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[13-21:59] e739d, Alakina : * walks into .. a light breeze blowing her hair and gown about... she looks around for prey *
[13-22:00] ab564, Rav : So let me get this straight you own me? I think you have to get in line on that one.
[13-22:01] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : No..."own" as in hardcore dominate in a fight/game/ect
[13-22:02] ab564, Rav : ohh so you think your better than me now huh? You whanna take this outside mister?
[13-22:02] e739d, Alakina : (( hehe * fwaps Rav and Palla* ok you own each other.. * nod nod * ))
[13-22:02] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : *eyes his pic and then Rav's* Do you really wanna take this ouside?
[13-22:03] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : *is unpwnable*
[13-22:03] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( :: swivels in chair, watching the pwning..:: )
[13-22:03] 2d340, Umeane : ((*puts money on rav winning*))
[13-22:04] e739d, Alakina : (( ahh thine mother calls.. i g2g.. g'night all...happy valentines day ^-^ ))
[13-22:04] ab564, Rav : Your short and if you look closer to the pic I have wings.
[13-22:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::vomits on Ala:: )
[13-22:05] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : My mother doesnt mother snores...*prods his sleeping mother with a broomstick*
[13-22:05] ab564, Rav : night Alakina.
[13-22:05] 2d340, Umeane : ((nindyn vel'uss kyorl ninta rath thalra streea dal l' alust))
[13-22:05] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : I have homicidal evil rage
[13-22:06] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : And vampire fangs.
[13-22:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( thats what happens when you file your teeth and not your nails.. )
[13-22:07] ab564, Rav : Well, your still short.
[13-22:07] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : Am not.
[13-22:07] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : I'm taller than you.
[13-22:08] 94c70, Z: *waits for people to go IC*
[13-22:08] ab564, Rav : yeah ya are just deal with it shorty. *L*
[13-22:08] 2d340, Umeane : ((boys play nice))
[13-22:08] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( yes but Rav is prettier even though he doesn't know where he came from.. :ets Avatar guy:: )
[13-22:09] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : I dont care about being pretty. I'm eviler than Rav. That's all that matters.
[13-22:09] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Follows Muna quietly through the portal, not having realized before that sucha thing existed behind Trendlekim's.. but then had he ever bothered to look? He could help but feel a little apprehensive about it..::
[13-22:09] 2d340, Umeane : ((boys...))
[13-22:10] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : *seriously ponders IC*
[13-22:10] 94c70, Z: *has such a hard time not calling the Portals, Gates.*
[13-22:11] ab564, Rav : Well, I will agree with that you are eviler than me but I can be pretty darn evil at times.
[13-22:12] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : o/ *wins*
[13-22:12] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( thought the guy was from an earthian manga actually.. )
[13-22:14] 94c70, Muna : *The place they come out into is much different than the gazebo or the rest of the area in . The air is dry, thinned by the opressive heat in the air. Oddly enough, they were underground in what Adrian may identify as a cave or tunnel.*
[13-22:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-22:15] d7b7c, Castel Santos : ((profile test!))
[13-22:19] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He blinked his bright emerald orbs a few times to adjust to the darkness, the apparent heat bothering him slightly.. knowing that his layers of clothing would soon work against him in this temperature.. but he dared not question where they were, at least not yet.::
[13-22:21] JOIN: Kriel Chagg'Ra has entered.
[13-22:22] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:14pm, February 13 (CST) ).
[13-22:22] JOIN: Rayden has entered.
[13-22:22] EXIT: Rayden has left the chat ( 11:22pm, February 13 (CST) ).
[13-22:23] d7b7c, Castel Santos : *is on foot, walking through the forests of (the country..not the city...though he is reasonably close to the city), his midnight colored locks brushed back from his face fall down the deep green cloak that nips at his heels, his black eyes casting glances from side to side as he walks*
[13-22:24] JOIN: Ryden has entered.
[13-22:25] f96be, Ryden: *Her arrow flies and cuts through the air like its a solid thing, screaming as it passes and burrows into the marked trunk of a tree*
[13-22:26] d7b7c, Castel Santos : ((woot for the other centaur! *thumbs up to Ryden*))
[13-22:27] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( yes! a solid thing! )
[13-22:27] f96be, Ryden: ((The air..not the arrow ))
[13-22:28] 94c70, Muna : *She moves ahead only a few more steps and then stops again. With a slight gesture of her hand another portal would open, this one visibly different than the other.* Through here. *Referring to the portal.*
[13-22:29] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *his men are camped in that very same forest. THe men wear the battle armor of hte NIsh Army, not the Navy. Thier Armor jagged and pointy, allowing it to become a weapon if neccecary. Kriel is in the command tent, Nikades had failed in helping them locate his brother... and his pacience was wearing thin. His clothes are what a Nish Admiral would wear, scarelt overcoat decorated with Nish medals here and there. A stark black raven caws on the perch not too far from Kriel.... HIs unnatural yellow eyes travel
[13-22:30] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : over to it.... the dim candlelight alluminating his paled skin. Results of being so close to Zin, as the priests had said it. It was characteristic in the Chagg'Ra children. Though Kerrek's pale skin and eyes began to change before he left, the man's skin returning to the dark tan characteristic of the Nish people. He sneers some, hand going to the ornate cutlass at hsi belt*
[13-22:30] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: His voice was quieted.. a bit self-conscious of the enclosed space, and how easily a normal tone would sound much louder in such locations..:: That was there..?.. :: In the darkness he had not previously seen this portal, and noted it's difference from the last.. he was skeptical of it having been there all along..::
[13-22:32] d7b7c, Castel Santos : *is continuging his brisk pace, his eyes still casting wary glances about in that Nish untrusting way, at his side of course rest a longsword and a shortsword, perfect for the Nish dual wielding fighting styles*
[13-22:33] f96be, Ryden: *With bow in hand, she cuts herself out of the shadowed pattern of the forest to trot across a short streach of cleared land to retrieve her arrow on the otherside. She moves like a being that has an abudence of confidence and an idea of prowess*
[13-22:35] 2d340, Umeane : ((bye all))
[13-22:36] ab564, Rav : laters
[13-22:37] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *his ears perk up as a man pokes his head into the tent, telling him that hte sentry has spotted someone coming along hte road. He smirks some and laughs loudly, a little distraction would be welcome, he moves over to teh chest next to his bed, opening it he takes out the other cutlass, attaching it to his belt. The cutlass was afterall, the preferred weapon of hte nish Navy. He moves out of the tent, night sky greeting his yellowish eyes. He turning to the man who brought him the message, looking to a gro
[13-22:38] 867a2, Aegnora : ((.. Hmm...))
[13-22:38] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : up of nish soldiers sitting and eating, the men and owmen of the group laughing as they try to outdo each other in tales of thier fierce battles. He barks orders at them in the native nish tounge, something akin to a warped version of spanish, the men and women jump toattention, he orders the messanger to take the men and women and surround the traveller. deciding to let his troops have a little lfun with one of these weak heathens*
[13-22:40] f96be, Ryden: *With hands worn rough from handeling a bow and manual labor, she removes the arrow from the tree's bark, having only to yank it once, but having to do it hard*
[13-22:42] d7b7c, Castel Santos : *continues along, as if blissfully unaware of the Nish's presence, though he thought he had seen a scout or two flicker past him on the edge of his peripheral sight, trying to hide a smirk from showing on his Nish'apur features...he had heard rumors of Nish soldiers on the continent...but this just confirms it...*
[13-22:42] 94c70, Muna : Does it matter? It's safe.
[13-22:43] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *the soldiers , about 10 of them block the path of Castel ahead, surrounding him, thier broadswords drawn, teh great eye of the Nish, symbol of it's power and it's god is on the breastplates of the armor, a smirk on the leader's face as he watches Castel* HALT!
[13-22:45] d7b7c, Castel Santos : *his thick black brow arches at this command and does halt, wearing full field plate himself, minus the helm of course..., his dark green cloak coming to settle around him, covering his arms and shoulders, barely giving hint to the weapons at his side, the longword, the shortsword and the fighting knife...which is just a bit shorter than the shortsword*
[13-22:45] 867a2, Aurora : ((Test))
[13-22:46] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Watches her a moment in silence, hesitant.. but he hadn't had any reason so far to be distrustful of her..:: Alright.. I suppose not.. :: He turned towards the portal, passing his emerald gaze over it once more, nearly holding his breath as he stepped through::
[13-22:48] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *the Men surround castel..... teh leader smirks some, speaking nish tot he others, Castel would understand , yet these soliders dunna know who he is* ~heh, look at this fool.... travelling alone through a forest like this....we should make anexample of him~ *the nish men and women chuckle as they near abit, he speaking in the broken common tounge* who are you?
[13-22:49] d7b7c, Castel Santos : *he gives a grandiose bow, his thick black Nish'apur hair dropping into his face with the bow and then back from his face as he straightens as he speaks with a flowing accent to his voice...though it isnt Nish...and it isnt natural to him they'd know that much* Castel Santos...
[13-22:54] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *the man chuckles, raising his longsword, the others do as well* well, Santos..... i'm afraid we canna let you through. Maybe if you beg for mercy *the nish army was natorious for being ruthlessly fierce in battle, as well as a tad sadistic when it came to killing the enemy.* go ahead, beg and we might let you live.....
[13-22:55] d7b7c, Castel Santos : You dont want to do that my friend...*that thick, but forced accent of his rolls forth from his tongue...and maybe to a trained ear, they might have caught a smidge of the Nish accent in his common...but it is doubtful...he looks at the leader, his lips parting ever so slightly in a smirk, showing off a faint line of ivory underneath*
[13-22:57] 94c70, Muna : *Waits for him to step through before following him through. She had transported him this way so that he would not know how to trace back to the real portal to the outside world. They would enter into an average sized room. The floor, walls and even the ceilling were made of the same sand colored stone. Along the walls were intermentantly placed torches for light. The only other things in this room were a desk with a chair and a bed that would look more like a simple bench.* This will be your new room.
[13-22:58] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *teh man gueastures and three of the warrios charge him, each slashing at him from a different direciton, all seem to move simultaniously the othere seven just standing by and watching, smirks on their faces, this heathen no doubt a goner*
[13-23:00] d7b7c, Castel Santos : *as they were charging his hands would drop to the hilts of his longsword and the shortsword, drawing them in a reverse style grip as he steps back to block the two side attacks and possibly slashing along their sides as he does so and to step back from the frontal attack all in one fluid motion*
[13-23:02] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *the men had undersetimated him, and the middle one stumbles as his sword catches air, he falling down ace first infront of castel... the one to his right snarls as arm is cut, blood seeping from underneath his battle armor, the woman to his left growls feral like at him, puhsing off his sowrd to slash at him again, the seven still watching*
[13-23:04] d7b7c, Castel Santos : *steps foward to bring his booted foot hard upon the man's head who is face down in front of him as he flips his left hand, the hand holding the shortsword to a normal grip and blocks her slash, but pivots on his right foot to bring the blade of his longsword to stab her in the stomach*
[13-23:05] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He blinked at the barren appearance to the room.. definitely going for a simple style here.. he arched a thin brow at the choice of furniture, wondering why they were here anyway.... his eyes widened as he turned to face her:: What?! ::shakes his head, and even his hands in panicked gesture:: No, no, no.. I can't stay here until then. I can play for you but I have other things that must be done, my apologies..
[13-23:07] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *the woman snarls as she grabs the blade in her stomach, she pulling herself on it, her face getting close to castel's a look of hate on it... the wounded man seems to have backed off..... as the man on the ground is knocked out from teh boot to his head, one of the seven running off back twords the camp**meanwhile Kriel pets teh Raven that is perched on his arm, smirking abit at how the thing seems to be his kindrid spirit.... it cawing a moment*
[13-23:07] 94c70, Muna : *Chuckles* Those things are of no importance.
[13-23:08] d7b7c, Castel Santos : *as the woman is inching herself closer to him along his longsword blade he would let go of it, leaving it imbedded within her stomach to then spin around with his shortsword in a slash aimed at her throat to at least cut the throat open, if not lop her head off*
[13-23:09] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He visibly flinched as his expression changed, looking at her in disbelief:: How could you know any of that, we've just met... :: He shook his head again, touching a pallid hand to his chest:: I have a family to take care of...
[13-23:14] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *the woman falls limp and backwards as the sword is lodged in her stomach..... her head falling off ot hte side as four more step up, each carrying a longsowrd, they slashing at him, carefull and ohn their guard now, apporaching him from four different direcitons**meanwhile hte one that left finally makes it to camp...word coming to Kriel... he steps out of his tent, raven perched on his arm as he screams out obscenities at how careless the army is. He ordering the two black knight like guards to follow him
[13-23:15] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : they part of hte elite Nish royal guard, as well as summoning five men with high powered Nish Crossbows. he marching off to assess the situation himself, ddamning the arrogance of the army*
[13-23:15] JOIN: Aerin has entered.
[13-23:15] 26530, Aerin : ((*peeks and pokes new.*))
[13-23:16] 94c70, Muna : *Smirks faintly as she watches him.* I don't have to know anything about you to know that. I know all I need.
[13-23:16] d7b7c, Castel Santos : *rolls to the side of an attack, yanking his longsword blade from the woman's stomach as she falls as he then moves to intercept two of the incoming blades, hopefully positioning himself to have the two people he blocked between those he did not block*
[13-23:21] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *they stop short of cleaving into thier comrades...... tehy about toattackagain as a loud command is yeld to them from the shadows.....the men back away from castel..... five men holding crossbows aprroach... telling him if he moves he is dead. then, seeming to peel away form hte shadows kriel is htere..... it was some time since he has seen his brother, he only 22 years old, while his brother is 27. the tattoo on his eyes still there from so long ago... a raven clinging to his arm, cawing loudly at castel.
[13-23:21] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : he not noticing his brother right off hte bat*
[13-23:23] d7b7c, Castel Santos : *is still on guard, hearing the crossbows click with being aimed at him and such, he glances around at each of the crossbowmen before turning his black eyed gaze to Kriel, and a faint smirk touches his lips, showing the brieftest hint of ivory teeth* You would be the leader I assume...*said with his false accent*
[13-23:24] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I can't stay here... :: Lightly jerks on of his shoulders back, the heat beginning to bother him.. :: I don't mind performing but really until then, I have things that must be done..
[13-23:26] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : you would be the man that managed to kill off these fools *gestures to the men, who look ashamed.... as if Kriel's words hurt them.... two Cutalsses sheathed at his belt.... he stroking the bird on his arm.... the men wtih the crossbows still have htem aimed at him* drop your weapons... and i give you my word you shall not be harmed..... *he looks to the soldiers, snarling as he speaks hte native nish tounge to htem*~if he complies, do not touch him.....~ *knowing the men would want to get revenge for thier
[13-23:26] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : dead comrades*
[13-23:27] 94c70, Muna : *Seemingly stares at him for a long time.* You will stay here until I say otherwise. This, I will teach you if I must.
[13-23:27] d7b7c, Castel Santos : *gives his blades an almost telltale flick, splattering the remaining soldiers with their comrades's blood before flipping the swords in his hands and sheathing them, the metal scraping against the leather, singing out their triumph over those foolish Nish soldiers who had challenged him*
[13-23:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-23:31] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *the men seem to growl, already more soldiers have come up behind him..... he is totally outnumbered....and surrounded.... the Prince's eyes narrow a moment* i said....drop your weapons, not sheath them...... *his voice carrying a darker note.... yet it would be similar to a voice Castel knew, long ago*
[13-23:33] d7b7c, Castel Santos : *he then reaches to his swordbelt and undoes it, removing the swords and the fighting knife from his person* Can not a man of honor tend to his blades first? *holds them out at an arms length and then drops the belt to the ground*
[13-23:36] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he smirks a moment, gesturing for two men to get close, they snatch up the weapons and scurry away.... two female warriors taking him roughly by the shoulders* you are a prisoner of hte Nis----*He seems to stop amoment.... taking a few steps closer..... eyes widening abit as he stares at castel* Kerreck? *his voice sounding as if in disbelief*
[13-23:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : And what authority do you have over me? :: stares at her in disbelief at such nerve..:: Why do I have to stay here?
[13-23:38] d7b7c, Castel Santos : *the smirk that touches his face would grow slightly, at the recognition of his younger brother* Kriel....*said if the man were an ant to be crushed under his boot...the same tone he's always held with his younger sibling*
[13-23:39] 94c70, Muna : I have every bit of authority over you now, ever since you entered the city last night I had authority.
[13-23:41] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I've been in that city for some time now.. if you were in such a position I would have seen you before..
[13-23:41] 33af2, Will-o'-the-wisp: *he narrows his eyes* traitor..... *he had felt personally betrayed when Kerreck left, he had grown closer to his brother durning that time...... but it seems kriel has lapsed into the evil that thier father had brought on hte nish.... his skin looking unnatural..... muscles defined by a certain dark beauty, Teh Nish Admiral's garb fitting him nicely, The pendant of the Scarlet Fleet hanging from his neck, a sign that he has assumed ocmmand one of the mightiest nish fleets*
[13-23:42] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he narrows his eyes* traitor..... *he had felt personally betrayed when Kerreck left, he had grown closer to his brother durning that time...... but it seems kriel has lapsed into the evil that thier father had brought on hte nish.... his skin looking unnatural..... muscles defined by a certain dark beauty, Teh Nish Admiral's garb fitting him nicely, The pendant of the Scarlet Fleet hanging from his neck, a sign that he has assumed ocmmand one of the mightiest nish Fleets*
[13-23:43] 94c70, Muna : How do you know this? *She takes a step closer to him.*
[13-23:43] d7b7c, Castel Santos : So quick to step into my *says this last word derisvely at seeing the pendant of the Scarlet Fleet around his neck, and noting the unnatural flair to his features...but then again that was common amongst their family*
[13-23:50] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Doesn't seem to understand her question.. common not being his native tongue as it were..:: I've traveled about the city enough, I would have seen you by now..
[13-23:52] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : Why did you turn against us.... your family, your god. *he snarls at him.... angerr seething up inside him* why did you leave so abruptly.... you are the hier to the throne.... .you have so much there, and nothing amung these heathens..... *the men around him seeming to have backed off, sensing his anger*
[13-23:56] d7b7c, Castel Santos : Your God....not mine..*snaps back with equal if not surpassing anger* I did not turn against you so much as you...and Father turned your backs against me...and these...heathens as you call them...are far more worth my protection than you...dear brother *he would have been reknown amongst palace goers for his icy rages*
[13-23:57] 94c70, Muna : Perhaps I wished to not be seen.
[14-00:01] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : He is in you as much as he is in, you cannot run from your destiny.... *his face controted into a dark look..... the two soldiers still holding him, the archers coming to kriel's sides, arrows pointed at him at point blank range* Zin has finally appeared to us, spoken to our father...... *he smirks some* The seas will run red with teh blood of the heathens..... and the great eyes shall rule all... *laughs sadistically, Zin's tentacles already in his mind.... without his brother he was weak
[14-00:01] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : against the will of the dark god*
[14-00:02] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: sighs. glancing over the room once more in silence..:: then how long must I stay?
[14-00:05] 94c70, Muna : Until your usefulness is over.
[14-00:06] d7b7c, Castel Santos : I am sorry to see you in such a pathetic state, Kriel...*eyes the archers coming to his brother's side and gives them each a glance that would freeze molten lava where it stood* have chosen to be the...puppet of Zin...and I will not bend myself before any God who sanctions wholesale slaughter of children...
[14-00:09] JOIN: Glim has entered.
[14-00:09] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : We are chosen... brother *a hand patting his brother's cheek... small smile on his face* its in your blood, the will of our god..... you cannot fight it forever. Zin chose our family to lead the Nish to a great new begining. *Laughs again, the raven on his other arm cawing loudly and angrily at Kerreck* Father wants you back, dear brother...... that is why i am here
[14-00:09] a1c74, Glim : (just have to make an appearence here)
[14-00:11] d7b7c, Castel Santos : *withdraws from his younger brother's touch upon his face, his black eyes staring darkly into Kriels as he speaks* It does not have to be so, Kriel. We can lead Nish'apur to a golden age by ourselves...not with the scraps the table of Zin....
[14-00:11] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: scratches at one of his pointed ears absently, looking a little confused and terribly skeptical:: 'Usefulness'?.. form what i hear i'm good for nothing/
[14-00:13] a1c74, Glim : (well, i have to be awake in 6 hours so good night)
[14-00:14] EXIT: Glim has left the chat ( 1:13am, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-00:15] 94c70, Muna : Then hope for your sake they are wrong.
[14-00:17] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : foolish brother... he smirks, gesturing the men begin to carry him along as they head back twords the camp* Our navy was at what.....700 ships when you left? *he chuckles darkly* its over 7,000 strong now..... Zin has made our peoiple strong, strong and wealthy.... not teo mention teh most powerfull naval force on the planet.... *he loks back at him* We are about to enter the golden age..... brother, besides... no one can oppose the will of our god......Zin knows and sees all.....
[14-00:18] d7b7c, Castel Santos : There are those who do...I know..I have seen them. *remains silent on what happens to them though..eheheh*
[14-00:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: sets his jaw firmly, saying nothing.. there was an issue of him and his ethics, where they existed anyway.. he needed to return to the city, but he would not strike a woman to do so.. to do almost anything. ::
[14-00:26] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : feh... *sneers, his raven cawing loudly as he does so* fools, no doubt dead because of thier sacrielig. *They enter the camp.... THe nish look well armed, thier wepaons made for war, men trained for it.... he moves into the command tent, motioning for his brother to be put in there with him, the two black knights standing guard on the outside* Kerreck, you shall rejoin you people..... and lead the nish to glory and power after father. You will be entrusted with the mark of Zin, and the powers granted to the
[14-00:27] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : king *forgot to mention he was stripped of his armor, they having done that before putting him in teh tent with kriel*
[14-00:27] 94c70, Muna : This is your place now.
[14-00:28] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : What am I supposed to do. :: folds his slender arms over his chest, not pleased, but not entirely sure of how to get out of it.. not yet anyway..::
[14-00:32] e663b, Roki: <_< >_>
[14-00:33] d7b7c, Castel Santos : I will not. *says this defiantly, much like any man of faith would when faced with this inquisition* and your efforts in making me do so will be in
[14-00:36] 94c70, Muna : In due time. First loyalty must be ensured. *Said almost as if she were saying it to herself rather than to him.*
[14-00:43] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *the bird fly form his arm, landing onto the perch near his desk* oh you right brohter, i cannot..... at all force you to serve ZIn...but father will convince you......**said with a dark glee in his eyes* Prince, KErreck
[14-00:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He sighed quietly, irritated by the light in the room.. it wasn't natural, and he wasn't much of an indoorsman..:: And how do you propose that will happen..
[14-00:45] d7b7c, Castel Santos : I have left that name behind when I left. My name, is now Castel Santos...*defiantly his eyes narrowing in black anger at his younger brother...could snap his neck...but would only die in the process....and where would that leave him...dead...*
[14-00:47] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *weould kill his brother if he was ordered to by his father or his god... a small smile on his face* brother..... you are not one of these heathens.... you are a chosen one
[14-00:49] d7b7c, Castel Santos : and I have chosen to lay that aside and serve a far nobler purpose...
[14-00:52] 94c70, Muna : It is simple really. We can cooperate, or we cannot. If you cannot cooperate, then I may have to consider bringing your family here. *grins slightly.*
[14-00:54] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : And, what cauz wouold that be, my dear brother?
[14-00:56] d7b7c, Castel Santos : Life....freedom...
[14-00:58] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : That won't be necessary.. :: reviews the furniture one more time.. seemed a little more acceptable everytime he stopped to look at it.. well.. maybe not the 'bed'..but.. he'd have to make do::
[14-01:01] 94c70, Muna : Good... then we are at an understanding.
[14-01:03] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[14-01:03] 33af2, Kriel Chagg'Ra : *he laughs maniacally* Brother... you are wrong... life and freedom are illusions created by false gods..... we are all slaves to Zin....and he rewards the faithfull with power.....
[14-01:04] d7b7c, Castel Santos : Until he no longer has use for you...and then he will cast you aside like some child's playithing...
[14-01:05] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Yes.. :: steps closer to the wall, lightly running his fingertips over it..::
[14-01:05] 92794, Squirrel : *Was out with friends the whole night....may have missed all the RP...*
[14-01:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( you did eehhhhh screw you and having a life nyeeehhhh )
[14-01:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hehe j/k )
[14-01:08] 92794, Squirrel : *Actually got to have his first alcolholic drink tonight, Roman Coke...only it was wussified, but still got alcolhol*
[14-01:08] 94c70, Z: *blinks at Squirrel.*
[14-01:10] 92794, Squirrel : Actually it was a shot and then one whole coke then just a wee bit of a second. Was nice, got all relaxed and stuff. My friends that were with me got very tipsy though, on ther verge of drunk
[14-01:10] ab564, Rav : Hiya Squirrel!! *pounces Squirrel.*
[14-01:10] 94c70, Muna : *The texture of the stone wall would be smooth.* Good then. Do feel free to work on your songs.
[14-01:10] 92794, Squirrel : *pounced*
[14-01:14] JOIN: D has entered.
[14-01:14] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : URUK-HAI FOLLOWERS!
[14-01:14] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : Get it right, bloody admins.
[14-01:14] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ...... )
[14-01:15] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : We demand respect!
[14-01:15] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : Thats an insult.
[14-01:15] BAN: The Palladia Mors-Dragon has eaten 78e72 and chews for 2 swearing at the admins seconds.
[14-01:15] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Heh.. yeah.. ::lifts his head slightly, glancing across the room at the desk and chair.. what else was there for him to do, besides drive himself mad..::
[14-01:15] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : PMS'ing wanna-be male pig, please.
[14-01:15] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : Oops...*should really take his finger off the SMITE button*
[14-01:16] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : just cause we owned your ass.
[14-01:17] 92794, Squirrel : *Ahem* *Corrects Roman Coke to Rum and Coke*
[14-01:17] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : Do you want another bizznatch? *hovers fist over SMITE button*
[14-01:18] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : Yes sir.
[14-01:18] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : You bes' Reccanize!
[14-01:19] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : Hecka no.
[14-01:20] 94c70, Muna : *On the desk would conveniently be the supplies by which to write with, but nothing more. She then silently turns and walks towards the door.*
[14-01:20] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : *fist hovers closer to SMITE button* What was that foo?
[14-01:20] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : plz change orc followers to Uruk-Hai followers. plz. kthx. Or i will act n00bish fo' longer...
[14-01:22] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : *chants.* Uruk-hai. Uruk-hai. Uruk-hai.
[14-01:24] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : oh, give me a smite already!
[14-01:24] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : ^_^
[14-01:24] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( your icon looks like a cross betwene a british child and an alien)
[14-01:24] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : I'M BRITISH!
[14-01:24] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : Your saying I'm UGLY?!
[14-01:24] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry :
[14-01:25] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( well then I guess it suits you. Where's the mothership )
[14-01:25] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : well your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.
[14-01:25] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : so there. *raspberries.*
[14-01:26] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( very original )
[14-01:27] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : Go away or I shall taunt you a second time-uh! *haughty French accent*
[14-01:28] EXIT: Urukhai Infantry has left the chat ( "You tit! I soiled my armour I was so scared." ).
[14-01:30] 94c70, Artanis : *Having stayed long enough, likely too long, she prepares to head out again. There had been little interaction from the goblins since she had been brought to their village and there seemed to be no sign that there would be. After mounting up, she nudges the horse in its sides and begins forward.*
[14-01:38] 94c70, Z: *killed the chat**cries*
[14-01:38] 92794, Squirrel : ...
[14-01:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::hugs Z:: )
[14-01:38] 92794, Squirrel : *brings comfort food*
[14-01:42] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::choked on a cookie:: wah x.x; )
[14-01:51] e663b, Roki:
[14-01:53] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( dunno cant really do much with adrian now. hes stuck ^^; )
[14-01:54] 94c70, Z: all the RP seems to have kinda died.
[14-01:55] 92794, Squirrel : Yup
[14-01:57] 92794, Squirrel : Yeah, alcolhol has been pretty much wiped from my system, but that's okay. I
[14-01:57] 92794, Squirrel : am relaxed
[14-01:57] NICK: AdrianGoldenmoon changed nick to AnimatedPoison.
[14-01:57] dfe22, AnimatedPoison : yey. my universal name.
[14-01:59] 92794, Lady Eilsaadi : *Does stuff in the Underdark...yes.....stuff*
[14-02:00] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: whats the thing hanging by her face o_o;;;
[14-02:01] 92794, Lady Eilsaadi : *Her hair?*
[14-02:03] 92794, Panian Urthadar : *Does stuff too*
[14-02:03] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: I guess the transition from the really golden..ish.. color makes it less obvious
[14-02:03] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: oo that scared me. ::stared at by own eyes::
[14-02:06] 92794, Arabella Sook : *Could use this icon since it would describe her dancing and all that, can sing too*
[14-02:08] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[14-02:08] 92794, Squirrel : Hmmm, was thinking about staying up...hmmm
[14-02:08] 94c70, Z: Ah ha there's a cookie
[14-02:08] 92794, Squirrel : Yes...should go to bed
[14-02:09] 5d609, Cookie Monster:
[14-02:09] 92794, Squirrel : ....*eyes bed* Should....yup
[14-02:09] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: saw arabella's pic somewher eon some quiz a few days ago
[14-02:10] 92794, Squirrel : Yeah...I'm going. Night all
[14-02:10] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 3:10am, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-02:11] 94c70, Z: *pokes Cookie*
[14-02:16] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: hm
[14-02:18] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *body crumbles inward, revealing the recipiant of the poke was simply Cookie's false skin, the real cookie is lurking somewhere in the chat*
[14-02:18] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: And that's the way the cookie crumbles. ::rimshot::
[14-02:18] 94c70, Z:
[14-02:18] 94c70, Z: bad boo
[14-02:20] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: hehehe
[14-02:21] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *snatches Z, drags into the darkness and devours*
[14-02:27] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: hmm.
[14-02:27] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: its veruh blue in here ^^
[14-02:30] 94c70, Z: *gets eaten*
[14-02:31] 94c70, Z: Cookie, I was thinking you weren't coming on... so if Jerren was going to have anything to say to Artanis, he'd better catch her before she leaves the village
[14-02:31] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: aw now Ill never get adrian back.
[14-02:33] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: I mean.. poor Z
[14-02:34] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: ::cough::
[14-02:34] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *snags and devours the animated poison next*
[14-02:34] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: :: is poisonous ::
[14-02:34] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Sorry about that. I'll try to RP tomarow night. I might be busy though. I got a V-day date. ;P
[14-02:34] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: :: in a very.. lively.. way ::
[14-02:34] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: Gag me with a spoon.
[14-02:35] JOIN: Kroger has entered.
[14-02:36] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *waves*
[14-02:36] e6aab, Kroger: ((sup all))
[14-02:36] 94c70, Z: Cookie, it's no problem, though.... I already told Liz I'd run into her character this weekend, so... maybe another time.
[14-02:37] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: hi kroeger ^^
[14-02:37] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: er. kroger..
[14-02:37] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Okay. Don't worry about it. We're all going to be mustering forces up to fight Khalek.
[14-02:37] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: meh.. ::not interested in battling..::
[14-02:37] e6aab, Kroger: ::Kroger meanders through the trees, munching on some hard cheese, wondering how much farther it would be until I found the hidden site the bard and his woman had erected somewhere out here::
[14-02:38] e6aab, Kroger: ((yo P-P-P-Poison1
[14-02:38] e6aab, Kroger: ))
[14-02:38] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: wah? ^^
[14-02:38] 94c70, Z: *will probably not worry about Khalek*
[14-02:38] e6aab, Kroger: ((just saying "Yo"))
[14-02:39] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: Adrian got stoled.
[14-02:39] 5d609, Cookie Monster: aww. *needs as many people as he can get to fight the orcish overhorde*
[14-02:39] e6aab, Kroger: ((To where??))
[14-02:39] e6aab, Kroger: ((I'll fight the ORcish horde!))
[14-02:40] 94c70, Z: from what I understand, Arutha has that pretty much handled.
[14-02:40] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Fight alongside goblins?
[14-02:40] e6aab, Kroger: ((ewwwww.... d'oh!))
[14-02:40] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: hehe
[14-02:41] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: Muna kidnapped him
[14-02:41] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Muna kidnapped Arutha?
[14-02:41] e6aab, Kroger: ((damnit!... homework assignment is to catch up on the logs this morning))
[14-02:42] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: no, Adrian
[14-02:42] 94c70, Z: .... no.... steve wouldn't let that happen.
[14-02:43] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: Steve, a clue, a clue!
[14-02:45] e6aab, Kroger: ::Having traveled for two days in the forest, he'd figured he'd have found something by now, but that was not the case. He had already gone through a parcel of cheese he had gotten for his acquaintances and did not feel up to continuing the journey::
[14-02:46] 5d609, Cookie Monster: what forest is Kroger in and whats he lookin for?
[14-02:47] e6aab, Kroger: ((Kroger has no idea what he shoudl be looking for, but I think it's in the forest right outside the town Trendlekim is located))
[14-02:48] e6aab, Kroger: ((he was trying to find some wall that Adrian put up and called a home, heheheh))
[14-02:48] e6aab, Kroger: ((J/P!!))
[14-02:48] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: heyyy.. he smade progress since then
[14-02:48] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: but he wont for a while now I guess
[14-02:49] e6aab, Kroger: ::stopping to lean against a tree, he wraps up the half-eaten block of cheese and stuffs it inside a large sack:: One would think those two would find something close to town!
[14-02:51] e6aab, Kroger: ::he decided to sit down and rest while he got his bearings, unstrapping his axe from his back and removing the broadsword from his waist to make himself comfortable:: Leave it to the elves to get lost in a forest...
[14-02:51] NICK: AnimatedPoison changed nick to Dri.
[14-02:52] dfe22, Dri: ( test )
[14-02:55] dfe22, Dri: :: Dri sneaks out of the bunks quietly, wandering about outside aimlessly.. a little restless::
[14-02:56] e6aab, Kroger: ((oooo, I've seen that before... just can're recall where))
[14-02:56] e6aab, Kroger: ((test))
[14-02:57] dfe22, Dri: ( Gaia )
[14-02:57] 5d609, Cookie Monster: Nice pic dude.
[14-02:57] dfe22, Dri: ( er.. here? hehe )
[14-02:58] e6aab, Kroger: ((*cackles* My Axe glows with an AWESOME POWER!!))
[14-02:58] dfe22, Dri: ( aw damn wrong one. )
[14-02:58] e6aab, Kroger: ((oh YA, Gaia... wow, talk about ancient history))
[14-02:58] e6aab, Kroger: (( I mean, I haven't been there in ages))
[14-02:59] e6aab, Kroger: ((thanks Cooki-mon))
[14-02:59] dfe22, Dri: :: Folds her petite arms to help deter the cold from getting to her as she meandered outdoors... feeling a little more than lost in this village::
[14-02:59] dfe22, Dri: ( yeah well Im in an RP there so.. Im stuck )
[14-03:00] dfe22, Dri: (and of course its for Camille so.. ehh. )
[14-03:00] e6aab, Kroger: ((they rp there? ... I'm all out of whack))
[14-03:01] e6aab, Kroger: ((da hell??? I think the pic just flashed me))
[14-03:01] dfe22, Dri: ( uh yah )
[14-03:01] 5d609, Cookie Monster: ((night!))
[14-03:01] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 4:01am, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-03:02] e6aab, Kroger: ((later man))
[14-03:02] dfe22, Dri: :: Creeps to the edge of town... looking forlornly into the forest.. maybe she wasn't going about this the right way.. and she definitely didn't want to fight monsters... shivers just thinking about it, and whimpers aloud::
[14-03:02] e6aab, Kroger: ((haha, looks cool. I never really developed my Gaia avatar))
[14-03:04] e6aab, Kroger: ::Kroger can't seem to make himself comfortable on the floor as he'd like, figuring he should start finding his way back::
[14-03:05] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[14-03:06] e6aab, Kroger: :icking up his things and making his way back to the town he figures that perhaps he's missed either Averey or Adrian on one of his many trips this way. He mutters to himself:: I should probably just stay put in town. To hear Adrian talk about it, he'd never come back there tho...
[14-03:06] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Stares blankly at the paper on the simple wooden desk.. really having no idea what he should be writing about.. ::
[14-03:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-03:09] 94c70, Muna : *Has not told him yet for reasons only known to her. He will know when the time is right.*
[14-03:10] dfe22, Dri: :: Sits down on the cold grass, making crying noises.. but wasn't really loud enough to be heard much firther into the forest around the goblin village.. and definitely not by other kitsune::
[14-03:10] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::always a drag when Dri has to write bc it means *I* have to.. )
[14-03:11] e6aab, Kroger: ((haha))
[14-03:13] e6aab, Kroger: ::The soldier continued to move to what he believed to be the way back to town, but after what seemed like an hour to him, he could no longer be sure. He took out a glow stick, having relied on the light of the stars for too long to guide his way back:: I can't be lost... ::he chuckled to himself:: ... wouldn't be the first time.
[14-03:14] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Pulls out the chair, and sits.. not having slept at all yet.. but he didn't really feel like he could.. he hadn't been sleeping well for days, and this certainly was no help..:: Of all things.. what would anyone want with a bard.. :: he knitted his brow thoughtfully, staring at the blank paper, although it would give him no better answer than the dead air around him::
[14-03:22] dfe22, Dri: :: After a little moping.. she considered if what she was doing should be.. she owed Jerren.. or at least she thought she did.. but.. this didn't feel right.. it was scary ::
[14-03:24] e6aab, Kroger: ::In the distance of the quiet night, he picked up the crackle of a dying fire out in the wilderness. Wondering what it could be he started his way towards it. What he did not like was a slight change in odor that he picked up in the air::
[14-03:29] e6aab, Kroger: ::he stopped dead in his tracks, hearing a snore coming from above in a tree. Dousing the low light of the glow torch, he hunched down and waited for his eyes to adjust to the star light. When they did, he was not exactly happy. From the looks of things, he had stumbled into a goblin camp::
[14-03:33] e6aab, Kroger: ::Curiousity getting the better of him, he sidestepped around the tree with the snoring sentry and moved around the camp, to take stock of what he could. There was still movement within the camp, and he was sure his Luck could just as easily turn for the worst. With a mumbled prayer to Tymora and one to Beshaba, Goddesses of Luck and Misfortune, respectively, he creeped along as silent as possible::
[14-03:34] dfe22, Dri: ( ::in their villagecoughcough:: ) :ri got to her feet and skittered back towards the bunks, creeping around the snoozing goblins to Jerren's nook... she pulled her jingling slippers from her feet and put them on the edge of his bed, whispering:: Dri find Jerr'n again. 'Kay? ::She stood on the tip-toes of her stockinged feet, trying to reach, and kissed his cheek.. then crept quietly back outside::
[14-03:34] e6aab, Kroger: [a]
[14-03:42] e6aab, Kroger: ::many of the inhabitants of this small community were laid out on the floor, sleeping happily, no doubt the eve of some grand feast. Kroger had seen it before and he wondered what this may portend. Goblins were known to be a rowdy bunch when it came to their festivities. But they were very low in the food chain of Evil Scum::
[14-03:42] e6aab, Kroger: (())
[14-03:43] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ::Sighs to himself, picking up the quill on the desk, holding in his porcelian white hand as if to write.. but only looks at it in silence::
[14-03:43] e6aab, Kroger: ::While inroads had been made by some, he had killed a few in his more recent campaigns and knew them to be just another stumbling block in the advancement of Mankind.::
[14-03:45] dfe22, Dri: :: The ground was cold beneath her feet but she was less worried about being comfortable at the moment as she slipped away, looking for the larger knife that was her new sword.. needing it now that she had lost her letter opener..peeks around the dining hut for it::
[14-03:51] e6aab, Kroger: ::the soldier pulled out the half-eaten block of cheese from his large sack, breaking off a piece and chewing it slowly, making out one particularly large mud dome. From his new spot, there seemed to be many younglings about, littering the floor, the sight of them rolling in the dirt reacting to whatever demons haunted their dreams bringing a smirk to his lips. He broke off a chunk of cheese and putting it to his mouth chewed on it slowly, considering the scene from a tactical point of view::
[14-03:55] dfe22, Dri: Eee! :: Spies the knife and runs for it, yanking it up with all the strength she could muster from the ground, ahlf-carrying, half-dragging it as she looked for a way to leave..::
[14-03:57] e6aab, Kroger: ::As he sat there, thoughts of his latest battle resurfaced to his mind. The creature he had faced off against was a demon of some sort, it's body hideously grotesque. It had a mind, but all such demonic beings he had heard about did. All he knew was that it had decended upon him and his companion (at the time, a short drow by the name of Mariasha) and attempted to rip them limb from limb. He mused to himself:: I suppose there is a greater evil out there than these goblins..
[14-03:59] e6aab, Kroger: ::he looked upon their sleeping forms, there in the starlight, and realized a demon coming across these would be no match, destroying this small community in less time and more efficiently than any human army. He pitied them, somewhat:: ... a Greater Evil indeed...
[14-03:59] dfe22, Dri: :: Freezes, hearing a strangers voice, her small hands clasping the weapon tightly.. but the weight pulled her a little, not all that heavy herself, and she tripped and fell, the knife clanging to the ground beside her::
[14-04:00] e6aab, Kroger: ::his eyes shifted, wondering if Beshaba had decided to test his luck. He swallowed the morsel of cheese still in his mouth and turned his head to the sound of metal striking stone and hard earth::
[14-04:04] e6aab, Kroger: ::something small fussed with something a few feet away. Not having a dagger at hand, he picked up a fist sized stone to either hurl or knock out the creature. Staying low and moving slightly to a tree behind him, he held his breath as he looked to find a way closer to his opponent. He could not stand to have it alert the whole camp to his presence::
[14-04:05] e6aab, Kroger: ::moving with practiced stealth and as quickly as he dared, he approached the spot where he thought it had shuffled to, using the trees to keep him out of sight of any in the camp as well as looking up into the trees for sentries::
[14-04:08] dfe22, Dri: ( did he throw it or does he still have it )
[14-04:08] e6aab, Kroger: ((still has it, doesn't want to throw it and make more noise, he's just moving with it.))
[14-04:09] e6aab, Kroger: ::He hefts the stone up in a cocked position, to either bring down or throw as he moves around the tree and grabs at the cretin with his free hand::
[14-04:09] dfe22, Dri: :: Grunts as she gets to her feet, glancing about worriedly.. scratching at her fuzzy ear, she attempted again to get the knife in a good position to carry it with her::
[14-04:10] dfe22, Dri: :: Before she has a chance to touch the knife, she's lifted up, and let's out a horrible screech:: WAAH!
[14-04:11] e6aab, Kroger: ::Kroger wraps his arm around the creatures mouth stifling the scream as best he could. The damage had been done tho, as he could not hear the snoring of the nearby sentry anymore::
[14-04:13] dfe22, Dri: :: Her ears flattened back, her tail involuntarily curling between her legs, cringing.. wishing she hadn't left the bunks::
[14-04:17] JOIN: Kroger has entered.
[14-04:17] e6aab, Kroger: ::He cursed himself for not out right attacking this thing, but he was now more perturbed at how hairy it was. He could not very well take the time to look at it thoroughly, but this did not seem like a normal goblin::
[14-04:19] e6aab, Kroger: ::as a tail fought to get free of him, he dropped the rock to the ground. Turning it, he tried to get a look at the filthy thing, clamping it's mouth with his hand::
[14-04:22] e6aab, Kroger: ::The round nose, ears and tail gave it away though:: You! You were in front of the Glimmering Inn, calling up to the stranger in the jail cell...
[14-04:23] dfe22, Dri: :: peeks up at him, her large green eyes glassy with tears.. hanging shamefully::
[14-04:25] e6aab, Kroger: ... what are you doing here???
[14-04:26] e6aab, Kroger: ::Before he could get much else out a club cracks the soldier in the back of the head, forcing him to release his grip on her as he twisted and fell to the floor with a thud and a groan::
[14-04:28] e6aab, Kroger: ::a goblin sentry rubs at his eyes, then smiles grimly at Dri:: Hah! He tink me sleep on job! ::the goblin calls out to his fellows who eventually show up to carry the human into the encampment::
[14-04:30] dfe22, Dri: :: drops the ground with a squeak as he clunks over.. glances at the goblin, surprised.. and looks back to the knife..:: Stay.. ::getting back up, she dusted off, and headed back for the bunks.. creeping quietly back into Jerren's chambers, and with some trouble, squeezed into his bed beside him.. having to elbow her way in some as he slept soundly::
[14-04:32] EXIT: Kroger has left the chat ( 5:28am, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-04:33] EXIT: Dri has left the chat ( 5:30am, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-04:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-05:08] JOIN: Dri has entered.
[14-05:09] MSG: Dri sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[14-05:09] EXIT: Dri has left the chat ( 6:09am, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-08:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-08:20] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:20am, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-08:20] JOIN: Hannah Mayhem has entered.
[14-08:20] 6d5cf, Hannah Mayhem: Hm..
[14-09:04] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[14-09:08] EXIT: Lafiel has left the chat ( 10:07am, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-09:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-09:49] JOIN: Arutha Duthain has entered.
[14-09:49] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[14-09:50] d3a2d, Mierka: *walks slowly along some side street, not really paying attention to her surroundings*
[14-09:52] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *she would be in Quinell, the capitol of the High Elves, not too far away from her, keeping a discreet distance would be the overthrown King of Krondor himself, his clothing is that of an elven noble, though he himself is human, his hair pulled back from his newly scored face with an ornate clasp*
[14-09:55] d3a2d, Mierka: *eyes the trees outside of the city, wanting to plunge a dagger into every single couple she sees. Apparently today is a holiday celebrating love. She laughs bitterly*
[14-09:58] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *he however has a more sad countenance about him, considering the day...a faint smile touching upon his scored face at the thought of the person he would have been more than happy to spend this day with...but he shakes himself from such revelrie*
[14-09:59] d3a2d, Mierka: *heads for the city gates, well aware she's being followed and confident in being able to lose her. She did grow up on the streets, after all*
[14-10:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-10:00] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *he has a sharp eye about himself so he doesnt loose track of her for more than a moment or two before inceasing his step to a brisk pace to overtake her*
[14-10:01] d3a2d, Mierka: *reaches the gate and starts running*
[14-10:02] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *runs after her, his longer stride giving him an advantage as he would over take her and grap her as lightly as he could about the shoulders to stop her*
[14-10:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-10:06] d3a2d, Mierka: *turns on him, her green eyes blazing. There would be a small but wicked looking dagger aimed at his throat* Let go.
[14-10:08] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *his soulful brown eyes lock upon her green ones, as he releases her, but then leans back and grabs her wrist, turning it painfully to the left, hopefully to get her to let go of said dagger* You are not leaving the city, Miss Mierka...least of all not without me.
[14-10:09] d3a2d, Mierka: *grits her teeth with pain but does'nt drop her dagger* I'll do as I wish.
[14-10:11] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : Within city limits. But Eri asked me to watch over you and so I is my will against yours, dear Lady...and trust will lose.
[14-10:13] d3a2d, Mierka: You're a fool. Let me go.
[14-10:21] d3a2d, Mierka: ***Pause***
[14-10:21] EXIT: Mierka has left the chat ( 11:21am, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-10:25] JOIN: D has entered.
[14-10:26] 78e72, Urukhai Infantry : Na na na na , na na na na, na na na na, gooooooooodbye...
[14-11:09] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[14-11:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-11:10] d3a2d, Liz: Hello
[14-11:14] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 12:10pm, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-12:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-12:50] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[14-12:57] d3a2d, Liz: *lurks*
[14-12:59] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[14-12:59] 92794, Squirrel : *lurks wit Liz*
[14-13:01] d3a2d, Liz: Do you know who plays Faltren?
[14-13:01] 92794, Squirrel : No idea
[14-13:01] d3a2d, Liz: Bah
[14-13:01] 92794, Squirrel : Well I do have a theory, but I'm not able to back it up
[14-13:02] d3a2d, Liz: Ahhh..
[14-13:02] 92794, Squirrel : So it would be a hypothesis
[14-13:02] 92794, Squirrel : Anyways....let me check something really quick
[14-13:02] d3a2d, Liz: ok
[14-13:04] 92794, Squirrel : Nope, not the same ID addy so not the same person. Hypothesis disproved, onto randomly guessing
[14-13:05] d3a2d, Liz: Hehe..
[14-13:05] d3a2d, Liz: bored..
[14-13:06] 92794, Squirrel : Join the club
[14-13:06] d3a2d, Liz: Who do you play?
[14-13:07] 92794, Squirrel : Rava, Cruward, Arabella, Panian, and Lady Eilsaadi....pondering deleting the last two or maybe just the last one
[14-13:08] d3a2d, Liz: Ahhh
[14-13:08] 92794, Squirrel : Mmmhmm
[14-13:10] d3a2d, Liz: I have Averey, Lafiel, Mierka, Lady Selene Demarkus, and Shanira Treyan
[14-13:11] 92794, Squirrel : Lady Selene? Who be that? And seems familair
[14-13:11] d3a2d, Liz: Selene's a Krondorian Duchess (escaped) and Averey is my elf
[14-13:12] 92794, Squirrel : Ah ok
[14-13:14] 92794, Squirrel : Bah...Valentines day....
[14-13:14] d3a2d, Liz: Have anyone in Quinell?
[14-13:14] 92794, Squirrel : No
[14-13:14] d3a2d, Liz: *hates it*
[14-13:14] d3a2d, Liz: Damn..
[14-13:15] 92794, Squirrel : Well you do have Dre And I could bring in Cruward
[14-13:15] d3a2d, Liz: Dre?
[14-13:16] 92794, Squirrel : Hmmm, got you confused with someone else...who is Demarkus?
[14-13:17] d3a2d, Liz: I have no clue
[14-13:17] d3a2d, Liz: *considers playing Diablo II for a while*
[14-13:17] 92794, Squirrel : Oh oh oh oh
[14-13:17] 92794, Squirrel : *stupid*
[14-13:17] d3a2d, Liz: What?
[14-13:17] 92794, Squirrel : It's Lady Selene Demarkus
[14-13:18] d3a2d, Liz: What about her?
[14-13:18] 92794, Squirrel : *thwaps self*
[14-13:18] d3a2d, Liz: ?
[14-13:18] 92794, Squirrel : Thought you forgot to put a comma there between Selene and Demarkus
[14-13:19] d3a2d, Liz: Ahh
[14-13:19] 92794, Squirrel : Since not a lot of players have three names...yeah I'm stupid
[14-13:20] d3a2d, Liz: Though her handle's just Selene Demarkus
[14-13:20] 92794, Squirrel : Ah ok
[14-13:20] d3a2d, Liz: *sighs* I think I'm gonna go....
[14-13:21] 92794, Squirrel : Alright...guess I'll just lurk
[14-13:27] d3a2d, Liz: Unless you wanted to rp
[14-13:28] d3a2d, Liz: See ya later
[14-13:28] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 2:28pm, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-13:36] 94c70, Z: *will shoot Squirrel if he ever gets her confused with the other Artanis*
[14-13:37] 92794, Squirrel : Other...Artanis?
[14-13:37] 94c70, Z: Yeah, there's someone who uses it as their last name.
[14-13:37] 92794, Squirrel : .....
[14-13:38] 92794, Squirrel : many people to keep track off
[14-13:38] 92794, Squirrel : of
[14-13:38] 94c70, Z: Baltehsar
[14-13:38] 92794, Squirrel : Who?
[14-13:41] 94c70, Z: Belthesar Artanis ... he also plays Chagg'Ra
[14-13:42] 94c70, Z: You might know him as Andrews from the Matrix chat
[14-13:42] 92794, Squirrel : Maz?
[14-13:42] 92794, Squirrel : Oh
[14-13:45] JOIN: Zaknafein has entered.
[14-13:52] 92794, Squirrel : ........
[14-14:03] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[14-14:05] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[14-14:06] JOIN: Tarnis Catadon has entered.
[14-14:08] 1b573, Nefiset Da'emorentis: (())
[14-14:08] f3296, Roki:
[14-14:16] aa8b4, Nefiset Da'emorentis: Yo.
[14-14:17] aa8b4, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ((color test))
[14-14:18] aa8b4, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ((just use old color i guess))
[14-14:18] aa8b4, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ((**beats his color**))
[14-14:30] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[14-14:30] 22f42, Darrius Lokken : ((Nefiset))
[14-14:31] aa8b4, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( Darrius))
[14-14:34] 94c70, Z: Hey Darrius
[14-14:35] 22f42, Darrius Lokken : **Gallops hurriedly throught the streets of . He is currently tired of slaughtering humans and is on his way to the nearest portal. He will finish with this city another time.**
[14-14:36] 94c70, Muna : *Will have to talk to Darrius about messing with her city.. *
[14-14:36] aa8b4, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ((pic))
[14-14:37] 22f42, Darrius Lokken : ((Hello Z, how are you?))
[14-14:38] 22f42, Darrius Lokken : **Will have to make note and kill muna later. He transforms to a human just outside the glimmering inn.**
[14-14:40] 94c70, Muna : *Would like to see him try.*
[14-14:40] 94c70, Z: I'm good Darrius, you?
[14-14:40] 94c70, Z: *ponders IC*
[14-14:41] 22f42, Darrius Lokken : **Would be happy to ablige, but for now has people to see and orcs to kill. He walks smiling around to the back, stepping up to the gazeebo in which the portal rests**
[14-14:42] 94c70, Z: hmm... who to RP though.
[14-14:43] 22f42, Darrius Lokken : ((Im fine))
[14-14:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-14:46] 22f42, Darrius Lokken : **Steps up to the portal, speaking aloud the chant and his destination, then steps through, right into Krondor.**
[14-14:48] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[14-14:48] 94c70, Z: Actually the portal at Krondor is outside the city.
[14-14:50] 94c70, Artanis : *She has not slept yet, not since she left the goblin village, travelling through the night and all of the day. However, now that she was close to Krondor, she roamed about in a loose patrol like patteren looking for signs of the tunnel exits within the forests outside of Krodnor that Arutha had spoke of.*
[14-14:51] JOIN: Theodore MacPherson has entered.
[14-14:51] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((hihi))
[14-14:51] EXIT: Theodore MacPherson has left the chat ( 3:51pm, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-14:51] JOIN: Penniavas has entered.
[14-14:52] 949ad, Penniavas: ((may I join you two?))
[14-14:53] 22f42, Darrius Lokken : ((Really? That sucks, now I have to travel.))
[14-14:53] 94c70, Z: No, it's there near the city, it's just outside the city walls.
[14-14:56] 949ad, Penniavas: ((yes? no?))
[14-14:56] 94c70, Artanis : ((I don't care... I don't really have a whole lot to do right now.))
[14-14:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-14:56] 949ad, Penniavas: ((Up for finding a survivor?))
[14-14:58] 22f42, Darrius Lokken : ((My comp is going unbelievably slow suddenly, Ill finish this later. Bye *GONE*))
[14-14:58] 94c70, Artanis : ((Only if you have it okay-ed with Steve.))
[14-14:59] 949ad, Penniavas: ((nevermind. I'm getting my cities mixed up.))
[14-14:59] EXIT: Penniavas has left the chat ( 3:59pm, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-14:59] JOIN: Theodore MacPherson has entered.
[14-14:59] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[14-15:00] MSG: Theodore MacPherson sent a message to Artanis.
[14-15:00] d3a2d, Liz: Back..not that it really matters
[14-15:01] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((*tries to remember where Theo would beright now))
[14-15:03] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((I guess wherever Arutha is.))
[14-15:05] 94c70, Z: Quinell, Theo
[14-15:05] 94c70, Z: *will be on AIM since she has nothing to RP.*
[14-15:07] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((thanks Z))
[14-15:10] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((hey Z you are a mod right?))
[14-15:12] 94c70, Z: yes
[14-15:14] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((Cool... I just gotta few questions if you could aim me? horseytuna
[14-15:15] 94c70, Z: interesting handle.
[14-15:16] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((long story))
[14-15:19] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *sits, crouched in the shadows of some bushes, waiting for a patrol to pass*
[14-15:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-15:26] 94c70, Artanis : *Her horse snorts lightly as they move along. There was little to go by, which told her these tunnels weren't used in a long time and that it was likely that noone made it far enough to get out into the forest. She pauses from time to time to glance around her. Orcs patrolled this area now, it was neccessary to be cautious.*
[14-15:27] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *when the orcs pass, she straightens and resumes her wearied trek in what she hopes is the direction of Quinell. She's tired beyond belief. Her dress is torn in several places, her skin is smudged with dirt, and there's a cut running along her left cheek*
[14-15:30] 94c70, Artanis : *She listens silently to the sounds around her. After a few moments she nudges her horse forward, the hooves thudding lightly on the ground. Her bow was in hand, as usual, the other hand controlling the reigns.*
[14-15:31] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *pauses, catching the sound of a stream, and heads in it's direction*
[14-15:34] JOIN: AnimatedPoison has entered.
[14-15:36] 94c70, Artanis : *As Selene grows closer to the stream, she may hear the hooves of her horse, or possibly even see them. Water was only a logical place for anyone to go, they would need it to drink and to clean wounds.*
[14-15:37] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *freezes, hearing the hooves and seeing them, and looks for a place to hide*
[14-15:37] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: bleep
[14-15:38] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : (( I was'nt going to kill off Averey. And I'm not the only one with my radar out. When people want to be left alone, they stop talking. You have untill Sunday to turn this around. ))
[14-15:39] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: No Im done dealing with you.
[14-15:39] 94c70, Z: let's not bring it in here.
[14-15:40] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : (( Good. You're going to be such a bad mother. ))
[14-15:40] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: Anyway Z what I was going to tell you was Im done with Averey so if that affects whatever your plans wre I wanted oyu to know
[14-15:40] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : (( I'm done, Z ))
[14-15:43] 94c70, Z: *thinks some of those things just said in here were a bit low...*
[14-15:43] JOIN: AnimatedPoison has entered.
[14-15:45] 94c70, Artanis : *Is at least not an Orc. She stops again, though this time she slides off the back of her mount. After doing this, she takes the water skins from her saddle and moves towards the water's edge. Even she had to keep up her supply of food and water.*
[14-15:45] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: was Cookie around earlier?
[14-15:47] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *ducks behind a tree and watches her. Though she's human and a woman, that still does'nt mean she can't be with the enemy and so a danger*
[14-15:49] 94c70, Artanis : *Is also visibly armed. She fills the skins rather quickly pausing for a moment to glance back over her shoulder thinking she had heard something.*
[14-15:50] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *begins to carefully back away, hoping to slip around this woman and maybe get a drink further down*
[14-15:55] 94c70, Artanis : *Furrows her brows slightly, but she goes back to what she is doing. Closing off the skins, she stands and moves back to the horse and puts them back in their place. Lastly, she mounts up and moves away from the water, moving in Selene's general direction.*
[14-15:56] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *her eyes widen and she backs away faster, inadvertantly stepping on a branch and breaking it*
[14-15:57] MSG: AnimatedPoison sent a message to Artanis.
[14-15:57] NICK: AnimatedPoison changed nick to AdrianGoldenmoon.
[14-15:59] MSG: Artanis tried to message Animatedpoison (not registered).
[14-15:59] 94c70, Artanis : (( doh ))
[14-16:00] 94c70, Artanis : *Her gaze moves into the direction of the sound, adjusting her movements to draw slowly closer.*
[14-16:01] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( sry thats why i switched ^^ )
[14-16:01] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *throwing caution to the wind, she turns and starts running*
[14-16:02] MSG: Artanis sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[14-16:02] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Artanis.
[14-16:02] 94c70, Artanis : *pause**will pick up later*
[14-16:04] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : ***Pause***
[14-16:06] d3a2d, Liz: *stretches and flops down*
[14-16:12] MSG: Liz sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[14-16:14] MSG: Liz sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[14-16:15] d3a2d, Liz: Psshh...alone
[14-16:18] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((mmmm))
[14-16:19] JOIN: Adriangoldenmoon has entered.
[14-16:19] EXIT: Adriangoldenmoon has left the chat ( 5:19pm, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-16:21] 92794, Squirrel : *Lurky lurky lurky*
[14-16:22] d3a2d, Liz: *stalks the lurker*
[14-16:24] MSG: Liz sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[14-16:25] 92794, Squirrel : *stalked*
[14-16:25] d3a2d, Liz: *gets ready to tackle*
[14-16:28] 92794, Squirrel : <.< >.> .....*slowly turns around...*
[14-16:29] d3a2d, Liz: *there's nothing there*
[14-16:30] 92794, Squirrel : Wot? *scratches his head*
[14-16:31] d3a2d, Liz: *comes outta nowhere and hugs him* Gotta go
[14-16:31] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 5:31pm, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-16:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-16:32] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:32pm, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-16:32] 92794, Squirrel : ....
[14-16:33] JOIN: Ryden has entered.
[14-16:37] f96be, Ryden: *She stands in the steady current that winds through the small creek, its cool fingers licking beyond her hooves to mid leg*
[14-16:57] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 5:32pm, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-17:22] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((hmmm))
[14-17:41] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[14-17:41] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( fkrgebfjertgfjk34
[14-17:41] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: !)
[14-17:41] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( bleh. )
[14-17:51] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((Anyone for RP?))
[14-18:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-18:23] bbfc4, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((8oggles*))
[14-18:23] bbfc4, Will-o'-the-wisp: *
[14-18:43] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[14-18:43] EXIT: Rav has left the chat ( 7:43pm, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-18:53] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[14-18:57] bbfc4, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((*lurks*))
[14-18:59] JOIN: Maiougi Hitosashi has entered.
[14-19:00] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Ah...^_^))
[14-19:01] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[14-19:01] d3a2d, Liz: Faltren?
[14-19:03] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((MMmm? No...tis but a fox ^_^))
[14-19:03] d3a2d, Liz: *sighs* I might as call him "Mystery Man"
[14-19:04] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Ah mystery and romance...on Valentines none the less ^_^))
[14-19:05] d3a2d, Liz: Pshh..I beleive this holiday should be scrapped.
[14-19:06] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((MMmm ^.~ You're just bitter. But I suppose St. Valentine never figured his day would turn out like this...we pay more hommage to Cupid on this day than we do to 'im))
[14-19:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( we pay homage, and serious cash, to hallmark. not cupid )
[14-19:07] JOIN: Rav has entered.
[14-19:08] d3a2d, Liz: What did Valentine do, anyway? Heal the sick? Spread love?
[14-19:09] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( martyr for his faith )
[14-19:09] d3a2d, Liz: Another one?
[14-19:10] ab564, Rav : and a murderer
[14-19:10] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Something like that. Chauncer wrote about how everything chooses a mate on this day, so it became all lovey and such))
[14-19:10] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: *Chaucer
[14-19:10] d3a2d, Liz: Oi..
[14-19:10] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: "For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne's day Whan every foul cometh ther to choose his mate. "
[14-19:11] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: Etc.
[14-19:11] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( its said that Saint Valentine left the jailer's daughter anote before he died signed "from your Valentine" )
[14-19:11] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( theres more than one story behind it.. )
[14-19:12] d3a2d, Liz: Aww...
[14-19:13] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( went to catholic school from K-8.. many corny saintly movies have ben forced upon me X.x )
[14-19:13] d3a2d, Liz: You poor kid
[14-19:13] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: (including this particular saint )
[14-19:14] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Uh....does anyone know what they put in those liquid filled squooshy-bally on the gummy stringy-thing?))
[14-19:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-19:14] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( mm... not.. really. its probably semi-toxic )
[14-19:16] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Crap.))
[14-19:16] d3a2d, Liz: *sighs and yawns*
[14-19:17] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((I'm an odd girl...))
[14-19:17] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((You know that Deftones song "Change"?))
[14-19:18] JOIN: Camanto has entered.
[14-19:19] 10a59, Camanto: Hello every one
[14-19:19] d3a2d, Liz: Y'all want a single say "narf that"
[14-19:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( hm. I dont think so )
[14-19:20] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((It makes me...feel odd. A weird twisty odd. Hmm...))
[14-19:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( I keep thinking of David Bowie ::shakes own head:: )
[14-19:21] 10a59, Camanto: Can any one tell me what this rp is about
[14-19:22] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Nothing wrong with David Bowie. *is an avid Labyrinth fan*))
[14-19:22] d3a2d, Liz: The King's mine *growls at Mai* You can have Hoggle
[14-19:23] EXIT: Camanto has left the chat ( 8:21pm, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-19:23] d3a2d, Liz: *eyes Diablo II* Must..resist..
[14-19:23] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((*steals the sexy tight-panted one and leaves Liz the dwarf* :-P))
[14-19:24] d3a2d, Liz: No!!!!!!!!!
[14-19:24] d3a2d, Liz: See ya later
[14-19:24] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 8:24pm, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-19:26] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((She's just mad because I stole him =P))
[14-19:29] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( heh.. )
[14-19:29] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ::is teh other kitsune:: ^^ )
[14-19:30] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Oh really? I should have guessed ^_^))
[14-19:32] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( hehe how? unless you memorize my IP scramble.. )
[14-19:32] ab564, Rav : I am many things
[14-19:33] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((No, your profile))
[14-19:33] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( ? my profile is for Adrian )
[14-19:34] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Adrian's not a kitsune?))
[14-19:34] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( no ^^ )
[14-19:34] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((I figured he might be secretly half ^_^))
[14-19:34] NICK: AdrianGoldenmoon changed nick to Dri.
[14-19:34] dfe22, Dri: ( no it pretty much says what he is )
[14-19:36] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Vampire, then?))
[14-19:36] dfe22, Dri: ( test )
[14-19:37] dfe22, Dri: ( no vamps allowed. the original is, but not this one : )
[14-19:37] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[14-19:37] dfe22, Dri: ( wrong one. )
[14-19:37] 92794, Squirrel : <.< >.>
[14-19:38] dfe22, Dri: (retest)
[14-19:38] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Well, you know what I mean ^_^))
[14-19:38] ab564, Rav : hey Squirrel
[14-19:38] dfe22, Dri: ( do I? ::suspicious:: )
[14-19:38] 92794, Squirrel : 'alo
[14-19:38] dfe22, Dri: ( hehe )
[14-19:38] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((Yes ^_^))
[14-19:39] dfe22, Dri: ( drunken skwerl, i mean hi. )
[14-19:41] 92794, Squirrel : *Isn't drunk, hasn't had anything to drink...wants to get something to drink, but can't*
[14-19:42] dfe22, Dri: ( did you superglue your arse to the chair again? ^^ )
[14-19:42] ab564, Rav : hehehe
[14-19:43] 92794, Squirrel : DRI! I thought I said to keep that on the down low...
[14-19:43] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((*blinks*))
[14-19:44] dfe22, Dri: ( sorry ::drenches chair in nail polish remover:: run before it hardens! )
[14-19:45] 92794, Squirrel : *Run!*
[14-19:48] dfe22, Dri: ( woo this is exciting. o_o )
[14-19:49] 92794, Squirrel : Heh...yeah
[14-19:54] 92794, Squirrel : Hmmm *sigh* Bored...damn Valentines...everyone has to go out...have dates, be all in love and shizzelbingers...
[14-19:55] 92794, Squirrel : motha fartha filter
[14-19:55] dfe22, Dri: ( mmm not me ^^ )
[14-19:57] 92794, Squirrel : ...anyways
[14-19:59] dfe22, Dri: ( weeeeeeeeee )
[14-19:59] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((We're so cool.))
[14-19:59] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-20:00] 92794, Squirrel : *looks tough* Yeah, so cool
[14-20:01] dfe22, Dri: ( both of my characters are stuck where they are.. :out:: )
[14-20:02] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:59pm, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-20:02] JOIN: Mariasha has entered.
[14-20:03] NICK: Dri changed nick to AnimatedPoison.
[14-20:03] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: that's so convenient for a lazy person.. ^____^
[14-20:04] 92794, Squirrel : ...
[14-20:08] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((*drinks tea*))
[14-20:09] 92794, Squirrel : *sip*
[14-20:09] 92794, Squirrel : *Coke..plain coke*
[14-20:10] bbfc4, Maiougi Hitosashi: ((*already had a Coke...and coffee..**is attempting to get a caffeine buzz*))
[14-20:12] 92794, Squirrel : *wishes Mai luck*
[14-20:13] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: ::could use one too.. but isn't actively pursuing it.. XD ::
[14-20:15] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: actually I should probably get to work on another 'song' ._.; ... stupid barddom.
[14-20:20] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: going to talk at all Mari?
[14-20:25] 30851, Mariasha: (I dunno)
[14-20:26] 92794, Squirrel : ...
[14-20:27] 30851, Mariasha: (Mebbe.... I might... *shrugs* hard to say)
[14-20:31] 92794, Squirrel : Heh...
[14-20:32] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: ::rimshot::
[14-20:32] dfe22, AnimatedPoison:
[14-20:32] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: hard to say, haaa..
[14-20:33] 92794, Squirrel : *did not want to hear that*
[14-20:33] 92794, Squirrel : *Or see it(
[14-20:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-20:34] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:34pm, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-20:35] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[14-20:36] 56e9d, Axis : ((hmmm))
[14-20:39] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: hear/see what?
[14-20:40] 92794, Squirrel : Rimshot
[14-20:41] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: why
[14-20:42] 56e9d, Axis : ((hrmm V-Day. Also known as VD.....fuuun))
[14-20:49] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 9:40pm, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-20:58] 56e9d, Axis : ((I wonder if anyone is gonna come on)
[14-21:02] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: dunno
[14-21:06] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[14-21:06] d3a2d, Liz: Faltren?
[14-21:08] JOIN: Polaris13 has entered.
[14-21:09] ac5e7, Polaris13: *walks in the town gates, head covered with a hood of black, eyes shining yellow from under it*
[14-21:09] 56e9d, Axis : ((Don't think he is here. hey polaris))
[14-21:10] ac5e7, Polaris13: ((hey Axis..)
[14-21:10] d3a2d, Liz: *twitches* Anyone have any idea who plays him?
[14-21:10] ac5e7, Polaris13: ((Happy Valentines-friggin-Day...))
[14-21:11] ac5e7, Polaris13: (=))
[14-21:11] ac5e7, Polaris13: (T_T)
[14-21:12] 56e9d, Axis : (Happy VD)*is sitting back in the bar*
[14-21:12] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *walks over to the tavern and enters through the door*
[14-21:13] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *spies Axis and walks over to him* *holds out the cloak he let her wear the other day* I forgot to give this back to you.
[14-21:14] 56e9d, Axis : *gives her his tiny smile* thank you *sweeps it on* how are you this night?
[14-21:14] ac5e7, Polaris13 : A bit tired. And yourself?
[14-21:15] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: he hasnt been here for two days
[14-21:16] 56e9d, Axis : as I have only recetly awoken I am decent I have been hunting that nightmare.
[14-21:18] d3a2d, Liz: Since's driving me nuts. He's oddly familiar..
[14-21:18] 56e9d, Axis : ((next time he is on write down his ip number))
[14-21:19] ac5e7, Polaris13 : I see.
[14-21:19] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((does Valentine's Day exist IC? O.o))
[14-21:20] 56e9d, Axis : ((I doubt it pol))
[14-21:20] ac5e7, Polaris13 : (( same here))
[14-21:21] d3a2d, Liz: I swear I'll go bonkers..*eyes ICness*
[14-21:21] 56e9d, Axis : ((Visit the town talk with a demon and his pals.))
[14-21:22] dfe22, AnimatedPoison: ::shrug:: lookin
[14-21:22] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((what?))
[14-21:22] d3a2d, Liz: I could...but with who?
[14-21:22] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((what about IC, Liz?))
[14-21:22] d3a2d, Liz: Anyone in Quinell?
[14-21:22] NICK: AnimatedPoison changed nick to AdrianGoldenmoon.
[14-21:23] 56e9d, Axis : ((yeah but their not here))
[14-21:23] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: :: sist at the desk with crumpled papers all around him on the floor, trying to write..::
[14-21:23] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((Mowwww....))
[14-21:24] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::grumbles cause I cant think of anything:: )
[14-21:24] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : (AHA I know who Faltren is )
[14-21:24] d3a2d, Liz: Who should I bring in? My newly freed queen or my Pegasi?
[14-21:24] d3a2d, Liz: Who??!!!!!!! *tackles Adrian*
[14-21:25] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( it makes complete sense considering the first post )
[14-21:25] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *sits at the table* Has much happened while I was gone?
[14-21:25] d3a2d, Liz: What do you mean?
[14-21:25] 56e9d, Axis : ((hmm is your pegasi near Respenchi?))
[14-21:25] d3a2d, Liz: Rua?
[14-21:26] d3a2d, Liz: Yeah
[14-21:26] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I dunno whats in it for me. That was rough on my eyes
[14-21:26] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((I should make a nickname called "Scrabble Ditionary"....))
[14-21:26] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *Dictionary
[14-21:26] 56e9d, Axis : (( yeah ...sorry I can't spell.))no. nothing of note
[14-21:26] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((or at least sign in with it..))
[14-21:27] d3a2d, Liz: She is
[14-21:27] ac5e7, Polaris13 : I understand.
[14-21:27] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((Let the bodies hit the floor...))
[14-21:29] 94c70, Z: *poofs*
[14-21:29] 56e9d, Axis : ((If you feel like it mabe you can come and interact wiht us. We are looing for friends to go runnign about with and mabe hunt a nightmare.*shrugs*)) *sips his drink*
[14-21:30] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((yeah...o_o see, thing is with me, I'm not sure I'd be so good at fighting, although I'm sort of already in your party, Axis..))
[14-21:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-21:31] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((ugh...I never thought I'd say this, but I really don't feel like listening to music right now...))
[14-21:33] 56e9d, Axis : ((you may have to do it sonner or later polly))
[14-21:33] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : then... dont
[14-21:33] d3a2d, Lafiel : *hesitating a moment, she passes through the city gates. Her plain green dress peeks out from beneath the large black cloak she wears which hides her wings*
[14-21:33] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((yeah, I know...x.x and I know, I'm not anymore))
[14-21:35] 56e9d, Axis : ((we are in the glimmering inn))*begins wiping one of his knives with a sponge like cloth*
[14-21:35] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *watches him*
[14-21:36] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( I'd guessed that. Does my pic work for you? I have to keep going "show picture" )) *walks among the crowds, heading for the inn*
[14-21:36] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((nope))
[14-21:37] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( Grr ))
[14-21:38] ac5e7, Polaris13 : (hey, mine no workie, either...o_o)
[14-21:38] 56e9d, Axis : ((it is a cool pic. I need to find a good one))*holds up the silver blade to the light examining the glisten*
[14-21:38] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((that is, when I try))
[14-21:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( .. )
[14-21:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( HAHA mine does ::is speshill:: )
[14-21:39] ac5e7, Polaris13 : (not for compyuter sucks)
[14-21:40] 56e9d, Axis : ((your pic works for me Laffeil))
[14-21:40] d3a2d, Lafiel : *stopping outside of the inn, she shifts her wings so that they're settled comfortably, and goes inside. She's a young woman who looks to be around nineteen. She's got blue eyes, white blond hair that hangs down to her waist, and fair skin*
[14-21:41] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::waves away the fog Z left behind poofing:: )
[14-21:42] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((I hate being a girl...))
[14-21:42] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( Why?
[14-21:43] d3a2d, Lafiel : ))
[14-21:43] 56e9d, Axis : *notices lafiel from his seat. He looks abut20 or so with platinum hari and goldne cats eyes. Otherwise looks like a handsome elf*
[14-21:43] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( why not i do too )
[14-21:43] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((weeeellllllll, once a month, that is...))
[14-21:44] d3a2d, Lafiel : *heads over to a corner table and sits down carefully*
[14-21:44] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( TMI TY )
[14-21:44] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( Ahh...yep...I'll be hatin' soon....I can feel it ))
[14-21:44] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((gomen-ne....--; )
[14-21:44] 56e9d, Axis : ((*err is a guy bacholer and hides*))
[14-21:44] ac5e7, Polaris13 : (haha@Lafiel))
[14-21:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ... )
[14-21:45] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((*pats Axis on head* ^^; )
[14-21:45] 94c70, Artanis : *Though Selene runs, she doesn't give immediate chase. She in fact slows her pace knowing that she will be able to follow well enough.*
[14-21:46] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::hides with Axis even though she's a girl.. cause it's not somethin to talk about X.X :: )
[14-21:46] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((*shrug* bother me, but if it bothers others, I'll shut up...sorry again, Adrian.))
[14-21:47] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( )
[14-21:47] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *watches Axis clean the blade and examine it*
[14-21:47] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *the hem of her dress snags and tears on a low branch, causing her to stumble a bit*
[14-21:48] 56e9d, Axis : *looks at polaris with a slight but slightly unsettling smile barin his fangs* poisen...*spots lafiel in her corner* hmmm
[14-21:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Bites down on the end of the quill with a sigh.. in a way he wished he did have Spark with him.. just for some company.. but the poor thing would probably die a lot faster from being trapped in here..::
[14-21:49] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *sees her reflection in it* Poison...?
[14-21:49] d3a2d, Lafiel : *when a bar maid comes over, she orders some bread and cheese in a soft voice*
[14-21:50] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((*sneeze*))
[14-21:50] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( omg I almost answered you XD ::slaps self:: you're *adrian*.. )
[14-21:52] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((hehe))
[14-21:53] 56e9d, Axis : oh cut of the blade brings numbness and sleep....sleep brings their death *grins again but smething about lafiel has caught his attention*
[14-21:54] d3a2d, Lafiel : *begins to lean back and winces as it causes a feather to bend uncomfortably. Sighs and leans forward*
[14-21:56] ac5e7, Polaris13 : Hmm...
[14-21:56] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((Haha. My friend is a hyper-ass thing...))
[14-21:57] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *glances at Lafiel, also*...
[14-21:57] 56e9d, Axis : *looks at polaris* I'll be right back...*gets up and starts to walk over to lafiel*
[14-21:57] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( your char female? ))
[14-21:58] 94c70, Artanis : *Bringing the horse to a stop, she remains there for a moment before dismounting. Tying it to a small tree she moves away to follow slowly on foot.*
[14-21:58] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((yeshums....nice to have someone who asks before they say "he"...))
[14-21:59] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *ducks into some bushes and hunkers down low ))
[14-21:59] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ALright...*to Axis*
[14-21:59] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( Hehe )) *is minding her own business as she waits for her meal, so she does'nt notice Axis's approach*
[14-22:01] 56e9d, Axis : *says as he nears* greetings....
[14-22:02] d3a2d, Lafiel : *blinks and looks up at him* Hello..
[14-22:03] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *watches*
[14-22:04] 56e9d, Axis : *notices that there is more to this girl than meets the eyes* MY name is axis *offers a slight ow*
[14-22:06] 94c70, Artanis : *Moves after her slowly, keeping a shapr eye out as she does. She moves silently, considerably more silent than Selene had been moving about.*
[14-22:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: Gets up from the chair, dropping the quill as he rises.. moving towards the wall, and slowly passes his fingers over it's surface... she had to have gone through somehow..::
[14-22:08] d3a2d, Lafiel : *inclines her head slightly because, let's face it, it's hard to bow when you're sitting and have wings* Mine's Lafiel.
[14-22:09] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *holds her breath, her heart seeming to pound so loudly*
[14-22:10] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((POTATO SALAD!))
[14-22:10] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *watches him talk with her*
[14-22:11] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : (( *steals said salad* ))
[14-22:11] 56e9d, Axis : *notices the odd shape of her body under the cloak*hmm. What brings you to this city *asks in a casual manner while trying to figure out what she is*
[14-22:12] d3a2d, Lafiel : *smiles faintly* The desire for a good meal and a soft bed
[14-22:13] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((*chases* MIIIIIIIIINE.))
[14-22:14] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( *laughs and eats it as she runs* ))
[14-22:14] 56e9d, Axis : *relaizes that the shape is wings and thinks he has it*hmm *ask in a low tone* pegasus?
[14-22:15] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((.....*snaps fingers* SHUCKS! *in a hic voice*))
[14-22:15] d3a2d, Lafiel : *her blue eyes widen slightly* How..?
[14-22:15] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( blech )
[14-22:15] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *folds her arms on the table and rests her head on them*...
[14-22:16] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((Sorry, I saw it on fuse..)
[14-22:16] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *Fuse
[14-22:16] 56e9d, Axis : ((*groans when he realizes that he lives in an area where peolpe talk like that*)) When you live for so very long you see many things...fairly good disguse though.
[14-22:17] d3a2d, Lafiel : ...thank you.
[14-22:18] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( bleching the salad )
[14-22:18] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I do too Axis XD )
[14-22:18] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((Doesn't mean all hics might say that, Axis. Or all people who say that are hics. Sorryif it bothered ya. Me like salad, though, Adrian. Me like egg salad, tooz.))
[14-22:19] 94c70, Artanis : *She stops not too far from Selene, then takes a look around. Reamining silent, she stands there for a few moments. She knew Selene was close by.*
[14-22:19] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((Ugh...I need a place to mess around in. I'm too hyper today, I need to get rid of my energy! X_x)
[14-22:20] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( :oints you to project jj chatlist:: )
[14-22:20] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *bites her lower lip, watching*
[14-22:21] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((But I'm flooding with Out of character ness...and yes,I know, but a;ll are usually closed for that type of stuff...))
[14-22:21] 94c70, Artanis : *Finally speaks up, knowing she was close enough to hear.* You can come out.
[14-22:22] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : ~right~
[14-22:22] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *under her breath* What am I good for...
[14-22:22] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ?
[14-22:23] 56e9d, Axis : mm. Do you fight?
[14-22:23] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((Oooh...Den of Wank...humm...maybe I'll go there...)
[14-22:23] d3a2d, Lafiel : When I have to.
[14-22:24] 56e9d, Axis : *telepathiclly to polaris {hmmm a pegasus..fascinating}*
[14-22:24] 94c70, Artanis : I'm not here to hurt you, but it isn't safe out here alone.
[14-22:25] 56e9d, Axis : but are you a fighter? or perhaps you do magic?
[14-22:26] ac5e7, Polaris13 : (dammit...not allowed...))
[14-22:28] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *closes her eyes, staying quietly*
[14-22:28] 56e9d, Axis : ((*curses* I'm really sorry folks but a huge thunderstorm is rolling in and the power is stating to flicker I have to go right now))
[14-22:28] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *quiet
[14-22:28] d3a2d, Lafiel : *shakes her head* No magic
[14-22:29] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *shifts slightly, almost ready to come out*
[14-22:30] 56e9d, Axis : ((sorry to leave you hanging)) *head jertks around* I will need to speak to you later *walks out* ((real sorry people but the power is out now and I am on a small power supply))
[14-22:30] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 11:30pm, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-22:31] ac5e7, Polaris13 : ((I'm gonna leave, too, I'm exausted... hyper, but exausted *OXY MORON* x.x byebye, all....*throws potato salad around for all*))
[14-22:31] d3a2d, Lafiel : (( Hehe.. )) *nods and, after eating, leaves as well*
[14-22:32] d3a2d, Lafiel : **(Gone***
[14-22:32] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *stands up, walks for the bar door, and leaves through it.
[14-22:32] ac5e7, Polaris13 : *walks to the town gates, and leaves the town through them*
[14-22:32] ac5e7, Polaris13 : (GONERZ)
[14-22:33] EXIT: Polaris13 has left the chat ( 11:32pm, February 14 (CST) ).
[14-22:33] 94c70, Artanis : *Bends down a little to lay her bow down on the ground next to her feet, then straightens again.* Orcs patrol these woods.
[14-22:34] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : I know
[14-22:36] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[14-22:36] 06e16, Oyrin Darkune : I rock.
[14-22:37] 94c70, Artanis : Come on out, then. I can take you somewhere safe. *Not yet aware that it is Selene.*
[14-22:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: sighs, not able to feel anything beneath his fingertips but the smooth stone..:: Blasted magic is what it is.. :: he clenched his slender hands into fists, hitting them against the wall in anger and frustration::
[14-22:38] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( i roll )
[14-22:38] 06e16, Oyrin Darkune : Together we are Tenacious Dwarf!!!
[14-22:39] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( XD )
[14-22:42] 94c70, Muna : *The door to Adrian's room would open. First would enter a human carrying a small tray with food and water on it. She then follows, stepping into the room as well.*
[14-22:44] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : How do I know you're not working for them?
[14-22:45] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: He glanced up as they entered... quiet.. a little weary-looking from not enough rest.. partially his own doing, the other half owed to the bench that was his bed::
[14-22:51] 94c70, Muna : You need food yes? *The tray is sat down in the middle of the floor for Adrian.*
[14-22:52] 94c70, Artanis : You'll just have to trust my word that I'm not.
[14-22:52] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I suppose.. ::lowers his hands to his side, flexing his fingers slightly::
[14-22:53] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *is silent for a few moments, then slowly stands*
[14-22:55] 94c70, Artanis : *Waits patiently.*
[14-22:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-22:57] 94c70, Muna : Very well then. *Her gazes shifts slightly to pass over the room.* You have had progress?
[14-22:57] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *makes her way over to her* Why are you out here?
[14-23:00] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : M
[14-23:00] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( freakin.. )
[14-23:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-23:01] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : M'trying.. :: his emerald gaze slid back towards the desk where he had littered the area with crumpled, rejected lyrics..:: Better than nothing, I guess.
[14-23:02] 94c70, Artanis : I came back here in search of a friend. He was supposed to meet me in Krondor before it was attacked. *Eyes her carefully, looking her over.*
[14-23:04] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : If he survived....he would be in Quinell...that's where we're supposed to go
[14-23:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-23:05] 94c70, Muna : Good. *She looks back to him, her gaze cold.* I will soon have something which to help you with.
[14-23:06] 94c70, Artanis : He isn't of Krondor. I take it that you are?
[14-23:07] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *nods* Yes...well..I was..
[14-23:08] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[14-23:11] 94c70, Artanis : Hmm.. come on then. *PIcking up her bow, she turns to lead the way back to where she left her horse.*
[14-23:13] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : You have muses lying about somewhere? :: he smiled slightly, moreso to himself, watching her::
[14-23:15] 6a49d, Darrius Lokken : **Is now right outside the walls Krondor, trying to consider going in or staying where he is... maYbe he'll send tarnis in...
[14-23:15] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : ***Pause***
[14-23:15] EXIT: Selene Demarkus has left the chat ( 12:15am, February 15 (CST) ).
[14-23:18] 94c70, Muna : *Watches him still.* Are you implying that you can't work alone?
[14-23:19] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : Not at all.. ::for a moment he wonders just how often she had been around bards.. :: a Muse.. an inspiration.
[14-23:21] JOIN: Sothicus Aurelius has entered.
[14-23:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-23:23] 94c70, Muna : Ah... in due time. *smirks lightly. there was still one thing she needed.*
[14-23:25] 6a49d, Darrius Lokken : **continues to examine the wall... he does want to meet with Khalek, and what a better way to do it then kill a few orcs?**
[14-23:32] 6a49d, Darrius Lokken : **But, he has to keep in mind that its possible that he may be quite horrendously insane. And, theres a lot.... a lot, of orcs on the other side of these walls, and though he has yet to be truely challenged, 20, maybe 25 orcs at a time might... well, dieing would be unproductive**
[14-23:37] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::kicks refresh:: )
[14-23:40] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : I'm sure.. :: he glanced briefly to the human accompanying her, who had brought in the tray.. what did they do exactly, or was this another street walker.. his tiger-like eyes shifted slowly back to Muna, taking a better look at her now than he had before::
[14-23:40] JOIN: Glim has entered.
[14-23:41] a1c74, Glim : (what's up guys?)
[14-23:43] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( nm dude )
[14-23:43] 6a49d, Darrius Lokken : (Meh)
[14-23:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-23:49] 6a49d, Darrius Lokken : **Sighs, looks down dissapointedly and walks back towards the portal. He'd better test how easy entrance to the city will be before he goes in himself. He'll go into Tarnis dreams and send him to Krondor. If he survives a day or so, then Darrius will go in. Speaks aloud "" steps through and comes out behind the Glimmering Inn.**
[14-23:49] caf18, Will-o'-the-wisp: wtf... Roki is magic mod...
[14-23:51] EXIT: Darrius Lokken has left the chat ( 12:49am, February 15 (CST) ).
[14-23:52] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[14-23:53] caf18, Will-o'-the-wisp: narf that crap.. Roki... wtf.... has that moron even done anything ? he's so damn lazy..
[14-23:54] 6a49d, Darrius Lokken : ((Yeah, actually Roki has done a lot of stuff))
[14-23:55] caf18, Will-o'-the-wisp: like what.. sit on his ass ?
[14-23:55] EXIT: Darrius Lokken has left the chat ( 12:54am, February 15 (CST) ).
[14-23:55] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[14-23:57] 6a49d, Darrius Lokken : ((Go look in magic links))
[14-23:57] caf18, Will-o'-the-wisp: i saw that... whats that.. maybe 20 spells if he's lucky ? thats soooo much
[14-23:59] 6a49d, Darrius Lokken : ((Meh, stop complaining))
[14-23:59] caf18, Will-o'-the-wisp: heh.. why ? he's lazy and always will be..
[14-23:59] caf18, Will-o'-the-wisp: you're lucky he's done this much
[15-00:00] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( still with us, Z? )
[15-00:01] 6a49d, Darrius Lokken : ((Still, your PMS'ing wanna-be male piging, and nobody likes a PMS'ing wanna-be male piger.))
[15-00:01] caf18, Will-o'-the-wisp: what the hell did you just say..
[15-00:02] 6a49d, Darrius Lokken : ((wow, thats the best sensorship I've ever seen))
[15-00:02] JOIN: Durin has entered.
[15-00:02] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( he said witch )
[15-00:03] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( with a hidden b and a silent w )
[15-00:04] 6a49d, Darrius Lokken : ((I said that you're bi*ching, and nobody likes a bi*cher))
[15-00:04] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( hi durin )
[15-00:05] 6a9aa, Durin : (( Yo yo, Adrian))
[15-00:06] caf18, Will-o'-the-wisp: and what do you think Roki does all day..
[15-00:06] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I don't think about Roki much.. >.> )
[15-00:07] 6a49d, Darrius Lokken : ((But, to much lack or RPing tonight. So Im out of here. Till later**
[15-00:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( later ::Waves:: )
[15-00:07] caf18, Will-o'-the-wisp: ye..get the hell outa here.
[15-00:10] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Durin.
[15-00:18] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Okay then.. )
[15-00:20] JOIN: Durin has entered.
[15-00:21] MSG: Durin tried to message Adrian Goldenmoon (not registered).
[15-00:21] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( no space ^^ )
[15-00:21] MSG: Durin sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[15-00:23] MSG: AdrianGoldenmoon sent a message to Durin.
[15-00:25] MSG: Durin sent a message to Adriangoldenmoon.
[15-00:27] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Anything else? ::looks around:: )
[15-00:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( Okay.. )
[15-00:59] e663b, Roki: ...who the hell was that
[15-01:02] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : Dunno
[15-01:05] e663b, Roki: hrm
[15-01:07] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ::shrug:: it was no random stranger. )
[15-01:09] e663b, Roki: obviously..someone who knows of me at least
[15-01:09] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : Obviously.
[15-01:09] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I thought of looking up the IP like I did to solve the mystery for Liz, but.. my eyes wouldnt be able to take it and the odds of me finding it were drastically slimmer XD )
[15-01:09] e663b, Roki: which means .. well.. 1/4 of pjj.
[15-01:11] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I mean the logs for this chat. but it's someone who's been gone for some time so.. it'd just be a waste )
[15-01:43] e663b, Morgul the Lich King: ((*adjust*))
[15-01:45] d7b7c, Tenma Enzeru : *narrows his eyes slightly at the mention of magic...for only demons used least in his way of thinking they do...what he uses is not magic...but the divine power of Ming yes...this cannot be Musashi-sama's true ancestor...* *his stance shifts slightly, more defensive now*
[15-01:49] e663b, Morgul the Lich King: *quirks a brow at the shift in stance...*.. You recoil... and you dont seem to believe me either..
[15-01:49] d7b7c, Tenma Enzeru : These objects you carry can more than easily be falsified...or plundered from tombs....
[15-01:51] e663b, Morgul the Lich King: How is my tomb anyway... still Empty I presume ? Tho i'm sure it was sealed as soon as I dissapeared...
[15-01:54] d7b7c, Tenma Enzeru : *blinks hiddenly at this, trying to remember the status of said tomb...though none of this shows upon his features*
[15-01:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-01:56] e663b, Morgul the Lich King: Surrounded by Sun-gale Orchids I hope.. at least it should be so... they always were my, and my fathers, and fathers fathers favorite.
[15-02:02] d7b7c, Tenma Enzeru : *astonishingly accurate....for everything the Emperor's did in their rule was recorded for posterity&
[15-02:10] e663b, Morgul the Lich King: *smirks inwardly.. good thing he remembered to read his old journals before this little trip..hehe* And as for my wife's tomb.. sealed with her body safely inside ?
[15-02:11] d7b7c, Tenma Enzeru : one has disturbed it...
[15-02:15] e663b, Morgul the Lich King: Good .... I... I wish to see it... its been a long time since I've been home
[15-02:17] d7b7c, Tenma Enzeru : *nods* I will escort you myself...
[15-02:18] e663b, Morgul the Lich King: I also wish to see the fruit of my loins... i'm sure he's grown to be a strong Emperor..
[15-02:18] d7b7c, Tenma Enzeru : *nods* I will take you to him first...
[15-02:20] e663b, Morgul the Lich King: *..excellent..*.. Then let us go.. i'm not familiar with these lands.
[15-02:26] e663b, Morgul the Lich King: *and they go*
[15-02:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-03:13] 94c70, Z: ...
[15-03:27] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[15-03:44] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[15-03:48] 94c70, Z: *pounces Adrian?*
[15-03:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : :: is pounced?::
[15-03:49] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : *()
[15-03:54] 94c70, Z: mwahaha
[15-03:54] 94c70, Z: *disappeared earlier... is sorry..*
[15-04:00] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( its ok )
[15-04:01] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[15-04:05] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( I am your father. )
[15-04:07] a0c88, Luke: very funny...
[15-04:09] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( well as long as we get it out of the wya now ^^ )
[15-04:17] 94c70, Z: *pounces Luke*
[15-04:25] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( )
[15-04:25] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( ew i dont like that face ::smush:: )
[15-09:48] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[15-09:52] d3a2d, Liz: All alone..
[15-09:56] d3a2d, Liz: ...
[15-09:57] d3a2d, Liz: Well...this is what I get on a Sunday morning..
[15-09:59] d3a2d, Liz: Well...*eyes Diablo II* I'll be back later..*poofs*
[15-09:59] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 10:59am, February 15 (CST) ).
[15-11:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-11:26] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:25pm, February 15 (CST) ).
[15-11:27] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[15-11:28] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : *stretch* *hops IC*
[15-11:28] 639c1, Axis : ((hrmmm damn thunderstorms))
[15-11:29] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[15-11:30] 639c1, Axis : ((hey liz sorry for leaving you haging last night))
[15-11:30] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *narrows his eyes upon her as his hand tightens on her wrist, twisting it more to make her drop the dagger..though if he continues to twist, he could damn well break her wrist* I am no fool...stubborn...perhaps..but not a fool...
[15-11:31] d3a2d, Mierka: (('s ok...I had to go, anyway ))
[15-11:31] d3a2d, Mierka: *her eyes narrow dangerously with fury and pain* You can't keep me here. Let go!
[15-11:32] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : Now there is where you are wrong my dear...Eri asked me to keep you close with me..and with me you shall stay...even if I must place you under house arrest...*said perfectly evenly, as if he wasnt himself getting angry...he pulls back on her wrist to pull her along back towards the gates*
[15-11:33] d3a2d, Mierka: *goes with him, but only to sink her teeth into the arm holding him, trying to get as deep as she can*
[15-11:34] 639c1, Axis : ((my neighborhood got blasted last night))*winces from the sunlight even though covered by his cowl and cloak completely*
[15-11:35] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *yells with pain and releases her from shock of being bitten, before checking to see if he is bleeding*
[15-11:36] d3a2d, Mierka: *as soon as he lets go, she running again, but this time as fast as she can*
[15-11:37] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *clutches his bleeding arm, chasing after her, moving as fast as his longer legs can carry him, his rapier clattering against his leg with the suddeness of his motions*
[15-11:38] d3a2d, Mierka: *speeds past the gate and heads for the treeline, spitting his blood out of her mouth*
[15-11:39] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *has longer legs, and therefore a longer gaining, a mental stream of curses seeming to broil to his tongue but do not escape his mouth*
[15-11:40] d3a2d, Mierka: *heads up a acorn tree*
[15-11:42] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *catches up to her before she can get too far out of the tree and grabs her about the waist, hoping to pull her off the tree before she can get too much higher*
[15-11:42] d3a2d, Mierka: Let me go, you idiot!
[15-11:45] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *pulls harder to yank her from the tree trunk, not giving an answer just yet*
[15-11:46] d3a2d, Mierka: *lets go, not being a match*
[15-11:48] 639c1, Axis : *mutters things to himself about bloody stupid sunlight as he walks about looking for a bladeshop*
[15-11:49] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *sets her down, perhaps a bt harder than he wanted to, though he keeps his arms locked around her waist from behind, his tone of voice perhaps giving a hint to his rising anger* listen to me...*said in her ear, softly* I was asked to protect you...and protect you I have one of two can walk with me back to the city...or I will have you tossed in the dungeon...the word of a King goes very very would be hardpressed to disproove such charges...
[15-11:50] d3a2d, Mierka: *snarls* Oh...I know that're all alike!
[15-11:53] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *softly, evenly, controlling his temper* Which will it be? You can walk through the gates with dignity....and be allowed to roam about so long as you stay within city limits....or I can ahve you dragged back...
[15-11:56] 639c1, Axis : *eventually finds one a purchases a pair of fine elvish made scimitars*
[15-11:57] d3a2d, Mierka: *through gritted teeth* I'll walk.
[15-11:59] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : Your word on it? *loosens his grip faintly*
[15-11:59] d3a2d, Mierka: *nods, trembling in anger*
[15-12:01] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *removes his arms from her slowly, clutching the arm she had bitten to make it bleed*
[15-12:02] 639c1, Axis : *turns down the back alleys and walks down various alleys scouting out places for ambushes and fighting*
[15-12:02] d3a2d, Mierka: *looks at him, then at his arm* How long have you been with us?
[15-12:04] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : No longer than a week...* it has been a week since Krondor fell*
[15-12:04] d3a2d, Mierka: Then you should know by now how I feel about being touched by men.
[15-12:05] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : And you should know by now that I do not care...I gave my word...
[15-12:06] d3a2d, Mierka: Your word to keep me safe, yes. But that does'nt mean you can touch me.
[15-12:07] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : If you are beyond my reach...and outside the are no longer safe.
[15-12:07] JOIN: Theodore MacPherson has entered.
[15-12:07] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((hihi))
[15-12:07] d3a2d, Mierka: I have never been safe.
[15-12:08] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((Yo))
[15-12:08] d3a2d, Mierka: ***Pause***
[15-12:08] EXIT: Mierka has left the chat ( 1:08pm, February 15 (CST) ).
[15-12:09] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((Heya Arutha. can I join you guys?))
[15-12:10] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((We're paused.))
[15-12:11] 639c1, Axis : ((where you guys at?))
[15-12:12] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((oh. ))
[15-12:14] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((Forests outside of Quinell
[15-12:15] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((I'msupposed to be with Arutha or nearby at least)
[15-12:16] 639c1, Axis : ((I see))
[15-12:18] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((You cna step in to help me when Mierka gets back((
[15-12:18] JOIN: Skie has entered.
[15-12:19] 639c1, Axis : *is in Raupenchi in the alley's*
[15-12:20]       Skie yawns as she sits on top of a near by roof top she looks around to see is anything could keep her busy
[15-12:22]       Skie pulls out her blade and cleans it with a rag
[15-12:23] 639c1, Axis : *sits down on a crate in one of the alleys takes out an odd spongelike cloth and begins to wipe one of his scimitars with it*
[15-12:25]       Skie pulls a strand of her honey hair out of her face, she looks around the place and spots a boy nearby but not close enough to talk too
[15-12:26] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((when will she be back?))
[15-12:26] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((Dunno))
[15-12:26] 639c1, Axis : ((where are ypu skie?))
[15-12:27] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((this is why I hate pausing)0
[15-12:27] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((Ahwell))
[15-12:30] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((*flops*))
[15-12:32] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((I need to think of what to do with Penny))
[15-12:35] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((grr. The board says Im' not a chat user))
[15-12:35] 639c1, Axis : *yawns and examines the gleam of his blade before sheathing it*
[15-12:41] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((so is there anything important that happened to our group Arutha that I should know about?))
[15-12:48] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((Arutha's been asked to watch over Mierka...and...he's plotting something...what it wouldnt know))
[15-12:49] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((did we reach the city?))
[15-12:53] 74410, Skie : (( I'm back sorry ^_^
[15-12:53] 74410, Skie : *))
[15-12:53] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((yeah))
[15-12:54] 74410, Skie : (( I was cooking lunch for my little brother))
[15-12:55] 639c1, Axis : ((ahh))
[15-12:55] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((ok))
[15-12:56] EXIT: Skie has left the chat ( 1:54pm, February 15 (CST) ).
[15-12:57] 94c70, Z: ..
[15-12:57] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : *eats Z*
[15-12:58] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((I wonder if Mab's gonna be on))
[15-13:00] JOIN: glim has entered.
[15-13:01] a1c74, glim : (hm... nothing is ever happening...)
[15-13:01] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((Depending where you are I'm up for something))
[15-13:01] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((btw Z I can't seem to post on the board)
[15-13:01] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : *stabs Glim in the eye* There something happened
[15-13:03] 94c70, Z: *is kind of waiting on Liz*
[15-13:03] 639c1, Axis : (hmmm))
[15-13:03] a1c74, glim : (*dresses up in a clow suit and chases palladia around*)
[15-13:04] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[15-13:04] 94c70, Z: and I don't know what you'd have to say/talk about to my character in Quinell currently
[15-13:04] 94c70, Z: Ah.. whoa.
[15-13:04] 94c70, Z: *pounces Liz*
[15-13:05] d7b7c, Palladia Mors : ACK! *runs and grabs big-bad M60 and wastes the clown*
[15-13:05] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((back to IC))
[15-13:05] a1c74, glim : (hm... there seems to me more admins than regular Rpers usually, not sure how that works but ok)
[15-13:05] d3a2d, Liz: Ack!!!! Help!
[15-13:06] a1c74, glim : (*the clown takes the bullets and stull runs after mors, as if nothing happend*)
[15-13:06] 639c1, Axis : (( l o l ))
[15-13:07] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((hey, can I make up a small symbol for Knights?))
[15-13:07] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : Maybe not....but you are safer with me than on your own...
[15-13:08] a1c74, glim : (i'm going to get you!!!)
[15-13:08] d3a2d, Mierka: I was just going to go find Eri..
[15-13:09] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : She went to look for a man she had left there... (*hand hovers over SMITE button* Do I need to use this?))
[15-13:09] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((hey Mierca. welcome back))
[15-13:09] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((where you be Arutha?))
[15-13:10] d3a2d, Mierka: (( Thanks )) I know
[15-13:10] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((Outside Quinell))
[15-13:10] a1c74, glim : ( *looks around scared, for the smite button is about to be used*)
[15-13:11] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : Had she wished to take you with her, she would have....
[15-13:11] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((Good shush..RP is going on))
[15-13:11] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *comes wandering ou fthe city, lacking of his armor though eh was still armed as he wanders towards Arutha and the woman*
[15-13:12] d3a2d, Mierka: *shakes her head* "It's too dangerous" *snorts*
[15-13:12] MSG: Theodore MacPherson sent a message to Z.
[15-13:12] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : Precisely...*is heading towards the gates with Mierka*
[15-13:13] 94c70, Swordmaster Fannon: *Is likely off argueing with Pug somewhere.*
[15-13:13] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: Ah! Lord Arutha. I was wondering where you were.
[15-13:13] d3a2d, Mierka: Why is everyone always protective of me? *is annoyed*
[15-13:14] MSG: Z sent a message to Theodore Macpherson.
[15-13:14] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : We love your charming personality and pleasing presence...*dryly, so very dryly* * his eyes turn to MacPherson and gives a curt nod*
[15-13:14] 639c1, Axis : *examines the other blade after a through wiping then sheaths it as well*
[15-13:15] d3a2d, Mierka: *eyes him. In a sweet voice* How's your arm?
[15-13:17] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *has probably, through direct pressure against the bitemarks, stopped the bleeding at least* Fine...thank you...*polite tone*
[15-13:18] d3a2d, Mierka: *nods, glancing at the other man* Now you know
[15-13:18] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *follows, watching her warily*
[15-13:19] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[15-13:19] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *passes through the gates of Quinell again, nodding to the sentries*
[15-13:20] 92794, Squirrel : *cough* *sneeze*
[15-13:20] 94c70, Artanis : May I ask your name?
[15-13:20] 94c70, Z: *shoots a rubberband at Squirrel*
[15-13:20] d3a2d, Mierka: *fingers her now sheathed dagger, following*
[15-13:21] d3a2d, Mierka: Mierka
[15-13:21] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *stops, turns around to walk alongside and slightly behind Arutha, looking to Mierka and back again* I am wondering now that we have arrived, what the plan will be? If you have no further use for me I will probably return to Krondor.
[15-13:22] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((hey Z what about making up a picture for Knights?))
[15-13:23] 94c70, Z: you'd have to send it to Mab, like I said.
[15-13:23] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : I said you were free to leave as you pleased...*said neutrally as he walks*
[15-13:25] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((ok.
[15-13:25] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((i must've missed it))
[15-13:29] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *waits for a reply*
[15-13:30] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : *makes no other statement than the one he made about him being able to leave*
[15-13:30] JOIN: glim has entered.
[15-13:30] a1c74, glim : (i like this yellow color)
[15-13:30] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((doh. Sorry I thought that was to Mierka))
[15-13:31] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: WAnting to do something and having to do somethign are two different things for myself. If I'm needed here, then here I will stay.
[15-13:31] d3a2d, Mierka: *glances back towards the gate*
[15-13:32] d3a2d, Mierka: (( Nix that "Mierka" post ))
[15-13:32] d7b7c, Arutha Duthain : ((I need to go..*poof*))
[15-13:32] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : Selene
[15-13:32] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((gonna pose out?))
[15-13:33] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : Selene
[15-13:34] a1c74, glim : (there is a portal on krondor right?)
[15-13:35] 639c1, Axis : ((*yawn*))
[15-13:35] d3a2d, Mierka: (( He said it's up to us ))
[15-13:37] 94c70, Artanis : Selene.. good. *She comes to a stop as she comes up to the side of the horse.* I thought you were her.
[15-13:37] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *looks at her* What do you mean?
[15-13:38] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *bows to mierka* I will see you my lady. For now, I must leave.
[15-13:40] d3a2d, Mierka: *nods* Be safe
[15-13:41] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: That is something I cannot promise. But I can promise to be careful.
[15-13:42] 94c70, Artanis : There were others who survived the attack on your city.
[15-13:42] d3a2d, Mierka: *nods* Goodbye
[15-13:42] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *turns to head into the city, to get his horse*
[15-13:42] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *carefully, not daring to get her hopes up too much* Others?
[15-13:42] d3a2d, Mierka: *heads back inside the inn*
[15-13:43] d3a2d, Mierka: ***Gone***
[15-13:43] 94c70, Artanis : *Nods.* Yes. *She adjusts things to allow for Selene to ride on the horse. She then turns to face Selene again when she is done.*
[15-13:44] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : Do you know their names?
[15-13:45] 639c1, Axis : *comes out of the alleys again wincing at the brightness of the sun*
[15-13:48] 94c70, Artanis : A few, there aren't many who survived. But perhaps I can give you something to help you trust me.
[15-13:48] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *starts out towards Krondor*
[15-13:49] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : Such as?
[15-13:52] 94c70, Artanis : *Carefully takes from her person the pendant that Arutha had given her. She holds it out to Selene in her open hand.* I was asked to give this to you, if I found you alive.
[15-13:53] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *her eyes widen, tears coming to her eyes as she takes it lovingly* He is alive?
[15-13:53] 10af2, Roki: .... no.. he's dead.... i ate his liver with some fava beans...and a nice chianti
[15-13:56] 639c1, Axis : ((yum))
[15-13:56] 94c70, Artanis : I found him as well. He was hurt pretty badly, but he's alright now. *She then turns and mounts up onto the horse.* He's waiting for you in Quinell. *She offers a hand down to Selene to help her up.*
[15-13:57] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((*wonders if there's ANYONe left in Krondor by the time I get there *grumbles***)
[15-13:58] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : *gets up behind her, holding on* Let's go..
[15-13:58] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : (( *was'nt in Krondor in the first place* ))
[15-13:59] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((wasn't talking about you)
[15-14:00] 94c70, Artanis : (( It'd take you at least a couple days without the portal, Theo. ))
[15-14:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-14:01] 94c70, Artanis : *With that, she nudges the sides of the horse and heads off back towards Quinell.*
[15-14:01] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((I know.))
[15-14:01] d3a2d, Selene Demarkus : ***Gone***
[15-14:01] EXIT: Selene Demarkus has left the chat ( 3:01pm, February 15 (CST) ).
[15-14:02] 639c1, Axis : *walks down the street vision occasinaly blurring in the light*
[15-14:04] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[15-14:05] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *rides his horse at a brisk trot fromthe city, down the road alone with his travel gear*
[15-14:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-14:08] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:08pm, February 15 (CST) ).
[15-14:10] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[15-14:11] 639c1, Lok: *is walking in the forest near Krondor having flown their to perhaps kill a few orcs*
[15-14:14] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((sorry Lok I'm still a few days from Krondor))
[15-14:16] 639c1, Lok: ((acht crud. heh heh oopsy. well maybe I'll just float around a little
[15-14:16] 639c1, Lok: ((acht crud. heh heh oopsy. well maybe I'll just float around a little
[15-14:16] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((Sorry. I dont know how the hell the portals work so...))
[15-14:17] 94c70, Z: Think.... Stargate.
[15-14:17] 94c70, Z: that's what I do.
[15-14:18] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((well I figured THAT. But I mean actually USINg them ))
[15-14:19] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((I read the link and so ok. I need a key, and I need to find out if htre's a public portal somewhere. No clue how to find a keykeeper or a portal so its useless))
[15-14:20] 639c1, Axis : ((isn't the one into krondor public and keyless?))
[15-14:21] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((According to the file on portals, public portals need keys))
[15-14:22] 639c1, Lok: ((read the file on specific portals. the one in krondor has no leads from quinell to the forest))
[15-14:22] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon : ( theres some freebies though.. )
[15-14:22] 94c70, Z: public portals need keys too, but it's more likely the average person will have a key for it if it is public.
[15-14:22] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((I must've missed that then))
[15-14:22] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *uses the stupid portal then*
[15-14:24] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *uses the portal, ending up in the forest and he looks all about, cauctious for anything that may pop out at him*
[15-14:25] JOIN: AdrianGoldenmoon has entered.
[15-14:25] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( yeesh.. )
[15-14:27] 639c1, Lok: *notices a lone orc wandering in the forest apparetnly lost, he grins ferraly iunder his cloak*
[15-14:29] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *also wanders the forest, mostly on patrol now, oblivouis to both Orc and hunter up ahead*
[15-14:30] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[15-14:31] 5d609, Cookie Monster: *falls in* Which foest is Lok hunting orcs?
[15-14:31] 639c1, Lok: *simply tucks his wings against his body and allows gravtiy to do the work for him, casuing him to plummet onto the orc very loudly, all 800lbs of him landing ontop of and rusing the orc*
[15-14:31] 639c1, Lok: ((near Krondor))
[15-14:32] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((So the Dark Forest then! *watches Lok as he's on MY territory...*))
[15-14:33] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *blinks, hearing the crash nearby and jerks on the reins of the horse, turning the armored creature in the direction of the sound. Drawing out his three edged blade he starts forwards towards Lok*
[15-14:33] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *blinks, hearing the crash nearby and jerks on the reins of the horse, turning the armored creature in the direction of the sound. Drawing out his three edged blade he starts forwards towards Lok*
[15-14:33] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *blinks, hearing the crash nearby and jerks on the reins of the horse, turning the armored creature in the direction of the sound. Drawing out his three edged blade he starts forwards towards Lok*
[15-14:33] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *blinks, hearing the crash nearby and jerks on the reins of the horse, turning the armored creature in the direction of the sound. Drawing out his three edged blade he starts forwards towards Lok*
[15-14:33] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *blinks, hearing the crash nearby and jerks on the reins of the horse, turning the armored creature in the direction of the sound. Drawing out his three edged blade he starts forwards towards Lok*
[15-14:33] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((GAH!))
[15-14:33] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: undo
[15-14:33] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((I HATE this machine.
[15-14:33] 639c1, Lok: ((rusing= crushing))
[15-14:34] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((jerren aim me please - its Horseytuna))
[15-14:34] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( hehehe )
[15-14:35] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((sure laugh. let's see who the hell is laughing when your computer decides it doesnt' like the internet))
[15-14:35] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( not that-- horseytuna )
[15-14:35] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((you mean Horsetuna?))
[15-14:36] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( yus. ^^ )
[15-14:36] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((I thought I was horseytuna on aim. But whatever yeah))
[15-14:36] dfe22, AdrianGoldenmoon: ( wtf are you talking about )
[15-14:36] 639c1, Lok: ((your territory eh?)) *steps off the crushed orc streching up to his full 8' height*
[15-14:38] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Northern part of the Dark Forset, just below Krondor is claimed by the Goblin kingdom.))
[15-14:40] 639c1, Lok: ((*kicks goblin kingdom*))
[15-14:41] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:00pm, February 15 (CST) ).
[15-14:42] JOIN: Ryden has entered.
[15-14:42] f96be, Ryden: ((*feels a bit like playing*))
[15-14:42] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *pusehes through the bush on the warhorse, finally arriving within sight of Lok and he pauses, eyeing thething over* ((what ARE you btw?))
[15-14:43] 639c1, Lok: ((Gargoyle *sighs and hopes that the icon is done soon*)) *turns and sees theo.* greetings...
[15-14:43] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*the entire kingdom collectively bites Lok's leg*))
[15-14:44] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((Thanks))
[15-14:44] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *shifts slightly in the saddle as heeyes the gargoyle sitting on the Orc* Greetings yourself.
[15-14:44] 639c1, Lok: ((ouch ouch ouch stupid goblins!))
[15-14:45] f96be, Ryden: ((anyone want to Interact?))
[15-14:46] 639c1, Lok: ((want a descripttion theo?))*walks towards him* My name is Lok.
[15-14:47] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((Nah I think I have an idea what a Gargoyle looks like. I need to find an image of THeo)
[15-14:47] JOIN: Goblin Scouting Party has entered.
[15-14:47] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *lifts his visor, and bows deeply over the horn of his saddle* Sir Theodore, knight of the rose.
[15-14:47] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: Am I interrupting?
[15-14:47] 639c1, Lok: ((I need an image too))
[15-14:49] 639c1, Lok: *his foot gets stuck in orc goo* eww. No I think he is done. What brings you to these parts sir Theodore?
[15-14:49] 5d609, Goblin Scouting Party: ((what sort of look do the Gargoyle's have? *has a realy big archive of fantasy pics*))
[15-14:50] 5d609, Goblin Scouting Party: *in the brush, upwind of Lok and Theodore... something ever so slightly rustles*
[15-14:52] 639c1, Lok: ((Big, horns, tail wings claws. thick skin))*ears twitch at the sound*
[15-14:52] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *his horse stamps a hoof, smelling something and the rider shifts, straightening in the saddle as he states* On patrol. And yourself?
[15-14:53] 639c1, Lok: Similar. we aren't alone I think. *flexes his big hands*
[15-14:54] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((you DARE patrol in my forest!?!?))
[15-14:54] a1c74, glim : (is Randen Farr ever online? i never see him... and i would like to talk to him)
[15-14:55] 639c1, Lok: ((thats right little man))
[15-14:55] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((yup))
[15-14:55] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: I do not think so either.
[15-14:55] EXIT: Theodore MacPherson has left the chat ( 3:55pm, February 15 (CST) ).
[15-14:55] EXIT: AdrianGoldenmoon has left the chat ( 3:36pm, February 15 (CST) ).
[15-14:55] JOIN: Theodore MacPherson has entered.
[15-14:55] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((pic test))
[15-14:56] JOIN: Theodore MacPherson has entered.
[15-14:56] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((ahah))
[15-14:57] 5d609, Jerren Skulldeep : ((you can change pics without loging out and in with "/image HTML"
[15-14:58] 5d609, Goblin Scouting Party: *a rustle comes from a differant side, then a third... almost intentionaly letting them know they might be surrounded*
[15-14:59] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 2:30pm, February 15 (CST) ).
[15-14:59] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-14:59] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((didn't now that. Thanks))
[15-14:59] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( ).
[15-15:00] a1c74, glim : (hm... someone is useing my color, i'll change...)
[15-15:00] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *shifts in the saddle again and quietly reaches up to lower his visor once more, other hand tightening on the swords' hilt. Its a rather unique weapon... intead of being flat, it was triangular, with each side sunken so that theblade had three full edges, razor sharp*
[15-15:00] a1c74, glim : (test)
[15-15:00] a1c74, glim : (ok, all good)
[15-15:00] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((sorry.))
[15-15:01] JOIN: O.R. has entered.
[15-15:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-15:01] a1c74, glim : (wouldn't that be rather unsharp and like a mace?)
[15-15:01] d9fd5, O.R.: Locations?
[15-15:01] a1c74, glim : (oh well, no problom with the color)
[15-15:01] ee6b1, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((hold on lok has a problem))
[15-15:01] a1c74, glim : (inside your mom)
[15-15:01] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:01pm, February 15 (CST) ).
[15-15:01] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((nope. Its very sharp, because each edge of the triangle has an edge to it. Lemme find a pic))
[15-15:01] a1c74, glim : (jk)
[15-15:02] 5d609, Goblin Scouting Party: ((Goblin Kingdom, just south of Krondor, northern part of Dark Forest))
[15-15:02] a1c74, glim : (ok, i beleve you... i'll try and not interupt the chat anymore)
[15-15:02] JOIN: Lok has entered.
[15-15:02] ee6b1, Lok: ((back sorry))
[15-15:03] d9fd5, O.R.: Ah. A triangular blade? The kind that makes it so when you get stabbed or cut it like...doesn't heal?
[15-15:03] a1c74, glim : (werever i want to be, my character hasn't been seen for a good 3 or 4 days so he could be anywear)
[15-15:03] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((nah its cool. The blade is rather hard to describe properly. most think i mean there's three separate blades attatched to one hilt))
[15-15:03] a1c74, glim : (so i was thinking of going to kill some orcsies at krondor or something)
[15-15:04] ee6b1, Lok: ((I have seen a three eged sword))*tenses his tail lashing*
[15-15:04] a1c74, glim : (so if you were ling from the point to the hilt it would look like a peace symbol, without the circle around it?)
[15-15:04] 94c70, Z: *wants to see a 3-edged sword still.*
[15-15:05] 5d609, Goblin Scouting Party: ((I understand what you're talking about. The problem with the blade is that it can cut, but it can't cut all the way through because of the wedge the two other sides of the blade make when the strike into the target))
[15-15:05] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((Indeed. Its more of stabbing. You can still slice, you just can't slice DEEPLY, or chop someone's head off. Very useful if you want to disable but not kill)
[15-15:05] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((
[15-15:06] ee6b1, Lok: ((come on little gobblers))
[15-15:06] d9fd5, O.R.: A three edged sword or knife is not oncommon. In the World Wars some soldiers actually had some. The blade is fashioned in a way so that when you stab into someone, the wound won't heal right. If at all.
[15-15:06] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *turns his horse halfway around so that he was facing away from Lok - back to back, to watch each other *
[15-15:07] 5d609, Goblin Scouting Party: *To their side, a very muscular goblin mounted on a boar and a slightly less burly goblin riding a wolf appear, their mounts walking up side by side. The wolf rider speaks "AM GABAMAR, thought speaker for Jerren Skulldeep! You in Goblin Kingdom! Give names!
[15-15:07] ee6b1, Lok: *turns his back to him and spreads his arms*
[15-15:08] ee6b1, Lok: *looks at him calmly* I am Lok
[15-15:09] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *looks towards the Party and guestures for lok that he would speak. Then he calls out * I am Sir Theodore, novice of Roses. I mean no threat to the goblin kingdom. I am here to investigate the orc attack on the nearby city and to prevent further attacks.
[15-15:09] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((the blades' other good poitns is that it WONT bend, and is harder to shatter because of its triangular shape. The downside is it weighs 1.5 that of a normal sword from the extra weight.))
[15-15:09] 94c70, Z: I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I just don't see how it would be made is all.
[15-15:10] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((It also takes a trick to use, since it'll wobble badly because its not aerodynamically made for swinging))
[15-15:10] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((heh. I actually figured out a way to make one without welding the third side on. ))
[15-15:10] 5d609, Goblin Scouting Party: *from all sides, goblins begin to come forth from the trees, some on foot, som on wolf or boar back, so there are ten goblins around them* You both here to fight orc?
[15-15:11] ee6b1, Lok: Yes.
[15-15:11] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: And looters who may take advantage of the ravaged city. For now, I've no quarrel with teh goblins.
[15-15:12] ee6b1, Lok: Neither do I
[15-15:12]       glim is inside the city, looting it for his guild
[15-15:12] d9fd5, O.R.: A three edged sword is not really hard to make. Picture a triangle without one side. The vertex where the two sides meet make the third edge which is sharpened. When you stab into someone it makes the odd shake causing the wound to not heal very well
[15-15:12] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((*stabs glim*))
[15-15:13] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((You mean a V shaped blade or?))
[15-15:14] a1c74, glim : ( hey, my guild was based inside the city, now it is trying to get something out of the attack)
[15-15:14] 5d609, Goblin Scouting Party: *the lead goblin breaks into a large grin and yells in goblin* <We got allies!> *the entire circle of goblins yips in happyness and decends on Lok's position to tear and smash at the orc he stands on*
[15-15:14] d9fd5, O.R.: Yes, that is what is known as a triangle blade I believe.
[15-15:14] a1c74, glim : (so the blade is like |/ or something?
[15-15:14] a1c74, glim : )
[15-15:15] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((theo's is just the opposite. Its like a Y))
[15-15:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-15:16] 94c70, Z: A V shaped blade would be more sensible than a Y shaped one.
[15-15:16] 94c70, Z: A V shaped one you could at least handle well enough to be aerodynamic.
[15-15:16] a1c74, glim : (i don't care one way or the other)
[15-15:16] ee6b1, Lok: *steps away from the broken orc* hmm interesting *he says in a undertone to theo* he said that they have allies
[15-15:16] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((Depends what you want to use it for. the Y shaped blade would be stronger))
[15-15:17] ee6b1, Lok: meaning us
[15-15:17] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *watches this, then lowers his blade finally, lifting his visor and he reaches down to try and grab - gently - one goblin to get his attention * What's your commander's name?
[15-15:17] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *watches this, then lowers his blade finally, lifting his visor and he reaches down to try and grab - gently - one goblin to get his attention * What's your commander's name?
[15-15:17] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((ack))
[15-15:17] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: undo
[15-15:17] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((mrrr))
[15-15:17] d9fd5, O.R.: Actually a V shaped blade is stronger there Theo.
[15-15:18] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[15-15:18] 94c70, Z: depends on the length of the blade.
[15-15:18] 92794, Squirrel : OH FFS
[15-15:18] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((they're both triangles. I think they'd be even))
[15-15:18] 94c70, Z: but yes, a V-shaped one is less likely to break.
[15-15:18] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((a Y shaped blade, with each side equal to the others, would have the advantage that no matter how it lays on the ground, one edge is ALWAYS up. ))
[15-15:19] 94c70, Z: *smites Squirrel*
[15-15:19] 5d609, Goblin Scouting Party: *the Goblin looks up to Theodore with incomprehension and the lead wolf rider has his wolf step foreward to Theodor, the Boar rider, silently remaining at his side* As said before, am Gabamar.
[15-15:19]       glim walkes into a jewlry store that has 2 orcs in it. He stabs one is the back of the neck with his assasin's dagger, then he pulls it out and swings his longsword into the other's head, then he proceeds to pocket dimonds and other jems.
[15-15:19] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((I dont think a Y blade would break either. Then again I'm not a weaponsmith. I only know aerodynamics and stuff And even then, Id ont know much))
[15-15:19] 94c70, Z: Yes, but it leaves the other two blades vunlerable to being snapped.
[15-15:19] 92794, Squirrel : ......*sigh*
[15-15:19] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 4:19pm, February 15 (CST) ).
[15-15:20] d9fd5, O.R.: As the shop keeper unloads a giant crossbow in Glim's head for killing his customers *L* =p
[15-15:20] 5d609, Goblin Scouting Party: ((any blade could break, but a Y blade would be harder to do, as it has a spine on three edges.))
[15-15:20] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((they wont snap. Its like the popular I beam in construction - the sides support each other. ))
[15-15:20] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: ((*nods at Goblin*
[15-15:20] a1c74, glim : (they were looting it...)
[15-15:21] 949ad, Theodore MacPherson: *looks to gabamar and nods* I see. Greetings then *he climbs off the horse * And my apologies for any panic I might've caused by being there. I did not know the goblins were this far south.
[15-15:21] ee6b1, Lok: *examines the motley goblin party*
[15-15:21] d9fd5, O.R.: Well see you didn't say that. Maybe the shop keeper was trying to pull some sort of insurence scam 'eh? 'eh?
[15-15:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-15:22] 10af2, Roki: they would both snap lke a twig if you hit somethin hard enough