Damian Sitar - Ascension Emissary

  • Classification: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Home World: Unknown
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Hazel green
  • Age: Early thirties (unconfirmed)
  • Height: 1.94 meters
  • Weight: Unknown
  • Occupation: Dark Jedi and Ascension Emissary
  • Affiliation: Ascension
  • Weapon(s) of Choice: Various blasters, Sith lightsaber, fragmentation grenades, gas grenades and stun grenades.
  • Vehicle(s) of Choice: Ascension Imperial II-class Star Destroyer. Swoop bike.

  • Classified Ascension intelligence - Data Corrupted

    Damian Sitar comes from a long lineage of Force users, dating back to the Sith Lord and Sith Empire Emissary, Kalan Sitar who lived during the Great Galactic War, which occurred more than 3600 years prior to the battle of Yavin and the destruction of the Galactic Empire’s first Death Star. Up until the time Damian began his formal training in the dark side on Korriban at the newly established Ascension academy, however, the most prominent Force wielder in the Sitar family had been his infamous ancestor who was buried somewhere in the Valley of the Dark Lords on ancient Sith graveyard world after his untimely demise. Damian would later discover the tomb of Darth Sitar and recover a handful of Sith relics, including a burial mask and Kalan’s lightsaber.

    The Sitar family hails from the Mid Rim world of Mon Gazza, a planet rich in spices, second in production only to Kessel in the Outer Rim. His father, Lucius Sitar was a prominent member of the Spice Mining Guild, gaining vast amounts of wealth and influence through illegal dealings that distributed spice to the various slaver’s guilds throughout the Outer Rim territories. At the height of his father’s power, an impressive palatial estate was constructed on the outskirts of Miner’s Town, the planet’s capital city. It became a symbol of oppression against the miners and illegally owned forced laborers, but it remains standing to this day, even after the New Republic worked tirelessly to abolish slavery throughout the galaxy. His father’s company, Sitar Galactic Mining had also become the third largest exporter of sansanna spice in the galaxy at the time of his death.