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 Ghostly Visits
Silly Sarah
3:26pm, February 26, 2015
The Nameless Goddess wished to honor the following heroes for their efforts. For a period lasting no more than thirty minutes, they would be allowed to see, speak, and interact with a loved one who is no longer among the living. These loved ones will appear in solid form. Their familiar scent, their touches, it would all be there. When the thirty minutes are up, they would return to a spirit form, like something out of the Star Wars realm (as a visual), before fading to a sparkling light that disappeared.

A time line is placed upon this event. The CM is not going to RP out this scene with individuals. This is a scene that the players act out on their own, as they will know the characters better than anyone, unless the deceased was played by another PC still within the room, then that turns to those individuals. I do not think there are any instances like that but, one never knows. Anywho! One week is granted for this scene to play out. A bonus reward is granted after the completion of the scene. Furthermore, there are special bonuses for length and for a moving scene. (These consist of only three tiers) Good luck and have fun! I look forward to seeing some character development!~

Group 2 - Due by 02-28
HeroVisiting Ghost
Anekaher motherComplete

Group 3 - Due by 03-02
HeroVisiting Ghost
Faithher motherComplete
Willhis sonComplete

Group 4 - Due by 03-04
HeroVisiting Ghost
Trinityher great-great-grandfatherComplete
Acheronhis great-grandfatherComplete
Cassiushis motherComplete

Group 6 - Due by 03-11
HeroVisiting Ghost
Andreahis great-great-grandfatherComplete

Group 8 - Due by 03-18
HeroVisiting Ghost
Sterlinghis fatherComplete
Mingyuhis brotherComplete
Tai Yanghis father---

Group 9 - Due by 03-19
HeroVisiting Ghost
Arianaher grandfatherComplete
Jerrahdhis motherComplete
RobertGail's fatherComplete
Gunnarhis motherComplete

Group 10 - Due by 03-20
HeroVisiting Ghost
Hunterhis brotherComplete
Amelieher brotherComplete

Group 11 - Due by 03-23
HeroVisiting Ghost
DamienDr. Usuwe---
Zaronhis first wifeComplete
Alastrinaher first husbandComplete
Akordiaher fatherComplete
Xifengher sonComplete

Group 13 - Due by 03-24
HeroVisiting Ghost
Ganghis fatherComplete
Zarionhis motherComplete
Futsushihis former master---

Group 14 - Due by 03-26
HeroVisiting Ghost
Castienhis mother---
Wilhelmhis grandfather---
Danielhis brotherComplete

Group 15 - Due by 04-17
HeroVisiting Ghost
Aceher husbandComplete
Lorhenhis wifeComplete
Seurinhis motherComplete

Edited 12:17am, April 20, 2015 by Silly Sarah, author.
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