Full Name: Sydney Declan Winters

Codename: Puddless, Playdoh, Morph

Race: Mutant

Earth-616 Counterpart: Kevin Sydney/Changeling/Morph

Age: 17


Base of Operations: The Institute.

Power(s): Sydney's body is composed of unstable molecules transforming the entirety of his person into a malleable metamorphic substance not unlike playdoh. As a result, Sydney can mold his body into virtually any shape he desires capable of altering his size, his coloration, and his form to any desired state. He can alter his appearance to appear as another person or even alter his shape to resemble an object. He is able to alter his physical composition as well allowing him to become gaseous or liquid in nature.

Malleable Form: Sydney's body is extemely malleable in nature allowing him to stretch, detach, and reattach his limbs and extremities. Even when detached, Sydney is able to control and manipulate the removed portions of his body.

-Augmented Strength: Sydney is capable of increasing the physical density of his structure temporarily affording him superhuman physical strength.

-Flight: Sydney is capable of flight by creating appenadges fitted for this purpose but also seems to be capable of limited flight without such appendages, possibly through some mild form of telekinetic ability.

-Biological Immunity: Due to the nature of Sydney's form he is able to purge his body of any toxin, poison, or disease he is exposed to.

-Self-Sustenance*: Sydney does not need to eat, breathe, or drink to survive,

*But he still likes to eat and drink for the taste sensations.

Omni-Sensory Perception: Sydney does not possess the usual state of five sensory input that most people possess, rather he possess a single unified psionic sensory perception that serves the function of all those senses. As such he is able to "see" and "hear" from any portion of his body even when detached or in a state that possesses none of these sense such as an object like a chair.
-Blank State: Sydney is a sensory "blank" producing no natural scent to track. Due to his bodies lack of a neurological network and the unique psionic nature of his sensory awareness, his mind is all but invisible to psychic probing and exists in a state of "static" when it can be perceived. His ability to augment his shape and coloration allow him to camoflauge himself into his enviroments and his ability to alter his elasticity allows him to move nearly silently when he desires. As such, Sydney is virtually undetectable by every sense except natural sight.

Psionic Communication: Sydney doesn't possess natural vocal cords but instead communicates by psionic vibrations across his physical form allowing him to project sound outward from any part of his body. While he is able to communicate directly with another mind via telepathy, the static mind he possesses does not allow others to communicate with him easily in the same way thus he prefers to keep verbal communication.

-Auditory Mimicry: Due to the unique way in witch Sydney communicates, he possesses absolute conrol of his tone, pitch, and tenor of his voice allowing him to mimic any sound or voice as he desires perfectly.

Brief History: Sydney is a nerd by all accounts. A goofball who enjoys a good laugh who seems incapable of taking anything seriously. Abandoned at an early age, Sydney was placed at an orphanage at the age of four with the only hint of his identity being a medical bracelet on his arm that read 'Sydney. K". Taking his name as Sydney, he was eventually adopted by the Winters family and given the full name of Sydney Declan Winters though he still prefers to just be called Sydney. He was enrolled into the Institute primarily to help him with his habit of randomly melting into puddles on the floor.