Full Name: Nicia Amadaeus; Exilia Boltius
Codename: Melpomene
Race: Inhuman
Earth-616 Counterpart: None
Age: 17
Base of Operations: Attilan

Immune to Black Bolts Voice.

Bioelectric Manipulation: She can control the bioelectric rythms of her own body and the bodies of others this allows her to hypercharge her musculature to a state of superhuman physical stature for a limited time. Controlled focused bursts can even offer a greater enhancement of physical extension such as enhanced superhuman speed or strength. By manipulating her bioelectric rhythms into another body, she can manipulate their body as her own or overflow it with that energy causing a violent expulsion of power outward turning them effectively into a concussive bomb. She is able to siphon the biolelectric rhythms of others back into her own body to use as her own and can release the energy directly through her hands or eyes as a release of energy. It enables the following:

Hypersonic Scream
Energy Beams
Personal Force Field
Power Absorption
Psychic Weapons