Name: Ellery Kale

Nicknames: Elle, which is preferred over her full name. She is also known as ‘Fox’ to some within the region due to her crafty personality and sharp facial features.

Species: Still not very sure. She's working towards finding out, though.

Age: She lost count after fifteen, but is probably in her late twenties or early thirties.

Birthplace: Unknown.

Date of Birth: Unknown.

Current residence: Anywhere she pleases. Lately she’s been favoring trees.

Gender: It’s even more difficult to tell than her race, but if you follow the bread crumbs and get her drunk enough, you’ll find she really is female.

Height: 5’ 10’’ or so.

Eye Color: Blue-Gray

Hair Color: Sandy blonde or mousy brown, depending on how long it’s been since she washed it.

Class: Ranger.

Alignment: Whatever suits her at the time. One might say she’s dead neutral.

Marital status: Single.

Family: She herself isn’t quite sure if they’re still alive.

Affiliation: None. Good luck trying to get her to join anything.

- Longbow
- Throwing daggers (which she rarely ever uses)
- Crossbow

- She can drink anyone, no matter how big or magnificent the genetics are, under the table. Her liver has more holes than she cares to count, but she’s a damn good drinker all the same.
- Whether she’s the picture of health, tired, or drunk, Elle seems to be incapable of loosing her footing.
- Though she can’t seem to lie even if she wanted to, she is a remarkably smooth talker when she feels it’s necessary. Basically, her tongue redeems itself when it lands her in trouble in the first place.

Skills: An expert shot, which she is eternally grateful for seeing as she’s a lousy swordsman. Give her an arrow, a dart, a fork, it doesn’t matter - she’ll hit her target without even bothering to glance at it. Especially if it’s a fork.

Appearance: One word could describe Elle; androgynous. She walks, talks, and acts like a man thanks to a butchered idea of gender association, and probably the only thing that lets everyone know what she really is besides a drunken rant is the fact her hair has been grown to her waist (thanks in part to her indifference to a decent haircut.) She is tall and wiry, and has a nice, healthy olive complexion thanks to the great outdoors. She probably could be quite pretty if she took time out of her day to wash her face, comb her hair, and put on something that doesn't have more holes in it than Swiss cheese, but as it is, she couldn't give two shits or a flying fuck.

Personality: Laid-back and very straight-forward, Elle’s personal philosophy on life is, “You’re going to die anyway, so live it up and say what you think.” She has a colorful, crude humor and a very masculine way of thinking, but truly is a good-natured person and is loyal to a fault…if you make it worth her while. When angered, she is austerely calm and collected; a sure sign she will not only get even, but will walk away the victor. Despite a coarse tongue and unconventional manners, Elle is intelligent to the point of being dangerous, and is certainly not afraid to use it to make a fool of someone when crossed.