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[02-20:33] 8e3bf, Axis : ((Maybe I should kill people...))
[02-20:37] 867a2, Aurora : *And a little while later finds her drifting towards the edges of , dark gray cloak fluttering about her as she moves.. the hood pulled low to conceal the horn only a select few could even spot*
[02-20:38] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *She could just perch here all night, and watch as people meander in and out... but y'know, she was getting rather thirsty*
[02-20:39] 8e3bf, Axis : *yawns and sits looking for anyone intereesting*
[02-20:42] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *finally climbs down from her perch, til her feet are on the ground once more.. Granted, she could portal down, however, unlike demons who could portal over and over, she was a bit more limited*
[02-20:43] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. and prefered to save portalling for an emergency*
[02-20:45] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel: *As if weighed down, his flawless like brown hair stays un frizzled, unmoving while he walks at a normal pace. His garments are of earth colors, brown and green while his armor clad areas are but a shimmering silver with a hint of purple...Incidenitly walking in Aurora's direction*
[02-20:46] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[02-20:46] 87033, W: *peeks in*
[02-20:48] 867a2, Aurora : *she abruptly pauses, head tilting, as if she is listening to something.. then she slowly turns, hood shifting to indicate her head turning, as she peers in the direction that Adaeryn approaches him, catching hint of his presence even before he comes within sight*
[02-20:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-20:50] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:49pm, March 02 (CST) ).
[02-20:50] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel: *His neon colored eyes glance up at her, having them pointed toward the ground to begin with...Feeling that feeling that someone is watching you..His eyes meet Aurora's...yup*
[02-20:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-20:51] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[02-20:51] 87033, W: *ponders turning Relonel against V*
[02-20:52] 867a2, Aurora : *She blinks once, as if slightly taken aback by the rather vividly colored eyes.. then lowers her gaze* *she speaks after a moment, voice rather soft, almost.. timid in a way* Good evening.
[02-20:54] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:51pm, March 02 (CST) ).
[02-20:54] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[02-20:55] 87033, W: Yes... I think I shall...
[02-20:55] 867a2, Aurora : ((Get 'em, W!))
[02-20:57] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel: The stars shine brightly upon the night...*nods almost cheerfully...voice has a bit of arrogance in it if u can imagine so*
[02-20:57] 8e3bf, Axis : ((geheheh))
[02-20:59] 867a2, Aurora : *her head lifts slightly, allowing a hint of the moonlight to illuminate a soft smile* That they do, even against the dominating glow of the moon. ... What brings you out here?
[02-21:03] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[02-21:04] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel: The moon is nothing but a mirror, reflecting those stars and the everluscent(sp?) gleam of the sun...I am out here to ge away from the cooling silence that that is where i come from...(i think that made sense, might just be me)
[02-21:04] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[02-21:05] 92794, Squirrel : *enters and goes to his corner*
[02-21:06] 8e3bf, Axis : ((*throws a mug of ale at squirrel*))
[02-21:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( everluscent? er.. efflorescent? evanescent?)
[02-21:07] 92794, Squirrel : *gets hit* X_X *slumps over*
[02-21:07] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel: (i dunno!...sounded right at the time*L*))
[02-21:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::throws on Axis if only to bite him/the shiny:: )
[02-21:08] 8e3bf, Axis : ((*goes and steals from squirrl*))
[02-21:09] 867a2, Aurora : Likely so... where is it you come from?
[02-21:10] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel: *The eye color seemingly pulsates while he talks, like twitching if you will, but only the color*I come not so far from here...
[02-21:11] 867a2, Aurora : *not quite sure what to make of those eyes..* I.. see
[02-21:13] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : ((hhmmmm))Yes, you seemingly do...*Glances over at nothing, just simply moving his head*
[02-21:13] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[02-21:14] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::revives squirrel with hooker magic:: ^.~ )
[02-21:15] 867a2, Aurora : *there is a brief moment of awkward silence as she peers quizically at him.. then finally..* I.. am heading into the city. Would you care to accompany me inside?
[02-21:17] 92794, Squirrel : *w00t!* *revived*
[02-21:17] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : ((hooker magic?...*L*))*Glances up at the stars..just cuz i want to so ha bfore interlocking their eyes again*I could be no more pleased, that is, unless you wish to share your name with one such as I?
[02-21:18] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[02-21:18] 867a2, Aurora : My name..? My name is Aurora. And yourself, sir?
[02-21:19] 10492, Illisse Brilthor: my lord Valandil, Please forgive my earlier behavior
[02-21:20] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : *It simply flows off his tongue, no matter how confusing it looks..Eh dare een*Adaeryn..Aurora is a fitting name.
[02-21:21] 867a2, Aurora : Fitting name?
[02-21:22] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : Every being has but one name that fits them, and that one name alone. Aurora seems to be that one for you.
[02-21:23] 72092, Valandil Elladan: Lady Illisse... I should apologize.
[02-21:24] 10492, Illisse Brilthor: apology accepted
[02-21:24] 72092, Valandil Elladan : ((stupid internet - it keeps spazzing out...))
[02-21:25] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( it hates you )
[02-21:25] 72092, Valandil Elladan : ((most likely))
[02-21:25] 10492, Illisse Brilthor: had i know at the time that you are Taren I would not have accosted your prson as I did
[02-21:26] 867a2, Aurora : *smiles again, lifting her head enough for a clear view of her face... if he's the magic to see, or if he has a good heart and whatnot, he'd see the delicate horn on her forehead. If not, then he'd see the smooth skin of her forehead, and nothing else* If I knew you better, I would say your name fit you as well... as it is, it sounds like a fine name to me. *watches him closely, for some sign he can see her for what she is*
[02-21:26] 72092, Valandil Elladan : *smiles* Do not worry, have a drink with me, please...
[02-21:27] 10492, Illisse Brilthor: do you think the bartender has finally finished with his list?
[02-21:28] 10492, Illisse Brilthor: *thinks to herself* although you did feel good
[02-21:29] 72092, Valandil Elladan : *Pours a glass of wine* I will check on him... *hands the glass of wine to Illisse*
[02-21:29] 72092, Valandil Elladan : As did you...*smiles, slightly embarrassed*
[02-21:29] 10492, Illisse Brilthor: diola lle melamin
[02-21:30] 72092, Valandil Elladan : Lle creoso...
[02-21:30] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : *Looks exactly like a high elf would, yup...And no, he feels there is something hidden about her that is not showing but he takes no notice of it...*Shall we?...*GOes to get in step with her when they walk*
[02-21:31] 10492, Illisse Brilthor: I still want to know what it is about you that makes me want to eat *laughs*
[02-21:32] 72092, Valandil Elladan : *gets up and goes to the back room, and comes back out with a gourmet meal* Only the best for you, melamin...
[02-21:33] 10492, Illisse Brilthor: *looks doubtful* I hope there is enough for two
[02-21:33] 867a2, Aurora : *He doesn't see, so she shifts into a mental guard, keeping note not to turn her back to this one... * *silently, she falls into step beside him, slender hands clasping in front of her as she moves.. steps far too fluid and graceful for a normal human*
[02-21:35] 72092, Valandil Elladan : There is plenty, but eat as much as you would like first...
[02-21:35] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : Where is it that you wish to go on this night?*Walk walk walk*
[02-21:36] 10492, Illisse Brilthor: * laught* *feeds him a bite
[02-21:37] 867a2, Aurora : *soft giggle* .. I do not really know. I am still very new to this area.
[02-21:37] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( it burns x.x; )
[02-21:37] 10492, Illisse Brilthor: maybe I am just building up my strength for later
[02-21:38] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[02-21:38] daa04, Karlita : (( *cackles then waves* Bonjour` ^-^ ))
[02-21:38] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : Well, pick for I am indecisive tonight...*Glances around, something that looks oddly like a! comes upon his face*
[02-21:39] 72092, Valandil Elladan : *looks at Illisse curiously* Later...?
[02-21:39] 867a2, Aurora : *notes the look* .. What is it?
[02-21:39] 10492, Illisse Brilthor: a'mael, if you don't know by now.
[02-21:40] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : *Glances her*What? Tis nothing.
[02-21:40] 72092, Valandil Elladan : *smiles* Oh...
[02-21:41] 92794, Squirrel : zzzzzz
[02-21:41] 867a2, Aurora : *tilts her head slightly, giving him a bit of a quizical look... then continues walking on, heading steadily towards *
[02-21:41] 10492, Illisse Brilthor: Is that waterfall nearby?
[02-21:41] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( shiiiny *____* )
[02-21:41] 92794, Squirrel : Hehe
[02-21:43] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : *Walking along with her because player doesnt know where the hll these two are going, but oh gonna guess its a bar*
[02-21:44] daa04, Karlita : (( * fwaps Adran* you didnt say hi !! * pouts* ))
[02-21:44] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Im waiting for boobs. ::taps foot impatiently:: )
[02-21:45] 867a2, Aurora : *A unicorn? Going into a bar? Not unless she was conned into it. No, instead they end up near a large foutain, as she turns slightly to face him, flashing a brilliant smile* This is the one spot I can find easily, as I kept ending up here when I got repeatedly lost
[02-21:45] 92794, Squirrel :
[02-21:46] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : *blinks once before glancing around*Repeatedly?, now that takes talent.
[02-21:47] 867a2, Aurora : *faint smile* I am unaccostomed to cities... or I am just that talented.
[02-21:48] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : I do perfer other areas over a city, but one must come in order to get away from everything*Does anyone catch the irony?*
[02-21:48] daa04, Karlita : ((*L*))
[02-21:49] 867a2, Aurora : .. What could it be that leads you to a city to get away from it?
[02-21:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Okay, hi. )
[02-21:49] daa04, Karlita : ((*cackles* ))
[02-21:50] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : ((*Steals karlita's pic*))Everything has has a pinacle to which you must get away, the area I am accustomed to has reached that point causing me to go adrift for the night.
[02-21:51] 72092, Valandil Elladan : Yes, the waterfall is nearby, in the woods outside the city
[02-21:52] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hm. half a boob, and cheek. I guess that's okay >.> )
[02-21:52] 10492, Illisse Brilthor: Is it safe to go there after dark?
[02-21:53] 72092, Valandil Elladan : ((i have to go - i will be back later... 11:30 my time))
[02-21:53] 10492, Illisse Brilthor: ((remind me to lock the cat up. She keeps jumping on the keyboard)
[02-21:53] 10492, Illisse Brilthor: I will see you tomorrow 830
[02-21:53] daa04, Karlita : (( heh!! * kissels Ada* <.< >.> * then fwaps Adrian again* ^-^ ))
[02-21:53] 867a2, Aurora : *vague smile* I simply find the city a bit.. interesting. That, and I am keeping an eye out for someone. *absently moves towards the foutain*
[02-21:54] 72092, Valandil Elladan : ((can you make it Illisse?))
[02-21:54] 72092, Valandil Elladan : ((or is it too late?))
[02-21:54] 10492, Illisse Brilthor: not tonight It will have to be in the morning
[02-21:54] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( you only abuse me bc you love me )
[02-21:55] daa04, Karlita : (( * huggels* ))
[02-21:55] 72092, Valandil Elladan : ((ok... see you then...))
[02-21:55] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( 10:55pm, March 02 (CST) ).
[02-21:55] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( 10:55pm, March 02 (CST) ).
[02-21:55] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( 10:55pm, March 02 (CST) ).
[02-21:55] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : Who might you be keeping an eye out for?
[02-21:55] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 10:54pm, March 02 (CST) ).
[02-21:56] 867a2, Aurora : An old friend who lives in this area.
[02-21:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( omg that was hideous! :: sobs:: )
[02-21:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::'huggels' back:: )
[02-21:57] 92794, Squirrel :
[02-21:57] 92794, Squirrel : Teh noobness!
[02-21:58] 92794, Squirrel : yoink
[02-21:58] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : Old friend...*nods lightly and glances about*
[02-21:58] daa04, Karlita : ((*L*))
[02-21:59] 867a2, Aurora : She has thus far eluded me *vague smile*
[02-22:01] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : IS this an old friend that wishes to elude you, or one that has done so by chance?
[02-22:02] 867a2, Aurora : Purely by chance. We have no animosity towards each other.
[02-22:02] 867a2, Aurora : *turns about, and slowly sinks down to sit upon the edge of the fountain*
[02-22:03] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : ((, big word))Well then, being stuck around one spot can do that to you...*Smiles*
[02-22:03] daa04, Karlita : (( i g2g, sorry, bye ))
[02-22:04] 867a2, Aurora : ((*L*)) *blushes faintly* Does make exploring new areas a little hard..
[02-22:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( er. kinda.. ::waves:: baibai Karlita )
[02-22:05] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : ((Waves bye bye to Karlita's pic*))It would seem so, stanidng somewhat in front of her, not taking a seat as of yet*
[02-22:06] 867a2, Aurora : .. Well, is there anywhere interesting you know of in the city..?
[02-22:08] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : I know of a bar, otherwise I am just as new if not newer to this area than you.
[02-22:08] 867a2, Aurora : Bar? *nose crinkles slightly*
[02-22:09] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : It is but the only place that I have heard of upon hearing others by chance.
[02-22:10] 867a2, Aurora : I have never been into a bar..
[02-22:11] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : Do you wish to step into one, or is it that you do not care for taverns?
[02-22:12] 867a2, Aurora : I have heard they are full of violent, drunk, men who lash out at any around them.
[02-22:13] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : Not all of them, though I can not speak for the one I have heard about.
[02-22:16] 867a2, Aurora : *looks thoughtful a moment* ... Alright... we can go to this.. bar
[02-22:17] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : Only if you sare uninhibited in any way, for I am not looking to push you whatsoever.
[02-22:18] 867a2, Aurora : Well, now you have my curiousity piqued
[02-22:19] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : Do I now?...Lets go then*Has like 30 min*
[02-22:20] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : do=did
[02-22:20] 867a2, Aurora : ((*has about the same* Hehe, want to cut it off?))
[02-22:20] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : ((sure))
[02-22:21] 867a2, Aurora : *hesitates, glancing off into the distance* ... I might take you up on that on a later day...
[02-22:22] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : As will I...*heads off*
[02-22:22] 333ba, Adaeryn Ranenariel : *all silent and stealth like, friggen elf here*
[02-22:23] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[02-22:23] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *glances about*
[02-22:24] 94c70, Z: .....
[02-22:24] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( )
[02-22:25] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *waves*
[02-22:25] 867a2, Aurora : *.. just walks blatantly out.*
[02-22:25] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( .... )
[02-22:26] 94c70, Z: *watches the horse walk out*
[02-22:26] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::wants to know how people walk blatantly out.. as well as look softly, because they do that a lot:: )
[02-22:26] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ?
[02-22:26] 94c70, Z: Probably the same way you walk blatantly in
[02-22:26] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( my chair ^^ )
[02-22:26] 94c70, Z: *has no location as there is no RP going on at the moment*
[02-22:27] 867a2, Aurora : ((Walk out blatantly, as in just walking out of the city in plain view and unsneakily. Look softly, as in looking with that soft eyed type of look, instead of the normal glance, or stare))
[02-22:27] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( you cant look softly, as in look being the verb )
[02-22:28] 867a2, Aurora : ((*does cross eyed*))
[02-22:28] 867a2, Aurora : ((... does=goes ))
[02-22:28] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ((then how come you can give a harsh look?))
[02-22:28] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ( look is the noun )
[02-22:28] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( give is the verb )
[02-22:29] 867a2, Aurora : ((I'm a kitty))
[02-22:30] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *looks upon someone harshly*
[02-22:30] 867a2, Aurora : ((*gives Cookie a harsh look, then looks at him all soft eyed*))
[02-22:31] 94c70, Z:
[02-22:31] 5d609, Cookie Monster:
[02-22:33] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( its just a matter of poor diction vs good >.> )
[02-22:34] 867a2, Aurora : ((We're a buncha goofy people joining in a more or less informal chat. *L* Many can get the gist of what you are trying to get across, and call it good))
[02-22:35] 867a2, Aurora : ((I mean, we're a bunch of geeks and computer nerds. Who here really has goof diction? Aside from you, ofcourse))
[02-22:35] 867a2, Aurora : ((Goof diction! Wee!))
[02-22:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( yeah the occasional star wars blurb makes it obvious )
[02-22:40] 94c70, Z: *is a goof and nerd and geek? *
[02-22:52] 94c70, Z: *killed the chat, wee!*
[02-22:52] 5d609, Cookie Monster: o/
[02-22:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( :cough:: )
[02-22:56] 5d609, Cookie Monster: So... anyone feel like RPing?
[02-22:57] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[02-22:57] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( no we just come here to loiter )
[02-22:57] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: Hello....
[02-22:57] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: I'll RP...
[02-22:58] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: ((Looks at Adrian... "Neener neener"))
[02-22:59] 94c70, Z: I can RP if you want Cookie
[02-23:00] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I can too, but only until my internet decides to spazz out again...
[02-23:00] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *smile*
[02-23:00] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( what are you neenering for )
[02-23:01] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : ((No more loitering! *hangs a "No Loitering" sign up*))
[02-23:01] 5d609, Cookie Monster: What's Valandil?
[02-23:02] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : He is a High Elven Prince...
[02-23:02] 94c70, Z: *Loiters*
[02-23:02] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *A goblin comes to wherever Artanis iis sleeping*
[02-23:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-23:03] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Quite capable in many tasks... I knew you before I registered him...
[02-23:04] 94c70, Artanis : *Is not actually sleeping though. She sits on what made up her bed, her broadsword currently laid carefully across her lap as she carefully cleans it while ensuring its sharpness.*
[02-23:07] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Jarra King say you come.
[02-23:10] 94c70, Artanis : *Pauses in what she is doing.* Now? Alright. *She puts things away appropriately before standing to follow.*
[02-23:12] NICK: AdrianGoldenmoon changed nick to Dri.
[02-23:12] dfe22, Dri: ( pfft. )
[02-23:13] dfe22, Dri: ( test)
[02-23:14] dfe22, Dri: ( yay =^^ = )
[02-23:14] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *the goblin leads her to a very large mud hut, differant from the one he talked with her in last night. It looks like it was some sort of communial dining hall before being converted into a one man war room. Maps are spread out over three tables, apparently representing Krondor, the Dark forest, and a bit of things to the west and east of the Dark Forest. In Krondor and the very tip of the Dark forest are hundreds of small red painted stones. In the northen part of the Dark forest are a few dozen green stones. Jerren stands looking at the manps, his hand to his temple*
[02-23:20] 94c70, Artanis : *As they enter, she takes a brief look around taking note of the set up of the interior of the hut. She also makes note of the maps laid out and coming to conclusions on what the various markings must be.*
[02-23:22] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *the maps are extremely well detailed of the dark forest and the surrounding countryside. Jerren looks over to Artanis* Ah, you come. *gives her a small smile*
[02-23:22] JOIN: D has entered.
[02-23:23] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[02-23:23] 36897, Urukhai Raiders : plug it in, plug it in...
[02-23:23] 92794, Squirrel : *LOL*
[02-23:23] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods* You sent for me, yes?
[02-23:23] 94c70, Artanis : (( *missed something* ))
[02-23:24] dfe22, Dri: ( ::did too:
[02-23:24] 92794, Squirrel : I'm in the mood to laugh at a lot right now
[02-23:24] 36897, Urukhai Raiders : I just have that commercial tune stuck in my head..
[02-23:24] 36897, Urukhai Raiders : *hugs Z*
[02-23:25] 94c70, Artanis : (( *hugs D* ))
[02-23:25] 36897, D: *sits on Z*
[02-23:27] 94c70, Artanis : (( *should drag D IC* ))
[02-23:27] 36897, D: as?
[02-23:28] 36897, D: am I the only dude who thinks that black lady in Conan is absolutely freaky?
[02-23:29] 94c70, Artanis : (( *hasn't watched Conan recently enough to know who D is talking about * ))
[02-23:30] 36897, D:
[02-23:30] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((she's a lil' freaky.)) Yes. You want speak more, yes?
[02-23:32] dfe22, Dri: :: Lingers outside the hut, clown nose in place again.. folding and unfolding her tiny hands, peeking about anxiously::
[02-23:33] dfe22, Dri: ( you know the girl Z.. the one with the eyes and the face who is a girl, and she has like.. skin covering her body and shes on that show with the guy?)
[02-23:33] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods, she steps around the areas where the maps are laid out.* The red represents the orcs?
[02-23:34] 94c70, Artanis : (( huh? ))
[02-23:35] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*knows who D is tlaking about and has no clue what Dri just said*))
[02-23:35] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Yah. As many as confirmed. More than this.
[02-23:36] dfe22, Dri: ( )
[02-23:38] 36897, D: Grace Jones is her name.
[02-23:41] JOIN: Mariasha has entered.
[02-23:41] 55a1e, Mariasha: (good news... x-institute people are ass holes, so I back here ^^)
[02-23:41] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((o/))
[02-23:42] dfe22, Dri: ( you left my long lost twin?!)
[02-23:43] 94c70, Artanis : (( Hehe... and to think someone I know says X-Institute doesn't have any fighting ))
[02-23:44] 36897, D: *LMAO@Z*
[02-23:44] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods.* Yes many more. *Looks over the area on the western parts of the map.* You haven't been beyond this area? *Places her finger on the map to indicate the western end*
[02-23:44] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((Dances gleefully at the thought of X-insitute having internal problems*
[02-23:44] 55a1e, Mariasha: (Q, T, Z, R, D..... any others?)
[02-23:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-23:45] dfe22, Dri: ( A, W.. )
[02-23:45] 94c70, Artanis : (( There are 2 R's actually ))
[02-23:46] dfe22, Dri: ( XXX :inside joke:: )
[02-23:46] 55a1e, Mariasha: (I love their root beer!!)
[02-23:46] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Scouts visit there. Not have eyes in the forest like in the Dark forest though. *"eyes in the forest" apparently being some sort of roughtly translated phrase*
[02-23:46] 94c70, Artanis : (( There's a C that comes by... yes.. W ))
[02-23:46] 55a1e, Mariasha: ( ^^ )
[02-23:47] dfe22, Dri: :: Pacing for a bit, she peers down at her stockinged feet..:: need shoes.. ::glancing up suddenly she meandered away from the hut::
[02-23:47] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((T is just Talon trying to be cool...))
[02-23:48] 55a1e, Mariasha: (I want T..... or G.... G is old school me ^^ T would be new school me :-P)
[02-23:49] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*doesnt feel like going through the board* Anyone know if there any species on the list that can have purty feathery wingses? ^^ )
[02-23:49] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:45am, March 03 (CST) ).
[02-23:50] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[02-23:50] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods thoughtfully.* There is a place in the west we could go. It would take a number of days to get there with so many, but it is doable. *Looks up to Jerren from the map.* I'm not asking you to retreat, but there is little you can do here now. And there's not enough room for an army to gather here.
[02-23:50] 92794, Squirrel : A phoenix, Mari
[02-23:51] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*shakes his head* They're just big birds... I dun wanna be birdy)
[02-23:51] 92794, Squirrel : Pegasi
[02-23:51] 36897, Kephael : my BOOMSTICK!
[02-23:51] cd6af, Rav : A pegesus
[02-23:51] 94c70, Artanis : (( You could be a peacock ))
[02-23:51] 92794, Squirrel : Or a fae
[02-23:52] 55a1e, Mariasha: (They're just horses with wings.. I dun wanna be a horses with wings... and fae's are puny..................)
[02-23:52] 92794, Squirrel : If you want fur....go for the kitsune or Ghidra
[02-23:53] 92794, Squirrel : Ya...or just be an animal
[02-23:53] 55a1e, Mariasha: (oo, right on top... can the demonius nectus thingies have feathery wings?)
[02-23:53] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Which is why we figh HERE. They must trickle in numbers. Can take them in small drops, not in ocean.
[02-23:54] 92794, Squirrel : I don't know....I thought demons had those leathery wings
[02-23:55] 92794, Squirrel : Actually
[02-23:55] 94c70, Artanis : You'll only dwindle your own numbers as well. There are hundreds of thousands of orcs, trolls and other things.
[02-23:55] dfe22, Dri: ( pegasi take a human form, mari )
[02-23:55] 55a1e, Mariasha: (if they have demons, can there be angel types? ^^ )
[02-23:55] dfe22, Dri: ( they dont always have to be horses )
[02-23:55] 92794, Squirrel : I don't know....who is the dictator of the demons?
[02-23:55] 94c70, Muna : *gives Squirrel an evil look, does not have wings....*
[02-23:56] 94c70, Muna : (( ))
[02-23:56] 92794, Squirrel : *Realized that*
[02-23:56] 92794, Squirrel : *Cowers from Muna*
[02-23:56] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*eyes Dri* .......................... I think yer right........ wasnt there a pegasus in that sailor moon thing? ^^ )
[02-23:56] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*captures Muna in magical jar she cannot escape in, and takes Adrian*)
[02-23:57] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Numbers dwindle fighting this way. Numbers disapear if face head on. You gather rest of army there, we come when you ready.
[02-23:57] dfe22, Dri: ( i dont know )
[02-23:59] 94c70, Muna : (( *devours Mari* ))
[02-23:59] dfe22, Dri: ( was there? )
[02-23:59] 55a1e, Mariasha: (You can't devour me, you are in a jar)
[02-23:59] 94c70, Artanis : And how long do you think you can hold them off before they have over run the forest?
[02-23:59] 94c70, Muna : (( *ate the jar first* ))
[03-00:01] 36897, D: Who took the jar...from the...cookie...jar....hrm...bah.
[03-00:02] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Two months. Maybe three.
[03-00:02] 92794, Squirrel : Muna did!
[03-00:02] dfe22, Dri: :: Gnaws on her curled finger absently, looking around as she walked, mumbling 'shoes' but it sounds more like 'thoos' with her oral occupation (no comment cookie. )::
[03-00:02] 92794, Squirrel : *points*
[03-00:02] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((Who stole the Muna from the cookie Jar!))
[03-00:02] dfe22, Dri: ( :oint:: )
[03-00:03] cd6af, Gorthius: *Is standing there with not much to do but wait.*
[03-00:03] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((not me! Couldn't be!))
[03-00:03] 36897, D: Then who?
[03-00:04] 92794, Squirrel : Aha! The thief has confessed! *arrests Cookie*
[03-00:04] 94c70, Muna : And if they come at you full force?
[03-00:04] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*blinks* not me!!!... *says the one witht he crumbs about his mouth*)
[03-00:04] 92794, Squirrel : No further need for questioning
[03-00:04] 94c70, Artanis : And if they come at you full force?
[03-00:06] 36897, Urukhai Raiders : They'll be pwned, duh.
[03-00:07] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: They are coming at with full force. *smirks* Forest fight orcs harder than even Goblins. Trees break axes as axes break trees, forest spit on fires that try and burn it, mist keeps orcs blind. On hard march they reach Last goblin town in two months. They try and cut down trees instead. CAn hold them.
[03-00:07] 94c70, Artanis : (( *sics Legolas and Gimli on the Uruks* ))
[03-00:07] 92794, Squirrel : lmao
[03-00:09] 94c70, Artanis : If they are on foot... *Furrows her brows slightly in thought again.* THey have beings on flying discs, have you not seen them?
[03-00:09] 1c2b9, Roki: I now have Foons
[03-00:10] 92794, Squirrel : *applauds*
[03-00:10] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Yes. Seen them. Black shamans. But Forest is no place to fly in. Not as big as disks are.
[03-00:10] dfe22, Dri: :: wander blahblahblah::
[03-00:11] 92794, Squirrel : Quick, meaning of lifem out of your ass! Go!
[03-00:11] 92794, Squirrel : *life
[03-00:11] 55a1e, Mariasha: *wander blahblahblah*
[03-00:12] 92794, Squirrel : *Dodged filter, cool Matrix slowdown, slowly turns around and begins fireing rifle at goons that have appeared*
[03-00:12] dfe22, Dri: ( dead bananas. )
[03-00:12] 55a1e, Mariasha: (I pitty da Foon................... ? )
[03-00:12] 92794, Squirrel : Stop your jibba jabba, foo!
[03-00:13] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Meanwhile, in , she silently goes about her busy work tiding up her little place within the city's walls. She had recently let Talis come and go freely as he was well enough to go back to his work again.*
[03-00:13] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[03-00:13] 94c70, Artanis : They don't need to fly through it when they can go above it.
[03-00:15] cd6af, Talis : *He does what he can when he can comeing back every now and again since then.*
[03-00:15] 92794, Squirrel : I just remembered this...didn't we have a lizard man in here? Wasn't he named Talis?
[03-00:16] 94c70, Artanis : (( THat was one of Kriel's other chars ))
[03-00:16] 92794, Squirrel : Really?
[03-00:17] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Go on top of forest? What good it do? Can't find cities under trees.
[03-00:18] dfe22, Dri: (shiiny *__* ::chomp:: )
[03-00:19] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Always cooks him a nice meal when he comes too. As she moves about, her movements are slow as if her joints were stiff from age. She brushes the back of her hand across her cheek gently, taking a pause in her cleaning.*
[03-00:19] dfe22, Dri: ( talis= dirty Link ^^ )
[03-00:19] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[03-00:20] 94c70, Artanis : *Shakes her head slightly* I only wish I knew what they could do. But if they can control fires big enough to consume a city like Krondor, they may have other ways of seeing than with just their own eyes.
[03-00:21] cd6af, Talis : *he helps her as he can*
[03-00:22] NICK: Rav changed nick to Toriviel.
[03-00:23] 92794, Squirrel : Tori a doro...
[03-00:24] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *sighs* True. Have powers of Brain trees to protect us. What good it does, not know.
[03-00:24] NICK: Dri changed nick to AnimatedPoison.
[03-00:24] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She slowly walks along the streets of heading towards the inn. The dark locks of hair are tied back so keep from her view as she glances around*
[03-00:24] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: pft.
[03-00:25] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: shiiiny *.*
[03-00:25] 55a1e, Mariasha: (Aaadriiiiannyyyyy *.* )
[03-00:26] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: :: drools in awe of teh shiny :: oooo
[03-00:27] cd6af, Toriviel: *He walks twords the Inn feeling much better.*
[03-00:27] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*drools in aww of the Adriany* oooo
[03-00:27] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: theres no Adrian >.>
[03-00:27] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Finally she stops in her activity. Finally, she breaks the long silence she has been in.* Talis? *Though she speaks to him, she does not fully turn to face him much as she has done during the time he had been present through the evening.*
[03-00:27] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*eyes Ani* In my head, there is always an Adrian)
[03-00:28] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: I see
[03-00:28] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((So why IS Adrian so amazing to you Twiggit?))
[03-00:29] JOIN: Talis has entered.
[03-00:29] 92794, Squirrel : He's a bishi boy *nods*
[03-00:29] cd6af, Talis : *He looks at her* Yes?
[03-00:29] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She slowly enters the inn glancing around as she does and she slips in and walks to the bar*
[03-00:29] 92794, Squirrel : Not Adrian
[03-00:29] 92794, Squirrel : Twiggit
[03-00:30] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods.* I understand. This is what I suggest then, if you can't fall back fully with us. *SHe trails her finger along the map carefully.* Fall back to at least this point here. *She points to a place south and slightly west of the general area of Quinell.* Here you can be relatively sure that you might have the help of the Elves if they come this far. We can then group everyone else behind your front until we are ready.
[03-00:30] cd6af, Toriviel: *he steps in just behind Sorcha and up to the bar after her as well.*
[03-00:32] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *As she takes her seat at the bar she turns to see who followed her in and sees him the slightly scowel comes to her features and she turns back round*
[03-00:32] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *She wipes her hands off on a cloth, more from nervousness than need.* I want to apologise to you
[03-00:32] 55a1e, Mariasha: (Adrian is the very first Bishi on my list when in alphabetical order ^^ )
[03-00:33] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: When you think elves get there? May be pushed there anyway.
[03-00:33] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: Adrian knows how to make an impression on certain people..
[03-00:33] dfe22, AnimatedPoison:
[03-00:33] 92794, Squirrel : *Nods*
[03-00:33] 55a1e, Mariasha: (me and Dri go waaaaaaaaaaaaay back)
[03-00:34] cd6af, Talis : For what?
[03-00:35] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: er.. a year.
[03-00:35] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: well maybe longer by now..
[03-00:35] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: a year and a half.
[03-00:36] cd6af, Toriviel: *He sits on the stool next to her with out looking at her. Then he waves to the barmaid.* Elven 201 please.
[03-00:37] 1c2b9, Roki: waaayyy back is a year and a half ?
[03-00:37] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((We are teh dog doggy dogs!))
[03-00:37] 1c2b9, Roki: i've known some of these people for almost 6
[03-00:37] 55a1e, Mariasha: ( >.> it's much more then a year anda half)
[03-00:37] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she sits and waits till the barmaid as served him before she herself orders a small glass of wine before she looks to him again*
[03-00:37] 94c70, Artanis : THey would be there already, at least in the northern parts. It might leave the way open to , but they have some natural protection...
[03-00:37] 55a1e, Mariasha: (over 2 years... met Dri long time before I mvoed outta oregon ^^ )
[03-00:38] 55a1e, Mariasha: (I could get my journal and tell ay the exact day we met :-P )
[03-00:38] 1c2b9, Roki: pish. ya'll still youngins
[03-00:38] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: how long did I know you before we got fake-married
[03-00:38] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: shiny! ::bites::
[03-00:39] 94c70, Alanna Morie: For lying to you earlier, when you arrived. It hasn't been a good day today at all.
[03-00:39] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: If orcs want , can get it by just extending hand to it. Krondor have gate to Ruapnechi.
[03-00:39] 55a1e, Mariasha: (brb)
[03-00:39] cd6af, Toriviel: *He makes no notice of her as he sips his elven wine.*
[03-00:40] cd6af, Talis : Would you like to talk about it?
[03-00:40] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: weh shiny *.*
[03-00:40] 55a1e, Mariasha: (we met.. september 24th, 2001 ^^ )
[03-00:41] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: okay so i was a little off
[03-00:41] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: You are very rude, the rudest elf i've come across so far, you never even thanked me for helping you...*she says to him even though it would be better talking to the bar*
[03-00:41] 92794, Squirrel : .....
[03-00:41] 94c70, Artanis : A gate can't support that kind of movement. They would get a few through and then they just have to keep them from coming through.
[03-00:42] 92794, Squirrel : *enters lurk mode*
[03-00:47] cd6af, Toriviel: *looks at Sorcha* So, you want a thank you from an elf? *he chukles* Well, thank you then.
[03-00:47] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Hmm. Maybe as you say. Goblin forces keep orcs from moving further south. *indicates where they've bogged the sea of red rocsk down* Will send maybe half, maybe third of rest of force to Elves. Other part can keep orcs busy.
[03-00:48] 55a1e, Mariasha: (aha!! I got it ^^ you were off by 2.5-3 years, and 4... or, uh.. 9 months ^^ )
[03-00:48] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *She takes a breath and then lets it out slowly.* Yesterday evening, a pair of King Narmotur's men visited to check in on an Elven woman they had brought in.
[03-00:49] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *she looks at him carefully eyeing him* thats not the point i helped you, and because im a human you treat me lowly
[03-00:49] 94c70, Artanis : If that is all you can provide. *She nods to him.*
[03-00:50] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Providing small force to you, providing big distraction for enemy. Use well, and will be worth exchange.
[03-00:50] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: Bleh I was younger than I thought
[03-00:52] cd6af, Toriviel: You are lowly as a human. *a smirk plays on his lips.* You have your thank you now leave me to my drink.
[03-00:52] 55a1e, Mariasha: (muahaha..... I was... uh........ 15 ^^ )
[03-00:53] cd6af, Talis : *he looks at her.* And?
[03-00:54] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods* Of course.
[03-00:54] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: *She glares at him something she very rarely does and she stands not even touching her drink she would really contemplate pouring it over him* Well im so sorry for ditying the air i breath around you seeing as im so lowly, but you arn't as high as you might think. *she turns and heads to her room her footsteps are light but there is a definate anger there as she goes*
[03-00:55] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: poor sorcha
[03-00:56] 94c70, Alanna Morie: They decided that uh they wanted to celebrate the King finding a mate. *Shakes her head a little.* I should have left here a long time ago...
[03-00:56] 7bbb7, Sorcha Lidil: (hehehe poor Sorcha? nah she'll get him back for his rudeness. anyway bye all*waves*)
[03-00:57] 55a1e, Mariasha: (Poor sorcha? Poor Adrian, he's far away from Mari ^^ )
[03-00:57] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *sighs* How big Elf force?
[03-00:58] cd6af, Toriviel: *he chuckle and goes about drinking his elven wine.*
[03-00:58] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 1:56am, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-00:58] NICK: Toriviel changed nick to Rav.
[03-00:59] cd6af, Rav: grr
[03-00:59] cd6af, Rav : there
[03-01:02] 94c70, Artanis : I don't know. *sighs* I can't promise that the Elves will help. I know that they will defend their own territory, however.
[03-01:04] cd6af, Talis : *He nods* So you wish to leave?
[03-01:04] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Then we get them to see orcs as ready to invade their territory.
[03-01:05] 94c70, Alanna Morie: I can't leave.
[03-01:05] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: dont be angry g.o.d.
[03-01:06] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: Adrian's just fine with Muna
[03-01:06] 55a1e, Mariasha: (g.o.g.? what the heck is that?)
[03-01:06] 55a1e, Mariasha: (g.o.d? what the heck is that?)
[03-01:06] 55a1e, Mariasha: (nooo, Muna must suffer)
[03-01:07] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: Rav is g.o.d
[03-01:08] 94c70, Muna : (( *pleases Adrian* ))
[03-01:08] 55a1e, Mariasha: (................... *murders Muna*)
[03-01:08] 92794, Squirrel : OMFG
[03-01:08] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: woohoo
[03-01:09] 94c70, Muna : (( ))
[03-01:10] 94c70, Artanis : Yes, exactly.
[03-01:10] cd6af, Talis : ((Wow Z I didn't know you were into that. ))
[03-01:10] cd6af, Talis : why not?
[03-01:11] 92794, Arabella Sook: *Pleased Adrian more than Muna*
[03-01:11] 92794, Arabella Sook:
[03-01:12] 55a1e, Mariasha: ( >.< *pleased Adrian in a basement!!!!*)
[03-01:12] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[03-01:12] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*on frozen stone floor!! thats devotment!!*)
[03-01:12] 94c70, Muna : (( .. *smirks at Arabella* He has to have something to toy with ))
[03-01:13] 92794, Arabella Sook: B-itch!
[03-01:13] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: ((Ummmm... A "who can please Adrian the most " contest???))
[03-01:13] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: devotement? devotion you mean.. and what >.>
[03-01:13] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *nods* What else besides elves?
[03-01:14] 94c70, Alanna Morie: My daughter is there, in the castle.
[03-01:14] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: ::sits on Adrian to protect him::
[03-01:14] 92794, Arabella Sook: * a toy for many no offense...whitles innocently*
[03-01:14] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: ((who is RPing, and locations please...))
[03-01:14] 55a1e, Mariasha: (same thing ^^ when it coems to Dri, propper words cannot be formed... thats devotion :-P )
[03-01:15] cd6af, Talis : Really? Is that a bad thing?
[03-01:15] 92794, Squirrel : *Is just lurking while doing a bit o homework*
[03-01:15] 94c70, Artanis : I don't know. It's said that the Fae are neighbors to the High Elves, but I've never seen them so I don't know.
[03-01:15] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((The Dark Forest, south of Krondor. Hmm... odd that two of the three hot women in the chat are played by Squirrel))
[03-01:15] 94c70, Muna : (( *wasn't trying to be offensive * ))
[03-01:16] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((Sorry, two of four. Muna's cute))
[03-01:16] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( what?!?! ...Squirrel... wow...
[03-01:16] 94c70, Z: *prefers her female characters dressed*
[03-01:17] 55a1e, Mariasha: (muna... my archnemesis)
[03-01:17] 92794, Squirrel : Hey, Arabella is dressed
[03-01:17] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: ::bites cookie::
[03-01:17] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((OW! TWO OF FIVE!))
[03-01:18] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: no its too late now its in my brain, women never forget
[03-01:18] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Nods slightly. She finally turns around to face him.* Most are taken there to be servents or slaves to the King.
[03-01:19] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : ((yes, there I agree... but Squirrel plays two of them...? wow...))
[03-01:19] 55a1e, Mariasha: (thats a lie... my mom and sister forget anything that doesnt involve me doing something wrong)
[03-01:19] NICK: AnimatedPoison changed nick to AdrianGoldenmoon.
[03-01:19] 92794, Squirrel : Yes...actually I play three, but the third has not gotten the oppertunity to be brought out into RP yet
[03-01:20] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : ((So anyone else RPing, other than Jerren?
[03-01:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( alanna and artanis.. and talis )
[03-01:20] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*doesnt play female characters... only plays male characters who look female :-P *)
[03-01:20] 92794, Squirrel :
[03-01:22] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : ((Ok, how about you Adrian?))
[03-01:22] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((interesting... there's a profile for a character thats a goblin that I didn't know about))
[03-01:23] 94c70, Z: Squirrel has a fettish for Female chars
[03-01:23] 92794, Squirrel : Maybe, or I just like playing them because it's fun after playing all males for a long time
[03-01:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( lets not bring up squirrels fetishes hehe )
[03-01:24] 92794, Squirrel : You can't judge me!
[03-01:24] 94c70, Z: Adrian
[03-01:24] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( no Adrians with Muna, so Im just lurking atm )
[03-01:24] 92794, Squirrel : FFS I have no fetishes
[03-01:24] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Oh dear god...))
[03-01:24] 94c70, Z: *smirks at Squirrel, won't say anything.*
[03-01:25] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( Im sorry squirrel ^^ ::smooch:: )
[03-01:25] 92794, Squirrel : I hate people....
[03-01:25] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-01:25] 55a1e, Mariasha: (Nooo *intercepts the smooch from Adrian*)
[03-01:25] 94c70, Z: *offers Squirrel some worms*
[03-01:25] 92794, Squirrel : *smooched* Thanks Adrian
[03-01:25] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( its from ME not Adrian )
[03-01:26] 92794, Squirrel : *Takes worms, pours them over Z* :>
[03-01:26] 92794, Squirrel : :->
[03-01:26] 55a1e, Mariasha: (thats even worse!! you're my fake wife!! means I msut intercept, and beat up squirrel)
[03-01:26] 92794, Squirrel : >
[03-01:26] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-01:26] 94c70, Z: *Didn't give him that many*
[03-01:26] 92794, Squirrel : >:-)
[03-01:27] 94c70, Z: See, he doesn't hate people. He just hates me.
[03-01:27] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( oops )
[03-01:27] 92794, Squirrel : *Still does it*
[03-01:27] 55a1e, Mariasha: (thats even worse!! we're fake married!! means I must intercept, and beat up squirrel >.> <.<
[03-01:27] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-01:27] 92794, Squirrel : Oh gawd....I don't hate you, Z
[03-01:27] 55a1e, Mariasha: (damn wink, get out of my post >.< I thought i destroyed you!!)
[03-01:27] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-01:28] 94c70, Z: *throws a pie at Squirrel.* I'm kidding, lighten up.
[03-01:28] 94c70, Z: *goes back IC*
[03-01:28] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Z, did you not respond, or did I just fail patheticaly in seeing your post?
[03-01:28] 94c70, Z: I responded to you and Talis both.
[03-01:29] 92794, Squirrel : Oh.....*nervous laugh, tugs at collar...then hit by pie* X_X *keels over*
[03-01:29] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*eats chili on a hamburger bun*)
[03-01:29] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ::testeded also:: )
[03-01:30] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Can send messengers to Fae... my people and Fae have ties... old, strained, but there.
[03-01:30] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*cling sonto Adrian, and Adrian Player* Mine mine mine ^^ )
[03-01:30] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *exits the Glimmering Inn, and walks around town window shopping*
[03-01:30] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((*smacks Twiggit* She's mine!))
[03-01:31] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-01:31] 55a1e, Mariasha: (Mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
[03-01:31] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods.* THat may help.
[03-01:32] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( You forgot all about me! )
[03-01:32] 55a1e, Mariasha: (Me? forget you? never!!)
[03-01:32] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-01:32] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( not you, Jerren )
[03-01:32] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: May. This war bad, have no planning, rely on hope.
[03-01:32] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( er. I mean that comma to be a puase )
[03-01:33] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( pppppause. )
[03-01:33] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *sees a royal-looking white cape, and enters the shop*
[03-01:33] 55a1e, Mariasha: (Ah ^^ yes, see, I never forget my wife ^^ )
[03-01:33] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-01:34] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *exits several minutes later with a new cape*
[03-01:34] 94c70, Alanna Morie: (( repost for Rav )) *Nods slightly. She finally turns around to face him.* Most are taken there to be servents or slaves to the King.
[03-01:34] 94c70, Artanis : That is one thing we can't lose.
[03-01:35] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-01:36] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Our people can't loose. Relying on while in charge of people only hurt them.
[03-01:36] cd6af, Talis : *he nods* That is no way to run a kingdom I am sure.
[03-01:37] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-01:39] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*gets suspicious/jealouse of Z and the private Messages*)
[03-01:39] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *returns to the Glimmering Inn, only to find it very empty*
[03-01:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-01:40] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( theres nothing hokey going on )
[03-01:40] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Bartend, I'll have a good glass of fey wine, please...
[03-01:41] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: *not completely empty, a man man with a warriors physique but dressed moderatly fashionably sits in a corner drinking*
[03-01:42] 94c70, Alanna Morie: He's having my daughter carry his child, Talis...
[03-01:42] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Hey, you in the corner... we met the other night. Come have a drink with me.
[03-01:42] 55a1e, Mariasha: (You sure? *glaaares at Z*)
[03-01:42] 94c70, Artanis : I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say.
[03-01:42] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Or should I have a drink with you?
[03-01:43] 94c70, Z: Nope... I didn't just kiss Adrian..
[03-01:43] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: *rae's* I am a "you in the corner am I?" *smirks, stands up and walks over to Valandil* What can I do for you Prince?
[03-01:43] 94c70, Z: *is only kidding*
[03-01:43] cd6af, Talis : Carry his child?? Ummm *does not really know what to say.*
[03-01:43] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-01:43] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ::is lucky to get a kiss from Muna when it does happen. arg.::
[03-01:44] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *buys a mug of ale* Well, first, you can drink this with me... I never did get your name the other night, I apologize.
[03-01:45] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-01:45] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: You can't put hope in battle plan. You can't put hope in plan for rule. People need, but rulers must not use.
[03-01:46] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: Oh? Well, I suppose it is fortunate we met again. I am Commander Skarling, of the Ironhand merchant family.
[03-01:46] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Mariasha.
[03-01:46] 55a1e, Mariasha: (..... *tries to listen in on Dri and Z*)
[03-01:46] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Folds her hands in front of her to keep them from from shaking.* I'm sorry, I shouldn't be burdening you with this. Forgive me.
[03-01:46] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*clings unto Adrian* Help, I spilt chili on me favvy white shirt!!)
[03-01:47] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( )
[03-01:47] 94c70, Artanis : Perhaps, but a good leader can inspire hope in his people.
[03-01:47] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ::is already burdened with thinking..:: )
[03-01:48] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-01:48] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: Have been trying... have been trying.
[03-01:48] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Well met, Commander... You seem to be quite a capable man, worhty of that title. *looks at Skarling, as if to size him up* Yes, quite worthy...
[03-01:49] 92794, Squirrel : NN all
[03-01:49] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 2:49am, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-01:49] 55a1e, Mariasha: (so... theres nothing.. you can do with my shirt???...... I tried all I can.... I hit it, and I rubbed it.. and I scrubbed it....
[03-01:49] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-01:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( presoak it in the washer.. and use bleach when you wash it after )
[03-01:49] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: Thank you, though I prefer demonstrating my worth rather than looking the part.
[03-01:49] 94c70, Z: *glares at AIM*
[03-01:50] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ::also had AIM die:: )
[03-01:50] 55a1e, Mariasha: .... right.... *nods* get it dry cleaned, goo thinking)
[03-01:51] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ::didnt say dry clean...:: )
[03-01:51] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( its all written on the dial of your washer, slacker )
[03-01:51] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-01:51] cd6af, Talis : No, its not a problem. What can I do to help?
[03-01:51] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : It is not just the look, Skarling. It is the sense of courage and steadiness in spirit that you seem to exude, as well.
[03-01:52] 55a1e, Mariasha: (dont have a washing machine
[03-01:52] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-01:53] 55a1e, Mariasha: (I swear my sisters cat is trying to rape my ktity... >.>
[03-01:53] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( then go to a laundromat.. no better yet. give it to your mommy, or just buy a new short )
[03-01:53] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: (shirt* )
[03-01:54] 55a1e, Mariasha: (I cant just get a new shirt.. I got this at good will
[03-01:54] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: *chuckles* Thank you. You show a degree of leadership yourself. *whether he senses it or not, its ALWAYS a good idea to get in good with royalty*
[03-01:54] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *She doesn't answer right away as she was fighting against crying again. She had already done that, thoughout the previous night.* There isn't anything you can do, not without getting her and you killed.
[03-01:55] 94c70, Z: *wonders if one of Skarling's posts was actually supposed to be Jerren's.*
[03-01:55] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( why would you wear a white shirt with that kind of food anyway )
[03-01:56] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-01:56] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((nope, you just missed it. A repost) You can't put hope in battle plan. You can't put hope in plan for rule. People need, but rulers must not use.
[03-01:57] cd6af, Talis : *He nods* I am sorry to hear that she is being mistreated.
[03-01:57] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-01:57] 55a1e, Mariasha: (I never spilled before >.< It wasnt until I noticed I was eating chilli in a white shrit that I spilled it. I was like "oh, Im such an idio, finish this bite and go cha-sh*t!!!)
[03-01:57] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( Skarling Ironhand: Have been trying... have been trying. )
[03-01:57] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((Nope, I apparently hit enter, it failed to post, then I switched to SKarling...)) Have been trying... have been trying.
[03-01:58] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *looks into Skarling's eyes* *says quietly* Maybe it is a good idea to get in good with royalty... *smiles wryly*
[03-01:58] 55a1e, Mariasha: (ahh! he IS trying to rape my cat!!!!!)
[03-01:59] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ack x.x )
[03-02:00] 55a1e, Mariasha: (he pinned him and started humping >.< so I threw a big 2 liter filled with water at him... MUAHAHA)
[03-02:00] 94c70, Artanis : Good. *She gives him another nod.* I won't keep you from your planning any longer then. Unless there is something more you would like to talk about?
[03-02:01] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: *double blinks, he is of course quite surprised though he keeps his face smiling and impassive* Its what a merchant might think. *chuckles again and realizes the man is formidable on his own*
[03-02:02] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( aw gay kitties. )
[03-02:03] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Here, sit and enjoy the ale...*offers him a seat* It is quite good... refills on me.
[03-02:03] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *She only nods. There was too much that could be said, none of which was good and it never brought good memories. She moves towards the door, speaking quietly.* Excuse me..
[03-02:03] 55a1e, Mariasha: (Gay cat, not kitties... my kitty not gay.... or he'd be happy, not screaming while other kitty bites at his neck.......... kinky in reality, but not so with kitties :-P )
[03-02:04] 55a1e, Mariasha: (I should avoid detail >.>
[03-02:04] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-02:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( Duck rape is worse. )
[03-02:05] 55a1e, Mariasha: (damn you wink!! why do you keep comin up? I never use a semicollun!!)
[03-02:05] 55a1e, Mariasha: (I guess I cant blame the other kitty..... my kitty is pretty cute ^^ :-P
[03-02:05] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( have to put a space after the ; )
[03-02:05] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *leans close to Skarling* I am not a weak minded fool, though I was once... My travels have made me strong
[03-02:06] 55a1e, Mariasha: (I know, but I dont use the ; and still somehow get a wink.... unless... my hands are drunk and are slipping the ; in!! that must be it!)
[03-02:06] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-02:07] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: Hmm... what of the human kingdoms? Manossa, Arcadia, Emania, the southern Kingdoms...
[03-02:07] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Hmm... what of the human kingdoms? Manossa, Arcadia, Emania, the southern Kingdoms...
[03-02:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( its the combo of the "sweatdrop" and the parenthesis immediately following it. the filter registers that as a wink : )
[03-02:07] cd6af, Talis : Of course. *he turns and goes back to what he was doing before.*
[03-02:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: >
[03-02:07] 55a1e, Mariasha: (I never do the sweatdrop :-P)
[03-02:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( aha I see what you mean )
[03-02:08] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: So I see. *smirks and drinks his drink. He's willing to give Valandil the benefit of the doubt.*
[03-02:08] 55a1e, Mariasha: >
[03-02:08] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( just another form of smiley registered in the filter I guess )
[03-02:08] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*mummbles*(
[03-02:09] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-02:09] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*pokes Z* *points into the sky* look, a distraction!!! *gives Z wedgie*)
[03-02:10] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-02:10] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *SHe watches him at the door for a moment, then moves into the main living space. She was feeling sick again, though not from being ill, and needed to simply sit down. She allows herself to sink down onto one of the chairs. Her hands cover her face as she leans forward, elbows resting on her knees.*
[03-02:11] 94c70, Artanis : I don't know. I haven't spoken with these people yet. You are the first.
[03-02:11] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-02:11] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*ponders going to bed*)
[03-02:12] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *catches the smirk, and gets a fierce look in his eyes* Let me tell you something about myself... When I was young I saw many of what I knew as my family and friends, murdered in front of me... I was helpless to do anything. I vowed to never let another thing such as that happen when I can do something. I have trained much of my life to keep my vow...
[03-02:12] 55a1e, Mariasha: (does anybody elses cat fart then walk off?)
[03-02:12] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: Would suggest you move quickly then.
[03-02:12] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( no bt my dog does )
[03-02:12] 55a1e, Mariasha: (Vals icon looks super saiyan :-P )
[03-02:12] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Would suggest you move quickly then.
[03-02:12] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-02:13] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : ((no, but mine eats tape...))
[03-02:13] 55a1e, Mariasha: (my cat likes keylime yogurt ^^ )
[03-02:13] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-02:13] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( that might be why he sfarting at you and leaving )
[03-02:14] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( givin him funky yogurt.. )
[03-02:14] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: And when I saw my family murdered in front of MY eyes I took up the sword my father had given me to train with and killed a bandit. I am not talking down to you or attempting to give offense. I take the world as it is.
[03-02:14] 94c70, Artanis : Yes we won't be remaining here much longer.
[03-02:14] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Hey my icon DOES look super saiyan... I just realized that! *smile*))
[03-02:14] 55a1e, Mariasha: ( :-P he hasnt eaten any in months, and he's done it before that)
[03-02:15] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-02:15] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: ((my cat eats vegitables and gravy))
[03-02:15] 55a1e, Mariasha: (did I mention I was thinking of going to bed?)
[03-02:16] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( am I the only one who isnt a cat person... )
[03-02:16] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: ((I'm not... though I do geneticaly engineer them))
[03-02:16] 55a1e, Mariasha: (I used to own a dog, but now I have a perminant scar on my lip.... so, nope, no more dogs)
[03-02:17] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I take the world as it is too, but I aim to change it... and where do you think my sword came from? It was my father's as you may remember, and I took it from his dead body in the woods...
[03-02:17] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-02:17] 94c70, Z: *is an animal person in general*
[03-02:17] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( My cat also attempts to eat rubber balloons...))
[03-02:18] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-02:18] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: I am not doubting you m'lord. *holds up hands* I take no aim to argue.
[03-02:18] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*gave Z a wedgie!!*)
[03-02:18] 55a1e, Mariasha: (*is definatly ana nimal person... wouldnt harm a fly...... unless it were in his house >.>*
[03-02:18] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( well I dont like cats but Adrian loves p-.. er. >.>;;; ..sweets.. yeah.. )
[03-02:18] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *nods* Goblins not have good rides for your size. Can try boar or wolf back, but think you better off with horse.
[03-02:19] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Niether do I. *sips his wine* I merely wished to tell you a small part of my past...
[03-02:19] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-02:19] 55a1e, Mariasha: (go ahead and say it.. Adrian, loves, p-laying with Mari behind hte bushes)
[03-02:20] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: You sounded as though you were defending yourself.
[03-02:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( no. I wasnt lying anyway, he does love sweets. )
[03-02:20] 94c70, Artanis : We would. But for now we don't have any.
[03-02:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( so nyeeehhhh )
[03-02:20] 55a1e, Mariasha: (well..... nighters)
[03-02:20] 55a1e, Mariasha: (yeah, sweets, like Mari)
[03-02:21] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Nay, Commander. My past is just not easy for me to tell.
[03-02:21] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : ((night Mari))
[03-02:22] EXIT: Mariasha has left the chat ( 3:20am, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-02:23] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon tried to message Msg Z Is There Any Preparation Needed For What Adrians Going To Have To Do (not registered).
[03-02:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( mother-.. >< )
[03-02:24] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: Thinks for a moment... then places a hand to his temple and his eyes galze over.*
[03-02:24] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-02:24] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((DAAAMMNNN EEEETT!! I've got to start my postings as Jerren THEN post...) Thinks for a moment... then places a hand to his temple and his eyes galze over.*
[03-02:24] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Tears win out as they slowly creep from her eyes and onto her hands that cover her face as she quietly weeps. She no longer knew anymore who she cried for, herself or for her daughter. Living happily seemed like such an alien concpet after these years.*
[03-02:25] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: For having just met me you seem quite willing to tell me.
[03-02:25] 94c70, Artanis : *Raises a brow a little, watching him.*
[03-02:26] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-02:26] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : You seem to be one who is trustworthy. Anyways, let us speak of more pleasant matters, perhaps...
[03-02:26] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *opens his eyes again* Come. *exits the hut and leads her across the town, to a differant building, this one much larger and apparently a stable of sorts. However, instead of horses, Wolves and Boars seem to be kept*
[03-02:27] 94c70, Artanis : *Follows along with him. She looks about as they enter this new place.* I was under the impression you didn't have any horses either.
[03-02:29] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-02:30] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Visited . Talked with merchant there for deal with swords. Asked for horses in return. Told goblins to get horses. *leads her into the stables to a small corner where five unkempt, slightly underfed, and quite scared looking horses are coraled. Looking past their bare bones care, they do however show a degree of nobility... they are Krondorian Warhorses*
[03-02:31] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( shiny *_* ::gnaw:: )
[03-02:31] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-02:31] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: What would you have in mind?
[03-02:32] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Perhaps of fashion, or of equipment, even this war would do for me...
[03-02:32] 94c70, Artanis : They are a bit underfed, but look to be fine horses otherwise.
[03-02:33] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: The one to the north?
[03-02:34] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Should hope so. Had to kill several Krondor men to get them. *laughs at this* These get you where you going?
[03-02:34] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Yes, the attack by Khalek and his orcs... you know, the war will son come to Raupenchi.
[03-02:34] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *
[03-02:35] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : son = soon
[03-02:35] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-02:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ::Seizure:
[03-02:35] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand: Mmm. I intend to have my men moving into the northern part of the war should fate permit. I should hate to be employed by the King of .
[03-02:35] 94c70, Artanis : *Blinks at that and assumes that this was before Krondor was destroyed.* With a bit of food they should.
[03-02:36] 94c70, Z: *pokes Valandil* very few people know Khalek's name.
[03-02:36] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ::is gonna your if you dont stop ing :: )
[03-02:36] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( knows this ))
[03-02:36] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Food more difficult. Oats and grains not normal things goblins have, and grass not grow where trees block out sun.
[03-02:37] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Have few bags of horse food stuff, but not much.
[03-02:37] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : ((Do you mean this ?))
[03-02:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-02:38] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I command an army as well, Skarling, but we will move into action to protect...
[03-02:39] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-02:40] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods.* We can use what you have.
[03-02:40] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-02:41] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : Well, should you ever be in need of reserves, I be willing to sell my services to a man such as you.
[03-02:41] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : ((*isn't a whore, I swear!*))
[03-02:42] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *nods* Is good then. You promise something?
[03-02:42] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : Thank you for your support. I will raise my glass to you...
[03-02:42] 94c70, Artanis : What is it you ask?
[03-02:43] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ::is::
[03-02:43] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : ((*doesn't believe he isn't a whore*))
[03-02:43] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( yay for manwhores! )
[03-02:44] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *Raises his glass in a toast to Skarling*
[03-02:44] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: Take good care of horses. Few survive attack on Krondor. *reaches out and pets teh nose of one of the horses, wich neighs a bit at the wolf smell on him*
[03-02:44] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : *raises glass in unison* My thanks to you and a raise as well*
[03-02:45] 94c70, Artanis : They will be in good hands.
[03-02:45] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : ((What! Did I hear something about San Francisco there, Adrian?))
[03-02:45] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I am grateful.
[03-02:46] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ? what )
[03-02:47] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( *smile* All those gay marriages and stuff going on there...))
[03-02:48] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : *nods* I leave them with you then.
[03-02:48] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Heard of that? ))
[03-02:48] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((Whats that have to do with anything?))
[03-02:49] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[03-02:49] JOIN: Penniavas has entered.
[03-02:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( exactly, what does it? )
[03-02:50] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Nothing really, just that Adrian mentioned manwhores, so I decided I would say something about that...)
[03-02:50] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ((But... its people getting married... what does that have to do with manwhores?))
[03-02:50] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( In other words, I really don't know why I said it...))
[03-02:50] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( well gay men marrying each other arent manwhores, theyre human beings with right sliek everyone else who happen to love each other. ::cant get started on all this, and Bush.. grr..:: )
[03-02:50] 94c70, Z: I think it was a joke that flopped
[03-02:51] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: *nods* I leave them with you then.
[03-02:51] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : So, does this mean I have employment in your army?
[03-02:51] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( was anyone here when i said something about some guy's icon looking like a little british kid, and he said "but I AM british!" and made a sad face and left? )
[03-02:52] 94c70, Artanis : Thank you. It's aprecciated very much. We will leave sometime tomarrow.
[03-02:52] 949ad, Penniavas: ((hi Jerren)
[03-02:52] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( I often say things without tinking about them first, so if something stupid comes out, smack me OOC))
[03-02:52] 94c70, Artanis : (( *wasn't* ))
[03-02:52] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : ((hmmm... enlisted soldier, Wandering Rogue, or a merchant for my icon?))
[03-02:53] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I suppose it does, since you offer your forces to join with mine...
[03-02:53] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((yo. Where the hell are you located? You come on at 3 AM my time, just when I'm convincing myself I need to sleep))
[03-02:54] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( It is 3 AM where you are?))
[03-02:54] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : My prices are somewhat high, but I can assure you we are very loyal to our employer and are quite effective.
[03-02:54] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep: ((that is correct))
[03-02:54] 94c70, Artanis : (( 0300 here too ))
[03-02:54] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Almost 1 AM here ))
[03-02:55] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( 0400 )
[03-02:55] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( I win! j/k )
[03-02:56] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( I am earliest... NEENER NEENER!!!))
[03-02:56] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : ((*smile*))
[03-02:57] 94c70, Artanis : *And since her player is going to bed, she escuses herself from Jerren to return to her party as well as their sleeping space. Travel would be much easier now with the horses, even if they needed some good feeding.*
[03-02:57] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : I am not sure how high of a price we can pay, but I will look into it.
[03-02:57] 94c70, Z: Night.
[03-02:57] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Night ))
[03-02:59] 94c70, Z: *poofs and all that.*
[03-03:00] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : Excelent. *Score! Has employment now!* We shall talk of it later, when we are both completely free of alchohal. For now, I bid you good night.
[03-03:00] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 3:55am, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-03:02] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : And I to you... we will talk price and pay later... I must retire to my room for the night.
[03-03:02] 5d609, Skarling Ironhand : *heads off*
[03-03:02] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : *walks to his room*
[03-03:03] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *head goes thunk on keyboards and goes to sleep* jiuzvfg rgggggggggggggggggggggggg
[03-03:03] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 4:03am, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-03:04] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( Night everyone, sleep time now for me... ))
[03-03:04] 125f3, Valandil Elladan : (( See you some other time))
[03-03:04] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( 4:04am, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-05:53] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[03-05:55] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[03-05:57] b7c5d, Illisse Brilthor: *lookd around* Hmmmm Valandil left WHEN? GRRRR. I will find you>
[03-05:57] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[03-05:57] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[03-05:58] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 6:57am, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-06:08] JOIN: Deke Menion has entered.
[03-06:11] 215ab, Alec Avery : *has now finished the spell he was studying,he slowly rolls the scroll up before letting out a sigh. He replaces the spell back onto his shelf then opens up the spell book on his desk to look up his first level three spell(this book haven been made by the many Rose Knights that are before his time of course*
[03-08:17] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[03-08:19] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 9:17am, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-08:25] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[03-08:26] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 9:25am, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-08:32] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[03-08:33] a28c2, Illisse Brilthor: the pretty silver haird elf shakes the rain from her hair, looks for someone. seeing he is not here she leaves a message with the bartender. I will be back at 9;00 Valandil.
[03-08:34] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 9:33am, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-09:13] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[03-09:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-09:42] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[03-09:43] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 10:42am, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-10:10] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[03-10:21] JOIN: Sarelth has entered.
[03-10:21] 2aeaa, Sarelth: *Glances around to see who is OOC*
[03-10:22] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[03-10:24] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 11:22am, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-10:25] 2aeaa, Sarelth: Oops, look at the time, must get to class. How times slips past so quickly
[03-10:25] EXIT: Sarelth has left the chat ( 11:25am, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-10:34] JOIN: Lt.Hagget has entered.
[03-10:38] 5a4af, Lt.Hagget : ((That son of a... That's it, I quit.))
[03-10:43] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[03-10:44] d3a2d, Liz: *yawns and flops down* Gotta wake up
[03-10:53] d3a2d, Liz: *dozes*
[03-10:58] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[03-10:58] 19e7e, Shifty: *pounces Liz*
[03-11:01] d3a2d, Liz: Eeee!!!!
[03-11:03] 1d667, Chewie: ...
[03-11:04] d3a2d, Liz: *yawns*
[03-11:06] 19e7e, Shifty: How yall be?
[03-11:07] d3a2d, Liz: I'm ok.....
[03-11:09] 19e7e, Shifty: but sleepy?
[03-11:09] d3a2d, Liz: Waking up and bored
[03-11:13] 19e7e, Shifty: I figued out how to do something.
[03-11:14] d3a2d, Liz: Oh?
[03-11:27] d3a2d, Liz: Great..the birds are having sex..
[03-11:31] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[03-11:31] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 12:31pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-11:32] d3a2d, Liz: It's stopped..*shudders*
[03-11:33] 19e7e, Shifty: *laughs* Oh brother.
[03-11:33] d3a2d, Liz: When they're...they make such a pretty sound..but you don't want to me
[03-11:35] 19e7e, Shifty: *saw two birds doing the same yesterday morning when I was driveing to college*
[03-11:36] 19e7e, Shifty: *wacks the * out of that last post*
[03-11:37] d3a2d, Liz: Aww! No! They're going again..*gets an evil look* They don't like me because I scare them..
[03-11:40] 19e7e, Shifty: *laughs and shakes his head* Oh brother!!
[03-11:51] d3a2d, Liz: *sighs*
[03-12:10] d3a2d, Liz: Alone..
[03-12:15] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[03-12:16] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 1:15pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-12:16] d3a2d, Liz: That's annoying
[03-12:16] d3a2d, Liz: Stop prairie dogging the chats, Illisse.
[03-13:15] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 1:16pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-13:44] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[03-13:47] 94c70, Artanis : *She stands outside at the edge of the Goblin city with the horses that had been turned over to her. She had fed and groomed them already and was now preparing them to leave.*
[03-13:50] d3a2d, Mierka: *stands next to her* So where to, now?
[03-13:52] 94c70, Artanis : We're going back west. We have to find more people who're willing to stand up to this army of orcs
[03-13:53] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[03-13:53] bc484, Illisse Brilthor: sorry i am looking for Valandil.
[03-13:53] d3a2d, Mierka: *nods* Do you think we can? Stop them, I mean?
[03-13:54] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 2:53pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-13:55] 94c70, Artanis : Maybe. All we can do is hope.
[03-13:56] d3a2d, Mierka: *nods and sighs* Think we'll ever see Arutha again?
[03-13:56] NICK: Chewie changed nick to Dag.
[03-13:57] 94c70, Artanis : *Stops what she is doing, then turns to look at Mierka.* I don't know honestly. We might.
[03-13:57] d3a2d, Mierka: Because I need to apologize still..
[03-13:58] 94c70, Artanis : Oh?
[03-13:59] d3a2d, Mierka: *nods*
[03-14:00] 94c70, Artanis : *Eyes her a little.* What happened?
[03-14:00] d3a2d, Mierka: *looks away in embarrasement* I bit him
[03-14:01] 94c70, Artanis : You bit him? *raises a brow*
[03-14:02] d3a2d, Mierka: He stopped me from leaving when you were finding Arutha's love.
[03-14:03] 1d667, Dag: *Is up in a tree, in his hiding place where no one could find him. He often hid there from the goblins. The boy was out on a limb a little further than he normally sat. He thought it would still hold his weight. It did for a while, but eventually it snapped, just before Artanis and Mierka walked upder it. Down the boy and the limb fell crashing into the ground hard.* Ooof.
[03-14:03] 1d667, Dag: ((*Test*))
[03-14:06] 94c70, Artanis : Why did-- *blinks once at the sound of the branch breaking above them and then someone landing on the ground. She watches Dag for the moment.*
[03-14:07] d3a2d, Mierka: *blinks at the boy on the ground* It's raining men.
[03-14:08] 94c70, Artanis : *chuckles* More like boys..
[03-14:08] 1d667, Dag: *Lies upon the ground, groaning a bit as the fall knocked the wind from him.*
[03-14:10] d3a2d, Mierka: *shakes her head* Are you ok? *offers a hand up*
[03-14:11] 94c70, Artanis : *Folds her arms across her chest as she stands there watching.*
[03-14:12] 1d667, Dag: *Takes the offered hand. Once on his feet he checks himself over. Then looks up at the tree.* Yea I think I'm alright.
[03-14:13] 94c70, Artanis : You'll be more careful next time hm?
[03-14:13] d3a2d, Mierka: What were you doing up there? *looks at the broken branch* It was'nt strong enough.
[03-14:17] 1d667, Dag: That branch has held me for weeks. And I was doing what I normally do. Hiding.
[03-14:19] d3a2d, Mierka: From what?
[03-14:19] 94c70, Artanis : *Watches the two for now.*
[03-14:20] 1d667, Dag: Anything not human of course.
[03-14:22] d3a2d, Mierka: Like...goblins?
[03-14:22] 1d667, Dag: Goblins, orcs. You name it.
[03-14:23] d3a2d, Mierka: I see....there are worse things, you know
[03-14:24] 1d667, Dag: LIke what? 3 headed monsters?
[03-14:25] d3a2d, Mierka: Men
[03-14:26] 1d667, Dag: Uhm... Gee thanks.
[03-14:26] d3a2d, Mierka: You're a boy..and obviously not with the invading army
[03-14:27] 94c70, Artanis : *Chuckles a bit.*
[03-14:30] 1d667, Dag: What's that supposed to mean? That I can't fight just because I'm ONLY a BOY? *Starts to climb back up in the tree to grab his things.* I'll just grab my things and find someplace else to hide in. Perhaps I'll find a cave so I can't fall out of a tree infront of a girl and have her insult me.
[03-14:33] d3a2d, Mierka: *shakes her head* I never said you can't fight *laughs* It's obvious that you can. I only meant that you're obviously not at your majority. And you're not dressed like the enemy.
[03-14:42] 1d667, Dag: Of course I can. Else I wouldn't be here. I'd be like my family. Dead at the hands of those damn orcs. That and the fact that I took a chance and ran. *Said from above her as he's up in the tree now, grabbing his pack.* I
[03-14:43] d3a2d, Mierka: *looks up*
[03-14:43] 1d667, Dag: ((*Kicks away that I*))
[03-14:44] d3a2d, Mierka: *looks up* I'm sorry to hear that *sounds sincere* have nothing to fear from us..*glances at Eri*
[03-14:44] 94c70, Artanis : *Watches this, somewhat amused.*
[03-14:45] 1d667, Dag: *Climbs down to a level he's comfortable with and drops the rest of the way.* Except for being insulted.
[03-14:47] d3a2d, Mierka: I said I did'nt mean to. *frowns* sensative~
[03-14:47] 94c70, Artanis : I don't think it was intentional.
[03-14:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-14:49] 1d667, Dag: Intentional or not. I did nothing to deserve it. Other than fall from the tree.
[03-14:50] d3a2d, Mierka: I said I was sorry! *rolls her eyes and turns away from him, grumbling*
[03-14:51] 94c70, Artanis : *Shakes her head a little.* Nothing for anyone to get hot headed over.
[03-14:55] 1d667, Dag: I'm not hot headed. Just don't like being insulted.
[03-14:55] d3a2d, Mierka: Oh, would you just let it drop already?!
[03-14:57] 94c70, Artanis : *Glances between the two of them.* It's over now, let's just leave it like that. Not enough time to argue.
[03-14:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-14:59] 1d667, Dag: Fine
[03-14:59] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:58pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-14:59] d3a2d, Mierka: Fine. Let's get going.
[03-15:00] 1d667, Dag: Go where?
[03-15:02] d3a2d, Mierka: (( I think she's gone ))
[03-15:03] 1d667, Dag: ((She'll be back in a bit.))
[03-15:04] d3a2d, Mierka: (( Continue? ))
[03-15:04] 1d667, Dag: ((We can))
[03-15:05] d3a2d, Mierka: I'm not sure..*glances at Eri* But she says we're going to find help
[03-15:06] 1d667, Dag: Oh. There isn't any help here. I think I'd have found them.
[03-15:07] d3a2d, Mierka: We know. We're looking elsewhere
[03-15:07] 1d667, Dag: I see.
[03-15:08] d3a2d, Mierka: *shrugs* She does'nt always tell me everything, but she knows best
[03-15:10] 1d667, Dag: I suppose for a girl it is.
[03-15:12] d3a2d, Mierka: And what's that supposed to mean?
[03-15:13] 1d667, Dag: Just what it sounds like.
[03-15:13] d3a2d, Mierka: (( *does'nt get it* ))
[03-15:16] d3a2d, Mierka: I was'nt around when she made the plans, alright? So it's my loss.
[03-15:20] 1d667, Dag: *Shakes his head.* I suppose it is.
[03-15:21] d3a2d, Mierka: (( Shall we have Eri walk off to do something, leaving them alone untill she returns? ))
[03-15:22] 1d667, Dag: ((If you want.))
[03-15:22] d3a2d, Mierka: *watches as Eri walks away, then turns to glare at the boy* You think you know everything
[03-15:24] 1d667, Dag: I know more than you about what's been going on out here.
[03-15:25] d3a2d, Mierka: *snorts* Doubtfull
[03-15:26] 1d667, Dag: Need I remind you that I've been living out here in this for weeks. I think I'd know more than you.
[03-15:29] d3a2d, Mierka: ...jackass
[03-15:30] 1d667, Dag: There are things I could call you. However I was brought up better than that, little girl.
[03-15:32] d3a2d, Mierka: *at those words, her bright green eyes blaze with fury* Take that back!
[03-15:32] 1d667, Dag: Sorry. I cannot.
[03-15:33] d3a2d, Mierka: I'm not a little girl! I'm older than you, boy !
[03-15:34] 1d667, Dag: And your point?
[03-15:35] d3a2d, Mierka: I'm a woman! Not a little girl.
[03-15:35] 1d667, Dag: Well you're not acting like one.
[03-15:36] d3a2d, Mierka: .....*turns to walk away*
[03-15:38] 1d667, Dag: *Slings his pack over his shoulders.* Afraid of a boy?
[03-15:38] d3a2d, Mierka: *stops* I'm not afraid of you.
[03-15:39] 1d667, Dag: I see.
[03-15:41] JOIN: Mariasha has entered.
[03-15:41] d3a2d, Mierka: *looks at him* I have better things to do than get into an insulting match with you
[03-15:41] EXIT: Mariasha has left the chat ( 4:41pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-15:45] 1d667, Dag: I haven't insulted anyone.
[03-15:45] c45bf, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*does cameo while she waits for work related 3D render to render*))
[03-15:46] d3a2d, Mierka: You insulted me.
[03-15:46] 1d667, Dag: ((Hey Mab.))
[03-15:46] c45bf, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Hi))
[03-15:46] d3a2d, Mierka: (( hey! ))
[03-15:46] 1d667, Dag: Oh did I? Hmm... How vindictive of me.
[03-15:47] d3a2d, Mierka: Go find a tree to hide in
[03-15:48] 1d667, Dag: I've done that already.
[03-15:49] d3a2d, Mierka: Find another
[03-15:50] 1d667, Dag: ANd miss all the fun of torturing you? I think not.
[03-15:51] d3a2d, Mierka: Then I'll just ignore you
[03-15:52] 1d667, Dag: Sure you will.
[03-15:52] d3a2d, Mierka: *does'nt answer, going back to their camp to get ready to go*
[03-15:54] c45bf, Mab Fairy Queen : *Well, she is a fairy afterall and aren't they flighty creatures? Perhaps that is why she rarely thinks on Darius anymore other than a wary concern that he not be taken prisoner by the enemy due to what he shared with her and her people and her not wanting the enemy to know what she and her people and friends know. They had pleasant moments and consoled each other on their losses and she smiles to recall it, but it does not stir her with need or desire. He was a handsome young man and she enjoyed him, but alas. She looks casually from her perch in a high tree where she is leaning against the trunk while her one leg is sprawled along it and the other hanging down, looking upon the work of the tree ents and the other fae like creatures that are part of her people as a whole. They are constructing traps and fortifications and disguising most to look like it had before or look like it had always been, all except the great wall that expands for countless miles to encompass her entire mountain range. (cont.)*
[03-15:55] c45bf, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Hmm, okay, I wanna know how I was able to type so much in one post. I continued, because I thought I was getting to my limit and find I'm far past the usual limit. Weirdness))
[03-15:58] 1d667, Dag: ((It's called text limit was changed.
[03-16:03] d3a2d, Mierka: *goes from spot to spot, vaguely disappointed he did'nt follow. He's the only one closest to her age that she's talked to for a while*
[03-16:04] 1d667, Dag: *He waits a moment and then begins to follow.*
[03-16:04] JOIN: Adeus Garnderia has entered.
[03-16:04] c45bf, Mab Fairy Queen : *These coursing walls of foot and a half thick intertwined spiked and thorny vines can't even have a knife wedged between them except at select and guarded intervals where a pixie at most can fit through and where ten pixies guard at each. The wall is stronger than stone, because it almost has the hardness of stone, but has give as well, like tarred rope, but 100 times stronger and enchanted not to succumb readily to flames. It is most certainly stronger than a stone wall of it's equivalent thickness and reaches a lofty height of 30 feet. It's over intwined thick vines thickness is 10 feet. She watches as the ents encourage the thick vines that make up the wall to grow at great and rapid rates. She sighs. The worst part of war was the anticipation of it and the dreading and preparing.*
[03-16:05] c45bf, Mab Fairy Queen : over = overall
[03-16:06] d3a2d, Mierka: *it does'nt take her long to pack, she does'nt own much* There..
[03-16:07] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *rides a little ahead of the others, alone in her thoughts*
[03-16:08] JOIN: Nurse Ratched has entered.
[03-16:08] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he was watching the coast line, he seemed to be thinking of a far off place perhaps his kingdom and what he has left behind to help this women, But he had no regrets no remorse for his actions...he kicked the horse lightly and came up along side of her and smiled*
[03-16:08] 0d34f, Nurse Ratched: Medication time! Medication time! ^_^
[03-16:09] 1d667, Dag: *He just takes up a place leaning against a nearby tree.*
[03-16:10] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *smiles back faintly* How are you today..I don't think I've asked yet
[03-16:11] d3a2d, Mierka: *spots him and watches him for a moment*
[03-16:11] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : Me...I'm fine actually. I'm loving this ride I haven't been on a trip like this in years, it feels good to be outside again...
[03-16:11] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *shakes her head with amusement* This is'nt exactly a pleasure ride
[03-16:12] 1d667, Dag: *Just leans agains the tree. *
[03-16:12] c45bf, Mab Fairy Queen : *but has Mab or her ents forgotten or not thought of what is underground? Oh no, most certainly not. The wall goes a good 30 feet below ground as well with its roots sunk deep. Above ground, the wall looks a nice mix of earthy brown and the greens of its bits of protruding foilage, but not so much protruding foilage as to provide any cover for anyone sneaking up to the wall, nope. It's well shaped and maintained not to allow for such. The wall also has a shimmering gossamer quality to it, like countless snails left their sparkling trail, only it is not from snails, of course. It bespeaks of the walls enchantments*
[03-16:13] d3a2d, Mierka: Why not climb it instead of just leaning against it?
[03-16:13] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : Yes I know...But so far it's been nice. *he adjusted his seat on the horse* I'm getting a little sick of this cloak though * he undid the buttons and flung it off revealing his radian Darkred and gold engraved armor that seemed to give everything around him an arua*
[03-16:14] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *halts her horse* You should pick it up
[03-16:15] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he pulls on the rains, and gave her a confused look* Why
[03-16:16] 1d667, Dag: *Stands from leaning and looks at the tree.* Not good for climbing. Why do you insist I climb it?
[03-16:16] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : Because we're trying to leave as little trace of ourselves as possible.
[03-16:16] d3a2d, Mierka: Because you're the tree boy. All I know about you is that you like to hide in trees.
[03-16:17] c45bf, Mab Fairy Queen : ((brb))
[03-16:17] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he gave her an annoyed look and kicked horse going over the cloak and picking it up and he lightly draped it over himself again and trotted back towards her*
[03-16:18] 1d667, Dag: Best place to hide from orcs and goblins.
[03-16:18] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *nods, satisfied* Why don't you just put in one of your saddlebags?
[03-16:19] d3a2d, Mierka: *thinks of Jerren* Not all goblins are bad
[03-16:19] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he noded* Good idea....*he opened one of the half full ones and stuffed it in it then turned back to the front of him* I hope my rider makes it....
[03-16:20] 1d667, Dag: I'd rather not take my chances.
[03-16:20] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *nods* As do I..
[03-16:21] d3a2d, Mierka: *shrugs* Your choice
[03-16:21] 1d667, Dag: More like experience.
[03-16:22] d3a2d, Mierka: The one I met was...kind
[03-16:22] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : Khalek isn't looking for you is he?
[03-16:23] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : I'm certain he is...I'd be surprised if he is'nt.
[03-16:24] 1d667, Dag: One out of many.
[03-16:25] d3a2d, Mierka: *nods*
[03-16:25] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he sighed and got a worried look on his face* Then he would probly know about the rider I sent....
[03-16:25] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : He can't know everything..
[03-16:26] 1d667, Dag: You could tell me that there's such a thing as a nice orc and I'd not believe you.
[03-16:26] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : I hope he doesn't knwo about the rider....or i fear your kingdom will fall unless other reinforcements can be acuired
[03-16:26] d3a2d, Mierka: I don't think there is such thing as a nice orc.
[03-16:27] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *glances at him* Thank you..I had been trying not to think about that *urges her horse ahead*
[03-16:28] 1d667, Dag: Exactly. Just as there's no such thing as a nice goblin.
[03-16:28] d3a2d, Mierka: Just as there's no such thing as an honest man, right?
[03-16:29] JOIN: Durin has entered.
[03-16:29] 1d667, Dag: All the men I knew were honest. Honest, hard working farmers.
[03-16:29] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : Do not worry though...My Un'die are the only people I would trust with this sort of task, he will get the message threw. *he glanced around, he always kept an eye out for danger*
[03-16:29] b6559, Durin: (( But nice Dwarves are common enough..*shifty eyes*))
[03-16:32] c45bf, Mab Fairy Queen : *and sot he wall goes up and the traps are set outside the wall and inside the wall. Fairies and other flying creatures of fae origin patrol the skies over the mountains and along the walls and Mab looks forward to the other side of war like the many she has seen before*
[03-16:33] d3a2d, Mierka: (( *giggles and dances with her two new books* They came! )) I'm sure
[03-16:33] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *nods*
[03-16:33] 1d667, Dag: What? You think we're not?
[03-16:33] JOIN: Durin Ironfist has entered.
[03-16:35] d3a2d, Mierka: *shrugs* I'm sure they were good people
[03-16:36] 1d667, Dag: They were. All of them.
[03-16:37] d3a2d, Mierka: Ok
[03-16:38] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : How large is your fighting force anyway....*he had been trying to go threw in his head how large both armies would be*
[03-16:39] 1d667, Dag: But enough about that.
[03-16:39] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *names a figure*
[03-16:40] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : Well *he breathed in a let it out slowly* They best be trained....conscripts never win wars
[03-16:40] d3a2d, Mierka: *nods and sits next to the dying fire* Have you eaten yet?
[03-16:40] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : They're trained
[03-16:40] 1d667, Dag: Not since sometime this mroning.
[03-16:41] 1d667, Dag: morning
[03-16:41] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : Who leads them into or a general? *he didn't like letting other people run his army, but wondered how she did it*
[03-16:42] d3a2d, Mierka: I was about to go you want to come?
[03-16:42] 1d667, Dag: Sure. Don't have much else to do.
[03-16:43] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : I do..though I have'nt had to. My people have'nt gone to war for the last hundred years
[03-16:43] d3a2d, Mierka: *nods and, grabbing some line and a pole, she heads in the direction of a stream*
[03-16:44] 1d667, Dag: *He walks behind her.*
[03-16:45] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he was worried by this comment...he always had his army drilling or doing something to keep them in top shape* Has your family always ruled?
[03-16:45] b6559, Durin Ironfist : (( bored bored bored...))
[03-16:46] d3a2d, Mierka: *is silent with her thoughts*
[03-16:46] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : Yes. As it's been since the birth of my country.
[03-16:48] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : That is good, my kingdom is the same way...and always will be
[03-16:48] 1d667, Dag: *Has nothing much to talk about. Should probably have told his name by now, but it's not come up. He picks up a branch on the way and begins to strip it to make use of it as a pole.*
[03-16:49] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *nods and smiles slightly* It'll be nice to be home
[03-16:50] d3a2d, Mierka: *sets her line in the water* How old are you?
[03-16:50] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : Well I'm am honored to be able to help you bring you that happiness *he smiled at her*
[03-16:51] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : Always the flatterer
[03-16:51] c45bf, Mab Fairy Queen : *end cameo*
[03-16:52] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[03-16:52] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : Well what can I say I'm in the presence of the most beautiful women of my time...
[03-16:54] 0aaa6, Oyrin Darkune : *The door to the glimmering inn is kicked open and in strolls a very dusty Dwarf who in the process of walking to the bar he bowls over two hobbits.*
[03-16:54] c45bf, Merina : *swims beneath . She is forbidden to tread upon land, but that hasn't stopped her from doing so a number of times in the past. She swims past the pillar of depths as her people call it. It is huge, collosal and comes by its name honestly*
[03-16:56] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *shakes her head and barely resists looking back at Arion*
[03-16:56] c45bf, Merina : ((brb again. gotta load a program and restart compy))
[03-16:57] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he was trying his best but he could see she wasnt intrested in him...more intrested in that "knight"*
[03-16:58] c45bf, Merina : *and the pillar of depths is completely unknown to the inhabitants of the vast city above.* ((Okay, now I'll brb))
[03-16:59] 1d667, Dag: 15
[03-16:59] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : How did you two meet?
[03-17:00] JOIN: Z has entered.
[03-17:00] 94c70, Z: Arion Catto
[03-17:00] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *smiles faintly* Much like you did, except he came through the portal badly wounded. I saved his life.
[03-17:00] NICK: Z changed nick to Arion Catto.
[03-17:00] d3a2d, Mierka: And your name?
[03-17:01] MSG: Oyrin Darkune sent a message to High Mage Arion.
[03-17:01] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he sighed* You two..well together
[03-17:02] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *blinks and flushes, then shakes her head* No..
[03-17:03] 1d667, Dag: Dag. And yours?
[03-17:03] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : O alright....I didn't mean to embarras you. If i did i am sorry
[03-17:03] d3a2d, Mierka: Mierka *shifts so she's more comfortable*
[03-17:06] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan :'s alright..
[03-17:06] 94c70, Arion Catto: *On horse back, he rides back towards the main group after having ridden ahead to scout. It was something that him and a few others had done in turns to be sure that the path ahead was safe. He offers Shanira a gentle smile and gives Adeus a nod.*
[03-17:06] 1d667, Dag: Nice to meet you. *Rather than fishing with line he's more accustomed to stabbing the fish with a stick. And so he steps into the river, and begins looking for a good sized fish.*
[03-17:07] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *smiles back at him, her expression brightning once more*
[03-17:07] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he did not return the nod...after Arion hadn't acknowledged him before he didn't see it fit to return it*
[03-17:07] d3a2d, Mierka: *nods, her eyes narrowing as she feels a nibble*
[03-17:08] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *frowns as she notes this slight to her friend* That was'nt polite
[03-17:09] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he looked over to her* I had a right to it...he seemed to not want to acknoledge me when I tried to talk to him when this all started
[03-17:09] 94c70, Arion Catto: *Blames that on his player.*
[03-17:10] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : That was days ago! We were all busy..
[03-17:11] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he dindt like to be snaped at...he looked to Shanira* I'll ride scout for now *he kicked his horse hard and took off infront of them untill he was out of site*
[03-17:11] 1d667, Dag: *Sees a fish and in an instant rather than swimming freely it's on the end of his stick.*
[03-17:12] 94c70, Arion Catto: Pardon? *Spoken to Adeus.* I hadn't intentionally slighted you, Sir. I wasn't aware you had spoken to me.
[03-17:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-17:13] 94c70, Arion Catto: *His forhead wrinkles slightly as Adeus rides away. However, it is not from offense, but confusion. He looks to Shanira questioningly.*
[03-17:13] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *blinks and drops her horse back to join Arion* He's touchy today..something's bothering him.
[03-17:14] d3a2d, Mierka: *smiles, then gives a sudden jerk on her line, a fish landing next to her*
[03-17:16] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he would ride ahead for a good hour or so and then start to swing around in a big circle behind both of them*
[03-17:16] 94c70, Arion Catto: These are troubling times for all of us. I don't hold it against him. How have you been fairing with this, Shanira? *Yes, he has been putting forth effort to remember to call her by name without the title as she had requested of him.*
[03-17:17] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *sighs* I'm doing as well as I can...but it's hard...the worry. Arion...the nightmares have returned.
[03-17:18] 1d667, Dag: *Pulls a knife from a side pocket on his pack. Chops of the fishes head and begins to skin it. He found it easier to clean the fish at the river after catching it, rather than waiting to return to camp.*
[03-17:18] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[03-17:19] d3a2d, Mierka: *does the same, cleaning hers carefully*
[03-17:19] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he trotted up behind them coming back up on shanira's side, giving her a small smile* Seems to be no one following us..
[03-17:21] 1d667, Dag: *He tosses the head back in the river and picks up his stick again.* How many people are in your party?
[03-17:21] d3a2d, Mierka: Just Eri and I (( as far as her player knows ))
[03-17:21] 94c70, Arion Catto: Is there anything that I can do for you? I don't like to see the trouble in your eyes and it keeps your smile away... *He trails off as Adeus returns, giving him a nod again.* It's likely we are too far west for the orc attacks now.
[03-17:22] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *nods and is about to answer Arion when Adeus pulls up* That was the'll take us a bit longer..but it's safer
[03-17:23] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : I hope your right....*he thought for a moment* Excuse my behavor before...I am just worried
[03-17:23] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : We all are...*glances up at the sky* We should start looking for a place to stop
[03-17:24] 1d667, Dag: *Nods as he pierces another.*
[03-17:24] d3a2d, Mierka: *watches him*
[03-17:25] 94c70, Arion Catto: No offense is taken.
[03-17:27] 1d667, Dag: *He does the same with the second fish. Cutting off it's head and skinning and cleaning it.*.
[03-17:29] d3a2d, Mierka: Almost ready?
[03-17:30] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : I saw a clearing up ahead about a mile up
[03-17:30] 1d667, Dag: Yea. Ready when you are. *Once the second fish is clean he then stabs one wish through with it and then the other.*
[03-17:30] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *nods*
[03-17:31] d3a2d, Mierka: *holding her gutted fish, she heads for the camp*
[03-17:33] 1d667, Dag: *The knife he rinsed in the river, dried the blade upon his pants then slides it back into the pouch he'd made on his pack. Setting the stick upon his shoulder, he falls instep beside her.*
[03-17:33] d3a2d, Mierka: You're very thorough
[03-17:33] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *they would come out to the clearing it would be a nice field of grass...* your choice
[03-17:34] 1d667, Dag: No reason to cut corners.
[03-17:34] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *turns to Arion* What do you think? I like it
[03-17:34] d3a2d, Mierka: True..
[03-17:35] 94c70, Arion Catto: *Glances around them at the clearing. He then nods.* It should do nicely, we can set up camp and then set up watch shifts.
[03-17:36] 1d667, Dag: My grandpa always said if you can't do it right don't do it at all.
[03-17:36] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he loved his horse into the middle of the clearing* Looks like a fine spot
[03-17:37] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : moved*
[03-17:40] d3a2d, Mierka: *chuckles* He sounds like a wise man
[03-17:41] 1d667, Dag: Aye.
[03-17:41] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *nods and dismounts* I'll take the first watch *begins loosening the straps on her horse and removing things from the saddlebags*
[03-17:42] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : No you won't...I'll take the first watch* he dismounts*
[03-17:43] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : Adeus, I already claimed it. *begins digging a pit for their fire*
[03-17:44] 94c70, Arion Catto: *He dismounts as well and moves to assist.* You may take the second watch with me, if you wish, Lady Shanira.
[03-17:45] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : And I said your not taking the first watch....*he started to unstrap his saddle*
[03-17:45] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 6:18pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-17:46] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *eyes Adeus* Fine...*sighs* I'd be honored to share second watch with you *smiles at Arion*
[03-17:47] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he said something under his breath but kept it to himself, he got the saddle off and began to set up his area*
[03-17:50] d3a2d, Mierka: *reaches the camp and begins wrapping her fish in some leaves to be cooked in the coals*
[03-17:52] 1d667, Dag: *Does likewise with the two fish on the stick.*
[03-17:53] d3a2d, Mierka: *sits by the fire to wait*
[03-17:54] 94c70, Arion Catto: *Returns her smile and nods.* When ... *He looks to Adeus realizing he hadn't gotten the man's name yet.* I don't think that we've properly introduced ourselves. *He offers a hand.* I am Arion Catto.
[03-17:54] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *having set up the fire pit and her bedroll, she listens to them as she takes out a fishing pole*
[03-17:54] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he shook his hand* Adeus Garnderia King of Aramethia
[03-17:56] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *while they're occupied, she heads for the trees and the stream she can hear some distance off*
[03-17:56] 94c70, Arion Catto: *Gives Adeus' hand a respectuflly firm shake.* An honor your Majesty. *Gives him a bow of his head.*
[03-17:57] 1d667, Dag: *Rather than sit by the fire, he removes his pack, and makes himself comfortable up against the trunk of a tree.*
[03-17:58] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : As I am honored to meet you *he let his hand fall back to his side* Of what origin are you Arion
[03-18:02] 94c70, Arion Catto: I'm from a village called Latet. Unfortunately, it no longer stands. *He gives a brief description of the area, the real world equivalant being on the southern coast of Greece.*
[03-18:03] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he noted its description*what is your occupation....
[03-18:03] 1d667, Dag: You will keep an eye on the fish, I hope? *He asks*
[03-18:07] 94c70, Arion Catto: I was a defender, Sir. *He couldn't claim any knighthood as there was no solid rulership to grant such a position where he was from.*
[03-18:07] c45bf, Merina :
[03-18:09] d3a2d, Mierka: *nods* Going somewhere?
[03-18:09] 1d667, Dag: To sleep perhaps.
[03-18:09] 94c70, Arion Catto: (( Just so you know, Adeus, I need to start wrapping this up ))
[03-18:09] d3a2d, Averey Lithle : *and, of course, misses hearing all of this about Arion because she's now dissappeared into the trees*
[03-18:09] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : So your a soldier...?
[03-18:10] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : {alright}
[03-18:10] 94c70, Arion Catto: (( Somewhere between Manossa and , Merina ))
[03-18:10] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *and, of course, misses hearing all of this about Arion because she's now dissappeared into the trees*
[03-18:10] 94c70, Arion Catto: *Pauses for a moment, then nods.* I helped lead the defense of our villiage when it was attacked.
[03-18:10] c45bf, Merina : ((Meh, nm, work related stuff just came up. *grumbles and goes back to work* Thanks anyway))
[03-18:11] EXIT: Merina has left the chat ( 7:10pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-18:11] d3a2d, Mierka: *nods again* Sweet dreams
[03-18:12] 1d667, Dag: Right. *Leans back against the tree, closes his eyes and falls fast asleep.*
[03-18:13] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : Nice to meet you *he got the rest of his bed ready and started to walk the perimeter*
[03-18:13] d3a2d, Mierka: *watches the fish*
[03-18:13] d3a2d, Mierka: ***Gone***
[03-18:13] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *is just beyond the perimeter, happily fishing*
[03-18:13] 94c70, Arion Catto: *Nods to him.* Likewise. *Taking a look around, he doesn't see Shanira anywhere. He moves off to go find her.*
[03-18:14] 94c70, Arion Catto: (( See ya guys later ))
[03-18:14] 1d667, Dag: ((Yep. Later guys.))
[03-18:14] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : ***Gone***
[03-18:15] EXIT: Shanira Treyan has left the chat ( 7:14pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-18:20] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he stays on watch for the rest of night or untill he is releaved* **GONE**
[03-18:20] EXIT: Adeus Garnderia has left the chat ( 7:20pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-18:26] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[03-18:28] 91e10, Illisse Brilthor: a silver haired elven lady enters, shakes the rain from her hair and looks around the room.. Damn he still isn't here. and turns to leave.
[03-18:28] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 7:28pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-18:34] 867a2, Sileen: Meow mix meow mix please deliver
[03-19:26] 867a2, Sileen: I know there are people out there...
[03-19:27] 867a2, Sileen: There's at least four of you with this window open
[03-19:28] b6559, Durin Ironfist : (( No people..only Dwarves..))
[03-19:28] 867a2, Sileen: Dwarves are people too
[03-19:28] b6559, Durin Ironfist : (( *sniff* That's beautiful....))
[03-19:29] 867a2, Sileen: *L*
[03-19:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-19:32] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:32pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-19:33] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[03-19:35] 0a862, Lok: ((Are gargoyles people then?))
[03-19:44] JOIN: glim has entered.
[03-19:44] a1c74, glim : (i guess i count as a person also..
[03-19:44] a1c74, glim : )
[03-19:45] 867a2, Sileen: Gargoyles are people, but glims are not
[03-19:45] 867a2, Sileen: :-D
[03-19:45] 867a2, Sileen:
[03-19:46] a1c74, glim : (*points at self* H U M A N, human!!!)
[03-19:46] a1c74, glim : (*points at self* H U M A N, human!!!)
[03-19:46] a1c74, glim : (duble post???)
[03-19:46] a1c74, glim : (cool)
[03-19:47] b6559, Durin Ironfist : (( Yup..Glim's no person...It's obvious now heh))
[03-19:55] 867a2, Sileen: Hehe
[03-19:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-19:59] JOIN: Sarelth has entered.
[03-20:00] EXIT: Sarelth has left the chat ( 8:59pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-20:13] JOIN: Adeus Garnderia has entered.
[03-20:14] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[03-20:16] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[03-20:18] JOIN: PHOENIX has entered.
[03-20:19] 2e098, PHOENIX: *Yawns*
[03-20:19] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: Hello...
[03-20:19] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: Hmmm...
[03-20:19] 2e098, PHOENIX: ((HI))
[03-20:20] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( how are you? ))
[03-20:20] 2e098, PHOENIX: ((Grand, sleepy but Grand)) *Spots Lafiel whom he fell asleep on*
[03-20:21] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[03-20:21] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( Good, me too...))
[03-20:22] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: *sits and wonders when he should go back to the weapons and armor shop*
[03-20:22] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( Valandil...did you leave with Shanira, Arion, and Adeus?
[03-20:22] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( guess not... ))
[03-20:23] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( No, I dont think I was online at the time... They left?
[03-20:23] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: ))
[03-20:23] 867a2, Sileen: Another naked lady pic. Must be the new fad now a days
[03-20:24] d3a2d, Lafiel : *still sleeps, though she did wake earlier for a while* (( yes ))
[03-20:24] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( I can't find any good angel pics ))
[03-20:24] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[03-20:25] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : i like that one
[03-20:25] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( netx time I make a girl character Ill use a pic of a muslim, okay sileen? ^_^ )
[03-20:25] 2e098, PHOENIX: *Tries not to move her and rises to his feet*
[03-20:25] 0bcf3, Oyrin Darkune : ((*Eyes Sileen.* What about naked man? *Evil grin. Eyes webcam* Oh yeah. Its time for a full moon.))
[03-20:25] 867a2, Sileen: AAAAAHH!! No!
[03-20:26] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( AHHHHHHH... Run for you lives!!!))
[03-20:26] 2e098, PHOENIX: (Never muhuhaha))
[03-20:26] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ::doesn't like the naked girls either.. not much left to imagine:: )
[03-20:26] 0bcf3, Oyrin Darkune : ((Then hush your complaints!! Bwahaha!))
[03-20:26] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : {*shutters* }
[03-20:26] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( *runs franticly in circles* AAAHHHHH))
[03-20:27] d3a2d, Lafiel : *opens her eyes at the first hint of movement* You're up *stretches, still in her plain soft green dress*
[03-20:28] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( Damn internet...))
[03-20:28] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( 9:28pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-20:29] 2e098, PHOENIX: Yes I am *Fixes some tea*
[03-20:30] 867a2, Sileen: Granted, I prefer naked woman to naked men, as woman generally are in their oh so sexy take me now poses, that conviently cover everything... over naked men. Being female, and straight, naked woman dun do much to me. Naked men however, would likely traumtize me
[03-20:30] d3a2d, Lafiel : *stands, twitching her wings. There is'nt enough room for her to stretch them out without knocking things over* Did you rest well?
[03-20:31] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( the female figure is much more beautiful as it is. )
[03-20:31] 0bcf3, Oyrin Darkune : ((o_o Sileen...has switched sides? *Looks for military haircut and camos.* Kinky..*grins.* and yes. Naked women are better than naked men. More curvy.))))
[03-20:32] 867a2, Sileen: Mew?
[03-20:32] EXIT: Oyrin Darkune has left the chat ( 9:31pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-20:32] JOIN: Mr. J has entered.
[03-20:32] 2e098, PHOENIX: Indeed it was a great sleep I had many dreams....
[03-20:32] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( well technically fat guys are curvy... XD )
[03-20:32] 0bcf3, Mr. J: Kitteh!!! *Grabs clippers.* Prepare to be shaved!!!
[03-20:33] d3a2d, Lafiel : You should sleep every day..instead of every few weeks.
[03-20:33] 0bcf3, Mr. J: Oh hell yeah. Man, I'd date myself if I could.
[03-20:33] 0bcf3, Mr. J: God I am one hot peice of real-estate.
[03-20:33] 0bcf3, Mr. J: *licks finger. touches self* Ssssss
[03-20:34] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ....alrighty. >.> )
[03-20:34] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Sileen.
[03-20:35] 0bcf3, Mr. J: *Walks around infront of the mirror.* Heeeeeey! Baby! You wanna party! Yeaaaaah!
[03-20:35] 2e098, PHOENIX: Most likely *Pours her tea*But I have work to do...
[03-20:35] 867a2, Sileen: AAAH! *flee*
[03-20:36] d3a2d, Lafiel : *nods and I should be going*
[03-20:36] MSG: Sileen sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-20:36] d3a2d, Lafiel : *nods* And I should be going
[03-20:37] 2e098, PHOENIX: Why is this?
[03-20:38] 2e098, PHOENIX: *sits beside her siping at his tea*
[03-20:38] d3a2d, Lafiel : I do not wish to keep you from the work you just mentioned. *heads for the door*
[03-20:38] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Sileen.
[03-20:38] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( she stood a couple of posts ago ))
[03-20:38] IGN: AdrianGoldenmoon ignored Lafie for seconds.
[03-20:38] EXIT: Mr. J has left the chat ( 9:35pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-20:39] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( see? XD )
[03-20:39] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[03-20:40] 2e098, PHOENIX: ((Meh.)) True but right now I have none...
[03-20:40] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[03-20:40] cd6af, Rav : MONKEYS
[03-20:40] d3a2d, Liz: Bananas!!!!!
[03-20:41] d3a2d, Lafiel : *pauses* Then..should I stay
[03-20:41] d3a2d, Lafiel : ?
[03-20:43] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ::yawn:: )
[03-20:43] 2e098, PHOENIX: If you wish *looks ot the window* I wont stop you...
[03-20:43] MSG: Sileen sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-20:45] d3a2d, Lafiel : I just don't want to be in your way...
[03-20:45] cd6af, Rav : monkey monkey monkey banana banana monkey monkey monkey banana banana monkey monkey monkey banana banana monkey monkey monkey banana banana monkey monkey monkey banana banana monkey monkey monkey banana banana
[03-20:45] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Sileen.
[03-20:45] 2e098, PHOENIX: You never could *walks over to her*
[03-20:45] d3a2d, Liz: *ROTFLHAO*
[03-20:45] d3a2d, Lafiel : No?
[03-20:45] 867a2, Sileen: *LOL*
[03-20:47] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ::didnt find anything THAT funny about it.. ; :: must be a g.o.d. thing... )
[03-20:47] cd6af, Rav : hehehe YAY for monkeys
[03-20:47] 2e098, PHOENIX: Nope not at all. *HAnds her tea*
[03-20:47] cd6af, Rav : You would just have to know me poison
[03-20:48] 867a2, Sileen: Alas, much to my dismay, I DO know him
[03-20:48] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( Im rather content not knowing any of you ^^; )
[03-20:48] d3a2d, Lafiel : *takes the tea and takes a sip, wincing slightly, needing to stretch her wings*
[03-20:48] 867a2, Sileen: *ducks preemptively*
[03-20:49] 867a2, Sileen: Adrian's too serious for us carefree types :-D
[03-20:49] 0bcf3, Oyrin Darkune : ((You just havent met the J. *Gets his groove on.* One look and your changed.))
[03-20:49] cd6af, Rav : and thats a bad thing??? *pouts then begins to cry*
[03-20:49] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *reaches the stream and sits down, preparing her line*
[03-20:49] 2e098, PHOENIX: Wanna go for a walk? *heads for door*
[03-20:50] d3a2d, Liz: *hugs Rav* They just don't understand you like I do..Monkey.
[03-20:50] 1d667, Dag: ((hmm))
[03-20:50] 0bcf3, Oyrin Darkune : *Yes. Anyway in pacing back and forth infront of someone at a desk writing. Dictating a letter.*
[03-20:50] 94c70, Z: *sits on Rav*
[03-20:50] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he made his rounds once more aorund the field and kept moving*
[03-20:51] d3a2d, Lafiel : *nods and sets down her cup* That sounds nice
[03-20:51] JOIN: Lord Soth has entered.
[03-20:51] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( I cant afford to be a "carefree type" anymore.. >.> but my sense of humor is a little different than monkey bana monkey banana.. )
[03-20:52] cd6af, Rav : *Is huged then gets sat upon.* I thought....*sniffle* You cared.....*sniffle.*
[03-20:52] 94c70, Arion Catto: *He moves off towards the stream, the last direction he had seen Shanira go.*
[03-20:53] a1c74, Lord Soth: (i just sent in regestration for this guy, so if you have time somtime tonight, message my other char (glim) with pass because my e-mail is kinda messed up... thanks)
[03-20:54] 2e098, PHOENIX: *Begins walking down an empty street watching the stars twinkle above*
[03-20:54] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *shifts so she's more comfortable, waiting for a nibble*
[03-20:54] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-20:54] d3a2d, Lafiel : Do you mind if we head for the gates?
[03-20:55] cd6af, Rav : He is already a character in this chat.
[03-20:55] cd6af, Rav : not by that name but close enough
[03-20:55] JOIN: Lord Soth has entered.
[03-20:56] 2e098, PHOENIX: Gates? Rhis place has gates... *Usually flies out* Not at all...
[03-20:56] 2e098, PHOENIX: ((This*))
[03-20:56] cd6af, Rav : *Is unloved by Sileen. Crys some more.*
[03-20:56] d3a2d, Lafiel : *considers it polite to wait untill she's out of the city before flying*
[03-20:57] 0bcf3, Oyrin Darkune : ((*Gives lots of h0tlove to Rav.*))
[03-20:58] cd6af, Rav : *doesn't care is unloved.*
[03-20:59] 2e098, PHOENIX: ((Teleports)) So how did yu happen to come upon this land?
[03-20:59] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ::doesnt love Rav bc he ditched me:: )
[03-20:59] 0bcf3, Oyrin Darkune : ((*tears up. Unloved by Rav.*))
[03-20:59] 94c70, Arion Catto: *Eventually, he would come up on her, seeing her just up ahead.*
[03-20:59] d3a2d, Lafiel : *smiles slightly* I travel....I ended up here
[03-20:59] a1c74, Lord Soth: .
[03-21:00] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he stopped half from the trees and the camp and looked up into the sky and sighed....*
[03-21:00] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *leans against a tree, waiting*
[03-21:00] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-21:00] cd6af, Rav : *loves everyone. Hugs everyone in the room and kisses Oyrin and Poison.*
[03-21:00] 2e098, PHOENIX: Me aswell *Looks downward into the water that is all about the city*
[03-21:01] 867a2, Sileen: Alright, we've already got one Sothicus in this chat, we dun need another
[03-21:01] d3a2d, Lafiel : You don't sound happy about it..
[03-21:01] 867a2, Sileen: *hugs Rav* I sorry
[03-21:01] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[03-21:01] 867a2, Sileen: Time to cut down on the OOC folks, people are RP'ing
[03-21:03] 0bcf3, Oyrin Darkune : *Now at say a blacksmith shop! Getting a hammer made. yes. A big ass hammer! A war Hammer!*
[03-21:04] 2e098, PHOENIX: Its to wet here.. I long for a world of Fire and heat....
[03-21:04] 94c70, Arion Catto: Catching anything? *He asks her as he approaches.*
[03-21:05] d3a2d, Lafiel : *blinks and looks at him* That's a curious thing to say..
[03-21:05] cd6af, Rav : *Is huged by Sil* Yay. *kisses everyone then vanishes for a bit.*
[03-21:06] JOIN: Bianca Moonbeam has entered.
[03-21:06] 2e098, PHOENIX: Im use to warm places it was like my home *looks away*
[03-21:06] 54f8f, Bianca Moonbeam : ((*cackles*))
[03-21:06] 54f8f, Bianca Moonbeam : ((test))
[03-21:07] 54f8f, Bianca Moonbeam : ((test))
[03-21:07] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *shakes her head* Nope......we might end up eating travel rations only, tonight..
[03-21:08] d3a2d, Lafiel : Ahh...I see...
[03-21:08] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( :| ::has nothing to do:: )
[03-21:08] 2e098, PHOENIX: YEs, yes you do *Puts arms behind his head*
[03-21:08] 54f8f, Bianca Moonbeam : * is in her shop, "Moonbeams Blacksmith and sword shop" wroking on a new and beautiful sword. its quite light and has gold implated down the center of it, and wound around the handle , which is encrusted with Emeralds. *
[03-21:09] 2e098, PHOENIX: ((What? what? wow ho there what?))
[03-21:09] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ::should probably make that narcoleptic, drag queen, muslim-photoed character..:: )
[03-21:10] 0bcf3, Oyrin Darkune : *Mutters something to a Dwarf working near him. He immediatly turns and starts to fan the flame heating it up as Oyrin sets the hammer part into the fire.*
[03-21:10] 2e098, PHOENIX: ((Another black smith shop? I shall burn thee down))
[03-21:10] d3a2d, Lafiel : Personally...I prefer cooler the mountains..
[03-21:10] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[03-21:11] 94c70, Arion Catto: We'll have to eat them sometime. *He sits down on the ground next to her, though with a little bit of space between them.*
[03-21:11] 2e098, PHOENIX: Yes they are nice, but nuthing beats a good desert...
[03-21:13] 54f8f, Bianca Moonbeam : (( ok MY CHAR has had this blacksmith show since like the beginning of the chat.. i just haven't used it in a while ..hmph ))
[03-21:13] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : Yes...but I keep trying to hold it off... *glances over at him*
[03-21:13] 54f8f, Bianca Moonbeam : shop *
[03-21:13] d3a2d, Lafiel : I have never been to a desert...
[03-21:15] 2e098, PHOENIX: ((Well I have so shoo or I will eat you whole))
[03-21:16] 2e098, PHOENIX: You should go it is quite fun... ((sorry.. just make me sad))
[03-21:16] 54f8f, Bianca Moonbeam : ((*L*))
[03-21:17] d3a2d, Lafiel : Fun?
[03-21:17] JOIN: Adeus Garnderia has entered.
[03-21:19] 2e098, PHOENIX: Indeed the heat washing over oyu, hoding you tighly within its grasp*
[03-21:20] d3a2d, Lafiel : That sounds almost romantic..*smiles faintly and , leaving the city, spreads her wings out*
[03-21:20] 54f8f, Bianca Moonbeam : (( yes Bordeom has over come me.. if ANYONE is free to RP, i have 3 other chars i could bring in ...heh ))
[03-21:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( even if I did.. you last like 5 minutes here before you have to go. :| )
[03-21:23] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[03-21:23] 94c70, Arion Catto: *smiles a bit.* I can understand your preference.
[03-21:23] 2e098, PHOENIX: ((Whom ever wanted the the armour Elf guy Prvt me with the details again))
[03-21:24] 2e098, PHOENIX: It is *watches her*
[03-21:25] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *sighs* I don't think anything's going to bite..
[03-21:25] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he stays within camp cooking some food and feeding the horses*
[03-21:25] 54f8f, Bianca Moonbeam : (( * fwaps Adrain* how rude !?!? heh i know ^-^ ))
[03-21:25]       AdrianGoldenmoon is not a drain.
[03-21:26] d3a2d, Lafiel : But the air currents above the plains...warm and soft like a lover's carress against my face..*smiles*
[03-21:30] 94c70, Arion Catto: Don't worry, perhaps we can make some stew out of some of the dried meat.
[03-21:30] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 10:25pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-21:31] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *pauses and smells the air* Seems like someone already is..
[03-21:31] 2e098, PHOENIX: That may be.. But still *Wishes to be in the fire plains*
[03-21:32] d3a2d, Lafiel : *glances at him and wishes she could make the sadness go away*
[03-21:33] 2e098, PHOENIX: *Kicks a rock* Oh well..
[03-21:33] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he already had a pot of stew cooking on the fire...he sat next it in only his undergrabs which was a regular tunic and pants*
[03-21:33] 54f8f, Bianca Moonbeam : ((*sigh*))
[03-21:35] 94c70, Arion Catto: Mm... so it would seem. *He looks back to her.* We can go back, if you wish. Or we can stay here.
[03-21:35] 0bcf3, Oyrin Darkune : *Dips the Warhammer into water, it sizzles as it cools. Pulling it out he steps intot he street, twirling it above his head he lets out a mighty bellow and slams it into the ground hard enough to rattle dishes in cabinets in the buildings around him.* Hmm...needs more...needs magic.
[03-21:36] d3a2d, Lafiel : *softly* Yeah..*looks up at the stars*
[03-21:36] JOIN: Illisse Brilthor has entered.
[03-21:37] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : It would be rude to stay away too long...*does'nt want to slight the other king*
[03-21:38] 54f8f, Bianca Moonbeam : (( * starts to corner-row Oyrin's hair* ^-^ ))
[03-21:39] 34235, Illisse Brilthor: the silver haired elf looks around for her mate. Seeing that he is not here she turns and leaves.
[03-21:39] EXIT: Illisse Brilthor has left the chat ( 10:39pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-21:39] 0bcf3, Oyrin Darkune : ((*Oh yeah. Is now hip.*))
[03-21:39] 2e098, PHOENIX: *Sits on a tree stump*
[03-21:40] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he tested the stew and smiled...he always had anack for making food. He didnt know why but he did*
[03-21:40] 94c70, Arion Catto: *Nods, then stands.* Very well then. *He offers her a hand up.*
[03-21:42] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *accepts the hand up and stands, taking her line out of the water* Thank you..
[03-21:44] 94c70, Arion Catto: My pleasure. *He waits for her to be ready before escorting her back.*
[03-21:44] d3a2d, Lafiel : *stands in front of him, unsure as to what to do. She looks around and her gaze settles on a flowering tree. It's been mostly picked over, but there are a few blossoms near the top*
[03-21:44] 54f8f, Bianca Moonbeam : ((*L*))
[03-21:45] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he goes to his saddle bag and retreaves some barly and sprinks it on the stew and mixes it in* Hmmm this si gonna be good stew
[03-21:45] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : And mine as well...*gives his hand a very light squeeze before letting go* Let's not keep him waiting
[03-21:47] 94c70, Arion Catto: Come then. *He lets her start off first, then moves along with her.*
[03-21:47] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *soon would come out of the trees with a smile for Adeus* Smells good..
[03-21:48] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[03-21:49] 94c70, Arion Catto: Indeed it does.
[03-21:50] 2e098, PHOENIX : *watches her fly to the tree*
[03-21:50] JOIN: Valandil Elladan has entered.
[03-21:50] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he returned he smile* Yup my best stew...
[03-21:50] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( Pheonix.. I wanted the armor... you need details?
[03-21:50] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[03-21:50] 2e098, PHOENIX : ((yeah))
[03-21:50] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : Best? You make other things?
[03-21:51] 54f8f, Bianca Moonbeam : ((*yawn*))
[03-21:51] cd6af, Rav : *wonders around the world.*
[03-21:51] EXIT: Durin Ironfist has left the chat ( 8:47pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-21:52] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( Ok... I wanted so I can move faster with it on...))
[03-21:52] 2e098, PHOENIX : *watches her stare off over his shoulder* what do you see..((yeah))
[03-21:52] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : Yes I do actually...I have a nack for cooking
[03-21:52] 2e098, PHOENIX : ((Prvt me))
[03-21:53] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( And maybe if it was mithral might be nice... ))
[03-21:53] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *sits down by the fire* Ahhh...handy. So why won't you let me take first watch?
[03-21:53] 2e098, PHOENIX : ((I will smack you if you dont private me instead of this))
[03-21:53] 94c70, Z: *pokes Rav*
[03-21:53] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( Prvt me? What's that mean *sorry fo cluelessness*))
[03-21:53] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: ((Oh))
[03-21:54] d3a2d, Lafiel : I'll be right back...*spreads her wings and takes off, heading over to the tree. Up close, she can see that the blossoms look like delicate roses*
[03-21:54] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : If it were my choice you wouldent take any watch at all...*he sturred the stew*
[03-21:54] MSG: PHOENIX sent a message to Valandil Elladan.
[03-21:55] MSG: Valandil Elladan tried to message Pheonix (not registered).
[03-21:56] 87033, W: *yawns*
[03-21:56] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( cant stay long...))
[03-21:56] 2e098, PHOENIX : ((*smacks* spell it right))
[03-21:57] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : Why not?
[03-21:57] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( ??? ))
[03-21:57] 2e098, PHOENIX : *Waits for her to return*
[03-21:57] 54f8f, Bianca Moonbeam : (( i g2g bye ))
[03-21:57] 2e098, PHOENIX : ((phOEnix))
[03-21:58] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( Oh... hehehe))
[03-21:58] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : Becuase...I don't think you should be put in any danger at all...
[03-21:58] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *soon would land in front of him, She holds out the deep red rose to him*
[03-21:58] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : I can take care of myself, Adeus...
[03-21:59] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : I can take care of myself, Adeus...
[03-21:59] d3a2d, Lafiel : *soon would land in front of him, She holds out the deep red rose to him*
[03-21:59] MSG: Valandil Elladan sent a message to Phoenix.
[03-21:59] 94c70, Arion Catto: *Listens to them quietly as he too takes a seat near the fire, but not all that close.*
[03-21:59] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : Still...I don't want anything to happen to you between here and your kingdom. *he tested the stew one last time and smiled* It's done
[03-22:00] 2e098, PHOENIX : ((Meh)) *looks at it a smile on his face* For me..
[03-22:02] 125f3, Valandil Elladan: (( cna you think of better? If so, add it on to that, but I gotta go... I'll be back in 3 hours...))
[03-22:03] EXIT: Valandil Elladan has left the chat ( 11:02pm, March 03 (CST) ).
[03-22:03] JOIN: PHOENIX has entered.
[03-22:03] d3a2d, Lafiel : Yes...for you....
[03-22:03] 2e098, PHOENIX: *takes it softly into his hands*
[03-22:04] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *shakes her head* Thank you for your concern...just don't treat me differently just because of who I am.
[03-22:04] d3a2d, Lafiel : *lets go of it* Does it make you happy?
[03-22:05] JOIN: Puwia has entered.
[03-22:05] 949ad, Puwia: ((rar))
[03-22:05] 949ad, Puwia: ((
[03-22:05] 2e098, PHOENIX: Indeed *looks down at it*
[03-22:05] d3a2d, Lafiel : Good...
[03-22:06] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : I'm not...I'm trying to protect you as I do you want any of this
[03-22:07] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *eyes him a moment, then nods, going over to her saddlebags and getting out a bowl and spoon*
[03-22:07] 2e098, PHOENIX: *sniffs it*
[03-22:08] 94c70, Arion Catto: *Leans against a low laying rock, sort of making himself comfortable. He watches the two.*
[03-22:08] d3a2d, Lafiel : *watches him*
[03-22:08] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : Help yourself...*he gets a bowl for himself and scoops into the stew filling his bowl and leaning back on his saddle begining to eat*
[03-22:09] 2e098, PHOENIX: *walks over and hugs her* Thanks.
[03-22:09] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *serves herself* Are'nt you going to dismount? *sits down somewhere between them*
[03-22:10] d3a2d, Lafiel : *blinks at the hug, then hesitantly returns it* You're welcome
[03-22:10] JOIN: PHOENIX has entered.
[03-22:11] 2e098, PHOENIX: *sits back down*
[03-22:11] d3a2d, Lafiel : *sits next to him* Are you my friend?
[03-22:11] 2e098, PHOENIX: yes. I think so...
[03-22:12] d3a2d, Lafiel : *nods* Good....I had hoped so
[03-22:12] JOIN: PHOENIX has entered.
[03-22:12] 6cd4c, Adeus Garnderia : *he gave her a look...he was already dismounted and leaning against his saddle that was on the gorund*
[03-22:13] 2e098, PHOENIX: Why? *lloks her over*
[03-22:13] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *ah, well..her player had misread a post. Flushes and busies herself with her stew*
[03-22:14] d3a2d, Lafiel : I have never had a friend before.
[03-22:14] 2e098, PHOENIX: Why is this.?
[03-22:14] 94c70, Arion Catto: *Eventually gets up and serves himself some as well, and then returning to where he was sitting.*
[03-22:14] d3a2d, Lafiel : *shrugs* I don't know..
[03-22:15] 2e098, PHOENIX: Thats sad. but im lonely too.