Name: Selinde Merris N'Schol
Age: 15 (Appears around 28)
Gender: Female
Race: Sentient (Aujis)
Height: 6'1
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral(with Good leanings)[Benevolent Sociopath]
Weight: 157 lbs
Hair: Long, Platinum
Eyes: Silver with Flashes of Lavender Lightning
Skin: Lightly Shadowed(Dusky)
Build: Slim and Strong
Marital Status: Lover/Consort to Anukamun(Ashanti)
Offspring: None
Weapons: Abyscure, The Circlet, Cid's Orb, Her Mind, Her Body, Any and Everything


Parasitic Tethering of a Single Living Host
Powerful Telepath
Master of Bladed Weapons
Immunity to Cold/Ice and Electricity
Minor Resistance to Fire
Master Contortionist
Acute Manipulation of Gravitational Forces in her Close Proximity
Proficient in Hand-to-Hand Combat
Discerning Sight
Mastery of Ice and Electrical Energies
Bestow/Sap Vigor
Ability to Temporarily Channel and Redirect Arcane Energies within 5 foot Radius of Self
Child of the Void

Family Tree