some text
some text


It is written in the records of the witches. Of a child.
Whom when she was born....caused
the death of a whole villiage of people.
The stars were darkened from the sky.
And her kith and kin went mad. A curse. She was named.
A curse upon all she encountered.
Do not touch this demon of the night.
Do not listen to its cry.
Or death will be your reply.
There were those that evaded this curse.
The dark ones who took the creature as their own.
The shadows were woven into her blood. Into her mind. Into her life.
A time came. When it was prophesied. The child would bring about their end.
She was sent away to the night then. And when daylight came. It came to pass.
For miles...not a being lived.
She had slaughtered. And she had worked her cursed charms.
The clans began to search for the cause of tears.
And for days found only blood.
Under a blood red moon they found her.
As if dead. In a coma-like sleep.
And in this state. They determined she must be sent away.
So they took her to the stars. Within a metal beast.
A million reasons and miles away.
And when she awoke. Her screams were said to have woken the dead.
Upon their ceasing. She had changed.
Her focus upon escape. The metal beast landed. And she set out.
Controlling her curse. And learning its ways. Biding her time.
Taming again the metal beast. She set out into the stars again.
And when she set foot upon dry earth again. The curse became her.
To this day her name still brings the memory of death with it.

And so this was written. And so this record was kept. Until the death of its keeper.
Now. She has a name. Not a myth. And her name is Aekanna Slis.
And in the galaxies most wretched hive of scum and villiany...she waits to greet you.
Go on. see if the curse is real.

Age: old enough
Species: Human.
Race: Dathomirian
Eyes: witch green with cat-like pupils. at times tainted red. the blood curse at work.
Hair: black. past shoulder length and wirey.
Build: slender. yet hinting at fire and strength. her skin is nearly marble white.
Attire: Varies
Weapons: skilled with a rather wide variety which she may carry at certain points in time.
but on a regular day. 2 blasters. A wide array of blades(which include two longer ones much
like katanas). and a whip coiled low on her hip, which delivers a stun upon contacting an attacker. one lightsaber.
Skills: Hand to hand combat. swords. the mind f#ck. provoking. run of the mill isn't it? the
skills she may posess that others do not are those of the nightsisters. (inquire if you wish to know more or better yet. try your luck)