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[06-05:36] c5837, *Misty : Hovering over my head. *ducks as Ria swings* Ack, wotchit!
[06-05:36] 05675, *KnightLance : *chuckles* and you...though it's more of a shock to me...*nods to Jaradon*
[06-05:36] 3112a, *President Zahra : Oh, ack! *just pokes at the bad mood, then*
[06-05:37] 8f519, *Jaradon Rocel : *nods back to lance* how ya doin kid
[06-05:38] 05675, *KnightLance : Not bad, Sir. You?
[06-05:38] 8f519, *Jaradon Rocel : *smirks* same as always
[06-05:39] c5837, *Misty : *has her bad mood poked* W00t
[06-05:39] 91611, *Marc Harding : I love this cute display of affection, but this place is a little to public for me...
[06-05:39] 3112a, *President Zahra : *keeps poking at it* Wee.
[06-05:40] 8f519, *Jaradon Rocel : got somewhere else in mind?
[06-05:41] 91611, *Marc Harding : No. I just don't want to sit here anylonger than I have to....*turns to Lance* You still president, king, or dictator, or whatever?
[06-05:42] 05675, *KnightLance : *chuckles* Yes, I still am
[06-05:43] 91611, *Marc Harding : Well then, never mind. *points to Jaradon* Say*points at Lance* That goes for you to...I'll see you around, you have my comm codes, they're still good, if you need me...*pulls on his jacket, and his helmet, and slips outside*
[06-05:43] c5837, *Misty : I think we've successfully chased it away :)
[06-05:43] 3112a, *President Zahra : Wooo! *hugs Misty*
[06-05:44] c5837, *Misty : Hehe *hugs back*
[06-05:45] 3112a, *President Zahra : *does a silly dance of randomness for no reason*
[06-05:46] EXIT: Marc Harding has left the chat ( Quit ).
[06-05:46] 8f519, *Jaradon Rocel : hasta luego Muchacho *slight salute*
[06-05:46] 05675, *KnightLance : *watches him leave and shakes his head* Who would have guessed...
[06-05:46] c5837, *Misty : *G*
[06-05:47] 8f519, *Jaradon Rocel : *shrugs*
[06-05:48] 3112a, *President Zahra : Come, dance, Misty! *dances*
[06-05:48] 05675, *KnightLance : I really did think he was dead....
[06-05:49] c5837, *Misty : Ack, dancing!?!?!?!?!?!?! Grrrr... fine *dances*
[06-05:50] 8f519, *Jaradon Rocel : I knew he wasnt..he kicks to hard to die *chuckles* you should know that
[06-05:50] 3112a, *President Zahra : Wooo! *applauds, applauds Misty*
[06-05:51] 05675, *KnightLance : Yeah...*shrugs* well it's going to be interesting having him around again. *chuckles* hope it's better than before...
[06-05:51] c5837, *Misty : *applauded* *bows*
[06-05:52] 3112a, *President Zahra : *twirls about, not really dancing.. just twirling* Weeeee.
[06-05:53] 8f519, *Jaradon Rocel : ((*break dances cause he is a badass*))
[06-05:53] c5837, *Misty : *blinks at Ria, then at Jaradon* You two will get dizzy
[06-05:54] 3112a, *President Zahra : *pats, pats J* *then continues twirling* But I'm already dizzy, Misty, so it doesn't matter.
[06-05:55] 8f519, *Jaradon Rocel : *spins on his head, then does the worm, stands takes a step and falls over*))
[06-05:57] c5837, *Misty : Well, you'll get dizzier
[06-05:57] c5837, *Misty : the worm.. hehehehe... the worm. s'been a long time
[06-05:58] 8f519, *Jaradon Rocel : ((ah yes *ponders back to the days when he did the worm daily*))
[06-05:58] 3112a, *President Zahra : But being dizzy is fun. *spins!*
[06-05:59] c5837, *Misty : Dizzy isn't fun all the time
[06-05:59] 3112a, *President Zahra : Well, I guess. *stops.. stumbles* Eeep.
[06-06:00] 8f519, *Jaradon Rocel : *throws a fish to spinning ria to see if she can catch it*))
[06-06:00] 3112a, *President Zahra : *has stopped spinning, and can therefore catch it*
[06-06:01] c5837, *Misty : hehe
[06-06:01] 8f519, *Jaradon Rocel : *snaps his fingers, then spins really fast turning into....*
[06-06:01] 3112a, *President Zahra : *is now holding a fish* Blech. Here. *hands it to Misty*
[06-06:02] c5837, *Misty : Erm. *backs up* No, no.. you keep it, Ria
[06-06:02] 8f519, 'Mr. J: *MR. J Grande admiral dela south!*
[06-06:02] 3112a, *President Zahra : Fine, fine. *puts it in a fish tank*
[06-06:03] 8f519, 'Mr. J: YAY!
[06-06:03] 3112a, *President Zahra : Yay? *pokes, pokes Mr. J*
[06-06:03] c5837, *Misty : *snickers*
[06-06:04] 3112a, *President Zahra : *snickered at?* Eeep. What?
[06-06:06] 8f519, 'Mr. J: *sits in his inflateable throne, puts on an afro wig*
[06-06:06] 3112a, *President Zahra : *borrows Leigh's throne, as she isn't here*
[06-06:07] c5837, *Misty : nothing, nothing
[06-06:07] 3112a, *President Zahra : You're lying. I have spinach in my teeth, don't I?
[06-06:09] c5837, *Misty : *gasp* I never lie!
[06-06:10] 8f519, 'Mr. J: *begins to snicker at Spinach-in-the-teeth Ria*
[06-06:12] JOIN: Andy has entered.
[06-06:12] 3112a, *President Zahra : Sure you don't. *eyes Misty* *then eyes J* Oh, you're so mean!
[06-06:13] c5837, *Misty : I'm shocked, absolutely shocked that you would even imply such a thing!! Hmph!
[06-06:13] 3112a, *President Zahra : Well, I'm so sorry then, Misty.
[06-06:13] 53175, 'Andy: *loves Spinach* *looks around for Popeye*
[06-06:14] c5837, *Misty : Yes, yes, I'm sure you are. I can practically hear the sincerity in your words. :P
[06-06:15] 3112a, *President Zahra : But I am! Oy.
[06-06:15] 53175, 'Andy: Sarcasm is silent but sweet.
[06-06:15] 8f519, 'Mr. J: *idly sings* she's Ria the sailor gurl..she's ria the sailor gurl..she's strong to the finach cause she brushes with spinach she's popeye the sailor gurl
[06-06:15] c5837, *Misty : hehe
[06-06:15] c5837, *Misty : guh... my hands are cold. :(
[06-06:18] 53175, 'Andy: *l @ Mr.J*
[06-06:19] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[06-06:19] 3112a, *President Zahra : Awww.. J doesn't love me! *cries*
[06-06:19] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[06-06:20] 53175, 'Andy: *hands Ria many variety of flowers 'mostly roses and daisies and carnations*
[06-06:20] c5837, *Misty : bah. time to go home. *wanders off, to return later...ish*
[06-06:20] EXIT: Misty has left the chat ( Quit ).
[06-06:22] 3112a, *President Zahra : Bye, Misty. *pause* Hmm.. *has flowers now* Weee.
[06-06:22] 8f519, 'Mr. J: *blinks* Im sorry!
[06-06:23] 3112a, *President Zahra : It's okay, J. I love you anyway. :)
[06-06:24] 53175, 'Andy: Mr.J rocks. *grin* I'm just a plain ol' fossil who comes on once in a while now.
[06-06:25] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[06-06:25] 8f519, 'Mr. J: YAY!
[06-06:26] 53175, 'Andy: *prays for a miracle, so Silver Sun can come on*
[06-06:27] 3112a, *President Zahra : Oy. Silly. *hugs Andy*
[06-06:27] 8f519, 'Mr. J: *begins to scratch on the turntables* wikka wikka wikwikwiwik wiggy wiggy wakwakwak
[06-06:28] 53175, 'Andy: *returns the hugs* Maybe I'll become a Saint.
[06-06:29] 3112a, *President Zahra : I wanna be a saint.. *pouts*
[06-06:30] 8f519, 'Mr. J: I wanna be a midget Nun
[06-06:30] 53175, 'Andy: *LOL @ Mr.J*
[06-06:31] 53175, 'Andy: Well I am off to bed. Later peeps. Nighty Night
[06-06:32] 8f519, 'Mr. J: later dIzude!
[06-06:33] 53175, 'Andy: Tsonta forever. *chuckles and vanishes*
[06-06:33] fef16, Get a Name!: Bah
[06-06:33] EXIT: Andy has left the chat ( I said hum, not gum, you bum. ).
[06-06:34] 3112a, *President Zahra : Night, Andy. *eyes GaN*
[06-06:39] fef16, Get a Name!: *spots time* yee gads! Night Care Bear
[06-06:40] JOIN: Rainer has entered.
[06-06:40] 3112a, *President Zahra : It's Bobbers! *hugs Bobbers* Night!
[06-06:41] 50223, *Rainer : *wanders in*
[06-06:55] 50223, *Rainer : Interesting effect I have here...
[06-07:22] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[06-07:24] 4452c, Get a Name!: wocka wocka wocka
[06-07:26] 4452c, Get a Name!: rrrrrrraaaaaaaaiiiinnerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[06-08:14] JOIN: KnightLance has entered.
[06-08:15] JOIN: Siera Vessler has entered.
[06-08:18] 05675, *KnightLance : *glances up from his booth in the back then downs the rest of his water*
[06-08:20] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *steps in quietly and glances around from beneath her hood*
[06-08:22] 05675, *KnightLance : *reaches out to her brushing her mind* ~over here~
[06-08:23] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *her head lift slightly and her hood falls back, blue-green eyes looking in Lance's direction... smiles slightly and heads over*
[06-08:25] 05675, *KnightLance : Hey...*S* I wasn't sure if you were going to show
[06-08:26] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : You think I'd miss a chance seeing you? *grins and slides into the booth*
[06-08:27] 05675, *KnightLance : I don't know...would you?
[06-08:27] 05675, *KnightLance : *grins*
[06-08:29] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Hmm... lemme think.. *assumes a thoughtful expression*
[06-08:30] 05675, *KnightLance : *chuckles* How are you today?
[06-08:31] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *grins* Oh, not too bad... this is one of those days that starts out crummy and gets progressively better....
[06-08:32] 05675, *KnightLance : I know what that is like
[06-08:34] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Yeah... so anyway, that means this is the best part of my day yet, and that also means it's going to get better...
[06-08:35] 05675, *KnightLance : *reaches over and kisses her full on**when he pulls back he smiles* better?
[06-08:36] JOIN: Siera Vessler has entered.
[06-08:37] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *her mouth slowly spreads into a grin, her eyebrows raised* Y- yeah...
[06-08:38] 05675, *KnightLance : *sits back in the booth* I thought so..
[06-08:38] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : You're manipulating me... *laughs* you want something?
[06-08:40] 05675, *KnightLance : What ever gave you that idea?
[06-08:41] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Because right about now I think I'd even take your garbage out for you if you so much as suggested it...
[06-08:42] 05675, *KnightLance : *L*
[06-08:42] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *grins at him*
[06-08:45] 05675, *KnightLance : Well, I was wondering if perhaps you would like to have dinner with me tomorrow night at my place...?
[06-08:46] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Really? I'd... I'd love too... are you cooking?
[06-08:49] 05675, *KnightLance : *nods*
[06-08:49] 05675, *KnightLance : just me and you. No one else and no distractions
[06-08:50] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *takes a deep breath and smiles* Sounds nice... I hope you're a good cook... *teases*
[06-08:52] 05675, *KnightLance : *G* I think you will like it
[06-08:53] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *raises an eyebrow, smiles and shrugs* I probably will then... I can't wait...
[06-08:54] 05675, *KnightLance : *S* So is there anything you like to eat?
[06-08:57] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Um... I'm not too picky... just nothing too sweet or too spicy...
[06-08:58] 05675, *KnightLance : Ok then
[06-09:55] JOIN: pH has entered.
[06-18:05] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[06-18:06] f1112, •Ronica : *very, very alone*
[06-18:07] f1112, •Ronica : *tests ident*
[06-18:07] f1112, •Ronica : Hmm..
[06-18:07] f1112, •Ronica : Bah. *doesn't like*
[06-18:08] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[06-18:08] 1d043, *President Zahra : Not alone!
[06-18:09] 1d043, *President Zahra : *eyes the ident* It looks like a tomato.
[06-18:11] f1112, •Ronica : Yeah, it sorta does, doesn't it? *pokes at* Bah.
[06-18:11] f1112, •Ronica : *blinks* Now, I'm not even sure if I meant "pokes it" or "pokes at it"
[06-18:12] 1d043, *President Zahra : *tries her own ident*
[06-18:12] 1d043, *President Zahra : Oy.. That's a very, very dark purple.
[06-18:13] f1112, •Ronica : Eggplant colour.
[06-18:14] f1112, •Ronica : Bah. *has nothing to do today except clean*
[06-18:15] 1d043, *President Zahra : Oy. Cleaning is no fun. *comforts* *then weeps because she really, really, really wants to see Zoolander, but Mommy won't let her*
[06-18:16] f1112, •Ronica : Why can't you go see Zoolander?
[06-18:22] 1d043, *President Zahra : Because if there's gonna be biological warfare, they're obviously gonna start by spreading diseases into the air of my theater.
[06-18:24] f1112, •Ronica : *blinks* Are you serious?
[06-18:24] f1112, •Ronica : That's your mom's reason?
[06-18:25] 1d043, *President Zahra : It so is. *nodnodnod* *may somehow be able to convince her to let her go just this once, but is probably never going to the movies again*
[06-18:26] f1112, •Ronica : Oi... I might go see Serendipity tonight. You can come with us, there won't be any biological warfare in Canada. Not for a while, at least.
[06-18:27] 1d043, *President Zahra : Oh! I wanna see that movie too! *cries, cries*
[06-18:27] f1112, •Ronica : Ack! *comforts*
[06-18:30] 1d043, *President Zahra : *comforted* *will probably just whine until Mommy forgets about biological warfare*
[06-18:31] JOIN: L has entered.
[06-18:31] f1112, •Ronica : Good plan.
[06-18:32] 1d043, *President Zahra : It's Leigh! *pounces Leigh*
[06-18:32] 916b6, 'L: That movie was supposedly not that great.
[06-18:33] f1112, •Ronica : Zoolander or Serendipity?
[06-18:34] 1d043, *President Zahra : Zoolander is gonna be great, no matter what, because both Bowie and Ben Stiller are in it. If the plot is bad, I'll just stare happily.
[06-18:35] 916b6, 'L: Serendipity.
[06-18:36] 916b6, 'L: *realizes belatedly that she was pounced*
[06-18:36] f1112, •Ronica : Oh, it doesn't matter if it's good or not. It's about love, and any movie with that makes me smile stupidly.
[06-18:38] 1d043, *President Zahra : Oh. Serendipity is probably gonna be awful. *will love it, anyway* *and awwwww@ROnnie*
[06-18:38] 1d043, *President Zahra : *baps, baps random capitalization away*
[06-18:38] f1112, •Ronica : *awwwww-ed* Shut up. *mutters*
[06-18:40] 916b6, 'L: Stay home and watch 10 Things I Hate About You, then.
[06-18:40] 1d043, *President Zahra : Heh. *pat, pat for Ronnie*
[06-18:41] f1112, •Ronica : 10 Things I Hate About You isn't set in New York. Once you put love and NYC together, I can't possibly be disappointed. *may like Breakfast at Tiffany's as much as she does for that reason*
[06-18:41] f1112, •Ronica : *pat, patted*
[06-18:43] 1d043, *President Zahra : *has decided that she will see the 3pm showing of Zoolander, even if it kills her*
[06-18:44] 916b6, 'L: *yawns tiredly* Gawd.
[06-18:44] f1112, •Ronica : Garbage is gonna be on David Letterman Monday!
[06-18:45] 1d043, *President Zahra : Oooo! *must remember to watch Letterman, then* *and pokes Leigh* Sleep. How are you feeling, anyway?
[06-18:46] f1112, •Ronica : *tries to figure out which she'd rather do less right now... Clean or work on her story* Hmm...
[06-18:48] 1d043, *President Zahra : Work on your story! Now, now! *must read it*
[06-18:50] 916b6, 'L: Not so congested, but very tired. Moreso just my body itself.... like my muscles and stuff.
[06-18:50] f1112, •Ronica : Oi...
[06-18:51] f1112, •Ronica : *needs a nice name for a girl first*
[06-18:51] 916b6, 'L: *might take a nap shortly*
[06-18:51] 916b6, 'L: Samantha.
[06-18:53] 1d043, *President Zahra : Maria. *giggles*
[06-18:53] 1d043, *President Zahra : Oy. *huggles Leigh* It could be flu-ish. Go see a doctor.
[06-18:54] f1112, •Ronica : I can't call her Samantha because there's a girl named Samantha in my Writer's Craft class and I really really really don't like her.
[06-18:56] 1d043, *President Zahra : Call her.. um... Peaches.
[06-18:58] 916b6, 'L: Oh...I see. *hugs back* Doctor = money.
[06-18:58] f1112, •Ronica : ....Peaches?
[06-18:59] f1112, •Ronica : Canada = Free health care! Both of you, move up here! I have spare rooms.
[06-19:00] 916b6, 'L: *would*
[06-19:02] f1112, •Ronica : *eyes her char list* Hmm... Lydia is a nice name.
[06-19:03] 1d043, *President Zahra : What's wrong with Peaches? *pout*
[06-19:04] f1112, •Ronica : it so much that...I'm...saving it for something else.
[06-19:04] 1d043, *President Zahra : *LOL@Ronnie* Yeah, I love you too.
[06-19:05] f1112, •Ronica : *hugs* :)
[06-19:06] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs back* *and pokes, pokes Leigh, who should be in bed*
[06-19:07] f1112, •Ronica : Okay, so...*will write instead of clean* *needs mood music* BRB
[06-19:09] 1d043, *President Zahra : *wanders off for a second to stick waffles into the toaster*
[06-19:11] 1d043, *President Zahra : Yay for waffles. *giggles*
[06-19:11] f1112, •Ronica : Perfect. *puts some older Sarah McLachlan in*
[06-19:13] 1d043, *President Zahra : *ooo@Ronnie*
[06-19:14] f1112, •Ronica : *ooo-ed at* *notes that Possession has to be one of her favourite songs ever. Takes a lot of shit from her friends for liking Sarah McLachlan*
[06-19:17] 916b6, 'L: Sarah McLachlan is good.
[06-19:17] 1d043, *President Zahra : *likes one Sarah McLachlan song*
[06-19:18] 916b6, 'L: *likes Angel*
[06-19:18] f1112, •Ronica : *nods* I've got five of her CDs.
[06-19:18] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[06-19:19] 1d043, *President Zahra : *then again, has only willingly listened to one Sarah McLachlan song*
[06-19:19] f1112, •Ronica : *doesn't like the Surfacing CD as much as she likes the older ones*
[06-19:19] f1112, •Ronica : Which song, Ria?
[06-19:20] 1d043, *President Zahra : The one Misty posted lyrics to in her diary.. *forgot the title*
[06-19:21] 916b6, 'L: *drops some more Pop Rocks in her mouth* Where's some Coke when I want it?
[06-19:21] f1112, •Ronica : I Love You?
[06-19:21] 916b6, 'L: *didn't know she had one* *will pretend like she never heard*
[06-19:21] 1d043, *President Zahra : I mean, um.. The one Misty.. er.. shared.. somewhere. *eyes undo*
[06-19:22] 1d043, *President Zahra : *nodnod to Ronnie*
[06-19:22] 916b6, 'L: *was going to forget about it easily...pats Ria*
[06-19:24] f1112, •Ronica : *would recommend some better songs, but tends to like the ones that other people don't*
[06-19:27] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs Leigh tons* *hugs Ronnie, too*
[06-19:28] f1112, •Ronica : *hugs Ria back*
[06-19:29] 916b6, 'L: *hugs*
[06-19:31] f1112, •Ronica : *writes*
[06-19:32] 1d043, *President Zahra : *curls up*
[06-19:33] f1112, •Ronica : Ack..*hugs Ria*
[06-19:34] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugged* Oy. *hopes Daddy'll come home soon, so they can sneak off to the movies without Mommy knowing*
[06-19:34] JOIN: Marc Harding has entered.
[06-19:37] 9dd57, *Marc Harding : ((Morning, to anyone whose still here....))
[06-19:37] 1d043, *President Zahra : Bah. *foiled, as Mommy just came home*
[06-19:40] f1112, •Ronica : Bah. *baps Mommy*
[06-19:43] 1d043, *President Zahra : *sighs* No fair.
[06-19:44] f1112, •Ronica : *furious to read in the paper that her stepmother is a "mother of three"* Bullshit. She's a mother of one, and she shouldn't even be considered that.
[06-19:45] 916b6, 'L: Wha happened, Ver?
[06-19:47] f1112, •Ronica : Oh, she's in the paper because Nortel is laying off thousands of employees and she did an interview about it... But this whole "she needs a job because she has three kids" thing is a joke. Two of those kids make more money than we do, and she doesn't give me a cent.
[06-19:48] 1d043, *President Zahra : Oy. *hugs and hugs and hugs Ronnie*
[06-19:48] 916b6, 'L: Oh....I see.
[06-19:49] f1112, •Ronica : *hugged* Erg..*curls up in her black hole and tries to calm down*
[06-19:49] 1d043, *President Zahra : Write.. um... a letter to the editor about it?
[06-19:50] f1112, •Ronica : I'm trying to pretend I'm not that petty.
[06-19:52] 1d043, *President Zahra : Bah.. You can be as petty as you like..
[06-19:55] f1112, •Ronica : Yeah, but I'd rather not be.
[06-19:56] 1d043, President Zahra: Well, okay. *hugs*
[06-19:56] 1d043, *President Zahra : Well, okay. *hugs*
[06-19:58] f1112, •Ronica : *hugs back* Blah. *can't write now*
[06-19:59] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs more*
[06-20:01] f1112, •Ronica : *hugs back more*
[06-20:03] 1d043, *President Zahra : *sigh* Stupid mother.. Gah..
[06-20:04] f1112, •Ronica : *hugs* Maybe your dad could talk some sense into her?
[06-20:05] 1d043, *President Zahra : I doubt it. My Dad never, ever disagrees with her.
[06-20:06] f1112, •Ronica : Oi.
[06-20:06] 1d043, *President Zahra : *sigh, sigh*
[06-20:07] f1112, •Ronica : *sighs too, and hugs lots* I'm gonna go clean now. BBL.
[06-20:08] 1d043, *President Zahra : Have fun. *hugs*
[06-21:03] 1d043, *President Zahra : Oy. *alone, alone, alone*
[06-21:11] f1112, •Ronica : *pops in for a second to hug Ria lots, then goes back to cleaning*
[06-21:20] 1d043, *President Zahra : Ooo.. *not alone, for a second*
[06-21:21] f1112, •Ronica : Two seconds. :) *hugs again and runs off*
[06-21:23] 1d043, *President Zahra : Yay! *hugs lots* Have fun.
[06-22:08] JOIN: NS has entered.
[06-22:14] 1d043, *President Zahra : *pounces Stalkery!*
[06-22:15] acf95, NS: *is pounced* Hi Ria
[06-22:22] 1d043, *President Zahra : *huggles Stalkery lots*
[06-22:23] acf95, NS: *hugs back* So..yeah..
[06-22:24] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[06-22:24] 1d043, *President Zahra : Yeah? *pokes, pokes*
[06-22:25] acf95, NS: So..who is the bad guy now?
[06-22:26] 1d043, *President Zahra : Bad guy? What bad guy?
[06-22:26] d7016, •Rob: Me! Bwahahahaha!
[06-22:27] acf95, NS: Bah, you are dead.
[06-22:28] d7016, •Rob : Quiet you, thats beside the point.
[06-22:28] 1d043, *President Zahra : *pounces Rob!* You, bad guy? *bursts out laughing*
[06-22:29] acf95, NS: And I cleaned your bones..and gave it to Enigma.
[06-22:30] d7016, •Rob : *Pounced at laughed at*..Oi..
[06-22:34] 1d043, *President Zahra : *allowed to laugh at Rob because she loves him* *huggles him lots*
[06-22:34] d7016, •Rob : Yeah... well you'll get yours...
[06-22:37] 1d043, *President Zahra : Bah. *pokes Rob, and pokes Stalkery*
[06-22:37] acf95, NS: I'll get nothing, but many hugs.
[06-22:41] 1d043, *President Zahra : Yes. Stalkery will get many hugs. *huggles him muchly*
[06-22:43] acf95, NS: Mwahahaha
[06-22:44] 1d043, *President Zahra : *watching some movie with Christian Slater* No, no! Don't hurt him! He's too cute to be hurt!
[06-23:02] JOIN: Azhrei has entered.
[06-23:02] 5cfc8, Azhrei: 'Ello all :)
[06-23:04] 1d043, *President Zahra : Rohany! *pounce, pounce!* Ria's gotta go for a few hours, but you better be back when she returns. *hugs and kotc*
[06-23:04] EXIT: President Zahra has left the chat ( Quit ).
[06-23:05] 5cfc8, Azhrei: *Pounced* I don't thing I will, Ria :( *Hugs much*
[06-23:07] 1d043, *President Zahra : *pause* You won't? *clings* *stays, then*
[06-23:07] 5cfc8, Azhrei: Bah! Now I won't be here and she'll not be happy next time I see her :(
[06-23:07] 5cfc8, Azhrei: Ah, back again are ye? *S* No, I can't stay long
[06-23:08] 1d043, *President Zahra : No fair. *pouts, pouts* *hugs much*
[06-23:08] 5cfc8, Azhrei: *Hugs back* Sorry
[06-23:09] JOIN: L has entered.
[06-23:09] 5cfc8, Azhrei: Hey Leigh *hugs*
[06-23:09] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs more* IC, then?
[06-23:09] 1d043, *President Zahra : *pounces Leigh* Off to bed, you!
[06-23:10] 5cfc8, Azhrei: Sure, why not *S*
[06-23:10] 1d043, *President Zahra : *goes, then*
[06-23:10] 916b6, 'L: *slept...for almost an hour and a half* *hugs back, then disappears so she doesn't get in the way of icness*
[06-23:11] 1d043, *President Zahra : *notes that IC-ness is gonna be.. erm.. somewhere else* Go sleep more, Leigh. *hugs lots*
[06-23:12] 5cfc8, Azhrei: Ok, hold on
[06-23:14] 1d043, *President Zahra : *dances about*
[06-23:40] JOIN: Andy has entered.
[06-23:41] 2b760, 'Andy: *dances to Rave music(
[06-23:52] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[06-23:52] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: So if you rub your feet on a carpet you can conduct static electricity... What happens when a Wookie rubs his feet on a carpet? Lightning?
[06-23:53] 2b760, 'Andy: *scratches head* Dunno
[07-00:01] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Nobody was asking you
[07-00:02] 2b760, 'Andy: Oh, you are not Ted Turner sorry.
[07-00:03] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( What? Oh whatever, I have stuff to do. Die Andy. ).
[07-00:03] 2b760, 'Andy: This sucks. 8 lurkers. *thwap*
[07-00:03] 2b760, 'Andy: lol
[07-00:05] JOIN: Marc Harding has entered.
[07-00:13] EXIT: Andy has left the chat ( 'Aftermath of Sept 11th.' = Destruction of American Empire, because of George 'Monkey' Bush ).
[07-00:46] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[07-00:47] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[07-00:47] 73546, •Rob: *f*What an insensitve statement.
[07-00:49] 1d043, *President Zahra : *doesn't like the term "American Empire" anyway* Bah. *hugs Rob!*
[07-00:49] f1112, •Ronica : I've got to agree.
[07-00:49] 73546, •Rob : *Bah's too**Hugs 'Ria*
[07-00:50] 73546, •Rob : On which account Ronnie..?
[07-00:50] 1d043, *President Zahra : *curls up on Rob's lap*
[07-00:51] 73546, •Rob : *Pats Ria*^_^
[07-00:51] f1112, •Ronica : On that it's an insensitive statement.
[07-00:52] 1d043, *President Zahra : *purrs, purrs*
[07-00:55] 73546, •Rob : *Chuckkes Aim*Dangit... how long ago did Bri' leave ..?
[07-00:56] 73546, •Rob : Er, that should be checks
[07-00:57] 1d043, *President Zahra : Bri? *blinks ignorantly*
[07-00:59] b4b81, •Rob : Oh, Sorry, Rohan.
[07-01:00] 1d043, *President Zahra : Oh.. Um.. Hours ago..
[07-01:05] b4b81, •Rob : 'Guess I'll have to gve him s call i the morning then.
[07-01:06] b4b81, •Rob : *Blinks*Whats wrong with me...I can't type!
[07-01:06] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[07-01:06] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: So if you rub your feet on a carpet you can conduct static electricity... What happens when a Wookie rubs his feet on a carpet? Lightning?
[07-01:06] 1d043, *President Zahra : *pats, pats Rob* Oy. If you call him, tell him I say hi. :)
[07-01:08] b4b81, •Rob : *Patted*'Will do ^_^
[07-01:10] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: And that's where I met the Leprecaun. He told me to burn things.
[07-01:10] b4b81, •Rob : *Bnlinks*
[07-01:11] JOIN: L has entered.
[07-01:11] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Ah, you've done well laddy. Now you know what you have to do....burn the house down. BURN 'EM ALL!
[07-01:11] b4b81, •Rob : *grumbles*...see.. I can't type..
[07-01:11] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *burns Rob*
[07-01:11] 1d043, *President Zahra : Okay, I'm gonna go watch movies with Daddy. *hugs people*
[07-01:12] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Maybe Rob's drunk
[07-01:12] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Like Cay was last night
[07-01:12] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Bye Ria
[07-01:12] b4b81, •Rob : Rob can't be drunk cuz Rob doesn't drink.
[07-01:12] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: about high:?
[07-01:13] b4b81, •Rob : G'night Ria ^_^
[07-01:13] b4b81, •Rob : Nope, I don't do drugs either.
[07-01:13] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Natural high?
[07-01:14] b4b81, •Rob : I don't see why. I thikn I'm just knackerd.
[07-01:14] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: knacked
[07-01:14] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: ?
[07-01:15] f1112, •Ronica : Tired.
[07-01:15] b4b81, •Rob : Sorry, semi-local slang, it means tired.
[07-01:15] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: stupid slang
[07-01:16] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: On an entirely different subject, I can't be stopped now, cuz I'm bad boy for life.
[07-01:17] b4b81, •Rob : Why's that?
[07-01:17] f1112, •Ronica : *happens to prefer British slang a million times more than North American slang*
[07-01:17] c9bda, 'L: *shrieks painfully* Noooooooo! I thought it started at 7:30, dammit!!!
[07-01:18] f1112, •Ronica : *blinks at Leigh* You um...okay?
[07-01:18] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: What did? What are you talking about Leigh?
[07-01:18] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I dunno Rob, I'm just listneing to music
[07-01:19] c9bda, 'L: *missed 1:26 minutes of the hockey game*
[07-01:19] f1112, •Ronica : Ouch.
[07-01:19] b4b81, •Rob : Slang is stupid cuz you're listening to music...?
[07-01:21] c9bda, 'L: *shakes....missed this so much these past two and a half months*
[07-01:21] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: oh, no...I dunno,.
[07-01:21] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Slang is stupid because knacked sounds more like being drunk than tired
[07-01:22] f1112, •Ronica : It's knackered.
[07-01:22] f1112, •Ronica : Or knackerd. Not sure, but I know there's an R in there.
[07-01:23] f1112, •Ronica : *pats Leigh gently*
[07-01:23] b4b81, •Rob : It's knackerd.
[07-01:24] c9bda, 'L: *remind me to breathe every once in a while...has already forgotten a few times*
[07-01:25] c9bda, 'L: *meant to only put the second part in action form* Ooops.
[07-01:25] f1112, •Ronica : Bah. *checks* The dictionary says "knackered".
[07-01:25] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: It's retarded, whatever it is
[07-01:26] f1112, •Ronica : You're retarded.
[07-01:26] b4b81, •Rob : Er, I was correcting Justin, not you. But yeah, you're right.
[07-01:27] c9bda, 'L: Oooh. Clemenson is pretty cute.
[07-01:28] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I know I am, I have ADD, thus I'm retarded.
[07-01:29] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I'm pretty cute.
[07-01:29] f1112, •Ronica : Actually, retarted literally means "slowed down", so no, ADD is not retarded. You're retarded due to other reasons.
[07-01:30] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Oh, I know that too Ronnie. There's no need to tell me.
[07-01:30] c9bda, 'L: Nope. *eyes all the long names on the team this year* Oy....
[07-01:30] f1112, •Ronica : You don't sniff glue, do you? 'Cause that would explain a lot.
[07-01:31] b4b81, •Rob : I think he eats the stuff.
[07-01:31] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I eat wall candy.
[07-01:31] c9bda, 'L: *is eye candy*
[07-01:32] c9bda, 'L: *joking*
[07-01:32] f1112, •Ronica : Mmm...glosettes...
[07-01:32] f1112, •Ronica : Oh..*sidetracked by the chocolate* Wait, what are we talking about?
[07-01:33] c9bda, 'L: Martin Brodeur.
[07-01:33] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: We were talking about how much you think Canada sucks
[07-01:33] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Brodeur, yeah there's a winner for you!
[07-01:34] c9bda, 'L: *eyes Justin*
[07-01:34] f1112, •Ronica : Couldn't be, because I'm rather fond of Canada.
[07-01:34] f1112, •Ronica : Ooo..*has a jawbreaker the size of a fist* That's big..
[07-01:35] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *eyed* Roy is better. *sticks his tounge out Leigh*
[07-01:35] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: out at
[07-01:35] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: ROB!
[07-01:35] f1112, •Ronica : *narrows her eyes at the mention of Roy*
[07-01:36] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *unafraid* Sakic.
[07-01:37] c9bda, 'L: Whore.
[07-01:38] c171c, •Rob : What..?
[07-01:39] c9bda, 'L: Ver~Watching Toronto game?
[07-01:39] f1112, •Ronica : Unfortunately not. I'm working on something for my writer's craft class.
[07-01:40] c9bda, 'L: Oh. *wants to keep an eye on Mogilny..was very mad when she found out he scored two goals in the first game* Demb Lamoriello.
[07-01:40] c9bda, 'L: Dumb, rather.
[07-01:41] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Hehe. Avalanche rule. Devils are losers. Big losers.
[07-01:41] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: ROB!
[07-01:41] c9bda, 'L: Justin's an ass.
[07-01:42] c171c, •Rob : Thats getting annoying..
[07-01:43] JOIN: M has entered.
[07-01:44] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Oh, you're here
[07-01:44] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I don't care Leigh. Your team still lost, mine won. So ha. Haha! HAHAHA!
[07-01:44] f1112, •Ronica : Hey Misty.
[07-01:45] 268a7, *M : Heya
[07-01:45] c171c, •Rob : Hey Misty ^_^
[07-01:45] c9bda, 'L: Justin~I don't follow whatever stupid team wins. I follow the teams I've grown up with for years... *Smirks at the Devils score*
[07-01:46] 268a7, *M : Lo, Rob
[07-01:47] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I've been Avalanche fan for a while actually. I never grew up with hockey so it's not like I was ever a Bruins fan.
[07-01:51]       M is away. Reason: LARP
[07-02:05] c9bda, 'L: ...
[07-02:10] f1112, •Ronica : *ponders* Does anyone want to play upwords or scrabble?
[07-02:11] c9bda, 'L: Either or. Pick one and tell me.
[07-02:11] f1112, •Ronica : Upwords, then.
[07-02:12] c9bda, 'L: Excelsior?
[07-02:13] f1112, •Ronica : *nods* Yup.
[07-02:14] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Upwords is what now>?
[07-02:15] f1112, •Ronica : Like Scrabble except you can stack tiles on top of other tiles.
[07-02:16] f1112, •Ronica : *will BRB*
[07-02:24] f1112, •Ronica : back.
[07-02:24] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: me pass
[07-03:19] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[07-03:32] 1d043, *President Zahra : *peeks in*
[07-03:37] 1d043, *President Zahra : *all alone* Awww.
[07-03:38] c9bda, 'L: *is alive*
[07-03:39] 1d043, *President Zahra : Woo! *hugs Leigh*
[07-03:40] c9bda, 'L: *hugs back*
[07-03:41] f1112, •Ronica : *isn't alive, which makes it all the creepier* OoooOOooOOoo...
[07-03:44] 1d043, *President Zahra : *giggles and pokes Ronnie*
[07-03:45] f1112, •Ronica : *poked* Ahg! No poking the undead.
[07-03:46] 1d043, *President Zahra : *pokes, pokes* Weee!
[07-03:48] f1112, •Ronica : *poke, poked* *dies*
[07-03:49] 1d043, *President Zahra : How can an undead.. die?
[07-03:49] f1112, •Ronica : All sorts of ways.
[07-03:51] 1d043, *President Zahra : Well, if you say so. *revives*
[07-03:52] 268a7, *M : It's true.. it's all true
[07-03:52] 268a7, *M : *can name any number of ways undead can die*
[07-03:53] f1112, •Ronica : *revived* See? *right*
[07-03:54] 1d043, *President Zahra : Oh, well Misty's cheating, because she knows these things.
[07-03:54] 268a7, *M : Yes, yes, *is undead atm.. or is supposed to be*
[07-03:56] 1d043, *President Zahra : *revives Misty?*
[07-03:57] 268a7, *M : I don't need to be revived. I'm undead. ^-^
[07-03:58]       M is away. Reason: LARP
[07-04:01] 1d043, *President Zahra : But.. um.. oy.
[07-04:10] 268a7, *M : hm?
[07-04:11] 1d043, *President Zahra : I dunno. *had a point, but lost it* *hugs Misty*
[07-04:12] 268a7, *M : *hugs back :)*
[07-04:14] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[07-04:14] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Weee
[07-04:16] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs Justin!* *pokes Misty randomly*
[07-04:17] 268a7, *M : *poked randomly* ouch *eyes time* argh.. are we done yet? *mutters*
[07-04:17] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *hugged*
[07-04:17] 1d043, *President Zahra : *un-pokes, and then pokes again, but lightly*
[07-04:18] 268a7, *M : *unpoked and poked again* agh
[07-04:19] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *pokes Ria*
[07-04:20] 1d043, *President Zahra : *poked* Wee.. *giggles and squirms* *then curls up on Justin's lap*
[07-04:21]       M is away again... same reason as before
[07-04:21] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: LARP is what now?
[07-04:22] 268a7, *M : It's like online roleplaying, only better.. you do it with real people. *gone now*
[07-04:23] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: i'm a real person
[07-04:24] 1d043, *President Zahra : Yes, but you're not a real person who's... um.. near Misty.
[07-04:25] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I'm near you.
[07-04:25] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[07-04:26] a49bb, Get a Name!: Live Action Roleplay
[07-04:26] f1112, •Ronica : *is near Misty*
[07-04:27] f1112, •Ronica : *isn't a real person, though*
[07-04:27] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Yes you are
[07-04:28] f1112, •Ronica : No I'm not.
[07-04:29] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Yes you are. You have to be
[07-04:29] 1d043, *President Zahra : Well, since you're near me, we could play LARP if we wanted to, I suppose.
[07-04:29] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: No.
[07-04:30] f1112, •Ronica : Nope. I'm an ingeniously programed computer.
[07-04:30] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: SmarterChild 2.0?
[07-04:31] 1d043, *President Zahra : My best friend is a computer? *weeps!*
[07-04:32] f1112, •Ronica : I meant to tell you sooner..
[07-04:32] 1d043, *President Zahra : Well, I suppose I can deal with that..
[07-04:33] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *un plugs Ronnie*
[07-04:33] f1112, •Ronica : It's really not so bad.
[07-04:34] 1d043, *President Zahra : Gah! No! What're you doing? *re-plugs Ronnie*
[07-04:34] f1112, •Ronica : *shuts down*
[07-04:36] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *unplugs Ronnie again and destroys the cord* Hahahahaha
[07-04:37] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Looks like I won the war.
[07-04:39] 1d043, *President Zahra : Nooo! *creates a new cord, and re-plugs Ronnie*
[07-04:39] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I killed the chat again
[07-04:40] f1112, •Ronica : *infects Justin's computer with a virus*
[07-04:40] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *deletes Ronnie off the hard drive* Ha!
[07-04:40] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *has a virus scanner*
[07-04:41] 1d043, *President Zahra : Um.. *has a backup copy of Ronnie, as Ronnie's her best friend* *reinstalls Ronnie*
[07-04:41] f1112, •Ronica : Oh, bah. *blows up, taking Justin with her* Kamikaze.
[07-04:43] 1d043, *President Zahra : *rebuilds Ronnie*
[07-04:45] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *isn't dead*
[07-04:45] 1d043, *President Zahra : *revives Justin, even though he isn't dead*
[07-04:46] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I can't be revived, I'm not dead
[07-04:47] f1112, •Ronica : *curls up in her black hole, which is within another black hole*
[07-04:47] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *breaks Ronnie down into peices, melts her mother boards in acid and throws her wiring and parts into the four corners of North America* Rebuild that!
[07-04:48] f1112, •Ronica : Just shut up, Justin.
[07-04:49] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Don't be jealous of my coolocity
[07-04:49] 1d043, *President Zahra : *rebuilds a new ROnnie, from scratch* *is hailed as the greatest, um.. computer-person ever*
[07-04:49] 1d043, *President Zahra : *baps random capitalization*
[07-04:50] f1112, •Ronica : I'm just bothered by your idiocy.
[07-04:50] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *blinks at Ria* You can't do that!
[07-04:50] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *looks around for his idiocy* No, I can't seem to find any idiocy
[07-04:51] 1d043, *President Zahra : Sure I can do that. *blinks at Justin* Why can't I?
[07-04:52] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Because you don't have the blue prints or code for Ronnie's main frame
[07-04:52] f1112, •Ronica : Well, you said you have ADD, right? There's plenty of idiocy to find, but with an attention span as short as yours, you give up on looking before you even start.
[07-04:54] 1d043, *President Zahra : Um.. Sure I do. Ronnie's my best friend, and I therefore know everything about her, by default.
[07-04:54] f1112, •Ronica : Bah. You don't know everything.
[07-04:54] f1112, •Ronica : Not yet.
[07-04:54] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I know everything
[07-04:55] 1d043, *President Zahra : I do too know everything.
[07-04:56] f1112, •Ronica : You do not.
[07-04:56] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Yes I do
[07-04:56] 1d043, *President Zahra : Yes, well, I know enough to rebuild you. *nodnodnod*
[07-04:57] f1112, •Ronica : I'm not talking to you, Justin.
[07-04:59] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Yes you are
[07-05:01] f1112, •Ronica : Are you trying to get on my nerves, or does this come naturally?
[07-05:01] 1d043, *President Zahra : But.. um.. Well, hmph. *just rebuilds Ronnie*
[07-05:02] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Whatever you prefer
[07-05:03] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: <--Actually, I'm acting just like this guy is explains
[07-05:04] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: woah, it shows the whole link now
[07-05:06] 1d043, *President Zahra : *giggles at the link*
[07-05:09] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Hehe. I drove Ronnie off.
[07-05:10] f1112, •Ronica : *dryly* Oops.
[07-05:10] 1d043, *President Zahra : *eeeeek@undo-ing* Come back, Justin!
[07-05:10] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Hey. That was mean.
[07-05:11] f1112, •Ronica : Cry me a river.
[07-05:12] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: You know, with you removing my stuff, it makes the conversation look real funny
[07-05:12] 1d043, *President Zahra : Oy. *hugs Justin lots* *meanwhile, reading that comic*
[07-05:12] 1d043, *President Zahra : *pause* Ronnie removed it all? Ack, ack!
[07-05:13] f1112, •Ronica : Would you rather I clear the chat?
[07-05:14] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Would you think I'd care?
[07-05:14] f1112, •Ronica : No, I'm just asking.
[07-05:15] 1d043, *President Zahra : But.. um.. Right. *wanders off, then, to let them have fun arguing all by themselves*
[07-05:15] EXIT: President Zahra has left the chat ( Quit ).
[07-05:16] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *drags Ria back*
[07-05:16] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Well alright then.
[07-05:16] JOIN: Gany has entered.
[07-05:17] 7fef1, 'Gany: *kablinks*
[07-05:19] 7fef1, 'Gany: *peers around*
[07-05:20] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: no peering
[07-05:20] 7fef1, 'Gany: err...*conceals her peering from Justin* *blinks* *just realized something* *lol*
[07-05:21] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *blinks* what?
[07-05:21] 7fef1, 'Gany: J names are funny.
[07-05:21] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Uh...
[07-05:23] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Time for me to go!
[07-05:24] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: W00SH! *adorns his superhero outfit and flies away on his magic sloth*
[07-05:24] 7fef1, 'Gany: byes Justin.
[07-05:24] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( stupid sloth, it's too damn slow. ).
[07-05:29] EXIT: M has left the chat ( 30 minutes left ).
[07-05:32] f1112, •Ronica : *curls up*
[07-05:34] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[07-05:34] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs Ronnie*
[07-05:35] f1112, •Ronica : *hugs back*
[07-05:36] 7fef1, 'Gany: *hugs ria*
[07-05:37] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs Gany!*
[07-05:38] f1112, •Ronica : *sighs and doodles randomly*
[07-05:39] 1d043, *President Zahra : *sighs, and just.. sighs randomly*
[07-05:39] f1112, •Ronica : *hugs Ria* Why are you sighing?
[07-05:42] 1d043, *President Zahra : Because.. um.. I dunno. *hugs back*
[07-05:42] f1112, •Ronica : ...Okay.
[07-05:43] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs*
[07-05:44] f1112, •Ronica : *hugs back* *idly wonders if a certain someone has dropped off the face of the earth*
[07-05:45] JOIN: Andy has entered.
[07-05:46] 7fef1, 'Gany: *Disapears to bed*
[07-05:46] 1d043, *President Zahra : *oy@Ronnie*
[07-05:46] EXIT: Gany has left the chat ( grrrrrr@big sisters ).
[07-05:47] f1112, •Ronica : *oy-ed at* ...
[07-05:48] 1d043, *President Zahra : *oy@Cetain person who's dropped off the face of the earth*
[07-05:48] 2b760, 'Andy: *sings* 'Annie are you OK.'
[07-05:49] f1112, •Ronica : *oys that, too* *sigh*
[07-05:50] 2b760, 'Andy: *scratches head*
[07-05:50] 1d043, *President Zahra : *oys and sighs, too*
[07-05:52] f1112, •Ronica : *and wills*
[07-05:52] 2b760, 'Andy: *yawns*
[07-05:53] 1d043, *President Zahra : *wills, also*
[07-05:53] 2b760, 'Andy: ....right
[07-05:54] 2b760, 'Andy: *is willing to go get himself a glass of wine*
[07-05:54] 1d043, *President Zahra : *waves to Andy*
[07-05:54] f1112, •Ronica : We speak in complex code now, Andy.
[07-05:56] 2b760, 'Andy: Ő©šÍ l±ÖËû›œ
[07-05:57] f1112, •Ronica : No, ours is better.
[07-05:57] 1d043, *President Zahra : Yes. Ours is much better.
[07-05:57] 2b760, 'Andy: Whatever... *thumbs up*
[07-05:59] f1112, •Ronica : The rooster crows at midnight.
[07-05:59] EXIT: Andy has left the chat ( 'Lurky' ).
[07-06:02] 1d043, *President Zahra : And the cat.. er... yeah.
[07-06:03] f1112, •Ronica : Bwahaha. It's so complext, even we don't know what we're talking about.
[07-06:03] f1112, •Ronica : *kills that t*
[07-06:04] 1d043, *President Zahra : Exactly. But we don't need to know what we're talking about.
[07-06:05] f1112, •Ronica : When do I ever know what I'm talking about?
[07-06:05] 1d043, *President Zahra : You do know, some of the time.
[07-06:06] f1112, •Ronica : Lies. I never know. When do I know? Bah, I don't know.
[07-06:07] 1d043, *President Zahra : You know.. erm.. when I tell you that you know.
[07-06:08] f1112, •Ronica : *blinks* What?
[07-06:09] 1d043, *President Zahra : I dunno. I lost myself a few posts ago.
[07-06:09] JOIN: DJ Andy has entered.
[07-06:10] f1112, •Ronica : Happens all the time.
[07-06:12] 1d043, *President Zahra : It sure does. *isn't smart enough to argue with.. herself*
[07-06:12] f1112, •Ronica : *argues with herself all the time... And, even more pathetically, loses*
[07-06:13] JOIN: L has entered.
[07-06:13] c9bda, 'L: That certainly did not work.
[07-06:13] f1112, •Ronica : What didn't?
[07-06:14] 2b760, DJ Andy: *tiddles,waddles and smuddles*
[07-06:14] 1d043, *President Zahra : *eyes time* Off to bed, Leigh! Sleep!
[07-06:14] c9bda, 'L: If I can't nap, I can't sleep.
[07-06:16] 1d043, *President Zahra : It doesn't matter. Lie down. Try to sleep.
[07-06:16] c9bda, 'L: *did, for an hour...will try again shortly*
[07-06:16] 2b760, DJ Andy: *grabeths Leigh and snuggles her, while tiddling, waddling and muddling*
[07-06:16] f1112, •Ronica : *will go to sleep if someone doesn't show up in the next 45 minutes*
[07-06:17] c9bda, 'L: *hugs for twin*
[07-06:17] 1d043, *President Zahra : *would go to sleep, but.. um.. is doing stuff*
[07-06:17] 2b760, DJ Andy: *returns hug and then perches on her shoulder*
[07-06:20] 2b760, DJ Andy: *must remember this key word for the test* Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit in Sense of God. Humanity as Triunity of Body(matter), soul, and Spirit.
[07-06:23] f1112, •Ronica : *pets her cat*
[07-06:25] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs Ronnie*
[07-06:25] 2b760, DJ Andy: *hugs his turkey(
[07-06:25] f1112, •Ronica : *hugs Ria back*
[07-06:25] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs Ronnie more*
[07-06:26] f1112, •Ronica : *hugs Ria back more*
[07-06:27] 1d043, *President Zahra : *yawns, and curls up in her black hole within the large black hole* *pokes some more at the fabric of the galaxy*
[07-06:27] c9bda, 'L: *watches The Skulls*
[07-06:28] f1112, •Ronica : Oh, right. *has a neighbor* *waves to Ria from her own black hole*
[07-06:30] 1d043, *President Zahra : *waves back to Ronnie* Hi, neighbor. You wouldn't happen to have an extra cup of sugar, would you?
[07-06:31] f1112, •Ronica : Well, no...not really. The black hole sort of sucked it all up and imploded it.
[07-06:31] 2b760, DJ Andy: Night peeps, and see you around Christmas. *might be on tomorrow)
[07-06:32] c9bda, 'L: *hugs much for twin*
[07-06:33] 2b760, DJ Andy: *hugs lots for Kelly* I'll miss you. *sigh*
[07-06:33] 1d043, *President Zahra : Night, Andy. *hugs* *and pouts at Ronnue* How am I supposed to get anything yummie cooked if the black hole implodes everything?
[07-06:33] c9bda, 'L: I'll miss you, too. I'll write.
[07-06:34] f1112, •Ronica : Since when can you cook?
[07-06:34] 2b760, DJ Andy: *hugs for Ria* Later, Sweetie bear. *tilts hat to Ronnie* *smiles at Kelly* Ok, I'll write back immediately.
[07-06:35] f1112, •Ronica : Bye Andy. *waves*
[07-06:36] 1d043, *President Zahra : I can't cook. But I can pretend to.
[07-06:37] f1112, •Ronica : I can cook. It's dangerous for me to watch cooking shows. *was tempted to cook thanksgiving dinner after watchin From Martha's Kitchen*
[07-06:37] EXIT: DJ Andy has left the chat ( *will be rich, buy a mansion, have Ronnie, Kelly, and Ria live in it, and he be the cook* *grin* Say Hi and Bye's from me, to Stef okies. ).
[07-06:38] 1d043, *President Zahra : *will eventually try cooking, and be good at it, simply because her mother is*
[07-06:39] EXIT: DJ Andy has left the chat ( *and OH, don't be a lot of oil in your foods, bad bad bad. ).
[07-06:40] EXIT: DJ Andy has left the chat ( *and OH, don't put a lot of oil in your foods, bad bad bad. ).
[07-06:42] f1112, •Ronica : *is good at few things, but cooking is one of them*
[07-06:43] 1d043, *President Zahra : Bah. Ronnie's good at many, many things.
[07-06:45] f1112, •Ronica : Nah... I'm good at cooking, photography, and witty banter. Although the last one is iffy sometimes.
[07-06:46] 1d043, *President Zahra : And writing. And being a friend. And being Ronnie. And drama stuff. And so on.
[07-06:47] f1112, •Ronica : Well, I can argue the being Ronnie thing, or the drama stuff.
[07-06:48] f1112, •Ronica : um.. can't, that is.
[07-06:48] f1112, •Ronica : But if I was anywhere near good at writing, I would've gotten more than a paragraph today.
[07-06:48] 1d043, *President Zahra : So there.
[07-06:50] 1d043, *President Zahra : But.. bah.. You're a great writer. Just not writing a lot today.
[07-06:51] f1112, •Ronica : I can't even be called a writer. Writers write. I don't. Your point isn't valid.
[07-06:54] 1d043, *President Zahra : You do too write.
[07-06:54] f1112, •Ronica : I don't consider it writing.
[07-06:55] 1d043, *President Zahra : Bah. It's not important what you consider it.
[07-06:56] f1112, •Ronica : Bah!
[07-06:58] 1d043, *President Zahra : Hehe. *hugs*
[07-06:59] f1112, •Ronica : *hugs back, muttering*
[07-06:59] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs, hugs, hugs*
[07-07:00] f1112, •Ronica : Aww..*hugs, hugs, hugs back* :)
[07-07:02] 1d043, *President Zahra : Now go write. *prod*
[07-07:03] f1112, •Ronica : *proded* But...*whines* no...
[07-07:04] 1d043, *President Zahra : *sigh* Well, don't, then.
[07-07:05] f1112, •Ronica : But, oi... if you're gonna sigh about it... *writes*
[07-07:06] 1d043, *President Zahra : Yay! *hugs!*
[07-07:07] f1112, •Ronica : *grumbles and hugs back*
[07-07:10] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs more, then finally reads Ronnie's diary* Um. *decides to say nothing*
[07-07:11] f1112, •Ronica : *blinks* Huh?
[07-07:11] 1d043, *President Zahra : *says nothing* I abstain.
[07-07:12] f1112, •Ronica : Why?
[07-07:13] 1d043, *President Zahra : Because you're my best friend, and I'm supposed to support you in everything you do.
[07-07:15] f1112, •Ronica : That's not true. If I wanted to make a living being shot in the leg in a carnival side show, you'd have every right to not support me.
[07-07:16] 1d043, *President Zahra : So can I not support you now?
[07-07:17] f1112, •Ronica : Sure. But why?
[07-07:17] 1d043, *President Zahra : Many reasons. I just don't think it's a good idea.
[07-07:18] f1112, •Ronica : So tell me those reasons.
[07-07:20] 1d043, *President Zahra : First of all, if you want to be a traveller, $15,000 is not nearly enough. Second of all, if you don't make commitments in wherever you're staying, your writing about that little town won't be powerful or important in anyway. Third of all, I'm pretty sure that eventually those little towns will all start to seem the same, and you'll be just as bored and unhappy in them, as it'll all be a routine. Just a different routine. And fourth of all, you'll probably not have internet acces, which will kill me.
[07-07:22] f1112, •Ronica : Yeah, I probably wouldn't have internet access and 15 thousand probably wouldn't be enough... But then I'd have to come home sooner, wouldn't I? *shrugs* Regardless, it's still something I want to do.
[07-07:24] 1d043, *President Zahra : Yes, well, I've given you my reasons. *shrug*
[07-07:25] f1112, •Ronica : It's just an idea, so far. It's not going to be perfect right off the bat, but I'll make it work.
[07-07:26] 1d043, *President Zahra : And I will.. um.. abstain. *does so*
[07-07:27] f1112, •Ronica : ...okay.
[07-07:29] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs*
[07-07:30] f1112, •Ronica : *hugs back* Anyway, even if I don't have internet access by then, I'm assuming and hoping that in 6 years, we'll at least have progressed to talking over the phone.
[07-07:32] 1d043, *President Zahra : Hmm.. I suppose so..
[07-07:33] f1112, •Ronica : And who knows what kind of advances there will be in technology, anyway? Or I could be hit by a bus and crippled, and then you have nothing to worry about. *patpat8
[07-07:33] f1112, •Ronica : *bah's typo*
[07-07:34] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[07-07:34] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
[07-07:35] 1d043, *President Zahra : I.. don't like that idea.
[07-07:35] f1112, •Ronica : What, the bus? It's just an option.
[07-07:35] JOIN: M has entered.
[07-07:38] 1d043, *President Zahra : Anyway, I'm off to bed. Night. *hugs and hugs for Ronnie, and hugs and hugs for Misty* Sweet dreams.
[07-07:38] JOIN: Alderaania has entered.
[07-07:38] f1112, •Ronica : *hugs and hugs back* Sleep tight.
[07-07:39] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[07-07:39] EXIT: President Zahra has left the chat ( Quit ).
[07-07:39] 37d8f, *M : um.. *hugs and hugs back, even though she's already gone*
[07-07:39] JOIN: Alderaania has entered.
[07-07:40] 37d8f, *M : GaNs that are not my GaN are bad GaNs. *lurks*
[07-07:41] f1112, •Ronica : *pats Misty*
[07-07:41] 37d8f, *M : *patted* *smug look*
[07-07:42] JOIN: Alderaania has entered.
[07-07:43] f1112, •Ronica : Hehe.
[07-07:44] 7e945, *Alderaania : ((THERE! Think I finally got everything right)) *enters moving slowly, her face obviously tense, makes her way towards the bar*
[07-07:46] 7e945, *Alderaania : (*waves@M&Ron*Hiya gals!)
[07-07:47] JOIN: Jake Gallows has entered.
[07-07:47] f1112, •Ronica : Heya. :) How are you?
[07-07:47] 37d8f, *M : *waves back :)*
[07-07:47] 7e945, *Alderaania : (IRL or IC, Ronica?)
[07-07:47] 37d8f, *M : *eyes suspicious entry title* hehe
[07-07:48] f1112, •Ronica : IRL.
[07-07:49] 7e945, *Alderaania : IRL, I'm OK. I spent a couple weeks in the hospital--that's why I've not been around here at all--but I'm doing OK now. How's about yourself?)
[07-07:49] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : *walks in wearing a dark outfit numerous items hang fronm his belt and vest
[07-07:49] 37d8f, *M : Lo, Jake
[07-07:50] JOIN: Jake Gallows has entered.
[07-07:50] f1112, •Ronica : Same as always. Constantly moody to an annoying degree, but doing all right.
[07-07:50] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : *walks in wearing a suitable set of clothing for the area a blaster is holsterd at his side*
[07-07:51] 7e945, *Alderaania : *hears some familiar footsteps and turns to greet her husband, smiling for the first time that day* Jake! *hugs*
[07-07:51] 37d8f, *M : Constantly moody!! Woooooooooo! *is also that, but to an extreme and varying degree*
[07-07:51] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : ((hey evreybody ))
[07-07:51] 37d8f, *M : *will go to bed, just as soon as she ceases being semi-hyper* fs
[07-07:52] f1112, •Ronica : *high fives Misty* Woo for the sullen ones!
[07-07:52] 37d8f, *M : *high fives back* Hehehe
[07-07:53] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : **he hugs Raania back*how are you doing ?
[07-07:55] 37d8f, *M : *stares impatiently at the clock*
[07-07:56] f1112, •Ronica : *sneaks over to the clock and moves the hour hand over a few*
[07-07:57] 37d8f, *M : Hehehehe.
[07-07:58] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : What are you doing here?
[07-08:00] 37d8f, *M : *considers IC*
[07-08:01] 7e945, *Alderaania : now Jake, don't start lecturing me, I assure you it is perfectly safe for me to be out and about. Matter of fact, after the emdee's last exam and his conference with Dr. Fyk'la, they decided I can spend my last month back at home! *S*
[07-08:01] 37d8f, *M : Hm. Nah. *will wait 10 minutes, then go to the store*
[07-08:02] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : Great thats wonderful!!! and the council will be thrilled to hear about it
[07-08:02] 37d8f, *M : erk belay that
[07-08:04] 37d8f, *M : hehehehehe
[07-08:04] 37d8f, *M : hehe
[07-08:04] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[07-08:04] 37d8f, *M : guh *goes quiet*
[07-08:05] f1112, •Ronica : *peers at Misty* What got you all hyper?
[07-08:05] b94fa, Get a Name!: i should be really proud of myself
[07-08:05] 37d8f, *M : *tackles GaN*
[07-08:05] 37d8f, *M : Nothing, nothing. *eyes a specific thing that she doesn't have, and falls over*
[07-08:05] 37d8f, *M : proud?
[07-08:06] f1112, •Ronica : *blinkblink*
[07-08:06] 7e945, *Alderaania : *smile disappears @mention of the council* wait a minute, maybe I SHOULD stay away a while longer........
[07-08:06] f1112, •Ronica : Would that thing be sanity, maybe?
[07-08:06] 37d8f, *M : erm. "doesn't have" should have quotes around it. Like that <---
[07-08:06] 37d8f, *M : I RESEMBLE THAT REMARK!!!! er.. I mean.. uh.. *peers at Ronnie* Yuh?
[07-08:07] b94fa, Get a Name!: Yeah , proud
[07-08:07] f1112, •Ronica : O_o
[07-08:07] 37d8f, *M : why should you be proud? you're tackled, btw.
[07-08:07] 37d8f, *M : TICK!
[07-08:08] b94fa, Get a Name!: Proud because I stayed clean .. and yeah , tackled *falls over*
[07-08:08] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : actually they will be overjoyed to see you lets just say I have been a little ....whats the word for it
[07-08:08] 37d8f, *M : YAY!!!! *hugs*
[07-08:09] b94fa, Get a Name!: Yup , even stayed away from the liquor mostly ... one drink
[07-08:09] 7e945, *Alderaania : dictator-like?
[07-08:09] 37d8f, *M : *gasp* No!
[07-08:10] f1112, •Ronica : *likewise shocked* Is Jim...growing up?!
[07-08:10] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : no you know what I`m like whne Im short tempered imagine me like that for the last month and they didnt get the hint
[07-08:10] 37d8f, *M : *eyes Ronnie* perish the thought!
[07-08:11] b94fa, Get a Name!: Growing up , no ... after last weeks .. uh , experience , i'm taking a break .
[07-08:11] f1112, •Ronica : Whew.
[07-08:11] 37d8f, *M : Normally, I'd not do this, but I'm going to anyway: I TOLD YOU SO (fs)
[07-08:12] 37d8f, *M : oh hell.
[07-08:13] b94fa, Get a Name!: For the amount of time i've been using , its surprising it took so long .. so i'm drying out
[07-08:13] 7e945, *Alderaania : wow, too bad I've been gone--you're always fun when I have to calm you down afetr a fierce council meeting *eg*
[07-08:13] 37d8f, *M : I can't believe I'm starting to type \o/ :(
[07-08:14] 37d8f, *M : *eyes Jim* You were wet?
[07-08:15] b94fa, Get a Name!: *eyes , the utters dryly* You know what I mean ... and oh , I got a haircut
[07-08:16] 37d8f, *M : *eyed* What?!? You know, new haircuts are always fun to muss up
[07-08:17] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : ((Hey M you could never mess up one of my hircuts the way I get it cut I mean))
[07-08:17] b94fa, Get a Name!: Uh , I always keep my hair kinda messy
[07-08:17] b94fa, Get a Name!: After all , I am a scruffy git
[07-08:18] 37d8f, *M : *pats Jake* *eg@Jim* It can always get messier
[07-08:18] 37d8f, *M : guh... 2 more ticks. :((((
[07-08:18] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : ((howe do you muss up a crew cut))
[07-08:19] 37d8f, *M : Soda.
[07-08:19] 37d8f, *M : Or syrup. Or anything sticky
[07-08:21] f1112, •Ronica : Or Nair. *eg*
[07-08:21] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : hmmm welll Minister Kalgara said something and well it was mess now high collars are all the fashion on NA
[07-08:22] 37d8f, *M : *ROFLMAO@Ronnie*
[07-08:22] b94fa, Get a Name!: heh , mkine is almost a crew cut ... its damn short
[07-08:23] 37d8f, *M : Oi, fs.
[07-08:23] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : ((yeah mix the nair in with whatever shampoo they use ooppss i didnt say that))
[07-08:23] 7e945, *Alderaania : *puzzled look* High collars?
[07-08:23] 37d8f, *M : *coughs* argh
[07-08:23] b94fa, Get a Name!: heh
[07-08:24] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : yes I picked him up by the throat after a comment he made about our marrige told him the next time I would considre it grounds for a duel
[07-08:24] 37d8f, *M : *randomly hugs Jim*
[07-08:25] 37d8f, *M : I was gonna stop at a bar for a drink on my way home, but couldn't be arsed. plus, I hadn't eaten.
[07-08:25] b94fa, Get a Name!: *hugs backs* Soz people ... not to talkitive , i'm tired
[07-08:26] 37d8f, *M : go sleep
[07-08:26] 7e945, *Alderaania : *sighs* You picked the Minister of Defense up by his collar and threatened bodily harm to him. In front of, I presume, witnesses?
[07-08:26] 37d8f, *M : I'm tired, but I'm too hyper to sleep. :(
[07-08:27] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : not by his collar and we were in your office alone at the time I asked him to have a private conference after he said it in the meeting
[07-08:28] b94fa, Get a Name!: I'm anything but hyper was nearly falling asleep at the club .. only reason I was there was as a favour to the DJ
[07-08:28] 37d8f, *M : Then go to sleep, fs. GO!
[07-08:28] 7e945, *Alderaania : *sighs again* Jake, I asked you to TRY to at least tolerate the councilors, and not to resort to violence!
[07-08:28] 37d8f, *M : sleep good. yah
[07-08:28] 37d8f, *M : gogogog
[07-08:28] b94fa, Get a Name!: Anyone know a good place to buy a comp online , I need a new one
[07-08:29] 37d8f, *M : gogogog?!
[07-08:29] b94fa, Get a Name!: but I have to at least socialise a bit with you guys
[07-08:29] 37d8f, *M : Erm... online? Why online?
[07-08:29] 37d8f, *M : socialize? with us?
[07-08:29] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : ((M all you need to do is get in bed and try to form a perfect black circle in your mind let nothing else interferre and well you`ll fall asleep))
[07-08:30] f1112, •Ronica : I thought we were antisocial! Don't dash my dreams!
[07-08:30] b94fa, Get a Name!: well I do call you guys my friends ... however stupid of me that is
[07-08:30] 37d8f, *M : Erm.. a perfect black circle? No, no, no. That wouldn't be good for me. *pause* wait, did I miss something?
[07-08:30] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : he called you a slut in my prescence when we were alone
[07-08:30] 37d8f, *M : Erg. *beats bad mood with a pointy stick* BACK, foul demon!!
[07-08:31] 37d8f, *M : *makes a lot of noises, clearly* oi
[07-08:31] 37d8f, *M : *isn't antisocial anymore :(*
[07-08:31] 37d8f, *M : Hey, I have nice-smelling hair. *dryly* or so I've been told, fs
[07-08:32] f1112, •Ronica : *was never antisocial, unfortunately* I know too many people.
[07-08:32] 37d8f, *M : Knowing people and socializing with them are two totally different things. :)
[07-08:32] b94fa, Get a Name!: You know you know to many people when people come up and know you , but you don't remember them ... and the encounter you had with the was when sober
[07-08:33] 37d8f, *M : Of course, it wasn't actually my hair that smelled nice, but my perfume, fs.
[07-08:33] 37d8f, *M : *pats Jim*
[07-08:33] 37d8f, *M : Although my hair does smell nice (yay, Herbal Essences)
[07-08:33] 37d8f, *M : *is rambling* feck
[07-08:34] 37d8f, *M : *sits on her hands*
[07-08:34] b94fa, Get a Name!: er ... yay dax wax ?
[07-08:34] f1112, •Ronica : I think I'm going to bed. *nods* Yes, that's a fine idea.
[07-08:34] 37d8f, *M : *blink blink* huh?
[07-08:34] 37d8f, *M : Erk! *ties Ronnie down* you can't go~!
[07-08:34] b94fa, Get a Name!: dax way .. hair product I use
[07-08:35] 37d8f, *M : Ooooooh
[07-08:35] b94fa, Get a Name!: yup
[07-08:35] f1112, •Ronica : *tied* Ahg! Why can't I go? I thought you'd be relieved.
[07-08:36] 37d8f, *M : The hell you say!
[07-08:36] 7e945, *Alderaania : *RaE* Really? PLEASE tell me the office cameras and comms were running when he said that......!!!!
[07-08:36] 37d8f, *M : Jim *points at him* is going to fall asleep soon. :(
[07-08:36] b94fa, Get a Name!: I'm afraid I am
[07-08:36] 37d8f, *M : See?
[07-08:37] f1112, •Ronica : Ohhh... So I'm second fiddle? Someone to blather at when Jim is gone? I won't be used like that! *frees herself and runs away sobbing*
[07-08:37] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : yes they were they also caught me grabbing him by the neck lifting him to eye level anbd well you`ll see
[07-08:37] b94fa, Get a Name!: :(
[07-08:37] 37d8f, *M : Erk
[07-08:37] 37d8f, *M : *runs after Ronnie* You know I didn't mean it that way!
[07-08:38] 37d8f, *M : Besides, I'm always second when it comes to Collin. *glowers darkly*
[07-08:39] 7e945, *Alderaania : Good! if you've got it all recorded, there's no problem; IF Honorius is so stupid as to blather about it in public, we have proof that you were, ah, defending my honor. That'll make YOU look good to the nobility
[07-08:39] f1112, •Ronica : *gasps* How dare you bring him into this! I thought we put that to rest!
[07-08:40] 37d8f, *M : Ha! Put it to rest indeed! Shunned every time he comes around! There is no such thing as putting it to rest!
[07-08:41] f1112, •Ronica : You knew it would be this way when you got involved in this! Don't throw it in my face again after all this time!
[07-08:41] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : It will huh
[07-08:42] 37d8f, *M : I knew it would be this way?!? Oh, sure, I knew you had feelings for him still. But I never suspected you'd drop me for him... all he has to do is bat his eyelashes and say "jump" and you go all mushy and... and... BAH! *spins and runs stalks off*
[07-08:43] 7e945, *Alderaania : Certainly! Alderaanians may be enlightened enough to accept equality of the sexes, a female leader, etc, but they still have that age-old instinct of protecting/standing up for their ladies
[07-08:43] f1112, •Ronica : You hypocrite. Who did I have to run to but him after you did what you did with Ria?! Huh?? You drove me to him!
[07-08:44] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : told him basiclly the next time he did it that he should decide wether it would be pistols or blades
[07-08:45] 37d8f, *M : *stops abruptly, tensing* What I did with Ria was completely unrelated!
[07-08:46] 7e945, *Alderaania : well, whatever may happen, don't fight him with rapiers. Oh, not that I think he could beat you or anything, but he is the best on the planet with a rapier.
[07-08:47] f1112, •Ronica : Oh! I see. Double standards, huh? I thought you were better than that.
[07-08:47] 37d8f, *M : You never thought any such thing!
[07-08:48] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : +nope since I would be the injured party I would choose the weapon i think
[07-08:48] f1112, •Ronica : You were everything to me! Were. That's over now.
[07-08:49] 37d8f, *M : *turns back, eyes narrows* Oh, of course. I was everything. Well, no matter. You were everything to me, too. No longer.
[07-08:50] 37d8f, *M : *narrowed, not narrows
[07-08:51] f1112, •Ronica : So this is how it ends?? *takes a shakey breath, then steels herself* Fine. So be it. I'm leaving.
[07-08:51] 37d8f, *M : Fine. But remember... it was your choice.
[07-08:51] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : ((you two IC?))
[07-08:52] 37d8f, *M : *eyes Jake* no.
[07-08:53] f1112, •Ronica : Naturally. Because just everything was my fault, wasn't it? *pained look* Goodbye, Misty.
[07-08:53] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : ((backs away quickly less they both take there frustrations and anger out on him))
[07-08:53] EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( I don't think I've ever had an exit take so long... ).
[07-08:54] 37d8f, *M : *watches Ronnie go, then, wiping at her eyes, moves silently back to Jim*
[07-08:57] 7e945, *Alderaania : Right. I'm just telling you, if/when you fight a duel with him, don't choose the rapier as your weapon
[07-08:58] 37d8f, *M : *even though Jim has mysteriously disappeared*
[07-08:58]       M is away. Reason: Socializing, fs
[07-08:58] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : *VEG* nope wont chooose that *wraps an arm around her *so how was your month long rest?
[07-09:04] 7e945, *Alderaania : *leans back against Jake* Truthfully?
[07-09:05] 7e945, *Alderaania : it was the most gods-awful BORING month of my ENtire LIFE!
[07-09:06] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : yes for me its been a bit tiring wondering if you were alright if maybe our child was born early putting up with the donkeys on the council
[07-09:08] 7e945, *Alderaania : Silly *ggls* You'd've been notified if she'd decided to be born early! ah, luv, you cannot even begin to imagine how much its meant to me that you were willing to take over my job for me, so I could get thru this easier *hugs* I would've had to resign if not for you
[07-09:10] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : hey cant have that you`re popular with the people the polls show it.. I`m very iffy I think *hugs her back*I always wondered how you felt when I was still enlisted and going off to Gods know where doing Gods know what?
[07-09:14] 7e945, *Alderaania : well, imagine how you've felt with me gone for the past month, then pretend you also didn't know where I was, who I was with, who I could trust, who might be trying to kill me, and no one would even tell you 'yes she's alive' or 'no she's not' when you tried to find out anything. THAT's how I felt when you were still enlisted
[07-09:16] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : heh you want to hear a deep dark dirty little secret that we dont talk about in the service?
[07-09:16] 7e945, *Alderaania : *leans against his shoulder* And that's why I'm so very glad you AREN'T enlisted any more!
[07-09:16] 7e945, *Alderaania : sure, I like secrets *S*
[07-09:18] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : welll 99.9% of the time we are bored out of our minds all the combat fighting and killling and being in danger only occur 1 % of the time or even less
[07-09:19] 7e945, *Alderaania : yeah, but it doesn't take even that full 1% of the time to get killed
[07-09:19] 7e945, *Alderaania : well, is there anything new going on that I need to be brought up to speed on before I meet with the council tomorrow?
[07-09:22] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : welll like I said some will be wearing high collars since they are in fashion hmmm the budget is being wrangled over again seems they found a surplus...
[07-09:24] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : they may hound you with questions about your health I didnt tell them a thing except to your friends on the council .I may decide to run off let Kalgara hold the reins for a week or so and go hide .....ummmm my personal business hasnt been completed yet havent heard from Sulsha in a while
[07-09:26] 7e945, *Alderaania : *RaE* Will they be wearing high collars because they're in fashion, or because you did something to them that they need to cover up with the high collars? *S*
[07-09:28] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : well the fashion started AFTER my little talk with Honourus so ....he was the only one to have it
[07-09:28] 7e945, *Alderaania : Actually, I saw Sulsha last week; she should be home sometime soon, and said she has some business to discuss with you?
[07-09:28] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : yes a ship remeber I got rid of that Y-wing I used
[07-09:30] 7e945, *Alderaania : and I do thank you for shooting down all the questions about my health; they're notified about all they need to know. Dr Fyk'la was giving them weekly reports, wasn't she?
[07-09:31] 7e945, *Alderaania : Sulsh said that she thought you'd be very happy with what she's found for you
[07-09:31] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : yes to the council .... though in my opinion some of the ....... well some of them have no business sticking there noses into your personal affairs
[07-09:31] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : Great heh I had the bed changed for you*VEG*
[07-09:32] 7e945, *Alderaania : well, I can understand them to a certain extent--they need a doctor's report to insure that the person governing them is fit for the job
[07-09:33] 7e945, *Alderaania : did you give Sulsha any specifications as to what you wanted in a ship?
[07-09:35] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : yes capacity for 10 goood range and dependability decent defenses a complete sensor and comsuite with scramblers and generous living areas and an office area
[07-09:37] 7e945, *Alderaania : did you make any specific requests about the paint job? *gleam in her eye*
[07-09:39] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : hmmm yes I wanted it to be dark grey with black and whits striping and a nice viscious sharks grin on the nose
[07-09:41] 7e945, *Alderaania : oh *pouts* I guess that's why I couldn't talk her into the paint job I wanted on it *L* !
[07-09:42] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : yes though you can decorate the inside except for my office and cockpit the rest is your playground
[07-09:48] JOIN: Alderaania has entered.
[07-09:49] 7e945, *Alderaania : but darling, it's going to be YOUR ship, you might not want my touch in all the decorating
[07-09:49] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : ok I was just offering
[07-09:53] 7e945, *Alderaania : Well, I mean, if you WANT me to, I will, but I kinda thought you were wanting this ship to be sort of all yours, a place where you could go to be yourself
[07-09:54] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : sure ok how about you decorate our quarters on the ship then and the guest quarters
[07-09:55] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : a little something to remind me of you when I go out on business
[07-09:55] 7e945, *Alderaania : *S* What about a nursery?
[07-09:56] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : I said the quarters on the ship were yours to decorate if you want *S*
[07-09:57] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : course there are also crew quarters oin it*
[07-09:58] 7e945, *Alderaania : Jake.....have you seen Mother any while I've been gone?
[07-09:59] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : yes I tried to visit with her everyday why?
[07-10:00] 7e945, *Alderaania : *F* I tried to contact her a few times.....she refused every call from me
[07-10:01] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : um when did you call?
[07-10:03] 7e945, *Alderaania : oh, I don't know the exact times, but I placed 6 or 7 calls directly to her; all were answered by that new woman nursing her, and in the background I could hear Mother cursing me and refusing to speak to me
[07-10:05] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : .....*frowns * hmmm ohhhh i know it may have been when my mom came by for a visit she stayed for about two weeks
[07-10:06] 7e945, *Alderaania : oh? I'm sorry I missed her, I should have been there to greet her, shoe her around, let her know I'm taking proper care of her son *S*
[07-10:06] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : my younger sister Lisa well she does look like you and your mother thought she was you albiet at a younger age
[07-10:08] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : your doctor explained things to her she brought Lisa by tom kinda help out as she put it said she would be an excellent aide for you to have ..and train
[07-10:08] 7e945, *Alderaania : *F* Oh dear......she probably frightened your sister to death!
[07-10:09] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : yes the nurse said she hated doing it but didnt want your mother to be even more upset seing you on the phone as it were
[07-10:11] 7e945, *Alderaania : *shakes her head* I'm starting to wonder what to do with her, Jake. Before long, she's--oh this sounds horrible--she's going to be a liability to my political career
[07-10:13] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : yes......*sigh*
[07-10:14] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : ((I have to go))
[07-10:15] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : Well shall we go back to your ship??
[07-10:15] 7e945, *Alderaania : ((OK; I figured it was about that time))
[07-10:16] 7e945, *Alderaania : Well sir, would you like to give a Lady a lift home? *hands her ship's slave-controller out to him*
[07-10:17] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : *takes it activates the controls holds his hand out and helps her to her feet*
[07-10:19] 7e945, *Alderaania : *rises heavily, hand to her back* I can't wait for this to be over with! *L*
[07-10:19] 7e945, *Alderaania : *waddles out the door*
[07-10:19] EXIT: Alderaania has left the chat ( Quit ).
[07-10:20] b30ea, *Jake Gallows : I`ll bet *veg* follows her*
[07-10:20] EXIT: Jake Gallows has left the chat ( Quit ).
[07-16:30] JOIN: Kilby has entered.
[07-16:30] JOIN: Kilby has entered.
[07-17:29] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[07-17:39] c411c, •Ronica : *bored*
[07-17:39] c411c, •Ronica : Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
[07-17:40] c411c, •Ronica : Hehehe..
[07-17:42] c411c, •Ronica : *tests ident*
[07-18:53] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[07-18:55] 03a35, *President Zahra : *peeks in* Oy.. I know someone is lurking. *pokes about* Come out, come out..
[07-18:59] 03a35, *President Zahra : Oy.. *dislikes this* *prods the observer/lurker people*
[07-19:33] JOIN: L has entered.
[07-19:36] ca6de, 'L: *blinks, sits, hands folded in her lap*
[07-19:39] 03a35, *President Zahra : Leigh! *hugs, hugs* How are you?
[07-19:39] ca6de, 'L: *hugs* Dandy. As usual. *slips off* I'll bbs.
[07-19:41] 03a35, *President Zahra : Oy. Have fun. *hugs more*
[07-19:41] 03a35, *President Zahra : *goes back to semi-lurking, and semi-waiting*
[07-19:42] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[07-19:43] JOIN: Ji Dun has entered.
[07-19:43] 009d1, Ji Dun: * slowly enters the Tina*
[07-19:45] 03a35, *President Zahra : *pause* Look.. Someone's here! *waves to Ji Dun*
[07-19:46] 009d1, Ji Dun: ( *waves*)
[07-19:47] 009d1, Ji Dun: * walks down to the bar and orders sweetwater and slowly sets a few coins down as she takes it to a booth*
[07-19:47] 03a35, *President Zahra : Yay! *applauds and dances around and hugs*
[07-19:48] 009d1, Ji Dun: (*huged and hugs back*)
[07-19:48] 009d1, Ji Dun: ( is it alwas this empty?)
[07-19:48] 03a35, *President Zahra : Yup. Most of the time.
[07-19:49] 009d1, Ji Dun: ( its not like i used to know it back on Star-net. back then it had people in bout all the time)
[07-19:50] 03a35, *President Zahra : Yes, well, the RPG has sort of... died, since then.
[07-19:51] 009d1, Ji Dun: ( well its been a long time since ive been in here. Is Seth Stargazer still around?)
[07-19:53] 009d1, Ji Dun: *sips her sweet water pulling her hood back to reveal her feline features*
[07-19:54] 03a35, *President Zahra : Seth Stargazer? Um.. I dunno. Maybe in another chat..
[07-19:55] 03a35, *President Zahra : Bah. *will go IC, to be nice*
[07-19:55] 009d1, Ji Dun: ( I c i will look for him later. care to mve into the wonderfull world of IC )
[07-19:56] 03a35, *Seven : *Places one foot in the doorway, clad in a black boot with a killer heel. Swinging her hips., she moves the rest of her body through the entrance. Pauses at the top of the steps, as though striking a pose. Then moves down to the bar with her fashion model walk.*
[07-19:57] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[07-19:57] 009d1, Ji Dun: *her yellow eyes see Seven perfectly in the dim light and she looks away pondering other things*
[07-19:57] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Hehe...US bombed Afghanastan
[07-19:58] 009d1, Ji Dun: (killer heels. you go GIRL! , I know we nailed them now they should hand over Bin laden so we can cram TNT up his ass and blow him apart )
[07-19:59] 03a35, *Seven : ((*huggles Justin*)) *Blinks upon seeing Ji... who apparently is a cat. Blinks again. Curious, takes a seat beside her.* What are you?
[07-19:59] c411c, •Ronica : Let's not talk about that.
[07-20:00] 009d1, Ji Dun: *when she speaks you can see her feline fangs* I am a Cathar. *sips her sweet tea her feline ears twitching at sounds she can hear*
[07-20:00] 03a35, *Seven : ((The US did what? *faints*))
[07-20:01] 03a35, *Seven : Oh. *Nods and smiles, pretending to understand.* How.. interesting.
[07-20:02] c411c, •Ronica : They attacked.
[07-20:03] 03a35, *Seven : ((Oh... gah.. Just, gah. *dies*))
[07-20:03] 009d1, Ji Dun: ( Ronica where did you get that pic!?)
[07-20:03] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Why not? I want to talk about it. It's more interesting than anything going on my life.
[07-20:03] 009d1, Ji Dun: * nods * What do you want?
[07-20:04] c411c, •Ronica : I got it from Jen, who got it from somewhere... *shrugs*
[07-20:04] c411c, •Ronica : Because it's upsetting to some people, Justin.
[07-20:05] 009d1, Ji Dun: ( i wanna get a pic like that )
[07-20:06] 03a35, *Seven : *Shrugs.* Nothing in particular.
[07-20:06] c411c, •Ronica : *blinks* It's snowing.
[07-20:06] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Good for those people, they can go away if they don't like it.
[07-20:06] ca6de, 'L: *is, apparently, not getting the Blue Beast today....mutters* No, this means nothing to me...Not having a car that was promised to me two weeks ago does not irk me.
[07-20:06] 03a35, *Seven : ((Snowing? *blinks at Ronnie* *and eyes Justin*))
[07-20:07] ca6de, 'L: Snow? *so very jealous*
[07-20:07] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *eyed* *throws a rock at Ria* That sucks Leigh.
[07-20:07] JOIN: Kua Nomi has entered.
[07-20:07] c411c, •Ronica : *blinked at* It just stopped, but for a few minutes it was snowing. Or hailing, I'm not sure which. *goes to check*
[07-20:07] 03a35, *Seven : ((Oy, oy! * much hugging for Leigh* *much, much hugging*))
[07-20:08] 009d1, Ji Dun: Alright. * sips some more sweet water*
[07-20:08] c411c, •Ronica : There it goes again! It's snow-ish hail.
[07-20:08] ca6de, 'L: *hugs back* It doesn't matter. I should know not to listen to my parents when they give themselves deadlines.
[07-20:09] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I'm a Hopless Romantic, you're just hopeless.
[07-20:09] JOIN: Falcon24 has entered.
[07-20:09] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[07-20:10] 03a35, *Seven : ((*has a rock thrown at her* Right. *hugs Leigh lots*))
[07-20:10] e83f4, *Kua Nomi : Where do you live?
[07-20:10] 1f64b, Falcon24: hello
[07-20:10] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Falcon's a dirty horse fuker!
[07-20:11] 1f64b, Falcon24: k
[07-20:11] c411c, •Ronica : Shut up, Justin.
[07-20:11] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: No.
[07-20:12] JOIN: Falcon24 has entered.
[07-20:12] 1f64b, Falcon24: neat
[07-20:13] ca6de, 'L: Right. *retreats for elsewhere* And some people wonder why there's a lack of people coming here these days. *motions to Justin and disappears*
[07-20:13] 03a35, *Seven : ((*hugs Birdie tons* *then wanders off, as she really doesn't wanna be here when people are talking about.. stuff*))
[07-20:13] 1f64b, Falcon24: O_O ok...
[07-20:13] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *blinks at Leigh* I'm insulted.
[07-20:13] EXIT: Seven has left the chat ( Quit ).
[07-20:15] e83f4, *Kua Nomi : *just shakes his head*
[07-20:16] 009d1, Ji Dun: * leaves since Justin is being terrible* *GONE*
[07-20:16] EXIT: Ji Dun has left the chat ( Quit ).
[07-20:16] 1f64b, Falcon24: huh
[07-20:16] 1f64b, Falcon24: did i walk in on something
[07-20:17] e83f4, *Kua Nomi : Just Justin with his pants down, doesnt get much worse than that though.....*ponders*
[07-20:17] c411c, •Ronica : Wow, three people run out of the chat. You should be proud, Justin.
[07-20:18] 1f64b, Falcon24: haha
[07-20:20] e83f4, *Kua Nomi : A record......even for Justin......*steals his catchphrase* Justin=Kills chats fast!
[07-20:22] 1f64b, Falcon24: uh ok
[07-20:22] EXIT: Falcon24 has left the chat ( Quit ).
[07-20:24] e83f4, *Kua Nomi : *yawns but sticks around cause he is just that good*
[07-20:25] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[07-20:30] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( Well if you include myself, it's 4 ).
[07-20:40] c411c, •Ronica : Nice and empty... Just the way I don't like it. Bah.
[07-20:52] e83f4, *Kua Nomi : Im still here, for however little it is worth...
[07-20:54] c411c, •Ronica : Heh.
[07-21:06] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[07-21:34] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[07-22:07] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[07-22:08] 03a35, *President Zahra : *peeks in, all alone*
[07-22:12] 03a35, *President Zahra : Hmph.. *prods lurkers and such*
[07-22:20] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *prodded*
[07-22:22] 03a35, *President Zahra : Justin! *pounce-huggles!*
[07-22:22] 03a35, *President Zahra : Gah! *keeps hearing airplanes above her house... frightened*
[07-22:24] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *pounce huggled* military jets no doubt
[07-22:25] 03a35, *President Zahra : Hush! Don't say that!
[07-22:25] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *blinks*
[07-22:28] 03a35, *President Zahra : They're not military jets. They're happy Winnie-the-Pooh planes..
[07-22:32] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Those don't exist, Ria.
[07-22:35] 03a35, *President Zahra : They do too, if I say so.
[07-22:36] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: No. They. Do. Not.
[07-22:38] 03a35, *President Zahra : Yes. They. Do. Too.
[07-22:45] JOIN: Siera Vessler has entered.
[07-22:46] JOIN: KnightLance has entered.
[07-22:51] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *approaches Lance's place and takes a moment to straighten her light blue robes and run a hand through her hair before taking a deep breath and knocking*
[07-22:52] 09fa9, *KnightLance: *looks around making sure evenything is the way he wants it**hears the knock and moves to the door opening it**smiles* Hey
[07-22:52] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[07-22:52] 03a35, *President Zahra : Eeek.. IC-ness..
[07-22:52] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *smiles back* Hi... am I late?
[07-22:52] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((*winks@Ria*))
[07-22:53] 09fa9, *KnightLance: Nope. *moves to the side so she can come in*
[07-22:53] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Oh good... *steps in at the invitation and glances around*
[07-22:54] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((Evil AIM))
[07-22:54] 03a35, *President Zahra : *hides, hides from IC-ness*
[07-22:54] 09fa9, *KnightLance: *shuts the door behind her and nods towards one of the rooms* come on...I sure hope you like this...
[07-22:55] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *raises an eyebrow, curious* Okay.... *heads towards the room*
[07-22:59] 09fa9, *KnightLance: *there is a table in the room that is set for two and the food that is on it should smell incredible**moves behind ones of the chairs and pulls it back for her*
[07-23:00] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Wow... I didn't know you were going to all this trouble... *blushes slightly and smiles, slipping into the seat he offers and letting him push it in for her*
[07-23:01] 1b79b, •Rob: *Peeks in**Is suddenly reminded of Lady and the Tramp*
[07-23:02] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *blinks at Rob* What sense does that make?
[07-23:03] 03a35, *President Zahra : Rob! *hugs and pounces*
[07-23:03] 1b79b, •Rob : That scener when they're in the Italian restaraunt eating meatballs and pasta.
[07-23:03] 09fa9, *KnightLance: *does so and moves around to sit across from her* It was no trouble at all. *smiles at her* So help yourself to anything...*points out what everything is...and we'll just say it's all good*
[07-23:04] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Oh yeah....
[07-23:04] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Mmm... this really smells good... *reaches for a platter and starts helping herself* Did you make all of this?
[07-23:05] 09fa9, *KnightLance: *nods* Yeah. It's one of the things I was taught how to do...*chuckles* I didn't really think it was ever going to be usesful though...
[07-23:06] 1b79b, •Rob : *Huggles 'Ria*'Lo ^_^
[07-23:06] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: hehe...*just got into IGN Insider illegally*
[07-23:06] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: That'll teach them to keep Smackdown 3 info from me.
[07-23:07] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Oh, you can make that skill useful anytime you want , that's fine with me... *grins and takes a bite of something* Mm... *nods*
[07-23:07] 03a35, *President Zahra : *giggles at Rob*
[07-23:10] 09fa9, *KnightLance : *takes a bite and chews the looks at her* You like?
[07-23:11] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: well that wasn't a bright move....
[07-23:11] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *nods* It's good. *keeps herself from eating too fast and tries everything*
[07-23:13] 03a35, *President Zahra : *curls up on Rob's lap* *huggles him lots*
[07-23:14] 09fa9, *KnightLance : *puts down his fork and looks at her* I have some good news and some bad news...
[07-23:14] 1b79b, •Rob : *Pats Ria*
[07-23:14] 09fa9, *KnightLance : this is part of the reason I wanted you to come...
[07-23:15] 03a35, *President Zahra : *purrs, purrs*
[07-23:15] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *sets down her fork as well and swallows* What's the bad news?
[07-23:15] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Note to self: never do that again.
[07-23:16] 09fa9, *KnightLance : The bad that I made a promise to you that I would be staying here for a while...however I was informed that I'm needed back on my world and will be gone for about a week...
[07-23:16] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *frowns* Oh... did something happen?
[07-23:17] 03a35, *President Zahra : *blinks confusedly at Justin*
[07-23:18] 09fa9, *KnightLance : Yes...but it's nothing I'm going to trouble you with. As for the second thing....*takes a deep breath and pulls something from his pocket* I want you to have this...*slides a small box across the table to her*
[07-23:21] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *reaches over and takes the box, looking at him questioningly* What is it? *opens it*
[07-23:21] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I uh, put the bass all the way up on my speakers, all the way up on my sound card, and all the way up on Winamp, then I put on a rap kinda uh, damaged my speakers.
[07-23:23] 03a35, *President Zahra : *eeeek@Justin* Are your speakers completely dead?
[07-23:24] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: no, but funny sounding. Oh well, I have back ups.
[07-23:24] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( Return To Castle Wolfenstein ).
[07-23:25] 09fa9, *KnightLance : *within the box is a blue jazader ring that is the same color as the necklace he gave her so long ago* Siera, we have been friends for a long time...and we've been through a lot together. Even while I'm away you are on my I was hoping that this time you would come with me...not just as a friend but as something more. You may think I'm out of my mind, but I know what's in my heart...and if you will agree to it, I would like to spend the rest of my life with you.
[07-23:25] 09fa9, *KnightLance : Siera, will you do me the honor of agreeing to marry me?
[07-23:28] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *stares at the ring, then looks at him, the request taking a moment to register* You're... you're asking me to marry you?
[07-23:28] 09fa9, *KnightLance : *nods* Yes...
[07-23:29] 03a35, *President Zahra : *awwwwwwwwww@Lance and Siera*
[07-23:31] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *not knowing how exactly to deal with this situation, tears spring to her eyes* Okay...
[07-23:32] 09fa9, *KnightLance : Yes?
[07-23:33] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *breaks into a smile* Did you think I'd say no?
[07-23:36] 09fa9, *KnightLance : *moves from his chair over to her and kisses her full on*
[07-23:36] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *wraps her arms around him and kisses him back, still holding the box in one hand*
[07-23:39] 09fa9, *KnightLance : *when he pulls back he smiles at her* I have wanted to ask you for so long...but I could just not find the right time to do it
[07-23:40] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *laughs, blushing* I wondered if you'd get around to it.
[07-23:40] JOIN: Mazzik has entered.
[07-23:41] 03a35, *President Zahra : *pounce-huggles Mazzy*
[07-23:42] cd382, *Tzu : Oh, this is so touching..*steps through the back door, black duster whipping around him in the afternoon wind*
[07-23:42] 09fa9, *KnightLance : *grins* oh really?
[07-23:42] f06a5, •Rob : Hehe...t hey're not in the 'tina mazz.
[07-23:43] cd382, *Tzu : ((BAH! RUIN EVERYTHING!))
[07-23:43] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *grins back* Yeah. *slips the ring on her finger* I love you, Lance...
[07-23:43] cd382, *Tzu : ((Tssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss...))
[07-23:43] 09fa9, *KnightLance : ((Haha!!))
[07-23:43] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((Sorry Mazzy-poo. *pats*))
[07-23:43] 03a35, *President Zahra : Oy.. Evil Mazzy wants to interrupt a nice, romantic RP.
[07-23:44] EXIT: Tzu has left the chat ( Tsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ).
[07-23:44] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((okay bye all))
[07-23:45] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((*gone*))
[07-23:45] EXIT: Siera Vessler has left the chat ( Quit ).
[07-23:45] 09fa9, *KnightLance : *GONE*
[07-23:52] 03a35, *President Zahra : *all alone, now?*
[08-00:05] b4f2d, Jezral: You are already >450 could you even doubt being the first to reach 1000?
[08-00:05] b4f2d, Jezral: However, you have a competitor in Christoff Dirano from Ossus.
[08-00:18] JOIN: Xan Tier has entered.
[08-00:18] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[08-00:19] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Boy is this empty
[08-00:19] fef16, Xan Tier: *a young man steps into the Cantina. His eyes bright and youthfull, though his hair has turned a silvery white*
[08-00:21] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : (( RP or not to RP, that is the question))
[08-00:22] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : ((what do you think I should do, Xan?))
[08-00:22] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[08-00:23] 03a35, *President Zahra : *thwaps Netscape* *pokes Jez, in case he's still here* But.. um.. Bah.
[08-00:23] fef16, Xan Tier: *he is dressed in a garb that seems rather ancient for such modern times, in a tunic of a luminescent white material, and a black robe and boots.*
[08-00:24] fef16, Xan Tier: ((*shrugs*))
[08-00:24] fef16, Xan Tier: *from his belt hangs the weapon of choice of his kind, a lightsaber*
[08-00:25] 03a35, *President Zahra : *peers at Xan* Hmm.. Is that Bobbers?
[08-00:27] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[08-00:27] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[08-00:27] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : ((RIA! TURN ON COMEDY CENTRAL!))
[08-00:28] 03a35, *President Zahra : *does so* What?
[08-00:28] 03a35, *President Zahra : *pokes, pokes at IE, and at Netscape*
[08-00:29] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : ((Nick Burns: Your company's computer guy.))
[08-00:30] 03a35, *President Zahra : *blinks, blinks confusedly* *then pause* Is that Jackie Chan?
[08-00:30] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : ((Yeah. he's hosting this one. The next one has The Rock hosting. I love that episode))
[08-00:31] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : {steps in, dressed in his normal combat suit with only his dark brown eyes and brown ponytailed hair showing, the rest of his body is covered. As per the norm, his two swords are across his back in an X}
[08-00:34] 03a35, *President Zahra : Somebody pick a char for me to come IC as.
[08-00:35] fef16, Xan Tier: *he looks around, pushing the hood back from his head as he walks towards the bar*
[08-00:36] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : {makes his way to the bar in soft and quiet steps, then sits, of course}
[08-00:37] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : ((anyone you'd like to be Ria))
[08-00:40] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[08-00:41] 03a35, Niamh: *She steps inside, a perfect example of a certain type of beauty. She has all the fragrance and freedom of a flower. There is ripple after ripple of sunlight in her hair, and the little mouth, with its parted lips, is expectant like the mouth of a child. She has the fascinating tyranny of youth, and the astonishing courage of innocence.*
[08-00:42] 03a35, Niamh: ((Gah! *can't believe she forgot Niamh's color*))
[08-00:42] fef16, Xan Tier: *senses another Jedi through the force and turns to look at Niamh, arching his eyebrow slightly*
[08-00:44] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : ((*pats Ria*))
[08-00:44] 03a35, Niamh: *Offers Xan a friendly wave as she catches him looking at her. Approaches the bar, taking a seat beside him.* Hi. I'm Niamh.
[08-00:46] fef16, Xan Tier: *smiles warmly, extending a pale hand to Niamh* Xan, Xan Tier.
[08-00:46] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : {glances briefly at the other two out of the corner of his eye}
[08-00:47] 03a35, Niamh: ((*patted* *purrs* What?))
[08-00:47] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[08-00:48] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : ((ahahahaha. Kid Rock just insulted Britney Spears on SNL, making fun of her lipsyncing. GO KID ROCK!))
[08-00:49] 03a35, Niamh: ((*sigh@Kid Rock*)) *Mirrors Xan's smile, shaking his hand.* It's nice to meet you, Mr. Tier.
[08-00:49] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : ((*blinks at Ria's sigh* Why?))
[08-00:50] 03a35, Niamh: ((Ria doesn't like Kid Rock.)) *Orders herself a drink, and glances over at Nathanial, giving him a smile.*
[08-00:51] fef16, Xan Tier: *laughs a bit* You can call my Xan. Pleasure to meet you Niamh.
[08-00:51] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : ((*glares*)) {disregards the smile, pretty much ignoring it and doesn't move from his position}
[08-00:54] JOIN: Shiiv Kiiru has entered.
[08-00:55] 03a35, Niamh: ((*glared at*)) *Ignored. Hmph. Then smiles again at Xan.* Alright, then. What brings you here, Xan? *Takes a sip of her drink.*
[08-00:58] fef16, Xan Tier: I came here hoping to find the Lady Enigma. *looks around a bit* She doesn't seem to be here though.
[08-00:58] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : {still just kinda sitting at the bar not doing anything}
[08-00:59] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ** steps in, scarred face in shadow...his nervous gaze glances around the cantina, datapad held in one gloved hand*
[08-01:00] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((errrrhmmm....*notes that forgetting his hex colors is a result of being away from the computer too long*))
[08-01:00] 03a35, Niamh: 'Nigma? *Frowns for a moment.* No, she wouldn't be here. It isn't safe, in her condition.
[08-01:01] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : ((Ria better be watching comedy central now))
[08-01:01] fef16, Xan Tier: Her condition? *a look more of curiosity than worry crosses his face*
[08-01:02] 03a35, Niamh: ((Ria is watching.)) *Isn't sure if she should tell Xan, as he's a stranger. But he is a Jedi, after all.* She's pregnant.
[08-01:05] fef16, Xan Tier: *his jaw, unliterally, hits the floor*closes his mouth and blinks a few times* oh... my.
[08-01:05] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : {uh yeah, still sitting there}
[08-01:09] 03a35, Niamh: *Softly.* And the father has.. passed away. ((*can bring in another char to bother Justin IC*))
[08-01:09] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Moves up to the bar, recieving a stern gaze from Wuher*uhhh...I'll have a Corellian Ale.*Sitting at a barstool, his troubled gaze falls over the datapad near him-the device casting an eerie green light on his face*
[08-01:10] fef16, Xan Tier: Master Sunrunner... I see... I am glad I came back then.
[08-01:10] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : ((brb, dinner))
[08-01:12] 03a35, Niamh: *Closes her eyes, tilting her head downwards for a moment.* I'm taking care of 'Nigma now, so we'll be okay.
[08-01:12] fef16, Xan Tier: But... What brings a small one such as you here? Hardly a safe place for children.
[08-01:14] 03a35, Niamh: *Shrugs.* It's home. And I'm not a child. I'm only a few years away from being a legal adult.
[08-01:18] fef16, Xan Tier: *smiles* I don't doubt that. You said you are taking care of Lady Enigma, I take it then that you are also a Jedi?
[08-01:20] 03a35, Niamh: Yes. *Sighs very quietly.* Yun taught me.
[08-01:21] fef16, Xan Tier: And I as well... He is a great man. And he is always with us. *smiles slightly* If you listen, I'm sure you could hear him even now.
[08-01:21] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : ((back))
[08-01:23] 03a35, Niamh: That's.. not the same. *Shakes her head.*
[08-01:23] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Wuher brings him his drink, prompting Shi'iv to search for credits with which to pay him**he pulls two credit chips from a pocket, looking for a third-Wuher's frown deepening all the while*
[08-01:27] fef16, Xan Tier: Perhaps not, but it is comforting to know that he is not truly gone.
[08-01:27] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : {listening to the conversation}
[08-01:28] 03a35, Niamh: ((*hugs Justin*)) Yes, yes. There is no death, there is the Force. *Sighs just the same.*
[08-01:31] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : ((*hugged* wee))
[08-01:32] fef16, Xan Tier: *L* You say it as though you were being forced to eat vegetables.
[08-01:35] JOIN: Xan Tier has entered.
[08-01:36] 03a35, Niamh: It just.. doesn't change the fact that he isn't here.
[08-01:37] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *he mutters, pulling out a small power cell that is essentially useless*How about this? This must be worth a credit..
[08-01:40] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : {Exits}
[08-01:43] fef16, Xan Tier: In time, you'll understand. *smiles softly at her*
[08-01:47] 03a35, Niamh: *Shakes her head.* It's just.. oh.. It's all so complicated.
[08-01:48] fef16, Xan Tier: *rests a hand on her shoulder* Clear your mind of all question and confusion Niamh. When your mind is clear, the answers will come.
[08-01:50] 03a35, Niamh: *Just laughs.* It isn't answers I'm seeking.
[08-01:52] fef16, Xan Tier: *can't help but laugh* Sorry Niamh, I'm afraid I can't have normal conversations.
[08-01:52] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *The cell falls apart, falling into pieces on the bartop...Wuher's gaze somehow managing to seem more angry at him*
[08-01:53] fef16, Xan Tier: But I do need to be going. I have another old friend to seek out. *moves to pull his hood up again*
[08-01:55] 03a35, Niamh: Have a good night, Xan. *Waves to him.*
[08-02:01] fef16, Xan Tier: And you as well Young Niamh *s* *pulls his hood up and walks out*
[08-02:02] fef16, Xan Tier: *as he leaves he looks back saying* May the Force be with you.
[08-02:07] 03a35, Niamh: *Rises, and exits also.*
[08-02:08] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Just him and Wuher then, arguing mindlessly*
[08-02:08] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[08-02:10] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[08-02:13] 03a35, *Seven : *Places one foot in the doorway, clad in a black boot with a killer heel. Swining her hips, she moves the rest of her body through the entrance. Pauses at the top of the stairs as though striking a pose, then proceeds to the bar with her fashion model walk.*
[08-02:16] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Continues to argue with Wuher*
[08-02:17] 03a35, *Seven : *Stands for a moment beside Shiiv. Leans over to kiss him on the cheek, then takes a seat beside him.* Hi.
[08-02:19] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Jumps, looking to Seven-a frown crossing his face* I know you?
[08-02:21] 03a35, *Seven : *Shrugs.* I dunno. Maybe. I can't seem to remember right now. Does it matter?
[08-02:24] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ...well...*placing a hand to his cheek*'ll have to forgive me. My memory is not so good...
[08-02:25] 03a35, *Seven : *Laughs.* Well, I'm Seven.
[08-02:27] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Tapping a few keys on his datapad*...a little young to be in a place like this, aren't you?
[08-02:31] 03a35, *Seven : *Shakes her head.* Seven is my name. I'm 19.
[08-02:34] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : Oh. *Extending a hand* name is Shi'iv.
[08-02:35] 03a35, *Seven : *Shakes his hand.* What an interesting name. *Laughs.* Though, I should talk.
[08-02:42] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ..Indeed..
[08-02:44] 03a35, *Seven : You're cute. *Smiles at him.*
[08-02:45] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Blinking, looking up from the datapad to Seven*I-am..?
[08-02:47] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[08-02:47] 03a35, *Seven : Of course you are. *Smiles again.*
[08-02:49] 03a35, *Seven : ((WB, Justin. *hugs*))
[08-02:50] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *hugged* erg...
[08-02:50] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : I-don't think I've ever been told this before...
[08-02:51] 03a35, *Seven : That's a shame. I'll tell you again, then, to make up for it. You're cute.
[08-02:51] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Seven's a dirty whore
[08-02:53] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre: {steps in, dressed in the normal outfit with no spectacular crap or anything}
[08-02:54] 03a35, *Seven : ((And I love you too, Justin. *patpat*))
[08-02:54] 03a35, *Seven : ((And I love you too, Justin. *patpat*))
[08-02:54] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((*pattpatted* Ria's not a whore, but Seven is))
[08-02:55] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : Th-thank you...*nervousness growing a bit*
[08-02:56] 03a35, *Seven : ((*eyes double post* Bah.. Seven is not. She's a model. *and ponders Baixo* Do I bring in Angel?))
[08-02:56] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : {steps up to the bar and sits down, far away from the other two}
[08-02:56] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((No you don't. And she is. The homeless guy outside told me she was.))
[08-02:58] 03a35, *Seven : *Tilts her head at him.* Is something wrong?
[08-03:00] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : I-I'm just not used to talking with people so much.
[08-03:01] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : {glances over at Seven and Shiiv, then just kinda stares at the bar top, bored}
[08-03:02] 03a35, *Seven : ((No Angel? Will Justin just Rp with himself, then? And bah.. That homeless guy is wrong.))
[08-03:02] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((I'll be fine))
[08-03:05] 03a35, *Seven : Should I leave, then?
[08-03:06] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : {stands and exits abruptly}
[08-03:06] EXIT: Baixo Maitre has left the chat ( bye ).
[08-03:08] 03a35, *Seven : ((*bah@Justin*))
[08-03:10] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *A sad look crossing his face*..leave?no-please don't.
[08-03:12] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[08-03:12] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[08-03:13] 03a35, *Seven : So I'll stay. *Leans back in her seat, ordering a drink, if she hasn't already.*
[08-03:16] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : You will?*Face brightening noticeably*
[08-03:20] 03a35, *Seven : Only because you asked me to. *Smiles, sipping her drink.* So tell me something.
[08-03:22] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : Yes?
[08-03:24] 03a35, *Seven : *Shrugs.* Just tell me something interesting.
[08-03:29] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : Well-I'm not a very interesting person..
[08-03:34] 03a35, *Seven : Oh, you're a very interesting person.
[08-03:39] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : Hmmm...something're very beautiful. Is that interesting?
[08-03:42] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[08-03:42] 03a35, *Seven : Well, I suppose it would be, if I didn't hear it all the time. *Then laughs and pats his cheek.* But it's sweet. Though really, I'd like to hear about you.
[08-03:46] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : What about me?
[08-03:48] 03a35, *Seven : I don't know. Anything about you. I'm sure you're fascinating.
[08-03:48] 0531f, •Ronica : *is fascinating*
[08-03:49] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[08-03:50] b94fa, Get a Name!: *is a curiosity*
[08-03:52] 03a35, *Seven : ((Jim-y! *pounce, pounce* *and pokes Ronnie* 'Course you are.))
[08-03:53] 0531f, •Ronica : *poked* Bah! When you agree with me, that ruins my fun!
[08-03:53] b94fa, Get a Name!: 'lo Ria
[08-03:53] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : No no-I'm not. Why don't you tell me about yourself?*Attempting to evade questions about himself* ((*waves to Ronnie*))
[08-03:53] 0531f, •Ronica : *waves back to Stoney*
[08-03:56] 03a35, *Seven : ((I'm.. er sorry.)) There's not much to tell about me. I'ma model. *Shrugs.*
[08-03:59] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : Yes, but that must be interesting..
[08-04:00] 03a35, *Seven : ((Erm.. *adds a space*))
[08-04:01] 03a35, *Seven : Not at all. I sit. I pose. They take pictures. They hand me drugs, and I hand them back.
[08-04:02] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : drugs? they give you drugs?*noticeably intrigued*
[08-04:02] b94fa, Get a Name!: Hand them back !? I mean , yes , thats good .
[08-04:03] 03a35, *Seven : *Laughs.* When you're beautiful, everyone's always forcing drugs on you. I suppose, subconsciously, they're jealous and want to make you less beautiful. ((*pokes, pokes, pokes Jim-y* Oh, I'm so gonna scold you.))
[08-04:05] b94fa, Get a Name!: pfft , i'm off the horse , ain't visiting charlies house and the dragon can go chase itself ... i'm on a dry out .... clean as a whistle , so don't get your panties in a twist
[08-04:07] 03a35, *Seven : ((*eyes Jim-y* I'm sure..))
[08-04:09] b94fa, Get a Name!: *LMAO* w00t ... i'm a labled junkie *rolls eyes* I think not ... fs , i've only had 2 drinks the entire weekend .
[08-04:11] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : I see...*nods slowly*
[08-04:13] 0531f, •Ronica : Wow, I've had more drinks than Jim. That's creepy.
[08-04:13] 03a35, *Seven : ((It's not about what you do and don't take. It's about the people who worry about you. *eyes*)) So are you going to tell me something about yourself, or will I need to beg?
[08-04:15] b94fa, Get a Name!: I don't recall asking for worry , and as I said Ronnie , i'm on a dry out
[08-04:15] b94fa, Get a Name!: that means knocking the shit on the head and curbing the alcohol
[08-04:16] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : All right...I've-lived on Tatooine for most of my life-oh, and I'm 17. Is that enough?
[08-04:16] 0531f, •Ronica : Yeah, I know, but it's still weird.
[08-04:17] b94fa, Get a Name!: *G* Get used to it for the next few weeks .
[08-04:17] JOIN: Xan Tier has entered.
[08-04:20] fef16, Xan Tier: *the young man steps into the Cantina for the second time today. He is dressed in a luminescent white Jedi-tunic and a pitch black robe, as he enter he pushes back his hood revealing youthfull blue eyes and silvery white hair*
[08-04:20] 03a35, *Seven : ((You don't ask for worry. People worry when they care. *sighs and shuts up*)) I suppose. You must be bored out of your mind here.
[08-04:22] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : No-a struggle for survival, but never boring...
[08-04:23] b94fa, Get a Name!: Heh , and we had a defcon 1 situation at work tonight
[08-04:23] 03a35, *Seven : ((Oy! Bobbers should come.. somewhere. *hugs him*)) A struggle for survival? Oh, interesting.
[08-04:24] JOIN: Gany has entered.
[08-04:24] fef16, Xan Tier: *a soft smile presses his lips as he looks around* Government's rise and fall, laws are passed and vetoed, yet some things never change *his voice is soft and resonant with a slight wisp about it caused from spending the past several years simply not speaking*
[08-04:28] 48041, 'Gany: *peers*
[08-04:29] JOIN: Ji Dun has entered.
[08-04:29] 356a5, Ji Dun: * enters the Tina and walks down to the bar *
[08-04:30] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *he nods, pulling off one of his workgloves, revealing a hand with several scars and cuts on it*and painful, as well...
[08-04:31] 356a5, Ji Dun: * asks the barkeep for a washcloth and some sweet water*
[08-04:33] 356a5, Ji Dun: * washes some blood off of her hands and pays for the drink*
[08-04:34] 03a35, *Seven : Oh, you poor thing. *Frowns, and takes his hand, peering at it for a moment. Then lifts it to her lips, and kisses where the scars and cuts are.* There you go. All better.
[08-04:36] fef16, Xan Tier: *he walks slowly towards an empty booth*
[08-04:38] 356a5, Ji Dun: * takes her sweet water to a booth*
[08-04:39] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Smiling slightly*...thank you...
[08-04:42] JOIN: Enigma has entered.
[08-04:43] 48041, 'Gany: *hugs Nigma*
[08-04:43] 03a35, *Seven : ((Nigma! *pounce!* Nigma should go.. somewhere.)) *Smiles, also.* So why is it that you need to struggle to survive? You're too cute for that.
[08-04:43] 37e92, *Enigma : ((*hugs Gany* ^_^ How're you doing?))
[08-04:44] 37e92, *Enigma : ((Ria! *return pounce* Um...somewhere?))
[08-04:44] 0531f, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : ((*pokes 'Nigma*))
[08-04:44] 48041, 'Gany: okie..pained...but okie.
[08-04:45] 37e92, *Enigma : ((*poked* Ronnie dahling! *hugs* Gany - pained? Oi...sorry. but okie = good.))
[08-04:46] 0531f, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : ((You're looking absolutely ravishing tonight, Nigma dear... Simply mahvelous.))
[08-04:46] 48041, 'Gany: headaches...hellish...but good.
[08-04:47] 37e92, *Enigma : *slips quietly through the rear entrance, pausing to cast a wary glance over the place. Clad in black from head to toe, interrupted only by the silver of her belt and lightsaber. Satchel over shoulder.*
[08-04:47] fef16, Xan Tier: ((BRB))
[08-04:48] 03a35, *Seven : ((Yes.. somewhere.. else.. Oy.. Maybe Ronnie or Bobbers will tell you. *eyes Ronnie and Bobbers*))
[08-04:48] 37e92, *Enigma : ((Bad headaches. *threatens them with an industrial-sized bottle of Advil* Why, Ronnie, what a lovely thing to say. *preens* And you of course look smashing as always.))
[08-04:48] 0531f, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : ((*considers* Hmm...))
[08-04:48] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Frowning*...what do you mean?
[08-04:49] 0531f, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : ((Well, naturally, dear. *flips her hair*))
[08-04:50] 37e92, *Enigma : ((Ooo...mysterious. How fun. *opens up psychic wavelength*))
[08-04:50] 0531f, •Ronica : ((*eyed*)) I know nufing.
[08-04:51] 0531f, •Ronica : Well, um... those brackets were weird, and didn't belong..
[08-04:52] 37e92, *Enigma : ((Those brackets are your subconsious telling you that you' to RP? *bright smile*))
[08-04:53] 0531f, •Ronica : You know, I'm doing a lot more RPing after declaring I won't be doing any more RPing. I think this is a conspiracy.
[08-04:53] 03a35, *Seven : I mean, you should have people falling at your feet to make you comfortable, instead of getting hurt and so on.
[08-04:53] JOIN: Collin has entered.
[08-04:54] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Shaking his head*...I could never have that..
[08-04:55] 37e92, *Enigma : ((A conspiracy? Hmm...quite possibly.)) *satisfied that there are no overtly evil ba.stards around, continues on toward the bar...weariness etched at the corners of her eyes*
[08-04:55] 03a35, *Seven : ((It's Collin! *pounces!* Collin will tell Nigma where she needs to be.. And Collin will go there, too.)) *Tilts her head curiously.* Why is that?
[08-04:57] 5a11a, Collin: Um, under the ground? :) *spontaneously declares.* The written word is a lie!
[08-04:57] 48041, 'Gany: heinlein doesn't lie, collin.
[08-04:58] 37e92, *Enigma : ((*has found out already* thankee Ria :D *hugs, hugs Collin*))
[08-04:59] 5a11a, Collin: *hugs, hugs Ria, Nigma, Ronnie, and whoever else lies about.*
[08-05:00] 03a35, *Seven : ((Yay! *hugs Nigma, and Collin!*))
[08-05:00] 0531f, •Ronica : *hugs, hugs back* :)
[08-05:00] JOIN: Stoneneedle has entered.
[08-05:01] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : My place is as a mechanic...not some rich person.
[08-05:02] 03a35, *Seven : Oh, but you'd be more fun as a rich person.
[08-05:03] 48041, 'Gany: *is standing...but...err...sure*
[08-05:03] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *His face takes on a curious look*more fun..?
[08-05:03] 37e92, *Enigma : *nods slightly to Wuher* Uh...whatever that was I had the other night, I'll take another. Thanks. *tucks a strand of hair behind her ear*
[08-05:04] NICK: Stoneneedle changed nick to Shiiv Kiiru.
[08-05:04] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((dangit. Could've said something the first time I posted with a wrong handle.*pokes Ria*))
[08-05:06] 03a35, *Seven : Yes. More fun. We could go on trips. Go dancing. Fun things like that. ((*blinks* You posted with the wrong handle? *didn't even notice*))
[08-05:07] JOIN: Rainer has entered.
[08-05:07] 78208, *Rainer : *wanders in*
[08-05:07] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((*LOL*))I uhh..don't know how to dance. And I don't much like trips either...
[08-05:09] 0531f, •Ronica : *wanders about*
[08-05:11] 78208, *Rainer : *moves quietly over to the bar and orders a mudslide*
[08-05:11] 37e92, *Enigma : *accepts the glass, leaving a few creds on the bartop. Lifts it for a slow sip as she sorta slumps against the bar.*
[08-05:13] 03a35, *Seven : You don't knw how to dance? Well, this must be fixed immediately. *Rises, moves to the.. er.. convenient jukebox thing that must be in the cantina, picks a song, then returns to Shiiv and takes his hands, pulling him up.*
[08-05:15] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Smiles slightly, rising*You really think you can teach me to dance?
[08-05:17] 03a35, *Seven : Why couldn't I? *Decides that this is a slow song. Places his hand on her hip, and puts her hand on his shoulder. Then takes his other hand.* Dance.
[08-05:19] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : Where do I step first?
[08-05:22] 03a35, *Seven : Wherever you like. It's not too complicated. You step. I follow.
[08-05:22] JOIN: Xan Tier has entered.
[08-05:22] fef16, Xan Tier: ((back))
[08-05:22] 0531f, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *striding in, the dashing doctor of the New Republic pauses to glance around. A legend in the operating room and a rumour around the water cooler, he's also the best dressed doctor you've ever seen. Smoothes a hand down his stylin' suit and heads for the bar*
[08-05:24] fef16, Xan Tier: *folds his arms across his chest and smiles* Enigma... *softly said*
[08-05:24] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : Well-alright...*steps to the right, noticeably nervous and tense*
[08-05:25] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[08-05:25] 37e92, *Enigma : ((Wb J ^_^)) *absently twists the glass in her hand, before lowering it to the bartop. Lifts her head slightly, brow something is niggling just at the edge of her hearing.*
[08-05:26] 37e92, *Enigma : *shakes her head a bit, glancing toward the door...a faint smile coming to her lips as she spies Julian*
[08-05:26] 03a35, *Seven : *Steps with him.* Relax, dear. *Shifts, so she stands closer to him.*
[08-05:27] fef16, Xan Tier: *closes his eyes* ~long time no see~
[08-05:27] 0531f, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *meets Enigma's gaze and grins widely, making his way over*
[08-05:29] 37e92, *Enigma : Hey there, handsome. Buy you a drink? *her smile grows...then sort of freezes. Blinks.* ~... Xan?~
[08-05:30] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *continues to dance, smiling slightly and relaxing a bit*
[08-05:33] 0531f, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Yes, but I won't let you take me home. I'm not that kind of boy. *takes a seat and then arches a brow at her expression*
[08-05:33] fef16, Xan Tier: *smiles* ~Quick as ever ~
[08-05:35] 37e92, *Enigma : *clears her throat, relaxing again* a surprise page from an old friend. *snaps her fingers, disappointed* Damn. Guess I'll have to get you a couple drinks, then, and see if you change your mind.
[08-05:36] 0531f, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : It'll take more than a couple of drinks, but there's always hope. *grins mysteriously* By the way, I've got some news.
[08-05:36] 37e92, *Enigma : *summons Wuher, then glances around for Xan* ~Well, I do try.~ *grins again, just a little* ~Nice to see a friendly face reappear for a change.~
[08-05:37] 37e92, *Enigma : I'll be sure to keep that in mind. *brow quirks as she settles onto a stool* News? Good or bad? *wary look*
[08-05:38] 03a35, *Seven : *Dances with him, smiling brightly.*
[08-05:39] fef16, Xan Tier: ~No matter how that face might have changed, aye?~
[08-05:40] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *He speaks in a low voice*..thank you, Seven..
[08-05:40] 0531f, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Well, I suppose it could be bad, if you were hoping Junior would be a boy...
[08-05:42] 03a35, *Seven : Hmm? For what? *Releases his arm, and instead wraps both arms around his neck, dancing closer to him.* See.. This isn't so hard.
[08-05:43] JOIN: KnightLance has entered.
[08-05:43] 37e92, *Enigma : ~Appearances matter very little, if the person is still the same.~ *blinks slowly at Julian* A girl? It's a girl? *hand drops absently to her abdomen*
[08-05:43] JOIN: Siera Vessler has entered.
[08-05:44] 0531f, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Yeah... She's a she. *smiles gently*
[08-05:44] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : For-being so kind to me..
[08-05:44] fef16, Xan Tier: *closes his eyes and chuckles* ~She seems a fiery one right now~
[08-05:45] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((*squints* Is that Alc?))
[08-05:46] 0531f, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : ((*has gotten that more than once* No, it's not Alc.))
[08-05:46] f9c8a, *KnightLance : *steps in, standing within the doorway as his gaze sweeps over the room*
[08-05:46] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((bummer... been wondering where he went))
[08-05:46] 37e92, *Enigma : *eyes sparkle* wouldn't matter which it was, as long as it's healthy...but I've always wanted a girl. *mental laugh* ~Well, she is my daughter. Why don't you come over and say hello, and meet another friend of mine?~
[08-05:47] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *steps in, her hand in Lance's arm, smiling*
[08-05:47] 0531f, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : She's also as healthy as can be.
[08-05:47] 03a35, *Seven : Why wouldn't I be kind? *Smiles, and... dances.*
[08-05:48] f9c8a, *KnightLance : *moves down the steps with Siera at his side*
[08-05:48] JOIN: M has entered.
[08-05:49] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *her gaze moves around the establishment for a moment* Look, there's Enigma...
[08-05:49] f9c8a, *KnightLance : *nods* Yeah...I'm guessing you wish to tell her?
[08-05:49] 37e92, *Enigma : *serious relief flashes across her face* Thank the gods. I was so worried...with that f'jukhead Stalker around, and now another old nemesis back onplanet... *brow creases* I just want her safe, above all else. *feeling some other familiar presences, glances up and spots Siera and Lance*
[08-05:50] fef16, Xan Tier: *stands up, his silvery white hair making him stand out even more. He is dressed in his unussually colored Jedi robes*
[08-05:50] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *gives a wave to Enigma, still smiling* Sure, unless you want to keep it a secret for some reason? *looks up at Lance, raising an eyebrow*
[08-05:51] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ..Some people have been less than kind to me...though I can't say that they probably didn't have good reason...*continuing to dance until the song ends*
[08-05:51] f9c8a, *KnightLance : Nope
[08-05:51] 37e92, *Enigma : *returns the smile and wave*
[08-05:52] 31c33, *M : kudos to anyone who can get what movie my quote is from. *points to her profile, not her link, at the bottom*
[08-05:52] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Okay, come on... *pulls him in Enigma's direction*
[08-05:52] 0531f, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Oh, she'll be perfectly fine. Full of spunk, like her mother. She'll be kicking the life out of you soon enough.
[08-05:52] f9c8a, *KnightLance : *chuckles as she pulls him*
[08-05:53] 03a35, *Seven : What people? I'm sure I can have them.. taken care of. *Gives him a little curtsy as the song ends.*
[08-05:53] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Hi Enigma! *grins* Guess what!
[08-05:53] fef16, Xan Tier: *hears Enigma's last words about Stalker and "old nemisis" suddenly bring back to his memory why he came all this way, a grave look crosses his face*
[08-05:53] 48041, 'Gany: *is Kudo-less*
[08-05:53] 37e92, *Enigma : I can hardly wait...I think. heh. *smiles to Siera* What's goin on?
[08-05:54] 31c33, *M : Awh :(
[08-05:54] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Lance asked me to marry him! *grins and flashes the blue gem on the ring on her finger*
[08-05:54] 31c33, *M : *is GaN-less, fs* My timing has been pretty bad lately.
[08-05:55] fef16, Xan Tier: *moves hurridly through the crowd, forgetting manners and asking people to step aside and simply shoving them... gently*
[08-05:56] f9c8a, *KnightLance : *smiles* and get this...she said yes.
[08-05:56] 37e92, *Enigma : Well, I'll be damned. Congratulations, you two. *grins* And that's a beautiful've got great taste, in fiancees and jewelry. *winks at Lance*
[08-05:56] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *nudges Lance, laughing* Well, what'd you expect?
[08-05:56] 48041, 'Gany: awww..,.I'm feel your pain, M.
[08-05:56] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Sits back down at a barstool, shaking his head*No one..
[08-05:56] 31c33, *M : yeah. *grumbles*
[08-05:56] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *grins at Enigma* Thanks, and yeah, he does... he's also a good cook, I just found out...
[08-05:57] 48041, 'Gany: *hugs* *hands her a teddy bear*
[08-05:57] 31c33, *M : *hugs back and accepts the teddy bear* Thankoo
[08-05:57] f9c8a, *KnightLance : *laughs*
[08-05:57] 48041, 'Gany: welkies.
[08-05:57] 0531f, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *slips out or some such, 'cause Ronnie isn't capable of this many things at once*
[08-05:58] fef16, Xan Tier: *as he reaches her he places a hand on Enigma's shoulder*his eyes no longer seeming as youthfull as they did a few moments ago*
[08-05:59] 37e92, *Enigma : *tosses kisses after Julian, and will catch Ronnie another time* Always important, Siera. Make the most of it. *grins...then looks to Xan, brows quirking slightly at his change in expression*
[08-06:00] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *turns back to Lance, quirking a brow up at him* So... I suppose I'll have to get word to Sabine somehow... are we going to get married on your planet?
[08-06:00] 03a35, *Seven : *Sits beside him.* Ah, I see.
[08-06:00] f9c8a, *KnightLance : *takes Siera's hand in his own* You want something to drink?
[08-06:00] fef16, Xan Tier: There are some things that we need to speak of.
[08-06:00] f9c8a, *KnightLance : There are somethings we need to talk about now *S*
[08-06:01] f9c8a, *KnightLance : I'm still trying to work out the details...but yes, we would be married there...unles you don't want to...
[08-06:02] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : No, it sounds great, I definately don't want to get married on this dust ball *laughs* I'll take a water... so... *heading for a booth* What're these other things?
[08-06:02] 37e92, *Enigma : *sensing the seriousness of this all, nods...then smiles again to Siera and Lance* Will you two excuse me? And again, deepest congratulations. I know you'll be a strong couple.
[08-06:02] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ..Do you have any enemies?
[08-06:02] 0531f, •Ronica : Bwahahaha. *lurk, lurk*
[08-06:02] 31c33, *M : *lurks better :P*
[08-06:03] 03a35, *Seven : Of course not. Nobody hates models.
[08-06:03] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *smiles to Enigma* No problem, we'll send you an invitation when we get them out! *grins*
[08-06:03] 03a35, *Seven : ((Misty! *hug, hug*))
[08-06:03] 31c33, *M : *hug, hugs back*
[08-06:04] 0531f, •Ronica : I'm still not talking to you, Misty, you two-timing hypocritical skank!
[08-06:04] 31c33, *M : *damns Ronnie for saying that first*
[08-06:04] 31c33, *M : What? What? Is that the wind? *tilts her head, listening*
[08-06:05] f9c8a, *KnightLance : *orders two waters and heads back to a booth with her*'re marrying me is going to put you into a interesting position...and I need to you that you are alright with it.
[08-06:05] 37e92, *Enigma : *grin* I should hope so. *then slides from her stool, collecting her glass...nods to Xan* ~A booth?~
[08-06:06] fef16, Xan Tier: *moves over into an unoccupied corner of the Cantina, one where the music is loud enough to drown out any sound*
[08-06:06] 03a35, *Seven : ((Um.. *eyes Misty and Ronnie* You behave, or I'll get out the whip.))
[08-06:06] 0531f, •Ronica : I...ooooh...*angrily*
[08-06:06] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *tilts her head* Why kind of a position? If you mean you think people might be out to kill me, well... I can deal with that, it's been like that before and we've pulled through...
[08-06:06] 31c33, *M : Ooooo.... D'you promise, Ria?
[08-06:06] fef16, Xan Tier: ((*shoves the words* "Yes, follow me" in there))
[08-06:07] 31c33, *M : *gives Ronnie a highly self-important, smug look*
[08-06:07] f9c8a, *KnightLance : *smiles* No no...nothing like that...the fact that in marrying me it's going to make you...well...a queen.
[08-06:07] 03a35, *Seven : ((Of course I promise. *grins at Misty*))
[08-06:07] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Chuckles*...I believe it.
[08-06:08] 31c33, *M : woohoo!!! *misbehaves*
[08-06:09] 37e92, *Enigma : *moves with him, head tilted slightly...most of the merriment falling from her expression, leaving far more concern*
[08-06:09] 0531f, •Ronica : *scowls at Misty*
[08-06:10] JOIN: Siera Vessler has entered.
[08-06:10] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *pauses* Wha - ? A...a queen?
[08-06:10] fef16, Xan Tier: *slides into the booth, glancing around*
[08-06:11] f9c8a, *KnightLance : Yeah....King, Queen....they kind of go together
[08-06:11] 31c33, *M : *flashes Ronnie an irresistable grin*
[08-06:12] 37e92, *Enigma : *drops carefully into a seat, glancing around as well...then turning back to Xan* ~Is something wrong?~
[08-06:12] 0531f, •Ronica : Hmph...*combats the grin with her own killer smile*
[08-06:13] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : I...uh... *swallows* I don't know how to be a queen... *bites her lip*
[08-06:13] 31c33, *M : See, I knew you couldn't hide your feelings from me. But, you left, so.... *trails off and flops down on her Pile o' Pillows (tm)*
[08-06:14] fef16, Xan Tier: *his eyes never leaving the moving crowd, his eyes is watchful, and his mind guarded tightly* ~I came here to warn you... Well, actually I came to warn Master Sunrunner, but when I learned of what happened I knew you were the only one I could turn to.~
[08-06:15] f9c8a, *KnightLance : *chuckles* just be yourself
[08-06:15] 0531f, •Ronica : I did. And I'm better off for it. *sticks her tongue out at Misty and makes a show of winking at Ria, wherever she is**
[08-06:15] 03a35, *Seven : I'm sure you do. *Grins at him.* ((*gets out the whip, eyeing Ronnie and Misty* ))
[08-06:16] 31c33, *M : *waves a hand airily* Your tongue does nothing for me anymore, Ronnie, dear. *eyes the whip* *eg*
[08-06:17] 0531f, •Ronica : *gasps*
[08-06:17] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *takes a deep breath* Do you think I could really be a queen though? I mean... I don't know anything about that sort of thing, maybe your planet would be better having someone else for the job...
[08-06:17] 37e92, *Enigma : *lowers her gaze for a moment...then lifts it again, nodding* ~I'm glad that you came to me.~ *does not "verbalize" the "I think" she wants to tack on at the end there.* ~What's going on?~
[08-06:18] 03a35, *Seven : ((*snaps the whip once in Ronnie's direction, and once in Misty's* Hush, you two.))
[08-06:18] 31c33, *M : *makes a face at Ria, gives Ronnie a look, but remains silent*
[08-06:19] 0531f, •Ronica : Listen, you.. *eyes Ria dangerously* I've had about enough of your do this and don't do that.
[08-06:19] 31c33, *M : *smirks*
[08-06:19] 37e92, *Enigma : ((Can't you read the siiiiiiiiigns?))
[08-06:19] EXIT: Gany has left the chat ( big sisters...bah! ).
[08-06:19] f9c8a, *KnightLance : I know you can be a queen. And do you think I had any idea what I was doing at first? You get used to it after a while...and I know for a fact that no one else would be as good as you
[08-06:20] fef16, Xan Tier: *closes his eyes* ~Open your mind to me... there are some parts of it that I simply cannot describe.~
[08-06:20] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *looks at him unsuredly* You think so?
[08-06:20] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *looks around, frowning*..more people in here than usual tonight..
[08-06:21] 37e92, *Enigma : *bites her lip...eyes drifting lightly closed. Opens her mind to a degree...still keeping some parts well walled-off, however* ~Go ahead...~
[08-06:21] 03a35, *Seven : Is that a bad thing? *Peers at him.*
[08-06:22] f9c8a, *KnightLance : I know so. You trust me don't you?
[08-06:22] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *nods* Yeah.
[08-06:23] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : long as they don't start trouble.*smiling slightly to Seven*
[08-06:24] 03a35, *Seven : ((*approaches Misty and Ronnie, whip raised* What fun.))
[08-06:24] fef16, Xan Tier: *begins by showing her all that happened, with a bit of narration (lot of posts here! :) )* ~It all began while I was with the Talyar, they had uncovered some strange ruins on a planet in their system.~
[08-06:24] f9c8a, *KnightLance : well then...*smiles* you have nothing to worry about
[08-06:25] 0531f, •Ronica : *folds her arms and watches Ria defiantly*
[08-06:25] 31c33, *M : *arches a brow* And you're going to do what exactly?
[08-06:25] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Okay. *slides over close to him and slips her arm in his*
[08-06:26] 37e92, *Enigma : *watching and listening in silence*
[08-06:26] fef16, Xan Tier: *shows her the ruins, they seem to be ebony in color with several strange markings*~They would not go near it though, they said it was too dark for them... I wish I had understood what they really meant by "dark"~
[08-06:28] fef16, Xan Tier: ~As I entered it I saw several markings that seemed to glow from the walls. They seemed to be heiroglyphs of some sort, I couldn't make them out very well. ~ *sends her images of the scribings*
[08-06:29] 37e92, *Enigma : *eyes twitch beneath her eyelids as she looks over them...hands coming together beneath the table to twist her ring, as she does in moments of worry*
[08-06:30] f9c8a, *KnightLance : *picks up the glass of water and takes a sip*
[08-06:30] fef16, Xan Tier: ~It felt very cold there, it seemed the deeper I went the more evil seemed to radiate from it. I sensed so many life forces there that I had no way of knowing there was another living creature n there~
[08-06:30] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *sits there for a moment, thinking, then blurts out,* Do you want kids?
[08-06:31] f9c8a, *KnightLance : *smiles slightly* Do you?
[08-06:32] fef16, Xan Tier: ~Once I reached the main chamber I could hardly keep myself together... but I saw someone in there. I couldn't tell who the man was but he seemed very familiar~ *sends her an image of the man he saw*
[08-06:32] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *blushes* Well, maybe in a few years...*
[08-06:33] fef16, Xan Tier: ~But once I was there, I realized what this place was... Enigma it was a creation of the Sith. ~
[08-06:34] 03a35, *Seven : And they most likely won't. *Smiles, also.* ((Oy.. I dunno. *hasn't done this in too long* *just hands the whip over to Ronnie*))
[08-06:34] f9c8a, *KnightLance : I would like that....but there isn't any need to rush anything
[08-06:34] 37e92, *Enigma : *bites down hard on her lower lip* ~And you managed to get away, in one piece?~
[08-06:35] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Nah, we've got our whole lives together... *sighs happily and leans her head on his shoulder* I love you so much...
[08-06:35] 31c33, *M : *scowls* lucky... So lucky for you I need food right now. *glares at Ria, then jumps up and wanders off*
[08-06:35] 0531f, •Ronica : *has the whip* Ehehehe... *cracks it sharply* Oh Misty. *singsong*
[08-06:35] fef16, Xan Tier: *places his left hand on the table, pulling his sleeve up a bit*
[08-06:36] 31c33, *M : *turns momentarily to give Ronnie the evil eye* If you still have that baby when I come back, you'd best wotchit.
[08-06:36] fef16, Xan Tier: *taps a spot on his forearm and a panel opens showing wire and metal*
[08-06:36] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Grinning, he nudges Seven slightly*..I told you I was boring..
[08-06:36] f9c8a, *KnightLance : *kisses her head* As do I you...
[08-06:37] 0531f, •Ronica : I'm soooo worried.
[08-06:38]       M is now away. Reason: Food, and also, I don't trust Ronnie with a whip. (you'd better be)
[08-06:39] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *blushes and wraps her arms around him* So when are we actually going to get married?
[08-06:40] 03a35, *Seven : ((Oy. *bah@Misty* *hugs*)) *Shakes her head, and nudges Shiiv right back.* You are not.
[08-06:40] 37e92, *Enigma : *opens her eyes...gazes at his arm sorrowfully* ~I'm so sorry...~ *inevitably, then, thinks of Yun...and the last time she saw his artificial hand* *shivers a bit*
[08-06:40] fef16, Xan Tier: The Talyar healed what they could... but I had to come back here for the rest.
[08-06:40] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[08-06:40] f9c8a, *KnightLance : I'm not quite sure yet...I have to talk to some people...then I can find out an exact you agree with of course
[08-06:41] d4afb, Get a Name!: *just...peers in...enjoying the functionality of the chat*
[08-06:41] fef16, Xan Tier: My arm is the least of my worries. He saw me... they all did. They saw everything within me.
[08-06:41] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Okay. Soon though? *looks at him, her eyes twinkling*
[08-06:42] 0531f, •Ronica : *waits, flicking the tip of the whip occasionally*
[08-06:42] d4afb, Get a Name!: omg....whips?!
[08-06:43] 03a35, *Seven : ((*will obviously want the whip back, once Ronnie's done playing*))
[08-06:43] f9c8a, *KnightLance : will be soon. *S*
[08-06:43] 0531f, •Ronica : Naturally, Ria. *nods*
[08-06:44] 37e92, *Enigma : *slides out of the partial reverie...forcing herself back to the present* What...will this mean? ((*pounces Sis*))
[08-06:44] d4afb, Get a Name!: freaky.
[08-06:44] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Good, I can't wait. I want to Mrs Walker... *blinks* Oh gah, that makes me sound like an old lady... *giggles*
[08-06:45] fef16, Xan Tier: Jedi or not... I was never more afraid then I was then. Whoever he was he's tapped into something.
[08-06:45] d4afb, Get a Name!: hehe. *pounced...of course...pounces back*pounces again too*
[08-06:45] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : Am too.
[08-06:45] f9c8a, *KnightLance : *L*
[08-06:46] 03a35, *Seven : Are not. *Grins.*
[08-06:47] 37e92, *Enigma : And what will he do with it? *grimaces slightly...resting her hands on the table...still twisting the ring* ((*double-pounced* Oi! hehehe.))
[08-06:47] fef16, Xan Tier: Whatever it does mean it cannot be good.
[08-06:47] 03a35, *Seven : ((*pause* Jen? *hugs, hugs, hugs*))
[08-06:48] d4afb, Get a Name!: *pounces Ria and Ronnie too*
[08-06:48] JOIN: Xan Tier has entered.
[08-06:48] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Oh well. At least now I'll have a last name I can really put claim too... Sabine just gave me her last name cause I didn't know what mine was when she found me...
[08-06:49] fef16, Xan Tier: But the reason I had to see you an Master Sunrunner was... I... saw something... breifly... from the man. It was an image of him.
[08-06:49] 37e92, *Enigma : Of course it's not good. Nothing's ever good. Well...almost nothing. But even the good things seem to have bad that follows them, as a price... *trails off, aware she's rambling*
[08-06:50] d4afb, Get a Name!: of course Jen. *hugs, hugs, hugs back* :) Nice to see you Ria. Tis!
[08-06:50] 37e92, *Enigma : Well, he's a bit late. *doesn't bother to hide the bitterness in her voice*
[08-06:50] 0531f, •Ronica : *pounced* *pounces back*
[08-06:51] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : Well, a boring guy wouldn't do this..*kissing her cheek softly*
[08-06:51] f9c8a, *KnightLance : Siera Walker...sounds good to me *G*
[08-06:52] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *grins back* Yeah...... *leans forward and gives him a quick kiss*
[08-06:52] fef16, Xan Tier: I don't think killing Yun was his intent. *glances at Enigma's tummy, or more precisely, the child beginning to grow inside*
[08-06:53] d4afb, Get a Name!: *considers IC actually...faints*
[08-06:54] 03a35, *Seven : ((*keeps hugging Jen*)) Hm. I wonder how a non-boring guy would respond to this. *Leans over, and really kisses him.*
[08-06:54] d4afb, Get a Name!: wait...who is Xan?
[08-06:54] JOIN: Xan Tier has entered.
[08-06:55] d4afb, Get a Name!: *keeps getting hugged* thankoo Ria...what's wrong?
[08-06:55] 37e92, *Enigma : *brows furrow sharply...glances from him, down to the baby-bump...hands drifting to rest protectively on it* You're not thinking what I think you're thinking...
[08-06:55] f9c8a, *KnightLance : Come on...let's get out of here
[08-06:56] 0531f, EnigmaŽs Baby: *very popular already, apparently*
[08-06:56] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Okay *grins and takes his arm, heading out*
[08-06:57] 37e92, *Enigma : ((You're gonna have a hell of a shower, it looks like. *nods@Baby*))
[08-06:57] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((*prods Ronica*))
[08-06:57] f9c8a, *KnightLance : *walks out*
[08-06:57] fef16, Xan Tier: He has a powerful name Enigma... and I think there is more to Yun's heritage than anyone knows... but this is all assumption, I could very easily be wrong. *his tone now trying to comfort her, wishing he'd never said a word of it*
[08-06:57] f9c8a, *KnightLance : *GONE*
[08-06:57] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *gone*
[08-06:57] 03a35, *Seven : ((Nothing's wrong. *is in a good mood, actually*))
[08-06:57] EXIT: Siera Vessler has left the chat ( Quit ).
[08-06:58] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *He wraps his arms around Seven, hugging her for a moment before breaking the kiss*
[08-06:58] d4afb, Get a Name!: *is going to ignore Enigma's baby* :P
[08-06:59] 0531f, •Ronica : How can you ignore Enigma's baby? I'm gonna be cute!
[08-06:59] 37e92, *Enigma : I hope you are wrong...but I very highly doubt you are. *sighs, slumping slightly* This poor child...she can't help who her parents are. She shouldn't suffer because of me...of us.
[08-07:00] d4afb, Get a Name!: because it'll be getting plenty of attention from everyone else. *should be Enigma's baby's pet cat* nod*
[08-07:00] fef16, Xan Tier: ((*remembers when Kenya had the 8 1/2 months of pregnant in the Cantina* Poor Kenya... she had to put up with Zhen for THAT long))
[08-07:01] 03a35, *Seven : *Smiles.* That was nice.
[08-07:01] 0531f, •Ronica : Ooo... a pet...
[08-07:01] fef16, Xan Tier: Enigma, what happened to me will not happen to you or your child. I swear on my life.
[08-07:02] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ..It was..
[08-07:02] 37e92, *Enigma : ((*nodnod@Sis* If you wanna be. :D *hehe@J* She's already 3 months gone...and I plan to have time be speeded up more.))
[08-07:02] 0531f, EnigmaŽs Baby: *will suffer for who her parents are... Boo hoo hoo... Um, anyway... floats and develops*
[08-07:02] 37e92, *Enigma : ((*idea* There is a variety of cat from Nigma's homeplanet...a Be'au ...a panther-like creature. Very friendly to its humans and their allies...but very deadly to foes.))
[08-07:02] d4afb, Get a Name!: *is gonna be a pet* nifteh....what'm I gonna be Ronnie?
[08-07:03] 37e92, *Enigma : *shakes her head slowly* I don't even care about myself...but this child, I want her to be happy. Healthy. Not always having to look over her shoulder.
[08-07:03] 0531f, EnigmaŽs Baby: ((What she said, Jen. *points at E* Be that.))
[08-07:04] fef16, Xan Tier: ((Didn't we have a sith-panther and a one-of-those-panthers meet up at one point? *chuckles remembering Syrix and Lynx*))
[08-07:04] 03a35, *Seven : ((*pouts* Can I be a pet, too?)) *Just smiles for a moment. Then peers at him.* What are you thinking?
[08-07:05] d4afb, Get a Name!: *scratches post* Oooh...I approve.
[08-07:05] 37e92, *Enigma : ((*adored playing Lynx* That was b|tchin' badass, that was. She wasn't a Be'au tho. hehe.))
[08-07:07] 03a35, *Seven : ((Lynx? Lynx was Liana's, right? *loved Lynx!*))
[08-07:07] 37e92, *Enigma : ((*nodnod* Indeed she was. :D ))
[08-07:07] 0531f, •Ronica : *twirls*
[08-07:08] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ..I'm-just thinking..that I don't feel quite so lonely anymore.
[08-07:08] 03a35, *Seven : ((So can I be a pet too? *pout, pout*))
[08-07:08] 0531f, •Ronica : Everyone can be a pet. *in too good of a mood to refuse anyone*
[08-07:08] 03a35, *Seven : Oh, I like that thought. *Rests her head on his shoulder.*
[08-07:09] 37e92, *Enigma : ((Absolutely. The more pets the merrier. *nodnod*))
[08-07:09] 03a35, *Seven : ((Woo! *must think of a pet name*))
[08-07:09] fef16, Xan Tier: She'll be fine. You'll see.
[08-07:10] 0531f, •Ronica : *switches her black hole for a big poofy white cloud and lounges on that*
[08-07:10] 37e92, *Enigma : I hope so...she has to be. *closes her eyes briefly...not verbalizing "Too many others have already suffered because they're connected to me"...but since her mind is still sorta open, he probably gets the gist of it*
[08-07:10] 03a35, *Seven : ((Ohh.. *will recycle Dyani's handle, as she isn't doing anything, and will make her a Be'au*))
[08-07:11] 37e92, *Enigma : ((*applauds Ronnie's change in interior/exterior decor* Lovely.))
[08-07:11] 0531f, •Ronica : *is flying high right now*
[08-07:11] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *He hugs her again, smiling*
[08-07:11] fef16, Xan Tier: He isn't gone forever you know...
[08-07:12] JOIN: Xan Tier has entered.
[08-07:13] 37e92, *Enigma : *keeps her eyes closed* But he's not here. And he won't be here, when we need him. *pause* And I wasn't just thinking of him, either.
[08-07:14] 03a35, *Seven : *Hugs back. Then eyes the time.* Oh, dear. I'm afraid I have to go. *Kisses his once more, scribbles her comm thingy number on a napkin, and hands it to him. Then sashays out the door.*
[08-07:14] fef16, Xan Tier: He is with you, always. No matter how bad things get, always remember he is with you.
[08-07:15] 37e92, *Enigma : ((*almost giddy* *bounces*))
[08-07:15] 03a35, *Seven : ((Obviously, his=him. Night, everyone. *much hugging* *runs off*))
[08-07:15] 37e92, *Enigma : *manages a slight smile* The rational part of me knows that, yeah...
[08-07:16] 37e92, *Enigma : ((Night Ria! *hugs*))
[08-07:16] EXIT: Seven has left the chat ( Sweet dreams. ).
[08-07:16] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : (('night Ria.))
[08-07:17] d4afb, Get a Name!: g'night Ria. *is late...but hugs and stuff anyway*
[08-07:18] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *takes the number, waving goodbye*
[08-07:19] 31c33, *M : erm.. night, Ria... *is back*
[08-07:19] NICK: Get a Name! changed nick to Jen.
[08-07:19] d4afb, Get a Name!: *should really stop forgetting her handle*
[08-07:20] 37e92, *Enigma : ((WB Myst ^_^))
[08-07:20] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( ).
[08-07:20] 31c33, *M : Thankee :)
[08-07:20] JOIN: Jen has entered.
[08-07:20] d4afb, 'Jen: heh. tss. *hugs Misty* wb.
[08-07:21] 37e92, *Enigma : ((*adores "Variations on the Word Sleep"*))
[08-07:21] 0531f, •Ronica : *cracks the whip* Bwahaha...Ria went to bed and left me with it.
[08-07:21] 31c33, *M : s'a good poem. *hugs Jen back* :)
[08-07:21] 0531f, •Ronica : *still likes Variations on the Word Love more*
[08-07:21] d4afb, 'Jen: *likes variations of sleep...hehe*
[08-07:22] fef16, Xan Tier: ((*uses his anonymity to escape the whip*))
[08-07:22] 31c33, *M : *waves an idle hand in the direction of Ronnie* Yeah, yeah.
[08-07:23] 37e92, *Enigma : *suddenly catches sight of her chrono* Oh, gods. I better go before Niamh sends out a search party. Past my curfew. *crooked smile*
[08-07:23] fef16, Xan Tier: Tell her I said hello *slight smile*
[08-07:23] 0531f, •Ronica : Bah, you're no fun.
[08-07:23] d4afb, 'Jen: *rae@Xan* what'd you do?
[08-07:24] fef16, Xan Tier: oh, before you leave... Where is Anya? I was hoping to stay with her this eve, but I wasn't able to find her earlier.
[08-07:25] 31c33, *M : *lascivious grin* That's a lie and you know it.
[08-07:25] 37e92, *Enigma : *the smile fades somewhat...shakes her head* I don't know. I haven't seen her in an age. If you need a place to stay...well, all the guest rooms are taken, but the couch is pretty comfortable. *the smile returns. Slides from the booth.*
[08-07:26] d4afb, 'Jen: *still considering IC*winces* bad Jen.
[08-07:26] 31c33, *M : IC?
[08-07:27] 0531f, •Ronica : It's God's own truth, unfortunately.
[08-07:27] d4afb, 'Jen: *nods guiltily* yeah. I know. wicked of me.
[08-07:27] fef16, Xan Tier: *smiles at her* I wouldn't want to impose.
[08-07:28] 31c33, *M : That's funny. You weren't saying that last time...
[08-07:29] 0531f, •Ronica : I'm a brilliant actress, after all.
[08-07:29] 37e92, *Enigma : Oh, it wouldn't be an imposition. Come on. *extends a hand* It's a purely selfish offer, just so you know. I want company for walking across town, plus if I let you out of my sight you might skip planet without saying goodbye. Again. *eyes him*
[08-07:30] 31c33, *M : Oh, I won't deny that you are... However, you know I can see right through you. *hugs Jen* Not wicked at all :)
[08-07:30] d4afb, 'Jen: *mutters a lil...rubs her temples and wanders to her rafter*
[08-07:31] fef16, Xan Tier: *smiles warmly and stands up* They kinda left me with little time for goodbyes. *sheepishly*
[08-07:31] d4afb, 'Jen: *hugged...of course hugs back* it isn't?
[08-07:31] 31c33, *M : Of course not.
[08-07:31] 0531f, •Ronica : That's what you think.
[08-07:32] 31c33, *M : Ronnie, dear, I thought you weren't talking to me anymore. *sweet smile*
[08-07:33] 0531f, •Ronica : When have I ever kept my word?
[08-07:33] d4afb, 'Jen: *yoinks the whip...and swirls it around from up in the rafters*
[08-07:33] 37e92, *Enigma : I understand. Just teasing. *light chuckle* Shall we? *moseys for the door*
[08-07:34] 31c33, *M : Ah, indeed. Should I warn your current paramour of your... *looks her up and down* ...lack of restraint when it comes to shameless lying?
[08-07:34] d4afb, 'Jen: moseys...hehe.
[08-07:34] 0531f, •Ronica : Hey! You better give that back to Ria or she'll be mad.
[08-07:34] fef16, Xan Tier: *smiles* Ladies first. *follows Enigma*
[08-07:35] 31c33, *M : *glances at Jen, then at the whip*
[08-07:35] 0531f, •Ronica : It'd be a vain attempt. Why, I myself have tried more than once to outline my numerous faults, but he doesn't buy it.
[08-07:35] d4afb, 'Jen: I will. *grins*just grins*
[08-07:35] 31c33, *M : *looks back to Ronnie* Oh? That's not what he told me last night.
[08-07:36] 37e92, *Enigma : *nearly misses a step on that, almost giving her automatic response...the smile this time is a bit more forced* Why, thank you. *exits and all that happy stuff*
[08-07:36] 0531f, •Ronica : ....*eyes*
[08-07:36] d4afb, 'Jen: *glanced at...shifts to veg*
[08-07:37] 31c33, *M : *eyed* Hm?
[08-07:37] 37e92, *E: Uh...huh. *eyes around* Think I'm glad I have to split. *plenty o' hugs for those that want 'em* Take care. ^_^
[08-07:37] 31c33, *M : *hugs back* G'night, E. Sleep well
[08-07:38] 0531f, •Ronica : Rrr..
[08-07:38] 31c33, *M : My, my, my. What's the matter, Ronnie? Cat got your tongue? *malicious smirk* *peers at Jen* So, d'you know how to use that thing?
[08-07:38] 37e92, *E : Will too, Myst. ^_^
[08-07:39] 31c33, *M : Thankee. :)
[08-07:39] 0531f, •Ronica : *so not acknowledging Misty* *folds her arms across her chest and turns away*
[08-07:39] 37e92, *E : *skips...yes,*
[08-07:40] EXIT: E has left the chat ( we all live in a yellow submarine! ).
[08-07:40] 31c33, *M : *watches Ronnie* Well, where do you expect him to go when you spend the night with Ria? Hm?
[08-07:40] d4afb, 'Jen: *peered at* yes. I'm quite good with it actually...
[08-07:40] 0531f, •Ronica : *ignores, ignores*
[08-07:41] 31c33, *M : *flashes a smile at Jen* You'll have to show me sometime
[08-07:41] JOIN: Remy has entered.
[08-07:41] 31c33, *M : *ignored, twice* *laughs evilly*
[08-07:41] fef16, Remy: *steals the whip from Jen* BWAHAHA!
[08-07:41] d4afb, 'Jen: I'm good with other stuff too. *lhao*
[08-07:41] 31c33, *M : *arches a brow, amused* Oh yeah? What kind of other stuff?
[08-07:42] d4afb, 'Jen: *pause* you b!tch! *grin*
[08-07:43] 31c33, *M : Tsk, tsk. What will Ria say when she finds out you've been letting people use her whip, Ronnie?
[08-07:43] d4afb, 'Jen: *smirks@amusement* oh yeah you'd just love to know.
[08-07:44] 31c33, *M : I'm sure I could teach you a few things, Jen. After all, Ria had no complaints. *with a pointed look toward Ronnie*
[08-07:44] 0531f, •Ronica : *still ignoring*
[08-07:44] fef16, Remy: *sneaks over to Ronica and drops the whip kicking it over to her, whistling innocently*
[08-07:45] 31c33, *M : *still ignored* *casts her gaze upward, murmuering* There is a god...
[08-07:45] d4afb, 'Jen: I don't doubt it. Considering. *eyes Remy* if she buys that....
[08-07:45] 31c33, *M : *murmuring, rather
[08-07:45] 31c33, *M : *eyes Jen* Considering?
[08-07:46] 0531f, •Ronica : *has the whip again. Tucks it away for safe keeping*
[08-07:47] d4afb, 'Jen: yes. considering. hehe.
[08-07:47] 31c33, *M : *eyes Jen s'more, then saunters over to Ronnie* You know, we've got the whole "share and share alike thing"... Jen was with Jim last night, after all. You don't see me pouting like a petulant little girl...
[08-07:48] d4afb, 'Jen: *eyes Misty harshly*really? who left these bruises then?!
[08-07:48] fef16, Remy: *crosses his legs and begins to float up, floats over to behind ronnie and leans on his elbow*
[08-07:48] 31c33, *M : *arches a brow at Jen* I told you he was a bit rough. It's your own fault!
[08-07:49] 0531f, •Ronica : That's only because you look ridiculous when you pout.
[08-07:49] 31c33, *M : No I don't, I look really cute.
[08-07:50] 0531f, •Ronica : We tell you that because we don't want to hurt your feelings.
[08-07:50] d4afb, 'Jen: You told me no such thing!
[08-07:50] 31c33, *M : Hurt my feelings? Like you really could... *pauses, lowering her voice* Of course, I could make it all up to you...
[08-07:51] 31c33, *M : *stabs Jen with a glare* I did so. Two nights ago, when we were together. It's not my problem if you were too drunk to remember
[08-07:52] fef16, Remy: *grabs his zippo and a pack of cigarettes and lights up*
[08-07:53] 0531f, •Ronica : I don't need you, Misty. I'm getting a lot more than you ever gave me from someone else.
[08-07:53] d4afb, 'Jen: how dare you drag that out know I've been going to my meetings...*tearful glare*
[08-07:55] d4afb, 'Jen: *snatches Remy's zippo*
[08-07:55] 31c33, *M : *coldly* Fine. I don't need you either. In fact, I never needed you. Go back to your precious Collin. If he's the same way with you as he is with me, you'll be crawling back soon enough. *turns away and settles her gaze upon Jen, eyes flashing with a hint of remorse*
[08-07:56] fef16, Remy: *thwaps Jen and takes his zippo back* That zippo goes to my children and their children and their children's children... not for you ; p
[08-07:56] 0531f, •Ronica : Bah. But he's not. *is way too warm and fuzzy right now to get into a lady fight. Flops down on her poofy cloud and smiles dreamily*
[08-07:57] 56b53, 'Jen: *eyes chat* ahem.
[08-07:58] 0531f, •Ronica : b-tch fight, clearly.
[08-07:58] 31c33, *M : *glares at Ronnie, not the least bit envious of obvious happiness, then moves back to Jen* I didn't mean it.. honest.
[08-07:58] 31c33, *M : Clearly.
[08-07:59] 56b53, 'Jen: *thwapped* damnit...why must you be so violent?
[08-07:59] fef16, Remy: *floats over to Jen and begins to use her drink as an ashtray*
[08-08:00] fef16, Remy: hardly
[08-08:00] 56b53, 'Jen: *still looks hurt...eyes Misty...* oh? *spins Remy around and lights his hair on fire* :P
[08-08:00] 0531f, •Ronica : Aww... *sprinkles M with glitter*
[08-08:01] 31c33, *M : *sprinkled with glitter* *blinks* Ooooo
[08-08:01] fef16, Remy: *the spinning causes his hair to be extinguished, smooths his hair back down* : p
[08-08:01] 31c33, *M : *eyes Remy, then Jen* Sometimes I say things I don't mean... when I'm angry or upset...
[08-08:02] 0531f, •Ronica : *forgives Misty for everything 'cause she's just in that kind of mood* I love ya. :) And I'm going to bed! Gonna see if my good mood doesn't transfer over into good dreams.
[08-08:03] fef16, Remy: *tosses Ronnie his pack of cigarettes* Just in case the dreams are that good ;)
[08-08:03] 56b53, 'Jen: *considers...breaks out the prune juice and pours it over his head...wanders off*looks back at M* You know I can't be mad at you.
[08-08:04] fef16, Remy: *shakes himself dry, spreading prune juice over Jen and whoever is near her... *ahem*misty....*
[08-08:04] 31c33, *M : *forgiven and everything* Hmm. *hugs Ronnie* G'night. Sleep well, etc.
[08-08:05] 31c33, *M : *the glitter repels all the prune juice, naturally*
[08-08:05] 31c33, *M : *peers at Jen* Yeah?
[08-08:05] 0531f, •Ronica : Naturally.
[08-08:05] 56b53, 'Jen: *torches the prune juice midair* thbbt.
[08-08:05] 0531f, •Ronica : Night everyone! *waves and runs off*
[08-08:06] 56b53, 'Jen: g'night Ronnie! *hugs* sleep well. :)
[08-08:06] 56b53, 'Jen: *peered at* I love you!! (heh)
[08-08:07] EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( Rawr! (That's a good rawr, by the by) ).
[08-08:07] 31c33, *M : *doubly loved* yay!!!
[08-08:07] 56b53, 'Jen: *still amused at how innocent she looked today with the hair braids*
[08-08:10] 56b53, 'Jen: Misty...where did you put my whip?
[08-08:12] 31c33, *M : Your...? Erm... *shift* I dunno...
[08-08:15] 56b53, 'Jen: The last time I had it was that one have to know where it went...
[08-08:15] 31c33, *M : Maybe it... um... was Ria? She likes whips....
[08-08:23] 56b53, 'Jen: *didn't just go quiet* tsss....Ria doesn't think of me that way. :)
[08-08:24] 31c33, *M : Or so you think
[08-08:27] 56b53, 'Jen: what? You know something I don't?
[08-08:28] 31c33, *M : Oh, I know plenty
[08-08:28] 56b53, 'Jen: about me?
[08-08:29] 31c33, *M : Oh sure, I know stuff about you. I know stuff about Ria. I know stuff about Ronnie... everyone
[08-08:30] 56b53, 'Jen: you do not. you don't even know my shoe size. bwaha.
[08-08:30] 31c33, *M : 8
[08-08:31] 56b53, 'Jen: actually no. I wear a 10. I just like to buy my shoes in an 11...
[08-08:31] 31c33, *M : Lies!
[08-08:32] 56b53, 'Jen: I am not!
[08-08:32] 31c33, *M : Bah. Someone's been feeding meh false information!
[08-08:33] 56b53, 'Jen: Obviously.
[08-08:36] 31c33, *M : *starts going through her list of informants and systematically killing them*
[08-08:37] 56b53, 'Jen: Ooo...evil....I knew I liked you for a damn good reason.
[08-08:38] 31c33, *M : *bows*
[08-08:46] 56b53, 'Jen: do you do knots too?
[08-08:47] 31c33, *M : Yes, extremely well, in fact.
[08-08:48] 56b53, 'Jen: *smirks* Figures.
[08-08:49] 31c33, *M : I can't believe you're even asking. I thought we'd cleared that up 2 nights ago.
[08-08:50] 56b53, 'Jen: Oh! my....that'd slipped my mind. *grin*
[08-08:50] 31c33, *M : *shakes her head* Figures.
[08-08:51] 56b53, 'Jen: maybe that explains the bruises actually. :P
[08-08:52] 31c33, *M : Pfft, I'm telling you, you got them from Jim, not me.
[08-08:53] 56b53, 'Jen: *has the urge to fling carrots* oi.*pause* You don't know that for sure now do you?
[08-08:54] 31c33, *M : Actually, I do know that. I'm far too good at my job to leave marks.
[08-08:55] 56b53, 'Jen: Well then....I'll just have to give Jim a talking to won't I...
[08-08:56] 31c33, *M : *narrows eyes* Just so long as that's all you do.....
[08-08:57] 56b53, 'Jen: *evil giggle*
[08-08:57] 31c33, *M : I'm positively certain I won't have to supervise you... will I?
[08-08:58] 56b53, 'Jen: You could...but then that might get complicated.
[08-08:59] 31c33, *M : *pauses to consider* Hmm....
[08-09:02] 56b53, 'Jen: *wonders just how close to her wavelength Misty is getting*L*
[08-09:02] 31c33, *M : Jen, you can share a wavelength with me anytime.
[08-09:03] 56b53, 'Jen: Don't mind if I do! *wallows*
[08-09:08] 56b53, 'Jen: yeah that wasn't really stupid looking. *blinks*
[08-09:08] 31c33, *M : Hehe
[08-09:10] 31c33, *M : It wasn't stupid looking
[08-09:13] 56b53, 'Jen: was too. I don't wallow...people don't wallow. *pause* actually I dunno what people do instead of wallowing...
[08-09:14] 31c33, *M : Deal. ^_^
[08-09:17] 56b53, 'Jen: poker?
[08-09:18] 31c33, *M : Hearts
[08-09:20] 56b53, 'Jen: I dunno Hearts. I really should...but I don't. heh.
[08-09:22] 31c33, *M : ah well
[08-09:22] 56b53, 'Jen: I know poker and pool.
[08-09:23] 31c33, *M : Pfft. Surely you must know other card games
[08-09:24] 56b53, 'Jen: I know a lil gin or fish...21...
[08-09:24] 56b53, 'Jen: solitaire. :)
[08-09:25] 31c33, *M : Hehe
[08-09:28] 56b53, 'Jen: *blinks* ''shout...shout...let it all out....these are the things I can do without...'' don't have strange songs on my playlist. *L*
[08-09:29] 31c33, *M : How is that a strange song?
[08-09:30] 56b53, 'Jen: its just in a playlist without other songs like it. s'all.
[08-09:33] 31c33, *M : Ah
[08-09:48] 56b53, 'Jen: *um...hugs Misty alot...then slips out*
[08-09:48] EXIT: Jen has left the chat ( bwah...haha? ).
[08-09:48] 31c33, *M : *hugs back lots*
[08-09:49] EXIT: M has left the chat ( Ssh.. it's too quiet in here :(( ).
[08-15:44] 60426, șForexs : Posting so I can click on the little icon and see my profile because I'm too lazy to click the "profile" button and find myself, even tho I'm sure it would have been faster than writing all this.
[08-16:40] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[08-16:46] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[08-17:00] fdec2, •Ronica : *bored* I wake up too early.
[08-17:01] fdec2, •Ronica : *relaxes in her black hole*
[08-17:15] JOIN: Steele has entered.
[08-17:42] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[08-17:57] JOIN: L has entered.
[08-17:57] fdec2, •Ronica : *waves to Leigh*
[08-17:58] 51bb3, 'L: 'lo
[08-17:58] fdec2, •Ronica : How ya feeling?
[08-17:59] 51bb3, 'L: *eyes avatar* Oh shit. *checks stuff* All right, I
[08-18:00] fdec2, •Ronica : Not bad.
[08-18:00] 51bb3, 'L: *blinks* Er...
[08-18:03] 51bb3, 'L: *mumbles*
[08-18:12] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[08-18:12] 4d92b, •Ronica : *RaE*
[08-18:13] 51bb3, 'L: Huh?
[08-18:14] 4d92b, •Ronica : Nothing. I just got a really weird boot from my comp.
[08-18:14] 4d92b, •Ronica : *gasp* NO! Everything I'd written before it crashed is gone! Ahg... *dies*
[08-18:14] 51bb3, 'L: Oh. Okay. *quietly panics*
[08-18:15] 4d92b, •Ronica : *blinks* What's wrong?
[08-18:15] 51bb3, 'L: Gack. Sorry to hear that.
[08-18:17] 51bb3, 'L: f2s won't host on other sites anymore, it seems.
[08-18:18] 4d92b, •Ronica : Oi?! Them too? No one lets you host on other sites anymore... *sighs at length and starts rewriting*
[08-18:19] 51bb3, 'L: Yeah. And this presents just a little problem....
[08-18:23] 4d92b, •Ronica : I can imagine.
[08-18:28] 51bb3, 'L: *mumbles*
[08-18:29] 4d92b, •Ronica : *comforts*
[08-18:31] 51bb3, 'L: Eh. Thanks...
[08-18:31] 51bb3, 'L: You, er...can't see my avatar pic, can you?
[08-18:33] 4d92b, •Ronica : No, I'm afraid I can't.
[08-18:33] 51bb3, 'L: Heh. That's crazy, cos your icon is working. Maybe it's a problem with my account....
[08-18:35] JOIN: Remy has entered.
[08-18:35] fef16, Remy: Hmm, Breakfast At Tiffany's.... seems somewhat appropriate
[08-18:36] 4d92b, •Ronica : Let's hope so. 'Cause then you could fix it. *loves Breakfast at Tiffany's* Why is it appropriate?
[08-18:37] fef16, Remy: *shrugs* Just feels that way.
[08-18:38] fef16, Remy: Hey Leigh?
[08-18:39] 51bb3, 'L: Yeah?
[08-18:40] fef16, Remy: I was wonderin if you had AIM
[08-18:40] 51bb3, 'L: Yep. Leigh Prefect
[08-18:53] a68d3, •Ronica : *weeps* Oi, what I wrote the first time was so much better.
[08-19:00] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : I'LL KILL YOU!*bashes F2S in with a crowbar*
[08-19:06] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : All you do is delete my scripts.
[08-19:11] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[08-19:16] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Notes that F2S has awful tech support, too*
[08-19:22] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[08-19:22] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *baps, baps, baps Netscape*
[08-19:22] a68d3, •Ronica : ewww... netscape.
[08-19:25] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Well, IE is worse. IE kicks kittens. And shuts down Explorer, which makes my comp die.
[08-19:25] a68d3, •Ronica : Oh... Well, um... yay netscape, then. Woo. *waves her little Go Netscape flag*
[08-19:26] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Mozilla.
[08-19:27] a68d3, •Ronica : I'm not using any browser that sounds like it's going to crush Tokyo.
[08-19:29] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : It crushes NN.*Nods*
[08-19:29] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *LOL@Ronnie*
[08-19:30] a68d3, •Ronica : I use IE, and I'm just fine with it. *pats IE*
[08-19:33] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *would pat IE, except she just used it, closed the window, and Explorer died again*
[08-19:34] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : If somebody was a hacker, they could see what you type in for form data in IE. Mozilla is secure enough not to let that happen.
[08-19:34] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : But then, I really don't know that much about hacking.*Innocent look*
[08-19:36] 60426, șForexs : *Peeks around*
[08-19:37] a68d3, •Ronica : Look! It's a Cay! *gets out her Cay-catching net*
[08-19:38] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Cay! *pounce-huggles Cay!*
[08-19:38] 60426, șForexs : Eekk *flee*
[08-19:39] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : But, um, Stoney, what does it matter what you type in for form data? If a hacker would like to see the name and description of a character I'm registering, I don't particularly care..
[08-19:39] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Ria: would you like someone logging on to your account, though?
[08-19:41] 60426, șForexs : Heh, hey hey there :) *hugs RiaBear*
[08-19:41] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *waves to Cay*
[08-19:42] 60426, șForexs : Hey Stoney :)
[08-19:44] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Stoney: But they couldn't, because the password isn't included in the form. Plus, they'd have no reason to. *hugs Cay lots*
[08-19:45] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Not the registration form, but what do you think you fill out to log in?
[08-19:46] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Oh, that.. *considers* Still, why would a hacker want to log in as "President Zahra" or whoever in an rpg chat no one cares about?
[08-19:48] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : They wouldn't. But what about people that buy things onLine, they use a credit card number or something that they fill out, correct? What about a person that owns a server and uses IE to log in and edit files for a major company?
[08-19:49] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : You're probably right. For personal use, IE is just fine...
[08-19:51] a68d3, •Ronica : *doesn't do any of that important stuff, so is nice and safe* Wee.
[08-19:51] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Well, online stores have lots of added securities and thing, so I doubt you have to worry about that. And I'm quite sure that people editing files for major companies have added security measures too.
[08-19:53] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Security measures...yes...server side. But we're not talking you'd use Mozilla to access one of those accounts.
[08-19:59] 60426, șForexs : .
[08-20:00] 60426, șForexs : <-- Pneumonia :/
[08-20:01] JOIN: Remy has entered.
[08-20:02] a68d3, •Ronica : Poor Cay. *patpats and puts her net away*
[08-20:02] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Awww! *hugs and hugs Cay!!*
[08-20:02] 60426, șForexs : Yeah, good idea :)
[08-20:03] fef16, Remy: No Stoney, you DON'T know that much about hacking... cause a hacker doesn't go for credit card numbers or taking over people's chat handles.
[08-20:04] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Go lie down, Cay. Rest. Rest lots.
[08-20:04] 60426, șForexs : *hugs back*
[08-20:04] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : I told you I didn't, Remy :)
[08-20:04] 60426, șForexs : Ha, I rested all day :/
[08-20:05] fef16, Remy: Well, just to inform you that's a ph34k3r, d00d ;)
[08-20:06] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : I was just trying to offer what I knew about browser hacking, I dunno much about how a hacker's mind works.
[08-20:07] fef16, Remy: *plugs Neoplanet* Now Neoplanet, that is the choice browser.
[08-20:08] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Rest more, Cay. *hugs and hugs and hugs*
[08-20:08] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Never heard of it.
[08-20:09] fef16, Remy:
[08-20:09] 60426, șForexs : Nah, I'll turn into some kind of zombie or somethin'
[08-20:10] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *bah@Cay* Just.. um.. Is someone home with you? Is someone taking care of you? Make them make you lots and lots of tea. And soup. And so on.
[08-20:11] 60426, șForexs : But I have good music, and a speedy internet connection, so what more do I need? ( )
[08-20:11] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : What's so great about that browser? Does is have better security?
[08-20:12] b4f2d, Jezral: NeoPlanet isn't a browser, really. It's a frontend for IE.
[08-20:12] 60426, șForexs : Yeah yeah.. got people 'round
[08-20:13] fef16, Remy: Bah, it runs off IEs engine with added features. Either way it's more stable in my opinion.
[08-20:13] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Music? Cay started up his station again? Woo! *listens* *hugs lots* But drink tea, anyway.
[08-20:14] 60426, șForexs : Yes yes, done that.. I can only drink that much the in a day before I turn into a leaf :Ț
[08-20:14] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : What kind of "added features" do you mean?
[08-20:14] 60426, șForexs : Eek!
[08-20:14] b4f2d, Jezral: Skins, mainly.
[08-20:14]       Forexs slaps Jezral around a bit with a large trout
[08-20:15] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *giggles* Then switch to chicken soup. Maybe tomato soup. And so on.
[08-20:15] *** Jezral sets mode +b 60426 for 23 seconds
[08-20:15] *** Forexs sets mode -b 60426
[08-20:15] 60426, șForexs : What a mean mean man :Ț
[08-20:16] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Skins? You mean it just changes the looks?
[08-20:16] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *blinks, confused* Somebody banned Cay? Eeek!
[08-20:18] 60426, șForexs : *** Jezral sets mode +b 60426 for 23 seconds
[08-20:18] 60426, șForexs : :)
[08-20:19] b4f2d, Jezral: Lies! All lies!
[08-20:20] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Eeeek! How could you ban poor Cay, who has pneumonia? *pokes, pokes Jez!*
[08-20:20] 60426, șForexs : Yes, Jez, how could you!?
[08-20:21] a68d3, •Ronica : Someone has to put Cay in his place! *tsks*
[08-20:21] b4f2d, Jezral : Because he slapped me, that's why. Idly fixes icon...
[08-20:21]       Forexs slaps Ronica around a bit with a large trout
[08-20:22] a68d3, •Ronica : *slapped around* Ow!
[08-20:22] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *oooo@Cay's radio* *forgot how she loved that song*
[08-20:22] 60426, șForexs : Ava Adore?
[08-20:25] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *nodnod to Cay* *thwaps Winamp or whatever it is for buffering*
[08-20:25] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *nodnod to Cay* *thwaps Winamp or whatever it is for buffering*
[08-20:26] DICE: Forexs rolls 0 on a .
[08-20:26] 60426, șForexs : /dive 3 6
[08-20:26] 60426, șForexs : /dive 3 6
[08-20:27] DICE: Forexs rolls 2 on a 3 6.
[08-20:27] DICE: Forexs rolls 3 on a 6 3.
[08-20:27] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *blinks at double post* That was random.
[08-20:27] b4f2d, Jezral : 3d6 can't roll 2...
[08-20:29] DICE: Forexs rolls 16 on a 3d6.
[08-20:29] 60426, șForexs : Ah, neat. :P
[08-20:29] fef16, Remy: *thwaps Cay* : p
[08-20:30]       Forexs evades and pokes Remy in the eyes
[08-20:31]       Jezral idly figdets his slegde...
[08-20:31] 60426, șForexs : Eek
[08-20:31] a68d3, •Ronica : *notices no one cared she was slapped around with a large trout* *runs away crying*
[08-20:31] 60426, șForexs : I saw that.. :Ț
[08-20:31] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Jezral: WTF?
[08-20:32] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Oy! *hugs Ronnie lots!* *then hugs Cay, too*
[08-20:32] 60426, șForexs : Like the music? :)
[08-20:32] 60426, șForexs : *hugses backz0rx*
[08-20:33]       Jezral glues Forexs' hands to the backside of a rhino that suffers from diarrhea...
[08-20:34] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *LOL*
[08-20:34] 60426, șForexs : Err..
[08-20:34] 60426, șForexs : meep meep
[08-20:36] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : OY! *protects Cay from that.. somehow*
[08-20:38] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Ria: give the Rhino diarrhea medicine.
[08-20:39] 60426, șForexs : *saved* Phew, ta.
[08-20:39] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Hmm.. That could work, Stoney. *does so* *meanwhile, eyes Cay, who would be the second most wonderful person in the world if he had the new Garbage CD, and was capable of streaming it*
[08-20:40] a68d3, •Ronica : Second most? After the Tooth Fairy, right?
[08-20:41] b4f2d, Jezral : I got it from ... A rather fun story...
[08-20:41] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : After you, Ronnie, obviously.
[08-20:42] a68d3, •Ronica : Oh.... But what about the Tooth Fairy??
[08-20:43] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *LOL* "I guess you could say that Ronald was in it up to his neck."
[08-20:44] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : The Tooth Fairy.. um.. doesn't exist, Ronnie-dear.
[08-20:45] a68d3, •Ronica : She what?! *crushed*
[08-20:45] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Eyes Ria*are you calling my mother a liar?
[08-20:47] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *eyed* I mean.. um.. She does exist, but she isn't a person. She's a fairy.
[08-20:47] a68d3, •Ronica : Oh, well... That works. *nods* Okay.
[08-20:47] 60426, șForexs : Beautifulgarbage ?
[08-20:48] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *nodnodnod to Cay*
[08-20:50] a68d3, •Ronica : *would be listening to beautifulgarbage if she wasn't listening to PJ Harvey*
[08-20:51] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *wants the Garbage CD* *weeps!*
[08-20:51] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Ooo.. Tim Chistensen.. Close enough.
[08-20:55] a68d3, •Ronica : *hums* I paint pictures to remember you're too beautiful to put into words..
[08-20:56] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *awwww@Ronnie*
[08-20:57] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Elton John! Ooooo! *hugs Cay!*
[08-20:57] a68d3, •Ronica : *awwww-ed* What?? It's a song! I'm just singing!
[08-20:58] 60426, șForexs : HeHe :) *hugs back*
[08-20:58] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Yes, yes, I'm sure. *pats Ronnie* *then bapsbapsbaps stupid buffering radio* I wanna hear Elton John!
[08-20:59] 60426, șForexs : I could lower the quality.
[08-20:59] a68d3, •Ronica : *patted* It is. I am. Bah!
[08-21:00] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : But that doesn't work, Cay. Remember, it was buffering even when you did that..
[08-21:00] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *pats Ronnie some more* Hehe.
[08-21:00] 60426, șForexs : Oh :/
[08-21:01] 60426, șForexs : Well, I am downloading some music atm, that could be taking up most of my bandwidth.
[08-21:01] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Wooo! Losing my religion! *loves that song!* *hugs Cay some more!*
[08-21:02] 60426, șForexs : Heh :)
[08-21:02] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *sings without the music* *knows it well enough that she can hear it in her head* *pats buffering radio*
[08-21:03] a68d3, •Ronica : *patted some more* *grumbles and sings something else*
[08-21:04] 60426, șForexs : ooo.. *puts on some old thingie music*
[08-21:05] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Old thingie music? Like Sinatra?
[08-21:05] 60426, șForexs : No, like the beach boys :D
[08-21:05] a68d3, •Ronica : The beach boys? *grimace*
[08-21:06] 60426, șForexs : Clearly, Califonia Dreamin' 0wnz j00
[08-21:06] 60426, șForexs : But, ok, I'll change it :P
[08-21:07] a68d3, •Ronica : Bah, I'm not listening to it. *is still going through all the stuff she stole from her sister's fiancé* *loves PJ Harvey now*
[08-21:07] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : California Dreamin is good too! *but hugs Sinatra*
[08-21:07] 60426, șForexs : I know you arent :>
[08-21:09] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *hugs and hugs and hugs Cay*
[08-21:10] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *GASP* Phantom! It's Phantom! *faints*
[08-21:10] a68d3, •Ronica : *L*
[08-21:11] 60426, șForexs : *hugged excessively*
[08-21:11] 60426, șForexs : Any pto requests? :P
[08-21:12] 60426, șForexs : (this one just happens to be my favourite :))
[08-21:13] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Bah. That's not hugging excessively.. You'd know if I were hugging excessively. And.. um.. *doesn't know what to request*
[08-21:14] 60426, șForexs : Fine then, I'll switch to some weird Lynyrd Skynyrd song :P
[08-21:14] a68d3, •Ronica : *has a new favourite CD*
[08-21:14] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Ooooh! *sings along with this one, despite the fact that she can't hit any of the high notes*
[08-21:14] a68d3, •Ronica : Well, Warren's never getting this one back.
[08-21:15] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Eeeek! No! No changing! But.. Sweet Home Alabama? That's my travelling music! Ah, memories!
[08-21:15] 60426, șForexs : Heh :) request then :P
[08-21:17] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *requests.. um.. Dire Straits music!* *giggles*
[08-21:19] a68d3, •Ronica : *hums s'more, out of the loop on Cay's radio thingie. Listens to her own music, so bah* You're the only story that I never told.
[08-21:20] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *apparently likes Dizzy Mizz Lizzy* *never knew this*
[08-21:21] a68d3, •Ronica : *wildly recommends PJ Harvey*
[08-21:23] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *doesn't.. um.. know PJ Harvey*
[08-21:24] a68d3, •Ronica : *didn't know her either, but loves her now*
[08-21:25] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Wooo! Garbage! *hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs Cay!*
[08-21:29] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Androgyny! Wooo! *dances about!*
[08-21:29] a68d3, •Ronica : Hehe.
[08-21:31] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[08-21:31] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *dances, dances, dances*
[08-21:32] a68d3, •Ronica : *thinks Ria would like PJ Harvey* *could be horribly wrong, though*
[08-21:34] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *will go download PJ Harvey songs later, then*
[08-21:34] a68d3, •Ronica : Yay.
[08-21:34] 60426, șForexs : Anyway, I'll go lie down before my head explodes.
[08-21:35] 60426, șForexs : *hugs around*
[08-21:36] EXIT: Cay has left the chat ( Say my name, Silverflame take control, of my heart, of my mind and of my soul, what a shame, Silverflame that you can't burn forever... ).
[08-21:37] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Bye, Cay! *hugs lots and lots* Feel better!
[08-22:55] JOIN: General Kliv has entered.
[08-23:06] 6907b, *General Kliv : *Because he feels like some random RP, and since the MOTD is in place anyway...several starships buzz around Corellia, beat up freighters...NR starfighters, and then shipyards and space stations-some damaged from cloaked mines that could not be detected in time...Kliv stands on the bridge of a Nebulon-B frigate, watching as the NR forces try to bring order to the evident chaos*
[08-23:11] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[08-23:12] 5bf3e, *Angelique Coltar: *Is.. somewhere.*
[08-23:18] 6907b, *General Kliv : *The NR starfighters seem to be running about with no aim, but upon closer inspection it becomes clear that a special pattern was ordered by the navy officers-drawn up by Kliv designed to avoid mines with the sketchy data recieved from the modified scanners...allowing for freighters to be escorted safely into deep space for transport to nearby planets, a few refugee stations orbit Drall and Talus/Tralus*
[08-23:18] 5bf3e, *Angelique Coltar : *Yes, is.. somewhere, helping. Or something. Yeah.*
[08-23:21] 6907b, *General Kliv : *Several officers discuss the situation amongst themselves, arguing about everything and nothing all at once-conversation drifting from talks about further invasion, to how the current situation should be dealt with...*
[08-23:23] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[08-23:27] 5bf3e, *Angelique Coltar : *Well, right. Is pseudo-IC.*
[08-23:34] 6907b, *General Kliv : *Continues to look over reports and talk with crew members, a few people on the bridge telling Coltar about a few freighters that need escorts knowing a safe path out of Corellian orbit*
[08-23:35] 5bf3e, *Angelique Coltar : ((*pokes Stoney* Coltar? Which Coltar?))
[08-23:36] 6907b, *General Kliv : ((You're the only one around :) Angelique's brother is off who knows where.))
[08-23:38] 5bf3e, *Angelique Coltar : ((Angelique's brother has been demoted.. *baps him* *has randomly decided to promote Angie to Captain* Wee. Self-promotion.)) *Anyway, yeah, gets her squadron, puts them into escort-mode, and escorts the freighters.*
[08-23:39] 6907b, *General Kliv : ((Eh? For what?))
[08-23:42] 5bf3e, *Angelique Coltar : ((Um.. I don't remember. Ask Mazzy.))
[08-23:48] 6907b, *General Kliv : *Continues his work, suggesting modifications to some broken down freighters to draw mines a safe distance away and detonate them*
[08-23:48] 6907b, *General Kliv : ((Mazzik doesn't even RP here anymore. It would be pointless..))
[08-23:51] 5bf3e, *Angelique Coltar : *Escorts, escorts, then.* ((Bah. *baps Mazzy*))
[09-00:10] 6907b, *General Kliv : *Kliv sits at a console, coordinating a small and battered controlled and unmanned, of course...guiding the ship towards one of the sensor readings from the CGT...quickly pulling the ship away and hoping the cloaked mine will lock on and be drawn to the freighter*
[09-00:13] 5bf3e, *Angelique Coltar : *Assumes it can't take too long to escort the freighter and, um, returns.*
[09-00:15] 6907b, *General Kliv : *the freighter runs for as long as possible, before slowing speed....a tense moment on the bridge-waiting...waiting...then a dramatic explosion in which the mine stikes the freighter and explodes a relatively safe distance away-followed by a cheer from the bridge crew*
[09-00:16] 5bf3e, *Angelique Coltar : *Cheers also, then?*
[09-00:28] 6907b, *General Kliv : *Several shuttles dispatch from various NR vessels, plotting routes already known to be clear of mines through the orbit and planetside, troops and even some transports for vehicles coming down to help bring order and organization to the planet and provide some protection should the Ne'kressis or ID decide to invade*
[09-00:30] 5bf3e, *Angelique Coltar : *Um, helps.*
[09-00:41] JOIN: KIlby has entered.
[09-00:42] 72ea1, KIlby: (realises all is IC-and so leaves...bye all)
[09-00:42] EXIT: KIlby has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-00:45] 5bf3e, *Angelique Coltar : ((Oy! Stay, Kilby!))
[09-01:06] 6907b, *General Kliv : ((*whistles innocently**was slacking off in the RP*))
[09-01:30] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-02:08] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[09-02:09] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Emptiness....
[09-02:09] JOIN: M has entered.
[09-02:10] 181ba, *M : Not surprising.
[09-02:10] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: No, it's not.
[09-02:11] 181ba, *M : Oh well.
[09-02:13] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Oh well?
[09-02:13] 181ba, *M : Yup. Oh well.
[09-02:19] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: i shall return in a bit...for now, enjoy yourselves....
[09-02:20] 181ba, *M : heh. we will
[09-02:30] EXIT: M has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-02:32] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( I'm with, Misty ).
[09-02:33] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-02:36] JOIN: Thalis Orisa has entered.
[09-02:36] JOIN: BrinOmega has entered.
[09-02:38] 77acb, BrinOmega: *steps in*
[09-02:39] 255df, Thalis Orisa: *she stands at the bar leaning forward looking forward her brows furrowing woundering why she hasnt spoken to Brin, of course sh eknows it is on her own behalf, but wounders why.*
[09-02:39] JOIN: hgfh has entered.
[09-02:40] 77acb, BrinOmega: *carefully makes his way to the bar, and Thalis*
[09-02:41] 255df, Thalis Orisa: *she then looks down still silent...*
[09-02:42] EXIT: hgfh has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-02:44] 77acb, BrinOmega: *without a word he moves to her side, gently tilting her head up to watch with a questioning gaze*
[09-02:45] 255df, Thalis Orisa: .......*she looks up toward Brin with a small frown...*
[09-02:46] 77acb, BrinOmega: What's wrong?
[09-02:46] 255df, Thalis Orisa: ....Nothing..*smiles softly, as she speaks cooly and calmly.*
[09-02:48] 77acb, BrinOmega: *slowly moves his hand away* It doesn't seem like nothing...
[09-02:48] JOIN: pH has entered.
[09-02:49] 912f6, 'pH: Brin has a funny nose, funny nose, funny nose. Brin has a funny nose, so ha ha ha ha ha. *in a goofy mood*
[09-02:50] 255df, Thalis Orisa: .....Im just distracted tis all Brin...*smiles leaning forward giving him a soft kiss on the cheek then looks forward.*
[09-02:51] 77acb, BrinOmega: *nods without a further word, looking after her*
[09-02:52] 255df, Thalis Orisa: ..I often wounder Brin.....on what happened to Spectre....I ...have not heard from him.....
[09-02:54] 77acb, BrinOmega: He'll be around... *plainly doesn't wish to talk about Spectre*
[09-02:56] 255df, Thalis Orisa: My business has not been to good...*shakes her head..* I am loosing credits and fast...
[09-02:57] 77acb, BrinOmega: If you need credits....I'm here.
[09-02:58] 255df, Thalis Orisa: I know....but....I can take care of myself do know that...
[09-03:00] 77acb, BrinOmega: *simply...nods*
[09-03:02] 255df, Thalis Orisa: *she sighs then looks forward.* Brin tell me something..out of all the woman out on the street that day, that they were just like me..why choose me....why?
[09-03:05] 77acb, BrinOmega: You already know you're stunning...and somehow...I just, knew. Instinct. I suppose....
[09-03:06] 255df, Thalis Orisa: not want to hurt you but..what..if I dont feel the same way..what if tried my best but..I...didnt have the same feeling....*a small tear coming to her eye.*
[09-03:10] 77acb, BrinOmega: *seems taken aback for a moment, but recovers quickly* We had something before...It's...It's possible you no longer feel the same way. *forces himself to continue*
[09-03:11] 255df, Thalis Orisa: I want to Brin....I do but...*looking downward a hand over her mouth. *
[09-03:14] 77acb, BrinOmega: *slowly shakes his head, avoiding her eyes* I'm a fool to think you'd still have feelings about me after so long...
[09-03:14] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[09-03:15] 255df, Thalis Orisa: No Brin..*pulling herself together whiping away a tear.* You are not the fool..for I am...*her voice cracked as she stands stumbling for the door.*
[09-03:15] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : {slips in, dressed in his normal outfit and passes by Thalis, heading for the bar}
[09-03:16] 77acb, BrinOmega: *stands there...shocked*
[09-03:16] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-03:17] 255df, Thalis Orisa: I am sorry Brin...*looking back toward him then quickly makes her way out the door.*
[09-03:19] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : {sits at the bar and waves the bartender away when he comes over, not thirsty at the moment}
[09-03:19] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[09-03:20] c5837, Get a Name!: *curls up in her corner*
[09-03:23] a68d3, •Ronica : *peers at GaN*
[09-03:24] c5837, Get a Name!: *can't be peered at.. is in her corner, in the shadows, invisible*
[09-03:25] a68d3, •Ronica : *peers anyway, 'cause she's that cool*
[09-03:25] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((HA!))
[09-03:26] c5837, Get a Name!: heh
[09-03:27] a68d3, •Ronica : *sits down near GaN's corner*
[09-03:27] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((That cool my ass))
[09-03:28] c5837, Get a Name!: *peers at Ronnie*
[09-03:28] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : {just idly sitting at the bar doing nothing{
[09-03:29] a68d3, •Ronica : *peers right back at GaN*
[09-03:29] JOIN: Quinn Thyme has entered.
[09-03:30] c5837, Get a Name!: *peered at* *burrows*
[09-03:31] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: *strides in, wearing dark, baggy cargo jeans and a shirt reading ''Drop Dead'' across the front, ''Gorgeous'' across the back. Her gait is unassuming, but something about it catches the eye. She is Quinn Thyme, frontgirl for Mass Debate. Slipping up to the bar, she grins at Baixo*
[09-03:31] a68d3, •Ronica : *grabs a stick and gently prods GaN* Jen? Misty? Who?
[09-03:31] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : {smiles at Quinn} Well look who it is, the long lost singer.
[09-03:32] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: That it is....*smiles and hugs him*
[09-03:32] c5837, Get a Name!: one or the other *prodded* quit it
[09-03:34] a68d3, •Ronica : Jen. *stops prodding*
[09-03:36] c5837, Get a Name!: it's kinda like one of those 50/50 lifeline things. you have a 50% chance of being wrong.
[09-03:36] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : So what have you been up to?
[09-03:37] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: Spending time with Sully....*sits, ordering a drink*
[09-03:38] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : no work on our tour or anything then? Cuz I'm really looking to get off this planet...
[09-03:39] a68d3, •Ronica : Not Jen?
[09-03:40] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: Well, yeah, that too. Hey, y'know Correlian Whisk. E...that rapper guy?
[09-03:40] c5837, Get a Name!: No, although we've decided we might as well be the same person.
[09-03:41] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre :
[09-03:43] a68d3, •Ronica : Bah.
[09-03:43] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Bah.
[09-03:43] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: He just put out that new'know.
[09-03:44] c5837, Get a Name!: sorry to disappoint
[09-03:44] a68d3, •Ronica : I'm not disappointed. I just don't like being wrong.
[09-03:46] c5837, Get a Name!: heh. yeah.
[09-03:46] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : I don't know.
[09-03:48] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : Who is he again?
[09-03:50] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: Well, he wanted to record a song with us, or something. I didn't wanna say anything to him, we really wanna be associated with the whole rap/rock genre?
[09-03:51] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((*blinks at TNN* Ya know, I can't watch TV without sound...I kinda need to hear what's going on too...))
[09-03:52] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : {shrugs} It wouldn't bother me if it was only one song, it's not like it will be a whole album...
[09-03:55] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: Ya think?
[09-03:56] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : What?
[09-03:56] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: Ya think we should do it?
[09-03:57] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : It's all your choice, you'll be the one singing with him.
[09-03:59] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: It'll be all of us.
[09-04:01] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : Nah, I'm the bassist, I sit in the background and play while you take all the credit, you know that. {grins}
[09-04:01] c5837, Get a Name!: right. fk this music. *reverts back to Metallica*
[09-04:02] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((Quiet Misty, there's RPing going on))
[09-04:03] c5837, Get a Name!: shut the m00 up, Justin
[09-04:04] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((such anger...damn that rap music!))
[09-04:06] c5837, Get a Name!: I don't listen to rap music :(
[09-04:06] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: Oh, yeah. But you know I love ya. And the groupies love ya.
[09-04:07] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : You love every guy that comes your way. {grins} But we don't have any groupies yet.
[09-04:10] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: But we will. And they'll all be throwing themselves at you.
[09-04:11] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : For some reason, I doubt that, but hey...
[09-04:12] c5837, Get a Name!: wtf is that from?! *has heard it, can't place it... ffs*
[09-04:13] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((*blinks* What are you talking about?))
[09-04:14] c5837, Get a Name!: some movie, Billy Crystal, "damn that rap music"... or something
[09-04:14] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: Who wouldn't? C''re hot.
[09-04:18] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((Dr. Dolittle 2 actually))
[09-04:18] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : Hey now, you have a boy friend, you shouldn't be saying those kinds of things
[09-04:19] c5837, Get a Name!: was it Billy Crystal's voice? :(
[09-04:19] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: I live with him...he doesn't have to worry.
[09-04:20] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((I dunno))
[09-04:21] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : (("So young, so angry....damn that rap music!"))
[09-04:21] c5837, Get a Name!: damn.. *sigh* oh well. *lurks and works*
[09-04:25] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : what do you think we should do about this rapper guy?
[09-04:27] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: We could try it....
[09-04:28] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : Ya know, just because we record a song doesn't mean it will make the final cut, so we might as well try it
[09-04:29] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: Exactly.
[09-04:30] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : Well tell him that we'll do it then
[09-04:32] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: No problem.
[09-04:33] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[09-04:33] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *hugs Misty lots, if she's here, then disappears*
[09-04:34] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((*blinks at Ria*))
[09-04:34] c5837, Get a Name!: *hugged lots*
[09-04:35] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : So what else is going on? Anything else?
[09-04:35] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *blinked at* What? What?
[09-04:36] c5837, Get a Name!: *hugs Ria back lots*
[09-04:36] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: Well...I dunno. Do you think....I dunno....
[09-04:37] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((*pats Ria*)) Do I think what?
[09-04:37] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *patted* Right. *hugs Misty some more*
[09-04:38] c5837, Get a Name!: *hugged s'more* *hugs back s'more*
[09-04:38] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: How young is too young to know if you're in love?
[09-04:39] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : uh, you're asking the wrong guy.
[09-04:42] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *decides she's hugged enough* *disappears now*
[09-04:42] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((No dissapearing))
[09-04:43] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Oy. Why not? I have nothing to say, and I'm just distrupting IC-nes.
[09-04:43] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((no you aren't. And besides, you leaving makes it nothing but blue text))
[09-04:43] c5837, *M : better places to go. heh
[09-04:44] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Um.. right. *showers the chat with her pink font and her bad typing skills*
[09-04:44] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((You don't have bad typing skills))
[09-04:47] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : I do too. *points to "IC-nes"* *goes back to hugging Misty, if she isn't disappearing*
[09-04:48] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((pH?))
[09-04:50] c5837, *M : *is being hugged, then*
[09-04:50] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: Why's that?
[09-04:52] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : I have no experience with love. I don't know a damn thing about it...
[09-04:52] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *yes. Is hugging Misty*
[09-04:52] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((*hugs Ria while she's hugging Misty*))
[09-04:55] c5837, *M : *so... group hug, then?*
[09-04:55] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[09-04:55] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((*yes, group hug. W00t*))
[09-04:56] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *woo. group hug! Includes Ronnie*
[09-04:59] a68d3, •Ronica : What? Group hug? Ahg... *hugs, then*
[09-04:59] c5837, *M : *sigh*
[09-05:00] 912f6, *Quinn Thyme: Bah...*hugs him again*
[09-05:00] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((*pats Misy and waits on pH*))
[09-05:01] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : {hugs her back} Hey, look, I have to uh, good luck with that love thing...
[09-05:01] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Eeek. No sighing during a group hug. *eyes Misty*
[09-05:01] c5837, *M : *patted*
[09-05:01] c5837, *M : *eyed, too* *fades*
[09-05:07] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : {slides a credit chit to Quinn to pay for her drink and steps out}
[09-05:07] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Oy! No fading!
[09-05:09] c5837, *M : *has faded*
[09-05:09] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *unfades Misty*
[09-05:10] c5837, *M : *can't be unfaded*
[09-05:11] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : *unfades her just the same*
[09-05:12] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Ria gets what Ria wants apparently
[09-05:12] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: as for me, I'm outta here, my bed looks real nice right now
[09-05:12] c5837, *M : *still faded* 'night, Justin
[09-05:13] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Night, Justin. *hugs lots and lots*
[09-05:13] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *hugged lots and lots* Pimp O' The Chat 'tis me.
[09-05:14] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( I'm not the kind of person you think I am. I'm not the anti-chris or the iron man. I had a vision that I just can't control. I feel I've lost my spirit and sold my soul. ).
[09-05:14] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( god dam nit, that should be anti-christ, not anti-chris ).
[09-05:18] 5bf3e, *President Zahra : Anti-Chris.. *giggles lots*
[09-05:43] EXIT: President Zahra has left the chat ( Sweet dreams. ).
[09-05:43] c5837, *M : *sigh*
[09-05:57] c5837, *M : *all alone* story of my life
[09-05:57] c5837, *M : *lurks and works*
[09-10:40] EXIT: M has left the chat ( Sigh. Time to go home. ).
[09-12:48] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*completed his word counter, to find out only that MS Word has its own*nooooo...
[09-12:50] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : its even more accurate. i feel so rejected :(
[09-12:53] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : bleh....back to the drawing board...*goes to raid his script for useful parts, and oh umm-yes, school*
[09-13:37] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-18:52] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-18:54] fef16, Get a Name!: BLASPHEMER! Wemy is and always will be the Pimp O' The Chat.... always....
[09-21:35] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[09-21:36] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: No, that's me.
[09-21:36] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Sad, I can still see my stuff from last night.
[09-22:00] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( yeah bye now ).
[09-22:26] JOIN: Skeet Penelk has entered.
[09-22:26] JOIN: Kaily Hardiway has entered.
[09-22:27] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-22:27] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: *A 20 year old girl with brown hair and brown eyes enters the Cantina. Her wrists are badly bruised, as if she was trying to escape someone's grasp, and she looks frightened. She quietly walks over to a booth and curls up in it*
[09-22:31] 94765, Skeet Penelk: *A red haired, 23 year old enters the though the back entrance. His hands are in his pockets. He casually walks towards the bar and leans against it - waiting for some service from the barkeep*
[09-22:32] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: *Looks around nervously and spots Skeet. She lets out a quiet "yelp" and curls up smaller in the corner of the booth. She begins trembling, looking petrified*
[09-22:37] 94765, Skeet Penelk: *Stares at the girl - wondering whether he should poke his nose into her business, or stay out of her way completely. He decides to risk it and slowly walks over to her*......Excuse me Miss. Errr....Are you ok? *Doesn't know why he asked such a stupid question, because he can obviously see that she isn't .*
[09-22:40] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: *Looks up at him, her brown eyes full of fear. She looks like a cornered animal* I...I....*Can't find the bravery to finish her sentence*
[09-22:46] 94765, Skeet Penelk: *He can see that she is petrified, so he decides to take a step back. He slowly takes his hands out of his pockets and clenches them behind his back. He stands with both his heels touching, and slightly bent over with his head tilted*...... It's ok.....I'm not going to hurt you.
[09-22:48] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: *Looks up at him, still trembling* O...Ok.
[09-22:54] 94765, Skeet Penelk: *Stands upright, his head still slightly tilted*.......Have you been in an accident?...I only ask that because you have cuts and bruises all over.
[09-22:55] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: *Shakes her head no*
[09-22:57] 94765, Skeet Penelk: Oh?...Perhaps, a fight then?
[09-22:58] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: *Gulps* could say that....
[09-23:00] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[09-23:01] 94765, Skeet Penelk: *He turns his back to her briefly as he searches for a nearby chair that he can sit on.*.......Have you seen a Med droid for those? *Spins a chair around, and sits on it back-to-front*
[09-23:02] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: I'm fine. *Tries to hide the bruises on her wrists*
[09-23:02] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[09-23:03] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Look it's me
[09-23:03] 721bb, *President Zahra : Yay, Justin! *hugs!*
[09-23:04] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *hugged* hehe.
[09-23:05] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: *Raises his left eyebrow as he doesn't believe her, but has no proof to disprove otherwise.*......Ok. If you say so.
[09-23:05] 721bb, *President Zahra : *has an awful, awful headache* *kicks homework*
[09-23:05] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *pats Ria*
[09-23:06] 721bb, *President Zahra : *patted... purrs*
[09-23:07] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: *Wipes some of the blood off of her lower lip with the sleeve of her shirt*
[09-23:08] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: *Looks at smear of blood on her sleave*.....Hrmmm....Red definitely isn't your colour.
[09-23:09] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: *Glares up at him, obviously not amused*
[09-23:11] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: *Glared at*.....Sorry......that was a poor attempt at a joke to lighten the mood abit. *Folds his arms. Rest them across the back of the chair. Then he rests his head on his arms*
[09-23:13] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[09-23:15] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: *Looks down at a scare along her arm and begins picking at the scab*
[09-23:15] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-23:16] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: Eww!...Don't do that, it will never heal otherwise.
[09-23:16] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: hmm
[09-23:16] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: ((Er, scare=scar.))
[09-23:17] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: *Glances back up at him* Some things weren't made to heal.
[09-23:18] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: *Blinks*....Oh?
[09-23:18] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: *Sighs* You wouldn't understand.
[09-23:21] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: Oh?....Just try me......*Shrugs*..It's not like I got anything better to do today.
[09-23:22] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-23:24] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: You really want to know what's bothering me? *Sounds agitated* I was raped. *Folds her arms on the tsble and buries her face in them as she starts crying*
[09-23:26] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: *Sits there stunned*....I...I....I don't know what to say. *Wishes he never opened his big mouth now*
[09-23:27] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: I told you you wouldn't understand. *Continues crying, not even looking up*
[09-23:28] 721bb, *President Zahra : Oh.. *is here* *hugs everyone*
[09-23:31] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: I didn't say Ithat I didn't understand.....I just wasn't expecting that reply, that's all. *Leans back and reaches inside his jacket. He pulls out a piece of cloth for her to wipe her tears with, and holds it out to her*......I'm sorry it's dirty, but it's the only thing I have on me that will wipe those tears away.
[09-23:31] JOIN: Kaily Hardiway has entered.
[09-23:32] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[09-23:33] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: ((*Kicks her computer and curses in some unknown language*)) *Takes the cloth and begins wiping away her tears* Thank you.
[09-23:34] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: *Gives a small smile, then leans back on his arms, looking down at the ground*
[09-23:35] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: *Sniffles*
[09-23:37] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: *Looks up*.....Did you know the person who....well, y'know?
[09-23:38] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: *Nods* It was my boyfriend.
[09-23:39] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: *Feels like his jaw has dropped*.....WHAT!!!!!....No!?!!!
[09-23:40] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: *Nods again solomly*
[09-23:42] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: Oh, I'm <I>so</I> sorry......I hope he has been caught by the proper Authorities.
[09-23:42] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: Oh, I'm so sorry......I hope he has been caught by the proper Authorities.
[09-23:43] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: *Looks down* If I told anyone he'd just be even more angry.
[09-23:45] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[09-23:46] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: .....Yeah, but atleast he will behind a bars if you did tell.
[09-23:46] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *peers at Kaily* Hmm, I know that last name from somewhere...but where...
[09-23:46] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: Animals like that should be always be behind bars.
[09-23:47] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: ((Isn't there a basketball player with that last name? I wouldn't know, I don't follow basketball.)) Yeah, and I'd be dead.
[09-23:48] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Yeah, that's it.
[09-23:49] 721bb, *President Zahra : *hugs Justin randomly*
[09-23:49] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *hugged randomly* W00t
[09-23:53] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I do believe that I have, once again, killed the god damn chat.
[09-23:55] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: Well, I have to go. Nice meeting you. *Gets up and exits*
[09-23:56] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: *Watches her stand and exit. He stands too*......Hey!...wait up!....I'll walk you home.
[09-23:57] d321f, Kaily Hardiway: Um....*Is a bit unsure at first, but decides she can trust him* ok.
[09-23:58] 62ba6, Skeet Penelk: *Puts his hands in his pockets and slowly walks behind her as she exits*........*Gone*
[09-23:58] EXIT: Skeet Penelk has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-23:58] EXIT: Kaily Hardiway has left the chat ( Quit ).
[09-23:59] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I'm a hopeless romantic, you're just hopeless
[10-00:11] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *all alone*
[10-00:17] 721bb, *President Zahra : *hugs Justin*
[10-00:23] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *hugged* w00t
[10-00:24] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: but now I must go anyway
[10-00:24] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: bye bye Ria
[10-00:24] 721bb, *President Zahra : Aww.. Byebye, then. *disappears, also*
[10-00:24] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( I need new pants, these ones are all crappy and stuff ).
[10-00:33] JOIN: Stoneneedle has entered.
[10-00:38] 721bb, *President Zahra : *hugs Stoney*
[10-00:47] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Eyes the userlist*I'll get you back someday...
[10-00:48] 721bb, *President Zahra : *L* Silly. *kotc for Stoney*
[10-00:51] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-00:51] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-00:52] JOIN: Morgan Leonard has entered.
[10-00:52] 83de7, *Morgan Leonard : ((Bwhaa....the Nekressis is in the building))
[10-00:53] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : ReallY!? Where!?
[10-00:53] 721bb, *President Zahra : Nekressis? Bah. *baps it*
[10-00:54] 83de7, *Morgan Leonard : ((*Dodges the bap*You can look...but we fly boys are to cool to touch))
[10-00:55] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : I'm just kidding with you, Leonard. But here's an icon that seems to be fitting --> :-D I really have too much spare time.
[10-00:57] 83de7, *Morgan Leonard : ((Oooo nice one stoney,And it is me Vince))
[10-00:57] 721bb, *President Zahra : Yeah, yeah. *throws an undodge-able bap at Morgan*
[10-00:57] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : I know :)
[10-00:57] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *And huggles Ria, as well*
[10-00:58] 83de7, *Morgan Leonard : ((*Catches the undodge-able bap*))
[10-01:00] 721bb, *President Zahra : *huggles Stoney some more* *:p@Morgan*
[10-01:01] 83de7, *Morgan Leonard : ((*Grabs Zahra's tounge*I wouldnt want that ugly thing in my mouth either*winks*))
[10-01:01] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Then Morgan, there's always the classic leviathan icon constructed by myself, of course.
[10-01:02] 83de7, *Morgan Leonard : ((Thats a nice one....*ponders*Got anything in black?*chuckles*))
[10-01:03] 721bb, *President Zahra : *has her tongue grabbed* *muffled* Uh.. Help?
[10-01:04] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Most JJ chats are background-black already. Thusly, I stay as far away from those as possible.*smacks the hand grabbing Ria's tongue*
[10-01:05] 721bb, *President Zahra : Woo! I'm saved! *hugs Stoney!*
[10-01:06] 83de7, *Morgan Leonard : (( then?))
[10-01:06] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Ahahaha. ph34r m3h 1c0nZ - red? Hmmm....
[10-01:07] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : - red/green ...
[10-01:08] 83de7, *Morgan Leonard : ((Ok.....I like that icon))
[10-01:08] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : That last one is a beautiful icon...Stocks made that one. It's the culimination of, most likely, several pirated graphics programs.*LOL*
[10-01:11] 83de7, *Morgan Leonard : ((It was beautiful ))
[10-01:13] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Originially for the /mx chat, but Dameon certainly doesn't mind with icon usage. A neat Ohm one I'm proud of :D -
[10-01:13] 83de7, *Morgan Leonard : ((Stonney? ))
[10-01:13] 83de7, *Morgan Leonard : ((I have seen that one ))
[10-01:13] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Errrr - used to measure Ohms, that's the Omega symbol.
[10-01:14] 83de7, *Morgan Leonard : ((Omega? ))
[10-01:15] 721bb, *President Zahra : *is.. here*
[10-01:15] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : - great Civilian symbol I scanned and edited off of a comic book cover...
[10-01:16] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : errrr....wrong addy. rather.
[10-01:20] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *twiddles thumbs*
[10-01:27] JOIN: L has entered.
[10-01:28] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[10-01:29] 721bb, *President Zahra : *hugs Leigh and Ronnie!*
[10-01:29] 34d1c, 'L: *blinks* 'lo.
[10-01:30] 6075a, •Ronica : *hugs back*
[10-01:36] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : ...silence...lots of silence...
[10-01:41] 721bb, *President Zahra : *hugs Stoney*
[10-01:43] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[10-01:45] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Hugs back*
[10-01:47] 721bb, *President Zahra : *hugs more*
[10-01:48] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Glagh.*being hugged alot**ponders why*
[10-01:49] 721bb, *President Zahra : *is obviously madly in love with Stoney.. or is possibly just in a huggy mood*
[10-01:49] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Second one, most likely.
[10-01:52] 457fa, •Ronica : *eyes Ria* You better not be in love with him. I'll tell Misty all about it if you are, and boy, won't you be in trouble. *tsks*
[10-01:54] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Blink*
[10-01:54] JOIN: Knees has entered.
[10-01:54] 721bb, *President Zahra : But I.. um.. love everyone. Plus, I have the whip. I can love whoever I want.
[10-01:55] 457fa, •Ronica : Actually, I still have the whip.
[10-01:56] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Kinky.
[10-01:57] 721bb, *President Zahra : *retrieves the whip from Ronnie much like a Jedi would retrieve a lightsaber* *then winks at Stoney* You bet.
[10-01:59] 457fa, •Ronica : Hey!!! Damnit.
[10-02:00] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *winked at*
[10-02:00] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : ooh..
[10-02:05] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : AAHHHH!*maddened at the silence*
[10-02:07] 721bb, *President Zahra : *winks at Stoney some more, then*
[10-02:08] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Blink*
[10-02:09] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-02:10] 721bb, *President Zahra : *giggles*
[10-02:10] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : >:(
[10-02:11] 721bb, *President Zahra : *curls up on Stoney's lap*
[10-02:11] JOIN: pH has entered.
[10-02:12] 18287, 'pH: *beats im with a stick*
[10-02:13] JOIN: L has entered.
[10-02:14] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Huggles Ria*
[10-02:15] 19b51, •Ronica : *also beats IM* My buddy list is lost? Rrrrr..
[10-02:15] 18287, 'pH: *sighs at her brother and curls into a ball*
[10-02:15] 721bb, *President Zahra : *huggles Stoney back, and purrs* *astrally projects self and astrally huggles Leigh and pH!*
[10-02:15] f7eda, 'L: It's the same for me, Ver.
[10-02:15] 85ba9, •Rob: *Peeps in*
[10-02:15] 18287, 'pH: Ronnie: Yes, same here.
[10-02:16] 18287, 'pH: But..I need to talk to the dude I like who likes me who is not my boyfriend!
[10-02:16] 721bb, *President Zahra : *notes that AIM is working for her* *astrally pounces Rob!*
[10-02:16] f7eda, 'L: *ponders going home to rp*
[10-02:17] 18287, 'pH: *beats Ria with a stick for having working im*
[10-02:17] 721bb, *President Zahra : *beaten* *weeps*
[10-02:18] 85ba9, •Rob : *Astrally pounced!*Woah...that was cool. ^_^
[10-02:18] 19b51, •Ronica : *exiles pH for beating Ria*
[10-02:18] f7eda, 'L: *has news, but needs to talk to either Mazz or Jeskar first...notes that even if either were online, she wouldn't be able to talk to him cos AIM doesn't work*
[10-02:19] f7eda, 'L: *Smites pH*
[10-02:19] 18287, 'pH: *exiled* know, you could at least stone me....
[10-02:19] 18287, 'pH: *smited...or smitten*
[10-02:20] f7eda, 'L: Smitten.
[10-02:20] 721bb, *President Zahra : Wooo.. *saved* *or avenged, at least*
[10-02:21] 19b51, •Ronica : *comforts poor, beaten Ria*
[10-02:21] 721bb, *President Zahra : *comforted* Yay!
[10-02:22] f7eda, 'L: *sigh*
[10-02:23] 18287, 'pH: *cries because she is exiled and smitten, but not stoned*
[10-02:24] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Turns pH to stone*..better?
[10-02:24] 85ba9, •Rob : *Is too much of a boyscout to stone anyone, sorry*
[10-02:24] 18287, 'pH: I don't want to be turned to stone....*sulks*
[10-02:26] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Steals all the drugs for himself :D*
[10-02:26] 18287, 'pH: No fair, Stoney! You need to share!
[10-02:27] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : ..Why?
[10-02:28] 18287, 'pH: Because....kindergarten says so!
[10-02:28] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Yes, well, kindergarten was wrong.
[10-02:29] 18287, 'pH: No! Blasphemy!
[10-02:31] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Doh alright.*hands pH a joint*
[10-02:31] 18287, 'pH: Woohoo!
[10-02:35] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Glowers*
[10-02:36] 18287, 'pH: *pokes Stoney with a stick*
[10-02:37] 721bb, *President Zahra : *protects Stoney*
[10-02:37] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Ahg! I gave you a joint. The first one is always free. Now you must pay.
[10-02:37] 18287, 'pH: *pokes Stoney some more*
[10-02:38] 85ba9, •Rob : *Dozes*
[10-02:38] 19b51, •Ronica : The first one is free?? *so got ripped off, then*
[10-02:39] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : haha.*snickers at Ronnie*
[10-02:39] 18287, 'pH: *continues poking Stoney ruthlessly*
[10-02:40] 19b51, •Ronica : Bah! That's ten dollars I could have wasted on something much more fulfilling. Like candy. *nods* Candy's good.
[10-02:41] 721bb, *President Zahra : *protects Stoney some more*
[10-02:41] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Ungh ungh...*poked repeatedly, falls over* got me. I'm just another victim of the terrible toll of drugs...
[10-02:46] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *dies*
[10-02:48] 18287, 'pH: *shriek* I killed Stoney!
[10-02:49] 19b51, •Ronica : *exiles pH again, gosh darnit* That's it. You are so out. Banished as banished can be. Go. Shoo.
[10-02:51] 18287, 'pH: *curls into a ball and cries because she killed Stoney*
[10-02:51] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Lies there, dead*
[10-02:54] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *DIED THE WAY HE LIVED - in a chat room!!!*
[10-02:59] 85ba9, •Rob : ....singin' doo wah diddy, diddy dum diddy dee...
[10-03:00] 18287, 'pH: Is im working right yet?
[10-03:01] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : There she was, just a-walkin' down the street...
[10-03:01] 85ba9, •Rob : It's working like a charm for me, and has been all night.
[10-03:03] 18287, 'pH: *beats Rob with a stick*
[10-03:04] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Yes, AIM works just fine.
[10-03:05] 85ba9, •Rob : Ack!! 'the hell?!
[10-03:05] 721bb, *President Zahra : Oy.. Brb.
[10-03:06] 18287, 'pH: Who wants to do me a favor?
[10-03:07] 85ba9, •Rob : After that uncalled for beating..? you can count me out :P
[10-03:07] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *RAISES HAND*ME ME ME!!!
[10-03:08] MSG: pH sent a message to Stoneneedle.
[10-03:10] MSG: Stoneneedle sent a message to Ph.
[10-03:10] MSG: pH sent a message to Stoneneedle.
[10-03:12] 18287, 'pH: ((Nevermind. Taken care of.))
[10-03:12] 18287, 'pH: *eyes the parentheses*
[10-03:14] MSG: Stoneneedle sent a message to Ph.
[10-03:15] 85ba9, •Rob : *Yawns**Ponders sleep**Dismisses it**Yawns again*
[10-03:27] 721bb, *President Zahra : *is back*
[10-03:27] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : WB ria
[10-03:28] 19b51, •Ronica : WB, Ria. :)
[10-03:29] 721bb, *President Zahra : Thankoo. *hugs Ronnie and Stoney* *rereads her suicide story and realizes how not good it is*
[10-03:32] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Can I read?
[10-03:36] 721bb, *President Zahra : It's all in my old diary. You'd just have to go back to Fiction, Extended and Fiction, An Addition.
[10-03:42] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : OK.
[10-03:42] 85ba9, •Rob : *Thunk!*..Zzzzzz....
[10-03:43] 721bb, *President Zahra : Sleep, Rob!
[10-03:44] 85ba9, •Rob : *Is asleep, can't hear 'Ria*
[10-03:45] 721bb, *President Zahra : Oy.. What's Rob's phone number? *will spend a ridiculous amount of money just to call Rob to get him to sleep*
[10-03:47] 85ba9, •Rob : You'll wake me up to get me to sleep...?
[10-03:48] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Rob is sleep-typing.
[10-03:49] 721bb, *President Zahra : Exactly, Rob.
[10-03:50] 721bb, *President Zahra : *has suddenly found her Pooh pen* It isn't lost! Woo! *hugs and kisses it*
[10-03:51] 85ba9, •Rob : No deal, I'm a vry heavy sleeper, so nothing less then a supernova can wake me at times.
[10-03:52] 19b51, •Ronica : Hehe.. *has Pooh folders, which serve to confuse people who were deluded into thinking Ronnie's somewhat mature*
[10-03:53] 721bb, *President Zahra : Oy. Well, put the phone right by your ear, then, Rob.
[10-03:53] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : If a Supernova was close enough to be heard, there would be no waking up for anyone...ever.
[10-03:55] 85ba9, •Rob : Nonono... I'm not sleep with my cellphone next to my head, to much microwaves would be absorbed into my brain, which wouldn't be good.
[10-03:56] 85ba9, •Rob : Thanks, professor. I wasn't speaking literally.
[10-03:57] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : I just want attention :(
[10-03:57] JOIN: Tenel Ka has entered.
[10-03:57] 19b51, •Ronica : Aww.. *pats Stoney*
[10-03:58] 8db69, Tenel Ka: Hello
[10-03:58] 85ba9, •Rob : Hey Ten ^_^
[10-03:59] 721bb, *President Zahra : *hugs Ten* *then curls up on Stoney's lap and gives him a kotc* Attention enough?
[10-03:59] 8db69, Tenel Ka: *smiles* Hey Rob
[10-03:59] 721bb, *President Zahra : Why don't you just sleep, then, Rob?
[10-03:59] 8db69, Tenel Ka: *smiles* Hi Ria!
[10-04:00] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Nodnod*Thx RIa :)
[10-04:00] 85ba9, •Rob : 'Cuz I promised E I'd be on by the time she gets back.
[10-04:01] 85ba9, •Rob : And I'm trying to beat Snood for the first time in months..*eyes it*
[10-04:01] 721bb, *President Zahra : Yay! *kotc again for Stoney* *and eyes Rob* Sleep!
[10-04:02] 85ba9, •Rob : And break a promise? nevah.
[10-04:03] JOIN: noname has entered.
[10-04:04] 2a129, noname: *quietly comes in and sits under a table*
[10-04:07] 85ba9, •Rob : *Finally beat Snood on evil again*Wohoo!
[10-04:08] 721bb, *President Zahra : But.. um.. sleep is more important. I'm sure she'll understand. *crawls under the table beside Ian* Hi. *hug, hug*
[10-04:09] 85ba9, •Rob : Maybe she will, but I want to stay on until she's online.
[10-04:09] 721bb, *President Zahra : *sigh@Rob* Fine, then. *just worries and worries*
[10-04:11] 2a129, noname: hey...
[10-04:11] 2a129, noname: ((*falling into depression* ))
[10-04:11] 19b51, •Ronica : Ow! *smacks right into a big writer's block* That hurt. *rubs her nose*
[10-04:12] 2a129, noname: That's so funny. *stares at the screen*
[10-04:12] 85ba9, •Rob : Bah*Hugs 'Ria*Worry ye not, I've been at this for over four years, I'm used to it.
[10-04:12] 2a129, noname: *blinks*
[10-04:13] 2a129, noname: hm.....
[10-04:15] 721bb, *President Zahra : *worries anyway, obviously* *shows Rob her license to worry, which comes with the license to love Rob, obviously* *then hugs Ian muchly*
[10-04:16] 85ba9, •Rob : Well, er,*flashes his lisence to stay up late*
[10-04:16] 19b51, •Ronica : She also has poetic license, so watch out. She's a loose cannon.
[10-04:16] 2a129, noname: *blinks*
[10-04:17] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *puts a blinking tax on Ian*
[10-04:17] JOIN: M has entered.
[10-04:18] 721bb, *President Zahra : Yes. She's got lotsa licenses. Except her driver's license, which she should get eventually. Anyway.. *worries* *and pounces Misty!*
[10-04:19] 2da2d, *M : Lo, Ria
[10-04:19] 85ba9, •Rob : Ey Misty ^_^
[10-04:19] 721bb, *President Zahra : How's Misty?
[10-04:20] 2da2d, *M : Hiya
[10-04:20] 2da2d, *M : Oh, Misty's just fine.
[10-04:21] 721bb, *President Zahra : Misty's sure? *eyes her*
[10-04:21] JOIN: Knees has entered.
[10-04:21] 2a129, noname: Eh... heh... heh....
[10-04:22] 2da2d, *M : Misty's absolutely sure. Misty's wondering, oddly enough, why people are lurking here when there are (clearly) other places to RP, though.
[10-04:23] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Well, I'm off..bye bye peoples.
[10-04:23] 2da2d, *M : Misty's also waiting for her CD to finish burning :/
[10-04:23] 19b51, •Ronica : Night, Stoney.
[10-04:24] 85ba9, •Rob : G'night
[10-04:24] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Bye Ronnie. 'Night Ria, and Misty and Ian and Rob.
[10-04:24] 2da2d, *M : Night, Stoney
[10-04:25] 2a129, noname: Dfarewell
[10-04:25] 2da2d, *M : Lo, Ian
[10-04:25] 721bb, *President Zahra : Night, Stoney. *hughug* And people are RP-ing, somewhere, Misty.
[10-04:26] 2a129, noname: Hi Misty
[10-04:26] 2da2d, *M : I know that, Ria. What I don't understand is why people are lurking here
[10-04:26] 2a129, noname: *realizes something* If I don't feel like talking.... why do I come to chat rooms?
[10-04:27] 2da2d, *M : I dunno, Ian. *pause* Yay! My CD worked! *playtests it*
[10-04:28] 2da2d, *M : *also realizes something* I'm the only non-Admin who can do stuff with the Nekressis without permission and get away with it. W00t!
[10-04:28] 721bb, *President Zahra : Because we've decided to make this our fun ooc room? Because peopel are just waiting for someone to go IC? I dunno.
[10-04:28] 721bb, *President Zahra : Because Ria would bap you if you stopped coming, Ian.
[10-04:28] 2a129, noname: heh
[10-04:29] 2da2d, *M : OOC fun room? Oh, how joyous. Meanwhile, the people who don't go to wherever elsewhere is get to deal with ooc fun when they decide to go IC?
[10-04:29] 2da2d, *M : *gasp* It's working!
[10-04:29] 2da2d, *M : *snatches it and heads off to the school* I'll bbs
[10-04:29] EXIT: M has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-04:30] 721bb, *President Zahra : Oy.. Bye, Misty. *hugses*
[10-04:35] 721bb, *President Zahra : *can't possibly be alone with 11 observer people*
[10-04:35] 2a129, noname: I'm here...
[10-04:35] 19b51, •Ronica : *is here, naturally*
[10-04:36] 85ba9, •Rob : *Is just resting his eyes, I swear*
[10-04:37] 19b51, •Ronica : *trying to finish her dumb story*
[10-04:38] 721bb, *President Zahra : *hugs, hugs, hugs Ian and Ronnie* *also, smacks Rob upside the head lightly* If you don't go to sleep, I'll.. I'll yell at Nigma!
[10-04:38] 19b51, •Ronica : *hugs, hugs, hugs Ria back, then gasps in shock as she smacks Rob*
[10-04:38] 85ba9, •Rob : *Notes that is you abbreviate 'The war aginst terrorisim' you get Twat*
[10-04:39] 85ba9, •Rob : *Smacked**blinks*Do your worst :p
[10-04:39] 2a129, noname: *laughs, involuntarily, at Rob, and then suddenly silenced again*
[10-04:39] 721bb, *President Zahra : Twat? *LOL*
[10-04:39] 19b51, •Ronica : *snickers*
[10-04:41] JOIN: M has entered.
[10-04:42] c5837, *M : *wanders back, sort of, I guess*
[10-04:42] 721bb, *President Zahra : Misty's back! Woo! WB! *hughug* *then smacks Rob again* Sleep!!!
[10-04:42] c5837, *M : Come on. *whaps AIM Express* load, for the love of anything!
[10-04:43] c5837, *M : *gets into work mode*
[10-04:43] 85ba9, •Rob : Ow! stop that. Roooonnieeee, please make her stop.
[10-04:43] c5837, *M : Holy hell, I'm tired. *thinks she's getting sick*
[10-04:44] c5837, *M : Um. *protects Rob from further smacking*
[10-04:44] 2a129, noname: *blinks*
[10-04:44] 85ba9, •Rob : Wohoo!*protected*
[10-04:44] 721bb, *President Zahra : Oy. Maybe you're not sick, but sleepy, Misty? *eyes*
[10-04:45] c5837, *M : Hmm.. Endorphins... *considers running up 2 flights of stairs again, since it seems to be incredible fun*
[10-04:45] 19b51, •Ronica : You really should learn to stick up for yourself, Rob. She's just Ria. Since she denies that she kicks kittens, how much of a threat can she be?
[10-04:45] c5837, *M : *RaE@Ria* I'm not sleeping. I'm getting sick. My throat is sore, and plus, my sinuses are all stuffy
[10-04:45] c5837, *M : Oi. I suppose ICQ will just have to do
[10-04:46] 2a129, noname: *always gets a throat-ache after he intimately kisses*
[10-04:47] c5837, *M : That's not illness, that's disappointment, Ian.
[10-04:47] 85ba9, •Rob : Yeah, but I can't retaliate aginst a girl? it just isn't right.
[10-04:47] 721bb, *President Zahra : Oy. Well, that's not good. *hugs, hugs, hugs Misty* But I thought I forbid all illness when I got sick for 2 weeks.
[10-04:47] 2a129, noname: Nah... I just don't work right.
[10-04:47] e5044, 'Knees: Sounds like someone's trying to rub in the fact that he has been intimately kissing. *waves*
[10-04:48] e5044, 'Knees: *blink*
[10-04:49] c5837, *M : Well, neither do I (work right, that is). I suppose it's just something you've gotta learn to deal with. *pause* *feels a sneeze coming on* fs
[10-04:49] 19b51, •Ronica : *so tired* Bleh.
[10-04:49] c5837, *M : *tries to come up with any number of RPs she can do with herself whilst she works*
[10-04:49] e5044, 'Knees: Oy, NYU is expensive.
[10-04:49] 2a129, noname: *l* This is true... uh... I don't do it very often
[10-04:51] 721bb, *President Zahra : *will RP with Misty, if she likes*
[10-04:52] c5837, *M : Hehe
[10-04:53] 19b51, •Ronica : *has no way to wrap up her ramble of a story* Oh, poo.
[10-04:53] 721bb, *President Zahra : Bah.. Just, um, have someone die, or spontaneously combust due to anger, Ronnie.
[10-04:55] 19b51, •Ronica : Well, there's no actual plot in my story. Heh. I sort of gave up on it and just babbled, but I need some fitting end-babble to finish it off with.
[10-04:55] JOIN: Arsenic has entered.
[10-04:56] 721bb, *President Zahra : So spontaneous combustion is perfect.
[10-04:57] c5837, *M : fs
[10-04:57] 19b51, •Ronica : Well, not really.
[10-04:57] 721bb, *President Zahra : Bah. It's an idea, at least.
[10-04:58] 19b51, •Ronica : True.
[10-04:59] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : ((*Loiters*))
[10-04:59] c5837, *M : Well, that took forever. (not)
[10-05:01] 721bb, *President Zahra : *eyes Rob* *just eyes him*
[10-05:01] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((hang on...back in a few...sorry))
[10-05:02] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : ((*Is eyed**Eyes back*))
[10-05:02] c5837, *M : *mutters something unintelligible under her breath*
[10-05:03] c5837, *M : *considers characters*
[10-05:05] 721bb, *President Zahra : Oy. *eyes news* Shut up, shut up, shut up. We do not wanna know scary things about the Anthrax. We do not wanna hear the terrorist threats. *curls up*
[10-05:05] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((*returns* right...where are we, then?))
[10-05:06] c5837, *M : I could kill one or two of my characters. That would be entertaining.. *considers s'more*
[10-05:07] c5837, *M : See, I don't listen to the news for just that reason, Ria.
[10-05:07] 721bb, *President Zahra : Oy. No killing.
[10-05:07] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : ((Er, one of the secret hideouts I assume*))
[10-05:08] c5837, *Cassandra Prior : ((This one is due for a serious and symbolic death.))
[10-05:08] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((uh...I'd assume, yeah. heh. Myst, wanna join us? Not doing anything in particular, just staving off boredom))
[10-05:08] 721bb, *President Zahra : Gah.. *has had enough. Had to see the wreckage today on the way to school. Saw the dust in the air. Breathed it. Cried through a nice propaganda film some students made and they showed in homeroom*
[10-05:09] c5837, *Cassandra Prior : ((Naw, s'okay, E. :) ))
[10-05:09] c5837, *Cassandra Prior : ((If I can't think of anything to do, I just might. :/))
[10-05:09] 19b51, •Ronica : *hugs Ria tight*
[10-05:09] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((Y'sure? You're more than welcome ^_^))
[10-05:09] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : ((C'mon.. you know you want to))
[10-05:10] 721bb, *President Zahra : *hugs Ronnie back* *turns off the tv, and then throws things at it*
[10-05:10] c5837, *M : Maybe
[10-05:11] 19b51, •Ronica : Uhg. *gives her stupid English thingie a sloppy ending* There. I'm done with it. Who cares if it's crap? I certainly don't. Gwah.
[10-05:11] c5837, *M : *tries to think if she even has a Guilds character besides Mystra* Ah, I do
[10-05:12] c5837, *Lia : ((Does anyone have a high-ranking, New Republic official I can borrow the identity of? ))
[10-05:13] 19b51, *High Admiral Kalle: ((Yes! Yes! Here!))
[10-05:13] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : *He sits at a small workbench, tapping away on one of his custom built datapads, writing yet another of his decryption programs*
[10-05:13] 721bb, *President Zahra : Um. I've got a Senator from Bothawui. What's this about borrowing identites?
[10-05:13] c5837, *M : *blinks at Ronnie*
[10-05:13] c5837, *M : Lia was given an assignment to take over the identity of a high-ranking NR person
[10-05:13] ea11b, *Arsenic : *moves through a dilapidated-looking warehouse. At the end of the room is a half-hidden door; uncovers it and goes through, into a part of the building decidedly less dilapidated. Insert further description here. Spies Reev.*
[10-05:14] 721bb, *President Zahra : Well, Ronnie beat me to it. *shrug*
[10-05:14] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((*does, but...uh...doesn't think Lia would probably get the chance to take her over*))
[10-05:14] c5837, *M : Hehe. Clearly, E
[10-05:14] 19b51, *High Admiral Kalle : ((Take over!))
[10-05:14] c5837, *M : I don't know how easy it would be for a human to pretend to be a Bothan, Ria. :/
[10-05:15] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((Not to be picky but...wouldn't Bret notice if Kalle started being different? Just a thought. Not like I play her much anyway. heh))
[10-05:16] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : *His ears perk at the new sounds, but he doesn't take his eyes off the pad*....I'll be right with you.. 'just gotta finish these last few lines or I'll loose my train of thought, I'm sure you'll understand.
[10-05:16] 19b51, *High Admiral Kalle : ((*really doesn't like Kalle at all* You could write it up as a side effect of being babysat.))
[10-05:16] c5837, *Lia : ((The idea behind espionage is to take over an identity so flawlessly that even close friends don't notice anything different. :) ))
[10-05:17] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((True, true ^_^))
[10-05:17] c5837, *M : I've got Dyani marked down as Dark Empire :/ Maybe I should do something with her?
[10-05:18] 721bb, *President Zahra : *ponders* What about Dyani? *hasn't rp-ed her in forever*
[10-05:18] ea11b, *Arsenic : Far be it from me to distract you. *moves over to another desk/station, keying on the console*
[10-05:19] c5837, *M : I dunno. She was acting all bossy and stuff. *eyes*
[10-05:19] c5837, *M : And if I can get away with taking Kalle, I will.
[10-05:20] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : *He perks a brow and bites his lip*Great.....*He compiles the near finished program, saves the data, keys the pad off and turns to face her*..Fancy seeing you here.
[10-05:20] 19b51, •Ronica : Take.
[10-05:21] c5837, *M : Yay!
[10-05:21] c5837, *M : *plots*
[10-05:22] 2a129, noname: *lurks at 60,000 fathoms*
[10-05:22] c5837, *M : hehe.. Ian's still here.. Weeee
[10-05:22] 721bb, *President Zahra : Oy.. So we're gonna kill Dyani, then?
[10-05:23] c5837, *M : Kill her? Hell, no
[10-05:23] ea11b, *Arsenic : Quite. *eyes fixed to the console, scanning quickly over the data displayed there* It is part of my job to check up on the important things. *clearly, the "important" distinction comes from someone other than herself*
[10-05:23] c5837, *Misty : erk. too much blue
[10-05:24] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : 'That so... so what does this... check up, consist of?
[10-05:25] 19b51, •Ronica : *going to bed* Yay! Sleep! Nighty night everyone.
[10-05:25] c5837, *Misty : Night, Ronnie
[10-05:25] 721bb, *President Zahra : What are we gonna do, then?
[10-05:26] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : ((G'night Ronnie ^_^ ))
[10-05:26] c5837, *Misty : Erm.. I dunno. I'm still trying to think something up. :/
[10-05:26] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((Night Ronnie ^_^ *hugs*))
[10-05:27] ea11b, *Arsenic : To make sure you're still here, still alive, and haven't screwed up. *speaks levelly. Taps a few keys, bringing up some holo stills to study them.*
[10-05:27] 721bb, *President Zahra : Oh, okay. Well, think then. Take all the time you need, as I'm going off to bed now. Night. *hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs for Misty and Nigma and Rob-who-should-be-sleeping and Ian and everyone*
[10-05:27] 19b51, •Ronica : *hugs back* :)
[10-05:27] c5837, *Misty : Hmm. *eyes hair* *considers a perm* Night, Ria. *hugs back*
[10-05:27] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((Night Ria ^_^ *hugs^4*))
[10-05:28] EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( Rawr! ).
[10-05:28] 721bb, *President Zahra : *and obviously hugs Ronnie lots!!*
[10-05:28] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : ((*Chuckles*G'night, Ria..*hugs*))
[10-05:29] EXIT: President Zahra has left the chat ( Sweet dreams! ).
[10-05:29] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : Well, I'm here, alive, and I haven't screwed up. Do I get a prize?
[10-05:30] ea11b, *Arsenic : You get to stay here and alive. *straightens up, turning to face him and applauding politely* If you'd like a cookie, you may have one as well.
[10-05:30] c5837, *Misty : *snickers*
[10-05:32] c5837, *Misty : *considers a taking-Mystra-out-of-lockup-and-sending-her-off-to-Bilbringi-RP* Ooo
[10-05:32] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : No thank you, I'm on a very strict diet of no cookies and the bare minimum of the recomended daily dose of bickering.
[10-05:34] c5837, *Misty : hehe
[10-05:35] ea11b, *Arsenic : How disciplined of you. *turns back to the console, glancing over the stills once more before keying them off* Have you been in contact with your partner?
[10-05:37] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : Thanks..... No, not since we touched down, I think I'm starting to worry. But I don't want to risk going out looking for her.
[10-05:37] c5837, *Misty : erk
[10-05:39] ea11b, *Arsenic : Of course not. However, you do have a direct-link comm in your posession, and I presumed it would be linked to her. A short transmission to arrange a meeting between her and one of us would most likely not be picked up by others.
[10-05:40] c5837, *Misty : It's true.
[10-05:42] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((Shoddy excuses. Pah. *waves Reev off* Say...Myst likes cats, doesn't she? *in a show-off-her-cute-kitty-pic mood*))
[10-05:43] c5837, *Misty : Yes, Myst loves cats. :)
[10-05:43] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : I'm not sure, I've seen the kind of eaves dropping equpiment they use, it'll have to be a pretty short signal, three, maybe four words at most. But mentioning even a location and a time might be picked up on.
[10-05:44] ea11b, *Arsenic : (( - my big fuzzy scaredy cat :D))
[10-05:45] c5837, *Misty : awwwwwww.........
[10-05:47] ea11b, *Arsenic : Have you ever used this particular comm or frequency to communicate before? ((I just love 'im...he's my baby out of the 5. Mainly cause he lets me hug him lots. hehe.))
[10-05:48] c5837, *Misty : Hehe. Yeah, Merlin's my baby out of 3. Then again, Percival's only a kitten. :/
[10-05:49] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((How old of a kitten? We're going through kitten insanity with Jedi...arg. The only thing that saves him sometimes is he looks so angelic when he's asleep. *lol*))
[10-05:50] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : Not yet, no, I could encrypt the transmisssion, but that'd be pointless, without a decryption code*Shrugs*I know where her ship is, I could slip out under night cover and try to bump into her by chance.
[10-05:51] c5837, *Misty : Heh. Yeah. He's only around 4 months old. Mind you, up until 2 weeks ago, there were four just like him, fs.
[10-05:52] c5837, *Misty : If Black Sun's doing their job, they'll know where her ship is, too. *pause* Unless I managed to change the ident codes well enough.
[10-05:52] ea11b, *Arsenic : My point being this. Out of the thousands of random comm signals on this planet, it would take even them a little while to figure which was yours. And while they probably have your former frequencies noted, they wouldn't have this one yet if it's unused. Thus, a longer transmission might work.
[10-05:53] ea11b, *Arsenic : *shakes her head* Leaving things to chance usually turns out for the worse. A sentence-long transmission would be safer.
[10-05:54] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : *He tilts his head slightly*Perhaps. Out of curiosity, whats your sudden interest in me contacting her?
[10-05:54] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((Four of them? Oi. Jedi is about 4 months now too...can't imagine dealing with 4 of them. And Black Sun wouldn't rely just on ident codes. *wiggles brows mysteriously*))
[10-05:54] c5837, *Misty : Hehe
[10-05:55] ea11b, *Arsenic : She personally means nothing to me. But if you made any kind of promise to her about finding sanctuary for her as well...I take promises and words of honor very seriously. *levels her frigid gaze on him, arms crossed*
[10-05:56] c5837, *Misty : Well actually, there were seven kittens. But we managed to find homes for 3 before they got old enough to be troublesome.
[10-05:57] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((Aww...that's good. For them and for you. :D hehe))
[10-05:57] c5837, *Misty : Indeed. :)
[10-06:00] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : I'll keep that in mind.*Holds her gaze for a few moments*No words were spoken of such.. but the idea was intended, If I send a message to her ships transponder id frequency, nothing fancy, just a quick message, that should be enough to tell her I'm looking for her.
[10-06:01] c5837, *Trae Balari : ((Or you could just message me... fs))
[10-06:02] ea11b, *Arsenic : What if she's altered the transponder, or Black Sun knows which ship is hers? That would be trouble. Does she not have an identical comm to match yours?
[10-06:02] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : ((Or I could do that :p))
[10-06:04] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : 'Hadn't thought of that...*He pulls the commlink for his jacket pocket*Cross your fingers*He keys the comm on*...knock knock, y'picking me up?
[10-06:06] ea11b, *Arsenic : *arms still folded, leans against the wall*
[10-06:06] c5837, *Trae Balari : *is in some random place, of course, and hears the comm... arches a brow, plucking it from her belt, recognising Reev's voice* My, my.. *flips it on so she can speak into it* Hey there, stranger. I hear you. What's up? Are you in danger?
[10-06:08] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : *He smiles at the sound of her voice*Not at all, why would I be in danger? I have that, cake, you ordered, where do you want me to drop it off?
[10-06:09] c5837, *Trae Balari : You have a knack for getting into trouble. *wryly, then pauses to consider* How about the place we first met?
[10-06:10] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : Is that wise? won't it ruin the suprise?
[10-06:11] c5837, *Trae Balari : Sometimes, the best place for surprises is in plain sight.
[10-06:12] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : Very true, when's the party to be held?
[10-06:13] c5837, *Trae Balari : Tomorrow night... Will the.. er.. *can't help the amusement tinging her voice* ...cake still be good then?
[10-06:14] ea11b, *Arsenic : *waits, hoping that Reev has the sense to not go himself...unnecessary risk...blahblah. But hey, if he wants to get fcked up by Black Sun, that's nothing to her. He doesn't know enough about the Guilds yet for her to care much.*
[10-06:15] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : Unlike the galaxy has ever seen, trust me, I'll get someone to deliver it, then you can return with them to pay the bill.
[10-06:16] c5837, *Trae Balari : Just so long as it's someone you can trust. A lot of planning went into this, after all. Someday, you're going to learn to live a little.
[10-06:18] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : You'll know them when you see them*He lets out a slight chuckles*And don't worry, I'm gonna learn to live alot.
[10-06:21] c5837, *Trae Balari : *smiles faintly, hearing his laugh* Good. *she casts a glance around.. she might be a bit of a risk-taker, but she certainly isn't stupid* I'll catch you later. *not waiting for a reply, she flips her comm unit off and returns it to her belt.*
[10-06:23] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : ...looking forward to it already.*He keys it off and pockets it*..know any good delievery boys?*Arches a brow, smiling slightly*
[10-06:25] c5837, *Trae Balari : *heads for her ship to gather any loose stuff she might need, activates some extra security measures she has for special occasions, then meanders off to look for a place to bunk for the night*
[10-06:26] c5837, *Misty : *goes back to seriously considering a perm* Hmm...
[10-06:27] ea11b, *Arsenic : *her expression doesn't really change, but you can just tell she's mentally grimacing* I am inclined to handle it myself. Though I have been seen in conference with Guild personnel once or twice, I can disguise myself well enough.
[10-06:28] c5837, *Misty : Well, I... *pause* No, wait. That won't do. n/m. *was going to offer her own services, but that'd be no fun* *baps having a char in every faction*
[10-06:28] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : Well I know they know who you are, well, that have a picture of you, and not much more. 'Better make it a good disguise. Or failing that, send someone else?
[10-06:30] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : ((*chuckles*))
[10-06:30] c5837, *Kennedy Vail: ((*corrupt0red a Senator* W00t))
[10-06:31] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((hehe@Myst)) I will check around, then make my decision. Details. Where and when? Also, a description of her would be slightly helpful. *a touch dryly*
[10-06:31] c5837, *Misty : You can bet she won't be hiding herself, either.
[10-06:32] c5837, *Mystra : ((This Guilds member is currently in the possession of the Directorate. :/ Luckily, she knows nothing.))
[10-06:33] c5837, *Misty : Unfortunately, she isn't in the possession of the correct Directorate member. *EG*
[10-06:33] c5837, *Misty : *ahem* erm. *lurks*
[10-06:34] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((Stupid Directorate. *shakes fist* Well... mostly stupid Directorate, then. hehe.))
[10-06:34] c5837, *Misty : Hehe
[10-06:36] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : Tomorrow night in the Cantina where you and I, uh, met. She's in her early 20's, roughly 5'5, green eyes, long brown hair, dancers body, can't be too many around that match her description.*shrugs slightly*
[10-06:37] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : *Location: Some random holding facility on Pompire. Reason: Apparently, the Director of IDI has been captured by the New Republic. The only other known IDI agent is currently on Bilbringi. And there is always an advantage of having leverage. Hence, we find Malice strolling down a long corridor, her boots resounding ominously in the dimness.*
[10-06:38] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : ((Dancer's body? Hehe))
[10-06:38] JOIN: M has entered.
[10-06:38] c5837, *M : damn that refresh button
[10-06:39] ea11b, *Arsenic : All right. Someone will be there. *nods slightly*
[10-06:39] c5837, *Mystra : *Is, of course, in one of the holding cells. She hears the approaching footfalls, but doesn't give them much of a thought. Lots of people wander by every day.*
[10-06:40] JOIN: Jen has entered.
[10-06:40] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : Thank you,*The words are genuine*I guess I owe one another one.
[10-06:41] c5837, *M : *Stops before Mystra's cell and, weapon drawn, unlocks the door. After a moment, it slides up, and she steps into the room. As she comes to a halt, her dark cloak swirls around her legs*
[10-06:41] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((Sis! *hugs*))
[10-06:41] c5837, *M : Forgot to switch names. :/
[10-06:41] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : *Stops before Mystra's cell and, weapon drawn, unlocks the door. After a moment, it slides up, and she steps into the room. As she comes to a halt, her dark cloak swirls around her legs*
[10-06:43] 91b05, 'Jen: *grins...and hugs back* evening.
[10-06:43] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : ((Jen!*Huggles lots*))
[10-06:43] c5837, *Mystra : *Seated at the back of the cell, on the floor, she doesn't look up as Malice enters. Her head is bowed, her hair loose and falling into her face. Her arms rest upon her knees, and her hands hang limply. She is more or less unmoving. There are faint bruises on her wrists and fingers, where various methods of torture were used. She stares blankly at the ground, her eyes dim and lifeless*
[10-06:44] ea11b, *Arsenic : Do your job well and that will be payment enough. And if you avoid irritating me...consider that a desireable bonus. *for the briefest instant her gaze is laced with humor*
[10-06:44] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : ((lo, Jen))
[10-06:45] 91b05, 'Jen: *huggles lots back*and out of pure boredom..ruffles his hair.....then hugs Misty...unless she'll get mauled for it* 'Lo Misty.
[10-06:46] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : *A cold smirk forms upon her lips as she observes all this. She holsters her weapon, and draws forth a set of stun cuffs. Stepping forward, she places the cuffs on Mystra's wrists (Mystra doesn't fight back, mind), and then, grasping the chain between the 2 cuffs, jerks the other woman to her feet.*
[10-06:46] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : Considerate done*He nods once, witholding a smile, then he picks up the datapad again and keys it on*Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get this finished.
[10-06:46] c5837, *Mystra : ((No mauling. ^-^))
[10-06:47] ea11b, *Arsenic : ((Jen wanted to see all his glory --> :D ))
[10-06:48] 91b05, 'Jen: *scowls as it doesn't work* beetch computer! *much bapping and computer bruising*
[10-06:48] c5837, *Mystra : *Gets jerked to her feet, but doesn't make so much as a whimper. Either she's become accustomed to the pain, or she just doesn't care anymore. Perhaps she's numb. Her gaze remains lowered. In fact, she doesn't even bother to try and stand.. just sort of slumps back against the wall.*
[10-06:49] ea11b, *Arsenic : Certainly. *nods curtly and pushes off the wall* If you need anything, you know how to reach us. *proceeds to the door* ((Gack. Did I get the link right? hmm))
[10-06:50] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : Yep... g'evening......
[10-06:50] 91b05, 'Jen: *got mistaken for a 17 year old again tonight...sigh*
[10-06:51] ea11b, *Arsenic : *thus, exits*
[10-06:52] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : How decidedly unattentive of you. *She releases the chain, and then draws back one black-gloved hand and strikes Mystra across the face.*
[10-06:52] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : ((*Pats Jen*It happens to me constantly...))
[10-06:52] 91b05, 'Jen: and its prolly not the link sis'...its prolly this computer. :D
[10-06:53] ea11b, *E : *has that happen a lot...nods sympathetically* I just look at it this 20 years I'll be flattered to look young. heh.
[10-06:54] 85ba9, *Reev Forii : ((Anyhoo, I'm about to pass out with tiredness, so I'd rather be in or around my bed when this happens, so g'night all ^_^*hugs all 'round*))
[10-06:54] c5837, *Mystra : ((G'night, Rob. *takes a hug*))
[10-06:54] ea11b, *E : *hugs an' kotc* G'night. ^_^
[10-06:55] EXIT: Reev Forii has left the chat ( Sleeeeep.... ).
[10-06:55] c5837, *Mystra : *Gets struck, clearly. Her head lolls back from the hit, and she looks up slowly, lifting her head just enough to pin Malice with a cold glare. She remains silent.*
[10-06:55] ea11b, *E : *was even carded once trying to get in a Scottish pub* Now that was the height of...well, something.
[10-06:56] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : ((*snickers*))
[10-06:57] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : Well, it seems the prisoner still has some fire left in her. A pity, really. I thought I'd more than taken care of that.
[10-06:58] c5837, *Mystra : *For a moment, she says nothing. Then, a quiet hiss...* It's too bad Klave needs you to do his dirty work.
[10-07:00] ea11b, *E : Better wander on, I spoze. Night Myst...take care! ^_^ *hugs*
[10-07:01] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : (('Night, E. Thanks. Sleep well. *hugs back*))
[10-07:01] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : ((oi, did Jen crash?))
[10-07:02] ea11b, *E : Will do. I think she must've...bah. *leaves hugs for Jen 'fore heading out*
[10-07:03] EXIT: E has left the chat ( lavendar and cream...fields of butterflies, reality escapes her ).
[10-07:04] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : *Her expression, unseen beneath the hood of her cloak, hardens into an impenetrable mask. Slowly, she reaches into one sleeve and withdraws a slender blade. She examines it for a moment.* Such a well-crafted weapon. *Her voice is soft, almost idle. The underlying taunt is unmistakable. She brings the blade to Mystra's face, resting the cold metal against the other woman's cheek.* Sharp, too.
[10-07:05] c5837, *Mystra : ((So I'm RPing by myself, by myself. Well, I've done it before.))
[10-07:06] c5837, *Mystra : *Her eyes flicker to the blade, then to Malice's hidden face.* When I get it back, I'll show you how well it works...
[10-07:10] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : *She turns the blade slightly, pressing it into Mystra's cheek hard enough to draw blood, and then cuts a slender line down the side of her face.* You assume much. *She gives the blade a sharp twist as she works, to ensure the better chance of a scar.*
[10-07:11] c5837, *Mystra : *She doesn't even blink at the fresh wound, simply stares at Malice, her eyes cold.* It's not an assumption at all. It is a guarantee..
[10-07:13] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : Is it now? *Pulls the blade away and cleans it on the sleeve of Mystra's tattered shirt.* If you can take it from me, it's yours. *To emphasis the point, she places the blade back into its hiding place.*
[10-07:15] c5837, *Mystra : *Narrows her eyes, bringing her hands up, since they're cuffed together, and placing one against her bleeding cheek.* I will. And then I will gratefully bestow upon you all the favours you saw fit to give to me, and then some.
[10-07:17] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : Again, you make assumptions. Who says I'm not here to end your miserable life?
[10-07:18] c5837, *Mystra : *Speaks with the utmost confidence and contempt.* Because you do wish to forfeit your own life, Agent.
[10-07:19] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : I think you overestimate your importance. *Coldly*
[10-07:19] c5837, *Mystra : Now who's making assumptions?
[10-07:22] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : Enough. *Hooking her hand under Mystra's arm, she wrenches the other woman forward, and pushes her toward the door.* You and I are taking a little trip. If you continue to speak, I will cut out your tongue with your own knife. Now move.
[10-07:24] c5837, *Mystra : *Her hand falls away from her face as she's grabbed. She then stumbles forward and grabs at the edge of the door to her cell for support. She tosses a dark look at Malice, then straightens and steps out into the corridor.*
[10-07:26] c5837, *Deirdre Malice : *A cruel smirk twists her lips, and a sadistic gleam flashes in her eyes. She steps out after the prisoner, and gestures for two guards, who then grab Mystra and haul her off toward the docking bays. Malice soon follows.* -=GONE=-
[10-07:26] EXIT: Deirdre Malice has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-07:26] c5837, *Mystra : *gone also... clearly*
[10-07:26] EXIT: Mystra has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-16:27] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-20:13] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-21:20] JOIN: Killian Laine has entered.
[10-21:31] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[10-21:31] b94fa, *Killian Laine : *The doorway darkens as a lone figure stands in the stark Taotooine sunlight , crossing the threshold in brisk , meaningful strides , he walks to the bar . The tall figure is still sillouhetted against the burning light of the twin stars as his imposing form stalks across the floor . His eyes are hidden by a pair of dark glasse's , masking his face to an eerie degree . His long dark coat is anything but suited to the burning desert heat , yet he seems unbothered by its bulk . His hair is cut in a scruffy...
[10-21:31] b94fa, *Killian Laine : ... fasion , unruly spikes hear and there*
[10-21:33] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: That entrance is way too long jIm.
[10-21:34] b94fa, *Killian Laine : *stopping in front of the bar , he gazes at the tender , looking him up and down* Ale ... Corellian , and cold . *his words are tinged with harshness*
[10-21:34] b94fa, *Killian Laine : (( First time I RP in ages and you complain ? heheh ... I always do long entrances :-P ))
[10-21:36] b94fa, *Killian Laine : *with one hand he reaches to his face , rubbing his stubbled chin . He looks worn , as if the past days ... maybe weeks have taken thier toll on him severely . Yet a dangerous air still hovers around him . His hand swiftly moves to grasp the glass set in front of him , lifting it to his lips , the liquid pouring between them freely*
[10-21:39] b94fa, *Killian Laine : *Straddling a stool , he sits at the bar , his usual friendly air gone . Something is troubling him , and like all men of action , he desires to solve the problem himself . With a resigned sigh , he casts a wary gaze across the patrons of the bar , looking for something . A friend ... a victim ... who knows ?*
[10-21:43] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( I need my Wolfenstein fix ).
[10-21:44] b94fa, *Killian Laine : *running his fingers through his hair , he mutters . A low , unintelligible murmur , his problems clearly remaining his own . What dark horrors can haunt a man so ? What creatures hide in his room after the lights are turned off ? Whatever fearsome monsters trouble his soul ... he strives to face him ... yet the demons seem to hide just out of reach*
[10-21:44] JOIN: M has entered.
[10-21:44] b0a73, *M : You talk too much
[10-21:45] b94fa, *Killian Laine : (( its called solo RP ... with one character ppft ))
[10-21:47] b0a73, *M : Ah whatever
[10-21:49] b0a73, *M : Talk about talking too much *baps self*
[10-21:49] b94fa, *Killian Laine : (( Indeed whatever ))
[10-21:50] b94fa, *Killian Laine : (( Anyway *leaves a note , and get ready to make n entry himself* ))
[10-21:51] b0a73, *M : ack.. I haven't finished my latest yet. :( It's the important one
[10-21:57] b0a73, *M : ah. there. *burns the hardcopy*
[10-21:58] b94fa, *Killian Laine : (( Indeed ? ))
[10-22:02] b0a73, *M : wouldn't want anyone stumbling upon it..
[10-22:03] b0a73, *M : goddamn smoke detector
[10-22:03] b94fa, *Killian Laine : (( Indeed ... anyone ;) ))
[10-22:04] b0a73, *M : that's right.. anyone *hugs* I'm sorry. :(
[10-22:04] b94fa, *Killian Laine : (( don't be ))
[10-22:05] b0a73, *M : *is anyway*
[10-22:06] b94fa, *Killian Laine : (( You have no reason to be sorry ))
[10-22:06] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-22:06] b0a73, *M : *can think of any number of reasons*
[10-22:10] b0a73, *Ethaeris : ((*EG*))
[10-22:15] 20779, •Rob: *Peeps in*
[10-22:16] b94fa, *Killian Laine : (( Um ... *finishes entry* ... I sorta need to take 5 minutes to gather myself ))
[10-22:18] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[10-22:23] b0a73, *M : *hugs Jim* Lo, Rob
[10-22:23] 20779, •Rob : 'Lo Misty, 'Ey Jim.
[10-22:27] b0a73, *M : Jim's cat got outside, fs.
[10-22:29] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Hahaha
[10-22:29] b0a73, *M : *retrieves it* bad cat.
[10-22:40] b0a73, *M : that took too long.
[10-22:41] b94fa, *Killian Laine : ((back ))
[10-22:42] b0a73, *M : wb, Jim. *noted, btw*
[10-22:43] b94fa, *Killian Laine : ((Indeed ))
[10-22:46] b0a73, *M : gah ha! *yoinks a purring kitten from beneath her chair*
[10-22:47] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[10-22:48] b94fa, *Killian Laine : ((? ))
[10-22:48] b0a73, *M : Kitten. There was a kitten under my chair. And now I have holes in my shoulder where he attacked my hair. :/
[10-22:49] b94fa, *Killian Laine : ((Ah ))
[10-22:51] b0a73, *M : So, then... *considers characters for potential RP?*
[10-22:52] b94fa, *Killian Laine : ((I sorta lost the will to RP ... ))
[10-22:53] b94fa, *Killian Laine : ((i'm still a bit ... y'know ... after writing that ))
[10-22:53] b0a73, *M : I was wondering about that. S'okay. I understand. I was only going to come IC if you wanted me to.
[10-22:54] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[10-22:55] b94fa, *Killian Laine : ((Yeah well ... I always get this way when I think about that ))
[10-22:56] b0a73, *M : I know. It's fine. I'm here if you need me, 'k?
[10-22:56] b0a73, *M : Lo, Ria
[10-22:57] b2dda, *President Zahra : Hi, Misty. *hugs and hugs* *then hugs and hugs and hugs and hugs and hugs Jim-y*
[10-22:58] b0a73, *M : *hugs back*
[10-22:58] b94fa, *Killian Laine : ((Its a personal thing , y'know ? ))
[10-22:58] b94fa, *Killian Laine : (('lo Ria btw ))
[10-22:59] b0a73, *M : I know
[10-23:02] b2dda, *President Zahra : Right.. um.. *hugs people some more*
[10-23:04] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[10-23:05] b0a73, *M : Lo, Ronnie
[10-23:05] b2dda, *President Zahra : *pounces Ronnie*
[10-23:05] 507fa, •Ronica : *pounced. Collapses due to pounced-ness* Neh... *waves to Misty*
[10-23:06] JOIN: Morgan Leonard has entered.
[10-23:07] 6a8ba, *Morgan Leonard : ((Well rp looks out of the question))
[10-23:08] b2dda, *President Zahra : Right. *un-pounces*
[10-23:08] b0a73, *M : It is, clearly. At least from myself.
[10-23:08] 6a8ba, *Morgan Leonard : ((In that case....I guess all check out of this non-rp rp room))
[10-23:09] 507fa, •Ronica : *un-pounced. Collapses anyway*
[10-23:10] b0a73, *M : You could go to the l337 RP room.
[10-23:11] 6a8ba, *Morgan Leonard : ((1337?))
[10-23:11] b0a73, *M : Elite.
[10-23:12] 6a8ba, *Morgan Leonard : ((At the risk of sounding arogant....Link?))
[10-23:13] b0a73, *M : I don't know. Heh.
[10-23:13] 6a8ba, *Morgan Leonard : ((Do you mean the new Cantina?))
[10-23:14] b2dda, *President Zahra : The elite RP room? Oooh.. *likes that name much better than the current one for a certain chat*
[10-23:15] b0a73, *M : I guess so. Yes, the elite RP room. It wasn't meant to be a good term. Rather, a condescending one.
[10-23:15] 6a8ba, *Morgan Leonard : ((If you mean the new Catina the one that is hidden I already know how to get there*L*))
[10-23:15] b0a73, *M : Well, then, it's settled. :)
[10-23:16] b2dda, *President Zahra : Bah. Condescend all you like. *will take it as a compliment just the same*
[10-23:16] 6a8ba, *Morgan Leonard : ((*wink to M*Thanks but I'll go there when Han is back))
[10-23:16] b0a73, *M : You shouldn't take something as a compliment if it isn't meant as a compliment.
[10-23:17] b2dda, *President Zahra : Why not? It's better for my mood and so on.
[10-23:19] b0a73, *M : Yes, but then you're seeing something that isn't there. It's usually not a good thing.
[10-23:20] b2dda, *President Zahra : Bah. I see lotsa things that aren't there. They make me special. Or something.
[10-23:21] b0a73, *M : Uh... okay.
[10-23:22] b2dda, *President Zahra : Bah. My mood has apparently suffered, after all. *wanders off*
[10-23:22] EXIT: President Zahra has left the chat ( Quit ).
[10-23:27] b0a73, *M : *is good at that, apparently* fs.
[10-23:30] b0a73, *M : *wanders off, too, since she doesn't appear to be wanted or needed atm*
[10-23:30] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[10-23:31] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Uhh
[10-23:31] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I think I came at a bad tim
[10-23:31] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: time
[10-23:37] EXIT: M has left the chat ( Quit ).
[11-00:04] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Weee...emptiness
[11-00:04] b2dda, *President Zahra : *pokes Justin*
[11-00:04] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *poked* eh?
[11-00:05] b2dda, *President Zahra : *huggles*
[11-00:06] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *huggled* yay
[11-00:07] b2dda, *President Zahra : Yay? *giggles and hugs again*
[11-00:08] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *hugged* yay again
[11-00:10] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[11-00:12] b2dda, *President Zahra : Double yay, then.
[11-00:13] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: heh
[11-00:17] b2dda, *President Zahra : *falls over* Ria=tired.
[11-00:19] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *pats Ria* take a nap
[11-00:19] b2dda, *President Zahra : Naps are bad.
[11-00:21] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: How come you say that?
[11-00:22] b2dda, *President Zahra : 'Cause if I nap now, I'll wake up too early or sleep too late or something.
[11-00:22] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Oh...well take something like coffee to keep you awake
[11-00:23] b2dda, *President Zahra : But I'm not sleepy. Just tired.
[11-00:25] b2dda, *President Zahra : *LOL, watching Everyone Says I Love You* He looked it up in the encyclopedia.. *giggles, giggles*
[11-00:26] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *blinks at Ria, confused*
[11-00:27] b2dda, *President Zahra : It's a silly movie. Julia Roberts really likes that painter, Tintoretto, and Woody Allen pretends to know everything about him, but is really quoting everything from an encyclopedia.. And now she's singing!
[11-00:30] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: uh right...
[11-00:32] b2dda, *President Zahra : *giggles* Don't mind me. I've gone crazy with exhaustion, or something.
[11-00:33] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: You were already crazy, Ria. The exhaustion is just showing it off.
[11-00:34] b2dda, *President Zahra : Yeah, and I love you too, Justin. *eyes*
[11-00:34] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *eyed*
[11-00:34] 507fa, •Ronica : Crazy is good. Who the hell wants to be normal? Bleh.
[11-00:37] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I'm good.
[11-00:38] b2dda, *President Zahra : Bah. *just curls up and mutters crazily to herself*
[11-00:38] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *pats Ria*
[11-00:39] b2dda, *President Zahra : *patted* *purrs.. crazily, somehow* *yeah*
[11-00:43] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *blinks*
[11-00:46] b2dda, *President Zahra : *blinked at* What? *eyes Justin*
[11-00:46] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: brb
[11-00:47] b2dda, *President Zahra : Oy. *curls up some more, or something*
[11-00:51] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *pats Ria*
[11-00:56] b2dda, *President Zahra : *purrs, purrs, then*
[11-01:01] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *hugs ria and dissapears for about a half an hour*
[11-01:01] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( stuff to do ).
[11-01:01] b2dda, *President Zahra : Right. *left all alone*
[11-01:03] 507fa, •Ronica : *hugs*
[11-01:03] b2dda, *President Zahra : *hugs, hugs lots*
[11-01:06] 507fa, •Ronica : *hugs, hugs lots back, and curls up in her black hole*
[11-01:08] b2dda, *President Zahra : *curls up in the neighboring black hole muttering, muttering, muttering*
[11-01:08] 507fa, •Ronica : *pokes at Ria's muttering, muttering, muttering*
[11-01:09] b2dda, *President Zahra : *all that muttering pokes back*
[11-01:10] 507fa, •Ronica : *poked by muttering* Well...that's certainly odd.
[11-01:11] b2dda, *President Zahra : Yes, well, I'm odd enough that my muttering is odd too. Or something.
[11-01:12] 507fa, •Ronica : It's good that you're odd.
[11-01:14] b2dda, *President Zahra : It is not. It's odd that I'm odd. Yeah.
[11-01:15] JOIN: FG has entered.
[11-01:15] 507fa, •Ronica : No, it's good.
[11-01:16] b2dda, *President Zahra : Well, okay. *isn't gonna argue*
[11-01:16] 739a9, FG: *lurks*
[11-01:17] 507fa, •Ronica : *wins, then*
[11-01:20] EXIT: President Zahra has left the chat ( Quit ).
[11-01:37] JOIN: Stoneneedle has entered.
[11-01:39] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Coughs*
[11-01:39] 739a9, FG: *patpats Stoney*
[11-01:42] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Patpatted*do I get a hug?
[11-01:43] 739a9, FG: *huggles lots* No..only huggles
[11-01:45] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Dang :( *Huggles back*
[11-01:45] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[11-01:45] 739a9, FG: :)
[11-01:47] 33438, 'Mr. J: I AM MR. J! *strikes a dramatic pose to the dramatic music*
[11-01:48] 739a9, FG: *patpats J*
[11-01:55] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *F*
[11-01:55] 739a9, FG: Why frown?
[11-01:58] 739a9, FG: Oy! FG must go! Study hall soon! Byes.. *huggles lots*
[11-01:59] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Bye FG!!*huggles back*
[11-02:01] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[11-02:01] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Hmm...
[11-02:02] b2dda, *President Zahra : *is sorta back, but not quite*
[11-02:02] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *pokes Ria*
[11-02:04] b2dda, *President Zahra : *poked* *squirms lots* What?
[11-02:07] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Hi
[11-02:07] b2dda, *President Zahra : Oh. Hi. *huggles*
[11-02:08] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[11-02:09] 61aa0, Get a Name!: *RaE* so this place is still a chat room... how quaint
[11-02:09] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *huggled* joy
[11-02:09] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *blinks at GaN*
[11-02:09] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *RaE@GaN*
[11-02:10] 61aa0, Get a Name!: got a problem?
[11-02:11] b2dda, *President Zahra : Um. *blinks, blinks at GaN* *could go IC just to spite GaN*
[11-02:11] 61aa0, Get a Name!: guess not...
[11-02:11] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : As a matter of fact I do. You wanna spread anti-SoD sentiments, take it elsewhere buddy.
[11-02:11] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Woo. Go Stone.
[11-02:12] 61aa0, Get a Name!: SoD?? that thing is still around? LOL and who uses it? maybe hmm... 6 people? Even your "website" sucks donkey
[11-02:12] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: This is SoD you moron...
[11-02:13] 61aa0, Get a Name!: no shit
[11-02:13] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : And who are you? Shok? have no power here. Be gone.
[11-02:13] 61aa0, Get a Name!: you even haggle your own people... thats really sad
[11-02:13] 507fa, •Ronica : Hi, we've got enough negativity here already, so if you could just run along, that'd be great.
[11-02:13] 61aa0, Get a Name!: *RaE*
[11-02:14] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *pokes around for Ria*
[11-02:14] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : You're not one of us.
[11-02:14] 61aa0, Get a Name!: what a rotting pit.... this place will always blow
[11-02:15] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *ponders GaN* Harding?
[11-02:15] 61aa0, Get a Name!: one of you?? who would want that? you accept only people under your influence... thats not what RPing is about
[11-02:15] 61aa0, Get a Name!: for shame
[11-02:15] *** Ronica sets mode +b 61aa0 for 2000 seconds
[11-02:16] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Like you would know what RP-ing is about you sniveling GaN. Show yourself, lowly scum.
[11-02:16] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *hands Ronnie a trophy*
[11-02:17] b2dda, *President Zahra : *poked around for* Oy. I'm here?
[11-02:17] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Well that was an interesting situation....moving on...
[11-02:18] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Returns to lurking*
[11-02:18] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Who wants to RP?
[11-02:18] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: lurking bad!
[11-02:19] 507fa, •Ronica : *also returns to lurking*
[11-02:20] b2dda, *President Zahra : *would RP, but is supposed to be reading from her Psych book* *should probably open it, if she wants to use that as an excuse, though*
[11-02:20] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: hmph
[11-02:22] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( might as well go do something else then ).
[11-02:22] b2dda, *President Zahra : Right, right.. *opens her Psych book, finally*
[11-02:36] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
[11-02:39] b2dda, *President Zahra : Ahhh? *hugs Stoney*
[11-02:41] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Yes. Ahh.*hugs back*
[11-02:41] JOIN: Tenel Ka has entered.
[11-02:42] 507fa, •Ronica : *would also Ahh, if she had the energy to*
[11-02:44] b2dda, *President Zahra : Why ahhh? Is there something I'm missing?
[11-02:45] 507fa, •Ronica : *is just frustrated*
[11-02:47] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : I know the feeling...
[11-02:47] b2dda, *President Zahra : Oy. *much hugging for Ronnie*
[11-02:48] 507fa, •Ronica : *much hugging back*
[11-02:53] b2dda, *President Zahra : *sigh*
[11-02:54] 507fa, •Ronica : Why sighing?
[11-02:55] b2dda, *President Zahra : 'Cause my tummy randomly started hurting..
[11-02:56] 507fa, •Ronica : Oi. *hugs*
[11-02:56] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Fumbles through a mountain of CDs*THERE you are..*kisses his Encarta CD*
[11-02:58] b2dda, *President Zahra : *hugs back* *pokes Stoney*
[11-02:59] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Poked*ahh-AHH!*cowers and runs away, hiding*
[11-03:00] 507fa, •Ronica : Ohhhh... *completely forgot she took a book of poetry out from the library* Yay. *curls up in her black hole and reads*
[11-03:01] b2dda, *President Zahra : *reading her psych book* Ooo. *also, kotc for Stoney*
[11-03:02] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[11-03:02] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *did something else* i'm so proud of myself
[11-03:03] b2dda, *President Zahra : Yay! *hugs Justin* I'm proud of you too.
[11-03:04] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *hugged* you don't even know why i'm proud
[11-03:04] b2dda, *President Zahra : I'm sure it's Castle Wolfenstein related.
[11-03:05] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Yup
[11-03:05] JOIN: Stoneneedle has entered.
[11-03:05] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : stupid computer...
[11-03:06] b2dda, *President Zahra : *hugs Stoney* WB.
[11-03:07] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Whimpers**was poked* :(
[11-03:07] b2dda, *President Zahra : *un-pokes*
[11-03:10] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Now has nothing to whine endlessly about*
[11-03:10] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Huggles for Ria*
[11-03:11] 507fa, •Ronica : *decides she needs extra black hole-ness, and so climbs into her black-hole-within-a-black-hole*
[11-03:11] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *pokes Stone with a sharp stick*
[11-03:11] b2dda, *President Zahra : *giggles at Stoney* *kotc, so he has no urge to whine, or something*
[11-03:13] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Poked with a sharp stick*Blarg.
[11-03:13] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: black hole within a black hole....wait...that doesn't work. The second star would be consumed by the first black hole before the star could go black hole
[11-03:13] b2dda, *President Zahra : *protects Stoney*
[11-03:14] b2dda, *President Zahra : No, no, Justin. I took an already created black hole and moved it into the big one. *nodnod* *climbs into her neighborly black hole*
[11-03:15] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Eep.*Kotc-ed, blushes*
[11-03:15] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Oh
[11-03:15] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: but wouldn't the first one consume the second one since the second one has to be smaller to fit inside the first one...
[11-03:16] 507fa, •Ronica : Let's not go in to the specifics and just appreciate the symbolism of my desired isolation. Science ruins all my fun, anyway.
[11-03:17] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Ruins alot of mine too, but it's fun to ponder.
[11-03:18] b2dda, *President Zahra : Bah. Isolation is fun.
[11-03:18] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Ya know, it's not true isolation if you're talking to people...
[11-03:18] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: or if you have contact to the outside world
[11-03:18] 507fa, •Ronica : *thumbs up for isolation* *curls up in her black hole*
[11-03:19] 507fa, •Ronica : Again, stop getting into the specifics. It's symbolism. Symbolism.
[11-03:20] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I hate symbolism so I try to destroy it every chance that I get
[11-03:20] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: And this is a prime chance for moi.
[11-03:20] 507fa, •Ronica : Bah. Symbolism is fun.
[11-03:20] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: But alas, I'll leave you alone is your false isolation.
[11-03:20] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: SYMBOLISM IS NOT FRIGGEN FUN!
[11-03:21] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: It's the worst thing that could have ever been conceived. It's worse than boy bands.
[11-03:21] b2dda, *President Zahra : Symbolism is very fun!
[11-03:21] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : That's a pretty harsh accustation, Justin.
[11-03:21] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: NO IT'S NOT!
[11-03:22] 507fa, •Ronica : Bah! Symbolism is great.
[11-03:22] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: It's pretty true as well, Stone.
[11-03:22] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *hisses at Ronnie and Ria* Do you know what it's like, day in and day out for your english teacher to talk about nothing but symbolism? Do you?
[11-03:23] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Ponders taking a step IC*
[11-03:23] 507fa, •Ronica : No, Justin, I'm only in four different English courses. I have no idea what it's like to hear about symbolism all the time!
[11-03:24] b2dda, *President Zahra : Bah, bah.
[11-03:24] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Do you know what it's like to search for obscure symbols in reading that probably aren't even symbols but your english teacher is so stupid that makes everything into a symbol?
[11-03:25] 507fa, •Ronica : I do know what it's like. In fact, I like it, because I can find the symbolism.
[11-03:25] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *steps in, datapad held in one gloved hand, the device casts an eery green glow on his scarred face...Kiiru moves over towards the bar, nodding to Wuher and handing him four credits*Corellian Ale..
[11-03:26] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((That's one small step for man-how does the rest of that go?))
[11-03:26] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: One big step for me
[11-03:27] b2dda, *President Zahra : Ooo.. *could bring in Seven, but is too tired*
[11-03:28] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: You know, I love this song.
[11-03:28] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : (( Awww :( ))
[11-03:31] JOIN: Knees has entered.
[11-03:31] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((*went IC, which means that everyone else has to now*))
[11-03:31] 507fa, •Ronica : *is too tired to RP* The only reason I'm not sleeping is the load of laundry in the dryer. Once it's done, I'm out of here.
[11-03:32] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : ((*deciding on a char*))
[11-03:32] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((*if ya don't mind Stone*))
[11-03:32] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((Well then I'll just look pretty stupid just sitting here IC like an idiot.))
[11-03:33] 7b2a9, 'Knees: I just love the warm welcome every time I decide to pop in. *waves at people anyway*
[11-03:33] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((KNEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!*frantic waving*))
[11-03:33] 9a2ae, *Baixo Maitre : ((Hey Knees.))
[11-03:34] 507fa, •Ronica : *is just a terrible person like that* *waves to Knees*
[11-03:34] b2dda, *President Zahra : Boo? *pounce!*
[11-03:34] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : {steps in, dressed in his usual combat suit with only his dark brown eyes and ponytailed hair visible, the rest of his body is of course covered by said body suit. As per the norm, his swords are across his back in the usual X}
[11-03:34] 7b2a9, 'Knees: Yeah, yeah... now you think you can win me over. *tsks*
[11-03:35] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : ((Hey, I'm watching music videos that I downloaded, they're really important))
[11-03:35] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((*:P @ Knees for not waving back*))*glances to the newcomer, getting his drink and sipping it, he sits at a table and types away at the datapad*
[11-03:36] 7b2a9, 'Knees: I waved first, Stoney. So you were waving back to me if you want to get technical.
[11-03:37] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((Yes but now don't I get a "waves back to Stoney" ?))
[11-03:38] 507fa, •Ronica : *slips Knees a 20 and winks* All is forgiven, right?
[11-03:39] 7b2a9, 'Knees: But I was waving in general. *:P@Stoney* Er.. *pockets the 20 and just eyes Ronnie* You should sleep.
[11-03:39] 9a2ae, *Nathanial Jager : {steps out as quickly as he came}
[11-03:40] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *has to go soon so doesn't want to get all into an RP*
[11-03:40] b2dda, *President Zahra : Ahem. *reiterates* "Boo! *pounce!*"
[11-03:40] 507fa, •Ronica : I probably should. Lack of sleep makes me paranoid and paranoia makes it difficult to sleep. It's a catch-22, you see. *was up most of the night wondering what that clicking noise outside was* *has gone crazy, clearly*
[11-03:41] 7b2a9, 'Knees: *pounced* Bleh. *pats Ronnie* Yes. Sleep. When I don't have any sleep, I get parinoid that spiders are crawling around on my head, which makes me lose even more sleep... and yeah, that was rather random.
[11-03:42] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( time for me to take my leave ).
[11-03:42] 507fa, •Ronica : *patted* *needs to wait for her laundry to finish drying*
[11-03:43] b2dda, *President Zahra : Bleh? All I get is a bleh? Hmph. *unloved* And yes, sleep, Ronnie.
[11-03:44] 7b2a9, 'Knees: No, you're very loved Ria. I'm just in an odd mood. *hugs*
[11-03:45] b2dda, *President Zahra : Yes, I'm sure. *eyes Boo and hugs*
[11-03:47] 7b2a9, 'Knees: You doubt me? *hurt look*
[11-03:47] 507fa, •Ronica : Um... group hug?
[11-03:49] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((Group hug.*GROUP HUG*))
[11-03:50] b2dda, *President Zahra : No, no. I'd never. *and group hug!!*
[11-03:51] 7b2a9, 'Knees: *group hugs, of course*
[11-03:53] 507fa, •Ronica : *group hug, then* :)
[11-03:59] b2dda, *President Zahra : Oy.
[11-04:01] 7b2a9, 'Knees: It went all silent.
[11-04:02] b2dda, *President Zahra : Silence is golden.
[11-04:02] 507fa, •Ronica : *was busy posting on OD* *goes to fold laundry* *notes that Silence is Golden is a good, good song*
[11-04:04] EXIT: Knees has left the chat ( Quit ).
[11-04:06] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((*Ponders what to write on OD**has, however, decided he'll put titles for the entries as dates in seconds since Jan. 1, 1970*))
[11-04:07] 507fa, •Ronica : *blinks at Stoney*
[11-04:08] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((Unix time.))
[11-04:08] 507fa, •Ronica : I see.
[11-04:11] b2dda, *President Zahra : *Sigh* *hugs Ronnie*
[11-04:12] 507fa, •Ronica : *hugs Ria*
[11-04:13] b2dda, *President Zahra : *hugs more*
[11-04:13] 507fa, •Ronica : Oi. *hugs back more*
[11-04:14] b2dda, *President Zahra : Oi? *stops hugging, then*
[11-04:15] 507fa, •Ronica : No, not oi because of the hugging. Oi because I need all that hugging. *hugs lots and sighs* I think it's time I went to bed.
[11-04:16] b2dda, *President Zahra : *hugs and hugs and hugs and hugs* Night, then. Sweet dreams.
[11-04:18] 507fa, •Ronica : *hugs back* You get some sleep, too. Night.
[11-04:20] EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( Rawr ).
[11-04:21] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[11-05:52] JOIN: Rainer has entered.
[11-05:53] 28e8d, *Rainer : *wanders in*
[11-05:54] EXIT: Rainer has left the chat ( Quit ).
[11-08:04] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[11-08:34] JOIN: Rainer has entered.
[11-08:58] JOIN: Rainer has entered.
[11-09:00] EXIT: Rainer has left the chat ( Quit ).
[11-20:46] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[11-21:26] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[11-21:27] JOIN: L has entered.
[11-21:27] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Wow, it's empty as all hell
[11-21:27] 9e336, 'L: Look...someone who's alive....
[11-21:28] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I'm always alive, as are you
[11-21:29] 9e336, 'L: I'm constantly dying.
[11-21:29] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Uh? How's that work?
[11-21:30] 9e336, 'L: From the moment I was born, I started to die again. I'm always living, but I'm also always dying. Stupid, isn't it?
[11-21:33] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Sounds pretty odd. But hey, whatever you want to believe
[11-21:34] 9e336, 'L: f2s hates me... *keeps having problems with it* Arg.
[11-21:34] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Yeah. It can pretty retarded sometimes.
[11-21:36] 9e336, 'L: Yes, indeed...
[11-21:37] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: hehe...bunker busters...
[11-21:37] 9e336, 'L: Huh?
[11-21:38] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: they're a type of missle that we have that will bore into rock and when they sense a pocket of air, they detonate. We're using them over in Afghanastan.
[11-21:38] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: They were talking about it on O&A
[11-21:42] 9e336, 'L: Oh. Heh. I see.
[11-21:46] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: It's a pretty interesting weapon if you ask me. Then again, so are our heat seeking cluster bombs....but those are more leaning towards overkill than useful.
[11-21:49] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *ROTFLHAO@this song*
[11-21:52] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane:
[11-21:54] 9e336, 'L: Er?
[11-21:55] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Fuk Her Gently by Tenacious D
[11-21:56] 9e336, 'L: Okay....
[11-21:57] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: It's a funny song
[11-21:57] 9e336, 'L: I bet..
[11-22:02] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: You don't sound too happy
[11-22:03] 9e336, 'L: I'm sick, s'all. Kinda bringing my mood down.
[11-22:04] JOIN: Stoneneedle has entered.
[11-22:04] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Oh. Well, did you take some medicine?
[11-22:05] 9e336, 'L: It doesn't work. I'm practically immune to it by now.
[11-22:06] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Immune to medicine? Boy does that suck
[11-22:06] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: And Stone, I know your here. I saw the message.
[11-22:06] 9be15, *Stoneneedle : Blarg.
[11-22:07] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: You can't hide from me, so there.
[11-22:07] 9e336, 'L: *smirk*
[11-22:07] 9be15, *Stoneneedle : :P it's worth a try.
[11-22:11] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: It's not worth it cuz you can't.
[11-22:13] 9be15, *Stoneneedle : Not with this connection. And not with so few people on the userlist.
[11-22:18] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: brb
[11-22:25] 9e336, 'L: *blink*
[11-22:25] 9be15, *Stoneneedle : *Makes a blinking tax*
[11-22:28] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[11-22:28] 9e336, 'L: *overrules Stone, because she's a woman* No tax on blinking. Tax on being Stoney.
[11-22:30] 9be15, *Stoneneedle : Dang.*Just so happens to be stoney*what horrible luck.
[11-22:30] 9e336, 'L: Indeed. *smirk* Pay up.
[11-22:32] 9be15, *Stoneneedle : Hmmm...all right..*pulls fake money out of a Monopoly game and hands it to Leigh*
[11-22:34] 9e336, 'L: Ahem. Greenbacks are much nicer.
[11-22:36] 9be15, *Stoneneedle : Yeah right, like I have any real money.
[11-22:46] 9e336, 'L: I've got even less, I bet.
[11-22:48] 9be15, *Stoneneedle : Perhaps. *mutters and searches for something on hurricanes, noting that the internet holds so much garbage it's tough to sift through it to find useful facts*
[11-22:50] 9e336, 'L: *yawn*
[11-22:50] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[11-22:51] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[11-22:52] 6a188, 'Mr. J: *appears, scratchin up a mad decepticon remix*
[11-22:52] c8d90, *President Zahra : *peeks in, hugs everybody, and collapses*
[11-22:53] 9be15, *Stoneneedle : *Ponders Ria*
[11-22:54] 6a188, 'Mr. J: *blink*
[11-22:55] c8d90, *President Zahra : *pondered* Ria is obviously tired.
[11-22:55] 9be15, *Stoneneedle : Why?
[11-22:56] c8d90, *President Zahra : School. Evil, evil school.
[11-22:56] 9be15, *Stoneneedle : Explain.
[11-22:56] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[11-22:57] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[11-22:57] 6a188, 'Mr. J: school is evil..and they try to make me do homework..*cackles* but ill show them
[11-22:58] c8d90, *President Zahra : Explain what? I have a physics test tomorrow and a precalculus test. That's enough to frighten my body into exhaustion today. Plus, I had my step aerobics gym class today. Plus, school is just tiring in general.
[11-22:59] 9be15, *Stoneneedle : Indeed...I have three separate projects due for school, as well as various tests I can never seem to remember...sometimes I think they try to make people miserable.
[11-23:00] cc9cc, •Rob: School... ah yes, I remember that...
[11-23:00] 791a8, •Ronica : *so isn't going to go into school*
[11-23:01] c8d90, *President Zahra : *hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs for Rob and Ronnie*
[11-23:01] 791a8, •Ronica : *hugs back*
[11-23:05] c8d90, *President Zahra : *now collapses* Wee.
[11-23:05] cc9cc, •Rob : *Mucho huggles for 'Ria*^_^
[11-23:06] 791a8, •Ronica : *just curls up in her black hole*
[11-23:06] c8d90, *President Zahra : Oooo. *likes Rob's ident* *wonders what color it'll be* *tests*
[11-23:07] c8d90, *President Zahra : *realizes* Rob's ident is amost my old-ish colorl
[11-23:08] cc9cc, •Rob : *Blinks*Wonder what colour what'll be?
[11-23:08] c8d90, *President Zahra : You're ident thingy. Like your IP, but pretty. The cc9cc thing.
[11-23:09] cc9cc, •Rob : Ohhh....
[11-23:09] c8d90, *President Zahra : You're? *can't believe she did that* *can not believe that* *corrects* Your.
[11-23:10] cc9cc, •Rob : *Pat pat*I do that all the time.
[11-23:12] EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( Bleh. ).
[11-23:12] c8d90, *President Zahra : Yeah, but you didn't used to be the Grammar Queen, Rob.
[11-23:13] c8d90, *President Zahra : "didn't used to be" Heh. *waves byebye to grammar knowledge*
[11-23:14] cc9cc, •Rob : Well, no, that one particular reputation I might want to avoid.
[11-23:15] c8d90, *President Zahra : *giggles at Rob* Bah. Silly.
[11-23:15] EXIT: Stoneneedle has left the chat ( ).
[11-23:24] c8d90, *President Zahra : Hmm.. *pokes, pokes lurkers*
[11-23:26] JOIN: Jen has entered.
[11-23:29] 96630, 'Jen: *peers in...*
[11-23:29] c8d90, *President Zahra : JEN! *tacklehugpouncehughughug!*
[11-23:31] 96630, 'Jen: *tacklepouncehugs Ria back* :) Nice to see you too Ria.
[11-23:34] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[11-23:34] c8d90, *President Zahra : *hugs lots and lots and lots* Nicer to see you, though.
[11-23:35] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[11-23:35] 791a8, •Ronica : *slinks in, hugs Jen, slinks out*
[11-23:36] EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( Quit ).
[11-23:36] 96630, Get a Name!: *pleased squeak* Thankoo! Its nice to hear that once in a while. *hugs the slinking Ronnie in return...wonders@slinking*
[11-23:37] NICK: Get a Name! changed nick to Jen.
[11-23:37] 96630, Get a Name!: that was weird.
[11-23:38] 96630, Get a Name!: handle for Jen. heh.
[11-23:40] c8d90, *President Zahra : Ronnie's in a not-very-good mood.
[11-23:43] 96630, Get a Name!: And Jen wishes she could drag both of you out for coffee. *is in that kind of mood* What's wrong?
[11-23:47] c8d90, *President Zahra : Aww.. *hugs Jen* And.. um... lotsa stuff.
[11-23:47] 96630, Get a Name!: How is Ria tho?
[11-23:49] 96630, Get a Name!: lotsa stuff always= bad doesn't it? *sigh*
[11-23:55] c8d90, *President Zahra : Ria is very, very, very tired.
[11-23:57] 96630, Get a Name!: so was Jen. *slept in til 4pm* you'll get your rest. *nodnod*
[11-23:58] c8d90, *President Zahra : Bah.. Eventually, maybe.
[12-00:01] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: woah
[12-00:02] c8d90, *President Zahra : *hugs Justin*
[12-00:04] 96630, Get a Name!: 'allo Justin.
[12-00:05] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *hugged* w00t.
[12-00:05] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Jen?
[12-00:06] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Lurks*
[12-00:07] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Figures that Stone is still here
[12-00:07] 96630, Get a Name!: *is Jen* yeah...too bad I'm not some random well off writer eh?
[12-00:08] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Nah, being Jen is okay with me
[12-00:10] c8d90, *President Zahra : *hugs and kotc for Stoney*
[12-00:10] 96630, Get a Name!: *giggles* thankoo Justin!
[12-00:11] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *kotc-ed**blushes*
[12-00:11] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[12-00:12] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *kicks computer and blinks at Jen* somebody's unusually happy
[12-00:13] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Justin: well it isn't me.
[12-00:15] 96630, Get a Name!: *lol* yeah? so?
[12-00:16] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: No shit it's not you. You're never happy.
[12-00:17] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[12-00:17] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[12-00:18] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Didn't say anything bad about it Jen, just not normal for you
[12-00:18] 96630, Get a Name!: I'll be miserable later. :P
[12-00:18] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : :)
[12-00:19] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Oh I know you will be. But we might as well enjoy a happy Jen while it lasts.
[12-00:19] 96630, Get a Name!: Well I'm not normal in the first place. *patpats Justin* don't let it worry you.
[12-00:20] cd382, Get a Name!: *tips his hat*
[12-00:21] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( I'll see you down in Arizona Bay. ).
[12-00:21] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : ...Mazzik...
[12-00:21] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: 's a slut
[12-00:22] 96630, Get a Name!: *snatches hat and wears it like a good girl* nothing wrong with being a slut. *L*
[12-00:22] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Hehehe.
[12-00:22] c8d90, *President Zahra : Mazzy? Where? Where?
[12-00:23] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: He just left Ria
[12-00:24] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Jen's a slut
[12-00:25] 96630, Get a Name!: nah. Jen isn't a slut. She doesn't have the qualifications. :P
[12-00:26] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Heh...
[12-00:27] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: hehe...Tenacious D rules...
[12-00:28] 96630, Get a Name!: does not!
[12-00:28] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *blinks* Why not?
[12-00:29] 96630, Get a Name!: he/she/it bites! and has rabies!
[12-00:29] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Tenacious D is two guys
[12-00:30] 96630, Get a Name!: they. :P actually I wouldn't know...but Weezer rules! and so does Orgy!
[12-00:31] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Bleh to Orgy, but yes Weezer does rule
[12-00:31] 96630, Get a Name!: and A Perfect Circle...and Stabbing Westward...*blinks* hehe. but this radio station sucks! *bash*
[12-00:31] 96630, Get a Name!: Did you just agree with me? *shock*
[12-00:31] 96630, Get a Name!: Did you just agree with me? *shock*
[12-00:33] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Uh....yes?
[12-00:33] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( stupid laptop..just blame it all on the stupid laptop ).
[12-00:35] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: hmm, i bet the battery was dieing
[12-00:38] c8d90, *President Zahra : Oy.. *is here?*
[12-00:40] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *pats Ria* Yes. Yes you are.
[12-00:41] c8d90, *President Zahra : Yay me, then! *purrs and hugs Justin*
[12-00:42] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *hugged* yay for moi too
[12-00:43] JOIN: M has entered.
[12-00:43] 4231c, *M : *floats in* guh! I missed Jen. Damn that sleep
[12-00:44] c8d90, *President Zahra : It's Misty! *hugs, hugs, hugs Misty!*
[12-00:45] 4231c, *M : It's Ria! *hugs, hugs, hugs back*
[12-00:46] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: It's me leaving!
[12-00:47] c8d90, *President Zahra : Gah. Bye, Justin. *hugs, hugs lots*
[12-00:47] 4231c, *M : Justin sux0r
[12-00:47] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *hugged, hugged lots* Yeah, I have to be somewhere, but I leave you with this:
[12-00:47] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( where's my shotgun? ).
[12-00:48] 4231c, *M : *eyes link* guh
[12-00:53] 4231c, *M : Boy, do I sure no one to clear a room. Must be one of those "associating with Jim" things
[12-00:53] 4231c, *M : one=how
[12-00:55] c8d90, *President Zahra : Bah.. I was just distracted. *hugs, hugs Misty*
[12-00:57] 4231c, *M : *hugs, hugs Ria* Story of my life. Ah well. *wanders off to take a bath or something*
[12-00:57]       M is away. Reason: Cleanliness is next to godliness
[12-01:01] c8d90, *President Zahra : Right. *all alone*
[12-01:02] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Not quite.
[12-01:02] 791a8, •Ronica : Nah.
[12-01:06] 4231c, *M : *sneaks back to pounce Ria, then sneaks out again*
[12-01:12] c8d90, *President Zahra : Woo! *pounced!* *hugs Misty and Ronnie and Stoney!*
[12-01:14] 4231c, *M : *is experiencing that "not being able to fall off your cloud" thing*
[12-01:14] JOIN: M has entered.
[12-01:14] 4231c, *M : See, even accidentally refreshing just can't bother me.
[12-01:17] 4231c, *M : wee.. *wanders off to do stuff*
[12-01:21] c8d90, *President Zahra : Ooo. *hugs Misty tons*
[12-01:22] 791a8, •Ronica : *waits for 8 o'clock, noting that the new Survivor is the only bright spot in her day today, and that's sad*
[12-01:22] 791a8, •Ronica : Actually, these three cheese goldfish crackers are a bright spot today. *has two* Wee.
[12-01:23] c8d90, *President Zahra : Oooo.. *wants goldfish crackers*
[12-01:23] 4231c, *M : *hugs back tons* *hugs Ronnie* *wanders off again*
[12-01:24] 791a8, •Ronica : *hugs Misty back*
[12-01:26] c8d90, *President Zahra : *is left Misty-less temporarily*
[12-01:27] 791a8, •Ronica : But, you' Ronnie-ful?
[12-01:29] c8d90, *President Zahra : Yes, yes! *very glad of Ronnie-ful-ness*
[12-01:30] 791a8, •Ronica : Hehe.
[12-01:32] 4231c, *M : See, and I was just about to say, "But you aren't Ronnie-less."
[12-01:33] c8d90, *President Zahra : And now I'm not Misty-less, either! Wooo!
[12-01:33] 4231c, *M : hehe
[12-01:34] 4231c, *M : *changes link* bwaha
[12-01:34] c8d90, *President Zahra : *does a "Yay, Ria's Misty-ful and Ronnie-ful" dance*
[12-01:35] 4231c, *M : Now, that is an interesting dance.
[12-01:35] 791a8, •Ronica : *scratches her head* I can only imagine.
[12-01:36] 4231c, *M : I don't want to imagine ;)
[12-01:37] 791a8, •Ronica : Oh, but I do.
[12-01:37] 4231c, *M : Hehe
[12-01:38] 4231c, *M : Well, that makes everything ok, then.
[12-01:40] 4231c, *M : *tackles profile*
[12-01:40] 791a8, •Ronica : Naturally.
[12-01:41] 4231c, *M : :)
[12-01:42] 791a8, •Ronica : Well that's weird. Bad mood at school, better mood at home. It's usually the other way around.
[12-01:42] 4231c, *M : Yay for better moods!
[12-01:43] 791a8, •Ronica : Yeah, but the bad mood was no good. *now has a bruised knuckle and a locker door that jams when it opens* Much punching and kicking.
[12-01:43] 4231c, *M : Hmm.. Well, y'know... stress relief and all that.
[12-01:44] c8d90, *President Zahra : Oy. *hugs and hugs and hugs Ronnie*
[12-01:45] 4231c, *M : *floats*
[12-01:45] 791a8, •Ronica : *hugs Ria back* I suppose. But the poor locker. It didn't deserve my venting.
[12-01:45] c8d90, *President Zahra : Yay for floating! *wants an explanation for floating, though*
[12-01:47] 4231c, *M : Erm.. I can't give an explanation for the floating.. I dun think...
[12-01:47] 4231c, *M : Lockers usually already have vents. What's a few more?
[12-01:48] 791a8, •Ronica : *blinks* *cracks up* Punny. :)
[12-01:48] 4231c, *M : It's not my fault.. *whine* It's Jim's influence, all over the place.
[12-01:49] 791a8, •Ronica : I think it's a good thing. *loves bad puns*
[12-01:49] c8d90, *President Zahra : *giggles lots at Misty* And at least you are floating, which is good.
[12-01:49] 791a8, •Ronica : *was floating a few days ago. Had a poofy cloud and a stupid grin and everything*
[12-01:49] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[12-01:50] 4231c, *M : That sounds about right, Ronnie.
[12-01:52] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[12-01:54] c8d90, *President Zahra : *never floats anymore*
[12-01:54] 4231c, *M : Woo. *r0x0rs, apparently*
[12-01:54] 791a8, •Ronica : Almost time for Survivor! *will be back at 9*
[12-01:54] 4231c, *M : Floating is way fun
[12-01:54] 791a8, •Ronica : Oi. *hugs Ria lots, first*
[12-01:55] 4231c, *M : Later, Ronnie!
[12-01:56] 4231c, *M : Ahh! *stupid grin*
[12-01:56] EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( Outwit, outplay, outlast! *such a loser* ).
[12-02:02] c8d90, *President Zahra : *huggled lots* *meanwhile, bursts out crying because of "Chop Suey"* Oy.. It's not a song you cry to. *f, and watches Friends*
[12-02:03] c8d90, *President Zahra : Bah! *thwaps NBC* Special news report? Nooo! Show Friends!
[12-02:06] 4231c, *M : *swats Special Report*
[12-02:07] c8d90, *President Zahra : *baps, baps it* Oy. Hurry up Bush. You've already said all of this several times.
[12-02:08] 4231c, *M : Oi. *assassinates Bush*
[12-02:10] c8d90, *President Zahra : Ooo! *applauds Misty* I mean.. um.. I'm a patriot. Yeah. Go America. Go Bush. Or something. Bah.
[12-02:10] 4231c, *M : Teehee
[12-02:11] 4231c, *M : Anyhoo *hugs and hugs and hugs and hugs Ria, then dashes off to watching TV and get some food*
[12-02:11] c8d90, *President Zahra : He called them "evildoers." He really, really called them that. *falls over* And he keeps contradicting himself. "I want you to go on with your lives, but I want you to be beyond terrified too, because we've gotten more threats."
[12-02:12] c8d90, *President Zahra : Have fun, Misty. *hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs*
[12-02:13] 4231c, *M : George Dubya is a moron. What do you expect? Anyway... *flees before it's too late*
[12-02:14] 791a8, •Ronica : *can't believe he called them evildoers, either* Clinton should do his speeches. He gave good ones. *gets some more homework done before Survivor*
[12-02:14] c8d90, *President Zahra : *waves to the fleeing Misty*
[12-02:14] 791a8, •Ronica : Oi, he did it again!
[12-02:14] c8d90, *President Zahra : He called them evildoers again! Gah.. Gah.
[12-02:15] c8d90, *President Zahra : Heh. Wavelength. :)
[12-02:17] 791a8, •Ronica : Must be. Next thing you know he'll call them "bad guys"
[12-02:19] c8d90, *President Zahra : And Bin Laden will be Bush's archenemy, and Afghanistan will be his secret hideout. Wait.. wait.. We live in a comic book world. Oy.
[12-02:21] 791a8, •Ronica : He'll need a bushmobile.
[12-02:22] 791a8, •Ronica : Doodoodoodoodoodoodoodoo Bush man!
[12-02:22] c8d90, *President Zahra : *can just imagine people with amazing mutant powers suddenly showing up and saving things* *LOL* "There's no question that the leader of Iraq is an evil man." Evil man.. Heh.
[12-02:26] 791a8, •Ronica : This is all just...oi.
[12-02:29] c8d90, *President Zahra : This is horrible. Bush sounds like a five-year-old.
[12-02:30] 791a8, •Ronica : Yeah. The fact that he went to... what, Yale? really says a lot about how great Ivy league schools are.
[12-02:31] 4231c, *M : OMG! *suddenly hit with another wave of shock, clearly feels the need to express it in some way... does so, then goes back to watching TV and making food*
[12-02:33] 791a8, •Ronica : Ooh, smart reporter guy brought up Bush's contradiction thingie.
[12-02:33] c8d90, *President Zahra : *blinks at Misty* And bah, Ronnie. Yale is a good school. Bush's Daddy just paid very, very much to get him to pass.
[12-02:33] 791a8, •Ronica : The hardest part is getting in. Unless you can buy the school a nice airport.
[12-02:33] 4231c, *M : *blinked at* *stupid grin*
[12-02:33] c8d90, *President Zahra : Wooo! *hugs the reporter* *and :p@Bush, who's still contradicting himself* *pause* "The Evil One?" My god.
[12-02:34] JOIN: Azhrei has entered.
[12-02:35] 791a8, •Ronica : Oh, christ. *sighs*
[12-02:35] c8d90, *President Zahra : *hugs Misty* *and pounces her husband!*
[12-02:35] 3dc55, Azhrei: 'lo all :)
[12-02:35] 4231c, *M : *hugs Ria back* Ooo, Rohan and Ria got married?
[12-02:35] 791a8, •Ronica : Your husband? What? Did you do this to get back at me for not having you as my maid of honour?
[12-02:36] c8d90, *President Zahra : "If you cough him up and his leaders today..." *dies* Stupid Bush.
[12-02:36] 4231c, *M : Those irish guys. ;) *whistles and wanders off*
[12-02:36] c8d90, *President Zahra : Yes. Rohany and Ria got married over AIM. With a Rabbi. Much fun.
[12-02:37] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Stares* But it was supposed to be a secret!
[12-02:37] 3dc55, Azhrei: Yeah! I got a Jaguar XJ-220 SE out of it!
[12-02:37] c8d90, *President Zahra : It was not. *pats Rohany*
[12-02:37] 4231c, *M : Secret's out. Live it up. Bwahaha!
[12-02:38] 3dc55, Azhrei: Ronnie's married too? Ooh, it's a trend!
[12-02:38] 4231c, *M : *isn't married yet* bah.
[12-02:38] c8d90, *President Zahra : Obviously, as we are married, Rohany must share the Jaguar. *giggles*
[12-02:39] 3dc55, Azhrei: Don't worry Mist *Pats* Can't be far off now *nods*
[12-02:39] c8d90, *President Zahra : Trick him into marrying you, Misty! Just like I did. I mean, um..
[12-02:39] 4231c, *M : *patted* oi. :P
[12-02:39] 4231c, *M : Naw, he's not a marrying man. ;)
[12-02:39] 3dc55, Azhrei: What! *Aghast* But you got a BMW 316i!!
[12-02:40] 3dc55, Azhrei: *LOL*
[12-02:40] c8d90, *President Zahra : Evildoers. Third time. Evil Ones. Second time. Gah, Bush!
[12-02:40] 791a8, •Ronica : Of course I'm married. *shows off her ring pop* Collin has a cracker jack decoder ring for his.
[12-02:40] 4231c, *M : *fallls over*
[12-02:40] c8d90, *President Zahra : Oh, right. You can have your car, then, Rohany. *kotc*
[12-02:40] 4231c, *M : *doesn't just fall, mind you, fallls*
[12-02:40] 791a8, •Ronica : *can't believe she wasn't told about the wedding*
[12-02:40] c8d90, *President Zahra : *pause* Ring? *has no ring!* *eyes Rohany*
[12-02:40] 3dc55, Azhrei: You have rings, we have cars *Sniff*
[12-02:41] 4231c, *M : ANYway. *goes back to.. y'know.. what she's been doing of late*
[12-02:41] 3dc55, Azhrei: But it came up all of a sudden! How was I to know? Bah!
[12-02:41] c8d90, *President Zahra : *completely forgot about the wedding until today* *but, didn't say that*
[12-02:41] 3dc55, Azhrei: And, er, what's that, Mist?
[12-02:41] c8d90, *President Zahra : Bah. *demands a ring*
[12-02:41] 4231c, *M : Making food and watching TV :)
[12-02:41] c8d90, *President Zahra : Yay, Misty.
[12-02:42] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Didn't forget either, natch*
[12-02:42] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Goes off in search of a ring* Hmm
[12-02:43] c8d90, *President Zahra : Yay. *waits for her husband*
[12-02:44] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Ponders* Garnet would suit Ria, methinks
[12-02:44] c8d90, *President Zahra : Garnet? What happened to diamonds?
[12-02:45] 791a8, •Ronica : You don't have rings? *tsk* Collin and I even had a prenup agreement.
[12-02:45] 3dc55, Azhrei: Well, garnet studded with diamonds then! I just thought that garnet would suit you *S*
[12-02:47] c8d90, *President Zahra : Oooo! Very nice, then! And bah to prenup. *trusts Rohany-dear*
[12-02:47] 791a8, •Ronica : *trusts Collin, too* I'm the one who's not to be trusted.
[12-02:48] 3dc55, Azhrei: Aw! *Is trusted for, erm, let's see.. the second time in his life*
[12-02:48] 791a8, •Ronica : Bah. Is your ring strawberry flavoured? Didn't think so. My ring pop is way better.
[12-02:49] c8d90, *President Zahra : No, but my ring is shinier. *puts it on, and waves it in the light, so it sparkles* Weee.
[12-02:50] 791a8, •Ronica : But not strawberry. I'm sorry, yours is inferior to mine.
[12-02:50] c8d90, *President Zahra : Well, if you say so. *shrugs at Ronnie* *curls up contentedly on her husband's lap*
[12-02:50] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Keeps looking*
[12-02:51] c8d90, *President Zahra : *thought Rohany had already found it* Ooo! They're showing Friends, despite the news.
[12-02:51] 3dc55, Azhrei: Bah! *Can't find garnet with diamond wedding ring* You'll have to settle for just diamonds *G*
[12-02:52] 791a8, •Ronica : Ooo! Survivor! *runs*
[12-02:52] 3dc55, Azhrei: Is Chandler dancing? IS CHANDLER DANCING?! *LOL*
[12-02:52] c8d90, *President Zahra : Oooo. Even better. *giggles at Rohany*
[12-02:53] c8d90, *President Zahra : No, he's not dancing. *patpat*
[12-02:54] JOIN: L has entered.
[12-02:54] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Has found a ring*
[12-02:54] 3dc55, Azhrei: *LOL*
[12-02:54] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Would find a better one, but is tired*
[12-02:57] 3dc55, Azhrei: Hi Leigh! *Hugs*
[12-02:58] c8d90, *President Zahra : Bah. *will find a better one for herself*
[12-02:58] 53f89, 'L: Hello. *hugs back and disappears again, muttering curses directed at f2s*
[12-02:58] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Doesn't like it either* But they were all pretty much the same!
[12-02:59] c8d90, *President Zahra : *found a gorgeous one at a while ago* *goes to search* *also hugs Leigh lots*
[12-03:01] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Will go search there*
[12-03:03] c8d90, *President Zahra : Aha! *found one!*
[12-03:06] 53f89, 'L: *hugs back for Ria* Hey, what about
[12-03:07] c8d90, *President Zahra : Ooo! *likes that one too!*
[12-03:07] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Likes the first one the best*
[12-03:08] c8d90, *President Zahra : *likes the heart-shaped one* *needs a thin, small ring, 'cause she has very thin, long-type fingers*
[12-03:15] c8d90, *President Zahra : Anyway.. *yawns and hugs people*
[12-03:16] 53f89, 'L: Heh. *found a nice one...hugs back and tries to keep calm*
[12-03:17] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Hugs Leigh* What's up?
[12-03:18] c8d90, *President Zahra : Oy.. Calm? Why calm? What happened?
[12-03:19] 53f89, 'L: Hockey game. Devils losing now.
[12-03:21] 3dc55, Azhrei: Oh! *Thought something drastic happened* *Goes back to designing the ring*
[12-03:23] 53f89, 'L: *blinks at Azhrei* That is something drastic.
[12-03:24] 3dc55, Azhrei: Now this is a nice ring -
[12-03:24] 3dc55, Azhrei: Of course it is! *Pats Leigh*
[12-03:27] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Picks that ring for Ria*
[12-03:27] 53f89, 'L: *growls*
[12-03:29] c8d90, *President Zahra : Oooo! *pretty!
[12-03:30] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Notices something* Hey! I don't have a ring!
[12-03:31] c8d90, *President Zahra : *giggles at Rohany-dear* So pick one for yourself.
[12-03:32] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Wants Ria to pick one*
[12-03:34] c8d90, *President Zahra : But that takes effort.. *goes to see*
[12-03:36] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Awaits a ring*
[12-03:36] c8d90, *President Zahra : *ponders* But all the engagement rings are so.. feminine.
[12-03:37] 3dc55, Azhrei: But there are rings for men somewhere!
[12-03:37] c8d90, *President Zahra : *ponders* ?
[12-03:38] 3dc55, Azhrei: Nice!
[12-03:38] c8d90, *President Zahra : Or maybe ?
[12-03:39] 3dc55, Azhrei: Better yet *Hugs*
[12-03:40] c8d90, *President Zahra : Yes, yes. *loves that one* That's the one. *hugs lots!*
[12-03:41] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Hugs back* yay!
[12-03:43] c8d90, *President Zahra : *curls up on Rohany-dear's lap again and purrs*
[12-03:43] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Hugs Ria*
[12-03:44] c8d90, *President Zahra : *hugs Rohany tons*
[12-03:46] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Hugs Ria more tons*
[12-03:47] 53f89, 'L: *snaps a picture and sls off*
[12-03:47] 53f89, 'L: slips, even..
[12-03:48] c8d90, *President Zahra : You win, Rohany! *g* *and hugs Leigh!*
[12-03:48] 3dc55, Azhrei: sls? Is that a new Internet codification or what?
[12-03:48] 791a8, •Ronica : Survivor rules.
[12-03:48] 53f89, 'L: *eyes Hahn* Quiet.
[12-03:49] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Quiet* Mmmf! Mmff! Mmmffmfmfff!
[12-03:49] c8d90, *President Zahra : *giggles at Ronnie*
[12-03:50] 791a8, •Ronica : It does! I love that show. All the other reality crap bites, but Survivor isn't really a reality.
[12-03:50] c8d90, *President Zahra : Oooo. I like it when he's quiet. *puts her ahand over Rohany's mouth* *giggles*
[12-03:51] 53f89, 'L: I hated being mocked. *goes to print out the vocab answers, then finish watching the game and go to bed*
[12-03:51] c8d90, *President Zahra : Night, Leigh! *hugs, hugs*
[12-03:51] 791a8, •Ronica : *idly wishes her hubby were here*
[12-03:52] 3dc55, Azhrei: MMMMMMFFFFF!!!
[12-03:52] c8d90, *President Zahra : *wishes the same for Ronnie*
[12-03:53] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Waves g'bye to Leigh, but can't say anything*
[12-03:53] c8d90, *President Zahra : *kotc for Rohany, and takes her hand away*
[12-03:54] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Hugs Ria* G'night Leigh!
[12-03:55] 791a8, •Ronica : *'cause it would certainly brighten her day* Oi. Bah. *eats goldfish crackers*
[12-03:55] c8d90, *President Zahra : *hugs Rohany lots*
[12-03:56] c8d90, *President Zahra : Oy. *wills, wills, wills Ronnie's hubby online*
[12-03:56] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Pats Ronnie*
[12-03:57] 791a8, •Ronica : *patted* Oh. School doesn't start until 9:10 tomorrow. *gets to sleep in a little* Yay.
[12-03:57] 4231c, *M : Hmm.
[12-04:00] c8d90, *President Zahra : *thwaps school* *hugs Ronnie and Misty*
[12-04:00] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[12-04:01] 4231c, *M : *hugs back :)* *then floats*
[12-04:01] 791a8, •Ronica : *thwaps school, but is pleased because she has a lot of shortened days coming up* God bless the Grade 10 literacy test. *doesn't have to be at school 'til 12 on the 16th and 17th*
[12-04:01] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Looks it's me
[12-04:02] 4231c, *M : Look, it's Justin
[12-04:02] c8d90, *President Zahra : Yay, it's Justin! *hugs*
[12-04:02] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *hugged* w00t
[12-04:02] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Watches Misty float* Hmm!
[12-04:04] c8d90, *President Zahra : Off to bed. Night. *hugs and kisses for whoever wants, and disappears*
[12-04:05] 791a8, •Ronica : *hugs Ria lots*
[12-04:05] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Hugs Ria*
[12-04:05] EXIT: President Zahra has left the chat ( Sweet dreams! ).
[12-04:05] 4231c, *M : *watched as she floats* Tee hee. *hugs Ria* G'night!
[12-04:05] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Bed? It's only 10:00pm...
[12-04:05] 4231c, *M : doooooooooooooooooooooooooh
[12-04:06] 4231c, *M : No bed for me. Run!
[12-04:06] 3dc55, Azhrei: *LOL*
[12-04:06] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[12-04:07] 4231c, *M : Unit scans, unit scans, unitscans,unitscans,unitscans!
[12-04:07] 3dc55, Azhrei: Ooh *Is tired, but didn't tell Ria that*
[12-04:07] 4231c, *M : *goes to put on some music.*
[12-04:07] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *blinks at Misty* *whispers to Rohan* she been drinking or something?
[12-04:08] 791a8, •Ronica : *might go to bed too, since she didn't get any sleep last night, but still has a few things to do*
[12-04:08] 4231c, *M : Hehehehe! No, I haven't been drinking. :)
[12-04:08] 791a8, •Ronica : 10 is a perfectly good time to go to bed.
[12-04:09] 791a8, •Ronica : She's high on life, can't you tell?
[12-04:09] 4231c, *M : I went to bed at 10. In the morning.
[12-04:09] 4231c, *M : *stupid grin*
[12-04:09] 3dc55, Azhrei: *Whispers back to Justin, conspiritorially-like* Either that or she's reached a new level of consciousness *G* Right, I'm off everyone :)
[12-04:09] 791a8, •Ronica : That's why I didn't say am or pm, Misty. ;)
[12-04:09] 791a8, •Ronica : Night Rohan.
[12-04:10] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *blinks scared like at Rohan* If she has, then god help us all...or atleast a bullet, whatever works.
[12-04:10] 4231c, *M : New level of consciousness, definitely. NIGHT ROHAN!!
[12-04:10] 4231c, *M : Of course, you're right, Ronnie.
[12-04:11] 3dc55, Azhrei: *LOL* G'night all!
[12-04:11] EXIT: Azhrei has left the chat ( We're all looking for a strange melody, we're all searching for a tune. We're all following the piper, and we dance beneath the moon. Sub Luna Saltamus ).
[12-04:11] 791a8, •Ronica : Of course.
[12-04:13] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Hehe...Fuk Her Gently...
[12-04:14] 4231c, *M : Whoa. Too much information
[12-04:15] 4231c, *M : ANYWAY *runs off for a .. erm.. jog* I'll bbiab
[12-04:15] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *blinks at Misty* What?
[12-04:16] 4231c, *M : nothing, nothing.*floats away*
[12-04:18] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I'm scared.
[12-04:21] 791a8, •Ronica : This might be one of the signs of the apocolypse.
[12-04:22] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Me being scared or Misty being happy?
[12-04:22] 791a8, •Ronica : The latter.
[12-04:23] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: What would really be a sign of the apocolypse is you being happy.
[12-04:23] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Actually, you'd complete the prophecy...
[12-04:24] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Cuz Jen was all giddy and happy earlier, Misty just was. *watches Ronnie*
[12-04:25] 791a8, •Ronica : *watched* It's kinda creepy when you stare at me like that.
[12-04:26] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Be happy dam nit.
[12-04:29] 791a8, •Ronica : I was already happy. Monday? Monday or Tuesday. I was all smiling and floating around on a cloud and shit.
[12-04:30] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Yes well, you have to be happy before midnight for this to work
[12-04:30] 791a8, •Ronica : Fck that. I had a terrible day.
[12-04:32] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: BE HAPPY!
[12-04:33] 791a8, •Ronica : Eat me.
[12-04:36] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Rather not. I'm not into that whole, ya know, cannibalism thing.
[12-04:37] 791a8, •Ronica : Oh that's clever.
[12-04:41] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *scans for sarcasm*
[12-04:42] 791a8, •Ronica : *it's off the charts*
[12-04:43] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: "Oh, a sarcasm detector, that's real usefull."
[12-04:44] 791a8, •Ronica : Heheh.
[12-04:48] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *watches Ronnie* Happy. Now.
[12-04:52] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[12-04:53] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: ARGH! FRIGGEN MESSAGE BOARD!
[12-04:53] 791a8, •Ronica : Nah.
[12-04:54] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *kicks EZBoard*
[12-04:54] 4231c, *M : *drifts back*
[12-04:55] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I thought you floated, not drifted?
[12-04:55] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *blows up from anger*
[12-04:55] 4231c, *M : I've drifted back on a floating cloud.
[12-04:56] 4231c, *M : "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I can see all obsticals in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had be blind. It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiney day."
[12-04:57] 98920, Get a Name!: you missed a Bright in there
[12-04:57] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I hate that song
[12-04:57] 4231c, *M : I don't do background vocals. :)
[12-04:59] 4231c, *M : *floats off to take a shower, like the rain wasn't enough* BRB
[12-05:00] JOIN: Alekona has entered.
[12-05:01] be458, Alekona: ...
[12-05:03] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Weee
[12-05:04] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *wanders off to bed*
[12-05:06] 791a8, •Ronica : *also goes to bed. Not happy*
[12-05:06] EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( Quit ).
[12-05:06] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *damns Ronnie*
[12-05:08] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( Iiiii! I feel so Alive! For the very first time, I can't deny you. I feel so Alive. ).
[12-05:16] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[12-05:30] JOIN: Rainer has entered.
[12-05:30] ec0ae, *Rainer : *wanders in*
[12-05:35] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[12-06:53] JOIN: M has entered.
[12-06:53] c5837, *M : pfft
[12-06:56] c5837, *M : *lurks and works*
[12-07:05] JOIN: Kjor Marak has entered.
[12-07:06] JOIN: Kjor Marak has entered.
[12-07:07] fef16, Kjor Marak: *a man steps into the bar. He is dressed simply in a combination of black and silver. A scar runs down his right eye.*
[12-07:09] c5837, *M : Ooo, rp
[12-07:09] fef16, Kjor Marak: *on his belt, hangs the hilt of a lightsaber*
[12-07:11] JOIN: FlyGrl has entered.
[12-07:11] JOIN: Matthew Steyr has entered.
[12-07:12] 62ec8, *FlyGrl : *walks into the bar wearing a dark colored flight halfway unzipped and tied at her waist, she has a white tank top underneith. she has a blaster at her side*
[12-07:13] fef16, Kjor Marak: *he steps towards the bar, an arrogance evident in his stride*
[12-07:14] 62ec8, *FlyGrl : *runs her fingers threw her long blond hair and walk over twards the bar*
[12-07:18] fef16, Kjor Marak: *stands at the bar, he speaks in a low tone with Wuher for a moment.*
[12-07:19] 62ec8, *FlyGrl : *sits down at the bar and orders an ale*
[12-07:22] fef16, Kjor Marak: *glances at the woman at the bar, his glance anything but friendly*
[12-07:23] JOIN: Rainer has entered.
[12-07:23] 5e794, *Rainer : *wanders in*
[12-07:23] 62ec8, *FlyGrl : *noticed the man, and smiles a little, then turns as her drink arives*
[12-07:26] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[12-07:26] fef16, Kjor Marak: *leans against the bar, practically scowling at the woman as he resumes a small conversation with Wuher... credits appear to be changing hands*
[12-07:27] 5e794, *Rainer : *meanders over to the bar and acquires a drink while wuher is busy*
[12-07:28] fef16, Kjor Marak: *nods to the barkeep, and Wuher resumes his business*
[12-07:28] 62ec8, *FlyGrl : *RaE@ the man, turns away from him, but doesn't turn her back on him*
[12-07:28] c5837, *M : Hmm... *considers*
[12-07:31] fef16, Kjor Marak: *pulls a small comm-pad from his belt and keys in a few things*a slight smirk crosses his lips and at that moment those who know a man named Sunrider would find a striking resemblance.*
[12-07:32] c5837, *M : Oi, that's Zhen
[12-07:32] 62ec8, *FlyGrl : *glances around the tina and sips her ale*
[12-07:32] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((Forget what you think you may know about me Mistra... For I am not who you think I may be))
[12-07:33] c5837, *M : Yeah, yeah. *points* That's Zhen
[12-07:34] 5e794, *Rainer : ((*spins around on the bar stool*))
[12-07:34] c5837, *M : ooc-ly, of course. *eyes char list*
[12-07:34] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((Hardly. I'm his arch nemisis. Complicated plot-line, but then I like those kind.))
[12-07:35] c5837, *M : Hmm
[12-07:35] 5e794, *Rainer : ((crap, I know what movies Ms line is from...but I cant remember it...))
[12-07:35] c5837, *M : Arch-nemesisisisisisisisis are cool. I need to get me onea those.
[12-07:35] c5837, *M : *G@Rainer*
[12-07:36] 5e794, *Rainer : ((I wanna say a Jim carrey movie...but wait...the asteroid movie with Bruce Willis))
[12-07:36] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Dum dee dum...))
[12-07:37] 5e794, *Rainer : ((armeggeddon))
[12-07:37] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((That's right! Brava. *polite applause* :) ))
[12-07:38] 5e794, *Rainer : *reaches over the bar and takes the bottle as wuher turns away from him after concluding his business with the other man at the opposite end of the bar, then moves to a booth with it and his glass*
[12-07:38] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Kudos if you can guess what movie the quote in Sabal's profile is from.))
[12-07:38] fef16, Kjor Marak: *mutters something in an unknown tongue*
[12-07:38] 5e794, *Rainer : ((no dice on that one))
[12-07:39] 5e794, *Rainer : ((some movie with knights and such or some street gang movie...))
[12-07:39] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Enters the Cantina silently, pausing at the top of the steps to glance around. One hand comes to rest on her lip, while the other caresses the hilt of some strange weapon at her side.*
[12-07:39] EXIT: FlyGrl has left the chat ( Quit ).
[12-07:39] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Close. ;) The Boondock Saints))
[12-07:39] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Ah dear. *eyes pic* Hmm. *goes to figure out what's wrong with it*))
[12-07:40] 5e794, *Rainer : ((*gets a grip on the hilt of his own strange weapon*))
[12-07:40] 5e794, *Rainer : ((never even heard of it, is it foreign or independent film?))
[12-07:40] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((*eyes Rainer* Bad.))
[12-07:41] 5e794, *Rainer : ((*eyes pic also* Oh my god this person is a torn paper!!!))
[12-07:41] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((Sounds more like something from Clockwork Orange))
[12-07:41] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Erm.. No, not really. Sean Patrick Flannery, William Defoe, Billy Connelly))
[12-07:41] 5e794, *Rainer : ((*thinking of movie quote*))
[12-07:42] 5e794, *Rainer : ((Ah, I just never heard of it then))
[12-07:43] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : My, my, how things never change. *She wrinkles her nose at the filth of the place.* It will take some work to become accustomed once again... *Her words are murmured; she is speaking more to herself than anyone else. She slowly descends the steps and heads for the bar.*
[12-07:43] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Bah, I think f2s is down. :())
[12-07:43] fef16, Kjor Marak: *glances up from his bar to note the new arrival, then resumes his work*
[12-07:44] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Arches a brow inquiringly at Marak, offering a polite and warm smile as he looks up, then steps to the bar.* Something Corellian. Surprise me. *Her words are directed to the 'tender, but her eyes move over the room, taking in the patrons*
[12-07:44] 5e794, *Rainer : (("hey, laser lips...your mamma was a snow blower"))
[12-07:45] fef16, Kjor Marak: *as he concludes, he shuts the comm-pad down and puts it away. He is obviously moving on to further business*
[12-07:45] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Short Circuit?))
[12-07:45] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Gah, that sounds familliar.. I can't place it.. *considers*))
[12-07:45] 5e794, *Rainer : *watching the patrons, though most would never know through the perpetuallr worn wrap around shades*
[12-07:45] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((I've got a challenging quote...))
[12-07:46] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Bring it. :) ))
[12-07:46] 5e794, *Rainer : ((yep))
[12-07:46] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((WOOHOO!!!!!!!!))
[12-07:46] JOIN: Shanira has entered.
[12-07:47] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : (("Am I good? I'm good." Bwaha))
[12-07:47] 5e794, *Rainer : (("If this man has become our enemy, we should ask ourselves why..."))
[12-07:47] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((*ahem* "Man, what is this stuff?" "Hog's Head Cheese." "Sick man, SICK!"))
[12-07:47] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Her eyes settle upon Rainer for a brief moment, then turn back to the 'tender as her drink arrives. She pays for it, and takes up the glass, inspecting it critically.* Interesting....
[12-07:48] 5e794, *Rainer : ((shit, I know that one too...but cant place it...and I'll kick myself in the ass when you tell me what it is...))
[12-07:48] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Damn... I don't know either of those. :( ))
[12-07:48] 5e794, *Rainer : ((I can hint that mine was spoken by Gabrial Byrne))
[12-07:49] 11889, Shanira: *walks in and looks around*
[12-07:49] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Gabriel Bryne r0x0rs. Hmm... But I haven't seen too many movies with him it. *pause* *considers*))
[12-07:50] 5e794, *Rainer : ((Man in the Iron mask, on the matter of Athos trying to avenge his sons death))
[12-07:50] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((I KNEW THAT! But I still can't get the other one, although it sounds familiar, too))
[12-07:51] 5e794, *Rainer : ((yeah, it does))
[12-07:52] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *She continues to eye her drink, glancing up only as someone enters the Cantina. She offers Shanira a friendly smile before slipping onto a nearby barstool.*
[12-07:53] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((Enemy of the State?))
[12-07:53] 5e794, *Rainer : (("you said he was a get away driver. What the fu(k can he get away from?"))
[12-07:54] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((*snickers* Good one. Dunno it.. but still, good one.))
[12-07:54] 11889, Shanira: *smiles back at Sabal as she makes her way to the bar*
[12-07:54] fef16, Kjor Marak: *moves over to a corner booth, sliding into it*
[12-07:54] 5e794, *Rainer : ((maybe itd help if you heard it in a british accent))
[12-07:55] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((easy one... "How do you shoot the Devil in the back?"))
[12-07:55] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : Well... *She is still speaking in a low murmur, although anyone close by can certainly hear her now* ...I'm not getting any younger... *Lifting the glass to her lips, she tilts her head back and takes a long swig* ((Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels?!))
[12-07:55] 5e794, *Rainer : *flicks a finger loudly against the rim of his now empty glass*
[12-07:56] 5e794, *Rainer : (("...what if you miss?" One of my favorites, also with Gabriel Byrne))
[12-07:56] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Makes a face, coughing slightly as she swallows. Shaking her head, she gives the 'tender a look, before turning to watch Marak's retreat*
[12-07:56] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((I figured if you liked him you'd know that one... first was from an ancient film from the 80s called Breakin'))
[12-07:56] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Abstract quote. *baps Rainer*))
[12-07:57] fef16, Kjor Marak: *hears the ding, rather irritated by the noise and it shows*
[12-07:57] 5e794, *Rainer : ((usual suspects))
[12-07:58] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Usual Suspects 0wnz))
[12-07:58] 5e794, *Rainer : (("For the next 24 hrs all your decision making privilidges have been removed!"))
[12-07:58] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((Then he showed these men of will, what will really was...))
[12-07:58] 11889, Shanira: *orders her usual scotch and watches as Sabal downs her drink*
[12-07:59] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Looks amused at Marak's obvious irritation, shoots a grin at Shanira, then pushes her glass toward the 'tender* Gimme another.
[12-08:00] 5e794, *Rainer : *takes a shell casing from one of the pockets of his coat and slings it through the air, landing to ring in the empty glass Sabal just slid forward*
[12-08:02] 11889, Shanira: *shakes her head, smiling* One is usually enough for me...*watches as the 'tender gets Sabal another one*
[12-08:02] fef16, Kjor Marak: (("Anyone who isn't dead or from another plane of existence would do well to cover their ears, right about . . . now."))
[12-08:02] 5e794, *Rainer : ((" Do you think your name will be on that plaque?" Yes sir..."))
[12-08:02] 5e794, *Rainer : ((Dogma))
[12-08:02] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *To Shanira.* I can handle my alcohol.... *She eyes the shell casing with an arched brow, then plucks it from around her drink and turns slightly to face Rainer. Her expression is unchanged as she watches him, holding up the shell casing in somewhat of a "Is this yours?" gesture.*
[12-08:03] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((DOGMA!!))
[12-08:03] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((IS SO AWESOME!))
[12-08:03] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((*settles down*))
[12-08:03] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : (("Do you go 'round spraying everyone who comes into your room with flame-retardant chemicals? It's no wonder you're single."))
[12-08:03] 5e794, *Rainer : *points to indicate what he expects to be another irritated expression from Kjor*
[12-08:04] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((Tog Gun))
[12-08:04] fef16, Kjor Marak: *his gaze flicks to Rainer for a moment, the moment just before the emptied glass shatters*
[12-08:04] 5e794, *Rainer : ((Viva la 80s!))
[12-08:05] 11889, Shanira: *turns to Rainer. No "welcome back" or anything, just* That was'nt very polite
[12-08:05] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Her eyes shift in the direction Rainer has pointed, and a playful grin slides across her lips. She drops the shell casing to the bartop, but doesn't even blink as the glass shatters.*
[12-08:05] 5e794, *Rainer : *shakes his head and mutters* Oh sh!t, not another one...
[12-08:06] fef16, Kjor Marak: (("I've just decided to switch our Friday schedule to Monday, which means that the test we take each Friday, on what we learned during the week, will now take place on Monday, before we've learned it. But, since today is Tuesday, it doesn't matter in the slightest."))
[12-08:06] 5e794, *Rainer : I did it to get your attention, you know...
[12-08:07] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Laughs softly, turning back as the 'tender places a new glass, filled, before her. She pays for this one as well, and pulls the glass toward her, turning back to watch Rainer and Marak alternately."
[12-08:07] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((*also points that Rainer's "oh sh!t" post is from 9 months))
[12-08:07] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((*roflmao@that quote*))
[12-08:07] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Or any number of movies. ^_^))
[12-08:07] 5e794, *Rainer : (("Young man, why are you wearing that toy on your head?" "becasue if I wear them anywhere else it chaffes"))
[12-08:08] 5e794, *Rainer : ((what?))
[12-08:08] 5e794, *Rainer : ((*shrugs* never seen 9 mponths))
[12-08:09] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((Sounds like Real Genius))
[12-08:09] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : (("=*, clearly. ))
[12-08:09] 5e794, *Rainer : ((Willy wonka and the chocolate facroty...and yes, my last one was Real Genius))
[12-08:10] fef16, Kjor Marak: *folds his arms across his chest and sits, waiting*
[12-08:11] 5e794, *Rainer : *sips his drink nonchallantly*
[12-08:11] 11889, Shanira: *shakes her head slightly*
[12-08:11] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Leaning back against the bar, she casually sips at her drink.* Men.
[12-08:11] 5e794, *Rainer : ((" I beg to differ, sir. We started a game we never got to finish. Play for blood, remember?"))
[12-08:12] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Shit isn't filtered, btw.. In case you didn't know. :) ))
[12-08:12] 5e794, *Rainer : *stands and takes his glass and bottle over to shanira* How things been around here lately?
[12-08:13] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : Backing down from a fight. Why, that isn't any fun at all... *Her comment is directed toward Rainer, but she's watching Marak to see what he'll do.*
[12-08:13] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((Tombstone... one of my favorite quotes))
[12-08:13] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((and it seems I've stumbled into another Val Kilmer fan))
[12-08:14] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Pfft. *digs up her own movie quotes*))
[12-08:14] 5e794, *Rainer : (("How far can you see kid? Ten yards? thats fine, thats real fine. you hear that Ned, kid can see ten yards,,,"))
[12-08:15] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : (("We're such a secret underground organization that when we snap our fingers... NOTHING HAPPENS!"))
[12-08:15] 5e794, *Rainer : Was that an invatation to fight? I liked it more to a child throwing a tantrum...
[12-08:15] 11889, Shanira: *snickers at Sabal's comment, then to Rainer* Dead
[12-08:15] 5e794, *Rainer : ((Spy Hard?))
[12-08:15] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((Sabal oh god, I know that one... I really know that one... *tip of tongue*))
[12-08:15] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : Perhaps...
[12-08:16] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Bwaha!))
[12-08:16] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((actor hint?))
[12-08:16] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Not Spy Hard. :) ))
[12-08:16] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Hmm.. John Travolta.))
[12-08:17] fef16, Kjor Marak: *closes his eyes, an invisible force begins to clutch at Rainer's wind pipes* You would do well to silence yourself when in the presence of a sith.
[12-08:18] 5e794, *Rainer : (("I know what you're thinkin. your thinkin "did he fire 173 time or 174" well, do you feel lucky, PUNK?"))
[12-08:18] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Slipping from her barstool, she pushes away from the bar, drink in hand, and wanders on over to Marak's booth. Once she gets there, she draws to a halt and leans against a nearby wall, which is there because she said so.* Sith, hmm? Sith or no, if one wishes silence, one should not come to a bar. *Slight smile.*
[12-08:19] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((Face/off))
[12-08:19] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Gah! I KNOW THAT ONE! I do, I do.... ))
[12-08:19] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Yes, Face/off))
[12-08:19] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((Dirty Harry))
[12-08:19] 5e794, *Rainer : *as the tickle at his throat become more forcefull, he simply moves back toward his booth, and the sensation vanishes like a cool breeze* And those with power seldom fight fair. I like to get into fair fights as often as I can...
[12-08:20] 11889, Shanira: *watches Sabal* She's got guts..
[12-08:21] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Isn't the one who pissed off the Sith. :) *
[12-08:21] JOIN: Rainer has entered.
[12-08:21] 5e794, *Rainer : ((no way, its national lampoons loaded weapon 1))
[12-08:22] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : (("I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?" <-- easy one))
[12-08:22] fef16, Kjor Marak: *eyes them both* I do not tolerate insolence.
[12-08:22] 5e794, *Rainer : ((meet the parents))
[12-08:22] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((*LOL* Meet the Parents))
[12-08:22] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : I'm not being isolent. I'm simply being polite. *Lifts her drink and takes a sip, letting her eyes drift back toward Rainer*
[12-08:22] 5e794, *Rainer : ((" and in the dream, the milk in the bottle, it was black." "that fu(kin weird!" " I TOLD YOU NOT TO LISTEN@!"))
[12-08:23] 5e794, *Rainer : Define my insolence for me and I shall cease being insolent...
[12-08:23] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((Analyze This))
[12-08:24] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((*rofl*))
[12-08:24] 5e794, *Rainer : ((what'd he say to you to make you try so hard?" "be the best"))
[12-08:24] fef16, Kjor Marak: *stands, in doing so he sends a rather violent force push at Rainer*
[12-08:25] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Murmurs into her drink as she shifts to stay out of Marak's way* Here we go....
[12-08:25] 5e794, *Rainer : *the effect is negated whilst Rainer is in the general area of his booth*
[12-08:27] fef16, Kjor Marak: (("I'm sorry, if you were right, I would agree with you"))
[12-08:27] 11889, Shanira: *gets up and leaves, throwing a "see you shipside" to Rainer as she goes* (( Due to my server, my posts are behind ))
[12-08:27] 5e794, *Rainer : *zips the front of his coat up however, fastening a buckle at the throat and then at the waist as well*
[12-08:27] 5e794, *Rainer : (("Whatsa matter? Little too much cheese on the taco?")
[12-08:27] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : (("Fine. You win the pissing contest. [a gunshot is heard] I win the shooting contest." Not a fair quote, cuz I can't remember what movie it came from.))
[12-08:28] 5e794, *Rainer : (("good...bad...I'm the guy with the gun..."))
[12-08:28] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Watches Shanira leave, lifting her drink in a mock salute while giving her a look that plainly says, "Gee, thanks for leaving me here with these two."*
[12-08:28] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((ARMY OF DARKNESS))
[12-08:29] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : (("This here's my BOOM stick. S-Marts top-of-the-line." *falls over*))
[12-08:29] 5e794, *Rainer : ((THIS...IS MY BOOM STICK!))
[12-08:30] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Hehe))
[12-08:30] 5e794, *Rainer : *to Sabal* Hey, I'm not all bad...
[12-08:30] fef16, Kjor Marak: *his eyes narrow a bit, more a look of being annoyed than anything*
[12-08:30] 11889, Shanira: ***Gone***
[12-08:30] 5e794, *Rainer : ((what about my others?))
[12-08:31] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Eyes Rainer, while addressing Marak.* Didn't you ever learn to ignore those who bother you? ((I dunno any of your others. :( ))
[12-08:31] fef16, Kjor Marak: *archs an eyebrow at Sabal*he remains non-verbal*
[12-08:32] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Smiles lightly at the arched brow, and offers a shrug* Just a suggestion... *She flashes a grin, before sipping again at her drink.*
[12-08:32] 5e794, *Rainer : *slips hsi shades down just a bit, exposing the blue glowing gaze on Sabal and winks before sliding them back up*
[12-08:33] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *In turn, she arches a brow at Rainer.* Now that was interesting.
[12-08:33] EXIT: Shanira has left the chat ( Quit ).
[12-08:33] 5e794, *Rainer : (("Come quietly or there will be....trouble"))
[12-08:33] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Actor hint?))
[12-08:34] 5e794, *Rainer : ((my pic is there for a reason))
[12-08:34] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((I know. :) ))
[12-08:34] 5e794, *Rainer : ((think 80s sci fi cop movie))
[12-08:35] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((RoboCop?))
[12-08:35] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((Robocop?))
[12-08:35] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((:P@Marak))
[12-08:35] 5e794, *Rainer : ((heres a hint "Dead or a live your coming with me..." "Hey, your dead. you're dead, we killed you!"))
[12-08:35] 5e794, *Rainer : ((booyah...thats actually taken from an old Japanese story...))
[12-08:37] 5e794, *Rainer : ((" this whole set up is just a big game that the united states army devided simply for your enjoyment" "Good, cuase I...have a pocket full of quarters"))
[12-08:37] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((*daydreams for a moment*))
[12-08:37] 5e794, *Rainer : *gives Sabal a alight smirk at her reaction*
[12-08:38] fef16, Kjor Marak: (("I wanted to meet stimulating and interesting people of an ancient culture, and kill them. "))
[12-08:38] 5e794, *Rainer : ((from same movie as last one..."Strawberry gum, breaker?"))
[12-08:38] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : There's nothing to be smug about. You have a problem with your eyes that you should probably see about getting fixed. *She grins shamelessly at Rainer.*
[12-08:38] 5e794, *Rainer : ((Starship troopers?))
[12-08:39] 5e794, *Rainer : Who says its a problem?
[12-08:40] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : I'm just making an assumption. After all, you're the one who's hiding your eyes.
[12-08:40] 5e794, *Rainer : Assumptions are more often that not a dangerous thing...if I recall...Tarkin assumed the rebel fighters could not harm his battel station...
[12-08:41] fef16, Kjor Marak: *he moves to a far dark corner of the Cantina, and waits... his prey will come sooner or later. So he waits*
[12-08:42] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : Yes, but we all knew that was an assumption based on arrogance and over-confidence. *Tilts her head toward Marak as he seems to retreat from the fight.*
[12-08:42] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((knew=know))
[12-08:42] 5e794, *Rainer : *watches Kjor move in the shadows as easily as he would in broad daylight, but says nothing and takes a pull from his drink*
[12-08:43] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((*pause* HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! *completely unrelated comment, before going back to daydreaming again*))
[12-08:43] 5e794, *Rainer : Besides, it its more helpful than one might realize for people to not know where ones gaze is directed
[12-08:43] fef16, Kjor Marak: *as he steps into the shadows, nothing but his eyes can be seen... they seem to consume him, and it would appear likewise to even Rainer*
[12-08:44] 5e794, *Rainer : ((incidentally, my last one was Firebirds...))
[12-08:44] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : Oh, of course. *She places a foot upon the seat of Marak's abandoned booth, and looks toward the shadows, seeing the eyes and nothing more.* The whole eye thing is getting old, guys.
[12-08:45] fef16, Kjor Marak: *his eyes close, and a violent force push is sent out to Sabal*
[12-08:45] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : (("Is there any way I can cause trouble?" "No... no, we're pretty much covered right now."))
[12-08:46] 5e794, *Rainer : Perhaps...but I at least use mine for something other than pointless attempts at intimidation
[12-08:46] fef16, Kjor Marak: ~I'm not in the habit of killing fools, but since I've little else to do...~
[12-08:46] 5e794, *Rainer : ((Down Periscope))
[12-08:46] 5e794, *Rainer : I guess I'm safe IQ is somehwere around 189 if I remember correctly...
[12-08:47] fef16, Kjor Marak: *a low rumbling chuckle escapes him*
[12-08:47] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Feels the pressure of the push, pressing her back into the wall that she was already leaning against. Her half-empty drink topples from her grasp, and she directs an amused look at Marak's eyes... but remains silent.*
[12-08:47] 5e794, *Rainer : (("Why am I dripping vis goo?"))
[12-08:48] 5e794, *Rainer : *watches the exchange* Power, no matter its form, inevitable and unalteringly corrupts...
[12-08:48] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((I have no idea. That quote doesn't sound familiar.))
[12-08:48] fef16, Kjor Marak: *catches the fallen drink via the force, and sends it hurling at what would be a near point blanc, straight at Sabal*
[12-08:48] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((Ghostbusters II))
[12-08:49] 5e794, *Rainer : ((heres one from the movies prequel then "Save some for me" "Somebody blows their nose and you weanna keep it?"))
[12-08:49] 5e794, *Rainer : ((BINGO))
[12-08:50] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Of course, the drink wouldn't gain much velocity... after all, it wasn't too far away from her. It strikes against her leg, but doesn't do much more than leave a bruise.. unless Marak intends on shattering the glass, which he never said he would.* You know. *She doesn't show any pain from being hit.* Just because you can't attack him with your Force tricks doesn't mean you should direct your anger at me.
[12-08:50] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((No offense, but if you are quite done tempting fate with my char, I have to be leaving))
[12-08:51] 5e794, *Rainer : *leaves the unexp0lained protection of the booths area and seeks another drink from the bar*
[12-08:51] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((And by "using the force" that much should have been obvious "ooh, I'm an evil sith, let me give you a bruise!"))
[12-08:52] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Never assume the obvious. :-P))
[12-08:52] 5e794, *Rainer : ((no offense, but its kinda arrogant to think that your character has any powers great enough to effect mine in anything more than trivial ways...))
[12-08:52] 5e794, *Rainer : ((LOL@ Kjors bruise remark))
[12-08:52] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Oi. It's only an RP. *eyes both*))
[12-08:53] 5e794, *Rainer : ((well, I always thought vder was more like a ladyy 8th grade teacher in the first movie...))
[12-08:53] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((and the word "hurdling" normally implies an extreme amount of force is put behind it))
[12-08:53] 5e794, *Rainer : ((not if you jumpo over something...thats hurdling too))
[12-08:53] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Maybe, but it still won't have much in the way of distance to go. Maybe a foot at best. Hurling a glass at someone with as much strength as you can muster won't necessarily cause the glass to break. heh. I should know, I've done it.))
[12-08:54] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((and it is arrogant for you to think that of yourself. let's not turn this into a paradox/vet pissing contest cause you won't win))
[12-08:54] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Besides, why quibble over fine points? Either way, any injury the glass does won't cause a mortal wound. We aren't talking about character death here.))
[12-08:54] 5e794, *Rainer : ((I wouldnt fight, cause I'm no paradox...))
[12-08:55] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((newb was censored? Jeezus that's sad))
[12-08:55] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Heh. Yeah, tis.))
[12-08:55] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((You are, I'm not. Pain is his goal, not death))
[12-08:56] 5e794, *Rainer : ((I personally like the word they replace it with))
[12-08:56] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((And? Just because pain wasn't shown doesn't mean pain wasn't caused. ))
[12-08:57] 5e794, *Rainer : *leans over the bar top and grasps some other unidentified bottle*
[12-08:57] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((Trust me Rainy-boy... compared to a few to name (and I do know who you are) you still are in a few ways))
[12-08:57] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((*holds head* Oi))
[12-08:58] fef16, Kjor Marak: ((*leaves before he gets any more heated*))
[12-08:58] 5e794, *Rainer : ((I'm sure I know to what you refer, but its in your perspective...and mine simply isnt in favor of those in power.))
[12-08:58] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Tsk. *mutters*))
[12-09:00] 5e794, *Rainer : *takes a tentative sip of the bottle*
[12-09:01] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *The glass that smashed into her leg falls in many pieces to the floor. The glass may or may not have shattered, but we'll say the impact caused it to break. A nice shard, largish, protrudes from the fresh wound in her leg, and she narrows her eyes - her own indication of pain.* Oh, that was great... *Her words are low and muttered*
[12-09:02] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((own=only))
[12-09:02] 5e794, *Rainer : *slides a small packet down the bar over toward Sabal*
[12-09:03] 5e794, *Rainer : *put that near your leg and press the grey button on the top*
[12-09:04] 5e794, *Rainer : ((*muses over the fact that there was never a "so and so has exitred" post*))
[12-09:04] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Assumes she's somewhat near the bar, so hobbles to the closest stool, casting a glance to the shadows. Noting the eyes have disappeared, she makes a few unflattering comments about Sithly-types.* What is it? *Takes up the packet and eyes it warily, reaching with her other hand to pluck the glass from her leg.*
[12-09:04] 5e794, *Rainer : ((and undo the * * over that last IC post))
[12-09:04] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((We'll assume he has. :) ))
[12-09:05] 5e794, *Rainer : ((thought I explained my view of assuming things))
[12-09:06] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Yeah, yeah. But in this case, we an make an exception.))
[12-09:06] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((first an=can, clearly))
[12-09:08] 5e794, *Rainer : Hold that box near your leg and press the grey button on the top *the box is no larger than a small stack of card chips*
[12-09:09] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Sighs wearily, tossing the bloodied shards of glass to the floor, and doing as instructed.* If this harms me... *Gives Rainer a pointed look.*
[12-09:09] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Urk))
[12-09:10] JOIN: Shanira has entered.
[12-09:10] 5e794, *Rainer : *the box buzzes quietly and six what look to be large shirt button sized disks, emerge, tiny robots when onw looks closer and the move to her leg wound*
[12-09:10] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Hehe... oops.
[12-09:10] 5e794, *Rainer : *the first of the 6 robots sprays disinfectant, the second antibiotinc, the third cuts away the damaged flesh and the last three proceed to suture the wound closed before returning to the box they emerged from*
[12-09:11] 5e794, *Rainer : ((just assume it went alright))
[12-09:11] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Sighs wearily, tossing the bloodied shards of glass to the floor, and doing as instructed.* If this harms me... *Gives Rainer a pointed look.* ((*puts post back where it was*))
[12-09:11] 11889, Shanira: (( Back! And my comps back up to speed! ))
[12-09:12] 11889, Shanira: *walks back in and looks around* Another fight?
[12-09:12] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Mutters darkly and grips the edge of the bar with both hands. Her eyes are closed in an attempted to shut out the pain that is being caused.*
[12-09:12] 5e794, *Rainer : Temper tantrum of a dark side infant
[12-09:14] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Takes up the box and tosses (nay, hurls) it at Rainer.* Thanks... *Her voice is quiet and somewhat ragged. She shakes her head, and glances to Shanira.*
[12-09:14] 11889, Shanira: *snorts* And let me guess, you did'nt have anything to do with why it started? *casting Sabal a very sympathetic glance*
[12-09:14] 5e794, *Rainer : *catches it from its hurl and repockets it*
[12-09:15] 5e794, *Rainer : Not directly...most darksiders get kinda pissy when they figure out I have ways around their powers and they are known to be terrible at anger management and so seek other outlets for their insecurities...but I never did anything directly no.
[12-09:16] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Mutters again, this time under her breath, and too low for anyone to catch any distinct words.* Never shall innocent blood be shed, yet the blood of the wicked shall flow like a river.
[12-09:16] 5e794, *Rainer : If he hadnt been so afraid of trying to fight without his powers...this would not have happened...
[12-09:17] 11889, Shanira: *looks over at Sabal* You o.k?
[12-09:18] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Raises her head, as it had been bowed, and smiles warmly at Shanira* I'm doing great.
[12-09:19] 11889, Shanira: *glances at her leg* You sure?
[12-09:20] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : Yeah, it'll heal.
[12-09:20] 5e794, *Rainer : *ignored for the moment, takes a few seconds to locate that shell casing from earlier, retreives it and puts it in one of his pockets before returning silently to a seat at the bar*
[12-09:21] 11889, Shanira: *nods* Good *makes her way to the bar*
[12-09:21] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((*smiles suddenly, for no apparent reason, and floats*))
[12-09:22] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Grimaces slightly, then shifts on her barstool to face the 'tender.* Gimme another.
[12-09:24] 11889, Shanira: *orders another scotch and looks at Rainer* You o.k?
[12-09:25] 5e794, *Rainer : *toying idly with the shell casing (I decided he kept it out) I'm alright now, sure. *takes out a multitool and activates the tiny laser and proceeds to scribe a name onto the shell casing*
[12-09:26] 11889, Shanira: *nods*
[12-09:26] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Flips a cred chit to the 'tender as she waits for her drink to arrive, occasionally eyeing her wounded leg.* Hot-tempered ones like that should be hunted down and destroyed. I suppose the Nekressis are good for something after all.
[12-09:27] 5e794, *Rainer : *is slightly caught by surprise at Sabals comment*
[12-09:27] 11889, Shanira: *glances at her* Hmm'
[12-09:27] 5e794, *Rainer : *but quickly lapses back to his drink*
[12-09:28] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Looks at Rainer, then at Shanira.* What? *Takes up her drink as it's brought.* I only speak the truth. *Takes a large sip.*
[12-09:29] 5e794, *Rainer : *does not respond, only carving into the shell*
[12-09:31] 11889, Shanira: *shrugs and only sips her drink*
[12-09:31] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Turning fully into the bar, she rests both elbows on the bartop, holding her glass steepled between her hands. She studies the glass as though lost in thought.*
[12-09:33] 5e794, *Rainer : *finishes, and blows the excess heat off of the shells surface, looks at it, and then pockets it and takes a heavy pull from his drink*
[12-09:34] 11889, Shanira: You o.k, Rainer?
[12-09:35] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Somewhat snapping out of it, she sips at her drink.*
[12-09:35] 5e794, *Rainer : *clears throat* Yeah, just some old memories...
[12-09:35] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((*blissful sigh*))
[12-09:36] 5e794, *Rainer : ((*eats candy pumpkins*))
[12-09:36] 11889, Shanira: Good...bad?
[12-09:37] 5e794, *Rainer : nothing good...
[12-09:38] 11889, Shanira: Oh...
[12-09:38] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Glances at Rainer, frowning faintly, then slips off her barstool, finishing off her drink.*
[12-09:41] 5e794, *Rainer : *takes another drink*
[12-09:42] 11889, Shanira: *watches*
[12-09:43] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Lowering the glass gently to the bartop, she offers Shanira a faint smile.* All this, and we haven't been properly introduced. I'm Sabal.
[12-09:43] 5e794, *Rainer : You know that feeling when you work for a long time at something that have a deep meaning for you and then you finish it...
[12-09:44] 11889, Shanira: *smiles back* Shanira *nods at Rainer* And you feel now that something is missing?
[12-09:45] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Murmurs softly as she slips past Rainer and Sharina, limping her way toward the door.* Sometimes you wish the work would end...
[12-09:46] 5e794, *Rainer : *to Sabal* or that you never had the task to begin with...
[12-09:46] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((omg... *stares at a new Alanis song* That was written for me, I swear to god.))
[12-09:46] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Pauses, turning to face Rainer, her eyes clouded, but her face betraying nothing.* Yes.
[12-09:47] 5e794, *Rainer : *to shanira* The chore was all about something haveing been taken, and I finally finished it and the feeling isnt as overwhelming as I had hoped it wold be...the satisfaction is there...
[12-09:47] 11889, Shanira: *nods, watching her go* It's different every time
[12-09:51] 5e794, *Rainer : This was different than every time...
[12-09:51] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *She sighs softly, continuing on her way out.*
[12-09:52] 11889, Shanira: *looks back at him* How..?
[12-09:52] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : -=GONE=-
[12-09:52] c5837, *Misty : gyah
[12-09:52] 5e794, *Rainer : Well...I dunno....I guess it is the lack of not having it always in the back of my mind...
[12-09:55] c5837, *M : *considers each profile*
[12-09:55] 11889, Shanira: Oh?
[12-09:55] 5e794, *Rainer : *nods*
[12-09:56] c5837, *M : Right. *floats off on her cloud, toward home* bbs
[12-09:56] EXIT: M has left the chat ( Quit ).
[12-09:58] 11889, Shanira: *sips her drink*
[12-10:00] 5e794, *Rainer : I guess I need a new hobby...
[12-10:00] 11889, Shanira: Like what?
[12-10:01] 5e794, *Rainer : Something other than seriel killing...
[12-10:02] 11889, Shanira: Ahhhh...*nods*
[12-10:03] 5e794, *Rainer : *is surprised that she took that as she did, but says nothing*
[12-10:06] 11889, Shanira: *sits silently, thinking*
[12-10:06] 5e794, *Rainer : *takes another pull from the bottle*
[12-10:07] 11889, Shanira: What else would you do?
[12-10:08] 5e794, *Rainer : Well, its still viable as long as its a deserving target and I'm paid, but I meant for personal reasons...
[12-10:12] JOIN: M has entered.
[12-10:12] 4231c, *M : *sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiides back*
[12-10:13] 4231c, *M : omfg. SLOW! *goes to reboot*
[12-10:13] 11889, Shanira: Personal? (( welcome back!! ))
[12-10:14] 5e794, *Rainer : *simply nods, not speakig more as more has not been asked of him*
[12-10:17] 11889, Shanira: What do you mean, for personal reasons?
[12-10:19] 5e794, *Rainer : They had something that was more mine than theirs and they thought simply passing it from one to another would keep them safe when I found them...*extracts a holodisk and holds it up between his fingertips*
[12-10:19] 11889, Shanira: What is it?
[12-10:20] 5e794, *Rainer : *looks blankly* a holodisk
[12-10:22] JOIN: M has entered.
[12-10:22] 81999, *M : IT'S A CRIME TO FEEL THIS GOOD, FS
[12-10:22] 11889, Shanira: *rolls her eyes* But what's on it?
[12-10:23] 81999, *M : *baps chat repeatedly with a sponge* YOU POS
[12-10:23] 5e794, *Rainer : *swallows hard a couple of times...* Uh, forgive me if I dont describe it...
[12-10:24] 81999, *M : Rainer has been a bad, bad boy
[12-10:24] 5e794, *Rainer : But 13 men thought it worth their lives to try and hold it over me...
[12-10:25] 11889, Shanira: *looks at him for a few moments, then nods*
[12-10:25] 81999, *M : *bounces*
[12-10:26] 5e794, *Rainer : ((seriel killing is generally a bad thing, yes))
[12-10:26] 81999, *M : Killing for a "good" cause isn't much better. ^-^ *pats Sabal*
[12-10:27] 5e794, *Rainer : *unsteadily* Back when the boarders took over the ship...all those on board were taken care of..but the other remained on the attacking vessel and had a holorecorder running...
[12-10:28] 81999, *M : Argh! *isn't tired, is not tired...*
[12-10:30] 11889, Shanira: *nods*
[12-10:30] 5e794, *Rainer : *takes a long drink*
[12-10:31] 11889, Shanira: *waits*
[12-10:32] 5e794, *Rainer : *lapses into a silence*
[12-10:34] 81999, *M : *cuts the tension with a knife*
[12-10:35] 5e794, *Rainer : *places the disk on the bartop and draws the .50 caliber pistol from his back holster and fires several rounds, reducing the disk to useless fragments and debris*
[12-10:35] 81999, *M : *peanut gallery, duh*
[12-10:36] 81999, *M : bouncey, bouncey, bouncey.. GAH MY FOOD *runs into the kitchen*
[12-10:36] 11889, Shanira: *blinks* You sure you wanted to do that?
[12-10:37] 5e794, *Rainer : Absolutly...
[12-10:38] 11889, Shanira: O.k..
[12-10:39] 5e794, *Rainer : *shakes his head* I gotta get outta here...
[12-10:40] 11889, Shanira: Disappearing again?
[12-10:41] 81999, *M : STUPID POS!! *beats the chat into oblivion*
[12-10:41] 5e794, *Rainer : No, I'm just gonna crash for the night.
[12-10:42] 11889, Shanira: Ahh..*finishes her drink* I think I'll head home, too.
[12-10:42] 81999, *M : rawr. STUPID SLOW DSL CONNECTION!
[12-10:44] 5e794, *Rainer : Good night then...
[12-10:44] 11889, Shanira: Share a pod?
[12-10:45] 81999, *M : Oi, I'm being abandoned.
[12-10:45] 5e794, *Rainer : Landing craft...plenty of room...
[12-10:45] 81999, *M : AND IN A SHITTY FKING CHAT, TOO!!!11
[12-10:45] 5e794, *Rainer : ((thats what you get for dilly dallying around M))
[12-10:45] 81999, *M : Bow chicka bow wow..
[12-10:46] 81999, *M : I wasn't doing ANY SUCH THING! The chat was acting up.
[12-10:46] 81999, *M : Besides, I have it on strict authority that I don't know how to dilly dally.
[12-10:46] 11889, Shanira: *stands* ready to go?
[12-10:46] 5e794, *Rainer : ((thats no excuse))
[12-10:47] 5e794, *Rainer : Very...
[12-10:47] 81999, *M : Grr
[12-10:47] 81999, *M : *baps Rainer with a foam bat*
[12-10:47] EXIT: Rainer has left the chat ( Quit ).
[12-10:47] 81999, *M : "Looks like Chuck's... gonna put the hot dog in the bun!"
[12-10:47] 11889, Shanira: *leaves with him*
[12-10:49] 81999, *M : Oi.
[12-10:49]       M leaves too, since it's the in thing to do
[12-10:49]       M is away. Reason: Any given.
[12-10:49] 11889, Shanira: ***Gone***
[12-10:51] EXIT: Shanira has left the chat ( Quit ).
[12-22:40] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[13-00:31] JOIN: Stoneneedle has entered.
[13-00:53] JOIN: Calli Thaala has entered.
[13-00:54] dbe77, Calli Thaala: *peeks in*
[13-00:54] dbe77, Calli Thaala: *leaves since noone is here*
[13-00:56] dbe77, Calli Thaala: *pops back in real quick* OH!! IM isn't working for me. Is it giving others this problem? Does anyone know how to fix it? I'm also having problems with Explorer and Outlook Express (i.e., they won't work.) I will absolutely adore anyone who can help me. c
[13-00:56] dbe77, Calli Thaala:
[13-00:57] dbe77, Calli Thaala: thanks! *disappears*
[13-01:52] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[13-01:54] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[13-01:54] bf182, *President Zahra : *sigh*
[13-01:55] 025a8, •Rob: *Slaps a 'no sighing' sign on the wall*
[13-01:56] bf182, *President Zahra : *giggles and hugs Rob*
[13-01:57] 025a8, •Rob : Yay! the sighing is gone! it worked!*hugs*
[13-02:00] bf182, *President Zahra : Silly Rob. *pokes at him*
[13-02:01] 025a8, •Rob : *Poked**Blinks**Pokes back*
[13-02:02] bf182, *President Zahra : *squirms and pokes again* Wee.. *f* Where's Ronnie? *must talk to her*
[13-02:04] 025a8, •Rob : *Double pokes baclk*'Not a clue, I'm only just back from work.
[13-02:05] bf182, *President Zahra : Oy. You should go to bed.
[13-02:07] bf182, *President Zahra : Wooo.. *hugs Star Trek!* *also hugs TNN*
[13-02:08] 025a8, •Rob : Oy, no I shouldn't. Hey, cool, get this, I'm talking to you here.
[13-02:09] bf182, *President Zahra : But aren't you sleepy?
[13-02:11] 60426, șForexs : There is no such thing!
[13-02:11] 025a8, •Rob : Nop[e, I'm toppedf up the nines on red bull and Iron bru.
[13-02:12] bf182, *President Zahra : There's no such thing as sleepy, Cay? Bah. You sleep too. But first, tell me how you feel and how you're tons better and aren't sick anymore.
[13-02:13] bf182, *President Zahra : *rolls eyes at Rob* And yet, you're too tired to type right.
[13-02:15] 025a8, •Rob : My, er.... keys are broken.
[13-02:15] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[13-02:17] bf182, *President Zahra : Yes, yes, I'm sure. *eyes*
[13-02:18] 025a8, •Rob : They are, look. The quik brun fox jumped ofer the last brun dug.
[13-02:19] bf182, *President Zahra : *blinks at Rob* How odd..
[13-02:21] 025a8, •Rob : See, ddid't I tell ya, totally screwed.
[13-02:22] bf182, *President Zahra : So use your character map to copy and paste the letters you need.
[13-02:23] JOIN: Stoneneedle has entered.
[13-02:27] 025a8, •Rob : Er, I'm kidding 'Ria, it's working fine.
[13-02:29] bf182, *President Zahra : Oy. *thwaps* Quit being evil to poor, gullible Ria.
[13-02:33] 025a8, •Rob : *Thwapped*Ow! I can't help being deadpan...
[13-02:34] bf182, *President Zahra : Bah.. Well, just bah. *eyes*
[13-02:54] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[13-02:55] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Materializes*
[13-02:56] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *zaps stone with a dematerlizer ray*
[13-02:57] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Cannot be zapped*
[13-02:57] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: fuk you
[13-02:57] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( brb ).
[13-02:58] bf182, *President Zahra : It's Stoney! *huggles him!*
[13-03:00] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Is it really such a joyous event to see me?
[13-03:01] bf182, *President Zahra : Of course, Stoney. I'm madly in love with you. Remember?
[13-03:01] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : No?
[13-03:05] bf182, *President Zahra : Bah. Well, now you know.
[13-03:06] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *S*OK.*huggles back for Ria, then*
[13-03:07] bf182, *President Zahra : Yay! *huggles Stoney some more*
[13-03:10] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *huggled some more*Eep.
[13-03:10] bf182, *President Zahra : Eeep? Hmph. *unloved*
[13-03:13] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : No. *Is just not usually hugged*
[13-03:15] bf182, *President Zahra : That's such b.s. *hugs Stoney all the time*
[13-03:17] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Shrugs*I'm just not a hugging type of person.
[13-03:22] bf182, *President Zahra : Bah. *hugs more*
[13-03:24] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Chuckles* Well OK then. *hugs back*
[13-03:25] bf182, *President Zahra : Yaaaay! *giggles*
[13-03:27] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Heh.
[13-03:30] bf182, *President Zahra : *yawn* So tell me something interesting.
[13-03:32] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Well...currently I'm browsing rules for a Fantasy RPG, hosted on IRC...
[13-03:34] bf182, *President Zahra : Um. I did specify interesting, didn't I? *giggles and hugs*
[13-03:34] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : That isn't interesting?
[13-03:36] bf182, *President Zahra : Not particularly. It doesn't involve love stories or things being bashed.
[13-03:38] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Well...I gotta explore my RPG-ing options...the next time a chat goes down, I want three or four to frequent as backup...
[13-03:41] bf182, *President Zahra : Um. I see.
[13-03:42] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Not an easy task, though...
[13-03:44] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[13-03:45] JOIN: M has entered.
[13-03:45] 89537, *M : *floats on in*
[13-03:46] bf182, *President Zahra : I guess not. Ooo! It's Justin! *hugs Justin*
[13-03:47] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Will find where he belongs, though*
[13-03:47] bf182, *President Zahra : It's Misty! Still floating! *pounce, pounce, pounce hugs!*
[13-03:48] 89537, *M : *pounce, pounce, pounce hugged* Ooof! *falls over*
[13-03:49] bf182, *President Zahra : Weee! *giggles and Misty* *falls over also, for no reason* Wee again.
[13-03:51] 89537, *M : Ria = drunk, clearly
[13-03:53] bf182, *President Zahra : Ria is not drunk! *eyes Misty* She's just exhausted and crazy due to school. She's failed her math test, most likely, and therefore has failed this marking period. Weee! *falls over again*
[13-03:54] 89537, *M : *eyed* Ah whatever. School is over-rated. *pause* Did I just say that?! *stricken look*
[13-03:54] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *nudges Misty and whispers* i still say she's drunk
[13-03:54] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Hugs Ria much-as he knows the feeling of awfulness at getting a bad grade*
[13-03:55] 89537, *M : *nudged* Hehe.. You're probably right...
[13-03:56] bf182, *President Zahra : Justin just doesn't love me. *and hugs Stoney lots* Bah. Ria will fail horribly and not get into Columbia and not get into Oxford and will die of sadness.
[13-03:57] 89537, *M : There's more to life than going to a good school. Er... Oh wait, I forgot. You're in the US. :/
[13-03:57] 89537, *M : *hums*
[13-03:59] bf182, *President Zahra : But you don't understand, Misty. Oxford = England = Ria moves to London and becomes inspired and writes the novel of the century. No Oxford = No England = Ria is a worthless nothing and dies an old lady with invisible cats.
[13-03:59] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Of course I don't love you. Why the hell would I love you?
[13-03:59] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Ria will succeed.*Nods*
[13-04:00] bf182, *President Zahra : *blinks at Justin* 'Cause I lvoe you?
[13-04:00] bf182, *President Zahra : lvoe? That was an interesting typo.
[13-04:01] bf182, *President Zahra : Or! I know! Ria will not succeed, but tell everyone that whoever is the famous writer of the time is really just her pen name. She'll lie and live in a cardboard box.. with a computer, so everyone will think she's happy and well off.
[13-04:02] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Love's a strong word. And it shouldn't be thrown around
[13-04:03] bf182, *President Zahra : Yes, yes. Let's all get righteous and talk about how wonderful love is and how silly little Rias have no right to use it. *rolls eyes, and maintains that she loves everyone*
[13-04:03] bf182, *President Zahra : Um. it=the word love, obviously.
[13-04:03] 89537, *M : Heh.. *@Justin*
[13-04:04] 89537, *M : On that note... *laughs for apparently no reason*
[13-04:04] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *blinks at Misty* Misty's snorting the ecstasy!
[13-04:05] 89537, *M : You don't snort ecstasy... :-P
[13-04:05] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I know that, it's a joke
[13-04:06] bf182, *President Zahra : Right, anyway. Ria will go now, and take her love elsewhere, as it's not appreciated.
[13-04:06] 89537, *M : I know, I know, I know. And since I'm laughing anyway, I'll even laugh at the joke.
[13-04:06] 89537, *M : Oi! Ria will not go now. Ria must stay
[13-04:07] JOIN: B has entered.
[13-04:07] 89537, *M : Lo, B *waveseseses*
[13-04:07] bf182, *President Zahra : *pause* Why must Ria stay?
[13-04:07] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( I liked math and the spelling bee, fred liked talking to a tree ).
[13-04:07] 89537, *M : Because.. Um... I said so?
[13-04:08] 8537b, B: *waveseseses back*
[13-04:08] 89537, *M : Hehe
[13-04:08] bf182, *President Zahra : Well.. er.. okay.
[13-04:08] 89537, *M : Yay!
[13-04:09] bf182, *President Zahra : *waveseseses to B too, just because it's such an interesting word*
[13-04:09] 89537, *M : Bwaha
[13-04:10] 8537b, B: *waveseseses again*
[13-04:10] 89537, *M : *runs around randomly*
[13-04:10] bf182, *President Zahra : Bah. Who knows where Ronnie is? Ria must talk to her. And everybody remember that Ronnie's birthday is soon.
[13-04:11] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[13-04:11] 89537, *M : I don't know where Ronnie is, but it only costs 10 cents a minute to call her, if I had her number, which I don't. :/
[13-04:12] 025a8, •Rob: *Peers*
[13-04:12] 89537, *M : LO ROB!
[13-04:13] 025a8, •Rob : 'LO MISTY!
[13-04:13] bf182, *President Zahra : *will obviously call her for a long, long, long, long time on her birthday*
[13-04:13] 89537, *M : Hehe.
[13-04:13] bf182, *President Zahra : *pounces Rob, as though she hadn't seen him in months* *giggles*
[13-04:13] 89537, *M : Obviously, Ria. :)
[13-04:14] 89537, *M : Oh fk. My birthday is less than a montha way ://
[13-04:14] 89537, *M : month... away. <--is what I meant
[13-04:14] bf182, *President Zahra : *and will be very evil and will send a present that'll make Ronnie just say "awwww" and be speechless* *pause* Ria could call Misty on her birthday, too.
[13-04:15] 025a8, •Rob : *Chuckles and Huggles Ria, who he's not seen in several million nanoseconds*
[13-04:15] 89537, *M : Oi. Ria gets hugs, Misty doesn't. I see how it is. *G@Ria* You could, but you'd have to get my number first. :-P
[13-04:16] bf182, *President Zahra : Oh, bah, Misty. Phone numbers are just minor details. I'll.. er.. guess it. Or get out a biiiiiig phone book and call every number there.
[13-04:16] bf182, *President Zahra : Well, to be fair, Ria pounced Rob, and Misty didn't.
[13-04:17] 89537, *M : OMG!! *rofl* That wouldn't be very wise of you, methinks. :)
[13-04:17] 89537, *M : *gasp* Damn, you're right!
[13-04:17] 025a8, •Rob : Eh hehehehehe.......
[13-04:17] bf182, *President Zahra : Nobody ever accused Ria of being wise, anyway.
[13-04:18] 89537, *M : *stares, mesmerized, at Rob's pic*
[13-04:18] bf182, *President Zahra : *isn't quite sure what Rob's pic is* It's.. um.. colorful. Bluuuuue.
[13-04:18] 89537, *M : Mesmerizing
[13-04:19] 025a8, •Rob : Er, here 'tis
[13-04:19] 025a8, •Rob : Hehe, thanks.
[13-04:19] 89537, *M : Oooo.... Ahhhhhh
[13-04:22] bf182, *President Zahra : *giggles*
[13-04:22] 025a8, •Rob : 'Took me the better part of two hours to complete.
[13-04:23] 89537, *M : Nifteh
[13-04:23] 025a8, •Rob : Ta ^_^
[13-04:23] 89537, *M : :)
[13-04:24] 89537, *M : Ouch. *baps cold* Go away
[13-04:25] 025a8, •Rob : *Forces chicken soup on Misty*Go, eat, sleep.
[13-04:26] bf182, *President Zahra : Aha! *may have found Ronnie's phone number online*
[13-04:27] 89537, *M : You cannot force chicken soup on me! I refuse! And also, I just woke up. And I'm not hungry yet. So.. um.. there.
[13-04:27] 025a8, •Rob : Thats beside the point!
[13-04:28] 89537, *M : Hmm. *peers at Ria* Area code 905?
[13-04:28] 89537, *M : No, that is the point. :P
[13-04:28] bf182, *President Zahra : Yes, Misty. Actually.. *has found two phone numbers that could be Ronnie's* Hmm.. *could call both, and see if someone who sounds like a crazy stepmother picks up*
[13-04:28] 89537, *M : *LOL* Hehe
[13-04:29] 025a8, •Rob : Thats beside the point too..
[13-04:30] 89537, *M : Oi. *baps Rob with a foam bat*
[13-04:30] bf182, *President Zahra : And, obviously, neither of them could be Ronnie's, so I could be wasting money calling complete strangers. Wee.
[13-04:30] 89537, *M : But there's a very good chance that they could, in fact, be Ronnie's.
[13-04:30] 025a8, •Rob : *Blinks, clearly not expecting that*....hey....
[13-04:31] 89537, *M : *serene smile* What?
[13-04:32] bf182, *President Zahra : I could always just ask Ronnie for her phone number. And then, looking back in the directory, I could find her address, and send her lots of stuff! Woo!
[13-04:32] 025a8, •Rob : Nufin...
[13-04:32] 89537, *M : You could do that. However, if you wish to keep such things a surprise, you mightn't wish to state them in a public, logged chat room.
[13-04:33] 89537, *M : *:P@Rob*
[13-04:33] 025a8, •Rob : How rude!
[13-04:33] JOIN: FG has entered.
[13-04:34] 89537, *M : Hey, I never said I was anything but rude. Anything you've heard to the contrary has been blatant rumour and fabrication.
[13-04:35] 025a8, •Rob : Erm..... yeah!
[13-04:35] 739a9, FG: *peeks in*
[13-04:36] bf182, *President Zahra : Yes, but she knows, anyway. So it's not really a surprise.
[13-04:36] 89537, *M : Bwaha. Lo, FG
[13-04:36] 89537, *M : Oh. Damn. :/
[13-04:36] 025a8, •Rob : 'Lo Fg ^_^
[13-04:36] bf182, *President Zahra : FG! *hugs!*
[13-04:37] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Heya FG!!
[13-04:37] 739a9, FG: *hugs all around* Hey all :)
[13-04:39] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[13-04:40] bf182, *President Zahra : *pounces Ronnie* Secrets? We're not hiding anything from you. No, no..
[13-04:40] 64897, •Ronica : *has been discussed* Oh, I'm just the talk of the town.
[13-04:40] 89537, *M : Hehe
[13-04:40] 89537, *M : Lo, Ronnie.
[13-04:40] 739a9, FG: *leans over and mumbles something to Ria, casting shifty glances at Ronnie*
[13-04:42] 64897, •Ronica : *is so opening the logs*
[13-04:42] 89537, *M : *snickers*
[13-04:43] bf182, *President Zahra : Oh, there's nothing in the logs, Ronnie. *patpat*
[13-04:43] 89537, *M : Ronnie = paranoid, clearly
[13-04:44] 89537, *M : No, no. Nothing at all.
[13-04:45] 739a9, FG: Esspecially nothing about you *more mumbling and giggling*
[13-04:46] 64897, •Ronica : Of course I'm paranoid.
[13-04:46] 89537, *M : Teehee
[13-04:50] 89537, *M : Oi. *has work to do tonight* dang.
[13-04:50] 64897, •Ronica : You sneaky bunch, you.
[13-04:50] 025a8, •Rob : Eyelids getting heavy... text getting blurry.. must stay awa...Zzzzzz...
[13-04:50] 89537, *M : Ria is the instigator. We've just followed along.
[13-04:51] 89537, *M : *prods Rob*
[13-04:51] 64897, •Ronica : Oh, Ria's behind everything.
[13-04:51] 025a8, •Rob : *Sits up*I'm just resting my eyes, honest..
[13-04:52] 025a8, •Rob : *Had nothing to do with it**Stay quiet the whole time*
[13-04:52] 89537, *M : Yes. Ria wants us to think she's such an innocent little angel, when really, she's been responsible for some of the most involved conspiracies of our time
[13-04:52] 89537, *M : Suuuuuuuuuuuuure you are, Rob.
[13-04:53] 64897, •Ronica : She kicks kittens.
[13-04:53] 89537, *M : She's evil.
[13-04:54] 89537, *M : Rob's falling asleep. Must be the air there. :/
[13-04:54] 89537, *M : Causes people to fall asleep at their computers, in the middle of conversations, etc.
[13-04:54] bf182, *President Zahra : Oh.. Ria is here. *notes that people are saying things about her* Right. I love you all.
[13-04:54] 89537, *M : *pats Ria*
[13-04:54] 64897, •Ronica : Nah, it's my presence.
[13-04:55] 89537, *M : You think? I think it's my presense. Jim does it all the time. :(
[13-04:55] 64897, •Ronica : I love you lots, Ria! Even if you're plotting against me.
[13-04:55] 89537, *M : Hehe
[13-04:55] bf182, *President Zahra : No. Rob is falling asleep because he needs to be in bed. It's 4 am or so for him.
[13-04:56] 89537, *M : Pfft, details.
[13-04:56] 025a8, •Rob : I think it has more to do with the fact that I'm awake almost 21 hours now...
[13-04:56] bf182, *President Zahra : But I'm not, Ronnie, since you know almost everything I'm plotting. You just don't know what the present is.
[13-04:56] 025a8, •Rob : I never did that. Rohan on the otherhand is an expert at it...
[13-04:57] 89537, *M : I think people don't sleep much in Ireland. They stay up for ungodly amounts of time, then sleep for like.. 24 hours... then do it all over again.
[13-04:57] 64897, •Ronica : Bah! It's still a conspiracy.
[13-04:57] 89537, *M : Or it could just be the air... Like I said before.
[13-04:57] 89537, *M : You're not paranoid if everyone really is out to get you. :)
[13-04:58] 025a8, •Rob : Thats cuz your all like 5-7 hours behind us and we need to stay up at ungodly hours to talk to you.
[13-04:58] 89537, *M : *pause* Hehe. *floats*
[13-05:02] 89537, *M : Oi. *just killed the chat, clearly*
[13-05:02] bf182, *President Zahra : You did not! I'm just sleepy. *hugs Misty!*
[13-05:02] 89537, *M : S'no excuse! *hugs back, tho*
[13-05:03] 89537, *M : Oi. My target just lost all his fleet, so I'm not going to get anything from attacking him. :(((
[13-05:03] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[13-05:04] b94fa, Get a Name!: you lot are just fucking crazy
[13-05:04] JOIN: E has entered.
[13-05:04] 89537, *M : I deny! *tackles Jim*
[13-05:04] 025a8, •Rob : Hmm. you want the honors Ronnie, or will I do it?
[13-05:05] bf182, *President Zahra : Of course we are. *pat Jimy* *and hugs Nigma!*
[13-05:05] 89537, *M : *eyes Rob* Do what?
[13-05:05] 025a8, •Rob : Oh, 'tis Jim, never mind, 'thought Shok was back ^_^
[13-05:05] 89537, *M : *gasps at Rob* You what?!
[13-05:05] 444ec, *E : *hugs Ria!* ^_^
[13-05:05] b94fa, Get a Name!: heh , my flags beat your flags anyday Rob
[13-05:06] 89537, *M : Lo E
[13-05:06] 89537, *M : Hehe
[13-05:06] b94fa, Get a Name!: And confuse me with that shit gain and I may have to kill you
[13-05:06] 444ec, *E : Hey Myst ^_^
[13-05:06] 025a8, •Rob : Er, nothing, I didn't say that, just... look over there.
[13-05:06] b94fa, Get a Name!: um.... my desktop just went wierd
[13-05:06] 89537, *M : Not if I do it first, Jim.
[13-05:07] 89537, *M : *directs Jim to read her link... EG*
[13-05:07] 89537, *M : TICK!!!111`
[13-05:07] bf182, *President Zahra : *peers confusedly at Jimy* Why is Jimy being mean?
[13-05:08] 89537, *M : Jim's being mean? *blink blink*
[13-05:08] b94fa, Get a Name!: Jimy being mean *EG* Because its in his nature
[13-05:08] 025a8, •Rob : I blame my exhaustion..
[13-05:08] 444ec, *E : *perches...loiters...etc.*
[13-05:09] b94fa, Get a Name!: And natural immaturity is my forte
[13-05:09] 89537, *M : I know. :P
[13-05:09] b94fa, Get a Name!: And on the mean note .. i may yet join the police force]
[13-05:09] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[13-05:09] 89537, *M : Hmm... Interesting...
[13-05:10] 025a8, •Rob : Well I'm gonna go join the land of nod. G'night all ^_^
[13-05:10] 89537, *M : G'night, Rob! *hugs and all that* Sleep well, etc.
[13-05:10] 89537, *M : Where is E perching?
[13-05:11] b94fa, Get a Name!: Cya Rob .. BTW viste , and join the forums .. theres a section for Ireland
[13-05:11] bf182, *President Zahra : Night, Rob! *much hugging*
[13-05:11] 444ec, *E : *hugs 'n kotc for 'buelo* ^_^ E is perching on her rafter...the perfect place to ponder rp. hehe.
[13-05:11] 64897, •Ronica : *is here*
[13-05:12] 89537, *M : Oooo.... pondering RP?! *floats on up to the rafter* Nifteh
[13-05:12] 444ec, *E : *waves to Ronnie*
[13-05:12] 89537, *M : And we're ever so grateful for your presense too, Ronnie.
[13-05:12] 025a8, •Rob : I'll make a note of that Jim :D. *Huggles 'n kotc for E and huggles for Misty and Ria and Ronnie*Slan leat...
[13-05:12] b94fa, Get a Name!: BTW Ronnie , meant to say , I did work experience with Nortel .. thought you might find that interesting
[13-05:13] 444ec, *E : *nodnod@Myst* Indeedy. :D Would you like to ponder rp too? *makes a comfy place on the rafter*
[13-05:13] EXIT: Rob has left the chat ( Stoke me a clipper, I'll be back for christmas ).
[13-05:13] 89537, *M : OMFG. Jim did not just say that :/
[13-05:13] b94fa, Get a Name!: cead mille failte Rob , you celtic bastard
[13-05:13] 89537, *M : *angles her cloud onto the rafter* Soitenly.
[13-05:13] b94fa, Get a Name!: Jim did say that
[13-05:13] 89537, *M : too many coincidences. :(
[13-05:13] JOIN: Leon Yara has entered.
[13-05:14] 89537, *M : Lo, Leon
[13-05:14] b94fa, Get a Name!: whysat Myst ?
[13-05:14] bf182, *President Zahra : *is.. er.. here*
[13-05:14] b94fa, Get a Name!: ltns leon
[13-05:14] 89537, *M : Um.. cuz I know someone .. uh.. else who worked for Nortel too.
[13-05:15] EXIT: Rob has left the chat ( G'night, ya Northren shitebag :P ).
[13-05:15] 89537, *M : How rude. *eyes Rob's exit*
[13-05:15] 444ec, *E : Hmm... *ponders Guildsy stuff*
[13-05:15] b94fa, Get a Name!: yeah ? well bear in mind I was only doing 2 weeks work experience
[13-05:15] 89537, *M : But still
[13-05:15] b94fa, Get a Name!: Southern tea drinking rim jobbing crack whore shit eating scum
[13-05:16] 89537, *M : Ooo... Guildsy stuff, huh? I can get with that. :)
[13-05:16] 91306, *Leon Yara : Hello everyone
[13-05:16] 89537, *M : *lmao*
[13-05:17] bf182, *President Zahra : *hugs Leon* *then eyes Jimy* Would you mind being just a tiny bit less vulgar? Please?
[13-05:17] 444ec, *E : *tsk@Jim* That's not terribly creative...extensive, tho. *could definitely dig Guildsy stuff...rummages for Seni*
[13-05:17] EXIT: Rob has left the chat ( Daniel O'Donnell Fan ).
[13-05:17] 89537, *M : hehehehehehe
[13-05:18] 91306, *Leon Yara: *hugs Ria*
[13-05:18] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Easy as pie. Mwaha))
[13-05:18] b94fa, Get a Name!: O'Donnel *fumes* Brian Kennedy wannabe
[13-05:19] b94fa, Get a Name!: Creative ? At this time ? In this state , you must be joking
[13-05:19] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((I suddenly lost the conversation. :/))
[13-05:19] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((*lost the convo, as well* Who are Daniel O'Donnell and Brian Kennedy?))
[13-05:19] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*should prolly start first*)) *steps through the main door, pausing a moment at the top of the steps, one hand resting casually on the blaster at her side, before she moves down toward the bar*
[13-05:20] b94fa, Get a Name!: you dun wanna know either
[13-05:20] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((We do, we really do))
[13-05:20] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*suddenly has the urge to quote the lines that have been running through her head for the longest time for no apparent reason*))
[13-05:20] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((*agrees w/ Myst* Sure. Any new form of insult to pick up, never know when it'll come in handy))
[13-05:21] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*EG@E* Indeed))
[13-05:21] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I want a girl who gets up early. I want a girl who stays up late.
[13-05:22] b94fa, Get a Name!: *shudders* irish singers ... bad ones
[13-05:22] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Hehe))
[13-05:22] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((Ahh :D ))
[13-05:23] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*gives in* “When deep space exploration ramps up it will be the corporations that name everything. The IBM stellar sphere. The Microsoft galaxy. Planet Starbucks.”))
[13-05:24] 89537, *Trae Balari : *wanders down to the bar, casting a casual glance about*
[13-05:24] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *flees in terror from the very mention of Starbucks*
[13-05:24] b94fa, Get a Name!: oh god , shes quoting fight club again
[13-05:24] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*made Justin flee* I rock.))
[13-05:25] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((What? *eyes Jim*))
[13-05:25] 444ec, *Arsenic : *, rather, bounces through the rear entrance. Her hair is light blonde, bleached from years on eyes sparkling. Her face seems permanently on the edge of a smile.*
[13-05:25] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: *comes back with a spiked club and beats Misty with it*
[13-05:25] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((BOUNCES?!?!?! *ROFLMAO*))
[13-05:26] 64897, •Ronica : Why is Arsenic bouncing?!
[13-05:26] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((*practically dying, lhao*))
[13-05:26] bf182, *President Zahra : Oh.. *is here*
[13-05:26] 89537, *Trae Balari : *arches a brow at the newest arrival, before turning and gesturing for a glass of ale.. might as well make it look like she's here for a drink*
[13-05:27] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((*ROTFL* She's incognito, avoid eeeeeevil Black Sunners. :D And boy, does she hate herself.))
[13-05:27] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: JIM!
[13-05:28] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Apparently, my protection isn't paying attention. Thus. *dodges the spiked club*))
[13-05:29] bf182, *Joyce Manning : *Hey! Ria has a Guilds char too. So Joyce Manning waddles in, rich, pompous, and important. But isn't really gonna do anything. Just sits around, looking snobby.*
[13-05:29] 444ec, *Arsenic : *glances around, curiosity evident in her gaze. Continues on into the room, traditional Tatooinian garments flowing as she does so. Gives a cheerful wave to Wuher.*
[13-05:29] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: Where the hell did jIm go
[13-05:29] 89537, *Trae Balari : Well, *mutters* at least someone seems to be chipper this evening. *pays for the ale as it arrives*
[13-05:30] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Fell asleep, possibly))
[13-05:30] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*ponders ICness*))
[13-05:30] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: No. He's on IM.
[13-05:30] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((So? That doesn't mean he can't fall asleep.))
[13-05:31] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*just received bad news* Oi))
[13-05:31] 9a2ae, 'Justin Sane: I'm talking to him on IM. He's not asleep
[13-05:31] b94fa, Get a Name!: fuck off
[13-05:31] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Er. Oh.))
[13-05:31] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( But now I'm leaving ).
[13-05:31] bf182, *Joyce Manning : ((Bad news? *forbids* *hugs!*))
[13-05:31] 444ec, *Arsenic : Shot of whiskey, please. *big smile* *places some credits on the bar* ((Erk...want to postpone this, Myst?))
[13-05:32] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((It's not bad bad news. Heh. Unshakable good mood. :P *hugs back, tho* No postponing!))
[13-05:32] b94fa, Get a Name!: bad news ?
[13-05:32] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Aye))
[13-05:33] 64897, •Ronica : *still can't believe her former stepdad already has two kids* Woah. Time flies. *puts her first birthday card up on her windowsill*
[13-05:33] 89537, *Trae Balari : *takes up her ale and sips, glancing at Joyce, then at Arsenic. Then around the room. Is she looking for someone?*
[13-05:33] b94fa, Get a Name!: um , i'll be reading comics if you need me
[13-05:34] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*S* I know))
[13-05:34] 64897, *Daya: ((Every party needs an uninvited guest...))
[13-05:34] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Oi, fs.))
[13-05:34] bf182, *Joyce Manning : *Glanced at. Stares pompously at Trae, in a "I'm filthy rich and you're not. You don't deserve to even look at me," way.*
[13-05:34] 444ec, *Arsenic : *downs the shot with a flick of her wrist. Coughs lightly, as though unused to the sensation.* Whoa...burny. Ahem. *slides the glass to Wuher* ((*ooo@Ronnie*))
[13-05:35] 64897, *Daya : ((Hey, where'd that icon go? *tsks*))
[13-05:35] 89537, *Trae Balari : *arches a brow at Joyce, mirroring her look with surprising accuracy, then smirks.. before turning her attenion more fully on Arsenic* That bad, huh?
[13-05:36] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((It's fleeing from you. *nod* The handle secretly wants to join the Guilds.))
[13-05:36] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*snickers*))
[13-05:37] 444ec, *Arsenic : *glances to Trae, offering a rueful smile* Usually he serves the cut stuff...someone must've slipped a good bottle in without him knowing it.
[13-05:37] bf182, *Joyce Manning : *Huffs. Then sits about some more, still looking snobby. Turns her nose up.*
[13-05:37] 89537, *Trae Balari : Hey, don't knock it. *grins* It means he's getting ripped off.
[13-05:38] 64897, *Daya : *liquid smooth, the flawless form of a woman glides in. She is absolute physical perfection and carries herself in a way befitting that*
[13-05:39] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((too many women... :P))
[13-05:39] 444ec, *Arsenic : Well, I wish they'd do it more often. heh. *flashes an innocent look at Wuher, who eyes her suspiciously after having heard that* What? *reaches out for the refilled shot glass*
[13-05:39] 64897, *Daya : ((Well, this one isn't a real woman.))
[13-05:40] 89537, *Trae Balari : *chuckles and sips her ale thoughtfully, eyeing the newest arrival with vague curiousity*
[13-05:41] bf182, Lloyd: *And, just because Misty complained, suddenly a masculine prescence fills the room. He has a square jaw and a cleft in his chin. There are the stubbly beginnings of a beard growing on his face. A shadow. He stops, frowns, hand immediately on his blaster in case of danger. Then, he swaggers on in.*
[13-05:41] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*LOL*))
[13-05:42] 444ec, *Arsenic : *tilts her head slightly as she sees Daya enter...her expression remaining unchanged except for the briefest flicker through her eyes*
[13-05:42] bf182, Lloyd: ((*should probably have gotten rid of the Kathy Bates pic in the avatar before posting*))
[13-05:42] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((Go Lloyd! :D))
[13-05:42] 89537, *Trae Balari : Imagine that. It was nice and quiet when I got here. Seems like happy hour is about to begin.
[13-05:42] 64897, *Daya : *pauses briefly, taking a moment to pass a cool glance over the room, placing a hand on the perfect curve of her hip. Not a single weapon is visible on her form and the bodysuit she wears leaves little to the imagination*
[13-05:43] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*rofl*))
[13-05:44] 444ec, *Arsenic : Maybe we're all following you. *light, airy laugh...of course she's joking* Or else you're just a trendsetter. *downs the whiskey more smoothly this time*
[13-05:45] bf182, Lloyd: *In that obnoxious way men have, he blatantly looks Daya up and down, as though he just can't comprehend that maybe she has eyes and can see what he's doing. Then goes about checking out all those other lovely females. Leans against the bar, grunting at Wuher.* Ale. Now.
[13-05:45] 89537, *Trae Balari : I doubt I'm a trendsetter. *frowns faintly, and sips her ale once more*
[13-05:46] bf182, Lloyd: ((Erm. *realizes* Lovely females? *must obviously practice being male* *switches that to "hot chicks"*))
[13-05:46] 444ec, *Arsenic : *noting the frown* Oh, sorry...something I said?
[13-05:46] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*dies laughing*))
[13-05:46] 64897, *Daya : *then, unabashedly, she focuses her gaze solely on Trae. Extremely poised, she moves like a dancer does as she steps up to the bar*
[13-05:47] 64897, *Daya : *oh, and ignores Lloyd completely. For the time being, at least*
[13-05:47] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((*ROTFL@Ria*))
[13-05:47] 91306, *Leon Yara: *quietly enters. His tall, thin frame is slightly hunched over and covered with a coat. Takes a quick glance at the room before his eyes move back to the floor.* *walks over to the bar*
[13-05:48] 89537, *Trae Balari : *eyes Daya with an arched brow, then looks back to Arsenic* Not at all.
[13-05:49] bf182, Lloyd: ((*giggles lots*)) *Obviously, simply can't keep his eyes off Daya. And the fact that she's ignoring him makes her all the more attractive. Brings the ale to his lips, but as he isn't watching what he's doing, spills it all over his shirt.* Shit. *Growls, throws the glass down on the bar surface, and barks at Wuher for a refil. Doesn't mind being stained and dirty.*
[13-05:49] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*ahem* you aren't paranoid if everyone really is out to get you.... *eyes everyone warily*))
[13-05:50] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((*lmao* *then, is eyed* Meeeee? Nah.))
[13-05:50] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*lol*))
[13-05:51] 64897, *Daya : *takes her eyes of Trae for a split second, breaking her stare only to throw a warning glance at Lloyd*
[13-05:51] 444ec, *Arsenic : *appears to eye her more closely, then slaps her forehead* Gods, I must be the most stupid person on this planet! *rummages in her coverall pocket...pulling out a grubby piece of paper* You wouldn't happen to be Lady Reevswynger, would you?
[13-05:52] bf182, Lloyd: ((Refill, even.)) *Then, noting the other male, he frowns deeply. Somehow, he must assert that he is the Alpha male. Because yes, men are animals and this is how they think. Grunts at Leon, hand on his blaster still. Has a really big blaster too, to.. er.. compensate for the small size of something else. Has a huge landspeeder too, actually.*
[13-05:53] 64897, *Daya : ((*rotfl*))
[13-05:53] 89537, *Trae Balari : *tilts her head at Arsenic, confusion showing for a very brief moment, before realization dawns* Damn, am I that obvious? *wry smile* And here I was hoping I'd go unnoticed...
[13-05:53] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*LMAO* I'm almost offended.... ;-) ))
[13-05:53] bf182, Lloyd: ((Bah. You know I don't mean it, Leon. *patpat and huggles*))
[13-05:53] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*ROFLMAO@Ria*))
[13-05:54] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((Yeah, yeah, I know. :-) *patted* *hugs*))
[13-05:54] 64897, *Daya : *returns to her careful observation of Trae and Arsenic. Naturally, she knows who both of them are. She's only Veronica's right hand...uh...robot*
[13-05:54] 444ec, *Arsenic : Not too obvious, 'cause they did give me your description. *grins, holding up the paper briefly* This is the best coincidence! I was on my way to your ship, and decided to stop in here for a second, and here you are. The cake is ready.
[13-05:55] bf182, Lloyd: ((Woo! *is making people laugh!*)) *But really, due to his one-track mind, as soon as Daya pays even the least bit attention to him, he resumes staring at her. Only vaguely remembers Leon, and gives warning grunts every once in a while, although is unsure why. It's just that instinct.*
[13-05:55] 444ec, *Arsenic : *is in disguise...good disguise...goddamnit, she's even smiling and bullshit*
[13-05:55] 89537, *Trae Balari : *glances at the paper, and chuckles* Excellent. Do I have time to finish my drink? It's not going anywhere, is it?
[13-05:56] 91306, *Leon Yara: *throws an awakard glance at Lloyd as he takes his seat at the bar* *orders a glass of water*
[13-05:56] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((The cake, I mean.. isn't going anywhere.. not the drink.))
[13-05:56] 64897, *Daya : *is a robot, and this somehow negates Arsenic's good disguise*
[13-05:57] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Teehee *blesses unshakable good mood*))
[13-05:57] 64897, *Daya : ((Oi. *would pick a fight, but is too tired for that*))
[13-05:57] 444ec, *Arsenic : Sure isn't going anywhere. It must be the biggest cake I've ever seen. *shakes her head* That's why I couldn't bring it here. You'll have to come back to the store with me, if y'don't mind.
[13-05:58] 64897, *Daya : *is completely unperturbed by being stared at*
[13-05:58] bf182, Lloyd: *And the danger passes, as Leon's awkward glance is equivalent to how a dog rolls over on his back, with his paws up in the air. Yes, Lloyd is quite obviously the Alpha male, and gets first pick of women. Whether or not they want him. And obviously, being the brilliant male he is, he's going right after the one woman who's really a robot, so he has no chance to procreate.*
[13-05:58] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((*rotflmao*))
[13-05:59] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*LMAO!!*))
[13-05:59] 64897, *Daya : *can you blame him, though? Daya's the shit*
[13-05:59] 89537, *Trae Balari : I don't mind at all. It's well worth the effort, y'know? *she smiles, then.. a faint and mysterious-type smile.. you know the sort... the half-smile, the I-know-something-you-don't-know-type deal. The one I actually have on right now, oocly.. er.. yeah*
[13-06:02] 444ec, *Arsenic : *nods* Glad you feel that way. Lots of effort went into it and all. *flops on a stool, one foot up on the rungs*
[13-06:02] bf182, Lloyd: *Yes, Daya's quite the shit. It's all he can do not to give in to his primal urges and club her over the head with a chair and drag her home by the hair. But he knows, somehow, that this kind of thing isn't accepted anymore, and will definitely decrease his chances of procreation. Just stares at her, trying to think and, of course, failing. He has his nose up in the air, as though he's picking up on some scent from her. However, hehas an awful sense of smell, and gets confused.*
[13-06:03] 89537, *Trae Balari : And I'm certain the bakers will be well-compensated for their work, yes? *takes a sip of her ale*
[13-06:03] JOIN: Jen has entered.
[13-06:03] 743c7, 'Jen: *bursts into tears* I miss this computer.
[13-06:03] 743c7, 'Jen: who is Lloyd?
[13-06:03] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*much hugging for Jen :)*))
[13-06:03] bf182, Lloyd: ((*hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs Jen!*))
[13-06:03] 91306, *Leon Yara: *rubs his sore eyes and drinks from his water*
[13-06:04] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Lloyd is Ria. *EG*))
[13-06:04] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((*pouncepounces Sis* Oi! ^_^))
[13-06:04] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*stupid grin*))
[13-06:04] bf182, Lloyd: ((Lloyd is Ria, of course.))
[13-06:04] 64897, *Daya : *stands there, all frigid and stuff. Continues to stare down Trae in that we know sort of way*
[13-06:04] 444ec, *Arsenic : Absolutely. The management takes good care of all of us. *smiles*
[13-06:04] bf182, Lloyd: ((Bah! Misty beat me to it!))
[13-06:04] 743c7, 'Jen: *pause* oh...well that makes sense. *didn't have time to notice*hugs hugs hugs everyone back* Sis'ness!! guh...nice to see ALL of you!
[13-06:06] 89537, *Trae Balari : *is being stared at... luckily, her attention is focussed on Arsenic, and can't really see the stare, but can feel it.. oh yes, can feel it* You know, if I stick around here, I might be interested in doing some work for them. I've got some experience under my belt that may be quite useful.
[13-06:06] bf182, Lloyd: *Completely oblivious to the fact that Daya may have other things to do. Just saunters up to her, wrapping an arm about her shoulders. The other hand is still down by his exceptionally large... blaster.* Hey, baby.
[13-06:06] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Of course I did. :) ))
[13-06:06] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*dies laughing at Ria*))
[13-06:07] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((*just...flattened. Half under her desk.*))
[13-06:07] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*falls over*))
[13-06:07] 64897, *Daya : *sharply, she elbows Lloyd in the stomach, somehow knowing exactly where to hit in order to get the solar plexus* Hello, sugarplum.
[13-06:07] bf182, Lloyd: ((*giggles lots* *really must do this more often*))
[13-06:08] 743c7, 'Jen: flattened? why? *feels left out...dramatic sigh...sits cross legged on the floor and bites the heads off of gummy bears...munches*
[13-06:08] 444ec, *Arsenic : Really? *perks up* That'd be great. I know we can always use people who've done this kinda thing before.
[13-06:08] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*LOL*))
[13-06:08] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((We're laughing at Lloyd, Jen. :) ))
[13-06:08] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((*manages to point at Ria, before falling the whole way under the desk thanks to Ronnie...nearly strangling cat with keyboard wire in the process*))
[13-06:09] bf182, Lloyd: Gah! Ooof. *As many as he is, he stands there and cries like a baby for a few minutes. Then wipes his eyes and nose on an already dirty sleeve, and pretends nothing happened. Confused at this failure, though, so decides to start again. However, places both hands on his large blaster, now.* Hey, baby.
[13-06:09] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Poor E.. *snickers*))
[13-06:09] 743c7, 'Jen: *pauses to read a bit...* well its amusing as hell...his...uh...blaster? that what's down there?
[13-06:09] bf182, Lloyd: ((Yes, poor Nigma. *huggles her*))
[13-06:10] bf182, Lloyd: ((And many=manly, of course.))
[13-06:10] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *in the shadows, gaze observing the denizens of the 'tina....he moves out of the shadows and towards the bar, carrying a datapad as usual*
[13-06:10] 89537, *Trae Balari : Yeah? Granted, baking isn't really what I'd call exciting, but I suppose it does have it's saving graces. Good pay, for one. *casts a glance over at Lloyd and Daya*
[13-06:10] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((*straightens everything out, de-strangles Jedi, and huggles Ria* :D ))
[13-06:10] 64897, *Daya : *appears briefly puzzled. Hasn't really had that move fail before* You know, it's only the lucky girls who get all the most charming gutterscum.
[13-06:11] 91306, *Leon Yara: *turns in his chair to watch the commotion with a slightly raised eyebrow* *is amused.*
[13-06:11] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*LOL@Jen*))
[13-06:12] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Narrowed gaze glances to Yara briefly, he then nods to Wuher and sets a few credits down on the bartop*...corellian ale.
[13-06:13] 444ec, *Arsenic : Oh, but it's more than just baking. It's... *breathy pause* creating . And there's always delivery and stuff, too. And the pay and benefits are top-notch.
[13-06:13] 743c7, 'Jen: *peers at Leon's delayed reaction* THANK YOU!
[13-06:13] bf182, Lloyd: *Scratches his head, unable to comprehend what Daya's saying due to his limited vocabulary.* Big words. *Scratches himself in.. other places. Assumes that Daya has said something good.* Less talk, baby. More... *Pauses, noting the new male. Growls at him, asserting his Alpha status. Then turns back to Daya as though there'd been no break in conversation.*
[13-06:13] 89537, *Trae Balari : I think I'd be more interested in the delivery aspect of it. I can drive almost anything, and I'm good at it. *downs her ale and pushes her tankard away*
[13-06:13] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*L* No prob. :-) ))
[13-06:14] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*stupid grin again*))
[13-06:14] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((Ackk! I can't even remember if Shiiv and Leo know each other in this universe!! *lol*))
[13-06:15] 64897, *Daya : I play for the other team.
[13-06:15] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((Me either, heh...))
[13-06:15] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*dies laughing*))
[13-06:15] 444ec, *Arsenic : Well, we're always on the lookout for anybody who can give us a hand. We're looking to expand sometime soon. *nods*
[13-06:15] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((*lmao*))
[13-06:16] 91306, *Leon Yara: *glances at Shiiv as he enters...wonders vaguely where he has seen him before.... Shakes his head and looks back at Lloyd and Daya*
[13-06:17] 89537, *Trae Balari : Ah. Well, if you're interested, I'm certain you know how to contact me. *glances at her chrono* We should go get that cake as soon as possible. The party might be starting earlier than expected.
[13-06:17] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*floats over to Jen* Hiya!))
[13-06:17] bf182, Lloyd: You play... *Stares at her, beyond confused.* ..ball? Well, you can play with my ... *Pauses again, seeming to remember that finishing this sentence would be inappropriate. There's an even longer pause as he tries to phrase it another way, then completely forgets what he was saying, then just stares blankly for several minutes. Suddenly, stares down at his blaster and remembers his one driving urge.* Hey, look. Do you want sex, or not?
[13-06:17] 743c7, 'Jen: *and the one with the perfectly straight face sits in lurkdom...*
[13-06:17] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*ROFLMAO!!!!111*))
[13-06:18] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((ROTFLHAO!!!))
[13-06:19] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *recieving his drink, he sips it carefully and glances briefly to Lloyd and Daya as well*
[13-06:19] 64897, *Daya : Well... *slides easily into a seductive stance, lips curving into a sly smile. She steps forward... and brings her knee up between Lloyd's legs* Not, actually.
[13-06:19] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((Ack!))
[13-06:19] bf182, Lloyd: ((*beams proudly* Yes, yes, bow down to Ria's immense creativity and whatnot.))
[13-06:19] 444ec, *Arsenic : Having the guests arrive without the refreshments being there could be a serious faux pas. *hops off the stool* Whenever you're ready...I've got the company speeder today. *proud look*
[13-06:20] 89537, *Trae Balari : *she stares at Arsenic for a minute... then two... blinks... then outright laughs* Great! *slips off her barstool and gestures toward the door* After you.
[13-06:20] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*taps Jen on the shoulder* I said.... HIYA ))
[13-06:21] bf182, Lloyd: *Just stares at her dumbly for a few minutes, not registering the pain. And then, literally howls. Screams, and swings his hand to slap her.* You little b*tch.. You little.. *Long stream of curses.*
[13-06:21] 89537, *Trae Balari : *smirks slightly at Lloyd's pain, muttering something under her breath about how it serves him right, etc*
[13-06:22] bf182, Lloyd: *And has obviously doubled over and is now crying and cursing and there's snot running from his nose. Yes, he looks quite pathetic. Some Alpha male.*
[13-06:22] 91306, *Leon Yara: *watches with an amused smile...*
[13-06:22] JOIN: Lord tenchi masaki has entered.
[13-06:22] 444ec, *Arsenic : *flinches at Lloyd's howl and curses. Eyes him, shocked.* My virgin ears. *shakes her head* Right...let's get outta here. *bounces toward the door*
[13-06:22] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: *wanders in wearing a matte-black juraian combat suit, armed with a belted lightsaber and a Stormtrooper issue Imperial Blaster Rifle on his back* greetings
[13-06:23] 89537, *Trae Balari : *doesn't much bounce toward the door, but chuckles at the comment about Lloyd, and swiftly follows*
[13-06:23] 743c7, 'Jen: *flinches and falls over...* Hiya. *peer*
[13-06:23] 64897, *Daya : *catches the hand, her grip like a steel vise. Twists sharply with enough force to break his arm* You were saying?
[13-06:23] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*peered at* *stupid grin*))
[13-06:24] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((Stoney and I will have to throw down and fight for title of Alpha Male now... *evil grin* :-) *L*))
[13-06:24] 743c7, 'Jen: *considers a brief stint IC...and laughs at the thought*
[13-06:25] 444ec, *Arsenic : *once in the alley, glances around quickly and carefully...then makes for the covered speeder close to the alley's opening*
[13-06:25] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Heh. IC is always good.))
[13-06:25] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((*Is still getting over his immense grief*they replaced Star Trek Voyager with some new crap on Fox...*Cries*...but where's Star Trek now? WHere?))
[13-06:25] bf182, Lloyd: *Screams and howls again. But his ears perk up just in time for the word "virgin." But as he glances around, the two other hot chicks are already gone Then, he remembers his pain, and screams and cries some more.* I didn't mean nothin, b*tch. You get the (eff) away from me. Crazy (bad "c" word).
[13-06:26] 89537, *Trae Balari : *places her hand upon her blaster and looks around critically, before continuing to follow Arsenic* Is the... baker... nearby?
[13-06:26] 743c7, 'Jen: not for me. *puts arm out to the side and lets the elbow bend and the hand swing...rusty and loud creaking* i'm rusty.
[13-06:26] bf182, Lloyd: ((*eyes the large number of typos in that last post* Bah.))
[13-06:27] 64897, *Daya : *tsks and twists his arm once again, this time jerking it the other way before letting go* That's no way to speak to a lady. Run along now.
[13-06:27] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((I've got oil. Lookit.. *holds it up*))
[13-06:27] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: *snickering at Jen* bah, you youngin
[13-06:27] 91306, *Leon Yara: *comes as close as he can to a laugh while watching* *sips his drink*
[13-06:28] 444ec, *Arsenic : Oh sure...not far at all. Of course, with all the crowds, sometimes it takes a while to get there. *removes a handheld scanner from the folds of her clothing...surreptitiously running it down the vehicle as she moves to the driver's seat...looking for trackers and etc.*
[13-06:28] 89537, *Trae Balari : Good. It's been long enough as it is. And everything is... fine?
[13-06:28] 743c7, 'Jen: *snickered at* I am NOT! *tackles Tenchi and glings the creepin' crud out of him*
[13-06:28] bf182, Lloyd: *Unfortunately, as Ria is no mood to give up Lloyd for the evening, he runs off like a little crying baby to the nearest med center, where they quickly heal him. Quite soon, he's back. But this time, as he stares at the people at the bar, he completely ignores Daya. Doesn't even look at her.*
[13-06:29] bf182, Lloyd: ((Go IC, Jen, so Lloyd can hit on you. :) ))
[13-06:29] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Hehe))
[13-06:29] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *turning his datapad on, the device casting an eery green glow upon his scarred face as he observes the screen*hmph...*he is noticeably displeased as he takes a seat at a barstool*
[13-06:30] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: ((glings?)) *is tackled*
[13-06:30] 64897, *Daya : *pleased* *exits and stuff*
[13-06:30] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Gling 0wnz))
[13-06:30] bf182, Lloyd: *And as he was publicly humiliated in front of the two males, he must assert his Alpha status again. Stands at the bar, glaring, grunting, and growling at them, spittle flying from his lips. Bares his teeth, his hand once again moving to the over-sized blaster.*
[13-06:30] 743c7, 'Jen: *eyes Tenchi* nevermind. *dazzling smile* Misty...Ria...who as?
[13-06:30] 444ec, *Arsenic : *nods, tucking the scanner away again* All the parts are still here...gotta watch out for those jawas. *keys the unlock for both sides and slides in*
[13-06:31] 743c7, 'Jen: *agrees* gling 0wnz...surely.
[13-06:31] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Pick a char, any char))
[13-06:31] bf182, Lloyd: ((Whoever you like, Jen. Lloyd will hit on anything resembling a female.))
[13-06:31] 89537, *Trae Balari : You're right, of course.. *slips in on the other side, hand not straying far from her blaster*
[13-06:31] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((Liel! :D She'd be a good one to have him hit on. hehe.))
[13-06:32] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Even your cross-dressing male character. *pause* Oh wait, you don't have one.))
[13-06:32] 91306, *Leon Yara: *smiles at Lloyd*
[13-06:32] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: *rolls his eyes at Jen* BAH, young'ins, only one young that I like
[13-06:32] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: youngin even
[13-06:33] bf182, Lloyd: *Smiled at. Isn't quite sure what this facial expression means, as he isn't familiar with it. Takes a step forward, teeth still bared.* You don't try nothin' stupid, y'hear?
[13-06:33] 743c7, 'Jen: *very wicked grin at Misty* I don't? *pause* oh? who's that Tenchi?
[13-06:33] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Hehe))
[13-06:34] 444ec, *Arsenic : *brings up the engine in a metallic purr, carefully pulling out and into the streets* Glad that the patrons kept each other distracted, and kept it a semi-nice and quiet evening.
[13-06:34] bf182, Lloyd: ((*getting sleepy, and therefore Lloyd is getting not-good anymore* Bah. *thwaps tired-ness*))
[13-06:34] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: Jen: She knows
[13-06:35] 89537, *Trae Balari : Yes, it's definitely a relief... *despite this, of course, she's still keeping an eye out..... can never be too careful*
[13-06:35] 743c7, 'Jen: *didn't even weasle for 5 minutes* aww....*hugs Ria*
[13-06:35] 91306, *Leon Yara: *nods slowly with the same smile one would have when watching a dog is chasing his tail*
[13-06:35] bf182, Lloyd: ((*hugs Jen back* So, are you coming IC or not? *still has a good half hour, maybe hour of slightly lower quality IC-ness left in her*))
[13-06:36] 91306, *Leon Yara: *nods slowly with the same smile one would have when watching a dog chase his tail*
[13-06:36] bf182, Lloyd: *Obviously dislikes this, as something seems off, but he's not quite sure what. Just nods, grunts, and pats his blaster. Then turns away, surveying the room for chicks.*
[13-06:37] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Taps keys on his datapad quickly, paying no attention to Lloyd or Yara*
[13-06:37] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( sure. why not. *shakes off dust and cobwebs...snatching them out of the air for halloween*))
[13-06:37] 444ec, *Arsenic : *follows a casually convoluted route of back alleys and main roads...and in not long at all, pulls up outside a dilapidated old housing project* Home sweet home.
[13-06:38] bf182, Lloyd: ((Is Ronnie gone-ish? *blinks*))
[13-06:38] 89537, *Trae Balari : *eyes the place critically* I've heard of low profile before, but this....
[13-06:38] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *peers@Tenchi* she does? oh good!))
[13-06:38] 91306, *Leon Yara: *keeps watching him out of the corner of his eye* *is very amused*
[13-06:38] 64897, •Ronica : No, she's lurk-ish.
[13-06:38] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: *wanders into a corner booth, muttering incoherently from tiredness, sleep*
[13-06:38] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Ahh!! *laughs for apparently no reason*))
[13-06:39] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *and she slips in...the obnoxious picture of perfectly sane insanity*
[13-06:39] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: ((jen: yep ))
[13-06:40] bf182, Lloyd: ((Oh. Lurk-ish is fun. *hugs*)) *And spies a suitable chick, even for his incredibly high standards. Immediately slinks over to her, his arm going around her waist. Apparently, he has only one pick up line.* Hey, baby.
[13-06:40] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((Ooo... I love how that sounds... "The obnoxious picture of perfectly sane insanity" :) ))
[13-06:40] 444ec, *Arsenic : *faint amusement in her voice* It looks far better inside...well, at least in places. This is only a minor outpost. *shuts down the engine*
[13-06:41] 89537, *Trae Balari : Is this where.. *gestures* is?
[13-06:41] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *hugs Ronnie too* thank you Leon.))
[13-06:42] bf182, Lloyd: ((Oy.. *forgot to specify that the suitable chick is Chase*))
[13-06:42] 64897, •Ronica : *hugs back* *tired* *and has to go buy a printer tomorrow, 'cause that's her birthday present*
[13-06:42] bf182, Lloyd: ((Ooo for printers. *wants a new one*))
[13-06:43] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *didn't notice Lloyd had made a move* heh. oops. *pause* Happy Early Birthday Ronnie! *lots of hugs and...hugs*))
[13-06:43] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Sips his drink, setting the glass down and mumbling to himself like a madman..*
[13-06:43] 64897, •Ronica : *desperately needs a new one* I still have a dot matrix printer, with the paper with the little holes. That's like 15 years old!
[13-06:43] 64897, •Ronica : Bah! *shakes a fist at her birthday, but hugs and hugs Jen back*
[13-06:43] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she looks up at Lloyd....and quietly moves his arm away...* I'm sorry...did you buy me a drink?
[13-06:44] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( psst...Ronnie....I have nothing. hehe. Enjoy it for me too!))
[13-06:44] 444ec, *Arsenic : Many its are here. This is where he is, if that is what specifically you were wondering. *glances out and around, very carefully, before opening the door and getting out* All clear.
[13-06:44] bf182, Lloyd: ((Eeek! Poor Ronnie! *hugs lots* *meanwhile, considers bringing in Seven for Shiiv, but then, could accidentally forget her windows, and have Seven hit on Chase, instead*))
[13-06:45] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *would find that amusing actually* Go for it Ria. *smirks*))
[13-06:45] 64897, •Ronica : Oh, printing out homework will be hours and hours of amusement, I'm sure. *going to see if she can't throw a scanner into the deal* Hmm..*checks if she has mail from her mother*
[13-06:45] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *His gaze locked on the machine, new worries arrising as the information scrolls across the screen...he pays no heed to Lloyd and his-friends*
[13-06:45] 89537, *Trae Balari : *smiles faintly* Yes, that's what I was wondering... *steps out of the vehicle, looking around as well* I didn't think it would be this easy.
[13-06:45] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *forgot* happy ungodamn birthday? *hands over a chocolate cupcake with chocolate covered coffee beans*))
[13-06:46] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: ((*pokes Ria* your tired.. double window RPing has ALWAYS been hard on a good day when fully awake. bad voodoo ))
[13-06:46] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*smiles brightly*))
[13-06:46] 64897, •Ronica : *picks off the chocolate covered coffee beans and munches on them. Saves the cupcake for later* Aha. *does have mail* Ah... it's been too long since I've gotten a you-never-write-to-me email.
[13-06:47] bf182, Lloyd: Drink? *Eyes Chase for a moment, completely distracted by thoughts of her naked and the like. And can only do one thing at once.* What's a...? *Then, something in his brain switches, and he pauses imagining her naked long enough to search through his short vocabulary for the word "drink".* Oh, right. *Throws some money at Wuher.* Ales. Two of them. *Holds up three fingers. Peers at them. Holds up another finger. Yes, four.* That's right, three... err, two drinks. One.. two.
[13-06:47] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*snickers at Ronnie*))
[13-06:47] bf182, Lloyd: ((*poked* Bah, bah. But double windows are fun.))
[13-06:48] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Oi... Chase should kill Lloyd. That sort of stupidity doesn't deserve to live))
[13-06:48] 64897, •Ronica : *cracks up*
[13-06:48] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *grins* ))
[13-06:48] 444ec, *Arsenic : It would normally be a bit worrisome. However, no one followed us...and certain places we passed by had certain signals that indicated all was well.
[13-06:49] bf182, Lloyd: ((But there are so many people like Lloyd out there. If Lloyd is killed, then Ria will bring in Sam. And Chuck. And Tommy. And so on.))
[13-06:49] 444ec, *Arsenic : *enters the door code...while awaiting authorization, peels off the nearly invisible pieces of "tape" that held her face in the smile lines. Flicks them away, cheeks settling back in their normal impassive lines.*
[13-06:50] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: ((Chase: just castrate him, hes not dead, just not a man ))
[13-06:50] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: I'm're male...aren't you? You aren't allowed to hit on me if you can't get your mind out of your pants first.
[13-06:50] 64897, •Ronica : Tape??
[13-06:50] 89537, *Trae Balari : *takes one last look around, before settling her gaze once more on Arsenic* I'd like to see him... Y'know, make sure he's safe and all that... *watches this process curiously*
[13-06:51] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*would protest on the behalf of manhood, but knows it's true...* ))
[13-06:51] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Oi, oi, oi.))
[13-06:51] 64897, •Ronica : *considers sleep. May have to force smiles tomorrow and will need her energy*
[13-06:51] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((Not, like, scotch tape...but stuff that actors would use to...uh...rearrange their faces. Like, put that one chemical on then peel it off.))
[13-06:51] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *very large grin at Leon* and women know that dearie.))
[13-06:51] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Ah, but there are so many people out there not like Lloyd. Hmm.. *blissful sigh*))
[13-06:52] bf182, Lloyd: My.. mind.. out of..? *Stares blankly. Luckily, he's distracted by the drinks arriving. Hands one ale to her. Then downs his in one gulp.* For the money I'm spendin', you better put out, y'know.
[13-06:52] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[13-06:52] 64897, •Ronica : Ahh.
[13-06:52] 444ec, *Arsenic : Of course. *nods briefly. Upon hearing the bolts in the door slide back, pushes it open and moves into the warehouse, among crates and junk and whatnot*
[13-06:52] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*LOL@Ria*))
[13-06:53] bf182, Lloyd: ((*giggles lots at Misty* You know, that's Ronnie's line.))
[13-06:53] 89537, *Trae Balari : *steps inside quickly, still not feeling entirely safe.. nor will she, until the door is closed, and she knows that Reev is, in fact, within the building, and that she hasn't been tricked... and whatnot*
[13-06:54] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Ronnie isn't the only one who's allowed to sigh blissfully. *sulk*))
[13-06:54] 64897, •Ronica : I sigh blissfully? Wha..? I so don't! *is lost* Huh?
[13-06:55] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((Yes, there are a handfull of "good" men out there, but it seems the vast majority...))
[13-06:55] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Oooo... n/m... I get it. *is tired, clearly*))
[13-06:55] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( there are not.))
[13-06:55] bf182, Lloyd: ((Yes, yes. *pats Misty* *and pats Ronnie too* Just go sleep.))
[13-06:55] JOIN: B has entered.
[13-06:55] 64897, •Ronica : No, wait. *wants to know what her line is*
[13-06:56] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((I should use that line. Oh wait... I don't have any money to spend. And no one to say it to. Damn.))
[13-06:56] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: Since when do pea brained perverts make the rules of dating? *if you'll notice...hasn't touched the drinks*
[13-06:56] bf182, Lloyd: ((Ronnie's line is "Ah, but there are so many people out there not like Lloyd. Hmm.. *blissful sigh*" ))
[13-06:56] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((yes, there are a handfull og good men out there but it seems like the vast majority aren't... ))
[13-06:56] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*growls at the undo button*))
[13-06:56] 444ec, *Arsenic : *closes the door, locking it again. Continues on through the large room, until reaching the smaller half-hidden door on the back wall. Opens it as well, gesturing to a minor NPC lackey sitting at one of the consoles.* Manelwyn will show you to quarters, and will inform Forii that you're here.
[13-06:56] 64897, •Ronica : How's that my line? Can it be my line if I don't get it?
[13-06:56] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : Hmmm...*tapping his fingers on the bartop, shutting the datapad off*two ales, Wuher...*finishing his first ale and setting several more credits down on the bartop*
[13-06:57] bf182, Lloyd: *"Brained," "perverts," and "dating" are words much too big for him. Blinks. Several times.* Uh, yeah. Right. Just make sure you put out.
[13-06:57] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*then growls at typing error*))
[13-06:57] bf182, Lloyd: ((*sigh@Ronnie* It has to do with a certain person who makes you float the way Misty is floating now.))
[13-06:58] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Oi.. *is quite out of it* :( What happened? *rubs forehead* thank the powers that be that I have my happiness to fall back on.))
[13-06:58] 6459a, B: hmmm
[13-06:58] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*is floating, clearly*))
[13-06:58] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: If you 'put out''ll lose it. *grins*
[13-06:58] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*floats*))
[13-06:58] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*LMAO@Jen*))
[13-06:58] 64897, •Ronica : Ohhhhh...*blushes slightly*
[13-06:59] bf182, Lloyd: *Stares, stares.* Why would I put out? That's your job. ((*heh@Ronnie*))
[13-06:59] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((*lmao@Sis*))
[13-06:59] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: I don't have anything to 'put out' hun...the laws of nature.
[13-06:59] 89537, *Trae Balari : *glances at the minor NPC d00d, then to Arsenic* Thanks.. *notes she hasn't been relieved of her blaster, so this is a good sign* *goes to wait for Manelwyn to direct her to her quarters, and assumes everything goes according to plan, and all that.* ((yay))
[13-06:59] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((*awwws@Ronnie and Myst* hehe. Oh, "what happened?" for me? *is out of it, as well*))
[13-07:00] 64897, •Ronica : *awww-ed* Oi.
[13-07:00] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((No, "what happened" is for me.. I feel slightly light-headed and not-all-there... Like I'm watching from a distance or something.))
[13-07:01] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *has no idea what floating is...eyes people very warily* bah....humbug.))
[13-07:01] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *recieving both drings, he starts to gulp down the first*
[13-07:01] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((*resists the urge to giggle* Teehee... *floats right past Jen*))
[13-07:01] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((drinks, rather.))
[13-07:01] bf182, Lloyd: *Slowly begins to understand that she's not interested in sex. Finds it confusing that someone would not want sex. Frowns, concerned that the ways of the universe are being twisted and warped.* So you're not gonna put out? B*itch. After what I paid.
[13-07:01] 444ec, *Arsenic : *nods crisply* Certainly. We'll speak later. Tomorrow, perhaps, after you're settled. *goes off to get rid of the blonde dye and do other important Guild things*
[13-07:01] 89537, *Trae Balari : ((Hey, maybe I'm floating IRL!))
[13-07:02] 444ec, *Arsenic : ((*beams at all the floating* Awww...))
[13-07:02] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *steps really close to Lloyd...slipping her fingers lightly along his jawline...* I don't put out unless someone's worth it...*she steps back...draws back and belts him across the jaw* fck off. *smiles...oh so innocently*
[13-07:03] 64897, •Ronica : *isn't floating! Is staying grounded right now just to spite all the awww-ers*
[13-07:03] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *knows that was uncalled for...but had a violent urge*))
[13-07:03] 89537, *M : *floats past Ronnie, too, and pats her on the way by*
[13-07:03] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *eyes Ronnie* lies. :) ))
[13-07:03] 89537, *M : *isn't awww-ing... is just floating*
[13-07:04] 64897, •Ronica : *is patted and accused of lying* *glowers*
[13-07:04] 89537, *M : Hehe
[13-07:04] 444ec, *E : *is spited? spotted? Is past-tense of "spite."* Hehe.
[13-07:05] bf182, Lloyd: ((*blinks as her eyes start to randomly unfocus of their own will* Right. I'm off to bed. Night, all.)) *Ow! That's a lot of punishment for poor Lloyd in one day. He glares at her, and raises his hand as though to strike, but becomes unbalanced and falls over onto his butt.* B*tch. *Shakes his head, mutters a long stream of curses. Then gets to his feet and swaggers out.*
[13-07:05] 64897, •Ronica : Spitten?
[13-07:05] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *wasn't being serious...takes back comment and lurks while Ria falls asleep*))
[13-07:05] 89537, *M : Right. I'm heading off to grab some food and take a bath. Just as soon as Planetarion ticks.* *pause* *LMAO@E and Ronnie*
[13-07:05] 91306, *Leon Yara: (('Night Ria *hugs*))
[13-07:05] 64897, •Ronica : *is going to bed too*
[13-07:06] 89537, *M : *hugs for Ria and Ronnie* Sleep well :)
[13-07:06] EXIT: Lloyd has left the chat ( *loves Lloyd* *considers permanent-izing him* Sweet dreams! ).
[13-07:06] 64897, •Ronica : *wasn't being serious either* *hugs Jen* :)
[13-07:06] 444ec, *E : *hugs Ria* G'night! ^_^ *hugs Ronnie too, in spite of* Take care. :D
[13-07:07] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *agrees...likes Lloyd..hugs Ria lots*))
[13-07:07] 64897, •Ronica : *hugs, hugs*
[13-07:07] EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( Rawr! ).
[13-07:08] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *of course hugs Ronnie too* g'night ta you too.))
[13-07:08] 444ec, *E : SMARMY! ha.
[13-07:08]       M is now away. Reason: F00d!
[13-07:08] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *shrugs...and finishes off the leftover drinks*
[13-07:09] 444ec, *E : *hugs Myst since she'll prolly be gone when she gets back* ^_^
[13-07:09] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *eyes all the people leaving* is anyone staying?))
[13-07:09] 89537, *M : *hugs back :)*
[13-07:10] 444ec, *E : Er...I would be, if I didn't actually have to get up in the morning... *looks ashamed*
[13-07:10] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[13-07:10] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*hugs for Misty*))
[13-07:10] be458, Get a Name!: Iggy!
[13-07:11] 444ec, *E : *ponders GaN* Bro? Or 'malia? Or Eggie?
[13-07:11] JOIN: Tragedy has entered.
[13-07:11] 89537, *M : *hugs Leon back, too :)*
[13-07:11] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( heh. ))
[13-07:12] be458, Tragedy: ((tis' me! 'malia! *giggles*))
[13-07:12] 89537, *M : I'll be back soon. *much hugs for Jen*
[13-07:12] 91306, *Leon Yara: *stands from the bar and slips out the door*
[13-07:13] 444ec, *E : Hey! LTNS. *hugs* I'm just on my way out, so I'll hafta catch up with ya later.
[13-07:14] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *baps Leon*
[13-07:14] 743c7, 'Jen: *slips back OOC and quietly lurks*
[13-07:14]       M is now officially away
[13-07:14] 444ec, *E : *hugshugshugshugs for Jen-sis* Take care...glad you stopped in. :D
[13-07:15] 743c7, 'Jen: *hugshugshugshugshugshugs back* Aye. glad you were here. :) take care.
[13-07:15] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*bapped* What did I do? Left IC? I'm sorry. I can go back in if you want.))
[13-07:16] 743c7, 'Jen: nah. s'okay Leon. Chase isn't all that interesting.
[13-07:17] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*lol* Niether is Leo))
[13-07:17] 89537, *M : Leon, go back IC, fs....
[13-07:17] EXIT: E has left the chat ( sky of blue (sky of blue!) and sea of green (sea of green!) our yellow (in our yellow!) submarine (submarine..A-HA!)! ).
[13-07:18] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((Okay... I'll just delete that last post.)) *is sitting at a bar stool facing the entrance. Hands Wuher his empty glass*
[13-07:19] 89537, *M : Jen, get yer arse back IC.
[13-07:19]       M is now, honest-to-goodness, away.
[13-07:21] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *sticks her ass on the bartop...and-)) *thats where she ends up IC...gently swinging her legs...she glances over at Leon* thirsty?
[13-07:21] JOIN: Rainer has entered.
[13-07:21] 93abe, *Rainer : *wanders in*
[13-07:21] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *likes this color*can't help it*))
[13-07:22] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( 'lo Rainer. ))
[13-07:22] 93abe, *Rainer : ((goo))
[13-07:23] 91306, *Leon Yara: *looks up at her...* ...uh...Yeah, I guess so.
[13-07:24] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *eyes the 'tender over her shoulder and slips him a credit...* another of whatever he had.
[13-07:24] 93abe, *Rainer : *moves over to the bar and acquires a drink*
[13-07:24] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *keeps drinking, finishing both drinks and nodding to Wuher*'nother...*setting a few credits down on the bartop*
[13-07:24] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*really needs to create a more sociable character so it's easier to rp casual conversations*))
[13-07:25] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((Bwahaha.*is up to four drinks now* In your face, Sai :P))
[13-07:26] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( s'not hard Leon. Just speak. whatever comes to mind that isn't crazy. ))
[13-07:27] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((You're not leaving him much to say, Chase.))
[13-07:27] 93abe, *Rainer : ((I'm a multispeed variable drill))
[13-07:27] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*LOL* Bah! Bah! Bah!@Stoney)) Oh, thank you...*takes the glass of water from Wuher.* Would you like anything?
[13-07:28] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( yeah. and I've not been IC more than once in the last 2-3 months Shiiv. i'm not all that interesting.))
[13-07:29] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *eyes Rainer* um...))
[13-07:29] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((It's just the character. He's not the type to talk... *L* And when someone does talk to him, especially women, he kind of gets nervous and stumbles over his words and such.))
[13-07:30] 93abe, *Rainer : ((*eyed* and I'm confident too!))
[13-07:30] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( Oh....well.....))
[13-07:31] 93abe, *Rainer : *whilst Wuher is directing his attention elsewhere, reaches behind the bar and takes a bottle*
[13-07:31] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *chuckle* nifteh!))
[13-07:32] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((Yeah right, Sai, that's nothing like the Leon Yara of SN. You lie!))
[13-07:32] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*nudges Jen* *points to his post*))
[13-07:32] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: No. Thank you. *smiles..and leans back on her palms*eyes Rainer* thats my job.
[13-07:33] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *nudged...curls up* sorry.))
[13-07:33] 93abe, *Rainer : to you its your job.
[13-07:33] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( a confident multispeed variable drill...*cracks up laughing*))
[13-07:34] 93abe, *Rainer : to me...*lifts bottle* its a privlidge... *moves over to the booth from the night before*
[13-07:35] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((Yeah well, that was when Leon was dealing with business and military concerns...That's a little different....He was very fluent when it came to that. And it's different now... Yara is not connected with any groups...))
[13-07:35] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *eyes Rainer again*~ I leave for just a little while and someone takes my job..~.* Tsss...
[13-07:35] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((Although, he is getting pretty tired of being freelance.)) *nods and goes back to his drink*
[13-07:36] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( so uh...let the old Leon kinda leak to the new one for a lil while? Humour me? *puppy eyes*))
[13-07:37] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ((Soooo bored...))
[13-07:37] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *wonders what the drink has that she doesn't*casts Rainer a wayward glance then looks back to Leon* is it saying anything interesting?
[13-07:39] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((fine)) *lop-sided smiles* I'm sorry... *looks at her* So, tell me what you do here?
[13-07:40] 39627, *Rainer : *puts his feet up and takes a nice long pull*
[13-07:42] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: what don't I do...*grins* how bout you?
[13-07:44] 91306, *Leon Yara: uh...*takes a sip of his water* People hire me to do various kinds of jobs for them. *trys to change subject* Are you sure you wouldn't like anything to drink?
[13-07:47] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: Well I'm almost embarrassed to say....a water would be good...*usually drinks alcohol...really*
[13-07:49] 91306, *Leon Yara: *blinks, then smiles again* Yes, of course. *hands Wuher credits and he returns with her water* May I ask your name?
[13-07:50] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: Chase. *she takes the water...yeah she's graceful for being a..uh..yeah* you?
[13-07:52] 91306, *Leon Yara: Leon..
[13-07:56] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: Leon. *bows her head a little and then sips her water..* What brought you here tonight then?
[13-07:58] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *pause* should I have brought an evil person in? ))
[13-07:59] 39627, *Rainer : *is still*
[13-08:00] 91306, *Leon Yara: *grins* Actually, I just stopped in tor a rest and a few drinks... but I stayed to watch that guy that was in here earlier... *grins* How about you?,
[13-08:01] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((Ack tor=for.... I don't know. I guess not. Leon is not really "evil" himself. And if he wasn't enjoying the company he would have left, so I guess this is okay. :-) ))
[13-08:02] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( Oh? *pause...purrs*))
[13-08:02] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *likes pausing obviously* )) Random curiousity....wondering just how seedy its been.
[13-08:05] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((*L*)) *laughs slightly then says under his breath so Wuher won't hear* Yeah, this really isn't the safest place to be.
[13-08:05] 39627, *Rainer : *from his silent booth* Depends on how prepared one is...
[13-08:07] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *turns towards the voice...* ya know you could walk over here and talk...instead of staying over there. *smiles* and it depends on lots of things besides being prepared. like being capable.
[13-08:07] 89537, *Sabal Naerth : ((ph33r not, I shall be IC soon enough... after I get dressed and arrive at the school))
[13-08:08] 39627, *Rainer : I always thought preparedness was part of capability.
[13-08:08] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *finishes his fourth drink...sighing*
[13-08:08] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: Well some people are prepared but...uh...couldn't shoot the broad side of a building.
[13-08:09] 91306, *Leon Yara: *glances at her with a smile then turns toward Rainer*
[13-08:09] 39627, *Rainer : Stormtroopers come to mind
[13-08:11] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: So I've got a point? Sh!t....that doesn't happen often. *L*
[13-08:11] 89537, *M : bbs
[13-08:11] 39627, *Rainer : Well, capability isnt stamped out in a factory, no matter how much the old empire tried to make it so.
[13-08:12] 91306, *Leon Yara: *grins* I agree.
[13-08:14] 39627, *Rainer : *takes his bottle, leaving the glass at his booth and stroll up to where Chase and Leon are, pulling a chair in* Lack of quantity is never ever an adequate substitute for quality...
[13-08:16] 91306, *Leon Yara: *grins again* Of course.
[13-08:17] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: But hasn't increase in quantity always been for increase of money? And usually the quality goes downhill from there.
[13-08:18] 39627, *Rainer : Depends on the circumstances...
[13-08:19] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: Yeah. If they aren't greedy little b@stards.
[13-08:20] 39627, *Rainer : I'd shell out for a custom job on sayt a fighter anyday over a stock mass production model. In cases like that Quality out weighs quantity.
[13-08:21] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( Um...sorry Leon. heh. Speak!))
[13-08:22] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((No, 'tis okay. :-) )) But minds change when those mass productions have the custom ship out numbered.
[13-08:23] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: I'd have to agree. But there's not alot of people like that out there.
[13-08:23] 39627, *Rainer : ((...the strangest freaks...the funniest clowns...thrill galore...))
[13-08:24] JOIN: M has entered.
[13-08:24] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *smiles slightly at Leon* Popularity?
[13-08:25] c5837, *M : INteresting. *apparently, hasn't logged off her comp from last night* Sweet candy. Bwaha
[13-08:25] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Enters silently.*
[13-08:26] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *Getting a new drink, he sips it carefully*
[13-08:26] JOIN: Shanira has entered.
[13-08:26] 39627, *Rainer : Well, *quirks a grin* then theres the pilot to consider...
[13-08:27] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *She pauses to look around, then moves silently down the steps and toward the bar. There is a faint limp in her stride... wounds garnered from the previous evening*
[13-08:27] 91306, *Leon Yara: *smiles back and continues* But I don't disagree entirely. But tI think the quality of the pilot is greater than the quality of the ship.
[13-08:27] 91306, *Leon Yara: ((Awww... Ya' beat me to it. *deletes post*))
[13-08:27] ccf23, Shanira: *walks in and looks around*
[13-08:28] 39627, *Rainer : ((*wonders if Sabals entrance will mean the enterance of said injurer*))
[13-08:28] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((*hopes not*))
[13-08:29] 91306, *Leon Yara: *smiles back at her* Yes... a pilot's quality is a real factor
[13-08:29] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *chuckles*
[13-08:29] 39627, *Rainer : Has been for me in not to distant past...
[13-08:30] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Upon reaching the bar, she quickly takes a seat. Hiding a grimace, she glances at the 'tender* Corellian whiskey. Straight. On the rocks. In a clean glass.
[13-08:30] ccf23, Shanira: *smiles at Sabal* Hey..'
[13-08:31] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: There's so many crackpot pilots out does one know if there's quality...?
[13-08:31] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Casts a glance around as she waits, nodding politely to Rainer, before offering Shanira a warm smile.* Good evening.
[13-08:32] 39627, *Rainer : Well, look at the sillouettes on his fusulage...but to be safe ask around to make sure he actually shot them down...
[13-08:32] 91306, *Leon Yara: A good pilot can usually tell another good pilot, I suppose. I don't know. I'm only a decent pilot.
[13-08:33] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: Pilots...not fighters...
[13-08:33] ccf23, Shanira: Feel better? *having noticed the limp*
[13-08:35] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : Yeah, I'm doing well enough. Still a bit sore, of course, but that's to be expected. After all, I've suffered much worse in my life. *Pays for the whiskey as it arrives, and takes up the glass.* How are you doing? *Here, she flashes a wicked grin.* Did you have a good night last night?
[13-08:35] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : *finishes drink, moving back into the observe for a few hours until morning*
[13-08:35] 6907b, *Shiiv Kiiru : ~+§**GONE**§+~
[13-08:35] 39627, *Rainer : *clears his throat loudly*
[13-08:36] 39627, *Rainer : ((his head was kind messed up last night if you didnt notice))
[13-08:36] ccf23, Shanira: *innocent like* Whatever do you mean? *orders her scotch*
[13-08:36] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Tilts her head toward Rainer, arching a brow, then looks back to Shanira, grin widening*
[13-08:37] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : You know, the thought has slipped my mind....
[13-08:37] 91306, *Leon Yara: But it is like Ms. Chase said earlier. Any idiot can pull a trigger, but how good is the shot going to be.
[13-08:38] 39627, *Rainer : I think a good pilot isnt afraid to admit hes been shot down...if it has happned that is...
[13-08:38] 39627, *Rainer : Even the best are not flawless..
[13-08:38] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: Thanks Leon. *grins*crossing her legs at the ankles*
[13-08:40] ccf23, Shanira: *grins and takes a sip once her drink arrives*
[13-08:41] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: Nobody's flawless.
[13-08:41] ccf23, Shanira: (( Brb ))
[13-08:41] 39627, *Rainer : Never a truer thing has been said
[13-08:41] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : Well, you aren't complaining, so I'll just assume *speaks the word loud enough for Rainer to hear* that the evening was exceptional.
[13-08:43] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((*randomly pouncetackleglinghugs Jen!*))
[13-08:43] 91306, *Leon Yara : *grins slightly* I agree
[13-08:44] 39627, *Rainer : ((HARVEY, HARVEY, HARVEY THE WONDER HAMSTER!))
[13-08:44] 39627, *Rainer : I would say age is indicative of a pilots skill but you can grow old piloting a commercial friegter and never see combat...
[13-08:44] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *pouncetackleglinghugged* now thats more like it.))
[13-08:45] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *returns pouncetackleglinghug happily with a random tigger giggle*))
[13-08:45] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : ((Eek! A tigger giggle!!! *falls over*))
[13-08:45] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: And if you are've got a deal with satan.
[13-08:46] 91306, *Leon Yara : That true. Expiernce is important.
[13-08:46] 91306, *Leon Yara : *glance over at Chase with a smile at that last remark*
[13-08:46] 39627, *Rainer : If you BELEIVE you are flawless, you've yet to escape your own ignorance
[13-08:47] 91306, *Leon Yara : ...or arrogance.
[13-08:47] 91306, *Leon Yara : But then the arrogant or ignorant, I suppose.
[13-08:48] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Turns in her seat, drink in hand, and listens in on the current conversation.*
[13-08:48] ccf23, Shanira: *smiles* Nothing happened
[13-08:48] 91306, *Leon Yara : ((or=are))
[13-08:48] 39627, *Rainer : ((Happy Spanksgiving!))
[13-08:48] c5837, *Sabal Naerth : *Glances at Shanira* Nothing happened?!
[13-08:48] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( I see...Rainer...where has your mind been?))
[13-08:49] 39627, *Rainer : ((*spanks Chase*))
[13-08:49] 743c7, Chase Lee Ainsley: arrogance is a sort of ignorance tho...don't you think?
[13-08:49] ccf23, Shanira: *nods* Sorry to disappoint
[13-08:50] 91306, *Leon Yara : Yeah.