Full Name: Jean Grey
Codename: Phoenix
Race: Mutant
Earth-616 Counterpart: Jean Grey/Phoenix
Age: 23
Affiliation: Herself
Base of Operations: Undisclosed apartment block, Phoenix Medical
Power(s): Telepathy/Telekinesis (Phoenix backed to a degree. IE: Can level a city block, but runs the risk of losing consciousness. Can read minds throughout the entire Central District. Anything outside that is dice decided)
Avatar: Sophie Turner

Brief History: Jean was a student of the Institute and leader of the X-Men, but the stress of graduating, leading the team and basically being the "girl next door" popular type as well as a feud with Emma caused her to have a meltdown. Enter the Phoenix. the force erupting in her caused her to have a telekinetic event that blew out the top of the institute skyscraper roof. the school quarantined her, unable to figure out what to do with a student who was nearly at the top of their mutant game PLUS a cosmic entity. the Phoenix and Jean came to an agreement: eventually Jean would succumb to the Phoenix and leave the galaxy to fulfill the entity's prime directives, and in return the Phoenix would go back into hibernation. Jean escape from the school and essentially faded away into the Central district. she opened a clinic somewhere in the Central District called Phoenix Medical, giving treatment to mutants who are injured, but Emma meddled so Jean moved it again. This time in a high rise apartment block on the top floor. (think like the Peachtrees Block from the Dredd movie.) the location of the place is kept secret from everyone due to Jean wiping the location from peoples' memories once they leave.