Full Name: Marc Spector
Codename: Moonknight, Mr. Knight
Race: Human?
Earth-616 Counterpart: Moonknight
Age: 30
Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Escapee, on the run
As a testament to the human brain Moon Knight's state of mind has always caused his "Powers and Abilities from Konhshu" to come into question, as he himself, at times, is not a reliable source. It's been stated that he may suffer from a madness so powerful it can only be described as magic.

Split Personalities: As a consequence of having become Khonshu's avatar, Marc has developed several personalities throughout his life.

Moon's Might: Spector's multiple personalities may cause his glands to constantly produce adrenaline, thereby enhancing his physical strength, speed, reflexes and stamina. He is also exceptionally durable in this state.

Accelerated Healing: Spector can sub-consciously manipulate his own "Chi" (the infinite energy inside every living being) as well as his increased adrenaline and metabolism. This causes his wounds to close and heal at an accelerated rate. Like Iron Fist, he may have a prolonged lifespan due to his Chi Empowerment.

Telepathic Immunity: Spector's multiple personalities give him some protection against certain psychic powers such as possession.

Adaptive Personality: Though he remains Marc Spector at his core, one of his personalities is a blank slate. This allows it to be filled with another, copying anyone who will best suit his ends. Most of these identities are a "One-Night Stand" type of guise.

Pain Resistance: Insanity, spiritually gifted, or simply numb from all the years of damage to his body, Moon Knight has an apparent strong threshold for pain, so far to the point of seemingly turning it off sometimes. It is theorized that he can consciously turn off his pain receptors.

Fear Inducing: Though Marc Spector himself is a scary person, it's been stated multiple times that Moon Knight, for unknown reasons, strikes debilitating fear in his targets as if from another force

Over the course of his life as a boxer, U.S. Marine, mercenary, and costumed superhero, Marc Spector has become an expert at hand-to-hand combat techniques and various martial arts. He is an Olympic-level athlete and a skilled acrobat and gymnast, and excels as a combat strategist.

Expert Pilot: He is an excellent pilot and aviator due to his years as a U.S. Marine and a mercenary.

Skilled Detective: Spector is a good detective/private investigator with broad skills, knowledge and understanding of the criminal underworld. He also knows many of the streets of New York very well due to being a cab driver in the alias of Jake Lockley.

Interrogation Expert: He is an expert at interrogation often employing military secret police methods of torture.

Master Marksman: He is capable of hurling all types of projectiles with great aim and pin point accuracy as well as an excellent sharpshooter/marksman. He is able to slice a bullet in half with a crescent disc.

Weapons Master: Spector is adept with nearly every weapon ever invented ranging from many types swords, combat knives, batons, chains, brass knuckles, thrown projectiles such as shuriken, longbows, bolos, boomerangs to use of all types of firearms such as pistols, sniper rifles, automatic assault rifles, submachine guns, machine guns, grenade launchers, anti-tank bazooka, and even electronic remote firing stations such as 20/30mm anti-aircraft full auto chain guns, Gatling cannons, mechanized mortars, missile launchers etc.

Master Martial Artist: Spector is a former heavyweight boxing champion who underwent intense training as a commando, intelligence operative and mercenary. He is skilled in armed and unarmed combat with training in Boxing, Judo, Savate and Kung Fu; his knowledge is extensive enough that it has been shown that he can use pressure points against his opponents, striking nerve clusters to stun or even instantly incapacitate. On more than one occasion without powers he has fought the Punisher to a stand still.

Brief History:
Marc Spector's father, a rabbi named Elias, managed to escape Germany when Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia. Spector was born in the U.S.A.. Marc refused to follow his father's calling; he could not understand why Elias never fought back against persecution. Over time, he started creating imaginary friends, such as Steven Grant and Jake, so his father interned him in the Putnam Psychiatric Hospital, where he stayed till the death of his father. Marc attended the funeral and a late luncheon, but after hearing Khonshu's voice he ran away.

After this event, Marc enlisted in the Marines. Following two tours of duty, Spector became a field agent of the C.I.A.. There he worked with several people who would later interact with Moon Knight, including William Cross, Amos Lardner, and his own brother, Randall Spector. Randall killed Spector's girlfriend Lisa with a hatchet to keep her from exposing a gun-running scheme; Spector retaliated with a grenade and assumed Randall was dead.

Left for dead after a firefight he was given a new lease on life, and lost his damn mind. Thanks Konshu.