Full Name: Joshua Foley
Codename: Elixir
Race: Mutant
Earth-616 Counterpart: Joshua Foley/Elixir
Age: Early-mid 20s
Affiliation: Institute
Occupation: Medical Officer
Power(s): Biokinesis: Elixir is capable of controlling the biological structure of his own and other people's bodies down to genetic level. He can produce biomolecular energy at will to affect organic matter he touches. This allows him to heal physical damage done to his body or the bodies of others, reactivate suppressed mutant abilities, repair cerebral functions, and alter the composition of his own molecules in certain ways. Because of his control over his own biology, Elixir has proven to be very difficult to treat medically. He usually passes out after pushing his powers too far and remains in a coma for some time. Dr. Nemesis guessed that during these times, his DNA reboots itself. At first he needed to touch his targets to heal/kill them, but later learned to use powers on several targets at the same time, without touching them. Elixir was scared, that he only “scratched the surface” of what he can do, and it turned out to be true, as he learned to use powers on dozens of people simultaneously, resurrect himself and others, etc. Healing: At first he was capable of basic healing, having successfully healed broken bones, severe burns and even a mortal stab through the chest. After gaining knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and biology, Elixir has demonstrated increased mastery of his powers.

Resurrection: Elixir can bring people back from dead.

Retroactive Immortality: Although Josh can die he is able to resurrect himself. Instant Regeneration: Josh has learned to heal himself almost as soon as he wounded. Genetic Detection: Josh is able to detect abnormalities in living beings.

Death Touch: He can use his powers to harm others, to cause different types of illness, massive swellings and organ failure.

Dichromatimorphic Skin: After he used his mutant powers to heal himself, his skin turned a golden color. This is possibly due to Elixir activating a Secondary Mutation in himself. Elixir's skin normally remains golden, but if he uses his powers to damage or kill his skin turns a deep metallic black. This appears to be a completely involuntary reaction, and he has a hard time converting from black to golden

Avatar: Zac Efron

Brief History: Joshua is an orphan and doesn't really speak much of the circumstances behind that. He tends to hide sad emotions behind jokes and likes to bury himself in his work. He attended the Institute and once he graduated uni with degrees to better help him use his abilities he signed on as the Institute's chief medical officer/doctor.