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[17-20:43] bb171, Lok: ((hey neif if you want to fight something just ask instead of npc bashing))
[17-20:43] 580f0, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ((**spazzes out and falls to the ground,, twitchs every so often**))
[17-20:44] 580f0, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( well i dont have time to have a real fight so i smash things other wise i would like a fight))
[17-20:44] bb171, Lok: ((*curses theo for disappearing*))
[17-20:44] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((Because they joke about it to us, Liz, and they often assume when we are pissed that we are in that time, when we are not...or just they don't have to go through it *still shutting up now again*))
[17-20:44] d3a2d, Liz: Ahhhh *nods*
[17-20:44] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((but once again, brb)
[17-20:44] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((not today. only on for a few. I've a friend over))
[17-20:45] d3a2d, Liz: *watches her cats go nuts* They're chasing something I can't see..
[17-20:45] bb171, Axis : ((you have top exept guys that have sisters in that))
[17-20:45] bb171, Lok: ((alright))
[17-20:46] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *.. finally swings her legs off the table, and begins to stand*
[17-20:46] bb171, Axis : *glances over at the sudden movement*
[17-20:47] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((8does the dance of glee over having a good movie to watch*))
[17-20:47] 580f0, Nefiset Da'emorentis : **walks into the shadow** ***GONE***]
[17-20:48] ac5e7, Polaris13 : I'm sorry that I follow you most places, if it's a bother to you...
[17-20:48] bb171, Axis : It is not. It is always good to have an allie
[17-20:49] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((THAT'S A TECHNICAL FOUL!))
[17-20:49] 867a2, Delotha Feanor : *cranes her arms over her head, stretching lazily... then, after lowering her arms, turns about on one heel, and begins towards the Inn's exit. Perhaps she could find something interesting to do elsewhere...*
[17-20:49] ac5e7, Polaris13 : Alright. So long as I am not a burden to you.
[17-20:50] 580f0, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ((shh))
[17-20:51] bb171, Axis : You are not. *continues a though cleaning of his knives*
[17-20:51] JOIN: Kroger Gravesend has entered.
[17-20:52] d3a2d, Liz: Arg! I don't know who to play!
[17-20:52] bb171, Axis : ((*stabs god of boredom*))
[17-20:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-20:53] 580f0, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( god doesnt exist ))
[17-20:53] d3a2d, Liz: Anyone in Quinell?
[17-20:54] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *stands up* I'm going to leave for today...
[17-20:55] 867a2, Naurlote : ((Aside from the Queen...? Dunno))
[17-20:55] bb171, Axis : as you wish. I will continu hunting my prey
[17-20:55] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((I'm gonna leave, because I'm hyper and will keep posting out of character and piss people off, so I'll see you all later...))
[17-20:55] ac5e7, Polaris13 : Good luck finding it...
[17-20:55] d3a2d, Liz: So...just ?
[17-20:56] bb171, Axis : ((later))
[17-20:56] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *puts her hood over her head and walks out of the tavern, heading for the town's gates*
[17-20:56] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((byebye all)
[17-20:56] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((bye, Axis..))
[17-20:56] EXIT: Polaris13 has left the chat ( 9:56pm, February 17 (CST) ).
[17-20:57] 85f3e, Roki: alrighty....
[17-20:58] d3a2d, Liz: I have an elf, a pegasi, and a human queen...someone pick
[17-20:58] bb171, Axis : ((right now yeah))
[17-20:58] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:53pm, February 17 (CST) ).
[17-20:58] EXIT: Nefiset Da'emorentis has left the chat ( 9:53pm, February 17 (CST) ).
[17-20:58] bb171, Axis : ((you have a pegasi in rau riught?))
[17-20:58] d3a2d, Liz: Yes
[17-20:59] bb171, Axis : ((maybe have her talk to me eh?))
[17-21:01] aa449, V: I have Evil Guy #1, Evil Guy #2 and Evil Guy #3
[17-21:02] bb171, Axis : ((I no longer have time for a good fight))
[17-21:04] d3a2d, Liz: Want me to?
[17-21:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-21:04] 85f3e, Khyron : ((meeehhh))
[17-21:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-21:04] bb171, Axis : ((sure why not?))
[17-21:06] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( Where are you? ))
[17-21:07] bb171, Axis : (siting in the inn))
[17-21:08] d3a2d, Lafiel : *walks into the inn....ow. Seriously, she pushes past the door and looks around, her black cloak once again covering her*
[17-21:09] bb171, Axis : *glances over his gold cat-eyes marking her easily*
[17-21:10] d3a2d, Lafiel : *heads over to her corner table and sits down, waiting for a bar maid*
[17-21:12] bb171, Axis : *strides over to her silently weapons once again hidden*
[17-21:12] d3a2d, Lafiel : *looks up* Hello
[17-21:14] bb171, Axis : Greetings again..pegasus
[17-21:16] d3a2d, Lafiel : *smirks slightly* Greetings..whatever you are
[17-21:17] bb171, Axis : *gives her a tiny smile* appropriate. My name is Axis *slight bow*
[17-21:18] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[17-21:19] d3a2d, Lafiel : *smiles in return* Lafiel
[17-21:20] bb171, Axis : So lafiel what brings you to this..."city"
[17-21:22] d3a2d, Lafiel : I am..hiding.
[17-21:23] bb171, Axis : *looks vaugly surprised* what from?
[17-21:24] d3a2d, Lafiel : Suitors and hunters
[17-21:25] bb171, Axis : Being hunted by suitors....why would they hunt you? they won't take no for an answer?
[17-21:27] d3a2d, Lafiel : A mate has been arranged for me, as is the custom of our people. I did not wish to marry so I ran away.
[17-21:29] bb171, Axis : I see. And now they want to force you to marry him. Delightful *very dryly*
[17-21:29] d3a2d, Lafiel : And the hunter....his type is to bring back leavers to the fold.
[17-21:30] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[17-21:30] 5d609, Cookie Monster: l
[17-21:31] bb171, Axis : Foolishness
[17-21:32] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( 2 )
[17-21:33] d3a2d, Lafiel : That's what I thought. Mare's are not allowed to bear arms, either. Only children.
[17-21:34] bb171, Axis : Why? so they can feel special or are they to afaraid that you will get injured becasue your female?
[17-21:36] d3a2d, Lafiel : We are the bringers of life.
[17-21:36] bb171, Axis : humph. In a sense so are they.
[17-21:38] d3a2d, Lafiel : *shrugs*
[17-21:39] bb171, Axis : ((ack I gotta go))
[17-21:40] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( Aww..ok ))
[17-21:40] bb171, Axis : ((sorry))
[17-21:41] 867a2, Aurora : *..... well south of Krondor, our pale, etherial woman sits perched on the edge of a large boulder in the woods, slender hands resting gently upon her knees, ruffling the blue-green silk that adorns her, as she slumps forward a bit.. she was a tad bit tired. Walking almost the whole day, at a hastened past, does that to you*
[17-21:41] bb171, Axis : I will speak to you again *tunrs and lgo upstaris*
[17-21:42] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ((Like in the Dark Forest South?))
[17-21:43] d3a2d, Lafiel : *nods and eats her meal*
[17-21:44] d3a2d, Lafiel : *eventually gets up and leaves*
[17-21:44] d3a2d, Lafiel : ***Gone***
[17-21:44] EXIT: Lafiel has left the chat ( 10:44pm, February 17 (CST) ).
[17-21:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( blardyblardyblarblar @.@ )
[17-21:45] 85f3e, Khyron : *wanders down the same path ''well south of Krondor'', he's a good lookin..almost too good looking, pale white human with jet black hair and eyes..dressed in simple travlers garb, a large backpack on his back carrying many things.. somethin inside idly clinking against eachother*
[17-21:48] 867a2, Aurora : *her head lifts as she thinks she hears someone approaching... She tilts her head slightly, action sending some of her overly pale fall falling over her shoulder, as she listens..*
[17-21:48] JOIN: Karlita has entered.
[17-21:49] JOIN: Cyrano Chagg'Ra has entered.
[17-21:49] db4ac, Karlita : (( * waltzs in all royal like* hello all , heh ^-^ ))
[17-21:49] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Aurora? yes, no?))
[17-21:49] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *Crashing against the waves, the fleet of Erasus appear on the horizon near the coast of Arcadia (France?). An ever-present storm of clouds drifting overhead. Dominating the view in the distance is something massive - a small island, and it seems to be moving. A massive 'vessel' - the floating fortress of Khaes. With its bow decorated in the skulls of ancient dragons, its rocky black like exterior bears aloft something akin to a castle - twisted and warped towers holding secrets to what horrors are
[17-21:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hi. )
[17-21:50] db4ac, Karlita : (( hey, ))
[17-21:50] 85f3e, Khyron : *clinky clinky..walk walk..... looks around... eyes mostly on the ground as he walks, humming a song as he goes*
[17-21:51] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *northern Goblin towns, South of Krondor*
[17-21:51] NICK: AdrianGoldenmoon changed nick to Dri.
[17-21:52] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : *southward, heading twords Khalek's fleet is a seeming endless mass of ships, a giant cleaming black wall.... Armored doombringer assualt ships creating the illusion of some metal behiometh sliding throug hte ocean... the mass of ships is seemingly endless..... ahead of this wall is a much less cramped force of ships, smaller thatn the larger vessels, faster as well, they darting here and there on the waves. **high on the masts of these ships, banners can be seen... a great black eye clearly on them.... swo
[17-21:52] 867a2, Aurora : *for a moment... she almost gives into her first impulse, to hide.. then the humming catches her attention. Now who truely bad would be walking blatantly along, humming a merry tone? So she stays where she is, trying to place the tune*
[17-21:52] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-21:53] c88f9, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Hey all, whats been happening?))
[17-21:53] dfe22, Dri: :: with Jerren ::
[17-21:53] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((AURORA! Are you in the Dark Forest, being the Forest south of Krondor?))
[17-21:54] JOIN: Odette has entered.
[17-21:54] 85f3e, Khyron : *noo...isnt evil...nope.. just a simple alchemist for the most part...he spots the boulder... then tracks his eyes upwards... looking up at Aurora ... he stops, waving a hand a little... Forest Gump style* 'Allo....
[17-21:55] aa449, Khalek the Changer: on board the mighty craft. Its main sail, not that it requires them, bears a giant orange flaming eye, obviously magical in nature to some degree - causing all those who look to be overcome by a dizzying sickness. Flanking the floating fortress, are a variety of twisted monstrosities of vessels - in a wide parody of colours, midnight blues, velvet purples, emerald greens proving to be the most popular. Many of the Erasus forces contain Ruinous Marks of some kind, some with simple ornate banners and hulls,
[17-21:55] db4ac, Odette : (( * pokes all* ^^ ))
[17-21:55] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : rd like tentacles twisting and winding away form the eye itself... it backed on different colored fabric, some scarlet, some white, some dark blue, and others yet brown. various fleet insignias seen on the sides of these ships.... at the center of this mass, one massive ship moves, its entire hull outlined in a heavy black metal.... jagged and looking as if it sailed straight out of hte fiery bowles of hell.... large masts catching the wind, deck mounted trebuchets nearly as large as the lower masts themsel
[17-21:55] dfe22, Dri: ( boobs! )
[17-21:56] 867a2, Aurora : ((Maaaybe?))
[17-21:56] db4ac, Odette : (( what!?! *L* ))
[17-21:56] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ves... shutters seen on the flanking sides of this metal beast. Bastillas held in teh inner chambers of it, like hte doombringer ships, the eye seen clearly on the canvas sails of all these ships, though, there is no magic in them.... *
[17-21:57] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*bangs head* Would she be close enough north that she might run into goblin patrols?))
[17-21:57] 867a2, Aurora : *softly* Good eve.
[17-21:57] 867a2, Aurora : ((She's more south It's a possibility, I suppose))
[17-21:58] dfe22, Dri: ( ::thinks someone's char should use the crown icon to sybolize 'Drag Queen'.. adds that to list under 'narcoleptic':: )
[17-21:58] aa449, Khalek the Changer: others with carefully crafted leering daemonic visages. Many of the escorts are built for ranged combat, sleek bolt throwers mounted atop the various levels of decks upon the ships - bolt tips glinting within the sunlight, yet with a forboding sorcerous feel within the air. Others have steel rams affited, with slippery, mutable tentacles crashing through the water. Some ships themselves seem to be in a constant flux of change - appearing as something normal for one second before turning into something that
[17-21:58] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Eh. Just keep in mind, Dark Forest is s'posed to TEEM I say TEEM with monsters.))
[17-21:59] dfe22, Dri: ( i say, i say, boy. )
[17-21:59] db4ac, Odette : (( hehe, well i gots to go , ill be on tommrow.. Au biento` !! ))
[17-22:00] 85f3e, Khyron : Yes.. it is isnt it... i dont suppose you knoe of a place around here to set up a camp would you ?
[17-22:02] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((*pokes odette* I can bring kriel on later))
[17-22:02] 867a2, Aegnora : *is so harassing Kriel, mwah*
[17-22:02] aa449, Khalek the Changer: defies nature and physics themselves. But amongst the dozens of ships are also tower ships - simply appearing to be twisted silver towers that float. It's these that are the dreaded Silver Towers of Khaes - seabearing towers that hold an enclave of Sorcerers with the power to manipulate magic in sea warfare. The Nish fleet dwarfs the much more chaotic fleet, yet the floating fortress easily outmatches the others flagship -after all, it is a floating castle essentially.*
[17-22:03] 867a2, Aurora : *pauses a moment, looking throughful* ... This area isn't really safe for camping anywhere.
[17-22:05] 85f3e, Khyron : Seems these days noplace is safe.
[17-22:06] 867a2, Aurora : No.. not around here at least. *slides down from the boulder, taking a moment to straighten her dress* These woods are dangerous
[17-22:06] dfe22, Dri: :: DRi wanders aimlessly about the camp, curiously watching the goblins bustle about.. she felt a little lost in the sea of them, but at least they didn't tower high above her and mow her over..::
[17-22:07] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : *a thunderous sound is heard from the nish fleet... .as if millions of war drums were beaing beaten, the small er forntal ships retreating to that wall of doombringers..... sails being drawn up..... anchors seen cast into the depths of the ocean, meanwhile...... there is an opening in the wall made... the flagship moving forward**one the decks of these ships.... many men can be seen doing thier duties, other prayinging to small gold eye statues on the ships. Doing so in thier free time, and in light of hte
[17-22:07] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *a goblin walks up and taps her on the shoulder* You Dri, ye?
[17-22:08] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ye=yes
[17-22:09] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : chaotic fleet... the massive flagship moving forward slowly, drums still beating out the general theme of hte nish empire..... no, its not a war theme..... moving above deck, the king of the nish can be seen, his eyes set forward underneath the massive helm he wears, giatn axe held in a heavily mucled hand, his chest is bare, mutated flesh running across it, up to a giant lumionous eye that seems to peer out from his chest cavity..... men dressed in jagged black armor trail after the king, these being the
[17-22:09] dfe22, Dri: :: she jumped slightly in surprise.. going mostly unnoticed up until it was unexpected.. she blinked her large glassy eyes at the goblin, and nodded:: Am Dri.
[17-22:10] 85f3e, Khyron : *watches her slip down from atop the big ol rock.. * I dont think i've much to worry about... i'm not such an easy target as one would assume.
[17-22:10] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Am Gookja. Jerren say you wish learn to fight.
[17-22:11] dfe22, Dri: :: hesitantly, her fuzzy ears tilting back some:: Eh.. kinda..
[17-22:11] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : elite, royal guard.... the great eye, symbol of thier god ZIN, decked out in gold on teh chestplates of this armor, a flowing scarlet cape around hte king's own shoulders..... the great eye clearly seen on teh back of this cloak he wears..... his eyes hidden behind that mask of his.,... gazing up at the castle and hte chaotic fleet before him.....the entire form and mass of these ships moving in unison, smoothly and effeciently.... like a well oiled machine. the nish navy very very strict, and very very s
[17-22:11] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : killed. The standard nish sailor dressing in simple cloth.... not heavy armor, for wearing heavy armor on teh seas is a costly mistake for any man to make... *
[17-22:13] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Cannot kinda learn. Can learn or not. Will not train if not sure.
[17-22:14] 867a2, Aurora : Really...? Are you a very light sleeper?
[17-22:15] 85f3e, Khyron : .... Something like that.
[17-22:15] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *..unlike the Erasus fleet - most crew dressed in little but loincloths or robes - barbarians really, yet the cream of the crop are Ruinous Warriors - those clad in the platemail iron armour grafted upon their bodies. These are for the boarding parties - yet most are upon the floating fortress vessel. Yet every single ship has at least one crewmember - normally the Sorcerer Captain bearing the ornate armour.*
[17-22:15] dfe22, Dri: Have t'learn from Gookja?..
[17-22:16] 867a2, Aurora : .. You might be alright then *slight pause, as she looks around* .. This spot is as good as any around here
[17-22:17] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Gookja train sneaky soldiers. Dri can have other teacher if want to fight with sword and stength.
[17-22:18] 85f3e, Khyron : Ah good... i'm Khyron by the way... *smiles almost charmingly at her as he moves off the road, towards the small clearing not far from the boulder... that is there 'cuz i say it is*
[17-22:19] dfe22, Dri: Dri can't hold sword.. :: rubs at the back of her head in embarassment::
[17-22:20] 867a2, Aurora : *offers him a light smile* Aurora.
[17-22:20] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : *he can only smile from underneath taht demonic looking helm of his, admiring teh beauty of hte sight before him it is beauty... butt he men around him seem fearfull...... his guards while heavily trained, and skilled in magical arts.... are still fearfull of this sort of thing.... that large eye on his own chest gazing from here to there... he chuckling darkly a moment, his men seeming to shudder as he does so*he moves forward..... , his own flagship at the epicenter and front of this wall of sh
[17-22:21] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Then learn with Gookja.
[17-22:21] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((so... are the Nish and Ruinous warriors enemies?))
[17-22:22] 85f3e, Khyron : If its so dangerous out here... why is a fine young woman such as yourself doing here ? *keeping his eyes on her as he shrugs off his backpack, setting it very gently on the ground with the multiple little ''clinks''*
[17-22:22] dfe22, Dri: :: swings her arms lightly at her sides, glancing over those in passing:: okie..
[17-22:22] 867a2, Aurora : Traveling south...
[17-22:23] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ips.... moving up the center of hte frontal ramming rod, feet lcinging over jagged metal..... he murmers something and steps off hte front of the ship, yet as he does so..... a pillar of water rises to meet his feet, it slowly taking him down, to the surface of hte waves.... he walking on them..... twords hte chaotic fleet.... no he would not subjugate his minions to the horrors that hte fleet up ahead holds..... he going alone twords it......a single form walking across hte waves.... leaving hte mass of
[17-22:23] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : nish ships behind him.......*
[17-22:25] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *The Chaotic fleet comes to a stop ahead of the Nish navy - the crackling of thunder as the dark clouds gather overhead both the fleets. One of the warping ships emitting a constant piercing shriek that overcomes even the crashing of the waves. Winged terrors leap up from the floating fortress - reptillian vulture like beasts, lizardmen condemed by the Ruinous Powers. Dozens of balista batteries are armed and ready - sorcerous chants echoing throughout the chaos fleet in preperation. Yet nothing flies out
[17-22:26] aa449, Khalek the Changer: to strike at Cyrano. As he closes upon the flagship of the Erasus fleet, he would soon learn just how massive it truely is - just the base cliff of the vessel dwarfing that of him and his own Nish vessels.*
[17-22:26] JOIN: Gookja has entered.
[17-22:27] 5d609, Gookja: *nods and turns, heading for a hut on the outskirts of the village*
[17-22:31] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : *there is chanting coming from teh nish vessesl two, priests and preistesses of the order of ZIn chanting along with crewmembers...... trebuchets well as ballistas, shudders opening on the front of the doombringer ships, armor sliding away to reveal hidden ports that hold ballistas. but after everything is readied..... hte nish seem to be praying, all i nteh fleet giving praise and glory to thier god, thier master...... Zin, lord of the earth**meanwhile thier king moves through the waters he taki
[17-22:31] dfe22, Dri: ::watches him walk for a while until she realizes he probably wants her to follow.. she scratched lightly at her face, not really in the mood for this now, but follows him anyway, watching the ground pass beneath her feet::
[17-22:31] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ng in the scope of this fortress....... he stopping at the base of it wehn he reaches it...... eyes looking from under the demonic helm he wears..... for a way to enter,*
[17-22:32] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((pic test))
[17-22:33] 85f3e, Khyron : Heading for Rurapenchi ? I hear its one of the last safe places to be...
[17-22:34] 867a2, Aurora : *tilts her head* ...? Yes, I suppose that is as good of a place to go as any
[17-22:35] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*ooooo's at Cyrano's pic*))
[17-22:35] 85f3e, Khyron : I plan on opening up a business down there... *small little smile, honestly seems like a simple man with a dream. .of living the dream*
[17-22:36] dfe22, Dri: ( haha I finnaly know why my raupenchis dont come out shiny-- I spell it wrong every time ^^ )
[17-22:36] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *Underneath Cyrano forms a multicoloured disc of chaotic energy - the column of water being dispelled by a much greater magic defense, especially in such close proximity to the fortress. The disc hovers above the surface of the sea still, and begins to rise - yes, its basically like the disc that Khalek rides.*
[17-22:37] 5d609, Gookja: *enters into the smaller hut. Inside there are perhaps a dozen goblins, all sitting in chairs*
[17-22:37] 867a2, Aurora : *smiles gently at him... she has seen no pointed looks at her forehead, or any indication he can even remotely tell what she is, so she is still wary of him... but she does seem to be relaxing some as they talk* What kind of buisness...?
[17-22:37] 867a2, Aurora : *he's got a pack... she herself appears to have thin slippers, and the silken dress on her back. Hehe*
[17-22:39] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : *he looks arounda moment as hte disk penetrates the water he rides... his feet landing in it...... water spilling off hte edges, the king rests his axe on his shoulder, eyes gazing upward.... meanwhile hymns and songs of the glory of zin are being sung, yet they sound darker than any hymn you would hear in a church......the entire nish fleet still as it prays..... praying to thier god, praying to thier master*
[17-22:40] 85f3e, Khyron : Yes... it's nothing great.. i've been told i've got a talent for potions and such things.. *shrugs* Might as well try and make a life out of it, ya know ? If i'm good at something...
[17-22:41] 867a2, Aurora : *interest is piqued...* Potions?
[17-22:42] 85f3e, Khyron : Yeah.. you know.. like.. healing potions and the like... I even helped a couple have a child once with one of my potions.. *wont say what kind of potion it was tho.... <_< >_> hehehehe*
[17-22:43] dfe22, Dri: :: enters quietly, and upon seeing the goblins, she stands off in the corner.. ::
[17-22:43] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *And the disc continues up, bringing Cyrano to one of the upper reaches of the fortress, an 'upper deck' - on the way he can see the multitude of crew upon the vessel, the muscled men and women from the Northern Wastes, embittered by the harsh environment. They go about their tasks wordlessly, many of them with some form of mutation. Upon closer look, the repear batteries consist of many balistas armed with not one bolt in a fixed position but are a tripod mounted machine with a 'magazine' of two sleek boxe
[17-22:44] 5d609, Gookja: *looks over to Dri* Take seat. *stands in the space where teh chairs are faced towards*
[17-22:44] 867a2, Aurora : *edges closer some... looking quizically towards the bag, then back to him* What do you store them in?
[17-22:44] aa449, Khalek the Changer: s holding six bolts each - for a total of twelve bolts loading into the machine at full capacity. It thus fires six off in one go, rather than one. If just one battery has such firepower, then woe betide how many shots the fortress itself can bring to bear.*
[17-22:45] dfe22, Dri: Fine right here.. :: glances between those gathered.. her eyes seeming to glow in the dim light::
[17-22:46] JOIN: Cyrano Chagg'Ra has entered.
[17-22:47] 85f3e, Khyron : .... *eyes her just a little bit.. holding the bag a bit closer to him as he sits down upon a rock, the bottles clinking a bit once again.. eyes never leaving he ras he taps his temple with his index finger*... Up here is where I store them..
[17-22:48] 867a2, Aurora : Sorry... I was just curious on if there was anything particularly dangerous, in something breakable, such as glass..
[17-22:49] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : *he steps off onto the deck of this ship.... his eye, chest eye, searching these weapons.... it focusing a short while on the one, memorizing it, yes, he intends on trying to do the same to his less advanced ballistas...... he leaving the disk... heavy armored feet hitting the deck as he moves forward.....staying silent....... he admiring the sight around him, stopping to turn a moment and gaze down at his own massive fleet........ if he had any humanity left in himself, he would feel pity for the enemies
[17-22:50] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : of this fortess..... yet he feels none, he turning back twords hte deck itself...moving forward... hand still holding onto the massive axe of his..... *
[17-22:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-22:51] 85f3e, Khyron : Maybe...
[17-22:51] 867a2, Aurora : *.. at that, she backs up a few steps, rather quickly* .. Oh...
[17-22:53] 85f3e, Khyron : I'm... sorry.. i'm rather protective of my things...*he's harmless... Realy !*
[17-22:53] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[17-22:54] 85f3e, Khyron : ((*rotflmao @ Jay Leno*))
[17-22:54] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[17-22:55] JOIN: Gookja has entered.
[17-22:55] 867a2, Aurora : It's understandable... *very wary look at that bag, almost as if she's expecting it to leap up and bite her*
[17-22:55] dfe22, Dri: ( hi Rav )
[17-22:55] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *And before Cyrano would come a regiment of twelve hulking Ruinous armoued men, those clad in the full ornate platemail, various chaotic runes and inscriptions of an age long past. Some are armed with axes, some with maces and others with swords - none have any ranged weaponry - yet they part to admit the 'admiral' of this fleet. Another dressed in such ornate armour, yet with dried and shrived human and elven heads dangling from his waist. One hand holds a great weapon, a massive double handed halberd...--
[17-22:57] 85f3e, Khyron : Its harmless... *pats the bag a bit*.. theres nothing dangerous inside *at least nothing overtly dangerous..* Please...sit.. i didnt mean to frighten you or anything...
[17-22:57] aa449, Khalek the Changer: whilst the other is twisted into an armoured claw. The mans helm is twisted into a fashion resembling that of an avian species, bright emerald eyes burning deep within the eye slits.*
[17-22:58] 5d609, Gookja: Fine. <I am Gookja. I will train you to become King Jerren's sneaks. Sneaks will fight were other soldiers will not. Sneaks will do things others cannot. You will become more important that riders.> *he translates this for Dri's understanding*
[17-22:58] 867a2, Aurora : *hesitates a long moment... then slowly moves towards him, doing the dainty, yet slow and caustious, walk*
[17-23:02] 85f3e, Khyron : Skittish, arent you....*smiles a bit* Dont worry... with me around, nothing nasty will come about...
[17-23:02] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : *he looks to this man intently... his own mutation seeming to pulse, no he is not in his own battle armor, as seen in the pic..... he is dressed lightly.... his lower portions are, yes, clad in heavy armor, yet his chest is bare, allowing his mutation to be exposed, worn like a badge of his status.... his shoulders held in jagged aromor plateing , head hidden behind a demonick looking helm, meatallic horns curving backwards away from his head...... he gazes at the one with the luminous eyes* are you the
[17-23:03] dfe22, Dri: :: folds her small hands behind her back, listening.. absently biting on her lower lip::
[17-23:03] 867a2, Aurora : *Yep, is skittish* *offers him a very faint smile in response, before caustiously sitting down near him.. out of arm's length, but near him*
[17-23:04] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : great champion of the burning eye, fellow servant to the lord god Zin, master of all this earth *His voice bathed in a horrid sound, which makes almost all normal men fear him..... it tinged i n teh Nish accent.... voice gruff, low sounding*
[17-23:07] 85f3e, Khyron : Are you hungry ? I've got some food here...*pats the bag*..and... if you want, I can bring up a fire... no need for kindling, unless you'd want to make it a large one...
[17-23:08] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *The returning voice is gravely, with no emotion within it at all.* I am Sethik the Despoiler, warrior in service of the... *a hint of amusement here* ... master of all earth. He has a different name in the lands to the east of yours, He is the Lord of Change, and the Lord of Chaos.
[17-23:08] 867a2, Aurora : .. you don't need kindling to make a fire?
[17-23:08] dfe22, Dri: ( ::booming voice:: He is Lord of the Rings )
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:09] a1c74, Glim : ( c you all tomorrow
[17-23:10] a1c74, Glim : (sorry for the million posts, i clicked and my mouce got stuck)
[17-23:10] dfe22, Dri: ( )
[17-23:11] 5d609, Gookja: <You will learn stealth, theiving, killing in a large number of ways with differant weapons. You will be a rumor in enemy camps. You will strike where nobody expects, never seen entering, never seen leaving.
[17-23:11] 5d609, Gookja: >
[17-23:12] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : and i take it he is not known as, Zin....then..... *his own voice hiding his emotions quite well. HIs hand gripping the massive axe he holds, royal nish cloak flowing slightly in a gust of wind........ his eyes staring unblinkingly at sethik......its pupil changing color, shifting every now and then..... his mark easily seen there*
[17-23:13] 85f3e, Khyron : Not realy no...*smirks a little*
[17-23:13] dfe22, Dri: :: lightly passes her fingertip over her round nose, keeping to herself.. there wasn't anything for her to learn but whatever 'weaponry' she had to use.. such a waste.. ::
[17-23:15] 867a2, Aurora : How do you start up a fire then?
[17-23:18] 85f3e, Khyron : Magic...*winks, opening up the front flap of his pack, rummaging around a little, till he feels the warmest of all the bottles, pulling it out, showing it to her.. it seems to glow with a molten orange/yellow/red fire itself..* And a little potion work... liquid fire.. i just need a catalyst to start it off...
[17-23:20] 867a2, Aurora : *leans forward, starting intriqued at the potion* .. What is a... cat ill list?
[17-23:20] 5d609, Gookja: *walks over to a table with a cloth over it. He pulls it off to reveal a variety of small weapons and various small instruments* These your tools. Very best of Cobbler tribe's works. Will teach you to use all of them and hide them on yourself.
[17-23:24] dfe22, Dri: :: stands on her tiptoes, lifting her chin slightly to look at the layout::
[17-23:25] aa449, Khalek the Changer: Not at all, but the Great Lord has seen it fitting to provide your services to us. *Yes, quite arrogant - views the Nish as 'primitives'.*
[17-23:26] 5d609, Gookja: Kama, various knives, grappling hooks, stilletoes, a garrotee, a few balls that look like black marbles, and bunches of other fun things* You will learn to carry nearly all these while sneaking.
[17-23:27] 85f3e, Khyron : Something that causes or starts a reaction....observe... * he gets up off the rock, walking a few feet away from her... closer to almost 10 feet, since she's skittish... he pulls the stopper off the vial, spilling some of the contense onto the grassy ground, replaces the stopper then walks off to the side looking for a pair of rocks as he shoves the vial into a pocket... ahhh... leans over and picks up 2 rocks, walking back over to the circle*... like this... *puts each of the rocks into his hands, then
[17-23:28] 85f3e, Khyron : kneels down close to the potioned circle, and clacks the 2 rocks together realy realy hard.. issuing forth.. a spark... and right then, the potion ignites, blasting him back a bit with the rush of heat.. he was a bit tooo close that time, sprawled out on his back*... whoops... *coughs, looking upwards and all that*
[17-23:28] dfe22, Dri: :: murmurs under her breath, raising a small brow:: Only so much of Dri..
[17-23:30] 867a2, Aurora : *watches him rather curiously, he seems to be acting rather odd... up until the point the fire flares up. At that, she's on her feet in the time it would take one to blink, and already back a few steps.. though at noticing him all blasted back, she does quell her panic, and begin to move to him..* .. Khyron?!
[17-23:33] 5d609, Gookja: *looks over to Dri* Have something to say?
[17-23:33] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : *and from behind that mask of his....his eyes narrow at this man,,,, his arrogance angering the nish warlord...... hand tightening on his axe, but other than that there is no sign of his anger.... no...this cannot be the leader of Zin's forces..... yet he doesn't say anything for a moment, his chest eye gazing unblinking at those luminous eyes**he is silent, simply watchin this man a moment* well then, sethik...... what would the might god have the lowly nish do? *said in an almost sarcastic tone, almost.*
[17-23:34] dfe22, Dri: ::shakes her head, her cropped red locks swaying side to side:: Nuh uh.
[17-23:35] 85f3e, Khyron : *gets up a moment later, brushing himself off, looking over at her*.. I'm fine... just got a little too close that time...*coughs a couple more times, then gestures to the nice little fire that he's got going there... its not good for much else aside from warmth, and to keep most predators at bay...for the rest of the nasties.. he's got his ''bug spray'' potion.. *
[17-23:37] aa449, Khalek the Changer: We are to clear a path through the Clawed Sea... and carry an army to invade the heathen city of Mablung... *If he notices the sarcastic then he makes no attempt to correct Cyrano whatsoever - its exactly what Sethik thinks of the Nish anyway*
[17-23:38] 5d609, Gookja: Mmm... *begins to give an explaination of the course, how they will be worked hard to learn to be sneaks and all that. He then takes the lot of them to a clearing behind the hut where several dumies with indications of various vital areas await.*
[17-23:38] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ((what is the Clawed sea's equivilant?))
[17-23:38] 867a2, Aurora : *glances from him, to the fire, then back* That was incredible..
[17-23:39] dfe22, Dri: :: follows in the rear of the group, folding her petite arms as they entered the clearing..hmm.. good thing she left those shoes behind..::
[17-23:41] 5d609, Gookja: *Begins an exercise in knife throwing at differant ranges at differant points*
[17-23:43] 85f3e, Khyron : *shrugs a bit, taking his seat back upon his rock by the pack, watching the semi-magical fire burn* Its simple...
[17-23:43] dfe22, Dri: :: scratches lightly at one window of her exposed skin, watching the other goblins.. some catching on fairly quickly, others a little slower at first..::
[17-23:44] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : and where shall we gather the forces neccecary for such an invasion.... *said in a strict military way.... his eyes set on sethik...... his cloak fluttering once more.... the prayers of hte nish fleet below unending, the knowing a multitude of chants and praises to Zin*
[17-23:45] 867a2, Aurora : For you, I guess it might be... *soft smile as she looks back to the fire*
[17-23:46] 5d609, Gookja: *many in fact knowing how to do it allready... this is apparently a group of those allready experianced in such things*
[17-23:48] 85f3e, Khyron : So now that you know what I do.... what is it that you do ? *looks over at her*
[17-23:49] 867a2, Aurora : I.. heal.
[17-23:49] aa449, Khalek the Changer: The Northern coast of Arcadia along the border should provide a necessary beachhead. We will be awaiting an army there... a considerable degree of the Krondor navy is leftover in Mablung's defence, plus the kingdom's own navy vessels.
[17-23:50] dfe22, Dri: :: looks over the knives.. picking one up, weighing it in one hand, and passing it to the other.. it wasn't as light as she would have hoped but ti may not have mattered.. all that time having the letter opener to use.. she turned and stared dow the furthest target from her, her keen sight easily finding the point between the other targets and the goblins milling about.. with a firmer grip on the knife and a little more strength than she needed for the letter opener, she threw the knife with a small (c)
[17-23:51] dfe22, Dri: grunt.. her tiny fingers outstretched as it flew from her hands, zipping dangerously close by a few of the others, jamming it's blade into the target.. it wasn't a perfect hit, but fairly close::
[17-23:52] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : mmmm *said thoughtfully *estimated numbers of this combined enemy fleet? *his tactician's mind coming into play..... his fingers tapping against he handle to his massive battleaxe*
[17-23:53] 5d609, Gookja: *gives a small, almost inperceivable nod to show that he noticed it. There have been a few others that have done better.*
[17-23:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-23:54] 85f3e, Khyron : Realy... you're a Doctor or one of those other healers... the magical type ?
[17-23:55] 5d609, Gookja: ((too many veggies in my lo mein...))
[17-23:55] 867a2, Aurora : Magical healing..
[17-23:55] dfe22, Dri: ( hehe )
[17-23:56] dfe22, Dri: :: rubs her hands together, not entirely satisfied with it.. but she wasn't familiar with the knife's weight anyhow.. she'd adjust::
[17-23:59] aa449, Khalek the Changer: Anywhere up to 300 ships (OOC assuming the force list is correct heh and that 2000 placed afterwards was a leftover edit from the ballistas), yet it also boats impressive coastal defences. It should be of little concern to your vessels...
[17-23:59] 620b8, Rav : *Is around if anyone needs him for anything.*
[18-00:00] 85f3e, Khyron : Realy....
[18-00:01] 867a2, Aurora : *gives a nod in response*
[18-00:04] 85f3e, Khyron : ....*aaaaannnnnd pause... all Soap Opera like...*
[18-00:04] 867a2, Aurora : *pause*
[18-00:04] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : interesting *said in almost an amused tone, almost.....* no, a simple frontal assualt formation should take care of their ...*nearly laughs* navy..... *he looks up at sethik a moment* my fleet will surround this fortress.... we will be more effective fighting as one force, instead of two seperate entities.....*he thinks a moment, pondering on how an assualt formation would look with the two fleets combined*
[18-00:04] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((*pokes around for aegnora*))
[18-00:05] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[18-00:06] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Oh sure, NOW you want me :-p The three hours before now, when I RP and stuff, you're fine, when I needta get to bed, you want me. Bah!))
[18-00:06] JOIN: Gookja has entered.
[18-00:06] 867a2, Aegnora : ((when I can RP))
[18-00:06] 5d609, Gookja: *has then run throught it again, showing them what they did wrong and how to correct it*
[18-00:07] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((*chuckles* well CAN you stay up alittle later than expected?))
[18-00:07] 867a2, Aegnora : ((I've done that too many nights in a row. I've got to get some sleep tonight))
[18-00:08] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Sorry))
[18-00:08] dfe22, Dri: :: pokes lightly at the dirt with her toes.. peering at Gookja from the corners of her eyes:: Train'd Jerr'n?
[18-00:08] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((*grins* aww come on))
[18-00:08] 867a2, Aegnora : ((If tomorrow you catch me a little earlier....))
[18-00:08] dfe22, Dri: ( wuuuuusssssss )
[18-00:09] 867a2, Aegnora : ((*hugs* I'll be on tomorrow))
[18-00:10] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((*hugs and gropes abit too* okey dokey))
[18-00:10] 5d609, Gookja: *shakes head* Jerren train me.
[18-00:10] 867a2, Aegnora : (( ... *flee!*))
[18-00:10] EXIT: Aegnora has left the chat ( 1:10am, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-00:11] dfe22, Dri: :: sighs softly, swinging her arms at her sides as she passed her glance over the other goblins:: Yah..
[18-00:12] aa449, Khalek the Changer: There may be up to two thousand ships in reserve in a nearby kingdom joins in the fight... *Just has to add that afterwards.*
[18-00:14] 620b8, Rav : If anyone needs me just contackt me over AIM. *wonders off.*
[18-00:14] EXIT: Rav has left the chat ( 1:14am, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-00:15] dfe22, Dri: Not what Dri had in mind.. ::turns and walks away from the group, folding her arms over her chest, her shoulders rising a bit to help against the cold::
[18-00:16] 5d609, Gookja: *glances at her as she leaves but says nothing*
[18-00:16] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : mmmm two thusand....*he sighs some, still looking at sethik* and what are these ships capapble of? *interested, because if he knows these ship's abilities, he can better utalize them in battle, he is a superior naval tactican, afterall*
[18-00:20] aa449, Khalek the Changer: <insert capabilities because well, V doesnt know what the fk the ships are in the opposing fleets even though character would>
[18-00:23] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : interesting.... *said again, a smile curling over his lips as he hears of what those ships are ccapable of.... he nods some, almost as if speaking to himself* those ships of yours could be distributed behind hte wall formation of hte doombringers..... warsharks can provide artillary bombardment, those towers can assist in that...... sea skimmers can be loaded with Etc etc etc...... he excplaining his strategy to sethik.... in essance it revolves around hte island being the frontal piece to this fleet, prov
[18-00:24] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : iding not only a massive intimidation factor, but a nice amount of firepower as well*
[18-00:31] aa449, Khalek the Changer: The coastal fortifications are only a concern if they can affect us, their navy is our primary objective. The sea will run red with their blood...
[18-00:32] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : as it should..... *he adds onto sethik's remark..... a cruel smile dancing over his lips as he thinks upon the upcoming battle*
[18-00:35] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *fade*
[18-00:42] 94c70, Z: *peeks*
[18-00:43] NICK: Dri changed nick to AdrianGoldenmoon.
[18-00:43] 94c70, Z: Adrian, sorry for running on you yesterda like I did. But I kinda had no choice.
[18-00:44] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( its okay I was drifty )
[18-00:46] EXIT: Gookja has left the chat ( 1:16am, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-00:46] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 1:08am, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-00:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-00:48] 620b8, Will-o'-the-wisp: location
[18-00:48] 620b8, Will-o'-the-wisp:
[18-00:50] 94c70, Z: Cool
[18-00:53] 620b8, Will-o'-the-wisp: or not
[18-00:57] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:53am, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-01:00] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ..okay ^^; )
[18-01:03] 94c70, Z: *pokes Adrian*
[18-01:03] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hm? )
[18-01:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-01:18] 94c70, Z: Yeah so you want to unpause?
[18-01:18] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( sure )
[18-01:22] 94c70, Muna : (( whose post? ))
[18-01:24] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( yours. he told her that his wife wasnt there, shes pregnant and ill, but mostly that she isnt there )
[18-01:24] 94c70, Muna : (( Right okay.. mwahaha ))
[18-01:26] 94c70, Muna : Yes... she isn't here. *smirks.* And you are willing to forsake her so easily?
[18-01:30] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Well.. ::tilts his head slightly to one side, setting down the sheet of paper:: I wouldn't call it "forsaking" her..
[18-01:30] 94c70, Muna : Then what would you call it?
[18-01:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: touches his thumb and forefinger to his chin, stroking it thoughtfully..:: It's a good deed.. I'm trying to help another creature..
[18-01:35] 94c70, Muna : *Chuckles.*
[18-01:36] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: shifts his tiger-like emerald eyes to her at last:: Are you going to tell her?
[18-01:38] 94c70, Muna : That would be amusing, wouldn't it?
[18-01:41] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Lifts a slim brow:: Not quite. Not for me anyhow. I've never been very good with common phrases, but there is one I can stand, and that is 'What she doesn't know won't hurt her.' ::a smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth.. a phrase used many times over, he might as well have that tattooed on too::
[18-01:43] 94c70, Muna : I see...
[18-01:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : It's always been this way. I couldn't be the ideal figure that I was apparently supposed to be. ::leans back against the wall, folding his arms loosely over his chest::
[18-01:59] 94c70, Muna : *smirks* Perhaps another time, if I feel you have done well enough.
[18-02:01] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: scoffs, turning his head from her.. his glance passing over the desk..::
[18-02:03] 94c70, Muna : Disappointed?
[18-02:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-02:04] 79b21, Will-o'-the-wisp: Muna seems very Allen like...
[18-02:05] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::dryly, smiling bitterly:: Heh.. of course not, I love sitting around this place alone.
[18-02:07] 94c70, Muna : (( *smacks Will-o around with a trout.* I am not Allen ))
[18-02:08] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Allen who )
[18-02:09] 79b21, Will-o'-the-wisp: bwahaha.... sowwy
[18-02:12] 94c70, Muna : *Letting the door close, she moves slowly towards Adrian.*
[18-02:14] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Haering the door closed, he figured she had gone, and didn't look.. sighing to himself quietly::
[18-02:14] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (*hear)
[18-02:18] 94c70, Muna : *She comes to a stop only once she is standing behind him.* Is it worth everything to you?
[18-02:22] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: he flinched at the sound of her voice, lifting his head slightly.:: You mean them? :: he glanced over his shoulder at her, watching her silently for a few moments... that child was doomed to be taken from them.. and where was Averey after all this time.. did she not care he was missing.. :: It is.
[18-02:29] 94c70, Muna : Them? They do not matter. *She leans in close to speak quietly into his ear.* If you truely desire to give yourself to me, then I will accept you... *Of course it was likely that Adrian did not realize what that meant entirely.*
[18-02:37] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: he closed his eyes, her whispers sending a chill down his spine.... they didn't matter?... well... he knew what did matter to him.. that he could not stop Curst from taking their child from them.. it broke his heart to think of it, and perhaps he masked it well for Averey, but he demons haunted him in solitude.. he should have died then. He should have given his life to spare his child, to pay *Averey's* debt.. his voice was lowas he answered her:: I truly desire it..
[18-02:40] 94c70, Muna : *Reaching up with one hand, she places it on his shoulder to turn him around to face her.* Prove this to me...
[18-02:52] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: he reached up with a slender porcelain-white hand to the ribbon that held his silken silver locks together, his gaze fixed upon her face as he tugged gently, silver strands cascading down over his shoulders and down his back.. dropping the ribbon, he reached forward and slipped his hand behind her neck, his other hand lifting to meet the small of her back as he drew her in up against his body, touching his forehead to hers, whispering heatedly:: I never fool around about fooling around. ::the scent (c)
[18-02:54] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : of roses and cedar seemed to drift from his body, buried permanently into his skin.. his bright tiger eyes boring into her as he caught her lower lip between his teeth, lightly passing his tongue over its surface::
[18-03:01] 94c70, Muna : *She does not stop his movements, in fact she wraps one of her own arms around his waist, the other remaining on his shoulder. Passionately, she gives him a kiss. Upon breaking this gently, she utters a few words not in basic. Words of magic, however, and if these words take hold of Adrian he would seemingly become unable to move or to speak.*
[18-03:05] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Knowing no magic himself, he has little or no resistance to it at all.. finding he is unable to move even willing it with all that he had, from his limbs to his tongue he was immobile, staring at her in involuntary silence.. he pallor and finely chiseled features, and now utter stillness, gave him an eerie appearance of a marble statue::
[18-03:10] 94c70, Muna : *She steps slightly away from him, her fingers coming up to stroke his cheek gently.* My dear Bard... *smiles faintly, an odd sight no doubt.* worry not for you will remember nothing.
[18-03:17] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: he could still see and hear, but he couldn't seem to make sense of it.. remember nothing? what did she mean, remember--.. remem--.... he was losing focus..::
[18-03:26] 94c70, Muna : *Keeps her eyes locked on his as her fingers lightly stroke his cheek. This motion perhaps being an act to encourage his inability to focus, to distract him from his own thoughts. The pale grey of her eyes seem to come to life with an inner light, seemingly more bright and more dominant in Adrian's vision as he loses his own concentration. She captures those parts of his inner soul that would lead him to act against her, to be disloyal to her. As a result, she would always have a connection to him, a-
[18-03:26] 94c70, Muna : -controlling connection that would seem unbreakable.*
[18-03:31] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: a sort of numb feeling hit his senses, and he felt he should fight against it.. but the more he struggled, the more he drowned in it.. his last hope that Averey would forgive him, that Kashian could--......... no. He didn't need her forgiveness. She would have to accept what was. Kash didn't need to protect him, Muna was everything. Everything... ::
[18-03:35] 94c70, Muna : Let it go... *She maintained their eye contact, strangely as if she knew exactly what was going on in his head. Her fingers still trace along his jawline lightly.*
[18-03:40] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He wanted to speak her name, to reach out and touch her.. he could feel her smooth skin against his cheek, caressing his face.. he wanted to breathe her into every pore, to fill his ears with her voice, to see beyond this warm light her radiant face...::
[18-03:45] 94c70, Muna : You're mine... noone shall take you from me... *Gently she brushes her hand down over his eyes to close them.* Sleep now, there's work to be done...
[18-03:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( so hes sleeping stuck like that? )
[18-03:53] 94c70, Muna : (( No not done yet ))
[18-03:53] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( heh good thats just strange XD )
[18-03:56] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: he longed for her touch, spoiled by her merely touching his face............sleep? anything for her..::
[18-03:59] 94c70, Muna : *And once he is asleep, he would be laid down on what would be his bed. And when he would awake, everything would seem normal though there would be no recollection of Averery or of his family. She would also be gone by this time, leaving him to himself again.*
[18-03:59] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Alas! Foiled again. )
[18-04:03] 94c70, Muna : (( ))
[18-04:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( anything else now that you've mad ehim retarded )
[18-04:10] 94c70, Muna : (( ))
[18-04:11] MSG: Muna sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[18-04:15] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::doesnt mean actual retardation XD :: )
[18-04:16] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Muna.
[18-04:19] MSG: Muna sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[18-04:20] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Muna.
[18-04:27] MSG: Muna sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[18-04:31] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Muna.
[18-04:35] MSG: Muna sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[18-04:38] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Muna.
[18-04:41] 94c70, Z: Night Adrian.
[18-04:47] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : night ^^
[18-04:47] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 5:47am, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-09:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-09:44] 85f3e, Roki: <_< >_>
[18-11:10] 94c70, Z: ...
[18-11:15] 85f3e, Roki:
[18-11:16] 94c70, Z: *sits on Roki*
[18-11:18] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[18-11:19] 92794, Squirrel : Uhm...hut hut hut hut hut hut hut
[18-11:20] 94c70, Z: *shoots a BB-gun at Squirrel*
[18-11:20] 92794, Squirrel : *Hit!* X_X
[18-11:20] JOIN: Shifty has entered.
[18-11:22] 94c70, Z: Ahhh.
[18-11:23] 92794, Squirrel : Hmm, Jim Carrey has shaved his head......
[18-11:23] 94c70, Z: o_o
[18-11:23] 92794, Squirrel : Conan 'O Brian show....he's shaved his head....
[18-11:23] 92794, Squirrel : Unless it's an old show
[18-11:24] 19e7e, Shifty: *sits in his recliner*
[18-11:25] 94c70, Z: *doesn't know*
[18-11:26] 92794, Squirrel : Where he went to Canada and did a show there...
[18-11:30] 92794, Squirrel : New Bond game, looks good, might have to rent it this weekend if I can
[18-11:32] JOIN: Pogo has entered.
[18-11:34] 94c70, Z: *is behind on her Bond games*
[18-11:34] 94c70, Z: *has beat the first few.*
[18-11:36] 92794, Squirrel : I didn't like Agent Under Fire...controls and graphics were pretty shizzelbingersty
[18-11:36] 92794, Squirrel : Filter....
[18-11:38] 94c70, Z:
[18-11:41] 92794, Squirrel : ph34r me for my ident has no letters!!!!
[18-11:41] 94c70, Z: I happen to like my c
[18-11:42] 8e5c2, Pogo: *chills*
[18-11:42] 92794, Squirrel : All your c are belong to us
[18-11:44] 92794, Squirrel : And that makes 45 minutes of my 4 hour break....wasted
[18-11:45] 92794, Squirrel : BOOYAH!
[18-11:49] 94c70, Z: Congrats
[18-11:49] 92794, Squirrel : Indeed
[18-11:58] 94c70, Z: *yawns* boooring.
[18-11:59] 92794, Squirrel : Yeah...guess now is as good a time as any to work on some profiles
[18-11:59] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((,,,))
[18-12:03] 92794, Squirrel : *cough*
[18-12:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-12:04] 92794, Squirrel : Fck it
[18-12:04] 85f3e, Roki: ..........
[18-12:05] 92794, Squirrel : Profile is good enough
[18-12:05] 8e5c2, Pogo: .....
[18-12:09] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[18-12:09] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Z.
[18-12:11] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 1:05pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-12:11] 97a89, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*yawns*))
[18-12:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-12:20] f7fe7, Will-o'-the-wisp : *....attempts not to yawn...does anyway*
[18-12:22] 8e5c2, Pogo: *yawns because he can.*
[18-12:26] f7fe7, Will-o'-the-wisp : that foot reminds me of monty python.
[18-12:26] MSG: Z sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[18-12:27] f7fe7, Will-o'-the-wisp : ...there's a filter for shizzelbingersty ...*blink*
[18-12:29] 94c70, Z: *wanders off.*
[18-12:29] 0f827, Will-o'-the-wisp : how odd.
[18-12:32] 0f827, Will-o'-the-wisp : so is anyone out there willing to go IC?
[18-12:33] 0f827, Will-o'-the-wisp : ...second thought. *flee*
[18-12:33] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:33pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-12:33] 8e5c2, Pogo: Don't have a charamater regged.
[18-12:45] JOIN: Sir Galin Del'Mara has entered.
[18-12:46] d7c72, Sir Galin Del'Mara: ((Hmm, my pic seems to be acting up today...))
[18-12:54] 85f3e, Roki: meh....
[18-12:56] d7c72, Sir Galin Del'Mara: ((How odd.))
[18-12:56] 85f3e, Roki: seems to be workin fine...
[18-12:58] d7c72, Sir Galin Del'Mara: Just was loading slowly for me I guess.
[18-13:01] d7c72, Sarelth: Damn even my mouse is acting up today...
[18-13:02] 85f3e, Roki: **
[18-13:03] d7c72, Sarelth: Your link on your image is not working, BTW
[18-13:03] af020, Mab: Okay, who wants to entertain me with great and mentally stimulating RP that has excitement and adventure and junk in it?
[18-13:03] 85f3e, Roki: hmm
[18-13:04] JOIN: Phoenix has entered.
[18-13:04] 94c70, Z: *wanders in.*
[18-13:04] e9c88, Phoenix : ((Here I come to save the day))
[18-13:05] d7c72, Sarelth: *Waves*
[18-13:05] e9c88, Phoenix : ((*IsnT sure if he was waved to so just nods his head*))
[18-13:08] e9c88, Phoenix : I Shall Rp with ya My Queen, if you so wish.
[18-13:08] af020, Mab: I can provide good responses ICly, but am in the mood for someone else to start and call the shots. Is that selfish? I usually call the shots when I RP. Not always, but usually. Just in the mood to sorta come along for the ride a little. Anyone up for RP that can do that?
[18-13:08] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((...))
[18-13:08] d7c72, Sarelth: *Waves again, to each person individually*
[18-13:08] JOIN: R has entered.
[18-13:09] 7725b, R: *sneaks in
[18-13:09] e9c88, Phoenix : HA ha...... *waves back and then thinks hard* What char will you be runing?
[18-13:09] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((Depends Mab. I can do that, but not many react well to a Drow. Course I can create a char for rp.))
[18-13:10] af020, Mab: Oh, just saw your response there, Phoenix. What ya got in mind? I could go for some kind of action.
[18-13:10] 7725b, R : *pokes the evil drow*
[18-13:10] 94c70, Z: *can't remember what chars Mab has*
[18-13:11] af020, Mab: Not reacting well to a Drow can make things interesting. I'm not really in the mood for a conversation RP anyway.
[18-13:11] 94c70, Z: Oh... *goes hunting for mermaids*
[18-13:11] d7c72, Sarelth: I have an idea involving a caravan and guards for said caravan. If you would like to try that.
[18-13:11] e9c88, Phoenix : Meh I could bring in the Graet Gaffer if you wish...
[18-13:11] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((*Pokes R.*))
[18-13:11] 7725b, King Narmotur : *hmm.. has his servants serve mermaid for dinner tonight!*
[18-13:11] EXIT: Phoenix has left the chat ( 2:11pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-13:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-13:12] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:12pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-13:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-13:13] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:13pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-13:13] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-13:13] JOIN: Gaffer has entered.
[18-13:13] af020, Mab: Grosss!! Cannibal.
[18-13:13] e9c88, Gaffer : ((Couldnt remember password mur))
[18-13:14] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((*licks his lips* Nah, they're just mermaids, yep))
[18-13:14] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 2:13pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-13:14] 85f3e, Roki: not if they serve the fish half :-p
[18-13:14] 94c70, Z: *raids Mab*
[18-13:14] af020, Mab: So, change the password to something you can remember, Phoenix. You can make all your characters have the same password and set them up on a character chain.
[18-13:15] af020, Mab: Mermaids are humanoidy. That's close enough to cannibalism if you eat them. geeeeeeeeeeeeeroooooosssssss!!!
[18-13:15] e9c88, Gaffer : ((I know I thought I did.. thats why I did it wrong mur. If you go Ic I shall bother u specially if Sarelth does Caravan thingy))
[18-13:15] af020, Mab: Plus, they have a two legs form too. *nods*
[18-13:16] 7725b, King Narmotur : ((but they're tastey!))
[18-13:16] d7c72, Sarelth: Well, if you all want to be part of a caravan, I can do that.
[18-13:17] af020, Mab: Okay, I've got Mab, of course, and I've got Merina, Acorna, Faltren, Tarence Kurandi, Tandy, Miakuti, .......................Did I miss anyone?
[18-13:17] 85f3e, Roki: meh.. *fcks off then, goes to work on database summore*
[18-13:17] e9c88, Gaffer : ((I will eat people from caravan if you make it...))
[18-13:19] 94c70, Z: Khavi
[18-13:19] 94c70, Z: Damn.. too bad Joey isn't on.
[18-13:19] d7c72, Sarelth: Well, whomever is interested, pick a character that would work for a caravan Guard or even just a traveller with the caravan. Or even a Monster.
[18-13:20] 94c70, Z: *could just smite you all*
[18-13:21] e9c88, Gaffer : *The smell of dead carcuses emits slowly form his cave opening. He is hungry and in the mood for some ale. He begins his journey toward the Glimmering inn where he knows the food is the best. But alass he is low on money...*
[18-13:23] d7c72, Sarelth: *The Caravan has been travelling for well over a week, trying to reach the Glimmering Inn on time. The days seem to be shorter than normal though and it does not feel like they are travelling as fast as they could be.*
[18-13:23] JOIN: Pogo has entered.
[18-13:23] af020, Mab: Any of my characters could work for that. I think I'll do Acorna since I'm working on her avatar right now. hehe.
[18-13:26] e9c88, Gaffer : *Hid Goblin ears pick up the sound of a wagon rolling steadly along a nearby path...* A free ride and free money methinks..*He grips his cloak and allows it to consume him with its darkness*
[18-13:27] d7c72, Sarelth: *Suddenly Rorik, the Caravan captain, Calls for a stop.* Looks like we may have to stop for the night all. The road up ahead looks a little to dangerous and teh weather is about the shift. *Looking up the sky is changing to a noticable black rather fast.*
[18-13:29] d7c72, Sarelth: *The Caravan consists of 6 2 ton wagons each led by 6 Oxen. Each wagon is covered and is mad of solid oak.*
[18-13:30] af020, Acorna : ((Wow, Sarelth types about as well as me. *L*))
[18-13:30] e9c88, Gaffer : ((Angry oaks yes)) *He rides through the shadows gaining more speed, but remaining in complete cover*
[18-13:32] af020, Acorna : *is in the foresty-ish area outside , perhaps near where the caravan is stopping*
[18-13:32] d7c72, Sarelth: ((hehehe, gotta love mad oak. ))
[18-13:33] d7c72, Sarelth: *Once the wagons are all stopped and circled for the evening, Rorik does his rounds of the camp.*
[18-13:33] af020, Acorna : *is also in her equine form. To almost all humans but the truly pure in heart, she would appear as a magnificently beautiful white mare, too good to be true, but still a mare*
[18-13:34] e9c88, Gaffer : *Stops suddenly not a sound made as he is a shadow at the moment* ~Horse meat taste fine aswell~ *HE hovers in place slowly*
[18-13:36] af020, Acorna : ((He's a shadow? Okay)) *she shakes her maine. To any creature of magic, she would appear as what she really is, a unicorn*
[18-13:37] e9c88, Gaffer : ((Would you think he would no or would he think of you as kibble either way?))
[18-13:37] e9c88, Gaffer : ((Know*))
[18-13:39] e9c88, Gaffer : *He finds a tree where he perches in goblin form waiting for an opportune moment to strike*
[18-13:40] d7c72, Sarelth: ((Is he a magical creature or just a goblin with a good hide ability?))
[18-13:40] e9c88, Gaffer : ((A goblin with a cloaker.. thats why im not sure, ill play it though))
[18-13:41] af020, Acorna : ((Any creature of magic would know what she was. If he has magic, then he'd likely know.))
[18-13:42] e9c88, Gaffer : ((But then he would know drinking your blood makes him immortal so hmm you still may get eaten muhuhaha))
[18-13:42] d7c72, Sarelth: ((I would say that he would know what she is myself, though it really depends on the way goblins are viewed.))
[18-13:43] af020, Acorna : *prances a few paces and sees a caravan ring a little ways off.* ((I think goblins are a bit on the magic side, so yeah))
[18-13:44] d7c72, Sarelth: *Rorik finishes his rounds and goes to the center of camp where the caravan cook is finishing up the evening meal as the guards are finishing putting up a tent to withstand the coming rain.*
[18-13:44] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((((*Blinks* Goblins use magic?))))
[18-13:44] e9c88, Gaffer : ((I is smart Goblin)) *His attention turns to the men at the caravan ~Though human flesh is good with ale..~
[18-13:44] af020, Acorna : ((Hmm, I doesn't say in the unicorn writeup that drinking their blood makes you immortal. I wonder if I should make that a thing with them, or at least have it significantly extend one's life. Hmmm. *considers*))
[18-13:45] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((((I've never heard of Goblins using magic.))))
[18-13:45] d7c72, Sarelth: ((COuld be interesting, I would go with the extends life rather than immortality. More fun then.))
[18-13:45] af020, Acorna : ((Well, maybe not goblins magic per say. I don't know. Gaffer has some magic, so he might know. *shrugs* It's never come up in Bettenchi yet.))
[18-13:46] af020, Acorna : ((Yeah, let's say unicorn blood can extend life, but what should be the price?))
[18-13:46] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-13:46] e9c88, Gaffer : ((Mortality in the sense that you age slower, but who knows if u really die they all die first meh.. ill brb)) *Sits in a tree waiting with his MAgic Cloak keeping him concealed*
[18-13:46] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:46pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-13:46] e9c88, Gaffer : ((Sleepiness))
[18-13:46] JOIN: Sarelth has entered.
[18-13:47] d7c72, Sarelth: ((Ok, not sure what just happened there?
[18-13:47] e9c88, Gaffer : ((Im gonna go but ill brb im going to just hide in the tree till i get back ic))
[18-13:50] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Had been doing nothing but studying his magic as the good little mage he is. However as time went on he grew restless. It had been sometime since he'd gotten out and enacted some evil scheme. Using a magic portal, he transports himself from his home to the forest outside .*
[18-13:50] d7c72, Sarelth: *For some added detail, the caravan consists of about 12 guards and 5 passengers, plus the captain himself. Rorik owns 2 rather large dogs, they are each roughly 5 feet tall. The passengers, consist of a 14 year old girl who seems out of place, her 3 guards and 1 lady in waiting. The cook is an old women who looks like she could be a gypsy.*
[18-13:57] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Once the portal closes, he listens for anything out of the ordinary near by. Sure enough he heard the sounds of a caravan crowd at rest. Quietly he creeps nearer to the caravan to get a count on it's numbers.*
[18-13:57] af020, Acorna : *approaches the caravan, peaking at it from some bushes. The caravan people might note that the forest seems especially healthy and lush around here. Acorna hasn't had a lot of time to affect this area, but her presense has effected it some*
[18-13:59] d7c72, Sarelth: *The caravan members seem to be more focused on their duties than anything else. Though as Acorna nears the little girl seems to sense something and looks in Acorna's direction.*
[18-14:03] d7c72, Sarelth: ((Is there a writeup for trolls here yet?))
[18-14:04] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Upon getting the numbers of the caravan, Zak remains in the shadows, his cloak helping to further hide his presence. Watching a moment, creating a plan of attack.*
[18-14:04] af020, Acorna : ((Hmmm. trolls, trolls, someone was doing one, but I can't remember who, but I haven't got it yet, as far as I can recall))
[18-14:05] af020, Acorna : *sees the young girl and is curious if she is innocent. You know how unicorns are with young maidens and such.*
[18-14:08] d7c72, Sarelth: *Something about the child is almost disconcerting, while she does appear to be innocent and even gives off an aura of goodness and innocence, there is something that does not feel right in her gaze.*
[18-14:09] d7c72, Sarelth: ((Well, I am working on a Troll writeup right now. I have always hated the D&D version of trolls myself.))
[18-14:13] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Readies his Drow crossbow. The arrows in it are coated with a sleeping potion. He also has a sword on his person, which is still in it's sheath. He conjuers up a globe of darkness over the fire and fires off 6 arrows quickly from his crossbow. His aim is generally true, especially when he gets the jump o n people, however that's up to you.*
[18-14:15] af020, Acorna : *rears back and neighs in alarm as she sees the arrows fly, regardless of whether they hit or not, which the likely will or not. Who knows?*
[18-14:16] af020, Acorna : (( I don't know the D&D version of trolls. I kinda like how they looked in LotR))
[18-14:17] af020, Acorna : *oh and started to get nervous and skittish before that as the globe of darkness went around the fire, wondering what was going on*
[18-14:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-14:19] d7c72, Sarelth: *The bolts find their marks easily, and 6 of the guards fall to the ground.*
[18-14:20] d7c72, Sarelth: ((Mab, take a look at my profile to see one variant of Trolls, if you like it, feel free to use it here. I had no where else to put it for now. ))
[18-14:22] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:18pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-14:23] 1d667, Zaknafein : *As those 6 are dropping to the ground, Zak quickly changes locations. If one were to begin looking for him he'd be difficult to find as he's still cloaked, but now underneath a wagon, quarter of the way around the circle from his previous location. He is currently reloading his crosssbow to narrow down the odds before making his presence known.*
[18-14:23] 1d667, Zaknafein : *And the globe of darkness is still there.*
[18-14:23] d7c72, Sarelth: *The Dark clouds filling teh sky suddenly start to release the torrents of water that they have been storing. Lightning crisscrosses from thunderhead to thunderhead and a cold wind picks up, making the cold missiles of water feel like needles as they are thrown with enough force to pierce clothing.*
[18-14:24] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[18-14:25] af020, Acorna : ((Okay, Sarelth. I will. ))
[18-14:26] d7c72, Sarelth: *Sudden Rorik is seen running out of teh globe of darkness, he is holding the child and is followed by her 3 guards. They head away from where the bolts came from, though it seems a random choice on their part.*
[18-14:27] 6f908, Lok: ((hmmm))
[18-14:27] af020, Acorna : ((Hey, you know what, something unexpected has come up in real life. Really sorry about this. Darnit!! I'lll be back later. Acorna is an NPC observer. Dangit Dangit Dangit!! Darn real life. *curses and holds fist to the sky*))
[18-14:28] af020, Acorna : ((*kicks stuff too, because this was getting good* I'll be back later.))
[18-14:29] 1d667, Zaknafein : *He can see the 5 members once they leave the globe of darkness. He can also tell one is being carried. One has to love the heat sensing eyes of a Drow. Quickly he fires off 3 more bolts aimed for the guards. The last two seem unable to fight. He also begins looking for the rest of the guards.*
[18-14:30] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((That sucks Mab! See you when you get back!))
[18-14:31] d7c72, Sarelth: *One the guards falls, but the other two seem to have avoided the poison. Three more guards are rushing towards the wagon that zak is under, though they do not seem to know he is there.*
[18-14:33] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[18-14:34] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Stays low under the wagons as he changes locations one again. Only now he's located on wagon to the left. As they don't know where he is he quickly fires off 3 more bolts. To narrow down the odds a bit more before drawing the sword.*
[18-14:39] d7c72, Sarelth: *2 of the 3 bolts succeed at felling their target and 2 more guards fall to the ground in a deep slumber. The 3rd Guard moves just right and the bolt bounces off the plates of his armor. He turns towards the direction that they were fired from, drawing his longsword, and yelling.* "I found someone, To Me! *The other 3 guards that are awake quickly move towards him.*
[18-14:42] d7c72, Sarelth: *Suddenly from the Wagon that Rorik ran to, 2 very large dogs jump onto the wet ground. They look very unfriendly and instantly head towards the wagon that Zak is under.**
[18-14:43] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Still not liking those odds, he crawls out from underneath the wagon away from the cirle. Using his inate magic abilities, Zak floats upwards, off the ground. He'd make a fairly easy target up there, if spotted. As he's rising and hopefully before the dogs catch his scent he loads his crossbow and fires off 3 more bolts.*
[18-14:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-14:44] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:44pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-14:45] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[18-14:47] d7c72, Sarelth: *The guards start to circle the last known position of Zak, seeing the dogs going to a similar location. The dogs pick up the scent failry fast. One of the guards notices the floating form in the air and points it out the the others. The dogs also take note of the location. The guards reach for crossbows of their own, though the rain may make them untrustworthy.*
[18-14:51] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Oh damn! Spotted. And he was having so much fun wreaking havoc undiscovered. If thier crossbows are fire he'll float higher. He's not yet ready to come down. He's not a Drow fighter. He's a mage, out having a little fun and wreaking havoc. Waits to see what his previous 3 bolts do while firing off another 2 at the dogs.*
[18-14:56] d7c72, Sarelth: ((Where all 5 shots at the dogs?))
[18-14:56] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((No. 3 at the guards 2 at the dogs))
[18-14:58] d7c72, Sarelth: ((K, just checking))
[18-14:59] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((No problem))
[18-15:00] d7c72, Sarelth: *2 of the guards take the shots and pass out, the third is able to resist the poison and fires back at the floating drow. Meanwhile the dogs are climbing up the wagon to get closer to their target. Both dogs get hit and just shake the poison off.*
[18-15:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-15:01] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((How many guards left?))
[18-15:02] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:01pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-15:02] JOIN: Hannah Mayhem has entered.
[18-15:02] d7c72, Sarelth: (1 here and the 1 with Rorik and the girl. Plus the cook is unaccounted for.)
[18-15:02] EXIT: Hannah Mayhem has left the chat ( 4:02pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-15:03] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((ok.. I miscounted then. I was thinking there were more.))
[18-15:03] d7c72, Sarelth: ((There was 15 in total.))
[18-15:04] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((I know. Shot down more than I thought.))
[18-15:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-15:06] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[18-15:06] JOIN: Shiva has entered.
[18-15:07] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Rose in the air to avoid the shot. Growls as the dogs get hit, but don't fall. Takes it one step further. He pulls out a tiny crystal and speaks an arcane phrase. *Abbanmaglust *Aiming it at the two dogs. Since they are relatively close together they both should fall under the spell. If so they'll both be covered in rime and knocked unconscious anyway.*
[18-15:07] 6d5cf, Shiva : ((Would ya lookit that, im finally registered and here))
[18-15:09] eb13a, Lok: ((yawn))
[18-15:09] d7c72, Sarelth: (Which spell is that)
[18-15:11] 6d5cf, Shiva : *digs her steel like black hooves into the ground with every hard step she takes, her black fur coated muscles glissen as they flex and strain..pushing herself to gallop as fast as she can..weaving back and forth between rocks and logs in a field..turning and throwing up walls of earth with each sharp turn*
[18-15:14] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((One I created. It's not on the magic level's it's in the older magic list.))
[18-15:15] d7c72, Sarelth: (What does the spell do.)
[18-15:15] 6d5cf, Shiva : *a richly colored purple corset clings to her human form tightly, black hair trailing behind herself...a belt hanging against her equine chest and around her human stomach, equipping her with a few small essentials.a broadsword strapped to her back as she slows to a trot, panting heavily*
[18-15:16] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((Just what I posted it does. Creates ice crystals to attack a foe. It covers the foe with rime and effectuively renders them unconscious. ))
[18-15:16] 94c70, Z: Sarelth, unfortunately, a lot of spells used aren't u p there because they were allowed before Mab even decided to have them up on the board.
[18-15:17] 94c70, Z: But I think it is on the old one if you look.
[18-15:17] d7c72, Sarelth: ((No worries, just didn't exactly understand the effects of the spell.))
[18-15:17] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((Ok))
[18-15:18] JOIN: Lt.Hagget has entered.
[18-15:18] eb13a, Lok: ((I wonder if theo will get on soon..hmmm))
[18-15:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-15:19] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:19pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-15:19] 80242, Lt.Hagget : *Studies scroll*
[18-15:20] JOIN: Sarelth has entered.
[18-15:20] d7c72, Sarelth: ((Why the heck does it keep kicking me out of my character?))
[18-15:20] WHO: Alec last seen 1:06am, February 11 (CST)
[18-15:21] 94c70, Z: It does that sometimes.
[18-15:21] 94c70, Z: Mab had that trouble not too long ago.
[18-15:21] 80242, Lt.Hagget : ((*Grinds teeth*))
[18-15:21] d7c72, Sarelth: ((It has happened to me 6 times today, in 3 different chats.
[18-15:21] EXIT: Lt.Hagget has left the chat ( 4:21pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-15:21] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((May want to mention it to Tino.))
[18-15:22] d7c72, Sarelth: *The large dogs suddenly stop in their tracks, being covered in a layer of ice, their body tempurature lowers almost immediately to almost a hibernation level of ionactivity.*
[18-15:23] d7c72, Sarelth: *The large dogs suddenly stop in their tracks, being covered in a layer of ice, their body tempurature lowers almost immediately to almost a hibernation level of inactivity.*
[18-15:23] d7c72, Sarelth: (I may do that if it continues for to long.)
[18-15:24] 85f3e, Roki: Tino knows about it
[18-15:25] d7c72, Sarelth: *The lone guard continues to fire off arrows at the floating target*
[18-15:25] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Now that the dogs are out of the way, Zak lowers himself to the ground, letting the crossbow dangle from his belt, he draws his sword. Now that he's face to face with one of the remaining guards, the guard can probably recogize his attacker as a Drow.*
[18-15:30] d7c72, Sarelth: *The guard looks at the drow, hatred fills his eyes as he draws his longsword and quickly swings at the black elf.*
[18-15:30] 6d5cf, Shiva : *the loud rumbling thuds on the ground of her hooves soften as she eases her pace down to a slow trot, scanning and listening for anything unusual*
[18-15:31] 6d5cf, Shiva : *from her hooves*
[18-15:31] 94c70, Z: hmm...
[18-15:32] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Blocks the attack with his sword. By now the globe of darkness has expired and the fire can once again be seen.*
[18-15:33] d7c72, Sarelth: *The guard contiues to swing at the Drow*
[18-15:35] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Blocks, and dodges as required. Lets the guard wear himself out before making an attack.*
[18-15:35] af020, Mab: and I'm back, not doubt just in time to have missed out on all the fun.
[18-15:36] JOIN: R has entered.
[18-15:36] 7725b, R : *wanders in, offers Z a pipe.* Some Pipeweed Miss Z?
[18-15:36] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((WB. No not all of it. All but 3 off the caravan are unconscious. Dogs included.))
[18-15:36] 7725b, R : *offers some to mab too*
[18-15:36] af020, Mab: Okay, I can't get into the logs. How annoying.
[18-15:40] d7c72, Sarelth: *After a while the guard seems to be moving slower.*
[18-15:41] d7c72, Sarelth: (The log worked for me. How odd.)
[18-15:43] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Upon seeing the guard slow in his attacks, Zak goes on the offensive. He's not the best fighter the Drow have, but he manages Being a mage, sword play rarely comes into play, however after being locked up studying for so long, a bit of swordplay was desired. Zak makes an attack high, then another at the midsection. The high one was was sweeping across and the second was a stab.*
[18-15:43] 94c70, Z: *wishes people would get out away from sometime so she could play.*
[18-15:44] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *sing-song* Guess who's back....Back again.... Mors is back...Tell a friend...Guess who's back...guess who's back...guess who's back...
[18-15:45] d7c72, Sarelth: *The Guard blocks as best as he can,, but the flurry of attacks makes it past his defenses, the large cut across his chest is morethan he can handle and he falls to the ground, blood mixing with the mud there.*
[18-15:45] af020, Acorna : *stamps her hooves and looks around for the seemingly innocent girl with the unsettling gaze. She didn't see where she'd run off to. She also is getting drenched, her white curled maine sticking to her back. She watches the scuffle. Drow, of course, alarm her muchly*
[18-15:46] eb13a, Lok: (hmm))
[18-15:46] d7c72, Sarelth: ((Mab, the girl and Rorik and 1 guard went into on of the wagons.))
[18-15:47] d7c72, Sarelth: *Suddenly on top of the wagon, a sound similar to breaking glass can be heard as the dogs somehow break free of the ice incasing them. The sounds of their snarls indicating that they are very unhappy right now.*
[18-15:48] 6d5cf, Shiva : *looks down to the ground with her dark eyes, kicking at it idly ..thinking if she should return to her home*
[18-15:48] 1d667, Zaknafein : As the guard falls, he finshes him off, not taking any chances of him, getting in the way of his search. He looks around before going off to search the wagons.* ((Hey what's the caravan carrying anyway?))
[18-15:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-15:48] ceea7, Palladia Mors : o/ Centaur chica!
[18-15:48] 6d5cf, Shiva : (())
[18-15:48] af020, Acorna : ((K, thanks, I missed that. That's why I said she'd lost track of them. *L*))
[18-15:48] d7c72, Sarelth: *The Caravan has lots of things, there are weapons, food and many other things, it looks like a merchant caravan*
[18-15:49] af020, Acorna : ((and I was just wispified. That wisp there was me. heh))
[18-15:49] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Looks up suddenly as the dogs break free of his spell.* ((What of magic items?))
[18-15:49] 6d5cf, Shiva : ((where do you want to play Z?))
[18-15:50] d7c72, Sarelth: ((Nothing obvious, but there may be some))
[18-15:50] af020, Acorna : *rears up as Zak finishes off the guard. Nooooo! She charges in, angry in that righteous kind of anger, heading straight for Zak, horn down in a kind of planning to stab with the charge way*
[18-15:51] 6d5cf, Shiva : ((*holds out a clown to palladia*))
[18-15:51] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((*Has a ring that would tell him so. Which is why I'm asking.*))
[18-15:53] d7c72, Sarelth: ((Like I said, nothing obvious, there are some magic auras, but they seem to be comiung from the wagons themselves.*
[18-15:53] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Hears the sudden sound of hooves heading his way. Turns seeing the Unicorn, having known what she was all along. Dives out of the way, but gets knicked in the arm by the horn.*
[18-15:54] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *kills said clown to death!*
[18-15:55] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((Bwar...*is IC*))
[18-15:55] d7c72, Sarelth: *The dogs are completely active now. They jump down from the top of the wagon and rush at the drow. Their large mouths seem ready to grab at a limb and either tear it off or chew on it for a while.*
[18-15:56] 6d5cf, Shiva : *picks up a slow pace again..heading in the direction of a nearby forest*
[18-15:56] af020, Acorna : *neighs in angry protest as she passes him by and swivels around, stamping her front hoof and lowering her head in a planning to charge again fashion*
[18-15:59] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Quickly regains his footing upon seeing the dogs comming his way. Hates the filty beasts. Leaps into the air and maintains enough height off the ground that the dogs can't reach him. Has a plan, but waits to see what Acorna does.*
[18-16:01] 94c70, Muna : *Hooded, perhaps the first time in many many years, as she moves about the lands of Demonius Hectus. She was not taken to very kindly by most other demons, though there were others on the other hand that did like her and what she does. It is rare when she visits this part of the world, but there is something that she has come for, something she seeks.*
[18-16:01] d7c72, Sarelth: *The dogs can jump surprisingly high.*
[18-16:02] 1d667, Zaknafein : *And he can float pretty high. *
[18-16:02] af020, Acorna : *shakes her head in a surprised fashion as she sees the dogs and rears back a little. Does a lot of rearing back and is very graceful at it.*
[18-16:03] 6d5cf, Shiva : ((love that game Muna ))
[18-16:03] 94c70, Muna : (( game? ))
[18-16:04] d7c72, Sarelth: ((Muna that pipc is from Warcraft 3))
[18-16:04] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Drops a globe of darkness over the dogs, knowing they'll become disoriented just long enough to enact his plan. Once the darkness is in place, he quickly takes his floating self and moves towards Acorna. Intending to get behind her and on her back.*
[18-16:04] 6d5cf, Shiva : ((warcraft ))
[18-16:04] 94c70, Muna : (( Oh, I don't play Warcraft ))
[18-16:04] 6d5cf, Shiva : (( its fun))
[18-16:06] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[18-16:06] af020, Acorna : ((Can she see him floating there?))
[18-16:07] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((Yea the globe around the fire expired long ago as well as the lightning if it's still going.
[18-16:07] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Z.
[18-16:07] 1d667, Zaknafein : ))
[18-16:09] af020, Acorna : *she attempts to back up from him, but he moves so fast? He does move fast, right? Plus, she is disoriented herself from the sudden appearance of the dogs and then what happened to them. She is a unicorn, not really a combatant, so to speak, although she did well against a nightmare. Zak might be successful in his attempt*
[18-16:09] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Palladia Mors.
[18-16:11] MSG: Z sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[18-16:12] d7c72, Sarelth: *The dogs find their way out of the globe of darkness and see the drow trying to mount the unicorn. They bolt towards them moving very fast for their size.*
[18-16:12] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Z.
[18-16:12] d7c72, Sarelth: ((SO Mab, what did you think of my Troll writeup?))
[18-16:14] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Yes he moves fast. Has spent many years in magical flight. Uses it reguarly to reach his secret santurary. Once he's close enough he grabs hold of Acorna's mane, and straddles her back if successful. If she should rearup he holds on tight wanting to stay as far from the dogs as he can.*
[18-16:15] MSG: Shiva sent a message to Zaknafein.
[18-16:16] af020, Acorna : ((I'm still reading it. I had to go before I could read it ealier. I'm a slow analytical reader. hehe))
[18-16:17] 97a89, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*sighs, bored. Gropes all the ladies in the room*))
[18-16:17] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((*Baps Kriel.*))
[18-16:17] af020, Acorna : *Oh, yeah, she rears up alright. How dare he!?!? She's a unicorn!! Yup, that's what's going on in her mind.*
[18-16:18] 6d5cf, Shiva : ((*stab*))
[18-16:18] af020, Acorna : ((Aack! *groped. stabs Kriel too*))
[18-16:18] MSG: Z sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[18-16:18] d7c72, Sarelth: *The dogs look like they are going to go through teh unicorn to get to the drow.*
[18-16:19] 6d5cf, Shiva : ((*makes stabby motion too*))
[18-16:20] 97a89, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*he chuckles, stabbed and bleeding, but he STILL gropes the womens...infact he tosses them all onto his bed o lovin' and does nawty nawty*))
[18-16:20] 1d667, Zaknafein : *He hangs on tight to her mane. Also using his legs to keep him on her back.*
[18-16:20] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Z.
[18-16:20] 6d5cf, Shiva : ((oh oh *straps chastity belt on kriel*))
[18-16:20] 6d5cf, Shiva : ((yep *stabby stabby motion*))
[18-16:21] 85f3e, Roki: *stabs Kriel in the head*
[18-16:23] 97a89, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*is acturally lucifer, so is omniscient....... dissapears in a puff o smoke* meh, too lazy for evil laugh *goners, er.....yeah*))
[18-16:24] MSG: Shiva sent a message to Roki.
[18-16:24] MSG: Roki sent a message to Shiva.
[18-16:24] af020, Acorna : *she charges through the dogs, because she doesn't wisht o fall victim to them. If they were normal dogs, they should know better than to attack her. Animals don't attack her normally*
[18-16:25] d7c72, Sarelth: ((They are not exactly normal dogs))
[18-16:26] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Celebrates his small victory as the unicorn charges the dogs.*
[18-16:31] af020, Acorna : ((Didn't think they were normal dogs. hehe))
[18-16:32] d7c72, Sarelth: *The Dogs jump to either side of the charging unicorn. One of them jumps at the rider as they pass, try ing to grab him and take him down to the ground.*
[18-16:34] 94c70, Z: *waits..*
[18-16:36] af020, Acorna : *runs through them and will stop to turn and face them if she manages to get by*
[18-16:37] 6d5cf, Shiva : ((whatcha waitin for Z?))
[18-16:38] 1d667, Zaknafein : *The only thing the dog grabs hold of is his cloak. It's not designed for such stress and the piece tears away.*
[18-16:38] d7c72, Sarelth: *The dogs are not harassing the unicorn at all. They are just going for the Drow.*
[18-16:39] af020, Acorna : *so she turns to face the dogs and then attempts to buck Zak off of her*
[18-16:42] 94c70, Z: For Mors to come back
[18-16:42] 6d5cf, Shiva : ((gotta go, movie time, bbl
[18-16:42] EXIT: Shiva has left the chat ( 5:42pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-16:44] eb13a, Lok: ((fun))
[18-16:45] af020, Acorna : ((I like the troll description, Sarelth. If you could rearrange it a little to be in the species writeup format, so that it clearly answers some of the questions posed in the species writeup format, I think it's a winner.))
[18-16:46] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Isn't wanting to let go as he hates dogs. Especially those that attack him. However the wound he's recieved from the unicorn earlier was really beginning to bother him. The pain was a bit of a distraction, and the slow trickle of blood running down his arm told him it wasn't going to stop on it's own. He wasn't ready to give up and go home, but he was growing tired of the dogs. Once again he pulls out the crystal and says the incantation.*Abbanmaglust *Aiming it at the dogs again.*
[18-16:47] af020, Acorna : *and attempts to buck Zak off*
[18-16:48] d7c72, Sarelth: (I will rearrange it ASAP, but I have to leave soon, so I will have to wait on that.)
[18-16:54] af020, Acorna : ((k ))
[18-16:54] d7c72, Sarelth: ((Odd, the whole place just crashed on me then came back?))
[18-16:58] d7c72, Sarelth: *The dogs again jump at Zak to try to take him off the Unicorn. Their jaws being like steel traps.*
[18-17:01] 1d667, Zaknafein : *And falls off as he was distracted and had loosened his grip. So in essence he falls off the horse and is attacked by the dogs. Grabs hold of a crossbow bolt from his belt and stabs it into one of the dogs sides.*
[18-17:03] af020, Acorna : *backs up from the scuffle confused and indignant*
[18-17:10] d7c72, Sarelth: ((I gotta run, The Caravan leader is in the wagon with the girl and a guard, the cook is hiding and teh dogs are fairly intelligent and concidered magical creatures, They are only interested in the Drow at the moment. Try not to kill Rorik, I think he may be my next character. Toodles for now.))
[18-17:11] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((*Also makes note that all the guards but 1 is in a deep sleep and will remain that way for many hours. As Zak only used sleeping potion.*))
[18-17:13] 94c70, Z: *considers jumping in to help Acorna.*
[18-17:14] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Doesn't think the Unicorn really needs help.*
[18-17:17] EXIT: Sarelth has left the chat ( 6:10pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-17:18] 94c70, Z: *thinks she does cuz she's bored*
[18-17:24] 1d667, Zaknafein : *The dog stabbed by the bolt collapses as the poison does its job. That leaves the second dog. Zak pushes the passed out dog off of himself to get a grip on his final bolt. Once he has it he stabs it into the dog still fighting him. Once it's out, he pushes that dog off him and looks himself over.*
[18-17:27] af020, Acorna : *as he is pushing the dogs off of him, she charges up and starts being rather aggressive for a unicorn. She thinks she is protecting the lives of the caravan*
[18-17:30] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Skips looking himself over and begins to struggle to keep the unicorn off him. Speaks in highly accented basic, to let Arcorna, he doesn't want to harm her. He's had his fun.* I will not harm you if you stop attacking.
[18-17:35] af020, Acorna : *isn't concerned about herself as much as she is about the people in the caravan. she waves her horn in front of him almost agressively, warningly*
[18-17:41] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Could haved killed them, but hasn't. Yet. May still do it. What better way to scare the people if word gets out that all but 3 members of a caravan were killed by a lone Drow. Rolls to the side away from the horn and the angry unicorn, quickly getting to his feet.*
[18-17:44] af020, Acorna : *turns to face him and snorts a warning that he depart.*
[18-17:46] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Pays little mind to the warning, as he turns back to the caravan. He leaves the sleeping guards alone for now and heads for one of the wagons. He begins going through it looking for water and bandages, at this moment.*
[18-17:48] af020, Acorna : *follows Zak, not so easily brushed off and would stick the point of her horn against his back, not stabbing, but could. She does this as he would start to rummage in the wagon, before entering it kind of thing*
[18-17:49] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[18-17:51] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Doesn't enter the wagon as it's probably packed full. But does rummage. Not finding anything in that one, he moves to the next. Doesn't like the horn in his back, but needs to clean up his wounds.*
[18-17:54] af020, Acorna : *would nudge to threaten stabbing him, making the poking of the horn more painful, because she is mad that on top of threatening these people's lives, at least in her eyes, he is ignoring her. Didn't Zak kill on of the guards, or did I misread?*
[18-17:57] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Yes one is dead. But only one. As she pokes him harder he turns on her.* Stop. Let me find what I'm looking for and I'll leave. I highly doubt you'd heal a Drow who just attacked the caravan. *He then turned again and continued to the wagon.*
[18-17:59] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-18:00] caf18, Will-o'-the-wisp: wheres that assmonger Roki..
[18-18:01] af020, Acorna : ((Might tell ya, wisp, if you identified yourself))
[18-18:01] caf18, Will-o'-the-wisp: i'm just a person with a beef with'em..where is'e
[18-18:02] af020, Acorna : *backing just a little, she tosses her head and neighs protestingly. It is clear she is just apalled and irrate about something.*
[18-18:03] af020, Acorna : ((Well, that's not exactly identifying yourself and saying you have a beef with him isn't helping your case any in addition to not identifying yourself. heh))
[18-18:04] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Turns and faces her as she neighs.* What?
[18-18:04] JOIN: V has entered.
[18-18:05] af020, Acorna : *snorts angrily. can't speak in equine form.*
[18-18:05] aa449, V: I am Roki's personal assistant, how can I help? *Wears a fashion designer smile, in an prestine suit.*
[18-18:05] caf18, Will-o'-the-wisp: you're just as bad as he is, you english cockroach
[18-18:06] caf18, Will-o'-the-wisp: what do you do.. chat leap and ruin each of the ones you leave behind ?
[18-18:06] aa449, V: Justin?
[18-18:06] af020, Acorna : ((If you're just coming in here to insult people and not accomplish anything constructive, please don't, wisp))
[18-18:06] caf18, Will-o'-the-wisp: star net... then sod... sn-r... now tides and here
[18-18:07] af020, Acorna : ((I wouldn't classify this chat as ruined, thankyouverymuch))
[18-18:08] 1d667, Zaknafein : What? *He asks again. Can still feel the blood running down his arm. Puts a hand on the wound, putting pressure on it to stop the bleeding.*
[18-18:08] caf18, Will-o'-the-wisp: it will be if he gets his meathooks into any of its day to day operations
[18-18:10] 94c70, Z: *stuffs Will-o in a toilet and flushes.*
[18-18:10] af020, Acorna : *gestures with a toss of her that he go now*
[18-18:10] af020, Acorna : of her = of her head
[18-18:13] 1d667, Zaknafein : No. Not until I've got what I need. *He says sternly. Watching her before turning away again.*
[18-18:14] aa449, V: Roki is mod
[18-18:14] aa449, V: (I think)
[18-18:16] af020, Acorna : *as he turns away, she transforms to humaniod form in a brief glimmer and pionts her horn back in his back so that he can't turn and see her with no clothes on* What are you looking for? *asked in an even more stern and angry low growl of a sweet voice*
[18-18:17] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *Night had now descended upon Krondor - and it is not a natural night either - the clouds that have been gathering now blocking the sky and all sunlight. Spikes of multicoloured energy crackle across the foreboding image - the centre of the once glorius city housing a massive monolithic altar inscribed with thousands upon thousands of arcane runic writing.*
[18-18:20] 1d667, Zaknafein : *A vain unicorn. Scary!* I told you moments ago. And surely you can see the small pool of blood growing at my foot? Not to mention the pain. If you'll excuse me, I'll find what I need to take care of my wounds so you don't soil your innocence since you saw my attack on this caravan.
[18-18:21] 94c70, Muna : *The portal that sits outside of Krondor, long silent, now comes to life again. It deposits a single figure before closing. Her gaze shifts slowly across the scene in front of her, making note of every detail of the destruction and the power that she can feel her. Her footsteps are almost silent as she steps away from the portal towards the former city.*
[18-18:22] af020, Acorna : *not vain. has a sense of modesty about her nude humanoid form* You've already soiled it. I want you to leave now.
[18-18:22] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *Purple lightning strikes down from the heavens with the roar of rumbling thunder, illuminating the hundreds of figures standing before the altar - yet one remains prominent. Khalek himself, standing within the buildings immediate presence. Good.*
[18-18:23] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Meant modest. Just picked the wrong word.*After I tend to my wounds. And not until then.
[18-18:23] JOIN: D has entered.
[18-18:27] def6d, Urukhai Infantry : *From which Muna would meet at the other side of the portal, an entire squad of Uruk-hai elites. Armed to the bone in weaponry, but also with them would be a enormous armoured troll, accompanied with an equally large hammer.* [i]Look boys, some fresh meat, it looks like meats back on the menu, boys! Gut her!
[18-18:27] def6d, Urukhai Infantry : *From which Muna would meet at the other side of the portal, an entire squad of Uruk-hai elites. Armed to the bone in weaponry, but also with them would be a enormous armoured troll, accompanied with an equally large hammer.* Look boys, some fresh meat, it looks like meats back on the menu, boys! Gut her!
[18-18:28] af020, Acorna : Why did you kill that man? *keeps her horn pointed in his back*
[18-18:31] 1d667, Zaknafein : Because it's in my nature and he attacked first.
[18-18:31] 94c70, Muna : *She holds up one hand, the other enclosed around the shaft of a staff.* I wish to speak to your master... unless you insist on fighting.
[18-18:31] e663b, Roki: keeel heeer !
[18-18:32] 94c70, Muna : (( *thinks Roki would like that* ))
[18-18:35] def6d, Urukhai Infantry : *The Uruks pause for a moment as though considering her offer. They look to each other and exchange in comminucation through their own foul language before their heads cock back over to Muna with a sneer.* Very well, follow us ... *The leader flicks his forked tongue at her before turning around to head for the fortress.*
[18-18:37] 94c70, Muna : *smirks a little, but she follows their lead. She had known of Krondor's destruction shortly after it had happened. This, however, was her first time to visit the results. It was an object of curiousity.*
[18-18:42] af020, Acorna : YOU attacked first. *corrects him and is getting a crick in her neck keeping her horn in his back*
[18-18:42] def6d, Urukhai Infantry : *They move towards the fortress, only five other Uruks occupanying Muna as the rest guard the portal. As they enter the fortress Muna would find herself being sneering and growled at by the Uruks who were likely feasting on the broken remains of the defenders of Krondor. Making their way to where Khalek dwelled.* Master...?
[18-18:43] 1d667, Zaknafein : Yes I attacked the caravan first. However they're all alive and well. Only sleeping. Well except for the unfortunate one who found my skills above his.
[18-18:46] 94c70, Muna : *Is far from disturbed by the sight. In fact, she would appear almost disinterested, if not bored by it. She follows the escort in silence.*
[18-18:47] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *The deeper within the city they get, the more noticeable presence of other beings that are not Orcs. Broken and twisted men, mutated into mindless states who serve litter the filfthy streets. Hulking humanoids clad in full armour - bearing eye hurting symbols carved intricately onto its surface marching in eerie silence. Men like that, riding discs of spiked iron - like flying chariots of fire zip through the sky, especially close to the altar. Two of the Ruinous Armoured men step forward to block the path
[18-18:48] aa449, Khalek the Changer: leading to the altar and Khalek, giant halberds clanking against eachother in a "none shall pass" gesture. A man with two heads joined at the cheek scuttles over towards them.*
[18-18:49] af020, Acorna : *backs up from him, shaking her head and shuddering at his words* How can you be so cold about it? *straightens up too, because the only reason she backed up is because her neck couldn't take it anymore*
[18-18:52] 94c70, Muna : *Would of course stop, she was not here out of hostility. Her gaze in fact studies these mutated beings with some interest.*
[18-18:52] 1d667, Zaknafein : How am I supposed to be about it? *He asks as he feels her back away.*
[18-18:52] def6d, Urukhai Infantry : We bring....a gift....
[18-18:54] 94c70, Muna : *Narrows her eyes slightly at the Uruk that claims her as a gift.*
[18-18:54] af020, Acorna : shouldn't do such things...It's wrong. *stammers*
[18-18:54] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *The milkly eyed head speaks first in a wail like voice* Good good...put her with the other sacrifices... *The Sorcerer having the stink of corruption upon him, unarmoured like the path guards.*
[18-18:55] aa449, Khalek the Changer: OOC: like = unlike
[18-18:55] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-18:56] 94c70, Muna : I am not a sacrifice.
[18-18:57] 1d667, Zaknafein : Wrong in your opinion perhaps. Do you know nothing of the Drow?
[18-18:59] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[18-19:00] af020, Acorna : What I know of the drow doesn't make what you do right. *snorts, but it doesn't come out making much sound at all in her human form. It's a feminine snort, yeah.*
[18-19:03] 1d667, Zaknafein : It's the way of the Drow. Deal with it how you like. However I'd like to tend to my wounds. Not stand here and debate how different races have differing ideas of right and wrong.
[18-19:05] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *The two headed Sorcerer looks towards Muna with hate-filled eyes - not very tolerant of prisoners* They all say that, take her away... *Dismisses them all with a wave of one tentacle.*
[18-19:05] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*looks to muna, then khalek blinking* ooooooo))
[18-19:06] 85f3e, Roki: tentical pr0n !!!111!!1111!!!!
[18-19:06] 94c70, Muna : *Scowls at the two headed being.* Fool...
[18-19:06] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *Note this isnt Khalek speaking to Muna*
[18-19:07] 94c70, Muna : (( *knows it's the two headed guy* ))
[18-19:07] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*tries to decide which path to follow, the one to muna or the one to khalek..... the fate of the zin behind him, after all, he is a hier to the nish throne* hmmmmmm))
[18-19:08] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((zin=nish))
[18-19:09] af020, Acorna : I don't trust you.
[18-19:09] def6d, Urukhai Infantry : *and two Uruks step to either side of Muna, grabbing her harshly by the arms.*
[18-19:11] 1d667, Zaknafein : That's not my problem. I have told you numerous times if it distresses you so, to let me tend my wounds and I'll be gone. Believe what you will. If I chose to kill them all I could very well do so without moving beyond this point.
[18-19:11] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *Red eyes blink from one head* You cannot defeat an army, demon... *Sneers towards her, the voice like a growl. Then the white eyed head speaks again* Demon? Hmm... delicious. Khaes will feast upon your soul by the morrow.
[18-19:13] af020, Acorna : *is intimidated by that. She couldn't bring them all back. She rushes off in the direction of the man he killed, wondering if she is too late*
[18-19:13] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: ((give her to Zaaul...))
[18-19:13] 94c70, Muna : *Growls lowly. As the Uruk's take hold of her, the air around her seems to change as does her form as she takes on the form and embodiment of fire. This might result in a couple of fried Uruk, or badly burnt ones.*
[18-19:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-19:15] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:14pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-19:16] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[18-19:16] JOIN: Cyrano Chagg'Ra has entered.
[18-19:17] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((*smacks the lich boy* Khaes))
[18-19:17] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Ignores his wounds, they could be tended later. Instead he goes to the downed guards killing them with a simple dagger cut to the throat. Of course she may try to stop him before he has killed too many. Depends on how much attention she pays to the dead man.*
[18-19:17] MSG: Z sent a message to Cyrano Chaggra.
[18-19:17] MSG: Cyrano Chagg'Ra sent a message to Muna.
[18-19:18] ffcf3, Lok: ((hello folks))
[18-19:20] f92ca, Acorna : *looks up from the dead man after determining she is too late and sees Zak's actions as he goes to kill the first downed guard* NOOOOO!!!! *she runs at Zak*
[18-19:20] JOIN: Theodore MacPherson has entered.
[18-19:20] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((boo))
[18-19:21] ffcf3, Lok: ((ic theo?))
[18-19:22] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((not quite yet. What's up?))
[18-19:22] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Finishes the one off before looking up to her. If she is still human he will try and grab her as she nears him. If she's transformed back, he dodges her horn.*
[18-19:22] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *The Sorcerer leaps back, hands fluttering into motion* Ghyran'I'aqshy *One head chants the word, two green bolts of magical chaotic magic forming upon the fingertips to be unleashed upon Muna - level 2 spell. The halberd guards brandish their weapons now, undisturbed to the fire entity. Khalek himself turning from the altar with the disturbance - indigo eyes glaring down the path at the disruption.*
[18-19:22] ffcf3, Lok: ((not to much...rain. You?))
[18-19:24] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((hungry. I meant what's up ICly though))
[18-19:25] 94c70, Muna : *She could maintain this form for a number of hours if she so desired. But for now, she steps back from the sorcerer and the guards soon returning to her human form.* If there is no interest, then I will simply leave.
[18-19:25] f92ca, Acorna : *she is still human and in her panic forgets her modesty insecurities. She isn't a fighter per say. She might get grabbed, because she would be more looking to the man he just killed, desperate to save him than she would to the killer*
[18-19:26] ffcf3, Lok: ((ooh. I'm still stone BUT! I have made contact with the gargoyle and human militia from Loks hometown.))
[18-19:26] ffcf3, Lok: ((thorugh mental stuff))
[18-19:27] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((cool. Theo was standing guard over you till you woke up again btw. ))
[18-19:27] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *The green bolts move in to assault Muna - yet disappear in a puff of black sulpharic smoke - dispelled by someone far greater than the two-headed one. Khalek now moves down the pathway, that gesture of his gauntletted hand finished - the two hulking armoured guards still eeriley silent.*
[18-19:27] ffcf3, Lok: ((okay.wanna go ic?))
[18-19:28] 94c70, Muna : *Even if Khalek had not dealt with the bolts, she could have dispelled them easily herself. She gives no ground as she watches the scene unfold before her.*
[18-19:30] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((just gimme a few. cooking food and writing a profile))
[18-19:30] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Since she is paying more attention to the man he just killed instead of him, he does take the option presented to him and grabs her. Keeping her from the man.*
[18-19:30] ffcf3, Lok: ((okay I'll go ahead and post))
[18-19:30] ffcf3, Lok: ((here in amin))
[18-19:33] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((ok I'm done my profile))
[18-19:33] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((*watches khalek, then reaches out and touches muna*))
[18-19:33] ffcf3, Lok: *there would be a sudden crackling sound as Loks stone skin turned into flesh and he awoke*
[18-19:34] 94c70, Muna : (( *looks at Cyrano.* ))
[18-19:34] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *Still, the spell was unfamiliar to Muna - and held a greater power than such a thing should. The two guards part to allow the horned, robe covered armoured form of Khalek pass through. His indigo eyes glaring down at the woman* Make your proposal demon before I allow you to experience Uruk-hai hospitality...
[18-19:34] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *had been kneeling nearby, and looks up at the sound, startled. He was only slightly wearied, and straightens as the gargoyle changed* Lok? Are you al right?
[18-19:34] f92ca, Acorna : Nooo! *in a whimpering frantic voice. Zak is breaking her heart. Awwww. She struggles to get loose of him and try to get to the freshly killed man and try and save him*
[18-19:35] ffcf3, Lok: *shakes his head* I am now. Sorry about that.
[18-19:36] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: It is understandable. When you must sleep, then you must sleep.
[18-19:36] 94c70, Muna : *smirks, she had no fear of the Uruks.* Your victory here is... impressive.
[18-19:37] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((*points towards profile proudly* Short but sweet))
[18-19:37] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Zak's a Drow and doesn't care. He doesn't let her lose either. Not until it's too late to save him. *
[18-19:38] f92ca, Acorna : *struggles and pleads* Let me help him, please.
[18-19:38] ffcf3, Lok: true. One good thing is that somehow I contacted my people during my rest....My home city.
[18-19:39] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: Oh? that is good *he nods* I've sent a messenger to the island of St. John to send for help
[18-19:39] ffcf3, Lok: ((very to the point theo))
[18-19:39] 1d667, Zaknafein : Why so he can turn around and kill me in return for my actions? *However he still does not let her go.*
[18-19:39] ffcf3, Lok: How many do you think will come? *rummages in his large bag for something to eat*
[18-19:41] f92ca, Acorna : *is in tears and struggles* Not everyone is like you.
[18-19:41] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((*touches muna again*))
[18-19:43] 1d667, Zaknafein : No they're not. But I want to see you stop him when you help him and he comes back and kills me. Or tries to. And I will guarantee you that's exactly what he will do.
[18-19:43] aa449, Khalek the Changer: It was decided a long time ago, and planned for accordingly. *Speaks in a voice devoid of emotion, dismissing the remaining Uruk-hai and two-headed Sorcerer with a wave of his hand. That artifact equivalent sword at his side ready to be drawn and warp even that of a demon.*
[18-19:43] f92ca, Acorna : He wouldn't have the energy. *sniffs and squirms*
[18-19:43] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: I'm not sure. Its a long way from the West Coast and thus it would take months to get this far in time. *watches quietly, relaxed now* Some may though.
[18-19:45] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[18-19:45] 1d667, Zaknafein : Perhaps not. But what if he were to come across me once he's healed and exacts his revenge then?
[18-19:45] 94c70, Muna : Very few have such power.... I wished to know which of these you were.
[18-19:46] f92ca, Acorna : *whines and struggles, having no good answer for that*
[18-19:47] aa449, Khalek the Changer: The Lord of Change plans now bear the riches of fruitation, the reign of man and elf is over. *Indigo eyes piercing into Muna.*
[18-19:48] ffcf3, Lok: hmm. It will be a small force that will come from my home. Gargoyles and men.
[18-19:48] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Still doesn't let her go.* That's what I thought. You can't. And that's exactly what he will do. As will any of these men who come across me or another of my kind simply out of fear. I'm not helping any, but it's the way I am.
[18-19:51] f92ca, Acorna : Let gooooo. *whines as she sees the man is slipping beyond her reach to restore him. Let's say some many minutes have passed*
[18-19:51] 94c70, Muna : Good.. good. *Indeed sounds satisfied with the entirty of his answer.* I will leave you then to your plans.
[18-19:52] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: Many small forces can make up one larger force.
[18-19:52] ffcf3, Lok: Has here been any exictment while I slept?
[18-19:53] 1d667, Zaknafein : No. *Keeps her in his grasp a little longer. It may kill her to watch the man go beyond her help, but it happens to alot of people.*
[18-19:53] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((*touches MUNA AGAIN, all creepy like, since cyrano IS an sorta old))
[18-19:54] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((*kicks the an out of that post))
[18-19:54] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: not really. The dragon and rider spoke with me, and that's about it.
[18-19:54] f92ca, Acorna : *watches the man fall beyond her help and shakes in bawling like shudders, silent sobs as she watches with haunted and distressed wide eyes as the man slips away*
[18-19:55] f92ca, Acorna : *not that the man wasn't already dead, but yeah*
[18-19:55] 94c70, Muna : (( *might have to cut off Cyrano's hand.. though she is much older than him.* ))
[18-19:56] aa449, Khalek the Changer: Why did you come? What are you seeking? *Various other armoured forms have appeared now - the area becoming surrounded within the elite guard.*
[18-19:57] 1d667, Zaknafein : *He lets her go now. He then turns back to the wagon to grab a roll of bandages.* Now you have no reason to trust me.
[18-19:57] 94c70, Muna : Information and... *a faint smile.* Like you, the destruction of men and Elves.
[18-19:58] ffcf3, Lok: I see. *he holds up one hand and a small bird lands on it. He sits and wathcs it for a long moment* I wonder how the orcs gained enough orginazation and power to take the city of Krondor.
[18-19:58] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Mew!))
[18-19:58] f92ca, Acorna : *sinks to her knees bawling. if she was anything other than a unicorn, she'd thrust her horn in his back as he turned for doing such a thing, but unicorns aren't about that*
[18-19:59] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: *dispite the unlikelyness of it all... near the rear of the ''elite guard'', a tall figure.. hooded and cloaked, a gleaming blades scythe sitting quite visibly there as well... this very being reaks of death and decay, any attention paide to him.. one would see the cloak he wears seems to move.. and not move, faces can be seen..ghostly faces.... dead faces in the material, deathly silent*
[18-19:59] aa449, Khalek the Changer: Your kind was already defeated, yet you served a purpose in weakening the realms of man... *Facial expression hidden beyond the helm.*
[18-20:00] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *watches this, fascinated and replies* I'm not sure myself. I'm considering an endeavoring into the city to see if Ic an find who the commodore may be.
[18-20:01] 94c70, Muna : My kind may have been defeated, but I was not. They were weak, I am not...
[18-20:01] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Grabs the bandages and some water. He first tends to the wound on his arm, then the wounds caused by the dogs.*
[18-20:02] ffcf3, Lok: *looks at him, a wry smile on his face* That could be dangerous. I would come with you of course.
[18-20:02] aa449, Khalek the Changer: The Dark Lord Ciaran may serve a purpose in the coming war yet...
[18-20:03] f92ca, Acorna : *SNIFF! dabs her eyes and shudders in another sob. She becomes again self conscious of her not having any clothes on and sort of huddles a bit, allowing her cascading locks to cover much of her.*
[18-20:04] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *hmms, rubbing his cheek* A man could hide better than a Gargoyle I think
[18-20:04] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((too bad alts cant' interact. I could get Puwia to infiltrate.
[18-20:04] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ))
[18-20:04] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Has paid no attention to her nude form. He could make her a slave, but wouldn't get much out of it so he doesn't even try. Instead he continues to tend his wounds.*
[18-20:04] 94c70, Muna : Ciaran... *chuckles a bit at the mention of the name.* He had potential, however, he was foolish with his power, careless...
[18-20:05] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: And what purpose would that be, Khalek... for him to sit back and watch you bumble around as I have been for these last long years....*his dead voice raspss out of non-existant vocal chords...his skeletal visage peering over the shoulders of these... ''elite'' guard...pfft..*
[18-20:06] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[18-20:07] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[18-20:08] f92ca, Acorna : *yeah, he wouldn't get much out of it, because she'd refuse to heal anyone he commanded her to heal. SNIFF! again. shudder*
[18-20:08] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[18-20:08] ffcf3, Lok: *rasies an heavy eyebrow and whistles to the bird casuing it to chirp and fly off* In a city controlled by orcs? I have some talent at hiding. plus if worse comes to worse I can hide as a statue. I thik I'll be alright. And if it comes down to it and you are caught my aid might prove usefull
[18-20:08] JOIN: Z has entered.
[18-20:08] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Right! What did I miss?
[18-20:08] NICK: Z changed nick to Arion Catto.
[18-20:09] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *Turns to consult Morgul.* Your lack of vision has cost the Grandfather a great many things Lich King. I work to a greather scheme of things than you can possibly imagine...
[18-20:09] 94c70, Muna : *watches these two silently.*
[18-20:10] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Wouldn't command her to heal anyone. As she hasn't even healed him and he's right here infront of her. Finishes his tendings and then returns his attention to rummaging through the caravan.*
[18-20:11] 33a96, Darrius Lokken : **Stands patiently just outside krondors walls, by the portal, in equine form, his eyes closed. He seems to be waiting for something**
[18-20:11] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *nods* A good point. Well, perhaps we should plan this out then.*
[18-20:11] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((hy cookie))
[18-20:11] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: *laughs..a cold harsh sound.. his jaws not moving one bit, the sound comming from within his skeletal chest* I highly doubt that... fate rewards the patient... and I have an infinite ammount... and i know what to do with my patience...
[18-20:11] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *waves*
[18-20:12] MSG: Darrius Lokken sent a message to Khalek The Changer.
[18-20:12] ffcf3, Lok: *nods* One thing I am sure of is that their is magic involved. How else to get so many orcs to work together?
[18-20:13] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Beat them over the head until they conform? no wait.. thats goblins... ))
[18-20:13] aa449, Khalek the Changer: Khaes has been ever impatient with the others.... *The indigo eyes narrow upon the skeletal figure* I trust you have decided to finally join in the war, as per the agreement?
[18-20:14] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((I ugesss we should talk to Khalek about this mission eh Lok?))
[18-20:14] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: I have my end of the bargain well in hand... I simply decided to come see your.... conquest *his tone indicated said Conquest is more of a joke to him than anything else..*
[18-20:14] ffcf3, Lok: ((probably))
[18-20:15] f92ca, Acorna : *didn't heal him because he's a big meanie. She turns to look at him and protests in a crying kind of voice* You said you were going to leave!
[18-20:15] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[18-20:15] 94c70, Muna : *chuckles at the two of them. But as it would seem her part in the conversation was now over, she gestures with her hand vaguel and before her a red tinted rift opens, a portal. She would then procede to step in to take her leave.*
[18-20:16] aa449, Khalek the Changer: If it is not, it is your lands that will suffer at the hands of the others. Lahmier would love dearly to gain ahold of your portfolio my dear Lich... *Oh yes, chides the other with the mention of the Pleasure God, the one that avoids death as much as possible. Registers Muna's portal formation, and lets it pass - gesturing one hand to 'tag' her with an ebb of magic. Will seek her out later at some point.*
[18-20:17] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: Indeed. Either enchantment or intimidation, or an act of a god.
[18-20:17] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: Indeed. Either enchantment or intimidation, or an act of a god.
[18-20:18] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Finds nothing of value in any of the wagons. Turns and looks at her.* You said you didn't trust me when I'd done nothing to make you not trust me. Now I have.
[18-20:18] ffcf3, Lok: or both....I have heard stories.....
[18-20:18] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: *if he had eyes to narrow... he would.. but his sockets simply glow a deep red.. ohhh he's pissed* As i'm sure Reikel would love to get into yours...
[18-20:19] f92ca, Acorna : I don't trust someone who attacks a caravan and kills. *sniff, shudder*
[18-20:20] MSG: Theodore MacPherson sent a message to Khalek The Changer.
[18-20:20] aa449, Khalek the Changer: Rekeil's army is in unity with mine... *Says without a hint of hatred, something that should knock Morgul off guard considering the Rekeil-Khaes emnity and animosity*
[18-20:21] MSG: Khalek the Changer sent a message to Darrius Lokken.
[18-20:21] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: Indeed *doesnt miss a beat* Well it seems Rekiel's loosing his mind after all...pity.
[18-20:23] 1d667, Zaknafein : Not my problem. *He says shrugging it off as if it's nothing.*
[18-20:23] 867a2, Aegnora : Anyone want any of my chars?
[18-20:23] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: ((of course i want them...))
[18-20:23] 867a2, Sileen: *ahem* Anyone want any of my chars?
[18-20:23] 867a2, Sileen: ... not like that
[18-20:24] aa449, Khalek the Changer: Our overall victory is all that matters Lich King... the Elves will pay for their insulence... *Something both him and Morgul can share in hatred.*
[18-20:24] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*raises hand*))
[18-20:25] ffcf3, Lok: Hmmm. interesting...
[18-20:25] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Could I get a ?
[18-20:25] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: *his eyes glow a bit more at the mention of the Elves.. but unlike Khalek.. he can contain himself a bit more..and not go off in a frenzy of rage* In due time....first these.. men.. must be removed from the picture.
[18-20:26] ffcf3, Lok: ((near krondor with theo))
[18-20:26] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *nods, offering some dried meat* Want some more?
[18-20:27] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((*IS allied with the ruinous powers....well, serves them.... and his is a kingdom of men....))
[18-20:27] d3a2d, Liz: Noowhere, yet
[18-20:27] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *Is not a Rekeil follower, needs no rage. Can be just as patient as the Lich King if Khaes deems it so.* A massed force is to be annhilated at the Clawed Sea...
[18-20:27] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: ((so ? :-p ))
[18-20:27] ffcf3, Lok: Thank you. *takes the offered dried meat and begins eating it methodically*
[18-20:27] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((*Pokes aegnora*))
[18-20:27] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *nods* Aye. I'm going to be hunting before we go into the city.
[18-20:28] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((so WE would live...... course we would be servants to the shadow, but still men))
[18-20:28] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: I shall send some forces to lend a hand...and to clean up after you... after all... you are quite messy Khalek...
[18-20:29] ffcf3, Lok: I know where some good foraging places are nearby. But we should be quick. I have the feeling time is running out.
[18-20:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-20:29] f92ca, Acorna : You should leave, NOW!! *shouts at him*
[18-20:30] aa449, Khalek the Changer: Change is not always appreciated....
[18-20:31] f92ca, Acorna : ((Outside in a sort of forested area in a camped caravan))
[18-20:32] 1d667, Zaknafein : Or what? You're going to impale me with your horn? *Prepares to create a magic portal for his exit.* ((With Acorna.))
[18-20:32] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((lok do you have ICQ, AIM or anything?))
[18-20:32] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *hehs* Foraging? I suppose so... Perhaps later today
[18-20:32] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: Neither is Death.. but people learn to accept it as a must in life...and un-life
[18-20:32] f92ca, Acorna : I might. *bluff bluff, said dispondantly*
[18-20:32] ffcf3, Lok: ((AIM. Hex Darkfire))
[18-20:32] a9628, Cyrano Chagg'Ra : ((*pokes aegnora as he marvels at how he is the bad-ass-est looking king))
[18-20:34] 1d667, Zaknafein : Right. Of course you could always leave and let me do as I wish.
[18-20:34] ffcf3, Lok: it is good to have variety. *smiles*
[18-20:36] f92ca, Acorna : and let you kill more people? *scowls at him*
[18-20:36] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Whaaat?))
[18-20:37] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-20:37] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *Is at Krondor, the Fallen City*
[18-20:37] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: *ditto*
[18-20:37] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: Indeed. What exactly do Gargoyles forage for?
[18-20:38] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*waves at the scary horse lady* Visit Jerrern!))
[18-20:38] aa449, Khalek the Changer: Your help will be... appreciated. *Looks up to the sky for a few moments.*
[18-20:38] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[18-20:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-20:38] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:38pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-20:38] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[18-20:38] 1d667, Zaknafein : Never said I was going to do that. But you don't trust me anyway.
[18-20:38] dfe22, Dri: ( finally got booted. )
[18-20:39] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*pokes aegnora* visit the ugly, smelly goblin fellow, or ME, the prince of the nish, nice smelling and devilishly handsome *laughs*))
[18-20:39] ffcf3, Lok: Heh. Gargoyles eat much as people do. Nuts berries some roots and fungi.
[18-20:39] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: I will make some of my forces available to you... Myself.. I have my own matters to attend to...
[18-20:39] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *is out walking amongst his assembled goblin army. Soldiers have been coming to and from town, the former on their way to skirmish the orcs at Krondor, the latter returning bruised and battered from the same location*
[18-20:39] dfe22, Dri: ( i guess thats what i get for thinking mena thoughts )
[18-20:39] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Sorry Jerren, Aegnora's a long way from you, and my char who is near there is still paused))
[18-20:40] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*blinks* mmmmm you should use your other pic Morgul))
[18-20:40] f92ca, Acorna : You've done nothing to change my mind, only proven it. *sniff, tear, shudder*
[18-20:40] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: Fungi? Never had that... except mushrooms
[18-20:40] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: ((i'll consider it))
[18-20:40] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*nuzzles aegnora, wraps arm around her waist*))
[18-20:40] ffcf3, Lok: In addition t ohunting and fishing.
[18-20:41] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((no prob Aegnora))
[18-20:41] 1d667, Zaknafein : And I won't change your mind.
[18-20:41] 867a2, Aegnora : (( *eyes Kriel .. I bet you do that to all the pretty girls..)0
[18-20:42] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*chuckles* only the pretty EVIL ones my dear))
[18-20:42] ffcf3, Lok: Cooked right they can be quite tasty. Also if they aren't poisenes...
[18-20:42] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: What, fish? Oh! Fungus... well, I guess I get to try some Gargoylan recipes. Is Gargoylan the right term?
[18-20:42] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: ((Jens not evil...she's like... the diet coke of evil))
[18-20:42] f92ca, Acorna : Then please leave. *says in a small voice*
[18-20:43] aa449, Khalek the Changer: Naturally... the graveyards are untouched. Feel free to visit them... you will be escorted to show our alliegience is one. *At that, two Ruinous Warriors step forward to flank Morgul.*
[18-20:43] dfe22, Dri: ( diet= EVIL )
[18-20:45] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((Still shes eviler than that odette princess *Shudders* innocent maidens freak me out...))
[18-20:45] 1d667, Zaknafein : I'm free to be where ever I please. And do what I wish. *However he motions and mutters an arcane phrase opening his portal.*
[18-20:45] ffcf3, Lok: *laughs * I think so.
[18-20:46] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: I shall have several of my minions come here to start cleaning up what you've left behind...expect them within days. And if I get the slightest feeling their actions are being hindered, Khalek... you'll see just what the Grandfather has empowered me with *his eyes flash a brighter red, then fade to their original blackness*
[18-20:46] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: I'll hae to show you some St. John recipes in return then! We make very good meatballs.
[18-20:46] 867a2, Aegnora : ((Jen?))
[18-20:46] f92ca, Acorna : I will fight your evil ways. *feels the slight eddies of magic*
[18-20:46] 867a2, Aurora : ((*high fives Acorna*))
[18-20:47] dfe22, Dri: :: Dri sits out of the way of the main flow of traffic, watching the goblins pass, although mor eintently looking after the ones who returned wounded::
[18-20:47] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: ((whichever nightmare you are... i've lost track of'em))
[18-20:48] 1d667, Zaknafein : You do that. *He steps through.*
[18-20:48] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Theodore Macpherson.
[18-20:48] f92ca, Acorna : ((*high fives her sister back*))
[18-20:49] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((Meh, *chuckles abit, hold sup a GO KHALEK sign, a picture of Morgul with a red X over his face next to it*))
[18-20:49] ffcf3, Lok: It's a deal then!*laughes again, a rich rolling, sound.* I look forwards to the days ahead.
[18-20:49] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *the wounded ones are helped along by their bretheren, but nearly every one that can cheers to Jerren as they pass by*
[18-20:50] 867a2, Aegnora : ((I'm Sileen ya dork))
[18-20:50] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: ((hell... you're worse than the diet coke of evil.. yer the Pepsi One))
[18-20:50] 867a2, Aegnora : *... once more... Aegnora is seen, approaching Kriel's encampment*
[18-20:51] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((*pokes* your sileen?! *eyes the nightmare*))
[18-20:51] JOIN: Karn Vailner has entered.
[18-20:51] aa449, Khalek the Changer: I have little interest in the dead Morgul... *Uses the true name of the Lich King for the first time*
[18-20:51] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *chuckles* Indeed. Of course, this SHOULD wait till after the mission
[18-20:51] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((I have to go soon
[18-20:52] 867a2, Sileen: Yes, I am the mighty Angsty admin of doom
[18-20:52] 867a2, Sileen: o/
[18-20:52] 867a2, Aegnora : ((<.< >.>)
[18-20:52] ffcf3, Lok: You have a point. That menas neither of us are allowed to be captuered or crippled.
[18-20:52] dfe22, Dri: :: She hoped it menat they were winning when they cheered.. there would really be no other reason to be celebrating.. nobody celebrates getting the tar kicked out of them..::
[18-20:52] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Sileen.
[18-20:53] MSG: Sileen sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[18-20:53] ffcf3, Lok: ((ok. means*))
[18-20:53] 94c70, Muna : *Her portal would open some hundreds of miles away from Krondor. Khalek's tag detectable for the moment, though as she stands there it would seem to gradually fade and soon disappear. A faint smile appears on her lips, such an attempt seemed so typical. She then walks off into the darkness.*
[18-20:53] f92ca, Acorna : *one last shudder as he vanishes and Acorna will either remain in the camp until everyone wakes up or comes out, depending on if Sarelth gets back when I'm around, or she'll meander off, thinking there is no need for her to be there. For now, she's remaining there. Fade out, sorta*
[18-20:53] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: Hmm. Well, even crippled I could make good food. But yes, Kcaptured and killed would be a downset
[18-20:53] MSG: Sileen sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[18-20:54] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((end here maybe?))
[18-20:54] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Sileen.
[18-20:54] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: *his skeletal grin would grin even more if it could, he turns his back to Khalek and speaks as he walks away, the 2 warriors doing their thing*... The dead.. may not kill the most... or die the least... but we do have the most fun.
[18-20:54] ffcf3, Lok: ((okay))true enough.
[18-20:55] MSG: Sileen sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[18-20:56] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Sileen.
[18-20:57] MSG: Sileen sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[18-20:57] MSG: Muna sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[18-20:57] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((bye. Thanks. I'll BBL!))
[18-20:58] MSG: Morgul the Lich King sent a message to Morgoth Leviathis.
[18-20:58] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *several sentires look up and yell out to the figure approaching* HalT *then they notice who it is...... thier tone seeming to become less firm as they lower their guard and ignore her* Very well, proceed.....the commander is in his tent
[18-20:58] 85f3e, Morgul the Lich King: ((wow..)
[18-20:58] EXIT: Theodore MacPherson has left the chat ( 9:57pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-20:58] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *Jerren goes foreward to a few, talking to them and placing his hand on their shoulder. Despite their battle wearyness, when he turns to the next one they hop away as though they were a little kid that just got a sugar rush*
[18-20:58] ffcf3, Lok: ((later all))
[18-20:59] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Sileen.
[18-20:59] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Z.
[18-20:59] 867a2, Aegnora : *simply flashes a predatory grin in response... and moves past the guards, heading towards Kriel's tent*
[18-20:59] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[18-21:00] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *yawns softly and gazes down into the water as it flows past. She leans against the railing of one of the many bridges in the city*
[18-21:00] MSG: Sileen sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[18-21:00] ffcf3, Lok: ((cyaguys later.))
[18-21:00] MSG: Z sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[18-21:00] EXIT: Lok has left the chat ( 9:58pm, February 18 (CST) ).
[18-21:01] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Sileen.
[18-21:01] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*joins in the msging*))
[18-21:02] MSG: Sileen sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[18-21:02] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *and Kriel is shirtless, outside his tent,, lean muscular chest easily seen, along with the tattoo that runs across his back... it very tribal looking. Dark.... it running over his shoulders down to the small of his back**he wears standard NIsh admiral's pants, and thin leather boots..... his two swords in hand... the cutlasses slicing through the air as he practices with them*
[18-21:02] dfe22, Dri: :: lays back on the ground, her slender arms folded behind her head as her large green eyes stared up at the sky::
[18-21:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-21:02] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*looks about for the Mab*))
[18-21:03] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra tried to message She (not registered).
[18-21:03] f92ca, Acorna : *is meandering off for some sleep*
[18-21:03] 867a2, Aegnora : *.. silently comes up behind him, staying back just out of sword's reach, watching*
[18-21:03] 94c70, Arion Catto: *He sits in the room that Shanira had brought him to, checking up on his armor and weapons. He had awoken to find Shanira not present.*
[18-21:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-21:03] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Z.
[18-21:03] f92ca, Acorna : OOC: errr, last was OOC
[18-21:04] 1d667, Zaknafein : *Returns home, properly has his wounds tended with a healing potion and returns to his studying of magic.*
[18-21:04] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Sileen.
[18-21:05] f92ca, Mab: *was having trouble getting her blasted character chain to work. Chat kept trying to throw her out of handle and turn her to a wisp*
[18-21:05] MSG: Aegnora sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[18-21:05] f92ca, Mab: That was fun, Zak. Thanks. Night everybody.
[18-21:06] 1d667, Zaknafein : ((ANytime Mab. NIght.))
[18-21:06] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he twirls the swords in his hands, expertly, his body quite flexable, demonstrated as he jumps forward, blades spinning as he comes down with a scissor like slash twords the air..... the two cutlasses slashing through the nights air quite smoothly, making ashizzelbingerseling sound*
[18-21:07] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((no! *NEES to speak with the mab!*))
[18-21:07] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Aegnora.
[18-21:07] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *a soft breeze caresses her cheek, blowing a tendril of long dark brown hair across it*
[18-21:07] MSG: Kriel Chagg'Ra sent a message to Z.
[18-21:08] MSG: Z sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[18-21:08] MSG: Z sent a message to Kriel Chaggra.
[18-21:09] 94c70, Arion Catto: *After he is done, he sheathes his sword at his side, leaving the rest in the room. He then leaves to go explore this city as he was unsure of where he was.*
[18-21:10] 867a2, Aegnora : *stands back, silently watching him as he practices*
[18-21:10] MSG: Dri sent a message to Z.
[18-21:10] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *thinks about the man she helped...Arion. Wonders if he'll die, too. Seems that everyone she helps dies*
[18-21:11] 94c70, Z: *thorws a peanut at Dri*
[18-21:12] dfe22, Dri: ( ::chomp:: )
[18-21:12] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *tossing one of the cutlasses into the air it flips upward dangerously, he leaning forward with a slash,free hand going back to catch the falling sword by hte hilt he spinning as he slashes then with that blade, the entire movement done quite smoothly*
[18-21:13] 94c70, Arion Catto: *He would spend a long time walking the walkways, looking about him at his surroundings. Spying Shanira's figure in the distance, he keeps walking not yet able to make it out that it is her. Meanwhile, she might hear his heavy booted footsteps.*
[18-21:13] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : *walks over to Dri's prone form* You okay?
[18-21:13] 867a2, Aegnora : .. You're very agile... for a human
[18-21:14] dfe22, Dri: Hmm? :: her view of the sky was semi-blocked by a Jerren face:: Dri fine.
[18-21:15] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *half turns, pulled from her thoughts by the sound of footsteps*
[18-21:16] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((test))
[18-21:16] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he stops a moment, sheathing his swords, they hanging aggainst each hip..... that tattoo running across his shoulders and down to his chest, that part like a spike that curles up from his back and over the chest, pointed* well i do try my dear.... pardon me for not being properly dressed *referring to his exposed chest, a small smile playing on his lips, that raven of his seeming to swoop out of nowhere, perching on his shoulder. It cawing loudly at aegnora*
[18-21:16] ceea7, Palladia Mors : ((*grins* Perfect))
[18-21:18] dfe22, Dri: ( the ... thing?.. is see through right )
[18-21:18] 867a2, Aegnora : *.. started to get annoyed at that bird* *She smirks* I have seen others less covered... there are many who sleep with nothing on
[18-21:20] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Am sorry have nothing for you. Wish could have met you in peacefull times.
[18-21:21] 94c70, Arion Catto: *Continues walking towards her.*
[18-21:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-21:21] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *smiles slightly when she sees who it is*
[18-21:21] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ah well then fools they are..... *chuckles abit.... wiping some sweat off his brow, afterall he has been practicing for some time... HIs form looking almost ivory white in the pale moonlight, his jet black hair carrying a sheen to it, yellowish eyes almost seeming to glow, almost..... * for if something were to happen when one sleeps, then they would be caught with their pants off..... *smirks some, offering his arm to her*
[18-21:22] dfe22, Dri: Dri dun' need nothin'. :: lowers her arms, a little self-conscious..:: If wishes horses, beggars ride. ("If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.")
[18-21:22] 94c70, Z: *She once again would soon end up in the lands of Demonius Hectus. Hooded as once before. Her footsteps crunch lightly on the hard, dry land.*
[18-21:22] 867a2, Aegnora : .. And all too often, they are. *silently slips her arm through his*
[18-21:22] 94c70, Muna : *She once again would soon end up in the lands of Demonius Hectus. Hooded as once before. Her footsteps crunch lightly on the hard, dry land.*
[18-21:23] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Mmm... Dri want anything?
[18-21:23] 94c70, Arion Catto: *Raises a brow slightly.* Lady Shanira.. I'm surprised to find you out here alone.
[18-21:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-21:24] 867a2, Aegnora : ((If wishes were fishes we'd all have a fry! ))
[18-21:24] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: groans softly, slowly opening one eye.. he felt as though he had slept too long.. eh, maybe he had, who knew.. he blinked a few times to clear his vision, staring up at the plain ceiling of the room, hesitant to move at the moment..::
[18-21:24] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *behind her a hellish portal, a swirling vortex of magical energies would open as he eases his massive frame through, his large wicked wings folded around his back much like a cape made of the darkest night, his coal black eyes scanning the woman before him as his rumbling tremble of a voice bellows forth* Muna...
[18-21:24] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *chuckles* Worried? Why would'nt I be?
[18-21:25] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[18-21:26] dfe22, Dri: Like wha.. :: she sits up, dusting herself off.. where she could reach with her hands, she swept with her bushy tail::
[18-21:26] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *his hand pats her own as they begin to move forward, he strolling with her as any prince might do....except he is shirtless.... a large meatallic pendant hanging form his neck, the Scarlet fleet's symbol on it.... it made of some of the purest gold on the planet* and where have you been my dear? been out causing trouble havent you?
[18-21:26] 94c70, Muna : *Pauses in her step, the staff she carries still in hand. She turns to see who it is that adresses her.*
[18-21:27] 867a2, Aegnora : *grins* You could say that
[18-21:28] 867a2, Aegnora : *..lets just say... some on your soldiers slept poorly. Mwehehe*
[18-21:29] 94c70, Arion Catto: There are a lot of things that lurk about in the darkness of night, most of which are not good.
[18-21:29] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Not know. Ask and see if can give.
[18-21:30] ceea7, Palladia Mors : *would loom over her much like any creature out of the most horrid of nightmares in any culture...huge batlike wings stretch from his back, only to be folded about him like an evil cloak of the purest night, his massive, blackened talons curved into almost a fist, his tail swishing back and forth as if prepping to lash out to knock someone yards backwards, his visage, somewhat muted for now as thick red lips cover his rows of ivory death*
[18-21:30] a5324, Nefiset Da'emorentis : **moves along the dank dirty smeling allys of his dark purple cape flowing as he moves along.steel gray eyes search intently as he goes looking for dangers that may be lurking. carries his staff in his left hand, it has a silver skull atop it which wears a crown with a 7' spike atop it. his book of necromancer spells in his right hand**
[18-21:31] aa449, Khalek the Changer: *Memories of Fido flash throughout Shanira's mind*
[18-21:31] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : Most...but not all. I am safe enough.
[18-21:31] dfe22, Dri: :: she stares at him blankly.. not really sure.:: Dri dun' need nothin'... ::arches a thin red brow at him, absently wiggling her toes:: Jerr'n brought up.
[18-21:32] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : Most...but not all. I am safe enough. *shudders, closing her eyes a moment at the memory. Lucky for her...Fido is far away*
[18-21:32] 94c70, Arion Catto: Are you sure?
[18-21:32] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : well i suppose one cannot expect more from you *said in a rather dark, playfulll tone, said smoothly as he strolls along with her* you ARE a nightmare, afterall
[18-21:33] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : Cause wanna know what you want... not what you need, what you want.
[18-21:33] a5324, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( ))
[18-21:33] 94c70, Muna : *Eyes the demon in front of her.* What?
[18-21:33] d3a2d, Shanira Treyan : *nods* Who would want to harm me? I have nothing to give...nothing to be taken.
[18-21:34] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Dark Forest, south of Krondor, Goblin Kingdom))
[18-21:34] 867a2, Aegnora : Naturally.
[18-21:35] dfe22, Dri: Dunno.. ::she shrugged both shoulders..:: What Jerr'n doin'?
[18-21:35] a9628, Kriel Chagg'Ra : ((far west of ))
[18-21:35] dfe22, Dri: ::with Jerren in said location, yes.::