Registration Application
Planet Mobius Chat
Add pmc.staff@gmail.com to your email filters before you send in a registration, to avoid any email issues.
Click Here for a list of currently taken user names.
When you register, DO NOT add punctuations to the name, WE CANNOT APPROVE THEM. If you wish to have punctuations in your name, you can login with them after registered. Punctuations do not count toward registration. Just letters, spaces, and numbers. For instance, Rob O' The Hedge would be registered as Rob O The Hedge.
Be sure to give us as much detail about your character when registering. We don't need a full background, just basic info.
Things like Name,Age,Species,Gender help,also a short backstory would be appreciated.
We also discourage instantaneous super powers/abilities or going against the canon story. Ex: an OC dating Sonic, and has the same abilities as Super Sonic without needing the Chaos Emeralds.
An application without any description will be denied. No Exceptions.
Here is an example of an application:
This is a small application for my main character
Name: Nikki The Rat
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Rat
Appearance: Very petite, almost delicate in appearance.
Backstory: Runs a small flower shop in Spagonia
Abilities: Plant communication and minor manipulation
Applications for Canon Characters not of Sonic origin will NOT be accepted,and will be declined immediately
If you have yet to receive an e-mail with your password in it, please contact: