Full Name: Selene Gallio
Codename: Selene
Race: Mutant
Earth-616 Counterpart: Selene Gallio
Age: Appears to be in her thirties
Affiliation: Officially, the Institute and the Empire. Unofficially, she aids the resistance in secret
Base of Operations: Institute

Life-Force Absorption
Psychic vampirism
Superhuman strength/speed/agility/etc.
Telekinesis, including telekinetic animation & disintegration
Telepathy, including shielding, psionic bolts, hypnosis, and astral projection
Darkforce & shadow form
Immortality & rapid healing
Reality warping (not to be used without admin approval)


Little is known about Selene except the fact that she is far, far older than she appears and that she has immense power and knowledge. She teaches Anthropology and Latin at the Institute.