpose. So, I guess there isn't a division.
[31-21:53] b5485, Axis : *glides through the city an effigy of darkness in the city's fading light*
[31-21:54] 867a2, Aurora : *makes a soft "Oof!" as she bumps into Claw, her hold on the end of her hood slipping.. the hood falling up just enough for a flash of her horn to be seen by the gargoyle*
[31-21:54] 18221, Night Claw: *he spots the horn*...i'm...sorry
[31-21:55] 84220, Mab : Umm, he'd still have to be a level 4 or 5 to even do a spell like that, regardless of what the spell took. It would most likely be agreed amoung my admins and the magic mod that that is a level 5 spell and we're still working out the requirements to attain level 5. They're super difficult, whatever they're going to be.
[31-21:55] 867a2, Aurora : *hastily reaches up to tug her hood back down* *muttered softly* I'm sorry... didn't see you...
[31-21:56] 18221, Night Claw: *tilts his head as she hides the horn*'s my fault...umm...*whispers*'re not human i take it
[31-21:57] 7693d, High Mage Rython: ((I have to go in like...two minutes...))
[31-21:57] 97c33, High Mage Arion: T..the name... C..Ciaran... *His voice shakes with the effort, pale knuckles whitening as they grip the staff*
[31-21:57] 97c33, High Mage Arion: *oh for the fun of it falls unconscious then.... dun dun dun*
[31-21:58] b5485, Axis : *vanishes into the growing darkness. A Darkness that would cover the world*
[31-21:58] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 10:58pm, May 31 (CDT) ).
[31-21:59] 84220, Mab : and I scared Aralore away. *sniff*
[31-21:59] 18221, Night Claw: (*pokes mab again*)
[31-22:00] 5e834, Aralore : ((No, I'm still here...I understand it.))
[31-22:00] 84220, Mab : Oh, there you are.
[31-22:00] 867a2, Aurora : *steps back, blushing some* I.. er... should probably go...
[31-22:00] 7693d, High Mage Rython: *His eyes widen slightly and he quickly utters a few words whilst grasping his staff. As Arion slumps over, he would actually float in mid air. Moving his staff around a bit, he directs Arion, as if he were on an invisable cart. Standing and walking besides Arion, he lead him out of the Library and towards the Mage Tower's little 'clinic'. *
[31-22:01] 18221, Night Claw: why is that? does my appearance freighten you?
[31-22:02] 84220, Tandy : *is helping in the clinic today. What to do you know about that. Has mastered magic missile finally. Yay! Will tend to Arion* *end brief cameo*
[31-22:02] 97c33, High Mage Arion: *is screwed*
[31-22:03] 84220, Tandy : ((LOL))
[31-22:03] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((*dies*))
[31-22:04] 7693d, High Mage Rython: *Sees Tandy, turns white, and rushes Arion the other way. shouting* Aye! I think we'll get Arion to the butcher. He stands a better chance there! *Not, not really, Rython just takes him into the clinic and quickly asks for help.*
[31-22:05] 84220, Tandy : *okay, is there to help. Is a competent apprentice type person. yup yup*
[31-22:05] 7693d, High Mage Rython: *No not really*
[31-22:05] 867a2, Aurora : No.. I just... um... *flustered*
[31-22:05] 84220, Tandy : ((*L* is so to))
[31-22:05] 18221, Night Claw: do you have bussiness else where then?
[31-22:06] 7693d, High Mage Rython: (Well, I'm out for the night, later.))
[31-22:06] 867a2, Aurora : I.. suppose not.
[31-22:06] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((nite rython))
[31-22:07] 18221, Night Claw: *smiles, revealing his sharp teeth*i see...then why must you leave so soon
[31-22:07] 84220, Tandy : ((Night Rython))
[31-22:08] EXIT: High Mage Rython has left the chat ( ''Head for the hills! Head for the hills!'' ''But Ma'lord. They're comming from the hills.'' ''Oh. Run AWAY from the hills! Run AWAY from the hills! If you see the hills, run the other way!'' ).
[31-22:08] JOIN: Z has entered.
[31-22:10] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[31-22:10] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((aaye Z))
[31-22:11] 867a2, Aurora : *takes another step back at the sharp teeth* .. Well...
[31-22:12] 18221, Night Claw: *bows slightly*i am sorry if my appearance is somewhat...frightening...
[31-22:12] JOIN: Brimstone has entered.
[31-22:14] 867a2, Aurora : *sheepish grin* ... I.. just have never seen anyone like you
[31-22:15] 84220, Pesky Pixie : *suddenly flies up out of seeming no where and stops in front of Night Claw and as if to confirm his comment about his appearance, suddenly cries out* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! *and zips away. Okay, maybe he did that or maybe he didn't. *L*
[31-22:15] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((hey Brim))
[31-22:15] 18221, Night Claw: nor I anyone like you...My name is NIght Claw...and i am what people call a Gargoyle
[31-22:15] beb1a, Brimstone : (Hey.)
[31-22:16] 18221, Night Claw: (=p)
[31-22:17] 84220, Mab : I crack myself up. *wipes eye*
[31-22:18] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *hands Mab a hankie*
[31-22:18] 867a2, Aurora : ((*dies*))
[31-22:18] 867a2, Aurora : ((Mab.. you are SUCH a goofball))
[31-22:18] 84220, Mab : Thankie for the hankie.
[31-22:18] 867a2, Aurora : ((.. Now I know where I get it from ))
[31-22:18] 867a2, Aurora : .. Gar.. goyle? *tilts her head slightly* .. I'm Aurora
[31-22:20] beb1a, Brimstone : (Gotta wipe the nose there. = D)
[31-22:20] 18221, Night Claw: *nods*it is an honor to meet one such as you
[31-22:20] EXIT: Brimstone has left the chat ( 11:20pm, May 31 (CDT) ).
[31-22:22] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *heads back down the stairs , going to the bar hoping to retrieve her dagger........*
[31-22:23] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[31-22:23] 867a2, Aurora : ((Ah crud. GTG)) It was nice meeting you. But.. I reallu got to go
[31-22:24] 18221, Night Claw: *nods*as you wish
[31-22:24] 18221, Night Claw: (me too)*goes on his way**gone*
[31-22:25] EXIT: Aurora has left the chat ( 11:23pm, May 31 (CDT) ).
[31-22:25] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((*stares around the room* I've been abandoned.....*cries*))
[31-22:34] JOIN: Ryden has entered.
[31-22:38] 51e61, Ryden: *The deer is roasting nicely over the fire and she is resting with her torso against a tree and her lower equine half sprawled out in the grass*
[31-22:41] JOIN: Msytic Swordsmen has entered.
[31-22:41] 5fee7, Msytic Swordsmen: Hello
[31-22:41] 51e61, Ryden: ((Allllll bbbbyyyyy Mmmmyyyysssseeeelllffff))
[31-22:41] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((hello Mystic))
[31-22:41] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : LOL@Ryden
[31-22:41] 5fee7, Msytic Swordsmen: Hello Ankalima Morwen
[31-22:42] 51e61, Ryden: ((woah..guess not))
[31-22:42] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : Kali is easier
[31-22:42] 5fee7, Msytic Swordsmen: Hello Ryden:
[31-22:43] 51e61, Ryden: ((Yo!))
[31-22:43] 5fee7, Msytic Swordsmen: How are you both
[31-22:43] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : (( fine...just hauntin))
[31-22:44] 5fee7, Msytic Swordsmen: I'm Well
[31-22:44] 5e834, Aralore : ((So bored..I hate this shitty's so assinine....))
[31-22:45] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((still the history thing?))
[31-22:46] 5e834, Aralore : ((Yeah. The assignment is quite easy...the problem lies in my's a deep, cavernous pit of chaos that refuses to do anything productive...))
[31-22:46] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *kicks Aralore* No circumventing the filters
[31-22:46] 5e834, Aralore : ((Oops. Sorry, Palladia, I thought you weren't here ))
[31-22:47] 51e61, Ryden: ((ahahahahaha..i'm out of school))
[31-22:47] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Just remember this...I am the chat never know when I'll pop out of lurker-dom
[31-22:49] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Sticks his tongue out* I hate all this censorship of the language..this is what it has evolved into...this is what's being said...whether the word is being replaced with something that's generally accepted to be nicer or not..))
[31-22:50] 51e61, Ryden: ((Bull poop))
[31-22:52] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *pimpsmacks Aralore* Quiet you...when I want your opinion I'll give it to you..and then beat it out of you.
[31-22:52] 5e834, Aralore : ((Palladia is a military surplus zealot :===D))
[31-22:53] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *hacks into Aralore's comp, downloads 14 copies of every song knonw to man...and then alerts the RIAA*
[31-22:53] 51e61, Ryden: ((surplus zealot...hmmm...I want one of those))
[31-22:54] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Twats Palladia with his good buddy, ZoneAlarm*))
[31-22:54] 51e61, Ryden: ((sounds like a fat cult leader))
[31-22:57] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *is untwattable* *infects Aralore's comp while he's at it with Windows ME*
[31-22:57] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Sprays it with FreeBSD*))
[31-22:58] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *it is still Windows ME..and therefore corrupts Aralore's computer until it commits Seppuku*
[31-22:59] 5e834, Aralore : ((Well, I dunno how technical any of this stuff is, since installing a new Operating System on a computer is only metaphorically infecting it :/ ))
[31-23:01] 51e61, Ryden: (( talk *falls asleep*))
[31-23:01] 5e834, Aralore : ((Mixed in with a lesson on modern prose. *falls asleep x2*))
[31-23:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-23:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-23:05] 51e61, Ryden: ((*snore*))
[31-23:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-23:11] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *ponders an RP*
[31-23:12] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[31-23:13] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *gets scared*
[31-23:13] 18221, Night Claw: (rawr)
[31-23:16] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[31-23:16] 5e834, Aralore : ((Ooh, hehe...I found She Blinded Me With Science on my comp!))
[31-23:16] 18221, Night Claw: (*throws a wrench at levald*)
[31-23:17] c6c97, Xyva: Lev is gone
[31-23:18] 18221, Night Claw: (fine then...*throws a wrench at Xyva*)
[31-23:18] c6c97, Sedrik: Xyva is gone
[31-23:18] 84220, Mab : If anyone's handle was deleted by mistake, just lemme know and I"ll get it fixed up.
[31-23:19] 18221, Night Claw: (grrrr *throws a wrench at Sedrik*stop that!)
[31-23:19] 18221, Night Claw: (hey mab...can i fire Sileen?)
[31-23:19] c6c97, Aldrik : Sedrik is gone
[31-23:19] 84220, Mab : Heh, why is that?
[31-23:19] ceea7, Ember : No you cannot fire Sileen.
[31-23:20] 5e834, Aralore : ((You are fired, Night Claw, you minute-hoarding clockwatcher.))
[31-23:20] 18221, Night Claw: (cause i think it would be a great surprise for her =p)
[31-23:20] c6c97, Xyva: hey mab can i be a mod for helping new members?
[31-23:21] 18221, Night Claw: (*blinks* should have your mouth washed out with soap!)
[31-23:21] ceea7, Palladia Mors : NEIN! NO MOD FOR YOU! *eats Xyva*
[31-23:22] 18221, Night Claw: (hey mab can i take over the chat with my mighty army of unicorns of war...*looks around and then runs as the unicorns of war chase him*)
[31-23:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[31-23:22] c6c97, Xyva: *farts giving palladia gas*
[31-23:23] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *had beano is quiet after*
[31-23:24] 5e834, Aralore : ((Must resist urge to play ToB...))
[31-23:24] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[31-23:24] 5e834, Aralore : ((Hey, I've got Under the Sea on this comp.))
[31-23:24] c6c97, Xyva: *goes through digestive tract*
[31-23:24] 5e834, Aralore : ((I!))
[31-23:25] 5e834, Aralore : ((Damn flat screen monitor...I can't tap the clock portion of the monitor like an idiot.))
[31-23:26] 18221, Night Claw: (rawr)
[31-23:27] c6c97, Xyva: i think i scared her away
[31-23:28] 5e834, Aralore : ((Jesus, it's late...))
[31-23:28] 5e834, Aralore : ((How to finish my assignment in a way that'
[31-23:28] c6c97, Xyva: *feels like its only 9*
[31-23:29] 5e834, Aralore : ((12:30 AM here...I gotta be up by six...))
[31-23:29] c6c97, Xyva: here too
[31-23:30] 5e834, Aralore : ((Hey, Meatloaf - Let me Sleep on it))
[31-23:30] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Bops*))
[31-23:30] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[31-23:30] ceea7, Palladia Mors : TECHNO!
[31-23:31] c6c97, Xyva: Classical
[31-23:31] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *throws Country at you all*
[31-23:31] 18221, Night Claw: Gospel!
[31-23:32] 18221, Night Claw: *dodges and hops on Morwen's back*
[31-23:32] 5e834, Aralore : ((OH LOHDY LOHDY LOHDY))
[31-23:32] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *drowns Country out with DEATH METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!111111oneoneone*
[31-23:32] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Staying in bed and screaming "Oh God!" does not constitute going to church people...
[31-23:33] 5e834, Aralore : ((Save meh Jebus! Praisze lohd!))
[31-23:33] 18221, Night Claw: *kills Aralore*bah!
[31-23:34] 5e834, Aralore : ((I'd start to worry if it did, Palladia, I ain't Christian.))
[31-23:34] ceea7, Palladia Mors : "Asmodeus passes to Judas...Judas passes to Satan...Satan with a slap-shot... Omnipotence SAVES!! Omnipotence SAVES!!"
[31-23:34] c6c97, Xyva: *blasts boch at 900 decibles with mega speakers*
[31-23:35] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Bite me.
[31-23:35] 5e834, Aralore : ((Lemme sleep on it, babeh, babeh, lemme sleep on it, I'll give ya an answer in the moooo-oornin'..))
[31-23:35] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Smooches Pally*))
[31-23:36] ceea7, Palladia Mors : The name of that song Aralore is "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" the ULTIMATE in Booty Call songs
[31-23:36] c6c97, Xyva: *continues blasting boch*
[31-23:36] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Not without dinner and a movie first pal..I got standards
[31-23:36] 5e834, Aralore : ((Not the way mine is listed. Who cares about the CD listing.))
[31-23:38] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Well you're wrong.
[31-23:38] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Now..*starts throwing people headfirst into IC*
[31-23:39] 5e834, Aralore : ((You just make responses up without looking at what the previous post said ))
[31-23:40] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I was responding to the first part genius
[31-23:40] 5e834, Aralore : ((Mine is indeed listed that way on the MP3. So poo.))
[31-23:41] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Your MP3 listing is wrong so poo on you!
[31-23:42] 5e834, Aralore : ((Yay for the nazi.))
[31-23:42] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *as she reached the bar, she sees her dagger still sticking where she left it... prying it out of the wood, giving the tender an extra few coins to cover the damage she slips it back into her pocket, thru the slit in the bottom of it and into the sheath along her thigh*
[31-23:42] ceea7, Palladia Mors : YTou're damn right! BIG SMILE!
[31-23:43] 5e834, Aralore : ((We need a /nazi image.))
[31-23:43] 5e834, Aralore : ((That would be teh r0xx0r.))
[31-23:43] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((and if the rest of you dont get IC...I WILL assassinate you))
[31-23:43] c6c97, Xyva: *turns j. s. boch up to 1000 dbs*
[31-23:44] ceea7, Palladia Mors : its BACH B A C H!!
[31-23:44] 5e834, Aralore : ((Yeah right, Ank, if I go IC I know what's gonna happen. A third person enters and you RP with them instead.))
[31-23:44] c6c97, Xyva: oh ya
[31-23:44] c6c97, Xyva: oops
[31-23:45] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((Oh and when did i do that to you??? and if i did i am SORRY!!!!! Its not exactly been a peach of a day ))
[31-23:45] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *ponders a suit*
[31-23:46] 5e834, Aralore : ((No it hasn't. My D&D was canceled for this damn project.))
[31-23:47] c6c97, Aldrik : *walks into the smithy looking to have his dagger remade.*
[31-23:48] ceea7, Randen Farr : *watches Aldrik from the shadows...and no not literal shadows..figerative see...nothing happens in Western Bettenchi that he wont soon know of...the wonders of having badass spy nets*
[31-23:48] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((blah... I dont mean to yell...sorry))
[31-23:48] c6c97, Levald : *standing by the emptie furnace he sees aldrik enter*
[31-23:51] c6c97, Levald : Good evening, what can i do for you.
[31-23:54] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *ordering a glass of honey wine she returns to her favourite booth...keeping an eye on the occupants of the tavern*
[31-23:57] c6c97, Aldrik : *pulls out the glob of metal that used to be his dagger.*I would like you to fix my dagger.*holds out the glob of metal showing the smith.*
[31-23:58] 5e834, Aralore : ((Ooh...White ROom.))
[31-23:59] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-00:00] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((*considers several possible methods of killing Aralore*))
[01-00:00] 5e834, Aralore : (('the hell did I do?))
[01-00:01] 5e834, Aralore : ((White Room's a song.))
[01-00:01] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((IC NOW!!!))
[01-00:01] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[01-00:02] 5e834, Aralore : *Seated comfortably at Ankalima's booth, blinking as she sits there* Sorry...this one's taken?
[01-00:02] 5e834, Aralore : ((Jesus, Ank, all you had to do was ask ))
[01-00:03] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((emmm I did...*points to previous threat*))
[01-00:03] c6c97, Levald : *looks at the glob of metal*I see. it'll cost about 5 gold and i can have it done by tomorrow night.*reaches hand out to take the hunk of metal*
[01-00:03] 4e5df, Deke Menion: *deep within the woods he pokes and prods at his cooking pot as he brews his potions*
[01-00:04] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((test))
[01-00:06] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *a shame none of his elementals are about just bored*
[01-00:06] c6c97, Aldrik : *handing over the metal he reaches his other hand into a pocket pulling out his coin pouch.*Sounds fair.
[01-00:06] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *blinks her grey eyes at the stranger seated at her booth*...heh didnt see anyone there....sorry *she gets up to move to a table more in the shadows than others*
[01-00:08] 5e834, Aralore : No no, quite alright, I'll move...*smiles brieftly, picking up his mage book...a decidedly disheveled look eclipses his obsidian face, limned in ivory locks of hair*
[01-00:08] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *sometimes considers just going crazy and burning all of the world to the ground....but only sometimes*
[01-00:08] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((Dont even think about it Deke...the mood Im in...She just might reach out and bite you))
[01-00:08] 5e834, Aralore : ((briefly.))
[01-00:09] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((*pets Ankalima* still my, girl!Its just a mood....))
[01-00:10] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *but he lives in the woods far away from kingdoms and people and all other sorts of annoying things*
[01-00:10] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : ((sorry....just not my night for being nice anymore))
[01-00:11] 1ce28, Ankalima Morwen : *retracts last post* *looking rudely at the sttranger* GET OUT of my booth*
[01-00:11] 5e834, Aralore : ((Hey, I've got Piano Man!))
[01-00:13] 5e834, Aralore : Your booth...? *pulls a cigar out of his teeth, which are still inexplicably, annoyingly white, and blows a big puff of smoke at Ankalima* yier name carved into it, lass?
[01-00:14] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *man life sucks bored*
[01-00:16] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((I should so let this character become a villian))
[01-00:17] 84220, Tandy : *ladeedah, has finished looking after Arion, as far as she was able and having left him to more experienced care after her shift in the clinic was done, she is now out and about somewhere in *
[01-00:17] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-00:17] c6c97, Levald : *takes the unformed dagger waiting for the money*
[01-00:17] c6c97, Levald : (he is a villian)
[01-00:18] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *is extremely irritated at this stranger....Pulls out dagger, carves initials into the table edge closest to her* Well, what'dya know , yes it is....
[01-00:18] 84220, Tandy :
[01-00:18] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : (glimmerin inn)
[01-00:18] 5e834, Aralore : ((Ditto))
[01-00:19] 5e834, Aralore : ((IRL: Ninth of the Nine Hells.))
[01-00:19] c6c97, Levald : (across the street at my shop with aldrik)
[01-00:19] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *makes note to give the tender a bit more gold to compensate for THIS additional damage*
[01-00:21] 5e834, Aralore : Prece kolsherr eemperriuss.... *his mumbling of the Draconic incantation overlays Aralore's initials in glowing runic script over the initials...a small smirk touches his witheringly handsome face* Perhaps we should learn to sit in harmony.
[01-00:22] 84220, Tandy : ((Hmm, where to go, who to pester. Maybe I'll just go make another random character pic for someone to use))
[01-00:23] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : Well son of a......I give up...*stays sitting in the booth* If you are going to stay.....who are you?
[01-00:23] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[01-00:24] 4e5df, Deke Menion: ((How so?))
[01-00:25] 5e834, Aralore : *Sniffs haughtily, pulling the dark hood of his cloak, alight with yellow trim in dim faerie fire, to his shoulders* My name is Aralore, house Edzil, twenty-seventh house of Klarkaronde.))
[01-00:25] 84220, Tandy : ((*blinks* How so what? *thinks she missed something somewhere*))
[01-00:25] 5e834, Aralore : *Sniffs haughtily, pulling the dark hood of his cloak, alight with yellow trim in dim faerie fire, to his shoulders* My name is Aralore, house Edzil, twenty-seventh house of Klarkaronde.
[01-00:25] 4e5df, Deke Menion: *a few hours laters he stands near the glimering inn with a pipe in hand.His eyes upon the old inn as he puffs away on his pipe something inside of him perhaps yerning to burn the whole city ro ashes*
[01-00:25] c6c97, Aldrik : *retreaving the 5 gold from his coin pouch he hands it over before replacing the pouch in his pocket.*there ya go.
[01-00:26] 84220, Tandy : *la la la, kinda half skips along through the market square heading toward the nearby Glimmering Inn.*
[01-00:27] 4e5df, Deke Menion: *perhaps he should fry Tandy...yes...*
[01-00:28] 84220, Tandy : *The glimmering inn can be found along one of the off shoot canals and byways that radiates from around the market square and she makes her way onto the sidewalk that goes along the lengthy canal. Bridges cross the canals that riddle through Rua everywhere.*
[01-00:29] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *blinks as he tells her his least she thinks thats all his name...catching only the Aralore part...also just a tiny bit shocked...her grey eyes narrowing at him* Aralore........and a drow at that....the unusual creatures I've met today....*this said a bit to herself*
[01-00:29] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *But Tandy is cute....aww..cant fry her.Puffs on his pipe as he watches the youth go by without a care in the so so....annoying*
[01-00:30] 5e834, Aralore : I'm not unusual; I'm exotic. There's a distinct difference.
[01-00:31] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((*just wants to crush something....really really really does*))
[01-00:33] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : Well to are unusual......*she pauses to look over him carefully...amending her statement* unusually exotic.....*not about to turn her charm on this one*
[01-00:36] b0460, Tandy : *her chestnut hair is covered mostly by the hood of her cloak. She is really a little too young to enter a bar and would probably get in severe trouble with the tower of mages where she is spending her apprenticeship if she were caught about this part of town. She nears the tavern. She is clad in woven leather under a mostly covering woolen cloak with leather trimming to its edges. The leather almost matches her hair and this font*
[01-00:36] 94c70, Muna : *A cold breeze wafts down the street ahead of her, as if announcing her presence in . Her midnight colored robes draped over her bodial frame, whisps of grey-blue hair float about on the breeze's motions. Her steps are purposeful, silent, as she moves away from the docks of the city...*
[01-00:37] 5e834, Aralore : *Not about to fall victim to her charms* You've not given me your name yet...have you?
[01-00:38] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *he pulls his cloak a little bit tighter about him as he feels the chill in the air.His head tilting slightly as he considers the unnatural chill.His elven eyes begining to glance about as he searches for a magic pressence and behold, to his eyes Muna would have a faint glow about her*
[01-00:39] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *glances down at the table where she had carved her initials* No , no I havent at that.....Ankalima Morwen...(if he knew any elvish he would know what her name meant*
[01-00:41] b0460, Tandy : *didn't know the Glimmering Inn was soo close to the docks. She too feels something and pauses, looking in Muna's direction, however close she might actually be, she looks in her direction at any rate. She is paused about 5 yards from the front of the Glimmering Inn*
[01-00:42] 5e834, Aralore : *Knows any elvish - namely, all of it :)*
[01-00:45] 94c70, Muna : *Was not either, but she would only acknowledge the Elf with a momentary look. A faint silvery glow flashes in her eyes as they narrow slightly. Her outward appearance was thoroughly human. The oddity being found in the color of her hair and eyes. But this Elf, there was no importance about him to her. And for this, she continues to move along the street towards her destination.*
[01-00:46] c6c97, Levald : *takes the money*pleasure doing business.*he says before turning and laying the hunk of metal on the side of the furnace. then stooping to load it with coal.*
[01-00:46] 5e834, Aralore : ((I LOVE THAT PIC, Muna!! Night Elves! It's my desktop!))
[01-00:48] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[01-00:48] 18221, Night Claw: (Rawr)
[01-00:49] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[01-00:50] b0460, Tandy : *watches Muna go by or something*
[01-00:50] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *doesn't care for to much himself.....his eyes are not fooled by her pety apperances and he has seen her before as he was pressence the night Alec Avery fell and he did see her use her magic against him.His brow furrows as he casualy moves to step in front of her*A bit early in the day for your kind to be moving about, dont you think?*his voice actually calm and cool*
[01-00:50] c6c97, Aldrik : It always is* he replies before turning and exiting the shop*
[01-00:51] 5e834, Aralore : ((Ank, I can't form my IC response unless I know the elvish meaning of her name :/ ))
[01-00:51] 18221, Night Claw: *is standing on a roof...his wings wrapped around him like a cloak, his red eyes scan the city*
[01-00:52] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : ((*points to profile*))
[01-00:52] 5e834, Aralore : ((I suck at life ))
[01-00:52] 5e834, Aralore : ((thanks ))
[01-00:53] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Thumbs up* |3 ))
[01-00:55] 5e834, Aralore : Ankalima Morwen...that's quite taking. In fact, my parents almost named me that. *grins*
[01-00:55] JOIN: Ashe has entered.
[01-00:55] 7bab5, Ashe: ((*shifty eyes*))
[01-00:56] 5e834, Aralore : ((AP USH eez done. Time for teh omfg math of DOOM.))
[01-00:56] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *hysterical laughter bubbles from her* Your parents almost named you daughter????
[01-00:57] 18221, Night Claw: (*turns ashe into a fox skin cap*)
[01-00:57] 5e834, Aralore : Well, sure, why do you think they never trimmed my hair..? *twirls a strand of his long, wispy white hair for effect*
[01-00:57] 7bab5, Ashe: ((*bites Magus's face off*))
[01-00:58] 94c70, Muna : *She graces Tandy with a brief look as well. And then she looks at Deke.* I move when I wish...
[01-00:58] 18221, Night Claw: (*runs in circles...has no face*)
[01-01:00] c6c97, Levald : *finnished loading the furnace with coal he goes to his pack retrieving hi stone, bringing it back to the furnace*
[01-01:00] c6c97, Levald : (his*
[01-01:00] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *she is almost taken with his charm...whoa........* They must have had a sense of humor then...
[01-01:00] c6c97, Levald : )
[01-01:00] 4e5df, Deke Menion : Charming....*he takes a long drag of his pipe then blows a smoke ring towards Muna's nose only to smile and offer his pipe*Forgive me....did you want some?I asure you it is the best quality.
[01-01:01] 7bab5, Ashe: *is strolling through Rua in the middle of the night, for no apparent reason other than he can. he simple strolls about, hands clasped behind his back, his humanoid form in place, ears twitching every so often. His feet make barely a sound against the stone of Rua's pathways and the smell of the water in the canals permeates his nose. the smell of the few people out right now catches his nose too*
[01-01:02] 5e834, Aralore : My parents?*glances down a moment in somber resign, nodding at the arcane mark he made over her initials* my parents were obsessed with magic...evil Drow nobles bent upon my training to be a proud warrior unmatched in close combat arms. If they saw me today...well-I'd have a few dozen hunting parties on me, suffice it to say...
[01-01:02] b0460, Tandy : *inquisitively creeps up on the two, approaching Muna from behind, because was passed by by her. She's just curious. She tries to look casual and like she's just heading this way, but it's kinda obvious she's being nosey*
[01-01:03] 94c70, Muna : I want nothing from you, Elf. *She would then step around Deke to move past him.*
[01-01:04] 18221, Night Claw: *hops off the building he's on, he spreads his wings to slow his fall*
[01-01:05] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *the arm holding the pipe move to block with her path and despite his age his strength is that of a young elven warrior*When I am finished.....
[01-01:05] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : she stops laughing as she sees the sadness on his face* I'm sorry I did not mean to offend you...
[01-01:06] 5e834, Aralore : No, no, 'tis no offense..just a bit of a somber note with me...*half-smiles again* pay it no mind...
[01-01:07] 18221, Night Claw: *when he lands he folds his wings once more*
[01-01:09] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((I am not even gonna try to read my so late))
[01-01:09] 94c70, Muna : Mmm.... *Her gaze follows the length of his arm and finally comes to rest on him.* Don't try my patience, Elf...
[01-01:11] 4e5df, Deke Menion : I am so afraid, I asure you....*his eyes actually showing a trickle of lightning as he lowers his hand once more*I saw you at Lord Averys last stand.You raised your magic in defense of Soth, why?
[01-01:12] 18221, Night Claw: *spots Ashe as he walks through the streets*
[01-01:13] 7bab5, Ashe: *continues to stroll down the pathways, big and small alike, taking in the night air, the cold stones under his bare feet, the water coming up to meet and fill his nostrils. the smell of fish, of meats cooking in the inns. he snaps his tail lightly before letting it fall again and swish with each step*
[01-01:13] 94c70, Muna : *This actually urges a chuckle from her. But that is Deke's only response as she physically pushes Deke's arm out of her way to again move past him.*
[01-01:14] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : If you say......*the waitress finally brings her her glass of honey wine..stopping the waitress for a momentand turning to aralore* Would you care for something to drink? *grinning just a bit* I came into a bit of money today....
[01-01:14] b0460, Tandy : *Oooo, listens, leaning "casually" against the front wall of Trendlekim's.*
[01-01:15] 5e834, Aralore : Sure, I'd like that...Dwarven Ale?
[01-01:16] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *he returns the push with the same arm she shoved though this time a hint of fire runs from his hands with the intent of burning Muna's cloak where he pushes her back*I am not finished....*his voice still calm*
[01-01:16] 18221, Night Claw: *walks towards ashe unsure of what he is...*
[01-01:18] JOIN: Aldrik has entered.
[01-01:18] 94c70, Muna : Very unwise for an elf. *Her eyes narrow slightly.* You are finished. *She makes no mind of the scortched cloth, her flesh was protected. Now that he has pushed her away, she has the clearance she wants to walk away from him.*
[01-01:19] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *she grins as she lets the waitress go to fill his order* Dwarven Ale hmm... didnt think anyone but dwarves could stand that stuff
[01-01:20] c6c97, Aldrik : *steping out into the night he would see the three in the street recognizing only the wanted man he tried to kill.*
[01-01:20] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *again he shifts his weight and moves to block her path once more as she was trying to move past him and he had shoved her back but oh well.Yes he moves to block her path once more though this time he gives himself a few feet*When you speak to me have some sympathy some style some grace....*his eyes upon her as he smiles ever so lightly*Use all those well learned polotics or I'll lay your soul to waste.
[01-01:21] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[01-01:21] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *again he shifts his weight and moves to block her path once more as she was trying to move past him and he had shoved her back but oh well.Yes he moves to block her path once more though this time he gives himself a few feet*When you speak to me have some sympathy some style some grace....*his eyes upon her as he smiles ever so lightly*Use all those well learned politics or I'll lay your soul to waste.
[01-01:21] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *hugs Cookie*
[01-01:21] 14d88, Cookie Monster: *hugs back*
[01-01:21] 7bab5, Ashe: *his ears perk as he catches Night Claw's scent and footsteps and grins, mischievious thoughts coming to mind and quietly he says to himself* Here comes some fun. *and at that he quietly moves out of sight down pathways to move behind Night Claw, all the while taking the form a gargoyle himself having caught the creature's scent. he appears to Night Claw's left as a silver haired, gray skinned gargoyle. he maintains the same proportions as his humanoid form, just a different looking body*
[01-01:22] 5e834, Aralore : Well, I...*grins* I have the famed, reknowned Elven constitution...*winks*
[01-01:22] b0460, Tandy : *raises a brow and folds her arms across her chest, leaning back against the wall. She can almost feel the energy. Of course, being a sorceress in training, she is very interested in this*
[01-01:23] 14d88, Cookie Monster: ((any requests for either the Goblins or the Merc Company tonight?))
[01-01:23] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : ((please???)
[01-01:24] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : (actually *is down on knees begging*)
[01-01:24] 14d88, Cookie Monster: Who would ya like Ank?
[01-01:24] c6c97, Aldrik : (*raises bidding paddle*)
[01-01:24] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : (Skarling.... )
[01-01:25] 18221, Night Claw: *looks at ashe nad is shocked to see another Gargoyle*...friend...i have waited a long time to see another of us!
[01-01:25] 5e834, Aralore : ((Gah...I gotta get to beddy-bye..)) *stand abruptly, pondering something* I must go...I just remembered something...
[01-01:26] 5e834, Aralore : *runs off without a sound, heading seamlessly into the night*
[01-01:26] 14d88, Skarling Ironhand : *the mercs have taken up in force at the inn tonight, with nearly a quarter of their number present, including Skarling, Hida, several of the officers and a few of the veteran linemen. It seems they're celebrating something*
[01-01:26] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : ((bye))
[01-01:26] 5e834, Aralore : ((Sry.)) *Gone*
[01-01:26] 7bab5, Ashe: So have I. I can't remember the last time I saw another of our kind.
[01-01:27] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *they would see a drow leaving there very quickly...leaving a pretty, redhaired halfling sitting by herself*
[01-01:28] c6c97, Aldrik : *revealing his ammulet he decides to avoid the wanted man. keeping a good 30 feet away as he skirts the two.heading into the inn.*
[01-01:28] 94c70, Muna : You challenge me, Elf?
[01-01:28] 18221, Night Claw: *offers his hand to ashe*what luck that we have found each other
[01-01:29] 4e5df, Deke Menion : Answer the question or you shall not pass....*his eyes narrowing now*Why did you aid Lord Soth?Do you have a treaty with him?And what did he do with his stones?
[01-01:30] 14d88, Skarling Ironhand : *a couple of the more boisterous and likely drunker men walk/stumble over to the halfling's table, and begin to hit on her*
[01-01:32] b0460, Tandy : ((So how does Deke or anyone know about Soth's stones? Just checking, catching up there))
[01-01:33] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[01-01:33] b0460, Tandy : *listens, wonders about these "stones" might have some heavy scrolls and book study later to look into this*
[01-01:33] 94c70, Muna : (( That is old news actually, as Soth long ago gave them to Muna. ))
[01-01:33] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((Soth was dumb enough to flash them in front of him on accident))
[01-01:33] c6c97, Aldrik : *steping into the inn he immediatly sees the men at his usual booth. he quickly approaches to see whats going on keeping a han on his dagger.*
[01-01:33] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *she is very capable of putting them right in their places...sending them back not quite as whole as they were before....leaving a drip or two of blood as they went*
[01-01:34] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((Deke doesn't know Muna has them though...he thinks Soth still has them))
[01-01:34] b0460, Tandy : ((K, thanks for the info))
[01-01:35] 94c70, Muna : Waste my soul indeed... *Chuckles again. She then merely turns on her heel to go back the way she came. However, there is Tandy.* (( That's why I said it was old news, but it is all anyone knows anyway ))
[01-01:35] 14d88, Skarling Ironhand : ((uh... just how bad is that? Like she smacked the two around or did she realy harm them?))
[01-01:35] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *he moves once more to block her path and this time both his hands ignite with a orange fire as he plants his feet*You will answer me....
[01-01:35] 7bab5, Ashe: *takes Night Claw's hand and shakes it, then grins as electricity begins crackling about him and he shocks the gargoyle and then takes off in a dead sprint away from him laughing all the way, changing back to his humanoid form while passing through some shadows* SILLY RABBIT!!
[01-01:36] 18221, Night Claw: *cringes when he's shocked and then growls and chases Ashe*
[01-01:36] b0460, Tandy : *looks up startled as Muna comes back her direction again. was leaning against the wall, so I don't know how in the way she is, but the walkways along the canals can be pretty narrow, but the Glimmering Inn has a pretty wide courtyard like area in front of it*
[01-01:37] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : ((just a little battered....not much the worse for it....consider it battle scars))
[01-01:39] 14d88, Skarling Ironhand : *a couple of their comrades take note of their return in a battered state and get up, asking where in the realm they got hurt like that. They are then pointed out to Ankalima, with the sad story of how they just were inviting the little firehair for some fun*
[01-01:39] b0460, Tandy : ((*btw, reminds that there is a map of the Glimmering Inn in the hot spots thread, even if a bit on the cartoony side, it give the floor plan just the same. * ))
[01-01:40] 7bab5, Ashe: *hides in the shadows watching Night Claw come chasing after him. he grins and sits quietly, absorbed in the shadows*
[01-01:41] 18221, Night Claw: *looks for Ashe growling while he does so*
[01-01:41] JOIN: Kyo has entered.
[01-01:42] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *grey eyes narrowing as she watched the men return to their comrades....wondering just what kind of sad tale they are telling about their injuries. ...shaking her head she mutters to herself* hmph foolish men
[01-01:42] 54b02, Kyo : *sighs softly as he looks about to his surroundings*
[01-01:43] c6c97, Aldrik : *passing the table of mercs as he approaches his usual booth he notices all the men are armed.*
[01-01:43] 54b02, Kyo : ((ah soldier it is...))
[01-01:43] 94c70, Muna : *chuckles again.* Foolish young one... *She gives a wave of her hand, causing a portal to open between herself and Deke. Entering it, it closes behind her. Another opening 20 yards down the walkway behind Deke where she then steps out and procedes to walk.*
[01-01:44] b0460, Tandy : *watches wide eyes, scooting along the wall in a following Muna direction, curiouser and curiouser*
[01-01:44] 7bab5, Ashe: *sticks a leg out into the shadows trying to trip the gargoyle, having made his leg into the illusion of a black tree stump, to blend it into the shadows*
[01-01:44] 14d88, Skarling Ironhand : *deciding that they've got to get back a touch of their wounded comrade's face. They also decide to be cautious and get Hida to come and defend their honor with them. A couple of others at a differant part of the in take note of Aldrik in turn*
[01-01:44] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *actually no such portal would open within 5 meters of him as Alec Averys sword is seathed at his side, maybe he cant weild it as a master swordsman but it has other uses.He simply smile as her hand gesture would be in vain*Now if you are quite finished.....
[01-01:45] 18221, Night Claw: *trips on ashe's leg*
[01-01:45] 54b02, Kyo : ((May I ask about my surroundings?))
[01-01:45] 14d88, Skarling Ironhand : ((no! What would you like to know?))
[01-01:46] b0460, Tandy : ((Well, his sword can only dispell to level 3 and Muna is level 4))
[01-01:46] 7bab5, Ashe: *takes off in the opposite direction again, laughing* C'mon!
[01-01:46] 18221, Night Claw: *chases him, running on all fours*
[01-01:46] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((The portal spell is not a level 4 spell....))
[01-01:47] c6c97, Levald : (the spell would have to be level 4)
[01-01:47] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((Exactly....))
[01-01:47] b0460, Tandy : ((Hmm, is it a spell for demons or an innate magical ability? *goes to check*))
[01-01:48] 7bab5, Ashe: *stops and turns skidding almost on the cold stones, to turn and face the gargoyle* Whoo, c'mon big boy! *takes off running at him*
[01-01:48] JOIN: Kyo has entered.
[01-01:48] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((Its magic.....the form for Averys sword states it blocks out all magic around the wielder himself....not just spells))
[01-01:48] 54b02, Kyo : ((I would like to know perhaps my general surroundings...))
[01-01:49] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *she takes a drink of her honey wine, leaning her head back against the booth, closing her eyes, hands in her lap*
[01-01:49] 18221, Night Claw: *charges him*
[01-01:49] b0460, Tandy : ((Yes, but it IS an innate magical ability and the sword can only block level 3 spells in his hand and her innate ability is Level 4, her level))
[01-01:50] 94c70, Muna : (( *awaits the verdict* ))
[01-01:50] 14d88, Skarling Ironhand : ((where do you want to start out at? The inn has a description in the hot spots board post, as well as most of the other places))
[01-01:51] EXIT: Kyo has left the chat ( 2:48am, June 01 (CDT) ).
[01-01:51] 7bab5, Ashe: *as he's made sure to head the beast into an open part of the city he simply leaps up and off of the nearest building and onto a rooftop as soon as the two near each other. he leaps with the grace kitsune are known for, with the huge grin on his face they're known better for*
[01-01:51] b0460, Tandy : ((The verdict is that if it's an innate ability, you have to be able to dispell to the level of the mage using the ability to be able to dispell it, because it works off of their individual magic levels for innate abilities))
[01-01:51] c6c97, Levald : *continues to the booth most likely seen by the mercs as he did so. bending at the waist he kisses kali while her eye are still closed*
[01-01:51] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: *A medium sized man with unusualy dark skin and light baggy clothing walks towards Ankalima, along with his Iron Talon's companions*
[01-01:51] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: ((*scractches out that apostrophe*))
[01-01:51] c6c97, Levald : oops
[01-01:52] c6c97, Aldrik : *continues to the booth most likely seen by the mercs as he did so. bending at the waist he kisses kali while her eye are still closed*
[01-01:52] 94c70, Muna : (( Okay thanks. *Lets Deke redo his post if he wishes.* ))
[01-01:53] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *not expecting it to be Aldrik, he quickly finds himself standing at the very sharp business end of her dagger* Dont even think about it....
[01-01:54] 18221, Night Claw: *skids to a stop and then starts to climb a wall*
[01-01:54] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: *glances between his companions when he sees the girl pull the dagger to Aldrik's body*
[01-01:54] c6c97, Aldrik : *almost laughing he speaks*nice to find you on your guard and not drunk.
[01-01:55] 7bab5, Ashe: *sits there looking down at the gargoyle* Aaaah, what'samatter, miss me? Haha!! *rolls backwards and takes off leaping on the rooftops*
[01-01:56] 18221, Night Claw: *onces he reaches the top he chases ashe from roof top to roof top*
[01-01:56] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((Sorry....playing Galaxies on the side...hehehehe))
[01-01:57] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *his firey hands would lower then raise to let loose a stream of fire that should sweep past Muna's feet only to swirl in front of her like a walk*Answer me....
[01-01:57] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *her eyes fly open at the sound of Aldriks voice* ahhh.. its you...*she lowers the dagger to her lap* you should know better that to do that...
[01-01:57] 7bab5, Ashe: *he just continues to smile and leads the chase, making a big circle around the rooftops. knows he can keep this up a lot longer than the big gargoyle, especially since this is expending very little of his energy* Ya! C'mon ugly!
[01-01:58] c6c97, Aldrik : (hmm the swords innate ability is to dispell spells up to lvl 3)
[01-01:59] 18221, Night Claw: *as the chase goes on, he begins to slow, showing the exertion the chase is taking on him*
[01-02:00] 7bab5, Ashe: *stops now, letting the big beast catch up* Ready for a break?
[01-02:00] b0460, Tandy : ((And Muna's innate abilities work at level 4, at least as far as being able to dispell them, because she is level 4.))
[01-02:00] 4e5df, Deke Menion : (( dispells magic equal to the wielders caster level))
[01-02:00] 94c70, Muna : *One hand appears from her robes. The fire not at all a worry for her. But what Deke would notice is the fire drawing upward, being absorbed into a glowing orb of light as the fire is drawn into that sphere just short of the palm of her hand. This drawing of Deke's fire would continue so long as Deke continued to fire it.*
[01-02:01] c6c97, Aldrik : (which is lvl 3 right now)
[01-02:01] 18221, Night Claw: *panting he tries to get close enough to wring ashe's neck*you...*panting*attacked me!
[01-02:02] 7bab5, Ashe: *laughs and dodges out of the way* I did not, I just gave you a lil shock that's all. Not like it hurt you. Hehe *is having quite the time*
[01-02:02] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((Yeah))
[01-02:02] 18221, Night Claw: (gtg)
[01-02:02] b0460, Tandy : *watches with fascination. Ooooooo! Is almost inbetween them, but to the side against the wall of the tavern*
[01-02:03] b0460, Tandy : *watches with fascination. Ooooooo! Is almost inbetween them, but to the side against the wall of the tavern*
[01-02:03] 18221, Night Claw: *walks off growling*
[01-02:03] 18221, Night Claw: *gone*
[01-02:04] 7bab5, Ashe: Oh well bah, my fun's gone and left. *sits on the roof and skulks*
[01-02:04] 7bab5, Ashe: ((sulks*))
[01-02:04] b0460, Tandy : *btw, isn't THAT close to them, about two yards from them, but to the side of them between them*
[01-02:05] 4e5df, Deke Menion : *lowers his hand with a quick motion as he closes his fist his brow quirking a moment though he smiles upon having his answer*Then another day shall we finish this.....*sometimes silence is golden*
[01-02:06] 4e5df, Deke Menion : (9am and that means sleep time!))
[01-02:07] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : ((g'night deke*Hugs him attempting to slice her dagger thru his ribs*))
[01-02:07] 4e5df, Deke Menion : ((*hugs yet expertly counters the dagger then steals a kiss*HA!))
[01-02:08] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: ((aldrik still there?))
[01-02:08] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : ((blast....foiled again))
[01-02:08] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : ((yes))
[01-02:09] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: ((is he gonna post?))
[01-02:09] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : ((LOL some year...Im shoving him right now))
[01-02:09] b0460, Tandy : ((*needs to sneeze, but can't finish the sneeze. How annoying* AAAAACHOO!! Ah, there it goes. Whew. That was annoying. What a relief))
[01-02:10] c6c97, Aldrik : I do but its so much fun.*sits across from her*So whats the deal with the armed men?
[01-02:10] 7bab5, Ashe: *shrugs and leaps off the rooftops and heads for the forest* Maybe tomorrow...
[01-02:10] 94c70, Muna : *She would hold that sphere of energy for a few more moments. Anger then flashes in her eyes and with a renewed power of her own, she sends the ball of green-white flame towards Deke. It growing in its size the further it gets from her palm, engulfing anything that gets in its way.*
[01-02:11] b0460, Tandy : ((*suggests Deke dodge that one*))
[01-02:11] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : Ehh... they thought that I might want to be 'friendly' .......... past that , they are the ones I have been looking for....
[01-02:11] b0460, Tandy : *gasps*
[01-02:11] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: *steps foreward and speaks in a slight accent that marks him forgeign just as much as his clothing and skin* We armed men are relaxing. Or were rather. You gave some of my men a great ruffening.
[01-02:12] EXIT: Ashe has left the chat ( 3:10am, June 01 (CDT) ).
[01-02:12] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *smirks* Well maybe it 'll teach them some manners
[01-02:15] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: As much as a headache teaches men to not drink. However, attacking one of our own is a great offense.
[01-02:17] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : I can see your point in that...headaches do not teach...and presumably neither did I... and as for attacking one of your own....they are only a bit bruised...I did no real harm to them....
[01-02:18] c6c97, Aldrik : *Some what annoyed by the inturruption he inturrupts.* And is kill one of your own a great offence?
[01-02:19] c6c97, Aldrik : (killing*)
[01-02:20] 94c70, Muna : *Leaves Deke a little scorched, but pitifully alive. She watches as the green-white flames dissipate, even less worried about Tandy than she was Deke.*
[01-02:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-02:22] b0460, Tandy : *looks at Muna, mouth agape. Would be wise to run, but she's kind of frozen, partly from nervousness, partly from awe, not really fear at this point*
[01-02:23] 94c70, Muna : *Finally, turns. Her gaze comes to rest on the observing Tandy once again..*
[01-02:27] b0460, Tandy : Eh heh. *regains herself a little and scoots along the wall a little with her back to it* That was...really amazing. *little nervous, little awed, not knowing what to think*
[01-02:27] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: *raes* Us killing our own or another?
[01-02:28] c6c97, Aldrik : More specificly me.
[01-02:29] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : ((*has to go in about 5 minutes*))
[01-02:30] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: As we are not being paid to fight you, we would likely take it quite personaly. ((you need to stay online for longer periods of time. ))
[01-02:30] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : ((Ive been on since 8 :00 this morning ))
[01-02:31] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : As did I...their offer was quite 'personal'
[01-02:31] 94c70, Muna : That is what evil men deserve... *The corners of her lips turning up every so slightly*
[01-02:32] c6c97, Aldrik : i see. and do you think she is being payed to be insulted by you men rude offers?
[01-02:32] c6c97, Aldrik : (mens*)
[01-02:32] c6c97, Aldrik : (your*)
[01-02:33] b0460, Tandy : E..evil men? *is maybe a little innocent and naive, brilliant for her age, but innocent*
[01-02:34] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: Then telling them off would have been more than sufficient.
[01-02:34] 94c70, Muna : Yes... *Motions her to the scorched tatters of her robes where Deke had touched them.* Evil men try to harm people...
[01-02:35] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : They are drunk. do you really think a few words would have made a difference?
[01-02:36] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: The are drunk. Do you realy think it would take that making them bleed as you did was necissary.
[01-02:37] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : It was only a small amount of blood... *is starting to get a bit irritated at hida..* did they need you to stand up for them?
[01-02:39] b0460, Tandy : Yes, they do, but why? *blinks and furrows her brows*
[01-02:41] 94c70, Muna : They enjoy it... exspecially his kind...
[01-02:42] c6c97, Aldrik : *taking out his dagger he skillfully spins it through his fingers.*
[01-02:43] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: I am their officer. I look out for my men. *eyes Aldrik's dagger motions*
[01-02:43] b0460, Tandy : I don't understand how someone could be like that. He was asking about stones. *tilts her head to one side, brows still furrowed, considering*
[01-02:44] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : You mean you are their mother....
[01-02:45] 94c70, Muna : His kind... they cast magic into stones and then poof... *Demonstrates the poof with both hands to indicate something like an explosion.* whole villages die...
[01-02:46] b0460, Tandy : *mouth gapes* That's terrible!
[01-02:46] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: Mother and father. Whatever analogy you prefer.
[01-02:47] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : And just how are you going to 'look out' for them?
[01-02:47] 94c70, Muna : Yes very, very terrible...
[01-02:48] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: Demand you appologize for using such extreme force.
[01-02:48] b0460, Tandy : what can we do about it? *she's being drawn in*
[01-02:48] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : And if I chose not to apologize?
[01-02:49] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: Then I return the excess damage in kind to make a balance.
[01-02:50] 94c70, Muna : His kind has to be destroyed, there is no other way... If they are not destroyed, then they will destroy everyone else.
[01-02:50] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *smirking at him* I'd like to see you try...
[01-02:51] b0460, Tandy : I've never destroyed anyone before? *not that she would have the power to destroy him anyone, but it might be cute and comical for her to try*
[01-02:51] c6c97, Aldrik : *his hand grips the handle of the dagger as he holds it to Hida's throte*
[01-02:52] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: ((Aldrik? When did he stand up?))
[01-02:53] 94c70, Muna : You are still young...
[01-02:53] c6c97, Aldrik : (how tall are you?)
[01-02:54] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: ((5'9")
[01-02:55] c6c97, Aldrik : (sitting down i can still raise my are that high)
[01-02:55] b0460, Tandy : I don't want to destroy people. Is there no other way?
[01-02:56] 94c70, Muna : No, young one.... There are no prisons that can hold his kind..
[01-02:57] b0460, Tandy : Oh....*looks down, unsure* I'm scared.
[01-02:59] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: *sigh's looks down at the weapon against his neck as though he's disapointed rather than worried. He then sucks air in and is a literal blur of motion, sliping back before Aldrik can think to cut him*
[01-02:59] 94c70, Muna : As you should be... You will learn.. *Stepping away, she leaves the young girl to think over what she had said.*
[01-03:00] c6c97, Aldrik : Better.
[01-03:00] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *she chuckles at Hida's expression* MY bodyguard....
[01-03:02] b0460, Tandy : *watches Muna go, ponders her words for a while and eventually heads back to the tower of mages. might have been caught where she wasn't supposed to me, might not have been. Who knows?*
[01-03:02] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: If you would prefer, I can take out grievances on him in place of you...
[01-03:02] b0460, Tandy : me = be
[01-03:02] b0460, Tandy : *GONE*
[01-03:02] b0460, Tandy : ((Night everyone))
[01-03:02] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: *as he speaks, his body seems somehow blurry around the edges and the motion of his mouth is obscured*
[01-03:02] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: ((night!))
[01-03:03] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : (night)
[01-03:04] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : No, I t was me the one that did the 'damage' Take it out on me........if you can
[01-03:04] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: ((just how much would it be? Give me something quantafiable if at all possible))
[01-03:05] c6c97, Aldrik : *ignores what he sees using hit other senses to make sure he keeps track of hida.*
[01-03:05] c6c97, Aldrik : (his*)
[01-03:06] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : ((how much what would be? ))
[01-03:07] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: ((just what DID she do to the guys that were trying to party with her?))
[01-03:11] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : ( *shows the small blade that she always carries* It was only a 'small' reminder ...let's just hope they dont have wives at home who'd look that is more of an embarrasment than injury))
[01-03:12] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : ((and she is fast.. it could have been alot worse...))
[01-03:13] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: ((as I said, give me something quantifiable?))
[01-03:15] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : (she left a small cut just inside the thigh of one of the men and made another not able to walk very well..if you understand me...))
[01-03:20] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: ((ah kay)) *a metal grey blur arcs out from Hida's arm level, and unless either of them have magicaly enhanced reaction speeds, Ankalima would find a very thin line of blood just across her neck, not deep enough to get past skin and into the important stuff, but deep enough to leave a light scar when it heals*
[01-03:24] c6c97, Aldrik : *pulling his short sword from his side he throws it towars the table of mercs aiming to stick it in a chair as it leave a light scratch on the necok of one of the mercs*
[01-03:24] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *she would have a small cut along her neck...Hida might also find his manhood at the point of her still having been in her hand in her lap(
[01-03:24] c6c97, Aldrik : (towards*)
[01-03:27] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: You can put the blade away. Your wound pays your debt. *hides the little ever so very small nagging bit of doubt the back of his mind gets when being threatened of one's manhood*
[01-03:29] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *she lowers the blade again resting it in her lap...reaching up to wipe at the blood on her neck* Thats a bit much isnt it? ..Or am i paying for something else as well?
[01-03:29] c6c97, Aldrik : *the sword hits the chair but misses the merc. though being drunk he could still cut himself on the blade.*
[01-03:30] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: It was as light as I'm capable of at this speed... *moves back slightly and his entire body seems to blur again* Besides, you left scars on more than one man.
[01-03:31] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : I left a scar on one man...the other will only be a memory soon enough
[01-03:33] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: A direct eye for an eye was not applicable.
[01-03:33] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *smiles at him then* Have I proven myself enough for you?
[01-03:37] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: You have been made even with me. It is with him *nods his head to the side, indicating a man dressed in an unusualy elegant mix of soldier's dress and merchant's garb watching her* with who you might want to prove yourself.
[01-03:39] c6c97, Aldrik : *butts into the conversation.*you might want to look out for your men.*points to the drunk one with the sword stuck in his chair.*
[01-03:40] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : *takes a good look at the man...Quirks an eyebrow at Hida* and just why should i do that?
[01-03:42] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : ((I really have to go now...i have to get up in about an hour and a half......thanks for the rp cookie ))
[01-03:43] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: He is the one that hires capable warriors... *glances over to Aldrik* Your ability to toss blades without harming somebody might come in handy as much as real fighting cloaked one... *something of a coy taunt* ((np! Sorry about keeping you up so late))
[01-03:44] c6c97, Aldrik : I ment to scratch him.
[01-03:44] e8ed3, Ankalima Morwen : ((*hugs* dont worry bout it...*yawns her way to bed* see ya' later ))
[01-03:44] EXIT: Ankalima Morwen has left the chat ( 4:44am, June 01 (CDT) ).
[01-03:45] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: Would you like a polite applause?
[01-03:46] c6c97, Aldrik : (gtg)
[01-03:46] EXIT: Aldrik has left the chat ( 4:46am, June 01 (CDT) ).
[01-03:49] 14d88, Hida Al'Asid: ((*being the last one out, puts the chairs on the tables, shuts off the lights, and locks the door for the night*))
[01-05:20] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-08:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-08:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-08:34] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((*yawns*))
[01-08:36] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[01-08:38] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((*pokes Illisse*))
[01-08:40] c5e1f, Illisse Brilthor : good morning wispy
[01-08:41] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Mornin', Illisse...are you off somewhere already? *reads her post below from last night about having to wake up early.*))
[01-08:42] c5e1f, Illisse Brilthor : off? no its just my usual time to get up..
[01-08:42] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((So you only got an hour and a half of sleep?))
[01-08:43] c5e1f, Illisse Brilthor : but i slept thru the alarm, I got a couple more hours of sleep
[01-08:43] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Ah, I see.))
[01-08:44] c5e1f, Illisse Brilthor : well actually i did get up for a few minutes....after 5 and peeked in here..then headed back to bed
[01-08:45] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((You're addicted...they have places that help people like you...*pats* Lol jk))
[01-08:45] c5e1f, Illisse Brilthor : probably online right???
[01-08:46] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((LOL You're a nut ^_~))
[01-08:46] c5e1f, Illisse Brilthor : Oh cool....*loves her ip today* elf.....
[01-08:48] c5e1f, Illisse Brilthor : wish it could stay that one....mine changes every day for some reason
[01-08:49] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Lol...didn't even know what you were talking about...I was just like, 'What the hell?'))
[01-08:49] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Mine does too.))
[01-08:49] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:49am, June 01 (CDT) ).
[01-08:50] JOIN: Gado has entered.
[01-08:50] d2dc2, Gado: ((Blah...might as well name myself.))
[01-08:51] c5e1f, Illisse Brilthor : LOL nice to meet you Gado
[01-08:52] d2dc2, Gado: ((*nods* I love the anime Naruto so much, I had to throw in a char that uses some of the techniques...although I'm sure he wouldn't get regged, its still fun to play him..heh.))
[01-08:57] c5e1f, Illisse Brilthor : I dont expect he would
[01-08:57] d2dc2, Gado: ((Whys that? You read the page I made for him?))
[01-08:58] c5e1f, Illisse Brilthor : where?
[01-08:58] c5e1f, Illisse Brilthor : *is not yet totally awake*
[01-08:59] d2dc2, Gado: ((Oh, nevermind...I had a page made for him through the link of the image...thought you had read it and agreed with him not being regged...heh.))
[01-08:59] c5e1f, Illisse Brilthor : ah....
[01-08:59] c5e1f, Illisse Brilthor : no hadnt read it... *is now*
[01-09:01] d2dc2, Gado: ((Ah, cool cool...*yawns* Damn...its too early...))
[01-09:03] c5e1f, Illisse Brilthor : hmm he might be reg'able..with a couple of the adamantine knuckles......
[01-09:05] d2dc2, Gado: ((Well, yeah...I figured...I just didn't want them breaking on him and then having a char with no hands..))
[01-09:06] d2dc2, Gado: ((*goes and edits.*))
[01-09:14] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *stretches his wings and folds them over himself like a cloak*
[01-09:16] d2dc2, Gado: ((Werd Mors.))
[01-09:16] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Whoops..not doing any Admineh yay, wow, crape now..
[01-09:17] c5e1f, Zaeth : *sits at his feet, her head nodding...not quite awake yet*
[01-09:20] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *scrtiches his pet*
[01-09:21] c5e1f, Zaeth : *curls int scritches*mmmmm
[01-09:21] d2dc2, Gado: (())
[01-09:22] c5e1f, Zaeth : ((LOL@Gado))
[01-09:23] ceea7, Palladia Mors : What? You've never seen a demon with a pet elf before?
[01-09:24] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Interesting character concept Gado.
[01-09:24] d2dc2, Gado: ((Can't say that I have..))
[01-09:24] d2dc2, Gado: ((Interesting, in a good way? Heh..))
[01-09:25] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Yes. But those spells...while intersstink need to be gone over..I'm saving the page to send to Mabbeh whenever she decides to wake her lazy behind up..*smirk*
[01-09:26] d2dc2, Gado: ((Lol Cool cool.))
[01-09:26] c5e1f, Zaeth : the weapon change is good...
[01-09:26] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *goes about desigingn his priesteh*
[01-09:26] d2dc2, Gado: ((Priest?))
[01-09:27] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Yup
[01-09:27] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Behold...the pic
[01-09:28] d2dc2, Gado: ((Oooo...*his attention is kept with the shiiiiny Priest.*))
[01-09:28] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *beats Gado down* What are you...KENDER?!
[01-09:29] d2dc2, Gado: ((*is beat down* @_@ No, just a dumbass...forgive me...))
[01-09:30] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *L*
[01-09:30] d2dc2, Gado: ((Blah...what the eff is with these birds...its too early to be singing..))
[01-09:31] c5e1f, Zaeth : Huh? *slowly returns from petting pic*...
[01-09:31] ceea7, Palladia Mors : They're birds..its what they do
[01-09:32] d2dc2, Gado: ((*wipes the pic off after Zaeth is done with it.* Get a room...Lol jk))
[01-09:32] ceea7, Palladia Mors : BRB
[01-09:32] d2dc2, Gado: ((Yeah, but at least they could sing like...Metallica...or Incubus...or something!))
[01-09:33] d2dc2, Gado: ((k))
[01-09:33] JOIN: D'Angelos Sevadi has entered.
[01-09:33] c5e1f, Zaeth : *dies*
[01-09:33] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : ....INCUBUS?! *beats Gado down again* How dare you mention Metallica and Incubus in the same sentance!
[01-09:34] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : Temporary color and pic test
[01-09:34] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : Poifect
[01-09:34] d2dc2, Gado: ((Blah...just trying to show my variety of music.))
[01-09:34] d2dc2, Gado: ((LOL! That Poifect caught me offguard..))
[01-09:35] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : But they do not belong in the same sentence....
[01-09:35] d2dc2, Gado: ((*has to tinkle* Brb.))
[01-09:35] c5e1f, Zaeth : T M I !!!
[01-09:36] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *snicker*
[01-09:37] d2dc2, Gado: ((Nah, TMI would be telling you that I was trying to bomb the bubbles I was creating with a stream of THAT, is TMI...*feels proud*))
[01-09:38] c5e1f, Zaeth : *goes away now*
[01-09:39] c5e1f, Zaeth : *yanks very hard on her chain, desperately trying to no avail* blast
[01-09:39] d2dc2, Gado: ((Muwhahahaha...Muwhahahaha...*takes a hit from his inhaler.* Muwhahahaha!))
[01-09:40] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : ..
[01-09:40] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Do not make me smite you Gadi
[01-09:40] ceea7, Palladia Mors : gado damn typos
[01-09:41] c5e1f, Zaeth : thats just about THE most pathetic excuse for an evil laugh ive everheard
[01-09:41] d2dc2, Gado: ((Hey...*shrugs*...gotta get my evil laugh somewhere...even though if you heard me actually doing it, you'd either shake your head and walk away, or laugh at me...or both..heh.))
[01-09:41] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *smirk*
[01-09:42] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I make old ladies and small children wet their diapers in fear of my evil laugh.
[01-09:43] d2dc2, Gado: ((Your mother would be proud..Lol.))
[01-09:43] c5e1f, Zaeth : and young women swoon.....
[01-09:43] d2dc2, Gado: ((*laughs so hard.* my buddy sent me Bathroom Etiquette-How to poop at work...this thing is hilarious.))
[01-09:44] ceea7, Palladia Mors : mother isnt proud...she just...slowly backs away
[01-09:46] d2dc2, Gado: ((*just d/led the Johnny Quest theme song* This thing is so badassness...))
[01-09:47] ceea7, Palladia Mors : No...go download "My Own Savior" by Iced Earth that song is teh badassness
[01-09:47] c5e1f, Zaeth : ((*pats Mom* its a guy thing...))
[01-09:48] d2dc2, Gado: ((What kinda music is that?))
[01-09:48] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Metal.
[01-09:48] d2dc2, Gado: ((Ah, cool.))
[01-09:49] c5e1f, Zaeth : I would......except it would take me about 6 hours to do it......cursed dialup
[01-09:50] d2dc2, Gado: ((You still have...dialup? Omnipotence, Mary and Joseph...*hugs* I don't know how you deal with that..))
[01-09:51] c5e1f, Zaeth : *lives WAAAYYY out in the country *
[01-09:51] d2dc2, Gado: ((How many teeth do you have? Lol jk))
[01-09:51] c5e1f, Zaeth : *begs master to smite the evil man*
[01-09:52] d2dc2, Gado: ((*growls*))
[01-09:53] d2dc2, Gado: ((Oops...that was my stomach..heh...brb, gonna grab something to eat.))
[01-09:53] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *smites Gado*
[01-09:54] d2dc2, Gado: ((I have been smitten...but yo, I lost my mitten...and I want a kitten...while its sittin...*busts a little B-Rad freestyle.*))
[01-09:55] c5e1f, Zaeth : eeeehhhhh........*backs away as far as she can get*
[01-09:55] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *holds finger over ban button*
[01-09:56] d2dc2, Gado: ((Hey hey hey! I know when I'm not appreciated...*slinks off*))
[01-09:58] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Sorry..I cant stand rap
[01-10:02] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *woulda only banned him for a sec or two...goes to ban self*
[01-10:02] BAN: The Palladia Mors-Dragon has eaten ceea7 and chews for 10 abuse of power seconds.
[01-10:03] c5e1f, Zaeth : LOL
[01-10:03] d2dc2, Gado: ((Lol nice.))
[01-10:04] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Hehe
[01-10:06] c5e1f, Zaeth : hmmm ...what could you use a fog phantom for? if it can do no damage?
[01-10:09] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Spying.
[01-10:10] JOIN: me has entered.
[01-10:10] 40975, me: hello?
[01-10:11] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Hello me.
[01-10:11] 40975, me: hello palladia mors
[01-10:12] d2dc2, Gado: ((Hmm...*ponders RPing.*))
[01-10:14] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Yes RP...everyone RP *throws them headfirst into RPing*
[01-10:15] 40975, me: gadzooks sir was that really necessary?
[01-10:15] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : location?
[01-10:15] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Yes. *is admin*
[01-10:16] d2dc2, Gado: ((Wherever, I guess...haven't really picked one out yet.))
[01-10:16] 40975, me: hello ankalima
[01-10:17] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : hello
[01-10:17] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : ((Glimmering Inn...sitting at a table, eating and thinking about her meeting with the mercenaries last night*
[01-10:18] 40975, me: you look a feisty young thing
[01-10:18] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : ahem..... read profile if you want to live
[01-10:19] d2dc2, Gado: ((*raises a brow at Me.*))
[01-10:20] 40975, me: wot (in mock surprise)
[01-10:22] ceea7, Palladia Mors : IC is now OOC is done..
[01-10:23] d2dc2, Gado: *he opens the door to the Glimmering Inn, resting his left arm on his hip, just taking a moment to have his eyes adjust to the inside of the building. He then steps over the threshhold and closes the door behind himself, starting towards the bar. Being somewhat oddly dressed compared to his surroundings, he may pull a few looks, as he runs a hand through his silvery hair, sliding himself onto a barstool. He hunches over slightly while leaning on his arms, which firmly press against the bar, as his dark brown eyes look around for the bartender. He casually turns his head slightly and glances behind him for a moment.*
[01-10:26] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *she looks up as the door opens, her grey eyes opening abit wider as the oddly gressed man comesin the door...murmering to herself* unusual number 47 this week... *smiling to herself* then again..unusual seems to be common around here
[01-10:30] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : ((*pokes da Mors* *arches an eyebrow* well???))
[01-10:31] d2dc2, Gado: *catches the gaze of the bartender, raising his hand slightly with his index finger pointed upward.* Something strong in a small cup...I need to wake up...*the bartender nods and moves away. While he waits for his drink, he turns his head and looks over either of his shoulder, seeing the place somewhat unpopulated. Ankalima catches his eye, and although he smirks when he glances her way, it would be invisible to her with the way his head is turned. His attention is grabbed when the small drink is placed in front of him. He reaches into a pouch on his left back side, looking for some coin. He chuckles nervously, not finding any coin right away.* Heh...know I have something somewhere..
[01-10:32] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *eats da Kali* I'm a tinken
[01-10:34] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *she smiles a bit as the man searches for his money.....amazingly enough, she had nothing to do with it.....for a change*
[01-10:36] 94c70, Z: *pounces Mors*
[01-10:37] d2dc2, Gado: Ah! *pulls out a few pieces, placing them on the table. It consisted of two metal coin pieces, and a shuriken. Gado smiles a bit, and slides the shuriken off the table and back into his pouch, while the bartender scoops up the coin. Gado comes back around to completely focus on his small drink, lifting it up and smelling its strong odor for a moment. He then knocks back the drink quickly, somewhat slamming the small cup back onto the bar, while sighing.* Ahhhhh...*his one eye winces slightly from the strength of the drink.* Good one...*he smiles and nods to the bartender.*
[01-10:38] 40975, me : z! no stop dont!
[01-10:38] JOIN: Ghamel has entered.
[01-10:39] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *catches Z and huggles her*
[01-10:39] 683f2, Ghamel: *..**
[01-10:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-10:40] EXIT: Ghamel has left the chat ( 11:39am, June 01 (CDT) ).
[01-10:45] JOIN: Ghamel has entered.
[01-10:45] 683f2, Ghamel: ((z i need some help ))
[01-10:47] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *she catches sight of the shuriken just as he slides it off the bar.....just a small glimpse of what this man is like*
[01-10:49] 94c70, Z: help?
[01-10:50] 683f2, Ghamel: ((i got deleted somehow))
[01-10:50] d2dc2, Gado: *he begins to play around with the small cup placed before him, waiting for the bartender to free up so that he could order another and probably be done with drinking for the day. He sits upright, raising his arms up above and behind his head, cracking his back a few times, as he releases a comfortable sigh, his posture returning to himself being hunched over the bar.*
[01-10:52] ceea7, Palladia Mors : If you have not used that name in over 4 months it was deleted.
[01-10:53] 683f2, Ghamel: ((its only been less then a week))
[01-10:54] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Then I dunno what happened
[01-10:54] 94c70, Z: *amazingly managed to keep all hers.*
[01-10:55] 94c70, Z: Might've been a goof.
[01-10:55] 683f2, Ghamel: ((me neither i meen i still got the e-mail stating that i am now welcome to bettenchi and heres my password and so on ))
[01-10:57] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *and so the doors of the Glimmering Inn open once again...and another..oddly dressed indivual paces through the doorway..his hair done up in the traditional topknot for his people...he wears stark white socks...but no shoes...large baggy pants a robe like shirt that is tied togetehr with a dark grey silk looking sash...and a large curved sword at his armor is present upon him, his eyes are almond shaped and slanted..almost like an elf...but he has no points on his ears...even half elves have points on their ears*
[01-10:58] 94c70, Z: *shakes fist at the crappy communications at her work place.*
[01-10:59] d2dc2, Gado: *hears someone enter, peering over his slouched shoulder for a second. At first, his gaze is casual, uncaring...but noticing how Tenma is dressed, and even recognizing the style of his clothing, it catches more of his attention, raising a brow, and slowly turning back to his again filled small cup. He smiles at the bartender with squinty eyes, having already paid for this one from the first one he paid for.*
[01-11:03] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *he carries himself with a regal air, and a veiled look of disgust at how these...foreigners dont bow before him....but...he is in their land and must abide by their customs...he takes a seat by himself, away from the others and whispers something to one of the bar maidens who presents him a smnall bowl looking glass and a rounded bottle of clay*
[01-11:04] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *chuckles to herself as yet another unusual person comes in*
[01-11:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-11:06] d2dc2, Gado: *he again looks back over at Tenma before knocking back his shot. He chuckles, noticing how he is carrying himself, as he shakes his head with a smirk in disapproval as he raises his shot and tilts his head back, emptying the small cup and swallowing quickly, again making a face before he places the cup back down onto the bar.*
[01-11:08] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *notes the man looking at him with a smirk of disapprooval...and proudly bites his tongue as he pours himself the equivalent of a shot and a half and sips it slowly, letting his black eyes close*
[01-11:11] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *she finds this....manliness show of honor almost amusing...surpressing a smile as she watches the two men at the bar*
[01-11:14] d2dc2, Gado: *he flings the cup upward into the air, snagging it in mid-air, and holding it out to the bartender. He speaks in a dialect which would probably resemble japanese, if not an exact match to it.* Thank you very much. *the bartender blinks, obviously not understanding. Gado smiles casually.* It means Thank you very much, friend. *the bartender nods and takes the small cup, as Gado yawns slightly and once more stretches his arms out above his head.*
[01-11:14] 94c70, Z: *bites Mors then runs away*
[01-11:15] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : ((*catches Z and chains her with Zaeth to his throne*)) *hence there is no Japanese here on Bettenchi..even he doesnt know what the hell Gado is saying, having removed his Comprehend languages spell and all...he just sits there...nobly drinking whatever is in that rounded bottle...not bothering anyone, not showing off...just...enjoying the taste of the drink he has*
[01-11:16] d2dc2, Gado: ((Bah...well its close to the dialect.))
[01-11:17] c5e1f, Zaeth : (well , I for one would like to know just how Tenma thinks this throne is his...and how he got that close without getting killed ))
[01-11:18] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : ((*is da Mors*))
[01-11:18] 40975, Will-o'-the-wisp: hello zaeth
[01-11:19] c5e1f, Zaeth : ((*know that * pest))
[01-11:21] d2dc2, Gado: ((*ponders starting some yay, wow, crap.*))
[01-11:22] JOIN: Aralore has entered.
[01-11:23] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : (image test)
[01-11:23] 8d50e, Aralore : ((Bwahaha school computer...*mission impossible music plays*
[01-11:23] 8d50e, Aralore : ))
[01-11:23] 8d50e, Aralore : ((*shifty eyes*))
[01-11:24] 8d50e, Aralore : ((doo bee doo...))
[01-11:25] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : (*pimps Aralore*)
[01-11:25] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : (everyone get back IC)
[01-11:25] 8d50e, Aralore : (( rid of the MOTD, finally.))
[01-11:27] c5e1f, Zaeth : *suddenly tired of all this ignoring each other thing, she gets up and heads for the bar, placing herself between the two men*
[01-11:27] JOIN: Aldrik has entered.
[01-11:28] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : (when did Zaeth get there?)
[01-11:28] 8d50e, Aralore : ((Who is Tenma?))
[01-11:28] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : ((Da Admin))
[01-11:29] c5e1f, Zaeth : bahh
[01-11:30] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *may be ignoring the man..but at least he isnt attempting to start fights either... he continues his he seems to take it very seriously...his eyes still closed in a stoic almost statue-like expression*
[01-11:30] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *suddenly tired of all this ignoring each other thing, she gets up and heads for the bar, placing herself between the two men*
[01-11:30] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : ((thats whati get for rp'ing mad))
[01-11:32] d2dc2, Gado: *he peers over at the man once more, a bit curious as to what he is doing. He gets the feeling that maybe the man hasn't had a drink in a long time or whatnot. His view is suddenly blocked by Ankalima. He smiles, his gaze falling on her, making a comment.* You're a better door than a window...*he smirks, then turns back to facing the bar, trying to think of what to do now.*
[01-11:33] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *hearing the rude comment she greatly considers removing the man from her sight..being capable of doing so...but just sighs and ignores him..ordering a drink from the tender*
[01-11:34] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *oh he drinks quite often..but also believes in living life in every breath...every drink...every word...every deed...he sets down the now empty semi shot glass styled cup and lets his eyes open, scanning the room again, noting the movement of the woman between himself and the other man who had looked upon him with that air of disapprooval*
[01-11:35] 8d50e, Aralore : ((Hiya Anka!))
[01-11:35] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : ((hello Aralore))
[01-11:36] d2dc2, Gado: Well, this is slightly uncomfortable for a laid-back person like myself...*he somewhat mutters, though speaks loud enough for Ankalima to hear, as he stands from his barseat, again thanking the bartender for the two drinks.*
[01-11:37] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *watches the man idly almsot smirking...but not quite... as he sets down the price for the drink he had and moves out of the inn slowly*
[01-11:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-11:38] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *sighing , she's had enough of this day already, she gets up and leaves the Inn almost knocking down Tenma on her way out....possible not to return today*
[01-11:39] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *he gets plowed into!...and keeps his footing but moves to grab the woman by the back of her neck..that is just unacceptable not even an excuse me..*
[01-11:40] d2dc2, Gado: *he takes a step towards the door, and notices Ankalima briskly making her way out of the Inn. He figures maybe it was something he said, shrugging almost.* What?
[01-11:41] JOIN: Aralore has entered.
[01-11:41] 8d50e, Aralore : ((WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE))
[01-11:41] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:38pm, June 01 (CDT) ).
[01-11:42] JOIN: luthien has entered.
[01-11:42] 8d50e, Aralore : ((I!))
[01-11:42] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *being caught by the neck...something she really hates...she jerks to a stop..getting madder by the moment*
[01-11:43] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *he moves her to where she can look directly at him, his face set into a most displeased scowl...the kind that would freeze lava as he speaks brokenly in common* Such...rudness....wirr get you killed... *his accent is very thick as well*
[01-11:43] d2dc2, Gado: *quiets himself down, having a 'Daaamn' look on his face, as Tenma grabbed Anka by the neck. He isn't sure whether to do something or not, because he figures she had it coming with the attitude she was throwing around...if it became somewhat fatal, he would step in.*
[01-11:44] 8d50e, Aralore : ((Glergh.))
[01-11:44] 8d50e, Aralore : ((Jezral's "No MOTD" preference never works... :/ ))
[01-11:46] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : Let go..*said thru clenched teeth* before i show you just how 'rude' i can get....*this day just gets better and better for her*
[01-11:46] 8d50e, Aralore : ((MOTD is nice normally, but not on a comp as small as this :/ ))
[01-11:47] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *he removes his hand from her in a way that would most likely send her to the ground...she is beneath him really and if she goes to the ground or not he stands over pretty sure he is taller* It would not be a good death for you.
[01-11:48] d2dc2, Gado: *leans against the bar and continues to watch this.*
[01-11:50] 40975, luthien: *opens door peers in through the light to see strange scene before him looks around to see person leaning against the bar (obviously enjoying the moment)
[01-11:51] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *she's a bit stronger than he expects...holding her ground....looking up into his face he is a good foot taller than she is....* Death does not scare me...I have dealt if often enough to be quite familiar with it. *he would see a harshness in her grey eyes...something that she usually keeps well hidden*
[01-11:53] d2dc2, Gado: *raising his brow after hearing her comment, again with the 'Daaaamn' expression, almost smiling. He mutters, only audible to himself.* This might get good..
[01-11:54] ceea7, Tenma Enzeru : *she would find his eyes and endless, impenetrable mask of neutrality whether or not he is seething inside is known to him alone* Dealing it..and facing it are two very different things...baka...*and with that he moves to get past her, having now slipped his wooden sandals on*
[01-11:55] 40975, luthien: *steps around the pair lightly and walks to the bar*
[01-11:56] d2dc2, Gado: ((The batting cages are calling...*poofs*))
[01-11:56] EXIT: Gado has left the chat ( 12:56pm, June 01 (CDT) ).
[01-11:58] JOIN: Aldrik has entered.
[01-11:59] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *she would let him go, not yet in the mood to kill today...but she could feel i building in her....turning away from the Inn she begins to walk quickly thru the town...heading no where inparticular.....her anger so apparent that people move out of her way.......mistake number unkown for the day*
[01-12:00] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : ((HAHA found something to kill......typos ))
[01-12:02] 40975, luthien: *attempts to catch barkeeps eye*
[01-12:03] c6c97, Aldrik : *placing the stone on the ground next to he furnace he holds his arm out over it pointing down at it and rotating his finger in a clockwise motion as it begins to grow untill its large enough to be used as a hammering stone*
[01-12:04] c6c97, Aldrik : (oops)
[01-12:06] 40975, luthien: *calls keep over and asks for some water*profers a small coin from leather pouch on belt
[01-12:06] c6c97, Levald : *placing the stone on the ground next to he furnace he holds his arm out over it pointing down at it and rotating his finger in a clockwise motion as it begins to grow untill its large enough to be used as a hammering stone*
[01-12:08] 40975, luthien: and then takes it back as keep dismisses coin with a wave of his hand
[01-12:10] 40975, luthien: *walks over to sit at a table in corner of the bar and sits down *
[01-12:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-12:14] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *she continues stomping her way thru the town...finding herself in a part of the town she hadnt been in before*
[01-12:14] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:13pm, June 01 (CDT) ).
[01-12:14] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:13pm, June 01 (CDT) ).
[01-12:14] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:13pm, June 01 (CDT) ).
[01-12:16] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[01-12:16] 40975, luthien: *takes his bow off and places it by his side and takes a sip of his drink*
[01-12:16] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : ((hey Axis...should have known it was you))
[01-12:18] 7564b, Axis : ((of is everryone?))
[01-12:18] c6c97, Levald : *taking Emberstrike he turns to the pile of coal in the furnace hitting it to ignite it.*
[01-12:20] 7564b, Axis : ((hrmm Rua?))
[01-12:21] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : ((yes ))
[01-12:22] 7564b, Axis : *flows through the streets his cloak bllowing about him cowl casting shadows over his face*
[01-12:23] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *her feet slow to a walk.. noting the more upscale residences there....thinking to herself...* better get back where i belong *turning around she starts to head back towards the Inn*
[01-12:24] c6c97, Levald : *tossing the unmade dagger onto the embers he shoves it in with ember strike before turning to his pack for the rest of his tools*
[01-12:25] 40975, luthien: *finishes drink and stands upretrieves bow and waves to barkeep,walks towards the door and leaves*
[01-12:28] 40975, luthien: walks away from inn and walks through the town ,looking in amazement at the buildings ,(wondering how can creatures live like this?so confined*
[01-12:29] 7564b, Axis : *glides silently past Ankilima glancing at her from under his cowl*
[01-12:33] 40975, luthien: *wanders aimlessly through miriad streets people milling around all with something on there minds and places to go*
[01-12:34] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[01-12:34] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *she finally comes to more familiar surroundings...her anger all but gone*
[01-12:35] MSG: Luke sent a message to Mab.
[01-12:35] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[01-12:37] JOIN: Night Claw has entered.
[01-12:40] 7564b, Axis : *walks *
[01-12:46] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *reaching the marketplace she takes a deep breath and sits on theedge of the fountain in the middle of the square*
[01-12:53] 7564b, Axis : ((*pokes ank*))
[01-12:54] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : ((what?))
[01-12:55] 7564b, Axis : ((nothing...just bored))
[01-12:56] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : ((ah.... s'k so am i... ))
[01-12:57] 7564b, Axis : ((nothing...just bored))
[01-12:58] 7564b, Axis : ((heh hrmm would yo umind if undead attacked the city?))
[01-13:00] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : (( well seeing as I am the only one around at the moment...hmmmm kali just cant deal with more than one ....but other than my guest... just dont count on quick responses....*lost in the drool zone*))
[01-13:01] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 1:58pm, June 01 (CDT) ).
[01-13:02] JOIN: Ghouls has entered.
[01-13:05] 7564b, Ghouls: *Ankilima might notice an evil fould smell filling the air...the smell of death. Screams of terror would begin to echo from own the street*
[01-13:09] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *sitting by the fountain, she begins to notice the smell of death in the air....something long dead... and apparently on the move judging by the sounds reaching her ears*.
[01-13:12] 7564b, Ghouls: *people begins to run by screaming as creatures obviously once human but now, their eyes shine with a feral light and their skin streched tight ove rtheir emecated bodies the grab and begins to bite and devour peple even as they struggle and try to run*
[01-13:12] JOIN: Aldrik has entered.
[01-13:18] c6c97, Levald : *useing his toungs he pulld the red hot metal from the coals and begins reforming the dagger it once was*
[01-13:19] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *watches as people begin to run past her... curiosity getting the better of her as it always does....she goes in the other direction ...just to find out what was happening*
[01-13:22] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : (( still here?))
[01-13:22] 7564b, Ghouls: *levald might hear people screaming and running past his shop. kali would walk right into a bloodbath of people screamign and dying many of the dead being eaten and many of the wounded being eaten alive.*
[01-13:25] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : Emmmm... *backing away rather quickly, she begins muttering spells under her breath...moving into the shadows of the buildings ... disappearing into the gathering darkness...*
[01-13:27] 7564b, Ghouls: *several stalk by where she was lookign arond as others run deeper inot the city some even chaisng people into their homes leaving hte dead to lay ing the street*
[01-13:30] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *standing right were she was, her thoughts run to the thought of just leaving this city altogether..........gargoyles, drow, irate dwarves, that blasted finger last night and now? Ghouls.... * also wondering how she could ever help stop this *
[01-13:32] c6c97, Levald : *the sound from the furnace and the ring from the metal would block all sound from his hearing*
[01-13:32] 7564b, Ghouls: *the ghouls sniff the air looking around for her as screams keep echoing through the city*
[01-13:34] 7564b, Ghouls: *some one would stagger in through levalds door a chunk missing from her shoulder*
[01-13:34] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *realizing that she had just made a huge mistake....she slides around the corner of the building hoping to make it back to the Inn..or atleast closer , where she might find help*
[01-13:36] c6c97, Aldrik : *being in the alley he is bumped by kali as she slides into it*
[01-13:36] c6c97, Aldrik : (test)
[01-13:36] 7564b, Ghouls: *a lone ghoul creeps into the alley peering around*
[01-13:41] b0460, Mab : Oh, fun. Ghouls attacking the city. Why is it the good stuff happens when I have to work.
[01-13:42] 7564b, Ghouls: ((*patpat for mab* I can attack again tonight if oyu'll be on))
[01-13:42] b0460, Mab : Unfortunately not. Carry on and have double the fun, half for me. I'll read it later.
[01-13:43] 7564b, Ghouls: ((my pleasure mab))
[01-13:43] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : ((*salutes her commander in chief* yes'm))
[01-13:43] b0460, Mab : *toodles off to work*
[01-13:44] c6c97, Aldrik : (bye)
[01-13:44] 7564b, Ghouls: *the ghoul creeps closer to kli and aldrik*
[01-13:44] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *bumping into Aldrik* Gaahhh....
[01-13:48] c6c97, Aldrik : Woah*looks over at the ghoul as he grabs kali in surprise*Whats going on?
[01-13:49] 7564b, Ghouls: *it sees them and snarls and begins to trot towards them blood froma previous victem running down it's face and chest*
[01-13:50] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[01-13:50] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *grabbing his hand and begining to run down the alleyway* We have company.......
[01-13:51] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Ankalima Morwen.
[01-13:51] 4e5df, Deke Menion: *somewhere within in the city most likely near the local armory shop, he seaths his sword and wipes his brow after a few hours of training as he is paying a trainer to learn the art of the sword*
[01-13:51] MSG: Palladia Mors sent a message to Mab.
[01-13:51] MSG: Ankalima Morwen sent a message to Palladia Mors.
[01-13:53] c6c97, Aldrik : *is dragged down the alley*what kind of company?
[01-13:54] c6c97, Aldrik : (grr i gtg npc me if you want or ill just run off)
[01-13:55] 7564b, Ghouls: *Deke would begin to hear the screams as well and see several bloody people staggering by. the lone Ghoul pursues Kalima*
[01-13:56] EXIT: Aldrik has left the chat ( 2:54pm, June 01 (CDT) ).
[01-13:56] 4e5df, Deke Menion: ((( it my colone?.......*seems to attract the damn ghouls*))
[01-13:57] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : ((yes Deke it is......))
[01-13:57] ceea7, Palladia Mors : You have no chance to survive..make your time
[01-13:58] ceea7, D'Angelo Sevadi: Test
[01-13:58] 7564b, Ghouls: ((no ghould there with oyu yet deke.... you smell good I'm sure))
[01-13:58] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Damn
[01-13:58] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : New test
[01-13:59] 7564b, Ghouls: ((everyone one come to rua!!!! It's tiem for the feast!!!!))
[01-13:59] 4e5df, Deke Menion: *his brow lifts as he notices a mob of people passing him, his sword becomes drawn again as he moves past the bloody and staggering people.Time to test his new sword skills if need be*Gods.....*he mumbles as he notices the sight of the ghouls*Not again....
[01-14:00] MSG: D'Angelos Sevadi sent a message to Deke Menion.
[01-14:00] 7564b, Ghouls: *ghouls would be eating those who fall alive and shredding the dead and devouring them. several begins to stalk towards Deke*
[01-14:01] c5e1f, Ankalima Morwen : *Aldrik being able to run a bit faster than she, has left her behind....some protector he is... she tries to run faster...*.
[01-14:01] MSG: Deke Menion sent a message to Dangelos Sevadi.
[01-14:02] MSG: D'Angelos Sevadi sent a message to Deke Menion.
[01-14:02] 7564b, Ghouls: *the ghoul runs after aklima snarling with hunger*
[01-14:02] JOIN: Gado has entered.
[01-14:03] 4e5df, Deke Menion: *his eyes begin to narrow as he moves to meet the advancing foes, steping to the side to let Ankalima pass him he brings his sword upwards in a opening offensive strike then brings it downwards at the first beings shoulder that comes near him.His blade angled to chop the foe from shoulder to hip*
[01-14:03] ceea7, D'Angelos Sevadi : *he is in , walking about its pathways silently, draped in plain white robes, his head bald save for a long singular braid that hangs from the back of his head to the back of his knees..his skin is dark from the elements, his eyes a piercing ashen gray*