Wolves and Girls both have sharp teeth
About :

It was rumored that Natasha Romanova (Russian: Наталья Романова, Наташа Романова, Наталья Романова-Шостакова) was somehow related to the last ruling czars of Russia, but this was never proven.

There are varying accounts of Romanova's early life. One account states that in 1928, Nazis set the building in Stalingrad that Natasha and her mother were living in on fire. Her mother threw her out the window to a Russian soldier before dying in the fire. The soldier's name was Ivan Petrovitch, and he watched over Natasha for her entire life, remaining by her side as her "foster father".

While under Ivan's protection, many adversaries attempted to attack her. Baron von Stucker abducted Natasha and presented her to the Hand in Madripoor. There, she was to become their Master Assassin . As Natasha grew and matured, she proved to be an amazing athlete and scholar, while gaining distinction in the USSR as a ballerina.

Another account establishes her as being raised from very early childhood by the U.S.S.R.'s "Black Widow Ops" Program, rather than solely by Ivan Petrovitch. Petrovitch had taken her to Department X, with other 28 young female orphans, where she is trained in combat and espionage at the covert "Red Room" facility. There, she is bio-technologically and psycho-technologically enhanced; an accounting that provides a rationale for her unusually long and youthful lifespan. She never really trained in ballet in the Bolshoi Theatre, having instead artificial memories. During her training, Romanova was contacted by the Enchantress, who manipulated her simply for the sake of it suggesting that Romanova may be freed only to prevent her from escaping - however, Romanova's effort attracted attention of the program's organizers, who would had otherwise "discard" Romanova.

Regardless of which account is accurate, she was eventually arranged to marry Alexi Shostakov, a distinguished Soviet test pilot.

Long story short, She lost her husband, splintered with the human faction and fled to the what was Russia where she hid out letting the Empire think she's dead. She's back in neox, she's ready to murder.
Powers :

Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Natasha has received a Russian serum that extends her life and youth, resulting in her maintaining the appearance of a woman in her 30's despite being born in 1928. She is classified as a Human

Peak Human Condition: Natasha is enhanced at the peak human level of a woman of her height, age, weight, build, and exercise regimen.

Peak Human Strength: Natasha possesses physical strength which functions at the peak physical limits of a human woman of her height, weight, and build.

Peak Human Speed: Her speed is also enhanced to the peak of human capability. Natasha is capable at running speeds of 30 mph. At peak capacity, she is capable of extending speeds up to 35 mph.

Peak Human Durability: Her body is more resistant than a normal human. She is durable enough to survive a fall from several stories.[68] She has also withstood blows from Imus Champion, who possesses superhuman strength.

Peak Human Agility: Natasha's agility is above the level of an Olympic gold medalist. She can easily coordinate her body with balance, flexibility, and dexterity.

Peak Human Reflexes: Her reflexes are at the peak of human sustainability. She was able to dodge several attacks from Bullseye,[70] as well as easily dodge gunfire at mid-range, and can even dodge shots from multiple gunmen at close range.

Peak Human Stamina: Natasha is capable of exerting herself at the peak capacity for an hour without any tiredness or signs of fatigue.

Peak Human Healing: Natasha's healing is at an above average human rate. She is able to heal broken bones, fractures, torn muscles, several gunshots, puncture wounds, and other serious injuries in three days time and most lesser physical injuries like cuts, scrapes, and burns in a matter of hours.

Peak Human Senses: Her five senses are enhanced and function at the peak of human perfection. She was able to see faster than gunfire itself.

Peak Mental Resistance: Natasha is extraordinarily capable at withstanding torture. She is often required to go undercover for S.H.I.E.L.D. and has been extensively trained to endure long-term inhumane interrogation methods.
Peak Human Immune System: The Black Widow has been enhanced by biotechnology that makes her body immune to aging, disease, etc.

Master Martial Artist: Natasha is an expert in many fields of martial arts. These include sambo, boxing, karate, judo, aikido, ninjutsu, savate, muay thai and multiple styles of kung fu. She was able to easily defeated a hundred of armed men. She also fought Wolverine during her training in the Red Room Academy. She is able to hold her own against other dangerous opponents like Winter Soldier as well.

Master Acrobat: She is an Olympic class athlete, gymnast, acrobat and aerialist, capable of numerous complex maneuvers and feats.

Master Assassin: Natasha is heavily skilled in assassination techniques. She uses her skills as a martial artist, arcobat, and spy to further enhance her skills as an assassin. She has been sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. and the KGB to eliminate numerous enemies. Her assassination skills are on par with, if not surpassing, those of the Winter Soldier, Deadpool, Domino, and Lester.

Indomitable Will: Natasha is a very strong willed woman. Her will is so strong to the point that she will never surrender to her opponents, no matter how powerful they intent to be. She was able to completely resist the mind control from the Purple Man.

Master Markswoman: Natasha is an extremely accurate marksman skilled in sharpshooting and knife throwing.

Multilingual: She is fluent in Russian, English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, and various other languages.

Gifted Intellect: She possesses the ability to quickly process multiple information streams, such as threat assessment, and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations.

Graceful Dancer: Natasha is a profound ballet dancer.

Master Tactician: She is a very effective strategist, tactician, and field commander. She has lead the Avengers and even S.H.I.E.L.D. on one occasion.

Talented Hacker: Natasha can hack into all computer systems without tripping any firewalls or security with ease.

Master Seductress: She is an expert in the field of seduction. Natasha has been infamously known to bend many different men to her will and sometimes even get them to do her bidding for her. She sometimes continues deceiving certain men through means of acting if she still has a further use for them.

Master Spy: Natasha is a dangerous secret agent trained in espionage, stealth, disguise, infiltration, and demolitions. She displays an uncanny affinity for psychological manipulation and can mask her real emotions perfectly. She is capable of killing in cold blood when the need arises. Her talents and years of experience have enabled her to reach a high ranking as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.