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JOIN: Noname has entered.
JOIN: Noname has entered.
e2f06, Phoenix: *rolls in and signs* what up?
4832f, Stitch: *whistles nix's tune*
87fd8, Pearle: ok, thanks *sends the writ over with a runner*
4832f, Stitch: ~wiz...i'll take care of it~
87fd8, Pearle: *switches to the teletype and tells him what she has for him* writ for search of Ms. rong's apartment.. types out exactly what the order says for him* I'll send it over with a runner.
4832f, Stitch: *answers *tap tap
87fd8, Pearle: *goes back to her desk and calls the head of security*
87fd8, Pearle: will do
09391, Zapp : *signs his name on it* get it to security
ae99b, Game Master: *it's a writ to have Ms rong's apartment searched*
87fd8, Pearle: *types up the orders and brings them in to zapp to sign* hey boss, got this writ for you to sign *puts it on the desk in front of him*
c80ba, River: *drops the paper with pearl and makes herself scarce*
09391, Zapp : night....*back to his calculations*
c80ba, River: *arches a brow* I see, well then. I'll go give this to Pearle. You're a big boy, you know what your doing, and what the likely outcome is going to be. *backs towards the door* night boss.
09391, Zapp : you mean these?.....I'm faster than they are remember and 2x as accurate.....and I know I am pissing chic off by staying here late
c80ba, River: there are some programs that can help with most of that, I'll get them installed then send you a data enterer, or you can get daisy to do it while she's sitting at that desk for you, she's good enough.
09391, Zapp : nope...unless you know how to multiply 15 different companies assets and read 17 spreadsheets at glance to figure out what we need to increase
c80ba, River: *takes the paper and squints at it* um, okay. need anything else from me?
09391, Zapp : *pulls out a piece of paper and scribbles something down...she of course can't read it* take this to pearle
c80ba, River: I don't know enough about her to know one way or the other.
c80ba, River: honestly sir, I don't know, but something just feels off about her to me. No one else is flagging. It's either her or she's been set up to look like her.
09391, Zapp : you like her for my mother?
c80ba, River: *rattles off the report, ticking points off on her fingers as she goes* .. that's about it I think, I don't think I've forgotten anything.
09391, Zapp : *reaches for the hard copy* so what do you got on her?
c80ba, River: *rolls in and stands in front of his desk* boss... I've the report on that woman for you. So far she's the only one with multiple red flags.
09391, Zapp : come in....*is working on something*
c80ba, River: *Sends the report to zapp with a note that says she'll be there in five with a hard copy* alright, I'm taking this to zapp *gets up and darts off to his office* Boss? *knocks on the door*
c80ba, River: you're as bad as I am at taking a compliment *chortles and finishes up the report*
96df8, Highrise: awww i'm just the assistant
c80ba, River: highrise too, I didn't do it alone
86b3b, Bangle : it's experience.....you'll be a great cyber patrol
c80ba, River: *the document pauses as she looks up at him* thanks, hopefully its not an empty rabbit hole. I've dived down. *shrugs and turns back to the document*
86b3b, Bangle : *pats her shoulder* good job
c80ba, River: he is the most knowledgeable about the subject *jacks in and pulls up a document that starts filling in at the speed of thought... everything they found is flowing onto the page from routines to foods, as well as their findings with Bangles mom... just all of it*
86b3b, Bangle : when in doubt always go to the boss
c80ba, River: *sighs* right... okay, I'll print up everything and take it to him.
86b3b, Bangle : take it to zapp and get a writ to toss her apartment
c80ba, River: well, they better bite us in the ass then, all we can do is look for inconsistency in the records of purchases and employee or tenet files
86b3b, Bangle : i'm just saying that you'll find things that will point directly to her but aren't reaal
c80ba, River: we're running everyone new since start up. so far nada
86b3b, Bangle : any new people show up?
c80ba, River: compare to what, we've got no information on the woman we are looking for. Other then big bad evil.
86b3b, Bangle : I get it......do a comparison
c80ba, River: yeah, well so far she's the only one with multiple red flags, and the only one that seems close to the situation in anyway.
86b3b, Bangle : yeah...me too with a lot of it i'm a phys ad I don't know anything about sorcery....well my advise is to keep looking until you find what you are looking for but don't get obsessed or you'll start finding things that aren't there
c80ba, River: yeah well, I got the impression she's hiding behind it or what ever it does... but like I said, I could have misunderstood, magic talk is mostly over my head.
86b3b, Bangle : not unlikely....it's usually bone a fur...some of the more noble shamans look better...street shamans look nasty
c80ba, River: fetish then *shrugs* she definately said dead animal
86b3b, Bangle : a fetish...or a foci......shamanic fetishes look like road kill...hermetic looks like jewlery
c80ba, River: she said something about needing to find a focal too... some dead animal looking thing *shakes her head* give me a computer any day
c80ba, River: apparently not all of you
86b3b, Bangle : well us magick wielders do show up spectacularly in the astral plain
c80ba, River: yeah thats what she called it.. he's searching she said
86b3b, Bangle : yeah the astral plain....it's where the spirits exist....
2aeda, Paulina Walle: *skates out*
c80ba, River: I'm not up on the technicalities... but feather talked to him .. on another plane?
86b3b, Bangle : then why is he still in a coma
c80ba, River: he's about a neurologically damaged as I am *scoffs*
86b3b, Bangle : his body is healed....but with neurological damage it's hard to say
c80ba, River: Bangle... how long till shock decides to come out of his not coma ?
c80ba, River: thanks
2aeda, Paulina Walle: this is getting into territory that I don't know anything about....but she is lying
c80ba, River: Thanks ma'am
86b3b, Bangle : yeah mom...you can go back to work.....
c80ba, River: *blinks* so simply? why do you say she is lying?
c80ba, River: I don't know. maybe I'm unreasonably fixated.
2aeda, Paulina Walle: then she is lying...is that all you needed Bryan?
c80ba, River: *live in*
c80ba, River: .. she did in des moines though before coming to seattle... *frowns.. something still sticks in her craw about this woman... wonders if she is being irrational*
c80ba, River: she's oriental
2aeda, Paulina Walle: I wouldn't know anything about that but I would say she is a Aborigine that is over 45
c80ba, River: *grins* true... but how likely would a woman who seems to be a healthy eater be to have bon bons in her purse. She seems to eat nothing but vegetables fruit and meat. .. then there is the mysteriously appearing bon bons
2aeda, Paulina Walle: from my purse...I have gum too...*pulls out a stick of wrigglies double mint* look who my son is....how can I afford being a health nut
c80ba, River: Mom.. you a health nut?
86b3b, Bangle : *takes one and opens it* where do you get them from
c80ba, River: *shakes her head* damn...
2aeda, Paulina Walle: *sighs and grabs her purse and reaches in pulling out exactly three of them* yeah
86b3b, Bangle : you got any of those in your purse...*points at the candies*

Last Post:3:02am, December 17 (UTC) (1)

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