Affiliation New Republic Defense Forces (former: New Republic Starfighter Corps- he is NOT a Naval pilot)
Rank Brigadier General (One Star)
Age 45
Height 6'1" (1.85 meters)
Eyes Light blue
Hair Brown, greying
General Appearance Muscular, especially for a guy his age. He has a neatly kept mustache that is against regulations for pilots. He is most often seen in his working service uniform and garrison cap, or his grey flight suit which has various patches from units he's served in and commands held, including Gold Squadron, and the NR Fighter Weapons School Instructor Patch.
Force Sensitive? Yes, but he has an open dislike of Jedi and Jedi culture, and doesn't want to pursue his force sensitivity at all. If anything, he tries his best to suppress it.
Current: "Warthog"- Given to him while he was an instructor pilot for flying Y-Wing's most often.
"Goose"- His earliest callsign, for slipping on goose shit and giving himself a concussion. He flew almost his entire frontline career with this callsign.
"Goldrush"- His first callsign as an instructor pilot. Given because most of his career was with Gold Squadron. Lasted less than a year.
"Cannon"- Replaced "Goldrush" when it became clear he was one of the best IP's when it came to strike missions. Replaced with "Warthog".
Kin Almost all deceased. He is not married, but has one estranged son. He has one housecat, a grey female Corellian spukamas named Dalya, after his late mother.
Vehicle Whatever the NR provides him with. He generally does not operate his own ships or land vehicles professionally anymore, leaving that work to his aides and staff. He personally owns a BTL-A4 Y-Wing, in fact it's the one he flew for most of his career, purchased after it was decommissioned by the NRSF and destined for a scrap yard. It is in the process of being restored, and is not yet in flyable condition. He also personally owns a landspeeder, which he hardly uses.
Weapons Standard issue DL-44 sidearm. When flying, he always carries an E-11 in the cockpit, in case he has time to grab it before bailing out. He generally always has a vibroblade on him as a survival tool, and last ditch defense.
I. Starfighter Piloting
II. Space combat maneuvering
III. Atmospheric combat maneuvering
IV. Space Navigation
V. SERE training (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape)
VI. Hand to hand combat
VII. Marksmanship
VIII. Sector Operations management
IX. He has full instrument checkouts on the following ships:
i. BTL-A4 Y-Wing
ii. BTL-S3 Y-Wing
iii. BTL-S8 K-Wing
iv. B-Wing
v. B-Wing/E2
vi. TIE Bomber (Part of his Instructor Pilot training)
vii. XG-1 StarWing (Part of his IP training)
viii. Z-95 (many variants)

(very) Brief (and poorly written) History (that will be revised eventually)

General Kanellikas has been in the military since the age of 18. Born on Alderaan to Ionnis Kanellikas, a holofilm stuntman and Clone Wars veteran, one of the few mongrel special forces operators, and Dalya Kanellikas, a flight attendant for a large commercial spaceline. Through his mothers job benefits, Kevan acquired a taste for spaceflight at an early age, having seen a large part of the galactic core before he'd turned 18. Upon his 18th birthday, Kevan was accepted into the Imperial Flight Academy on Carida.

When he was 19, the Empire destroyed Alderaan, killing almost his entire family. Less than a week later, he found out his grandfather, Agustyn Ambrose, who was a Fleet Admiral commanding his own force in the outer rim, was defecting along with a sizeable number of his officers. One of the conditions he made was that the Rebels extract Kevan from Carida.

Once he was extracted, Kevan was immediately sent to Yavin IV, where it was known the Empire would be blockading at any moment, and he was assigned to fly Y-Wings with Gold Squadron. With limited time and resources, Kevan was given three days training on a Z-95, with the cockpit reconfigured to look like a BTL-A4 Y-Wing, and then thrown into combat. His first combat mission was close air support against invading Imperial forces advancing on the Massassi temple.

Kevan took part in numerous operations with the Rebels, flying and fighting in many clandestine operations while the squadron was under the command of Crix Madine. Kevan not only survived, but excelled as a strike fighter pilot. At the Battle of Endor, Kevan was one of the pilots who followed Lando Calrissian into the super structure, but following orders to lead some of the pursuing TIE Fighters, did not fire the killing shot into the main reactor. To this day, he calls this his biggest regret.

As the War dragged on, Kevan was promoted, eventually taking command of Gold Squadron and seeing their transition from the venerable Y-Wing to K-Wing's. A career Y-Wing pilot, Kevan was never satisfied with the new ships. As he got older, and there were less battles to fight, he became more and more dissatisfied with the pervasive lack of operational experience available in the military, particularly among fighter pilots, and upon his promotion to Brigadier General, he helped form the New Republic Fighter Weapons School. The school brought in fighter and bomber pilots from across every branch of the NR, any planetary military forces that fell within NR jurisdiction, and pilots from foreign friendly governments and gave them intensive operational training outside simulators, which Kevan and the other schools founders considered wholly inadequate versus real flying. (Think Red Flag, or Top Gun) This school was designed for commissioned pilots with a few years of experience, not new trainee's.

After a few years as an instructor pilot, Kevan was reassigned, and now deals with NR forces on a strategic/operational level. Though he no longer flies in combat missions, he is extremely well versed in starfighter combat and tactics after 20+ years of flying fighters. If he had to, he could take up the controls of a fighter if called upon to do so.

Kevan is a bitter, cynical veteran. His entire adult life has been defined by near constant War and death. As such, it's difficult for him to maintain a lot of friends, and keeps a fairly close, small circle of people around him to insulate him from outsiders. That said, his 20+ years of experience has given him a real head for tactics and operational planning. He is a recovered alcoholic, and swears off of liqour of any kind. He is a workaholic, having not much of a life outside of work, and is generally disdainful of military personnel who do not take their jobs as seriously as he takes his. He also dislikes showboaters and despises the political games many politicians and flag officers play, wishing they would just let the military do its job. Flying, and spending time with his cat are among few things he enjoys anymore.

As a former Instructor Pilot, he is quite capable of noticing and exploiting the strengths and weaknesses of others. He's extremely blunt and to the point with others, to a degree that even people he likes may think he hates them. This is a boon for him in military situations; discussions with those under his command, or those under his tutelage as an instructor pilot benefit from his frank honesty. At the same time, in situations where civilians are involved, or where discretion or diplomacy may be called for, Kevan is a bit of a loose cannon and is best kept away from briefing non-military personnel. In spite of this, Kevan does have a good reputation in the fighter pilot community, particularly among older pilots, due to his 20+ years of service and numerous battles, including Endor.

Kevan began the War as an IP, and has not been involved in any of the fighting. With his recent reassignment, he has been tasked with studying the tactics of the Nekressis and coming up with ways to use fighters against them.