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JOIN: A Stranger is on the case.
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : **Finding himself back on Earth, he'd sigh and would head off in a random direction, not sure where he was this time**
57db8, *Master Zedd : *he drew black fang from his side, the twisted sibling to saba, and slashed a portal open, sending Matthew back to earth.......leaving him in Thailand*
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : ...Fine, just send me back
57db8, *Master Zedd : then i will just have to force you to destroy the planet with your black corruption
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : ...There is nothing I love, so you're shit out of luck on that
57db8, *Master Zedd : I will send you back to gather information on them.....but should you betray me.....I will have you destroy everything you love
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : **He'd remain silent, his gaze on the floor for the time being**
57db8, *Master Zedd : *he heads to his throne room to view the earth and plot his conquest* Hrrrr...the green ranger still lives...but he should be no concern...
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : **He'd wince at the pain in his head, before he'd turn and follow after Zedd**
57db8, *Master Zedd : I have no time for ale...*he approached the door* Come slave....*A painful beconing passed through his cerebrum as he was commanded*
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : **While they were talking, he'd aim to slip out of the room, intending on exploring for now**
aea72, *Ivan Ooze : Heard your new boy did in NInjor, i came to celebrate. i brought Eltarian ale!
57db8, *Master Zedd : What are you doing here
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : **He'd look over at the newcomer**
aea72, *Ivan Ooze : Zeddy baby! you look marvelous!
57db8, *Master Zedd : Ivan.....
aea72, *Ivan Ooze : it wasn't a choice boy.
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : I'd rather not, thank you
57db8, *Master Zedd : No. i will give your better half control of a faction of my legion.
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : **He'd step back** I'd rather just go home
57db8, *Master Zedd : Ahhhh, the slave.....You have served me well. For that i feel a reward is due. *he stood from his throne*
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : **He'd reach down and would pick up the helmet, before he'd focus on Zedd.** I..am Matthew Shandor.
57db8, *Master Zedd : *
57db8, *Master Zedd : *The broken throne turns about as the figure that sat upon it drops the helmet of Ninjor......Slain at the hands of Matthew in his possessed state....he was at this phase of his transformation litterally drunk....intoxicated with power and blackness.....the helmet rolls to Matthews feet* I am Master Zedd....Identify yourself! *he demands in an echoing demonic rasp*
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : **He'd look over to see what was at the other end of the IV line**
3eb7b, *The Emerald Witch : And the fruits of your labor are on the other end of that IV line...
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : **He'd remain silent, waiting for the headache to pass**
3eb7b, *The Emerald Witch : And you did it with a smile on your face! hahahah!
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : **He'd give her a wary look, before his memories would be unlocked. He'd take a seat back in the chair once more, his headache coming back as they rush in all at once.** What...what the fuck?!
3eb7b, *The Emerald Witch : Oh you poor poor fool........Hold still *She tapped her wand to his head...and unlocked his memories of the past 3.5 weeks*
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : I remember exorcising a few ghosts from a house, but that's about it, before I woke up here.
3eb7b, *The Emerald Witch : Lord Zeds moonbase. Exactly how much of the past few weeks do you remember?
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : **He'd look at the IV in his arm, before removing it.** Where exactly am I?
3eb7b, *The Emerald Witch : before you make your daring wander about and escape attempt would you atleast take the IV out? *She didn't seem at all concerned with his wandering the palace*
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : **He'd turn towards the emerald witch when hearing her speak**
3eb7b, *The Emerald Witch : Oh goody.....He's awake.
31f44, *Matthew Shandor : **Waking up with a headache, he'd place a hand on his head. As the pain begins to fade, he'd open his eyes and would blink, aiming to focus clearly on his surroundings. Pushing himself up from the chair he had been slumped in, he'd note that he seemed to be in some sort of medical room, though unsure of how he got here, or why he was here, he'd move for what seemed to be a door.**
JOIN: A Stranger is on the case.
4852d, *Slash : Hrm...this will have to do for now.... *The deranged mutant turtle had finished putting a potted palm tree down in his new lair.* Free from the mammals or the others, just a silent place to call my own!

Last Post:1:50am, April 27 (UTC) (1)

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