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[22-10:03] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I dont think that will be well liked round here
[22-10:04] f96be, Cara: No, probably not*rubbing at chin* Ah well
[22-10:04] ceea7, Palladia Mors : You are not the Devil get no sympathy from me.
[22-10:04] c6eac, Deke Menion : Just as every Knight is a thief and all the sinners saints, some people call me Luicifer for I am in need of some restraint.So when you meet me have some pity, respect and taste.Use all those well earned polotics or I'll lay your soul to waste.
[22-10:04] 1c282, Zaeth : hehe to many testosterone poisoned males around here
[22-10:06] ceea7, Palladia Mors : You forgot a lyric..*shakes head* I was around..when jesus Omnipotence...had a moment of doubt..and pain..
[22-10:06] c6eac, Deke Menion : *is actually quite never a violent drunk*
[22-10:07] c6eac, Deke Menion : ((*smirks as Palla shows he is mortal by falling to the filter*You see, Steve I surpass even the filter.You mean Omnipotence Chri][/i]ist,yes?
[22-10:07] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *isnt a violent drunk either..isnt a drunk period*
[22-10:08] c6eac, Deke Menion : *smiles as Steve shows he is mortal while he himself is God even of the chat room laws* Omnipotence Christ you mean.
[22-10:08] f96be, Cara: Well. It's like like they are all powerful. Mord-sith are women in the servitude of a man whose magic they can't use against them. He controls them. Thought that would be kinda nifty for the Lord Soth thing but no biggie!
[22-10:09] c6eac, Deke Menion : *grumbles* Jesus Christ rather....Our Lord and father so no disrespect.
[22-10:09] f96be, Cara: like=not like
[22-10:10] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Hmm..*ponders this*
[22-10:10] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I obey the chat laws because I choose to.
[22-10:11] c6eac, Deke Menion : psh....nice try.
[22-10:12] c6eac, Deke Menion : Ooooo!
[22-10:13] c6eac, Deke Menion : Galaxies loaded
[22-10:13] c6eac, Deke Menion : later all
[22-10:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-10:14] f96be, Cara: adios
[22-10:16] f96be, Cara: It went silent.
[22-10:17] f96be, Cara: Is it me? Do I smell bad?
[22-10:17] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Nah
[22-10:18] f96be, Cara: Ah okay, good*breathes a sigh of releif*
[22-10:18] 1c282, Zaeth : its just the calm before the storm
[22-10:19] f96be, Cara: Ah. So I shoudl be worried then?
[22-10:20] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Yes
[22-10:20] f96be, Cara: Hmmmm. Luckily I leave for class in about 40 minutes
[22-10:20] 34b54, Roki: Ya'll wanna single say fuck that... say fuck that.. fuck that... say fuck that... boom boom boom...
[22-10:21] 1c282, Zaeth : see i told you...
[22-10:22] f96be, Cara: I'm charmed.
[22-10:22] 1c282, Zaeth : *searches for her heavy rain coat*
[22-10:23] 34b54, Roki: its a song :-(
[22-10:25] f96be, Cara: It's very lyrical
[22-10:25] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *grooves*
[22-10:25] JOIN: Vince has entered.
[22-10:25] c6eac, Vince: I love germany
[22-10:25] f96be, Cara: Why?
[22-10:25] c6eac, Vince: I be pimping around with cigars, shades, a platinum ring on one finger and damn.....girls are so easily impressed.
[22-10:28] f96be, Cara: *is not grooving. Is stressing*
[22-10:28] 34b54, Roki: you're just impressing the ignorant Vince *l*
[22-10:29] c6eac, Vince: *L*NOOOOOO!!!!You have discovered the secret of my powers!
[22-10:30] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *puts on Techno for Cara so she can stop stressing and groove too*
[22-10:31] f96be, Cara: *Grooves, just a little but is mostly having a mental break down*
[22-10:32] 1c282, Zaeth : *ships chocolate*
[22-10:33] c6eac, Vince: *pats Cara and gives her a litte rock and roll to let her groove cause rock and roll is the sheezy*
[22-10:35] f96be, Cara: *Is patted*
[22-10:35] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Who cant break filter now Vince?
[22-10:36] c6eac, Vince: Shit so nah
[22-10:36] c6eac, Vince: I only defie it when it please me..
[22-10:37] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Loverly Engrish there Vince
[22-10:38] f96be, Cara: *L*
[22-10:39] EXIT: Sarelth has left the chat ( 11:37am, April 22 (CDT) ).
[22-10:40] ceea7, Palladia Mors : There is no escape. Give us your brains>
[22-10:44] 1c282, Zaeth : hmm me thinks thee art to late for that
[22-10:44] f96be, Cara: *giggle*
[22-10:44] 1c282, Zaeth : *brain was taken already*
[22-10:45] c6eac, Vince: ugg
[22-10:45] c6eac, Vince: lets see how you do when drinking
[22-10:47] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I have been able to RP in 5 different places drunk off my ass and no one knew..
[22-10:51] c6eac, Vince: holy sheezy
[22-10:51] c6eac, Vince: I just logged onto star wars galaxies
[22-10:52] c6eac, Vince: Force users are uber.....he owned me.
[22-10:52] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Thats not that hard..*smirk*
[22-10:53] c6eac, Vince: Heh....tell that to the late Liam Kincaid
[22-10:54] c6eac, Vince: bbl
[22-10:56] ceea7, Palladia Mors : You moded in that big time dude
[22-10:57] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Besides...that was a near non force user against Luke's grandkid...geee...hmm..
[22-11:03] JOIN: Z has entered.
[22-11:04] 94c70, Z: *bites Mores*
[22-11:04] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Mores got bitten!
[22-11:05] 1c282, Zaeth : hehe I'm not gonna stop her...
[22-11:06] 94c70, Z: *bites Mors too*
[22-11:07] 94c70, Z: You couldn't, not even if you wanted to Zaeth, mwahhaaha
[22-11:08] 1c282, Zaeth : *hides behind throne* not even gonna try
[22-11:09] 1c282, Zaeth : (*whispers* sut naa lle?)
[22-11:11] 94c70, Z: *is sleepy*
[22-11:12] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *punishes his non protective throne decoration*
[22-11:14] 1c282, Zaeth : hey she's meaner than you....i'm not crazy you know......
[22-11:14] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *eats Z and her soul like gourmet garlic bread*
[22-11:15] 94c70, Z: yes... and he can't hide behind his elvish language with me
[22-11:15] 94c70, Z: *notes avatar* she rather.. don't mind me, I slept maybe half an hour last night.
[22-11:17] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Usstan dont ssrig'luin ulu veldri rathrae Elvish
[22-11:23] 1c282, Zaeth : (heh yeah i'm about ready for a nap ...someone kept me up waaay past my bedtime.....but i got to start cleanin house soon)
[22-11:23] 94c70, Z: *pets Mors*
[22-11:24] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *leans into the petting*
[22-11:25] 1c282, Zaeth : *gives Z evil looks cause that all she dares to do*
[22-11:30] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *scritches his pet*
[22-11:33] 1c282, Zaeth : *calms down somewhat ...still giving Z evil looks every now and then*
[22-11:38] 1c282, Zaeth : *begins to fall asleep, laying her head against the side of the throne*
[22-11:39] JOIN: Z has entered.
[22-11:43] 94c70, Z: lmao. *eyes the battlecry thing*
[22-11:44] 1c282, Zaeth : go look
[22-11:45] 1c282, Zaeth : what was yours?
[22-11:46] EXIT: Zaeth has left the chat ( 12:45pm, April 22 (CDT) ).
[22-11:50] 94c70, Z: well I can't share it Zaeth if you leave
[22-11:52] ceea7, Palladia Mors : She had to go
[22-12:00] JOIN: Z has entered.
[22-12:10] f96be, Cara: Mahahahahah!!
[22-12:10] 57823, Roki: *takes advantage of Z*
[22-12:32] 94c70, Z:
[22-12:37] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[22-12:39] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : im back
[22-12:40] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : hello?
[22-12:47] 57823, Roki: hola
[22-12:48] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : ah someone is home
[22-12:51] JOIN: Garet Jax has entered.
[22-12:51] 1f0bd, Garet Jax: *is here*
[22-12:52] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : hey
[22-12:53] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : was begining to think you died....
[22-12:54] 1f0bd, Garet Jax: *feels like he almost did*
[22-12:55] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : what did you do?
[22-12:56] 1f0bd, Garet Jax: Almost got sick to my stomach... didn't eat much until dinner, and then I had too much food...
[22-12:57] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : nut
[22-12:58] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : go to S
[22-12:58] 94c70, Z: *is here*
[22-12:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-13:00] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : oh that i was gonna leave....
[22-13:07] JOIN: Lugana has entered.
[22-13:07] 7989e, Lugana: (my link dun break any rules, does it?)
[22-13:08] 7989e, Lugana: (pic)
[22-13:11] 1f0bd, Garet Jax: Hey
[22-13:12] 7989e, Lugana: (hello ^^^ )
[22-13:12] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : hey lugana
[22-13:13] 7989e, Lugana: ( :-D hullo!!)
[22-13:16] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : ok garet....gettin the staples.........
[22-13:17] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : how are you lugana?
[22-13:17] 7989e, Lugana: ( ............ )
[22-13:18] 7989e, Lugana: ( i okie dokie, how are you?)
[22-13:19] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : good...
[22-13:20] 7989e, Lugana: Goooooooood "D
[22-13:20] 7989e, Lugana: Your the person from the zombie chat,r ight? :-P
[22-13:21] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : mtg
[22-13:21] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : kaya
[22-13:22] 7989e, Lugana: (ah ^^ )
[22-13:26] 7989e, Lugana: *(*sings and dances about*)
[22-13:32] 7989e, Lugana: (*sighs.. all alone*)
[22-13:33] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : Boo
[22-13:34] 7989e, Lugana: (EEK!!!!!!!!!!)
[22-13:34] 7989e, Lugana: (*runs away*)
[22-13:36] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *smirks*
[22-13:36] 7989e, Lugana: (*is away now... far far away*)
[22-13:38] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *is just badass like that*
[22-13:38] 7989e, Lugana: (*sniff sniff*... I think one of the cats pissed on this blanket >.>
[22-13:39] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : That's your problem
[22-13:40] 7989e, Lugana: *)
[22-13:40] 7989e, Lugana: (hmmm... if I never even touch the ; button then how do I keep gettings winks?)
[22-13:41] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : Because your computer wants this metallic hot body..aww yeah
[22-13:42] 7989e, Lugana: (*blink blink*)
[22-13:50] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *pwns Lugana's soul*
[22-13:52] 7989e, Lugana: (*cant figure out how to pronounce pwns*)
[22-13:55] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : owns
[22-13:57] 7989e, Lugana: (owns?........ whats that supposed to mean?.... owns what?... ownnnssss...... yer confusing *goes back to work on his own chat*)
[22-13:57] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : Ah...I..stand alone
[22-13:58] 7989e, Lugana: (yes you do ^^)
[22-13:59] 94c70, Z: *eyes Soth*
[22-14:05] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : *hides behind a tree watchin this interesting ...meeting*
[22-14:14] EXIT: Lugana has left the chat ( 2:58pm, April 22 (CDT) ).
[22-14:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-14:20] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : hmm stand alone...mmhmm doesnt look like it...
[22-14:21] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:20pm, April 22 (CDT) ).
[22-14:22] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[22-14:23] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : that thing still kickin you wispy, axis?
[22-14:23] 7e274, Axis : ((bwahahaha))
[22-14:23] 7e274, Axis : ((yea evry now and again))
[22-14:24] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : ((grr....*knocks on wood* at least it hasnt been me for a while))
[22-14:27] 7e274, Axis : ((hmm now to fins something to do...))
[22-14:27] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : ((have you tried the MOTD?))
[22-14:29] 7e274, Axis : ((no but right now I'm trying the Discover your battle cry thing))
[22-14:30] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : ((thats what i meant))
[22-14:30] 7e274, Axis : ((ahh. It's fun
[22-14:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-14:31] e5e60, Will-o'-the-wisp: hey all
[22-14:31] e5e60, Will-o'-the-wisp: let me just say
[22-14:31] e5e60, Will-o'-the-wisp: let me just say
[22-14:31] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : ((hello wispy))
[22-14:32] e5e60, Will-o'-the-wisp: 'by bitch I mean I love you'es are mean
[22-14:33] e5e60, Will-o'-the-wisp: asdfsadfsadfasdfsadf
[22-14:33] 7e274, Axis : ((riiight. erm yeah))
[22-14:37] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : ((well someone's having a good day))
[22-14:37] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : ((*dripping with sarcasm*))
[22-14:39] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : Yes...I love good days
[22-14:41] 7e274, Axis : (((*is very bored* any rping avaialbe? anyone?))
[22-14:42] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : Z you RP RP now! *looms*
[22-14:43] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : ((no sorry...stuck w/Val and Levald ))
[22-14:45] 7e274, Axis : ((grrrrrr)))
[22-14:46] 7e274, Axis : ((*steals soths spleen*))
[22-14:47] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *doesnt have a spleen*
[22-14:47] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *ruptures Axis's appendix*
[22-14:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-14:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-14:50] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:49pm, April 22 (CDT) ).
[22-14:50] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:49pm, April 22 (CDT) ).
[22-14:50] JOIN: Hannah Mayhem has entered.
[22-14:50] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: al;sjkfl;asdfkj
[22-14:51] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: yay i havent been here in a long time
[22-14:51] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ok baibai
[22-14:51] EXIT: Hannah Mayhem has left the chat ( 3:51pm, April 22 (CDT) ).
[22-14:51] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[22-14:51] 7e274, Axis : ((taht is annoying))
[22-14:58] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : so quiet...
[22-15:00] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : *goes thru house slamming doors*
[22-15:00] 7e274, Axis : ((so bored))
[22-15:03] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *whaps Axis with a 2x4
[22-15:04] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : that'll cure boredom
[22-15:05] 7e274, Axis : ((*eats the 2x4 whole* grr))
[22-15:05] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : bastard... *runs over Axis with the Bus of The Undead*
[22-15:06] 7e274, Axis : ((*rides the bus* Bwahahahaha*))
[22-15:15] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : mwahah
[22-15:17] 7e274, Axis : ((Bwahahahaha))
[22-15:18] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *kills Axis outright* Mwahahaha
[22-15:20] 7e274, Axis : ((*has fun being dead* wheeeeeeeeeeeeee))
[22-15:25] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : Fool! All we do in Hell is play DDR
[22-15:28] 7e274, Axis : ((wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee))
[22-15:36] 7e274, Axis : ((*huants soth poltergiest style*))
[22-15:37] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *gets an old priest and a young priest*
[22-15:38] 7e274, Axis : (((*bribes the young one wiht naked women*))
[22-15:52] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : killed chat....
[22-15:54] 7e274, Axis : ((seems so))
[22-15:58] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[22-16:02] cf62a, Illisse Brilthor : hey lev
[22-16:02] 7e274, Axis : ((updates profile))
[22-16:07] 7e274, Axis : ((whee)) *strides through the streets of *
[22-16:13] cf62a, Zaeth : Lord Soth......come out of hiding
[22-16:15] 7e274, Axis : ((soth is a nothing dirtbag))
[22-16:20] cf62a, Zaeth : you cant hide forever you know
[22-16:21] 7e274, Axis : ((are you ic or ooC if ic where are you?))
[22-16:22] cf62a, Zaeth : ((ooc sorry)) *IC is sitting at Palladia's feet*
[22-16:23] 7e274, Axis : ((soth is a sorry loser))
[22-16:23] cf62a, Zaeth : ((illisse is at the edge of the woods w/ 2 she can npc for a bit))
[22-16:35] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[22-16:40] cf62a, Zaeth : ((***gone*** grrr ))
[22-16:41] EXIT: Zaeth has left the chat ( 5:40pm, April 22 (CDT) ).
[22-16:44] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[22-16:45] cf62a, Zaeth : *stares at the empty room* ok...who called?
[22-16:46] c6c97, Levald: (Mwah hahaha ah hahaha ah hahaha ah hahaha* cough choke caugh*
[22-16:46] cf62a, Zaeth : *obviously she had fallen asleep after dancing half the night and is hearing things*
[22-17:21] cf62a, Zaeth : *waiting for a while to see if she was hearing things or if some one had called her name, she finally decided that it must have been a dream and laid her head back on te throne , going back to sleep*
[22-17:21] EXIT: Zaeth has left the chat ( 6:21pm, April 22 (CDT) ).
[22-18:46] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[22-20:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-20:43] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:41pm, April 22 (CDT) ).
[22-20:45] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[22-21:42] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[22-21:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-21:52] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: anyone about?
[22-22:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-22:45] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[22-22:45] 4f1e3, Zaeth : hello??
[22-22:57] JOIN: Lugana has entered.
[22-22:57] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : hey lugana
[22-22:58] d9dec, Lugana: (hullo)
[22-23:00] d9dec, Lugana: (*checks his link*.... that dun break any chat rules, do eist?)
[22-23:02] d9dec, Lugana: (helloooo?)
[22-23:04] d9dec, Lugana: meh
[22-23:06] EXIT: Lugana has left the chat ( ).
[22-23:06] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : er sorry
[22-23:06] JOIN: Lugana has entered.
[22-23:08] d9dec, Lugana: (*poke?*)
[22-23:09] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : was gone
[22-23:11] d9dec, Lugana: (uh-huh... ya do that all the time? leave as soon as ya greet someone?)
[22-23:11] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : no i just .had problems i am sorry
[22-23:13] d9dec, Lugana: (mmmmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrreee..... *offers s'mores*)
[22-23:14] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : ohh loove them thanks *eats s'more*
[22-23:15] d9dec, Lugana: ^^ want s'more s'mores?
[22-23:15] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : no thanks too much sugar . i'll be up all night
[22-23:17] d9dec, Lugana: (aww.... yeh, I been wanting to cut the surgar from my diet...... for hte last some years)
[22-23:18] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : done that
[22-23:20] d9dec, Lugana: (I need to start dieting... )
[22-23:20] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : no diet ...just quit
[22-23:21] d9dec, Lugana: quit what?
[22-23:22] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : eating sugary things
[22-23:23] d9dec, Lugana: (but...... but)
[22-23:23] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[22-23:23] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *falls in*
[22-23:23] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : not everything just not as much
[22-23:24] 5d609, Cookie Monster: I preffer intense exercise to quitting eating habits.
[22-23:24] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : not me
[22-23:25] d9dec, Lugana: (I'm not good at exercise.. I always forget and it's too expensive)
[22-23:26] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : well*rethinks her last post*
[22-23:27] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[22-23:28] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[22-23:30] 5d609, Cookie Monster: okay
[22-23:30] d9dec, Lugana: ...
[22-23:30] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : *hugs cookie*
[22-23:32] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *hugs back and pokes Lugana*
[22-23:33] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[22-23:35] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[22-23:37] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : Lugana..did you change your pic?
[22-23:39] d9dec, Lugana: (yes ^^ )
[22-23:39] d9dec, Lugana: (yes ^^ )
[22-23:39] d9dec, Lugana: wait a tecond, thats not my new pic!!)
[22-23:39] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : *needs rp desperately*
[22-23:40] EXIT: Lugana has left the chat ( 12:39am, April 23 (CDT) ).
[22-23:40] JOIN: Lugana has entered.
[22-23:40] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : have managed a whole 30 minutes today
[22-23:40] d9dec, Lugana: (*has gotten 10 mintues in today :'( was online for 5 or 6 hours*)
[22-23:40] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : sounds like me
[22-23:41] d9dec, Lugana: *roams about*
[22-23:42] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[22-23:45] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[22-23:46] d9dec, Lugana: *ICly*
[22-23:46] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[22-23:47] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[22-23:47] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : brb gotta check the weather
[22-23:47] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : grrrr
[22-23:48] d9dec, Lugana: (BAH)
[22-23:50] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : heh you say that and live where i do
[22-23:51] d9dec, Lugana: (I said that.. and live where i do :-P )
[22-23:51] d9dec, Lugana: (we're getting 4 feet of snow in the next few days)
[22-23:51] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : yikes ..where is that?
[22-23:52] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : i have to worry about tornados
[22-23:52] d9dec, Lugana: (aannnd... I don't have a car... but I DO have a job interview soon)
[22-23:52] d9dec, Lugana: (oh, tornadoes.. heh, we had one last week, it killed 8 people)
[22-23:53] d9dec, Lugana: (Um in colorado)
[22-23:53] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[22-23:56] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[22-23:57] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[23-00:00] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[23-00:02] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[23-00:02] d9dec, Lugana: *ic...... yehp...... IC*
[23-00:03] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : kinda hard to be IC when there isnt any one to do it with.....
[23-00:04] d9dec, Lugana: *IS IC!!!!!*
[23-00:06] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[23-00:07] d9dec, Lugana: (*fine, isn't IC no more*)
[23-00:07] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor :
[23-00:07] EXIT: Lugana has left the chat ( leaves in search of IC ).
[23-00:17] 4f1e3, Illisse Brilthor : well .......cookie.....*wanders off insearch of rp* nite
[23-00:19] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 1:17am, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-00:19] 5d609, Cookie Monster: night! Look for me sometime!
[23-00:56] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 1:19am, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-05:12] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[23-06:27] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[23-06:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-06:28] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yawwwwnnnn
[23-06:47] a0c9c, Zaeth : Levald if you come in i need help aim 8:00
[23-06:48] a0c9c, Zaeth : hello Cara
[23-06:48] a0c9c, Illisse Brilthor : if i can do anything right today
[23-06:53] a0c9c, Illisse Brilthor : ***gone***
[23-07:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-07:55] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[23-07:56] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[23-08:05] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor : *goes to work on profile*
[23-08:06] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: 'ello Illisse
[23-08:06] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor : hey
[23-08:07] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: How goes the profile?
[23-08:08] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor : hehe *uses filtered words*
[23-08:08] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: *giggels* That good huh?
[23-08:09] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor : yup
[23-08:11] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Sorry to hear that. Give it a good beating
[23-08:12] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: hmm..i'll bbiab
[23-08:12] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor : okay...posting it again
[23-08:20] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[23-08:21] 19e7e, Shifty: Have no fear...the Shifty is here. *pauses and thinks* Well I take that should fear because I am here. hehe
[23-08:25] 9a70e, Zaeth : oh great
[23-08:27] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor : just kidding
[23-08:27] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: And I'm back!
[23-08:27] 19e7e, Shifty: Suuuurrrreeee your just kidding. hehe. Welcome back Will.
[23-08:27] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor : hey cara
[23-08:28] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: I guess I do need a name
[23-08:28] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:28am, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-08:29] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[23-08:29] f96be, Cara: Much betah
[23-08:29] 19e7e, Shifty: *chuckles* Cool.
[23-08:30] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor : shifty chewd on the html for me and now it works
[23-08:30] f96be, Cara: Nifty!
[23-08:31] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor : only thing is now...i cant figure out why the background keeps changin
[23-08:32] 19e7e, Shifty: *growls at the thing again* Dont make me send my three stooges army after you!
[23-08:32] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor : hehe
[23-08:32] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor : actually i kinda like it doin that
[23-08:33] 19e7e, Shifty: *RaE* Oh...ok. *looks at the html* Carry on then.
[23-08:34] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor : *goes to kitchen...* just aim if ya need me
[23-08:35] f96be, Cara: I am a paper writing machine!
[23-08:36] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor :
[23-08:36] f96be, Cara: I've already finished one this morning! Bring on the other two!
[23-08:38] 19e7e, Shifty: *isnt a writer*
[23-08:41] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[23-08:41] f96be, Cara: I am. Sorta, when i hafta be
[23-08:42] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor : *is attempting to do professionally * now if i could just get published
[23-08:43] 19e7e, Shifty: Well really with me....I can think it and see it happening in my mind. Staying if it was a story or something. But im not good at the details and all that.
[23-08:43] f96be, Cara: Well. I've gotten a system to writing mass amounts of papers in very little time so it's not so bad.
[23-08:47] 19e7e, Shifty: cool.
[23-08:49] f96be, Cara: Yeah. I'm a Junior in college and I had just figured this out...pretty pathetic huh?
[23-08:52] 19e7e, Shifty: Yep...I have been in college for ten years and dont know how to. *hasent really been for ten years*
[23-08:53] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor : only 10?
[23-08:53] f96be, Cara: *L* ten years?
[23-08:55] f96be, Cara: is that all?
[23-09:00] f96be, Cara: I'm sorry. I tease and I shouldn't
[23-09:00] 19e7e, Shifty: *chuckles* more like...*thinks* Um...three
[23-09:04] f96be, Cara: ah, so it is your junior year as well? whats your major?
[23-09:05] 19e7e, Shifty: Computer drafting.
[23-09:08] f96be, Cara: I'm a Psych/Art major
[23-09:11] 19e7e, Shifty: cool.
[23-09:14] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *goes about collecting slaves*
[23-09:15] f96be, Cara: Yeah, it's a pretty fun major. One of the papers that I'm writing is for an psych of film class. I'm breaking down the movie legend into Archetypal themes.
[23-09:15] f96be, Cara: *Makes sure that she's in another country..far far away*
[23-09:15] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor : hehe
[23-09:17] 9a70e, Zaeth : *wonders what kind of slaves he will find*
[23-09:20] 19e7e, Shifty: *lays in his recliner*
[23-09:21] 9a70e, Illisse Brilthor : Cara, he can fly
[23-09:23] f96be, Cara: I can still hide*cowers*
[23-09:25] ceea7, Palladia Mors : No you cant
[23-09:26] f96be, Cara: Yes I can. see!*finds a REALLY good hiding place*
[23-09:26] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *little does she know that she is hiding in his throne room*
[23-09:28] 9a70e, Zaeth : *sits by the throne watching the girl trying to hide*
[23-09:29] f96be, Cara: *transmorphs into a rat and finds a nice nitch that she can weasel in*
[23-09:30] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *has no niches in his throne room so he just picks her up and pets the rat*
[23-09:32] f96be, Cara: *Tries to look lovable and obident but deep down, she's an evil warrior rat*
[23-09:33] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *gives her to Zaeth as a pet*
[23-09:35] 9a70e, Zaeth : *takes rat and puts it in small cage*
[23-09:36] f96be, Cara: *Is still looking cute and furry and harmless and minds her own business*
[23-09:37] 9a70e, Zaeth : Thank you , master *forgets to put in water and food*
[23-09:37] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Heheheh
[23-09:38] f96be, Cara: *Hmmm...wonders why kinda cage this is*
[23-09:39] 9a70e, Zaeth : *cage is VERY small*
[23-09:40] f96be, Cara: *Rats can flatten themselves and squeeze underspaces about as large as a doorcrack*
[23-09:41] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *tis a hamster like cage with only airholes in the top*
[23-09:41] 9a70e, Zaeth : *asks her master to put a spell on the cage so her pet will lnot excape*
[23-09:42] f96be, Cara: *well feck. Just squeaks and burrows and lives a happy little rat life until she dies from dehydration*
[23-09:43] 9a70e, Zaeth : *thinks about puttiong in water in a day or two*
[23-09:43] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *gives the rat food and water so she wont die*
[23-09:44] f96be, Cara: *Evil inconsiderate elves hrmph. twitches whiskers at the friendly demon*
[23-09:45] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *is by far a non freiendly demon*
[23-09:46] f96be, Cara: *Is a rat....enough said*
[23-09:50] 19e7e, Shifty: *is crazy...enough said* hehe
[23-09:52] 9a70e, Zaeth : *is just slightly off*
[23-09:53] f96be, Cara: *Is a rat, is crazy is a crazy rat*
[23-09:55] f96be, Cara: *need to go finish her papers and stop having fun*
[23-09:56] 9a70e, Zaeth : byebye
[23-09:58] f96be, Cara: Latah
[23-10:13] 9a70e, Zaeth : g2g later
[23-10:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-11:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-12:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-13:04] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[23-13:22] JOIN: Z has entered.
[23-13:24] 78367, Illisse Brilthor : sut naa lle?
[23-13:26] 94c70, Z: Oh there is people. *waves* I'm alright, bored.
[23-13:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-13:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-13:39] 78367, Illisse Brilthor : *wasves* hmm would help but so am i
[23-13:42] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[23-13:43] 78367, Illisse Brilthor : well not exactly bored...looking at gorgeous guys.... but drats,, cant have em
[23-13:44] 78367, Illisse Brilthor : oops ..hey shifty
[23-13:44] 19e7e, Shifty: *chuckles as he knows his pick aint one of them* Howdy
[23-13:45] 78367, Illisse Brilthor : well if you'd put your up more often i justmight
[23-13:46] 19e7e, Shifty: Trust me....if you saw a IRL pic of me. You would turn to stone. hehe
[23-13:46] 19e7e, Shifty: well thats what I think anyway.
[23-13:46] 78367, Illisse Brilthor : these are profiles...
[23-13:47] 94c70, Z: *pounces Shifty*
[23-13:48] 19e7e, Shifty: *is pounced* eep!!
[23-13:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-13:50] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: *yawns and once again Illudes a sneeze*
[23-13:51] 78367, Illisse Brilthor : no more'll put me to sleep
[23-13:51] 94c70, Z: Hello Cara?
[23-13:51] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Mmmmm...sleep.
[23-13:51] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:51pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-13:51] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[23-13:52] f96be, Cara: *L* I forgot to enter a name
[23-13:53] 19e7e, Shifty: well im the last one in the class so im gonna split.
[23-13:53] f96be, Cara: enjoy*i think*
[23-13:54] 19e7e, Shifty: *hugs for who wants them* Bye ya'll...take care.
[23-13:54] EXIT: Shifty has left the chat ( 2:54pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-13:54] 78367, Illisse Brilthor : see ya later
[23-14:09] 78367, Illisse Brilthor : grrrr
[23-14:10] f96be, Cara: Rurr??
[23-14:10] 78367, Illisse Brilthor : *is gone* ...too bored to sit and stare
[23-14:11] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 3:10pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-14:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-14:26] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:26pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-14:27] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:26pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-14:30] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[23-14:32] f96be, Cara: "ello
[23-14:33] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[23-14:34] JOIN: Lugana has entered.
[23-14:35] 1ab7c, Axis : ((ello))
[23-14:35] 78367, Illisse Brilthor : hey all
[23-14:35] EXIT: Cara has left the chat ( 3:32pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-14:37] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[23-14:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-14:37] f96be, Caradonia: ((And now, for something with a picture*Twirls*))
[23-14:38] 69a96, Lugana: (I has a picture)
[23-14:39] f96be, Caradonia: ((And it's very neat! Where did you find it?))
[23-14:41] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:37pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-14:41] 69a96, Lugana: (Google, heh... searched for Cirque Du Soleil )
[23-14:42] f96be, Caradonia: ((I want to watch that terriably bad. They do some amazing things))
[23-14:43] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[23-14:44] f96be, Caradonia: ((computer being a pain Axis?))
[23-14:44] 1ab7c, Axis : ((damn pjjj!!))
[23-14:45] 69a96, Lugana: (yeah ^^ *has all their best stuff. Varekai, Dralion, Quidam, Allegria, Solstrum part 1 and 2, and a few hours of random stuff* ^^ )
[23-14:45] f96be, Caradonia: ((there was a marathon on Bravo))
[23-14:45] 69a96, Lugana: (*still hasnt seen their water show though *)
[23-14:46] f96be, Caradonia: (( *hasn't either*))
[23-14:46] 69a96, Lugana: (I know :-D thats where I got it all, heheh *is poor, can only afford blank tapes...... but couldnt afford blank tapes so recorded over old blank tapes he recorded on hundreds of times before*)
[23-14:47] f96be, Caradonia: ((I adore that channel. It's my friend ))
[23-14:48] 1ab7c, Axis : ((anyone able to rp?))
[23-14:48] f96be, Caradonia: ((I am..))
[23-14:48] 69a96, Lugana: (I'm jsut happy they had the marathon before my cable was shut off ^^)
[23-14:49] 69a96, Lugana: (*only has an hour 14 minutes left online*)
[23-14:49] f96be, Caradonia: (( Oh that sucks dude))
[23-14:50] 78367, Illisse Brilthor : ((well i might be..if val and levald dont show up today i'm gonna just leave them sitting in the woods. ))
[23-14:51] 69a96, Lugana: (yeh.... but I also happy the cable wasnt shut off until after the airing of the animatrix on cartoon network :-P
[23-14:52] f96be, Caradonia: ((*L* Ya know. I dont watch much t.v anymore. It's become background noise))
[23-14:53] f96be, Caradonia: ((Woot! i found my phone!))
[23-14:54] 69a96, Lugana: (me too ^^)
[23-14:55] 69a96, Lugana: (on both acounts.. tv = background noise, and i jsut found my phone 15 mintues ago :-P )
[23-14:55] f96be, Caradonia: ((*L* your found your phone as well))
[23-14:57] f96be, Caradonia: ((*L* wow, we've established a bond))
[23-14:57] 69a96, Lugana: (wooow.. I was jsut thinking.... of something completely different then that!!)
[23-14:58] 69a96, Lugana:
[23-15:00] f96be, Caradonia: ((*L* oh well, i feel happy for a fleeting moment))
[23-15:01] f96be, Caradonia: ((Felt))
[23-15:01] 78367, Illisse Brilthor : ((axis get booted again?))
[23-15:02] f96be, Caradonia: ((Whatever happened to Axis?))
[23-15:02] 78367, Illisse Brilthor : ((hehe cara like minds))
[23-15:02] 1ab7c, Axis : ((was munching a nd lurking))
[23-15:03] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[23-15:03] 69a96, Lugana: (*sits on Cara's head.... naps*)
[23-15:03] f96be, Caradonia: (( *L* eerie))
[23-15:03] 78367, Illisse Brilthor : (what ? are you munchin?
[23-15:04] f96be, Caradonia: ((*feels something heavy and living nesting on her head*))
[23-15:04] 1ab7c, Axis : ((hey jagged))
[23-15:04] 78367, Illisse Brilthor : ***gone***
[23-15:04] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 4:04pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-15:06] f96be, Caradonia: ((well....hmmm))
[23-15:06] 69a96, Lugana: *is nesting... builds a nest outta Cara hair on the cara head*
[23-15:07] f96be, Caradonia: ((*hopes to God that it dosent lay eggs*))
[23-15:07] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: ((Whats up))
[23-15:09] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: ((*blinks* alright... so whens the roleplaying starting?))
[23-15:09] 69a96, Lugana: (*can only lay stinky brown eggs <.< >.>*)
[23-15:09] f96be, Caradonia: ((*shrugs, careful to not dislodge the nesting Luga*))
[23-15:09] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: ((I have to let my friend check his email, as soon as its done Ill be back, than itll be roleplay times))
[23-15:10] EXIT: Jagged Farrell has left the chat ( 4:09pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-15:10] f96be, Caradonia: (( ))
[23-15:10] 1ab7c, Axis : ((right now)) *axis is sitting by a fire cleaning a rabbit*
[23-15:11] 69a96, Lugana: (*so isnt laying eggs!!!*)
[23-15:12] f96be, Caradonia: ((*and is a very happy...whatever!))
[23-15:13] 69a96, Lugana: (Meh... fine *leaves*)
[23-15:13] EXIT: Lugana has left the chat ( 4:13pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-15:13] 69a96, Lugana: (Meh... fine *leaves*)
[23-15:13] f96be, Caradonia: ((ummm???? *confused!*)
[23-15:16] f96be, Caradonia: *She rides at a slow walk, letting her horse stop and nip at the vegetation that might border the road. The dusky gray mare is of better temperment than her other horse, no kicking or biting, things Old warhorses are apt to do*
[23-15:17] 1ab7c, Axis : *roasts the rabbit over the fire humming to himself*
[23-15:20] 69a96, Lugana: (*sniffle sniffle*)
[23-15:22] f96be, Caradonia: *The scent of rabbit and the sound of humming catching her attention she pulls on the reins to the right guiding Lilly the brood mare into the forest, her yellow eyes peering out of her hood*
[23-15:22] f96be, Caradonia: ((*pets Lugana*))
[23-15:23] 69a96, Lugana: (*hides*)
[23-15:24] 1ab7c, Axis : *is sitting enveloped in cloak and cowl still humming as if he didn't notice her*
[23-15:26] f96be, Caradonia: *Which is fine because it will take her a moment to get to where it is that he is crouched by the fire. Her horse moves with the noise a big animal with a burden would make. She probably leaning in the saddle, trying to see who it is who sits by the fier*
[23-15:26] f96be, Caradonia: ((*pats around in Luga's nest*))
[23-15:27] 1ab7c, Axis : Greetings stranger *still hasn't moved or removed the cowl that covers his face*
[23-15:28] 69a96, Lugana: (doesnt ant the nest, will nest elsewhere, humph*)
[23-15:32] f96be, Caradonia: *She frowns when the voice isnt that of who she was looking for but she manages to not look horriably disapointed* Good evening. *The tone of her voice is low and sweetly deep, she continues, her eyes looking around* I'm sorry to disturb you. I thought you were someone else.*her horse knickers and shifts on its feet*
[23-15:32] f96be, Caradonia: ((??))
[23-15:34] 1ab7c, Axis : Who are you looking for *his voice is lowand melodic*
[23-15:34] 69a96, Lugana: (*hides from Cara*)
[23-15:35] f96be, Caradonia: ((*cries*))
[23-15:36] f96be, Caradonia: His name is Sedrik, a friend of mine from town*Her horse shifts again and she scowls at the animal* fine you finicky beast*and she slides down off it's back. She rides bareback*
[23-15:36] 69a96, Lugana: (*curls up* Meany cara)
[23-15:37] f96be, Caradonia: ((*weeps*))
[23-15:38] 69a96, Lugana: (I teach her to "whatever" me... *sniffle sniffle... loads squirt gun with paint*)
[23-15:39] f96be, Caradonia: ((*L* i was referring to myself as whatever. wasnt sure if i was considered a tree or..well..something))
[23-15:40] 69a96, Lugana: (..................................................... *squirt paints Cara*)
[23-15:41] f96be, Caradonia: ((grrr))
[23-15:41] 1ab7c, Axis : ((waht the HELL?!))
[23-15:41] 1ab7c, Axis : ((get along you two))
[23-15:42] 1ab7c, Axis : ((get along you two))
[23-15:42] 69a96, Lugana: (*hides behind axis*)
[23-15:43] f96be, Caradonia: ((*is as harmless as a kitten*))
[23-15:44] 69a96, Lugana: (*is as harmless as a pirahna*)
[23-15:44] 69a96, Lugana: (*bubble bubble... thats the sound pirahnas make*)
[23-15:44] f96be, Caradonia: ((My point exactly))
[23-15:46] 1ab7c, Axis : ((*taps his foot* are you two through yet?))
[23-15:46] f96be, Caradonia: ((yeah. You goona post*bats lashes*))
[23-15:47] 69a96, Lugana: (no *throws paint balloon at Cara*)
[23-15:47] 1ab7c, Axis : not many people to be found in these dangrous woods
[23-15:49] f96be, Caradonia: *She looks at him for a moment before turning her eyes to her horse, hands rising and petting the dark muzzle* I've acutally found that to somewhat false, or*looks at him* I'm just lucky
[23-15:49] f96be, Caradonia: ((*ducks*))
[23-15:50] 69a96, Lugana: (*trhrows huge unavoidable one*)
[23-15:50] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[23-15:51] 1ab7c, Axis : oyu wish something to eat?
[23-15:51] f96be, Caradonia: ((*gets doused then* damn you!!*shakes fist*)
[23-15:51] 69a96, Lugana: (heheheh, runs away*)
[23-15:52] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: ((awesome, *gets ready to rp*))
[23-15:53] f96be, Caradonia: Your offer is kind but I've been filled with inn mutton*she gingerly pats her tummy with a slight frown* I dont recommend eating it
[23-15:53] 7247b, Jagged Farrell:
[23-15:55] f96be, Caradonia: ((*grabs a super soaker 5,000 filled with paint and gives chase*))
[23-15:56] 69a96, Lugana: (*hides behind Farrell*)
[23-15:56] 1ab7c, Axis : ((ermm a forest .....not sure which one)) I don not eat at taverns much.
[23-15:58] f96be, Caradonia: Smart man, smart man*Her eyes slide around, their topaz color catching in the light, and then she smiles from behind the shade of her hood*
[23-16:00] 69a96, Lugana: (bye bye all)
[23-16:00] 69a96, Lugana: (*runs away befor ehe gets painted*)
[23-16:01] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *crouched within the higher tressels of a nearby tree, watching down at Axis and Caradonia, his form cloaked in the shadows, swaying slowly back and forth with the rest of the tree*
[23-16:01] f96be, Caradonia: ((bye bye!))
[23-16:01] EXIT: Lugana has left the chat ( 5:00pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-16:04] 1ab7c, Axis : *humms again and removes the rabbit form the fire and examnes it and smiles tearing a chunk off in a bite*
[23-16:05] f96be, Caradonia: *She sighs and brushes back the stuffy hood, eyes moving, scanning her mind working around the situation. Should she leave. She bites at her lip looking at the rabbit and thinks about the deer that got away*
[23-16:06] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: ((damn, phone))
[23-16:10] 1ab7c, Axis : *a leg of the rbbit would fly over his shoulder toweds cara*
[23-16:13] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *arches a brow slightly as he watches their communion, a bit of intrest flashing through his mind*
[23-16:17] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[23-16:19] f96be, Caradonia: *Reflexes developed from years of pratice and somewhat from genetic she catches the leg, neatly snatching it out of the air. She looks at it and walks towards Axis* I think you dropped this*A chuckle in her voice*
[23-16:19] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *lowers his form slightly, sharpened fingernail/talons biting into the thin bark of the branch as his feet fold slightly to form to the branches curve, giving him a supreme form of balance*
[23-16:20] f96be, Caradonia: ((genetics))
[23-16:21] 1ab7c, Axis : mmph. *he eats quickly and neatly* you are hungry.
[23-16:23] f96be, Caradonia: *Still holding out the rabbit leg* Thank you for your consideration but really, i had a lot to eat at the Inn*Head tilts to the side, eyes flicking to the fire and ears listen to where her horse is*
[23-16:23] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *his ears perk slightly, listening in the conversation, finding it to be growing slowly... boring*
[23-16:25] 1ab7c, Axis : *finishes and stands up the fire puffing out silenlty and he strides off*
[23-16:29] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *he watches Axis step off and leaps from a branch, a giant set of feathered wings unwrap from his form like a cloak, blackening out the light beneath him as he soars to a nearby tree, wings quickly retracting as he lands on a a diffrent bow*
[23-16:29] f96be, Caradonia: *she raises a brow while watching him walk away from the fire as she begins twirlng the leg around in her hand like a baton. she suddenly takes a big chunk out of meat, tearing at the skin with strong white teeth* Hmm*licks her lips, strolling over to her horse with a lazy gait* It's good!*calling out after him*
[23-16:29] 1ab7c, Axis : *he feels something within himself stirring and shifitng*
[23-16:31] f96be, Caradonia: *Eats it, quickly. It's amazing how much one can fit into a stomach they thought was full. She grows wary and looks at her horse* Your really no help*turns and tosses the bone into the fire* We should go
[23-16:35] 1ab7c, Axis : *he removes his gloves as he walks sterching fhis claws*
[23-16:36] JOIN: Garet Jax has entered.
[23-16:37] 917d6, Garet Jax: ( hey )
[23-16:39] 917d6, Garet Jax: (( Er, hello? ))
[23-16:39] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *he switches to his infravision, tracing their heat signitures through the thick foliage of the trees*
[23-16:40] 917d6, Garet Jax: (( s ))
[23-16:40] f96be, Caradonia: ((hello))
[23-16:41] f96be, Caradonia: *She licks at her fingers then climbs up onto the horse in one smooth motion, the movements like a dance**Situation she gathers the reins in her hands and kicks the horse forward, the animal wont move*
[23-16:42] 917d6, Garet Jax: (( hi ))
[23-16:42] 917d6, Garet Jax: (( locations everyone? ))
[23-16:43] f96be, Caradonia: ((forest))
[23-16:43] 917d6, Garet Jax: (( which? ))
[23-16:43] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: ((we're all in the rua forest))
[23-16:44] 917d6, Garet Jax: (( kool... me to ))
[23-16:44] 1ab7c, Axis : *glances back the way he came and his slaws shred a nearby sapling*
[23-16:45] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *the soft sound of wind is heard followed by a gentle thud behind Axis*
[23-16:47] f96be, Caradonia: *With soft words murmered in the horse's ear she beguiles it to move forward and away from the fire. Has had enough of adventuring. Has decided to go back to town and get some sleep*
[23-16:47] 1ab7c, Axis : *a cruel laugh escpaes axis* Welcome again.
[23-16:48] 917d6, Garet Jax: *ill b bak later*
[23-16:48] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *if axis would look, hed see Jagged as he remembers him, no wings, no nothing* Greetings demon...
[23-16:49] f96be, Caradonia: **and out**
[23-16:50] 1ab7c, Axis : *doesn't turn around in fact he macks no motion at all expect to laugh again..a bizarre insane sound*
[23-16:52] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *smirks slightly* intresting.... which Axis do I speak with today?
[23-16:58] 1ab7c, Axis : I am me. No one else. *turns around a wide smirk on his face revealing his fangs and he holds up his claws* Can you bring true power to me? Real power?
[23-17:00] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *smirks slightly as he quirks a brow* I know how, I just need the means.... a few relics here and there, but I can, yes
[23-17:02] 1ab7c, Axis : *stride closer seeming larger and feircer than before* what do you need?
[23-17:04] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: The four megda stones, and the Master.... *smirking slightly* all things would be possible once in my grasp
[23-17:05] 1ab7c, Axis : *he settles back his eyes still insane but now speculating* hmmthe master stone and the megda stoen are supposed to have been lost for all time*
[23-17:06] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: nothing is lost for all time Axis...
[23-17:11] 1ab7c, Axis : Indeed
[23-17:12] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *smirks slightly* so what do you have in mind my dark friend?
[23-17:14] 1ab7c, Axis : I will find these stones. Smeone probably already has them.
[23-17:18] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *smirks* I would count on it...
[23-17:19] 1ab7c, Axis : And people very easily...
[23-17:19] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[23-17:19] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: Ah, but I wouldnt count on youre average "people" retaining the stones.... be careful
[23-17:21] 1ab7c, Axis : All things die. you just have to know...where to hit them.
[23-17:22] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: or what poison to use *smirking lightly*
[23-17:24] 1ab7c, Axis : quite so.*a hand comes out with a vial of fluid and he spins it before making it vanish*
[23-17:25] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *smirks* cute parlor tricks.... but can you apply it when it counts?
[23-17:27] 1ab7c, Axis : *the tree next to jagged would begins to hiss and die* O h I think so.
[23-17:28] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *smirks slightly* Excellent Axis... Exce- *his eyes widen slightly as he goes silent, knees bending slightly*
[23-17:30] 1ab7c, Axis : *waches almost impassivly a small smile on his face*
[23-17:31] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *he drops to his knees, arms clentching as his hands flex into a tight fists, than spreading flat against the ground as he leans over a bit, a small renosence of thunder heard echoing in the background*
[23-17:33] 1ab7c, Axis : *rasies an eyebrow*
[23-17:33] EXIT: Zaeth has left the chat ( 6:19pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-17:35] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: No... why now... no *his teeth gritting slightly as he lowers himself to the ground slightly, a grunt escaping his lips, his entire body shaking, as if going through some form of intense pain*
[23-17:38] 1ab7c, Axis : *steps back obvoiusly enjoying the scene of pain but wary of the results*
[23-17:40] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *something begins to be pushing itself out at of the flesh of his back, the sound of bones snapping, muscles moving, reforming, the flesh on his shoulders pushing tighter and tighter as the objects under his skin seem to push intensly against it, his fingernails turning into talons, feet enlongating*
[23-17:41] 1ab7c, Axis : *his hands are inside his cloak one seizing his posined blade*
[23-17:43] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *his hands cross over his chest, talons digging into the flesh over his shoulders as he litterally rips the skin away, a great set of wings sprouting from his back as his flesh no longer contains it, his eyes radiating an intense blue glow before he quickly tucks into a crouch, leaping back from Axis and landing on his clawed almost feline shaped feet, his chest raising and lowering swiftly as he fights to catch his breath*
[23-17:46] 1ab7c, Axis : *a faint giggle escapes axis* how cute.
[23-17:49] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *he glares, the blue light from his eyes exploding brighter as he stretches out his wingspan, than slowly lowering it, tucking it tightly to his back, glistening obsideon fingernails dripping with his own blood, fragments of his own flesh clinging to his fingers from where he tore at himself, a clawed toe tapping lightly against the forest floor, his voice resounds like thunder, its mere sound seeming to strike into the very soul, and being of those whom hear it* Cute isnt exactly how I would phrase it....
[23-17:52] 1ab7c, Axis : *laughes* I think your adorable in this formhow did this come about?
[23-17:54] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: It is a long story Axis, one in which I dont intend to go into at this time... needless to say, my control over it needs to be... refined
[23-17:55] 1ab7c, Axis : I can see that *his smile hasn't gone down at all.
[23-17:56] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *he raises a clawed hand, small tendrils of electricity leaping from finger to finger* I will control it some day...
[23-17:59] 1ab7c, Axis : probably a good idea. *he chuckles again* painfull as well *again the grin widens*
[23-18:01] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: pain does not bother me *arching a silver streaked eyebrow, his hair seeming to whip around his form as if constantly swirling around his form, hair flowing ceasesly*
[23-18:06] 1ab7c, Axis : Perfect. *examines him closley* how perfectly....delightful
[23-18:08] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *he closes his fist, the crackling lightning in his hand condensing into a solid white light, blinking out of existance with a crack of thunder* What are you thinking of Axis
[23-18:10] 1ab7c, Axis : Every thing nothing. Past and future ending and beggining and a river of tears.
[23-18:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-18:12] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: you're being artistic... but it doesnt answer the question
[23-18:15] 1ab7c, Axis : Ah but it does! *he turns goodbey...for now
[23-18:16] 1ab7c, Axis : *and vanishes* ((I'll bbl))
[23-18:17] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *smirks slightly, folding his wings tighter back as he slowly turns, returning to his loving shadows*
[23-18:26] EXIT: Jagged Farrell has left the chat ( 7:17pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-18:26] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[23-18:40] f8e85, Zaeth : *lurks*
[23-19:36] f8e85, Zaeth : *laying her head back on the throne, after watching her pet for a while, she closes her eyes and goes to sleep. the memories of her past hauntin her once again*
[23-19:46] EXIT: Zaeth has left the chat ( 8:36pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-19:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-19:50] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:49pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-19:52] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[23-19:54] 4e6b4, Axis : ((YES!! tommarow I get my level 3 spell!))
[23-19:54] 867a2, Sileen: Feeeeeeeliiiings! Wo wo wo feeeeelings!
[23-19:54] 867a2, Sileen: Do you know?
[23-19:54] 867a2, Sileen: know=now
[23-19:56] 4e6b4, Axis : ((yup yup!))
[23-19:57] 867a2, Sileen: I got a level 3 spell....
[23-19:57] 867a2, Sileen: Well, one character does anyway.
[23-19:58] 867a2, Sileen: What spell are you getting?
[23-19:59] 4e6b4, Axis : ((Alphas Blue Blaze))
[23-20:00] 4e6b4, Axis : ((I think ))
[23-20:00] 867a2, Sileen: One of the ones I haven't seen yet. Hmm.
[23-20:01] 4e6b4, Axis : ((animate statue is nexT!))
[23-20:07] 4e6b4, Axis : ((whats yours?))
[23-20:18] 867a2, Sileen: Hi!
[23-20:19] 867a2, Sileen: Firestorm
[23-20:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-20:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-20:35] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:34pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-20:36] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:34pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-20:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-20:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-20:39] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: hehehehe
[23-20:39] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: gotta love this color
[23-20:39] 8c9a9, Will-o'-the-wisp: dammit!!! STOP KICKING ME OFF!@!
[23-20:40] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp:
[23-20:40] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: like the color?
[23-20:40] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[23-20:40] 867a2, Sileen: Mew?
[23-20:41] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: hey
[23-20:41] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: you have aim?
[23-20:41] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:39pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-20:41] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: still here
[23-20:42] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[23-20:44] 7247b, Jace: Rawr....
[23-20:45] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: hows this 1
[23-20:45] 8c9a9, Axis : ((who me? or sileen?))
[23-20:46] 867a2, Sileen: Or Jace!
[23-20:46] 867a2, Sileen: Or the other GaN
[23-20:46] 867a2, Sileen: Er... will o' wisp
[23-20:46] 867a2, Sileen: <.< >.>
[23-20:46] 7247b, Jace: *flexes*
[23-20:46] 8c9a9, Axis : ((grrr rarf))
[23-20:47] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: sileen
[23-20:47] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: hows this
[23-20:47] 867a2, Sileen: Mew? Someone talking at me?
[23-20:48] c6c97, Will-o'-the-wisp: me, do you have aim
[23-20:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-20:48] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:48pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-20:50] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:50pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-20:50] 7247b, Jace: hmm
[23-20:51] JOIN: kaivokalma has entered.
[23-20:52] c6c97, kaivokalma: hmm;
[23-20:52] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-20:52] c6c97, kaivokalma: O_<
[23-20:53] c6c97, kaivokalma: O|O
[23-20:53] c6c97, kaivokalma: mwah ha ha
[23-20:54] c6c97, kaivokalma: -_^
[23-20:54] c6c97, kaivokalma: zzzzzzzzzzzzz
[23-20:57] 7247b, Jace: all those little faces are sooooooo annoying
[23-20:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-20:59] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:58pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-20:59] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[23-21:00] 8c9a9, Axis : ((makes me...want to kill some one))
[23-21:00] 7247b, Jace: ohhhhh fun
[23-21:01] 8c9a9, Axis : ((it is isn't it))
[23-21:08] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: ((damn, brb, phone))
[23-21:08] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: ((nm, just a txt message))
[23-21:11] 8c9a9, Axis : *a group of brignads move to block axis's path and then scatter whne the leaders face is taken off by a bolt of acid*
[23-21:11] 867a2, Aegnora : *where did she get the elegant black cloak, and flattering black dress and gloves? Who ever really knows with this one... she certainly was not going to admit anything. She keeps the hood low over her face, as she slowly walks between the trees, a rather smug smile on her darkly painted lips... probably because yet another poor soul would not be sleeping well for a long time*
[23-21:14] 8c9a9, Axis : *they scatter in all direction except for one who charges axis getting his belly gashed open*
[23-21:16] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *his eyes narrow sharply, a small lumiescant bluish glow escaping their iris' as he sees Aegnora, is arms crossed tightly against his chest as she grows nearer* Good Evening ramoth *the Drow work flowing off his tounge like a thick liquid, his voice soft, and seductive, a sound combining that of a purr and of velvet brushing against itself, caressing the ears*
[23-21:17] c148a, Mab : YAY!!!!! SILEEN IS HERE!!!!
[23-21:17] c148a, Mab : *dances around all silly and giddy, clapping*
[23-21:17] 867a2, Aegnora : ((MAB!!! *hug*))
[23-21:18] c148a, Mab : *hugs back*
[23-21:18] c148a, Mab :
[23-21:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-21:19] 867a2, Aegnora : *the cloaked woman halts in her steps, head rising to look towards the source of the voice... two firey red eyes fixating upon the drow* .. And a good evening to you as well, dark one
[23-21:20] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *a silver streaked brow raises slightly as the bluish glow fades from his eyes, leaving a cold stone colour in their stead* And what brings you to my forest?
[23-21:20] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:18pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-21:21] 867a2, Aegnora : YOUR forest is it? Interesting indeed... I was unaware these trees were owned. As for my buisness... it is my buisness.
[23-21:21] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[23-21:22] 8c9a9, Axis : ((my location is wherever I can rp))
[23-21:22] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: Mine is what I claim, reguardless of youre prenotions *slowly pressing his shoulders off of the tree, taking a few steps towards the girl* I know who you are ramoth Ive heard of your exploits
[23-21:24] 867a2, Aegnora : Congradulations. I am very proud of your insight. Do you wish something of me? Or are you merely being annoying?
[23-21:25] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Uh... where's our location, again?))
[23-21:26] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *his slightly sharpened teeth glint in the low light of the darkforest as soft darkened slips part a daggers width* Do you claim to have something more important in your itenerary?
[23-21:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-21:26] 867a2, Aegnora : Oh, I always have somewhere to be... *smirks*
[23-21:29] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[23-21:29] 7247b, Will-o'-the-wisp: *smirks, slowly unfolding his arms from his chest* No you dont
[23-21:30] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: ((Dark Forest))
[23-21:30] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *smirks, slowly unfolding his arms from his chest* No you dont
[23-21:32] 867a2, Aegnora : *her eyes narrow* Unless you come up with something to intrique me within a few moments, then yes I do
[23-21:33] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: If you had someplace to be, you would have been there by now *slowly begining to walk towards the woman again, taking an almost half circle approach towards her* You like to cause mischief, do you not?
[23-21:34] c148a, Acorna : ((Hmmm))
[23-21:34] 867a2, Aegnora : *eyes him* Sometimes. It depends on my mood.
[23-21:35] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *pauses a few feet infront of her* And if you could cause it on a much grander scale... have doors opened to you that no other could provide?
[23-21:35] c148a, Acorna : ((Meh, this is going to well. I think I'll just read along for now))
[23-21:38] 867a2, Aegnora : ... Keep talking...
[23-21:39] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: Tell me ramoth have you ever heard of the medga stones?
[23-21:42] 867a2, Aegnora : I have heard a little about them...
[23-21:44] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *nods, an ambient wind in the forest begining to pick up a bit, his hair whipping around his face slightly as he continues his conversation* Well I intend to find them, I already have a few leads, and a demon friend of mine working towards a way to get them *quirking a brow slightly* And I thought perhaps it could be something youd be intrested in joining *tilting his head to the side slightly* your chance to cause chaos.... take those whom you want
[23-21:46] 867a2, Aegnora : And how would finding these stones make it so I could cause havoc? Hmm? Bored I my be at times... but not so bored to go on a wild goose chase
[23-21:47] c148a, Acorna : ((to = too))
[23-21:47] 867a2, Aegnora : ((bored as to go, I meant))
[23-21:49] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *takes a few steps towards the woman, a mere few inches between them, arms folded neatly behind his back*D'anthe ramoth, ka Usstan zhahen ulu inbau lil medga, jalbol dos ssinssrin could tlu dosst
[23-21:52] 8c9a9, Axis : *srtied dow nthe road silent as a shadow in the night*
[23-21:52] 867a2, Aegnora : I am not completely familiar with your tounge, drow
[23-21:53] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *smirks slightly* in lesser speak, I merely said that with the medga stones, I could provide you with the means to anything you desired
[23-21:55] 867a2, Aegnora : And what is it you believe I desire? Power? Wealth? To be able to smash mortals beneath my thumb? *smirks* Such wishes are so... primitive. Alas, my delight is merely to fulfill my "job" as it were, and to relieve my boredom
[23-21:58] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *nods slightly* And what do you need to better fulfill that job ramoth
[23-21:59] 867a2, Aegnora : *chuckles* Nothing... however, if you have something more amusing you wish done, I might possibly consider it
[23-21:59] c148a, Faltren : *chases through the night air, his hide blending with the color of the sky. The only evidence of his passing overhead is the brief blotting out of the stars where he sails between them and the blanket of earth below*
[23-22:00] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Weee!))
[23-22:01] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *smirks faintly as he arches a brow* What is your name?
[23-22:01] 867a2, Aegnora : It is polite to introduce yourself first
[23-22:01] 8c9a9, Axis : ((night al))
[23-22:01] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[23-22:02] c148a, Faltren : *his powerful equine muscles pump as his legs move over an imaginary ground only to stretch forward and back as his wings spread and angle to make a swooping dive near the earth, followed by the reclaiming of his previous altitude*
[23-22:02] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: arches a brow, his arms slowly moving to his hips* my appologies *taking a step back to bow shallowly to her* I am called Jagged Farrell
[23-22:06] 867a2, Aegnora : And I am Aegnora. *nods her head to him* Charmed.... Though it has been interesting speaking with you, my dear Jagged *smiles vaguely* I believe I shall leave you to your evil plotting.... Unless you had something else you wanted to say?
[23-22:07] 7247b, Jagged Farrell: *smirks* Farewell Aegnora *letting that be answer enough as he slowly turns, disapearing off into the shadows*
[23-22:08] c148a, Faltren : *this is conquest of the sky for him. He is man. He is stallion. He is leader and strength. He lands an an overlooking cliff and looks down on the nearby treed valley that makes up the dark forest*
[23-22:09] 867a2, Aegnora : *watches him as he moves off... then continues on her way*
[23-22:10] EXIT: Jagged Farrell has left the chat ( 11:07pm, April 23 (CDT) ).
[23-22:12] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[23-22:12] c148a, Faltren : *his hoof stamps the rocky shelf restlessly as he considers his next moves both in finding the misguided and errant pegasus mare and in securing a more influencial place among his herd*
[23-22:18] 867a2, Aurora : *it seemed a pleasant enough night... she was sitting there peacefully in her humanoid form at the bottom of a cliff, staring up into the stars... and then rocks, knocked loose from somewhere above, fell on her* Ow!
[23-22:22] c148a, Faltren : *he let the mare go before to teach her a lesson, selling her to the goblin. The goblin released her. Faltren wasn't expecting that. He thought he would later be able to easily collect her. He would not play next time. He'd just haul her off. Hears a sound, a voice and looks down the side of the cliff into the slight revine (spell?) below, where it dips down a little before rising and flattening out into a nice valley of trees. He sees something white and cranes his neck down to peer closer. Could it be, that pesky unicorn? He transforms to humanoid form to ensure greater stealth and slips on his pants from the saddle-like bag he carries while in equine form*
[23-22:26] c148a, Faltren : ((*hums*))
[23-22:27] 867a2, Aurora : *Her silvery hair does tend to stick out, gleaming with moonlight as it is... she slowly rises from her sitting position, craning her head to look above her, wary of any more rocks that may fall. She swore se say movement... Silently, she begins easing back towards the trees, moving back to gain a better view of the cliff's top, s her pale fingers slip to her waist*
[23-22:30] c148a, Faltren : *has moved back from the edge of the cliff to a less visible location as he dons a black silk shirt, you know, that sexy poet style. hehehehehehe. He slinks along the cliff wall to a crevase in the lower cliff wall that makes a split in the shelf and eases silently down it, hidden by the night and he natural night camoflauge. Leaves his bag and cloak and other odds and ends up on the cliff shelf for now. He reaches the bottom and ducks behind some trees and shrubs, attempting to circle around where he guesses her to be*
[23-22:33] 867a2, Aurora : *Well...whatever it was seems to have vanished, so she cautiously moves back to the boulder upon which she say, and where lays a bag similiar in some ways as is... she needs something to carry the silken pale green dress, and dark green cloak, that adorns her*
[23-22:34] c148a, Faltren : *sees her movements and like a black snake, eases up behind her, his wings tucked tightly to his sides to avoid brushing along anything*
[23-22:36] 867a2, Aurora : *pauses mid step, her head tilting slightly... *
[23-22:38] c148a, Faltren : *crouches down suddenly like a cat fearing his prey has spotted him*
[23-22:39] 867a2, Aurora : *.. she thought she had heard something. But now there was only silence, and the gentle sound of wind through leaves... perhaps she was getting too skittish since leaving her homelands*
[23-22:41] c148a, Faltren : *creep creep creep. will wait for her to settle and sit again before making his move*
[23-22:44] 867a2, Aurora : *and obediantly, she settles back down on the boulder edge, sliding one foot up to rest on the side of the rock, and cupping her hands around her knee. ... It really was a lovely night... *
[23-22:46] c148a, Faltren : *and he springs from behind her, partly launching himself onto the boulder behind her and grabbing for her neck to drag her unceremoniously to him* We meet again! *snarls*
[23-22:51] 867a2, Aurora : *THAT time she heard something.. she begins to turn, hand dropping to the sheath laying on the rock beside her... too slow. She makes a startled cry as an arm catches around her throat, and as she's yanked back her hand seizes the belt attached to the sheath, dragging the burden with her, as her other hand scrambles for the hilt of the blade*
[23-22:55] c148a, Faltren : Now now, *whispers in her ear from behind her head as he moves to kick the belted sheath away from her hand as he tightens his grip around her neck and slips his other arm to secure her waist* that is very un-sweetly unicorn like of you.
[23-22:56] 867a2, Aurora : *she gives a soft sniff, as her slippered heel comes back in a sharp kick for his shin...*
[23-22:59] c148a, Faltren : OoW! *scoots back swiftly to try and move her feet out from under her so she can't manuever to do that again, trying to get her in a sitting position across the boulder and him standing behind her on the ground while still holding onto her* You're just no end of trouble, aren't you. *hisses*
[23-22:59] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[23-23:00] 867a2, Aurora : *yelps as she's dragged back, hastily scooting back as she's dragged to try and keep her feet*
[23-23:04] c148a, Faltren : *will force her to sit just by his position to the ground in relation to her position on the rock* I owe you for the trouble you caused me before. What do you think it should cost?
[23-23:05] 867a2, Aurora : *sits like a good girl then* *raises her hands to pull at the arm circling her slender neck, not answering..*
[23-23:13] c148a, Faltren : You meddled in affairs that were none of your concern, from a culture you must not know much about. *tightens his grip*
[23-23:14] 867a2, Aurora : *makes a soft sound that's a cross between a choke, and a whimper, as she pulls harder at the arm gripping her neck*
[23-23:15] 867a2, Aurora : ((BRB, gotta switch comps))
[23-23:18] 867a2, Aurora : ((Back))
[23-23:20] c148a, Faltren : Nothing to say for yourself? Hmm? *doesn't let up.*
[23-23:21] 867a2, Aurora : ... Let me GO! *props her feet up on the boulder, and shoves back with her leg, trying to knock him off balance*
[23-23:21] 867a2, Aurora : ((legs))
[23-23:21] c148a, Faltren : ((S'ok, was trying to get these stupid 3D shoes in the camera view properly for making the stupid library and promo pic for the proggie and site I'm selling at*
[23-23:21] c148a, Faltren : *=))
[23-23:22] 867a2, Aurora : ((Hehe))
[23-23:23] c148a, Faltren : *knocked off balance a little, takes a step back* No, I don't think I will. I might take you back and let you suffer the penalty for the one's crimes who you helped get away. It's within the laws of my people.
[23-23:24] 867a2, Aurora : What is the penalty...? *pulls at his arm again*
[23-23:29] 867a2, Aurora : ((*hums*))
[23-23:32] c148a, Faltren : Well, *works to keep her secure. She's strong for a petite thing, but then, he's no wimp* you don't have wings to clip, but the rest I think we could inflict on you. *makes it sound horrific with his wording, but it's not THAT bad*
[23-23:32] 867a2, Aurora : *freezes a brief moment* ... what is the rest...?
[23-23:39] c148a, Faltren : *decides to make stuff up to scare her* Oh, just 10 years of servitude in the nude, locked in humanoid form and beaten for the silliest reasons, nothing too terrible. *smirks*
[23-23:40] 867a2, Aurora : *from her stiffening.. THAT got a reaction... with a cry of fright.. she'd begin to shift forms in his grip.... *
[23-23:44] c148a, Faltren : Settle down there, you're not going anywhere, now where did I put that cord? *strains to mask the amusement in his voice. He was angry, but now this has gotten to be a little fun*
[23-23:45] 867a2, Aurora : *she's shifting to her equine form.. unless his strong arms are strong enough to keep her human? *
[23-23:49] c148a, Faltren : *L, oops, didn't catch that. He can feel her shifting* Now, you don't want to do that, you'll rip your pretty clothes and then won't have anything to wear and I'll be right on your heels. *wraps his wings around them both* and don't forget, I can fly.
[23-23:50] 867a2, Aurora : *still she shifts, an audible rip showing that, indeed, her dress is ripping as she changes... the cloak is fine ofcourse, only the clasp holding it shut would break off...*
[23-23:52] c148a, Faltren : *maneuvers so that if she is successful in transforming that he'll ride her. How disrespectful of him.*
[23-23:53] 867a2, Aurora : *VERY disrespectful! And she awards him with an angered whiney, and flopping over to roll onto her back*
[23-23:54] c148a, Faltren : *quickly pushes off the ground as she goes down to maneuver over her side to maintain the upper hand and dominant position* Such language! *understands the tone of her whiney very well, of course*
[23-23:56] 867a2, Aurora : ((*L*)) *rolls further until she's laying on her side, and turns her head to bite at him*
[23-23:58] c148a, Faltren : *yanks his hand back* Hey now, no need to be so snippy! I was only joking about the nudity and the beatings. *grins*
[23-23:59] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[23-23:59] 867a2, Aurora : *stares at him with those deep, gentle eyes for a long moment... then blinks once, before rolling back to her back, and flailing at him with her legs*
[23-23:59] 5d609, Cookie Monster:
[24-00:00] f8e85, Zaeth : ((hey cookie))
[24-00:00] 867a2, Aurora : ((What? She's an equine right now. She's got four legs, and she can kick))
[24-00:00] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : You have no chance to survive...make your time..
[24-00:01] c148a, Faltren : *gets it in the stomach and falls back with an oof! *
[24-00:01] 867a2, Aurora : ((*stares at Soth's pic* Oooooo))
[24-00:02] 867a2, Aurora : *quickly rolls over, trying to get up to her feet..*
[24-00:02] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : That's right..ph34r the Death Knight
[24-00:02] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ((Its the mighty Cthulhu!__
[24-00:02] 867a2, Aurora : ((He looks spiffy! ... and why aren't you on AIM, you nasty heathen?))
[24-00:03] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : Who be ye?
[24-00:03] 867a2, Sileen: Your worst nightmare! AH HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
[24-00:04] 867a2, Sileen: ... Who still manages to pull off being cute <.< >.>
[24-00:04] MSG: Sothicus Aurelius sent a message to Sileen.
[24-00:04] c148a, Faltren : *is holding his stomach right now, getting his breath* That's quite a kick. *with a weezing voice*
[24-00:04] JOIN: Z has entered.
[24-00:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-00:05] 867a2, Aurora : *shuffles around to face him, lowering her head... pointing that spiral of pearl directly at him*
[24-00:07] c148a, Faltren : Heh, watch where you're pointing that thing. You could take an eye out. *raises his hands, his toned muscles rippling under his silk shirt* ((*sticks a little romance novel crap in there*))
[24-00:08] 867a2, Aurora : *keeps the horn pointed at him, trying to muster an intimidating look... but with those gentle eyes, the attempt fails at being scary. Still, that IS a sharp horn pointed at him*
[24-00:10] c148a, Faltren : P..please, you're scaring me. *his mocking tone not very well masked*
[24-00:11] 867a2, Aurora : *snorts softly*
[24-00:12] ceea7, Ember : *swoops down like the OOC doom machine he is and devours both squabbling horseys* Mmmmm
[24-00:14] c148a, Faltren : *grins wider than before* Just remember, you interfere with my work again, and I will make sure you take my target's place. Who knows, I might be able to persuade them to increase to severity of the penalty. *smirks and his eyes widen in a challenge glare*
[24-00:15] 867a2, Aurora : *says nothing.. funny thing about that, being in equine form and all... just watching him*
[24-00:16] c148a, Faltren : *bends down and picks up her cloak from the ground where it inevitably fell and backs away from her to where her torn dress lays and picks it up, still smirking* You really should take better care of your clothes.
[24-00:16] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ok...nuff o that
[24-00:17] c148a, Faltren : ((Say what?))
[24-00:17] 867a2, Aurora : *whinies in distress... she needs those!* *moves towards him*
[24-00:17] 867a2, Aurora : *whinies in distress... she needs those!* *moves towards him*
[24-00:19] c148a, Faltren : *mouth widens to a grin again, this time teeth showing* Perhaps this is pay back enough for the inconvenience you caused. *backs away some more*
[24-00:21] 867a2, Aurora : *it really was against her nature to leap in and spear him for stealing clothing... and she couldn't change to humanoid form to beg him not to as she'd be naked... so she stands there, staring pathetically at the tattered cloth he holds*
[24-00:23] c148a, Faltren : Oh now, why the look. I'm having trouble keeping my eyes dry. *mockingly uses her clothing to dab his make believe tears of sympathy*
[24-00:24] 867a2, Aurora : *lowers her head slightly in a look of defeat, and begins to back away from him, purposing moving to step on her sword's sheath.. THAT she'd not allow him to take*
[24-00:26] 94c70, Z: *ponders..*
[24-00:28] c148a, Faltren : ((Oh goodie. She can be nude Aurora in a temple with a sword. *shifty eyes* I guess you'd have to run in 3D community circles to get that joke))
[24-00:29] 867a2, Aurora : ((He didn't take her saddle bags! She'll just pack the sword, and stay equine for a little while..
[24-00:29] 867a2, Aurora : ))
[24-00:30] c148a, Faltren : That blade isn't going to be much use to you if you can't even pick it up. *makes himself comfortable on the boulder sitting indian style, looking to be not going anywhere until she transforms in order to pick up the blade or leaves the blade behind*
[24-00:31] 867a2, Aurora : *doesn't respond, just standing there... hoping he'll get bored and go away*
[24-00:33] c148a, Faltren : *has a lot of patience and sits, smirking* You're a very pretty horsey, you know that? *insults her by calling her horsey even as he compiments her*
[24-00:33] 867a2, Aurora : *looks away from him... weither from embaressment at the compliment portion, or disgust at the insult half, is hard to tell*
[24-00:34] 867a2, Aurora : *and is WAY too dainty and enchanting to be a horse. Meh!*
[24-00:35] c148a, Faltren : *grins, very amused, losing all guile he once had in light of this wonderful entertainment*
[24-00:36] 867a2, Aurora : *... and as time goes by, and he's still there, she begins to get a little antsy*
[24-00:39] c148a, Faltren : What's the matter. *yawns and arranges her clothing like a pillow as if he's about to bed down for the night*
[24-00:40] 867a2, Aurora : *her sword IS near the boulder... as he arranges her clothes, she moves in all a sudden, teeth snapping out to try and grab her cloak...*
[24-00:42] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[24-00:42] c148a, Faltren : *gets a hold of it before she can get and yanks it away in the nick of time* Hey, that's my pillow. There is plenty of lush grass to graze if you're hungry, made lusher by your presense. No need to eat this comfy cloak, even if it is green.
[24-00:43] 867a2, Aurora : *gets a distressed look again.. and tries again for the tattered dress as he's yanking the cloak away*
[24-00:45] c148a, Faltren : *isn't able to keep the tattered dress from her, but as much as that dress would have had to have ripped, it isn't going to be much use to her until she can get it mended* Hey! *trying not to laugh* I didn't know unicorns threw tantrums. *exaggerating her reaction to poke more fun at her*
[24-00:47] 867a2, Aurora : *gives him a look as she back to her sword.. hard to tell what he look is supposed to mean, then turns her rump to face him, keeping over her sword*
[24-00:49] c148a, Faltren : Showing me your best side won't persuade me to give you back your cloak. *smirks*
[24-00:49] 867a2, Aurora : *turns, giving him a rather scandalized look..*
[24-00:55] c148a, Faltren : *laughs our right* Oh alright, here you go. *tosses her the cloak, aiming to have it drape over her back*
[24-00:55] c148a, Faltren : our = out
[24-00:56] 867a2, Aurora : *as the cloak falls over her, she urns her back facing him again... then begins to shift forms once more. Once her hooves has shifted enough t form fingers, she pulls her cloak around to cover her*
[24-01:00] c148a, Faltren : *and that is what he expected she'd do, which is why he aimed to toss it over her* Dangerous. I could rush over and yank that off. *though he doesn't move from his sitting position*
[24-01:02] 867a2, Aurora : ... I suppose I will just have to hope you do not... *one hand slips from the concealment of her cloak, lifting her sheathed sword, and tucking it inside the cloak as it's held closed once more. Once the cloak is held tightly closed, she slowly, smoothly, rises to her feet, turning to fac him..*
[24-01:04] c148a, Faltren : *is smiling, looking to be having a grand time* You know, I'm glad you interfered. If not, I'd have missed out on this profound entertainment. *she is seeing a lighter side of him that he rarely shows*
[24-01:05] 867a2, Aurora : *her cheeks flush as she looks away from him* ... Glad you are amused...
[24-01:06] c148a, Faltren : Oh very much. *chuckles*
[24-01:07] 867a2, Aurora : ... The ten years as a nude servant was a lie... What then is the truth?
[24-01:09] c148a, Faltren : 5 years as a servant to other more worthy women in the case of my target, but she keeps her clothes and doesn't get beaten. However, her wings will be clipped so that they take a year to grow back. It's our way. We're not savages.
[24-01:10] 867a2, Aurora : Why does it matter so much that she has left..?
[24-01:12] c148a, Faltren : *shakes his head a bit in startlement that she have to ask a question like that* It just isn't proper. It isn't done.
[24-01:14] 867a2, Aurora : *soft smile* I would say it is, judging by her actions... Why is it not proper? Many youths often tend to get the... "Wander lust" as it were. You cannot stop them from leaving the nest to explore.
[24-01:15] c148a, Faltren : It's not natural to leave the group. *that herd instinct talking, yup. Unicorns don't have it the way Pegasi do*
[24-01:17] 867a2, Aurora : I would just say that you should give her time... Approach her, tell her you'll not chase her any longer so there is no longer that sense of adventure with dodging you, and give her time to get her adventure streak out, and eventually she may come to miss your herd and go home.
[24-01:19] c148a, Faltren : Yes, and then next thing we know, we have mares running around all over the world without proper escort and our society will topple.
[24-01:20] 867a2, Aurora : You are only worried about the mares...?
[24-01:22] c148a, Faltren : We haven't had a problem with the stallions. They only venture for specific missions for the herd and then return. *he is failing to realize that mares never get sent on those kinds of missions and there might be part of the problem, but their society is very much the woman stays with the kids in the home type*
[24-01:22] 867a2, Aurora : Do the mares not return from missions?
[24-01:25] 8d67c, Faltren : *blinks and furrows his brows* Mares do not go on missions. They have other duties.
[24-01:26] 867a2, Aurora : *tilts her head, fixing those deep eyes on him* ... I think there lies your problem. Wander lust hits members of both genders, and to allow one to get it out, and not the other, you will eventually incite rebellion in the ranks. This youth running away will only the start.
[24-01:26] 867a2, Aurora : ((only be the start))
[24-01:29] 867a2, Aurora : ((Eep! Gtg!)) *lecture lecture. Then eventually plucks up her saddle back and tattered dress, and hauls stuff off*
[24-01:31] 8d67c, Faltren : *ummmm, ponder ponders from the lecture lecture and yeah, but is stubborn and has sensibilities ingrained, so may not take* *FADE OUT GONE*
[24-01:31] EXIT: Faltren has left the chat ( 2:31am, April 24 (CDT) ).
[24-02:10] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[24-02:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-09:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-09:24] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:23am, April 24 (CDT) ).
[24-09:25] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[24-09:48] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[24-10:49] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[24-10:51] MSG: Illisse Brilthor sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[24-10:51] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 11:51am, April 24 (CDT) ).
[24-12:29] JOIN: Z has entered.
[24-12:36] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[24-12:38] d3384, Jagged Farrell: ((*yawns, stretching out*))
[24-12:39] 94c70, Z: *bites Jag*
[24-12:39] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((In AD 1301 War was beginning))
[24-12:40] d3384, Jagged Farrell: ((rawr))
[24-12:44] d3384, Jagged Farrell: (( "what happen" ))
[24-12:44] d3384, Jagged Farrell: (( Somebody set us up the bomb))
[24-12:45] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((We get letter))
[24-12:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-12:52] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *the wind whips and howls, filling the empty spaces in his ears between his own heartbeat, his bootless feet arched against the almost life draining coldness of the frozen ground as he crouches within the shadows, invisible to the naked eye, a simple cantrip eliminating his scent, in all sense of the means, at least for now, he is impossible to find, his eyes switching over to the drows natural infravision, finding pockets of heat and coldness among the keep, searching for the easiest way to find his way in*
[24-12:53] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *there would be no "easy" way in...and no viable way in save for the gates that he would be able to find somewhere between two of the flaming spinnarets*
[24-13:01] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *he slowly makes his way closer to the keep, remaining within the shadows as his eyes search for any kind of traps or entities watching him, his hands feeling across the blackened stone, cold to the touch, testing for any kind of slightest vibrations, the same way he used to use to navigate the underdark, nimble fingers able to feel the slightest vibration from dozens of meters away*
[24-13:02] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *he would see no eyes watching him...yet that paranoid feeling of being watched by something..not quite right...would always be there*
[24-13:04] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *his eyes narrow slightly as he stands to his feet, the momentum from that alone bringing him to flight as he levitates slowly up the keep wall, his arms neatly folding behind his back as he glances over his shoulder preiodically*
[24-13:06] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *he would see nothing but the overwhelming inky darkness that surrounds the keep in its being like a splotch of darker black against a black shadow...and yet...the feeling of being watched is there always*
[24-13:06] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[24-13:08] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *his brow arches slightly as he makes his way to the top of the keeps wall, crouching lowly atop the wall, ignoring that shivering sensation that courses down his spine, able to see perfectly in anything but the magical orb of darkness, reguardless of how black it is within the keep, his drow eyes are useful for something*
[24-13:10] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *and..much to the Drow's relief..there would be very intermittant shafts of moonlight piercing through the crumbling ceilings of the Keep once he is inside...*
[24-13:13] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *he looks slowly over the floor of the keep first, searching for any of these undead servents that must serve the keeps masters, and any kind of chambers are such that could hold the ruby*
[24-13:14] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *if he looked closely at the floor, he would see ancient scriptings showing that once there was a proud human Lord who had lived here in the Gods' good graces....and then directly behind it..would be his curse...abyssal flaming runes describiing his downfall in a warning*
[24-13:15] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[24-13:17] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *his eyes narrow slightly as he deciphers the warning, looking down within the keep for the darkest corner, leaping for it, slowing his decent with his levetation abilities, landing without the slightest sound*
[24-13:18] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *and as he lands...he would be overwhelmed with a sense of fell hands begin ripping and tearing at him from the shadows*
[24-13:21] 94c70, Muna : *Would be so proud of Soth...*
[24-13:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-13:23] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *smirks slightly, his mind accute, stronger than such things, he revels in the sensation of pain, the dread only strengthening his resolve, nothing here he hasnt already experienced a hundred fold while in the underdark, he walks steadily, hunched the slightest bit towards the main hallway, eternally searching for any of these so called undead*
[24-13:24] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *he would see no sight of them...apparently the Lord of the Keep is absent...which bodes ill for everyone...even those of the Underdark...for this keep's lord was once an ardent and feared foe of its denziens....*
[24-13:28] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *he has no choice but to expose himself now as he slides to the main hallway the black ruby supposed to be in a nearby chamber, he tries to stay near to a wall to be as hard to find as possible, still searching for anything not quite... right, it cant be this easy*
[24-13:29] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *and indeed it if by a trick of the light...he would most definatly see a flash of black upon black moving within the if they were writhing*
[24-13:30] 65c6e, Liz: *thinks of a name for her new char*
[24-13:31] 94c70, Muna : (( *waves to Liz* ))
[24-13:33] 65c6e, Liz: Keera
[24-13:33] EXIT: Zaeth has left the chat ( 2:15pm, April 24 (CDT) ).
[24-13:34] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *he freezes, watching the writhing in the darkness, again able to see perfectly in its blackness, trying to depecit exactly what it is thats moving*
[24-13:34] 65c6e, Liz: Pic test
[24-13:35] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *and then there would be 4 reddish orange slit like breaks in the darkness and then the echoed, muted sound of steel striking marble*
[24-13:36] 65c6e, Keera: Color
[24-13:36] 65c6e, Keera: c
[24-13:37] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *seeing the slits he assumes that it is the chambers, keeping a hand on the hilt of one of his rapiers he takes a few steps closer, still searching for any kind of guard infront of these chambers*
[24-13:38] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *and as he steps closer and closer...those slits of hellish light would grow does the sound of steel striking marble...almost like...footsteps*
[24-13:38] 65c6e, Keera: (( Second pic test ))
[24-13:40] 65c6e, Keera: *silently watches as a man and his whore make their way drunkenly down the street, concealed by the shadows and by the long dark green cloak she wears*
[24-13:41] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[24-13:42] 65c6e, Keera: (( test ))
[24-13:42] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *he grows closer to these slits, lowering his sillouette as hes careful not to raise a sound, pausing every two steps to glance over his shoulder*
[24-13:43] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *there wuold be an ear splitting scream of alarm rumbling through the chamber (think Nazgul) and the slits would narrow..and grow more brilliantly, giving hints to armor all bearing the emblem of the Black Rose*
[24-13:44] 65c6e, Keera: *she follows them, taking her time as the stillness that always comes with the hunt settles over her. Her eyes never leave the man, who's familiar face does nothing to deter her*
[24-13:45] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *he takes a step back, taking a bit by suprise at the shrieking sound as the figure fill the doorways, his other hand crossing over to grab the pommell of the second rapier, watching these forms*
[24-13:46] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *and all the while he the darkened would feel as if razored hands reach up and claw and tear at his flesh and clothing...that distincitve sound of steel singing and screaming against leather rips forth not once...but twice*
[24-13:48] 65c6e, Keera: *smiles coldly to herself as he decides, to the feigned protests of the woman, to take a short cut through the alley, predicting that it would be fun*
[24-13:53] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *his mentality like a steel trap, the razored feeling against his bared feet does not deter him, hes endured much worse in the torture racks of the underdark with rival houses, he mutters a few words to himself, using his innate abilities to cast a faerie fire over each of the four undead armors*
[24-13:54] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *there is only but 2...and the fire would fall over them...only to be snuffed out as if by some greater magical force*
[24-13:58] 65c6e, Keera: *silently, she follows them in. Two adults one step away from immobility from drunkeness are no match for someone completely sober and fully determined. The woman gives a small shriek of surprise as the sharp edge of metal slides against her throat, laying it open. Dropping the dying woman, she advances on the man, who for the moment is shocked by what happened*
[24-13:58] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *but that was enough to catch a glimpse of the soldiers as he draws his swords, rushing towards the both of them, trying to make a quick dive into the closest opened chambers, deflecting any possible shot with a quick parry with one of his swords*
[24-14:00] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *the sound of steel striking marble grows louder the closer they approach, this being probably the most opened champer he has come across, though the floor is split...uneven...and the hands that reach from the darkness try pulling him into it as they rip and tear at him*
[24-14:03] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *he kicks off the threshold of the doorway landing a few meters from the split in the floor, tucking to a shoulder and rolling back to his feet, crouched low within the ground as he stares at the open doorway to the chamber, weapons drawn, waiting*
[24-14:03] 65c6e, Keera: *fear and alcohol giving him courage, he demands "who the hell are you". She does'nt answer, which only makes him angry. He takes a swing at her but misjudges the force he puts into it and the distance, sending the blow off course. She ducks in and plunges a dagger into his heart. As he slumps down to his knees, she pushes down the hood of her cloak. His eyes widen in recognition before they fix on nothing* Goodbye...husband.
[24-14:04] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *there would be another sound of steel striking marble from behind him...very ungodly close*
[24-14:06] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *his ear perk as he sidesteps and takes a small leap back, checking the area before actually moving there to make sure theres no one there, eyes darting to where he once stood, to see if there was anything actually behind him*
[24-14:07] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *there...against the light...there would be a hulking black form...the similar styled eyes flaring to life...and behind it...the prize*
[24-14:08] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *his teeth clentch tightly as he studies this hulking black form, eyes errupting in a furious bluish glow before slowly fading back to the color of calm, cold stone*
[24-14:11] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *the hulking figure he is looking at draws its weapon as well..that horrid scream/sing of steel against leather as it stalks towards him...the other two behind him growing closer as well*
[24-14:12] 65c6e, Keera: *placing a kiss on his cheek, she turns and heads from the alley and heads back the way she came, the calmness lifting as she begins to tremble*
[24-14:13] d3384, Jagged Farrell: *smirks slightly as he gives a small hop towards the first figure, spinning the right blade in his hand as the left moves in an upwards left hip stab*
[24-14:14] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : *his blade would be met with that of the monolithic creature's with more than enough strength that, unless the Drow keeps a tight grip upon the blade against such a jarring force..the blade would be knocked clear*
[24-14:17] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : (* RL needs come up so suddenly...damn them*)
[24-14:20] 65c6e, Keera: *about a block away from home, she sheds the cloak and hides it and her dagger*
[24-14:26] 65c6e, Keera: *gone is the cold blooded murderer. In her place is a familiar sight. The baker's young wife, Keera*
[24-14:29] 65c6e, Keera: ***Gone***
[24-14:34] 65c6e, Liz: Dead..
[24-14:34] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[24-14:35] 4dd75, Zaeth : heh sorry liz
[24-14:36] 65c6e, Liz: It's ok
[24-14:36] 4dd75, Zaeth : *bored*
[24-14:38] 65c6e, Liz: *is, too*
[24-14:44] 65c6e, Liz: Rp..
[24-14:45] 4dd75, Zaeth : rp what?
[24-14:48] 65c6e, Liz: I don't know
[24-14:54] 4dd75, Zaeth : ah well...i'm gonna go...see ya later...
[24-14:54] EXIT: Zaeth has left the chat ( 3:54pm, April 24 (CDT) ).
[24-14:54] 65c6e, Liz: ...
[24-15:10] 65c6e, Liz: .
[24-15:11] JOIN: Count Strahd Vonzarovich has entered.
[24-15:12] 79226, Count Strahd Vonzarovich: *a castle sitting atop a large mountian top surrounded by complete silence and darkness.... the mists seems billow from the forests beneath it to choke the very life from the earth it settles against... and deep in the middle of the dark mist lies a large burough... the lights seem to flicker in and outof exsistence as if lit aflame... the castle resting atop this plain is very dimly lit and seems to have no life at all... deep within the castle Ravenloft a man sits atop it's throne with his head in his head as if in deep thought.. those greyish eyes taking on a chrome like hue as the thought deepens... the large black cape with the dark crimson inside can be seen strewn across the darkend stone he sits atop.... looking out through the large window out into the dark night sky from inside the large room... simply listening to the sounds of nothing... silence*
[24-15:13] NICK: Count Strahd Vonzarovich changed nick to Count Strahd Von Zarovich.
[24-15:13] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: *a castle sitting atop a large mountian top surrounded by complete silence and darkness.... the mists seems billow from the forests beneath it to choke the very life from the earth it settles against... and deep in the middle of the dark mist lies a large burough... the lights seem to flicker in and outof exsistence as if lit aflame... the castle resting atop this plain is very dimly lit and seems to have no life at all... deep within the castle Ravenloft a man sits atop it's throne with his head in his head as if in deep thought.. those greyish eyes taking on a chrome like hue as the thought deepens... the large black cape with the dark crimson inside can be seen strewn across the darkend stone he sits atop.... looking out through the large window out into the dark night sky from inside the large room... simply listening to the sounds of nothing... silence*
[24-15:17] 65c6e, Liz: *falls out of her chair* Holy sheezy...a rper
[24-15:17] 65c6e, Liz: Damn filter
[24-15:18] 65c6e, Liz: Do I know you?
[24-15:18] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((*laughs* well hello there))
[24-15:19] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((not many know me))
[24-15:19] 65c6e, Liz: I leave the chat for one minute and it comes back to life...
[24-15:19] 65c6e, Liz: Why not?
[24-15:21] 8d67c, Mab : Neat! What kind of character is Count Zarovich?
[24-15:21] 65c6e, Liz: Mab!!!!! *tackles*
[24-15:22] 8d67c, Mab : *composes something for the board*
[24-15:22] MSG: Liz sent a message to Mab.
[24-15:22] 8d67c, Mab : *but then is tackled* Ummph!
[24-15:23] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((well because i only rp in a few certain rooms.. i was watching this room and i saw a man playing Sothicus so i decided to bring in Strahd... and Strahd is a Vampire lord.. i'm trying to find someone to talk with over AIM about him))
[24-15:23] MSG: Mab sent a message to Liz.
[24-15:24] MSG: Liz sent a message to Mab.
[24-15:25] 8d67c, Mab : Hmmm, we don't have vamps per se in this chat only because there are an overwhelming number of chats with that theme and we were going for a different flavor, but we do have gouls and undead.
[24-15:25] 65c6e, Liz: Oooo...I must warn you, though. It's dangerous to rp right now.
[24-15:26] 8d67c, Mab : *blinks* Why is it dangerous to RP right now?
[24-15:26] 65c6e, Liz: Because I'm starved for an rp and I'm liable to maul him any minute.
[24-15:27] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((i already have a background and everything for him... i just need to run it over with THE admin... and i know you do not have Vampires in this room but i think it would be an interesting twist considering Sothicus and Strahd have gone head to head in the past))
[24-15:27] 8d67c, Mab : Basically, if you slightly modify the Count to not suck people's blood and make more vampires and instead have him perhaps be another form of sinister undying type with that sophisticated vampire air to him.
[24-15:27] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((and being Strahd is one of the only ones who can actually take on Soth and walk out alive))
[24-15:28] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((oh of course... i can easilly do that.. but i would like ot keep the same concept to him))
[24-15:29] 8d67c, Mab : What's the concept to him? We can get this worked out all spiffy right now.
[24-15:30] 65c6e, Liz: Do you have aim?
[24-15:30] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((Necromancer/Count))
[24-15:30] 8d67c, Mab : *Laughs @ Liz* Down girl! *delayed reaction due to being slow typist and one track at a time mind*
[24-15:31] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((hense the name Count *L*))
[24-15:31] 8d67c, Mab : Sounds like a good basis for a character. Steve = handle - Palladia Mors is the one to hammer out the details of a Necromancer type. It's not my bag, although we certainly do have them and have room for them in this chat.
[24-15:33] MSG: Mab sent a message to Liz.
[24-15:35] MSG: Liz sent a message to Mab.
[24-15:35] 8d67c, Mab : Steve is the gouls and sinister types side of the administration. I'm the good guys side of it. It keeps balance that way. *L*
[24-15:35] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((oh i already know much about Necromancers...... basically Strahd would be a ruler of his own much like Sothicus.... if you would like i can send you the background and let you look it over?))
[24-15:36] 65c6e, Liz: Count?
[24-15:37] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((but i do indeed wish to speak with Steve... i have a small plot idea in mind))
[24-15:37] 8d67c, Mab : If you could fill out a reg form, I'll let the reg guy know it's been sent and to look for it. I've sadly not been able to RP as much as I'd like because of work. I've faded to more of a figure head of the chat, kinda like the Queen of England. *L*
[24-15:38] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((yeeeeeessssss *L* this is what he's called *nods* i understand))
[24-15:38] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((but even though he isn't registerd i can still play him correct?))
[24-15:38] 65c6e, Liz: *sighs and cuddles her cat*
[24-15:39] 8d67c, Mab : Yup, you can still play him. No probs there.
[24-15:40] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((cool... thank you very much for your time))
[24-15:40] 8d67c, Mab : My pleasure.
[24-15:41] 65c6e, Liz: My cat's no fun. He'll take anything.
[24-15:43] 8d67c, Mab : My cat bites for play. Can we say "OUCH!" *waves to everyone and toodles off to work so people can RP w/o a bunch of OOC, also throws any and all IC before she goes*
[24-15:44] 65c6e, Liz: See ya, Mab. Count, are you still here>?
[24-15:48] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: *he rises from the darkend stone of the throne he sits atop only to glide along the hard surface of the flooring stopping infront of the large balcony... those chrome-like eyes taking in the castle's surroundings.. watching over the burough below... that dark smirk coming over his pale lips as he turns to the messenger who seems to come from beneath a blanket of shadows he leans in to whisper a few certain things to the creature he sees before him... watching as the being nods and turns simply bleeding back into the shadows from where he enterd... his footfalls can't even be heard in the dark and silent room as he crosses to take a seat back atop his throne... placing his head back into the palm of his hand.. he closes his eyes and slips back into those coma like thoughts*
[24-15:48] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((yep))
[24-15:50] 65c6e, Liz: Do you have aim?
[24-15:50] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((yes i do but it is not working at the moment))
[24-15:52] 65c6e, Liz: Do you want to rp?
[24-15:54] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((if you would like))
[24-15:55] 65c6e, Liz: I would, though I have no undead. I have a elf that has the potential to turn evil, though
[24-15:56] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((well we could always have a meeting in a way))
[24-15:57] 65c6e, Liz: With my elf? She's not close to your mountain...
[24-15:59] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((she doesn't have to be... let us say she has sent for him))
[24-16:00] 65c6e, Liz: Why? She's being hunted by a could prove dangerous to her
[24-16:01] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((i don't know... you wanted to rp.. i'm trying to come up with ideas *L*))
[24-16:02] 65c6e, Liz: Is he evil?
[24-16:02] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((*laughs* oh yes very much so))
[24-16:03] 65c6e, Liz: So if he does'nt kill a "good" char, he'll most likely capture/enslave/convert it, right?
[24-16:05] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((not all the time... if he deems the victim worthy then he may))
[24-16:06] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((Strahd is not one to just come kidnap someone just because he wants to.. he will watch and study those of whom he finds interesting enough or even close to being worthy))
[24-16:06] 65c6e, Liz: All of my chars are convertable, the elf more so (because of recent circumstances). I have a human and a pegasi
[24-16:06] 65c6e, Liz: I'm up for playing either one of choose...elf, human, pegasi
[24-16:07] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((well if he was to "convert" one of those characters it would be a long drawn out process))
[24-16:09] 65c6e, Liz: It's not as if this chat is alive and busy...I have nothing better to do
[24-16:10] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((*Laughs* true.. alright then.. play your human... if one of your characters is to be converted then let it be the human so that you can build it up along the way))
[24-16:10] 65c6e, Liz: Perfect..and she's brand new, too
[24-16:10] 8d67c, Mab : "1.ANYONE can make moves that effect the chat as a whole. We, as an administration, are not tyrants when it comes to the chat plot. We welcome and encourage overall plot advancement in any interesting direction by any players. There are some guidlines, however."
[24-16:11] 8d67c, Mab : That's in the basic rules. Basically, if this chat is waining, well, you know what to do.
[24-16:12] 65c6e, Liz: Wait...I have two....Keera or Xyvera...
[24-16:13] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((*laughs* well good then.... Oooooo.. cool.... i had forgotten all about that rule.. well then let us begin.. please ladies first))
[24-16:13] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((Keera i guess))
[24-16:14] 65c6e, Liz: She's a bit of a murderer...just killed her husband if you look down
[24-16:14] 65c6e, Liz: In the logs
[24-16:15] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((that's fine))
[24-16:16] 65c6e, Liz: I'll have her go out of the city.
[24-16:16] 65c6e, Liz: She's in the city, is that ok?
[24-16:18] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((that's perfectly fine))
[24-16:21] 65c6e, Keera: *steps from her home and closes the door quietly behind her. She's dressed in a black mourner's dress, her light brown hair tied back with a black satin ribbon. Her expression is properly sad, though if one were to look into her blue green eyes closely, they would'nt see any real mourning there. She walks slowly towards the city park, knowing it'll be mostly empty this time of day*
[24-16:27] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: *a dark almost grey like mist seems to be forming within the shades of the park... nothing could really be seen out of the ordinary about this mist with the exception that it is rather dark... finally a fairly large figure dressed in the finest of silk can be seen emerging from that mist almost bleeding from it in a way... those dark chrome like eyes have taken on a startling pale blue hue as he looks about his surroundings having never been here before... that dark smile playing on his lips as his gaze settles on the young who seems to walk by him without the slightest notice*
[24-16:28] 65c6e, Keera: (( The young? ))
[24-16:30] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: *a dark almost grey like mist seems to be forming within the shades of the park... nothing could really be seen out of the ordinary about this mist with the exception that it is rather dark... finally a fairly large figure dressed in the finest of silk can be seen emerging from that mist almost bleeding from it in a way... those dark chrome like eyes have taken on a startling pale blue hue as he looks about his surroundings having never been here before... that dark smile playing on his lips as his gaze settles on the young woman who seems to walk by him without the slightest notice*
[24-16:30] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((computers suck sometimes))
[24-16:33] 65c6e, Keera: *takes no notice of the man as she passes him, her mind fixed on her destination. A rather large and old fountain in the middle of the park. She's gratefull that the park is mostly empty, she was getting sick of the well meaning neighbors with their condolences*
[24-16:39] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: *he turns to follow her closely and as she claims a seat atop the ledge of the fountain he claims a seat right next to her... those now startling blue eyes shifting over her form and figure as that charming smile tugs at the edges of his lips... that dark yet seductive purr like voice sounds out as he speaks but even as he speaks he stares out straight forward* black... such a lovely color if i do say so myself... but why does such a woman wear it? *and not a moment passes before he turns that cold gaze back to her.. that smile still playing on his features*
[24-16:41] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[24-16:41] 65c6e, Keera: *looks at him, the spray from the fountain slowly misting her face* My husband is dead, Good Sir. Murdered as he came home.
[24-16:46] EXIT: Zaeth has left the chat ( 5:41pm, April 24 (CDT) ).
[24-16:47] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: *that smile turning into a dazzling smirk as he look s back out over the park and all it's beauty* murderd as he came home... well then it would be a good time for black.. *he chuckles ever so slightly as he turns to look at her fully... the mist of the waters seem to actually hush away from his form as if frightend in some way.. the air around him would be rather cold... odd for a fairly warm day such as this* why is it that your inner thoughts seem to bath in the glee of his passing.. to me it would appear that you yourself do not.. mourn.. for him... why would that be.. *he taps his chin ever so softly as if in thought when in fact he knows what she has done.. has read it on her thoughts*
[24-16:48] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((damn.. for now i must go.. i will reaturn later))
[24-16:48] 79226, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((damn.. for now i must go.. i will return later))
[24-16:49] 65c6e, Keera: *she feels a chill go down her spine from the chill coming off of him, but mostly from the words that he speaks* I..I do not know why you would say such a thing. He was my husband. I would never wish him dead.
[24-16:49] 65c6e, Keera: (( How will I know? ))
[24-16:53] 65c6e, Keera: ((Oh well))
[24-17:23] 65c6e, Keera: ((*reads*))
[24-17:28] 65c6e, Keera: ((*will be around, just post and I'll answer* ))))
[24-17:48] 65c6e, Keera: ((Yep..still here))
[24-18:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-18:01] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:01pm, April 24 (CDT) ).
[24-18:02] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[24-18:03] 65c6e, Keera: ((Hey!!))
[24-18:03] 7a272, Axis : ((hello))
[24-18:04] 65c6e, Keera: ((You know me))
[24-18:06] 7a272, Axis : ((okay...))
[24-18:06] 65c6e, Keera: ((Liz))
[24-18:09] 7a272, Axis : ((ahhh...))
[24-18:27] 65c6e, Keera: ((He left))
[24-18:30] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-18:30] 65c6e, Keera: ((In and out))
[24-18:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-18:32] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:31pm, April 24 (CDT) ).
[24-18:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-18:35] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:34pm, April 24 (CDT) ).
[24-18:35] 65c6e, Keera: ((Why do you do that, Will? In and out..all the time))
[24-18:36] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[24-18:38] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[24-18:39] 4e8db, Axis : ((finally I was able to log in))
[24-18:52] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : ((There))
[24-18:55] 4e8db, Axis : ((pallida need s to give my pheonix))
[24-18:56] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : ((he's not on))
[24-18:59] 4e8db, Axis : ((I know....that doesn't mean he gets out of it))
[24-19:00] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : ((*perched in the V of a large tree, she gazes outward, watching the breeze rustle the leaves of the forest*))
[24-19:00] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : *perched in the V of a large tree, she gazes outward, watching the breeze rustle the leaves of the forest*
[24-19:01] 4e8db, Axis : *not far away...axis was jumped by bandits!...and is shredding them..loudly*
[24-19:02] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : *listens to their death screams as she slips out of her tree and makes her way, curious*
[24-19:04] 4e8db, Axis : *humms to himself and cleans his sword on the cloak of one whos onyl wound is a nick on his arm*
[24-19:06] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : Axis...*looks at the carnage* Nice to see you're well..
[24-19:08] 4e8db, Axis : *slides the sword back into it's hidden sheath and turns to her* and you as well
[24-19:08] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : For now, at least.
[24-19:11] 4e8db, Axis : *thrws back his cowl and raises an eyebrow* Have you heard of the megda stones?
[24-19:12] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : *shakes her head* Should I have?
[24-19:13] 4e8db, Axis : *he shrugs* they are artifacts of seems as if in a dream...but
[24-19:15] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : But what?
[24-19:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-19:17] 4e8db, Axis : they may restore to me waht has been lost...*he grins at this*
[24-19:18] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : *smiles* Really? That's wonderful!
[24-19:21] 4e8db, Axis : *he taps his jaw witha one clawed finger* however they have been scattered far and wide. I have heard rumors of one in Quinell another held by a demon. the others lost. If you hear of any tell me hmmm?
[24-19:22] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : *nods* If I can, I will.
[24-19:23] 4e8db, Axis : excellent. now what is your present plight?
[24-19:25] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : You're not the only demon in my life right now.
[24-19:27] 4e8db, Axis : oh?
[24-19:29] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : I am an escaped slave. I was promised to a demon, as was my child when it was born. The demon disappeared, as did my master. I was free.
[24-19:31] 4e8db, Axis : and the demon came back?
[24-19:32] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : *nods* He intends to claim me.
[24-19:35] 4e8db, Axis : perhapsI will kill him If i meethim whats his name?
[24-19:35] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : Curst
[24-19:37] 4e8db, Axis : hmmm indeed
[24-19:38] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : *shudders* And that is why I live in the middle of an army, now
[24-19:42] 4e8db, Axis : I you know how old this demon is?
[24-19:42] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : No. I did'nt stick around to ask him.
[24-19:44] 4e8db, Axis : do you know anything about him?
[24-19:45] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : *shakes her head*
[24-19:46] 4e8db, Axis : hrmm
[24-19:57] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : He'll kill everyone I care about, one by one, untill I give in.
[24-19:58] 4e8db, Axis : not much to be done but to kill hi then
[24-19:58] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : Easier said then done. Many have tried.
[24-20:00] 4e8db, Axis : Well...if he's busy killing mrcinaries he isn't killing your allys.
[24-20:00] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : I have'nt the money for mercinaries.
[24-20:01] 4e8db, Axis : ahh.
[24-20:03] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : *eyes him* Short on words
[24-20:05] 4e8db, Axis : *glances back* is that unusal?
[24-20:07] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : No...I suppose not.
[24-20:10] 4e8db, Axis : *grinsand tosses a knife in the air catching it again*
[24-20:16] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : *looks at the corpses, then at him* You seem...different
[24-20:18] 4e8db, Axis : do I? they were bandits. nothing more..nothing less.
[24-20:19] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : *shakes her head* It's not that. I don't know what it is..
[24-20:20] 4e8db, Axis : neither do I....
[24-20:22] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : *tilts her head, then smiles* Whatever the change, you seem the better for it
[24-20:24] 4e8db, Axis : then it matters not, yes? hmm I belive I have mastered yet more is a wonderful thing magic
[24-20:25] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : It can be *nods*
[24-20:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-20:33] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : (( BBS ))
[24-20:34] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:33pm, April 24 (CDT) ).
[24-20:36] JOIN: Count Strahd Von Zarovich has entered.
[24-20:36] 78e63, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((*color test*))
[24-20:42] 78e63, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((well hrmmm... *looks about*))
[24-20:52] 78e63, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((*pictest*))
[24-22:30] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[24-23:03] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : (( hello? Count? ))
[24-23:08] 65c6e, Averey Lithle : (( Dammit! ))
[24-23:09] a6ccf, Zaeth : ((hey Liz))
[24-23:11] 65c6e, Liz: *sobs* I missed him
[24-23:13] a6ccf, Zaeth : sorry...
[24-23:15] 65c6e, Liz: He's the only one, besides Axis, who's been here. Besides us chat ghosts, of course.
[24-23:15] a6ccf, Zaeth : hehe chat ghosts i like that one...
[24-23:17] a6ccf, Zaeth : read logs...good grief he is good isnt he
[24-23:19] 65c6e, Liz: Count?
[24-23:20] a6ccf, Zaeth : yeah
[24-23:20] a6ccf, Zaeth : i only see that kind of detail from 2 or 3 others
[24-23:20] 65c6e, Liz: *nods*
[24-23:21] 65c6e, Liz: Which is why I'm kicking myself for missing him. To rp with someone like that..
[24-23:24] a6ccf, Zaeth : well, i'll never be that good..i think i'll just stick to being ghost
[24-23:24] 65c6e, Liz: I think I'm about as good as I'll ever be. I try, but still..
[24-23:26] a6ccf, Zaeth : LOL *trying to be a writer* but man...
[24-23:28] 65c6e, Liz: Oh...that reminds me. I wrote a poem last night, at work.
[24-23:29] a6ccf, Zaeth : really ? tell
[24-23:33] 65c6e, Liz: It's kinda sad..
[24-23:35] a6ccf, Zaeth : well,, sad enough today ..but go ahead
[24-23:39] a6ccf, Zaeth : ha love the motd
[24-23:40] 65c6e, Liz: *L*
[24-23:40] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he is alone....standing upon the balcony of a spinnaret in the castle of Quinnel...his face showing for once...the warm night breeze blowing about his snowy white tresses about his face...the sky is clear and black...the stars shining against it like diamonds reflecting light of a lamp against a piece of black velvet....and in the distance...the moon shines like a second sun...its rays falling upon him as he looks over the sleeping city with his smoldering burgandy eyes...that twisted sign of his half heritage*
[24-23:45] 65c6e, Liz: Do I know you, Al?
[24-23:45] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *his hands are clasped behind his back as another breeze picks up the locks of his hair again, and blows it into his face, marring the visage of the sleeping city beneath his armor clad form for the length of the breeze's breath...before it dies down again....times like these are rare really...with all the troubles in the rarely find themselves gifted with such time to of his gauntleted hands comes up from being clasped behind his back to reach under the breastplate of the plate armor that shimmers almost like a star in the night..and draws forth that pendant he had worn 'round his neck religiously for nearly 150 years glowing in an oddish midnight blue hue at his familiar touch*
[24-23:50] NICK: Zaeth changed nick to Skye.
[24-23:51] 65c6e, Liz: *wishes she had someone available*
[24-23:52] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he brushes his thumb reverently over the obsidian spider...that secret symbol of his loyalty to his Goddess, Lloth...the Spider-Queen as some called her....his ivory lips curling into a smirk of he is...a Knight-Captain of the High Elven army....and behind closed doors...the sole Dread Lord of her pallidic his father would writhe at that knowledge...that he forsook his upbringing for the embrace of his mother's people..making him an outcast in both socities...and yet..holder of such powerful was belong and yet be excluded from both as a cursed half breed...*
[24-23:52] a6ccf, Skye: Her forest green cloak not quite covering her silver hair, she moves thru the shadows of the castle
[24-23:56] a6ccf, Skye: *carefully watching the ground in front of her. Peering over her shoulder occasionally , hearing footsteps in her fear*
[24-23:58] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *he releases the obsidian pendant from his grasp, letting the platinum chain that holds it around his alabaster neck do its job in holding the stone over his his heart..his smoldering burgandy eyes closing a moment as he mentally whispers a prayer towards the Spider Queen...she having made it his job to subvert these..rivvin from within as he is part of them....and so far he has done it...he as clawed...and in many get to where he is now...and is currently working on the Queen Naurlote herself's confidence....with such feigned notions as the while infecting her mind with the Spider-Queen's taint...*
[25-00:07] a6ccf, Skye: *glancing up at the castle, she catches just a glimpse of white hair blowing in the breeze. She freezes for a moment, afraid she had been seen. she must get into the castle ...somehow*
[25-00:17] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : *when his burgandy eyes re-open against the moonlit void of the quiet city...his eyes fall upon black, foreboding, and ominous storm clouds on the horizon, approaching the fair elven city...he gives a singular chuckle...a baritone slip of sound that shatters the former serene silence of his perch above the city at the ironic scene before him...this war...the Ruinous Powers...and now tales of a cursed human Knight of the Rose rising from the dead...all of these things swirling together to create a storm...and it could very well sweep over every bit of this world...erasing him...there is comfort in that thought..comfort in the knowledge that should it happen and he survive...he would be there to reshape it in his own meglomaniacal the distance...he can hear the sound of bells tolling out the is time for his shift at the watch...fools...if they only knew how much of a Drow they were putting in charge of their security while they slept..*~ Sleep well innocent children....for you may not wake on the morrow..~ *slowly he tucks in the pendant back under the breastplate of his armor and out of sight before reaching up with those gauntleted hands and pulls the deep cowl of his cloak over his features, casting them into a murky, impenetrable shadow...once again lying...hiding his true nature to the world as he slips into that role of protector....the last seen of him in this that of his cloak billowing behind him as he pads thoughtfully to his watch station...his greaves giving a little clink of sound with every step*
[25-00:19] ceea7, Aleinn Duinn : **...le end...*
[25-00:22] NICK: Skye changed nick to Zaeth.
[25-00:22] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *contrary to what the half-Drow may believe...all is not quiet in sunny middle of the night Quinnel....those watchbells toll...rousting him from his thoughts as he is seated in a plush overstuffed armchair, those soulful brown eyes of his cast into darkness against the light of the fire that is roaring in the fireplace of his room...his hair is pulled back into a tight, neat braid as is befitting one of his stature in Krondorian society...a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he swirls a half empty glass of wine around*
[25-00:25] 65c6e, Selene Demarkus : *a soft knock would sound from the front door to his suite, announcing a visitor from without*
[25-00:27] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *notes the late hour of the arrival of this...visitor and gives forth a small sigh of annoyance before rising and crossing the distance between his chair and the door, before opening it to give the visitor a sharp piece of his mind...only to be halted when he sees who it is* Selene...I...what are you doing up this late?
[25-00:29] 65c6e, Selene Demarkus : *shakes her head, a tightness around the eyes giving hint to the fact that she has'nt been able to get enough sleep, lately* I could'nt sleep..
[25-00:30] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *steps aside slightly as he gestures with his arm, the loose fitting tunic draping a bit from his form as he does his best to feign a smile* Please...come in...*he brings a fist to his lips to quickly stifle a cough burning to escape from him as he closes the door*
[25-00:31] 65c6e, Selene Demarkus : *eyes him* And you, My Lord....have you been getting enough rest?
[25-00:32] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : Rest? *gives a single slip of sound that resembles a tired mirthless chuckle* No...
[25-00:35] 65c6e, Selene Demarkus : *sighs* You'll take it back, Arutha..
[25-00:39] a6ccf, Zaeth: ((hey..thanks for tellin me))
[25-00:41] 65c6e, Selene Demarkus : **pause**
[25-00:41] 65c6e, Liz: Grr
[25-00:42] a6ccf, Zaeth: dont you just hate it when they do that?
[25-00:44] 65c6e, Liz: *nods*
[25-00:45] JOIN: Count Strahd Von Zarovich has entered.
[25-00:46] c6e23, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((*peeks*))
[25-00:48] c6e23, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((*pictest*))
[25-00:50] 65c6e, Liz: He's here!!!!!!!!!
[25-00:50] 65c6e, Liz: *ahem* I mean, hello, again, Count.
[25-00:52] c6e23, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((*twiddles fingers at her* hello again))
[25-00:53] 65c6e, Liz: There has to be a way to find out if you're around or not. Does any of you IM's work>
[25-00:57] c6e23, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((*pictest again*))
[25-00:57] 65c6e, Liz: Oooo.....well?
[25-01:01] c6e23, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((no not atm))
[25-01:01] 65c6e, Liz: So finding you again to rp again would be just like a roll of the dice. Luck.
[25-01:04] 65c6e, Liz: Anyway..want to continue?
[25-01:05] c6e23, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((sure.. for a few moments))
[25-01:05] c6e23, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((i'll repost))
[25-01:07] c6e23, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: *that smile turning into a dazzling smirk as he look s back out over the park and all it's beauty* murderd as he came home... well then it would be a good time for black.. *he chuckles ever so slightly as he turns to look at her fully... the mist of the waters seem to actually hush away from his form as if frightend in some way.. the air around him would be rather cold... odd for a fairly warm day such as this* why is it that your inner thoughts seem to bath in the glee of his passing.. to me it would appear that you yourself do not.. mourn.. for him... why would that be.. *he taps his chin ever so softly as if in thought when in fact he knows what she has done.. has read it on her thoughts*
[25-01:07] 65c6e, Keera: (( Thank you, that would be nice. And how long will you be on? ))
[25-01:07] JOIN: Claire has entered.
[25-01:08] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[25-01:09] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 2:08am, April 25 (CDT) ).
[25-01:09] 65c6e, Keera: *she feels a chill go down her spine from the chill coming off of him, but mostly from the words that he speaks* I..I do not know why you would say such a thing. He was my husband. I would never wish him dead.
[25-01:09] a6ccf, Zaeth: ((hello Claire))
[25-01:10] 65c6e, Keera: (( ~will not say it...will not say it....~ Hello, Clarise ~damn~ ))
[25-01:16] a6ccf, Zaeth:
[25-01:17] ea7a1, Claire: (Hi ^^ )
[25-01:17] ea7a1, Claire: brb
[25-01:17] EXIT: Claire has left the chat ( 2:17am, April 25 (CDT) ).
[25-01:18] JOIN: Claire has entered.
[25-01:20] 65c6e, Keera: ((And he's gone))
[25-01:20] a6ccf, Zaeth: ((another chat ghost))
[25-01:20] c6e23, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: *hearing her words brings a small dark smirk to his pale lips as he turns that cold gaze back to her... that soft silken voice sounds out once again as he speaks* your thoughts say otherwise child... *he raises a brow ever so slightly as if questioning her* and why is it that you would kill your own husband... it's not that i care really it's just that i'm rather curious in fact... i find it quite amusing.. *a small yet sinister chuckle escapes his lips as he turns that gaze back out over the darkening park... those eyes seem to bleed over to a dark chrome like hue*
[25-01:20] 65c6e, Keera: (((( or not ))))
[25-01:21] ea7a1, Claire: (thats better ^^)
[25-01:21] ea7a1, Claire: (had to fix my pic )
[25-01:23] a6ccf, Zaeth: ((have you seen cookie, since earlier? claire))
[25-01:23] 65c6e, Keera: *her eyes narrow as she takes on an insulted and hurt front* Take that back, Sir. How dare you suggest such a thing. Ask anyone and they would all say the same thing. I would never hurt even a fly. ~Who the hell does he think he is? If anyone overhears and takes heed of his words, my neck could be in a noose before the next sun down.~
[25-01:24] ea7a1, Claire: (I see him now. He's in the Zombie chat)
[25-01:24] a6ccf, Zaeth: ((thanks))
[25-01:24] 65c6e, Keera: (( Strahd? ))
[25-01:25] ea7a1, Claire: (Strahd?????)
[25-01:25] 65c6e, Keera: (( Nm...*hunts down Cookie* ))
[25-01:27] a6ccf, Zaeth: ((missed him @mtg earlier and wanted to talk))
[25-01:28] c6e23, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: *he chuckles once again at her words as if it somehow sooths him... he turns to look at her once more as that sick smile spreads forth once again* yes... they with place your neck within the confines of your very own noose.... and as for who i think i am.. well i am Count Strahd.. lord of barovia.. *he rises to his feet but as he does he would send a quick backhand to her cheek.. the force of his blow should send her over and off the side of where she sits*
[25-01:30] ea7a1, Claire: (heh ^^ yeh, he disapeare don me in that chat :-P )
[25-01:31] ea7a1, Claire: (erm, he JUST let the zombie chat)
[25-01:31] a6ccf, Zaeth: (he's a monster alright)
[25-01:33] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[25-01:33] 65c6e, Keera: *completely unprepared for the blow that knocks her off her seat and onto her back in the grass, so shocked is she by the realization that he has read her mind and knows what she's done, that for a moment all she can do is gape at him. That is, untill a cold rage suffuses her, evident in the tenseness to her body as she climbs to her feet, one hand going to touch the cheek that he had hit, knowing full well that there'll be a bruise there* Bastard.
[25-01:33] ea7a1, Claire: (there he is ^^ )
[25-01:34] a6ccf, Zaeth: (hey hello)
[25-01:34] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *looks about sheepishly* I didn't know you guys cared.
[25-01:35] 65c6e, Keera: (( Fool. Of course we do. ))
[25-01:35] a6ccf, Zaeth: ((hehe yes))
[25-01:35] a6ccf, Zaeth: ((i feel like a blood hound trackin you))
[25-01:36] 65c6e, Keera: (( Just come to me, Illise, I can find him in seconds ))
[25-01:36] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Sorry. What can I do for you fine ladies and gentlemen?
[25-01:37] a6ccf, Zaeth: ((missed you earlier ))
[25-01:37] 65c6e, Keera: (( Gentleman. There's only one guy here, besides you ))
[25-01:40] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Well, here I am now.
[25-01:41] a6ccf, Zaeth: ((cookie , follow the pixie dust......))
[25-01:42] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ???
[25-01:43] a6ccf, Zaeth: ((pixies where you where))
[25-01:43] c6e23, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: *and before she can get the word from her mouth he is already standing at her throat... his hand would instantly go to grip tight and lift upwards.. and if this were to happen the mists would begin to billow forth and surround them completely... but before anything else were to happen he would tighten his grip on her throat which would block the air flow then he would simply throw her back to the ground after fracturing her windpipe... but as she lands she would hit a hard stone like surface... the mists would seems to slither into the shadows and simply vanish to reveal a dark stone like room with a large throne sitting in the middle... those chrome like eyes seem to flicker as he turns that gaze to her... that dark purr of a voice sounds out once again* i have stopped your flow of air... you will die soon.. unless i stop it.. *he turns his back to her as he speaks*
[25-01:45] MSG: Zaeth sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[25-01:51] 65c6e, Keera: *her eyes widen as his hand wraps around her throat and lifts her, terror and pain flooding through her body as he fractures her windpipe and throws her to the ground where she sees stars from the combination of lack of air and the impact on the stone like surface. She hardly registers her new surroundings as both her body and mind scream for air* ~Help air ~
[25-01:52] 65c6e, Keera: (( Sorry, was putting the dog out, then the screen kept refreshing as I tried to read your post ))
[25-01:53] c6e23, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((*L* that's quite alright))
[25-01:58] c6e23, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: *he tilts his head to the side as she screams for air... but only he can hear her screams... he smiles as he drops to one knee.. gently caressing her cheek with his ice like hand.. his eyes shifting back to that startling blue as he stares into her own eyes... silence can be heard as his thoughts would combined with her... the vision of passion and lust would pass through her mind as he would begin to sooth her... this power allowing him to dominate her in a way... his hand still held gently against her cheek as he leans down to kiss her forehead.. which should cause her to fall asleep... and the next morning if she were to wake again she would feel as if nothing happend.. she would be able to talk but she would also feel somewhat stronger and faster as if she were ontop of the world.. but she would not be able to find her way from the Castle Ravenloft*
[25-01:58] ea7a1, Claire: (bye byes ^^ *goes to RP, needs to speed up compso is closing other chats and windows*)
[25-02:00] c6e23, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((alright.. i must go.. sleep is calling me... it was an honor to rp with you and i look forward to rping with yourself and Zaeth in the near future))
[25-02:00] 65c6e, Keera: (( *smiles* The honor's all mine. I'll be in here tomorow and everynight ))
[25-02:01] EXIT: Claire has left the chat ( 2:58am, April 25 (CDT) ).
[25-02:02] c6e23, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((good night all))
[25-02:05] EXIT: Count Strahd Von Zarovich has left the chat ( 3:02am, April 25 (CDT) ).
[25-02:05] a6ccf, Zaeth: ok...once
[25-02:07] 65c6e, Keera: *slowly, her frantic struggling would begin to slow, then still, as she stares up into those blue eyes of his before surrendering to the sleep that so suddenly calls to her. In the morning, she slowly rouses from her sleep, stiff from the night on the floor but none the worse for wear. She stands and looks around, taking in for the first time her new surroundings. This is not home. This is not her city. A slow panic begins to creep on her as she tries to find her way out. As she does so, she becomes aware of two things. First, she feels better than she ever has in her entire life. And, two, she cannot get out.*
[25-02:11] 65c6e, Liz: *rolls onto her back and sighs, purring like the cat that's gotten into the cream* Wow..
[25-02:14] 65c6e, Liz: Looks like he might intend on dishing some of this out to one of your characters, Illisse.
[25-02:15] a6ccf, Zaeth: well i wish him luck...ive only got 2 and one of them is palladia's slave
[25-02:15] 65c6e, Liz: Make another
[25-02:15] 65c6e, Liz: That's what I did..and the first day of her being rp'd, look what happened.
[25-02:16] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : hmm i just might...
[25-02:17] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : *ponders keeping Skye* only she's in Quinnel
[25-02:17] 65c6e, Liz: You know, I did'nt see any of that coming.
[25-02:17] 65c6e, Liz: Did anyone respond to her presense?
[25-02:18] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : who did? besides the Count?
[25-02:18] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : no noone
[25-02:19] 65c6e, Liz: Then noone could protest her sudden change of location.
[25-02:20] 65c6e, Liz: Up to you
[25-02:22] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : hmmm *ponders till her head hurts*
[25-02:23] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : *ponders exactly what species she is*
[25-02:25] 65c6e, Liz: I need sleep..
[25-02:25] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : *goes to read new species writeups*
[25-02:25] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : well i'm gonna stick around for a while
[25-02:26] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Just the kender.
[25-02:26] 65c6e, Liz: Have fun
[25-02:26] 5d609, Cookie Monster: And my most excelent goblin write up... that nobody cares about.
[25-02:26] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : ah
[25-02:27] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : *cant be kender*
[25-02:28] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : probably not goblin either
[25-02:28] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 3:26am, April 25 (CDT) ).
[25-02:28] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : one of the elves maybe or ....hmmm
[25-02:29] 5d609, Cookie Monster: How come not a goblin?
[25-02:31] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : hmm lets see
[25-02:32] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : do we have any goblins?
[25-02:33] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Yes actualy. As well as an entire kingdom.
[25-02:33] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : who are they?
[25-02:34] 5d609, Cookie Monster: I don't remember the guys name. Haven't seen him in a while. As for the kingdom, I've been playing it for a while now.
[25-02:37] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : hmmm
[25-02:39] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Recently there was a big stand off between it and the orc hordes. With the upstart goblins able to keep the orc hordes busy for months... until the player of the orcs quit the chat.
[25-02:40] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : well thats no fun....
[25-02:43] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : hrmm going crossed eyed reading those
[25-02:44] a6ccf, Illisse Brilthor : ah well i guess i'll go to bed nite nite cookie...i'll be back later in the mornin
[25-02:44] 5d609, Cookie Monster: But I've got a bunch of ideas about goblin society and culture.
[25-02:44] 5d609, Cookie Monster: kay. Rest up good!
[25-02:44] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 3:44am, April 25 (CDT) ).
[25-08:51] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[25-10:13] JOIN: Goddess of Hell has entered.
[25-10:20] fafbc, Zaeth: good morning
[25-10:45] JOIN: Levald has entered.
[25-10:46] fafbc, Zaeth: morn lev
[25-10:46] c6c97, Levald: mornin
[25-11:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-11:44] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:43pm, April 25 (CDT) ).
[25-12:19] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[25-13:21] JOIN: Count Strahd Von Zarovich has entered.
[25-13:28] c4d84, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((*peeks*))
[25-13:31] c4d84, Count Strahd Von Zarovich: ((*takes a peek then heads off*))
[25-13:31] EXIT: Count Strahd Von Zarovich has left the chat ( 2:31pm, April 25 (CDT) ).
[25-13:48] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[25-13:49] dfee7, Liz: *begins her daily haunting..what fun*
[25-14:07] 62f5e, Liz: *haunts*
[25-14:20] bf27e, Liz: *sighs*
[25-14:26] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[25-14:26] 54c94, Zaeth: *chains begin to rattle as the spectre enters the room*
[25-14:27] 54c94, Zaeth: Hey liz
[25-14:27] e452e, Liz: Hey
[25-14:28] 54c94, Zaeth: been quiet huh?
[25-14:30] 37a66, Liz: Very
[25-14:31] 54c94, Zaeth: looks like you missed him
[25-14:36] 15ebe, Liz: *nods* But if he's "taking a peek", that usually means he can't stay long.
[25-14:38] 54c94, Zaeth: ah well...
[25-14:53] 95886, Liz: Yeah
[25-14:53] 29e70, Liz: Yeah
[25-14:54] 54c94, Zaeth: *wanders aimlessly*
[25-15:03] a460a, Liz: So bored..
[25-15:12] 055e1, Liz: I am slowly going crazy, 1...2...3..4..5..6...switch!
[25-15:24] efe28, Liz: .......
[25-15:26] 54c94, Zaeth: sorry liz got lost
[25-15:28] c82f3, Liz: uh huh.
[25-15:29] 54c94, Zaeth: wandered too far from home
[25-15:30] 8eb5c, Liz: Ok
[25-15:34] 73bdb, Liz: Where the hell is everyone?
[25-15:36] 54c94, Zaeth: umm not here?
[25-15:37] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[25-15:37] f0e0a, Liz: *eyes*
[25-15:48] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[25-15:48] 54c94, Zaeth: grrr cant stay put
[25-15:48] 54c94, Zaeth: anyway i need to go...see ya later tonight
[25-15:48] EXIT: Zaeth has left the chat ( 4:48pm, April 25 (CDT) ).
[25-15:49] b0023, Liz: Bye
[25-15:55] 95886, Liz: All alone and bored as hell. People are gone, having a life, while I sit here (broke) staring at the screen.
[25-16:01] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 4:55pm, April 25 (CDT) ).
[25-16:45] 34b54, Roki: bleh
[25-16:53] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[25-16:53] dfee7, Liz: *curls up*
[25-16:57] 34b54, Roki: *eyes Liz*
[25-17:04] 95886, Liz: *sighs and cuddles her cat*
[25-17:05] 6b6a6, Liz: Bad day. Almost quit my job and almost, well....
[25-17:05] 34b54, Roki: <_< >_>
[25-17:06] 34b54, Roki: aww
[25-17:06] ac2ee, Liz: So, instead, I'm blowing the rest of my money and taking my family out for supper.
[25-17:06] 34b54, Roki: noice
[25-17:14] 774f4, Liz: Maybe
[25-17:15] 34b54, Roki:
[25-17:16] cf032, Liz: Going out with them always has a 50% chance of going really bad.
[25-17:18] 34b54, Roki: sounds familiar
[25-17:19] b0023, Liz: My sister or I would say something to make mom mad, who would get pissed before leaving to walk home. Dad would be all disproving and guilt trippy.
[25-17:20] 34b54, Roki: then... why take them out ?
[25-17:20] b0023, Liz: Because it could go good. Smiles, joking, laughter.
[25-17:21] 34b54, Roki: i wouldnt risk it.
[25-17:21] 34b54, Roki: i've got better thangs to spend money on.
[25-17:22] 00e98, Liz: So do I
[25-17:24] 34b54, Roki: then go spend it on'em
[25-17:26] 4b98a, Liz: I will, if I have any money left
[25-17:32] 34b54, Roki: huzzah
[25-17:34] 5f346, Liz: Yep
[25-17:55] 73bdb, Liz: Boo
[25-17:56] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 6:55pm, April 25 (CDT) ).
[25-18:21] JOIN: sisbam has entered.
[25-18:22] 2de28, Mab : Hiya sister, how ya doin?
[25-18:24] c6d86, sisbam: hi. good
[25-18:41] JOIN: Zaeth has entered.
[25-18:47] JOIN: Z has entered.
[25-18:48] c45ec, Zaeth: hey Z
[25-18:49] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[25-18:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-18:50] c45ec, Zaeth : adrian!!!!
[25-18:51] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:49pm, April 25 (CDT) ).
[25-18:51] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( hey ^^ )
[25-18:51] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:49pm, April 25 (CDT) ).
[25-18:52] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:49pm, April 25 (CDT) ).
[25-18:52] 94c70, Z: *plays Rocky music*
[25-18:52] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-18:52] c45ec, Zaeth :
[25-18:52] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( yeah yeah "Adriaaaaan" )
[25-18:54] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:52pm, April 25 (CDT) ).
[25-18:54] c45ec, Illisse Brilthor : ((couldn't help meself))
[25-18:54] 94c70, Z: Yeah I couldn't resist either sorry
[25-18:55] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[25-18:55] 34b54, Roki: its the.. eye of the tiger....
[25-18:59] JOIN: R has entered.
[25-18:59] 2b286, R : *sneaks in*
[25-19:00] 0ae01, Axis : ((*crreps up on Z* BOO!))
[25-19:02] c45ec, Illisse Brilthor : ((all this sneakin ))
[25-19:06] 94c70, Z: *bites Axis*
[25-19:09] 0ae01, Axis : ((EEK! *bites back againa and again and again*))
[25-19:11] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( o.O )
[25-19:11] 34b54, Roki: blah blah blah blah blah blah....YACKITY SHMACKITY
[25-19:13] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::thinks thats sounds familiar.. :: )
[25-19:15] JOIN: Jace has entered.
[25-19:16] 2de28, Mab : hehe
[25-19:17] c4c46, Jace: *smites Madam Sniperbait with a holy smite of smitingness*
[25-19:17] 2de28, Mab : *immune*
[25-19:18] 8a04c, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( )
[25-19:19] c4c46, Jace: *no such immunities to smiting, it only strengthens its smiteabilty of the smite, doing double critical damage x4*