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[18-21:36] 94c70, Arion Catto: There are many such people.
[18-21:36] 94c70, Arion Catto: (( ))
[18-21:36] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((Demonus Nectus)) You have been speaking with that...Fallen Human...the scent of his taint is all over you...*his voice rumbles as he speaks, a long forked tongue snakes between his lips with every word*
[18-21:36] a5324, Nefiset Da'emorentis : **keeps his fast pace turning down seemingly random allys heading in the general direction of the glimmering inn, books clicking on the cobble streets, his staff also clicking everyone so ofter as nefiset plants into the the cobble stones**
[18-21:36] 867a2, Aegnora : .. How long until you reach your ships?
[18-21:36] 94c70, Muna : (( With Mors ))
[18-21:36] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : Such people?
[18-21:36] 867a2, Aegnora : ((With Kriel))
[18-21:37] 94c70, Muna : *Chuckles* Which fallen human do you refer to? Many of their kind are tainted and corrupt.
[18-21:37] 94c70, Arion Catto: Yes, the sort that would just as soon tkae your life if it meant something better for themselves.
[18-21:38] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *under her breath* They are welcome to it
[18-21:38] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Who else has fallen so far as He? *is clearly meaning Sothicus himself, his thick black lips curling slightly into a smirk*
[18-21:39] 867a2, Aegnora : ((I can think of a few, Palladia ))
[18-21:39] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *Speaking of Sothicus he needs to go to Northern Arcadia and to the coast to bring him and his army to the Nish/Erasus navy ready to invade Mablung*
[18-21:39] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((*kidnaps Aegnora for fiery demon....SCRABBLE PLAYING!*))
[18-21:39] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Organizing. Talking. Keeping spirits up.
[18-21:40] 867a2, Aegnora : ((.. So that's what they are calling it now a days))
[18-21:40] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : A week... if we do not slow down for anything..... *a sly smile on his face, hand still patting her own* I am still awaiting this steed you promised me...... i must say i am rather dissapointed in you.... *his face turning into a mock frown, they heading twords the edge of his camp*
[18-21:41] 867a2, Aegnora : ... You wish the steed, do you...? *smirks* How soon will you be ready to ride?
[18-21:41] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*sighs as his nightmare is stolen, grabs odette out o his chest o womens and wraps his arm around her NPC waist* meh, its just not hte same))
[18-21:41] dfe22, Dri: :: Looks less than thrilled about it..:: Must be boring bein' King.
[18-21:43] 94c70, Muna : Mmm... you speak of the Knight. *smirks* He is doing me a favor...
[18-21:43] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Is tiring being king.
[18-21:43] 94c70, Arion Catto: *Tilts his head slightly as he watches her.*
[18-21:44] ceea7, Palladia Mors : And what favort is that I wonder...*drags one of the deadly black talons against his chin as if feigning thought*
[18-21:44] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *looks at him* What?
[18-21:44] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : mmm, do i wish the steed? *he chuckles darkly, yellowish eyes straying from her to teh small sparkling creek that runs near the camp*i don't deccicarily WISH for this steed... i have been doing just fine travelling by foot....
[18-21:44] dfe22, Dri: Yah.. ::gets to her feet, having the dust off her bottom half now:: Jerr'n always workin'.. all ver-uh boring.
[18-21:45] 867a2, Aegnora : Depends... do you want to make an impression? It's a very grand steed... *leans in, whispering softly to him* And very likely.. one the few chances you'll get to... ride me
[18-21:47] 94c70, Arion Catto: You wish for someone to take your life?
[18-21:47] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he grins darkly as she speaks these words, his own lips millimeters away from her own, his head turning to the side, he whispering into her ear, a finger trailing her jawline* ahhh but not in the way I had imagined i would ride you, my dear....... *with that he pulls his face away from her own, cunning smile on his lips*
[18-21:47] 94c70, Muna : That... is my concern and mine alone...
[18-21:47] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Am sorry.
[18-21:48] 867a2, Aegnora : *chuckles* Well...? What do you say? Shall our mighty Kriel be seen as one who can tame a nightmare for his steed?
[18-21:48] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : No.....yes.....I don't know anymore
[18-21:49] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *his rumbling chuckle would make nearby ambiance objects such as trees quiver as his taloned feet contract, digging furrows into the ground* Hmm...then I suppose you know your well as you know...say...yourself?
[18-21:49] 94c70, Arion Catto: What don't you know?
[18-21:50] dfe22, Dri: :: combs her ruby red strands with her clawed fingers, staring up at him with glassy emerald hues:: Jerr'n got nuthin' be sorry for. Feel bad for Jerr'n.
[18-21:50] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : If my life is worth living.
[18-21:50] 94c70, Muna : I know him well enough. *narrows her eyes slightly.* What concern is this of yours?
[18-21:51] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *half smiles* Got you, got family of goblins. Not need feel bad for.
[18-21:52] 94c70, Arion Catto: Life is always worth living.
[18-21:53] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : who would i be showing off too, or be seen by? those oafs back there? *said with a smile as they stroll along next to the stream* no i see no NEED to ride such a marvelous creature, *he smikes some, his fingers trailing the length of her arm* like THAT manner..... *he smiles and looks away* besides, you claimed i would have to give you something for SUCH a ride, yet you never did specify what that was, my dear.....
[18-21:53] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : Always? *looks at him*
[18-21:53] 94c70, Arion Catto: Always.
[18-21:53] 867a2, Aegnora : *smirks* It would not have been anything overly much...
[18-21:54] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : I wish I could beleive that..*turns to head back to the Inn*
[18-21:55] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : care to specify what , it infact, would be..... for i will decide if it would be overly much or not...... *they move to a point where the creek flows quickly, waters siz inches deep, and crystal clear*
[18-21:55] ceea7, Palladia Mors : That would be telling my dear....and you know that you cannot get something for free...*runs a talon down her cheek should it touch*
[18-21:55] dfe22, Dri: Got too much work, can't enjoy either. :: pokes at his stomach gently:: Right?
[18-21:57] 867a2, Aegnora : Information... *looks to him* You interest me, as I said.. I want to know more about you, about your background. Are all men like you, where you come from?
[18-21:57] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *smirks and picks her up, as though she weighed a half pound and swings her about* Who says!?!
[18-21:59] 94c70, Arion Catto: In time, perhaps... Good night, Lady Shanira
[18-22:00] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : Goodnight...*heads back to the Inn*
[18-22:00] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : ***Gone***
[18-22:00] EXIT: Shanira Treyan has left the chat ( 11:00pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-22:00] 94c70, Muna : *No, she would intercept that talon with her hand.* Of course it isn't. I'm giving him exactly what he wants.
[18-22:00] dfe22, Dri: :: Giggles, holding onto his wrists, a wide smile on her face:: Dri, just now! ::is only kidding of course..::
[18-22:02] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : oh no my dear, not all men are like me, very few are where i come from *Chuckles again, he stepping into the crystal clear water, his airtight boots not allowing anything through, his feet dry, they are a nish admiral's
[18-22:02] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Bah! You lie! Enjoy you even with world crashing down! *many of the goblins are watching the two, most grining with wide white sharp teeth*
[18-22:02] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : care to specify what , it infact, would be..... for i will decide if it would be overly much or not...... *they move to a point where the creek flows quickly, waters siz inches deep, and crystal clear*
[18-22:02] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : boots afterall*
[18-22:02] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He sat up in his 'bed'.. glancing over the room.. it was all too quiet here. His eye caught the papers on the desk, and he slid from the bench, moving over to peek at them, lifting up the first sheet to read::
[18-22:03] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : boots afterall*
[18-22:04] 867a2, Aegnora : *a tad reluctantly moves into the water after him.. * Then what are the rest like..?
[18-22:04] dfe22, Dri: :: Smiles, a little more reserved, a faint blush painting across her cheeks as she reached her small hands out to his face:: Jerr'n still sweet even callin' Dri a liar.
[18-22:05] ceea7, Palladia Mors : And how you plan to grant him his mortality back? *smirks cruelly, running the intercepted talon over her hand*
[18-22:06] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : my dear, THAT would be information, and i have yet to recieve your payment for such an arrangment.....*a evil glint in his eyes*
[18-22:07] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *nuzzles his nose against hers* Dri sweet all time.
[18-22:07] 867a2, Aegnora : *smirks* ... How good of a rider are you? *glances him over* Likely not the best... since you insist on walking, and only have to control a fleet
[18-22:09] 94c70, Muna : That is for me alone to know... *smirks slightly. There was noone other than herself that knew the source of her power.*
[18-22:10] ceea7, Palladia Mors : And if I said I have some information for you?
[18-22:11] dfe22, Dri: :: her clown nose honks accidentally, and she blinks in surprise, snickering:: Kekeke..
[18-22:11] 94c70, Muna : That would depend on your information.. *Withdraws her hand away from him and his black talon.*
[18-22:12] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : quite good, my dear nightmare.... *chuckles some, riding was a hobby of his back home. he enjoying playing the nish game of "catalin" which involved a captured beggar rat, many hunting dogs, and a crossbow, much like what fox hunting woul dbe to the british*
[18-22:12] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *Clown nose? wtf?*
[18-22:12] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Like your real nose more... not so loud.
[18-22:12] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*indeed, WTF*))
[18-22:13] 867a2, Aegnora : Shall we test that....? *gestures outside the camp*
[18-22:13] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Such a warning...would not come free...I want proof.
[18-22:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-22:15] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ah my dear it is late and i have travelled a great distance *He smirks* besides it would do me no real good now, not needing to go anywhere *he kneels down slightly, hands dipping into the crystal waters, he drinking from his cupped palm* we CAN test it..... in the morning
[18-22:15] 94c70, Muna : Do not threaten me, Palladia... *narrows her eyes slightly.* What proof is it you wish to see?
[18-22:15]       Dri is wearing a clown nose as shown in the picture
[18-22:15] 867a2, Aegnora : ... Need time to stiffen your spine? *smirks* .. And since when is there harm in a little ride?
[18-22:16] dfe22, Dri: S'pose not... :eeks over his shoulder at the spectators..:: but.. dun' like show everybody..
[18-22:16] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Why? Is pretty?
[18-22:17] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he stands and leans twords her, whispering softly into her ear* you could easily whisk me off to wherever you desired, my lovely Aegnora.... *he leaning away from her, chuckling*
[18-22:18] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Who said it was a threat Muna? *his voice drops in tone, into that cold, buisness like manner he usually keeps about himself*
[18-22:19] 94c70, Muna : *Shifts slightly, taking a step to pace slowly about him.* One such as myself has to be careful...
[18-22:20] 867a2, Aegnora : Oh.. I know... *leans in, reaching out to gently caress his cheek, as she makes a reference to her words the other night* But my dear Kriel... Where would the fun be, if I proved to be easy prey? *grins*
[18-22:20] dfe22, Dri: Jus'.. dun' want to.. ::folds her tiny hands over her nose::
[18-22:22] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Of course you do...*grins, facing her*
[18-22:23] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Is okay. *gives her a small kiss on the cheek*
[18-22:23] 94c70, Muna : *Keeps her eyes on him.* Your proof.... what is this proof you want?
[18-22:24] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Show me how you plan to redeem him...
[18-22:24] dfe22, Dri: :: hugs him gently with one arm, the other hand held over her clown nose as she rested her head against him:: S'pose..
[18-22:26] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : When this war end... when Goblins rule Dark Forest and other races respect goblins... will rest.
[18-22:27] 94c70, Muna : Why does this interest you?
[18-22:27] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : oh my lovely mightmare, the hunter could become the hunted, as you have pointed out before..... i am simply human..... *he shrugs lightly, his arm still holding her won, he heading back twords his tent with her* and that would be....*thinks a moment* an unfortunate turn of events.....
[18-22:28] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Any time I can see the will of the Gods cast aside like a something to see...if only to watch it fail *smirks, his fangs showing as he does this*
[18-22:29] dfe22, Dri: Could be long time, Jerr'n..
[18-22:29] 94c70, Muna : *Chuckles, almost laughs.* I control souls, dear Palladia. I can cast them about as I please.
[18-22:29] 867a2, Aegnora : Might be at that... *flashes him a devilish smile*
[18-22:31] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : I know... will make it worth to you.
[18-22:32] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I see....a human lives....*one would note that he usues "human" for all mortals*
[18-22:34] 94c70, Muna : A merchant? *chuckles* Nothing is free... *handing his own words back to him.* You wish to see what sort of devotion this brings me?
[18-22:35] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *smirks* Absolutely...*his tail twitches in amusement...or what seems like amusement*
[18-22:36] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[18-22:36] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: he set the music down, puzzled... well it was a nice piece anyway..::
[18-22:36] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he smirks lightly twords her as he enters the tent, still shirtless he moves over to hsi bed and lays down, kicking off those boots of his as he does so*
[18-22:36] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[18-22:37] dfe22, Dri: How? ::lifts her face to him, quirking a curious brow::
[18-22:37] 94c70, Muna : Very well.... *She steps away from him. She now would show off Adrian. With a wave of her hand, a portal opens for them.* After you...
[18-22:37] 94c70, Z: *pounces and clings to Rav.*
[18-22:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::hugs Rav:: )
[18-22:39] 620b8, Rav : *Is pounced, clinged to, and huged.* Hey all. I think I feel.......loved.
[18-22:39] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *arches a brow to Adrien as if considering wther or not to scorch this person...and then he steps through the portal*
[18-22:39] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Hm. ::absently brushes the loose silver strands away from his face.. he must have been really tired the night before. why else would he leave it down to get tangled? bah, he was so vain about that hair... he combed his slender fingers through the silken locks, pondering::
[18-22:39] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Not sure. Dri never says what she wants. *gives her a smug look*
[18-22:41] 620b8, Rav : *smiles* So how is everyone tonight?
[18-22:43] ceea7, Palladia Mors : (( move))
[18-22:43] 94c70, Z: I'm good.
[18-22:43] dfe22, Dri: Dri not want lot of things.. :: seems annoyed, but not too seriously :: Jerr'n say he do all this and that, but always come back to Dri.
[18-22:43] 867a2, Aegnora : *watches him as he lays back on the bed... * Glad you can feel so relaxed around me... *chooses herself a chair nearest to his bed, turning it slightly to face in his direction, before sinking down onto it, idly crossing one leg over the other*
[18-22:43] 94c70, Muna : *Yes, this portal would open up to deposit them within the room which Adrian is in.*
[18-22:43] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((Hauzemashter...did j00 eat j0ur chunkey newdle soop?))
[18-22:44] 620b8, Rav : *ponders going IC. but what character?* hmmmmmmm. Well, I bet you would be after moveing a house.
[18-22:44] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *his massive reddish arms cross over his chest, clearly not impressed yet, though his wings are spread more now over his back*
[18-22:45] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Cause Dri important.
[18-22:47] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Feeling a little uneasy, as if he were being watched, he abandoned his grooming temporarily, noticing he was not alone:: Muna... ::he smiled slightly.. it seemed as though he could not see the hulking figure at her side.. he very well could if he hadn't locked his gaze on the demoness::
[18-22:48] 94c70, Z: *could RP with Rav. Get Selene to Quinell already*
[18-22:49] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : my dear, should there be reason for me NOT to be relaxed around you? *he chuckles abit, his hands sliding behind his head as he lays against the pillow on the bed, eyes set on those legs as they cross, a smile playing on his lips* you desire information, yes?
[18-22:50] 94c70, Muna : *smirks lightly.* Adrian... *SHe steps away from Palladia, moving closer to Adrian.* Would you die for me, Adrian?
[18-22:51] 620b8, Talis : *Works in the stables takeing care of the horses. Saveing back what money he can as he works. A burely looking man brought in a young mare to be stabled for the week. Talis took the mare with out much question and stabled her. he made shure she was feed, watered and well cared for. After some time went by he went to check on the mare. He opens the door to her stable and she kicks him hard in the chest sending him flying back aginst the oposite wall. She just turns and watches him as he slowly gets up....(c)
[18-22:51] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *watches, his coal eyes moving from her to the man before him and her, though he is not impressed....getting mortals to die for just like getting a dog to sit on command...all it takes is training*
[18-22:52] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Of course.. :: his tiger-like eyes searched her face, gazing at her adoringly..:: what do you need me to do?..
[18-22:53] 620b8, Talis : (c)...holding his chest where she had kicked him. He couldn't breath at all but he had to close the stall door before she got the idea to run off. He slams his body into the door closeing and locking it then passes out from the lack of air. As he is passed out his breathing eventualy returns to normal but he does not awaken. A small pool of blood begins to form around his left side.*
[18-22:54] 94c70, Z: *guesses not, scuttles back to her IC*
[18-22:55] dfe22, Dri: Not what mean.. say'n Jerr'n want do something and be Kingy and then make Dri decide!
[18-22:55] 620b8, Rav : *doesn't mind was just looking for something to do.*
[18-22:56] 94c70, Muna : *smirks slightly hearing Palladia. She places a dagger into Adrian's hand, wrapping his fingers around the hilt with her hand. She then steps back away from him.* I want you to kill him, *gestures to Palladia.* to the death.
[18-22:56] MSG: Muna sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[18-22:57] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *steps fully into view, is quite easily over 8 feet in height, being massively muscled, his red lips parted into a sneer of amusement, bearing the ivory rows of certaind eath*
[18-22:59] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*pokes aegnora*))
[18-22:59] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Am giving Dri choice.
[18-22:59] 867a2, Aegnora : Partially because... I'm potenitally very dangerous *smirks* And yes
[18-23:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He listens intently, reveling at her Palladia steps forward, he tilts his head back slightly to look up at him..:: Anything for you, Muna.. :: with a firm grip on the hilt of the dagger, he looked him over briefly, a determined and possibly even hateful look in his emerald eyes.. he ducks between the creature's legs, and turned, grasping onto one of his massive wings and pulling himself up, as easily done as climbing a tree, readying the dagger to drive into his back::
[18-23:04] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Muna.
[18-23:05] 85f3e, Roki: Kill him To The Death ! YAAAARRRRGGHH ! *draws sword*
[18-23:05] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *and as soon as he would grab one of his wings, he would jerk to the side with a roll of his hips to catapault the man into the nearest wall*
[18-23:06] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *Joins Roki and draws his own sword*
[18-23:06] dfe22, Dri: ( hes gonna die. omg. )
[18-23:08] dfe22, Dri: :: blows raspberries at Jerren for pawning off decisions on her:: Yah well Dri not helpin' Jerr'n make any King choices.
[18-23:08] 620b8, Talis : *he lays there uncontious as blood begins to pool around his left ribcage.*
[18-23:09] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *sigh* Then Jerren make King choices.
[18-23:10] JOIN: Z has entered.
[18-23:10] 94c70, Z: Alanna Morie
[18-23:10] NICK: Z changed nick to Alanna Morie.
[18-23:13] 867a2, Aegnora : ((*now gets to poke Kriel*))
[18-23:13] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: braces himself as he sees the wall rapidly approaching, forming an odd pile of limbs on the floor:: ugh.. ::he slowly got back to his feet, ignoring the throbbing pain from impact with the stone wall.. rushing at him, and throwing the dagger.. hoping either one of them would at least make it to him::
[18-23:13] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[18-23:14]       AdrianGoldenmoon 's player feels like she's watching a retarded hamster.
[18-23:14] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ahh yes my dear lovely creature *he gestures* you are quite dangerous, but so is any creature.... yet, to me, right now, you seem more lovely, then feral.....
[18-23:15] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Enters the stables to retrieve her personal horse to go out for a ride. But she is stopped by an unexpected sight. Her eyes stare at Talis for a moment, her body frozen. But then she quickly moves to him, kneeling down at his side.* Sir? Can you hear me? *She goes about determining if he is alive.*
[18-23:15] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *curls his wings around him protectively, the dagger seeming to bounce off the thick leathery hide of his wings*
[18-23:16] 94c70, Muna : *watches with much amusement.*
[18-23:17] 620b8, Talis : *There would be no responce from him at all. he is still breathing though very shallow, his eyes are closed. There is a small pool of blood forming around the left side of his chest.*
[18-23:17] 867a2, Aegnora : I can change that... *grins*
[18-23:18] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: his eyes widen slightly as the reaction was made to the dagger, and as quickly as he could, he bent a little further mid-step and drew his own dagger from his boot, pulling it up in time to crash into the other, unable to stop his momentum..::
[18-23:19] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *his tail would loop around his column like legs and swish powerfully to bat him away like a child would a ball*
[18-23:19] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *She has seen blood before so it does not disturb her to see it. Instead, she goes about removing his shirt and any other clothing that would be covering his torso to locate the injury.*
[18-23:21] JOIN: R has entered.
[18-23:21] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : by why would you wish to do so, my dear? I can guarantee you would never recieve your desired information if, you did infact, try something like that....something, undesireable.... *a small smile playing on his lips*
[18-23:24] dfe22, Dri: Jerr'n s'posed to. ::looks at him with concern, a little quiet:: Whatsa matter?
[18-23:24] 620b8, Talis : *She could remove his shirt easily enough as she would do this she would see that one of his ribs is pokeing out though the skin on hsi left side.*.
[18-23:25] 867a2, Aegnora : *slowly slides from the chair* I wouldn't do anything too undesirable... *slowly approaches him, one smooth step at a time* If anything, I would scare your poor little bird to death, make a guard or two soil himself... *slowly sinks down to sit on the side of his bed* .. and oddly, likely not phase you *reaches out, touching his cheek* ... You truely are an odd one
[18-23:26] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Grimmaces at the sight. She then looks to the exit of the Glimmering In stables and calls for a guard.*
[18-23:26] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Been bein king for long time. Gonna be for lot more. Every once in a while... want to not have responsibility. Would like to share.
[18-23:31] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Again hurtled away effortlessly.. half-skids across the floor.. his side aching terribly from repeated impact.. he claws at the wall, pulling himself up with no kind of ease.. however he was still as determined, his heart pounding in his chest.. it was not as easy for him to fight as others with it's malformation... he at last drew the sword from it's sheath, staring up at Palladia:: Is that it?! That's all you have?!
[18-23:32] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Hard times. See things through my peoples eyes. See many many die. More than anyone should. And this before we even start true war.
[18-23:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-23:34] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:33am, February 19 (CST) ).
[18-23:34] 94c70, Muna : *Her gaze watches Adrian for a long moment before shifting to Palladia.*
[18-23:34] 620b8, Talis : *After a moment two gaurds come to the doorway of the stables looking in.*-whats going on here?
[18-23:34] JOIN: R has entered.
[18-23:35] dfe22, Dri: Poor Jerr'n.. :: strokes his cheek gently, her tiny fingers a little cold, but her large eyes glittered with sympathy::
[18-23:37] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[18-23:38] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Is coming out of the Inn one of his other men, they were idly chating about the recent rumors in the city, indeed Bowdyns distaste for the King was growing.-*
[18-23:39] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *his hand reaches over, taking her own in it he brings her fingers to his lips, licking her fingers one by one, a sly smile on his face, eyes climmering with an inener amusement. he slowly pulling her hand away*,well my dear, i have seen many horrors in this world......
[18-23:40] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *She works to stop Talis' bleeding as she kneels at his side. She once again calls over her shoulder for someone to come help her.*
[18-23:40] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Is coming out of the Inn one of his other men, they were idly chating about the recent rumors in the city, indeed Bowdyns distaste for the King was growing, hearing Allana's call he glances towards her with a slightly arched brow.* Come on. *In all likelyhood none of the city guards would come, but Bowydn and his man quickly cross the distance.*
[18-23:41] 867a2, Aegnora : As have I... *closes her hand over his, after he seems to have finished licking her fingers* You've seen these horrors... Here, or at home..? *leans down slightly, flashing him a wonderfully charming smile, as she gives his hand a gentle squeeze*
[18-23:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-23:42] 94c70, Muna : (( *should steal Kriel right from under Aegnora, literally* ))
[18-23:42] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Got you. Will be good.
[18-23:42] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[18-23:44] 867a2, Aegnora : ((You've got Adrian to mess with. Don't be greedy!))
[18-23:45] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he smirks some, his own hand going to his lips, it lingering there a moment, dark smile creeping over his lips* why at home, where else? *he chuckles darkly, enjoying this game he plays with such afine looking creature*
[18-23:46] 94c70, Muna : (( ))
[18-23:46] 867a2, Aegnora : And what horrors are these.. *trails the fingers of her free hand slowly over his chest*
[18-23:48] 620b8, Talis : *Is just kinda layin there bleeding alover the place.*
[18-23:49] 94c70, Muna : (( Adrian, we have to pause, we lost Mors.. ))
[18-23:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( oh no anything but that, I was enjoying my predictable defeat. )
[18-23:50] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( )
[18-23:50] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Someone get in here! *She was getting a little impatient with the lack of response. She still works at getting Talis' bleeding stopped.*
[18-23:51] dfe22, Dri: Well. Dri can help when Jerr'n need..
[18-23:51] 94c70, Muna : (( *sigh* well yeah I was hoping not to, but he seems to have lost the chat or something. *shrug* ))
[18-23:51] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Quickly rushes in, noticing Talis.* What happened?
[18-23:53] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Be with me. Will be good enough.
[18-23:54] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : mmm horrors of zin my dear, horrrors of zin *he laughs nealry out loud.... his hand resting on her thigh, giving it a little squeeze, sly smile playing on his lips*
[18-23:54] 620b8, Talis : *is there all uncontius and what not. In order for the bleeding to stop they would need to hold a cloth over the wound fo awhile.*
[18-23:55] 94c70, Alanna Morie: I don't know. *Is doing just that, infact is using his shirt since it was all that was available.* I need help getting him to my place.
[18-23:55] 867a2, Aegnora : What kind of horrors..?
[18-23:56] 867a2, Aegnora : *allows his hand for now.. though will get fed up in a minute, if he continues to play the avoid speaking game*
[18-23:56] dfe22, Dri: How that good enough? :: she stared at him as if he had turned inside out:: Dri hardly can do anything..
[18-23:57] 7725b, Bowdyn : Alright, *glances at the other soldier with him.* We'll help you.
[18-23:57] MSG: Muna sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[18-23:58] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he nods to his desk, motioning to it as he rubs her thigh absentmindedly* there is a sketchbook there, open it and look to the 13th page, and you will see what one horror looks like
[18-23:59] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Muna.
[18-23:59] 620b8, Talis : *His hand twitches for a second but he does not stir. The bleeding seems to have subsided.*
[19-00:00] 867a2, Aegnora : *leans over him.. arm reaching out to open the drawer... then tug out said book, as she settles down beside him again, flipping through the pages*
[19-00:00] MSG: Muna sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-00:01] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::aused:::
[19-00:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-00:01] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 1:01am, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-00:01] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:01am, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-00:01] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Gets to her feet* Good then, I can't lift him. *She moves to let them get him.*
[19-00:01] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[19-00:02] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : You make me feel better when with you.
[19-00:02] MSG: Muna sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[19-00:03] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Carefully Bowydn and his fellow soldier move in to carefully pick Talis up*
[19-00:03] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *on said page there would be a ruined sketched image, a man with his owwn mouth seemingly fused shut, bits of flesh trailing from his upper to lower lip, his right arm deformed, morphed into two tentacles long and evil looking, the man seems to be caught in a scream of utter pain and horror, the sketched eyes showing so much despair*
[19-00:03] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Muna.
[19-00:04] JOIN: R has entered.
[19-00:04] 867a2, Aegnora : Fascinating... *absently trails a free hand over his chest* And why would a man be condemned to this..?
[19-00:05] 620b8, Talis : *He is not very heavy at all but he is well built with the looks of a fighter. he still does not stir as he is being moved but his wound would begin to seap some blood again.*
[19-00:07] 94c70, Muna : *A nice surprise would come to Kriel as a portal would open where the entrance of his tent is, depositing one being, Muna.*
[19-00:08] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Aren't you paused, Muna?))
[19-00:08] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Careful with him. *She also takes her horse from its stall once Talis is out of the way, yes ironically it is the very horse that kicked Talis.* And hurry. *She mounts up to lead the way on horse back.*
[19-00:09] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he is about to anwser her when that portal opens..... his yellowish eyes travelling over to her, a smile creeping along his face as he watches it open...**it would look odd, him htere shirtless on the bed, with her sitting next to him with her fingers on his chest, yet he doesn't seem to mind at all.....he adressing muna now* what a pleasant suprise....what brings you here, my lovely demoness?
[19-00:09] dfe22, Dri: Good. :: she smiled, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him affectionately:: Like bein' with Jerr'n.
[19-00:10] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Says nothing in response to her, just tries to comply, the two men carefully following her as best they can while being easy with Talis./
[19-00:10] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *is a little startled by this... kissing not a normal sign of affection among most of his goblin tribes, but accepts it and returns it as best he can*
[19-00:10] 94c70, Muna : (( Technically yes, but as I told Kriel I'd RP with him today, Adrian and Mors don't mind that I do this. Since I was going to when I was done anyway. ))
[19-00:11] 620b8, Talis : *he seems to twitch a couple of times as they carry him.*
[19-00:12] 867a2, Aegnora : *pulls her hand from him, and stands, eyes narrowing at Muna..* *snaps the book shut, and sets it down where she was sitting*
[19-00:14] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Her place was not really that far away. Once they are there, she dismounts and ties the horse up outside of the door. She then gestures for them to follow her inside. There, she leads the way to a small room.* Lay him on the bed. I can take care of him here.
[19-00:15] 94c70, Muna : *Watches this seen, silently amused. Her voice is level as she speaks.* Seems I have come at a bad time.
[19-00:17] 867a2, Aegnora : *dryly* Not at all... *glances down to Kriel* He just failed to inform me he had an... appointment planned... *bit of a wry tone* .. Shall I leave?
[19-00:17] dfe22, Dri: :: smiles, her hands resting against his chest, leaning against him:: Is Jerr'n s'posed to have audience.. :: referring to the crowd gathered behind.. obviously thrown off by the kiss::
[19-00:17] 94c70, Muna : *Oh yes very amused, watches.*
[19-00:17] dfe22, Dri: ( haha someone just didnt want to be bothered ^~ )
[19-00:18] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ahh dear demoness, its never a bad time to visit....*chuckles softly, his hand trailing over aegnora's outer thigh, he looking to her* its up to you, my dear nightamre...... I rather enjoy your company *Said in a very smooth tone, his yellowish eyes travelling back to muna* care to anwser my question, lovely?
[19-00:20] 94c70, Muna : I come here for you my dear Prince. *using his own adearments.*
[19-00:20] 867a2, Aegnora : *.. slips to one side, out of reach for any further touch on Kriel's part, as she sinks down into the chair once more...*
[19-00:20] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *Nearly the entire town is standing, watching, with lots of large smiling pointy teeth. He looks over to his subjects and speaks sardonicaly in Goblin <What?! Get back to work!> *the entire town breaks out into high pitched laughter as the goblins scatter to get back to their duties*
[19-00:22] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Grah... gtg...)) *... aaand goes NPC'ish, to watch*
[19-00:24] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Nods slightly and follows her orders, taking him into the room and gently laying him down.*
[19-00:24] dfe22, Dri: :: Giggles softly, gently pulling the clown nose off:: They like Jerr'n. Like family.
[19-00:25] 620b8, Talis : *As he is laid down his body begins to shake violently.*
[19-00:25] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Thank you very much for your help getnlemen. *She is already moving about preparing things she will need.*
[19-00:25] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he seems very relaxed...... his bare chest very muscular, lean muscles though, skin an ivory pale color. His hair jet black, yet the chest is hairless.....odd..... no its nto because of age, ihe himself is 20. Its because for him, that has never developed. a large gold pendant hanging from his neck, tattoo running from his shoulders down to his chest a nd back. pants standard nish style. Two cutlasses hanging at either side of the belt he wears* oh, and what exactly do you want me for, my lovely demoness?
[19-00:26] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Goblins are Jerren's family. Now you are too.
[19-00:28] 94c70, Muna : To talk. I think that we should.... get to know one another better.
[19-00:30] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he seems to smile as aegnora gets up and storms out of the tent, snickering softly, finding it amusing as he gestures to hte previously occupied seat* well then sit down, by all means..... *a sly smile on his lips*
[19-00:30] dfe22, Dri: Dri not a goblin.. ::touches her nose self-consciously::
[19-00:30] 7725b, Bowdyn : *gestures for his friend to step back out of her way, as he arlready has.* It's no problem M'lady.
[19-00:32] 620b8, Talis : *Some blood begins to come out of his mouth as he continues to shake uncontrolably and vilontly.*
[19-00:32] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *She ends up at Talis' side again, first her works at settling his trembling and to get him stable again.*
[19-00:34] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Not needa be goblin to be family.
[19-00:35] 94c70, Muna : *Glances after Aegnora with a slight smirk, then moves over to sit down in the chair.*
[19-00:38] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : this is quite random, my dear...... i must ask...... why so friendly all of hte sudden? *he watching her intently, hand resting on his stomach as he watches her, a smile on his lips, he finding all this amusing*
[19-00:39] 620b8, Talis : *He stops shakeing. He is calm for the moment as even teh blood that ran from his mouth stops.*
[19-00:40] dfe22, Dri: Okie ::slips her arms around him, embacing him gently, warmed by his body heat:: Why Jerr'n have human body, King of Goblins, but no one else human.
[19-00:41] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Am human in body. Am goblin in soul.
[19-00:42] 94c70, Muna : I believe I have proven myself capable to you.
[19-00:44] dfe22, Dri: ::nods lightly::.. no other humans then..
[19-00:44] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *She does not stop there with his care. She works diligently to heal him to the best of her ability, as well she would keep as much blood cleaned up as she could as she went. Once she was certain it was okay, she would begin the difficult task of working with the broken ribs.*
[19-00:44] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he chuckles abit.... a raven swooping in through the open tent flaps.... perching on a wooden perch near kriel's bed, it cawing noisily and angrily at muna, hating the fact all these creatures are speaking with its master* interesting........ what makes you think that, my lovely demoness? *he licking his lisp as he looks to her, fully ignoring the raven*
[19-00:46] 94c70, Muna : *Keeps her gaze on him.* Would you be speaking to me now if you did not find me worthy? *smirks a little.*
[19-00:47] 620b8, Talis : *He seems to stay calm but his lips begin to move as if speaking.*
[19-00:47] 7725b, Bowdyn : What happened to him?
[19-00:47] JOIN: Kriel Chagg' has entered.
[19-00:48] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Her work continues, her brows furrowed together as she does. A sign of her intense concentration.* Got kicked by a horse it looks like.. *She says this almost absently as her attention is on healing Talis.*
[19-00:49] a9628, Kriel Chagg': you must think i have a great ego, my gorgeous demoness.... i speak to most lovely women, even if they are creatures of the shadows.... *he chuckles some, looking over to her, his eyes traveling over her body, visibly, he making no attempt to hide the look they hold*
[19-00:49] 7725b, Bowdyn : *shakes his head slightly, silent.-*
[19-00:50] 94c70, Muna : *Is amused by this.* Do you like what you see?
[19-00:51] 620b8, Talis : *His voice is not very load or strong.* Nooooo mother.........Why? I must help her.........
[19-00:51] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Not mind?
[19-00:52] dfe22, Dri: :: She rubbed gently at his chest, massaging his skin through the material:: Not human either, just human body. ::she smirked slightly, keeping her thoughts to herself::
[19-00:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-00:54] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *wraps his arms around her, holding her tight* Then we live, love, and die togather.
[19-00:57] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Shhh, now... *She makes an attempt to comfort him with words as she continues patching him up.*
[19-00:58] 7725b, Bowdyn : *Just watches as she works.*
[19-00:58] EXIT: Kriel Chagg' has left the chat ( 1:49am, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-00:58] dfe22, Dri: :: smiles, her expression softened:: A'course.
[19-00:58] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[19-01:00] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : well that depends, lovely *he smirks some his gaze averting her, looking at the mural of the great eye on the side of the tent* do you want a princely response, or the truth? *yeah he is toying with her, simply because he loves to do so, and with so many women around him lately, he has many toys to fool with*
[19-01:00] 620b8, Talis : There coming I want to help.........nooo father.....He's dead. *He turns his head abit as if looking away from somethings. If anyone looks close enough there is a tear in his eyes. He does not seem at all bothered by the pain of his ribs being reset.*
[19-01:04] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *The last thing she would do before bandaging up his ribs would be to stitch closed the puncture wound. Once she is done, and only then, she glances back at Bowdyn.* He'll be alright. I'll keep him here a few days.
[19-01:04] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *kisses her on the forehead* Tomarow, will go into forest. Can't take anyone with.
[19-01:05] 7725b, Bowdyn : *nods and smiles faintly.* Good good, Do you require anything else?
[19-01:05] 94c70, Muna : *Is far from a toy, however. Though Kriel is unable to see that.* Do you like being a Prince? *She asks this as if having not heard his question.*
[19-01:06] 620b8, Talis : *he seems to try and pull away from her as she begins to stitch him up.* They........all.....dead......
[19-01:06] dfe22, Dri: :: blinks :: How come?..
[19-01:07] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : do you like changing the subject? *said in a playfull tone as he looks back over at her.... smirking lightly, his own eyes once again travelling across her form*
[19-01:08] 94c70, Alanna Morie: No... but thank you for what you've done. *She furrows her brows as Talis does this. She again makes an attempt at comforting him with words.*
[19-01:08] 7725b, Bowdyn : My pleasure, take care.. both of you. *nods to them before heading out the way he'd came in, his partner behind him*
[19-01:08] JOIN: Lt.Hagget has entered.
[19-01:09] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *Blinks*
[19-01:09] 94c70, Muna : *Rises gracefully from the chair she sits in, perhaps to purposefully provide him with more of a view, a fuller view, of her human figure.* I want both answers... and the answer to my last question...
[19-01:09] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Gotta talk with forest.
[19-01:10] WHO: Alec last seen 1:06am, February 11 (CST)
[19-01:10] dfe22, Dri: :: raises a brow at him skeptically::
[19-01:11] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : well my dear...... i will make a deal with you *he sits up, slidin got hte side so his feet are off hte bed now, bare feet touching the earth* you anwser one of my questions, and i will anwser one of yours......*a sly smile on his face, he finding all this quite amusing*
[19-01:11] 620b8, Talis : *he becomes seemingly calm as she speaks to him.*
[19-01:12] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *looks back at her, completely serious and perhaps leting her glimpse a little bit of reservation in the actions he's about to take*
[19-01:12] 111d2, Lt.Hagget : ((*Disgruntled mumbling*))
[19-01:12] 111d2, Lt.Hagget : *Studies scroll*
[19-01:13] dfe22, Dri: Whatsa tree gotta say to Jerr'n.
[19-01:13] EXIT: Lt.Hagget has left the chat ( 2:12am, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-01:14] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*laughs at hagget* hahahahaha! ))
[19-01:16] 94c70, Muna : Fine... ask your questions. However, I will answer only those I choose to answer.
[19-01:18] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Either "yes, will help" or "Jerren die now"
[19-01:18] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Letting Bodwyn and his partner leave, she tends to Talis. After finishing with the stitches, she gently puts a thin ointment around the area. A primitive local anesthetic. It wouldn't cure all of his pain, but it would help with some of it. She would also continue to ocmfort him like a mother would comfort a child.*
[19-01:19] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : then, my dear, i suppose i shall pick and choose what questions to for me being a prince.... I enjoy it *chuckles darkly, hand traceing over his arm* its quite fufilling..... yet i do enjoy being an admiral more, and i earned that position through military prowess, not the fact i am prince, mind you
[19-01:21] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((so he likes to think...))
[19-01:22] 620b8, Talis : *As she would do this He seems to turn into a little kid.* Mother?
[19-01:23] dfe22, Dri: If Jerr'n say so.. ::slips from his arms, wandering away a bit, watching the goblins::
[19-01:25] 94c70, Alanna Morie: No dear... my name's Alanna. *Her fingers gently stroke his hair back gently since it seems to be helping him be calm.*
[19-01:26] 94c70, Muna : Being a Prince holds a lot of power...
[19-01:26] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *comes up behind her and kisses her on the back of the head* WIll sleep soon. You come with? *is still a little unsteady with how he feels, but has enough courage to at least ask her*
[19-01:27] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : mmm power is one thing that i also enjoy my cannot have too much of it
[19-01:28] 620b8, Talis : *He seems to smiles but says nothing.*
[19-01:29] dfe22, Dri: No.. :: slowly rubbing her hands together, peering into the crowd:: Not tired..
[19-01:30] 94c70, Muna : Perhaps you should be King then... *She watches him closely, remaining unmoving as she stands there.*
[19-01:30] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Just rest... I'll be here.
[19-01:31] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : perhaps my dear.... but the people, they love my father..... and i would never turn against my own liege.... *said in a stale tone, he not wishing to talk of his father..... *
[19-01:32] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Then find you later. *gives her a small hug and heads off to one of the sleeping huts*
[19-01:33] dfe22, Dri: ::sighs, sitting on the ground once more::
[19-01:33] 620b8, Talis : *He opens his eyes finaly looking at her. He pulls away quickly then grabs his side.*gahhh.*He gits his teeth in pain.* who are you?
[19-01:33] 94c70, Muna : Of course not... *smiles faintly.*
[19-01:34] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Rests her hand on his shoulder* Easy... my name's Alanna.
[19-01:37] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : well, lovely.... care to know anything else, or are you going to just stand there and look pretty? *a smirk on his face, he finding it odd she is still standing*
[19-01:37] 620b8, Talis : where am I? *He looks around as he holds his side.* what happened?
[19-01:38] NICK: Dri changed nick to AnimatedPoison.
[19-01:40] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: ::mopes... wanted Adrian back.. ::
[19-01:41] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*goes into lurk mode*
[19-01:41] 94c70, Alanna Morie: You're in my place, still within the city. I would guess that you got kicked by a horse.
[19-01:41] 94c70, Muna : (( *is sorry* ))
[19-01:42] 94c70, Muna : *Watches Kriel, taking a step forward towards him.* If you had the opprotunity to become the ruler of your people, would you do it?
[19-01:42] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: freakin palladia ><
[19-01:44] 620b8, Talis : *He nods slightly understanding.* Yeah, was it still in the stables?
[19-01:45] 94c70, Alanna Morie: I believe so. *Not yet aware that it was actually her horse that kicked him.*
[19-01:47] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he is motionless as she nears him, smirking lightly at her* well my dear..... if i had such a chance i would take the throne fro myself, problem is that Zin riegns over all us Nish, and is omniscient.......and opposing him will bring one a worse fate then death in nish lands.... *Said in a grave tone, a small smile playing on his lips*
[19-01:47] 620b8, Talis : *he rubs his chest where the hoof hit.* Good, then I did my job right. *He smiles then tries to get up but falls back as he finds that his ribs hurt like.....monkeys.*
[19-01:54] 94c70, Muna : Anything is possible... if you have the power.
[19-01:55] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Your ribs were broken badly. You need to stay here and rest.
[19-01:55] MSG: AnimatedPoison sent a message to Muna.
[19-01:55] NICK: AnimatedPoison changed nick to AdrianGoldenmoon.
[19-01:57] 620b8, Talis : I have alot of work to do. I can't do it laying here in this bed. *There is a sound of disapointment and anger in hsi voice.*
[19-01:58] MSG: Muna sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-01:58] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : and how does one aquire said power, my lovely looking demoness? *A smile on his face as he still watches her*
[19-01:58] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Your work can wait. You need to let yourself heal.
[19-01:59] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Muna.
[19-02:00] 94c70, Muna : A little outside help perhaps. *She moves to step around him, a finger trailing across his arm as she does so.*
[19-02:01] 620b8, Talis : *He lets out a disapointed sigh.* Then who will do my work? I am the only one there that tends to the horses.
[19-02:02] MSG: Muna sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-02:02] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Someone will be found.
[19-02:02] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : and what would htis, 'outside help' request in return for such help?mmmm? *he speaks with a certain amount of amusment in his voice, eyes watching that finger on his skin, he not saying anything though, oh no, not yet*
[19-02:05] 94c70, Muna : Nothing... I've already made my offer to you.
[19-02:06] 620b8, Talis : No, its my job. I have to do it. *He ties to get up again only to be put back down by the pain in his side.* Ghhhhh the gods hate me, I sware. *He slams his fist into the bed.*
[19-02:08] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Shh... *She pulls the blankest up around him.* It will be fine, I promise. And when you are better, your job will be there for you still.
[19-02:08] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : so you would give away so much power in return for nothing at all my dear? mm i find it hard to believe that
[19-02:09] 620b8, Talis : *he rests his head on a pillow.* Thank you!
[19-02:10] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *smiles gently.* You're welcome.
[19-02:15] 620b8, Talis : *he looks at her and returns the smile. then takes a deep breath finding that to be a mistake he winces in pain cluching his side.*
[19-02:18] 94c70, Muna : Perhaps in eschange for your consideration of my previous offer...
[19-02:19] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : mmmmm so by considering the first offer you would hand me the nish kingdom......hah, you cannot overthrow my father, and the heir, the true heir is still alive....... *he smirks abit, has his brother shackled and in chains* which means he will become king, should my father perish
[19-02:21] JOIN: V has entered.
[19-02:21] aa449, Khaes: *Can create new heir*
[19-02:21] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Rests a hand on his.* Just relax, it'll be alright.
[19-02:22] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*nods* shes tempting me! Kriel is weak to your will, intervene man!))
[19-02:22] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*pokes Khaes in the eye*))
[19-02:22] 94c70, Muna : Minor obstacles...
[19-02:23] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Khaes.
[19-02:24] 620b8, Talis : *He takes short shallow breaths trying to relax. He could not remember ever feeling this kind of pain. But if Alanna looks closer at him she would see small scars all over him.*
[19-02:25] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he chuckles abit* nothing can oppose zin's will..... nothing, i would LIKE to see you TRY, demoness.... but i am afraid you would die.... and that would be a loose such a gorgeous creature......
[19-02:25] aa449, Khaes: *Will sacrifice the entire Nish kingdom before letting it fall into anothers hands*
[19-02:26] aa449, Khaes: *Invites Muna to dare enter the Maelstrom and 'oppose' him*
[19-02:26] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*nods* thats many people dead....))
[19-02:28] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Moves away from him him to the other side of the small room. There, she fills a cup with a warm liquid that has been heating up over fire warmed rocks. Moving back to him, she hands Talis the cup.* Here, this will help you.
[19-02:28] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( :icks nose at you all:: >: P )
[19-02:30] 94c70, Muna : I think that you underestimate me dear Prince.
[19-02:31] 620b8, Talis : *he takes the cup.* Thank you again. *He takes a sip and makes a funny face as it seems to taste funny to him.* Wha...What is it?
[19-02:34] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he gestures to the mural of hte great eye on his wall* and i think you underestimate him, my dear dear demoness..... in one night he destroyed the homes of all those unfaithfull to him in teh entire nish kingdom...... in one night the entire nish kingdom was selectively hit by the will of the god.... and the un-believers were cleansed...... *he chuckles darkly, admiring his lord god for that* no, you cannot oppose him, no one can
[19-02:34] 94c70, Alanna Morie: A personal recipe, I know it doesn't taste the best.
[19-02:37] 94c70, Muna : And in that same one night, the earth could open up and swallow the entire Nish Kingdom, or the seas could rise up against the full strength of the Nish fleet.... Power is there for those who dare to take it.
[19-02:38] 620b8, Talis : *He nods* My name is Talis by the way. *He smiles as he watches her. He would shake her hand but both of his hands seem abit shakey so he is holding the cup with both of them.*
[19-02:38] aa449, Khaes: *Will protect the Nish from such things.*
[19-02:38] aa449, Khaes: *Invested too much time into them for them to be destroyed by something so annoying.*
[19-02:40] 94c70, Alanna Morie: A pleasure to meet you Talis. *She returns his smile.*
[19-02:42] 620b8, Talis : *Useing both hands to keep the cup steady he takes another drink of it. shakeing his head at the strange taste.* So what do you do?
[19-02:44] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *grins* What I just did for you. I've lost count of the number that have been through here needing patched up.
[19-02:47] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((where's Alanna from?))
[19-02:47] 620b8, Talis : So your a healer?
[19-02:49] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Nods slightly* Among other things.
[19-02:50] 94c70, Alanna Morie: (( SHe would tell you she doesn't know. ))
[19-02:52] 620b8, Talis : *He nods as he takes another drink of the strange stuff.*
[19-02:54] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Is there anything else I can get you?
[19-02:55] 620b8, Talis : *he thinks for a moment then shakes his head.* No, I can;t think of anything. *Yes he knows that he is not wearing a shirt but he wouldn't ask her to get him one.*
[19-03:00] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Will find him one later anyway, had already planned on that.* You were speaking aloud while you were unconscious.
[19-03:01] 620b8, Talis : *he looks at her for a moment.* About what?
[19-03:02] 94c70, Alanna Morie: You mentioned your mother and your father. As well as about people being dead.
[19-03:02] aa449, Khaes: *Apparently can be defeated by a level 4 mage. Well. Poop*
[19-03:03] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( popp. woo! )
[19-03:03] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( er. poop. yes. hehe )
[19-03:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-03:05] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((o/ *begins work on his level 4 mage*))
[19-03:09] 94c70, Z: *rolls eyes.* Don't pay any attention to that guys... doesn't know what he's going on about.
[19-03:10] aa449, Khaes: OOC: Oh really? I dont. I will explain. You are claiming that a level 4 mage is equal to Khaes in terms of power level,
[19-03:11] aa449, Khaes: OOC: Considering nearly every force posted has a number of level 4 mages, that sorta makes things seem rather anti climatic
[19-03:12] aa449, Khaes: OOC: I dont believe that 4 level 4 beings, be they human or elves can stand up to all four Ruinous Powers in a straight out duel.
[19-03:12] aa449, Khaes: OOC: I think the idea they can (which you support) is ludricous
[19-03:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-03:14] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( no wonder the word anal is in analyze )
[19-03:15] 94c70, Z: LOL Adrian
[19-03:16] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-03:16] 620b8, Rav : umm V if four level 4 mages couldn't stand up to four level 4 Ruinous Powers then they are too powerfull for the chat.
[19-03:16] aa449, Khaes: OOC: You cant present a good arguement to counter it bar the 1-4 thing. Yet that doesnt make much sense in the scope of power level
[19-03:16] 620b8, Rav : Unless you mean the gods then I would have to agree.
[19-03:16] aa449, Khaes: OOC: Rav - what? the High Elves alone have FIFTY level 4 mages
[19-03:16] aa449, Khaes: OOC: I mean Khaes himself
[19-03:17] aa449, Khaes: OOC: I dont mean the 'followers' they have their own power levels. Im on about the Ruinous Powers themselves - Rekeil, Zaaul, Khaes and Lahmier.
[19-03:17] aa449, Khaes: OOC: If Khaes is "level 4" then Khalek upon advancement is equal level to his God. Which is ludricous
[19-03:18] JOIN: R has entered.
[19-03:18] aa449, Khaes: OOC: Khalek currently being caster level 3 for those who dont know.
[19-03:18] 7725b, R : hmm... *declares Khase a false god and solves it!*
[19-03:18] 620b8, Rav : I would have to agree with that. Anyway noone but you seems to really care at this time and I belive there was an RP in progress so if you would be so kind as to drop it.
[19-03:19] 94c70, Z: no, V... think about it like Military ranking..... you might have two Colonel's but one is going to hold superiority...
[19-03:19] 94c70, Z: *dies laughing at R*
[19-03:19] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[19-03:19] aa449, Khaes: OOC: I declare you a twat
[19-03:20] aa449, Khaes: OOC: Enough of this, I am displeased at Zayri's stupidity
[19-03:20] EXIT: Khaes has left the chat ( 4:20am, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-03:20] 7725b, R : Oh thats mature.
[19-03:20] JOIN: V has entered.
[19-03:20] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-03:21] 7725b, R : *thinks he should.... cope?* good for nothing arrogant false gods!
[19-03:21] aa449, V: I hardly have a reason to really care what you think R
[19-03:21] 94c70, Z: *oh yes... is stupid because she can read the rules... how... quaint.*
[19-03:21] aa449, V: Cope? I'll just stop Khaes involvement
[19-03:21] 7725b, R : *shrugs* I don't care about your whining honestly.
[19-03:21] aa449, V: The rules arent supposed to be rigid Zayri
[19-03:22] 7725b, R : If you cannot handle the rules because they don't suit you perfectly, I dunno what else to say, but I'm a peon anyway.
[19-03:22] 94c70, Z: *must be stupid too because she knows the difference between Negotiation and attacking someone not involved in the negotiations... ah.. yes...*
[19-03:22] aa449, V: Your being stupid in claiming a SINGLE level 4 MAGE can TAKE ON a SINGLE Ruinous Power (thats the actual power themselves, not the followers)
[19-03:23] 94c70, Z: *oh yes... is also stupid because she is doing her leg work OOC and IC for her character.. ah.. hmm.. interesting..*
[19-03:23] aa449, V: Has nothing to do with your character now tbh. I am claiming against any level 4 mage being able to take on a Ruinous Power
[19-03:23] aa449, V: considering the High Elves have 50 alone I think my claim is rather valid
[19-03:23] 620b8, Rav : Umm guys look at it this way. Oh hell with it have your little spat see if I care
[19-03:24] 7725b, R : *gets the popcorn*/
[19-03:24] aa449, V: I find it rather annoying that the Ruinous Powers are restricted in use to affect things in the world yet apparently someone who is exactly the same power level as them can do as they please
[19-03:24] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: my invisible penis is bigger than yours wahwahwah
[19-03:25] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: god. let it go.
[19-03:25] 94c70, Z: *pops some popcorn and passes it around.*
[19-03:25] 94c70, Z: Adrian, I don't have a penis, that's what makes me special
[19-03:25] 7725b, R : *passes out the booze*
[19-03:25] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *devours Z's popcorn and passes it on*
[19-03:26] aa449, V: Right Im off to bed, I will take this up with Mab tommorow.
[19-03:26] 94c70, Z: *Oh yes has special popcorn shaped cookies shipped in for Cookie Monster*
[19-03:27] aa449, V: because you're speaking bullshizzelbingers tbh
[19-03:27] 7725b, R : hmm... *could've been so mean*
[19-03:27] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: I don't have one either.
[19-03:27] aa449, V: that filter word is cute
[19-03:27] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: thats why its invisible
[19-03:27] 620b8, Rav : Hey V as far as I can tell no one ever said anything about takeing on the Powers at be so chill.
[19-03:27] 7725b, R : False gods get so pissy when they don't get their way :-p
[19-03:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-03:28] 94c70, Z: Adrian, see... that's why we don't have to stick anything out there when we feel threatened
[19-03:28] aa449, Will-o'-the-wisp: Omg projectjj is shizzelbingers
[19-03:28] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:28am, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-03:28] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: Thats why the commandments told us not to keep them god was trying to save us from the pissyness
[19-03:28] JOIN: V has entered.
[19-03:28] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: Z XD
[19-03:28] 5d609, Cookie Monster: o/ *devours happily and shares the leftovers cause shairing is good*
[19-03:29] aa449, V: R - At least Im not trying to exploit a rule just to be pedantic
[19-03:29] 7725b, R :
[19-03:29] aa449, V: There is such a thing as "common sense"
[19-03:29] 7725b, R : Who's exploiting the rules now? And besides, if its within the bounds of the rules, well either stop PMS'ing wanna-be male piging or maybe be a bit more considerate and calm to try and get your point of view across.
[19-03:30] 7725b, R : b-itching even
[19-03:30] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ooh pedantic.
[19-03:31] aa449, V: I did 'try to get my point' across, yet it seems to hit the brick wall of Zayris brain
[19-03:31] 94c70, Z: *hahaha..... is exploirting rules because she got a character approved and did the work neccessary to do so.. hahaha..*
[19-03:32] 7725b, R : All I've seen you do is be damn insulting V.
[19-03:32] 94c70, Z: and you are being typical and hearing only what you want to V.... I never said anything about defeating you or even attacking you for that matter. So pssh.. go cry a river.
[19-03:32] 7725b, R : *resists a comment.*
[19-03:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-03:33] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: what was your point again? I have no idea what the argument is about
[19-03:34] aa449, V: My point is the following: No single mortal can defeat a Ruinous Power in a duel. Simple
[19-03:34] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: whats a ruinous powel
[19-03:34] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: power
[19-03:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: Is your character a ruinous power, i should say.
[19-03:35] aa449, V: Adding to that point: Four near god like beings that were defeated at the first war upon Bettenchi, yet they were unable to be destroyed and so were imprisoned within the Immaterium which is the realm of magic
[19-03:35] 7725b, R : hmm, You gotta remember all elvens aren't mortal :-p
[19-03:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: Im just looking for simplicity, I dont need to know the details >>
[19-03:35] aa449, V: Elves I class as "mortal" since they can be killed
[19-03:36] 94c70, Z: Yes now shush up some of us want to RP.
[19-03:36] aa449, V: stop being pedantic yourself
[19-03:36] 7725b, R : *resists some serious choice comments*
[19-03:36] aa449, V: Yes I have the handle of Khaes registered but everything for Khaes has been done through followers
[19-03:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: Technically.. I have no idea how the powers and levels and crap work here. but I do know this: there should be no characters here that can't be killed, ever. Maybe an average doofus of a human can't kill whoever, but if it's going to be a serious agonizing attemtp to kill, people just won't wnat to RP with said character. It's too much like moding
[19-03:38] 620b8, Rav : Ok, Now let the whole thing drop and no more be said about it at all. Also quite bickering.
[19-03:38] 620b8, Rav : Obay the fist. *shakes fist in the air*
[19-03:39] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-03:39] aa449, V: Rekeil, Khaes, Zaaul and Lahmier cant be killed yet are not rped to kill characters. Infact, the closest thing has been an illusion cast upon Connor.
[19-03:40] 620b8, Rav : Hey V please read my last two posts
[19-03:40] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[19-03:40] aa449, V: Anyway, off to bed.
[19-03:40] 5d609, Cookie Monster: And the death of a few thousand NPCs in Nish.
[19-03:40] 94c70, Z: face it Rav, as much as he's being adament about the rules it's not like he's going to follow them. *sighs*
[19-03:41] aa449, V: what death of few thousand of NPC's? I never did that, the person who created the Nish said that for fluff reasons, It wasnt rped
[19-03:43] 94c70, Z: Cookie change Nish to Krondor
[19-03:43] aa449, V: Khaes didnt do anything at Krondor Zayri. that was Khalek
[19-03:43] 620b8, Rav : Z, you too. I want to hear nothing more about this at all. And I don't know what power level the Powers are nor do I care. That is up to Mab. So let it stop here for now and no more to be said. *shakes fist again.* Obay the fist.
[19-03:44] 94c70, Z: So? It was still your all powerful Ruinious Powers and followers. *shrugs* What's the difference? You're still saying you're the only one t hat can go around and be destructive.
[19-03:45] 620b8, Rav : *rolls eyes on the floor.* I give up.
[19-03:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: :: makes like Omnipotence at sits at Rav's right hand::
[19-03:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: *j-e-s-u-s
[19-03:47] 620b8, Rav : *picks eyes up and puts them back in his head.*
[19-03:47] 620b8, Rav : Hey R come be on my left.
[19-03:47] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: Can i switch sides and be the Holy Spirit?..
[19-03:47] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *while everyone bickers, starts to devour bits and peices of the chat*
[19-03:47] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: Okay, Ill just stay here. XD
[19-03:48] 94c70, Alanna Morie: (( *is waitin' for Talis' post* ))
[19-03:49] 620b8, Talis : *He raises a brow. *I did? * He couldn't remeber what his parents even looked like let alone them dieing.*
[19-03:50] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 4:47am, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-03:52] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ::is not the.. Holy son/daughter of Rav.. hm.. can't figure that one out::
[19-03:52] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: *now
[19-03:53] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Nods.* Yes, you did. I won't pry, but I thought you should know.
[19-03:54] 94c70, Z: *spritses Adrian with holy water*
[19-03:54] 620b8, Talis : *he nods* I....I...I'am sorry. I am sure you have better things to do then to care for me.
[19-03:54] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: it buuuuurns!! ahhhh!!!
[19-03:55] 620b8, Rav : ummmm.....uhhhh...Your adopted...*waves a hand over Adrian and she would be fine again.*
[19-03:56] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *chuckles lightly.* No, not really. It's been a long time since I've had some company.
[19-03:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ty father
[19-03:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: XD
[19-03:57] 94c70, Z: No, that's the Elven rope that burns
[19-03:57] 620b8, Rav : *chuckles.* You welcome my child...
[19-03:57] 620b8, Rav :
[19-03:58] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: speaking of elves and rope, my pic censored itself LOL
[19-03:59] 620b8, Talis : *He nods.* oh, Well surely you don't want to put up with me and my rambleings.
[19-03:59] 620b8, Rav : thats amuseing. *is now curious as to what it was.*
[19-04:00] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: Adrian in bondage.. Mariasha heckled me for one
[19-04:01] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *smiles softly.* You're fine. I'm a good listener, that's another thing I do.
[19-04:01] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: guess it all depends on the will of angelfire
[19-04:01] 620b8, Rav : ahhh I take it its not the same one you had earlier.
[19-04:03] 620b8, Talis : Well, I would love to tell you more about what ever I had said but I don't remember anything about what they looked like or what happened.
[19-04:03] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-04:04] 94c70, Alanna Morie: You'll remember in time if you want to. The mind has a way of protecting itself from things that hurt by forgetting them, shutting them out.
[19-04:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: not at all
[19-04:05] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: its that freakin bandwidth again
[19-04:05] 620b8, Talis : *He nods* But how offten does it do this to a persons entire life?
[19-04:08] 94c70, Alanna Morie: That's hard to say, because I don't know.
[19-04:10] 620b8, Talis : well, I can't remember anything from my past at all. I just awoke in a forest with these clothes and my sword. *Which was on his hip but more than likely taken off when they got to Alanna's home.*
[19-04:13] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[19-04:14] 94c70, Alanna Morie: That is strange... *Yes, his sword would be laying atop the table in the adjoining room.* Do you know where?
[19-04:15] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-04:15] 620b8, Talis : Where what? where I awoke? No, not really.
[19-04:16] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[19-04:16] MSG: Talis sent a message to Rav.
[19-04:16] MSG: Rav sent a message to Talis.
[19-04:17] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Rav.
[19-04:17] 94c70, Alanna Morie: Hmm. I'm sure it will come to you in time. After all, you could not have spoken about it while being unconscious. *Gives his shoulder a gentle pat.* THere is hope.
[19-04:17] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-04:19] MSG: Rav sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-04:21] 620b8, Talis : *he nods* I know that someday it will come to me. Untill then I just want to work so that I have enough money to take care of myself.
[19-04:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: muahaha it has returned
[19-04:26] 94c70, Alanna Morie: You'll do fine, Talis.
[19-04:28] 620b8, Talis : *he yawns.* I am very tired all of the sudden.*He shakes his head then blinks afew times as if to clear his head.*
[19-04:28] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[19-04:30] 94c70, Alanna Morie: It's alright, sleep.. you lost a lot of blood.
[19-04:31] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-04:32] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[19-04:32] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[19-04:33] 620b8, Talis : *he closes his eyes as he nods his head. pulling the covers up and around him but in a fasion so as to not hurt himself.*
[19-04:33] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ::won't say it tonight :x ::
[19-04:33] 94c70, Alanna Morie: *Would give him assistance anyway. She would also remain there until he was asleep.*
[19-04:36] 620b8, Talis : *he falls alseep rather quickly. as his player is about to fall over asleep too.*
[19-04:36] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon:
[19-04:37] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: *ahem*
[19-04:37] 94c70, Z: *poofers off for a little while.*
[19-04:40] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-04:42] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[19-04:52] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 5:42am, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-07:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-07:40] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[19-07:41] bafaa, Phoenix: I apologize to mab and sarleth for i could not return yetsterday like i had planeed to.. sorry
[19-07:47] bafaa, Phoenix: But it looks froom the logs you all did fine'
[19-08:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-08:52] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Hmmm
[19-08:55] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I love this pic
[19-09:18] ceea7, Palladia Mors : bweheheh
[19-09:44] ceea7, Palladia Mors : No one wants to play wif me...
[19-10:15] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Damn server.
[19-11:00] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[19-11:00] 92794, Squirrel : Awww, poor Palladia...
[19-11:13] 92794, Squirrel : Huh...
[19-11:16] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 12:13pm, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-12:09] da743, Roki: <_< >_>
[19-12:55] JOIN: Lt.Hagget has entered.
[19-13:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-14:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-14:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-14:40] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[19-14:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-14:41] 94c70, Z: *pokes Rav*
[19-14:41] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((*Hides from the poking Z.*))
[19-14:42] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:41pm, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-14:42] JOIN: Hannah Mayhem has entered.
[19-14:42] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *blah blah entrance is in blue and black and gray, sitting at the bar* ((that was so descritptive huh))
[19-14:43] 620b8, Rav : *Is poked.* allo
[19-14:43] 94c70, Z: Hey Rav *hug*
[19-14:44] 620b8, Rav : *Hugs* Hiya. I can't stay long just came on to look at some stuff.
[19-14:45] 94c70, Z: Cool
[19-14:47] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((i cant feel my foot))
[19-14:48] 620b8, Rav : *taps Hannah's foot.* how about now?
[19-14:48] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((hehe. )) *Using his magic portal, he takes himself from his Drow city to . The portal appears just outside Trendlekim's in the alleyway, to avoid attracting attention. A lone Drow figure steps out, dressed as he usually is, black form fitting leggings, with a deep blue tunic. Over that is his piwafwi with cowl drawn.*
[19-14:50] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *leans forward against the barcounter, laying her arms down infront of herself, yawning as her head hangs..curtains of hair sheilding the sides of her face*
[19-14:52] 1d667, Zaknafein : *As soon as he exits the portal closes behind him. He exits the alley and enters the tavern/inn.*
[19-14:53] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *Slowly mouths out drinks she's debating in her mind..licking her lips softly*
[19-14:56] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Notices Hannah sitting at the bar alone, head down. Makes his way over to her.* Is this seat taken? *He asks in his highly accented common, motioning to a seat next to her.*
[19-14:57] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *looks over to the seat..* Hm..doesnt look like it *smirks*
[19-15:00] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Raises a brow. Wondering slightly if word had already gotten out about his antics the day before.* No I would suppose it's not. But one never knows. You may have gotten a male in my absence, so it is often a good idea to ask.
[19-15:02] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: I"ve not aquired a ..."male" in your abscense..welcome back *slides her eyes up to his face, nodding*
[19-15:04] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Laughs lightly at her response.* Thank you. Anything interesting happen while I was drowning in studyies?
[19-15:05] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Well, i've got my shop up and running *smiles over to him some* thats about it, i lead a drab life, yes? *chuckle*
[19-15:09] 1d667, Zaknafein : What about attacks around the city? Any of those? *No he's not admitting anything, just meerly curious.* Well I can't say I live such a life as to call it drab. While the constant study of magic can become a bore, having a little fun and taking out rivals often breaks the tedium.
[19-15:10] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: i've not heard of any attacks, only the one on myself *crooked smile*
[19-15:11] 1d667, Zaknafein : Attack on yourself?
[19-15:17] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Yes, but that was a while ago..*twiddles her fingers*
[19-15:17] 1d667, Zaknafein : Well I have been away for a while. You are well then?
[19-15:20] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: i am fine, a woman chased the thing away..and some man in here cleaned my wound, i thought drow were tough..dont tell me you're showing me your soft side *winks playfully*
[19-15:22] 1d667, Zaknafein : Drow are plenty tough. One has to be to survive in our society. *Scoffs at the end of her comment.* I have no soft side.
[19-15:24] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *smirks to herself* would you like a drink?
[19-15:25] 1d667, Zaknafein : Sure why not.
[19-15:26] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: What would you like, then? *waves the bartender over*
[19-15:27] 1d667, Zaknafein : Just some mead.
[19-15:27] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *quietly* Two meads..please *slides payment over to him, sending him away with a nod*
[19-15:34] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Kept silent while the bartender was over. The cowl of his cloak is still upon his head, his hands are upon his lap out of sight of anyone who wasn't looking for them. He wasn't sure if word of the attack had spread and since he was the attacker, he wasn't about to bring undue attention to himself.* Store is doing well I presume?
[19-15:35] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: not really..*looks down, keeping quiet..*
[19-15:36] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: studies going well??
[19-15:36] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Has noticed her quietness, and wonders.* Something is wrong? You are not yourself.
[19-15:37] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: strange feelings, thats all..
[19-15:39] 1d667, Zaknafein : What sort of strange feelings? *Puts aside her question about his studies.*
[19-15:41] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Just like something bad is going to happen, thats all..maybe im coming down with something? *smiles up to him again, collecting the delivered meads, sliding one over to him*
[19-15:42] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((minus one of those thats alls..))
[19-15:48] 1d667, Zaknafein : Alright. If you're certain.
[19-15:49] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *sips at her mead heavily*
[19-15:55] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Takes a drink of his mead, not really having much of a reason to finish it quickly.*Oh and my studies are going well I suppose you could say. Though sometimes a break is needed. A little fun, little bit of fighting fits the bill nicely.
[19-15:56] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: anything fun lately? *looks to him*
[19-15:57] da743, Roki: *chews on chewie*
[19-15:57] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((..o_o my bird chewy? ))
[19-15:58] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((Ack! *Chews back.*)) *Smirks.* Perhaps.
[19-16:00] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Care to share a story or two?
[19-16:01] 1d667, Zaknafein : Of my recent exploits? Not here. However I can tell you of my deed that forced me to return to my studies.
[19-16:04] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Yes please..
[19-16:06] 1d667, Zaknafein : Alright. Lets see. *Thinks a moment.* Well first I have to give you a little bit of background on the principal participants. Else you may get lost in the sutitles.
[19-16:09] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *chuckles* alright..
[19-16:11] 1d667, Zaknafein : First there's me. Zaknafein, a member of the Council of Mages. A minor member, but a member nonetheless. Second we have Pharaun, also a minor member of the Council, and my number one rival. There is my Mentor, who shall be known as mentor for simplicities sake. As well as a number of minor other players. One being a hired assassin, belonging to a mercenary band.
[19-16:13] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *nods as she understands*
[19-16:15] 1d667, Zaknafein : Surely you recall my initial trip to your world? Well some of these events occur just after my return. I had done what I'd initially set out to do upon that first trip. Find a few things to create new spells. Upon arriving back in my santuary, I got word that Pharaun was intending to rid himself of his rival. To thwart this, I created my own plan to prevent this and kill him instead. However in Drow society, outright killing of another Drow is severely disallowed.
[19-16:16] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ironic..
[19-16:22] 1d667, Zaknafein : I realized that while it would be dificult, yet easy to rid myself of him, severe doubt would be cast upon myself as his rival. So while his assassin made a fouled attempt upon my life, I contacted my mentor, informed him I wished to return to the surface for a longer amount of time. *Pauses a moment. As if thinking.* Perhaps I should back up a bit and explain why the two of us were rivals. Well more of rivals than most other Drow in the city. Pharaun and I were the same age to the day.
[19-16:23] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *lays her cheek forward on crossed arms, watching him* mmhmm
[19-16:26] 1d667, Zaknafein : We both started the academy together, we started out as the best of friends, or what amounts to friendship for us. For all our years in the academy, we challened each other to see who was the better. Oftentimes, we came out even. We knew that to achieve a place upon the council that we each had to prove we were the best. Our friendship became strained as we tried to create spells that were better than the other's.
[19-16:27] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: so there are limited positions..?
[19-16:28] 1d667, Zaknafein : Yes.
[19-16:28] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: but you both got into the council, from what i recall..* a litle confused* Go on
[19-16:33] 1d667, Zaknafein : Yes, we did. However, our friendship disolved and rivalry began when I beat him onto the council. I'd created an illusion spell a bit superior to the one he'd created. And secured my place. The two of us were not the only one's trying to achieve a seat. There were about 15 of us trying for the 2 seats. His spell beat out the rest, ultimately achieving his goal. Because I was the first chosen, I outranked him. This irritated him to no end. We'd become accustomed to being equals durring our time at
[19-16:36] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *runs her fingers through her hair, listening intently, still a little confused, being just a silly human, but pretends to understand* I see
[19-16:37] 1d667, Zaknafein : the academy, that to him and myself, we were still equals, however the rest of the council treated him a minor amount differently than I. And so it began. He'd gone to elder council members spreading lies and romors about how I'd stolen his spell and other such minor things. Despite his low rank he'd befriended a fair number of the council. All were suspicious of this and I began to use it against him. Numerous times, he's made attempts on my life, to move up and numerous times I've returned the favor
[19-16:39] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Well..thats not very friendlyof lie like that..*nods*
[19-16:42] 1d667, Zaknafein : to rid myself of him and his ever failing attempts. Which brings us back to our story I suppose. His final attempt upon my life was the last straw for me. So I set into motion my plan. I'd gotten permission to return to your world for a few more days. My aliby to keep the suspicions where they belong, as suspicions. After doing that I contacted the mercenaries and hired their best assassin. However the assassin was only the backup incase the initial plan failed. Pharaun liked to call upon demons to
[19-16:48] 1d667, Zaknafein : learn do various tasks and terrorize me. To return the favor for all those demon's being sent to my rooms, I called upon one Pharaun used frequently and told a few half-truths to it about how Pharaun intended to kill it. This was done so that the demon would return to Pharuan and kill him instead. I then let the demon go. I then departed for your world. Where my plan did indeed come to frutation. The demon almost finished of Phauran, but Pharaun managed to banish it before it could finish the job.
[19-16:49] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *sits up..spinning about on the stool so her back is laying aganist the counter, looking sideways to him*
[19-16:50] 1d667, Zaknafein : So the assassin finished the job. A day later, the body was found, and I was called home. Because I got rid of my rival, and so cleanly, I was awarded with more spells to study. Ones that Pharaun had been inline for.
[19-16:51] 1d667, Zaknafein : So you could say that he was not the only one who had something to gain by killing off the other.
[19-16:52] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem:'ve no rivals anymore?
[19-16:53] 1d667, Zaknafein : I have plenty of rivals. Just not those who're openly letting it be known. Or so forcefully.
[19-16:53] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Am I a rival?
[19-16:55] 1d667, Zaknafein : How could you be a rival? You're not competing against me for my place on the council. Nor are you a mage.
[19-16:55] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *lopsided smile again* true
[19-16:56] JOIN: Z has entered.
[19-16:56] 1d667, Zaknafein : Exactly.
[19-16:56] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *pushes her hands against her lower back, stretching, various "pops" are heard*
[19-16:59] 1d667, Zaknafein : And such is the way of the Drow. Survival of the fittest, and most cunning.*He chuckles as she does so.*
[19-17:00] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: i wouldnt make a good drow..*chuckles*
[19-17:02] 1d667, Zaknafein : There are Drow who don't make good Drow. Most are sacrificed, others get away before they are found out. Much to the dismay of their mothers. As it puts their houses out of favor with Lloth.
[19-17:04] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *puzzled look* Lloth?
[19-17:05] 1d667, Zaknafein : Yes. The Spider Queen, Goddess of chaos. Our main diety.
[19-17:05] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: afraid of spiders..*shakes a little*
[19-17:07] 1d667, Zaknafein : Drow are raised to revere them. And never kill them. For it makes Lloth angry.
[19-17:07] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Is she a big spider? or..someone who controls them?
[19-17:09] 1d667, Zaknafein : She can appear as many things. Sometime a spider, sometimes a Drow. It depends on her mood I suppose. I've never seen her. I'm not a priestess. My magic is arcane, not divine.
[19-17:10] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Oh..
[19-17:12] 1d667, Zaknafein : Which is probably a good thing as long as I don't become the fancy of one of the matron mothers.
[19-17:13] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *sighs, again confused*
[19-17:14] 1d667, Zaknafein : Problem?
[19-17:14] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: I'm never going to understand all of this..
[19-17:15] 1d667, Zaknafein : Of course not. You're not a Drow.
[19-17:17] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: I suppose..
[19-17:19] 1d667, Zaknafein : It would be the same for me if I were trying to understand your society. The only thing I have to compare it to is that of the Drow. And by my standards, any other race would be seen as weak.
[19-17:21] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Yes..*swings her feet idly*
[19-17:26] 1d667, Zaknafein : So see, we're in the same boat.
[19-17:27] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: We're not in a boat..*laughs*
[19-17:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-17:34] 1d667, Zaknafein : No we're not, however you don't understand Drow and I don't understand the other races. I view them all as weak, and they all view Drow as evil. Which is not a lie.
[19-17:36] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Oh..i see..*laughs again, embarassed*
[19-17:37] 94c70, Z: *ponders IC*
[19-17:38] ecc59, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hannah, did you go go to the cantina for a while?
[19-17:39] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((yes))
[19-17:39] 1d667, Zaknafein : What? You do not believe we are evil? Surely my story of eliminating a rival simply to learn what he was slated is an example of the evilness of Drow.
[19-17:39] ecc59, Will-o'-the-wisp: Ahh, Its Slater, long time no see.
[19-17:39] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((Oh my, Hello slater!))
[19-17:40] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Yes, well i try my best to find the good in...people..*slides on her stool once more, turning to face the bar, leaning forward on her elbows, lacing her fingers around her glass of mead*
[19-17:41] ecc59, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Hey I haven't been on for quite a while, I lost my screenname so I everyone's screennames ))
[19-17:42] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((Hannah Mayhem))
[19-17:43] ecc59, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((ah well, simple enough. Just got a new computer so I don't have Aim all set up yet))
[19-17:44] 1d667, Zaknafein : Well there is no good in me. I am 100% evil, or so say the races. *Finishes off his mead.* However, my time here has come to an end. I must get back and finish the day's studies. Perhaps next time I can tell you of the incident I was involved in yesterday.
[19-17:45] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: ((sonofa..pfft..stupid game, Alright, well my name is easy enough to remember)) *mutters under her breath* so tahts why you were worried about me..because you're evil..*louder* Alright, it was good seeing you
[19-17:48] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Does not worry! Was merely starting conversation.*Likewise. *Stands and opens his magic portal right there in the middle of the tavern. Granted he gets plenty of looks showing off his wizardly talents, but hey, what's he worried about? Steps into the portal and is whisked back to his rooms.*
[19-17:48] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: *blinks..*
[19-17:51] 1d667, Zaknafein : *ANd Zak's player runs off to go work some more.*
[19-18:00] EXIT: Hannah Mayhem has left the chat ( 6:48pm, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-18:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-18:04] 6d5cf, Will-o'-the-wisp: Slater IM me again
[19-18:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-18:10] 94c70, Z: *pokes Hannah*
[19-18:10] da743, Roki: <_< >_>
[19-18:11] 94c70, Z: *pokes Roki too*
[19-18:12] da743, Roki: *bites Z's finger*
[19-18:12] 94c70, Z: .
[19-18:12] 94c70, Z: *bites Roki*
[19-18:14] ceea7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *eats them all*
[19-18:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-18:15] ecc59, Will-o'-the-wisp: I suppose I should make a character...
[19-18:15] 94c70, Z: *creates indigestion and heart burn*
[19-18:16] ceea7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *is immune*
[19-18:19] 94c70, Z: *eats Wips from the inside out*
[19-18:19] ceea7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *dies*
[19-18:19] ecc59, Will-o'-the-wisp:
[19-18:19] ecc59, Will-o'-the-wisp: heh, thats pretty cool
[19-18:22] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:19pm, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-18:22] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *reveals himself as the eater of Z*
[19-18:25] 94c70, Z: *is special*
[19-18:26] 94c70, Muna : (( *pets her devil friend* ))
[19-18:29] da743, Roki: *mows them all down with his uber-lawn mower*
[19-18:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-18:52] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:51pm, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-18:53] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[19-18:54] 73c56, Lok: (('ello)
[19-18:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-18:56] 94c70, Z: Hey Lok
[19-19:01] 73c56, Lok: ((hmm not much happening eh?))
[19-19:05] 94c70, Z: Nope, deader than dead.
[19-19:06] 73c56, Lok: ((looks that way. *pokes Z*))
[19-19:09] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((*[petted* Wooo!))
[19-19:11] 94c70, Z: :-D
[19-19:12] 73c56, Lok: ((heh))
[19-19:14] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((*will finish getting down spells later*))
[19-19:15] JOIN: R has entered.
[19-19:15] 7725b, R : ...
[19-19:16] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((*Eats R's soul*))
[19-19:16] 94c70, Muna : *She remains where she is as the fight between Palladia and Adrian continues and swiftly comes to an end as Adrian is rendered unconscious. A smirk plays across her features for a moment. Her gaze then shifts to Palladia.* Amusing isn't it?
[19-19:17] 7725b, R : *destroys Palldia from the inside out.*
[19-19:20] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *once the fight is over, he refolds his wings around him like a cloak, his maw cracked faintly into a smirk, bearing a hint of his ivory rows of death, as his rumbling voice threatens to shake the very foundations of the area they are in* Yes...amusing...though this hardly demonstrates how will give the Cursed human his soul back....controlling mortals is hardly a strenuous task...
[19-19:22] EXIT: R has left the chat ( 8:19pm, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-19:24] 94c70, Muna : He is one of a great many number. Though he is not much of a fighter. *Referring to Adrian.* By the same means that I have an unquestionably loyal army, I can undo what has been done. *Her last statement not entirely accurate, but in a certain view and a certain definition, it was the same result.*
[19-19:26] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : .
[19-19:27] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *gives a singular unimpressed chuckle at her words, watching her demeanor closely*
[19-19:29] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((*Darth Vader breathing behind Delotha*))
[19-19:30] 94c70, Muna : *Tilts her head slightly.* I can't reveal all the details of my secrets. They would then not be secrets anymore. But I promise you that I do not lie... this power can allow me to return control of this world back to our kind.
[19-19:30] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Excellent...then might have some assisstance...
[19-19:32] 94c70, Muna : From you..?
[19-19:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-19:34] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *gives a singular nod, his black talons running over the bicep of the opposit arm as if scratching away some imaginary pest* mmhmm.. Can you think of one better?
[19-19:36] JOIN: Camanto has entered.
[19-19:37] 94c70, Muna : *She finally moves, stepping towards him. Though he stood nearly 3 feet taller than her, she was not intimidated.* Mmhmmm... *Her gaze shifts slightly, looking him over.* What do you offer me, Palladia?
[19-19:37] e2d92, Camanto: ((Whats this RP about))
[19-19:38] 73c56, Lok: ((see opening plot))
[19-19:38] ceea7, Palladia Mors : 3 millenium of warfare...*his jaws split into a cruel, deadly grin as he waves a black taloned hand about in a dismissive gesture*
[19-19:39] e2d92, Camanto: ((That dosent give much infermation))
[19-19:39] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[19-19:41] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((How much more do you want?))
[19-19:42] 73c56, Lok: ((all you need is there basicly))
[19-19:42] 94c70, Muna : Ah.. of course.. *grins a little.* The fallen knight will be leading my armies. There is only one thing he wants more than to destroy his own kind for their betrayal to him..
[19-19:42] 867a2, Sileen: This RP is, obviously, fantasy related. There are many kingdoms dotting the continents, people moving about.. and then there is the Glimmering Inn in , where most people can meet and interact
[19-19:42] e2d92, Camanto: ((Well what happen in this RP))
[19-19:47] ceea7, Palladia Mors : To die...and sleep....though...I am sure with his tainted soul...the Abyss awaits.
[19-19:48] e663b, Roki: go read teh board
[19-19:49] 94c70, Muna : *Simply graces Palladia with a smile.* You mentioned a warning....
[19-19:49] 867a2, Sileen: As for what happens... Any number of things. Bar fights, wars, flirting between peoples to murder attempts, etc. etc.
[19-19:50] 94c70, Z: *flags #1 on flirting*
[19-19:50] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Ah yes...your newfound....friend...may not be as trustworthy as he seems....
[19-19:51] e663b, Roki: *flags #1 on Murder*
[19-19:51] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((*flags #1 on wars*))
[19-19:51] JOIN: V has entered.
[19-19:51] aa449, V: *flags #1 on wars*
[19-19:51] e663b, Roki: *flags steve #1 on Gay too*
[19-19:51] aa449, V: *Grabs flag from Palladia to do so*
[19-19:52] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((*smacks Roki around like the Lucky Charms Pimp he is* Ho dont make me put you in yo' place! *drops a house on V to get his flag back*))
[19-19:52] 867a2, Sileen: *LOL*
[19-19:53] aa449, V: *destroyed a city first*
[19-19:53] aa449, V: *keeps flag*
[19-19:53] 73c56, Lok: ((*flags something......*)))
[19-19:53] e663b, Roki: *taxi cab pulls up infront of Lok*
[19-19:53] 94c70, Muna : As long as I get what I want, I care not what he does. *Lifts her gaze to look at him.* And even if I don't, I do have other ways.
[19-19:54] 73c56, Lok: ((take me to hell......*gets in*))
[19-19:54] ceea7, Palladia Mors : I'm sure...*smirks* Well... I have more.....pressing matters to tend to...perhaps we shall speak again.. ((*sends Carson from the Fab Five to dress Roki*))
[19-19:55] e663b, Roki: *kills Carson*
[19-19:57] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((*Carson comes back to life*))
[19-19:57] 94c70, Muna : We'll see each other again... soon...
[19-19:58] ceea7, Palladia Mors : Perhaps...*and with that he gives a casual throw of one of his taloned hands and a portal opens, whcih he steps through and vanishes from sight*
[19-19:59] 94c70, Muna : *Chuckles to herself after he has disappeared.*
[19-20:01] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((Roar))
[19-20:03] e663b, Roki: moo
[19-20:03] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((bark))
[19-20:05] 94c70, Z: *goes off to watch her TV show.*
[19-20:05] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. She was still extremely pissy. It had been awhile since that jerk up and left, and still it hurt just as much as it did then. So there she sits at the bar, staring broodily down at her glass of.. random substance B*
[19-20:06] 94c70, Z: *thinks Delotha should go fry Aralore's backside.*
[19-20:07] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *is watching the pissy she half demon through some means or another...most likely through a netowork of spies he has all around the continent*
[19-20:08] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *would poke out his eyes, or try to, if she knew she was being watched at this point*
[19-20:09] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *hopes she can jump to reach his a big sum'gun*
[19-20:11] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *Can! o/*
[19-20:12] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *yes but has all sorts of things to get in the pesky flight ability*
[19-20:13] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *would figure out somethin'*
[19-20:13] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *anyway... lifts up her glass, taking a long gulp ... Stupid men...*
[19-20:13] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[19-20:14] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *taps his taloned finger against the bicep of his opposite arm as he is in his lair type place, his arms folded across his chest*
[19-20:17] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-20:19] 94c70, Z: *pokes Adrian*
[19-20:19] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( just read the log )
[19-20:19] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((*throws Sean Connery at Z*))
[19-20:19] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:17pm, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-20:20] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[19-20:20] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *is watching Delotha through his spies's eyes*
[19-20:21] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : (((hmmm *ponders RP*))
[19-20:21] 94c70, Z: *catches Sean Connery*
[19-20:22] 94c70, Z: Kriel you poofed on me last night.
[19-20:22] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-20:22] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*pokes Z* i did, i was having compy troubles.....))
[19-20:23] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[19-20:24] JOIN: Riley has entered.
[19-20:25] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *finally sets down her empty glass, and rises.. turning to move towards the door*
[19-20:26] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *smirks and again throws his hand out to cause another portal which he steps through*
[19-20:26] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*pokes around for aegnora*))
[19-20:27] MSG: Z sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[19-20:28] 867a2, Aegnora : *.. would still be all silently watching and stuff*
[19-20:28] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Z.
[19-20:29] MSG: Z sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[19-20:29] 94c70, Z: I think Kriel had Aegnora storm out actually
[19-20:30] 867a2, Aegnora : ((.. you made me storm out? Well bah then!))
[19-20:31] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((*would hate to see said storm*))
[19-20:31] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((heh yeah *smirks*))
[19-20:32] 867a2, Aegnora : *in that case... as she has stormed out... just completely leaves the campsite. And may, or may not, be back again, depending on how pissed she is*
[19-20:32] MSG: Z sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[19-20:34] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Z.
[19-20:36] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *... meanders out of the Glimmering Inn, taking to the streets*
[19-20:36] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((awww *watches aegnora go away*))
[19-20:37] 867a2, Aegnora : ((You made her go away! ))
[19-20:37] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *as if he could have predicted this...he emerges from the portal outside of , though, he is hidden from sight*
[19-20:37] e663b, Khyron : (( <_< >_> ))
[19-20:38] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : (( i said she stormed out of the tent, not the camp yo yo))
[19-20:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-20:38] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:38pm, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-20:39] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[19-20:39] 73c56, Axis : *walks in raupenchi*
[19-20:39] MSG: Z sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[19-20:40] 73c56, Axis : ((rather ))
[19-20:40] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Z.
[19-20:40] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Alright... be back in awhile))
[19-20:41] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::drums fingers on the desk, waiting for a response::... )
[19-20:41] 94c70, Z: eeep
[19-20:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-20:42] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-20:42] JOIN: Odette has entered.
[19-20:42] MSG: Z sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[19-20:43] b9a43, Odette : (( *peeks* ))
[19-20:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( :oke:: hi )
[19-20:45] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : ((Nm...)) *conviently enough.. she is indeed meandering towards the city limits. All these people were starting to bug her anyhew*
[19-20:46] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[19-20:47] b9a43, Odette : (( heh hi ))
[19-20:47] a18b5, Tarnis Catadon: ((**tackles odette**))
[19-20:47] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[19-20:47] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((ahhh its the innocent little princess))
[19-20:48] b9a43, Odette : (( Eep!! hewwo ^-^ ))
[19-20:48] 867a2, Aegnora : *is.. apparently... standing outside the tent brooding... * *she does glance back towards the tent, with narrowed eyes.. and with a snort, she turns, and begins to walk away. Now, didn't he say he had his brother there...?*
[19-20:48] a18b5, Tarnis Catadon: (( innocent on the outside....))
[19-20:49] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Erp, bbl now))
[19-20:49] b9a43, Odette : (( yupp * nod nod* innocent ^-^ ))
[19-20:49] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Z.
[19-20:50] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Z.
[19-20:53] b9a43, Odette : ((hmm, i wanna RP * nod nod * ))
[19-20:54] MSG: Z sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[19-20:54] MSG: Z sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[19-20:54] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( join the club )
[19-20:54] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( )
[19-20:54] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*pokes odette* you'll get your chance))
[19-20:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::shakes Kriel:: would you play already, youre holding me up ><; )
[19-20:56]       Odette sage Kriel Chagg`Ra is she still in her tent ?
[19-20:57] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : .msg odette yeah and under armed guard
[19-20:58] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Odette.
[19-20:59] b9a43, Odette : (( mm k that didnt work, heh, is she still in her tent ? ))
[19-20:59] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he listens intently to what the demoness tells him, only shaking his head and seeming amused all the while as he watches her* there is no way one can oppose zin, it just cannot be done, my lovely lovely demoness
[19-20:59] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((yeah, and there are guards outside... they have travelled about 200 miles to teh west by now))
[19-21:00] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[19-21:00] 94c70, Muna : Even gods have limits, they come and go like the wind...
[19-21:01] b9a43, Odette : * snaps out of a day dream, stands and starts to pace around the tent.. how long had she been in here.. *
[19-21:02] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *smirks lightly* i am telling you, demoness, you cannot oppose him.... *His voice in a sad stern tone, a charming smile crawling on his lips* my dear, why hte interest in helping me rise to power......
[19-21:04] b9a43, Odette : * runs her soft hand through her dark curls, sighing with frustration *
[19-21:04] a18b5, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : **leave his room in the glimmering inn, clad in all black, armour of bones, and a dark purple cape. He has a 6' staff with a silver skull ontop of it the skull wheres a crown with a 7' spike on it. holds ihs leather bound book of necromancer spells in his right hand. his steel gray eyes keep track of his surrounds and he moves through the bar and into the lantern lit streets of **
[19-21:04] 94c70, Muna : Perhaps I like you... *grins.*
[19-21:04] a18b5, Nefiset Da'emorentis : **leave his room in the glimmering inn, clad in all black, armour of bones, and a dark purple cape. He has a 6' staff with a silver skull ontop of it the skull wheres a crown with a 7' spike on it. holds ihs leather bound book of necromancer spells in his right hand. his steel gray eyes keep track of his surrounds and he moves through the bar and into the lantern lit streets of **
[19-21:05] a18b5, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ((streets of *))
[19-21:06] 73c56, Axis : *keeps moving through the streets people shying away form him as he stalked*
[19-21:07] a18b5, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ((narfing mom...rar **pauses himself**))
[19-21:07] b9a43, Odette : * paces a bit more, then sits on the edge of her vot, fiddeling with the chain and pendant around her pale neck *
[19-21:07] e663b, Roki: *bored*
[19-21:08] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[19-21:08] b9a43, Odette : cot **
[19-21:10] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *a devious smile overcomes his lips, his arms uncrossing abit, a dark glint in his eyes as he looks her over once more* really my dear? a demoness itnerested in a Human.....that is quite odd *he chuckles some* quite odd indeed..... for when we first met, i didn't sense anything......any indication.....
[19-21:10] f92ca, Mab: *looks @ Odette's pic with the legs. Hopes she isn't running around like that in just a short uh...tunic? Thinks folks would find her shoes very odd in this style time frame as well. Am I just being too literal? snickers.*
[19-21:11] 94c70, Muna : You are not an ordinary human... nor am I an ordinary demoness...
[19-21:12] b9a43, Odette : * because of her frustration and pacing, she is too warm, so she pulls of her white gown, now only clad in her undergarments which are also white *
[19-21:12] 94c70, Z: *pokes Mab really hard*
[19-21:12] b9a43, Odette : ((hehe ))
[19-21:13] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( wow I recognize that pose ::discovers yet another artist ripping someone off:: Jeez. )
[19-21:13] f92ca, Mab: But in the pic her undergarments are pink. *is being a pest. poked really hard* OW!! Hey! *rubs spot*
[19-21:14] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*ponders entering the tent that holds the stripping princess*))
[19-21:14] b9a43, Odette : ((*L*))
[19-21:16] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Yeah... Muna's got Kriel *L* Darn. Ah well, RP happens))
[19-21:16] e663b, Roki: .... *just..... gets out the uberflyswatterofultramagal337d00m and swats Mab*
[19-21:17] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : mmm so all demonesses arn't as radient and gorgeous as yourself.... thats, dissapointing.... *chuckles lightly, finding this all too amusing, wile he can have aegnora, and then this muna.,...... he could also have the niave princess if he wanted.... a smile on his face, he trying to decide between the demoness and the nightmare*
[19-21:17] 867a2, Aegnora : ((And I think she wants ya to enter while she's stripping))
[19-21:17] MSG: Z sent a message to Mab.
[19-21:18] JOIN: Durin has entered.
[19-21:18] f92ca, Mab: *thoroughly swatted by swatter with really long run on name. dies*
[19-21:19] 94c70, Muna : We have the same goals, I believe...
[19-21:19] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[19-21:19] b9a43, Odette : * throws open the tent flaps, the guards advace to push her back in, she manages to yell* Kriel !!!
[19-21:19] 867a2, Aegnora : *pauses, looking towards out wittle princess as she shrieks, red eyes narrowing slightly...8
[19-21:21] 867a2, Aegnora : ((out=our))
[19-21:22] JOIN: Odette has entered.
[19-21:22] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : well perhaps you could act on this..... *he is cut off by the screaming princess, he forwning deeply* excuse me....demoness.... *he moves out of hte tent, shirtless, his lean msucular chest seenming to shine in the pale moonlight..... a black tattooo running from his back al lthe way down across his shoulders and onto his chest.... his boots neglected i nthe tent, abre feet stepping on soft earth as he heads twords odette's tent.... pondering if muna is indeed following him*
[19-21:22] b9a43, Odette : (( * kicks comp * __
[19-21:22] 867a2, Aegnora : .. do stop shrieking so. You might annoy me... and that is decidely not something you want to do at this point.
[19-21:24] b9a43, Odette : * is pushed back into the tent *
[19-21:24] MSG: Mab sent a message to Z.
[19-21:27] 94c70, Muna : *Scowls at being walked out on.*
[19-21:27] b9a43, Odette : *
[19-21:27] MSG: Mab sent a message to Z.
[19-21:28] MSG: Z sent a message to Mab.
[19-21:28] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: is unconscious in the room wherever it is.. ::
[19-21:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-21:28] MSG: Mab sent a message to Z.
[19-21:28] f92ca, Mab: That wisp was me again. I got turned into a wisp again.
[19-21:29] 94c70, Z: *sighs*
[19-21:30] 28856, Durin : (( *snores*))
[19-21:30] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he does not look happy as he moves into her tent, a brow raised, he having seen aegnora out there.... dammit why doe these womens have to get angry with each other....... they could always just share him**he looks visibly over Odette's cleavage, and body as she stands htere half nude in her undergarnments* a little late to be stripping, don't you think princess?
[19-21:30] b9a43, Odette : ((heh))
[19-21:30] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( woohoo! boobage! )
[19-21:31] f92ca, Mab: Yup, she wanted ya to enter while she was stripping all right. *looks at the painfully uber obviousness in the posts*
[19-21:31] MSG: Z sent a message to Mab.
[19-21:32] 867a2, Aegnora : *glances after Kriel as he goes into see Odette... then spins around, and moves back to Kriel's tent. Heeere Muna muna muna*
[19-21:32] b9a43, Odette : * stands, huffing, her hair curled around her pale face, and gleaming sapphire eyes* I just would like to know .. why am i here ? do you want my familys land, or , or their money.. do you want me !? what is it ?
[19-21:32] 867a2, Aegnora : ((into=in to))
[19-21:33] 94c70, Muna : Foolish Prince... *She remains there for a moment considering the worth of waiting for his return or proceding on her way.*
[19-21:33] b9a43, Odette : * goes up, putiing her soft hands on his broad shoulders, shaking him a bit *
[19-21:33] da743, Khyron : *still at the encampment behind the big boulder thang... he's sleeping and such, head all up on a small rock, his pack held closely to him, no blanky or nothing*
[19-21:34] MSG: Aegnora sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[19-21:34] 867a2, Aegnora : *... and about as she's thinking weither or not she should leave.. Aegnora moves into the tent, eyes falling onto Muna* ... So...
[19-21:35] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : you are a captive of hte nish empire dear...... and to become servant to the king..... quite an honor if i do say so myself *he chuckles some.... gloating as he looks to her* now, do be silent.... *said with a dark yet charming smile* or i will have to beat it out of you
[19-21:35] 94c70, Muna : *Meets Aegnora's gaze silently.*
[19-21:36] da743, Khyron : ((... keeel heeer !)
[19-21:36] 867a2, Aurora : *.. she has since moved off, done her thing and stuff... and eventually returned. So there she is now, back leaned against the boulder, as she slips a bit fitfully.. she was used to either sleeping in a bed, or sleeping as her unicorn form*
[19-21:36] 867a2, Aegnora : Since you are stealing my source of amusement's attention away... What do you truely want here?
[19-21:36] b9a43, Odette : * breaths hard, looking deep into his eyes*.. the king ?.. and who is that ?? whats his name ? where are we going ?
[19-21:37] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Breathing hard... hehe.. she's doing the heaving bosom thing))
[19-21:37] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Quick! Flutter your eyelashes!))
[19-21:37] 94c70, Muna : I believe you were here when I asked for what I wanted.
[19-21:38] MSG: Mab sent a message to Z.
[19-21:38] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *wants to get back to muna, and aegnora if he can.... finding both of those women so interesting, so alluring.... he frowning abit as this girl distracts him....regardless of her beauty, she was becoming annoying, he wraises his arm as she speaks, and abruptly brings it down twords her cheek, to backhand her. considering his agility and speed, it should connect*
[19-21:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( will you stop beign so obnoxious, please >< yeesh. )
[19-21:38] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Sowwy))
[19-21:39] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[19-21:39] 867a2, Aegnora : *smirks* Seriously.. what is your true intent with him? If I like it, I'll leave him to you
[19-21:39] da743, Khyron : *rolls over, his head dropping off the rock with a quiet little 'thunk' the fire he created long since gone out and all he wakes.. eyes flitting up to her, if amazed she's still here*....ouch...
[19-21:39] 92794, Squirrel : *Kriel's next post* I'm Rick James b****
[19-21:39] b9a43, Odette : (( well she been locked up for a while, not having a clue as to what is going on ))
[19-21:40] 867a2, Aurora : *opens her eyes as he makes... noise...* ..Mmrph?
[19-21:40] 92794, Squirrel : Srry *couldn't help*
[19-21:41] b9a43, Odette : * get shizzelbingers, her head lashes to the side, her hand coming up to touch the pain, her mouth shuts... she then looks pu at him* i guess i do not please you huh ? * says quietly* i am sure one of the nightmarish woemn out there would... * lowers onto her knees* .. forgive me..
[19-21:41] da743, Khyron : *sits upright after a moment, rubbbing the back of his neck, observing the surroundings, then looks back to her*.. See... told ya nothing would attack us with me around *wakey up sleepy sorta grin*
[19-21:42] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Pfft. Darn right one of us would!))
[19-21:42] b9a43, Odette : hit ***
[19-21:42] 94c70, Muna : *Chuckles.* You are interested in him, hmm? Our interests would be different then.
[19-21:42] 867a2, Aurora : *smiles faintly, then gets to her feet..*
[19-21:43] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[19-21:44] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( thats a nice typo )
[19-21:44] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *a dark, sinister chuckle comes from him as his hand reaches down, cupping odette's chin he turns her head to look up at him* you are to be a slave, princess.... trained and beaten untill you realize that......You are a pet now, princess... and nothing more..... *he laughs darkly, then leans down, kissing her roughly, if not forcefully a moment before putting his own lips away and standing back up* now... be quiet.....
[19-21:45] 867a2, Aegnora : Yes.. I am interested in him. *dryly* However, my interest in him is fading, as he is proving to be rather... ah.. what is the word... Well, he looks for any interesting woman he can get. Which doesn't suit me all that much...
[19-21:45] b9a43, Odette : *cries a bit, not caring what he does *
[19-21:46] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[19-21:46] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hooray for manwhores! )
[19-21:46] b9a43, Odette : (( crap i g2g , bye, ill be on tommrow )) * gets up and lays on the cot, still in her undergarments *
[19-21:47] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he turns abruptly and on his way out of hte tent he looks to the guards there* if she pipes up again, beat her untill she cannot speak *said n a dry, almost flat tone... he heading abruptly back twords his tent. He will keep that girl for the kign ,and present her to him as a gift...... he would never take a woman like that for himself, far too loud for his tastes...and far far too innocent*
[19-21:47] da743, Khyron : Not much for morning chit chat are you....
[19-21:48] 867a2, Aurora : Never been too much of a speaker... *slowly stands*
[19-21:48] 94c70, Muna : *smirks* He's a male human... *as if that explains all of his actions.*
[19-21:49] 867a2, Aegnora : There are males of all species like that, and there are males of most species that may not be.
[19-21:49] 867a2, Aegnora : There very rare types..
[19-21:49] 867a2, Aegnora : ((There=The))
[19-21:50] 07e31, Darrius Lokken : **Sits silently on the top of a random building in , watching as citizens below clear the bodies of a previous attack. He drinks from a flask of ale with a silent frown of discontent as he watches**
[19-21:51] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he opens the flap of his tent and looks in, that rave nswooping down and perching on his shoulde,r it keeping quiet this time. eyeing the two creatures that seem not to leave hit's master alone* ah forgive me , i should have gagged that girl... *he moves into his tent, sitting down by the side of his bed he smirks* she will make a good gift for the king......
[19-21:51] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Aegnora.
[19-21:51] da743, Khyron : Why's that ? *siits all cross legged, then flips open his pack.. looking for something..*
[19-21:51] 94c70, Muna : *smirks at Aegnora, saying no more as Kriel enters. She would have to speak to Aegnora again sometime, alone.*
[19-21:53] 867a2, Aegnora : *speaks, even though Kriel has returned* He is clearly not one of them *then glances to Kriel* ...
[19-21:53] MSG: Aegnora sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[19-21:54] 867a2, Aurora : Not used to speaking ((BBL. Got to deal with dye))
[19-21:54] 867a2, Aegnora : *steps to the side, sitting in a chair... falling silent as she listens* ((BBL))
[19-21:55] 07e31, Darrius Lokken : **His normal smile, not there. His eyes flaring slightly. He knows that he shouldnt still be in , killing humans... worst of all, not even warrior humans, just lambs to the slaughter. He needs to go into Krondor, kill orcs, meet khalek. What makes Khalek so special anyways? Maybe he could try to kill khalek... no, that would mean more work.**
[19-21:55] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ah my dear.... *speaking to aegnora now* i truley am sorry for all these distractions tonight.... the camp is not usually this lively at such a late hour... *his eyes travel over to muna, he watching her a moment* and i am sotrry for simply walking out on you, the problem has been adressed *he speaking of the odette princess.... as he begins to pick up his boots and put them on*
[19-21:58] afe1f, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ((DARRIUS GET ON AIM))
[19-21:58] 94c70, Muna : Perhaps another time then, when there can be no distractions...
[19-21:58] EXIT: Nefiset Da'emorentis has left the chat ( 10:58pm, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-21:58] 07e31, Darrius Lokken : **looks to his right at the large statue of an angel perched on top of his building. He goes to it, admires it briefly for the workmanship... he then picks it up, and throws it, crushing the human trying to take his kills. With this, flies of to some undisclosed location** ((Later))
[19-22:02] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : perhaps my dear.... but we shall be reaching teh coast soon *letting out a small sigh as he stands and moves over to the table that holds many many maps and such, he picking up his undershirt off it and putting it over his chest*
[19-22:02] 94c70, Muna : The sea does not stop me from reaching you... *smirks.*
[19-22:05] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : you know, demoness..... simply because i am male does not mean that i think with the smaller of two heads *he chuckles abit, tucking in that shirt he takes the vest and puts that on, along with the frock* Seduction will not work on me......
[19-22:06] 867a2, Aegnora : *snorts softly*
[19-22:08] 867a2, Aurora : *absently straightens her dress*
[19-22:09] 94c70, Muna : Seduction..? Such a primitive tactic...
[19-22:09] da743, Khyron : ((yet effective...))
[19-22:10] da743, Khyron : ...... definatly not talkative then...*pulls out a small little vile.. perhaps nothing more than 1oz of liquid inside, pops the top off and knocks it back.. basicly... its super concentrated espresso..mwaha..wake up juice mostly*
[19-22:11] 867a2, Aurora : .. What's that you are drinking?
[19-22:12] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::whistles innocently:: )
[19-22:13] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : manipulation then.... ahh no that will not work.... *He chuckles some...... taking his overcoat he wraps it around hsi form... adjusting the gold pendant around his chest to lay over the frock, he smirking abit as he looks to aegnora* my dear..... you offered me a chance to....*thinks, not wanting to sound too crude* run with you.. *yeah that sound eclose enough to ride on you* if such an offer is still open, i would like to accept it..... *yes he is begning to become unnerved by this muna woman, he beginin
[19-22:13] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : g to belive that attempting to seduce such a creature was something he should not have done*
[19-22:13] da743, Khyron : *that got her interest didnt it ?, looks over at'er*... I call it Wake-up Juice... its essentialy concentrated caffine, with a little extra flavoring.. *slips the empty bottle into the pack, closing it up and such then stands, slinging it over his shoulder once more*
[19-22:14] 867a2, Aurora : ... Caffeine ? *slips a little closer, peering at where the bottle went*
[19-22:15] 867a2, Aegnora : Oh.. that depends. What do I get from it?
[19-22:16] da743, Khyron : ... you've never heard of Caffine ? *quirks a brow at her.. genuinely amazed*
[19-22:16] 867a2, Aurora : No. What does it do?
[19-22:19] 94c70, Muna : *Seeming as Kriel had no further desire to say anything else, she moves to step around the two of them to leave.*
[19-22:20] da743, Khyron : Its like.... energy i guess is how one could explain it.. gets the body moving.. helps alot in the mornings
[19-22:20] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 10:40pm, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-22:20] 867a2, Aegnora : *looks to Muna thoughtfully as she prepares to leave...*
[19-22:23] 94c70, Muna : *She gives Kriel a last glance.* When you feel you're ready to face a challenge, let me know... *smirks, her gaze shifting for a moment to Aegnora. It was too bad that Kriel had interrupted them. Then turning, she moves to exit the tent.*
[19-22:23] 867a2, Aurora : *gives him a doubtful look*
[19-22:24] da743, Khyron : I'll mix you up a batch sometime...
[19-22:25] 867a2, Aurora : ((And then'd we have a bouncy unicorn)) ... I'd like that.. just once though...
[19-22:26] 867a2, Aegnora : *watches Aegnora go, then looks back to Kriel, still awaiting his response*
[19-22:27] 94c70, Z: Aegnora you watched yourself go?
[19-22:27] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Ah hush... she was watching her mind leave
[19-22:27] 867a2, Aegnora : ))
[19-22:28] 94c70, Z:
[19-22:28] da743, Khyron : Yes.. perhaps after we reach ?
[19-22:29] 867a2, Aurora : *.. grins* That works. *tilts her head* Shall we get started...?
[19-22:30] da743, Khyron : I suppose... its a long walk... *
[19-22:31] 867a2, Aurora : And won't get any shorter if we stay here
[19-22:35] 867a2, Aurora : .
[19-22:36] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ? )
[19-22:44] EXIT: Aurora has left the chat ( 11:35pm, February 19 (CST) ).
[19-22:44] 94c70, Z: I think we lost Kriel...
[19-22:44] da743, Roki: Indeed... well then..lets get going shall we ? *makes a little ''lets get going'' gesture, and starts walkin down da path*
[19-22:46] da743, Khyron : Indeed... well then..lets get going shall we ? *makes a little ''lets get going'' gesture, and starts walkin down da path*
[19-22:50] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( well you 'left' what doe sit matter )
[19-22:52] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((Phone, sorry))
[19-22:56] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[19-22:58] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*pokes around for aegnora*))
[19-22:59] 94c70, Z: *was waiting for one last remark*
[19-23:01] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hello God )
[19-23:01] 87033, W: *loves*
[19-23:06] 867a2, Aurora : *so... walks off with him*
[19-23:06] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Present))
[19-23:10] 620b8, Rav : Hello Adrian. and its G.O.D.
[19-23:10] JOIN: Durin has entered.
[19-23:11] 87033, W: You called my name?
[19-23:11] 94c70, Z: *pounces Rav*
[19-23:11] 28856, Durin : (((AAARRRGGHH!))
[19-23:11] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::annoyed::
[19-23:11] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : *()
[19-23:13] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-23:13] 620b8, Rav : *L* anyway *is pounced.* why hello Z.
[19-23:14] 94c70, Z: Why hello Rav
[19-23:16] 620b8, Rav : *ponders ICness.* But who? hmmmmm.
[19-23:16] 87033, W: *sighs and goes back to idleness ass they weren't refering to him as God*
[19-23:18] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*pokes for aegnora* phone))
[19-23:19] 94c70, Z: *could bring Alanna back.*
[19-23:21] 620b8, Rav : *shrugs* only if you want to.
[19-23:21] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[19-23:21] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( sorry W, it was covered yetserday )
[19-23:22] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : (((AHHHH! Aegnora if yer there please repost fer me, i am on the phone with me GF and i dunna wanna hang up, but i also dunna wanna end the rp)))
[19-23:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( heh priorities Kriel... )
[19-23:26] 867a2, Aegnora : (( ))
[19-23:30] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((so yeah, repost?))
[19-23:32] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Sorry, got to go to bed soon. So I'll just take a few posts to exit her out)) *stares at him silently a long moment... then slowly the edge of one lip twitches up* Now... you couldn't tell me, that given the chance, you'd not sleep with her
[19-23:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-23:35] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he only smirks lightly* i am male my dear, yet...*he chuckles some, a hand caressing her shoulder* i am lso wise, and i fear i have dabbled into a power too great for me to control....
[19-23:37] ceea7, Will-o'-the-wisp: Profiles ppl! *eyes Kriel balefully*
[19-23:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( dabbled.. such a manly word. )
[19-23:38] 94c70, Z: *figures Kriel doesn't care anything about what Muna said*
[19-23:38] ceea7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *and eyes Z too...she needs to do profiles...or else will incur the wrath of the Pale Death*
[19-23:39] 94c70, Z: *is really not in the mood for making profiles*
[19-23:39] 867a2, Aegnora : *eyes dart to the hand on her shoulder, then back up to him* .. Yes. You are male at that. *idle smirk* And dealing with any higher power is dangerous... For instance, what would happen should you step wrong with your Zin?
[19-23:40] ceea7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *wants them done sometime*
[19-23:40] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::is really tired of waiting:: )
[19-23:40] 94c70, Z: *might think about it*
[19-23:40] ceea7, Will-o'-the-wisp: *pets Z*
[19-23:40] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-23:42] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[19-23:43] ceea7, Will-o'-the-wisp : Mage Force Gold go!
[19-23:44] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-23:45] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Z.
[19-23:45] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : you recall that picture of hte deformed man? *he chuckles some as he moves outside, his bodyu getnly brushing aagainst her own as he moves* imagine that, but ten time worser
[19-23:46] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((*can do worse than Kriel...*))
[19-23:47] 867a2, Aegnora : It's a deadly game, playing to two masters... It's been done, but almost always with disasterous results
[19-23:47] 867a2, Aegnora : *moves out with him*
[19-23:48] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((*softly* Aegnorrraa......*crooks finger* Come here Aegnora....*has platinum oat flakes to feed to the Nightmare...a Nightmare's fav food*))
[19-23:49] 867a2, Aegnora : ((*is a predator* *eats meat*))
[19-23:50] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((*makes Krielburgers*))
[19-23:50] 94c70, Z: *growls at stupid people.*
[19-23:50] NICK: AdrianGoldenmoon changed nick to AnimatedPoison.
[19-23:50] 867a2, Aegnora : (())
[19-23:51] MSG: Z sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-23:51] dfe22, AnimatedPoison : ::sigh::
[19-23:51] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Oy. I'm sorry Kriel, I really do gotta go.)) *excuses herself... and takes off*
[19-23:51] NICK: AnimatedPoison changed nick to Adriangoldenmoon.
[19-23:51] EXIT: Aegnora has left the chat ( 12:51am, February 20 (CST) ).
[19-23:52] NICK: Adriangoldenmoon changed nick to AnimatedPoison.
[19-23:55] ceea7, Castel Santos : Bah!
[19-23:56] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: :: about to ebay these freakin kids.. ugh >< ::
[19-23:57] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((Pic Test))
[19-23:57] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((BWAHAHAHAHA! *huggles Z for the uberbad pic*))
[19-23:57] 94c70, Z: Mwahhaa
[19-23:57] 94c70, Z: *hugs back*
[20-00:00] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : "Est Sularas Oth Mithas..."
[20-00:06] 94c70, Z: Are you ready, Adrian?
[20-00:06] NICK: AnimatedPoison changed nick to AdrianGoldenmoon.
[20-00:09] 94c70, Muna : *Silently approaches the unconscious Adrian.*
[20-00:09] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: is unconscious ::
[20-00:10] MSG: Sothicus Aurelius sent a message to Muna.
[20-00:11] MSG: Muna sent a message to Sothicus Aurelius.
[20-00:12] 94c70, Muna : *Easily picks up the mortal's prone form and lays him on the bed. Her fingers brush hair out of his face gently.* Adrian...
[20-00:13] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : (( ))
[20-00:13] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: can't really hear her if he's unconscious >.>; ::
[20-00:16] 94c70, Muna : *smirks slightly, such a frail thing...* Adrian.. wake up now.. *Her words may seem to echo within his mind.*
[20-00:16] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((*woulda just kicked Adrian like a puppy*))
[20-00:18] 94c70, Muna : (( awww, but he thinks I like him ))
[20-00:18] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: he opened his eyes halfway.. grimacing.. unwilling if not unable to move::
[20-00:20] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((So? Punt him like a chihuahua!))
[20-00:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Ha. )
[20-00:21] 94c70, Muna : You did very well.... *He did very good at getting his arse kicked anyway.*
[20-00:22] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[20-00:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : No.. :: hsi eyes closed once more, tension apparent in his facial features as the dull aches from his injuries slowly magnified as he slipped from his unconscious state::
[20-00:24] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *had eaten his Wheaties that was gonna whoop Adrian's butt anyway*
[20-00:25] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: would have lost without Palladia's wheaties.. ::
[20-00:26] 94c70, Muna : You did as I asked... *She gently kisses him the forhead lightly, his soreness slowly seeming to wash away.* I will reward you for your loyalty...
[20-00:27] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *but with the was a hardcore pwn*
[20-00:32] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: he glanced up at her.. his wearied and faded features slowly infusing with life and animation again, his eyes brightening::
[20-00:33] 94c70, Muna : Good now.. come.. *She moves away from him to stand in the middle of the room. Here, she forms a portal and gestures for him to enter.*
[20-00:34] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((*thinks Adrian is a smack addict*))
[20-00:34] 92794, Squirrel : *smirk*
[20-00:34] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( smack? )
[20-00:35] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((Heroin...)
[20-00:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( why )
[20-00:35] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((He was all...urrrg...dead...and then all of the sudden happy and alive again...just like a heroin addict getting another fix...))
[20-00:36] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( then Muna is a giant needle )
[20-00:36] 94c70, Muna : (( *points Adrian to her post* ))
[20-00:37] 92794, Squirrel : /
[20-00:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: gets to his feet, reaching for his coat.. he would have otherwise questioned where his pain had gone, but he was more distracted by Muna than anything else.. he pulled the coat on as he stepped into the portal, unaware of the consequences that came with it the last time he trusted her with portals..::
[20-00:40] 94c70, Muna : *Has no malicious intent, at least not this time. The portal would deposit them out underground near the permanent portal there. Stepping around Adrian, she activates the gate and prepares it to send him to . Her gaze shifts back to Adrian.* Study what you see, and when you return, tell me what you've learned...
[20-00:41] 92794, Squirrel : That's one hell of a got knocked tf out...go scout for me....
[20-00:42] 94c70, Muna : (( Hey he at least gets to go out and 'play' ))
[20-00:43] 92794, Squirrel : If play means what I think it means then...meh
[20-00:44] 92794, Squirrel : It does!
[20-00:44] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : When I return? :: arches a thin brow in puzzlement:: When will I return?
[20-00:45] 94c70, Muna : When I call for you...
[20-00:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: he couldn't quite figure how this was a reward from getting his ass beaten to near-death.. but Muna probably knew more than he did about things.. he nodded obediently, underwhelmed by the task.. not wanting to part with her just now.. but willing to do what she asked of him::
[20-00:51] 92794, Squirrel : You got your ass handed to you, now go sex up (*oogles shinyness*) *LMAO*
[20-00:51] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((*LOL*))
[20-00:52] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::stares at the shiny for a little while..:: )
[20-00:53] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::tries to bite it.. smushes face instead:: aw. :| )
[20-00:53] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((>))
[20-00:53] 94c70, Muna : (( *snickers* )) Worry not Adrian... we will see each other again... *She stands back to let him pass through.* ((* wonders how long a Bettenchi portal wormhole stays open for anyway*))
[20-00:53] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : (( (_8(|) Lookit...its Homer))
[20-00:53] 92794, Squirrel : *smirk* Fetch! *throws *
[20-00:54] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I hope you found that from someone else. Cause that's a serious case of too much free time )
[20-00:54] 94c70, Muna : (( LOL ))
[20-00:54] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::runs after teh shiny:: *_* )
[20-00:54] 92794, Squirrel : I think a wormhole would like tear at the dimensional fabric of space and time itself
[20-00:54] 92794, Squirrel : String theory!
[20-00:55] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : (( @@@@@@@@8) Marge ))
[20-00:56] 92794, Squirrel : #8) Lisa? Perhaps Maggie
[20-00:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He nodded lightly.. belated returning a kiss to her forehead, and glancing at the portal, turns and steps through::
[20-00:56] 94c70, Z: *will not go into the physics of wormholes.. will not.. no...*
[20-00:56] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((Lesse you do Bart))
[20-00:57] 92794, Squirrel : *was spouting out non sense*
[20-00:57] 92794, Squirrel : *Hence String theory!*
[20-00:57] 92794, Squirrel : 38)
[20-00:57] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((*believes that the entire universe is the twisted, perverted imagination of a 3 yr old*))
[20-00:58] 92794, Squirrel : ?
[20-00:58] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Bart (8E )
[20-00:58] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( also still a rebel, the smiley that faced the other way :minous chord:: )
[20-00:59] 94c70, Muna : *smirks as he steps through the portal which would deposit him in the gazebo in , the portals then deactivating.*
[20-00:59] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( with inadvertent ominous face it seems.. )
[20-00:59] 92794, Squirrel : :oints::
[20-00:59] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( :asses:: )
[20-00:59] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((:wns))
[20-01:00] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( thats the word that started this madness... >< )
[20-01:00] 92794, Squirrel : ..........kinda looks like Adrian said he likes to lick...butts.......*bursts out laughing*
[20-01:01] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::fwaps Aquirrel:: )
[20-01:01] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ... squirrel )
[20-01:01] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( god. )
[20-01:01] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((Yes?))
[20-01:01] 92794, Squirrel :
[20-01:02] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Rav is god )
[20-01:03] 92794, Squirrel : Technicly Mab would be God...
[20-01:03] 94c70, Z: *summons Rav*
[20-01:03] 92794, Squirrel : She created, didn't she?
[20-01:03] 94c70, Z: No.. she's female.
[20-01:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Goddess maybe )
[20-01:04] 92794, Squirrel : Haven't you seen Dogma?!?! If Allanis Morosette can play God, I think Mab could
[20-01:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I dont think God is canadian )
[20-01:05] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((I helped create it! Hmm...maybe I should be Satan...))
[20-01:06] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Lucifer, bc mab lurves you )
[20-01:06] 92794, Squirrel : Palladia is already Satan
[20-01:06] ceea7, Sothicus Aurelius : ((*IS Palladia*))
[20-01:06] 92794, Squirrel : Dur
[20-01:06] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( )