Full Name: Scott Summer

Codename: Cyclops

Race: Mutant

Earth-616 Counterpart: Cyclops/Scott Summer

Age: 49
Affiliation: The Empire
Base of Operations: Where Needed
Optic Blast: Cyclops possesses the mutant ability to project a powerful beam of concussive, ruby-colored force from his eyes. Cyclops's eyes are no longer the complex organic jelly that utilizes the visible spectrum of light to see the world around it. Instead, they are inter-dimensional apertures between this universe and another, non-Einsteinian universe, where physical laws as we know them do not pertain. This non-Einsteinian universe is filled with particles that resemble photons, yet they interact with this universe's particles by transferring kinetic energy in the form of gravitons (the particle of gravitation). These particles generate great, directional concussive force when they interact with the objects of this universe.

Spatial Awareness: Cyclops seems to possess an uncanny sense of trigonometry, in this sense used to describe his observation of objects around himself and the angles found between surfaces of these objects. Cyclops has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to cause his optic blasts to ricochet and/or reflect off those objects in a trajectory to his liking. This is commonly called a "banked shot" when applied to this talent. Cyclops has been observed causing beams to reflect from over a dozen surfaces in the course of one blast, and still hit his intended target accurately. It is his sense of superhumanly enhanced spatial awareness that allows him to perform these feats as well.

Energy Resistance: Cyclops is resistant to various sorts of energy due to the psionic field that surround his body.

Techno Organic Virus Remnants: Scott would primarily have pieces of retained bio-organic technology in places on his body that had deteriorated in his age. Mostly cosmetic in nature offering no significant benefits to his person. A patch of bio-metalized flesh on his chest, a patch on his thigh. Of these more cosmetic changes only two pieces of these remnants afford any notable improvements. Scott's right hand has become mostly techno-organic in nature affording him a greater gripping and striking strength. At peak human capacity, Scott, with the aid of the enhanced hand, can lift up to 2 tons. The secondary enhanced system is the network of techno organic remnants along his spine. This system affords a slightly enhanced neural relay, doubling the rate of Scott's honed reaction speed.

Brief History: Scott Summers was one of the first mutants discovered along with Magneto and Xavier. A natural leader and commander, Scott acts when and where he is needed commanding whatever forces the Empire allots him. Colonel of Special Operations.

During the Techno-Virus siege of Neo-X, Scott was infected by the virus after rescuing the students of the Xavier Academy. While he was cured of the virus, Scott's body and mind were left significantly altered by the experience. In near constant daily pain, Scott's psyche has been severely ravaged by touching the hive mind and losing all sense of his own conscious mind. Awakening him an old phobia of his thoughts not being his to control from a lengthy time in the shadow of Emperor Xavier. To recover, Scott has left Neo-X to hunt the Wastes once more to find himself.