Full Name- Sean Isato Hunter(Known to very few)
Common name- Sean
Code name- Hunter(Unknown unless your hunting him then this is the only name you know)
Age-24(Unknown unless told)but he looks about 17-18
Hair Color-Blond(Down to his lower back)
Eye Color-Brown(Sean mode) Silver(Hunter mode)
Weight-188 pounds
Date of birth-unknown
Weapons-One normal Katana(aka The Tempest).One Reverse blade Katana (aka The Aura),Throwing needles(sometimes poisoned) But just for the record he can use just about any weapon he comes across but only able to use the Hiten Mitsurugi with a katana.

Physical Description
He stands at 6'1 rather built for just a wanderer.He normally wears a long black cloak that reaches his knees underneath a redish brown breastplate with shoulders,a white long sleeve shirt with matching pants. Around him waist would be a armored belt same color as his other armor with plate piece hanging down the front and sides of his thigh hanging from the same belt is his katana normally seen poking out the bottom end of his cloak. His hands are covered in black fingerless gloves and on his feet are black boots. His long bow would normally be strapped around his shoulder for when traveling if in a more comfortable setting say inside it would be strapped to his back. If caught without a shirt on a massive scar would be umprinted on his torse going from his left lower stomach to his right shoulder....it looks like ti should've cleaved him in two whatever it was. His facial features are rather soft for someone like him making him appear younger than he is. His eyes only make him stand out more because they do not match his hair. On the left side of his head his hair would funnel into beads 5 of them that cut his hair really short on that side so it barely hangs past his jaw.

Soul Background
There are many many legend of a single soul that does not pass on to the after life a soul which lingers and trasfers. Like a phoenix dying only to be reborn anew but this soul yes this soul was special this soul goes back in time a good ways with the story of pandora's box. The story of Pandora's box once opened in unleashed all the evils in the world but in that box was left one more thing and that was hope and this is where the story begins not only was hope unleashed on the world but it had a focal point a single soul the embodiment of hope. This soul will always exsist as long as hope does this soul jumping from body to body for all eternity living countless live and changing so many others in the process. For you see the host of this soul has a special gift one the host will never willingly know about the power to change,defy,and give....he can change the fate of all living things without even knowing it even changing fate it's self for he exsists outside of it thus his fate is unbound....free to do whatever he likes while other are bound to it. This is the soul that exsists within Sean this is Sean's soul one with the power to change anything without even knowing it. The one with power to make anyone's dreams come true.....but his own....

Living Background
Born into a long standing clan of bounty hunters he was raised by his master Seijuurou Hiko never getting to know his parents or anyone else for that matter. Being raised in solitude he was trained to kill and to do it very well without emotion without remorse.....for this was all he knew it was killing there was no right or wrong to him just the next job he was put on. He was the top for his age group even outshining some of the older Hunter's. Being a rather serious but goofy soul he was almost innocent if you talked to him outside a job.Being trained for most of his younger years once he hit 13 he was sent off into the world only to be contacted from someone of the clan if a job was needed to be done he'd do them without question....never being seen.....and never missing his mark. This would slowly being to make him famous this "Hunter" slowly catching wind very soon not long after he turned 15 he was well known but his cruel and clean ways of killing. "He was like a demon" most would say Hunter's blade was never seen nor was he like he could just disappear on a moments notice this speed which he could move was be compaired to that of a god. He quickly because the talk or legends and nightmares stories you tell you children so they'll behave. Then it happened at age 17 he was contacted.....a contract kill on his former master Seijuurou Hiko.....this would be the turning point in his life this is where the "Hunter" disappeared and Sean began. Now wandering from place to place attempting to attone for his crimes against life he walks on very unaware if the power he holds.....the power to change any and all dreams.

Fighting Style
Hiten Mitsurugi Style (Soaring Sword of the Heavens)
The Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu was a fighting style designed to attack numerous opponents at once. Those who have mastered the Hiten Misturugi Ryu are said to move at god speed (that which the eye cannot follow), Seijuurou Hiko was the name handed down to those who mastered it. The 13th Seijuurou Hiko was Niitsu Kakunoshin. Most of these techniques are deadly one-hit kills.